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Certification No : Medi-18-30334

Company Name : Ceragon India Pvt.Ltd. Reg.Number : 30334

Patient Name : Mr. RAJEEV Check-UP-Date: 14.01.2021
Designation : Joining Date :
Emp Code : D. O. B. :
Cont. Name : Age /Sex : 32 MALE
Company Add. : BAREILLY Blood Group : O POSITIVE
Certification No : Medi-18-30334 Identify Mark: Nil
Part 2 - Clinical Examination/ Lab test
1 Cardiovascular system BMI 19
Height 168 cm. Weight 55 Kg.
2 Blood pressure - (repeat if necessary)
Systolic / Diastolic 122/84 mmHg -
B. Pulse rate Regular 82 Irregular -
C. Heart sounds Normal √ Abnormal -
D. Peripheral pulses Normal √ Abnormal -
3. Chest/Lungs Normal √ Abnormal -
4. Abdomen (Liver) Normal √ Abnormal -
5. Neurological/Locomotor
A. Cervical spine rotation Normal √ Abnormal -
B. Back movement Normal √ Abnormal -
C. Upper limbs
Appearance Normal √ Abnormal -
Joint movements Normal √ Abnormal -
D. Lower limbs
Appearance Normal √ Abnormal -
Joint movements Normal √ Abnormal -
E. Reflexes Normal √ Abnormal -

F. Romberg’s sign Normal √ Abnormal -

A pass requires the ability to maintain balance while standing with shoes off, feet together side by side, eyes closed
and arms by sides, for 30 seconds

6. Hearing (Doctor's judgement) Normal √ Abnormal -

7. Vision Test (Doctor's judgement) NORMAL

8. Routine Urine Examination Albumin - Absent Sugar - Absent
9. Routine Blood examination HAEMOGRAM -
Blood Group - O POSITIVE Hb % - 14.1
RBC - 5.29 TLC - 6600
Blood Sugar - 82 Platelets Count- 2.46 L/C
DLC- P : L: E: M: B:
59 38 1 2 0
Sr. Cholesterol - 128 mg/dl S/Triglycerides - 135 mg/dl
HDL - 39 mg/dl LDL - 130 mg/dl

Health Services Pvt. Ltd
Part 3- Certificate of Physical fitness

I hereby certify that Mr. RAJEEV

has been examined by us, we cannot discover that he / she has got any disease,

communicable or otherwise, constitutional or bodily deformity except N.A. …………...

Candidate is hereby declared,

√ - -

for the post of

1) Working on Height - √
2) Electrical work - -
3) Material lifting - -
4) Four wheeler Driving - -

Vertigo Test - No Giddiness, No any other Abnormality seen during test.

Doctor’s full name - Dr. Pradeep V. Mahajan

Seal & Signature -
Registration number - 53369
Date of examination 14.01.2021

Health Services Pvt. Ltd

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