Phishing Website Detection by Machine Learning Techniques Presentation

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• Phishing is the most commonly used social engineering and cyber attack.
• Through such attacks, the phisher targets naïve online users by tricking them into
revealing confidential information, with the purpose of using it fraudulently.
• In order to avoid getting phished,
• users should have awareness of phishing websites.
• have a blacklist of phishing websites which requires the knowledge of website being detected
as phishing.
• detect them in their early appearance, using machine learning and deep neural network
• Of the above three, the machine learning based method is proven to be most
effective than the other methods.
• Even then, online users are still being trapped into revealing sensitive information in
phishing websites.

A phishing website is a common social engineering method that mimics

trustful uniform resource locators (URLs) and webpages. The objective of this
project is to train machine learning models and deep neural nets on the dataset
created to predict phishing websites. Both phishing and benign URLs of websites
are gathered to form a dataset and from them required URL and website
content-based features are extracted. The performance level of each model is
measures and compared.
Below mentioned are the steps involved in the completion of this project:
• Collect dataset containing phishing and legitimate websites from the open source platforms.
• Write a code to extract the required features from the URL database.
• Analyze and preprocess the dataset by using EDA techniques.
• Divide the dataset into training and testing sets.
• Run selected machine learning and deep neural network algorithms like SVM, Random Forest,
Autoencoder on the dataset.
• Write a code for displaying the evaluation result considering accuracy metrics.
• Compare the obtained results for trained models and specify which is better.
• Legitimate
URLs are collected from the dataset provided by University of
New Brunswick,
• From the collection, 5000 URLs are randomly picked.
• Phishing URLs are collected from opensource service called PhishTank . This
service provide a set of phishing URLs in multiple formats like csv, json etc.
that gets updated hourly.
• Form the obtained collection, 5000 URLs are randomly picked.
• The following category of features are selected:
• Address Bar based Features
• Domain based Features
• HTML & Javascript based Feature
• Address Bar based Features considered are:
• Domian of URL • Redirection ‘//’ in URL
• IP Address in URL • ‘http/https’ in Domain name
• ‘@’ Symbol in URL • Using URL Shortening Service
• Length of URL • Prefix or Suffix "-" in Domain
• Depth of URL
• Domain based Features considered are:
• DNS Record • Age of Domain
• Website Traffic • End Period of Domain

• HTML and JavaScript based Features considered are:

• Iframe Redirection • Disabling Right Click
• Status Bar Customization • Website Forwarding

• All together 17 features are extracted from the dataset.

• This is a supervised machine learning task. There are two major types of supervised
machine learning problems, called classification and regression.
• This data set comes under classification problem, as the input URL is classified as
phishing (1) or legitimate (0). The machine learning models (classification) considered
to train the dataset in this notebook are:
• Decision Tree
• Random Forest
• Multilayer Perceptrons
• XGBoost
• Autoencoder Neural Network
• Support Vector Machines
• The models are evaluated, and the considered metric is accuracy.
• Below Figure shows the training and test dataset accuracy by the respective models:

• For the above it is clear that the XGBoost model gives better performance. The model is
saved for further usage.
• Working on this project is very knowledgeable and worth the effort.
• Through this project, one can know a lot about the phishing websites and how
they are differentiated from legitimate ones.
• This project can be taken further by creating a browser extensions of
developing a GUI.
• These should classify the inputted URL to legitimate or phishing with the use of
the saved model.
Thank You…..

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