EC - 2019 Telecoupling Research

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Telecoupling Research: The First Five Years
Kelly E. Kapsar 1, *,† , Ciara L. Hovis 1, *,† , Ramon Felipe Bicudo da Silva 2 ,
Erin K. Buchholtz 3 , Andrew K. Carlson 1,4 , Yue Dou 1 , Yueyue Du 5 , Paul R. Furumo 6 ,
Yingjie Li 1,7 , Aurora Torres 8,9 , Di Yang 10 , Ho Yi Wan 11 , Julie G. Zaehringer 12
and Jianguo Liu 1
1 Center for Systems Integration and Sustainability, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48823, USA;
[email protected] (A.K.C.); [email protected] (Y.D.); [email protected] (Y.L.); [email protected] (J.L.)
2 Center for Environmental Studies and Research, State University of Campinas, Campinas,
SP 13083-870, Brazil; [email protected]
3 Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Program, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843, USA;
[email protected]
4 Program in Ecology, Evolutionary Biology, and Behavior, Michigan State University,
East Lansing, MI 48824, USA
5 College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China;
[email protected]
6 Department of Environmental Science, University of Puerto Rico-Rio Piedras, San Juan, PR 00931, USA;
[email protected]
7 Environmental Science and Policy Program, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824, USA
8 German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig, 04103 Leipzig, Germany;
[email protected]
9 Institute of Biology, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, 06108 Halle (Saale), Germany
10 Department of Geography, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611, USA; [email protected]
11 School of Public and Community Health Sciences, University of Montana, Missoula, MT 59812, USA;
[email protected]
12 Centre for Development and Environment, University of Bern, Mittelstr. 43, 3012 Bern, Switzerland;
[email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected] (K.E.K.); [email protected] (C.L.H.)
† Co-first authors.

Received: 10 January 2019; Accepted: 11 February 2019; Published: 16 February 2019 

Abstract: In an increasingly interconnected world, human–environment interactions involving flows

of people, organisms, goods, information, and energy are expanding in magnitude and extent, often
over long distances. As a universal paradigm for examining these interactions, the telecoupling
framework (published in 2013) has been broadly implemented across the world by researchers
from diverse disciplines. We conducted a systematic review of the first five years of telecoupling
research to evaluate the state of telecoupling science and identify strengths, areas to be improved,
and promising avenues for future study. We identified 89 studies using any derivation of the term
telecoupling. These works emphasize trade flows, information transfer, and species dispersal at
international, national, and regional scales involving one or a few countries, with China, Brazil,
and the United States being the most frequently studied countries. Our review showed a rising trend
in publications and citations on telecoupling, with 63% of identified telecoupling studies using the
framework’s specific language (e.g., “flows”, “agents”). This result suggests that future telecoupling
studies could apply the standardized telecoupling language and terminology to better coordinate,
synthesize, and operationalize interdisciplinary research. Compelling topics for future research
include operationalization of the telecoupling framework, commonalities among telecouplings,
telecoupling mechanisms and causality, and telecoupled systems governance. Overall, the first five
years of telecoupling research have improved our understanding of human–environment interactions,
laying a promising foundation for future social–ecological research in a telecoupled world.

Sustainability 2019, 11, 1033; doi:10.3390/su11041033

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Keywords: telecoupling; coupled human and natural systems; social–ecological systems;

Keywords: telecoupling; coupled human and natural systems; social–ecological systems; human–
human–environment interactions; systems integration; globalization; interdisciplinary research
environment interactions; systems integration; globalization; interdisciplinary research

1. Introduction
1. Introduction
Our world is becoming increasingly interconnected through flows of organisms, people, energy,
Our world
matter, financialis becoming increasingly interconnected
assets, information, and technology through
[1–5]. flows of organisms,
Furthermore, people, energy,
matter, financial
interactions in a assets, information,
single location and technology
(e.g., agriculture, [1–5].
forestry, Furthermore,
ecotourism) can have human–environment
substantial influence
interactions in a single location (e.g., agriculture, forestry, ecotourism)
over other distant places through processes such as global trade, migration, can have substantial influence
and information
over other distant places through processes such as global trade, migration,
transfer [6,7]. These interactions have profound implications for sustainability research and information transfer and
[6,7]. These interactions have profound implications for sustainability research
management [8]. Because of the complexity and differences in environments and policies across and management [8].
Because of theregions
geographic complexity and and differencesboundaries,
sociopolitical in environments and policiesand
understanding across geographic
governing theseregions
and sociopolitical boundaries,
interactions is often challenging. understanding and governing these distant interactions is often
In 2013, Liu et al. [9] introduced an integrated framework of telecoupling to systematically
In 2013,
describe Liu et al. [9]and
socioeconomic introduced an integrated
environmental framework
interactions of telecoupling
among distant to systematically
coupled human and natural
describe socioeconomic and environmental interactions among distant coupled
systems. In the first five years of its existence, over 300 papers have cited Liu et al. [9] (Figurehuman and natural1).
systems. In the first five years of its existence, over 300 papers have cited
The telecoupling framework has been broadly implemented in science communities across the Liu et al. [9] (Figure 1). world,
in both terrestrial and aquatic environments, and from the lens of a wide array of disciplinary in
framework has been broadly implemented in science communities across the world, and
both terrestrial and aquatic
interdisciplinary approaches. environments, and from the lens of a wide array of disciplinary and
interdisciplinary approaches.

Figure 1. Number of citations per year for “Framing Sustainability in a Telecoupled World” [9]. * Data
Figure 1. Number of citations per year for “Framing Sustainability in a Telecoupled World” [9].
extend through 1 July 2018.

* Data extend through 1 July 2018.

The telecoupling framework builds upon a foundation of disciplinary research, particularly
environmental science, climatology, and systems science research. For example, the similar concept of
The telecoupling framework builds upon a foundation of disciplinary research, particularly
“teleconnection” is frequently used by climatologists to explain the impacts of certain climatological
environmental science, climatology, and systems science research. For example, the similar concept
processes on distant locations [10]. Additionally, the term ‘teleconnection’ emerged as a concept
of “teleconnection” is frequently used by climatologists to explain the impacts of certain
for understanding processes behind land system change in the context of human and natural
climatological processes on distant locations [10]. Additionally, the term ‘teleconnection’ emerged as
influences [11–13]. However, these approaches lack the structure and conceptual breadth needed
a concept for understanding processes behind land system change in the context of human and
to encompass the interrelated social and ecological aspects of complex systems. The telecoupling
natural influences [11–13]. However, these approaches lack the structure and conceptual breadth
framework provides a universal and hierarchical model with specific language to better identify
needed to encompass the interrelated social and ecological aspects of complex systems. The
and understand distant interactions in and among coupled human and natural systems (CHANS)
telecoupling framework provides a universal and hierarchical model with specific language to better
by distinguishing “sending”, “receiving”, and “spillover” systems and their environmental and
identify and understand distant interactions in and among coupled human and natural systems
socioeconomic components (i.e., “causes”, “effects”, and “agents”) within user-defined boundaries
(CHANS) by distinguishing “sending”, “receiving”, and “spillover” systems and their environmental
and socioeconomic components (i.e., “causes”, “effects”, and “agents”) within user-defined
Sustainability 2019, 11, 1033 3 of 13

(Figure 2). The connections between systems are defined as “flows”, which can be either tangible (e.g.,
organisms, people, materials) or intangible (e.g., capital, knowledge, technology).
Another example of the semantic integration of the telecoupling framework is the concept of
a spillover system (Figure 2c). Many words have been used in different disciplines to describe the
unintended consequences of particular actions (e.g., displacement, off-site impact, spatial externality,
leakage). However, the concept of a spillover system integrates unintended consequences into the
telecoupling process such that the spillover system is recognized as a part of a much larger system.
This contextualization lays a foundation for systematically and consistently predicting the potential
impacts of different policy actions and promoting the sustainable development of complex systems.
In the course of the five years since its introduction, the telecoupling framework has rapidly been
adopted by many scientific disciplines, including earth science, ecology, economics, environmental
science, fisheries, and political science [14–19]. Its applications have informed a wide range of
important issues, such as sustainability management, conservation, ecosystem services, international
trade, food security, energy, and tourism [3,20–25]. Given the rapid adoption and growing influence of
telecoupling, it is important to review the current progress, summarize findings from telecoupling
research, and discuss future research directions. In this paper, we examine how the concept of
telecoupling and the telecoupling framework have been used in research, as well as how they have
grown and evolved during their first five years. Our objective is to gain a thorough understanding
of the state of telecoupling research and to identify strengths, areas to be improved, and promising
avenues for new research. To do so, we reviewed all telecoupling papers published in scientific
peer-reviewed journals since the inception of the telecoupling framework and recorded an array of
metrics, including number of citations, study areas, methods used, and study topic(s). The results of
this review paint a clear picture of the field of telecoupling research and help to identify research areas
in which telecoupling has a strong presence, as well as those in which there is potential for expansion.

2. Review Criteria
Our review was guided by a rigorous protocol for the systematic review of literature, the PRISMA
(preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses) framework [26]. A literature
search was conducted on the Web of Science (WOS) database (accessed on 1 July 2018). Per our protocol
(see Supplementary Material), we identified potential articles using a topic search for all forms of the
word “telecoupling” published between 1 January 2013 and 1 July 2018. Papers too recent to appear in
the WOS database (i.e., published around 1 July 2018) were identified by co-authors and also included
in our review. Gray literature, such as nonformally published or peer-reviewed theses, dissertations,
reports, and working papers, were excluded from this analysis.
Our literature search yielded 89 publications fitting our search criteria, with 15 of those added after
the initial WOS search. All papers were thoroughly reviewed and classified into one of three categories
(Figure 2). “Phenomenon” papers were those that mentioned the word telecoupling, but outside of the
context of the research that was being conducted (e.g., telecoupling was a keyword or appeared in the
abstract but was not mentioned any other time). “Concept” papers used the word telecoupling at least
once in the context of the research being conducted. “Framework” papers applied the telecoupling
framework by labelling at least one component of the study system(s) according to the telecoupling
framework (e.g., identified sending and receiving systems; full details in the Supplementary Material).
We then coded each paper and extracted information on the spatial and temporal scale(s) and extent(s)
examined, names and number of countries studied, and telecoupled flow type.
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Figure2. Visual depictions
2. Visual depictionsof of
ways in which
ways telecoupling
in which telecouplingis used in the
is used literature.
in the (A)(A)
literature. Phenomenon:
acknowledgementThe acknowledgement of connections between distant places. Boundaries and roles of not clearly
of connections between distant places. Boundaries and roles of places
places (B)
defined. not clearly defined.
Concept: (B) Concept:
Studied Studiedor
components components
systems areor systems are characterized
characterized as affectedas affected
by a telecoupled
process, with some boundaries defined. However, the specific terminology of thethetelecoupling
by a telecoupled process, with some boundaries defined. However, the specific terminology of
framework framework
is not is not
used. (C) used. (C) Framework:
Framework: Explicit Explicit
usage of usage
the specific language
language of of thetelecoupling
telecoupling framework with boundaries and system roles clearly defined. Circles and gray coloration
framework with boundaries and system roles clearly defined. Circles and gray coloration are used
are used to represent undifferentiated 'systems', while color and shape distinctions are abstract
to represent undifferentiated ‘systems’, while color and shape distinctions are abstract indications of
indications of different levels of adherence to the telecoupling framework. Dashed outlines represent
different levels
unspecified of adherence
system boundariesto the solid
while telecoupling framework.
lines surround Dashed
clearly defined outlines represent unspecified
system boundaries while solid lines surround clearly defined systems.
3. Overview of Five Years of Telecoupling Research
3. Overview of Five Years of Telecoupling Research
The amount of telecoupling research shows a clear, increasing trend over time (Figure 3B).
Papers mentioning
The amount ofthe word telecoupling
telecoupling in their
research title, abstract,
shows a clear,or increasing
keywords have beenover
trend published
timein(Figure 3B).
47 different peer-reviewed journals and books in the past five years. Ecology &
Papers mentioning the word telecoupling in their title, abstract, or keywords have beenSociety is the largest
published in
venue for telecoupling research, having published 20 telecoupling papers since 2013 (Figure 3A).
47 different peer-reviewed journals and books in the past five years. Ecology & Society is the largest
venue for telecoupling research, having published 20 telecoupling papers since 2013 (Figure 3A).
Sustainability 2019, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 5 of 14

Figure 3. (A) Frequency

Figure 3. (A) Frequency of telecouplingpapers
of telecoupling papers published in academic
published journals (excludes
in academic journals that
journals (excludes journals
have only published one telecoupling paper). (B) Number of papers published that mentioned
that have only"telecoupling"
publishedbyone year.telecoupling paper). (B) Number of papers published that mentioned
"telecoupling" by year. * Data in 2018 extend through 1 July 2018.
*Data in 2018 extend through 1 July 2018.

Of the 89 papers that were reviewed, 11 were classified as Phenomenon, 24 as Concept, and 54
as Framework (Figure 4). Telecoupling flow type, disciplinary focus, and country information were
analyzed for the 54 Framework papers.
Sustainability 2019, 11, 1033 5 of 13

Of the 89 papers that were reviewed, 11 were classified as Phenomenon, 24 as Concept, and 54
Framework 2019, 11, x FOR
(Figure 4).PEER REVIEW
Telecoupling 6 of 14
flow type, disciplinary focus, and country information were
Sustainability 2019, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 6 of 14
analyzed for the 54 Framework papers.

Figure 4. Frequency of each telecoupling use category in the literature review (n = 89).
Figure 4.
Figure Frequencyof
4. Frequency ofeach
telecoupling use
use category
category in
in the
the literature
literature review
review (n
(n == 89).

We identifiedseveral
We identified
knowledgetransfer, several
transfer,species telecoupling
speciesdispersal, flow
tourism,waterfrom the
watertransfer, Framework
transfer,human papers,
humanmigration, including
migration,waste trade,
knowledge transfer,
biophysical, speciestransfer,
technology dispersal, tourism, water
investment, animal transfer, human
migration, andmigration,
ecosystem waste transfer,
services flow.
biophysical, technology transfer, investment, animal migration, and ecosystem services flow.
Seventy-four technology
percent oftransfer,
the 54 investment,
papers animal
addressed migration,
trade, 33% and ecosystem
addressed knowledge services flow.
transfer, 17%
Seventy-four percent of the 54 papers addressed trade, 33% addressed knowledge transfer, 17%
Seventy-four percent
addressedspecies of the
speciesdispersal, 54 papers
dispersal,followed addressed
followedby bytourism, trade,
tourism,water 33% addressed
transfer,and knowledge
flows,which 17%
accounted species
for lessdispersal,
than 10% followed
of papers by tourism,
(Figure 5a). water transfer, and other flows, which each
accounted for less than 10% of papers (Figure 5a).
accounted for less than 10% of papers (Figure 5a).

Figure (A)Frequency
telecouplingflow flowtypes
the 5.
thenumber (A)
number Frequency
ofof countries
countries of telecoupling
studied flow
in framework
in framework types analyzed
papers. in
Papers framework
NA NA papers.
indicate (B) Frequency
studies of
that apply
that apply the
the number
framework, of
framework, but
not thestudied
innot in in
of framework
the context
context papers.
of specific
specific Papers
countries (e.g., with
(e.g., NAexamining
publications studies
examining that
the apply
the general general
the framework,
the but not in the context of specific countries (e.g., publications examining
of the telecoupling framework for better understanding biodiversity conservation or trade).
telecoupling framework for better understanding biodiversity conservation or the
trade). general
utility of the telecoupling framework for better understanding biodiversity conservation or trade).
The geographic scale of analysis describes the level at which data were analyzed (local, regional,
The geographic scale of analysis describes the level at which data were analyzed (local, regional,
The geographic
national, scale Of
international). of
Ofanalysis describespublications,
the Framework
the Framework the level at which
publications, data were
14 papers
14 papers analyzed
focused (local, regional,
on telecoupling
on telecoupling
at an
at an
national, international). Of the Framework publications, 14 papers focused on telecoupling
international scale, 13 focused on a regional or national scale, and 6 focused on a local scale. Twelve at an
international scale, 13 focused on a regional or national scale, and 6 focused on a local scale.
papers investigated multiple geographic scales across local, regional, national, and international Twelve
papers investigated
boundaries. multipleofgeographic
The number scales across
countries analyzed local,
ranged regional,
widely, withnational,
a minimumand international
of one and a
boundaries. The number of countries analyzed ranged widely, with a minimum of one and a
Sustainability 2019, 11, 1033 6 of 13

international scale, 13 focused on a regional or national scale, and 6 focused on a local scale. Twelve
papers investigated multiple geographic scales across local, regional, national, and international
Sustainability 2019,
boundaries. The11, x FOR PEER
number REVIEW analyzed ranged widely, with a minimum of one and a maximum
of countries 7 of 14
of 172 countries examined in a single study. However, most Framework papers (61%) focused on one
or of 172 countries
a few countries, examined
with just 12 in a singlemore
papers analyzing study.
thanHowever, most
10 countries Framework
(Figure 5b). papers (61%)
focused on one or a few countries, with just 12 papers analyzing more than
Excluding analyses with >10 countries, studies applying the telecoupling framework10 countries (Figure (i.e.,
Framework analyses
papers) with 34
examined >10countries
countries,onstudies applying
6 continents the 6;
(Figure telecoupling framework
n = 33 papers). China (i.e.,
Framework papers) examined 34 countries on 6 continents (Figure 6; n = 33 papers).
the most frequently studied country, included in 19 papers. Brazil, Laos, and the United States China was the
most frequently studied country, included
appeared in at least 4 papers each (Figure 6). in 19 papers. Brazil, Laos, and the United States appeared
in at least 4 papers each (Figure 6).

Figure 6. Map
Figure of theofnumber
6. Map of studies
the number conducted
of studies in each
conducted country
in each usingusing
country the telecoupling framework
the telecoupling (excludes
(excludes analyses with >10 countries; n = 33 publications). Country codes follow the International for
with >10 countries; n = 33 publications). Country codes follow the International Organization
Organization3166-1 Alpha-3 standard.
for Standardization 3166-1 Alpha-3 standard.

4. Emergent
4. Emergent Themes
Themes from
from the
the Telecoupling
Telecoupling Literature
This review
This review demonstrates
demonstratesthat thatthethetelecoupling
telecoupling framework
framework hashasrapidly
rapidlybeen beenadopted
adopted in the
in five
five sincesinceits inception.
its inception.It hasItbeen
has applied
been applied acrossacross
the gamut of sustainability
the gamut of sustainabilitysciencescience
to better
better understandinternational trade [3],
international land
trade [3],use/land cover change
land use/land cover [27,28],
change tourism [29], water
[27,28], tourism [29],transfer
[30,31], species
transfer [30,31], invasion [32], migration
species invasion [18], and
[32], migration urbanization
[18], [33], among
and urbanization many other
[33], among manytopics.
other topics.
However, despite
However, despite itsits growing
recognition,our ourresults
show that
that37% 37% of of
telecoupling papers
do use use
the specific language
the specific of theof
language framework
the framework(e.g., “agents”, “sending/receiving
(e.g., “agents”, systems”,systems”,
“sending/receiving “flows”).
This lack of
“flows”). Thisa unifying
lack of alanguage
language ahighlights
missed opportunity for the synthesis
a missed opportunity for the of synthesis
telecoupling of
telecoupling research.
Still, the
Still, theoriginal
telecoupling framework
framework paperpaper has informed
has informed and motivated
and motivated a number a number
of notableof
notable contributions
contributions to a variety
to a variety of disciplines.
of disciplines. These These contributions
contributions can becan be broadly
broadly categorized
categorized into
into four
four areas:
areas: NovelNovel hypothesis
hypothesis generation,
generation, the identification
the identification of knowledgeof knowledge
gaps, the gaps,
assessmentthe assessment
of feedbacks, of
feedbacks, and
trade-offs, trade-offs,
synergies and synergies ofsystems,
of telecoupled telecoupled
and the systems, and the
identification identification
of spillover systems.of spillover
The generation of novel hypotheses that result from telecoupling studies can be attributed to the
explicit generation ofofnovel hypotheses
the social that result from
and environmental telecoupling
components studies
of both thecan be attributed
sending to the
and receiving
explicit identification
system. This leads to the of the social and of
development environmental
novel hypotheses components
that oftenofchallenge
both the sending
conventional and receiving
For This inleads
example, Sun et toal.’s
the paper,
the authors of novel hypotheses
hypothesized thattrade
that the often challenge conventional
of agricultural goods does
not always For example,
convey in Sun et al.’s
environmental paper,for
benefits thetheauthors
importing hypothesized
country [34]. thatThey
the trade
showed of agricultural
that in the
case ofdoes not always
the soybean convey
trade environmental
between Brazil and benefits for the importing
China, Chinese farmers began country [34]. They
growing moreshowed
that in
than the case of
soybeans, the soybean
which increased trade
nitrogen Brazil and China,
fertilizer Chinese farmers
use substantially, thus began growing
increasing more
maize than soybeans, which increased their nitrogen fertilizer use substantially, thus increasing
potential environmental impacts. In this case, the inclusion of the Brazil–China telecoupling resulted
in a new hypothesis that runs counter to the conventional wisdom which states that importing
countries’ natural environments benefit from trade.
Similarly, the telecoupling framework is well-suited to the identification of knowledge gaps in
Sustainability 2019, 11, 1033 7 of 13

environmental impacts. In this case, the inclusion of the Brazil–China telecoupling resulted in a new
hypothesis that runs counter to the conventional wisdom which states that importing countries’ natural
environments benefit from trade.
Similarly, the telecoupling framework is well-suited to the identification of knowledge gaps
in CHANS research. Gasparri and Waroux exemplified this in their study, where they assessed
policy challenges in the South American soybean and cattle industries [35]. They concluded that
these interconnected industries require more actor-centered approaches for both conservation policy
and research.
The integration of natural and human elements inherent in the telecoupling framework highlights
the feedbacks, tradeoffs, and synergies not apparent when treated separately. For example, Cease et al.
used the telecoupling framework and were among the first to acknowledge the intertwined nature
of livestock prices, locust outbreaks, soil nitrogen, and local livelihoods in Northeast China [35,36],
thus improving the understanding of feedbacks in a telecoupled system.
Finally, the identification of spillover systems and the impacts of telecouplings upon them is
a major strength of the telecoupling framework. Chignell and Laituri illustrated this by revealing
underlying social–hydrological relationships in the context of water development aid in Ethiopia [37].
In this example, the sending system is defined as the international aid sector with rural livelihood
systems, urban sanitation services, and producers of hydropower as the receiving systems. Their results
indicate that there were unforeseen effects of water development aid on seemingly disparate sectors
(i.e., irrigated agriculture and agricultural exports, both defined as spillover systems). In general,
these early themes in the telecoupling literature have aided and facilitated a better understanding of
sustainability for CHANS in numerous capacities and together create a solid foundation for future
telecoupling research directions.

5. Future Directions for Telecoupling Research

The dramatic increase in the amount of research conducted suggests that the future of telecoupling
will be fruitful. While telecoupling research has already helped investigators to better understand
complex CHANS, there is still much work to be done and many areas for expansion and improvement.
This section highlights a few examples.
To advance the study of telecoupled system dynamics, further operationalization of the
telecoupling framework is warranted. Several techniques and tools are being developed with the
purpose of facilitating this progress and improving our understanding of complex interactions between
CHANS across distances. One such technique is a telecoupled agent-based model (TeleABM) that
simulates telecoupling processes (e.g., international trade, socioeconomic and environmental effects)
and can provide a quantitative approach to better understand these complex systems [38]. The model
can also be informed with empirical data, which can produce more realistic modeling outcomes.
Additionally, a growing collection of software tools and applications, called the Telecoupling Toolbox
(, provides researchers and practitioners with multiscale visualization
and geoprocessing tools that integrate socioeconomic and environmental analytic methods for the
study of telecoupled systems [39]. Its two main products are an ArcGIS Toolbox (Telecoupling
Toolbox) and a Telecoupling GeoApp. The latter is a new web-based GIS application that provides
researchers and practitioners with a useful platform to explore systems, flows, agents, causes,
and effects of telecouplings with a range of simple to complex mapping and geospatial analysis
tools ( [40]).
There are also several key areas where telecoupling research can be expanded. Spillover systems
are integral components of almost any telecoupling process. En route from sending to receiving
systems, telecoupled flows often generate one or more spillover systems. However, the connections of
spillover systems to their telecoupled flows are understudied [41]. For example, while much research
has been conducted on the environmental, economic, and social impacts of the global shipping
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industry that carries the vast majority of globally traded goods [42–45], little research has connected
these ‘spillover’ effects with the sending and receiving systems ultimately driving shipping demand.
The telecoupling framework has great potential for encouraging researchers to examine the
broader context in which their research takes place through cross-disciplinary telecoupling analyses.
However, while many researchers seem to acknowledge this context (as seen by the numerous
references to telecouplings in the introductions of research papers), there is a need for more
interdisciplinary collaborations to analyze all of the components of telecoupling processes from
appropriate disciplinary perspectives. Applying the telecoupling framework to better understand
complex interrelationships among seemingly unrelated fields could help researchers and practitioners
to identify key agents, flows, and feedbacks in these systems. While we acknowledge that this
cannot be always accomplished in a single paper, we suggest the idea of a “paper series” in which
multiple papers analyze different aspects of a particular telecoupling. Papers in the series can then
be integrated together into a more holistic understanding of telecoupled system dynamics. For
example, Sino–Brazilian soy trade has been extensively studied under the telecoupling framework
(>10 publications), and explicitly linking these findings and understanding their implications could
enhance the process of knowledge integration and synthesis for policy-making [3,12,28,34,35,46–50].
Beyond individual telecouplings, there is also a need for research examining the processual
commonalities behind telecoupling processes in order to uncover the underlying structure(s) and
mechanism(s) of complex, telecoupled systems. For instance, some telecoupling processes are
consciously initiated through policies, such as trade deals, while others, such as the illegal wildlife trade,
are in part due to an unmet demand for a particular resource. Identifying these shared characteristics of
different telecoupling processes can help to illuminate the connections between and among disparate
situations and reveal avenues that have been successful for promoting sustainable development.
This concept of processual commonalities is very similar to the idea of common pool resources and the
common factors that contribute to their sustainable use developed by Nobel Prize winning economist
Elinor Ostrom [51]. In terms of methodologies that could also be applied to the analysis of telecoupling
processes and their effects on people and the environment, archetype analysis has proved to be very
useful in identifying socioecological patterns and recurring processes [52,53].
Furthermore, increased attention should be given to establishing causal effects and causal
mechanisms in telecoupled processes [54]. In this Special Issue, Carlson et al. [55] found that less than
three percent of published telecoupling papers have applied rigorous (i.e., qualitative–quantitative)
causal analysis methods. Improving the analysis of causality in telecoupling research will help to
reveal the mechanisms by which telecoupled systems function and processes occur. Much of the
telecoupling literature is descriptive. That is, processes are described qualitatively in terms of their
causes (e.g., policy), manifestations (e.g., increased market prices/trade), and effects (e.g., land use
change). Future work will benefit from identifying how global forces actually exert change at the local
level. For instance, how do smallholders make decisions in the face of so many interlinked factors,
such as global market prices, that present both new challenges and opportunities? How are livelihoods
adjusted or changed, and what are the impacts of these changes on natural systems?
The world’s increasing connectivity poses many challenges for sustainable development.
Eakin et al. [56] have emphasized the role of governance and institutional change in telecoupled
interactions. Nevertheless, the governance of telecoupled systems remains a crucial but widely
under-researched field. Political science scholars have recognized this research gap and advocate
for in-depth and large sample size comparative empirical studies to identify governance and
policy options and institutional systems that can effectively and legitimately govern telecoupled
systems [14,57]. Oberlack et al. [58] linked the telecoupling concept with the established concept
of polycentric governance [59] and operationalized them through a network of action situation
analyses. More emphasis should be put on operationalizing such linkages of place-based analysis
of land use changes with process-based analysis of flows and actor networks. Methods such as
social network analysis can thus help to identify key actors in telecoupled networks, which might
Sustainability 2019, 11, 1033 9 of 13

represent leverage points of change [60]. To identify power differentials between different actors
connected to these networks, it is crucial to conduct in-depth investigations of actors’ agency and
their claims on land. Understanding actors’ agency and the networks of flows and institutions they
are embedded in is a prerequisite to designing and implementing transformative approaches for
sustainable development. These efforts can also lead to a better understanding of the challenges
and opportunities for transboundary governance, such as improving the sustainability of commodity
supply chains through certification programs and zero deforestation agreements [22,61,62].
Some limitations of the telecoupling framework were identified early on (e.g., rigidity of
‘distant’ interactions, differences in nature of the connections between faraway and nearby systems).
Addressing these limitations necessitated a holistic, multiscale approach. In answer to these limitations,
the metacoupling framework was introduced as an umbrella concept for CHANS research in a
globalized world. In addition to telecoupling processes, the metacoupling framework provides a
shared language to analyze connections within a system as well as between adjacent systems [63].
In other words, the metacoupling framework treats telecouplings as one component of a metacoupled
system that connects distant systems along with intracouplings (human–nature interactions within a
system) and pericouplings (connecting adjacent systems). Differentiating and integrating these three
types of ‘sub-systems’ within a larger metacoupled system elevates our perspective and furthers our
ability to uncover connections not apparent at the single system scale [60,64,65].

6. Conclusion
Many of the important contributions of the telecoupling framework are attributable to its novel,
systematic, and socioecologically integrative structure. As a paradigm that explicitly synthesizes
socioeconomic and environmental information over distances, the telecoupling framework advances
monothematic research approaches (i.e., those that only consider human or environmental perspectives
at a single place) by providing a social–ecological context for distant interactions and the systems,
flows, agents, causes, and effects involved. In so doing, the telecoupling framework facilitates a
broader, deeper understanding of complexity than was formerly possible. The telecoupling framework
is highly flexible (i.e., useful in diverse fields) and applicable (i.e., conducive for translating science into
policy and management strategies). Ultimately, these characteristics of the telecoupling framework
allow researchers and managers, among others, to advance the science and practice of sustainability in
ways that use information on both local and distant socioeconomic and environmental interactions.
This unique ability separates the telecoupling framework from many other research approaches and
helps to explain its growing importance across diverse disciplines. The past five years have resulted in
a solid foundation of telecoupling research with a future even more promising as new avenues for
investigation and application arise.

Supplementary Materials: The following are available online at

s1, Table S1: PRISMA Framework Checklist, Table S2: Codebook, Table S3: Reviewed Telecoupling Literature.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, J.L.; data curation K.E.K., C.L.H., R.F.B., E.K.B, A.K.C., Y.D. (Yue Dou),
Y.D. (Yueyue Du), P.R.F., Y.L., A.T., H.Y.W., and J.G.Z; investigation K.E.K., C.L.H., R.F.B., E.K.B, A.K.C., Y.D.
(Yue Dou), Y.D. (Yueyue Du), P.R.F., Y.L., A.T., H.Y.W., and J.G.Z; methodology C.L.H. and K.E.K.; writing—original
draft preparation K.E.K., C.L.H., R.F.B., E.K.B, A.K.C., Y.D. (Yue Dou), Y.D. (Yueyue Du), P.R.F., Y.L., A.T., H.Y.W.,
and J.G.Z.; formal analysis K.E.K. and C.L.H.; writing—review and editing, K.E.K., C.L.H., R.F.B., E.K.B, A.K.C.,
Y.D. (Yue Dou), Y.D. (Yueyue Du), P.R.F., Y.L., A.T., D.Y., H.Y.W., J.G.Z, and J.L. ; visualization, K.E.K., C.L.H,
R.F.B., and Y.L.; supervision, J.L.; project administration, K.E.K. and C.L.H.
Funding: J.G.Z. was supported by the Swiss Programme for Research on Global Issues for Development (r4d
programme), which is funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) and the Swiss Agency for
Development and Cooperation (SDC), under grant number 400440 152167. A.K.C. was supported by the University
Distinguished Fellowship and Robert C. Ball and Betty A. Ball Fisheries and Wildlife Fellowship [Michigan State
University], the NASA-MSU Professional Enhancement Award, and the United States Department of Agriculture
National Institute of Food and Agriculture [grant number MICL04161]. Y.L. was supported by the Environmental
Science and Policy Program Fellowship. C. H. and Y. Dou were supported by the National Science Foundation
Complex Dynamics of Telecoupled Human and Natural Systems, grant number 1518518. E.K.B. was supported
by the NASA-MSU Professional Enhancement Award. K.E.K. was supported by the William W. and Evelyn M.
Sustainability 2019, 11, 1033 10 of 13

Taylor Endowed Fellowship for International Engagement in Coupled Humans and Natural Systems. R.F.B.S. was
supported by grants from Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (grant numbers 15/25892-7 and
14/50628-9). Y.Du. was supported by the NASA-MSU Professional Enhancement Award and China Scholarship
Council. D. Y. was supported by NASA-MSU Professional Enhancement Award. J.L. was supported by the U.S.
National Science Foundation, NASA, and Michigan AgBioResearch. . A.T. was supported by the NASA-MSU
Professional Enhancement Award.
Acknowledgments: We thank the guest editors for inviting us to write this paper and the organizers of the 2018
US-International Association of Landscape Ecology conference for providing a venue for this collaboration to be
possible. We thank the reviewers of this publication for their time and insightful comments.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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