Chapter-2 Indicators of Growth & Development: Topics
Chapter-2 Indicators of Growth & Development: Topics
Chapter-2 Indicators of Growth & Development: Topics
8155079728 XII-GSEB-ECO-CH-2
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Santosh Naiker-Mo. 8155079728 XII-GSEB-ECO-CH-2
(1) Development is a multi dimensional process. Who has given this statement?
(a) Todaro (b) Kindleberger (c) Marshall (d) Machlup
(3) What was India's ranking in the world according to the Human Development
Index in 2014?
(a) 127 (b) 128 (c) 129 (d) 130
(4) What was the per capita income of India in US dollars according to the
Human Development Report of 2014?
(a) 7110 (b) 7068 (c) 480 (d) 5497
(6) What is the maximum value of Physical Quality of Life Index (PQLI)
(a) less than 100 (b) more than 100 (c) 100 (d) zero
(8) Generally which countries are related with the concept of economic growth?
(a) Developed (b)Developing (c) Backward countries (d) Third world countries
(10) ...... was first in Human Development Index according to 2014 report.
(a) Japan (b) Norway (c) America (d) India
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(10) What does high per capita income indicate
Ans.High per capita income indicate rate of growth high,it can be said that
development has taken place.
(1) State the limitations of National Income as an indicator.
Ans.There are some limitations in acceptingnational income as an indicator of
economic development. Theyare as follows :
(1) Difficulty in Calculating the True National Income : The following points
make it difficult to know the true national income.
Double counting, products for selfconsumption
difficulties in calculating depreciation
illegal income
tax avoidance
tax evasion
barter transaction
employment of persons in more than one occupation etc.
(2) Population:
National income is not an indicator of development.
We have to know the extentof population.
If therate of growth of national income is lesser than the rate of growth of
population, then there is very less development.
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Just like national income,
In the same way whether per capitaincome should be at current price
or constant price make it difficult toknow the real situation.
(1) What is Physical Quality of Life? What are the aspects included in it ?
Ans.Consumption standards and standard of living isknown as Physical Quality of
life Index.The composition ofgoods and services consumed by an individual
during a period of one year determines the physicalquality of life. The following
are determinants included in the list of goods and services :
(1) Food (Calories, proteins - fats) proportion
(2) Health and medical services (of doctor to population)
(3) Housing and clothing (number of houses, average number of people living in each
(4) Education and entertainment (percentage of population getting primary
secondary education, TV, theatre etc.)
(5) Transport, communication and information services (the extent of road,
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railway lines, number of telephones per capita)
(6) Energy (per capita energy consumption)
(7) Population having access to pure drinking water
(8) Average life expectancy
(9) Infant mortality rate
(10) Drainage facility
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ignoring that isnot possible.
(6) The PQLI of rich countries rise at a slower rate because average life cannot
increase beyond a particular limit.
(6) The concept of development is broad. (6) The concept of growth is narrow.
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Literacy level of the country Number of years a child is The number of infants
determines situation of expected to live at the time die out of every 1000
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education. The percentage of birth is known before completing their
of population educated out as life expectancy. It shows year is known as infant
of the total population the average life. If life mortality. If infant
determines the extent expectancy rises it can be rate falls, it can be said
of education said that the medical service health care services of
of the country is good. country is good.
(3) What are the factors included in the human development index?
Explain them.
Ans.Three factors alone are considered while preparing HDI to make it simple and
easy. Instead of absolute values, average of all the three values are prepared : (1)
Life expectancy. (2) Educationalachievements (knowledge) data depicts social
achievements. (3) Income data depicts the standardof living which in turn shows
the economic achievements.
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(4) Compare PQLI and HDI and show which indicator is superior? Why?
Ans. Explain HDI is more superior than PQLI ( write the benefits in ur own words to
compare the both).
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people. Forthat, if economic development has taken place, and how much more
or less is to be measured andfor this physical quality of life index as an indicator
is accepted.
(A) What is Physical Quality ofLife?
Quality of life in human beings depends on the different types of goods and
services that a person consumes. The standards of consumption referto the :
(B) Aspects which are Includedin the Physical Quality of Life :
The composition ofgoods and services consumed by an individual during a period
of one year determines the physicalquality of life.
(C) Physical Quality Life Index= PQLI
The development of a country should be such that the living standards of the
poor rise. The basic requirements of the citizens are fulfilled.
(D) Physical Quality of Life - 3Factors (Determinants)
(1) Extent of Education
(2) Life Expectancy
(3) Infant Mortality Rate
(E) Reasons for only ThreeDeterminants
(1) Dependable data for all these factors can be acquired for all the countries
(2) All these three factors (determinants) depict the results and not efforts.
(3) All these three factors are product based and hence fulfils the
justifiablestandards forperformance comparison.
(F) Formulation of PhysicalQuality of Life Index
(G) Important Aspect
(H) Positive Aspects
(I) Limitations
(J) Present Scenario
4. Human Development Index - HDI
The most recent indicator of development is the Human Development Index.
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) presented the Human
Development Report (HDR) in 1990.
(A) Determinants of HumanDevelopment Index
average of all the three values are prepared : (1) Life expectancy. (2) Educational
achievements (knowledge) data depicts social achievements. (3) Income data
depicts the standardof living which in turn shows the economic achievements.
(B) Important Aspects
(C) Human DevelopmentIndicators for SomeCountries of the World,HDR-2015
(D) Derived Conclusions
(E) Importance of HumanDevelopment Index
(F) Limitations
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