Kaiser Permanente is nationally recognized for its achievements in the realm of equity, inclusion, and
diversity. How will you contribute to the diversity of the Kaiser Permanente Bernard J. Tyson School of
Diversity, in plain context , usually applies to the variation between different people. In contrast,
Diversity, for me, will never be limited to the variation between people, it will always be a holistic
concept that captures the differences in culture, traditions, personality, background, status, belief,
experiences and ability to connect with others. It is important for a medical service provider to
recognized these differences well ,because these differences open various doors for improvement, it
develops our ability to connect and understand our patients, it diminishes the barriers that society
created and will help us acknowledge the potential in everyone . We can always provide the same health
and medical services regardless of biases, no matter where we are or who we serve. Recognizing my
privilege and my limitations as a student, as well as a person and a part of the minority in the medical
field is a window to varying perspectives and comprehensive learning within the institution. My goal is
to spread the advocacy that promotes patient -centered medical care, in order to accommodate every
individual that requires medical attention. We must always view these people as patients, not as
someone poor , a minority , a person of colour ,or a man or woman. As a citizen of our proud country,
the Philippines, known for our undying patience, understanding and hard work. I can guarantee that my
contribution in your institution will be significant in building the future of medical service.
Lifelong learning is an essential process for continued professional development in physicians that
includes reflection and being open and responsive to constructive feedbacks. Tell us about an area of
intellectual exploration you are passionate about and have sustained over time. What means have
you used to explore this area?
I was very passionate in writing. I wanted to write novels that revolves in the medical field. In order to
sustain my passion, I continued to read various published books fresh from the shelves , I wanted to
exercise my reading capacities which will also be an advantage when I become a med student. Although
writing is one of passions, it is only a fraction of my dreams. Many will be watching my every step , trying
to find scraps of negativity that they can throw at my skills in writing , but I’ll continue to learn and learn
and learn because I am positive that I will be able to contribute in the society in the near future .
Please describe how you have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. ( optional )
The pandemic literally stopped everything in the world , the movement was minute and very limited.
We as student or future student are currently struggling to adjust in the New Normal phase of our
planet . COVID-19 brought thousand of unemployment and poverty in my country. Without anything
ahead of me , I took the opportunity to continue and work even harder now that the demand for
medical professional are high and are badly needed by the society .
Physicians dedicate their daily lives primarily in saving lives, bettering lives and welcoming live. When I
envision the role of physicians in public health, I see significance not only in health care, but also in other
aspects of life. Physicians provides care that extends even outside the hospital grounds. The service that
the patients receives touches certain parts of their lives in many ways. Physicians understands the
conditions of the environment where his/her patients live their everyday life, these conditions are one
of the reasons why public health is a very important, it widens the growing social, economic and
environment awareness in the medical field. The recognition of these situations helps the physician in
maximizing the aid he / she can provide for the patient.
Describe a situation in which you didn’t get something you felt you deserve.
I may have regrets in the past, but I believe nothing falls according to plan, we make our own path to
our future. There have been times when I feel disappointed about the world. Common circumstances in
the academe like receiving negative remarks amidst the effort and commitment invested on a certain
task really makes me feel very disappointed with myself. I think that these situations can also be
observed in other sectors or even inside a household. It is important that we take account of the efforts
of other people and consider that we should be liable for the statements we give. From those situations,
I learned that there’s still a huge part of me that I can improve further.
One of the greatest art man ever invented are movies. I’ve been pretty occupied with the preparations I
need for med school and movies really ease my anxieties and melts my worries. Watching the movies I
love really gives me peace and serotonin.
I would probably call me Koa, short for Koala. I sleep a lot, like koalas do. I believe that sleep is an
essential hobby because it gives your brain a time to rest and recuperate.
If you had enormous wealth, how would you allocate your charitable donations?
To begin with, possessing massive amount of wealth will definitely be a gift to be shared. I would
allocate these possessions as donation for the funding of Bantay Bata 163, a foundation that caters
children who mostly needs attention and care , because just like everybody else , these children
deserves to pursue their ambitions in life and they need all the assistance they can have. For the future
of science and future of the society.
Secondary Application
What makes Loma Linda University School of Medicine (LLUSM) particularly attractive to you?
Loma Linda University School of Medicine particularly invests their efforts towards the greater good. As
a future medical practitioner, I believe that possessing both intelligence and faith will lead me to the
right path and will challenge me to pursue the calls of moral obligations of my future profession. The
best way to serve the people is to connect with them not only physically but also on a spiritual level,
nurturing their souls as well as maintaining the health of their physical body. I wanted to strengthen the
connection between medical practices and faith, some may say that science and religion are two
different ideologies. but in my own perspective, these ideologies are gearing towards the same goal
which is to save lives, bettering lives and welcoming lives. It is my goal to advocate patient-centered
medical care parallel to LLUSM’s mission to provide service and whole person care. Going beyond
healing the body is one of the most inspiring ideology I’ve linked myself into. These characteristics are
just some of the reason why I choose LLUSM and I am very excited to be a part of your institution.
Beside the fact that LLUSM is one of the most renowned Medical School. LLUSM is one of the few
institutions with very progressive alumni association , the drives and projects of the association , in line
with the mission of LLUSM , saved thousands of life from suffering . The recent COVID-19 response of
the alumni was very inspiring. Amidst the instability during this pandemic, the members of the
institution including the students, alumni, professors and researchers continue to manifest their mission
in healing people and reaching the world. Volunteering for missions was the evinced the selflessness of
The Lord spreading His apostles shared to the medical practitioners who are the current healers of the
One of the notable attributes I possess is resiliency, faith and strong driving force. These two attributes
are embed in my personality as a Filipino. Given the chance, I would like to really pursue medicine in
your institution for the same reason stated beforehand. My goal is to help as many as I can , given that I
became a physician , giving alms to those who are in most need will definitely be my priority . Having me
as a student will increase the diversity inside the class and will elicit more comprehensive learning and I
will be able to contribute through my perspectives.
Identify experiences in your life that illustrates your service.
Small achievements like successful volunteering services inside our community. Participating in feeding
programs , I recall one account where my motivation in providing service to the community ,was seeing
the hope in the eyes of the children lining up to get their foods, some of them told me that they also
want to be a doctor someday . In that moment , I realized that the Lord was giving me signs to attend to
my call in life . Now preparing for med school in order to survive and be able to touch numerous lives
when I successfully pursued medicine.
Discuss how your spiritual origins, development and experiments have influenced and been
integrated into your daily life
My faith was challenged back in the past, during the times I feel lost and was unaware of how my life
will turn out in the future, the stress just keeps building up inside me as I deal with academic
requirements and personal problems day and night. As cliché as it may sound , I felt the urged to
redirect my life when my mother , as a doctor , told me that doctors like her are like the gifted apostles ,
possess the gift of saving lives , by then , I realized that many individuals are in need , waiting for healing
and comfort from the pain brought by the world.
If you have already graduated , describe your activities since graduation and your planned activities
prior to matriculation into medical school
After graduation I was in constant confusion of the things that I really want to do and I’ve decide to
prepare for med school . I’m currently applying for med proper studies and was also planning on looking
for a part time job in order to provide things for myself specially when I start Medical Proper courses.
Explain any impact that COVID-19 may have had on your educational, research , volunteering or
employment plans.
The pandemic literally stopped everything in the world , the movement was minute and very limited.
We as student or future student are currently struggling to adjust in the New Normal phase of our
planet . COVID-19 brought thousand of unemployment and poverty in my country. Without anything
ahead of me , I took the opportunity to continue and work even harder now that the demand for
medical professional are high and are badly needed by the society .
Please describe your current involvement or reason for not being involved with a church or religious
I was once an active member of the church , but due to some personal matter and circumstances , my
activity was a little less aggressive this time . The church helped me a lot during the times that I’m in
doubt with everything and I’ll continue to worship where ever or whenever because He listens to
everyone who calls Him .
As a Christian educational institution the medical curriculum integrates a spiritual, ethical and
relational issues form a Christian perspective into practice of medicine. Weekly chapel and religion
cources are part of this program .Please respond to the above as it relates to your personal education
and career goals .
Loona Linda University is a Seventh-day Adventist institution that has lifestyle expectations that
include abstinence from alcohol, nicotine, cannabinoid, andillicit drug/substances in all forms .
Describe any use of these substances with in the past year.
I never used any of the substances mentioned. Due to the lockdowns imposed I barely even leave the
house . As an applying student I am more than willing to comply with the lifestyle expectations of the
institutions ,I can also guarantee that I am not interested in using any of those substances by any chance
. I must take care of my health in order to render d=service to my future patients.