Gek 90486f 1geniusiosystemandcommunications
Gek 90486f 1geniusiosystemandcommunications
Gek 90486f 1geniusiosystemandcommunications
GE Fanuc Automation
Genius I/O t
System and Communications
User’s Manual
GEK-90486F -1 November 1994
Warnings, Cautions, and Notes
as Used in this Publication
Warning notices are used in this publication to emphasize that hazardous voltages, cur-
rents, temperatures, or other conditions that could cause personal injury exist in this
equipment or may be associated with its use.
In situations where inattention could cause either personal injury or damage to equip-
ment, a Warning notice is used.
Caution notices are used where equipment might be damaged if care is not taken.
Notes merely call attention to information that is especially significant to understanding
and operating the equipment.
This document is based on information available at the time of its publication. While ef-
forts have been made to be accurate, the information contained herein does not purport
to cover all details or variations in hardware or software, nor to provide for every pos-
sible contingency in connection with installation, operation, or maintenance. Features
may be described herein which are not present in all hardware and software systems.
GE Fanuc Automation assumes no obligation of notice to holders of this document with
respect to changes subsequently made.
GE Fanuc Automation makes no representation or warranty, expressed, implied, or stat-
utory with respect to, and assumes no responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, suf-
ficiency, or usefulness of the information contained herein. No warranties of merchant-
ability or fitness for purpose shall apply.
The Genius I/O System User’s Manual is Volume 1 of a two–book set. It is a reference to
the features, installation, communications capabilities, and operation of systems using
Genius products.
Volume 2 of the set, the Genius Discrete and Analog Blocks User’s Manual describes the
features, installation, configuration, and operation of discrete and analog blocks.
GEK-90486F-1 iii
Related Publications
Series 90–70 Bus Controller User’s Manual (GFK–0398)
Series 90–30 Bus Controller User’s Manual (GFK–1034)
Series 90–30 Enhanced Genius Communications Module User’s Manual (GFK–0695)
Series 90–30 Genius Communications Module User’s Manual (GFK–0412)
Series Six Bus Controller User’s Manual (GFK–0171)
Series Five Bus Controller User’s Manual (GFK–0248)
PCIM User’s Manual (GFK–0074)
Genius PowerTRAC Block User’s Manual (GFK–0450)
Genius High–speed Counter Block User’s Manual (GFK–0415)
Logicmaster 90–70 User’s Manual (GFK–0263)
Series 90–70 Remote I/O Scanner User’s Manual (GFK–0579)
Refer to appendix A for a complete listing of Genius product manuals and data sheets.
Jeanne L. Grimsby
Senior Technical Writer
GEK-90486F-1 Genius I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 v
GEK-90486F-1 Genius I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 vi
GEK-90486F-1 Genius I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 vii
GEK-90486F-1 Genius I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 viii
Restarts for autonumbers that do not restart in each
chapter. these restarts must be in the header frame of chapter 1. Reminders for autonumbers that need to be restarted
figure bi level 1, reset a:ebx, l 1 resetA manually (first instance will always be 4)
table_big level 1, reset a:obx:l 1, resetA let_in level 1: A. B. C.
chap_big level 1, reset1 a:bigbx level 1 resetA letter level 1:A.B.C.
app_big level 1, resetA a:ftr level 1 resetA num level 1: 1. 2. 3.
figure_ap level 1, reset c:ebx, l 1 reset1 num_in level 1: 1. 2. 3.
table_ap level 1, reset c:obx:l 1, reset1 rom_in level 1: I. II. III.
figure level 1, reset c:bigbx level 1 reset1 roman level 1: I. II. III.
table level 1, reset c:ftr level 1 reset1 steps level 1: 1. 2. 3.
Chapter 1 Introduction
Hand-held Monitor
Field Control
I/O Station
Communications Bus
Series 90-70 I/O
Up to 8
Field Control
(4 shown).
These include:
H Genius blocks, which interface to a broad range of discrete, analog, and
special–purpose devices. Genius blocks are self–contained, configurable modules
with advanced diagnostics capabilities and many software–configurable features.
H The Series 90-70t Remote I/O Scanner, a rack-mounted module that can be used to
interface a Series 90-70 remote drop to a Genius bus.
H Field Control I/O Station, consisting a Bus Interface Unit (BIU) and up to 8 additional
Field Control modules. The BIU provides intelligent processing, I/O scanning, and
feature configuration for the I/O Station.
H The communications bus, which links up to 32 devices, transferring data among
them in the form of serial communications. Communications on a bus can include
input and output data messages, “global” messages and diagnostic messages.
H Bus controllers, residing in a PLC or computer, which control the transfer of data
between a CPU and a communications bus.
H The Hand-held Monitor, which provides a convenient operator interface for block
setup, data monitoring, and diagnostics.
GEK-90486F-1 1-1
1-2 Geniust I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
Series 90-70 I/O
The number of busses that may be used depends on the ability of the CPU to support
multiple bus controllers (some computers can’t), and on its capacity for I/O references.
The way devices are distributed on multiple busses may depend on the timing needs of
the application. Chapter 9 describes timing for I/O devices, optional messages, and other
Hand Held Monitor
GE Fanuc
LCD Display
HHM Cable
F1 F2 F3 F4 Function Keys
7 8 9 Home
Y Decimal Keys
4 5 6 Menu
1 2 3 Clear
+ On
– 0 D Off Operation Keys
Connection for
1-4 Geniust I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
Operator Workstation
with Permanently
Mounted HHM
Genius Blocks
Genius blocks are intelligent, self-contained, configurable I/O modules. Each block has its
own communications capability and microprocessors, and provides a number of circuits
for connecting input and/or output devices. Analog, discrete, and special-purpose blocks
can be used on the same bus.
Î Î a44485
Î Î a44486
ÎÎ ÎÎ a44491
24/48 VDC 5/12/24 VDC Input
Source In/Out Sink In/Out (24/48 VDC
.4A Max)
GE Fanuc GE Fanuc GE Fanuc
2A/Pt Max 15A Max Total .5A Max/Pt 16A Max Total
A Genius block is made of cast aluminum, and weighs about 4 pounds (1.8 Kg). Block
size is approximately 9” x4” x 3”. (Only the PowerTRAC Block is larger, and different in
appearance from the three blocks illustrated above).
A Genius block consists of a matching Terminal Assembly and Electronics Assembly. The
Terminal Assembly forms the base of the block. It provides connections for field devices,
the bus cable, and a Hand-held Monitor. The block’s configuration is stored in EEPROM
in the Terminal Assembly. The Electronics Assembly contains the block’s
microprocessors, and performs all the block’s communications, computation, data
storage, and similar functions.
* The 24VDC Source I/O Block is available pre-installed and pre-wired in an aluminum NEMA4
housing, as product catalog number IC660BDX022. Its datasheet number is GFK-0832.
1-6 Geniust I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
For More Information about Discrete and Analog Genius I/O Blocks:
Refer to the Discrete and Analog I/O Blocks User’s Manual (GEK-90486-2). It includes
detailed descriptions and configuration instructions for these basic I/O blocks.
Special-purpose Devices:
Genius High-speed Counter Block
The Genius I/O High-speed Counter block The block’s two topmost LEDs indicate the status
provides direct processing of rapid pulse signals of the block and the status of communications
up to 200kHz. with the CPU. Four smaller LEDs indicate the
on/off status of each output.
Typical applications for a High-speed Counter
block include:
H Turbine flowmeter
Î Î a44729
Meter proving
Velocity measurement Î Î
H Material handling
H Motion control
Process control High Speed Counter
12 / 24 VDC or
The Genius High-speed Counter block provides 1, 115VAC 50/60 Hz
2, or 4 counters of different complexity. It has four
control outputs, plus a +5 volt DC output, and a GE Fanuc
square–wave oscillator output that can be used
as a timing reference.
The source must meet the specifications listed in .5A Max/Output,2A Max Total
this chapter. With both AC and DC power applied,
block power will be taken from the AC input as
long as the DC voltage is less than 20 volts.
1-8 Genius t I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
Special-purpose Devices:
Genius PowerTRAC Block
The Genius PowerTRAC Block is designed for a43592
digitized waveform values for each input. From
these values, the block calculates RMS voltage,
current, active power, reactive power, KWH, and
power factor. The block automatically sends this
Î GE Fanuc
calculated data to a host PLC or computer
approximately twice per second. The same data
can be displayed on a Genius Hand-held
Monitor, either locally or from any connection GENIUS UNIT
point the bus. POWER I/O
A PowerTRAC Block can operate alone without
the need to communicate with a CPU. It can be used
in stand–alone applications, automatically
providing operator displays on a Hand-held
A PowerTRAC Block can be used with a wye- or Î
delta-configured three-phase power system or
with a single-phase power system. It accepts
voltage inputs from as many as three potential
transformers, and current inputs from one to
three line current transformers, plus a neutral
current transformer. Î
The PowerTRAC Block:
H Accurately measures RMS voltage, current,
power, VARs, power factor, watt-hours, and
line frequency, even with distorted The block has two parts: a Terminal Assembly, to
waveforms. which all fixed wiring is attached, and an
H Provides simple user connections. Electronics Assembly. The Electronics Assembly
H Has low current transformer burden (less may be inserted or removed without disturbing
than 0.5VA). field wiring or block configuration. Inputs from
H Indicates magnitude of system harmonic current transformers and potential transformers
content. are wired to the Terminal Assembly. The block is
H Detects and captures overcurrent transients. larger than other Genius I/O Blocks and has a
Overcurrent threshold is user-configurable. different appearance, as shown above.
H Can be mounted in distribution or process The PowerTRAC Block’s universal-input type
equipment. power supply allows it to be powered from
H Is software configurable from the host or either 115/230 VAC (90–265 VAC) at 47 to 63 Hz,
from a Hand-held Monitor. or 125 VDC (100–150 VDC) at 1 amp, maximum.
Special-purpose Devices:
Remote I/O Scanner
The Series 90-70 Remote I/O Scanner is a rack-mounted module that can be used to
interface a Series 90-70 remote drop to a Genius bus.
Bus Controller
Maximum Bus Length
7500 feet with 16 devices at 38.4 Kbaud
3500 feet with 32 devices at 153.6 Kbaud ext.
The remote drop contains the Series 90-70 Remote I/O Scanner and Series 90-70 I/O
modules. There may be up to 1024 discrete inputs and 1024 discrete outputs, or up to 64
analog input channels and 64 analog output channels in a remote drop. Discrete and
analog I/O modules can be mixed in a remote drop; one Remote I/O Scanner can handle
up to 128 bytes of input data and 128 bytes of output data. The remote drop cannot have
any I/O module interrupts, bus controller modules, communications modules, or any
other modules that depend on Series 90-70 COMREQ instructions for their operations.
The Remote I/O Scanner automatically sends inputs from all input boards in its drop to
the CPU, and provides outputs from the CPU to output boards located in the remote
Individual I/O circuits can be:
H Controlled by the application program in the host PLC.
H Forced and unforced from a Genius Hand-held Monitor.
H Overridden from a PLC application program.
H Toggled from using Logicmaster 90-70.
The Remote I/O Scanner also passes diagnostics to the CPU. Faults can be displayed in a
fault table, and cleared as a group from the Hand-held Monitor or programmer.
The remote drop is considered to be one “device” on the bus. Genius blocks, bus controllers,
and Hand-held Monitors can also be attached to the same bus.
The Remote I/O Scanner has three status LEDs, a Hand-held Monitor connector, bus
wiring terminals, and a serial computer-interface port for connecting the Series 90-70
1-10 Genius t I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
Special-purpose Devices:
Field Control I/O Station
Field Control is a family of highly-modular distributed I/O and control products. Field
Control products are suitable for use in a wide range of host architectures.
The Genius bus attaches to a module called the Bus Interface Unit (BIU). One Bus Interface
Unit provides intelligent processing, I/O scanning, and feature configuration for up to eight
I/O modules. Together, the Bus Interface Unit and its modules make up a Field Control
Other devices on the same bus may be additional Field Control I/O stations, remote
drops, I/O blocks, Bus Controllers and Hand-held Monitors. The illustration below
shows a Series 90-70 PLC connected to a Genius bus with I/O blocks and two Field
Control I/O stations.
Bus Controller
Genius Bus
The Bus Interface Unit and I/O modules are enclosed in sturdy, compact aluminum
housings. Bus Interface Unit and I/O modules bolt securely to Terminal Blocks, which
provide all field wiring terminals. The I/O Terminal blocks are generic and accept
different I/O module types.
Using Field Control modules on a Genius bus combines the low cost, small size, and
flexibility of Field Control with the versatility, power, and communications features of
the Genius system.
Open Architecture
A wide range of Genius-compatible devices have been developed by other companies,
providing even greater potential and flexibility for Genius systems.
Among the Genius-compatible products that have been developed are:
H A Micro Channelt Personal Computer Interface Module (PCIM) that can be used
in the PS/2 personal computer and in IBM industrial computers. It uses the same
software library as the GE Fanuc PCIM.
H Valve/Sensor Manifolds that connect to the Genius bus. These devices, which
eliminate the need to wire individual valve solenoids, are easily configured and
monitored from a Genius Hand-held Monitor.
H Digital DC Drives that connect directly to the Genius bus. These adjustable-speed
motor drives communicate with the PLC and can communicate with each other over
the bus.
H An RTU Modbus Protocol Gateway Module for SCADA and Batch Process control
GE Fanuc does not sell these products directly. However, your GE Fanuc sales
representative can provide information about these and other new open architecture
products for Genius systems.
1-12 Genius t I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
Bus Type Daisy-chained bus cable; single twisted pair plus shield or Twinax. Fiber op-
tics cable and modems can also be used
Bus Termination 75, 100, 120, or 150 ohm resistor at both ends of electrical bus cable.
Baud Rate Configurable. 153.6 Kbaud standard, 153.6 Kbaud extended, 76.8 Kbaud, or
38.4 Kbaud.
MaximumBus 7500 feet at 38.4 Kbaud, 4500 feet at 76.8 Kbaud, 3500 feet at 153.6 Kbaud ex-
Length tended, 2000 feet at 153.6 Kbaud, standard. Maximum length at each baud
rate also depends on cable type. Chapter 2 provides a complete list of cable
types, showing corresponding bus lengths and baud rates.
Greater bus lengths are possible using sections of fiber optics cable with mo-
MaximumNum- 32 devices at 153.6 Kbaud standard, 153.6 Kbaud extended, or 76.8 Kbaud. 16
ber of Devices devices at 38.4 Kbaud. Includes bus controller and typically a Hand-held
DataEncoding Each bit is encoded into three dipulses, majority voted at the receiver to cor-
rect any single dipulse errors. A dipulse is an AC code consisting of a positive
then negative excursion of voltage. Dipulses are individually sampled to re-
ject low and high frequency interference.
ModulationTech- Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) 0 to 460.8 KHz max. (153.6 Kilobaud)
Isolation 2000 volts Hi-Pot, 1500 volts transient common mode rejection.
Signal/noiseRatio 60 db
Communications Services
Communications that may occur on the bus include I/O service, datagrams, and Global
I/O Service
H Inputs are broadcast every bus scan to all CPUs on the bus.
H Outputs are selectively sent every bus scan to each block from CPUs on the bus
using the Outputs Enabled/Disabled feature of the bus interface module.
H One datagram can be sent per bus scan.
H Acknowledgement and retransmission.
H May be automatically sent from one device to another.
H May be sent from the application program to a block, or to another CPU on the bus.
H When sent from one CPU to another, can include up to 128 bytes of data.
Chapters 3 through 6 describe the uses of Datagrams, and the data that can be
Global Data
H Does not require application program logic to send or receive.
H Data automatically broadcast every scan.
H Each CPU can transmit up to 128 bytes of data.
H All CPUs receive all broadcasts.
H No acknowledgement to initiating CPU.
Chapter 7 explains Global Data in detail.
1-14 Geniust I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
System Operation
A bus has 32 potential Device Numbers (also called Block Numbers or serial bus
addresses). They are assigned when devices are configured. (Devices do not have to be
located on the bus in Device Number sequence).
(Device 31)
30 29 28 27 26
21 22 23 24 25
20 19 2 1
Communications on a bus occur by a method called “token passing”. The devices pass
an implicit token, which rotates among them in sequence from device 0 to device 31.
This sequence is called a bus scan. After device 31 has completed its turn on the bus, the
scan restarts at device 0.
Controller Token Path
(Device 31)
1 2 3 30
While a device has the token, it can send messages. To end its turn, the sending device
sends a sign–off message and the token passes to the next device.
1 2 3 4
D = token
If a fault has occurred, the block may also send a diagnostic message providing another
background message has not already been sent during the current bus scan.
1 2 3 4
D = token
F = fault
Only one diagnostic message can be sent during any bus scan. If a fault message has
already been sent (by another device) during that scan, the block saves its own
diagnostic message until the next available bus scan. For example, if the token is
currently at block 2 and faults occur at both blocks 3 and 4 at the same time, block 3 can
send its diagnostic message if another message has not already been sent. Block 4 must
wait at least one more scan to send its diagnostic message.
1-16 Geniust I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
Bus controllers receive all the inputs that have been broadcast by the blocks, and any
diagnostic message on the bus. A PLC CPU automatically reads this data from the bus
controller. A computer must use program logic to read I/O data and fault reports from its
As the application program executes, the CPU sends outputs and any commands to the
bus controller. Again, this happens automatically in a PLC, but requires program logic in
a computer.
When the bus controller receives the token, it transmits its current output and command
data. Outputs are directed to each block in turn; they are not broadcast. If the
application program includes any command to another device on the bus, the bus
controller sends it. Then, the token passes to the device with the next Device Number.
Bus Outputs
1 2 3 4
D = token
The Hand-held Monitor is usually the lowest-numbered device on the bus. The
Hand-held Monitor may send a message to another device on the bus, then sign off. The
token then passes to the first I/O block.
The amount of time needed for a complete bus scan depends on the number of devices
on the bus, and the type of messages being sent. The minimum amount of time for a bus
scan is 3mS. This minimum is enforced by the bus interface module, which pads the bus
with enough null characters to ensure the 3mS. Bus scan time can be displayed with a
Hand-held Monitor, or calculated as shown in chapter 9.
Bus Bus
Controller Controller
Bus Bus
Controller Controller
1-18 Geniust I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
Planning Guidelines
Consider the factors below when planning a Genius I/O and communications system.
You will find more information elsewhere in this book, and in the other Genius manuals
and datasheets.
1-20 Genius t I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
6. Decide which I/O block diagnostics should be enabled or disabled. For example, you
can select inputs for tri-stating and outputs for no load and pulse testing. If
diagnostics are not required, they can be disabled.
7. Record intended block configurations on copies of the block Configuration Worksheets.
This chapter describes the selection and installation of the bus cable that links Genius devices.
It also explains how fiber optics cable and modems can be utilized in applications requiring
immunity to higher levels of interference or lightning strikes, freedom from ground loops, or
greater distance between devices.
A communications bus consists of two or more Genius devices, and (usually) the serial bus
cable that connects them. A single block or bus controller with a Hand-held Monitor directly
attached, properly terminated with a 75Ω resistor, are considered the smallest possible Genius
communications bus.
Wiring Guidelines
Four types of wiring may be encountered in a typical factory installation:
1. Power wiring – the plant power distribution, and high power loads such as high horse-
power motors. These circuits may be rated from tens to thousands of KVA at 220 VAC or
2. Control wiring – usually either low voltage DC or 120 VAC of limited energy rating.
Examples are wiring to start/stop switches, contactor coils, and machine limit switches.
This is generally the interface level of the Genius discrete I/O.
3. Analog wiring – transducer outputs and analog control voltages. This is the interface
level to Genius I/O analog blocks.
4. Communications and signal wiring – the communications network that ties everything
together, including computer LANs, MAP, and Genius I/O and communications bus.
These four types of wiring should be separated as much as possible to reduce the hazards
from insulation failure, miswiring, and interaction (noise) between signals. A typical PLC
system with Genius I/O may require some mixing of the latter three types of wiring,
particularly in cramped areas inside motor control centers and on control panels. In general, it
is acceptable to mix the communications bus cable with the I/O wiring from the blocks, as
well as associated control level wiring. All noise pickup is cumulative, depending on both the
spacing between wires, and the distance span they run together. I/O wires and
communications bus cable can be placed randomly in a wiring trough for lengths of up to 50
feet. If wiring is cord-tied (harnessed), do not include the bus cable in the harness, since
binding wires tightly together increases the coupling and mechanical stress that can damage
the relatively soft insulation of some serial cable types like 9182.
Wiring which is external to equipment, and in cable trays, should be separated following NEC
practices. The pickup over long-distance runs with adequate spacing consists of common
mode and ground voltage differences. These are rejected due to the differential transmission
mode of the communications bus and the bus isolation transformers built into each Genius
GEK-90486F-1 2-1
Cable # Outer Terminating Numberof Dielectric Ambient Maximum Length Cable Run,
& Make Diameter Resistor* Conductors/ Voltage Temp feet/meters at baud rate
–10%to+20% AWG Rating Rating
1/2 Watt 153.6s 153.6e 76.8 38.4 D
(A)9823 .350in 150 ohms 2 / #22 30v 60C 2000ft 3500ft 4500ft 7500ft
(B)9182 8.89mm 606m 1061m 1364m 2283m
(B)89182 .322in 150 ohms 2 / #22 150v 200C 2000ft 3500ft 4500ft 7500ft
8.18mm 606m 1061m 1364m 2283m
(B)9841 .270in *120 ohms 2 / #24 30v 80C 1000ft 1500ft 2500ft 3500ft
(M)M3993 6.86mm 303m 455m 758m 1061m
(A)9818C .330in 100 ohms 2 / #20 300v 80C 1500ft 2500ft 3500ft 6000ft
(B)9207 8.38mm 455m 758m 1061m 1818m
(A)9109 .282in 100 ohms 2 / #20 150v 200C 1500ft 2500ft 3500ft 6000ft
(B)89207 7.16mm 455m 758m 1061m 1818m
(A)9818D .330in 100 ohms 2 / #20 1500ft 2500ft 3500ft 6000ft
(B)9815 8.38mm 455m 758m 1061m 1818m
(A)9818 .315in 100 ohms 4 (two pair) 150v 60C 1200ft 1700ft 3000ft 4500ft
(B)9855 8.00mm #22 364m 516m 909m 1364m
(A)9110 .274in 100 ohms 4 (two pair) 150v 200C 1200ft 1700ft 3000ft 4500ft
(B)89696 6.96mm #22 364m 516m 909m 1364m
(A)9814C) .243in 75 ohms 2 / #20 150v 60C 800ft 1500ft 2500ft 3500ft
(B)9463 6.17mm 242m 455m 758m 1061m
(A)5902C .244in 75 ohms 4 (two pair) 300v 80C 200ft 500ft 1200ft 2500ft
(B)9302 6.20mm #22 60m 152m 333m 758m
Notes: A = Alpha, B = Belden, C = Consolidated, M = Manhattan
D = Limited to 16 taps at 38.4 Kbaud
2-2 Genius t I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
Prefabricated Cables
For applications using 150 ohm cables such as Belden 9182, prefabricated cables are
available in 15” (IC660BLC001) and 36” (IC660BLC003) lengths. These cables terminate
in mating connectors that simplify wiring between I/O blocks. The 36” cable is
recommended for Field Control installations.
Bus Length
The maximum bus length for shielded, twisted-pair cable is 7500 feet. Some cable types
are restricted to shorter bus lengths. For example, for buses with a total cable length of
100 feet to 2000 feet Belden 9182 or Alpha 9823 or Belden 89182 can be used. In turn, the
bus length determines which baud rate may be selected.
If the application requires greater bus length, fiber optics cable and modems can be used,
as explained later in this chapter.
Bus Length and Baud Rate for Busses with Phase A Devices
If a bus has any Phase A Genius products (catalog numbers IC660CBDnnn, IC660CBSnnn,
IC660CBAnnn, IC660HHM500, or IC660CBB900/901), the bus must use 153.6 Kbaud
“standard” and the maximum bus length is 2000 feet. Therefore, only the cable lengths listed
under “153.6s” are permitted (“153.6e” refers to 153.6 Kbaud extended, which is not
compatible with 153.6 Kbaud standard).
2-4 Genius t I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
Each device has four terminals for the serial bus cable (Serial 1, Serial 2, Shield In, and
Shield Out). Connect the Serial 1 terminal of each block to the Serial 1 terminals of the
previous device and the next device. Connect the Serial 2 terminal of each block to the
Serial 2 terminals of the previous device and the next device.
Shield In of each block must be connected to Shield Out of the preceding device. For the
first device on the bus, Shield In can be left unconnected. For the last device on the bus,
Shield Out can be left unconnected.
When making bus connections, the maximum exposed length of bare wires should be
two inches. For added protection, each shield drain wire should be insulated with
spaghetti tubing to prevent the Shield In and Shield Out wires from touching each other.
Start End
of Bus of Bus
Terminating Terminating
Resistor Resistor
Serial 1 Serial 1
Serial 2 Serial 2
Shield In Shield In
Shield Out Shield Out
Because of reflections caused by the high speed of the bus, taps from a single bus should
not be made. Neither “T” nor “star” configurations, as shown below, are supported.
Exceptions to the “T” restriction are dual bus redundant systems, where short stubs are
permitted with Bus Switching Modules (Chapter 8), and fiber optic links, where fiber forms
the trunk line, and fiber optic modems link the fiber trunk line to Genius wire bus branches.
Bus Termination
A bus must be terminated at each end by impedance that is correct for that cable type.
Impedance will be 75, 100, 120, or 150 ohms. The method used to terminate a bus
depends on the type of device at the end of the bus, as explained on the next page.
Underside of prefabricated
resistor, showing projection
Connect to
Last Device
2-6 Geniust I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
' S2
S2 S1
' S2
The connector shown is #A107204NL from Control Design, 458 Crompton Street,
Charlotte NC, 28134.
Alternatively, the wire ends can be soldered together before inserting them into the
terminals. When removing the Terminal Assembly, cover the ends of the wires with tape
to prevent shorting the signal wires to one another or to ground.
Both of these methods allow the block’s Terminal Assembly to be removed while
maintaining data integrity on the bus. If blocks are connected to the bus in this way, field
wiring to the blocks should also provide a means of disconnecting power to individual
2-8 Geniust I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
Pheonix Digital
Pheonix Digital, 7650 East Evans Rd. Bldg. A, Scottsdale, AZ 85260 (phone 602 483-7393
or FAX 602 483-7391) provides a full line of fiber optic communication products and
services. They can provide modems that install directly in a Series 90-70 PLC as well as
stand-alone modems in rackmount/panelmount industrial enclosures with integral
power supplies. Fiber optic cables are available for industrial, aerial, direct burial, riser
and plenum installations. Pheonix Digital also supplies modems for SNP applications, for
Product features include:
H Online error checking
H Fault prediction, fault location, fault tolerance
H Redundant fiber media
H Distances from 6 feet (1.8 Meters) to 6 miles (9.6 Km)
H Selectable wavelengths: 850 nanometers, 1300 nanometers
The following example shows three Series 90-70 PLCs connected to both Genius and
SNP fiber optic busses using rack-mounted and stand-alone modems. Genius Bus
Controllers and I/O blocks can be cabled directly to modems using standard twisted pair
wire. PLCs and programmer computers can be cabled directly to modems using Pheonix
Digital’s interconnection cables.
Genius Bus Í
Modem Modem
Fiber Optic Fiber Optic
Genius Bus SNP Bus
Bus Controller CPU
2-10 Geniust I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
Fiber optic cable type Multimode
Mating connector SMA stype 906 (ST option available)
Transmit launch power –15dbm
Receive sensitivity –32dbm
Operating temperature 0C to 60C
Storage temperature –40C to 80C
Relative humidity 0 to 95%, non-condensing
Modem dimensions:
Series 90-70 plug-in Standard Series 90-70 module
Stand-alone modem 3.5” (8.89cm) H x 17.0” (43.18cm) W x 7.0” (17.78cm) D
Bus Controller
Modem Modem Modem Modem Modem
to Genius to Genius to Genius to Genius
Blocks Blocks Blocks Blocks
At least two modems are required. The first is connected to the bus controller by
standard electrical bus cable. Each additional modem is at the end of a fiber optic link.
The female BNC connector at the bottom of the first modem should be connected to the
electrical cable from the bus controller with Serial 2 to the center and Serial 1 to the
outside. A recommended method of connection is described on the next page. Both ends
of an electrical bus cable must be properly terminated. If the modem is the last device on
the electrical bus cable, a suitable resistor should be installed across Serial 1 and Serial 2,
at the modem.
Shield Out on the bus controller can be connected to the ground screw on the modem.
The grounding method used will depend on the needs of the application. Remember
that Shield Out on each block and bus controller is chassis ground. Shield In is isolated
from Shield Out by a capacitor in each Genius device.
The length of the fiber optic link between any two modems can be up to 10,000 feet. A
conventional electrical bus cable with up to 8 to 10 blocks can be attached to each remote
modem (of course, the maximum number of blocks on the bus is still 30). The sum of all
wire cable lengths on all modems must be less than the cable run lengths in the table on
page 2–2.
As many as 12 modems can be linked in series. Total maximum bus length using
multiple modems is 50,000 feet, provided devices are numbered in sequence, as
described below. Otherwise, the maximum total bus length is about 10,000 feet. As the
length of the fiber optic link increases, fewer blocks should be used.
The recommended baud rate is 153.6 Kbaud EXTENDED. If Phase A blocks will be used
on the bus, the baud rate must be 153.6 Kbaud, STANDARD. At that baud rate, the
maximum total length is 20,000 feet, and two links (three modems).
2-12 Geniust I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
The electrical cable used to attach blocks to a modem can be any of the types listed in the
table at the beginning of this chapter. A recommended connection is shown below.
IN *
The electrical cable is attached to the BNC female connector on the bottom of the
modem using a BNC Male to Binding Posts adapter. The adapter shown is a #PE9006
from Pasternack Enterprises, PO Box 16759, Irvine CA. 92713-6759. However, any
suitable male BNC adapter can be used.
Connector SER 1 SER 2
Red Black
terminal terminal
Terminating Resistor
The electrical bus cable attaches to the adapter with Serial 2 to the center of the BNC
connector, and Serial 1 to the outside. The electrical bus cable must be properly
terminated. Resistors suitable for the electrical cable type (as listed in the table at the
beginning of this chapter), must be installed across Serial 1 and Serial 2 at the modem
end, and at the last block in each cluster.
Timing Considerations
There is approximately 15µS delay for one-way communications per 10,000 feet of fiber
optic bus. For two-way communications, the delay is twice as long. These delays place
restrictions on device locations and sequence.
Devices should be configured to use Device Numbers that have the same sequence as
the relative positions of the devices on the bus. If this is not done, transmission delays
may cause blocks to miss the token and transmit out of turn, causing errors. The
alternatives are: 1) skip one device number between adjacent blocks for each 10,000 feet
length between them, and 2) lower the baud rate. If a Hand-held Monitor will be used at
the end of the fiber optic link, it should be configured to use a Device Number other
than 0 (its default Device Number).
This chapter describes datagram messages that may be sent or received by a bus
controller. Your primary reference for programming information should be the Bus
Controller User’s Manual for the PLC or computer.
Most applications do not include datagram communications. The
Genius system automatically provides access to a wide range of
communications features through the Genius Hand-held Monitor, and
the PLC programming software.
GEK-90486F-1 3-1
Types of Datagrams
The table below lists datagrams that may be sent or received by a bus controller. It shows
the types of device that can send and receive each datagram.
Subfunction Code
Each datagram has a unique Subfunction Code, which identifies it during communications.
In this chapter, datagrams are listed in the order of their Subfunction Codes.
3-2 Genius t I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
Datagram Operation
A datagram is a message from one device on the bus to one or more other devices.
As the list on the previous page shows, some datagrams can be sent by more than one
type of device. For example, a Write Configuration datagram can be sent to a block by:
1. a Hand-held Monitor, in response to operator input, or
2. a bus controller, in response to a command from the application program..
Regardless of how the datagram is sent, its content is the same. It is important to
remember that each message on the bus is nothing more than a string of data bits.
Therefore, when a device sends a datagram it must supply information that identifies
the data string that follows as a datagram of a specific type, length and priority.
Start of Block
Function Code
Source Address
(omitted if broadcast)
Subfunction Code
End of Block
This same message format can be used to send any type of datagram. Contents of the
different types of datagrams that may be sent or received using this message format are
defined in this chapter.
Within a datagram message, the least significant byte (LSB) is first and the most
significant byte (MSB) is last. Within a data word, bit 0 is the least significant bit and bit
15 is the most significant bit.
For reference, bit definitions for the added message information are shown below. Bit 8
is always controlled internally by the Genius protocol.
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
A message may be “directed” to a specific device on the bus, or “broadcast” to all devices.
Datagrams are usually directed.
Function Code
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Control Bit = 0
All datagrams listed in this chapter use the function code 20 Hex. This function code
identifies the message as using the protocol for GE Fanuc Programmable Controllers. It is
not normally necessary to include a function code when programming any of these
datagrams. Third party vendors must consult GE Fanuc Product Development before
utilizing Function Codes in a reserved fashion.
3-4 Geniust I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
Control Bit = 0
Sending Datagrams
To send a datagram, the application program must supply the bus controller with the
content of the datagram it wants to send, plus additional information about how the
datagram should be sent, and to whom.
A Note about Datagram Priority: Datagrams may be sent as either High Priority or
Normal Priority (this selection is described in the Bus Controller User’s Manual). High
Priority datagrams should be used sparingly. High Priority datagram traffic on the bus
will delay transmission of fault reports by I/O blocks, and will interfere with bus
communications by the Hand-held Monitor.
Receiving Datagrams
A bus controller receives datagrams from I/O blocks, Hand-held Monitors, other CPUs,
and Remote I/O Scanners.
PLC bus controllers automatically supply to the CPU all appropriate datagrams that result
from the normal system interaction that occurs among devices on the bus. A PCIM or QBIM
must use application program commands to de-queue incoming datagrams. For both PLCs
and computers, the application program must send commands to the bus controller to read
incoming datagrams that have been sent by other CPUs. The format of this data also
depends on the CPU type, and is explained in the Bus Controller User’s Manual.
Identifying Information:
Datagram Type,
3-6 Geniust I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
The following table summarizes datagram programming for different CPU types.
Series Six Use a DPREQ or WINDOW instruction Use a DPREQ or WINDOW instruction
PLC to send a command to bus controller. to open a window to the bus controller.
The command can request a specific da-
tagram, such as Write Configuration or
Read Diagnostics. Or it can use Send
Datagram to send any datagram listed in
this chapter which is otherwise unsup-
ported. Or it can use Receive Datagram
to solicit a specific response from the tar-
get device.
Series Five To send a datagram to another Series To read a datagram received from anoth-
PLC Five PLC, use a WRITE CCM instruc- er Series Five PLC, use a Read CCM
tion. instruction.
Computer Using appropriate instruction, (for ex- Using appropriate program instruction,
ample, SendMsg) send the datagram via (for example, GetMsg) read incoming
the PCIM or QBIM. The PCIM or QBIM datagrams that have been received by
will automatically send the datagram to the PCIM or QBIM.
the target device.
Although the programming instructions for each CPU type are different, the actions are
1. The CPU sends a message to the bus controller describing the action to be performed.
2. The bus controller automatically performs the requested action, which may be:
As the table indicates, for Series 90 and Series Six PLCs, specific commands have been
defined that make programming many datagrams easier.
Read Identification
Subfunction Code: 00 hex
A bus controller sends a Read ID datagram at startup to learn the identity of the other
devices on the bus. The Hand-held Monitor also uses it to determine and display the
device type. It is usually not necessary to include Read ID datagrams in an application
Data Field Format: none
Byte # Description
0 Input data length, bytes
1 Output data length, bytes
2 Configuration data length, bytes
3 Diagnostic data length, bytes
4 Device configuration data (see below)
5, 6 Reference address
7 Baseline Model Number or GENA application ID (see list on next page)
8 Firmware revision number
9 (see page 3-10) Device Number of the host controller OR
Series Six Bus Controller DIP switch references OR
GENA application revision number
10 Model Number (see list on next page)
11 Baud rate (see page 3-10)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
3-8 Geniust I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
Read ID Reply, Byte 7: Baseline Model Number, or Byte 10: Model Number
Device Type Byte 7 Byte 10
S6 Bus Controller w diagnostics (phase A) IC660CBB900 1 **
Series Six Bus Controller w diagnostics IC660CBB902 1 6
Hand-held Monitor (phase A) IC660HHM500 2 **
Hand-held Monitor IC660HHM501 2 5
Bus Controller w/o diagnostics (phase A) IC660CBB901 3 **
Series Six Bus Controller w/o diagnostics IC660CBB903 3 7
GENI IC660ELB905 4 4
PCIM IC660ELB906 4
Series 90-70 Bus Controller IC697BEM731 10 10
Series 90-30 Genius Communications Module IC693CMM301 13 13
Series 90-30 Enhanced Genius Comms Module IC693CMM302 14 14
Series 90-30 Bus Controller IC693BEM331 15 15
High-speed Counter Block IC660BBD120 32 32
115VAC 8 Ckt Grouped I/O Block (phase A) IC660CBD100 64 **
115VAC Low-Leakage 8 Ckt Grouped Block IC660BBD101 64 82
1115VAC 2A 8 Ckt Discrete I/O Block IC660BBD100 64 69
115VAC/125VDC 8 Ckt Isolated I/O Block (phase A) IC660CBS100 65 **
115VAC/125VDC 8 Ckt Isolated Block w/o Failed Switch IC660BBS101 65 70
115VAC/125VDC 8 Ckt Isolated Block IC660BBS100 65 70
24/48VDC 16 Ckt Grouped Sink Block (phase A) IC660CBD021 67 **
24 VDC 16 Ckt Sink I/O Block IC660BBD023 67 72
24/48VDC 16 Ckt Sink I/O Block IC660BBD021 67 72
24/48VDC 16 Ckt Grouped Source Block (phaseA) IC660CBD020 68 **
24/48VDC 16 Ckt Source I/O Block IC660BBD020 68 73
24 VDC 16 Ckt Source I/O Block IC660BBD022 68 73
24/48VDC 16 Ckt Source I/O Block IC660BBD020 68 73
24 VDC 16 Ckt Source I/O Block IC660BBD022 68 73
5/12/24VDC32CktSinkI/OBlock IC660BBD025 74 74
12/24VDC 32 Ckt Source I/O Block IC660BBD024 75 75
16-Ckt Normally-open Relay Block IC660BBR101 79 79
16-Ckt Normally-closed Relay Block IC660BBR100 80 80
115VAC 16 Ckt AC Input Block IC660BBD110 81 81
GENA Module IC660ELB904 127 127
115 VAC 4In/2Out Analog Block (phase A) IC660CBA100 128 **
115 VAC 4In/2Out Analog Block IC660BBA100 128 131
24/48VDC4In/2OutAnalogBlock IC660BBA020 129 132
24 VDC 4In/2Out Analog Block (phase A) IC660CBA020 129 **
PowerTRAC Block, 115VAC/230V AC/125VDC IC660BPM100 131 127
115 VAC/125VDCThermocouple Input Block IC660BBA103 134 134
24/48VDCThermocouple Input Block IC660BBA023 135 135
115VAC/125VDCRTD Input Block IC660BBA101 136 136
24/48VDCRTD Input Block IC660BBA021 137 137
115VAC/125VDCCurrent-source Analog I/O Block IC660BBA104 140 140
24/48VDCCurrent-sourceAnalog I/O Block IC660BBA024 141 141
115VAC/125VDCCurrent-source Analog 6-Out. Block IC660BBA105 142 142
24/48VDCCurrent-source Analog 6-Output Block IC660BBA025 143 143
115VAC/125VDCCurrent-source Analog 6-In. Block IC660BBA106 144 144
24/48VDCCurrent-source Analog 6-Input Block IC660BBA026 145 145
Series 90-70 Remote I/O Scanner IC697BEM733 160 127
Genius Bus Interface Unit IC670GBI001 160 160
** = not available in Phase A device message
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
3-10 Geniust I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
Read Configuration
Subfunction Code: 02 hex
The Read Configuration datagram is used to read up to 128 bytes of configuration data
from a device on the bus. When communicating with I/O blocks, the maximum number
of bytes per message is 16. By specifying an offset and length, part or all of the
configuration data can be read.
Byte # Description
0 Offset (first offset is 0)
1 Length (maximum = 128 bytes per message, limited to 16 bytes for an
Byte # Description
0 Offset (corresponds to offset supplied in Read Configuration message
1 Length (maximum = 16 bytes per message, corresponds to length in
Read Configuration message)
2–N Data format shown in chapter 4
Write Configuration
Subfunction Code: 04 hex
The Write Configuration datagram is used to write up to 16 bytes of configuration data
to any I/O block on the bus. Content of the data is the same as the Read Configuration
Reply. When using Write Configuration to an Analog, RTD, Thermocouple, or
Current-source Analog block, do not send partial channel data. Send all configuration
data for each channel as individual Write Configuration messages, or use the Begin and
End Packet sequence messages to ensure that a sequence of Write Configuration
messages is treated as a single entity.
Byte # Description
0 Offset (first offset is 0)
1 Length (maximum = 16 bytes per message, corresponds to length in
Read Configuration message)
2–N Data format shown in chapter 4
Assign Monitor
Subfunction Code: 05 hex
If a fault occurs, a Genius block ordinarily directs one Report Fault datagram to its
Genius bus controller which, in turn, notifies the host PLC or computer. A block also
directs one Configuration Change datagram to its controller if its configuration data is
changed. A block configured for CPU redundancy directs two copies of those datagrams:
one to Device Number 30 and the other to Device Number 31.
Using an Assign Monitor datagram, blocks can be set up to send an extra copy of any
Report Fault or Configuration Change datagrams to a monitoring CPU.
Byte # Description
0 Assigned Monitor Block Number (1–29 recommended)
Any block that receives the Assign Monitor datagram will send an extra copy of any
Configuration Change and Report Fault datagrams to the Device Number supplied in
byte 0.
The monitoring device must have all outputs are disabled, as it is just monitoring, not
controllingI/O. All bus controllers should also disable outputs to the Device Number
used by the monitor.
Controller Monitor
Bus Bus
Controller Controller
(Device 31) (Device 29)
1 2 28
(device 0)
The Hand-Held Monitor should never be designated as the “Assigned
Monitor”. It has its own mechanisms for acquiring the information it
requires at any given time.
3-12 Geniust I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
Byte # Description
0 Subfunction code of messages in the sequence (for example, 04h for
If all of the End Packet Sequence data is not received in 5 seconds after the Begin Packet
Sequence message, the block discards the sequence. This would result in no change of
configuration. The Begin/End Packet Sequence pair permit rapid download and force the
receiving block to wait for the entire message sequence to complete before trying to
analyze and/or accept the new configuration.
Byte # Description
0 Total number of data field bytes between Begin and End Packet Se-
quence messages.
Read Diagnostics
Subfunction Code: 08 hex
This datagram queries a device for its diagnostics. Diagnostics may be read (polled) from
a block even if it has been configured not to automatically report faults to the CPU.
When sent to a bus controller, the Read Diagnostics message has a maximum length of
128 bytes. For I/O blocks, the maximum message length is 16 bytes.
Byte # Description
0 Offset (first offset is 0)
1 Length (maximum = 128 per message, limited to 16 for an I/O Block)
The requested data is returned in a Read Diagnostics Reply datagram. Diagnostics data
formats for all devices are shown in chapter 5.
A program instruction is not required for diagnostic information to be automatically sent
to the CPU. If fault reporting is enabled at the block, it automatically sends Report Fault
datagrams (described in this chapter) to one or two PLCs, and to a monitoring device, if
any, at the time the fault occurs, or following a Clear if the fault still exists.
When a Read Diagnostics datagram is received by a block, the diagnostic data returned
to the CPU indicates the faults which have occurred since the block was powered up, or
since the last Clear Circuit Fault or Clear All Faults message was received by the block.
The number of bytes required varies from block to block. The current diagnostic state
may be found by first issuing a Clear Faults message to the circuit(s) or channel(s), which
clears the fault history, then issuing a Read Diagnostics command.
Byte # Description
0 Offset (corresponds to offset supplied in Read Diagnostics message)
1 Length corresponds to length of Read Diagnostics message)
2–N Data format shown in chapter 5
3-14 Geniust I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
Write Point
Subfunction Code: 0B hex
The Write Point datagram is used to set or reset up to 16 individual bits of data in
another CPU. The target address must be specified in terms of absolute memory (see
Read Device). Do not send a Write Point datagram to a Series 90-70 PLC. Use a Write
Device datagram to bit memory instead.
Byte # Description
0 Reserved for system use
1 Device Absolute Address byte 1 Binary (LSB)
2 Device Absolute Address byte 2 Binary
3 Device Absolute Address byte 3 Binary
4 Device Absolute Address byte 4 Binary (MSB)
5 AND Mask (for b0–b7)
6 OR Mask (for b0–b7)
7 AND Mask (for b8–b15) *
8 OR Mask (for b8–b15) *
1010 0000 0101 0000 original data
1 0 1 intended bit changes
1111 1101 1110 1111 AND mask
0000 0010 0000 0010 OR mask
Notice that the AND mask bits for bits 7 and 15 are not the same. When setting a bit
to 1, its AND mask bit can be either 0 or 1.
Byte # Description
0 Offset (first offset is 0)
1 Length (maximum = 128 bytes per message, limited to 16 for an I/O
Byte # Description
0 Offset (corresponds to offset supplied in Read Block I/O message)
1 Length (corresponds to length supplied in Read Block I/O message)
2–n Data format shown in chapter 6
3-16 Genius t I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
Report Fault
Subfunction Code: 0F hex
The Report Fault datagram is automatically sent by a block if a fault occurs on the block
or on any of its circuits configured to send CPU Fault Reports. The block may send this
datagram to up to two controllers and the block’s optional assigned monitor. (See the
description of the “Assign Monitor” datagram for instructions if this datagram should
also be sent to a monitoring device).
The Report Fault datagram supplies the Fault Type, Fault Description, and Block I/O
Configuration or Circuit I/O Configuration (if applicable).
Report Fault data formats for block and circuit faults are shown on the following pages.
Byte # Description
0 Fault Type
1 Fault Description
2 BlockI/OConfiguration
Fault Type
byte 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 unlabelled bits not used
Fault Description
byte 1
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 unlabelled bits not used
3-18 Genius t I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
Fault Report Data for Discrete Blocks and High-speed Counter Blocks
If the fault report is from a discrete block or High-speed Counter, the data will have the
format shown below. The High-speed Counter block generates only the Failed Switch
Byte # Description
0 Fault Type
1 Fault Description
2 CircuitI/OConfiguration
Fault Type
byte 0
0 0 0 1 fault on circuits 1 – 16
1 0 0 1 fault on circuits 17 – 32
Fault Description
byte 1
Byte # Description
0 Fault Type
1 Fault Description
2 Circuit I/O Configuration
Fault Type
byte 0
Relative circuit number: 0–3 for input circuits on an I/O type block
0–1 for output circuits on an I/O type block
0–5 for a Current-source Output block
0–5 for a Current-source Input block
Fault Description
byte 1
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Items marked ([) are not used for Current-source Analog Output blocks. Items marked
(G) are not used for Current-source Analog Input blocks. The Feedback Error fault (*) is
used only for Current-source Analog I/O and Output blocks.
3-20 Genius t I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
Byte # Description
0 Fault Type
1 Fault Description
2 Circuit I/O Configuration (bits 0 and 1 must be 01: input circuits)
Fault Type
byte 0
Fault Description
byte 1
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Byte # Description
0 Fault Type
1 Fault Description
2 Alwayszero
Fault Type
byte 0
Fault Description
The contents of the GENA diagnostics table are defined for the application. Byte 1 of the
Fault Report indicates the location of the GENA diagnostics table where the fault is
located. It does not explain the fault content.
byte 1
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
3-22 Genius t I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
Byte # Description
0 Fault Byte 1
1 Fault Byte 2
2 Fault byte 3
3 Fault byte 4
4 Fault byte 5
5 Fault byte 6
6 Fault byte 7
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
byte 3
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
byte 5
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Number of Series 90-70 fault entries to set (bit 7 = 1)
OR: Fault byte mask for S90-70 Bus Controller dual
port (bit 7 = 0).
byte 6
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
3-24 Geniust I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
Byte # Description
0 Fault Byte 1
1 Fault Byte 2
2 Fault byte 3
3 Fault byte 4
4 Fault byte 5
5 Fault byte 6
6 Fault byte 7
byte 1
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Always 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
byte 3
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
byte 5
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Number of Series 90-70 fault entries to set (bit 7 = 1)
OR: Fault byte mask for S90-70 Bus Controller dual
port (bit 7 = 0).
byte 6
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
3-26 Geniust I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
Pulse Test
Subfunction Code: 10 hex
This datagram causes selected discrete I/O blocks to pulse test all output circuits,
providing Pulse Test Override is not enabled. Any circuit faults generated by pulse tests
are reported through the normal Report Fault message. When sent to an Isolated Block,
it releases any “Loss of I/O Power ” diagnostics which have not been previously
reported. See the description of Pulse Test in Volume 2.
Data Field Format: None
Byte # Description
* N = the number of circuits on the block, minus 1. For example, N = 15 for a 16-point
Note 1: For a 4 Input/2 Output Analog or a Current-source Analog I/O Block, the circuit
number number may be 0 to 5 for this message. 0–3 represent the analog
block’s input circuits; 4 and 5 represent the block’s output circuits.
Note 2: This message has no effect on a Series 90-70 Remote I/O Scanner. Use the Clear
All Circuit Faults message described below.
3-28 Geniust I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
Switch BSM
Subfunction Code: 1C hex
The Switch BSM datagram can be used to switch the Bus Switching Module to the
specified bus in a dual bus system. The CPU may issue the Switch BSM message at
intervals to ensure continued proper bus switching capability. This datagram should
only be sent to BSM controllers (devices that control bus selection).
Byte # Description
0 BSM Position 0 = Bus A, 1 = Bus B
If not 0 or 1, block ignores the message.
To be useful, the program must know the currently-active bus, then issue the Switch
BSM message with the alternate bus position supplied. If the BSM position is currently
forced by a Hand-held Monitor, the datagram is has no effect. If the switch is successful,
the bus controller that sent the datagram reports a Loss of Block diagnostic for the BSM
controller and for any other devices connected downstream. The bus controller on the
alternate bus should report an Addition of Block diagnostic for each of those devices.
Read Device
Subfunction Code: 1E hex
This datagram can be used to read data from the memory of another CPU on the bus.
The target device’s memory map must be known in order to access its memory.
Datagram structures are shown below for different target CPUs:
H All CPUs except the Series 90 PLCs.
H Series 90 PLCs for all memory types except %P and %L.
H Series 90-70 PLC, %P memory.
H Series 90-70 PLC, %L memory.
In the Series Six PLC, a DEPREQ or WINDOW instruction must open a window to the
bus controller for message to be replied to.
Read Device Datagram to Read All Suitable CPUs Except Series 90 PLCs
Byte # Description
0 Reserved (0)
1 Device Absolute Address byte 1 (LSB)
2 Device Absolute Address byte 2
3 Device Absolute Address byte 3
4 Device Absolute Address byte 4 (MSB) *
5 Length (maximum = 128 per message)
* For Series Six, always 80.
Byte # Description
0 Reserved (0)
1 Memory Type
2 Always 0
3 Memory Offset, less 1 (LSB)
4 Memory Offset, less 1 (MSB)
5 Length (maximum = 128 bits, 128 bytes, or 64 words per message)
3-30 Genius t I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
Byte # Description
0 Reserved (0)
1 Memory Type, must be 4 (decimal) for %P
2 Always 0
3 Memory offset, less 1 (LSB)
4 Memory offset, less 1 (MSB)
5 Program Name ASCII character 1 (leading)
6 Program Name ASCII character 2
7 Program Name ASCII character 3
8 Program Name ASCII character 4
9 Program Name ASCII character 5
10 Program Name ASCII character 6
11 Program Name ASCII character 7
12 Program Name ASCII character 8 (ASCII null)
13 Length (maximum = 64 words per message)
Byte # Description
0 Reserved (0)
1 Memory Type, must be 0 for %L
2 Always 0
3 Memory Offset, less 1 (LSB)
4 Memory Offset. less 1 (MSB)
5 Program Name ASCII character 1 (leading)
6 Program Name ASCII character 2
7 Program Name ASCII character 3
8 Program Name ASCII character 4
9 Program Name ASCII character 5
10 Program Name ASCII character 6
11 Program Name ASCII character 7
12 Program Name ASCII character 8 (ASCII null)
13 Block Name ASCII character 1 (leading)
14 Block Name ASCII character 2
15 Block Name ASCII character 3
16 Block Name ASCII character 4
17 Block Name ASCII character 5
18 Block Name ASCII character 6
19 Block Name ASCII character 7
20 Block Name ASCII character 8 (ASCII null)
21 Length (maximum = 64 words per message)
Read Device, Read Device Reply, and Write Device Datagram Content:
Series 90 PLCs
Read Device, Read Device Reply, or Write Device datagrams for a Series 90 PLC specify a
Memory Type and Memory Offset, and Length.
Memory Value Description Bits per
Type (decimal) Reference
%L * 0 Local register memory (each subroutine) 16
%P * 4 Program register memory 16
%R 8 Registermemory 16
%AI 10 Analog input memory 16
%AQ 12 Analog output memory 16
%I 16 Discrete input memory (byte mode) 8
70 Discrete input memory (bit mode) 1
%Q 18 Discrete output memory (byte mode) 8
72 Discrete output memory (bit mode) 1
%T 20 Discretetemporary memory (byte mode) 8
74 Discretetemporary memory (bit mode) 1
%M 22 Discrete momentary internal memory (byte mode) 8
76 Discrete momentary internal memory (bit mode) 1
%SA 24 Discrete system memory group A (byte mode) 8
78 Discrete system memory group A (bit mode) 1
%SB 26 Discrete system memory group B (byte mode) 8
80 Discrete system memory group B (bit mode) 1
%SC 28 Discrete system memory group C (byte mode) 8
82 Discrete system memory group C (bit mode) 1
%S 30 Discrete system memory (byte mode) 8
84 Discrete system memory (bit mode) 1
%G 56 Discrete Genius automatic global data table (byte mode) 8
86 Discrete Genius automatic global data table (bit mode) 1
* the Series 90-30 PLC does NOT have the %L or %P memory types.
3-32 Genius t I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
For example, to write data to a Series 90-70 PLC beginning at %R100, you would enter
the Memory Type 8 (decimal) and the Memory Offset 99 (decimal).
In bit mode, the Message Offset reflects the bit being read or written, offset 0
corresponds to bit 1, offset 1 to bit 2, and so on.
In bit mode, one or more bytes of data are read or written, even though some of the bits
within the bytes might be ignored. The bit or bits will be in the correct offset position
within the byte. For example, if three bits starting a %I0020 are requested, they will
appear in the middle of the returned data byte. The “–” indicates unused bits. On
READ, they are guaranteed to be 0. On WRITE, the unused bits are ignored.
If four bits starting at %I00007 are requested, two bytes are transferred.
– – – – – – I10 I9 I8 I7 – – – – – –
Hex equivalents are listed in appendix C of the Series 90-70 Bus Controller User’s Manual
(GFK–0398). Lowercase letters are not valid in names.
Program and sub-block names are limited to seven characters, so the eighth character is
always null. If the block name is less than 7 characters, all trailing characters must be
Remember, your primary reference for programming information should be the Bus
Controller Reference Manual. It contains information about sending datagrams from a
Series 90 PLC that is not included here.
3-34 Geniust I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
Read Device, Read Device Reply, and Write Device Datagram Content:
Series Six PLC
For a Series Six PLC, Read Device, Read Device Reply, and Write Device datagrams
include an absolute memory location in either Register memory or I/O Status Table
memory. Byte 4 of the address must be 80 hex.
Absolute Address
Series Six Memory Type Decimal Hexadecimal
I/OStatus Table Outputs 08192 – 08319 2000 – 207F
Inputs 08320 – 08447 2080 – 20FF
Register Memory R00001–R16384 16384 – 32767 4000 – 7FFF
When sending a Write Device datagram to a Series Six PLC, be sure the
CPU address specified is for the register table (first hex digit is 4–7) or
the I/O Status Table (first hex digit is 2). Writing CPU data to any other
absolute memory location may cause potentially hazardous control
The absolute address in decimal for any register is equal to 16383 plus the register
number. For example:
To find the hexadecimal equivalent of this number using the Logicmaster 6 software:
1. When entering the command block, place the work area in decimal format by
pressing the Shift and Dec keys. Then, enter the value you want to convert to hex.
For example:
DEC 19383
2. Convert the work area to hex format by pressing the Shift and Hex keys. The screen
displays the hex equivalent of the number:
Read Device, Read Device Reply, and Write Device Datagram Content:
Series Five PLC
Read Device, Read Device Reply, and Write Device datagrams for a Series Five PLC have
the following content:
Byte # Description
0 Reserved for system use
1 Memory Offset, LSB
2 Memory Offset, MSB
3 Memory segment: must be 85
4 Memory segment: must be 00
5 Length (maximum = 128 per message)
6–N Data bytes to be written to device
To find the exact offset in the register table, follow these steps:
2. Add the hex number to the beginning offset for that memory type.
3-36 Genius t I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
Read Device, Read Device Reply, and Write Device Datagram Content:
Read Device, Read Device Reply, and Write Device datagrams for a computer have the
following content:
Byte # Description
0 Reserved for system use
1 can be defined for application
2 ”
3 ”
4 ”
5 Length (maximum = 128 per message)
6–N Data bytes to be written to device
It is NOT necessary to specify a memory address when sending a Read Device or Write
Device datagram to a computer. The datagram’s memory address bytes can either be
ignored by the host, or can be used for any purpose that is meaningful to the application.
This is shown in the examples below.
Example 1
In this application, a Series 90-70 PLC regularly sends a Write Device datagram
containing a group of 10 register words to a host computer. The host expects this data. It
knows where the data comes from, and how to handle the data when it arrives.
PLC Computer
10 data
Following instructions in the Series 90-70 Bus Controller User’s Manual, the Series 90-70
PLC application program uses COMREQ #14 (Send Datagram) to send Write Device
datagrams to the computer. Because this is the only datagram of its type being received
by the computer, it is not necessary to provide any additional information in the
memory address bytes of the datagram. The computer therefore ignores these bytes.
Example 2
In this application, a Series 90-70 PLC regularly sends 2 different groups of 128 register
words to a host computer. Because the largest amount of data that can be sent in one
datagram is 64 words (128 bytes), each group of 128 words requires 2 Write Device
datagrams. By design, the memory address bytes of the datagram are used to identify
the data as part 1 or 2 of a group, and as group 1 or 2. In this case, the computer reads
the memory address bytes, and stores the data in memory according to the information
they contain.
PLC Computer
2 1 2 1
Group 2 Group 1
As in example 1, the Series 90-70 PLC application program uses COMREQ #14 (Send
Datagram) to send Write Device datagrams to the computer. In one of the memory
address bytes, it uses the number 1 or 2 to identify the message within a group. In
another memory addess byte, it also uses the number 1 or 2 to identify the group.
Another way of handling this application would be for the computer to request the data
from the Series 90-70 PLC using individual datagrams for each 64 words. Because the
computer initiated the transfer, it would know what data to expect in return.
3-38 Geniust I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
Format of Read Device Reply from all Targets Except Series 90 PLCs9
Byte # Description
0 Reserved (0)
1 Device Absolute Address byte 1 (LSB)
2 Device Absolute Address byte 2
3 Device Absolute Address byte 3
4 Device Absolute Address byte 4 (MSB)
5 Length (maximum = 128 per message)
6–N Data bytes requested in Read Device message
Bytes 1–5 are duplicated from the Read Device message sent.
Byte # Description
0 Reserved (0)
1 Memory Type
2 Always 0
3 Memory Offset, less 1 (LSB)
4 Memory Offset, less 1 (MSB)
5 Length (maximum = 128 per message)
6–N Data bytes requested in Read Device message
Write Device
Subfunction Code: 20 hex
This datagram allows a PLC or computer to write to the memory of another CPU on the
bus. The target CPU must read the memory access request from its bus controller, and
return the requested data to its bus controller.
Content of this datagram is described under “Read Device”.
Before using this message, carefully verify that the transmitted data will be placed at the expected
Byte # Description
0 Reserved (0)
1 Device Absolute Address byte 1 (LSB)
2 Device Absolute Address byte 2
3 Device Absolute Address byte 3
4 Device Absolute Address byte 4 (MSB)
5 Length (maximum = 128 per message)
6–N Data bytes to be written to device
In a Series Six PLC a DPREQ or WINDOW instruction must be used to open a window
to the bus controller to receive message.
Byte # Description
0 Reserved (0)
1 Memory Type
2 Always 0
3 Memory Offset, less 1 (LSB)
4 Memory Offset, less 1 (MSB)
5 Length (maximum = 128 bits, 128 bytes, or 64 words per message)
6–N Data bytes to be written to device
3-40 Genius t I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
Byte # Description
0 Reserved (0)
1 Memory Type (must be 4 decimal for %P)
2 Always 0
3 Memory Offset, less 1 (LSB)
4 Memory Offset, less 1 (MSB)
5 Program Name ASCII character 1
6 Program Name ASCII character 2
7 Program Name ASCII character 3
8 Program Name ASCII character 4
9 Program Name ASCII character 5
10 Program Name ASCII character 6
11 Program Name ASCII character 7
12 Program Name ASCII character 8 (ASCII null)
13 Length (maximum = 64 words per message)
14–N Data bytes to be written to device
Byte # Description
0 Reserved (0)
1 Memory Type (must be 0 for %L)
2 Always 0
3 Memory Offset, less 1 (LSB)
4 Memory Offset, less (MSB)
5 Program Name ASCII character 1
6 Program Name ASCII character 2
7 Program Name ASCII character 3
8 Program Name ASCII character 4
9 Program Name ASCII character 5
10 Program Name ASCII character 6
11 Program Name ASCII character 7
12 Program Name ASCII character 8 (ASCII null)
13 Block Name ASCII character 1
14 Block Name ASCII character 2
15 Block Name ASCII character 3
16 Block Name ASCII character 4
17 Block Name ASCII character 5
18 Block Name ASCII character 6
19 Block Name ASCII character 7
20 Block Name ASCII character 8 (ASCII null)
21 Length (maximum = 64 words per message)
22–N Data bytes to be written to device
Configuration Change
Subfunction Code: 22 hex
A Genius I/O block automatically sends a Configuration change datagram if one of its
critical configuration parameters is changed.
The block sends this datagram to its CPU, or to two CPUs if the block is configured for
CPU redundancy. In addition, a block will send this datagram to an optional monitoring
device if the block has been sent an Assign Monitor datagram (See “Assign Monitor” for
more information).
PLC bus controllers automatically make adjustments in response to this information, and
no action is required of the PLC. A PCIM or QBIM may need to alter its system
configuration in response to this message.
Byte # Description
3-42 Geniust I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
Read Data
Subfunction Code: 27 hex
An application program can use this datagram to read specific data from a High-speed
Counter block’s RAM memory.
Byte # Description
0 Data type code (see list below)
1 Counter number (1–4) or 0 if not counter data
Example To read ON Preset #1 for counter 1, the Read Data datagram is:
01 0B
Byte # Description
0 Data type code (see list above)
1 Counter number (1–4) or 0 if not counter data
2–5 Data value (LSB in byte 2) bytes 4 and 5 not used for type A counter
For data type code 05, a 0 is returned in byte 2 for up direction and a 1 is returned in byte
2 for down direction.
Write Data
Subfunction Code: 29 hex
The application program can use this datagram to send temporary data to a High-speed
Counter block’s RAM memory. The block does not store this data in EEPROM, or display
it on a Hand-held Monitor.
Data sent to the block with this datagram is not retained through a power cycle. If any
parameter of the counter’s configuration is changed from a Hand-held Monitor or a
Write Configuration datagram, all of the Write Data changes for that counter are lost,
and its parameters all revert back to the EEPROM values.
Byte # Description
0 Data type code (see list below)
1 Counter number (1–4) or 0 if not counter data
2–5 Load value (LSB of byte 2) bytes 4 and 5 not used for type A counter
* This command can only be used to send the oscillator divisor. To change the range, it
is necessary to use a Hand-held Monitor or a Write Configuration command.
The value in byte #1 defines the counter number for which the data is intended. Use 0
for data type 50 (hex).
Bytes #2 – 5 must contain the new data to be inserted. Data types not requiring all 4
bytes always start with byte #2 as the least significant byte of data. For data type 05, byte
#2 should be 0 for up count direction and 1 for down count direction.
3-44 Genius t I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
Read Map
Subfunction Code: 2A hex
This datagram is used to read the Series 90-70 I/O references assigned to a Remote I/O
Scanner, and its SNP ID.
A Remote I/O Scanner sends this reply datagram after receiving a Read Map datagram.
It contains the Series 90-70 I/O references assigned to the Remote I/O Scanner, and its
SNP ID. It provides no information about the I/O assignments of individual I/O modules
in the remote drop. However, the checksum supplied indicates that the overall
configuration remains unchanged.
Byte # Description
0 Remote rack ID
1 Starting reference %I (LSB)
2 Starting reference %I (MSB)
3 Length of %I data (in bytes)
4, 5 Starting reference %AI
6 Length of %AI data (in bytes)
7, 8 Starting reference %Q
9 Length of %Q data (in bytes)
10,11 Starting reference %AQ
12 Length of %AQ data (in bytes)
13 8–bit Additive Checksum READ ONLY
14, 15 16–bit LRC Checksum (lsb in 14, msb in 15) READ ONLY
The Remote Rack ID is the a unique number between 16 and 254 that identifies the
remote drop.
Starting references in %I, %AI, %Q, and %AQ memory may be returned. For each
memory type, a data length is also supplied. If zero, the associated starting reference can
be ignored; it is not meaningful.
Write Map
Subfunction Code: 2C hex
This datagram allows a CPU to send Series 90-70 I/O addresses and an SNP ID to a
Remote I/O Scanner. Assignment of I/O references to individual modules in the remote
drop will be made automatically by the Remote I/O Scanner, or through configuration
using the Logicmaster 90-70 software. Data format is the same as the Read Map Reply.
The checksum must be included in the message, even though its values are ignored.
3-46 Geniust I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
Chapter 4 Configuration Data Formats
4 section level 1 1
figure bi level 1
table_big level 1
GEK-90486F-1 4-1
4-2 Geniust I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
byte 2
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Input Filter Times (times for 32-Circuit DC blocks are shown in parentheses):
TIME hex binary TIME hex binary
5 ms (1 ms) 1 0001 70 ms (30 ms) 8 1000
10 ms (2 ms) 2 0010 80 ms (40 ms) 9 1001
20 ms (3 ms) 3 0011 90 ms (50 ms) A 1010
30 ms (4 ms) 4 0100 100 ms (60 ms) B 1011
40 ms (5 ms) 5 0101 (70 ms) C 1100
50 ms (10 ms) 6 0110 (80 ms) D 1101
60 ms (20 ms) 7 0111 (90 ms) E 1110
(100 ms) F 1111
byte 3
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
[ Only certain 16-circuit and 32-circuit discrete DC block versions can be configured for GMR
operation. Details are given in the Genius Modular RedundancyUser’s Manual (GFK-0787).
Circuit Configuration
This data is not used for Relay Blocks, which have no options for circuit configuration.
Items marked with an (*) are not used for 32-circuit DC Blocks.
bytes 4 – 35
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
4-4 Genius t I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
Configuration data format of the 16 Circuit 115VAC Input Block is shown below. Data
content is detailed on the next page.
By specifying an offset, as listed in the left column, and a length in bytes, any portion of
the configuration data can be read or written. If more than 16 bytes are being read or
written, data is transmitted in multiple bus scans, up to 16 bytes at a time.
Block Configuration
byte 2
Configuration protected
(0 = not protected, 1 = protected) READ ONLY
byte 3
Circuit Configuration
bytes 4 – 19
Threshold value + 1%
4-6 Genius t I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
Offset ByteDescription
#) Offset ByteDescription
0 Block type (see below) READ ONLY #)
1 Block software revision READ ONLY
2, 3 Block configuration
4, 5 Input 1: circuit configuration 46, 47 Input 4: circuit configuration
6, 7 high alarm (lsb in byte 6) 48, 49 high alarm (lsb in byte 48)
8, 9 low alarm (lsb in byte 8) 50, 51 low alarm (lsb in byte 50)
10, 11 high scaling point, eng. units (lsb in byte 10) 52, 53 high scaling point, eng. units (lsb in byte 52)
12, 13 high scaling point, counts (lsb in byte 12) 54, 55 high scaling point, counts (lsb in byte 54)
14, 15 low scaling point, eng. units (lsb in byte 14) 56, 57 low scaling point, eng. units (lsb in byte 56)
16, 17 low scaling point, counts (lsb in byte 16) 58, 59 low scaling point, counts (lsb in byte 58)
18, 19 Input 2: circuit configuration 60, 61 Output 1: circuit configuration
20, 21 high alarm (lsb in byte 20) 62, 63 default value (lsb in byte 62)
22, 23 low alarm (lsb in byte 22) 64, 65 high scaling point, eng. units (lsb in byte 64)
24, 25 high scaling point, eng. units (lsb in byte 24) 66, 67 high scaling point, counts (lsb in byte 66)
26, 27 high scaling point, counts (lsb in byte 26) 68, 69 low scaling point, eng. units (lsb in byte 68)
28, 29 low scaling point, eng. units (lsb in byte 28) 70, 71 low scaling point, counts (lsb in byte 70)
30, 31 low scaling point, counts (lsb in byte 30)
32, 33 Input 3: circuit configuration 72, 73 Output 2: circuit configuration
34, 35 high alarm (lsb in byte 34) 74, 75 default value (lsb in byte 74)
36, 37 low alarm (lsb in byte 36) 76, 77 high scaling point, eng. units (lsb in byte 76)
38, 39 high scaling point, eng. units (lsb in byte 38) 78, 79 high scaling point, counts (lsb in byte 78)
40, 41 high scaling point, counts (lsb in byte 40) 80, 81 low scaling point, eng. units (lsb in byte 80)
42, 43 low scaling point, eng. units (lsb in byte 42) 82, 83 low scaling point, counts (lsb in byte 82)
44, 45 low scaling point, counts (lsb in byte 44)
Block Configuration
byte 2
Configuration protected (0 = not protected, 1 = protected)
byte 3
4-8 Genius t I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
bytes 60, 72
* The default values are specified in bytes 62, 63 and 74, 75 of the Write Configuration
Configuration data format for Current-source Analog I/O Blocks is shown below. Data
content is detailed on the following pages.
By specifying an offset, as listed in the left column, and a length in bytes, any portion of
the configuration data can be read or written. If more than 16 bytes are being read or
written, data is transmitted in multiple bus scans up to 16 bytes at a time. For Analog
blocks, it is advisable to download configurations for each channel in individual,
separate datagrams, or else download the entire configuration using the Begin/End
Packet sequence datagrams.
Offset ByteDescription
(Byte #)
0 Block type READ ONLY Offset
1 Block software revision READ ONLY (Byte #) ByteDescription
2, 3 Block configuration
4, 5 Input 1, circuit configuration 46, 47 Input 4, circuit configuration
6, 7 high alarm (lsb in byte 6) 48, 49 high alarm (lsb in byte 48)
8, 9 low alarm (lsb in byte 8) 50, 51 low alarm (lsb in byte 50)
10, 11 high scaling point, eng. units (lsb in byte 10) 52, 53 high scaling point, eng. units (lsb in byte 52)
12, 13 high scaling point, counts (lsb in byte 12) 54, 55 high scaling point, counts (lsb in byte 54)
14, 15 low scaling point, eng. units (lsb in byte 14) 56, 57 low scaling point, eng. units (lsb in byte 56)
16, 17 low scaling point, counts (lsb in byte 16) 58, 59 low scaling point, counts (lsb in byte 58)
18, 19 Input 2, circuit configuration 60, 61 Output 1, circuit configuration
20, 21 high alarm (lsb in byte 20) 62, 63 default value (lsb in byte 62)
22, 23 low alarm (lsb in byte 22) 64, 65 high scaling point, eng. units (lsb in byte 64)
24, 25 high scaling point, eng. units (lsb in byte 24) 66, 67 high scaling point, counts (lsb in byte 66)
26, 27 high scaling point, counts (lsb in byte 26) 68, 69 low scaling point, eng. units (lsb in byte 68)
28, 29 low scaling point, eng. units (lsb in byte 28) 70, 71 low scaling point, counts (lsb in byte 70)
30, 31 low scaling point, counts (lsb in byte 30)
32, 33 Input 3, circuit configuration 72, 73 Output 2, circuit configuration
34, 35 high alarm (lsb in byte 34) 74, 75 default value (lsb in byte 74)
36, 37 low alarm (lsb in byte 36) 76, 77 high scaling point, eng. units (lsb in byte 76)
38, 39 high scaling point, eng. units (lsb in byte 38) 78, 79 high scaling point, counts (lsb in byte 78)
40, 41 high scaling point, counts (lsb in byte 40) 80, 81 low scaling point, eng. units (lsb in byte 80)
42, 43 low scaling point, eng. units (lsb in byte 42) 82, 83 low scaling point, counts (lsb in byte 82)
44, 45 low scaling point, counts (lsb in byte 44)
4-10 Genius t I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
Block Configuration
byte 2
byte 3
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
* The default values are specified in bytes 62, 63 and 74, 75 of the Write Configuration
bytes 61, 73
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
4-12 Genius t I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
18, 19 Output 2, circuit configuration 60, 61 Output 5, circuit configuration (see below)
20, 21 default value (lsb in byte 20) 62, 63 default value (lsb in byte 62)
22, 23 high scaling point, eng. units (lsb in byte 22) 64, 65 high scaling point, eng. units (lsb in byte 64)
24, 25 high scaling point, counts (lsb in byte 24) 66, 67 high scaling point, counts (lsb in byte 66)
26, 27 low scaling point, eng. units (lsb in byte 26) 68, 69 low scaling point, eng. units (lsb in byte 68)
28, 29 low scaling point, counts (lsb in byte 28) 70, 71 low scaling point, counts (lsb in byte 70)
30, 31 not used
32, 33 Output 3, circuit configuration 72, 73 Output 6, circuit configuration (see below)
34, 35 default value (lsb in byte 34) 74, 75 default value (lsb in byte 74)
36, 37 high scaling point, eng. units (lsb in byte 36) 76, 77 high scaling point, eng. units (lsb in byte 76)
38, 39 high scaling point, counts (lsb in byte 38) 78, 79 high scaling point, counts (lsb in byte 78)
40, 41 low scaling point, eng. units (lsb in byte 40) 80, 81 low scaling point, eng. units (lsb in byte 80)
42, 43 low scaling point, counts (lsb in byte 42) 82, 83 low scaling point, counts (lsb in byte 82)
44, 45 not used
Block Configuration
byte 2
Configuration Protected (0 = not protected, 1 = protected) READ ONLY
byte 3
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
* The default values are specified in bytes 6, 7; 20, 21; 34, 35; 48, 49; 62, 63; and 74, 75 of
the Write Configuration datagram.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
4-14 Genius t I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
18, 19 Output 2, circuit configuration 60, 61 Output 5, circuit configuration (see below)
20, 21 high alarm (lsb in byte 20) 62, 63 high alarm (lsb in byte 62)
22, 23 low alarm (lsb in byte 22) 64, 65 low alarm (lsb in byte 64)
24, 25 high scaling point, eng units (lsb in byte 24) 66, 67 high scaling point, eng units (lsb in byte 66)
26, 27 high scaling point, counts (lsb in byte 26) 68, 69 high scaling point, counts (lsb in byte 68)
28, 29 low scaling point, eng units (lsb in byte 28) 70, 71 low scaling point, eng units (lsb in byte 70)
30, 31 low scaling point, counts (lsb in byte 30) 72, 73 low scaling point, counts (lsb in byte 72)
32, 33 Output 3, circuit configuration 74, 75 Output 6, circuit configuration (see below)
34, 35 high alarm (lsb in byte 34) 76, 77 high alarm (lsb in byte 76)
36, 37 low alarm (lsb in byte 36) 78, 79 low alarm (lsb in byte 78)
38, 39 high scaling point, eng units (lsb in byte 38) 80, 81 high scaling point, eng units (lsb in byte 80)
40, 41 high scaling point, counts (lsb in byte 40) 82, 83 high scaling point, counts (lsb in byte 82)
42, 43 low scaling point, eng units (lsb in byte 42) 84, 85 low scaling point, eng units (lsb in byte 84)
44, 45 low scaling point, counts (lsb in byte 44) 86, 87 low scaling point, counts (lsb in byte 86)
Block Configuration
byte 2
byte 3
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
4-16 Genius t I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
By specifying an offset, as listed in the left column, and a length in bytes, any portion of
the configuration data can be read or written. If more than 16 bytes are being read or
written, data is transmitted in multiple bus scans up to 16 bytes at a time. For
Thermocouple blocks, it is advisable to download configurations for each channel in
individual, separate datagrams, or else download the entire configuration using the
Begin/EndPacket sequence datagrams.
Offset ByteDescription
(Byte #)
Offset ByteDescription
0 Block type READ ONLY (Byte #)
1 Block software revision READ ONLY
2, 3 Block configuration
4, 5 Input 1, circuit configuration 46, 47 Input 4, circuit configuration
6, 7 high alarm, eng. units, (lsb in byte 6) 48, 49 high alarm, eng. units, (lsb in byte 48)
8, 9 low alarm, eng. units (lsb in byte 8) 50, 51 low alarm, eng. units (lsb in byte 50)
10, 11 user-def. cold-junction compensation, 52, 53 user-def. cold-junction compensation,
12, 13 hundredths of mV (lsb in byte 10) 54, 55 hundredths of mV (lsb in byte 52)
14 – 17 field offset, hundredths of deg. (lsb in byte 12) 56 – 59 field offset, hundredths of deg. (lsb in byte 54)
not used not used
18, 19 Input 2, circuit configuration 60, 61 Input 5, circuit configuration
20, 21 high alarm, eng. units, (lsb in byte 20) 62, 63 high alarm, eng. units, (lsb in byte 62)
22, 23 low alarm, eng. units (lsb in byte 22) 64, 65 low alarm, eng. units (lsb in byte 64)
24, 25 user-def. cold-junction compensation, 66, 67 user-def. cold-junction compensation,
26, 27 hundredths of mV (lsb in byte 24) 68, 69 hundredths of mV (lsb in byte 66)
28 – 31 field offset, hundredths of deg. (lsb in byte 26) 70, 71 field offset, hundredths of deg. (lsb in byte 68)
not used not used
32, 33 Input 3, circuit configuration 72, 73 Input 6, circuit configuration
34, 35 high alarm, eng. units, (lsb in byte 34) 74, 75 high alarm, eng. units, (lsb in byte 74)
36, 37 low alarm, eng. units (lsb in byte 36) 76, 77 low alarm, eng. units (lsb in byte 76)
38, 39 user-def. cold-junction compensation, 78, 79 user-def. cold-junction compensation,
40, 41 hundredths of mV (lsb in byte 38) 80, 81 hundredths of mV (lsb in byte 78)
42 – 45 field offset, hundredths of deg. (lsb in byte 40) 82, 83 field offset, hundredths of deg. (lsb in byte 80)
not used not used
Block Configuration
byte 2
byte 3
Circuit Configuration
bytes 4, 18, 32, 46, 60, 72
4-18 Genius t I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
By specifying an offset, as listed in the left column, and a length in bytes, any portion of
the configuration data can be read or written. If more than 16 bytes are being read or
written, data is transmitted in multiple bus scans up to 16 bytes at a time. For RTD
blocks, it is advisable to download configurations for each channel in individual,
separate datagrams, or else download the entire configuration using the Begin/End
Packet sequence datagrams.
Block Configuration
byte 2
byte 3
Circuit Configuration
bytes 4, 18, 32, 46, 60, 72
4-20 Genius t I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
Block Configuration
byte 2
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
byte 3
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
* Counter type is defined in the Set Status Table datagram. It can be read by a Read Configuration
Reply datagram. It cannot be changed by a Write Configuration datagram.
4-22 Genius t I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
byte 4
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Counter Configuration
bytes 6, 20, 34, 48
4-24 Genius t I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
Block Configuration
byte 2
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
byte 3
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
* Counter type is defined in the Set Status Table datagram. It can be read by a Read Configuration
Reply datagram. It cannot be changed by a Write Configuration datagram.
byte 4
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Counter Configuration
bytes 6, 38
4-26 Genius t I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
Block Configuration
byte 2
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
byte 3
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
* Counter type is defined in the Set Status Table datagram. It can be read by a Read Configuration
Reply datagram. It cannot be changed by a Write Configuration datagram.
4-28 Genius t I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Counter Configuration
byte 6
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
PowerTRAC Block
Configuration data format for PowerTRAC blocks is listed below. Data content is detailed
on the next page.
By specifying an offset, as listed in the left column, and a length in bytes, any portion of
the configuration data can be read or written. If more than 16 bytes are being read or
written, data is transmitted in multiple bus scans up to 16 bytes at a time.
4-30 Geniust I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
Block Configuration
byte 2
Configuration Protected (0 = not protected, 1 = protected) READ ONLY
byte 3
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
A Series Six PLC can read or write configuration data for one of its own bus controllers
without using datagrams (no bus communications are involved). The Series Six Bus
Controller User’s Manual (GFK-0171) explains how this is done. However, for a CPU to
obtain bus controller configuration data from another CPU, the second CPU must read
its bus controller’s configuration data into memory. From there, the data can be accessed
by the first CPU with a Read Device message.
Byte Description
0 Bus Controller Type (see Bit Assignments)
1 Software revision number
2 No. of devices on bus (1–32)
3 Bus Controller Device Number (0–31)
4 Serial bus baud rate (see Bit Assignments)
5 not used
6, 7 Bit map of input points 1–128 (bit maps for I/O
points are on page 4-34)
8, 9 Bit map of input points 129–256
10, 11 Bit map of input points 257–384
12, 13 Bit map of input points 385–512
14, 15 Bit map of input points 513–640 READ
16, 17 Bit map of input points 641–768 ONLY
18, 19 Bit map of input points 769–896
20, 21 Bit map of input points 897–1000
22, 23 Bit map of output points 1–128
24, 25 Bit map of output points 129–256
26, 27 Bit map of output points 257–384
28, 29 Bit map of output points 385–512
30, 31 Bit map of output points 513–640
32, 33 Bit map of output points 641–768
34, 35 Bit map of output points 769–896
36, 37 Bit map of output points 897–1000
38, 39 Outputs Disable flags for devices 0–15 (Output Dis-
able flags are on page 4-35)
40, 41 Outputs Disable flags for devices 16-31
42, 43 Global Data starting address
44, 45 Global Data/message length (in bytes)
4-32 Genius t I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
byte 2
byte 3
Baud Rate
byte 4
4-34 Genius t I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
The least significant bit of byte 38 represents Device Number 0 and the most significant
bit of byte 41 represents Device Number 31.
GEK-90486F-1 5-1
Discrete Blocks
Diagnostic data for discrete blocks is shown below. Data contents are detailed on the
next page. By specifying an offset, as listed in the left column, and a length in bytes, any
portion of the diagnostics data can be read. If more than 16 bytes are requested, the data
is transmitted in multiple bus scans up to 16 bytes at a time.
5-2 Geniust I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
Block Diagnostics
byte 2
Circuit Diagnostics
Circuit Diagnostics information begins at byte 4. Diagnostics for each circuit occupy the least
significant of 2 bytes, with the most significant byte not used. For each bit, a 1 indicates the
presence of the fault. Not all blocks provide all of the diagnostics data shown here.
5-4 Genius t I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
Block Diagnostics
byte 2
Items marked ([) are not used for Current-source Analog Output blocks. The Feedback
Error fault (*) is used only for Current-source Analog 4 Input/2 Output and Output blocks.
Items marked G are not used for Current-source Input blocks. Input shorted (*) is for RTD
blocks only.
Block Diagnostics
byte 2
Circuit Diagnostics
The High-speed Counter provides Failed Switch diagnostics for each output, O1 – O4.
Bit 4 = 1 indicates the presence of the fault.
Failed Switch
5-6 Genius t I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
Self-test Diagnostics
byte 2
byte 8
5-8 Genius t I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
This chapter shows the format of data returned in response to a Read Block I/O
datagram. This datagram may be sent to the following devices.
H Voltage/Current 4 Input/2 Output Analog Blocks
H Current-source Analog 4 Input/2 Output Blocks
H Current-source Analog 6-Output Blocks
H Current-source Analog 6-Input Blocks
H Thermocouple 6-Input Blocks
H PowerTRAC Blocks
GEK-90486F-1 6-1
(Byte #) I/O Data
( )
0 Block type
1 Software revision number
2 Input 1 counts value (LSB)
3 Input 1 counts value (MSB)
4, 5 Input 2 counts value
6, 7 Input 3 counts value
8, 9 Input 4 counts value
10 Output 1 counts value (LSB)
11 Output 1 counts value (MSB)
12, 13 Output 2 counts value
14 n Input 1 engineering units value (LSB)
15 n Input 1 engineering units value (MSB)
16, 17 n Input 2 engineering units value
18, 19 n Input 3 engineering units value
20, 21 n Input 4 engineering units value
22 n Output 1 engineering units value (LSB)
23 n Output 1 engineering units value (MSB)
24, 25 n Output 2 engineering units value
6-2 Geniust I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
(Byte #) I/O Data
( )
0 Block type
1 Software revision number
2 Input 1 µA value (LSB)
3 Input 1 µA value (MSB)
4, 5 Input 2 µA value
6, 7 Input 3 µA value
8, 9 Input 4 µA value
10 Output 1 µA value (LSB)
11 Output 1 µA value (MSB)
12, 13 Output 2 µA value
14 n Input 1 engineering units value (LSB)
15 n Input 1 engineering units value (MSB)
16, 17 n Input 2 engineering units value
18, 19 n Input 3 engineering units value
20, 21 n Input 4 engineering units value
22 n Output 1 engineering units value (LSB)
23 n Output 1 engineering units value (MSB)
24, 25 n Output 2 engineering units value
26 mA feedback value for output 1 (LSB)
27 mA feedback value for output 1 (MSB)
28, 29 mA feedback value for output 2
30 Engineering units feedback value for output 1 (LSB)
31 Engineering units feedback value for output 1 (MSB)
32, 33 Engineering units feedback value for output 2
As part of the normal output update, the block automatically receives or sends
engineering units values. The µA equivalents of these engineering units values can only
be read by the controller using Read Block I/O Datagrams (although the block can be
configured to normally use µA values INSTEAD of engineering units values).
Offset (Byte #) RegularOutput Description
Data ( )
0 Block type
1 Software revision number
2 Circuit 1 µA value (LSB)
3 Circuit 1 µA value (MSB)
4, 5 Circuit 2 µA
A value
6, 7 Circuit 3 µA
A value
8, 9 Circuit 4 µA
A value
10, 11 Circuit 5 µA
A value
12, 13 Circuit 6 µA
A value
6-4 Geniust I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
n n
#) Data #) Data
( ) ( )
0 Block type 38, 39 Inputs 1/2, XJI current (µA/10)
1 Software revision number 40, 41 Inputs 3/4, XJI current (µA/10)
( A/10)
42, 43 Inputs 5/6, XJI current (µA/10)
2, 3 Input 1 t’cpl input voltage (mV/100)
4, 5 Input 2 t’cpl input voltage (mV/100) 44, 45 Inputs 1/2 XJI temp. (C/10)
6, 7 Input 3 t’cpl input voltage (mV/100) 46, 47 Inputs 3/4 XJI temp. (C/10)
8, 9 Input 4 t’cpl input voltage (mV/100) 48, 49 Inputs 5/6 XJI temp. (C/10)
10, 11 Input 5 t’cpl input voltage (mV/100)
12, 13 Input 6 t’cpl input voltage (mV/100) 50, 51 Inputs1/2internal CJS current (µA/10)
52, 53 Inputs3/4internal CJS current (µA/10)
14, 15 n Input 1 t’cpl input eng. units 54, 55 Inputs5/6internal CJS current (µA/10)
16, 17 n Input 2 t’cpl input eng. units
18, 19 n Input 3 t’cpl input eng. units
56, 57 Inputs1/2internal CJS temp. (C/10)
20, 21 Input 4 t’cpl input eng. units
58, 59 Inputs3/4internal CJS temp. (C/10)
22, 23 Input 5 t’cpl input eng. units
60, 61 Inputs5/6internal CJS temp. (C/10)
24, 25 Input 6 t’cpl input eng. units
62, 63 R
64, 65 S
26, 27 Inputs1/2,XJVvoltage(mV/100)
68, 69 E
28, 29 Inputs3/4,XJVvoltage(mV/100) R
70, 71 V
30, 31 Inputs5/6,XJVvoltage(mV/100)
72, 73 E
32, 33 Inputs 1/2 XJV temp. (C/10)
34, 35 Inputs 3/4 XJV temp. (C/10)
36, 37 Inputs 5/6 XJV temp. (C/10)
PowerTRAC Block
Read Block I/O Reply data for a PowerTRAC Block is listed below. The Read Block I/O
datagram specifies the byte offset, and length in bytes of the data to be read. If more
than 16 bytes are requested, the data will be returned in multiple bus scans.
Only bytes 0 – 37 are normally broadcast by the block as input data. The additional
calculated data is always displayable on a Hand-held Monitor (version 4.0 or later). By
default, it is NOT ordinarily provided to the CPU, and is not assigned reference
addresses. However, if your application requires this data regularly, the block’s
configuration can be changed to enable sending the data each bus scan (requires
PowerTRAC block IC660BPM100F, firmware version 3.0 or later). Alternatively, the data
can be requested on an as-needed basis using datagrams, as described in the PowerTRAC
Block User’s Manual (GFK-0450).
The additional calculated data is displayed on a Hand-held Monitor after the calculated and
status data. Data is most easily viewed from the Monitor/Control Reference displays.
Pressing F1 ( > ) displays data in the sequence listed below. When displaying the
additional calculated data, the blinking number on line 1 of the HHM indicates the
relative data word being shown.
Offset Regular Description
(Byte #) Data ( )
0, 1 n Status Inputs
2, 3 n Voltage A–B
4, 5 n Voltage B–C
6, 7 n Voltage C–A
8, 9 n Voltage A–neutral
10, 11 n Voltage B–neutral
12, 13 n Voltage C–neutral
14, 15 n Current phase A
16, 17 n Current phase B
18, 19 n Current phase C
20, 21 n Current, auxiliary
22, 23 n Phase A power
24, 25 n Phase B power
26, 27 n Phase C power
28, 29 n Phase A total VARs
30, 31 n Phase B total VARs
32, 33 n Phase C total VARs
34, 35 n Power Factor
36, 37 n Accumulated power measured
38, 39 Phase A Fundamental VARs
40, 41 Phase B Fundamental VARs
42, 43 Phase C Fundamental VARs
44, 45 Power Factor based on Fundamental VARs
46, 47 Phase A Harmonic VARs as % of V–I
48, 49 Phase B Harmonic VARs as % of V–I
50, 51 Phase C Harmonic VARs as % of V–I
52, 53 Total Harmonic VARs as % of V–I
54, 55 Line Frequency
56, 57 TemperatureAlarm: Low = –1, Normal = 0, High = +1
58 – 127 unused
128, 129 n Command Outputs
130 - 255 unused
6-6 Genius t I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
Status Inputs
byte 1 (msb)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Overcurrent on phase A
Overcurrent on phase b
Overcurrent on phase C
Overcurrent on aux.
Calculation overflow
byte 2 (lsb)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Data Ready
Data Type
Data Target
Overcurrent Captured
Phase-lock Loop locked
Command Outputs
byte 1 (msb)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
byte 2 (lsb)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Send Data
Data Type
Data Target
not used
Series 90-70
Bus Controller
Series 90-30
Genius Bus
The illustration above represents a Series 90-30 PLC, a Series 90-70 PLC, and a host
computer sharing Global Data on a Genius bus.
GEK-90486F-1 7-1
Bus Bus
Controller Controller
Application Application
Program Program
Since the CPU may receive new Global Data each bus scan, it must read or copy the data
regularly, before new data is written to the same location. The following table
summarizes Global Data setup and programming for different CPU types.
Setup Application Program- Setup Application Program-
ming ming
Series 90-70 Use Logicmaster 90-70 Refresh data at Global If sending device is not a Read new incoming Glob-
PLC software to configure Data address, as often as Series 90-70 PLC, use LM al Data as often as need-
Global Data address and needed. No other action 90-70 software to config- ed. This data is refreshed
length. required. ure incoming Global Data automatically.
address and length.
Series 90-30 Use LM 90-30 software or Refresh data at config- Designate Device Num- Application program can
GCM+ Mod- 90-30 HHP to configure ured memory location as bers expected to supply read Global Data. If data
ule module parameters, in- often as needed. If data is Global Data, and provide is configured to use %Q
cluding Device Number mapped to %I or %AI offset (into message) and and/or%AQ memory, no
of GCM+, and Global memory, no application starting reference (in application program is
Data starting reference program is needed. 90-30) and length for needed.
and length. data.
Series 90-30 Use LM 90-30 software to Refresh data at %G Automaticallyaccepts Read new data from %G
GCMModule configure Device Number memory location corre- Global Data from Device location corresponding to
of the Genius Commu- sponding to that Device Numbers 16–23. Device Number of any
nications Module. Number, as often as need- device that sends Global
ed. Data. Repeat as needed.
Series 90-30 Use LM 90-30 software to Refresh data at config- To receive Global Data , Read new data from con-
Bus Control- configure the GBC as a ured memory location as configure device as GE- figured memory location.
ler CONTROL device and to often as needed. NERIC and specify Repeat as needed.
specify output lengths. memory types and lengths
for the incoming data.
Series Six Send a Write Configura- Refresh data at Global none 1. Open window to bus
PLC tion command to the bus Data location, as often as controller in order to re-
controller to set up Global needed. fresh Register Memory. 2.
Data register address and Read new data from reg-
length. ister memory, as often as
Series Five Use Logicmaster 5 soft- Refresh data at corre- none Read new data from reg-
PLC ware to select appropriate sponding register ister address correspond-
Device Number for bus memory location, as often ing to Device Number of
controller. as needed. sending device, as need-
Computer InitializePCIM/QBIM Refresh data in PCIM/ none Read new data from ap-
with Global Data address QBIM’s Global Output propriatePCIM/QBIMin-
and length. Table, as often as needed. put segment, as often as
7-2 Genius t I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
4 16 %G0001 %G0032
4 17 %G0033 %G0064
4 18 %G0065 %G0096
4 19 %G0097 %G0128
4 20 %G0129 %G0160
4 21 %G0161 %G0192
4 22 %G0193 %G0224
4 23 %G0225 %G0256
16 24 %G0257 %G0384
16 25 %G0385 %G0512
16 26 %G0513 %G0640
16 27 %G0641 %G0768
16 28 %G0769 %G0896
16 29 %G0897 %G1024
16 30 %G1025 %G1152
16 31 %G1153 %G1280
For example, if the Device Number of the first bus controller configured in AUTO mode
is 21, the Logicmaster 90 software automatically assigns references %G0161 through
%G0192, and the Global Data length is 4 bytes.
To accommodate additional bus controllers in the same rack, %G memory is divided into
five more areas, %GA, %GB, %GC, %GD, and %GE. The second bus controller
configured in AUTO mode is automatically assigned to %GA, the third to %GB, and so
on. Reference assignments and Global Data lengths are the same for %G. For more
information, refer to the Series 90-70 Bus Controller User’s Manual.
Assigning a bus controller to a %G channel in AUTO mode reserves that channel; no
part of it can be assigned to another bus controller in the rack. If another device sends
Global Data to the bus controller, the data will be placed in the same channel, at the
starting address that corresponds to the other bus controller’s Device Number.
Series90-70 Sends Other CPU Places the Global Data in this Memory Location
Global Data To
Series 90-70 PLC %I, %Q, %G, %R, %AI, %AQ memory if manually–configured, or %G
memory if automatically–configured. Memory type and beginning address
are chosen during configuration of the receiving bus controller.
Series 90-30 %G memory location corresponding to Device Number (16–23) of the Series
GCMModule 90-70 bus controller that sent the data.
Series 90-30 Bus Starting register address selected when configuring the Bus Controller or
Controller or GCM+ module.
GCM+ Module
Series Six PLC Registermemory. Beginning address selected during configuration of the
Series 90-70 bus controller that sent the data.
Series Five PLC Registermemory. Beginning address selected during configuration of the
Series 90-70 bus controller that sent the data.
Computer PCIM or QBIM Input Table Segment corresponding to Device Number of the
Series 90-70 bus controller that sent the data.
In the following example, a Series 90-70 PLC (PLC 1), in accordance with the
configuration supplied to the Genius Bus Controller attached to PLC 1 sends 64 bits of
Global Data beginning at %I0101 to another Series 90-70 PLC (PLC 2). PLC 2 places this
data into its own memory beginning at %I0017, in accordance with the configuration
supplied to the Genius Bus Controller attached to PLC 2. PLC 2, in accordance with the
configuration supplied to the Genius Bus Controller attached to PLC 2 sends 8 words of
%AQ data beginning at %AQ0001 to PLC 1. PLC 1 places this data into its own memory
beginning at %AI0032, in accordance with the configuration supplied to the Genius Bus
Controller attached to PLC 1.
7-4 Geniust I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
Number of Other 31 7
Global Data Devices
Bus Addresses (SBAs) 0–31 16 to 23 only
for Global Data
Memory Types for %G, %I, %Q, %AI, %AQ, &R %G only
Ability to pass to host GCM+ Module: yes no
PLC a partial global Bus Controller: no
data message only?
Bus Controller or
global data
Conversely, each bus scan the Bus Controller or GCM+ module can pass to the CPU up
to 128 bytes of global data each from up to 31 other devices on the bus. If the Series 90-30
PLC does not need certain global data that is being sent, a GCM+can be configured to
ignore all or part of any global data message. A 90-30 Bus Controller cannot ignore part
of a Global Data message.
Bus Controller or
global data A global data A
Incoming global data can be placed in %I, %Q, %G, %AI, %AQ, or %R memory in the
Series 90-30 PLC. One destination per incoming message is permitted.
How Other Devices Handle Global Data Sent by the Bus Controller or GCM+
Global data sent by a Bus Controller or GCM+ can be received by any other suitable
device on the bus. All of the devices will receive the same global data message from the
Bus Controller or GCM+. How each type of device handles the message is summarized
Series 90-30 PLC Sends How the Other Device Handles the Data
Global Data To
Series 90-70 PLC The Series 90-70 PLC places incoming global data into the memory
location selected during configuration of its bus controller.
Series 90-30 PLC: Bus Con- A Bus Controller or GCM+ in another Series 90-30 PLC places the
troller or GCM + data in a %G, %I, %Q, %AI, %AQ, or %R memory location as speci-
fied when it is configured. If a GCM+ does not need all of the data
or needs a specific portion of the message, a message offset can be
specified. Length of accepted data must also be specified.
Series 90-30 PLC: GCM The GCM places incoming global data in the %G memory location
corresponding to Device Number (16–23) of Series 90-30 bus con-
troller that sent the data. The GCM will not receive global data sent
from SBAs 0 to 15 or 24 to 31.
Series Six PLC If a Series Six Reference is specified during configuration of the
or Series Five PLC GCM+ or Bus Controller, any Series Six and/or Series Five PLC on
the bus will automatically receive all global data from the module
and place it in that register location.
Computer Data from the Bus Controller or GCM+ is placed into the PCIM or
QBIM Input Table Segment corresponding to the Bus Address of the
Bus Controller/GCM+. The computer ’s application program is re-
sponsible for transferring global data between the CPU and the
7-6 Geniust I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
Series 90-30 Global Data with the Genius Communications Module (GCM)
With the non-enhanced GCM Module (IC693CMM301), a Series 90-30 Model 311 CPU
can send and receive a total of up to 32 bytes of Global Data. A Model 331 CPU can send
and receive a total of up to 160 bytes.
A portion of the Series 90-30 PLC’s memory is reserved for Global Data. This
bit-oriented memory uses the prefix %G. For the Model 331 CPU, %G memory is
divided into 4-byte increments (as shown below), each of which corresponds to a Device
Number from 16 to 23. If a device will send or receive more than 4 bytes of Global Data,
the Device Numbers associated with the excess (>4 bytes) cannot be used for Global
Data devices on the bus. For example, device 16 could use %G0001 through %G0256, but
then Device Numbers 17 – 23 could not be used for Global Data devices on the bus.
16 %G001 to %G032
17 %G033 to %G064
18 %G065 to %G096
19 %G097 to %G128
20 %G129 to %G160
21 %G161 to %G192
22 %G193 to %G224
23 %G225 to %G256
With a GCM module, %G memory is used for both sending and receiving Global Data.
The amounts of Global Data a GCM module will send and receive are selected during
configuration, as described in the Series 90-30 Genius Communications Module User’s
Manual (GFK-0412).
In the following example system, there are three Series 90-30 PLCs with GCM modules.
The PLC on the left broadcasts 32 bits (4 bytes) of Global Data to the other two. Its
Genius Communications Module is assigned Device Number 16. The second PLC
broadcasts 64 bits (8 bytes) to the other two. Its Device Number assignment is 17.
Because the third PLC does not send any Global Data, although it receives the Global
Data from the others, its Genius Communications Module could be assigned Device
Number 18.
16 17 18
Genius Bus
32 bits 64 bits
If other devices on a bus with a GCM module must exchange larger amounts of Global
Data, their bus controllers should not be configured to use Device Numbers 16 to 23.
If a bus used for Global Data is also used for CPU redundancy (described in chapter 8),
Device Numbers 30 and 31 MUST BE USED for the bus controllers in the redundant
CPUs. The bus controllers can be used for Global Data. However, they cannot exchange
Global Data with a GCM module. To transfer Global Data with a GCM module in a
redundant CPU system, another bus and another set of bus controllers is needed.
GCMModule Sends Other CPU Places Global Data in this Memory Location
Global Data To
Series 90-70 PLC %I, %Q, %G, %R, %AI, %AQ memory if manual configuration used,
or %G if automatic configuration used. Memory type and beginning
address selected during configuration of the receiving Series 90-70
bus controller.
Series 90-30 Bus Controller or Configured memory location
GCM+ Module
Series 90-30 GCM Module %G memory location corresponding to Device Number (16–23) of
Series 90-30 bus controller that sent the data. Adjusts for message
Series Six PLC or Series Five PLC Register memory location that corresponds to the Device Number of
the Series 90-30 Genius Communications Module:
16 %R001 to %R002
17 %R003 to %R004
18 %R005 to %R006
19 %R007 to %R008
20 %R009 to %R010
21 %R011 to %R012
22 %R013 to %R014
23 %R015 to %R016
Adjusts for message length.
Computer PCIM or QBIM Input Table Segment corresponding to Device Num-
ber of sending device.
If a Series Six PLC is set up for Expanded I/O addressing, registers R001 through R0016
are used for Auxiliary Output Table references AO0001 to AO0256. Auxiliary outputs
that correspond to Device Numbers that broadcast Global Data should not be used.
GCM modules do not communicate with Genius I/O blocks. However, if a block were
assigned a Device Number from 16–23 and the Genius Communications Module were
configured to receive from that Device Number an amount of data equal to the number
of inputs from the block, the Series 90-30 PLC could monitor the input data. It could
NOT send any outputs back to the block. The block’s I/O Enabled LED would never
come on in such a setup.
7-8 Geniust I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
Series 90-70 PLC %I, %Q, %G, %R, %AI, %AQ memory if manual configuration is used.
%G memory if automatic configuration is chosen. Memory type and
beginning address selected during configuration of the receiving Series
90-70 bus controller.
Series 90-30 Bus Con- Memory location selected by Bus Controller/GCM+ configuration.
troller or GCM+ Mod-
Series 90-30 GCM Mod- %G memory location corresponding to Device Number (16–23) of the
ule Series Six bus controller that sent the data.
Series Six PLC Registermemory. Beginning at same address it occupied in the send-
ing Series Six CPU.
registers used for both outgoing and incoming Global Data must not be assigned to any
other use in the program, even if the CPU will not make use of Global Data it receives.
If there are active window commands to the bus controller, there is no way for the CPU
to receive only part of the Global Data on the bus. It is possible to keep a CPU from
receiving all Global Data by completing communications tasks during the startup period,
then disabling the window commands during system operation. Datagrams may be
preferable to Global Data in applications where the Series Six PLCs do not require all of
the message data on the bus.
When a Series Six PLC receives Global Data, it will place it in memory as shown below.
GlobalData Received Series Six PLC Places Data Into This RegisterMemory Location
Series 90-70 PLC Starting Series Six register address and length selected during configu-
ration of the Series 90-70 bus controller that sent the data.
Series 90-30 Bus Control- Starting register address selected when configuring the Bus Controller
ler or GCM+ Module or GCM+ module.
Series 90-30 GCM Mod- Starting register address corresponds to Device Number of the Series
ule 90-30 Genius Communications Module that sent the data.
Series Six PLC Same register address and length as in sending CPU.
Series Five PLC Starting register address corresponds to Device Number of the Series
Five bus controller that sent the data.
Computer Starting address and length selected during configuration of the PCIM/
QBIM that sent data.
When multiple Series Six PLCs on a bus share Global Data, each one places Global Data
it receives into the same register memory location it occupied in the sending CPU.
In this example, there are three Series Six PLCs on the same bus. Each PLC sends 16
registers of Global Data (from the Expanded I/O tables portion of register memory) to
both of the other PLCs.
Because Series Six PLCS use the same registers for Global Data, Global Data cannot be sent
by two or more bus controllers on the same bus, and in the same Series Six PLC. The
second bus controller in the PLC would always write Global Data received from the first
into the same registers it was sent from, so the data in those registers would never
7-10 Geniust I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
In a three-host system, the PCIM or QBIM with Device Number 30 broadcasts 128 bytes
of Global Data. PCIMs or QBIMs with Device Numbers 29 and 31 automatically receive
the broadcast message. As the illustration shows, both PCIM/QBIMs receiving Global
Data from Device Number 30 place it in segment 30 of their input table.
To send Global Data, the application program must regularly place data into the
PCIM/QBIM’s Global Output Table. Similarly, it must read the appropriate input table
segments to capture Global Data.
7-12 Genius t I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
PCIM/QBIMSends Other Device Places Global Data Received From PCIM/QBIM in this
Data To Memory Location
Series 90-70 PLC %I, %Q, %G, %R, %AI, %AQ memory if manually-configured. %G if
automatic configuration was chosen. Memory type and beginning
address selected during configuration of the Series 90-70 bus control-
ler that receives the data.
Series 90-30 Bus Con- Memory location selected by Bus Controller or GCM+ configuration.
troller or GCM+ Mod-
Series 90-30 GCM Mod- %G memory location corresponding to Device Number (16–23) of
ule PCIM/QBIM that sent data.
PCIM or QBIM in Com- PCIM or QBIM Input Table Segment corresponding to Device Num-
puter ber of PCIM/QBIM that sent data.
7-14 Geniust I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
Timing Considerations
The regular transfer of Global Data adds to bus scan time and to program execution time
in the CPU. The following tables compare typical CPU sweep time and bus scan time
increases for a Series 90-70 PLC and a Series Six PLC transferring 0, 16, 32, 48, and 64
words of Global Data. Chapter 9 gives instructions for calculating bus scan times and
CPU sweep times. Information about Global Data timing for the Series 90-30 Bus
Controller and GCM+ module is provided in their respective User’s Manuals.
GlobalData 90-70 CPU Sweep Genius Bus* Scan Series Six CPU
Words Sent from Time Time Sweep Time
0 11mS 30 – 31mS 9mS
16 11mS 33mS 10 – 11mS
32 11mS 35mS 10 – 11mS
48 11mS 38mS 10 – 11mS
64 11 – 12mS 40mS 10 – 12mS
GlobalData 90-70 CPU Sweep Genius Bus* Scan Series Six CPU
Words Sent from Time Time Sweep Time
Series Six
0 11mS 30 – 31mS 9mS
16 11mS 33mS 10mS
32 11mS 35mS 11mS
48 11mS 37 – 38mS 11mS
64 11mS 40mS 11 – 12mS
Series 90-70 PLC and Series Six PLC Both Send Global Data
Series Six Series 90-70 90-70 CPU GeniusBus* Series Six
CPU Sweep PLCGlobal Sweep Time Scan Time PLCGlobal
Time Data Words Data Words
Sent AND Sent AND
Received Received
0&0 11mS 31mS 0&0 9mS
16 & 16 11mS 35mS 16 & 26 11 – 12mS
32 & 32 11mS 40mS 32 & 32 11 – 12mS
48 & 48 11mS 45mS 48 & 48 12 – 13mS
64 & 64 11mS 49 – 50mS 64 & 64 12 – 14mS
* Genius bus operating at either 153k Baud Ext. or 153k Baud Standard.
For example, Genius PowerTRACt blocks can be used with both PLCs and host
computers, in a variety of industrial power measurement applications, such as system
monitoring, multiple load monitoring, and single-phase monitoring.
Bus Controller
Monitoring Computer
PowerTRAC Blocks
GEK-90486F-1 8-1
Data Monitoring
An additional CPU can be used to monitor Genius I/O data and fault data for many
applications, such as alarming or operator interface. The monitoring CPU can be a PLC
or a computer.
Controller Monitor
PLC Computer
I/O Blocks
All additional CPUs on the bus, including the assigned monitor, must have all outputs to
the I/O devices DISABLED.
8-2 Geniust I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
Bus Bus
Controller Controller
Bus A
Bus B
Each bus requires its own bus controller. For some CPU types, the dual bus controllers
may both reside in the same CPU. The same application program will therefore
automatically act on inputs received from the I/O devices, and create outputs for them
regardless of which bus is active at any given time. If the CPU is a Series Six PLC, the bus
controllers must be assigned to different I/O channels.
For the Series 90-70 PLC, the dual bus controllers must either be located in different
CPUs or else the I/O devices must be assigned one set of references for use when Bus A
is active, and a separate set of references for when Bus B is active. The Application
Program must monitor the busses dynamically in order to determine the correct
references to use at any given time. Because these CPUs cannot communicate with each
other on the dual bus, another bus controller is needed in each CPU, on each bus, to
transmit synchronization data between the CPUs.
GEK-90486F-1 Chapter 8 Data Monitoring, Redundant Control, and Distributed Control 8-3
BSM Operation
A designated circuit on the BSM controller block functions as an output dedicated to
controlling the BSM. The block must also be configured as a BSM Controller. The block causes
the BSM to switch busses if communications between the bus controller and the BSM
controller block are lost on the current bus. Switchover occurs in less than one second for
nominal bus scan times up to 40mS. After switching to the other bus, the BSM normally stays
8-4 Genius t I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
If an operational bus cannot be found with one switch of the BSM, the BSM waits until
communication is restored on the connected bus, or until power is cycled. This prevents
unnecessary switching by the BSM when no communications are present. The BSM can
also be commanded to switch busses by the CPU or Hand-held Monitor. The CPU can
issue Switch BSM datagrams to the BSM controlling blocks periodically, so as to ensure
continued BSM operation. This would normally be a security exercise, performed
regularly, but infrequently. For debugging, or maintenance, the HHM can Force/Unforce
the BSM. Deenergized, the BSM connects the block(s) to bus A. The BSM is energized
only when selection of bus B is required. The LED on the Bus Switching Module lights
when bus B is active. It is normally off.
During normal operation, presence of the BSM is transparent to the blocks in its
downstream cluster. These blocks must be configured as “BSM Present” in order to prevent
them from defaulting outputs prematurely, while waiting for a bus switch to complete.
Bus A interfaces with the bus controller that is assigned Device Number 31. In this
example, bus B interfaces with another bus controller in the same PLC which is also
assigned Device Number 31.
Bus Bus
Controller Controller
(Device 31) (Device 31)
Bus A
Bus B
1 2 3 4A 4B
In this case, assigning Device Number 31 to both bus controllers is not a Device Number
conflict, because the bus controllers are never located on the same bus cable.
In this example, there are also two I/O blocks with the same device number (4). Device
Numbers 1, 2, and 3 must be reserved on BOTH Bus A and bus B for blocks 1, 2, and 3.
Block 4(A) uses Device Number 4 on bus A. Block 4(B) uses Device Number 4 on bus B.
Similarly for Device Number 31.
GEK-90486F-1 Chapter 8 Data Monitoring, Redundant Control, and Distributed Control 8-5
During normal operation, both bus A and bus B operate in the same way as a single bus.
This is shown by the following example:
H Blocks 1, 2, and 3 interface to the CPU via bus controller A or bus controller B,
depending on the position (bus selection) of the BSM.
H Block 4(A) interfaces to the CPU via bus controller A.
H Block 4(B) interfaces to the CPU via bus controller B.
Bus Bus
Controller Controller
(Device 31) (Device 31)
Bus A
Bus B
1 2 3 4A 4B
= selected bus
After powerup, blocks 1, 2, and 3 are connected to bus A. If bus controller A stops
communicating on bus A (through program action, a bus controller fault, or a cable break
or a loss of power), then:
H The BSM controller block (block #1 here) will detect the loss and switch the BSM,
thereby switching blocks 1, 2, and 3 from Bus A to Bus B.
H Bus controller B will interface blocks 1, 2, 3, and 4(B) to the CPU.
H Assuming the switchover was not caused by the application program itself, block
4(A), which is not connected in any way to bus B, will not be able to send new inputs
to the CPU. If there are outputs on the block, they will either Hold Last State, or go
to their pre–selected default states. Although communications have been
interrupted, the block is still receiving power, so any output devices that were ON or
that default to ON will continue to operate.
Bus Bus
Controller Controller
(Device 31) (Device 31)
Bus A
Bus B
1 2 3 4A 4B
= selected bus
8-6 Geniust I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
Bus Bus
Controller Controller
(Device 30) (Device 31)
Bus A Bus B
30 blocks total
If the same 16 blocks were distributed with 8 on each bus of the pair, then 22 blocks
could be interfaced through BSMs, for a total of 38 (30 on each bus).
Bus Bus
Controller Controller
(Device 30) (Device 31)
Bus A Bus B
38 blocks total
A combination of up to 30 BSMs with one block attached or Remote I/O Scanners could be
used on a dual bus. The number BSMs needed will depend on the locations of system
devices, and on the cable lengths within each cluster.
GEK-90486F-1 Chapter 8 Data Monitoring, Redundant Control, and Distributed Control 8-7
10’ 10’
For example, for a trunk cable 3000’ long, 20% of the trunk cable length is 600’. Therefore, 20’ of
bus stub cable can be located within any 600’ section of the bus.
The 20’ stub cable length can be divided into shorter stubs, provided that the total of the
stubs in each incremental section of the bus is 20’ or less.
For the same example, the maximum length of all stubs over any 600’ span of the serial bus is 20
feet. This could be two 10’ stubs with up to 8 blocks on each, or four 5’ stubs, with fewer blocks on
each. Additional BSMs and/or Remote I/O Scanners acting as BSMs can be located elsewhere on
the bus.
8-8 Genius t I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
CPU Redundancy
Two or more CPUs can be used to provide backup CPU and bus controller protection for
I/O devices on the bus.
Bus Bus
Controller Controller
(Device 31) (Device 30)
1 2 3 4 5 6
With CPU redundancy, all devices on the bus can receive outputs from (and
automatically send fault reports to) both CPUs. Two different modes of CPU redundancy
are supported, Hot Standby and Duplex. Selection of a redundancy type is made during
device configuration. Devices respond to outputs from the two controllers differently,
depending upon which CPU redundancy mode has been selected. Any block or I/O
Scanner which is to receive more than one set of outputs (per bus scan) must be set up in
a Redundant CPU mode.
GEK-90486F-1 Chapter 8 Data Monitoring, Redundant Control, and Distributed Control 8-9
On On Don’t Care On
Off On Off Off*
Off Off Don’t Care Off
On Off On On*
If either device 30 or 31 stops sending outputs to the block or I/O Scanner, outputs will
be directly controlled by the remaining device.
1 2 3 4 5
The Series 90-70 Bus Controller User’s Manual (GFK-0398) gives redundancy details for the
Series 90-70 PLC.
8-10 Geniust I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
GEK-90486F-1 Chapter 8 Data Monitoring, Redundant Control, and Distributed Control 8-11
PLC Computer
Bus Bus
Bus Bus Interface Interface
Controller Controller Module Module
Bus A
Bus B
8-12 Geniust I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
Bus A
Bus B
1 2 3 4A 4B
When bus redundancy and CPU redundancy are used together, I/O blocks and I/O
Scanners operate in the way explained earlier. Blocks and I/O Scanners will broadcast
inputs to their current bus once each bus scan. Any bus controller on the active bus will
receive these inputs. To determine the operation of outputs and to enable fault reporting
to both CPUs, all blocks and I/O Scanners on both busses must be configured for either
Duplex or Hot Standby CPU redundancy mode. Analog blocks must be configured for
Hot Standby mode. Blocks and I/O Scanners in each BSM cluster must also be
configured for bus redundancy. In the example shown above, both bus A and bus B
operate in the same way as a single bus, dual CPU system:
H Blocks 1, 2, and 3 interface to both CPUs via bus controllers 31(A) and 30(A) if the
BSM selection is bus A and via bus controllers 31(B) and 30(B) if the BSM selection is
bus B.
H Block 4(A) interfaces to both CPUs via bus controllers 31(A) and 30(A).
H Block 4(B) interfaces to both CPUs via bus controllers 31(B) and 30(B).
GEK-90486F-1 Chapter 8 Data Monitoring, Redundant Control, and Distributed Control 8-13
When redundant CPUs are used with redundant busses, both CPUs should interface to
both busses. Avoid setting up a configuration like the one shown below, where each CPU
is connected to only one of the dual busses, and the only link between the busses is via
the BSM.
Bus Bus
Controller Controller
Bus A
Bus B
8-14 Genius t I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
(Device 31)
Up to 29 Blocks
Bus 2
(Device 31)
Up to 29 Blocks
Bus 3
Up to 29 Blocks
The illustration shows a single bus cable between each master CPU and the shared
standby CPU. Dual bus cables could also be used.
The bus controller in each master CPU is configured to use Device Number 31. The bus
controllers in the standby CPU that are backing up these three busses are all configured
with the Device Number 30. There is no conflict in assigning all three bus controllers the
same Device Number, because each one is on its own bus. However, each bus controller
in the standby CPU would be configured with a different I/O reference address. If the
CPUs are Series Six PLCs, each shared bus should be assigned to a unique channel.
The shared standby CPU contains the combined logic of each of the master CPUs. Logic
memory size must therefore be taken into consideration. Although the standby CPU
contains the logic for each master, only the logic of the master(s) that are not operating
need be running in the standby CPU in real time. Execution time in the shared standby
CPU may also be different from each of the master CPUs, so applications requiring
synchronization of master and backup CPU execution require special consideration.
GEK-90486F-1 Chapter 8 Data Monitoring, Redundant Control, and Distributed Control 8-15
8-16 Geniust I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
Distributed Control
Distributed control means that two or more bus controllers send control outputs to
different I/O devices on the same bus. Ordinarily, these bus controllers would be in
different CPUs. With the Series 90-70 PLC, they may also be in the same CPU.
Diagnostics are only automatically sent from to the bus controller that is controlling its
outputs. The Assign Monitor datagram can be used to command devices on the bus to
also direct fault reports to a second bus controller.
This is not a type of redundancy. I/O devices on the bus are set up for CPU Redundancy
Mode = None, since each device is receiving outputs from only one bus controller.
Remember that all blocks on the bus broadcast inputs to all bus controllers automatically.
Communications from one CPU to another can also be accomplished using datagrams
and Global Data.
1 2 3 4 5 6
In the example above, the CPU on the left controls blocks 1 and 2 by enabling outputs to
them. Its bus controller has outputs disabled for blocks 3, 4, 5, and 6. The CPU in the
center controls the outputs on blocks 3 and 4 by enabling outputs to them. Its bus
controller has outputs disabled for blocks 1, 2, 5, and 6. The CPU on the right controls the
outputs on blocks 5 and 6 by enabling outputs to them. Its bus controller has outputs
disabled for blocks 1, 2, 3, and 4.
Note that these rules apply to all devices, even input–only blocks. The only way a block
can tell that its bus controller is on–line is to monitor the “output control data” message
from the bus controller. In the case of input–only blocks, this message does indeed exist
– it just contains no output data in the message, but does let the block know the bus
controller is present.
GEK-90486F-1 Chapter 8 Data Monitoring, Redundant Control, and Distributed Control 8-17
More complex systems can be set up, combining distributed control and data acquisition
on a Genius bus.
Genius LAN
Local I/O
8-18 Geniust I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
Chapter 9 Timing Considerations
9 section level 1 1
figure bi level 1
table_big level 1
on the bus.
Token Path
on the bus 0 16 23 31
GEK-90486F-1 9-1
50 4In/2 Out
45 Blocks
(6–180 I/O)
Scan 35 32 Circuit
Time DC blocks
(mSec) 30 (32–960 I/O)
8 Circuit
20 AC Blocks
8–240 I/O)
5 10 15 20 25 30
Tables in this chapter list the scan time contribution for each type of I/O block.
A C T V D E V I C E S = 7
S C A N T I M E = 1 0 m S
9-2 Genius t I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
9-4 Genius t I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
Contribution time in mS
at each baud rate
Device Type
153.6 Kb 153.6 Kb 76.8 Kb 38.4 Kb
std ext
8–ckt discrete block, inputs only 0.51 0.59 1.18 2.37
8–ckt discrete block, outputs/combination 0.58 0.66 1.32 2.65
16–ckt discrete block, inputs only 0.58 0.66 1.32 2.65
16–ckt discrete block, outputs/combination 0.73 0.80 1.61 3.23
Relay Output block 0.73 0.80 1.61 3.23
32–ckt discrete block, inputs only 0.73 0.80 1.61 3.23
32–ckt discrete block, outputs/combination 1.01 1.09 2.18 4.37
Analog, RTD, Thermocouple 1.30 1.37 2.75 5.51
High–speed Counter 2.88 2.96 5.91 11.82
PowerTRAC Module 3.30 3.38 6.76 13.52
Bus controller* 1.09 1.16 2.33 4.66
Hand-heldMonitor 0.23 0.30 0.61 1.23
Remote I/O Scanner (fully–loaded Map)*** 19.25 19.32 38.15 75.80
Unused Device Number 0.025 0.050 0.100 0.200
System Message** 1.93 1.93 3.86 7.72
* repeat this number for each bus controller on the bus. Assumes scan time >3mS.
** if the application program will include a normal priority Read Device or Write Device datagram
with more than 18 data field bytes, DO NOT include a System Message contribution in the
*** If the remote drop is not fully-loaded, see page 9-12 to calculate its scan time contribution.
A bus has a Series Six PLC Bus Controller (IC660CBB903) and a PCIM. However, the PCIM
acts strictly as a monitoring device, and does not send outputs to any blocks. The bus has
five 8-circuit discrete blocks (with both inputs and outputs), two 16-circuit inputs-only
discrete blocks, and one Hand-held Monitor. Baud rate is 153.6 Kbaud standard.
Contributiontime in mS at
each baud rate
Device Type 153.6 Kb 153.6 Kb 76.8 Kb 38.4 Kb
std ext
8–ckt discrete block, inputs only 0.73 0.81 1.61 3.23
8–ckt discrete block, outputs/combination 0.87 0.95 1.89 3.79
16–ckt discrete block, inputs only 0.80 0.88 1.75 3.51
16–ckt discrete block, outputs/combination 1.09 1.16 2.33 4.66
Relay Output block 1.09 1.16 2.33 4.66
32–ckt discrete block, inputs only 0.95 1.02 2.04 4.09
32–ckt discrete block, outputs/combination 1.51 1.59 3.18 6.37
4 In/2 Out Analog, Current-sourceAnalogI/O, Cur- 1.80 1.87 3.75 7.51
rent-source Analog Input, RTD, Thermocouple
Current–source Analog Output 2.37 2.44 4.90 9.80
High–speed Counter 3.24 3.32 6.63 13.25
PowerTRAC Module 3.66 3.74 7.48 14.95
Bus Controllers (both) 1.97 2.11 4.23 8.46
Hand-heldMonitor 0.46 0.60 1.22 2.46
Remote I/O Scanner (fully–loaded map)** 28.402 28.472 56.454 112.408
Unused Device Number 0.025 0.050 0.100 0.200
System Message* 1.93 1.93 3.86 7.72
* if the application program will include a Normal Priority Read Device or Write Device data-
gram with more than 18 data field bytes, DO NOT include a System Message contribution in
the total.
** If the remote drop is not fully-loaded, see page 9-12 to calculate its scan time contribution.
A redundant bus has ten 8-circuit discrete blocks (with both inputs and outputs). There
are two Bus Controllers with outputs enabled to the blocks, and one Hand-held Monitor.
The baud rate is 153.6 Kbaud extended.
9-6 Genius t I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
Scan Time Contributions for Devices on Bus with One Series Six PLC
Bus Controller (IC660CBB900 or CBB901)
The following table shows scan time contributions for devices on a bus with a Phase A
Series Six Bus Controller. These bus controllers, which are no longer available,
communicate only at 153.6 Kbaud standard.
A bus has one Series Six Bus Controller, IC660CBB901. There are five 8-circuit discrete
blocks (with both inputs and outputs), two 16-circuit inputs-only discrete blocks, and a
Hand-held Monitor. The table above shows the scan time contributions of each block,
each unused Device
To find the worst-case log-in contribution, select the number of bus controllers, then
multiply the log-in time shown by the number of devices that might log in simultaneously.
Example 1
A bus has two bus controllers and two Hand-held Monitors. Baud date is 153.6 Kbaud
standard. Because there are two bus controllers, each Hand-held Monitor requires two
log-in sequences, which may overlap. The table above shows that the log-in time for one
Hand-held Monitor with two bus controllers at 153.6 Kbaud is 2.36mS. This number is
doubled for two Hand-held Monitors. This maximum scan time contribution would only
occur if both Hand-held Monitors are switched on simultaneously.
Contribution for bus devices and system message (page 9-5) 9.19mS
Log-in time for 2 Hand-held Monitors 4.72mS
13.91mS total
Example 2
Four I/O blocks on a redundant bus are set up so that they may be removed and
reconnected as a group; their log-in times are included in the scan time estimate. Log-in
time for the Hand-held Monitors is also included for this example. Each block and
Hand-held Monitor requires a log-in sequence for each of the two bus controllers. The
log-in time for one block with two bus controllers at 153.6 Kbaud extended is 2.36mS. This
number is multiplied by 5, for 4 blocks plus 1 Hand-held Monitor. This is a worst-case scan
time. It is unlikely that all four blocks and the Hand-held Monitor would log onto the bus
during the same scan.
Contribution for bus devices and system message (page 9-6) 15.05mS
Log-in time for 2 Hand-held Monitors 11.80mS
26.85mS total
9-8 Geniust I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
If the actual Global Data message length is not known, allow the maximum size (128
bytes + 2 bytes) for each Global Data message. Multiply the total Global Data length by
one of the transmission rates shown on the next page to get the scan time contribution.
Datagram Type Message System Total Datagram Type Message System Total
Length Adds Length Length Adds Length
Read Diagnos. Reply 3–18 9 12–27 Read Data Reply 3–6 9 12–15
If two bus controllers each send one 10-byte priority datagram, and a third bus controller
sends one 60-byte normal priority datagram, the total size in bytes would be:
The length of the normal priority datagram is included in the total because it exceeds the
System Message allowance of one 27-byte normal priority datagram.
9-10 Genius t I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
This example estimates the total scan time for a non-redundant bus that uses programmed
communications. The bus has eleven devices: one bus controller, one PCIM with its outputs
disabled (acting as a monitoring device), six 32-circuit discrete blocks (four of these are set
up as I/O blocks; the other two have inputs only), two 4 Input/2 Output Analog blocks, and
one Hand-held Monitor. Baud rate on the bus is 153.6 Kbaud extended.
Global Data:
The Bus Controller sends 20 bytes of Global data:
(20 + 2) x 0.0715mS 1.57mS
The PCIM sends 30 bytes of Global Data:
(30 + 2) x 0.0715mS 2.29mS
18.63mS typical scan time
The bus controller sends a 10-byte High
Priority Datagram to the PCIM:
(10 + 9) x 0.715mS 1.36mS
After finding the total bytes, substitute it in the formula below that corresponds to the
bus baud rate.
Formula for 153.6 Kbaud Standard:
0.943mS + (0.0715 x total bytes) = ______ mS
Enter the number of mS in the worksheet, on the line beside the Device Number used
by the Remote I/O Scanner.
9-12 Geniust I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
CPU I/O Block
a a a a
Program Input Input Filtered
S Table Buffer Inputs
' Output
Table ' ' Output
Buffer ' Outputs
For a discrete input that is tied (in the program) to an output on the same block, the
response time is the sum of:
H An input’s configured Input Filter Time.
H The total input sampling time.
H The total bus scan time.
H The total execution time of the application program (CPU sweep time).
Because these activities are not synchronized, more than one input sampling period, bus
scan, and program execution cycle may occur during the input to output response time.
The worst-case turnaround time can be estimated by calculating:
On busses using optional high-priority datagram communications, I/O
response times may be unpredictable.
Each type of block has a default filter time, and a range of other filter times that can be
selected as part of the block’s configuration.
16CktSource/Sink 3.33
32CktSource/Sink 1.0
If a discrete input changes state just before being sampled, the block detects the changed
state almost immediately. However, if an input changes state just after being sampled,
the block does not detect the change for almost one sampling period. Therefore, an
input must stay in any state for at least one sampling period for the block to recognize
the change of state.
9-14 Geniust I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
9-16 Geniust I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
Chapter 10 Troubleshooting
10 section level 1 1
figure bi level 1
table_big level 1
Replacement Modules
When a problem arises, isolate it to the major assembly then to the defective module
within that assembly. If necessary, replace the defective module. If you keep duplicate
modules on hand, your production line or system will be back up fast. You will be able to
return a defective module through normal channels under warranty or for service
without keeping your production line or system down for an extended period of time.
To Begin:
1. Check the operating mode of the CPU and, if appropriate, the programmer.
2. Check the status LEDs on the CPU.
h If all the CPU status LEDs are not on, refer to the documentation for your CPU.
h If all the CPU status LEDs are on but either of the bus controller LEDs is not,
refer to the information in this chapter.
h If all the CPU and bus controller status LEDs are on, check cabling then proceed
to I/O block troubleshooting.
GEK-90486F-1 10-1
Checking Cabling
During installation, it is important to be sure that all cables are connected to the proper
terminals and are secure. Limitations of distance and use of proper cable types between
system components should be followed. Otherwise, unpredictable problems may occur.
If it is ever necessary to replace any of the communications cable, or to add cable to an
existing bus (for example, to add another block), the cable must be the same type used
for the rest of the bus. If cable is added to a bus, it must not exceed the maximum length
permitted for that cable type. Correct termination must be reverified.
10-2 Genius t I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
5. There are no functioning circuits on one bus, but other busses are operating
h See if the bus controller has its Outputs Disabled. This selectable feature allows a
bus controller to receive inputs, but not to send outputs to blocks on the bus.
h Check to see if the bus controller is properly installed, seated properly, and
receiving power.
h Check for loose or broken bus cable.
h If necessary, replace the bus controller.
6. There are no functioning circuits on more than one bus.
Please refer to the documentation for the PLC or computer for troubleshooting
7. The CPU system shuts down with parity errors after operating for a short time, or
after changing the system configuration.
h There may be duplicate or overlapping I/O references coming from different
h Unplug one bus controller, refer to the configuration worksheets, and use the
HHM to read I/O reference numbers. If necessary, check other buses the same
8. Communications on the bus are intermittent or lacking.
h This may be caused by mixed baud rates. To check this, power up blocks one at a
time and look at their respective baud rates using HHM. If you find different
baud rates, they must be changed. All devices on the bus must use the same
baud rate. Any change to baud rate in block will not take effect until block power is
h If the bus includes older Phase A devices, check for duplicate Block Numbers.
Power devices up one at a time and confirm Block Numbers using the HHM.
h The terminating resistors on the bus may be missing or incorrectly chosen or
placed. Check terminators at ends of the bus for correct resistance value; BSM
cluster “stubs” should not be terminated.
h The cable may be too long. Shorten the cable or configure all devices on the bus
to use a lower baud rate.
h Wires may be open, shorted, or reversed. Check all bus electrical connections
9. The COMM OK light on the bus controller blinks excessively, and/or there are
propagation delays on the bus, and/or the bus is operating, but the HHM and/or
CPU repeatedly receive Addition of Block or Loss of Block diagnostics.
There is excessive ambient noise on the bus. This can be corrected by lowering the
baud rate, re-routing the communications cable, or shielding the source of the
electrical noise. The proper solution to these problems will depend on the
10-4 Genius t I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
10-6 Genius t I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
6. The HHM does not let you do one of the following: configure an I/O block, clear
faults, or force I/O.
h The HHM may not be configured to use all of those features. In Monitor mode,
the HHM can monitor bus and block data. It may also perform these
configurable functions:
H changing block configuration
H forcing I/O data
H clearing block faults
h With the keyswitch in CFG position, the functions allowed by the HHM can be
changed. For more information, see the Hand-held Monitor Datasheet.
7. The HHM displays a LOW BATTERY message.
A barred line indicates that the HHM has locked up. The only key that functions is
the ON/OFF power key. Recharge the battery pack for 8 hours. It may be necessary to
remove the battery pack for 15 seconds and then reinstall in the HHM before power on may be
The HHM will now operate as long as the adapter/charger is connected.
One fully charged pack provides 6 hours of operation. Since it takes six hours to fully
charge the battery pack, a spare battery pack (part number IC660MBP500) allows
the HHM to be used while another battery pack is being charged. The battery pack
in the bottom of the HHM can be replaced by using a Phillips screwdriver (size 0 or
1) to release the battery pack retaining screw. After the screw is released, slide the
discharged battery pack from the bottom of the HHM, insert the charged unit, and
retighten the screw.
8. The HHM screen shows all warning messages.
h Power the HHM OFF/ON without any cable attached (including its own cord),
or attached to a correctly terminated bus.
h Loosen the battery pack retaining screw, pull the Battery Pack out, wait 15
seconds and push it back in, and retighten the screw.
If the HHM still does not function, return it to the factory for service.
9. The screen shows HHM diagnostic error messages.
h Press the Clear key. If the HHM does not function, refer to the list of error
messages in the Hand-held Monitor Datasheet.
h Loosen the battery pack retaining screw, pull the Battery Pack out, wait 15
seconds and push it back in, and tighten the screw. If the HHM still does not
function, return it to the factory for service.
A figure_ap level 1
figure bi level 1
level 1 level 1
figure_ap level 1
table_ap level 1
1. Genius products that offer major enhancements to the original Phase A products.
These enhancements include:
H Selectable baud rates and the ability to use longer communications cables.
H Compatibility with other types of programmable controller and computer CPUs.
H CPU and cable redundancy.
H Datagram and Global Data Communications.
2. Some new Genius products for which no phase A equivalents exist.
Many Phase B products replace equivalent Phase A products which are no longer
GEK-90486F-1 A-1
The catalog numbers below identify Phase A Genius I/O products. These products have
been replaced by the Phase B products listed on the following pages.
IC660CBB900 Bus Controller with Diagnostics for Series Six PLC GEK-90537
IC660FPB900 Faceplate for CBB900
IC660CBB901 Bus Controller without Diagnostics for Series Six PLC GEK-90537
IC660FPB901 Faceplate for CBB901
IC660HHM500 Hand-heldMonitor GEK-90538
* The catalog number for an I/O block includes both a Terminal Assembly and an Electronics
Assembly, which may also be ordered separately.
A-2 Geniust I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
IC660CBB902 Bus Controller with Diagnostics for Series Six PLC: GFK-0025
board and faceplate
IC660CBB903 Bus Controller without Diagnostics for Series Six PLC: GFK-0025
board and faceplate
IC660HHM501 Hand-heldMonitor GFK-0121
* The catalog number for an I/O block includes both a Terminal Assembly and an Electronics
Assembly, which may also be ordered separately.
* The catalog number for the block includes both a Terminal Assembly and an Electronics
Assembly, which may also be ordered separately.
A-4 Geniust I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
* The catalog number for the block includes both a Terminal Assembly and an Electronics
Assembly, which may also be ordered separately.
Catalog ProductDescription
IC660MLD100 50 printed 2-label sets for 115VAC 8 Ckt Grouped I/O block
IC660MLS100 50 printed 2-label sets for 115VAC/125VDCIsolatedI/Oblock
IC660MLD110 50 printed 2-label sets for 115VAC 16 Ckt Input block
IC660MLR101 50 printed 2-label sets for Relay block, Normally-open
IC660MLR100 50 printed 2-label sets for Relay block, Normally-closed
IC660MLD020 50 printed 2-label sets for 16 Ckt DC Source block
IC660MLD021 50 printed 2-label sets for 16 Ckt DC Sink block
IC660MLD022 50 printed 2-label sets for 24VDC 16 Ckt Source block
IC660MLD023 50 printed 2-label sets for 24VDC 16 Ckt Sink block
IC660MLD024 50 printed 2-label sets for 32 Ckt DC Source block
IC660MLD025 50 printed 2-label sets for 32 Ckt DC Sink block
IC660MLA020 50 printed 2-label sets for DC Analog block
IC660MLA100 50 printed 2-label sets for AC Analog block
IC660MlA021 50 printed 2-label sets for DC RTD Input block
IC660MLA101 50 printed 2-label sets for AC RTD Input block
IC660MLA023 50 printed 2-label sets for DC Thermocouple Input block
IC660MLA103 50 printed 2-label sets for AC Thermocouple Input block
IC660MLA024 50 printed 2-label sets for DC Current-sourceAnalogI/Oblock
IC660MLA104 50 printed 2-label sets for AC Current-sourceAnalogI/Oblock
IC660MLA025 50 printed 2-label sets for DC Current-source Analog Output block
IC660MLA105 50 printed 2-label sets for AC Current-source Analog Output block
IC660MLA026 50 printed 2-label sets for DC Current-source Analog Input block
IC660MLA106 50 printed 2-label sets for AC Current-source Analog Input block
IC660MLD120 50 printed 2-label sets for High-speed Counter block
Catalog ProductDescription
Product Compatibility
(2) Compatible with a Hand-held Monitor identified by catalog number IC660HHM500 or 501. HHM501 is required to use all
Phase B features.
A-8 Genius t I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
(2) Compatible with a Hand-held Monitor identified by catalog number IC660HHM500 or 501. HHM501 is required to use all
Phase B features.
115VAC/125VDCCurrent- Phase B. For Series 90-70, must be rel. 2 bus HHM501E, firmware version 3.7, or later.
source Analog I/O Block controller (IC697BEM731C or later)
24/48VDCCurrent-source Phase B. For Series 90-70, must be rel. 2 bus HHM501G, firmware version 4.0, or later. Re-
Analog Output Block controller (IC697BEM731C or later) quires LM90 Rel. 3 or later
115VAC/125VDCCurrent- Phase B. For Series 90-70, must be rel. 2 bus HHM501G, firmware version 4.0, or later. Re-
source Analog Output Block controller (IC697BEM731C or later) quires LM90 Rel. 3 or later
24/48VDCCurrent-source Phase B. For Series 90-70, must be rel. 2 bus HHM501H, firmware version 4.5, or later. Re-
Analog Input Block controller (IC697BEM731C or later) quires LM90 Rel. 3 or later
115VAC/125VDCCurrent- Phase B. For Series 90-70, must be rel. 2 bus HHM501H, firmware version 4.5, or later. Re-
source Analog Input Block controller (IC697BEM731C or later) quires LM90 Rel. 3 or later
24/48VDCThermocouple In- Phase B. For Series 90-70, must be rel. 2 bus HHM501D, firmware version 3.5, or later.
put Block (IC660BBA023) controller (IC697BEM731C or later)
115VAC/125VDCThermocou- Phase B. For Series 90-70, must be rel. 2 bus HHM501D, firmware version 3.5 or later.
ple Input Block controller (IC697BEM731C or later)
High–speed Counter Block Phase B. For Series 90-70, must be rel. 2 bus HHM501D, firmware version 3.5, or later is re-
IC660BBD120 controller (IC697BEM731C or later) quired for block support. HHM501G, firmware
version 4.0, or later is required for full support
of all block features.
PowerTRAC Block Phase B. For Series 90-70, must be rel. 2 bus HHM501F, firmware version 3.8 or later.
IC660BPM100 controller (IC697BEM731C or later)
A-10 Genius t I/O System and Communications User’s Manual – November 1994 GEK-90486F-1
scan, 1-15
A surge suppression, 2-9
Accessories, catalog numbers, A-6 termination, 1-13 , 2-6
type, 1-13
Analog blocks using other cable types, 2-3
catalog numbers, A-2 , A-3 , A-5
compatibility, A-9 , A-10 Bus and CPU redundancy, 8-13
configuration data, 4-7 Bus controller
diagnostics data, 5-4 description of operation, 1-2 , 1-16
I/O data, 6-2 for computer, 1-2
publication numbers, A-2 , A-3 , A-5 LEDs are off, 10-2
not communicating, 10-2
Assign 29 to Hot Standby datagram, 3-2 ,
3-46 operation, 1-17
redundancy, 8-3
Assign Monitor datagram, 3-2 , 3-12 , 8-2 , Series 90-70
8-11 catalog numbers, A-4
Assigned monitor, not receiving fault re- compatibility, A-8
ports, 10-5 publications, A-4
Series 90-30
catalog numbers, A-4
B compatibility, A-8
publications, A-4
Battery charger, catalog number, A-6 Series Five, compatibility, A-8
Series Six
Battery pack, catalog number, A-6 catalog numbers, A-2 , A-3
Baud rate compatibility, A-8
affect on bus scan time, 9-1 configuration data, 4-32
identifying in Read ID datagram, 3-10 publications, A-2 , A-3
mixed on bus, disrupting communica- Bus Interface Unit, 1-11
tions, 10-3
selection guidelines, 2-4 Bus scan time, 9-1 , 9-15
contribution for datagrams, 9-9
Begin/EndPacket Sequence datagrams, contribution for devices on bus, 9-2 , 9-5
3-2 , 3-13 , 4-7 , 9-6 , 9-7
Block not working, 10-4 contribution for Global Data, 9-9
contribution for remote drop, 9-12
BSM. See Bus Switching Module
displayed on HHM, 9-2
Bus, 1-1 , 1-13 estimating, 9-3
ambient specifications, 2-9 relation to program execution, 9-16
baud rate, 1-13 , 2-4
Bus stub lengths and locations, 8-8
cable characteristics, 2-3
cable types, 2-2 Bus Switching Module, 8-4
connecting devices, 2-5 BSM controller block types, 8-4
connectors, 2-8 BSM Switch command fails, 10-5
data encoding, 1-13 catalog number, A-4
description, 2-1 compatibility, A-8
dual, 2-9 does not switch, 10-5
length, 1-13 , 2-4 publication number, A-4
lightning transients, 2-9 Switch BSM datagram, 3-2 , 3-29
noise, effect on data, 2-9
not operating, 10-3
outdoors, 2-9 C
prefabricated cables, terminated, 2-3
redundancy, 8-3 Cable types, 2-2
removing during operation, 2-8 Cables, catalog numbers, A-6
GEK-90486F-1 Index-1
Index-2 GEK-90486F-1
F Hand-held Monitor
catalog numbers, A-2 , A-3 , A-4
Faults, false I/O, 10-4
compatibility, A-8 , A-9 , A-10
Fiber optics, 2-9 , 2-10 , 2-12 description, 1-4
Field Control, 1-11 device number (serial bus address), 1-17
GEK-90486F-1 Index-3
N Read Block I/O data, 6-1
Read Block I/O datagram, 3-2 , 3-16 , 6-1 ,
Noise on bus, 10-3 8-2
Index-4 GEK-90486F-1
Read Block I/O Reply datagram, 3-2 , 3-16 contribution for devices on bus, 9-2 , 9-5
, 9-6 , 9-7
Read Configuration datagram, 3-2 , 3-11 ,
contribution for Global Data, 9-9
contribution for remote drop, 9-12
Read Configuration Reply datagram, 3-2 , displayed on HHM, 9-2
3-11 related to baud rate, 9-1
Read Data datagram, 3-2 , 3-43 related to program execution, 9-16
to estimate, 9-3
Read Data Reply datagram, 3-2 , 3-43
Serial bus, description, 2-1
Read Device datagram, 3-2 , 3-30 , 7-14
Serial Bus Address. See Device number
Read Device Reply datagram, 3-2 , 3-39
Series 90-30 PLC, Global Data operation,
Read Diagnostics datagram, 3-2 , 3-14 7-5
Read Diagnostics Reply datagram, 3-2 , Series 90-70 PLC
3-14 , 5-1 bus controller diagnostics data, 5-9
Read ID datagram, 3-8 Global Data operation, 7-3
Global Data programming, 7-2
Read ID Reply datagram, 3-2
receives Global Data from GCM+, 7-6
Read Map datagram, 3-2 , 3-45 Remote I/O Scanner, 1-10
Read Map Reply datagram, 3-2 , 3-45 Series Five PLC
Receiving datagrams, 3-6 datagrams, 3-7
Global Data operation, 7-11
Redundant control, 8-1 Global Data programming, 7-2
Redundant CPUs, synchronizing, 8-11 receives Global Data from GCM+, 7-6
Remote drop, 9-12 Series Six PLC
address in Read ID Reply datagram,
Remote I/O Scanner, 1-10 , 1-19 , 9-12 3-10
compatibility, A-8 bus controller diagnostics data, 5-7
Report Fault data datagrams, 3-7
analog block, 3-20 Global Data operation, 7-9
block fault, 3-18 Global Data programming, 7-2
discrete block, 3-19 receives Global Data from GCM+, 7-6
GENA device, 3-22 Service, phone number for, 10-1
High-speed Counter, 3-19
RTD block, 3-21 Signal wiring, 2-1
Series 90-70 Remote I/O Scanner, 3-23 , Signal/noise ratio, bus, 1-13
Standby CPU, 8-15
Thermocouple block, 3-21
Star configurations, 2-5
Report Fault datagram, 3-2 , 3-17 , 5-1 , 8-2
, 8-11 Subfunction code, 3-2
RTD blocks Surge suppressors, 2-9
catalog numbers, A-5 Switch BSM datagram, 3-2 , 3-29
compatibility, A-10
configuration data, 4-19 Synchronizing Dual CPUs, 8-11
diagnostics data, 5-4
publications, A-5
T configurations, 2-5
Terminal Assembly
Scan time, 9-1 , 9-15 block, description, 1-6
contribution for datagrams, 9-9 catalog numbers, A-2 , A-3 , A-4 , A-5
GEK-90486F-1 Index-5
Index-6 GEK-90486F-1