I Science I: JKBOSE Class 10 Science Sample Paper
I Science I: JKBOSE Class 10 Science Sample Paper
I Science I: JKBOSE Class 10 Science Sample Paper
(Physics, Che111istry and Life Science)
Time: 3 Hours 1,1a.rimum J1arks: 8./
Section - A
(L01ig Answer Type Questions)
Q.1. \Vhat are Spherical Mirrors? Explain, how a concave mirror is different f ro1i1 a
convex mirror? - .(6)
Explain the laws of Refraction of Light.
Define Reflection.Explain the laws of reflection with the he.Ip of suitable diagram.
* \Vhat is Lens formula?Give its si9n conve11tions and·assumptions._
* \Vhat is Refra.ction? \Vhat are. the Laws of Refraction?
QA. \Vha1 is Oersted Experiinent? \\.'hat.is effect ofa Bar magnet on· a compass needle'.'
\Vhat is an-Electric Motor? Gi\'e its prii,ciple. .. ( 4)
* Defo1e Ohm's la,,. and Show graphically.\' x. I..
* \Vhat is meant by electric power? GiYe its units.
* An electric refrigerator rated 400 \\" operated 8 hours:"day. \\'hat is the. cost of
energy to operate It for 30 da�'s at tbe rate of Rs. 3.00 per k\Vh?
* Verify the Ohm's law and state the nature ofgraph formed between V and I (Potential
difference and Current).
* · \\.hat precautions should be taken to a\·oid the o,·erloading and shon circuiting of
domestiitelectric cir-cuits?
* Dra\�- the Well labelled diagram ofelectric motor and \\Tite its working.
* \\'e wish re obtain an er�ct image of an object. -using a conca\'e mirror of focal
length 15th cm. \\'hat shmdd be the range of distance ofth� object· from the mirror?
Dra\Y tht ray diagram and find size, position and nature of image.
* .-\i� object 5 cm high i.s held 25 cm a\rny from a com·erging lens of focal length
IO cm. Find the position, size and nature of image formed.
* Find the po\\·er of a conca\'e lens of focal length 2 m. \\'hat is one dioptre?
* Explain electric power and efectric energy.
* \\'hat are the practical applications of heating effect of an electric current?
* E_xplain resistance in series and parallel.
* Gi\'e the p_roperties of magnetic lines of force.
* Describe the Principie. working ofan electric motor.
* \\'hat are the disad\'antages of nuclear energ y?
* Define Principal focus and focal length of a cancave mirror.
* Define Conductors and Insulators. ...
* Discuss the resistances when connected ii1 parallel.·
,,. \\'hat is Electric PO\\·er? Gi\'e its units .
* Draw a simple diagram of the human eye and label clearly the cornea� iris! pupiLcilliary
muscles etc.
(Ve,:r Short Answer Type Questions)
Q.5. Define Nuclear Energy. (2)
Q.6. A convex lens is of focal length -2 meters. \\'hat is the power of lens? (2)
Q.7. \Vhat is the use of R�ar view mirror in \'ehicles? (2)
* State Flemings ... Left. hand rule.
* \Vhat is meant by conventional sources of energy. Gi\'e two examples.
* Name two gases which· are -filled in electric bulb. \Vhy such gases are filled in an
* . \Vhat do you mean by Solenoid?
What is Bio-enernv? -�
A bird sitting on an 11000 V wire is safe but a man on eanh touching 220 \'. wire
may die. why so?
* \Vrite two su_ggestions to reduce energy consl1mption·,
* Explain the right-hand thumb rule tQ find the direction of n'lagnetic field produced by
current. carr., ving... conductor.
* 1\ame two safety measures commonly used in electric circuits.
* '\\'lw are we looking at alternate sources of enerns?
.. w . -·
Name t o safet measures commonly used in electric circuits and appliances.
* State Fleming's right-hand rnle and find its application. -
Name four renewal sources of energy.
* '!\ame some de\'ices in which electric motors are used.
* Write down two properties of magnetic lines of force.
State 'l'\uclear fission and Nuclear fusion.
* \\'hat is.an electric current? Define the unit of electric current.
On \\'hat factors the force experienced b�: a current carrying conductor placed in a·
uniform magnetic field depend?
Hm, does an electric sho11 circuit occur?
GiYe t\\'O practical application_s of heating effect of Electri c current.
Gi\'e two uses ·of an Electric. �1otor.
Define Electromagnetic Induction.
List two uses of com·ex lens.
\\hy do not two magn·etic field lines intersect each ·other?
\\"hat is meant b\·• con,·emional source of energ y ?\\ 'r·ite th� haml:'s of m O co .
, . 11\ enr10 nal
sources of energ:.
. (Multiple Choice Questions)
Q.8. Choose the correct/most appropriate answer from.the four altern
. • · atives 0b •'en
below against and write it in your answer-book:
(i) The stars appear to us slightly above than. their actual position bec
aus e of:
(a) Dispersion oflight (b)Refraction oflight
(c) Absence of Atmosphere (d) Defraetion oflight (I)
Ans. (b)Refraction of light
(ii) Wave Energy is a type of:
(a) Geothermal energy
(b) Nuclear energy·
(c) Conventional source of energy
(d)Non-conventjonal energy source. (I)
Ans. (d) Non-conventional energy source
(iii) The Ohm's law cari be expressed as:
(a) -
I - . (b)V = -
(c) I= - (d)VR=l . (1)
Ans. (a)
1 =R
(iv) · The arrangement of a cell, plug, key, bulb and an ammeter is called:
(a) Electrical Cun-ent (b) Electric Generator
(c) Electric Circuit (d)Voltmeter (1)
Ans. (c) Electric Circuit
We can see the Sun, even after it has actually set for about:
(a) 0.3 minutes (b) 30 secoi1ds
. (c) 2 minutes (d) 50 seconds
Ans. (c) 2 minutes .
(ii) Which ofthe following is associated with gravitational pull of Moon?
(a) Tidal energy (b) Solar energy
(c) Ocean Thermal Energy (d)Wind Energy
Ans. (a) Tidal energy
(iii) Voltmeter is used to measure the:
(a). Power (b) Charge
(c) Current (d) Potential difference
Ans. (d) Potential difference
(iY) In the equation V = IR, the 'I' is an expression of:
(a) Charge (b) Current
(c) Potenital difference (d) Resistance
Ans. (b) Current
(i) The sun is visible to tis, before the actual sunrise by:
(a) 15 minutes (b) I 2 minutes
(c) 5 minutes (d) 2 minutes
Ans. ( d) 2 minutes
(ii) The generation of steam in 'HOT SPOTS' of earth produces:
(a) Tidal energy (b) Geothermal Energy
(c) Nuclear Energy ·(d) Wave Energy
Ans. (b) Geothermal Energy
(iii) The instrument used to measure current is:
(a) DP switch 1 (b) Rheostat
(c) Ammeter (d) Voltmeter
Ans. (c) Ammeter
According to Ohm's law:
(a) I :::c V (Temperature constant) . (b) I oc
(c) R -:r V (Temperature constant) (d) R = VI (Temperature constant)
Ans. (a) J oc V (Temperature c·onstant)
(i) Most sensitive part of retina is called:
(a) yellow· spot (b) blackspot
(c) corned (d) blue spot
Ans. (a) yellow spot
(ii) L.P.G. i's mostly:
(a) hydrogen (b) oxygen
(c) . butane (d) methane
Ans. (.c) butane
(iii) S.. I. Unit of electric resistance
. is:-
(a) ampere (b) Ohm
(c) Volt (d) Watt
Ans. (b) Ohm
(iv) The pessage of cu�rent in an electrol:te is due to the movement of:-
(a) Electrons (b) ions
(c)' atom (d) All of these
Ans. ( b) ioi1s
(i) Amount oflight entering our eye depends upon ..
(a) Size ofpupil (b) Size of Iris:
(c) Size of Cornea '(d) Size ofVitreous humor
Ans. (a) Size of pupil
(ii) Non-renewable source of energy other than fossil fuel is:- )
Q.11. What are Acids? Give an idea of organic and mineral ac·ids .. (4)
Or .
KBr � Au�O,� � K'NO,..' + -
This is an e:xample of:
(a) De�ompositions Reaction (b) Double Decomposition Reaction
(c) Combination Reaction (d) Displacement Reaction
Ans. (b) Displacement reaction.
* The acid produced naturally in our stomach is:
(a) acetic acid ( b ') hydrochlo .
. ric acid
(c) c1tnc
• • ac1 d (d) sulphuric acid
Ans. (b) hydrochlon.e acid
* Metals of high reactivity are extra
cted b\' • ·· ·
(a) Heating alone . · (b) Electrolysis
(c) Reduction
Ans. (b) Electrolysis (d) None ofthese
* During gnl\'anisation
. iron metal is ::-o·1 ' . e
metal is: n coat mg . of the fol \owin� metal. The
- .
(c) Zn (b)Sn
Ans. ( c) Zn td) Cu
* The remoYal of oxYo -en from ,a ::>·Lib·::> t .
• •
• :: ance 1s ca 11 e d :
la) ox1dat1on . . .
. (b.) Red uct1on
le) Corrosion .d.
(d) Ranc1 It\"
.Ans. (b) Reduction.
Section - C
(Long Answer Tn1e Questions)
Q. l 7. \\'hat is Respiration? Describe the Repiratory system of Human beings'� ( 6)
Describe how water and food mate, ials are transported in plants.
' •
I �� •
I •• I J • '., .�
. � .. , . ' .
(a) Rose . (b) Jasmine ..
(c) Mango 0
(d) None of these·-
rt :
Ans. (b) Jasmme
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