I Science I: JKBOSE Class 10 Science Sample Paper

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JKBOSE Class 10 Science Sample Paper

(Physics, Che111istry and Life Science)
Time: 3 Hours 1,1a.rimum J1arks: 8./
Section - A
(L01ig Answer Type Questions)
Q.1. \Vhat are Spherical Mirrors? Explain, how a concave mirror is different f ro1i1 a
convex mirror? - .(6)
Explain the laws of Refraction of Light.
Define Reflection.Explain the laws of reflection with the he.Ip of suitable diagram.
* \Vhat is Lens formula?Give its si9n conve11tions and·assumptions._
* \Vhat is Refra.ction? \Vhat are. the Laws of Refraction?

Define magnification of a.Spheriql mirror. ·\\/hat "i i JI be the magnification in case of

a plane mirror?
* Define reflection of light. \Vhat are the properties ·of images forined by a plane
* \Vith the help of a ray diagrain find the position, nature and si:Ze of image formed by
a convex lens when an object is placed.
(a) Beyond 2f
(b) Between optical centre and principal focus
* Draw the ray diagram a1.1d find the na�ure, size and position of image formed by
convex mirror when rhe objec.t is placed.
(a) at infin.it y
(b) Bet,,·et!n infinity and pole of the mirror.
* A convex lens. forms a real and inverted imaire � of a . needle at a distance of 50 cm
from it. \\'here is the needle placed so that size of the image is equal to size of
object? Also_ find power of lens.
* \\!hat are the factors 011 which the resistance of a conductor depends?·

Derive the relation R = P � . Give the unit of resistivity.

* (a) Describe the Joule's law of heating and deriYe the relat.ion H = I RT
(b) An electric iron of resistance of:?. D (ohm) takes a current of 5 A. Calcul
the heat developed in 30 seconds.
* Derive an Expression for the equivalent. resistance if three resistance conn ected in
series and parallel?
* Explain in brief Electric potential and potential difference.
* s·tate ,�e,v cartesion sign conventions ofle,;ses. \Vhat i� the difference·bet,veen lens
·fonnula and mirror formula?
* What are si gn conventions used in.a sperical mirrors': \Vhat is the mirror formula?
·* \Vhat is a spherical mirror? An object is placed at a distances of IO cm from a
conyex mirror of focal length 15 cm. Find the position� size and nature of the imag e.
* Give the nature, -size and position of the image ' � formed in case
o(a concave miITor
for different positions of the object.
* What is ·electric Power? Derive its expression and derive it� unit.
* \Vith the help ofdiagrai11s explain the converging actio11 �fconvex le!1s and diverging
actio"n of concave -lens.
* What is electric energy ?_ Derive its expressions and define its unit.

(Short Answer Type Questions)

Q._2. What do you understand by Resistances in SerJes? (4)
\Vhat is meant bv ., Potential Difference? How is it measured?

* Explain refraction through a glass slap. Also define refractive index?

' .
De_fine and explain magnification in case ofSpherical mirror.
* \Vhat is lens formula? Gi�e its sign conventions·.
\Vhat is PO\Ver of
* . Why do stars twinkle?
. -
. its S.I_. unit. .
a lens? Give

* ·what are the defects of an· eye? Explain Hypermetropia.

* · What is Power? Give commercial unit ofpower.
* Why sun looks reddish at sun rise and sun set?
* Explain the dispersion oflight through a glass prism. Draw the diagram.
* Draw the well labelled diagran� of human eye.
* \Vrite the function ofiris, pupil crystalline lens and retina in case of human eye.
* Define scattering of light. Explain Tyndall effect, give an example.
* Explain the refractive index of a substance. What is the refractive index of water?
* Defi_ne Myopia. How is it corrected?
* Write down the uses of spherical mirror.
* · Explain what is meant by linear magnification produced by
lenses. ..
* What is _power of lens? A person needs a lens· of power 5 .5
dioptres for correct in·;
h�s dista�1� vision. What is the focal length of the lens requi. red for correcti�ig
· hi!
* Give the mirror formula and discuss its Magnification.
Give two uses of �ach convex mirror and concave mirror.
Q.3. Dis�uss the working of Human Eye as a �ystem· of refraction of light.
Explain th� phenomenon of Dispersion of Light by a Glass Prism.
* Define hypermetropia. How is it corrected?
* Explain Atmospheric refraction.
* Define principal axis� principal focus, focal length and pole of mirror.
* ·\\'hy is the tungsten used for-the filament of electric lamps and alloys are used in
electric heaters, toaster and electric lam1:>s?
* \\'hy does the sun appears reddish early in the morning and at evening?
Describe the process of refraction through a glass prism.
\\.'hat are the uses of concave mirrors?
* \\'hat is dispersion of light? \Vhat it is its cM1se?
* Discuss power of acc0111modation.
* Ydrnt is presbyopia and how it is corrected?

QA. \Vha1 is Oersted Experiinent? \\.'hat.is effect ofa Bar magnet on· a compass needle'.'
\Vhat is an-Electric Motor? Gi\'e its prii,ciple. .. ( 4)
* Defo1e Ohm's la,,. and Show graphically.\' x. I..
* \Vhat is meant by electric power? GiYe its units.
* An electric refrigerator rated 400 \\" operated 8 hours:"day. \\'hat is the. cost of
energy to operate It for 30 da�'s at tbe rate of Rs. 3.00 per k\Vh?
* Verify the Ohm's law and state the nature ofgraph formed between V and I (Potential
difference and Current).
* · \\.hat precautions should be taken to a\·oid the o,·erloading and shon circuiting of
domestiitelectric cir-cuits?
* Dra\�- the Well labelled diagram ofelectric motor and \\Tite its working.
* \\'e wish re obtain an er�ct image of an object. -using a conca\'e mirror of focal
length 15th cm. \\'hat shmdd be the range of distance ofth� object· from the mirror?
Dra\Y tht ray diagram and find size, position and nature of image.
* .-\i� object 5 cm high i.s held 25 cm a\rny from a com·erging lens of focal length
IO cm. Find the position, size and nature of image formed.
* Find the po\\·er of a conca\'e lens of focal length 2 m. \\'hat is one dioptre?
* Explain electric power and efectric energy.
* \\'hat are the practical applications of heating effect of an electric current?
* E_xplain resistance in series and parallel.
* Gi\'e the p_roperties of magnetic lines of force.
* Describe the Principie. working ofan electric motor.
* \\'hat are the disad\'antages of nuclear energ y?
* Define Principal focus and focal length of a cancave mirror.
* Define Conductors and Insulators. ...
* Discuss the resistances when connected ii1 parallel.·
,,. \\'hat is Electric PO\\·er? Gi\'e its units .
* Draw a simple diagram of the human eye and label clearly the cornea� iris! pupiLcilliary
muscles etc.
(Ve,:r Short Answer Type Questions)
Q.5. Define Nuclear Energy. (2)
Q.6. A convex lens is of focal length -2 meters. \\'hat is the power of lens? (2)
Q.7. \Vhat is the use of R�ar view mirror in \'ehicles? (2)
* State Flemings ... Left. hand rule.
* \Vhat is meant by conventional sources of energy. Gi\'e two examples.
* Name two gases which· are -filled in electric bulb. \Vhy such gases are filled in an
* . \Vhat do you mean by Solenoid?
What is Bio-enernv? -�
A bird sitting on an 11000 V wire is safe but a man on eanh touching 220 \'. wire
may die. why so?
* \Vrite two su_ggestions to reduce energy consl1mption·,
* Explain the right-hand thumb rule tQ find the direction of n'lagnetic field produced by
current. carr., ving... conductor.
* 1\ame two safety measures commonly used in electric circuits.

* '\\'lw are we looking at alternate sources of enerns?
.. w . -·
Name t o safet measures commonly used in electric circuits and appliances.
* State Fleming's right-hand rnle and find its application. -
Name four renewal sources of energy.
* '!\ame some de\'ices in which electric motors are used.
* Write down two properties of magnetic lines of force.
State 'l'\uclear fission and Nuclear fusion.
* \\'hat is.an electric current? Define the unit of electric current.
On \\'hat factors the force experienced b�: a current carrying conductor placed in a·
uniform magnetic field depend?
Hm, does an electric sho11 circuit occur?
GiYe t\\'O practical application_s of heating effect of Electri c current.
Gi\'e two uses ·of an Electric. �1otor.
Define Electromagnetic Induction.
List two uses of com·ex lens.
\\hy do not two magn·etic field lines intersect each ·other?
\\"hat is meant b\·• con,·emional source of energ y ?\\ 'r·ite th� haml:'s of m O co .
, . 11\ enr10 nal
sources of energ:.
. (Multiple Choice Questions)
Q.8. Choose the correct/most appropriate answer from.the four altern
. • · atives 0b •'en

below against and write it in your answer-book:

(i) The stars appear to us slightly above than. their actual position bec
aus e of:
(a) Dispersion oflight (b)Refraction oflight
(c) Absence of Atmosphere (d) Defraetion oflight (I)
Ans. (b)Refraction of light
(ii) Wave Energy is a type of:
(a) Geothermal energy
(b) Nuclear energy·
(c) Conventional source of energy
(d)Non-conventjonal energy source. (I)
Ans. (d) Non-conventional energy source
(iii) The Ohm's law cari be expressed as:

(a) -
I - . (b)V = -
(c) I= - (d)VR=l . (1)
Ans. (a)
1 =R
(iv) · The arrangement of a cell, plug, key, bulb and an ammeter is called:
(a) Electrical Cun-ent (b) Electric Generator
(c) Electric Circuit (d)Voltmeter (1)
Ans. (c) Electric Circuit
We can see the Sun, even after it has actually set for about:
(a) 0.3 minutes (b) 30 secoi1ds
. (c) 2 minutes (d) 50 seconds
Ans. (c) 2 minutes .
(ii) Which ofthe following is associated with gravitational pull of Moon?
(a) Tidal energy (b) Solar energy
(c) Ocean Thermal Energy (d)Wind Energy
Ans. (a) Tidal energy
(iii) Voltmeter is used to measure the:
(a). Power (b) Charge
(c) Current (d) Potential difference
Ans. (d) Potential difference
(iY) In the equation V = IR, the 'I' is an expression of:
(a) Charge (b) Current
(c) Potenital difference (d) Resistance
Ans. (b) Current
(i) The sun is visible to tis, before the actual sunrise by:
(a) 15 minutes (b) I 2 minutes
(c) 5 minutes (d) 2 minutes
Ans. ( d) 2 minutes
(ii) The generation of steam in 'HOT SPOTS' of earth produces:
(a) Tidal energy (b) Geothermal Energy
(c) Nuclear Energy ·(d) Wave Energy
Ans. (b) Geothermal Energy
(iii) The instrument used to measure current is:
(a) DP switch 1 (b) Rheostat
(c) Ammeter (d) Voltmeter
Ans. (c) Ammeter
According to Ohm's law:
(a) I :::c V (Temperature constant) . (b) I oc
(c) R -:r V (Temperature constant) (d) R = VI (Temperature constant)
Ans. (a) J oc V (Temperature c·onstant)
(i) Most sensitive part of retina is called:
(a) yellow· spot (b) blackspot
(c) corned (d) blue spot
Ans. (a) yellow spot
(ii) L.P.G. i's mostly:
(a) hydrogen (b) oxygen
(c) . butane (d) methane
Ans. (.c) butane
(iii) S.. I. Unit of electric resistance
. is:-
(a) ampere (b) Ohm
(c) Volt (d) Watt
Ans. (b) Ohm
(iv) The pessage of cu�rent in an electrol:te is due to the movement of:-
(a) Electrons (b) ions
(c)' atom (d) All of these
Ans. ( b) ioi1s
(i) Amount oflight entering our eye depends upon ..
(a) Size ofpupil (b) Size of Iris:
(c) Size of Cornea '(d) Size ofVitreous humor
Ans. (a) Size of pupil
(ii) Non-renewable source of energy other than fossil fuel is:- )

(a) . Uranium (b) Petroleum

(c) Coal (d) All·of the above
Ans. (a) Uranium
(iii} S.l. unit of electric energy is:
(a) kWh (b) J
(c) JS (d) NC-I
Ans. (a) kWh
(iv) The device used for producing electric. current is <;;alled:
(a) Generator (b) Motor.
(c)_ . Galvanometer (d) Ammeter
Ans. (a) Generator

Sun is the huge sourc� o

(i) Solar Energy (ii) Kinetic Energy
(iii) Potential Er:iergy (iv) None of these
Ans. (i)
* Most se11sit_ive part of retina is calle.d:
(i) Back spot. (ii) Cornea
(iii) Yellow spot (iv) Blue spot
Ans. (iii)
* The mirror used by a dentist is:
(i) Plane (ii) Convex
(iii) Concave (iv) None of these
Ans. (iii)
* Refractive Index of diamond is:
(i) 1.5 (ii) 1.33
(iii) 1.8 . (iv) 2.42
Ans. (iv)
* Eye lens ·is a
(i) Double convex lens (ii) Double concave lens
(iii) Plano.convex lens
(iv) Plano concave lens
Ans. (ii)
* \Vhich type of energy is freely availab
le in nature?
(i) LPG (ii) Sunlight
(iii) \\Tater gas · (iv) Wind energy:
Ans. (ii)
* Solar energy is converted in.Electrical energy oy:
(i) Solar water heater (ii) Solar furnace
(iii) Solar cooker (iv) Solar cell
Ans. (iv)
* \Vhich is a non-renewable sourc· e of energy?
(i) Solar energ): (ii) Wind energy
(iii) Natural Gas (iv) Energy from flowing .,vater
Ans. (iii)
"" L.P:G. is mostly liquified:
(i) Hydrogen· (ii) Oxygen
(iii).Butane (iv) Methane
·Ans. (iii) Butane
* __-A good source·of energy would be one ,vhich would be:

. (i) easily accessible _.· . . (ii) easil)' to store and transport
.(iii) c�mmercial· (iv) all of these
Ai1s.. (iv) all of these
* The humatr eye forms the image of an object at its:
. (')1 C ornea (ii) Tris
(iii) Pupil (iv) Retina
Ans. (iv) Rtina .
* be placed ,i, front a convex lens to. get real image .
\Vhere sl1ould a11· Obiect J of
the size of the obj ect?
(a) At Principal focus· of the lens
_(b) At twice _the focal length
(c)At infinity . .
Betw een op t"ica 1 cent re and prmc 1pal focuss.
Ans. (b) At twi. ce the focal . .
· an d a thin Spherica l lens have each a focal lenth of-15 cm.
* A Spherical mirro 1 . . . .
The mir . ror an d lens are likely to be .
(b) Both convex
(a) Both Concave (d) Name of These
n vex
(c) Both concave-co
Ans. (a) Both Con c
use ina solar cooker is:
· d· for
The kind of mirror best suite
(a) Conca\·e mirror (b)Convexmirror
(c) Plane mirror · ( d) All of these
Ans. (a) concave mirror:
\\:hich of the follo\ving materials �nnnot be used to make a lens?
(a) \\'hat · (b)Glass
(c) Plastic (d) Clay
Ans. (d) Clay
* The least distance of dis tinct \·ision foi· a ycn;ng adult in the no.rmal vision is:
'1 -
(a) 25 cm (b } __ :, cm
(c) ·2.s �m (d) 2.5 cm
Ans. (c) 25 cm
\Vhich of the following is 1iot ultimately derived from the Suns energy?
(a) Geothermal energy (b)·\Vind energy
(c) Nuclear energy (d) Biomass
Ans. (a) Geothermal energy.
The twin king of stass is due to atmosph_eric::-
(a) Reflection of light. (b) Dispersion oflight
(c) Interferen.ce of light · (d) Refraction of light
Ans. (d) Refraction of Light.
* In an electric motor the direction of current in a �oi I changes once in each.
(aJ two rotation (c) One Rotation
(bl half Rotation (d) One founh Rotation.
Ans. ,b) Half Rotation.
(Long Answer Type Questions)
Q.9. What are Cnsaturated Hydroca.bons? Discuss briefly the types of unsaturated
hydrocarbons. (6)
What _i s a Homologous series? Describe briefly the
\·_arious homologous groups of
organic compounds.
* De tine allotropy. Give structure and prop
* erties of diamond.
How doe·:s S oaps d I· ft'eriio
e:. m detergents.Ex • ·n
., plam · ··themech anism ofcleansmg... nct1o
uf Soaps.
. , Why carbon form covalent bo,;d with
carbon atoms or aloms of other elemen ts?
* \\'rite the chemical propenies- of carboi, .
. . compound 1.e. combtist·,011 • ox· idation addition
and subst 1tut1ons reactions.
* How can Ethanol and Ethano_ic acid be differentiated on the basis of their physical
and chemical prope11ies?
* E:xplain the mechanism of the cleaning action of soaps . ·
. .
* Discuss the versatile nature of carbon in reference to cate nation. tetravalency and
strong bond forn1ation with other elements.
* \\'hat are homologous series? Gi\'e fo ur characteristics of homologous series .
* How do metals react with air. water. acids and salts? Give equations of the reactions.
* Define electrol: 1ic refining. Hm\· copper is refined-by elect;oiysis? Ora,\· the diagram
of electrolysis bath.
* How w�uld you distinguish between Soaps and Detergents?·
* \Vrite d0\\'11 the structure of the following compounds.
(a) Ethanoic acid
(b) Propanona
(c) Hexanal.
* \\'rite the physical and chemical properties ofEthanoic Acid.
* \\'rite d0\\'11 the physical and chemical properties of Ethanol·:
* How would .vou disting�1ish
� bet\\ een·an alcohol and a carbox\'lic
. 3cid?
* \\·'hat is a detergent'? Name one d�tergent. \\:hy ha\'e detergen.rs I'eplaced soap as
a washing agent?
* Give the structural isomers of pentane.
* Explain substitution reactions and addition reactions with an_ ex.ample each.
(Shf>rl A11sH;er Type Questfons)
Q.10. Describe briefly. any two types of chemical reactions with an example of each. ( 4)
\Vhat is Rancid it\'? How can it be prevented?
* · \Vhat is Corrosion? Gi\:e Methods of its Prevention.
* Defii1 e refining of metals.Explain electrolytic refining of metals.
* \Vhat is the diffJrence between displaceinent reaction and double displacement
reaction? \\.rite the equation for these reactions.

* Ghe a brief discussion of the Mendelee\'·s classificaiton of Elements.

* \\'hat is Atomic radius ? How do the atomic radii of the elements change in a
* Differentiate ben,·een metal and non- metal on the basis of their �hemical propen.ies�
\Vhat . is meant by the concentration _of the ores ? Describe the meth ods for the
. concentration of ore.
- '"J

Q.11. What are Acids? Give an idea of organic and mineral ac·ids .. (4)
Or .

What is th� importance of pH in everyday life?

* Define decomposition reaction. Give two examples of reactions iii-which heat and
sunlight is involved.
Translate the following statement into chemical equations and balance them:
Solution of barium chloride and sodium sulphate react to give insoluble barium
sulphate and sodium chloride.
Sodium hydroxide react with hydrochloric acid in water give sodium chloride solution
and �ater.
* What are skeletal and balanc·ed chemical equations? Give examples.
* Wl-iat are redox reactions? Give t wo examples.
* Why does the colour of copper sulphate solution changes when iron nails dipped in
it? Mention the new colour.formed.
. ·Translate the foliowing statement into chemical equations and balance them:.
Hydrogen sulphide g�s burns in air to give water and sulphur dioxide..
-· Barium chloride reacts with Alurninium sulphate to give Aluminium chloride and
barium sulphate.

Q.12. Explain the properties of ionic compounps. (4)

What are the various methods.of refining of metals?
* Explain Oxidation and.reduction with two exampl�s in each case.
* What do you understand ·by combustio11 reaction? Explain with two examples.
* Define atomic r�dius.. How_ it vary down a groug and along a period from left to
* · How could the modern_period_ic table removed the various anomalies ofMendeleeve's
periodic table?
* Describe the achievement of Mendeleev's periodic ta:qle.
* . Why do the element present in a group show similar chemical properties?
* .Distinguish between Mendel�ev's period table andmodern periodic table..
* How the metallic character of an element is defined? How it vary down a group
and along a period from left to right?
* With the he] p of an example discuss decomposition reaction.
* Explain the effect of oxidation in your daily life.
* Give prope�ies of ionic compounds�Explain.· .
* With tqe he�p of an example explain the formation of ionic compound.
·* Give four reactions of metals with water..
l �, ••

(Very SlwrtA nswer Type Questions)

Q.13. Distinguish between a 'Group' and a 'Period' ofinodern peri?di c table. (2)
QJ4. Define Rusting: (2)
Q,15. What are Dobereiner's Triads? (2)
· Give names and fonnulae of two strono � acids and
two weak acids.
* · Give two Chemical properties of ethanol.
* Show th� formation ofN¾O and MgO by the transfer of electrons.
* What is Homologous Series?
* Give two uses of baking soda.
* Define pH and give its importance in daily use.
* Write the two uses of esters.
* Write actio11 of acids and bases on litmus papers.
* Write an equatiori of 1'eaction for reaction between plaster of paris and water.
* How pH change affects our digestive system?
* While diluting an acid, .why acid should be added to water, not water to the acid?
* Where do compounds of carbon find application?
* What is the industrial applicati61rofhydrogenation?
. *
Which metals do not corode?
. * What are the uses of washing soda?
* Explain why soaps �re not effective deansing agent in Hard water.
* Give the example of amphoteric oxides.
* What are the· uses of Plaster of Paris?
* Give the reactions of aluminium oxide with: (i). HCI (ii) NaOH
* Give the formula of Ethanol and Ethanoic acid.
•• Give two phy�ical prope�ies of metal and Non-metal each .
* DefineAllotropy..
* State Modern Periodic Law.
* What do you mean by enrichment or ore?
* DefineAllotropy. Name allotropes of carbon..
* What do you meari b.Y malleablity and Ductility of metals?
* Why detergents are preferred over soap· . .
? . .
* What are the two properties of carbon which leads to the large.number of carbon
Compounds we see around us·

State two ways to Prevent the Rusting of iron.

* Name two metals which will disp lace Hydrogen from dil. acids and two m etal
- which will not?
(Multiple Choice Questions)
Q.16. Choose the correct/most appropriate answer out of the following four
alternatives given ·against each item and write it in your answer-book:
(i) The combustion qf unsaturated hydrocarbons gives_ a:
(a) Clean flame (b) Yellow flame
(c) \Vhite flame (d) Pink flame (I)
Ans. (c) \Vhite flame
(ii) The ionic end of a soap molecule is:
(a) Hydrophilic (b) Hydrophobic
· (c) Oil dissolving (d)AII of these (1)
Ans. (a) Hydrophilic
(iii) \\'hich of the following is a balai1ced chemical equation?
(a) Mg + 02 ➔ Mg- O (b) Mg+ 02 ➔2Mg0
(c) Mg+ 20 2 ➔ 2Mg0. (d) 2Mg + 02 ➔ 2Mg0 (I)
Ans. ( d) 2i\.1g + 02 ➔ 2Mg0
· (iv) Common salt (NaCl) is:
(a) Aci_d ic (b) Basic
(c) Slightly Alkaline · (d) Neutral (])
Ans. (a) Acidic
(i') The reaction in which chlorine in presence of Sun! ight replaces Hydrogen
atoms of a Hydrocarbon is:
(a) Addition reaction (b) Combustion
( C) Hydrogenation (d) Subst itutionreaction
Ans. (d) Substitution reaction
· (ii) The Hydrocarbon part of soap is: · ·
(a) Insoluble in water (b) Insoluble i11 oil
(c) Insoulble in gr�ese (d) None of these
Ans. (a) Insoluble in water
(iii) Salts include:
(a) NaCl (b) CaCI
(c) Na,CO. - J (d)AII the abo\'e
Ans. (d) All the above
(iv) Which of the following is a·balanced chemical equat ion?
(a) H.:: + N2 ➔NH3 (b) H,- + N,- ➔2NH._,
(C ) ..,... H2 -1...N -,N
' .:: ➔ -· H 3 (d) 2H.,- T :'\ ➔ 2�H-
Ans. (c) 3H., +1\ ., ➔ 2NH.
*********************- *****•********
·' �' ******************•******************
-- (i) The preparation of "Van
asapti Ghee" is an e:\ampk f
(a) Cocmbution o:
·(b)Addition Reaction
(c) Substitution Reaction ·
(d) O:\idation
Ans. (b) Addition Reaction
(ii) _The soap molecules forms:
(a) Dirt molecLile
. (b) Oil froplets
(c) t\1icelles (d) All of these
Ans. (c) Micelles
(iii) Salts are:
(a) Mostly liqui is (b) Gases in form
(c) Insoluble in water (d) Ionic comp�unds
Ans. (c) Insoluble in water
(iv) \Vhich of tF1e following is a balanced chemical equation?
· (a) H,, + Ck ➔ 2HC-I (b) H 2 + Cl: ➔21-ICI
(c) H; �Cl2- ➔ �Cl 2 (d) 2H1 _+ N 2 ➔ 2HCl2
Ans. (b) H -., + Cl�- ➔ 2HCI
*********�***********************************************•····�··�·-·� --
• ' ' · ' ' ,., X ,., �•· >.· X Xx X >:

(i) O�idation is a process i1� ,,·hicl, a substance

(a) gains electrons · (b) Gains oxygen
(c) Loss of electrons (d) None of above
Ans� (b) Gains oxygen
(ii) pH.of an acid is:- ·
(a) >7 (b) <. 7
(c) 7 (d) 14
Ans. (a) >7 .
. ' ·
· 1 eo t)·pe of111edicines 1s used 1ortrea_ t111g
c- • •
(iii) Which of t11e c- 10 II OWII 111 d 1gest1on:-
. . . (b)Analges1c
. •
(a)Ant1b 1ot1c
. . (d)Ant·1cep 1·c
(c) Anta-actd 1

Ans. (c) Anta-acid

(i\') The formula of POP is:-
ta) CaS0.:1 (b) CaSO➔ :2H2O
(d) CaSO4 .H1 O
(c) Ca S0➔ .1/1 H:0 ·
Ans. (c) Ca SO://: H� C _ .. ********************. ******************
... -; *******"'** lj(ljl
.ated hvdr ocarbons g1,. .es a.. .
· 11 o f un _
::,aJ ui ·
l i) The comb u 5 t1o (b) Yellow flame
(a) Clean flame (d) Pink flame
(c) \Vhite flame
Ans. (c)


(ii) The ionic end of a soap molecule is:

(a) Hydrophilic (b) Hydrophobic
·cc)Oil dissolving (d) All of these
Ans. (a)
(i'ii) \Vhich ofth.e following. is a balanced chemical equation?
(a) Mg+ 02 MgO (b) Mg+ 02 2Mg0
(c) Mg+ 20 2 2Mg0 (d) 2Mg+ 02 2Mg0
Ans. (d)
(iv) Common salt (NaCl) is:
(a) Acidic . (b) Basic
(c) Slightly°Alkaline (d) Neutral
Ans. (a) .
* A solution tur"i1s blue litmus red its pH likely to be: .
(i) 1 . (ii) 7
(iii) IO (iv) 12
Ans. (i)
* Acid rai_n· has pH:
(i) More than 5.6 (ii) Less than 5.6
(iii) 7 (iv) 14
Ans. ('ii)
* Rusting is:
(i) Reduction Reaction
· (ii) Decomposition reaction
(iii) Oxidation reaction
(iv) Combination reaction.
Ans. (iii)
Phenolphthalein is a
(i) Weak acid
· (ii) Str ong acid
(iii) Week base
Ans. (i) Wea k acid (iv) Strong base
* pH of pure water is:
(i) 7
(iii)9 (ii) 6.
Ans. (i) 7 (iv) 8
The reaction in wh
ich heat eneroy
(.,) Endothennic. 0 1·s ta ken 1s
reaction called·.
. . .
(iii) Isomerisatio (�i) Exothermic reac tion
n re�ction
Ans. (i) Endoth (iv) N one of
enn,·c react·1
011 .
- * Reaction in which hea
t energy evolved
(i) Exothermic reaction · .... w are known as:
(iii) Displcement re_action (ii) Endothermic reaction.
Ans. (i) (iv) Decomposition �eactton
* pH range of our body is:-
(i) 7.6-7.9
(ii) 7. 0-7. 8
(iv) 7.1-7.8
Ans. (ii) 7.0-_7.8
* Litmus solution is extracted from:
.(i) Lichen
(ii) Red-cabbage leaves
(iii) Turmeric
(iv) Petunia .
Ans. (i) Lichen·
* The Nettle plant leaves l:iave a stringing hair which ·s·ecrete: ·
(i) M.ethanoic acid (ii) Butanoic acid
(iii) Citric acid _
· (iv) Lactic acid
Ans. (i) Methanoic acid .
* Decomposition of vegetable matter into-co�npost is �n e�ample of:
(a) Exotherinic-reaction _ (b) Endothermic r eaction
(c) Displaceme_nt reaction (d)All_ofthese
Ans. (a) Exoth e rmic reaction · · ·
* Alkallne KMn0-1 or acidified K2Cr:01 Oxid es alcohols to:
. .
(a) Act ds · (b) Aldehyd es
(c} Ket on e s- (d) None of these
Ans. (a) Acids ·
* .· . . . .e . .
When a I a r0o-e quan t'ty
' of ethanol is consumed,
. It 1 sults
. 111.
. (b) Lack of co-ordm . .
(a) Mental contius10n at1on
· (c) Drowsmess.
(d) All of th e se
Ans. (a) All of the se .. . . .
* .
When d ilute H Yd roe )1 Jorie and is added to tron fillmoers.
(a) Hydr�gen gas an d iron chlrrido are produced .
(b) Ch lorme gas an d ·ron 1 hydroxide ar e p ro duced.
(c) No rea. etion takes place.
(d) Iron salt and w ater are produced. . .
. d iron chloride are produc ed.
Ans. (a) Hydrogen gas a n
. .
* Butanone is a fou� carbon compound with funct1onaI group.
(b)Aldehyde ·
(a) Carboxylic acid
(c) Keton e
Ans. (c) Ketone
* rea cts wi th absolut e eth an ol in _ presence of an nc id catal� st
Ethanoic acid
to gin�.
(b) An alcohol
(a) A_n ester
(c) A ketone (d)A11 aldehyde
Ans. (a) An ester r
* met hod s is suit able for prev enti ng a1i iron f ying pan
\\'hich of the follo win g
from rusting?
(a) Applying grease (b)Applying paint
(c) Applying Coating of Zinc (d)All ofthes�.
Ans. (c) Applying coating of Zinc.
* \Vhich of the following is an iron ore?
(a) Cinnabar (b) Calamine
(c) Haematite (d) Rock Salt
Ans. (c) Haematite.
* The process of e:xtraction of.metal from its ore is called:
(a) Smelting. (b) Refining
(c) :\1etallurgy.· (d) Calcination.
Ans. (c) �-letallurgy.
*· Consider the reaction:

KBr � Au�O,� � K'NO,..' + -
This is an e:xample of:
(a) De�ompositions Reaction (b) Double Decomposition Reaction
(c) Combination Reaction (d) Displacement Reaction
Ans. (b) Displacement reaction.
* The acid produced naturally in our stomach is:
(a) acetic acid ( b ') hydrochlo .
. ric acid
(c) c1tnc
• • ac1 d (d) sulphuric acid
Ans. (b) hydrochlon.e acid
* Metals of high reactivity are extra
cted b\' • ·· ·
(a) Heating alone . · (b) Electrolysis
(c) Reduction
Ans. (b) Electrolysis (d) None ofthese
* During gnl\'anisation
. iron metal is ::-o·1 ' . e
metal is: n coat mg . of the fol \owin� metal. The
- .
(c) Zn (b)Sn
Ans. ( c) Zn td) Cu
* The remoYal of oxYo -en from ,a ::>·Lib·::> t .
• •
• :: ance 1s ca 11 e d :
la) ox1dat1on . . .
. (b.) Red uct1on
le) Corrosion .d.
(d) Ranc1 It\"
.Ans. (b) Reduction.
Section - C
(Long Answer Tn1e Questions)
Q. l 7. \\'hat is Respiration? Describe the Repiratory system of Human beings'� ( 6)
Describe how water and food mate, ials are transported in plants.

* Describe the· Autotrophic Nutrition: in living organisi11s?

* Defi!1e ·Excretion:. Describe the Excretory system· of Human Beings.
* Define Respiration. Differentiate between Aerobic and Anaerobic Respiration.
* \\.hat is Transpo11ation·7 How·are ,vater and minerals transported in plants?
* \\'hat is Nutrition? How do animals obtain their nutrition?
* Describe-the respiratory system of human beings '\\·ith a suitable labelled diagram.
* \\"hat is Nutritio11? Difference betwee;l .-\utotrophic and Heterotrophic nutrition:
* \\'hat are different ways in ,,·hich glucose is oxidised to provide energy in different
\Vl1� _- is it necessary to separate oxygenated and rjeoxygenated blood in 1113111111�-ils
and birds?
* Describe the respiratory o_rgans in case of human beings.
* What are the difference bet\\·eep aerobic and anae�·obic respiration? Name some
or!!nnisms that use anaerobic mode of respiration'?
* D;scribe the. structure of nephron with a neat labeled diagram.
\\iJ1at do vou mean b\·. Doubl� . -
Circulation? Ex.plain its importance in humrfn beings.
Ex.plain ;he impo 11anc� of sexual mode of reproduction. .
How does binar fission differ from mu tiple fissio
v l n?
How does chei;ica l co-ordination takes place in plants?
How do ?\·tenders experiments show that traits may be dominant or recessi\"e?
What is. cellular respiration? Differentiate between aerobic and anaerobic respiration.
Describe the excretor system of human being.
* How •1s 1at ct·1gested. 1· 11 ·0L1r • bodies · \Vhere does this process take place,.,·

(Short Answer Type Questions)

. nt due to growth.
Q. 18 . ExpI air.. t11e vanous mo�'ements in pla . (4)
. · Brain.
Discuss the structure 0 f Human
* How does chemical co-ordination take place in animals?
* \Vhat is Sexual reproduction? Describe the Structure of female reproductive system.
* Explain with the help of diagrams, the various types of a sexual reproduction.
* \Vhat are Pl�nt Ho1:mones?.Explain the role ofAuxins and Cytokinins in plant growth.
* Explain two methods of artificial vegetative propagation, you have studied.
>i<·. Ho\\· does fertilization take place in the flowering plants?-
* How do .MendePs experin1'ents show that traits may be dominai1t or recessive?
* \Vhy are traits acquired during the I.ife time of an individual not inherited?

Draw a neat and labeHed _d_iagram of human brain. (No description)

* \Vhat are various components of Nen-ous System?
* Explain the nastic movement in plants.
* \\.'hat is the difference bet,\·een Reflex acti•on and walking?
* Name various hormones produced by anterior lobe of pituitary gland (at least four
hannones and their function). _
* .\\.'hat happens of the synapse benveen two neurons?
* HmY do auxins promote growth of a tendril around a support?
Q.19. Describe briefly the human male reproductive system. (4)
· Or
\Vhat is vegetative propagation? \Vhat ar� its advantages?
* What do you understand by Evolution. bv- staoes?
* Explain the rules for ";Inneritance of traits".
* What are Pollination and Fe1tilization?
* Draw a graphc sketch of food-chain.
* \Vhat are Fossils?
* Explain the different modes of asexua-J reproduction in plants.
* Explain two methods of artificial· \'egetati\·e propagation you h.ave studied.
* How does fertilization take place in the flowering plants?
* Explain the mode of sexual reproduction in plants.
* Draw� neat and labeiled diagram of female reproductive system.
* _
\Vhat 1s the 1mpo11ance.of DNA copying in reproduction?
·* \\�rite a short note on fragmentation� fission or budding.
* • • ...
\\:hat would be the ad\,antages O f explo1t111 g resour�es with short term aims?
S uggest some approaches-towards the con
* servation of forests
\\'hat are the different methods of con .
* , trac ept ion ?·
\\- hat are
. the adva ntag es of sex .
. ua 1 rep1•oducuon over asexual reprod
Q.20. Differentiate Acquired traits from the Inherited triats. (4)
\Yhat are Analogous and Homologous organs? . Give examples.
* What are variations and what is their impo1:tance?
* Name and explait} various factors which give rise to new species.
* Explain Mendel's law of dominance with the help of a cross.
* Define Inheritance. \\/hat are the rules for the inheritance of traits?
* How do Mendel's experiment show that traits may be dominant or recessive?
* \Vhy are traits acquired during life time of an individual not inherited?
* \1/ha·t chanoe
e s can vou
., make in vour
• habits to become.more env_ironment friendly?
* \\'hat is the importance of conserving the wildlife?
* Write in brief about the natural resoun'.'t:s management.
* .
How can you as .an i1)dividual contribute or ·make a differences to management of
coal and petroleum?
* How is sex determined in human bei1igs?
* How analogous organs provide evidence in supp01i of evolution?
* With neat and labeled diagram explain the structure of neuron.
* What is puberty? Name the hormones ·responsible for production of secondary sexual
characters in hun1an beings.
(VeJ}' Short Answer Type Questions)
Q.21. Give a1iy two ways to manage garbage at home. (2)
Q.22. Define Food Chain. (2)
Q.23. What. is 'Narmada Bachao Andolan '? (2)
* \\That is the importance of recycling of materials?
Define food chain?
* What do you mean by Chipko AndoIan?
* Name any two endangered plant species.
* What do you understand by' Food \Vebs?
* Explain Sustainable Management.
* Name any two· renewable resources.
* Name the three biotic components of an _Ecosyst�m.
* Define non-renewable resources and name any two
non-�enewable resources.·
* \1/hat are Fossils?
* List four common waste disposal methods.
Name an,·., two fossil fuels.
* 'What do ,·oLi
. . mean bv., wild-life?
* Why Should we conserve foi·ests?
* \\'hat is role of decomposers in the ecosystem?
What will happen if we kill all the orga!1ism in the trophic leYel?

in each of the following auct


Q.2.t Choose the correct/most approprh1te answer

write it in �·our answer-book:
(i) Fodder is obtained from:
(a) Bacteria and Nematodes (b) Leafes Qf plants
( c) \\.ater harvesting tanks ( d) None of these (l J
Ans. (b) Leaves of plants
(ii) \Vhen there is insufficient oxygen (Air) the.combustion produces:
(a) Ozo·ne gas (b) Carbon dioxide
(c) Carbon monoxide (d) Hydrogen gls ( 1)
Ans. ( b) Carbon dioxide
(iii) Spirogyra can reproduce by:
(a) Fission (b) Vegetatin� propagation
(c) Fragmentation ( d) Regeneration (I)
Ans. (c) Fragmentation
(iv) The ainount of DNA in a new generation is:
(a) Double than previous (b) Equal to the pre\·ious
(c) Half of the previous (d) Three times than pr�vious (l)
Ans. (c) Half of the previous
(i) One of the· foHov-,ing lndustires is based on. forest produce:
(a) Lac (b) Steel
(c) Oil and Petroleum (d) None of these
Ans. (c) Oil and Petroleum
(ii) Coal in addition ofcarbon contains:
(a) Chlorine (b) Cobalt
(c) Nitrogen (d) Potassium
Ans. (c) Nitrogen
. (iii) Which of the following shows regeneration?
(a) Bryophyllum (b) Amoeba
(c) Plasinodium (d) Hydra
Ans. (d) Hydra
(iv) \Vhich of the following is the information source
for makino proteins?
(a) Variations (b) DNA � ·
(c) Carbohydrates · (d) Lysosomes
Ans. (b) DNA
(i)' The Paper Industry is based on: *********************•**** *
(a) Coal mines (b) \Vind animals
(c) Forest Produce (d) Dams
Ans. (c) Forest Produce
(ii) Burning of petroleum produces: '. ,,
(a) Oxides o f Sulphur.
(b) Chlorides of Sodium
(c) Sulphates of Copper (d) Oxides of Iron
Ans. (a) Oxides of Sulphur
(iii) _ Multiple Fission is a means of Rep.roduc�ion in:. .,
(a) Planaria , , (b) Plasmodium,. r, .
(c) Hydra (d) Rhizo.pus .·
Ans. (b) Plasmodium ..
(iv) The germs cells are specialized for:
(a) Fi ghting Infections -(b) Vege.tatfv.e-Propagation,
(c) Asexual Reproduction ,.(d) S_exuaI· Rep.r6duction
(d) Sexual Reprbdtictibn
. ******************* ** *********** * ** * **** ****· * ***** **** "'·**·*·**· ****** ****.


' •
I �� •

(i) Fodder is obtained from: : . _: ., .

• . ' .

I •• I J • '., .�

. � .. , . ' .

(a) B acteda µqd. �ematodes (b) Leaves of pla�ts; ,

(c) Water har�esti-ng_ tanks . •. (d) None of;these • , ·
Ans. (b) ,, .
(ii) When there is insufficient oxygen,(Air)
· .th� combusti�n prqdtices:
(a) Ozon� gas ·· (b),Car�on dioxide, .-, ,
(c) Carbon rt:i_ono�ide_/ . . (d}.Hydro. gen gas ; ;
· Ans. (b) . , , ., · ·, · .
(iii) Spirogyra can_r eproduc� by: ,
(a) F ission· _ ,. (b) Vegetative propagation.
(c) Fragm entation. (d) Regeneration·
Ans. (c) .
(iv) The amount of DNA .in a new generation ts: .
. . · , ·.. _·.,. '_,·. .. ;,: ..
. . . . : .
:v1· ous . . ·· (b) Equal to the previous
(a) Double th. an· p 1·e · �· ·. · · • · " . .
(d) Three times than previo u s
(c) Half o·f tI1e prev· ious
..** ** · r*
******************* ** *******
Ans. (c)
**�****�********�*��***�*.**, **** * *** **
' '.
1. A 'Pond' is an example �fa ·natii (b), Ecosystem,.
(a) Trophic level · (d) None o_f th� _abqy,e
(c) Food Web
Ans. (b) Ec o s st em
,' .. .

n the , rass eat ing animl:!It are• . . .r
ii. In a Foo�-Chat , g
(b) Producers . _.-
(a) Consumer s (d) None of the above
(c) Decc:,m pos ers , •
, > .\·.
Ans. (a) Consumers
iii. Nannada Bachao Andolan' was staned against the raising of height of
(a) Tawa Dam (b) Bakra . Dam
(c) Indira Gandhi Canal (d) Sardar Sarovar Dam
Ans. (d) Sardar Sarovar Dam
iv. \Vhich of the following are used for water harvesting in Himachal Pradesh:
(a) Kulhs · (b) Pynes
(c) Bundhis. (d) Bandharas
Ans. (a) Kulhs
(i) '"Crop-field'' is an example of:­
(a) Natura.I ·ecosystem (b) Artificial ecosystem
(c) Food chain (d) All the above
Aus. (b) Aniticial ecosystem.
(ii) Which of the following are· decomposers'?
(a)-. green plants (b) nerbirores
(c). secoa1dary consunters (d) micro-organisms
Ans. (d) micro-or�anisms
� . .

(ili) · 'Chipko Anoloion 'was started to end the exploitation of:

(a) Water resocerces (b) Industrial Projects
.(c) torest resources (_d) petroleum Projects
Ans. (c) forest resources
(iv) In Jammu region, which of the follo\�ing are used for water harvesting.
(a) Pond$ (b) Eris
(c) Kattas (d) Nadis
Ans. (a) Ponds
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••
• Which of the following is an example of a man-ma
de ecosystem.
(a) Garden (b) Forest
(c) Lake (d) Desert
Ans. (a) Forest.
• .. Green Plants
(a) Green Plants are
(a) Primary Consumers -
(b) Decomposers
. (c) Producers.
Ans� (c) Producers.
• The Indira Gandhi CanaP has .. . .
been helpful m
(a) Jammu and Kashrn·•r hrmgmg greenery in:-
(c) kenlla (b)Tainil Nadu·
Ans. (d) Rajasthan (d) Rajasthan
* In tvlaharashtra, the fol lowii1g are used for _wat�r. harvesting.
J I -

(a) Surangams · ; . ·· (b) tals

(c) Ahars (d ) Khadins
Ans. (b) Tals
* Anther contains:
(a) Sepals , r (b) p\'.ules
(c) Carpel ' (d) Pollen grains

Ans. (d) ., .•,1 . .. . . ' '

* The term ecos\- istem was introduced by: . ., ..

' ' .
(a) Milles (b) Haldane
(c) Tansley . . (d) Dar�vin ·
Ans. (c)• 'i·•, .·.,: ·: !' ',,· • · .- ·" . :� , .·,,

* Regeneration occurs· in:­

(a) Planaria (b) Spirogyra
(c) Hydra ' • • j' (d).All of these·
Ans. (d) . . ·.,, :.,.... .... .. • _

* Natures cleat1ers are:

I ,
'' , J .....

(a) Producers -· · - ·(b) Coi1slimers ·

. . ' · · :.,,-,- ·• · (
(c) Decompsers d) Caniivores :
Ans. (c) ' _. · · · · · · · · · ', · · · · · ' 1 :. • ' \
: J ••

* Layering is used for vegetative·propagation_of:

.... t

(a) Rose . (b) Jasmine ..
(c) Mango 0
(d) None of these·-
rt :
Ans. (b) Jasmme
' •� I I ' •'
., .. , ' ��I • •, "

* In a food chain, there is: ,. 0

(a) Bidirectional flow of energy . . (b) Zig�zag tlow of�n�rgy
(c) Multidirectional flow i_n energy.· (d) Unidir�ctiona't flow of energy
Ans. (d) unidirectional ·flow of energy I. • ·, ; . '

* Which of the following ts not a part of femal�_reproductive system in human

beings? '
,.. ..
(a) ovary ., ; . _(b) uterus 1 •
(c) vas deferens . · , . (d) fallopian tube .
Ans. (c) vas deferens ,, . .
• Which of t,tie following contains biodegradab
le items?.· , .-,
(a) Grass, flowers and leather (b) Grass. wood and plastic
(c)-Fruit_peels, cake and lime juice i.. (d) Cake, wood.and
Ans. (a), (c) and (d) ' .:, , ·

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