Anterior Fontanel Size: Sarla Mattur Ram Kumar G.P. Mathur V.K. Singh Veena Gupta V.N. Tripathi Material and Methods
Anterior Fontanel Size: Sarla Mattur Ram Kumar G.P. Mathur V.K. Singh Veena Gupta V.N. Tripathi Material and Methods
Anterior Fontanel Size: Sarla Mattur Ram Kumar G.P. Mathur V.K. Singh Veena Gupta V.N. Tripathi Material and Methods
caliper in a sitting child whose head and The majority of the children (92.6%) be-
arms were restrained by an attendant. Any longed to socio-economic Classes II, III and
fontanel too small to be measured was IV; 7.4% were from Classes I and V. The
considered closed. The mean anterior fon- mean values for the size of anterior fontanel
tanel size was calculated by taking the average were in decreasing order with increasing age.
of length (AB) and width (CD)(4). The basic Anterior-fontanel was closed as early as 6
data thus obtained were arranged age wise months of age in a clinically normal child.
at monthly intervals upto 1 year of age and By 12 months, it had closed in 40% chil-
at 3 months interval for next 12 months, dren. In 91.3% children it had closed before
i.e., at 15, 18, 21 and 24 months(4) and 24 months of age (Table I). The mean an-
mean and standard deviation were calculated. terior fontanel size which is maximum in the
A percentile grid for the size of anterior newborn (2.2 to 4.5 cm) decreases as the age
fontanel at 3 monthly age interval was advances; at 24 months its size reduces by
constructed by applying the method, used by 0.25 to 0.5 cm (Table II & Fig. 1).
previous workers (5-10). Discussion
Results The anterior fontanel of the newborn infant
Out of 445 cases studied, 220 (49.4%) may increase in size after birth, but gener-
were males and 225 (50.6%) were females. ally diminishes after 6 months(2). In this
study, the mean size of anterior fontanel at growth-lag in comparison to their western
different age intervals was higher in com- counterparts. In an Indian study(11), it
parison to Western(4,6) and few Indian was reported that there was hardly any
studies(7-8). Our observations are in confor- patency of anterior fontanel beyond the age
mity with few Indian workers(9-10), who of 18 months. Few Western workers(l,12)
also observed higher anterior, fontanel size also mentioned age of closure of anterior
in their subjects. This may be attributed to fontanel between 9-18 months. This
regional variations or poor socio-economic indicates that the closure of anterior
status of our subjects indicating general fontanel was delayed in our subjects
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