Legal Experts Have Defined Ownership in Different Ways
Legal Experts Have Defined Ownership in Different Ways
Legal Experts Have Defined Ownership in Different Ways
Jurisprudence - Ownership
Legal experts have defined ownership in different ways.
All of them accept the right of ownership as the complete or supreme right that can be
exercised over anything.
According to Hibbert ownership includes four kinds of rights within itself.
· Right to use a thing
· Right to exclude others from using the thing
· Disposing of the thing
· Right to destroy it.
Austin’s definition:
Austin while defining ownership has focused on the three main attributes of ownership,
namely, indefinite user, unrestricted disposition and unlimited duration.
· Indefinite User
· Unrestricted Disposition
· Unlimited Duration
State can interfere in the ownership. The abolition of Zamindari system in India , the abolition
of privy purses, Nationalization of Bank and Companies, etc. are some example of the fact
that the ownership can be cut short by the state for public purpose and its duration is not
Austin’s definition has been followed by Holland. He defines ownership as plenary control
over an object. According to him an owner has three rights on the subject owned
· Possession
· Enjoyment
· Disposition
Planetary control over an object implies complete control unrestricted by any law or fact.
Thus, the criticism levelled against Austin’s definition would apply to that given by Holland in
so far as the implication of the term “plenary control” goes.
Salmond’s Definition:
According to the Salmond - ownership vests in the complex of rights which he exercises to the
exclusive of all others. For Salmond what constitute ownership is a bundle of rights which in
here resides in an individual. Salmond’s definition thus point out two attributes of ownership:
· Ownership is a relation between a person and right that is vested in him
· Ownership is incorporeal body or form 1/6
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Original mode:
The original mode is the result of some independence personal act of the acquire himself. The
mode of acquisition may be three kinds
Indian Transferee Acts of property rules for the transfer of immovable property, Sale of
goods Acts for the transfer of property of the firm and the companies Act for the transfer of
company property.
Normally ownership implies the following:
The right to manage
The right to posses
The right to capital
The right to the income
An analysis of the concept of ownership, it would show that it has the following characteristics:
Ownership may either be absolute or restricted, that is, it may be
exclusive or limited. Ownership can be limited by agreements or by operation of law. The
right of ownership can be restricted in time of emergency. An owner is not allowed to use
his land or property in a manner that it is injurious to others. His right of ownership is not
unrestricted. The owner has a right to posses the thing that he owns. It is immaterial
whether he has actual possession of it or not. The most common example of this is that an
owner leasing his house to a tenant. Law does not confer ownership on an unborn child or
an insane person because they are incapable of conceiving the nature and consequences
of their acts.
· Ownership is residuary in character. The right to ownership does not end with the
death of the owner; instead it is transferred to his heirs. Restrictions may also be imposed
by law on the owner’s right of disposal of the thing owned. Any alienation of property made
with the intent to defeat or delay the claims of creditors can be set aside.
Kinds of Ownership
There are many kinds of ownership and some of them are corporeal and incorporeal
ownership, sole ownership and co-ownership, legal and equitable ownership, vested and
contingent ownership, trust and beneficial ownership, co- ownership and joint ownership and
absolute and limited ownership.
Ownership may be classified under the following heads :
I. Corporeal and incorporeal ownership; 2/6
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There is no distinction between legal and equitable estates in India. Under the Indian Trusts
Act, a trustee is the legal owner of the trust property and the beneficiary has no direct interest 3/6
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in the trust property itself. However, he has a right against the trustees to compel them to
carry out the provisions of the trust.
For information, but in English law recognises two forms of ownership—legal and equitable. In
England before the passage of Judicature Acts of 1873, and 1875 there existed two kinds of
Courts with two quite distinct jurisdictions. These two Courts were known as the Common Law
Courts and the Equity Courts.
The rights reognised and protected by the Common Law Courts were called legal or Common
Law Rights and the rights enforced by Equity Courts were known as equitable rights.
Legal ownership is, therefore, that ownership which was or recognised by the rules of
Common Law, while equitable ownership is that which originated from the rules of equity.
Equitable ownership was thus not recognised by the Common Law Courts. The Chancery or
Equity Courts recognised legal ownership as well as the equitable ownership.
Keeton says, “This quality of legal and equitable ownership arises, whenever one person
holds the legal title to property, the beneficial enjoyment of which is vested in another. Thus
the legal owner is he whom the Common law could designate as the owner ; the Equitable
owner is that person whom the Court of Chancery would formerly have protected in the
enjoyment of a thing.”
Vested and Contingent Ownership
Ownership is either vested or contingent. It is vested ownership when the title of the owner is
already perfect. It is contingent ownership when the title of the owner is yet imperfect but is
capable of becoming perfect on the fulfillment of some condition.
In the case of vested ownership, ownership is absolute. In the case of contingent ownership it
is conditional.
For instance, a testator may leave property to his wife for her life and on her death to A, if he
is then alive, but if A is dead to B. Here A and B are both owners of the property in question,
but their ownership is merely contingent. It must, however, be stated that contingent
ownership of a thing is something more than a simple chance or possibility of becoming an
owner. It is more than a mere spes acquisitionis. A contingent ownership is based upon the
mere possibility of future acquisition, but it is based upon the present existence of an inchoate
or incomplete title.
It is vested when the owner’s title is already perfect; it is litingent when his title is as vet
imperfect, but is capable of becoming perfect on the fulfilment of some condition or
contingency. Vested own-ership is absolute, contingent ownership is conditional. It is subject
to conditions and it may be made to commence or cease upon the ascertainment that a
certain fact does not exist.
Thus, I may be the owner of a piece of land on condition of paying a certain fixed sum of
money annually to the State. My ownership is thus conditional on the annual payment of the
Contingent ownership is not spes acquisitionis—Simple chance or mere possibility of
becoming owners—but more than that. It is more than a mere future possibility but the
existence of an inchoate or incomplete title in the present, capable of achieving completion
and perfection on the happening of a given contingency in future.
The conditions on which ownership depends may be either ‘condition precedent’ or ‘condition
subsequent’. A condition precedent is one by the fulfilment of which a title is completed ; a
condition subsequent is one on the fulfilment of which a title already completed is
extinguished. In the former case ownership which was formerly conditional becomes ab- 4/6
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solute. In the later case the ownership which is already lost conditionally, is lost absolutely. In
case of a condition subsequent ownership is not contingent but vested. For the condition
attached to the ownership it is not with regard to commencement of ownership but with regard
to continence of it.
Sole Ownership and Co-ownership
Ownership may be either sole or duplicate. When it is vested in one person it is called sole
owner-ship ; when it is invested in two or more persons at the same time, it is called duplicate
The chief instances of duplicate ownership are ;
(i) Co-ownership;
(ii) Trust and beneficial ownership;
(iii) Legal and equitable ownership;
(iv) Vested and, contingent ownership.
Co-ownership that is to say, ownership shared by several persons with equal or co-ordinate
results may be of two kinds, namely:—
(a) Joint ownership, and
(b) Ownership-in-common.
(a) ‘Joint ownership’ is that where on death of one of the co-owners the whole right ensures
for the benefit of surviving co-owner or co-owneers, until at last when the last survivor of the
joint owners, dies, it would devolve on his heirs. The heirs of a predeceased co-owner will not
get any share at all in the property of the joint owner.
(b) “Ownership-in-common” is that where, on the death of one of the co-owners, his heirs
step into his shoes.
Ordinarily, a right is owned by one person only at a time. However, duplicate ownership is as
much possible as sole ownership. When the ownership is vested in a single person, it is called
sole ownership; when it is vested in two or more persons at the same time, it is called co-
ownership, of which co-ownership is a species. For example, the members of a partnership
firm are co-owners of the partnership property.
Under the Indian law, a co-owner is entitled to three essential rights, namely
· Right to possession
· Right to enjoy the property
· Right to dispose
person without any restriction, the ownership is absolute. But when there are restrictions as to
user, duration or disposal, the ownership will be called a limited ownership.
For example, prior to the enactment of the Hindu Succession Act, 1956, a woman had only a
limited ownership over the estate because she held the property only for her life and after her
death; the property passed on to the last heir or last holder of the property. Another example
of limited ownership in English law is life tenancy when an estate is held only for life.
Posted 28th May 2017 by Vijay Sardana Online
Labels: Jurisprudence
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