Natural Ecosystem: Module - 2

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Natural Ecosystem MODULE - 2

Ecological Concepts
and Issues

6 Notes


Whenever you travel long distance you come across changing patterns of landscape. As
you move out from your city or village, you see croplands, grasslands, or in some areas a
forests, desert or a mountainous region. These distinct landscapes are differentiated primarily
due to the type of vegetation in these areas. Physical and geographical factors such as
rainfall, temperature, elevation, soil type etc. determine the nature of the vegetation. In this
lesson you will learn about the natural ecosystems with their varied vegetation and associated

After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

• list the various natural ecosystems;

• describe the various terrestrial ecosystems;
• describe the various aquatic ecosystems (fresh water, marine and estuarine);
• recognize ecotones, their significance and the edge effect.
• list the major Indian ecosystems;
• list the threatened ecosystems-mangrove, wetlands, coastal ecosystems and
• explain the need and methods of conservation of natural ecosystems.


A natural ecosystem is an assemblage of plants and animals which functions as a unit and
is capable of maintaining its identity such as forest, grassland, an estuary, human intervention
is an example of a natural ecosystem. A natural ecosystem is totally dependent on solar
energy. There are two main categories of ecosystems.

MODULE - 2 Environmental Science Senior Secondary Course
Ecological Concepts
and Issues
(1) Terrestrial ecosystem: Ecosystems found on land e.g. forest, grasslands, deserts,
(2) Aquatic ecosystem: Plants and animal community found in water bodies. These can
be further classified into two sub groups.
(i) Fresh water ecosystems, such as rivers, lakes and ponds.
(ii) Marine ecosystems, such as oceans, estuary.


1. What is a natural ecosystem?
2. Which are the main categories of natural ecosystems?
3. Give examples of terrestrial ecosystems.
4. Give examples of fresh water ecosystems.


Terrestrial ecosystems are (a) forests (b) grasslands, (c) deserts and (d) tundra
(a) Forests
Forests are large areas supporting rich growth of trees. Depending on the climate and type
of trees they are generally grouped into:
(i) Tropical rain forests
(ii) Temperate deciduous forests
(iii) Boreal or north coniferous forests
(i) Tropical rain forest
• Distribution: These are found in the high rain fall areas on either side of the equator.
Such forests are found in the western coast of India, scattered in south east Asia, some
parts of Africa and south America.
• Flora and fauna: Tropical rainforests occur in areas by having high temperature and
high humidity and receives above 200 cm of rainfall per year. Soil is rich in humus.

Natural Ecosystem MODULE - 2
Ecological Concepts
and Issues
These forests have a very rich biodiversity e.g. Brazilian tropical rain forests have
more than 300 species of trees in an area of 200 square kilometer. Trees are tall
growing upto 50 to 60 m. These forests also support epiphytes, like vines, creepers,
woody creepers and orchid etc. These forests are rich in tree dwelling animals such as
monkeys, flying squirrels, snails, centipedes, millipedes, and many insect species are Notes
common on the forest floor.
(ii) Temperate deciduous forests

• Distribution: They occur mostly in northwest, central and eastern Europe, eastern
north America, north China, Korea, Japan, far eastern Russia and Australia. Trees of
deciduous forests shed their leaves in autumn and a new foliage grows in spring.
• Climate: These forests occur in the areas of moderate climatic conditions such as
temperature ranging but 10 to 20oC with a 6 month long winter and an annual rainfall
between 75 to 150 cm. They have its brown soils which are rich in nutrients.
• Flora and fauna: Common trees are oak, beach, heath, chest nut, birch, pine. These
forests also show stratification and have a under storey of saplings shrubs and tall
herbs. Prominent grazers include deer, bison and rodents. Rodents play a very important
role in these forests. They feed on seeds, fruits and tree leaves. Black bear, raccoons,
wild cat, wolves, fox and skunks are the omnivores found in these forests. Hibernation
or winter sleep during winter is a common feature of animals found in these forests.
Invertebrate fauna comprises green flies, aphids, certain moths and butterflies.
(iii) Boreal or north coniferous forests:

• Distribution: Coniferous forests are also known as ‘Taiga’. They extend as a continuous
belt across north America and north Eurasia below the arctic tundra. There is no
counterpart of these forests in southern hemisphere as there is no land at this latitude.
Climate is cold with long, harsh winter, with mean annual temperature below 00C. The
soils are acidic and poor in nutrients.
• Flora and fauna: Coniferous forests are characterized by evergreen, drought resistant
and woody. Conifers (gymnosprerms) e.g. spruce, fir and pine trees which bear naked
seeds in cones. The animals found in these forests, are red squirrel, deer, goat, mule,
moose etc. The carnivores which feed upon them are timber wolves, lynxes, bear.
Some common birds are crossbill, thrushes, warblers, flycatchers, robin and sparrow.
(b) Grasslands

• Distribution: Grasslands are areas dominated by grasses. They occupy about 20%
of the land on the earth surface. Grasslands occur in both in tropical and temperate
regions where rainfall is not enough to support the growth of trees. Grasslands are
known by various names in different parts of the world.

MODULE - 2 Environmental Science Senior Secondary Course
Ecological Concepts
and Issues
Place Name of the grassland
North America Prairies
Eurasia (Europe and Asia) Steppes
Africa Savanna
South America Pampas
India Grassland, Savanna

Grasslands are found in areas having well defined hot and dry, warm and rainy seasons.

Tropical grasslands are commonly called Savannas. They occur in eastern Africa, South
America, Australia and India. Savannas form a complex ecosystem with scattered medium
size trees in grass lands.

• Flora and fauna: Grasses are the dominating plants with scattered drought resistant
thorny trees in the tropical grasslands. Badgers, fox, ass, zebra, antelope are found
grazing on grasslands support the dairy and leather industries. Grasslands also support
large population of rodents, reptiles and insects.
(c) Deserts

• Distribution: Deserts are hot and low rain areas suffering from water shortage and
high wind velocity. They show extremes of temperature. Globally deserts occupy about
1/7th of the earth’s surface.
• Flora and fauna: Cacti, Acacia, Euphorbia and prickly pears are some of the
common desert plants. Desert animals include shrew, fox, wood rats, rabbits, camels
and goat are common mammals in desert. Other prominent desert animals are, reptiles,
and burrowing rodents insects.
• Adaptations: Desert plants are hot and dry conditions.
(i) These plants conserve water by following methods:
• They are mostly shrubs.
• Leaves absent or reduced in size.
• Leaves and stem are succulent and water storing.
• In some plants even the stem contains chlorophyll for photosynthesis.
• Root system well developed spread over large area.
(ii) The animals are physiologically and behaviorally adapted to desert conditions.
• They are fast runners.
• They are nocturnal in habit to avoid the sun’s heat during day time.

Natural Ecosystem MODULE - 2
Ecological Concepts
and Issues
• They conserve water by excreting concentrated urine.
• Animals and birds usually have long legs to keep the body away from the hot
• Lizards are mostly insectivorous and can live without drinking water for several Notes
• Herbivorous animals get sufficient water from the seeds which they eat.
Camel is known as the ship of the desert as it can travel long distances without drinking
water for several days.

(d) Tundra

The word tundra means a “barren land” since they are found in those regions of the world
where environmental conditions are very severe. There are two types of tundra- arctic
and alpine.

• Distribution: Arctic tundra extends as a continuous belt below the polar ice cap
and above the tree line in the northern hemisphere. It occupies the northern fringe of
Canada, Alaska, European Russia, Siberia and island group of arctic ocean. On the
south pole Anatarctica tundra in the south pole is very small since most of it is
covered by ocean .
Alpine tundra occurs at high mountains above the tree line. Since mountains are
found at all latitudes therefore alpine tundra shows day and night temperature variations.
• Flora and fauna: Typical vegetation of arctic tundra is cotton grass, sedges, dwarf
heath, willows, birches and lichens. Animals of tundra are reindeer, musk ox, arctic
hare, caribous, lemmings and squirrel.
Most of them have long life e.g. Salix arctica that is arctic willow has a life span of 150 to
300 years. They are protected from chill by the presence of thick cuticle and epidermal
hair. Mammals of the tundra region have large body size and small tail and ear to avoid the
loss of heat from the surface. The body is covered with fur for insulation. Insects have
short life cycles which are completed during favourable period of the year.


1. What are deciduous trees?
2. Explain two common characteristics of the desert.

MODULE - 2 Environmental Science Senior Secondary Course
Ecological Concepts
and Issues
3. How are the animals and plants of deserts adapted to heat and drought?
4. Where are Prairies and Steppes are found?

Notes ______________________________________________________________


Aquatic ecosystems refers to plant and animal communities ocuring in water bodies. Aquatic
ecosystems are classified on the basis of salinity into following two types:

(i) Freshwater
(ii) Marine
(i) Fresh water ecosystem

Water on land which is continuously cycling and has low salt content is known as fresh
water and its study is called limnology.

(i) Static or still water (Lentic) e.g. pond, lake, bogs and swamps.
(ii) Running water (Lotic) e.g. springs, mountain brooks, streams and rivers.
Physical characteristics: Fresh waters have a low concentration of dissolved salts.
The temperature shows diurnal and seasonal variations. In tropical lakes, surface temperature
never goes below 400C, in temperate fresh waters, never goes above or below 40C and in
polar lakes never above 40C.

• In temperate regions, the surface layer of water freezes but the organisms survive
below the frozen surface.
• Light has a great influence on fresh water ecosystems. A large number of suspended
materials obstruct penetration of light in water.
• Certain animals float upto water surface to take up oxygen for respiration Aquatic
plants use carbon dioxide dissolved in water for photosynthesis.
• Lakes and ponds are inland depressions containing standing water. The largest lake in
the world is lake Superior in North America. Lake Baikal in Siberia is the deepest.
Chilka lake of Orissa is largest lake in India.
Three main zones can be differentiated in a lake:-
• Peripheral zone (littoral zone) with shallow water.
• Open water beyond the littoral zone where water is quite deep.
• Bentic zone (bottom) or the floor of the lake.

Natural Ecosystem MODULE - 2
Ecological Concepts
and Issues
Aquatic organisms can be floating in water or free swimming or sedentary (fixed), depending
on their size and habit. Microscopic floating organisms such as algae, diatoms, protozoans
and larval forms are called plankton. Rooted aquatic plants, fish, mollusk and echinoderms
are bottom dwellers. (Recall from lesson-5, Fig. 5.1)
Wetlands are areas that periodically get inundated with water and support a flourishing
community of aquatic organisms including frog and other amphibians. Swamps, marshes
and mangroves are examples of wetlands.

(ii) Marine ecosystem: Pertains to the seas and oceans including marine organisms.

• Distribution: Marine ecosystem covers nearly 71% of the earth’s surface with an
average depth of about 4000 m. Fresh water rivers eventually empty into ocean. Different
kinds of organisms live at different depths of the sea or ocean.

Salinity of open sea is 3.6% and is quite constant.

The range of temperature variation is much less in the sea than on the land. Hydrostatic
pressure due to water column increases with depth in oceans. It is
1 atm near the surface and 1000 atm at greatest depth. Animals in the deeper layers are
adapted to the high pressure. Some marine organisms such as sperm whales and certain
seals can dive to the great depths and swim back to the surface without difficulty. Tides,
due to gravitational pull of the moon are a common feature of marine ecosystems.

• Flora and fauna: Biodiversity of the marine ecosystems is very high as compared to
terrestrial ecosystems. Almost every major group of animals occurs in the sea. Insects and
vascular plant are completely absent in marine ecosystem. Maximum diversity of marine
organisms is found in the tidal zone that is near the shore. Diatoms, algae, dinoflagellates
and jelly fishes are some of the free floating life forms in oceans. Large crustaceans, molluscs,
turtles and mammals like seals, porpoises, dolphins and whales are free swimming animals
that can navigate. Bottom dwellers are generally sessile (fixed) organisms like sponges,
corals, crabs and starfish.

• Adaptations:

• Light weight animals and plants float in water and move with the water currents.
• Animals and plants in ocean are tolerant to high concentration of salts (osmoregulation).
Osmoregulation is the process by which a constant osmotic pressure is maintained in
• Swimming animals have streamlined body. Their body is laterally compressed.
• Deep sea forms show bioluminescence (they emit light).
• They are dependent for their food on the upper sea zones.

MODULE - 2 Environmental Science Senior Secondary Course
Ecological Concepts
and Issues


1. What is plankton?
Notes ______________________________________________________________
2. What is aquatic ecosystem?
3. Name two plants and two animals which found in marine ecosystem.


India is a vast country and possess many types of natural ecosystems.

(a) Terrestrial 1. Forests

(i) Tropical rain forests
(ii) Tropical deciduous forests
(iii) Temperate broad leaf forests
(iv) Temperate needle – leaf or coniferous forests
(v) Alpine and tundra forests
2. Grasslands
3. Deserts
(i) Thar deserts
(ii) Rann of Kutch
4. Mountains — The Himalayas
5. Ghats
(b) Aquatic 1. Fresh water ecosystem
2. Marine ecosystem
6.4.1 Terrestrial ecosystem in India


Forests in India can be classified in different ways, according to their position, atmosphere,
weather condition etc. Some of the common characteristics of various types of natural
vegetation in India includes:

Natural Ecosystem MODULE - 2
Ecological Concepts
and Issues
• tropical rain forests,
• tropical deciduous forests,
• temperate broad leaf forests.
• temperate needle leaf or coniferous forests Notes

• alpine and tundra forests, etc.

Apart from these, there are also some other types of forests are found in India like tidal
forests, Himalayan vegetation, rain forests of southern India, desert region, etc.

(i) Tropical rain forests

The tropical rain forests are playing an important role in natural vegetation in India. These
types of forests include the tropical evergreen forests and tropical semi-evergreen forests
and they are mostly found in places where there is plenty of rainfall and sunshine throughout
the year. Growth of the trees is usually at its best where rainfall is in surplus of 200 cm, with
a short dry season. Such types of forests are found within rainy slopes of the Western
Ghats, plains of West Bengal and Orissa and north-eastern India. Trees grow very briskly
in these forests and attain heights of about 60 m and above. The number of species in these
forests is too vast and too assorted to utilise each one of them commercially. Ebony,
mahogany and rosewood are the main trees of these forests.

(ii) Tropical deciduous forests

Tropical deciduous forests are also known as deciduous (whether it is moist or dry)forests
because they cast leaves for about six to eight weeks in summer. They are also called the
monsoon forests with all their grandeur and beauty. This is so because they form a natural
cover approximately all over India, especially within regions having 200 and 75 cm of
annual rainfall. Most of the tropical deciduous forests are found in the state of Kerala in
India. Apart from Kerala, these forests can be found in the eastern slopes of Western
Ghats and also in the north eastern parts of the peninsular plateau and in the valleys of the
Himalayas. The tropical deciduous forests are pretty substantial, cost- effective and they
demand a lot of maintenance, as they are less resistant to fire. These forests can be divided
into moist and dry deciduous forests. The moist deciduous forests are most commonly
found on the eastern slopes of the Western Ghats. They are also found in the region of
Chhotanagpur plateau, covering east Madhya Pradesh, south Bihar, and west Orissa,
Shiwaliks in the northern India. Important trees of these forests are teak, sal, and

(iii) Temperate broad leaf forests

It mainly occur between 1500-2400 m altitudes in western Himalayas. Several species of

Oak (Quercus) are found in these forests. Oak species are ever green in the Himalayan

MODULE - 2 Environmental Science Senior Secondary Course
Ecological Concepts
and Issues
region. These species show peak leaf fall during summer but never become leafless. Height
of the trees may be 25-30 m. Trees canopy is dense, herbaceaus layer is least developed
and grasses are generally lacking. The Oak forests are often rich in epiphytic flora.

(iv) Temperate needle leaf or coniferous forests

This type of forests are found in the Himalaya over 1700 to 3000 m altitude. These forests
contain economically valuable gymnospermous trees like pine (Pinus wallichiana) deodar
(Cedrus deodara), Cypress (Cypressus torulosa), Spruce (Picea simthiana) and siver fir
(Abies pindrow). Coniferous forests are taller 30-35 m and possess evergreen canopy of
long needle like leaves. Canopy of these trees always remains green. In many species, it is

(v) Alpine and Tundra forests

The alpine and tundra forests is another kind of natural vegetation in India. Vegetation
growing at altitudes above 3600 m is usually known as alpine vegetation and it can be
noticed that with the increment of the altitude, the plants show stunted growth. The trees
like silver fir, pine, juniper and birch belong to this category. The alpine grasslands are
mainly found at higher altitudes in this region. The people belonging to the tribal groups like
Gujjar and Bakarwal make extensive use of this region. The vegetations like lichen and
mosses are also found in high altitudinal regions.

• The tidal forests provide another variety of natural vegetation in India. They can be
found along the coasts and rivers and they are enshrouded by mangrove trees that can live
in both fresh and salt water. Sundari is a renowned mangrove tree, mainly found in the tidal
forests and it is after this tree that the name Sundarban has been entitled to the forested
parts of the Ganga-Brahmaputra delta.

• The Himalayan vegetation is one of the major kinds of natural vegetation in India. The
thick tropical forests in the eastern region of India have a sharp distinction with the pine
and coniferous woodlands of the western Himalayas. Chir pine (Pinus roxburghii) grows
throughout the northwest Himalayas, with the exception of Kashmir. Chilgoza (pine nut),
oak, maple, ash (Fraxinus xanthoxyloides), etc also grow abundantly in the eastern

• The rain forests of Southern India are contributing hugely to the natural vegetation in
India. The most luxuriant rain forests lie on the southwestern coast, in the state of Kerala.
Here the lagoons are canopied by coconut trees and lead to the longest uninterrupted
stretch of rain forests in the country. The Andaman and Nicobar Islands and the state of
Arunachal Pradesh are some of the other regions with well preserved rain forests in India.
Apart from that, dense sandal, teak and sisoo (Dalbergia sissoo) forests also flourish on
the wet Karnataka plateau.

Natural Ecosystem MODULE - 2
Ecological Concepts
and Issues
• The Thar Desert presents a wonderful picture of natural vegetation in India. The trees
in this desert are short and stout, and stunted by the scorching sun. Cacti, reunjha (Acacia
leucophloea), khejra (Prosopis spicigera), kanju (Holoptelia integrifolia), Oak
(Calotropis gigantea) etc are common plants in this region. All the above mentioned
varieties of forests and areas are contributing hugely to the natural vegetation in India (Fig. Notes

Fig. 6.1 Natural Vegetation

(2) Grasslands
Grasslands are one of the intermediate stage in ecological succession and cover a part of
the land on all the altitudes and latitudes at which climatic and soil conditions do not allow
the growth of trees. In India, grasslands are found as village grazing grounds (Gauchar)
and extensive low pastures of dry regions of western part of the country an also in Alpine
Himalayas . Perennial grasses are the dominant plant community. In some regions grasslands
also support a variety of other herbaceous plants like sedges, legumes and members of the
sunflower family
Grasslands support a large number of herbivores from minute insects to very large mammals.
Rats, mice, rodents, deer, elephant, dog, buffalo, tiger, lion, ferrets are some common
mammals of grasslands. In the north east India, one horned rhinoceros is amongst the
threatened animal of grassland is this region. A large number of avian fauna makes the
grassland colourful.

MODULE - 2 Environmental Science Senior Secondary Course
Ecological Concepts
and Issues
(3) Deserts
The Thar desert in Rajasthan is an extension of the Sahara deserts through Arabian and
Persian deserts. They extend from Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan to Gujarat state.

Notes Indian deserts are divided into four main types:

• hills,
• plains with hills,
• marshes and
• plains with sand dunes.
The distinct Rann of Kutchch–Bhuj in Gujarat forms a separate zone with in Thar deserts
due to its different climatic conditions. It represents vast saline flats. The region of sand
dunes is most spectacular and covers an area of 100,000 sq. km nearly. It extends into
Pakistan. The dunes are highly sandy and contain 0.12–0.18 mm size grain, 1.8 to 4.5 %
of clay and 0.4–1.3% of silt.
Since heat and light intensity are very high and sand dunes are shifting, these deserts can
not support vegetation. There are only some thorn forests and dry open grasslands. Indira
Gandhi canal which carries water through Punjab and Haryana enters into Rajasthan
supports some vegetation. The main crops of desert are bajra, millet, wheat, barley, maize,
jowar, guwar. Medicinal plants found here are mehndi, hak, isabgole and gugal.
Indian deserts support many threatened species of birds and mammals, such as Asiatic
lion, wild ass, bats, scaly ant eater, desert fox, Indian gazzel, four horned antelope , white
browed Bushchat, Great Indian Bustard, Cranes and Sandgrouse. Gulf of Kuchch is
distinguished by the presence of living corals, pearl oyster, sea turtles and a large number
of migratory birds like kingfisher, cranes ibis and herons.
(4) Mountains – The Himalayas
Distribution: The Himalaya is a great range of mountains that spreads over a west-
northwest to east- southeast over a distance of about 2500 km covering Afganistan ,
Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bhutan and China. In India, it extends from the Indus trench
below Nangaparbat in the west to Yarlungtsangpo- Brahmputra George below
Namchebarwa peak in east.
The Himalayas lying within India occupy nearly 5,31,250 sq. km area
They cover about 16.6% of India’s total geographical area and are spread partially or
completely over 12 states namely: Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Uttaranchal,
Sikkim, West Bengal, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Nagaland, Manipur, Tripura, Mizoram
and Meghalaya.
Himalayas are geographically divided into:

(i) the Eastern Himalayas or the Assam Himalayas: Out of the above the Eastern Himalaya
has a greater diversity of ecosystems like, forests, grasslands, marshes, swamps,

Natural Ecosystem MODULE - 2
Ecological Concepts
and Issues
lakes streams and rivers Eastern Himalayas consists of nearly 8000 species of the
flowering plants. It has many primitive as well as many endemic plant species. Eastern
Himalayas is known as centre of origin of cultivated plants . Many cereals, fruits and
vegetables are cultivated here. E.g. Orchids, Aster, Accasia, Albizzia, Delbergia
species (timber) and many legumes etc. Notes
(ii) the Central Himalayas or the Nepal Himalayas
(iii) the Western Himalayas: On the western Himalayas cold deserts of Ladakh support
drought and cold resistant varieties of plants and animals e.g. Yak.
(iv) the North-West Himalayas or the Punjab Himalayas
Eastern Himalayas are one of the of the world and has large no animals because of its
varied ecological conditions e.g. Pangolins elephants macaque languor civet.

(5) Ghats

Western and eastern ghats are also important ecosystems of India

Western ghats also known as Sahyadri extend from Tapti river in north to Kanyakumari
in south covering nearly 1,40,000 sq km parallel to the west coast of peninsular India.
They pass through the states of Gujarat, Maharashtra, Goa, Karnatka, Tamilnadu and
Kerala. These ghats are one of the richest biological resources and form distinct ecological
and biogeographical region of India. Western ghats are one of 25 hot spots of the world.
Hot spots are the regions which show maximum biodiversity, richness of species
and endemic forms. These ecosystems are the threatened due to human interference.
June- September are rainy months. The rainfall may vary from 100 to 500 cm. Soil is
mainly red or black in most of the regions and rich in nutrients. 3500 species of flowering
plants have been recorded from western ghats of which nearly1500 are endemic species.

Nearly 209 species of fresh water fishes occur in these ghats of which 120 are endemic.
Similarly out of 219 species of amphibians found here 106 are endemic.

Eastern ghats extend in north south-west strike in Indian peninnsula covering an area of
about 75000 sq. km They are spread through the states of Orissa, Andhra Pradesh and
Tamilnadu. The eastern ghats do not form a continuous range because the great rivers
Mahanadi,Godavari and Krishna cut across them. They are an assemblage of discontinuous
ranges of hills, plateaus and basins. The climate of these ghats may be semiarid to semihumid
with a rainfall ranging from 60 to 160 cm. The vegetation ranges from evergreen trees to
that of dry savannas. The eastern ghats are affected by the human activity. Conservation of
biodiversity here is a big issue today. Special measures are taken to protect this floristic
zone. United Nations Conference on Environment held in Rio de Janerio in 1992 discussed
the issue of conservation of this region.

MODULE - 2 Environmental Science Senior Secondary Course
Ecological Concepts
and Issues
6.4.2 Aquatic ecosystem in India
Freshwater ecosystem
Freshwater are terrestrial aquatic ecosystems. Lakes, flood ponds, reservoirs and rivers
are its important components. The total freshwater area of India is about 7.6 million
Notes hectare.
• Lakes are naturally formed deep water bodies e.g. Sultanpur lake, Batkal lake
• Flood points are the places that undergo periodic flooding as a river channel overflows
with flood water i.e. natural areas constituting shallow and seasonal water bodies.
Bank of large rivers have flood points.
• Reservoir is man made areas holding water irrigation and human use. e.g, reservoirs
formed by dams used for irrigation.
• Rivers are the flowing water bodies as you have studied in this lesson. For example
river Yamuna, Ganga and Tapti, Krishna, Kawari, Narmada etc.
Marine ecosystem
India has a long coastline of about 8000 km stretching along nine states and two island
chains. At the coast a number of rivers form estuaries at their confluence with the sea.
There are three gulfs - one on the east coast that is gulf of Mannar and two on the west
coast i.e. gulf of Kutchch and gulf of Khambhat.
The continental shelf (extension of land into the sea) is 200 m in depth but variable in width
along the coast. The Indian ocean is the smallest of the three great oceans.
The tides are very important in determining the marine life. Nearly 14 species of sea
grasses and 120 species of sea weeds are found along the coast. Representatives of
almost all the invertebrate and vertebrate groups are found in the marine ecosystem.
Corals are the most abundant and play a very important role. 199 Species of corals are
known from Indian Ocean. They make coral reefs which are home to a large number of
other sedentary species like many molluscs, crustaceans and coelenterates. The biodiversity
in a coral reef is comparable to that of a tropical rain forest. Sea shore provides feeding
and breeding ground to a number of birds also. Sea crows, whales and dolphins are the
mammals that have secondarily invaded the sea .
Marine fisheries constitute a highly productive sector in India It is a source of food and
employment to the coastal population.


1. Name the various zones of the Himalayas.

Natural Ecosystem MODULE - 2
Ecological Concepts
and Issues
2. Where are deserts found in India?
3. Give two differences between western and eastern ghats?
______________________________________________________________ Notes
4. Give two Plants and two animals which found in grassland.
5. Name three gulf which are found in India.


Some of the natural ecosystems are very sensitive to misuse by humans and to natural
disasters or calamities. About such activities you will be study in lesson 12. Natural disasters
are sudden natural accidents or events that cause a lot of damage to natural ecosystems
and human life. Some of the important natural disasters are like tsunamies, earthquakes,
landslides, volcanic eruptions and cyclones.

6.5.1 Estuaries

An estuary is a place where a river or a stream opens into the sea. It is a partially enclosed
coastal area at the mouth of the river where its fresh water carrying fertile silt and runoff
from the land mixes with the salty sea water. It represents an ecotone between fresh
water and marine ecosystem and shows a variation of salinity due to mixing of sea water
with fresh water.
Estuaries are very dynamic and productive ecosystems since the river flow, tidal range
and sediment distribution is continuously changing in them. Examples of estuaries are river
mouths, coastal bays, tidal marshes, lagoons and deltas.
Deltas are triangular areas bordering the river valley towards the mouth. They are
associated with the land projecting into the sea in the form of protuberances.
Estuaries are richer in nutrients than fresh waters or marine waters therefore; they are
highly productive and support abundant fauna. In general the phytoplanktons of estuaries
are diatoms, dinoflagellates, green algae, blue-green algae. Towards the sea coast of the
estuaries there are large algae and sea grasses. Near the mouth of the rivers and deltas
there are mangrove forests.
The vast mangrove forests act as barriers for the costal habitat to check the wind speed
during cyclones and high velocity landward winds.

MODULE - 2 Environmental Science Senior Secondary Course
Ecological Concepts
and Issues
All the plants and animals in the estuaries are subjected to variations in salinity to which
they are adapted (osmoregulation).

Estuaries have been damaged due to urbanization, industrialization and population growth.
Aquaculture activities such as prawn seed harvesting has caused considerable damage.
Further, pollution due to industrial effluents and always remains have caused eutrophication.

6.5.2 Mangroves

Mangroves represent a characteristic littoral (near the sea shore) forest ecosystem. These
forests grow in sheltered low lying coasts, estuaries, mudflats, tidal creeks backwaters
(current less, coastal waters held back on land), marshes and lagoons of tropical and
subtropical regions. They are distributed over the east and west coast and island of Andaman
and Nicobar. Since mangroves are located between the land and sea they represent the
best example of ecotone.

Characteristics of mangrove ecosystem:-

(1) The mangrove forests include a diverse composition of trees and shrubs.
(2) Plants are well adapted to high salinity(halophytic).
(3) Resistant to tidal effect.
(4) Tolerant to high temperature.
(5) Roots bear pneumatophore ( or aerial roots ), which is an aerating system.
Mangroves are highly productive ecosystems and the trees may vary in height from 8 to
20 m. They protect the shoreline from the effect of cyclones and tsunamies.
Indian mangroves are distributed along the east and the west coasts and Andaman and
Nicobar islands. Mangroves along the east coast are more luxuriant and considerably
diverse due to the presence of nutrient rich deltas formed by the rivers Ganga, Mahanadi,
Godavari, Krishna and Cauvery.
The animal communities are of two types:

1. Permanent fauna mainly bentic are molluscs, crustaceans, polychaetes, insects and
birds like kingfishers.
2. Visiting fauna includes mollusks, echinomerms, crustaceans and birds which come
from adjacent terrestrial ecosystems and rivers . Tree frogs, crocodiles, turtles and
snakes are also found in these forests. They are breeding and spawning ground for
many commercially important fishes. Sunderban mangroves are the only mangroves
where tiger population is found.
Mangroves in India have been reduced to more than 50% during the last forty years. They

Natural Ecosystem MODULE - 2
Ecological Concepts
and Issues
are subjected to both natural as well as anthropogenic threats. Natural calamities such as
cyclones, tsunamies and anthropogenic activities such as construction of houses and markets
causing soil erosion and soil sedimentation has lead to their destruction. For example in
Sunderbans collection of tiger prawn seeds for trade has greatly affected the other animals
found in these forests. Notes

6.5.3 Islands

Islands are land masses surrounded by sea water from all sides They may be far away
from the continent (oceanic island )or may be very close to it (continental island). India has
two main island groups: 1) Andaman and Nicobar islands in Bay of Bengal and 2)
Lakshadweep in Arabian sea. These ecosystems are threatened mainly due to habitat
destruction for resources and tourism. Although industrial pollution is much less on these
islands, oil spills in oceans have greatly affected their fauna and flora. Many endemic
species of turtles and birds have been threatened to extinction. The Government is taking
special measures to protect them.


1. Name two threatened ecosystems.
(i) _________________________ (ii)_________________________
2. Where are mangrove ecosystem found in India.
3. Why is estuary a more productive ecosystem than ocean or fresh water?
4. What are islands?

Ecotone is a zone of junction between two or more diverse ecosystems e.g. the mangrove
forests. They represent an ecotone between marine and terrestrial ecosystem.Some more
examples of ecotone are – grassland, estuary and river bank
Characteristics of ecotone:
(1) It may be very narrow or quite wide.
(2) It has the conditions intermediate to the adjacent ecosystems. Hence ecotone is a
zone of tension.

MODULE - 2 Environmental Science Senior Secondary Course
Ecological Concepts
and Issues
(3) It is linear as shows progressive increase in species composition of one in coming
community and a simultaneous decrease in species of the other out going adjoining
(4) A well developed ecotones contain some organisms which are entirely different from
Notes that of the adjoining communities.
(5) Sometimes the number of species and the population density of some of the species is
much greater in this zone than either community. This is called edge effect. The
organisms which occur primarily or most abundantly in this zone are known as edge
species. In the terrestrial ecosystems edge effect is especially applicable to birds. For
example the density of song birds is greater in the mixed habitat of the ecotone
between the forest and the desert.


Natural ecosystems have been misused by the human being as a result of which the
biodiversity and wild life has been threatened. Increasing human population, its increasing
needs and greed are the root causes of destruction of natural ecosystems. Destruction and
loss of any of the natural ecosystem will result in ecological imbalance and the human being
(the destroyer) himself will become an endangered species. Hence natural ecosystems
need protection

Protection of natural ecosystem demands management of human use of the biosphere

resources such that they give maximum benefits to the present human generation while
maintaining its potential to meet the needs of future human generations. Protection of
natural ecosystems to an environmentalist means to protect animals and plants in their
natural habitat in totality and not the protection of any one species . It can be achieved by
the following methods:-

• Humans should reduce their needs.

• Introduction of the species from the other parts of the world and the human interference
should be reduced to minimum into natural ecosystems.
• Some of the areas should be earmarked as protected or reserve zones. This can be
achieved by making buffer or transitional zones around the protected area. (Buffer
zone and transitional zones are where only a few humans are permitted to enter)
• Species in the detrimental habitats should be shifted to their unexploited natural
habitat. Delhi Development Authority along with Delhi University has jointly established
a Yamuna Biodiversity park in Delhi to protect and restore natural biodiversity lost
from the Yamuna river bank. The same natural habitat is created for the plants and
aquatic birds. Within a span of one year after the establishment of wetland the number
of migratory birds has increased remarkably.

Natural Ecosystem MODULE - 2
Ecological Concepts
and Issues
• Zones of megadiversity and hot spots of biodiversity should be protected.
Megadiversity zones are those regions of the world which have largest number of
species. 200 global megadiversities have been identified. India is one of the
megadiversity countries. Hot spots are the richest and most threatened reservoirs of
plant and animal life of the earth. They have maximum number of endemic species. 25 Notes
terrestrial hot spots have been identified for the conservation of biodiversity. They
occupy 1.4% of the earth’s surface and 20% of worlds the human population lives in
these areas. Western ghats and Eastern Himalayas are two hot spots of India.
• International and national level efforts should be made for conserving natural ecosystems
e.g. Earth Summit held in June 1992 at Rio di Janerio , Brazil, it was resolved to make
efforts to protect and conserve biodiversity.
• Sacred forests and sacred lakes are protected by the tribal communities due to the
religious sanctity accorded to these forests. They are most undisturbed by human
activity and are known as pristine forests. Chipko movement to protect the forests
of Mandal villages a good example of local people’s effort to conserve natural


1. Define ecotone.
2. Give four examples of ecotone.
3. Define edge species.
4. Why there are more number of species of song birds in Mangrove forests?
5. What is meant protection of natural ecosystem for an environmentalist.


• Natural ecosystems are formed as a result of interaction of regional climate with the
regional substrate without the interference by man.
• Natural ecosystems can be classified into two types: 1) terrestrial and 2) aquatic.

MODULE - 2 Environmental Science Senior Secondary Course
Ecological Concepts
and Issues
• Terrestrial ecosystems are forests, grasslands, deserts and tundra.
• Aquatic ecosystems are fresh waters bodies such as rever, lake and marine habitat
such as seas and ocean.

Notes • Similar altitudinal and latitudinal variations in the climatic conditions result in nearly
• Distribution patterns of natural ecosystems from sea level to high mountain peaks and
equator to poles.
• Tundra biome occurs in the region where the environmental conditions are very severe
and there is very little vegetation below the poles and at high mountain peaks
• Forests are the regions densely packed with tall trees.
• Deserts like tundra form an extreme condition in the sequence of biomes. They occur
in dry barren regions of the earth.
• Wetlands are ecotones between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems like marshes,
swamps and mangroves.
• Ecotone is a zone of junction between two adjoining communities e.g. estuaries,
mangroves and grassland.
• We the human beings are responsible for the reduction of natural ecosystems. To
protect our own species it is essential for us to protect them. Therefore to prevent the
further destruction people should be educated and the various methods should be
adopted for the protection of natural environment and ecosystem balance.

1. What do you understand by natural ecosystem ? Give examples.
2. Give differences between the following:
a. Alpine and arctic tundra
b. Savanna and prairie
c. Tropical and temperate forests
3. What do you understand by biodiversity? Explain its significance.
4. Give two desert adaptations of plants and animals.
5. Describe the various types of forest found in India (in brief).
6. Explain various zones of Himalayas.

Natural Ecosystem MODULE - 2
Ecological Concepts
and Issues
7. Write short note on grassland and deserts found in India.
8. Explain how deforestation has resulted in ecological imbalance.
9. What is an ecotone? Explain its significance for the edge species.
10. Give two methods of protecting natural ecosystems. Notes


1. Is an assemblage of plants and animals functions as a unit and is capable of maintaining
its identity.
2. Terrestrial and Aquatic.
3. Forest, grasslands, deserts and tundra
4. Rivers, lakes and ponds
1. The leaves of these trees shed in autumn and new foliage grows in spring
2. Hot and low ration areas, suffering from water shortage (any other).
3. Animals– are fast runners, nocturnal habit conserve water by excreting concentrated
Plants – are mostly shrubs, leaves absent or reduced in size leaves and stems are
succulent, root system well developed.
4. North America and Eurasia
1. Microscopic floating organisms such as diatoms, protozoan and larval forms re called
2. Refers to plant and animal communities occurring in water bodies. Flora and
Fauna of marine ecosystem
3. Vascular plants are completely absent. Diatoms, algae, dinoflagellates and jelly fishes
are free floating forms. Large crustaceans mollusks, turtles and mammals like seals,
porpoises, dolphins and whales are free floating animals. Bottom dwellers are generally
sessile (fixed) organisms like sponges, corals, crabs and starfish.

MODULE - 2 Environmental Science Senior Secondary Course
Ecological Concepts
and Issues
1. The Eastern Himalayas, the Central Himalayas, the Western Himalayas and the North-
West Himalayas.

Notes 2. From Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan to Gujarat state.

3. Eastern Ghats Western Ghats
Extended in north-south-west strike Extended from Tapti river to
in Indian peninsula. Rainfall may vary Kanyakumari. Rainfall may vary
from 60-160 m vegetation ranpees from 100 to 500 cm. 3500 species
from evergreen trees to that of of flowering plants and has been
dry savannas. recorded.
4. Plants - Sedges, legumes and sunflower (Any two)
Animals - Rat, mice, deer, elephant, dog, tiger (Any two)
5. Gulf of Mannar, gulf of Kutchch and gulf of Khambhat.
1. Estuaries, mangroves and islands (any two).
2. East and west coast and islands of Andaman and Nicobar.
3. Estuaries are very dynamic and productive ecosystems since the river flow, tidal range
and sediment distribution is continuously changing in them. They are richer in nutrients
than fresh waters or marine waters therefore; they are highly productive and support
abundant fauna.
4. Island is land masses surrounded by sea water from all sides.
1. Ecotone is a zone of function between two or more diverse ecosystems. e.g.
the mangrove forest.
2. Mangrove, grasslands, estuary and river bank.
3. The organisms which occur primarily or most abundantly in this zone are known as
edge species.
4. Because of their mixed habitat of ecotone between the forest and the desert.
5. Protection of natural ecosystems to an environmentalist means to protect animals and
plants in their natural habitat in totality and not the protection of any one species.


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