ASTM D412 Test Method For Vulcanized Rubber
ASTM D412 Test Method For Vulcanized Rubber
ASTM D412 Test Method For Vulcanized Rubber
Document Name: ASTM D412: Standard Test Methods for Vulcanized
Rubber and Thermoplastic Elastomers-Tension
Official Incorporator:
~~r~ Designation: 0 412 - 68 American National Standard J2.1-1969
American National Standards Institute
Standard Method of
This Standard. i~ issued u~der th~ fixed designatio~ p 412; the number immediately following the designation indicates
the year of onglnal adoptIOn or, In the case of reVISIon, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the
year of last reapproval.
This method has been approved by the i!eI?art.ment of Defense to replace methods 4001,4116,4121, and 4411 of Federal
Test Method St~ndard N.0' 601 andfor hstmgm the DoD Index of Specifications and Standards. Future proposed revisions
should be coordmated with the Federal Government through the Army Materials and Mechanics Research Center Water-
town, Mass. 02172. . '
1. Scope pressed as a percentage of the original length
1.1 This method covers the effect of the of the section.
application of a tension load to vulcanized 2.7 ultimate elongation-the maximum
rubber and similar rubber-like materials at elongation prior to 'rupture.
room temperature and elevated temperatures. 2.8 tensile stress at given elongation-the
Covered are tests for tensile stress, tensile tensile stress required to stretch a uniform
strength, ultimate elongation, and set. The section of a specimen to a given elongation.
method is not applicable to the testing of 2.9 tension set-the extension remaining
material ordinarily classified as ebonite or after a specimen has been stretched and al-
hard rubber. lowed to retract in a specified manner, ex-
1.2 This method starts with a piece taken pressed as a percentage of the original length.
from the sample and covers (1) the prepara- 2.10 set after break-the tension set of a
tion of the specimens for tension testing, and specimen stretched to rupture.
. (2) the tension testing of the specimens. 3. Apparatus
3.1 Dies and Cutters-The shapes and di-
2. Defini tions mensions of dumbbell dies for preparing
2.1 sample-a unit, collection of units, or a dumbbell specimens shall conform with those
section of a unit taken from a sampling lot. shown in Fig. 1. The inside faces in the re-
2.2 piece-the portion of the sample that is duced seCtion shall be polished and perpen-
prepared for 'testing. dicular' to the plane formed by the cutting
2.3 specimen-a piece of material appro- edges for a depth of at least 5 mm (0.2 in.).
priately shaped and prepared so that it is The· dies shall be' sharp and free of nicks in
ready to use for a test. A specimen may be a order to prevent ragged edges on the speci-
complete article in the case of. small rubber men. Dies and cutters for preparing ring
bands, gaskets, belts, and similar products specimens shall be designed to produce one
that are uniform in cross section and are capa- of the standard ring specimens described in
ble of being tested without reduction in length 4.4. A suggested cutter and holder are shown
or cross sectional area. in Fig. 2 for preparing standard ring speci-
2.4 tensile s tress-The applied force per mens from sheets prepared in accordance with
unit of original cross sectional area of speci- ASTM Methods D 15, Compound and Sam-
men. ple Preparation for Physical Testing of Rubber
2.5 tensile strength-the maximum tensile
stress applied during stretching a specimen to
I This method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Com-
rupture. mittee 0-11 on Rubber and Rubber-Like Products and is
2.6 elongation or strain-the extension of a the direct responsibility of Subcommittee 0-11. \0 on Physi-
cal Testing.
uniform section of a specimen, produced by a Current edition effective Sept.- 13, 1968. Originally is-
tensile force applied to the specimen, ex- sued 1935. Replaces 0412 - 66.
D 412
D 412
3.7.1 Grips for testing dumbbell specimens dial or scale (whichever is normally used in
shall tighten automatically and. e'xert a· lIni- testing) does not indicate the weight applied
form pressure across· the gripping surfaces, jn- (or its equivalent in stress for ,compensating
creasing as the tensjon increases in order to tester) within the spe'cified tOlerance, the ma-
prevent uneven slipping and to favor failure chine shall be thoroughly checked' for exc,ess
of the specimen in its .constricted section. At friction in the bearings and all other moving
the end of each grip, a positioning device is parts. After eliminating as nearly as possible
recommended for inserting specimens to the all the excess friction, the machine shall be
saine depth in the grip and aligning them with recalibrated ~s just described. The machine
the direction 'of pull. shall be calibrated at a minimum of three
3.7.2 Grips for testing ring specimens shall points, using accurately known weight assem-
consist of one or two rollers 01) each grip at blies of approximately 10, 20, and 50 percent
least 9 mm (0.35 in.) in diameter and at least of capacity. The weight of the lower grip and
1'0 mm (0.4 in.) in length. The surface of the hook shall be included as' part of the calibra-
rollers shall be lubricated with castor oil to tion weight. If pawls and ratchet are used
facilitate equalizing the stress around the during test, they should also b~ used during
specimen. Smaller rollers may be provided the calibration. 'Friction in the head can be
for· testing rings smaller'than 25 mm (1 in.) in checked by calibrating with the pawls, up.
diameter. NOTE 5-1t is advisable to provide a means for
3.7.3 Grips for testing straight specimens preventing the weights from falling to the floor in
shall be either wedged or toggle type de- case the dumbbell should break.
signed to transmit Jhe: applied forGe over a 3.8.l A rapid and frequent approximate
large surface area of the specimen. check on accuracy of the tensile tester calibra-
NOTE 4~Arate of separation of 1 m (40 in.)j tion may be .obtained 'by using a spring cali-
min may be used in routine work and notation of bration device.'! .
the speed used made on the report, but in case of
dispute the rate shall be 500 ± 50 mm(20 ± 2 3.9 Apparatus for Set Test-The testing
in.)/min. machine described under 3.6 or an apparatus
similar to that shown in Fig. 3 may be u~ed. A
3.8 Calibration of T,e$ting Machine-The
stop watch or other suitable timing device
testing machine shall' be calibrated in accord-
which will register the time in minutes for at
ance with' Procedure A of ASTM Methods
least 30 min shall be provided. A scale or
E 4, Verification of Testing Machines.- a If the
other device. shall be provided for measuring
dynamometer is of the strain-gage type the
set to within 1 percent.
tester shall be calibrated at' one or more loads
3.10 Test Chamber for Elevated Tempera-
daily, in addition to the 'requirements in Sec-
ture- The test chamber shall conform with
tions 7 and 18 of Methods E4. Testers having
the following requirements:
pendulum dynamometers may be calibrated
3.10.1 Air shall 'be circulated through the
as follows: One end of a dumbbell specimen
chamber with a speed of 60 to 120 m (200 to
shall be placed in the up'per grip of the testing
400 ft)/min at the location of the grips and
machine. The lower grip shall' be removed
specimen~j and maintained within 2 C of the
from the machine and attached to thespeci-
specified temperature.
men. To this lower grip shall be attached a
3.10.2 A caiibrated sensing device shall be
hook suitable for holding weights. A weight
located near the grips for measuring the ac-
shall be suspended from the hook on the spec-
imen in such a way (Note 5) as to permit the tual temperature.
3.10.3 The chamber shall be vented to an
weight assembly to rest on the machine grip
exhaust system or the outside 'atmosphere to
holder. If the machine has a dynamometer
head of the compensating type it shall be cal- remove any toxic fumes liberated at high tem-
ibrated at two or more settings of the com- peratures.
pensator. The motor shall be ,started and run
31974 Annual Book of ASTM Standards,Part 41.
as in normal testing until the weight assembly 4 Obtainable from Testing Machines Inc., 400 Bayview
is freely suspended by the specimen. If the. Ave., Amityville, L. I.,N. Y.11701. .
D 412
3.10.4 Provision shall be made for suspend- bench marker described in 3.2. The sample
ing specimens vertically near the grips for shall be under no tension at the time it is
conditioning prior to test. The specimens marked. Marks shall be placed on the re-
should not touch each other or the sides of the duced section of the specimen equidistant
chamber except for momentary contact when from its center and perpendicular to its longi-
agitated by the circulating air. tudinal axis. The centers of the marks shall
3.10.5 Suitable fast-acting grips for manip- be either 20.00 ± 0.08 mm, 25.00 ± 0.08 mm,
ulation a t high temperatures shall be provided or 1.000 ± 0.003 in. apart on specimens cut
to permi t placing specimens in the grips with- with dies C and D, and either 50.00 ± 0.08
out changing the temperature of the chamber. mm or 2.000 ± 0.003 in. apart on specimens
3.10.6 The dynamometer shall be suitable cut with the other dies shown in Fig. 1.
for use at the temperature of test or thermally 4.3 Measuring Dumbbell Specimens-
insulated from the chamber. Three measurements shall be made for thick-
3.10.7 Provision shall be made for measur- ness, one at the center and one at each end
ing elongation of specimens in the chamber. of the reduced section of the specimen. The
If a scale is used to measure the extension be- median of the three measurements shall be
tween bench marks, the scale shall be located used as the thickness in calculating the cross
parallel and close to the grip path during ex- sectional area, except that specimens for
tension and shall be controlled from outside which the differences between the maximum
the cham ber. and minimum thickness exceeds 0.08 mm
(0.003 in.), shall be discarded.
4. Test Specimens 4.3.1 The width of the specimen shall be
4.1 Dumbbell Specimens-The piece of taken as the distance between the cutting
rubber to be tested shall, whenever possible, edges of the die in the restricted section.
be flat, not less than 1.5 mm (0.06 in.) nor 4.4 Ring Specimens:
more than 3 mm (0.12 in.) in thickness and of 4.4.1 The radial width should be less than
a size which will permit cutting a dumbbell 15 percent of the inside diameter of the ring,
specimen by means of one of the standard and the hardness should be less than 90, as
dies. If obtained from a manufactured article determined by ASTM Method D 2240, Test
the piece of rubber shall be freed of surface for Indentation Hardness of Rubber and Plas-
roughness, fabric layers, etc., in accordance tics by Means of a Durometer,2 or ASTM
with the procedure described in Methods Method D 1415, Test for International Hard-
DIS. Specimens from units made in long ness of Vulcanized Rubbers.2 By means of
lengths such as dredging sleeves, hose tubing, suitable dies, ring specimens may be cut from
or insulation, shall be taken in the length di- manufactured articles that are flat or from
rection, except that specimens of belts wider thin-walled tubular article's that can be laid
than 300 mm (12 in.), of sheet packing, of flat. In the case of heavy-walled tubing greater
hose, or of dredging sleeves more than 100 than 1.5 mm (0.06 in.) in thickness, the
mm (4 in.) in inside diameter shall be taken material shall be mounted on a mandrel,
in the transverse direction. In the case of spe- rotated in a lathe, and the ring specimen cut
cially cured sheets prepared according to with a sharp tool. Ring specimens shall be of
Methods D 15 the specimen shall be died out dimensions that permit the use of roller grips
in the direction of the grain. Dumbbell speci- as described in 3.7.
mens shall conform in shape to those shown 4.4.2 A standard ring specimen may be
in Fig. (, Unless otherwise specified, die C, prepared from flat sheets of certain thick-
Fig. 1, shall be used to prepare the specimens. nesses. From sheets 4 to 6 mm in thickness,
In all cases, the cutting of test specimens shall the ISO standard ring specimen may be pre-
be done with a single stroke of the cutting tool pared with the following dimensions: Inside
so as to assure obtaining smoothly cut sur- diameter 44.6 ± 0.1 mm, outside diameter
faces. 52.6 ± 0.1 mm, the radial width nowhere
4.2 Marking Dumbbell Specimens-Dumb- deviating by more than ±0.2 mm from the
bell specimens shall be marked with the mean width. From sheets prepared in accord-
D 412
that for tension set (see 5.4). 6.2.3 Calculate the ultimate elongation
(N ote 11) as fo Hows:
6. Calculation
Ultimate elongation, percent
6.1 Dumbbell and Straight Specimens: = [(2D +G- C)/C] X 100
6.1.1 Calculate the tensile stress as follows: where:
Tensile stress = F/ A D = distance between the centers of the
where: grip rollers at the time of rupture of the
F = observed force, and specimen,
A = cross-sectional area of the un stretched G = circumference of one roller (if each grip
specimen. has two rollers, add twice the distance
Calculate the tensile strength by letting F in between the centers of the rollers on
the above equation for tensile stress be equal one grip), and
to the force required to break the specimen. C = inside circumference of the ring speci-
Tensile stress and tensile strength are ex- men
pressed in either kilograms-force per square
NOTE 10-The ultimate elongation of standard
centimeter' or pounds per square inch. One ring specimens cut from ASTM sheets may' be de-
kilogram-force per square centimeter is about termined by mUltiplying the highest elongation in-
14.22 psi. dicated on the recorder chart by 1.08. This factor
gives the elongation based on inside circumference,
6.1.2 Calculate the elongation as follows:
Elongation, percent = [(L ~ Lo)/Lo] X 100 7. Characteristics of Piece Tested
where: 7.1 The median of the values for three
,L = observed distance between the bench specimens shall be taken as the characteris-
marks on the stretched specimen, and tics of the piece of rubber tested, except that
La = original distance between the bench under the following conditions the median of
marks. the values for five· specimens shall be used:
6.1.3 Calculate the ultimate elongation by 7.1.1 If one or more values do not meet the
letting L in the above equation for elongation specified requirements. when testing for com-
be equal to the distance between the bench pliance with specifications.
marks at the time of rupture. Calculate the 7.1.2 If referee tests are being made.
tension set by substituting for L in the above
equation, ,the distance between the bench 8. Report
marks after the lO-min retraction period. 8.1 The report shall indude the following:
6.2 Ring Specimens: 8.1.1 Results calculated in accordance with
6.2.1 Calculate the tensile stress as follows: 6. Calculation,
Tensile stress = F/ A 8.1.2 All observed and recorded data on
where which the calculations are based,
F = observed force, and 8.1.3 Date of vulcanization of the rubber,
A = twice the cross-sectional area calculated if known,
from the axial thickness and radial 8.1.4 Date of Test,
width of the unstretched ring. 8.1.5 Temperature of the test room shall be
Calculate the tensile strength by letting F in stated if it is other than as provided for in 5.1,
the above equation for tensile stress be equal 8.1.6 Type of testing machine used,
to the force required to break the specimen. 8.1.7 Type and dimensions of specimens
6.2.2 Determine the elongation or strain used, and
for an extension below rupture as described . 8.1.8 When testing at elevated tempera-
in 5.2. ture, the temperature of the test chamber.
D 412
I,: :: I o3~
I I I.! \1 ~ 0.5 mmAppro)(
I !
rc--, L-~I I L ~ \
I , -- rW 6mm Min. (Grind)
18 to 22°
~-- L ---~ Enlarged Oetoll of Cuttino Edge
Section T-T
;-~X 2 Allen - Head Bolts
I- C -r-
Threod This
Side of Die
--~X Section X-X
Dimensions of Standard Dumbbell Dies a
Dimen- Units Tolerance Die A DieB Diee DieD DieE DieF
A mm ±1 25 25 25 16 16 16
in. ±0.04 1 1 1 0.62 0.62 0.62
B mm max 40 40 40 30 30 30
in. max 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.2 1.2 1.2
C mm min 140 140 115 100 125 125
in. min 5.5 5.5 4.5 4 5 5
D mm ±6b 32 32 32 32 32 32
in. ±0.25b 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25
D-E mm ±1 13 13 13 13 13 13
in. ±0.04 0,5 0.5 0,5 0.5 0.5 0.5
F mm ±2 38 38 19 19 38 38
in. ±0.08 1.5 1.5 0.75 0.75 1.5 1.5
G mm ±1 14 14 14 14 14 14
in. ±0.04 0.56 0.56 0.56 0.56 0.56 0.56
H mm ±2 25 25 25 16 16 16
in. ±0.08 1 1 1 0.63 0.63 0.63
L mm ±2 59 59 33 33 59 59
in. ±0.08 2.32 2.32 1.31 1. 31 2.32 2.32
W mm +0.05, -0.00 12 6 6 3 3 6
in. +0.002, -0.000 0.500 0.250 0.250 0.125 0.125 0.250
a Dies whose dimensions are expressed in metric units are not exactly the same as dies whose dimensions are
expressed in U.S. customary units. However, equivalent results may be expected from either die. Dies dimen-
sioned in metric units are intended for use with apparatus calibrated in metric units.
b For dies used in clicking machines it is preferable that this tolerance be ±0.5 mm or ±0.02 in.
FIG. 1 Standard Dies for Cutting Dumbbell Specimens.
~m~ D 412
~~l~ 0 412
~m~ D 412
() z r
:r: s:
~------ ------ - - - - 0 - - - ---- -1--------'
en ~CD
en (J10
FIG. 3 Apparatus for Permanent Set Test.
By publication of this standard no position is taken with respect to the validity of any patent rights in connection there-
with, and the American Society for Testing and Materials does not undertake to· insure anyone utilizing the standard
against liability for infringement of any Letters Patent nor assume any such liability.