Important contributions:
John Dewey was the most significant educational thinker of his era and, many would argue, of the 20th
century. As a philosopher, social reformer and educator, he changed fundamental approaches to teaching
and learning. He saw learning by doing and development of practical life skills as crucial to children's
Dewey firmly believed that education should not just be teachers making students learn mindless facts that
they would soon forget. He thought it should be a journey of experiences, building upon each other to create
and understand new experiences.
Dewey also felt that schools tried to create a world separate from students' lives. School activities and the life
experiences of the students should be connected, Dewey believed, or else real learning would be impossible.
His ideas about education sprang from a philosophy of pragmatism and were central to the Progressive
Movement in schooling. In light of his importance, it is ironic that many of his theories have been
relatively poorly understood and haphazardly applied over the past hundred years.
He described progressive education as “a product of discontent with traditional education” which
imposes adult standards, subject matter, and methodologies (no page number). He believed that
traditional education as just described, was beyond the scope of young learners.
John Dewey was an American philosopher, psychologist, and educational reformer whose ideas have been
influential in education and social reform.
“John Dewey is considered by many to be the most influential educational theorist in the twentieth century”
(Finnan, 2006, p. 83). He has contributed seminal works in the field of psychology, philosophy and education.
Dewey is known in the education field for his ideas on experience and reflection, democracy and education,
motivation of students, the nature of freedom in learning, and pragmatism. He believed education should be
active and practical; students should learn in order to help them at home, in their communities, or in their
work life (Dewey, 1952).
John Dewey was a leading proponent of the American school of thought known as pragmatism.
Dewey is one of the founders of both pragmatism thought and progressive education (Deblois, 2002). His
influences include many of the ideas and concepts used by progressive educators and outcome-based
education practitioners, including outcome-based education, standard-based education, lifelong learning,
critical thinking skills, problem-solving skills, and meaningful learning (Deblois). His devotion to transforming
schools into democratic institutions dedicated to addressing social inequities, and understanding how to deal
with a world which is constantly changing still resonates with parents and new educators today.
The main tenet of progressive education theory is that education is based on personal experiences of the
learner. Teachers are the mature person who provides guidance to the students to facilitate learning. The
instructor’s main function is to arrange for the kind of experiences that engage students and promote further
John Dewey philosophy to education influences teachers the way of teaching, it help teachers and
students learn together. Dewey believes that classroom was deeply rooted equal voice among all
participants in the learning experience.
In traditional education, Dewey states, is primarily concerned with teaching students information and
skills that have already been worked out in the past. They assume that the future will be just like the
past; therefore, the skills and knowledge that were of use in the past will help students succeed in the
future. He identifies this assumption as a major flaw in traditional education. Dewey believes the world
is constantly changing, and students need to learn critical thinking skills and problem-solving skills in
order to deal with these changes. Traditional education treats students as docile, nonactive receptive
entities that learn only from books and teachers. Knowledge is taught as a finished product. Students
cannot learn essential problem-solving skills if they are taught that all problems and answers to these
problems have already been worked out (Dewey, 1952). “If we teach today as we taught yesterday, we
rob our children of tomorrow” (Dewey, 1944, p. 167).
In a Learner-centered teaching, it focuses on both students and teacher. Students interact with instructors
and one another and instructors provides feedback/correction when questions of students arise.
The teacher here let students work in pairs or in groups, and let students their topic. It is expected here that
classroom will be noisy and busy because it is learner centered so it's focus is the learning of the students.
While in a Teacher-centered approach it's focus is on the instructors/teachers. How teacher approaches
students, they are the one who speaks while students or the learners will listen. Teachers are strictly
monitors and corrects every students utterances and teacher let students work alone. It seems here that
teacher is too strictly when it come in learning of students, they are one who chooses topic for their students
and they observed silence inside the classroom because they believe that in a quite workplace students can
absorb knowledge properly.
2. Discuss the role of teacher in the learner-centered teaching and learning in the
learner-centred model, the teacher takes on the role of facilitator, guide, why?
In a learner-centered model, teachers' role here is to facilitate and guide students in their learning. Students
are independently can solve problem solving, it focuses here on skills and practices of students that enable
their lifelong learning.
The teachers in this kind of learning stands as a facilitator and guide to students because they are doing the
work of problem solving.
3. In your own understanding why do students and teachers resist change from teacher-
centered to learner-centered approach? How are they going to manage this shift?
On my understanding why both party resist because we as a student we are still learning and still need
the approach from our teachers. There are things that we thought it's correct but definitely wrong, for
me it's also the reason why teachers and students resist the shift of teacher-centered approach to
learner-centerd approach.
Before you read more about the principles of LCP, perform the following
1. Analyze the title “Learner-Centered Psychological Principle”.
2. Write down at least 10 words that you can immediately relate to the title:
Learner-Centered Psychological Principles:
1. Cognitive
2. Learning
3. Solving
4. Evaluation
5. Reasoning
6. Mecognitive
7. Thingking
8. Planning
9. Monitoring
10. Comprehending
Because in LCP theres a lot of strategies of how we construct our plans,
our decisions and with the use of LCP we can use more strategic thinking
through understanding the LCP. Learning is most effective when differences in
learners’ linguistic, LCP also let us know the strategies on how we deal and solve
problems, when we say learner centered so we are the main focus the learner. It
will help us to mold as a newest version of us on how we cope problems. It helps
us to set our goals and meet that standards.
Write a synthesis or summary of the words you have associated with the
Learner-Centered Psychological Principle (LCP).
- Cognition can simply be defind as all mental processes and abilities in which
people engage on a daily bais such as memory, learning, problem solving
evaluation, reasoning and decision making. We are ablo to recall our
memories, we are able to resolve problems, having a higher self esteem for
our decision making to plan and reason out. We can help our self to evaluate
problems on our own strategies, assessing ourself with our own is a part of
being independent.
1. Cite at least 2 classroom situations where these principles can be applied to the
teaching-learning process.
b. The teacher should be positive so that their students can acquire the
positiveness of their teacher and show to the students of being strong
is important because you are a model to their eyes. Provide a quite
classroom and teach them rules and regulations inside the classroom.
2. What are the factors that promote learner-centeredness and what motivates the
learners to work productively and be accountable for their own learnings?
3. How are you going to relate RA 10533 and the K-to-12 framework to the principle
of learner-centeredness?
- It helps the learner to broaden goals and it prepare every student to be ready
for the future. Yes it teaches basic education, it also teaches the strategies of
learning and it put the learners as a center of the learning. RA 10533 and
kto12 teaches the basic education and LCP also teaches us the basic
strategies in learning. With the help of LCP we are able to get our self ready
for the job and able to evaluate, plan, and solve problems, like the RA10533
and kto12 it help us to be ready and be able to deal with the globalized world.
Bothy helps us to develop our learning strategies on how we deal problems
and being confident by our own.
The above application on what have been learned by the students are
manifestations of empowered learners. There would always be observations on the
changes of behaviors of the leaners that indicate his/her desire to learn more by
himself/herself on the learner-centered principles. These behaviors are oftentimes
expressed in the narrations of his/her discussions on the above applications.
Design a classroom layout where individual or group activity can be facilitated for
active engagement of learners.
Write a short description of the design that you have made and explain its
- I arrange chairs into traditional style which is in rows so that everyone could
see when I am explaining my lessons and I could monitor everybody who is
participating or not. I also provided space where they can do their group
activities and for the individual, they can do it on their chairs. What is the
significance of designing the classroom? For the student can feel comfortable
while learning.
2. Describe the roles and responsibilities of the teacher and the learners for a
supportive, inspiring, motivating and productive learner-centered classrooms.
- In LCP the role of a teacher is just to facilitate students, and the role of the
students is to take the responsibility of their own learnings.
Prepare your own classroom procedures and routines that promotes disciple,
fairness, respect and care among learners.