Managerial Economics
Managerial Economics
Managerial Economics
Prof. Pradeep Datar
Ms. Neha Mule
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This SLM on Managerial Economics is written with an aim to present a simple text to the students
who have limited exposure to Economics and are pursuing a programme in management studies.The
SLM is also designed to provide standard reading materials especially for the students of M.B.A.,
M.M.M., C.A., Diploma and Degree Courses in Business Management. This book will satisfy the
needs of the students who are pursuing a Distance Learning Programme in management studies. The
SLM, I hope, would also help refresh the practicing managers.
The SLM mainly lays emphasis on the applied part of the principles of Economics. The text relies
on standard works on the subject. I am deeply indebted to my teachers as well as colleagues, for
inspiring me to write this book. To cap it all, my special thanks to the Director and the respected staff
of Symbiosis Centre for Distance Learning (SCDL) for their kind cooperation.
Prof. Pradeep Datar is a Lecturer in the Department of Economics at S.P. College, Pune, since 1980.
He has written a few books on Economics both in English and Marathi. He has also been associated
as a visiting faculty at various management institutes in and around Pune. As a member of the visiting
faculty, he has been teaching a variety of subjects related to Economics, such as Managerial Economics
at Masters in Marketing Management Course., D. B. M.; Degree in Hotel Management and Catering
Technology; Economics of Labour at M.P.M., Indian Economic Environment at M.M.M. level etc.
All these courses are affiliated to Pune University. Furthermore, he has also worked as a visiting
faculty at SIMS, Pune; teaching Managerial Economics to PGDBM students and delivered lectures
on Monetary Economics to the students pursuing a course in M. A. (Economics).
The author has judiciously used his wide academic experience, knowledge and observation about
the current economic affairs at Global and Indian level, to present updated information which can
immensely benefit the students pursuing a programme in Management Studies.
Unit No. TITLE Page No.
4 Elasticity of Demand 67 - 98
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Price Elasticity of Demand
4.3 Types of Price Elasticity
4.4 Measurement of Elasticity
4.5 Factors Influencing Price Elasticity of Demand
4.6 Practical Significance of the Concept of Elasticity of Demand
4.7 Income Elasticity of Demand : Measurement, Types
and Uses of the Concept
4.8 Cross Elasticity of Demand : Concept, Measurement and its Uses
Key Words
Self-Assessment Questions
Answers to Check your Progress
Suggested Reading
5 Demand Forecasting 99 - 118
5.1 Meaning and Importance
5.2 Necessity of Forecasting Demand
5.3 Factors Influencing Demand Forecasts
5.4 Techniques or Methods of Forecasting Demand
5.5 Criteria for a Good Demand Forecast
Key Words
Self-Assessment Questions
Answers to Check your Progress
Suggested Reading
6 Supply Analysis 119 - 140
6.1 Meaning of Supply
6.2 Determinants of Supply
6.3 The Law of Supply
6.4 Assumptions underlying the Law
6.5 Exceptions to the Law of Supply (Backward – Sloping Supply Curve)
6.6 Expansion & Contraction in Supply
6.7 Increase & Decrease in Supply
6.8 Causes of Change in Supply
6.9 Elasticity of Supply
6.10 Measurement of Elasticity of Supply
6.11 Factors Determining Elasticity of Supply
Key Words
Self-Assessment Questions
Answers to Check your Progress
Suggested Reading
Unit No. TITLE Page No.
7 Production and Costs - I 141 – 164
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Production Function
7.3 Practical importance of Production Function
7.4 Linear Homogeneous Production Function
7.5 Time-Periods
7.6 The Law of Diminishing Returns or The Law of Variable Proportion
7.7 Returns to Scale or Laws of Returns to Scale
7.8 Economies and Diseconomies of Scale
Key Words
Self-Assessment Questions
Answers to Check your Progress
Suggested Reading
Unit No. TITLE Page No.
12 Cost Benefit Analysis 279 – 306
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Public Goods vs. Private Goods
12.3 Externalities
12.4 Marginal Cost
12.5 Average Cost
12.6 Impure Public Goods
12.7 Steps in Cost Benefit Analysis
12.8 Justification for the use of Cost-Benefit Analysis
12.9 Cost-Benefit Analysis: Private and Social
12.10 Policies to Reconcile Private and Public Costs and Benefits
12.11 Cost Benefit Analysis and Overall Resource Allocation
12.12 Overall Resource Allocation
12.13 Foundations of Market System of Economy
Key Words
Self-Assessment Questions
Answers to Check your Progress
Suggested Reading
13 Macro Economic Analysis 307 - 344
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Importance of Macro-Economic Studies
13.3 Keynesian Macro-Economic Theory
13.4 Determination of Equilibrium Level of Output/ Employment
13.5 Keynesian Remedy to Unemployment : Government Intervention
13.6 Business Fluctuations
13.7 Inflation
13.8 Macro Policies
Key Words
Self-Assessment Questions
Answers to Check your Progress
Suggested Reading
Unit No. TITLE Page No.
14 Government and Private Businesses 345 – 380
14.1 Introduction
14.2 Need for Government Intervention
14.3 Cause for Rise in Prices in India
14.4 Price Controls in India
14.5 Protection of Consumer Interests
14.6 The New Industrial Policy 1991
14.8 De-Reservation - Further Liberalisation
14.9 Economic Liberalisation
14.10 The Process of Disinvestment: Need and Methods
Key Words
Self-Assessment Questions
Answers to Check your Progress
Suggested Reading
References 381
Introduction to Managerial Economics
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Definitions of Managerial Economics
1.3 Nature of Managerial Economics
1.4 Scope of Managerial Economics
1.5 Significance of Managerial Economics
1.6 Economic Problems
1.7 Meaning of Economic Problem
1.8 Basic Economic Problems
Key Words
Self-Assessment Questions
Answers to Check your Progress
Suggested Reading
Managerial Economics generally refers to the integration of economic
theory with business practice while economics provides the tools which
---------------------- explain various concepts such as Demand, Supply, Price, and Competition
etc. Managerial Economics applies these tools to the management of business.
---------------------- In this sense, Managerial Economics is also understood to refer to business
economics or applied economics.
Managerial Economics lies on the border line of management and
---------------------- economics. It is a hybrid of two disciplines and it is primarily an applied branch
of knowledge. Management deals with principles which help in decision making
under uncertainty and improve effectiveness of an organisation. Economics on
---------------------- the other hand provides a set of propositions for optimum allocation of scarce
resources to achieve the desired objectives.
2 Managerial Economics
●● There is some difference between the generalisations based on abstraction Notes
and actual practices.
●● Besides economic theory, mathematics and statistics help in decision- ----------------------
making. ----------------------
●● An attempt is made to arrive at generalizations regarding business policies.
●● Since decisions have repercussions on the working of firms in future, and
most firms envisage continuing operations over a period of time, forward ----------------------
planning becomes an important element.
The problem of decision making arises whenever a number of alternatives are
available ----------------------
For example: What should be the price of the product? ----------------------
What should be the size of the plant to be installed?
How many workers should be employed?
What kind of training should be imparted to them?
What is the optimal level of inventories of finished products, ----------------------
raw materials, spare parts, etc.?
The significance of a good system of forward planning can be appreciated
from the fact that it helps in selecting the plant to be installed and it is not ----------------------
possible to change its capacity as and when required. Also different production ----------------------
processes require different skills which have to be provided. Similarly, based
on the long-term plans, funds have to be arranged or procured from outside or ----------------------
retained out of the earnings of the firm. For example, when a retired person
intends to start a small-time business of his own, he can fund it either from his ----------------------
own savings or take a bank loan with an easy-repayment scheme or may even ----------------------
take an unsecured loan from his children.
Economics provides the solution to some of these problems to enable ----------------------
the firm to achieve its objective. For example, the demand for a product is ----------------------
influenced by factors such as (i) the distribution of income, (ii) prices of related
products, and (iii) data on demand at some future point of time facilitates the ----------------------
task of forward planning. Similarly, the theoretical explanation of the problem
of input-mix (the ratio in which machines, men and other resources are to be ----------------------
employed) is provided by production function along with the prices of inputs. ----------------------
This indirectly facilitates the choice regarding the technique of production to
be employed and the plant to be installed. For example, in a country like India, ----------------------
where labour is in abundance and therefore cheap, labour-intensive technique
of production becomes the obvious choice in most cases. Of course the quality ----------------------
of labour has to suit the needs of manufacturing. ----------------------
The propositions of economics, however, require to be modified keeping in
mind the constraints of availability of requisite data and the time at the hands ----------------------
of the decision-maker. ----------------------
4 Managerial Economics
●● Managerial Economics, to the extent that it uses economic thought, is a Notes
science, but it is an applied science. Economic thought uses deductive
logic (if X is true, then Y is true). For example, if the triangles are ----------------------
congruent, their angles are equal. To have confidence in the findings,
the propositions deduced are subjected to empirical verification. For ----------------------
example, empirical studies try to verify whether cost curves faced by a ----------------------
firm are really U-shaped as suggested by the theory. Furthermore, there
is an attempt to generalise the propositions which provide a predictive ----------------------
character. For example, empirical studies may suggest that for every
1% rise in expenditure on advertising, the demand for the product shall ----------------------
increase by 0.5%. ----------------------
From the above, it follows that managerial economics uses a scientific
approach. In practice, some firms may use simple rules based on past experience. ----------------------
However, the quality of discussions made can be improved using a systematic ----------------------
approach. This is pursued in managerial economics.
Check your Progress 1
Activity 1
A assume that you are about to open a new boutique. As manager of the
shop, what are the immediate economic questions that come to your mind? ----------------------
1.4 SCOPE OF MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS ----------------------
The scope of Managerial Economics is so wide that it embraces almost all the ----------------------
problems and areas of the manager and the firm. It deals with demand analysis and
forecasting, production function, cost analysis, inventory management advertising ----------------------
price system, resource allocation, capital budgeting etc. While an in-depth treatment ----------------------
is given to these aspects in the relevant chapters, a cursory treatment of these aspects
has been attempted here, merely to explain the scope of the subject. ----------------------
1. Demand Analysis and Forecasting ----------------------
It analyses carefully and systematically the various types of demand
which enable the manager to arrive at a reasonable estimate of demand for
6 Managerial Economics
5. Advertising Notes
It may sound strange when we say that advertising is an area which
managerial economics embraces. While the copy, illustration, etc., of an
advertisement are the responsibility of those who get it ready for the press, ----------------------
the problems of cost, the methods of determining the total advertisement
costs and budget, the measuring of the economic effects of advertising – ----------------------
these are the problems of the manager. To produce a commodity is one
thing; to market it is another. Yet the message about the product should
reach the consumer before he thinks of buying it. Therefore, advertising ----------------------
forms an integral part of decision-making and forward planning.
Improving the face value of the product can go long way in improving its ----------------------
market value. A product which has a good standing in the export market
can improve its face value by adding colour and instructions suiting the
likes of the people of the particular country. ----------------------
6. Price System
It has already been pointed out that the pricing system as a concept was
developed by economics and it is widely used in managerial economics. ----------------------
The central functions of an enterprise are not only production but pricing
as well. While the cost of production has to be taken into account while
pricing a commodity, a complete knowledge of the price system is quite ----------------------
essential to determine the price. For instance, an understanding of how a
product has to be priced under different kinds of competition, for different ----------------------
markets is essential to the pricing of those commodities. An understanding
of the pricing of a product under conditions of Oligopoly is also essential.
Pricing is actually guided by considerations of cost plus pricing and ----------------------
the policies of public enterprises. Further, there is such a thing as price
leadership and non-price competition. It is clear from these facts that the ----------------------
price system touches upon several aspects of managerial economics and
aids or guides the manager to take valid and profitable decisions. For
example, pricing of a toothpaste which has heavy competition has a lot of ----------------------
constraints for its increase, but let us say for a product which gives you
a soothing foot and back massage as well as talks to you soothingly after ----------------------
work, the genius manufacturer can quote its price. Similarly, in the film
industry there are loads of side actors who have set limits, but a successful
star can surely quote his/ her price. ----------------------
7. Resources Allocation ----------------------
Scarce resources obviously have alternate uses. How best can these
scarce resources be allocated to competing needs? The aim, of course, is ----------------------
to achieve optimisation. For this purpose, some advanced tools, such as ----------------------
linear programming, are used to arrive at the best course of action for a
specified end. Generally speaking, two kinds of problems are of utmost ----------------------
importance and concern to the manager. First, how should he arrive at
an optimum combination of inputs in order to get the maximum output? ----------------------
Secondly, when the prices of inputs increase, what type of substitution ----------------------
---------------------- Activity 2
Assume that you are into manufacturing of a new brand of soap. The product
---------------------- is ready. Write down the next three steps you will need to take to reach it to
the consumer.
8 Managerial Economics
While performing his functions, a manager has to take a number of ----------------------
decisions in conformity with the goal of the firm. Many of the decisions are
taken under the condition of uncertainty and therefore involve risk. Uncertainty ----------------------
and risk arise mainly due to uncertain behaviour of the market forces, i.e.
the demand and supply, changing business environment, government policy,
external influence on the domestic market and social and political changes in ----------------------
the country. The complexity of the modern business would add complexity to
the business decision - making. However, the degree of uncertainty and risk can ----------------------
be greatly reduced if market conditions could be predicted with a high degree
of reliability.
Taking appropriate business decisions requires a clear understanding of ----------------------
the technical and environmental conditions under which decisions are to be ----------------------
taken. Application of economic theories to explain and analyse the technical
conditions and the economic environment in which a business undertaking ----------------------
operates contributes a good deal to the rational decision-making. Economic
theories have therefore gained a wide application to the analysis of practical ----------------------
problems of business. With the growing complexity of business environment, ----------------------
the usefulness of economic theory as a tool of analysis and its contribution to
the process of decision- making has been widely recognised. ----------------------
Prof. Baumol has pointed out three main contributions of economic ----------------------
theory to business economics. First, ‘one of the most important things which
the economic (theories) can contribute to the management science’ is building ----------------------
analytical models which help in recognising the structure of managerial
problems, eliminating the minor details which might obstruct decision-making, ----------------------
and in concentrating on the main issue. Secondly, economic theory contributes ----------------------
to the business analysis ‘a set of analytical methods’ which may not be directly
applied to specific business problems but they do enhance the analytical ----------------------
capabilities of the business analyst. Thirdly, economic theories offer clarity to
the various concepts used in business analysis, which enables the managers to ----------------------
avoid conceptual pitfalls. ----------------------
The resources of a society consist not only of the free gifts of nature, ----------------------
such as land, forests and minerals, but also of human capacity, both mental and
physical, and of all sorts of man-made aids to further production, such as tools, ----------------------
machinery and buildings. It is sometimes useful to divide those resources into ----------------------
three main groups:
1. All those free gifts of nature, such as land, forests, minerals, etc.,
commonly called natural resources and known to economists as LAND; ----------------------
10 Managerial Economics
Check your Progress 3
Fill in the blanks. ----------------------
1. Economic theories have contributed to business economics in
building analytical models for studying ______________as
a set of _____________ and offer clarity to concepts used in ----------------------
2. After land, labour, capital, the fourth factor of production is
_______________. ----------------------
3. The total output of all commodities of one country, say in one year, is ----------------------
called ___________.
Activity 3 ----------------------
1. List the factors of production with examples.
Now, if we put together the four characteristics – namely, human wants
are unlimited, that human wants vary in their intensity, that means or resources ----------------------
are relatively limited, and they have alternative uses, but if used to satisfy one
want, the same means cannot be used to satisfy any other want – it becomes ----------------------
clear that every man begins to face the problem of economizing his means. ----------------------
The problem of economy is how to use the relatively limited resources with
alternative uses in the face of unlimited wants. Naturally, everyone will try to ----------------------
use his relatively limited resources with alternative uses that he gets maximum
satisfaction out of his resources. In view of limited resources and unlimited ----------------------
wants, he will try to satisfy those wants which are most urgent or intense and ----------------------
then those wants which are slightly less urgent and so on. Thus, sacrificing the
satisfaction of those wants which are lower on the scale of preference for which ----------------------
he may not have resources. This is the problem of economy – how to economise
or make the maximum use of limited resources. For example, a salaried person ----------------------
faces high expenditure during a festive season. He has to weigh the expenditure ----------------------
heads on a scale of priority. Maybe he will purchase clothes first for his children
and wife and last for his own self – if expenses permit. ----------------------
A very rich man - however rich - surely has dearth of time. Every man ----------------------
– rich or poor – has only 24 hours at his disposal for a day. He cannot be
everywhere to make decisions. Of course with emerging technologies a person ----------------------
can be accessible, but his very presence at a particular place, at a particular time
cannot the place of a large T.V. screen. ----------------------
12 Managerial Economics
confronted by the same basic economic problem – unlimited wants and Notes
limited resources with alternative uses. Every nation, poor or rich, small
or great, with small population or with huge population, has to face this ----------------------
basic economic problem; no nation can ever escape it.
Thus there is something ‘universal’ about the problems of economy.
The basic problem of economy arises in the case of an aboriginal, a ----------------------
villager, a city – dweller, in the case of the poor as also the rich, in the case
of an Indian, a Frenchman and an American, in the case of associations
like clubs, schools, hospitals and government organisations right from ----------------------
the village level to the national level. The problem of economy was there
in ancient times and it is there before everybody at present. The problem ----------------------
of economy – unlimited wants and limited means with alternative uses
– has been forever confronting mankind. The economic problem is an
universal problem. Economic problems do not recognise boundaries of ----------------------
caste, creed, colour, religion, culture etc.
1.8 BASIC ECONOMIC PROBLEMS ----------------------
Seven more general questions that must be faced in all economies, whether ----------------------
they are capitalist, socialist or communist or mixed are explained below.
Q1. What commodities are being produced and in what quantities?
This question arises directly out of the scarcity of resources. It concerns ----------------------
the allocation of scarce resources among alternative uses (a shorter phrase,
resource allocation, will often be used). The question ‘What determines the
allocation of resources or resource allocation?’ have occupied economists ----------------------
since the earliest days of the subject. In free – market economies, most
decisions concerning the allocation of resources are made through the ----------------------
price system. The study of how this system works is the major topic in the
Q2. By what methods are these commodities produced? ----------------------
This question arises because there is almost always more than one ----------------------
technically possible way in which goods and services can be produced.
Agricultural goods, for example, can be produced by farming a small ----------------------
quantity of land very intensively, using large quantities of fertilizer, labour ----------------------
and machinery, or farming a large quantity of land extensively, using
only small quantities of fertilizer, labour and machinery. Both methods ----------------------
can be used to produce the same quantity of some good; one method is
frugal with land but uses larger quantities of other resources, whereas the ----------------------
other method uses large quantities of land but is frugal in its use of other ----------------------
resources. The same is true of manufactured goods; it is usually possible
to produce the same output by several different techniques, ranging from ----------------------
the ones using a large quantity of labour and only a few simple machines
to the ones using a large quantity of highly automated machines rather ----------------------
than another, and the consequences of these choices about production ----------------------
methods, are topics in the THEORY OF PRODUCTION.
14 Managerial Economics
Q5. Are the country’s resources being fully utilised, or are some of them Notes
lying idle?
We have already noted that the existing resources of any county are not
sufficient to satisfy even the most pressing needs of all the individual ----------------------
consumers. Surely if resources are so scarce that there are not enough of
them to produce all of those commodities which are urgently required, there ----------------------
can be no question of leaving idle any of the resources that are available.
Yet one of the most disturbing characteristics of free – market economies
is that such waste sometimes occurs. When this happens the resources ----------------------
are said to be involuntarily unemployed (or, more simply, unemployed).
Unemployed workers would like to have jobs, the factories in which they ----------------------
could work are available, the managers and owners would like to be able
to operate their factories, raw materials are available in abundance, and
the goods that could be produced by these resources are urgently required ----------------------
by individuals in the community. Yet, for some reason, nothing happens :
the workers stay unemployed, the factories lie idle and the raw materials ----------------------
remain unused. The cost of such periods of unemployment is felt both in
terms of the goods and services that could have been produced by the idle
resources, and in terms of the effects on people who are unable to find ----------------------
work for prolonged periods of time.
Why do markets experience such periods of involuntary unemployment
which are unwanted by virtually everyone in the society, and can ----------------------
such unemployment be prevented from occurring in the future? These
questions have long concerned economists, and have been studied under ----------------------
the heading TRADE CYCLE THEORY. Their study was given renewed
significance by the Great Depression of the 1930s. In the USA and the
United Kingdom, for example, this unemployment was never less than ----------------------
one worker in ten, and it rose to a maximum of approximately one worker
in four. This meant that, during the worst part of the depression, one ----------------------
quarter of these countries’ resources were lying involuntarily idle. A great
advance was made in the study of these phenomena with the publication in
1936 of the General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, by J. M. ----------------------
Keynes. This book, and the whole branch of economic theory that grew
out of it, has greatly widened the scope of economic theory and greatly ----------------------
added to our knowledge of the problems of unemployed resources. This
branch of economics is called MACRO ECONOMICS.
Q6. Is the purchasing power of money and savings constant, or is it being ----------------------
eroded because of inflation?
The world’s economies have often experienced periods of prolonged and
rapid changes in price levels. Over the long swing of history, price levels ----------------------
have sometimes risen and sometimes fallen. In recent decades, however, the ----------------------
course of prices has almost always been upward. The 1970s, 1980s and 1990s
saw a period of accelerating inflation in Europe, the United States and in most ----------------------
of the world, more particularly in the less developed countries.
16 Managerial Economics
Activity 4
1. An economic problem is such that it is faced by a simple hutman as ----------------------
well as a movie star. Can you reason out this ironic universality?
2. Can you think of an instance following the norm of Welfare
Economics? ----------------------
3. Your friend has a large house of 10 big rooms. One servant is
sufficient to do the work of one room. He has employed 15 servants.
Do you think this is a viable case of employment? Give reasons for ----------------------
your answer.
Summary ----------------------
18 Managerial Economics
2. The total output of all commodities of one country, say in one year, is Notes
called Gross National Product (GNP).
Check your Progress 4
Fill in the blanks. ----------------------
1. The problem of economy is how to use relatively limited resources with ----------------------
alternative uses in the face of unlimited wants.
2. No family can avoid basic economic problems.
3. Economic problem is a universal problem. ----------------------
vi. – b. ----------------------
Suggested Reading
1. Arun Kumar, Rachana Sharma, Managerial Economics, Atlantic
Publishers & Dist., 1998 ----------------------
20 Managerial Economics
Profit 21
After going through this unit, you will be able to:
• Determine profit
• Underline the different types of profit
---------------------- • Discuss the theories of profit
---------------------- • Evaluate profit by using different accounting methods
Profit means different things to different people. The word ‘Profit’ has
---------------------- different meanings to businessmen, accountants, tax collectors, workers and
---------------------- economists and it is often used in a loose sense that buries its real significance.
In general sense, ‘profit’ is regarded as income accruing to the equity holders,
---------------------- in the same sense as wages accrue to the labour, rent accrues to the owners of
rentable assets; and interest accrues to the money lenders. To a layman, profit
---------------------- means all incomes that flow to the investors. To an accountant, ‘profit’ means
---------------------- the excess of revenue over all paid-out costs including both manufacturing and
overhead expenses. It is more or less the same as ‘net profit’. For all practical
---------------------- purposes, businessmen also use this definition of profit. For taxation purposes,
profit or business income means profit in accountancy sense plus non-allowable
---------------------- expenses. Economist’s concept of profit is of ‘Pure Profit’, also called ‘economic
---------------------- profit’ or ‘just profit’. Pure profit is a return over and above the opportunity
cost, i.e. the income which a businessman might expect from the second best
---------------------- alternative use of his resources. These two concepts of profit are discussed
below in details.
Accounting Profit vs. Economic Profit
The two important concepts of profit that figure in business decisions are
---------------------- ‘economic profit’ and ‘accounting profit’. It will be useful to explain the difference
between the two concepts of profit. In accounting sense, profit is surplus of
---------------------- revenue over and above all paid-out costs, including both manufacturing and
overhead expenses. Accounting profit may be calculated as-
Accounting profit = TR - (W + R + I + M)
where TR = Total Revenue, W = Wages, R = Rent, I = Interest and M = cost of
---------------------- materials .
22 Managerial Economics
implicit cost is opportunity cost. Opportunity cost is defined as the payment Notes
that would be ‘necessary to draw forth the factors of productions from their
most remunerative alternative employment’. In simple terms, opportunity cost ----------------------
is the income foregone, which a businessman could expect from the second best
alternative use of his resources. For example, if an entrepreneur uses his capital ----------------------
in his own business, he foregoes interest which he might earn by purchasing ----------------------
debentures of other companies or by depositing his money with joint stock
companies for a period. Furthermore, if an entrepreneur uses his labour in his ----------------------
own business, he foregoes his income (salary) which he might earn by working
as a manager in another firm. Similarly, by using productive assets (land and ----------------------
building) in his own business, he sacrifices his market rent. These foregone ----------------------
incomes - interest, salary, and rent are called opportunity costs or transfer costs.
Accounting profit does not take into account the opportunity cost. ----------------------
To understand the concept of ‘Opportunity Cost’, an example has been given ----------------------
below with a diagram:
Work ----------------------
Every individual divides his time between home and work. Assuming
other things remaining constant, the downward sloping curve O-O’ depicts the ----------------------
‘Time’ curve which an individual has on hand and which he can devote to the
two factors. It shows an inverse relation between the two, in the sense, the ----------------------
less time he devotes at work, the more time he can be at home and vice versa. ----------------------
Devoting more time to any one of them in turn measures less time to the other.
Thus we can say that the spending long hours in one’s office is the ‘Opportunity ----------------------
cost’ of spending quality time with family and friends. No wonder why working
family people are in a constant dilemma, wondering which option to cater first!! ----------------------
It should also be noted that the economic or pure profit makes provision ----------------------
also for (a) insurable risks, (b) depreciation, and (c) necessary minimum
payment of shareholders to prevent them from withdrawing their capital. Pure ----------------------
profit may thus be defined as ‘residual left after all contractual costs have been ----------------------
Profit 23
Notes met, including the transfer costs of management, insurable risks, depreciation
and payments to shareholders, sufficient to maintain investment at its current
---------------------- level.’’ Thus,
---------------------- Pure profit = Total revenue - (explicit costs + implicit costs)
Pure profit so defined may not be necessarily positive for a single firm in
a single year - it may be even negative, since it may not be possible to decide
---------------------- beforehand the best way of using the resources. Besides, in economics, pure
profit is considered to be a short term phenomenon - it does not exist in the long
---------------------- run under perfectly competitive conditions.
---------------------- An entrepreneur brings together various factors of production such as land,
labour and capital. He ensures co-ordination between the factors and supervises
---------------------- the productive activity. He looks after purchase of raw materials, production,
marketing, recovery of receivable and personnel. The most important function
performed by an entrepreneur is, however to undertake risk and uncertainty
---------------------- in business. The reward which is paid to an entrepreneur for discharging this
function is called Profit. In this chapter, we propose to study the emergence of
---------------------- profit.
(A) Gross Profit and Pure (Net) Profit
When cost of production is deducted from the total sales proceeds, the
---------------------- residual portion is called Gross Profit.
24 Managerial Economics
tear of the durable good. For accounting purposes, he classifies the Notes
depreciation for the office car under ‘Business Bills’ and that for the
personal (use) car under ‘Personal Expenditure’. These deductions ----------------------
from the gross profit, help him in giving the correct figure of his Net
profit. ----------------------
Also, let’s say the owner of a workplace doesn’t hire plumbers ----------------------
or electricians, but does the work himself. As part of regular
maintenance, had he employed them for the same, he would
definitely be paying them for the services incurred. Thus, in this ----------------------
case, he should be paid for, even if he is being paid from his own
pocket to arrive at the right figure of Net Profit. ----------------------
(c) Extra-Personal Profits ----------------------
This includes
i) Monopoly Profit : If a producer is a monopolist, he may be
earning monopoly profits. These are profits not because of the ----------------------
business skills or ability of the entrepreneur, but because he is ----------------------
a monopolist in his field. Monopoly profits must be deducted
from gross profits to arrive at net (pure) profits. For example, ----------------------
a shop of basic necessaries in a very remote place (where
there are none) can enjoy monopoly profits, as people living ----------------------
in and around that place are bound to visit that shop, inspite ----------------------
of high prices.
ii) Chance Profit : An entrepreneur may earn high profits just ----------------------
‘by chance’, say because of an outbreak of war. This is not a ----------------------
part of net profits. In case of a war, imports will fall or stop.
Domestic production cannot increase immediately. Increasing ----------------------
demand thus not met will lead to price hike.
(d) Net Profits
When all the above payments are made out of gross profit, the
residual portion is called Pure (Net) Profit. The reward which an ----------------------
entrepreneur gets (i) for undertaking risk and uncertainty, (ii) for
co-ordinating and organising production and (iii) for innovating is ----------------------
called Pure Profit.
2.3 THEORIES OF PROFITS ----------------------
Various theories have been developed to explain the emergence of Profit. ----------------------
It is worthwhile to explain some of the theories of profit.
(1) Risk Taking Theory
The Risk-Taking Theory was developed by the American economist
Hawley. According to him, profit arises because a considerable amount of ----------------------
risk is involved in business. Profit is, therefore, the reward for risk-taking.
Hawley’s theory has been criticized on several grounds. In the first place, ----------------------
Profit 25
Notes Hawley has not classified the types of risks. Secondly, as Cawer has
pointed out, profit is not the reward for risk-taking. It is the reward for risk-
---------------------- avoiding. An entrepreneur is required to minimize his risk, if he cannot
eliminate it totally. A successful entrepreneur is he who earns good profits
---------------------- by eliminating the risk. On the other hand, a mediocre businessmen is not
---------------------- able to reduce the risk in business; and therefore, is subjected to losses.
For example, an entrepreneur comes up with a novel idea of opening a
---------------------- shop selling all the products pertaining to religious ceremonies in a very
developing area of a city. There are two elements of risk here – whether
---------------------- this idea will click and if yes, then how many customers will really turn
---------------------- up on a daily basis to give him a regular source of income.
(2) Uncertainty-Bearing Theory of Profit
Uncertainty-Bearing Theory of profit was developed by the American
---------------------- economist, Prof. F.H. Knight. He has classified the risks under the two
(a) Certain risks such as risk of fire, risk of theft, risk of accident etc.
---------------------- are less important because they can be passed on to an insurance
company. An entrepreneur can take an insurance policy by paying
the premium. Since such risks are covered by insurance, they are
---------------------- called “Insurable Risks.”
---------------------- (b) There are other risks which cannot be passed on to an insurance
company or to the paid managers. Every business involves great
---------------------- amount of uncertainty and the losses arising there from cannot
be estimated with precision. The prices of raw materials may
---------------------- suddenly increase, the supply of raw materials may be restricted
---------------------- and introduction of new substitutes in the market may reduce
the demand for the product.When demand declines, large stocks
---------------------- may remain unsold in the go-down. A producer may have to face
keen competition if the market is characterised by monopolistic
---------------------- competition. All these factors are uncertain and losses arising there
---------------------- from cannot be insured with any insurance company. These risks
and losses must be borne by the entrepreneur himself. According to
---------------------- Prof. Knight, profit is, therefore, the reward for uncertainty-bearing.
---------------------- Uncertainty theory of profit has gained wide popularity since its
publication. After the Industrial Revolution, production is carried out on
---------------------- a large scale and in anticipation of demand. Producers take into account
the tastes and fashions of the people and produce the goods accordingly.
---------------------- Sudden change in the tastes and fashions may affect the demand for
---------------------- products. If a particular fashion is receded in the background, goods may
not be sold at all. The losses arising out of such uncertainty cannot be
---------------------- estimated with precision. According to Prof. Knight, profit is, therefore,
a reward of uncertainty. For example, fashion trends are changing by the
---------------------- day. With the evolving revolution in fashion and exposure to television
---------------------- and cinema, what was ‘trendy’ yesterday may become ‘obsolete’ today.
26 Managerial Economics
Salwar-khameez have now taken the place of pants and kurtis. A fashion Notes
designer having a studio of his own has to constantly fight with these
factors to survive in this fiercely competitive market. If his designs are ----------------------
unaccepted in this world of high-end consumerism, then he better be
ready to incur huge losses!! ----------------------
Profit 27
Notes of these changes are of a far reaching character. Prof. Clark has pointed
out the following types of changes.
a) Changes in the quantity and quality of human needs
---------------------- b) Changes in the techniques of production
---------------------- c) Changes in the supply of capital
28 Managerial Economics
He performs only the routine duties and gets normal profit. The normal profit Notes
which he gets may be called ‘Wages for Management’. According to Prof.
Clark, a producer in a static society gets only normal profits, because pure ----------------------
profit does not arise.
Prof. Clark’s Dynamic Theory of Profit has been criticised on several
grounds. He has classified the changes under five categories but has ----------------------
overlooked many other important changes. In this dynamic world, the
Government policy may suddenly change. A change in the Monetary ----------------------
Policy of the Central Bank may bring about an expansion or contraction
in the supply of money. This may lead to an expansion or contraction in
the supply of capital. Ultimately it may affect the fortunes of business. ----------------------
Prof. Clark has overlooked such important factors.
Changes in the money supply for example can have far-reaching on the
economy as a whole, affecting all sections of society. Increase in the same ----------------------
will affect the general price level, thus money incomes. Therefore, even if
the profits do show an increase, it will be a fictitious one, because of the ----------------------
fall in the real incomes.
Fill in the blanks.
1. To an accountant, profit means _____________ over all paid out
____________. ----------------------
2. Pure profit or economic profit means return over and above the
3. Pure profit is calculated as Profit = ____________− (______+_____) ----------------------
4. Innovation Theory of Profit was developed by _____________. ----------------------
5. As per Clark’s Dynamic Theory, profit is the ____________ for ----------------------
Activity 1
1. “A” is a qualified IT professional, working full time and “B” having ----------------------
done her MBA is a full- time housewife. Reason the “opportunity cost
“in each of the case, if any. ----------------------
2. A farmer and his family growing rice every season on a highly fertile ----------------------
land is accounted for “opportunity cost as implicit cost”. Can you
explain why? ----------------------
Profit 29
---------------------- Our discussion of profit so far, has made it clear how difficult it is to have a
simple definition of profit that is acceptable to all. The measurement of profit is
---------------------- also equally difficult. For one thing, the economic concept of profit-and loss and
the legal concept of profit-and-loss are not the same. This is especially difficult
when it comes to the measurement of net profit. For calculating net profit, it is
---------------------- necessary to deduct all costs from the total revenue. But the inclusiveness of
costs itself involves many difficulties. All these problems, therefore, deserve a
---------------------- more careful and detailed analysis.
---------------------- (A) Economic Profit and Accounting Profit
---------------------- Let us take an example to understand the difference between the economic
concept of profit and the accounting concept of profit. Suppose an
---------------------- individual starts at his residence the business of repairing scooters. At the
end of the year, he gets a total revenue of Rs.1,50,000/-. Out of this, let us
---------------------- say, he spents Rs.50,000/- on the wages of his helper, tools and spare parts,
---------------------- etc. What remains is a sum of Rs.l,00,000/-. Apparently, one would be
tempted to conclude that this is his profit. But it is not so. The place that is
---------------------- available to him might have saved him a sum of, say Rs.30,000/-. In other
words, the place of work might have an opportunity cost. His own transfer
---------------------- earnings may be say Rs.60,000/-. Had he borrowed the money capital, the
---------------------- interest would have been say Rs.l0,000/-. Besides, a provision will have
to be made for the wear and tear of the tools and instruments, i.e. a certain
---------------------- amount will have to be deducted for depreciation.Thus, calculated, the
total costs would be (i) Helper’s wages, spares etc. Rs.50,000 + (ii) Rent
---------------------- Rs.30,000 + (iii) Entrepreneur’s management wages : Rs.60,000 + (iv)
---------------------- Interest : Rs.l0,000 + (v) Depreciation Rs.5,000. This takes the total cost
equal to Rs.l,55,000 against the total revenue of Rs.l,50,000 showing a
---------------------- net loss of Rs.5,000.
---------------------- The loss in the above example does not become apparent because the
entrepreneur uses some of the factors owned by himself and therefore, the
---------------------- remunerations to these are not actually paid. It should be obvious from
the above example that these difficulties may not arise in respect of large
industrial units. In such units, ownership is with the shareholders while
---------------------- the management is entrusted to the salaried managers. Thus, most of the
costs enter the account books and the accounting and economic concepts
---------------------- of costs in such cases come closer.
---------------------- According to the financial accounting principle, the assets of a concern
have claims from two sides : from the owners and from the lenders.
---------------------- Therefore, in any business unit,
---------------------- Assets = Liabilities + Proprietorship
30 Managerial Economics
and loss account or the income statement shows the changes in the balance Notes
sheet of the unit from the beginning of the year and those at the end of
the year is the net income or profit. The funds statement is based on this ----------------------
profit and loss statement. This statement indicates the financial standing
of the business concern. The funds statement shows the amount of cash ----------------------
available and how it has been invested. ----------------------
While preparing all these statements, the accountant has to include items,
the truth about which can be tested. But in doing so, many difficulties
arise. For example, while preparing the balance-sheet, the cost of the ----------------------
asset that is taken is the one at which the asset was purchased. The current
value of the asset is not considered. Similarly, the changes in the value of ----------------------
money are ignored. It is also incorrect as is done in financial accounts, to
calculate net profits by deducting from the total revenue of year the total
costs incurred during that year. ----------------------
The economic concept of net profit will have to be altogether different.
In the valuation of any asset, the economist is guided by the concept
of opportunity cost. For example, the accounting method will take into ----------------------
account the original price of a machine; but in the economic concept,
the replacement cost of the machine would be used. For valuation of the ----------------------
machine, further alternatives would be to take the price of a similar machine,
if the same is not available; or to consider the total expected return of the
machine and from that calculate the present worth of the machine. We are ----------------------
familiar with the various cost concepts. Thus, the differences in the profit
concepts arise out of the differences in cost concepts. The modern method ----------------------
used for valuation is based on the cash flow technique.
It will also be necessary to remember that the sum total of all the
individual machines added together will not be the correct value of the ----------------------
total establishment. This is because the goodwill enjoyed by the concern
will also have to be included in its total worth. This is how the economic
and the accounting approaches differ and make measurement of profit ----------------------
more complicated.
(B) Factors Leading to Differences in the Economic and the Traditional
Concepts of Valuation ----------------------
The above discussion makes it clear how valuation of asset is important ----------------------
in the measurement of profits. Let us now consider those factors which
underline the differences in the economic and the accounting approaches ----------------------
to the problem. These factors are : (a) Depreciation (b) Inventory Valuation
and (c) the unaccounted value changes in the assets and the liabilities. ----------------------
a) Depreciation ----------------------
Depreciation is the loss in value caused by the continuous use of an ----------------------
asset. Every durable asset has a certain life at the end of which it has
got to be replaced. For such a replacement, a provision in the form ----------------------
of depreciation is required to be made.
Profit 31
Notes There are various methods of calculating this depreciation. Following are
the important ones among them.
(i) Straight Line Method
---------------------- This is the simplest method of all. What is done is the life of an asset
is first estimated and then the share of one year in the total value of the
asset is deducted. What remains is taken as the value of the asset for
---------------------- the next year. In this way, at the end of the life-time of the asset, the
firm will have collected an amount equal to the value of the asset. If,
---------------------- for example, the price of a machine is P, the scrap-value at the end of
its life-time is S and the life of the machine is Y years, then the amount
of depreciation (D) will be given by the formula :
---------------------- P–S
---------------------- Y
32 Managerial Economics
(iv) Service Unit Method Notes
Instead of considering the life of an asset in years, the actual working
hours can be taken. This is the basis of service unit method. If a
machine can work for l,000 hours, then the value of the machine ----------------------
divided by l,000 will be the hourly rate of depreciation. The total
number of hours for which the machine was actually used during a ----------------------
given period can thus give us the amount of depreciation during that
period. The original value of machine minus depreciation will give
its value for the remaining period. ----------------------
Whatever method used for the valuation of assets, in the accounting
sense, some problems remain unsolved. Thus, for instance, every
asset has a limited life and at the end of it, the asset needs to be replaced. ----------------------
At the time of replacement, new and more efficient machines may
be available. If such new machines are to be purchased, how much ----------------------
money will be required and at what rate depreciation will have to be
provided cannot be decided before hand, by any of these methods.
This makes measurement of profit difficult. ----------------------
b) Inventory Valuation
Another difficulty that is encountered is in respect of inventory
valuation. This difficulty would not arise if the prices of all products ----------------------
and the level of all production were constant. But this never happens. ----------------------
The raw materials are purchased at different prices. The costs of
production also change from time to time. This makes the valuation ----------------------
of stocks of finished products very difficult. Let us first consider the
two most widely used methods of inventory valuation. ----------------------
i) First-In-First Out Method (FIFO) : In this method, it is ----------------------
assumed that goods which entered the firm’s stock first were
used first. Then, in this assumption, the cost of producing the ----------------------
given output is estimated. ----------------------
ii) Last-In-First Out Method (LIFO) : In this method, the cost of
production is calculated on the assumption that the material ----------------------
which was last to enter the inventory of the company was ----------------------
used first.
It is obvious that a change in the use from either of the two
methods mentioned above to the other one must lead to a change ----------------------
in estimate of profit. There would be a great divergence between
the profits estimated by these two methods especially when the ----------------------
above mentioned changes in prices etc. are very rapid. The profit
would appear to be abnormally high if it is calculated on the basis of
FIFO in times of inflation and abnormally low in times of deflation. ----------------------
The methods, however, are in use due to their convenience from
accounting point of view. ----------------------
Profit 33
Notes It is thus, clear that by either method, it is difficult to state precisely
the value of the inventory. This is mainly because of the changes in
---------------------- the value of money. Taking a stable value of money, i.e. valuation
at constant prices would also not serve the purpose. Thus, due to
---------------------- these difficulties in the valuation of inventories, the measurement
---------------------- of profit is rendered difficult.
c) The Unaccounted Value Changes in the Assets and the Liabilities
Besides the above two factors which create difficulties of valuation,
---------------------- there is a third category of changes in the value of assets and
liabilities that poses a challenge to valuation. The research that is
undertaken to improve the quality of the product, the expenses on
---------------------- improving the efficiency of management etc. increase the value
of the establishment. These costs create assets, which cannot be
---------------------- precisely valued. They do increase profits but cannot be expressed
in terms of money, and therefore, measurement of changes in the
value of assets becomes difficult.
---------------------- Thus, it is clear, how difficult the precise measurement of profits
is. By simply using historical cost the profits are likely to be either
inflated or deflated. It is, therefore, necessary to calculate costs
---------------------- and profits at constant price to take utmost care in calculating
depreciation, to take cognizance of modern methods like cost
---------------------- flow techniques, management accounting and so on, and to use
opportunity costs wherever necessary. Even then, a correct amount
of profit may not be found out. But we shall be close to the correct
---------------------- estimate. The calculation of profit will also vary according to the
purpose for which the calculation is required.
34 Managerial Economics
Activity 2
The information available is as under: ----------------------
●● Price of a car is Rs 3,50,000. Its life is estimated to be 10 years and
the value of the car by the end of its life is given to be Rs 1,50,000.
Calculate the depreciation amount to be allowed each year. Which ----------------------
method/methods will be used to calculate this?
●● For the rest of the methods of depreciation to be used what more
information is required? ----------------------
By and large, we say that an entrepreneur aims at maximum profits. But
‘how much’ profit should be taken as the maximum ? This is a difficult question ----------------------
to answer. A scientific thought to this question must provide a guidance on
the following two lines : (a) What profit should an entrepreneur expect in any
enterprise, and (b) How far is profit influenced by factors, which are external to ----------------------
the firm.
It must be understood at the outset that the freedom of an entrepreneur to
decide his rate of profit depends on the nature of the market and other constraints ----------------------
including legal provisions, business conventions, consumer resistance and so
on. ----------------------
Profit is usually expressed as gross profit, or as net profit or as a per cent ----------------------
return to capital invested. In modern business, the common practice is to express
profit as a per cent net return to capital. ----------------------
(a) Profit Expectations : The profit that an entrepreneur should expect can ----------------------
be subjected to a number of criteria. The following four criteria are widely
accepted : ----------------------
Profit 35
Notes the first place, in fact reflects the strong belief that the people have
in its functioning. They are aware about the high rate of profit that
---------------------- the company is churning out for years.
---------------------- ii) The rate of profit should be comparable to that in similar
companies. Many times, there are many independent units under
---------------------- the same management. In all these sister-concerns, the rates of
profitability should be comparable.
For instance, Maruti Suzuki is one company, having several
---------------------- independent units like production unit, sales unit, customer
care, servicing unit, etc. The manufacture of the car is under the
production unit, bringing the product to the market comes under
---------------------- the sales department, the after-sales service (like 3 free servicing
within a stipulated time period) is the forte of the servicing centres
---------------------- and taking care of any complaints by customers is the responsibility
of the customer care unit.
iii) The present profit rate should be comparable to the profit rates
---------------------- in the past.
---------------------- iv) The profits should be large enough to allow for a plough-back
for business expansion. It is, however, necessary to see that
---------------------- reinvestment of profits does not cause a dwindling in the reasonable
---------------------- rate of profit.
It is true that expansion of a firm can be effected from re-investing
---------------------- profits, but not at the cost of lowering down the current rate of profit.
---------------------- For example, if a tailoring house lavishly spends on new machines
without having enough new orders on hand, then it would not mean
---------------------- the right economic move.
---------------------- (b) External Factors : Besides the criteria mentioned above, there are certain
external factors that influence the profitability of a firm in modern times.
---------------------- These factors are :
---------------------- i) Full Employment : Under conditions of full employment,
maintenance of cordial labour relations is of utmost importance.
---------------------- Excessive profits, under such circumstances, become an invitation
to labour unrest. Care should be taken to keep profits within
reasonable limits.
---------------------- Today labour unions are very strong, affecting company policies to
a large extent. For example, labour unions in PSUs (Public Sector
Undertakings) like Steel Authority of India Limited, National
---------------------- Thermal Power Corporation are very strong. They protect the
interests of labour community of the industry. They negotiate with
---------------------- the government regarding their labour demands like increase in the
wage-rate, increasing remuneration, increasing the retirement age,
better pension facilities, etc.
36 Managerial Economics
ii) Potential Rivals : In any business, the possibility of emergence of Notes
rival firms must be taken into consideration. Abnormal profits attract
rivals and wipe out profits. To keep away the rivals, it becomes ----------------------
necessary to control profits. Whether this will be possible depends
upon many factors, but an effort should be made to abide by this ----------------------
rule. ----------------------
One statement can be mentioned here that will highlight the meaning
aptly– “Anything that is overdone loses its charm”. If a coffee shop
is running a good business in a particular locality and people around ----------------------
are aware of it, it may invite more entrepreneurs in the same line of
business. The end resultant: nobody really does very well !! ----------------------
iii) Consumers’ Confidence : It is also necessary to maintain the ----------------------
confidence of the consumers in the reasonableness of the firm’s
prices. Those entrepreneurs who are tempted to exploit the ----------------------
situation of reaping huge profits usually lose the sympathies of their
customers. It pays in the long-run to overcome such temptations
and continue to enjoy the confidence of the customers. ----------------------
iv) Political Climate : In modern times, entrepreneurs are also required
to take note of the political climate in the country. This is especially
true where a firm supplies products to government departments, or ----------------------
public enterprises. Charges of profiteering and exploitation may
invite public inquiries and this will cause a great deal to the firm. It ----------------------
is, therefore, advisable to keep profit rates low and create an image
of a firm with fair dealings.
Thus, profit policy involves many important considerations and all ----------------------
the factors noted above go into the formulation of a sound profit ----------------------
The last two points hold good, especially in a market-driven democracy ----------------------
like India. Consumer is king and has the right to vote the politicians in ----------------------
and out their position of power. Consumer is sovereign. People’s power is
supreme. No firm or politician can put up an act of ignorance against this. ----------------------
A suspicion leading to public outcry can sweep any firm off its feet, no
matter how strong the backing of any political power. Take for instance, ----------------------
‘Cadbury’ sales started dipping in the market after it was exposed on ----------------------
the media that the packaging was defined flaws and there were germs
inside the product. They strengthened their packaging by introducing new ----------------------
techniques (like putting in additional cover inside the main cover) and
roped in superstar Amitabh Bachchan to endorse the product with a new ----------------------
improved look. ----------------------
We have already studied that modern firms and corporations may not aim ----------------------
at profit maximization. Instead they set ‘a standard’, ‘a target’ or ‘a reasonable ----------------------
Profit 37
Notes profit’ which they strive to achieve. We have also studied the reasons for aiming
at ‘Reasonable Profits’ in the previous chapter.
Let us now look into the policy questions related to setting standards or criteria
---------------------- for reasonable profits. The important policy questions are :
a) What are the criteria for determining the profit standard?
b) How should ‘reasonable profits’ be determined?
Let us now briefly examine the policy implications of these questions.
---------------------- a) Standards of Reasonable Profits
---------------------- When firms voluntarily exercise restraint on profit maximization and
choose to make only a ‘reasonable profit’, the questions that arise are:
---------------------- (i) what form of profit standard should be used, and (ii) how should
---------------------- reasonable profits be determined ?
Forms of Profit Standard
The profit standards may be determined in terms of (a) aggregate money
---------------------- terms, (b) percentage of sales, and (c) percentage return on investment.
These standards may be determined with respect to the whole product
line or for each product separately. Of all the forms of profit standards,
---------------------- the total net profits of the enterprise usually receive the greatest attention.
But when purpose is to discourage the potential competitors, then a target
---------------------- rate of return on investment is the appropriate profit standard, provided
competitors’ cost curves are similar.
b) Setting the Profit Standard
The following are the important criteria that are taken into account while
---------------------- setting the standards for a ‘reasonable profit’.
38 Managerial Economics
when maintaining liquidity and avoiding debt are main considerations in Notes
profit policy.
Plough back standard is however socially less acceptable than capital-
attracting standard. The reason, that, it is more desirable that all earnings ----------------------
are distributed to stockholders and they should decide the further
investment pattern. This is based on a belief that market forces allocate ----------------------
funds more efficiently and the individual is the best judge of this resource
use. On the other hand, retained earnings which are under the exclusive
control of the management are likely to be wasted on low-earning projects ----------------------
within the company. But one cannot say for certain as to which of the two
allocating agencies is actually superior. It depends on ‘the relative abilities ----------------------
of management and outside investors to estimate earnings prospects.’
Normal earnings standard
Another important criterion for setting standard of reasonable profit is
the ‘normal’ earnings of firms of an industry over a normal period. Company’s ----------------------
own normal eanrings over a period of time often serve as a valid criterion of
reasonable profit, provided it succeeded in (i) attracting external capital, (ii) ----------------------
discouraging growth of competition, (iii) keeping stockholders satisfied. When
an average of ‘normal earnings of a group of firms is used, then only comparable
firms and normal periods are chosen.’ ----------------------
However, none of these standards of profit is perfect. A standard is ----------------------
therefore chosen after giving due consideration to the prevailing market
conditions and public attitudes. In fact, different standards are used for different ----------------------
purposes because no single criterion satisfies all the conditions and all the people
concerned. ----------------------
Check your Progress 3
Fill in the blanks. ----------------------
1. The criterion on which profit calculation is based is that the rate of
profit should be ___________to attract share capital.
2. The profit standards are determined in terms of percentage of ----------------------
Profit 39
Activity 3
---------------------- Hari Sons Ltd, a joint stock company, is issuing new shares at the
beginning of the financial year. The brothers expect to do better than the
---------------------- previous year. They experienced a slack last financial year. Somewhere
they went wrong in their estimations. The actual profit was much below
their expectation. They don’t want to repeat the same mistakes. Therefore,
---------------------- they have appointed a new panel of experts this year; you are amongst
one of them.
The company is into manufacturing of only wooden furniture items.
---------------------- There are a lot of competitors in the market who provide a wide range of
furniture items. In the last financial year, mistakes were committed in the
---------------------- calculation of profit because of three factors. Considering the situation
given above, can you think of and suggest ways of avoiding the mistakes
this year?
---------------------- Summary
---------------------- ●● This unit has given the realistic view of the term ‘profit’. Beginning with
the correct meaning of the term, it has highlighted in full the different
---------------------- views attached in defining it.
---------------------- ●● Gross profit is different from Net profit, the Economic profit is different
from Accounting profit. The difference basically lies in its valuation at
---------------------- different stages and thus gives birth to different factors leading to the
differences in the concepts. These are seen in factors like Depreciation,
Inventory Evaluation and unaccounted value changes in the assets and
---------------------- liabilities.
●● The Dynamic theory has surely a touch of dynamism and thus more
apt to today’s world as it takes under its fold various dynamic changes
---------------------- like those production techniques, supply of capital, population, business
organisations, etc.
●● The profit policy should answer the ever high-flying question to any
---------------------- entrepreneur : ‘how much profit should I expect?’. There are a number
of criteria given in this unit for the rate of profit as expected by the
---------------------- entrepreneur, that will help solve the question to a large extent i.e. it should
be sufficient enough to attract new share-capital and for further expansion
plans and should be comparable to that of similar other companies and
---------------------- also its own in the past. Attached to the criteria are also external factors
like labour relations, market conditions, and political environment.
●● Lastly, the unit points out that modern day corporations do not aim at profit
---------------------- maximization, but in fact set a ‘reasonable profit standard’ and strive to
achieve and then maintain it. Capital attracting standard, ‘Plough back’
---------------------- standard, Normal earnings standard, though can help the entrepreneur
40 Managerial Economics
in striking the balance, realistically speaking not a single one criterion Notes
fulfills all the required conditions that an organisation encounters.
Keywords ----------------------
●● Accounting Profit : Surplus of revenue over and above all paid-out costs ----------------------
●● Assets of a Firm : Its net worth plus its liabilities
●● Capital Structure of Firms : Proportions of bonds, equity, preference
shares ----------------------
●● Depreciation : Loss of value due to the continuous use of an asset ----------------------
●● Gross Profit : Gross profit is total receipts minus total expenditure
●● Innovation : Invention is exploited on a commercial basis
●● Insurable Risks : Risks which can be covered by insurance (by paying the ----------------------
●● Pure or Net Profit : Pure or net profit is total revenue minus the
government–aggregate of implicit and explicit costs ----------------------
Self-Assessment Questions
1. Give a brief review about the theories of profit.
2. Critically evaluate F.H. Knight’s Uncertainly Bearing Theory of Profit.
3. Distinguish between gross and net profit. ----------------------
4. How would you distinguish between Accounting Profit and Economic ----------------------
5. “Profit is a reward of the entrepreneur for innovation.” Discuss.
6. State and explain Dynamic Theory of Profit.
7. Explain how profit can be measured in practice. ----------------------
Profit 41
Notes Answers to Check your Progress
---------------------- Check your Progress 1
Suggested Reading
---------------------- ManagerialEconomicsFa12Ch1.pdf
---------------------- 2. Samuelson, Paul, and William Nordhaus. Economics. 2005. New Delhi:
Tata McGraw-Hill Education.
42 Managerial Economics
Demand 43
After going through this unit, you will be able to:
• Define demand and its related concepts
• List the factors affecting demand
---------------------- • Assess market demand
---------------------- • Derive individual and market demand curves
---------------------- Thus, it can be said that in Pune, demand (i.e. quantity actually purchased)
for milk per month is 1,50,000 litres when the price of milk is Rs. 15 per litre.
---------------------- Or at an individual level, a person demands (i.e. actually purchases) one
litre of milk per day (or 30 litres of milk per month), when the price of milk is
Rs. 15 per litre.
---------------------- Other examples explaining the concept of demand may be as follows :
---------------------- In India, demand (i.e. actual quantity that is purchased) for wheat per year
is 40 lakh tones, when the price of wheat is Rs. 15 per Kg.
Though not generally mentioned in any book, along with price and unit of
---------------------- time, it would be logical to mention specific market in which buying and selling
transactions are taking place, say demand in a village, in Pune, in Mumbai, in
---------------------- India and so on.
44 Managerial Economics
Thus, now the full statement of the concept of demand would be as Notes
At a price of Rs. 15 per litre in village A, 100 litres of milk are demanded
(i.e. actually bought) per day. ----------------------
In Pune, at the price of Rs. 15 per litre, 1,50,000 litres of milk are demanded
(actually purchased) per day.
In Mumbai, at the price of Rs. 15 per litre, 4,50,000 litres demanded ----------------------
(actually purchased) per day.
In Maharashtra, at an average price of Rs. 15 per litre, 50 lakh litres of
milk are demanded (actually purchased) per day. ----------------------
The above examples should make the concept of demand clear. Omission ----------------------
of price per unit of a commodity, or unit of time or of specific market would
leave the concept of demand vague. ----------------------
Demand for a commodity depends on a number of factors.
a) Factors Influencing Individual Demand
An individual’s demand for a commodity is generally determined by ----------------------
factors such as : ----------------------
i) Price of the product : Price is always a basic consideration in
determining the demand for a commodity. Normally, a larger
quantity is demanded at a lower price than at a higher price. If the ----------------------
price of the product falls, the consumer might buy the product if he
had initially denied its consumption solely on the basis of its high ----------------------
price. For example, if the price of cashew nuts fall, then housewives
will increase its consumption; give the kids in the tiffin box, keep it
for snacks or even include it in the recipe of their favourite dishes. ----------------------
ii) Income : Income is an equally important determinant of demand.
Obviously, with the increase in income one can buy more goods.
Thus, a rich consumer usually demands more goods than a poor ----------------------
consumer. For instance, a sudden increase in Mr. John’s salary
because of ‘increments’ (as they are termed for the employee salary ----------------------
raise) or ‘promotion’ in one’s designation means higher disposable
income (income on hand). As a mark of celebration, Mr. John takes
his family for shopping and also throws a party for his friends. ----------------------
Thus, he has increased his demand for a number of things at the
same time. He may even increase the monthly allowance that he ----------------------
gives his wife and children that further hikes the demand coming
from a single family.
iii) Tastes and Habits : Demand for many goods depend on the person’s ----------------------
tastes, habits and preferences. Demand for several products like ice- ----------------------
Demand 45
Notes cream, chocolates, behl-puri, etc. depend on an individual’s tastes.
Demand for tea, betel, tobacco, etc. is a matter of habit.
If a person is habituated to having tea at a particular point of time in
---------------------- a day, then he is bound to have it, be it any place, be it at any price.
Also with the fear of ‘bird-flu’, many people stopped the
consumption of eggs, as recommended; but there were some, who
---------------------- were so accustomed to having eggs for breakfast -barring a few
days in the very beginning- then went in search of the so-called
---------------------- ‘good-testified’ eggs to fulfill their consumption.
---------------------- People with different tastes and habits have different preferences for
different goods. A strict vegetarian will have no demand for meat
---------------------- at any price, whereas a non-vegetarian who has liking for chicken
or fish may demand it even at a high price. Similar is the case with
demand for cigarettes by non-smokers and smokers.
---------------------- iv) Relative Prices of Other Goods - Substitutes and Complementary
---------------------- Products: How much the consumer would like to buy of a given
commodity, however, also depends on the relative prices of other
---------------------- related goods such as substitutes or complementary goods to a
When a desire/want can be satisfied by alternative similar goods,
---------------------- they are called substitutes. For example, peas and beans, groundnut
oil and til oil, tea and coffee, jowar and bajra etc., are substitutes of
---------------------- each other.
---------------------- In case of monopolistic competition, the same product can have
various brands like BRU coffee, SUNRISE coffee. Increase on
---------------------- the price of one will effect an increase in the demand to the other.
---------------------- Ofcourse one cannot forget the loyalty a consumer can have towards
one particular product – a strong personal inclination that may make
---------------------- the consumer buy the same product inspite of rise in price.
---------------------- The demand for a commodity depends on the relative prices of its
substitutes. If the substitutes are relatively costly, then there will be
---------------------- more demand for the commodity in question at a given price than in
case its substitutes are relatively cheaper. For example, if the price
of petrol rises steeply, a consumer who is about to buy a new car
---------------------- will think of buying a diesel-driven car instead. Of course there are
many factors to making this decision which one cannot deny! OR
---------------------- let’s say if the price of refined oil increases, a consumer will start
using ghee or ‘dalda’ or vice versa or there are various varieties
of rice available in the market e.g. basmati, kohinoor, ambe-mohar
---------------------- etc. a smart consumer will keep track of the price changes in each
of them and buy the right one at the right time.
Similarly, the demand for a commodity is also affected by its
---------------------- complementary products. When in order to satisfy a given want,
46 Managerial Economics
two or more goods are needed in combination, these goods are Notes
referred to as complementary goods. For example, car and petrol,
pen and ink, tea and sugar, shoes and socks, sarees and blouses, gun ----------------------
and bullets etc. are complementary to each other.
Complementary goods are always in joint demand. One commodity
cannot be consumed without the other. Thus, if a given commodity ----------------------
is a complementary product, its demand will be relatively high
when its related commodity’s price is lower than otherwise. Or,
when the price of one commodity decreases, the demand for its ----------------------
complementary product will tend to increase and vice versa. For
example, a fall in the price of cars will lead to an increase in the ----------------------
demand for petrol. Similarly, a steep rise in the price of petrol will
cause a decrease in demand for petrol driven motor cars and its
accessories. Also let’s say, if the price of batteries goes up, parents ----------------------
will start buying toys (for their children) that are not battery operated
i.e. the demand for battery-operated toys will decline. ----------------------
v) Consumer’s Expectations : A consumer’s expectations about the ----------------------
future changes in the price of a given commodity also may affect its
demand. When he expects its prices to fall in future, he will tend to ----------------------
buy less at the present prevailing price. Similarly, if he expects its
price to rise in future, he will tend to buy more at present. What an
individual expects, thinks and reacts is not anybody’s direct control. ----------------------
For example, a farmer friend tells a consumer that there is going to
be a shortage of onions and potatoes in the market because of large ----------------------
scale exports. Shortage means high prices which lead the consumer
to immediately go to the market and buy 10 kgs. of each.
vi) Advertisement Effect : In modern times, the preferences of a ----------------------
consumer can be altered by advertisement and sales propaganda,
albeit to a certain extent only. Thus, demand for many products like
tooth-paste, toilet-soap, washing powder, processed foods, etc., is ----------------------
partially caused by the advertisement effect in a modern man’s life.
For instance, advertisements play a strong effect on the minds of
children. They see their favourite stars acting as brand ambassadors ----------------------
for the product. Thus, they in turn ‘desire’ (not demand, since it
may not be fulfilled by all parents) for products they are not meant ----------------------
to consume, for example, colas. But ads can even have a positive ----------------------
effect on them. For instance, they may take to consuming more milk
or nutritious biscuits or even understand the importance of exercise. ----------------------
A lady seeing an advertisement repeatedly on television about a ----------------------
particular ab-machine that helps reduce the flab in 20 days is
highly influenced by the same and thus buys the machine with the ----------------------
aspiration of looking like the model in the ad.
Demand 47
Notes b) Factors Influencing Market Demand
The market demand for a commodity originates and is affected by the
form of change in the general demand pattern of the community of the
---------------------- people at large. The following factors affect the common demand pattern
for a commodity in the market.
i) Price of the Product : At a low market price, market demand for
---------------------- the product tends to be high and vice versa. For example, street
hawkers in a bustling city area sell anything from watches to shoes
---------------------- to clothes to household and kitchen items and other accessories
at very low prices. Thus, they invite a very high demand for their
---------------------- ii) Distribution of Income and Wealth in the Community: If there
is equal distribution of income and wealth, the market demand for
many products of common consumption tends to be greater than in
---------------------- the case of unequal distribution.
48 Managerial Economics
v) Number of Buyers in the Market and Growth of Population: Notes
The size of market demand for a product obviously depends on
the number of buyers in the market. A large number of buyers will ----------------------
constitute a large demand and vice versa.
Thus, growth of population is an important factor. A high growth of
population over a period of time tends to imply a rising demand for ----------------------
essential goods and services in general.
vi) Age Structure and Sex ratio of the Population : Age structure
of population determines market demand for many products in ----------------------
a relative sense. If the population pyramid of a country is broad-
based with a larger proportion of juvenile population (see below),
then the market demand for milk, toys, school bags etc. goods and ----------------------
services required by children will be much higher than the market
demand for goods needed by the elderly people. Similarly, sex ratio ----------------------
has its impact on demand for many goods. An adverse sex ratio, i.e.
females exceeding males in number (or, males exceeding females
as in Mumbai), would mean a greater demand for goods required by ----------------------
the female population than by the male population (or the reverse).
senior citizens ----------------------
Working ----------------------
Demand 49
Notes a routine-basis. For instance, demand for dentures and denture
lotions, walking sticks or hearing aids or spectacles have increased.
---------------------- But if a country has a “baby-boom” one particular year, then there
will be spurt in the demand for toys, diapers, teethers, baby powder
---------------------- and creams and soaps, bath tubs, cradles, baby-walkers, etc.
---------------------- vii) Future Expectations : If buyers in general expect that prices of a
commodity will rise in future, etc. present market demand would be
more as most of them would like to hoard the commodity. The reverse
---------------------- happens if a fall in the future price is expected. For example, if the world
political scenario is very adverse, outbreak of war is expected and so
---------------------- the increase in the prices of basic necessaries. In this case, people will
increase the demand for the same extensively. As a security, they will
hoard these items prior to the expected rise in prices.
---------------------- viii) Level of Taxation and Tax Structure : A progressively high tax
rate would generally mean a low demand for goods in general and
vice-versa. But a highly taxed commodity will have a relatively
---------------------- lower demand than an untaxed commodity - if that happens to be a
remote substitute. For instance, a higher sales tax on a commodity
---------------------- increases its price and thus lessens its demand. On the other hand,
tax-free cinema tickets reduce the ticket-rate and thus increase the
audience to the film.
---------------------- ix) Inventions and Innovations: Introduction of new goods or
substitutes as a result of inventions and innovations in a dynamic
modern economy tends to adversely affect the demand for the
---------------------- existing products, which as a result of innovations, definitely
become obsolete. For example, the advent of latest digital media
---------------------- like Compact Disks (CDs) has made audio and video cassettes
obsolete. Also, the advent of digital cameras has thinned down the
market for photo-studios and photo prints.
---------------------- x) Fashions : Market demand for many products is affected by
---------------------- changing fashions. For example, demand for commodities like
jeans, shirts, salwar-kameej etc. are based on current fashions.
---------------------- Square-rimmed glasses became quite a fashion when one favourite
sports-star adorned it.
xi) Climate or Weather Conditions : Demand for certain products are
---------------------- determined by climatic or weather conditions. For example, in summer,
there is a greater demand for cold drinks, fans, coolers, air conditioners
---------------------- etc. Similarly, demand for umbrellas and raincoats are seasonal. People
---------------------- living in cold places demand for products (food items, clothes, types of
housing) different from the ones living in warmer places.
---------------------- xii) Customs : Demand for certain goods are determined by social customs,
---------------------- festivals, etc. For example, during Diwali holidays, there is a greater
demand for sweets, crackers, vehicles and white goods; and during
---------------------- Christmas, cakes, sweets and confectioneries are in more demand.
50 Managerial Economics
xiii) Advertisement and Sales Propaganda : Market demand for many Notes
products in the present day are influenced by the sellers’ efforts through
advertisements and sales propaganda. Demand is manipulated through ----------------------
selling efforts. Of course, there is always a limit.
For example, one sees discount schemes like ‘Buy one get one free’ and
ends up buying the product with the temptation of getting the other one ----------------------
completely free. Also at a food store, you buy one pizza and get 50% off
on the second one. These are ‘sales gimmicks’ by which the seller lures
the buyer into buying his product. Firms with big budgets can get the big ----------------------
stars to endorse their products and thus try to convince the people about
their product authenticity and usability. ----------------------
When these factors change, the general demand pattern will be affected, ----------------------
causing a change in the market demand as a whole.
A tabular statement of price-quantity relationship is known as the demand
schedule. It narrates how much amount of a commodity is demanded by an ----------------------
individual or a group of individuals in the market at alternative prices, per unit ----------------------
of time. There are, thus, two types of demand schedules : (i) the individual
demand schedule, and (ii) the market demand schedule. ----------------------
Individual Demand Schedule ----------------------
A tabular list showing the quantities of a commodity that will be purchased
by an individual at various prices in a given period of time (say per day, per
week, per month or per annum) is referred to as an individual demand schedule. ----------------------
Table 3.1
Price of X in Rs. (per kg.) Quantity Demanded of X per week (in kg.)
30 2 ----------------------
25 4 ----------------------
20 6
15 10 ----------------------
10 16 ----------------------
This illustrates a hypothetical (purely imaginary) demand schedule of an
individual consumer Mr. A for commodity X.
Characteristics of Demand Schedule ----------------------
1) The demand schedule does not indicate any change in demand by the ----------------------
individual concerned, but merely expresses his present behaviour in
purchasing the commodity at alternative prices. ----------------------
2) It shows only the variation in demand at varying prices. ----------------------
3) It seeks to illustrate the principle that more of a commodity is demanded ----------------------
at a lower price than at a higher one. In fact, most of the demand schedules
show an inverse relationship between price and quantity demanded. ----------------------
Demand 51
Notes Market Demand Schedule
It is a tabular statement narrating the quantities of a commodity demanded
in aggregate by all the buyers in the market at different prices in a given period
---------------------- of time. A market demand schedule, thus, represents the total market demand at
various prices.
Theoretically, the demand schedules of all individual consumers of
---------------------- a commodity can be compiled and combined to form a composite demand
schedule, representing the total demand for the commodity at various alternative
---------------------- prices. The derivation of market demand from individual demand schedules
is illustrated in the table given below. Here it is assumed that the market is
composed only of three buyers.
---------------------- Table 3.2
---------------------- Price in Rupees Units of Commodity X Quantity Demanded in
(per unit) Demanded per day by the market for X
---------------------- Individuals
---------------------- A+ B+ C+ =
4 1 3 3 7
3 2 4 5 11
---------------------- 2 3 5 7 15
1 5 9 10 24
Apparently, the market demand schedule is constructed by the horizontal
---------------------- additions of quantities at various prices shown by the individual demand
schedules. It follows that like an individual demand schedule, the market
demand schedule also depicts an inverse relationship between the price and
---------------------- quantity demanded.
52 Managerial Economics
Activity 1
1. Which of the following statements depicting demand are correct?
Give reasons for your answer.
i. 50 buffaloes give 150 litres of milk each day, which is consumed ----------------------
by the entire village in one day. ----------------------
ii. In a bustling part of a city, 100 packets of idlis are sold within an
hour. ----------------------
iii. A fruit vendor sells 50 fruits of nine different varieties in a day. ----------------------
iv. A toyshop selling different types of toys, each priced at Rs 20 at ----------------------
a hill station makes a business of Rs 3500 each day.
2. Following are some instances. For each, write how the demand will
be affected for that product, some other goods or service or in general ----------------------
and why.
i. A firm announces a double bonus for all its employees during
this Diwali. ----------------------
ii. Right next to a busy snack centre , a new one comes up. ----------------------
iii. Value added tax is announced on all saleable commodities (
goods and services). ----------------------
iv. A vegetable hawker announces that all customers after 9.30 p.m. ----------------------
to his shop will enjoy a 25% off on any good day.
v. An epidemic in a country kills thousands of people, mostly
affecting the older generation. ----------------------
vi. Prices of washing machines go down drastically. ----------------------
A demand curve is a graphical presentation of a demand schedule. When
price-quantity information of a demand schedule is plotted on a graph, a demand
curve is drawn. Demand curve thus depicts the picture of the data contained in ----------------------
the demand schedule.
Conventionally, a demand curve is drawn by representing the price
variable on the Y-axis and the demand variable on the X-axis. ----------------------
Fig. given below illustrates the demand curve based on the data contained ----------------------
in Table 3.2.
In this figure, the quantity demanded is measured on the horizontal ----------------------
axis (X-axis) and the price per kg. is measured on the vertical axis (Y-axis). ----------------------
Corresponding to the price-quantity relations given in the demand schedule,
various points like a, b, c, d and e are obtained on the graph. These points are ----------------------
Demand 53
Notes joined and the smooth curve DD is drawn, which is called the demand curve.
The demand curve has a negative slope. It slopes downwards from left to
right, representing an inverse relationship between price and demand.
---------------------- Y D
---------------------- a
---------------------- b
Price (Per Unit)
---------------------- 4 4 4 4
---------------------- 3 3 3 3
---------------------- 2 2 2 2
1 1 1 1
---------------------- O 2 4 6 8 10 O 2 4 6 8 10 O 2 4 6 8 10
6 10 16 24 26
54 Managerial Economics
The general tendency of consumers’ behaviour in demanding a commodity ----------------------
in relation to the changes in its price is described by the law of demand. The
law of demand expresses the nature of functional relationship between two ----------------------
variables of the demand relation, viz., the price and the quantity demanded. It
simply states that demand varies inversely with change in price.
Statement of the Law ----------------------
The law may be stated thus : “Other things being equal, the higher ----------------------
the price of a commodity, the smaller is the quantity demanded and lower the
price, larger is the quantity demanded.” In other words, the demand for a ----------------------
commodity expands (i.e., the demand rises) as the price falls and contracts ----------------------
(i.e. the demand falls) as the price rises. Or briefly stated, the law of demand
emphasises that, other things remaining unchanged, demand varies inversely ----------------------
with price.
The conventional law of demand, however, relates to the much simplified
demand function: ----------------------
D = f(P) ----------------------
where, D represents demand, P the price and f connotes a functional
relationship. It, however, assumes that other determinants of demand are
constant and only price is the variable and influencing factor. The relation ----------------------
between price and quantity of demand is usually an inverse or negative relation,
indicating a larger quantity demanded at a lower price and a smaller quantity ----------------------
demanded at a higher price.
Explanation of the Law of Demand
The law of demand is usually referred to the market demand. The law of
demand can be illustrated with the help of a market demand schedule, i.e. as the ----------------------
price of a commodity decreases, the corresponding quantity demanded for that
commodity increases and vice-versa. ----------------------
Demand 55
Notes incidentally, the demand curve being a straight line is a linear demand curve.
---------------------- D
---------------------- 2
1 D
0 X
---------------------- 10 20 30 40 50
Quantity Demanded of X
Fig 3.3 : Demand Curve
In this Fig 3.3, DD is a downward sloping demand curve indicating an
---------------------- inverse relationship between price and quantity demanded.
---------------------- From the given market demand-curve, one can easily locate the market
demand for a product at a given price. Further, the demand curve geometrically
---------------------- represents the mathematical demand function : Dx = f (Px)
Check your Progress 2
Activity 2
1. Write a hypothetical example depicting the inverse relation between
price and quantity demanded of your favorite fruit and derive the
---------------------- demand curve.
2. In the stock market, there are “BULLS’ and “BEARS”. Given a
situation that both of them are acting and reacting, then who do you
---------------------- think will the market demand curve?
The above stated law of demand is conditional. It will hold good only if
---------------------- certain conditions are given and constant.
56 Managerial Economics
Thus, it is always stated with “other things being equal”. It relates to the Notes
change in price variable only, assuming other determinants of demand to be
constant. The law of demand is, thus, based on the following ceteris paribus ----------------------
1) No Change in Consumer’s Income : Throughout the operation of the law,
the consumer’s income should remain the same. If the level of a buyer’s ----------------------
income changes, he may buy more even at a higher price, invalidating the
law of demand. Let’s say an individual gets windfall profit or a lottery
prize, then he is bound to increase his demand for a number of items. ----------------------
2) No Change in Consumer’s Preferences: The consumer’s tastes, habits
and preferences should remain constant.
3) No Change in Fashion: If the commodity in question goes out of fashion, ----------------------
a buyer may not buy more of it even at a substantial price reduction.
4) No Change in the Prices of Related Goods : Prices of other goods like
substitutes and complementary goods remain unchanged. If the prices of ----------------------
other related goods change, the consumer’s preferences would change ----------------------
which may invalidate the law of demand.
5) No Expectations of Future Price Changes or Shortages : The law ----------------------
requires that the given price change for the commodity is a normal ----------------------
one and has no speculative consideration. That is to say, the buyers do
not expect any shortages in the supply of the commodity in the market ----------------------
and consequent future changes in the prices. The given price change is
assumed to be final at a time. ----------------------
6) No Change in size, age composition and sex ratio of the Population: ----------------------
For the operation of the law in respect of total market demand, it is essential
that the number of buyers and their preferences should remain constant. ----------------------
This necessitates that the size of population as well as the age-structure ----------------------
and sex-ratio of the population should remain the same throughout the
operation of the law. Otherwise, if population changes, there will be ----------------------
additional buyers in the market, so that the total market demand may not
contract with a rise in price. ----------------------
Demand 57
Notes 10) No Change in Weather conditions: It is assumed that climatic and
weather conditions are unchanged in affecting the demand for certain
---------------------- goods like woollen clothes, umbrellas etc.
---------------------- In short, the law of demand presumes that except for the price of the
product, all other determinants of its demand are unchanged.
It means we are living in a static society, where there are no changes
---------------------- in anything except the price. There’s no technological progress, no medical
advancement, no innovative ideas, no industrial revolution etc. people are just
---------------------- widely consuming the line of products that are available to them at a particular
price, they have just the product price to react to. Thus, all these assumptions do
not have strong foothold in today’s fast changing world.
---------------------- Apparently, the validity of the law of demand or the inference about
inverse relationship between price and quantity demanded depends on the
existence of these conditions or assumptions.
It is almost a universal phenomenon of the law of demand that when
---------------------- the price falls, the demand expands and it contracts when the price rises. But
sometimes, it may be observed, though, of course, very rarely, that with a fall
---------------------- in price, demand also falls and with a rise in a price, demand also rises. This is
a paradoxical situation or a situation which is apparently contrary to the law of
demand. Cases in which this tendency is observed are referred to as exceptions
---------------------- to the general law of demand. The demand curve for such cases will be typically
unusual. It will be an upward sloping demand curve as shown in Fig 3.4 given
---------------------- below. It is described as an exceptional demand curve.
Price (Per Unit)
---------------------- O Q1 Q2 X
---------------------- Fig 3.4 : Exceptional Demand Curve
58 Managerial Economics
In this Fig 3.4, DD is the demand curve which slopes upward from left Notes
to right. It appears thus that when OP1 is the price, QQ1, is the demand and
when the price rises to OP2' demand also expands to QQ2. Thus, the upward ----------------------
sloping demand curve expresses a direct functional relationship between price
and demand. ----------------------
Such upward sloping demand curves are unusual and quite contradictory ----------------------
to the law of demand as they represent the phenomenon that ‘more will be
demanded at a higher price and vice versa”. The upward sloping demand
curve, thus, refers to the exceptions to the law of demand. There are a few such ----------------------
exceptional cases, which may be categorised as follows :
1) Giffen Goods: In the case of certain inferior goods called Giffen goods, as
introduced by Robert Giffen when the price falls, quite often less quantity ----------------------
will be purchased than before because of the negative income effect and
people’s increasing preference for a superior commodity with the rise in ----------------------
their real income. Probably, a few appropriate examples of inferior goods
may be listed, such as foodstuffs like cheap potatoes, cheap bread, pucca
rice, vegetable ghee, etc., as against superior commodities like good ----------------------
potatoes, cakes, basmati rice, pure ghee.
2) Articles of Snob Appeal : Sometimes, certain commodities are demanded
just because they happen to be expensive or prestige goods, and have a ----------------------
‘snob appeal’. These are generally ostentatious articles, and purchased
only by rich people for using them as ‘status symbol’. Thus, when prices ----------------------
of such articles like say diamonds rise, their demand also rises; similarly,
Rolls Royce cars, Johney Walker Scotch Whiskey are another outstanding
illustration. ----------------------
3) Speculation : When people speculate in changes in the price of a ----------------------
commodity in the future, they may not act according to the law of demand
at present. Say, when people are convinced that the price of a particular ----------------------
commodity will rise still further, they will not contract their demand with
the given price rise; on the contrary, they may purchase more for the ----------------------
purpose of hoarding. In the stock exchange market, some people tend ----------------------
to buy more shares when the prices are rising, in the hope that the rising
trend would continue, so they can make a good fortune in future. ----------------------
4) Consumer’s Psychological bias or illusion: When the consumer is wrongly ----------------------
biased against the quality of a commodity with the price change, he may
contract his demand with a fall in price. Some sophisticated consumers ----------------------
do not buy when there is a stock clearance sale at reduced prices, thinking
that the goods may be of bad quality. ----------------------
Demand 59
In economic analysis, the terms ‘changes in quantity demanded’ and
---------------------- ‘changes in demand’ have different meanings.
---------------------- The term ‘changes in quantity demanded’ or variation in demand relates
to the law of demand. It refers to the changes in quantities purchased by the
consumer on account of changes in price only. Thus, we may say that the
---------------------- quantity demanded of a commodity increases when it’s price decreases, or the
quantity demanded decreases when it’s price increases. But, it is incorrect to
---------------------- say that demand decreases when price increases or demand increases when
price decreases. For “increase” and “decrease” in demand refers to “changes in
demand” caused by the changes in various other determinants of demand, price
---------------------- remaining unchanged.
Changes in quantity demanded in relation to the price are measured by
the movement along the demand curve, while changes in demand are reflected
---------------------- through shifts in the demand curve. The terms changes in quantity demanded
essentially means variation in demand referring to “ expansion” or “extension”
---------------------- or “contraction” of demand which are quite distinct from the terms “increase”
or “decrease” in demand.
A) Expansion or Extension and Contraction of Demand (Changes in Q. D.)
A variation in demand implies “expansion” or “contraction” of demand.
---------------------- When with the fall in the price with the commodity is brought, there is
expansion of demand. Similarly, when a lesser quantity is demanded with
---------------------- a rise in price, there is contraction of demand. In short, demand expands
---------------------- when the price falls and it contracts when the price rises. Thus, the terms
“expansion” and “contraction” are used in stating the law of demand.
---------------------- The terms “expansion” and “contraction” of demand, should, however,
---------------------- be distinguished from increase or decrease in demand. The former is used
for indicating increase in demand, while the later is used for indicating
---------------------- changes in demand, and variation in demand is the connotation of the
law of demand. It expresses a functional relationship between quantity
---------------------- demanded and price. A change in demand due to change in price is called
---------------------- expansion or contraction. Expansion and contraction refer to the same
demand curve. A change in demand due to causes other than price is
---------------------- called increase or decrease in demand.
---------------------- In graphical exposition, expansion or contraction of demand is shown
by the movement along the same demand curve. A downward movement
---------------------- from one point to the another on the same demand curve implies expansion
of demand, for instance, movement from a to b in the following figure. It
suggests that when the price decreases from OP to OP1, demand expands
---------------------- from OQ to OQ1. While an upward movement from one point to another
on the same demand curve implies contraction of demand, e.g. movement
---------------------- from a to c in the diagram.
60 Managerial Economics
Y Notes
P2 c ----------------------
Price (Per Unit)
Ex ----------------------
a sio
P n ----------------------
P1 b ----------------------
Q2 Q Q1 X ----------------------
Quantity Demanded of X ----------------------
Fig 3.5 : Expansion and Contraction of Demand
The Fig 3.5, shows that when price rises from OP to OP2 demand contracts
from OQ to OQ2. ----------------------
Demand 61
Notes the change in demand is denoted by the shifting of the demand curve. In
the case of an increase in demand, the demand curve is shifted to the right.
---------------------- In the following figure (A), thus, the movement of demand curve from
DD to D1D1 shows an increase in demand. In this case, the movement
---------------------- from point a to b indicates that the price remains the same at OP, but more
---------------------- quantity OQ1 is now demanded, instead of OQ. Thus increase in demand
is QQ1. Similarly, as in Fig B, a decrease in demand is depicted by the
---------------------- shifting of the demand curve towards it’s left.
---------------------- D
---------------------- D D2
Price (Per Unit)
62 Managerial Economics
Check your Progress 3
State True or False. ----------------------
1. Law of demand is based on the assumption that there is “No change
in consumer‘s income.”
2. Law of demand is based on the assumption that “there can be changes ----------------------
in the prices of related goods”.
3. Law of demand is based on the assumption that “there can be changes
in weather conditions”. ----------------------
4. One of the few exceptions to the Law of demand is that with the fall ----------------------
in price, demand also falls.
5. Demand for Giffen goods increase with fall in prices.
Activity 3 ----------------------
1. Can you think of an example validating the “Giffen Goods”
paradox? ----------------------
2. A farmer gets a bumper crop this season and makes a lot of money. ----------------------
He goes to the market and buys a lot of things for his family. This
is “expansion of demand”. Is this statement true or false? Give ----------------------
reasons for your answer.
3. Making door-to-door calls for the product has brought in lot of
orders for the product. Now how will the demand behave and how ----------------------
will you term it? Show it graphically and explain.
●● Demand is such a common term that is so widely used by common people
at common place that the term itself has become a ‘cliché’. That it is an ----------------------
economic term in the real sense has almost been forgotten. Thus, ‘demand’ ----------------------
has been aptly brought to light in this unit.
●● The terms ‘increase’, ‘decrease’, expansion, and ‘contraction’ of demand, ----------------------
each has a special significance. This unit teaches how to use each of these ----------------------
terms in a special context.
●● Here, we are introduced to graphical representations, which at times ----------------------
speak better than words. ----------------------
●● Individual demand has been differentiated from market demand whereas
many a times one may identify with the other. In studying the determinants ----------------------
affecting each of them, this unit has introduced concepts of different types ----------------------
Demand 63
Notes of goods with varying demand behaviour. In this respect, ‘Giffen Goods’
paradox is very interesting. In fact, the demand to different types of goods
---------------------- comes from basic individual reactions to market situations. The ‘Law of
Demand’ with its assumptions and exceptions is nothing but individual
---------------------- behaviour, highlighting how he would act and react to the given changes
---------------------- in the market.
●● Thus, this is a general individual behaviour, which one experiences in
---------------------- every walk of life.
●● Complimentary Goods : When two or more goods are consumed in
---------------------- combination to satisfy a given want.
---------------------- ●● Demand : Desire backed by adequate purchasing power.
---------------------- ●● Demand Schedule : Tabular statement of price-quantity relationship.
●● Demand Curve : Graphical representation of the demand schedule.
●● Expansion of Demand : More goods are demanded with a fall in price.
---------------------- ●● Future Expectations : Predictions about the future regarding market
changes in price, the level of aggregate demand and so the supply, etc.
●● Giffen Goods : Inferior goods contradicting the law of demand.
●● Law of Demand : Consumerial behaviour towards demanding a
---------------------- commodity in relation to its price changes.
●● Scale of Preference : Range of goods and services that consumers would
---------------------- want to consume, given a level of income.
---------------------- ●● Standard of Living : Range of goods and services that consumer can
afford, given his level of income.
●● Shift in the Demand Curve : Demand ‘increases’ or ‘decreases’ because
---------------------- of factors other than price.
---------------------- ●● Substitute Goods : Alternative similar goods that can satisfy a want.
64 Managerial Economics
Answers to Check your Progress Notes
Suggested Reading
1. Varshney, R.L., and K.L. Maheswari. 2011. Managerial Economics. New
Delhi: Sultan Chand & Sons. ----------------------
Demand 65
66 Managerial Economics
Elasticity of Demand
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Price Elasticity of Demand
4.3 Types of Price Elasticity
4.4 Measurement of Elasticity
4.5 Factors Influencing Price Elasticity of Demand
4.6 Practical Significance of the Concept of Elasticity of Demand
4.7 Income Elasticity of Demand : Measurement, Types and Uses of the
4.8 Cross Elasticity of Demand : Concept, Measurement and its Uses
Key Words
Self-Assessment Questions
Answers to Check your Progress
Suggested Reading
Elasticity of Demand 67
After going through this unit, you will be able to:
• Define elasticity of demand
• Differentiate, compute and evaluate the types of demand elasticity
---------------------- • Explain the factors affecting demand elasticity
---------------------- • Label a commodity depending on its demand elasticity price,
income, cross-elasticity
Demand for goods varies with price. But the extent of variation is not
---------------------- uniform in all cases. In some cases the variation is extremely wide; in some
others it may just be nominal. That means, sometimes demand is greatly
---------------------- responsive to changes in price; at other times, it may not be so responsive. The
extent of variation in demand is technically expressed as elasticity of demand.
According to Marshall, the elasticity (or responsiveness) of demand in a market
---------------------- is great or small, depending on whether the amount demanded increases much
or little for a given fall in price; and diminishes much or little for a given rise in
---------------------- price.
---------------------- The term "elasticity of demand", when used without qualifications is
commonly referred to as price elasticity of demand. This is a loose interpretation
---------------------- of the term. In a strict logical sense, however, the concept of elasticity of demand
---------------------- should measure the responsiveness of demand for a commodity to changes in
its determinants.
---------------------- There are, thus, as many kinds of elasticities of demand as its determinants.
---------------------- Economists usually consider three important kinds of elasticity of demand : (1)
Price elasticity of demand, (2) Income-elasticity of demand and (3) Cross-price
---------------------- elasticity of demand or just cross elasticity.
---------------------- "Price elasticity" refers to the degree of responsiveness of demand for a
commodity to a given change in its price.
"Income elasticity" refers to the degree of responsiveness of demand for
---------------------- a commodity to a given change in the income of the consumer.
"Cross elasticity" refers to the responsiveness of demand for a
commodity to a given change in the price of a related commodity - substitute or
---------------------- complementary product.
68 Managerial Economics
The extent of the change of demand for a commodity to a given change ----------------------
in price, other demand determinants remaining constant, is termed as the price
elasticity of demand. The coefficient of price elasticity of demand may, thus, be
defined as the ratio of the relative change in demand to the relative change in ----------------------
Since, the relative change of variables can be measured either in terms of
percentage change or as proportional change, the price elasticity coefficient can ----------------------
be measured :
The percentage change in Quantity demanded
e =
The percentage change in price ----------------------
Price elasticity of dema nd can also be measured alternatively as ----------------------
Net change in Quantity demanded Net change in price
e= : ----------------------
Original Quantity demanded Original price
Representing it in symbols, thus, the price elasticity formula can be stated ----------------------
as :
e= ÷ ----------------------
Q P ----------------------
= X
Q P ----------------------
Q P ----------------------
\ e= X
Q = the original demand (Say Q1)
P = the original price (Say P1)
Q = the change in demand. It is measured as the difference ----------------------
between new demand (say Q2) and the old demand (Q1) ----------------------
Thus, Q = Q2 – Q1 ----------------------
P = the change in Price. It is measured as the difference
between new Price P2' and the old price (P1)
Thus, P = P2 – P1
The above formula, in fact, relates to point-price elasticity of demand, that is, ----------------------
the coefficient signifies very small or marginal changes only. ----------------------
Elasticity of Demand 69
Notes To illustrate the use of the formula, let us consider the following information
from the demand schedule :
Price of Tea (Rs.) Quantity Demanded (Kg.)
---------------------- 20 (P1) 10 (Q1)
22 (P2) 9 (Q2)
P = 22 - 20 = 2, and P = P1 = 20
---------------------- Q = 09 - 10 = 1, and Q = Q1 = 10
---------------------- (Here, minus signs are ignored)
Therefore e = Q P
---------------------- X
---------------------- 1 20
---------------------- = 2 10
\ e = 1
This means, the elasticity of demand is equal to one or unity.
---------------------- Using the above formula, the numerical coefficient of price elasticity
---------------------- can be measured from any such given data. Apparently, depending upon the
magnitude and proportional change involved in the data on demand and prices,
---------------------- one may obtain various numerical values of coefficients of price elasticity,
ranging from zero to infinity.
Activity 1
70 Managerial Economics
Elasticity of Demand 71
Notes Fig. (A)
---------------------- e=α
---------------------- X
---------------------- Quantity Demanded
---------------------- In economic theory, however, the demand for the product of a firm in
a perfectly, competitive market is assumed to be perfectly elastic.
---------------------- Theoretically, perfectly elastic demand or the horizontal demand curve (as
shown in Figure above), from the firm's point of view implies that it can
---------------------- sell as much as it produces at the ruling market price, since at the given
---------------------- price (say OP in Figure shown above), buyers tend to have an infinite
demand for its product in the market. But it also implies that a slight
---------------------- increase in price will bring the demand down to zero. This holds true in a
perfectly competitive market where there is perfect product homogeneity.
---------------------- All the products in the market are exactly the same. Any firm increasing
---------------------- the price by even an iota will have absolutely no demand for his product.
Let's say, the product is black umbrellas. So the buyer will never buy the
---------------------- same product from a particular firm at a higher price when the very same
product is available in the market at a lower price.
2) Perfectly Inelastic Demand (e = 0)
---------------------- Y
---------------------- D
Price (Per Unit)
---------------------- P2
---------------------- P3
---------------------- O Q
Quantity Demanded
When the demand for a commodity shows no response at all to a change
---------------------- in price, that is to say, whatever the change in price the demand remains
the same, then it is called a perfectly inelastic demand. Perfectly, inelastic
72 Managerial Economics
demand has zero elasticity (e = 0). In this case, the demand curve would Notes
be a straight vertical line as in Figure B shown above. This figure indicates
that whether the price moves from OP1 to OP2 or OP3, the quantity ----------------------
demanded remains the same OQ only. Perfect inelasticity is again a
theoretical consideration rather than a practical phenomenon. However, ----------------------
a commodity of absolute necessity like salt seems to have perfectly ----------------------
inelastic demand for most consumers. This can be seen in the example
given below: ----------------------
Price of SALT per kg. Quantity Demanded (kg.) ----------------------
25 1000
35 1000
Elasticity of demand for salt = 0 (change in quantity demanded = 0) ----------------------
3) Relatively Elastic Demand ( e > l ) ----------------------
Fig. (c)
Y ----------------------
D e>1 ----------------------
Price (Per Unit)
P1 ----------------------
P2 D
Q1 Q2 ----------------------
Quantity Demanded
Fig 4.3
When the proportion of change in the quantity demanded is greater than ----------------------
that of price, the demand is said to be relatively elastic. The numerical ----------------------
value of relatively elastic demand lies between one and infinity. Thus, what
Marshall called as elasticity of demand being greater than unity referred ----------------------
to 'relatively elastic' demand or 'more elastic' demand. A relatively elastic
demand will be represented by a gradually sloping, i.e. rather a flatter ----------------------
demand curve as shown in Figure 4.3 above. In this Figure 4.3 above ----------------------
when the price falls by P1 P2, the demand expands by Q1 Q2 which is
relatively large in proportion to the change in price. ----------------------
Q P ----------------------
e = ÷ = > 1
Q P ----------------------
Therefore, elasticity is greater than one; it is a more realistic concept, as many
commodities can have more elastic demand. ----------------------
For instance, price of a soda bottle increases from Rs. 15 - Rs. 20. There would ----------------------
be many consumers who may stop the consumption of the same (instead
of having Fresh Lime Soda, they will now have Fresh Lime Water). But ----------------------
Elasticity of Demand 73
Notes there would be still some who may continue to consume the same. Here
we can say that the former lot tends to be much larger than the latter.
---------------------- Therefore overall the demand is relatively elastic.
---------------------- This is highlighted in the numerical example given below :
---------------------- D
O Q1 Q2 X
---------------------- When the proportion of change in the quantity demanded is less than
that of price, the demand is considered to be relatively inelastic. The
---------------------- numerical value of relatively inelastic demand lies between zero and one.
Hence, the concept “relatively inelastic” or ‘less elastic’ demand is the
---------------------- same as what Marshall presented as elasticity being less than unity. A
---------------------- relatively inelastic demand will be represented by a rapidly sloping, i.e.,
rather a steeper, demand curve as shown in Figure (D) above. In Figure
---------------------- (D) when the price falls by P1 P2, the demand expands just by Q1 Q2 which
is relatively small in proportion to the change in price.
---------------------- e = ÷ = <1
---------------------- Therefore, elasticity is less than one. This is also a very realistic concept.
---------------------- For instance, a commodity like milk that is used on a daily basis by
consumers, enjoys a highly inelastic demand. Consumption of milk is by
---------------------- consumers of all ages as matter of habit or liking or health compulsion.
See the example given below :
Price of milk (per litre) Quantity Demanded (litres)
12 200
---------------------- 14.50 190
74 Managerial Economics
Using the formula given above, price elasticity of milk = 0.24. Thus it is Notes
less than 1. The price per litre of milk has increased to more than double,
but there is a marginal decline in its quantity demanded. ----------------------
For instance, when price of a routine-used commodity like potatoes or ----------------------
onions reduces to let us say half of the original price (it does happens
many a times in case of agricultural products, when's there's a bumper ----------------------
crop and the whole of it comes to the market for sale at the same time
because of lack of storage), consumers will buy much more than required.
There will be a tendency to hoard them, a general psychology that the ----------------------
present price fall will lead to price rise in future.
Price of potatoes per Kg. Quantity Demanded (Kg.)
12 100 ----------------------
6 300 ----------------------
The price of potatoes has reduced by half, but its demand has increased
to more than double. This is an example of rel. elastic demand, but its ----------------------
demand will be rel. inelastic in case of a price rise of the same product. ----------------------
5) Unitary Elastic Demand (e = 1)
Fig. (E)
e=1 ----------------------
D ----------------------
Price (Per Unit)
P2 D
Q1 Q1 ----------------------
Quantity Demanded
Fig 4.5
When the proportion of change in demand is exactly the same as the ----------------------
change in price, the demand is said to be unitary elastic. The numerical
value of unitary elastic demand is exactly 1. In the case of unitary elastic
demand, the demand curve would be a rectangular hyperbola asymptotic ----------------------
to the two axis, as shown in Figure 4.5 above. In Figure 4.5, when the
price falls by P1 P2, the demand expands by Q1 Q2 which is in the same ----------------------
proportion to change in price.
e = ÷ =1 ----------------------
Hence, elasticity is equal to unity. This is a theoretical norm, which helps ----------------------
to distinguish between elastic and inelastic demand in general. ----------------------
Elasticity of Demand 75
Notes Price Quantity Demanded
10 5
20 10
---------------------- The price has doubled and the quantity demanded has become half of the
---------------------- original. Let's say, the above product is a brand of coffee. When its price
doubles, half of the consumers originally demanding the same product
---------------------- will now take to consuming to another brand, but there are still some who
remain loyal to their original brand of coffee.
The different kinds of price elasticity of demand discussed above have
---------------------- been summarised in Table 4.1.
---------------------- Table 4.1 : Price Elasticity of Demand
(Definition e = Percentage change in the quantity demand ÷ Percentage change
in price)
Numerical Terminology Description
---------------------- Value
e=α Perfectly (or infinitely Consumers have infinite demand
---------------------- elastic) at a particular price and none at
all at even slightly higher than this
given price.
---------------------- e=O Perfectly (or completely) Demand remains unchanged
inelastic whatever may be the change in
---------------------- price.
---------------------- e>1 Relatively elastic Quantity demanded changes by a
larger percentage than does price.
---------------------- e<1 Relatively inelastic Quantity demanded changes by a
---------------------- smaller percentage than does price.
e=1 Unitary elastic Quantity demanded changes by
---------------------- exactly the same percentage as
does price.
76 Managerial Economics
New Price – Old Price Notes
% Change in Price = X 100
Average Price
Look at the numerical example given below :
Price per unit (Rs.) Quantity Demanded (units) ----------------------
10 100 ----------------------
5 150
150 – 100
% Change in Q.D. = into 100 = 50 / 5 = 10
125 ----------------------
% Change in Price = 5 – 10 into 100 = 66.667 (ignoring negative sign)
e = 10 / 66.667 = 0.145
thus e <1, it is rel. inelastic demand. ----------------------
(2) Point Elasticity Method ----------------------
The calculation of the coefficient of price elasticity has been already ----------------------
discussed in the previous sub-unit using the ratio :
Q P ----------------------
e = ÷
Q P ----------------------
\ e= X
Q P ----------------------
\ e= X ----------------------
(3) Total Outlay Expenditure or Revenue Method ----------------------
Dr. Alfred Marshall suggested that the easiest way of ascertaining whether
or not demand is elastic is to examine the change in the total outlay of the ----------------------
consumer or the total revenue of the seller. ----------------------
Total outlay (or Total Revenue) = Price per unit x Quantity demanded
Dr. Marshall laid down the following propositions
(1) When with a change in price, the total outlay remains unchanged, demand
is unitary elastic (e = 1). ----------------------
The total outlay remains constant in the case of unitary elastic demand, ----------------------
because the demand changes in the same proportion as the price. This is
illustrated in Table 4.2 given below : ----------------------
Table 4.2 : Total Outlay Method ----------------------
Price (per Quantity Total Outlay Elasticity of ----------------------
unit) (Rs.) demanded (or revenue) Demand
(Units) (Rs.) ----------------------
Original 5 16 80 – ----------------------
Change 1 8 10 80 } e=1
Change 2 1 80 80 } (unitary)
Elasticity of Demand 77
Notes (2) When with a rise in price, the total outlay falls, or with a fall in price, the
total outlay rises, elasticity of demand is greater than unity. This happens
---------------------- because the proportion of change in demand is relatively greater than
that of price. In short, when the price and total outlay move in opposite
---------------------- directions, demand is relatively elastic (see Table 4.3 below).
---------------------- Table 4.3 : Total Outlay Method
---------------------- Price (per Quantity Total Outlay Elasticity of
unit) (Rs.) demanded (or revenue) Demand
(Units) (Rs.)
---------------------- Original 5 20 100 –
---------------------- Change 1 8 10 80 } e>1
Change 2 4 4 160 } (Elastic)
---------------------- (3) When with a rise in price, the total outlay also rises, and with a fall in
---------------------- price, the total outlay falls, elasticity of demand is less than unity. This
happens because the proportion of change in demand is relatively less
---------------------- than the proportion of change in price. Briefly, thus, when the price and
total outlay move in the same direction, demand is relatively inelastic (see
---------------------- Table 4.4).
---------------------- Table 4.4 : Total Outlay Method
---------------------- Price (per Quantity Total Outlay Elasticity of
unit) (Rs.) demanded (or revenue) Demand
---------------------- (Units) (Rs.)
---------------------- Original 5 13 65 –
Change 1 8 10 80 } e<1
Change 2 2 14 28 } (Inelastic)
We may now summarise the total outlay method as follows :
Price (per unit) Total Outlay Types of Elasticity
---------------------- 1. Increases Constant e=1
---------------------- Decreases Constant (Unitary)
2. Increases Decreases } e<1
---------------------- Decreases (Relatively elastic)
---------------------- 3. Increases Increases } (Inelastic)
---------------------- Decreases Decreases (Relatively inelastic)
Thus, from the behaviour of the total outlay or the total revenue, we can
infer the nature of price elasticity of demand. Likewise, from a given price
---------------------- elasticity, we can conclude about the nature of change in the consumer's
total outlay or the seller's total revenue. In the case of unitary elastic
---------------------- demand, with any change in price, the total revenue remains unaltered.
78 Managerial Economics
But when there is elastic demand, the total revenue would change in the Notes
opposite direction of the price change. In the case of inelastic demand, the
total revenue would change in the same direction as the price changes. ----------------------
The total outlay method of measuring elasticity is, however, less exact. It ----------------------
can indicate only the type of elasticity, but not its exact numerical value.
To get the exact numerical value, we have to resort to the ratio method or ----------------------
the point method. However, the economic significance of the total outlay
or the total revenue method is that it tells more directly what happens to
the total outlay or revenue as a practical guide for determining a price ----------------------
policy and its effect on demand and revenue.
(4) Point Geometric Method
Dr. Alfred Marshall also suggested another method called the geometrical ----------------------
method of measuring price elasticity at a point on the demand curve.
The simplest way of explaining the point method is to consider a linear
(straight-line) demand curve. Let the straight-line demand curve be ----------------------
extended to meet the two axes, as shown in Figure 4.6. When a point ----------------------
is taken on the straight-line demand curve (like point P in Fig below),
it divides the straight-line demand curve into two segments (parts). The ----------------------
point elasticity is, thus, measured by the ratio of the lower segment of the
curve below the given point to the upper segment (the upper part) of the ----------------------
curve above the point. ----------------------
For brevity, we may again put that
Lower segment of the demand curve below the given point
Point elasticity = ----------------------
Upper segment of the demand curve above the point
L ----------------------
or, to remember through symbols, we may put it as e =
U ----------------------
where, e, stands for point elasticity, L stands for lower segment and U for ----------------------
the upper segment.
Elasticity of Demand 79
Notes (5) Arc Elasticity Method : This method is used to measure elasticity of
demand on an arc of the demand curve. The formula is
(Q0 – Q1) (P0 – P1)
---------------------- (Q0 + Q1) (P0 + P1)
---------------------- e=–x 2 ÷ 2
---------------------- Thus elasticity < 1, thus relatively inelastic demand. We get the same
answer as above.
Check your Progress 2
80 Managerial Economics
State True or False. Notes
1. The degree of elasticity does not determine the shape and slope of the ----------------------
demand curve.
2. Flatter the demand curve, higher the elasticity.
3. When the proportion of change in the quantity demanded is greater ----------------------
than that of price, the demand is said to be relatively elastic. ----------------------
Activity 2
1. Given below is a numerical example. Calculate the price ----------------------
elasticity of demand. Determine the product elasticity. Show
diagrammatically as well. Can you think of a product that suits ----------------------
this example? Also explain why?
Price Quantity Demanded
10 20
8 25
2. Write numerical examples of your own for commodity A having ----------------------
a highly elastic demand and for commodity B having highly ----------------------
inelastic demand.
3. Fill in the following table. ----------------------
15 12 ----------------------
Elasticity of Demand 81
Whether the demand for a commodity is elastic or inelastic will depend
---------------------- on a variety of factors. The major factors affecting elasticity of demand are :
---------------------- 1. Nature of Commodity
---------------------- Certain goods by their very nature tend to have an elastic or inelastic
demand. By nature, goods may be classified into luxury, comfort or
---------------------- necessary goods. In general, demand for luxuries and comforts is relatively
elastic and that of necessaries relatively inelastic. Thus, for example, the
---------------------- demand for foodgrains, cloth, vegetables, sugar, salt etc. is generally
---------------------- inelastic.
Food is the basic necessity for all, whether rich or poor, thus the demand
---------------------- for the same is generally inelastic, but there are different varieties or
---------------------- types of food and the elasticity of a food item varies with the type of
food, since the food type decides the kind of demand it is going to attract.
---------------------- Lavish food items may have elastic demand like frozen food items, types
of cheese, butter, pastries, imported food items like chocolate cookies,
---------------------- pasta, etc. even the kind of clothing one wears – poor will wear whatever
available at the price they can afford, but the elite will wear according to
their fancies.
---------------------- Thus, the demand for a commodity depends on the nature of the commodity
and the class of people that consumes.
2. Availability of a Substitute
Where there exists a close substitute in the relevant price range, its
---------------------- demand will tend to be elastic. But in respect of a commodity having no
substitute, the demand will be somewhat inelastic. Thus, for example,
---------------------- demand for salt, potatoes, onions, etc., is highly inelastic as there are no
close or effective substitutes for these commodities, while commodities
---------------------- like tea, coffee or beverages such as Thums Up, Mangola, Gold Spot,
---------------------- Fanta, Limca etc. have a wide range of substitutes and therefore they have
a more elastic demand in general.
---------------------- Even in the case of white goods like T.V., fridge, washing machines, mixers
---------------------- and grinders, cars, vehicles, there are different companies manufacturing
the same product. Thus one has to be careful, has to take proper stock of
---------------------- the market and affect price increase. Of course firms today are very aware
and will add value to their products to convince the buyer that with price
---------------------- increase, their product is 'better-off' than most others.
---------------------- Today we see competition, not just in case o goods but also in case of
services. Demand for services also tends to be relatively elastic, because
---------------------- of the availability of substitutes for the same. For instance hotels,
hospitals, parlours, hair cutting salons, tailoring houses. Consumers are
on a constant lookout for good but affordable services. Thus, they tend to
---------------------- rule out the 'bad ones' very fast and go for something else.
82 Managerial Economics
3. Number of Uses Notes
Single-use goods will have generally less elastic demand as compared to
multi-use goods, e.g., for commodities like coal or electricity having a
composite demand, elasticity is relatively high. With a fall in price, these ----------------------
commodities may be demanded greatly for various uses. It is, however,
also possible that the demand for a commodity which has a variety of uses ----------------------
may be elastic in some of the uses, and may be inelastic in some other
uses e.g. coal used by railways and by consumers as fuel. But the former's
demand is inelastic as compared to the latter's. One more example : ----------------------
for instance, if price of cocoa powder increases, a consumer A having
regularly milk may now switch to another flavour, but a bakeman using it ----------------------
regularly in cakes will tend to have a fairly inelastic demand for the same.
4. Consumer's Income
Generally, larger the income of a consumer, his demand for overall
commodities tends to be relatively inelastic. For example, the demand ----------------------
pattern of a millionaire is rarely affected even by significant price changes.
Similarly, the redistribution of income in favour of low-income people ----------------------
may tend to make demand for some goods relatively inelastic. Take for
example, commodity like milk, a commodity of daily consumption for
most population. If its price increase from say Rs. 10 - Rs. 12.50, its ----------------------
demand will remain least affected by most of the population, but for the
poorest of the poor, maybe relatively elastic, who find very difficult to ----------------------
make ends meet. Thus, we can say that if the distribution of income in
an economy is favourable (even), then price hike of such goods will least
affect the overall demand elasticity. ----------------------
5. Height of Price and Range of Price Change ----------------------
There are certain white goods like costly luxury items or bulky goods
such as double door refrigerators, Colour T.V. sets, D.V.D. players etc. ----------------------
which are highly priced in general. In their case, a small change in price ----------------------
will have an insignificant effect on their demand. Their demand will,
therefore, be inelastic. However, if the price change is large enough, ----------------------
then their demand will be elastic. Similarly, there are divisible goods
like potatoes and onions, etc. which are relatively low priced and bought ----------------------
in bulk, so a small variation in price will not have much effect on their ----------------------
demand, hence demand tends to be inelastic in their case.
6. Proportion of Expenditure ----------------------
Elasticity of Demand 83
Notes somebody's birthday in the house. Cheap or small expenditure items like
matches, sugar, kerosene candles, broomstick tend to have more demand
---------------------- in elasticity than expensive or large expenditure items.
---------------------- 7. Durability of the Commodity
In the case of durable goods, the demand generally tends to be elastic
e.g. furniture, motor cycles, T.V. sets etc. In the case of perishable
---------------------- commodities, on the other hand, demand is relatively inelastic, e.g. milk,
vegetables etc.
8. Influence of Habit and Customs
---------------------- There are certain articles which have a demand on account of conventions,
---------------------- customs or habit with which these articles are closely associated and in these
cases, elasticity is less, e.g. cigarettes to a smoker or alcohol to an alcoholic
---------------------- have inelastic demand. Consumers are surely habituated to particular things
at particular times. For instance, a small tea shop outside college campus will
---------------------- definitely attract a fixed clientele at all times of the day even if it hikes the
---------------------- rate per tea-cup from Rs. 1.50 to Rs. 3.00. in case of customs, an economy
like India knows best. Even for the poorest of the poor, a marriage without
---------------------- a mangal sutra will not be considered authentic. A daughter is sent to her in-
laws also with many other things in order to secure her life.
9. Complementary of Goods
---------------------- Goods which are jointly demanded have less elasticity, e.g. ball-point
---------------------- pen and refills, motor cycle and petrol etc. have inelastic demand for this
reason. In this case, demand for one good affects that of the other, as to
---------------------- satisfy a want, they need to be jointly consumed. Can you think of tea or
coffee without sugar, unless the consumer is diabetic!
10. Time
In the short period, demand in general will be less elastic, while in the
---------------------- long period, it becomes more elastic. This is because (i) it takes some time
for the news of price change to reach all the buyers; (ii) consumers may
---------------------- expect a further change, so they may not react to an immediate change
in price; (iii) people are reluctant to change their habits all of a sudden,
but gradually, in the long run, their habits may change and so the demand
---------------------- pattern; (iv) durable goods take some time to exhaust their utility. In
the long run, lapse of time results in their wearing out, then these are
---------------------- demanded more; (v) demand for certain commodities may be postponed
for some time, but, in the long run, it has to be satisfied. For instance, a
person dreams of owning a big car someday. He already owns a small and
---------------------- a medium-sized car. An old friend of his, dealing in cars asks him to be
patient and wait for a few months, as the market awaits the arrival of a
---------------------- BIG LUXURY car at a very affordable price. This sounds tempting to our
man and he thus decides to wait to fulfill his long-cherished dream. Here
we cannot say that his demand has died down, but has been postponed for
---------------------- the time-being. The demand will be finally realised in the long run.
84 Managerial Economics
11. Recurrence of Demand Notes
If the demand for a commodity is of a recurring nature, its price elasticity
is higher than that of a commodity which is purchased only once. For
instance, motorcycles, V.C.D. players, T.V. sets, cars, two-wheelers etc. are ----------------------
purchased only once, these are big purchases and often done on auspicious
days in India like Dasshera, Diwali; also birthdays, anniversaries etc. ----------------------
Once planned, the consumers will rarely cancel their purchase altogether
(unless some untoward incident). But the demand for cassettes or Compact
Disks may remain relatively elastic. Such goods have recurrent usability ----------------------
and also wear out fast, thus they are to be purchased again and again.
12. Possibility of Postponement
When the demand for a product can be postponed (is postponable), it ----------------------
will tend to be price-elastic. In the case of consumption goods which
are urgently and immediately required, their demand will be inelastic.
For example, life saving drugs during sickness, habituated goods etc. In ----------------------
case of a near and a dear one taking ill, family members will hardly think
or pre-evaluate the expenses to be incurred. They will have to pay the ----------------------
hospitalisation charges, doctors' fee, buy life saving drugs (maybe foreign
makes that are very expensive). Similarly, a fitness freak will not be able
to postpone his demand for any of the products that he consumes daily for ----------------------
his overall fitness, stopping which he will tend to go out of shape and thus
out of job (maybe) like, soya milk, protein biscuits, protein shakes, dates, ----------------------
wheat or corn flakes, musli etc.
The elasticity of demand for the product he produces is the prime concern ----------------------
of every producer. It guides him in determining the price policy for his
product. He finds that it will be profitable to raise prices, provided the ----------------------
demand is inelastic. In the case of products having a highly elastic demand, ----------------------
it is better to lower their prices so that, with a little marginal profit, their
sales will be more, hence their total revenues, and thus the total profit will ----------------------
be large. For instance a firm comes up a new brand of product and thus
starts off with an introductory offer. This is to see the market demand ----------------------
behavior for the new product. Analysing the response that the firm gets,
it will decide in which areas and how much to increase the price. Once
the product sets in the market, the firm can hike the price where demand ----------------------
is relatively inelastic and not increase much, where demand is relatively
elastic. This situation is like the one of a monopolist where he resorts to ----------------------
price discrimination i.e. charging different price to the same product to
different consumers, depending on their demand for the same. ----------------------
Elasticity of Demand 85
Notes 2. Importance to Government
In determining fiscal policy, the concept of elasticity of demand is very
important to the government. The Finance Minister has to consider
---------------------- the elasticity of demand while selecting commodities for taxation. Tax
imposition on commodities for getting a substantial revenue becomes
---------------------- worthwhile only if taxed goods have an inelastic demand. Otherwise, if
their demand is more elastic, then it will contract very much with a rise
in price as a result of added taxation (like sales tax or excise duty), hence
---------------------- the total revenue yield would not be much different from the earlier one.
That is, there will not be any significant rise in revenue. That is why,
---------------------- generally taxes are levied on commodities like petrol, cigarettes, alcohol,
steel, white goods like refrigerators, washing machines etc. which have
an inelastic demand.
---------------------- The government also keeps hiking the price of petroleum gas (LPG), the
demand of which is inelastic to most consumers. No matter how much the
price hike, after the initial public outcry, the consumers finally succumb
---------------------- to the government price hike. Well, can they do anything more!
3. Its Importance to the Trade Unionists
The concept of price-elasticity is useful to trade union leaders in wage
---------------------- bargaining. Wage is the price for labour. Higher the wage-rate, naturally
---------------------- better the money income (wages) for the labourers and thus better living
standards for them. The work of the union leader is to facilitate higher
---------------------- wages and fairer standards of living. The union leader, when he finds that
demand for their industry's product is fairly elastic, will ask for a high wage
---------------------- for workers and suggest the producer to cut the price and increase sales
---------------------- which will compensate for his loss in total profit. For example, let's say
demand for a soft drink increases because of a super-sports-star endorsing
---------------------- it. So will the demand for plastic bottles increase. The trade union leader
will thus demand for higher wage-rate because of the labourers involved
---------------------- in the manufacture of plastic bottles.
---------------------- 4. Its importance to Economists
---------------------- The concept is highly useful to the economists in understanding and solving
many problems. For instance, the concept is useful in solving the mystery as
---------------------- to how farmers may remain poor despite a bumper crop. Since agricultural
products, particularly foodgrains, have an inelastic demand, when there
---------------------- is a bumper crop it can be sold only by cutting down prices substantially.
---------------------- This is because of lack ofgood storage facilities, perishability natutre of the
product and thus the farmers have to sell off the goods within a short time, for
---------------------- example, we see large amounts of water melons, oranges, sweet limes being
sold on the streets at low prises, since they want to sell the fruits at whatever
---------------------- prices before they get very stale.Hence, the total income of farmers will be
---------------------- lower inspite of a bigger crop. Thus, for policy-makers, it implies that higher
farm incomes depend, among other things, upon restriction of the supply of
---------------------- foodgrains and other farm products.
86 Managerial Economics
5. Its importance in International Trade Notes
If demand for Indian goods in foreign countries is inelastic, India can
raise the price of its commodities substantially and still export the same
quantity at a higher price, thus, getting larger amount of money and higher ----------------------
profit from their exports. For example, goods like Indian handicrafts,
certain fruits like mangoes, strawberries, high quality food grains and ----------------------
rice, leather goods, cotton-khadi or silk textiles find a huge export market.
Thus, during 1950's when demand for Indian jute manufactures in foreign
countries was highly inelastic, realising this fact Government of India ----------------------
raised the price of jute manufacturers by practically trebling export duty
on these goods forcing foreign importers to pay nearly three times the
price as compared to old price and yet selling same quantity as before, ----------------------
thus getting higher amount of profit by exporting the same amount of jute
manufactures as before. ----------------------
Similarly, during 1970's, petroleum oil-exporting countries formed OPEC, ----------------------
a monopolistic organisation of oil-exporting countries and raised the price
of crude oil from 3 dollars per barrel to nearly 30 dollars per barrel and ----------------------
still could export the same quantity as before, thus making enormously
larger profits than before. This made the Middle East oil-producing Arab
countries very rich as petroleum has as yet no substitute. For example, ----------------------
India's oil bill rose nearly ten times though importing the same quantity as
before from the Middle East. All this could happen because of the highly ----------------------
inelastic demand for crude oil produced in the Middle East countries
which are the main supplier of crude oil to the world.
Thus, in international trading transactions, trading nations make an effort ----------------------
to know the degree of elasticity of demand for their goods in foreign ----------------------
countries with a view to fix prices of export goods at a level that would
give exporting countries maximum profit. ----------------------
Check your Progress 3
State True or False.
1. In general, the demand for luxuries and comforts is relatively elastic
and of necessities relatively inelastic. ----------------------
2. When there exists a close substitute in the relevant price range, its ----------------------
demand will tend to be in- elastic.
3. In the short period, demand in general will be more elastic, while in
the long period it becomes less elastic. ----------------------
4. While deciding taxation on commodities, the Finance Minister has to ----------------------
consider the elasticity of demand.
Elasticity of Demand 87
Activity 3
88 Managerial Economics
Formula 2 Notes
A second formula which is mathematically more rational is suggested as
under :
Q2 – Q1 Y2 – Y1 ----------------------
Ey = ÷
Q2 + Q1 Y2 + Y1 ----------------------
In this formula Q1, is the initial consumer expenditure on any commodity ----------------------
‘X’ (which represents the demand for the product ‘X’) and Q2 is the new
expenditure on the same commodity after a change in income. Y1 denotes
initial income and Y2 stands for changed or new income. ----------------------
Example : A consumer spends Rs. 60/- per month on sugar when his
income is Rs. 1,500/- per month. When his income increases to Rs.1,800/-
per month he spends Rs. 84 on sugar. What will be the income elasticity ----------------------
of demand for sugar in this case?
Solution : According to the above formula
84 – 60 1800 – 1500
Ey = ÷
84 + 60 1800 + 1500 ----------------------
24 300
= ÷
144 3300 ----------------------
24 3300
= x ----------------------
144 300
1 11
= x ----------------------
6 1
= = 1.8 ----------------------
\ Ey = >1 ----------------------
(Income elasticity of demand in this case is 1.8 \ positive) ----------------------
B) Types of Income Elasticity of Demand ----------------------
According to the value of income elasticity of demand, we can classify
income-elasticity into the following types :
1. Negative Income Elasticity : When the demand for a product ----------------------
decreases as income increases and conversely where demand for a
product increases as there is fall in income, the income elasticity of
demand is negative. The demand for inferior goods is of this type. ----------------------
Remember the Giffen Goods Paradox!
Elasticity of Demand 89
Notes For instance, a man with low income will take his children to lowly
eating-joints, but with a rise in his income, he will now want to take
---------------------- children to better eating places, put them in better schools, so that
they can interact with children of their new risen stature.
2. Zero Income Elasticity : When a change in income has no effect
---------------------- upon the quantity demanded of a product, the income elasticity of
demand would be zero. Demand for salt is an example of this type.
A millionaire takes salt in his food just as the poorest of the poor
---------------------- does.
3. Unit Income Elasticity : Income elasticity of demand will be equal
to unity (i.e.1) when demand for the product increases in the same
---------------------- proportion in which income increases. Unit elasticity of demand is
considered to be a dividing line between necessaries and comforts.
---------------------- In other words, the income elasticity of demand for necessaries will
be less than unity : while the income elasticity of the demand for
comforts will be more than unity. Both these cases are noted below.
---------------------- 4. Low Income Elasticity of demand : When the income elasticity of
demand for a product is positive i.e. greater than zero, but less than
one, we say that the income elasticity of that demand is relatively
---------------------- less. Such a variety of relatively less income elasticity or income-
elasticity of demand suggests that the commodity concerned must
---------------------- be necessary. This is because as income increases the percentage of
income spent on necessaries goes on diminishing, according to the
Engel's Law of family expenditure.
---------------------- Let's say, a person earning Rs. 2,500 per month spends Rs. 250 on
---------------------- the monthly dal and rice for the household is spending 10% of his
income on the same. With an income raise to Rs. 4,500 (after a few
---------------------- months), the expenditure on the above items now holds only 5.5%
of the total income. This shows a fall in the proportion of his income
---------------------- on necessary goods. In fact the expenditure on such necessary items
---------------------- may go still lower than Rs. 250, because this gentleman may take
to consuming bread and eggs sometimes, from which he must have
---------------------- completely stood away.
90 Managerial Economics
whether it is a necessary or comfort or luxury, the proportion of a Notes
consumer's income spent on the commodity is also a major factor
influencing income elasticity of demand. ----------------------
For example, in India, even today every parent saves for a ----------------------
daughter's wedding. An Indian wedding is quite incomplete without
the purchase of gold; large or small purchase depending on the ----------------------
income of the family. A rich wedding with a total expenditure of
whopping 10 lakhs, spending Rs. 2,00,000 will mean 20% of the
total expenditure on gold, but for a family with a total expenditure ----------------------
of Rs. 1 lakh, the expenditure on gold will be in some thousands.
The latter will be highly affected by a gold price rise and will result ----------------------
in falling proportion of gold in the total expense. But it will not be
so with the former.
C) Uses of the Concept of Income Elasticity of Demand ----------------------
The concept of income elasticity of demand is useful in many areas of ----------------------
economic policy formulations as well as analyses of various situations.
1) Economic Development : In case of economic development, when
national income is increasing, we can find out how much will be ----------------------
the increase in the demand for a given product, by considering the
income elasticity of demand for that product. If an economy is on a ----------------------
road to progress, with the incomes generally rising, if a commodity's ----------------------
demand is income-elastic, then with the economy prospering the
aggregate demand for this product is bound to show an increase. ----------------------
This means that it is boom-time for the firm manufacturing this
commodity. For example, the advent of foreign brands in the Indian ----------------------
market is a sign of economic maturity. It shows that the demand for ----------------------
these goods is highly income-elastic. A firm is in the manufacture of
shoes. With incomes rising, consumers now demand for imported ----------------------
brands as well. With the doors of the economy opening up, the firm
is smart to get into collaborations and thus introduce the brands for ----------------------
the domestic consumers. One has to act with the changing times! ----------------------
2) Economic Fluctuations : Economic fluctuations are the
characteristic features of a capitalistic economy. Phases of prosperity ----------------------
and depression alternate in such an economy. The concept of income ----------------------
elasticity can be a very useful guide in finding out what products
would be demanded during the phase of prosperity. Similarly, ----------------------
during the phase of depression, certain necessaries will continue
to be demanded. As noted above, necessaries are commodities ----------------------
with very low income elasticities. For instance, a new entrepreneur ----------------------
decides to act safe, beginning to manufacture low cost hand-bags
which will find a small, but a definite market, covering his cost of ----------------------
production with a reasonable profit, rather than going in for high-
end material for the same. He fears that that the latter may find no ----------------------
market, in case of depressionary factors in the economy. ----------------------
Elasticity of Demand 91
Notes 3) Economic Planning : The concept of income elasticity of demand
is of great help to the planners who are planning for the economy as a
---------------------- whole. When economic development is being planned, the planners
have to set targets of production in terms of physical quantities for
---------------------- various sectors of the economy. With the help of income elasticity,
---------------------- the planners can estimate the possible increase in demand for the
product as a result of the targeted rate of growth of the economy.
---------------------- This would make the physical targets more realistic and would serve
to maintain physical balances - a difficult task for the planners.
4) Demand Forecasting : Firms are required to forecast the demand
---------------------- for their product. With the help of statistical information regarding
trends in growth of income as well as changes of distribution of
income, the firm can forecast the demand for its product by using
---------------------- income elasticity of demand for that product as a guide. More about
this in detail is given in the next unit.
5) Foreign Trade : In the area of foreign trade, a country needs to take
---------------------- into account the income elasticity of demand for its imports as well
as exports. A country exporting agricultural products and articles of
---------------------- necessity faces an income-elastic demand, compared to a country
which is exporting articles of luxury. This difference influences
terms of trade. Income elasticity of demand serves as a guide in the
---------------------- matter of balance of payments disequilibrium also. For example,
India has been an exporter of jute, tea, coffee and spices; but the
---------------------- demand for all these commodities is income-inelastic. The rate of
growth of India's exports therefore has remained relatively low. As
against this, India's demand for imports like electronics, machinery,
---------------------- consumer durable etc. is income-elastic. Consequently, the rate of
growth of India's imports has remained high. Thus, we have been
---------------------- facing the problem of an increasing trade deficit in India during the
last few years.
The list of areas where income elasticity of demand is useful can be
---------------------- increased further by mentioning public finance, labour policy, industrial
policy etc. where the concept is useful.
---------------------- 4.8 CROSS ELASTICITY OF DEMAND: CONCEPT,
---------------------- A) Concept
In practice, commodities are seldom independent of one another. Among
---------------------- the wide range of products that we see at the market, we find that most
---------------------- of these goods are related. On the basis of the relationship, we can group
these products either as substitutes or as complements or as a third group
---------------------- of goods which are neutral. In the context of the relationship between
goods, the concept of cross elasticity of demand can be used. Cross
92 Managerial Economics
elasticity of demand may be defined as the ratio of proportionate change Notes
of quantity demanded of commodity 'X' to a given proportionate change
in price of the related commodity 'Y'. With the help of formula, similar to ----------------------
the one we noted earlier, we can say :
Percentage change in quantity demanded of 'X'
Ec = ----------------------
Percentage change in the price of ‘Y’
If we assume the two commodities X and Y are substitutes of each other
and that the price of Y rises but that of X remains constant, the quantity ----------------------
demanded of X will increase because the consumers will substitute X for
Y, since Y has become costlier. Conversely, if the price of Y falls leaving ----------------------
the price of X unchanged, the quantity demanded of x will decrease ----------------------
because the consumers will now substitute Y for X since Y has become
cheaper than before. ----------------------
B) Measurement ----------------------
Cross elasticity can also be measured by another formula as given below
QX2 – QX1 PY2 – PY1
Ec = ÷ ----------------------
QX2 + QX1 PY2 + PY1
In this formula QX2 is the new demand for X, QX1 is the original demand
for X; PY2 is the new price of Y and PY1 is the original price of Y. ----------------------
If X and Y are perfect substitute for each other, the cross elasticity of demand ----------------------
will be infinity. It means that the slightest rise in the price of Y will cause an
almost infinite rise in the demand for X and the slightest fall in the price of Y ----------------------
will reduce the demand for X to almost zero. If, on the other hand, two goods
are not substitutes at all, the cross elasticity of demand will be zero. A change ----------------------
in the price of one commodity will not affect the quantity demanded of the
other commodity. It will thus be clear that the cross elasticity of demand for
substitutes varies between zero and infinity. ----------------------
If the relationship between X and Y is that of complementary, the cross
elasticity in such a case will be negative. A rise in the price of Y will mean
not only a decrease in the quantity demanded of Y but also a decrease in ----------------------
the quantity demanded of X because both are demanded together. For
example, ball-point pens and refills are complementary goods. When the ----------------------
price of refills rises, it causes a fall in the demand for refills as well as for
ball-point pens, because both are demanded together. ----------------------
Commodities X and Y will be the perfect substitutes only when they are ----------------------
totally identical. In that case, they will not be two different commodities
at all. Therefore, in practice, infinite cross elasticity of demand cannot ----------------------
be found. In practice, the cross elasticity of demand can thus be positive, ----------------------
zero or negative. The cross elasticity is positive when X and Y are good
substitutes (and almost infinity when X and Y are perfect substitutes). It ----------------------
is zero when X and Y are not related to each other or do not possess any
substitutability : they are independent of each other. It is negative when ----------------------
Elasticity of Demand 93
Notes X and Y are complimentary goods. In the first case, a rise in the price of
Y (price of X remaining constant) will cause an increase in the quantity
---------------------- demanded of X. In the second case, a rise or fall in the price of Y (price
of X remaining unchanged) does not affect the quantity demanded of X
---------------------- at all. In the third case, a rise in the price of Y (the price of X remaining
unchanged) will cause a decrease in the quantity demanded of X.
Example : Because the price of Y increases from Rs.10 to Rs.12 per kg.,
---------------------- the sale of a firm's product commodity X rises to 220 kg. from 200 kg.
per week. Find out the cross elasticity and state the relationship between
commodities X and Y.
QX2 – QX1 PY2 – PY1
Solution : Ec = ÷
---------------------- QX2 + QX1 PY2 + PY1
---------------------- 220 – 200 12 – 10
= ÷
---------------------- 220 + 200 12 + 10
---------------------- 220 – 200 12 + 10
= X
---------------------- 220 + 200 12 – 10
---------------------- 20 22
Solution: Ec = X
---------------------- 420 2
---------------------- 11
\ Ec = = 0.523
---------------------- 21
The cross elasticity of demand is positive and X and Y are substitutes.
Considering the same example as above, if the sale of Commodity X
---------------------- falls from 220 kg. to 200 kg. per week with the same rise in price of
Commodity Y, then the Cross elasticity is negative, (-0.523) in which case
the 2 goods are complements of each other.
---------------------- C) Uses of Cross Elasticity of Demand
---------------------- Perfect substitutes are seldom found in practice. Perfect complementarity
is equally rare. But, broadly speaking, there is complimentarity or
---------------------- competition i.e. substitutability among several commodities. Under such
circumstances, the entrepreneur can judge the effect of his pricing policy
---------------------- on the quantities demanded of the products of others and vise versa on the
---------------------- basis of the cross elasticity of demand.
For instance, a firm in the manufacture of cosmetic products, now
---------------------- decides to increase its range of products. These products now have heavy
---------------------- competition in the market. With increasing awareness, consumers now
want value for money; they will not just buy anything and everything
---------------------- at given prices. Thus, the firm has to do a good analysis of the cross
elasticities of the different products and brands available in the market
---------------------- and only then start off with the extension programmmes.
94 Managerial Economics
Check your Progress 4
Fill in the blanks. ----------------------
1. Income elasticity of demand is defined as the _________ of
proportionate change in the quantity demanded of a commodity to a
given proportionate change in the _________ of the consumer. ----------------------
2. The income elasticity of demand is measured as: Ey =
3. When change in the income has no effect upon the quantity demanded ----------------------
of a product, the income elasticity of demand would be ________. ----------------------
4. Cross elasticity of demand is calculated as:
Ec = _____________/____________
Activity 4 ----------------------
1. There are three income bracket people, very poor, middle class and
elite class. Following is the list of items. In one particular month, ----------------------
the prices of each of them rise. Can you state how each class will ----------------------
react? Give reasons for your answer.
a) Potatoes
b) Diamonds ----------------------
c) Cotton
d) Paper ----------------------
e) Wheat
2. Calculate the cross-elasticity of the product in the following cases
and determine whether the products are complements or substitutes ----------------------
of each other.
Instances Price of X Quantity demanded of Y
01 10 100
20 200 ----------------------
02 15 150
10 150
03 8 100 ----------------------
20 0 ----------------------
04 20 100
15 50 ----------------------
Elasticity of Demand 95
Notes Summary
---------------------- ●● Demand elasticity is anlysed under 3 heads : (1) Price elasticity of demand,
(2) Income-elasticity of demand and (3) Cross-price elasticity of demand
or just cross elasticity.
---------------------- ●● Negative income elasticity is at the base of the Giffen goods paradox.
---------------------- ●● Elasticity is a powerful tool at the hands of the decision makers in the
market and thus helps the policy makers in striking the right chord
---------------------- between production and consumption.
●● Cross elasticity : Refers to the responsiveness of demand for a commodity
---------------------- to a given change in the price of a related commodity - substitute or
●● Income elasticity : It refers to the degree of responsiveness of demand
---------------------- for a commodity to a given change in the income of the consumer
---------------------- ●● Price elasticity : Degree of responsiveness of demand for a commodity
to a given change in its price
---------------------- ●● Perfectly inelastic : When the demand doesn’t’ change at all, irrespective
---------------------- of the demand change in price.
●● Perfectly elastic : When the demand goes down to zero with the slightest
---------------------- price demand change
---------------------- ●● Practical significance : Its usefulness to people belonging to different
streams, who of the concept affect the national output.
●● Total outlay or total : It is total quantity demanded (of the product)
---------------------- multiplied by revenue price per unit of the product.
●● Unitary elastic demand : Change in demand is proportional to the
change in price
Self-Assessment Questions
96 Managerial Economics
5. Write short notes on : Notes
a. Types of Income elasticity
b. Cross elasticity of demand
c. Income elasticity of demand
d. Uses of the concept of cross elasticity ----------------------
Answers to Check your Progress
Check your Progress 1
Fill in the blanks. ----------------------
i. – c. ----------------------
ii. – d. ----------------------
iii. – e.
iv. – b.
v. – a.
State True or False. ----------------------
1. False ----------------------
2. True ----------------------
3. True
Check your Progress 3
State True or False.
1. True ----------------------
2. False ----------------------
3. False ----------------------
4. True
Elasticity of Demand 97
Notes Check your Progress 4
Fill in the blanks.
1. Income elasticity of demand is defined as the ratio of proportionate change
---------------------- in the quantity demanded of a commodity to a given proportionate change
in the income of the consumer.
2. The income elasticity of demand is measured as: Ey = Proportionate
---------------------- change in the quantity demanded/Proportionate change in the consumer’s
3. When change in the income has no effect upon the quantity demanded of
---------------------- a product , the income elasticity of demand would be zero.
---------------------- 4. Cross elasticity of demand is calculated as:
98 Managerial Economics
Demand Forecasting
Demand Forecasting 99
After going through this unit, you will be able to:
• Define demand forecasting
• List various objectives of demand forecasting
---------------------- • Indicate the factors influencing it
---------------------- • Identify the wide range of demand forecasting methods, separately
for established and new products
• Assess the criteria for a good forecast
In view of the above example, the demand for bricks is also expected to ----------------------
increase. So the brick-manufacturers will employ more labour to meet the
increased demand. Now in the process of manufacture of bricks, when ----------------------
they are semi-set and with a heavy downpour of rains, it is possible that ----------------------
it may damage the quality of the bricks, which can affect its supply in the
market. Even after resetting the bricks, it is possible that the bricks may ----------------------
not get the original strength, which they may have otherwise got without
the downpour. Thus, with forecasting for the product demand, at times it ----------------------
becomes imperative to forecast the weather as well! ----------------------
(4) Expansion of firms
When a firm has to decide whether it should expand or not and to what
extent it should expand, it has to consider the expected demand for its ----------------------
product, at a future date. Demand forecasts become useful in such cases.
For instance, opening a new branch is on the agenda of a particular
coaching class for Std.X– MATHS. It has decided to do so in one area of ----------------------
the city which has so far been untapped. But before stepping into such an ----------------------
expansion, the firm should bear in mind the influx of students expected
at the new place. One factor can help the decision amongst others i.e. in ----------------------
past years, the firm should analyse that how many students were denied
admission because of lack of space. ----------------------
Short Long Very General Specific Capital Consumer
Period Period Long (Product- goods Goods ----------------------
Period specific (derived (direct
& Area- demand) demand)
specific) ----------------------
Durable Perishable ----------------------
Goods Goods
Check your Progress 1 ----------------------
These forecasts are based on information which is more certain and ----------------------
thus forecasts based on this information may be more accurate.
1) This method is based on value-judgment and has no scientific basis
2) Useful only in the short period ----------------------
---------------------- b) The sample selected must be a random sample, so that when the
results are generalised for the population, accurate forecasts are
---------------------- made very often, the sample is not a random sample. What is true
for a sample, may not hold true for the whole (population).
c) Consumers do not co-operate by giving a correct idea of their
---------------------- expected purchases. Sometimes, the consumers themselves make
unplanned purchases.
(4) Panel of Experts
Panel of experts consists of either persons from within the firm or
---------------------- from outside. These experts come together and forecast the demand
for the firm’s product. If forecasts are based on judgement of these
---------------------- experts, the forecasts will have no scientific basis, and thus, may be
less accurate.
If however, forecasts are made on the basis of statistical information
---------------------- and with the use of scientific methods, the forecasts will be more
---------------------- accurate.
A two-wheeler company - TVS decides to launch a new vehicle
---------------------- in the market, suited to teenagers, for example PEP SCOOTY. The
---------------------- company has to connect with the young generation. To decide the
friendly operation and maintenance of the new bike is one set of
---------------------- experts and to decide about the overall look of the bike that can
Interview & Survey Projection Approach 1. Evolutionary
Method (Short period (Long period analysis) Method ----------------------
analysis) 2. Substitution ----------------------
3. Growth Pattern
Method ----------------------
1) Opinion-Polling 1. Correlation
and Regression 4. Opinion Method ----------------------
2) Collective
Opinion Analysis 5. Sample-Survey
Method ----------------------
3) Sample-Survey 2. Time-Series
Analysis 6. Indirect Opinion ----------------------
4) Panel of Experts
5) Composite ----------------------
Management ----------------------
---------------------- In both these methods, past data is collected, a trend is observed then a
functional relationship (correlation) is established between the variables.
---------------------- This is done with the help of Regression. Once a relationship is established,
it is possible to project this into the future.
(1) Correlation and Regression Analysis
---------------------- As mentioned above, the past data regarding the factors affecting demand
---------------------- can be collected. It is possible to express this on a graph. This is a scatter
For example, if we collect the past data about the sales and advertisement
---------------------- expenditure of a firm, it is possible to express this in the form of a scatter
diagram, as shown below :
---------------------- Y
---------------------- A
O Advertisement Expenditure X
---------------------- Now, with the help of Regression techniques, like, the least square method
or the maximum likelihood method (correlation), it is possible to get the
---------------------- best fit, i.e. a best possible functional relationship between the variables.
---------------------- In the above diagram, we get this functional relationship as a straight-line
There are some independent variables (Advertisement expenditure, in
---------------------- our example) and some dependent variables (sales, in our example). The
relationship (cause effect) between these variables is the correlation and
---------------------- the technique of establishing this relationship is regression. If the past
---------------------- correlation is assumed to remain the same in the future, we can use this
relationship to estimate the demand for the future.
In simple correlation, we have a relationship between two variables and a
---------------------- relationship between more than two variables is multiple correlation.
Then, if we know the changes in Y (income) we can predict or project the ----------------------
changes in consumption, and thus forecast the demand for the product.
a) Assumption made is that the correlation between the two variables
will continue in future also, this might not happen e.g. number ----------------------
of students and the demand for text books, may have a direct
relationship, but when the textbooks change, this relationship no ----------------------
longer holds good in future.
b) Correlation does not necessarily mean that there is a cause effect
relationship between the two variables e.g. suppose, in a particular ----------------------
year, the incomes of consumers have increased, and in the same
year the demand/sales of cassettes have increased, can we conclude
that there is a direct (positive) correlation between income and ----------------------
demand for cassettes ? Even though it appears that there is a positive
correlation between income and demand for compact disks, it is just ----------------------
chance that in that year both income and demand for compact disks
increased. There is no cause-effect relationship and thus forecasts
based on this relationship will not be correct. ----------------------
(2) Time Series Analysis ----------------------
Demand forecasts for a period of more than 2-3 years are based on Time-
Series Analysis. ----------------------
---------------------- (a) Some new products have many uses and each use has a different
substitutability, forecasting demand of such new goods becomes
---------------------- difficult.
---------------------- (b) When a new substitute is added to the market, the existing firms
react in different ways (changes in price, advertisement etc.)
---------------------- (3) Growth Pattern Method
---------------------- If there is some relationship between the new good and an already
established good. It is possible to estimate the demand for the new
good by studying how the established good has grown. Thus, we
---------------------- can study the growth pattern of all the toothpaste or refined oil or
ghee in the market, and make use of this information to forecast the
---------------------- demand for the new toothpaste.
---------------------- Limitations
a) This method is very time-consuming and has limited use.
b) This is useful for the forecasts of the new goods at a later stage of
---------------------- growth.
Summary ----------------------
---------------------- Keywords
---------------------- ●● Objectives : Targets set by a firm, on the basis of the economic
position of the firm
●● Budget : The cost and estimated revenue icture of a firm that outlines that
---------------------- spending power of the firm for a give period of time
●● Expansion : Firm starching its wings to more avenues of production,
either introducing new products or revising the existing ones
---------------------- ●● General Forecasts : The aggregate picture of the demand for all the
firms’ goods and all the markets the firm caters to
●● Specific Forecasts : Specific Forecasts gives information about a specific
---------------------- product or a specific market, as the case maybe.
---------------------- ●● Macro Forecasts : Forecasts on the aggregate level; of the economy as
a whole
---------------------- ●● Micro Forecasts : Forecasts pertaining to a particular firm or industry
---------------------- ●● Survey : A method which deals with directly or indirectly approaching
consumers in order to take their opinions on specific issues, which helps
---------------------- the firm to make certain decisions
---------------------- ●● Correlation : A method to understand the relationship between dependent
and independent variables
●● Time Series : It believes that the relationship between the dependent and
---------------------- the independent variables continues to hold in future.
Answers to Check your Progress
Check your Progress 1
Fill in the blanks.
1. Prediction of future demand for a firm’s product/products are called ----------------------
demand forecasting ----------------------
2. Level forecasts can be made for a firm, an industry and the nation.
3. The main factors that influence demand forecasting are time period, types
of forecasts and types of goods. ----------------------
Check your Progress 2 ----------------------
Fill in the blanks. ----------------------
1. The methods for forecasting demand for established goods are interview
and survey approach and projection approach. ----------------------
2. A forecast is said to be good when expected demand is close to the actual ----------------------
3. Correlation is a method used to understand the relationship between
dependent and independent variables. ----------------------
Suggested Reading
1. Koutsoyiannis, A. 1991. Modern Micro Economics. London: Macmillan.
2. Milgrom, P and J, Roberts. 1992. Economics Organisation and
Management. New Jersey: Prentice Hall Inc. ----------------------
---------------------- In economics, supply during a given period of time means the quantities
of goods which are offered for sale at particular prices. Thus, the supply of
---------------------- a commodity may be defined as the amount of the commodity which the
sellers (or producers) are able and willing to offer for sale at a particular
price, during a certain period of time.
---------------------- Supply is a relative term. It is always referred to in relation to price
and time. A statement of supply without reference to price and time conveys
no economic sense. For instance, a statement such as : “the supply of milk is
---------------------- 500 litres” is meaningless in economic analysis. One must say, “the supply at
such and such a price and during a specific period.” Hence, the above statement
---------------------- becomes meaningful if it is said “at the price of Rs.20 per litre, a dairy farm’s
daily supply of milk is 500 litres.” Here, both price and time are referred to with
the quantity of milk supplied.
---------------------- Secondly, supply is what the seller is able and willing to offer for sale.
---------------------- The ability of a seller to supply a commodity, however, depends on the stock
available with him. Thus, stocks is the determinate of supply.
---------------------- Similarly, another determining factor is the will of the seller. A seller’s
---------------------- willingness to supply a commodity, however, depend on the difference between
the reservation price, the minimum or cost price the seller must get and the
---------------------- prevailing market price or the price which is offered by the buyer for that
commodity. If the ruling market price is greater than the seller’s reservation
---------------------- price, he (the seller) is willing to sell more. But at a price below the reservation
---------------------- price, the seller refuses to sell.
Let us say, a supplier of a product X has in stock 1000 kgs. of his product.
---------------------- The minimum price that he expects for his product is Rs. 95 per unit and the
---------------------- on-going supply price is Rs. 98.50 thus he will bring some supply to the market
There are a number of factors influencing the supply of a commodity. They are
known as the determinants of supply. The important determinants of supply are: ----------------------
1) Price : Price is the single largest factor influencing the supply of a commodity. ----------------------
More commodity is supplied at a higher price and less commodity is supplied
at a lower price. The change in the quantity supplied in response to the change ----------------------
in price is known as the variation in supply. Even expectations about the
future price affect the supply. If a dealer expects the price to rise in the future,
he will withhold his stock at present and so there will be less supply now. ----------------------
There are several factors other than the price, influencing the supply. The
changes in these factors lead to changes in the supply of the commodity. ----------------------
The change in the supply may be in the form of the increase or decrease in
supply. The other factors are given below.
2) Natural Conditions : The supply of some commodities, such as agricultural ----------------------
products, depends on the natural environment or climatic conditions like
rainfall, temperature, etc. A change in these natural conditions will cause
a change in the supply. For instance, a good monsoon will produce a good ----------------------
harvest; so the supply of the agricultural products will increase. On the
other hand, their supply decreases during the drought conditions. ----------------------
Similarly, we can also say that untimely rains spoil the crop, for example ----------------------
rains in winter is not a typical to the Indian weather conditions. Rabi
(winter) crops like grapes are not acclimatised to having rains in their ----------------------
harvest period. If so, then the crop gets heavily damaged, as experienced
in India in Dec. 2005. Contrarily, rains are a boon to kharif (summer)
crops like wheat, rice. Thus good agricultural produce is under the mercy ----------------------
of a good and a timely rainfall.
3) State of Technology : The improvement in the technique of production
leads to increased productivity and results in an increase in the supply of ----------------------
manufactured goods.
For instance, there’s a breakthrough in the production of fertilizers and high-
quality seeds, as a result of which there is a better crop. Thus, the supply of ----------------------
foodgrains in the market increases. Similarly, with the installation of state-
of-art printing machines in the press, the printing of newspapers per hour ----------------------
increases from 15,000 to 25,000 copies. This can result to two situations,
both mean increased productivity i.e. printing the daily required copies of i.e.
2,00,000 copies in a lesser time-period and in the same time-period as before, ----------------------
---------------------- In India, even today, road transport is one of the most used modes of
transport. Bad road conditions due to heavy rains or low maintenance by
---------------------- the government bodies predominantly pose a big hindrance to the free
flow of transport. Goods manufactured in one corner of the country have
---------------------- to reach out to all parts via road transport. These goods can get damaged
to a large extent because of the bumpy roads and also the delays so caused.
Perishable goods cannot be travelling for ever to reach the customers;
---------------------- they might just have to be thrown away. So is the case of durable goods.
Today, the customer is highly intolerant and is not willing to wait too long
---------------------- on the waiting list! It can even lead to customers to local alternative to
avoid the daily trouble of delayed transportation. For example, a designer
---------------------- is tired of delays in the supply of various types of cloth, threads, beads
---------------------- etc. coming from Ahmedabad, now decides to look for the same from
Mumbai, or probably from a local trader even if at a price slightly higher
---------------------- than the former. The time saved can cover the loss made (paying more for
the same material) by taking more orders and giving them on time and
---------------------- avoiding the wrath of his precious customers.
---------------------- 5) Factor Prices and their Availability : When the factors of production
are easily available at low prices, more investment is encouraged due to
---------------------- better returns. Under such circumstances, the supply of the commodity
which these factors help to produce may tend to increase and vice versa.
For instance, there’s a construction site next to an elite locality, having a
---------------------- high population of working mothers. There are a lot of young girls living
at the site whose parents are employed. They are here to stay for at least
another 2 ½ to 3 years. They can’t afford school and are not allowed to
---------------------- work at the site. The word spreads around for the possible employment at
the elite colony for these young seekers. They are to the daily household
---------------------- chores or even baby-sit the young children while the mothers are away
at work. Seekers are lot many than the houses willing to employ them.
---------------------- Thus, they are willing to work at whatever wages their rich bosses will
---------------------- pay. They don’t want to bargain much for fear of loss of the opportunity.
6) Government’s Policy : The government’s economic policies like
---------------------- industrial policy, fiscal policy, etc., influence the supply. If the industrial
---------------------- licensing policy of the government is liberal, more firms are encouraged to
enter into registrations and high custom duties may decrease the supply of
---------------------- the imported goods but it would encourage the domestic industrial activity,
so that the supply of domestic products may increase. An increase in tax
---------------------- such as excise duties will reduce the supply while granting of subsidy will
increase the supply.
---------------------- 16
---------------------- X
0 5 10 15 20 25
Quantity Supplied (Units)
X axis = Units of Ballpen
---------------------- Y axis = Price per Unit
---------------------- When the data of Table are plotted on a graph, a supply curve can be
drawn as shown in the Figure given above.
From the supply schedule, it appears that the market supply tends to
---------------------- expand with the rise in price and vice versa. Similarly, the upward sloping curve
also depicts a direct relation between price and quantity supplied.
The law of supply is conditional, since we have stated it under the
assumption: “other things remaining unchanged”. It is based on the following
ceterius paribus assumptions : ----------------------
1) Cost of production is unchanged : It is assumed that the price of the ----------------------
product changes, but there is no change in the cost of production. If the
cost of production increases along with the rise in the price of product, ----------------------
the sellers will not find it worthwhile to produce more and supply more.
Therefore, the law of supply is valid only if the cost of production remains ----------------------
constant. It implies that the factor prices, such as wages, interest, rent etc. ----------------------
are also unchanged.
2) No change in technique of production : The technique of production ----------------------
is assumed to be unchanged.This is essential for the cost to remain ----------------------
unchanged. With the improvements in technique, if the cost of production
is reduced, the seller would supply more even at falling prices. ----------------------
There is no change at the printing press (of newspapers, now new machines ----------------------
are installed). Also, at a given tailoring shop, inspite of a spurt of orders in
Diwali, the owner continues with the same set of old working machines. ----------------------
3) Fixed scale of production : During a given period of time, it is assumed ----------------------
that the scale of production is held constant. If there is a changing scale of
production, the level of supply will change, irrespective of the changes in ----------------------
the price of the product.
This assumption ignores the fact that some factors could be more
specialised in one field that some other factors. Thus, factors can have ----------------------
varying efficiency in different sectors, thus leading either to increasing or
decreasing returns to scale of production.
4) Government policies are unchanged : Government policies like taxation ----------------------
policy, trade policy, etc., are assumed to be constant. For instance, an ----------------------
increase in or totally fresh levy of excise duties would imply an increase
in the cost or in case there is fixation of quotas for the raw materials or ----------------------
200 ----------------------
180 M ----------------------
Wage Rate
160 ----------------------
150 ----------------------
50 55 60 65
Quantity Supplied of Labour Leisure
in hours ----------------------
Fig 6.1 : Backward Sloping Supply Curve of Labour ----------------------
In figure the curve SMS1 represents a backward - sloping supply curve
for labour as a commodity. Here, the wage - rate is regarded as the price of
labour and the labour supply is determined in terms of labour - hours the worker ----------------------
is willing to work at a given wage rate. It is observed that as wages increase, a
worker might work for a lesser number of hours than before. To illustrate the ----------------------
point, say, when the wage rate is Rs. 150 per hour, the worker works for 50
hours per week and gets Rs. 7,500; when it is Rs. 160 per hour, he works for 60
hours per week, and gets Rs.8,800; at Rs. 180, he works for 65 hours and gets ----------------------
Rs. 11,700 and at Rs. 200, he works for 60 hours and gets Rs. 12,000.
As exception to the law is also seen in the case of persons who want to
have a fixed income from their investment. As interest rates rises, the amount ----------------------
on investment required to reach the same amount of interest yields is obviously
less. For instance, a person wants to earn Rs.100 per year require an investment ----------------------
of Rs. 1,000/- at an interest rate of 20 per cent he will require an investment of
Rs.500. Thus, as the rate of interest rises, the volume of investment required
declines. In this case, he will decrease his savings and investment when the ----------------------
rate of interest rises and increase his savings and investment when the rate of
interest falls, which is contrary to the usual law of supply. ----------------------
---------------------- S
---------------------- b
Price per Unit
---------------------- P1
O Q1 Q2 X
---------------------- Quantity Supplied
S S2
---------------------- S1
Price (Per Unit)
a b b a
---------------------- P P
---------------------- S2
---------------------- S1
---------------------- O Q M O Q
Quantity Supplied Quantity Supplied
(Increase in Supply) (Decrease in Supply)
Fig 6.3(a) Fig 6.3(b)
In Fig. 6.3(a), at price OP, the supply is OQ. Later on, at the same price, ----------------------
when the supply increases from OQ to OM, it is called increase in supply. It
cannot be shown on the initial supply curve, but the supply curve shifts to the
right as S1S1 curve. Likewise, in ----------------------
Fig. 6.3(b), when at price OP, the supply becomes OK instead of OQ, it
means a decrease in supply. This can be shown by leftward shifts which need
not be parallel. ----------------------
There are many causes which bring about a change (increase or decrease) in the
conditions of supply. The important ones among them are : ----------------------
1) Cost of Production : Given the price, the supply changes with the change
in the cost of production. If the cost of production increases because of ----------------------
higher wages to workers or higher price of raw materials, there will be a ----------------------
decrease in supply. If the cost of production falls due to any of the above
reasons, the supply will increase. ----------------------
2) Supply also depends on Natural Factors : There might be a decrease ----------------------
in the supply due to floods, paucity of rainfall, pests, earthquakes, etc.
Absence of the above calamities or an exceptionally good as well as a ----------------------
timely monsoon might increase supply.
3) Change in Technique of Production : This has an important influence
on supply. An improvement in the technique of production might go a ----------------------
long way in increasing the supply. For instance, introduction of highly
sophisticated machines increases the supply of goods. ----------------------
4) Government Policies : Often government’s policies regarding taxation, ----------------------
issuing of licenses, import-export policies and monetary policy of the
Central Bank of the country etc. may affect the production and then the ----------------------
supply of goods under consideration. ----------------------
5) Development of Transport : Improvement in means of transport
obviously increases the supply of goods as they facilitate the movement ----------------------
of goods from one place to another.
The construction of the Pune-Mumbai Expressway has largely added
positive value to the traffic relating to the two cities as well as the ones ----------------------
connecting them, in terms of reducing the travel time, increasing the
comfort level, reducing the damage element of the perishable as well as
durable goods. High-end two storied trucks carry four wheelers from one ----------------------
city to another. Even the slightest damage to any one of the cars can cost
phenomenal sums to the company. ----------------------
Activity 2
---------------------- Visit the website of the Ministry of Agriculture and analyse the ways
Government stabilises the demand and supply of foodgrain.
QS P ----------------------
= x
QS P ----------------------
QS P ----------------------
Therefore, es = x
P QS ----------------------
QS = The Original Quantity Supplied ----------------------
Q = Net change in Quantity Supplied ----------------------
P = The original Price
P = Net change in Price
For example, if, as a result of a change in the price of a commodity from
Rs. 40 to Rs. 45 per unit, the total Quantity supplied of the commodity by ----------------------
the sellers is increased from 1,000 units to 1,200 units, then the elasticity
of supply may be calculated as under : ----------------------
200 40 ----------------------
es = x = 1.6
5 1000 ----------------------
(Per Unit)
(Per Unit)
---------------------- P2 P S
---------------------- X X
---------------------- (a) Quantity Supplied (b) Quantity Supplied
---------------------- S
---------------------- (a) Quantity Supplied (b) Quantity Supplied
Fig 6.5 : Elasticity of Supply - Usual Cases
---------------------- In the above figure in panel (a) the curve SS represents the supply curve of
---------------------- unit elasticity. Any variation in price will be accompanied by an equally
---------------------- S
---------------------- X X
---------------------- QUANTITY SUPPLIED
---------------------- Measurement of Point Elasticity of Supply
---------------------- To find out the elasticity on the supply curve at point P as in the above
Fig., draw a tangent TF to the supply curve SS at point P intersecting
---------------------- the horizontal axis at T. Draw a perpendicular PB from point P and
---------------------- intersecting at point B on the horizontal axis.
The elasticity of supply at point P is measured as :
---------------------- Es =
In panel (1) TB < OB, therefore, as es < 1 at point P. In panel (2) TB > OB,
---------------------- therefore, es > 1 point P.
Check your Progress 3
1. The extent of change in supply in accordance with the change in price
is called ____________.
---------------------- 2. Elasticity of supply is defined as the ratio of _________ change or
__________ change in the quantity supplied to the ___________
or________ change in the price.
---------------------- 3. The elasticity of supply is measured by the ____________ and the
---------------------- _____________.
State True or False.
1. In the case of commodities like antiques, old stamps, the price changes
---------------------- will have no influence on the supply.
---------------------- 2. Time element is not an important factor in determining elasticity of
3. Natural factors like climate and monsoon considerably affect the
---------------------- elasticity of supply of agricultural products.
●● We are introduced to the concept of supply in this unit. It is here that
we know that there is a specific meaning attached to the concept and the ----------------------
way it is expressed. Supply is a very common term that one uses, but ----------------------
when it comes to relating to a subject like Economics, one just cannot use
the normal way, but has to follow certain norms, in the sense bring it in ----------------------
relation to time and the price per unit.
●● Undoubtedly the major factor affecting supply is the price of the product
under consideration. Changes in price affect ‘expansion’ or ‘contraction’ ----------------------
of supply.
●● There are other factors like, natural conditions, technological development
in terms of capital development and improvement in the factor quality and ----------------------
availability, low factor prices, economic development in terms of better
infrastructural facilities like better roads, easy accessibility to remote ----------------------
area in the country, backed by supply-friendly government policies. The
performance of related goods in the market also counts.
●● The Law of Supply, ceteris paribus states the direct relation between price ----------------------
of a commodity and its quantity supplied. The exception to it comes in the
form of the Backward Bending or the Regressive Supply curve. Supply of
---------------------- ●● Lastly, the unit give information of the various factors affecting supply
elasticity. Right from the commodity under consideration – the character
---------------------- type and the type of production – the techniques, its scale, the nature
and the price of factors of production involved, the time factor from its
---------------------- production to realisation. Most importantly, for an agrarian economy like
---------------------- India, natural factors play a very decisive role in affecting the supply
of various goods – wherein agricultural goods are either final goods or
---------------------- intermediary goods for a vast large of non-agricultural goods. Therefore,
one cannot ignore the factors affecting the direct as well as the supply
---------------------- which are very important ingredients for the development of the economy
---------------------- as a whole.
---------------------- Keywords
---------------------- ●● Supply : Amount of goods and services that sellers are able and willing
---------------------- to offer to sell at a particular price.
●● State of Technology : Techniques of production that are responsible for
---------------------- increasing the level of supply.
---------------------- ●● Law of Supply : General tendency of sellers in bringing their stock of
goods to market in relation to the varying prices.
●● Backward Bending Supply Curve : Exception to the Law of Supply.
---------------------- ●● Expansion and Contraction of Supply : Movement along the same
supply curve, because of Price as the only determining factor for supply.
●● Increase and Decrease in Supply : Shift in the supply curve, brought
---------------------- about due to changes in factors other than price.
---------------------- ●● Natural Factors : Occurrence of floods, earthquakes, rainfall, climatic
conditions land fertility.
---------------------- ●● Supply Elasticity : Responsiveness of the quantity supplied to changes
---------------------- in price.
Answers to Check your Progress
Check your Progress 1
State True or False.
1. True ----------------------
2. False ----------------------
3. False ----------------------
Fill in the blanks.
1. The law of supply states other things remaining unchanged the supply of
a commodity expands with a rise in its price and contracts with a fall in ----------------------
its price.
2. An increase in taxes such as excise duties will reduce the supply while
granting of subsidies will increase the supply. ----------------------
Check your Progress 2 ----------------------
State True or False. ----------------------
1. True
2. False
3. True
Fill in the blanks. ----------------------
1. The exceptions to the law of supply are supply of labour and savings. ----------------------
2. The change in the supply due to causes or determinants other than price is ----------------------
called increase or decrease in supply.
3. Improvement in the means of transport increases the supply of goods. ----------------------
4. The producers of goods may reduce the supply by forming business ----------------------
combines with a view to raising the prices in the market.
Suggested Reading
1. Adhikary, M. 2000. Business Economics. New Delhi: Excel Books.
2. Chopra, O P. 1985. Managerial Economics. New Delhi: Tata McGraw
---------------------- Hill.
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Production Function
7.3 Practical importance of Production Function
7.4 Linear Homogeneous Production Function
7.5 Time-Periods
7.6 The Law of Diminishing Returns or The Law of Variable Proportion
7.7 Returns to Scale or Laws of Returns to Scale
7.8 Economies and Diseconomies of Scale
Key Words
Self-Assessment Questions
Answers to Check your Progress
Suggested Reading
---------------------- A firm which wants to maximize the efficiency with given prices of inputs
should try to find out the optimum proportion between fixed and variable
---------------------- input. This can be discovered with the help of production function.
---------------------- 2) Production function tells management the budget constraint for
increase in output.
As generally, output cannot be increased without an increase in the input.
---------------------- It follows that the expansion of a firm requires more funds to employ
more inputs. The firm can judge how far it is worthwhile and profitable to
---------------------- increase output.
---------------------- 3) The production function explains the degree of substitution and
complementarity of different factors of production.
From this the firm can select its expansion path. It means, if the firm
---------------------- wants to increase output in what proportion it should increase its various
inputs can be judged from the observed behaviour of production function.
4) The management should endeavour to produce an upward shift
---------------------- in production function which can definitely improve its financial
performance under the given market conditions.
As such upward shift in production function involves technological
---------------------- progress and indicates the possibility to generate surplus the use of
better methods of production, reorganisation of production activity and
---------------------- creating more incentives and motivation to produce more can help a firm
---------------------- to produce such upward shift.
5) The theory of production function can also explain the possibility of
disguised unemployment.
---------------------- When we excessively employ only one factor in the production of a certain
commodity, we reach a stage when the marginal product of that factor
becomes zero or negative. This stage is called disguised unemployment
---------------------- which is supposedly present in the agricultural sector in countries like
India. Such disguised unemployment indicates that it is possible to divert
---------------------- surplus labour to other sectors where their marginal product (this concept
is explained in the next part) would be greater than zero. Therefore, it
gives policy guidance to both management and government about the
---------------------- priority in the development process.
6) As production function is an engineering concept, we can study the
behaviour of production function under different conditions.
---------------------- It can explain inter - firm, inter - regional or international differences in
Before discussing law of variable proportion let us consider the following ----------------------
definitions which will help in understanding the law.
1. Total Physical Product : Total quantity of output produced
in physical units by a firm during a ----------------------
period of time.
2. Marginal Product : The change in total product caused
as a result of one additional unit ----------------------
of variable factor employed in
combination with fixed factors is
called marginal product. ----------------------
T. P. ----------------------
M. P. =
Variable factor units ----------------------
3. Average Product : It is the total product that a firm
produces in a given time period
divided by the quantity of a variable ----------------------
factor that is used to produce it.
T. P.
A. P. = ----------------------
Variable factor units
Fill in the blanks.
1. Production function is the relation between _________ and
____________. ----------------------
2. Very long run is the period of time, long enough that the whole new ----------------------
technology can be introduced and the _______________ itself is
changed. ----------------------
State True or False. ----------------------
1. There is direct relationship between variable input and output
2. Theory of production factors cannot explain the possibility of
disguised unemployment. ----------------------
3. The changes in the scale of production does not have any effect on the ----------------------
efficiency of the firm.
Activity 1 ----------------------
Following are certain instances. You have to point out which change falls
under which time period and also reason out your answer: ----------------------
1. Cell phones ----------------------
2. Becoming a grandparent
3. Hotel changeover
4. Expansion of a bank’s number of branches
5. Fulfilling the dream of moving out from one BHK to a four BHK row
house in a city’s prime locality ----------------------
6. An established firm stepping to a completely different line of
---------------------- Introduction
Law of variable proportion occupies an important place in economic theory.
This law examines the production function with one factor variable, keeping
---------------------- the quantities of other factors fixed. In other words, it refers to the input output
relation when the output is increased by varying the quantity of one input. When
---------------------- the quantity of one factor is varied, keeping the quantity of the other factors
constant, the proportion between the variable factor and the fixed factor is
altered; the ratio of employment of the variable factor to that of the fixed factor
---------------------- goes on increasing as the quantity of the variable factor is increased. Since under
this law, we study the effects on output variations in factor proportions, this is
---------------------- known as the law of variable proportions. The law of variable proportions is
the new name for the famous “Law of Diminishing Returns” of classical
---------------------- Statement of the Law
---------------------- 1) As equal increments of one input are added; the inputs of other productive
services being held, constant, beyond a certain point the resulting
---------------------- increments of product will decrease, i.e., the marginal product will
diminish. - G. Stigler
2) As the proportion of one factor in a combination of factors is increased,
---------------------- after a point, first the marginal and then the average product of that factor
---------------------- will diminish. - F. Benham
3) An increase in some inputs relative to other fixed inputs will, in a given
---------------------- state of technology, cause output to increase; but after a point the extra
---------------------- output resulting from the same additions of extra inputs will become less
and less. -P. A. Samulson
---------------------- It is obvious from the above definitions of the Law of variable proportions
---------------------- (or the law of diminishing returns) that it refers to the behaviour of output
as the quantity of one factor is increased, keeping the quantity of other
---------------------- factors fixed and further it states that the marginal product and average
product will eventually decline.
(A) Assumptions of the Law of Variable Proportion
The law of variable proportion (or diminishing returns) as stated above
---------------------- holds good under the following conditions :
1) The state of technology is assumed to be given and unchanged.
If there is improvement in technology, then marginal and average
---------------------- product may rise instead of diminishing.
---------------------- 2) There must be some inputs whose quantity is kept fixed. It is only
in this way that, we can alter the factor proportions and know its
---------------------- effects on output.
Three stages of the law of diminishing returns (variable proportions)
point H is the maximum point of T. P. when M. P. = O.
150 Managerial Economics
It will be observed from the figure that the T. P. curve goes on increasing Notes
to a point and after that it starts declining. A. P. and M. P. curves also rise
and then decline. M. P. curve starts declining earlier than the A. P. curve. The ----------------------
behaviour of the output when the varying quantity of one factor is combined
with a fixed quantity of other can be divided into three distinct stages, which are ----------------------
explained below : ----------------------
Stage I : Increasing Returns
In this stage T. P. to a point increases at an increasing rate. In the figure
from the origin to the point F, slope of the total product curve T. P. is increasing ----------------------
i.e. up to the point F, i.e. T.P. increases at an increasing rate, which means that
M. P. rises. From the point F onwards during the Stage 1, the T. P. curve goes
on rising but its slope is declining which means that from point F onwards the ----------------------
T. P. increases at a diminishing rate i.e. M. P. falls but it is positive. The point
F where the total product stops at an increasing rate and starts increasing at a ----------------------
diminishing rate is called the ‘point of inflexion’. Corresponding vertically to
this point of inflexion, M. P. is maximum, after which it slopes downwards.
The stage I ends where the AP curve reaches its highest point S. Stage 1 ----------------------
is known as the stage of ‘increasing returns’ because A. P. of the variable factor
increases throughout this stage. It should be noted that the M. P. in this stage
increases but in a later part it starts declining but remains greater than the A. P. ----------------------
so that the A. P. continues to rise.
Stage II : Diminishing Returns
In stage II, the T. P. continues to increase at a diminishing rate until it ----------------------
reaches its maximum point H where the second stage ends. In this stage both ----------------------
the M. P. and A. P. of the variable factor is zero (when T. P. is highest as shown
by point H). Stage II is important because the firm will seek to produce in its ----------------------
range. This stage is known as the ‘stage of diminishing returns’ as both the A. P.
and M. P. continuously fall during this stage. ----------------------
---------------------- Under the law of diminishing returns (i.e. variable proportion) we have
studied the behaviour of output (T. P., M.P. and A. P.) when factor proportions are
---------------------- changed. That is, we have seen the behaviour of output by keeping the quantity
of one or some factors fixed and changing the quantity of other (e.g.labour).
Now, we will undertake the study of changes in output when all factors of
---------------------- production or inputs are increased together. In other words, we shall now study
the behaviour of output in response to changes in scale. An increase in the scale
means that all inputs or factors are increased in the same proportion. Increase
---------------------- in the scale thus occurs when all factors or inputs are increased keeping factor
proportions unchanged. The study of changes in output as a result of changes in
---------------------- the scale forms the subject matter of “returns to scale”.
Constant Returns To Scale
Marginal Product
e al
---------------------- O
Scale or Proportion
---------------------- Fig 7.2 : The Laws of Returns to Scale
---------------------- 1) Law of Increasing Returns to Scale
---------------------- Meaning : If the increase in all factors leads to more than proportionate
increase in output, returns to scale are said to be increasing. Thus, if all
---------------------- factors are doubled, and output increases by more than double, then the
---------------------- For instance, when a big firm goes into collaborations with a foreign
company, apart from the manufacturing unit, there are many things
---------------------- that the company has to cater to. There are guests (the CEOs of
foreign companies visiting them), they might need (language)
---------------------- interpreters, they have to be very hospitable, arrange for seminars
and the like, and above all show that they are performing their duties
responsibly and that they have a good catch of the market. This
---------------------- is not an easy task and needs a lot of careful attention and funds
in various streams. Since they are to import foreign technology,
---------------------- government sanction in view of import licenses and thus need for
foreign exchange is of prime importance. All these factors would
---------------------- be difficult for a small-scale unit. At the same time, a popular firm
---------------------- always has to be more careful with its market gimmicks, since it is
always in the cynosure of public attention.
1. The law of variable proportion examines the __________ with one ----------------------
factor variable, keeping the quantities of other factors fixed.
2. The law of diminishing returns is now known as the “law of
__________________”. ----------------------
3. According to law of diminishing or decreasing returns to scale, if the ----------------------
increase in all factors leads to a ____________ proportionate increase
in the output, the returns of scale are decreasing. ----------------------
State True or False. ----------------------
1. In the law of variable proportions, the homogeneous nature of units of
variable factors is not necessary to be an assumption.
2. According to law of increasing returns to scale, if the increase in all ----------------------
factors leads to more proportionate increase in output, returns to the ----------------------
scale are said to be increasing.
---------------------- Summary
---------------------- ●● This unit, at its outset, introduces us to the concept of ‘Production
---------------------- Function’. Its definition and the three different ways of studying it brought
about very significantly. It is given as the relationship between the rates of
---------------------- input of productive services and the rate of output of a product.
---------------------- ●● The Law of Variable Proportion, the Law of Returns to Scale and Optimum
combination of inputs are the different heads of study.
---------------------- ●● The Production Function has been given as the functional relationship
---------------------- between quantity of Output and the quantities of different factors.
---------------------- Keywords
---------------------- ●● Production function : Relation between input and output.
---------------------- ●● Disguised Unemployment : When a factor is employed, but is not
contributing to its fullest available capacity.
●● Increasing Returns : Total output increases at an increasing rate with the
---------------------- increase in factor employment.
●● Diminishing Returns : Total output increase at a decreasing or
diminishing rate with the increase in factor employment.
---------------------- ●● Internal Economies : Advantages that accrue to a firm because of
superior techniques and management.
●● External Economies : Advantages which accrue to a firm because of
---------------------- factors that are external to the firm.
3. True ----------------------
Check your Progress 2 ----------------------
Fill in the blanks.
1. The law of variable proportion examines the production function with
one factor variable, keeping the quantities of other factors fixed. ----------------------
2. The law of diminishing returns is now known as the “law of variable ----------------------
3. According to law of diminishing or decreasing returns to scale, if the
increase in all factors leads to a less than proportionate increase in the ----------------------
output, the returns of scale are decreasing.
State True or False.
1. False
2. True ----------------------
(c) To find out how well the firms use scarce resources. ----------------------
The same measure of cost may not be correct for each of these purposes. ----------------------
Economists know exactly how to define costs in order to solve problems
like (b) and (c). Only if we assume that, the businessman (accountant) uses the
same concept of costs, the economist’s definition will be useful for problems ----------------------
like (a).
The economic costs are based on a common principle that is sometimes
called user cost, but is commonly known as opportunity cost. ----------------------
The economist’s idea of cost is based on the fact that resources are scarce ----------------------
and have alternative uses. Thus, if resources are used for the production of some
commodities, then it means that the production of some alternative commodities
are foregone. ----------------------
Thus, by economic costs it means those payments which must be received
by resource- owners in order to ensure that they will continue to supply the
resources for production. ----------------------
Explicit costs, implicit costs and normal profits together form the total ----------------------
costs of a firm or Economic Cost = Explicit Costs + Implicit Costs + Normal
Profits. ----------------------
Since productive resources are limited, the production of one commodity
can only be at the cost of another.The commodity that is sacrificed is the ----------------------
opportunity cost of the commodity produced. Thus, economists define the cost
of production of a particular product as the value of the foregone alternative ----------------------
products, that resource used in its production could have produced.
Check your Progress 1
Activity 1
Costs of production have also been classified as explicit and implicit
---------------------- From the point of view of the firm, we can say that economic costs are those
payments a firm must make, or incomes it must earn, to owners of factors of
production to attract these resources away form other uses. These payments or
---------------------- incomes may be either explicit or implicit.
(a) Explicit Costs
The money payment, which a firm makes to those ‘outsiders’ who
---------------------- supply labour services, raw materials, transport services, electricity
---------------------- etc. are called explicit costs. Thus, explicit costs are out - of - pocket
costs, i.e. payments made for resources purchased or hired by the firm.
---------------------- These are expenditure costs, like, the salaries and wages paid to the
Explicit costs, implicit cost and normal profits together form the full ----------------------
costs of a firm (economic costs). The entrepreneur must be sure of normal
profits if he is to continue in business. Thus, normal profits are also costs. ----------------------
---------------------- Some factors like raw material, electricity, spare parts and labour
change as the output changes. The cost on these factors is the total
---------------------- variable costs. The total variable costs increase with increase in
TFC ----------------------
Production ----------------------
(4) Average Fixed Costs (AFC) and Average Variable Cost (AVC): ----------------------
AFC is the per unit fixed cost of production which is calculated as: ----------------------
AFC = TFC / Units of Output
Since TFC is constant as production increases; the AFC decreases
as production increases (see fig. shown on the other page). ----------------------
AVC is the per unit variable cost of production which is calculated ----------------------
AVC = TVC / Units of Output
The AVC curve is a U shaped curve, which means that, initially ----------------------
AVC decreases as output increases and later AVC increases as ----------------------
output increases (see fig. shown below).
---------------------- AFC
---------------------- O X
(i) The fixed factor is used in a better way in the initial stage of ----------------------
production therefore, the AFC falls steeply and thus AC falls steeply.
(ii) The average variable cost falls initially till the normal capacity of
the machine is used up, because the variable factors are used only ----------------------
to assist the fixed factors, therefore initially AC falls steeply.
But after a certain stage, the AC will register a sharp rise because,
(i) The fixed factors are used up, and further production is possible
only with more of variable factors, the TVC curve increases sharply ----------------------
as output increases, therefore, the AVC also increases sharply, and
it cannot be offset by the slow fall in AFC over larger output. Thus ----------------------
fixity of factors causes the AC to rise sharply over larger output.
---------------------- 1. Money payment which the firm makes to the “outsiders” who supply
labour services, raw material, electricity, etc. are called ____________.
---------------------- 2. The cost of self-owned resources, which are employed by the firm are
---------------------- non-expenditure. These are referred to as __________.
3. The costs, which remain fixed irrespective of the level of output is
called ______ cost.
---------------------- State True or False.
---------------------- 1. Normal profits are also costs.
---------------------- 2. To the economist, “profit” means total revenue minus all costs.
3. Variable costs do not vary with the level of output.
The determinants of demand have already been discussed in the unit
---------------------- “Demand Analysis and Forecasting.” The idea was to identify the more
important determinants of demand, so that each determinant might be taken
---------------------- care of at the time of a forecast. Now, the more important determinants of cost
---------------------- have to be identified, so that each determinant might be forecast, and we are
able to arrive at a realistic picture of cost behaviour in the future. There are so
---------------------- many factors which determine cost that is virtually impossible to enumerate
them. However, it is possible to identify the more important factors of cost
---------------------- which influence cost pattern or cost behaviour.
---------------------- When the factors which influence or constitute cost are spelt out, it is
possible to build up the cost function. Generally speaking the prices of inputs,
---------------------- the rate of output, the size of the plant, the technology used broadly constitute
---------------------- the cost. In other words, cost is a function of prices, of inputs, the rate of
output, the size of the plant and technology.
Now, the cost-input function can also be written as
C = f (La Kb Mc) ----------------------
where C denotes the cost which is a function of L (labour) and a the ----------------------
price of the factor labour. K denotes the quantity of capital, b the price
of capital and Mc denotes materials and the price of materials. These ----------------------
input factors, namely, labour, capital and materials, multiplied by their ----------------------
quantities, determine the cost. The quantities which are bought, however,
depend upon their prices. ----------------------
It has already been indicated that producers generally try to combine ----------------------
the factors of production in such a way as to minimize cost. In other
words, they go on substituting one factor for another till all the costlier ----------------------
factors are replaced by the factors which are cheaper. This is known as
the process of substitution. The purpose of this substitution is to enable
the management to arrive at the least - cost combination of factors of ----------------------
Check your Progress 3
Fill in the blanks. ----------------------
1. Cost is the _____________ of prices, inputs, rate of output, size of ----------------------
plant, technology.
2. Producers generally try to combine the factors of production in such ----------------------
a way as to ___________ cost. ----------------------
3. Breakeven point is reached when a firm makes neither __________
nor __________. ----------------------
Activity 2
1. There are two discussions happening at the same time in two ----------------------
different rooms. You have to bring out the focus of each one of these
(whether it is cost-input or cost-output). Needless to say, you are to ----------------------
reason out your verdict.
i. One group is talking about trade union’s demand for better
bargaining power, the need for improving working conditions. ----------------------
ii. The other group is talking about the problem with the other ----------------------
workers arising because of the minimum capacity of the
machine being too low and that workers are wasting their ----------------------
time doing the same odd job all the day.
Summary ----------------------
●● The concept of cost of production is a very important one. It plays a major
role in determining the market supply of a commodity. A firm aims at ----------------------
profit maximization, which in turn depends on product prices and the
costs of production. ----------------------
●● Costs may be nominal costs or real costs. The former is the money cost of ----------------------
production and the latter is the opportunity cost of production.
●● This unit introduces us to the various cost concepts that are well illustrated
that give the reader a good idea about the same. ----------------------
●● Accounting costs are money costs or expenses of production that are
paid for by the producer or the entrepreneur. These are explicit costs that
---------------------- Keywords
●● Accounting Costs : Money costs that are paid by the producer.
---------------------- ●● Average Fixed Cost : Total fixed cost divided by total unit of output.
---------------------- ●● Average Variable Costs : Total variable cost divided by total unit of
---------------------- ●● Average Cost : Aggregate of average fixed cost and average variable
---------------------- costs.
●● Cost-Input Relationship : Study of prices of various inputs which make
---------------------- up the cost.
---------------------- ●● Cost-Output Relationship : Study and the analysis of how the costs vary
with the level of output.
●● Explicit Costs : Costs which enter the books of accounts.
---------------------- ●● Economic Costs : Aggregate of explicit costs, implicit costs and normal
---------------------- profits.
Self-Assessment Questions
1. Differentiate between Accounting Costs and Opportunity Costs.
2. Elaborate on the full costs to a firm.
3. Show graphically the relationship between Total Fixed Costs, Total ----------------------
Average Costs and Marginal Costs.
4. Explain how a firm achieves its ‘break-even point’, illustrate with the
help of Total Revenue and Total Cost Method. ----------------------
5. Why are Short Run Average Cost Curves U-shaped? ----------------------
6. Write short notes on : ----------------------
a. Fixed and Variable Costs
b. Economic Profits
c. Explicit & Implicit Cost
d. Historical and Replacement Costs ----------------------
1. Empirical costs distinguish accounting costs from the economic costs. ----------------------
2. The concept of opportunity cost is used for measuring profits, policy ----------------------
decisions of the firm, forming capital budget and alternatives available to
the firm. ----------------------
---------------------- 1. Cost is the function of prices, inputs, rate of output, size of plant,
2. Producers generally try to combine the factors of production in such a
---------------------- way as to minimise cost
3. Breakeven point is reached when a firm makes neither profit nor loss.
Structure: 9
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Concept of Market
9.3 Classification of Market based on the nature of Competition
9.4 Pure Competition
9.5 Perfect Competition
9.6 Demand Curve under Perfect Competition
9.7 Working of Price Mechanism under Perfect Competition
9.8 Equilibrium of Firm and Industry under Perfect Competition
Key Words
Self-Assessment Questions
Answers to Check your Progress
Suggested Reading
Demand and Supply are powerful forces operating in markets. They act
and react upon each other and determine the price of a product. In the previous
---------------------- chapters, we have already studied the nature of Demand and Supply. In this
chapter we propose to study the market where these forces are constantly at
---------------------- work. An attempt is, therefore, made in the following few paragraphs to define
the term ‘market’ and explain the nature of competition.
Pure Perfect
---------------------- Activity 1
In a huge stadium there is a “car mela” − an open ground for the direct
---------------------- buying and selling. Different models of different companies are displayed
on the huge podium. They have come from different cities from across the
---------------------- nation. Hundreds of people have assembled looking out for the right buy for
---------------------- themselves. The luxury cars have been displayed a little away from the main
ground and there is an entry fee of Rs 100 per person (age 4 and above).
From the example given above, you have to point out those factors, which
---------------------- suit the conditions of perfect competition and those which do not. Give
reasons for your answer.
---------------------- S
---------------------- O M
---------------------- Quantity Demanded/Supplied
---------------------- In the figure quantity demanded and sold is shown on the X- axis and the
price is shown on the Y- axis. DD is the demand curve showing total demand
at different prices, and SS is the supply curve representing the quantity
---------------------- supplied at different prices. The demand curve and the supply curve balance
each other at point E. This point is called on Equilibrium point. Under perfect
---------------------- competition, the equilibrium price would, therefore, be Rs.230/- per metre
and at this price quantity OM would be sold in the market.
(B) Changes in Equilibrium Price
The equilibrium price, determined by the interaction of demand and
---------------------- supply need not remain constant. It can change with every change in
the relative positions of demand supply. For example, if some festival
---------------------- is forthcoming, demand for a product would increase. The supply being
---------------------- constant, price would rise. Similarly, during a slack season, demand may
fall, but supply being constant, price would fall, changes in supply would
---------------------- also influence the equilibrium price. For example, in a particular year, the
cotton crop may be affected on account of natural calamities. Supply of
---------------------- cotton in this case is reduced; but demand being constant, price of cotton
---------------------- textiles would rise. There is a third possibility; demand and supply may
both change simultaneously.In all the three cases, the equilibrium price
---------------------- would change. It is worthwhile to see how changes in demand, changes
in supply and changes in both, affect the equilibrium price.
(1) Changes in Demand
---------------------- Changes in Demand
---------------------- D
Price Per Unit
P1 F
---------------------- P E
---------------------- D1
---------------------- O M M1
Price Per Unit
Quantity Demanded/Supplied
In the figure, the quantity is shown on the X-axis and the price
is shown on the Y- axis. DD is the demand curve and SS is the ----------------------
original supply curve. These curves balance each other at point
E; i.e. equilibrium point. OP is, therefore, the equilibrium price. ----------------------
Now, S1S1 is the new supply curve which shows a reduction in the ----------------------
supply. The new supply curve S1S1 intersects the demand curve
at a new equilibrium point E1. OP1 would, therefore, be the new ----------------------
price. This means that the total supply has diminished from OM to
OM1; and at the same time, price has risen from OP to OP1. ----------------------
Quantity Demanded/Supplied
In the figure, DD is the original demand curve and SS is the original
---------------------- supply curve. They balance each other at point E. The equilibrium
price is, therefore, OP. Now D1D1 is the new demand curve which
shows a higher demand, and S1S1 is the new supply curve. The new
---------------------- equilibrium price would, therefore, be OP1.
---------------------- The equilibrium point is now showing at a higher pirce because the
incease in demand is higher than the increase in supply. Thus in this
---------------------- situation, the demand is till higher than the supply coming to the
market. The demand is not fully met and hence the price rises.
This may hold true in the short period, when the supply is relatively
---------------------- inelastic (cannot respond very fast to the changing demand ) and
remains at a level lower than the increased demand.
(C) Laws of Demand, Supply and Price
From the foregoing discussion the following laws of demand, supply and
---------------------- price can be stated :
(1) Under perfect competition, price of a product is determined by the
interaction of total demand and total supply in the market. This is
---------------------- called ‘Equilibrium Price.’
(2) If demand increases, supply being constant, the price would rise. If
demand falls, supply being constant, price would fall.
---------------------- (3) If supply is reduced, demand being constant, price would rise and if
---------------------- supply increases, demand being constant, the price would fall.
(4) If a change occurs in demand and supply simultaneously, a new
---------------------- equilibrium price is established.
---------------------- (D) Dr. Alfred Marshall’s Classification of Market on the Basis of Time
---------------------- The above laws of demand, supply and price, however, constitute the
general framework of price determination. As Marshall has elegantly
---------------------- pointed out, time element plays an important role in determination of
price. Marshall has classified the period of time under four heads; but
Price Per Unit
Quantity Demanded/Supplied
In figure, SS is the supply curve representing perfectly inelastic or ----------------------
a fixed supply in the market period. ----------------------
Since supply cannot be increased or decreased in a very short
period, the supply curve is vertical to the X-axis. Demand is shown
by different demand curves, i.e. DD, D1D1 and D2D2. Accordingly, ----------------------
OP would be the price if demand is shown by the curve DD. If on
the next day, only a few customers come, demand would be shown ----------------------
by D1D1 and the price would fall to OP1. If on some other day,
demand is higher it would be shown by D2D2 and the price would
rise to OP2. Thus, price in the market period is determined from the ----------------------
demand side, and supply plays a passive role.
In the figure, the supply curve is positively sloping, the equilibrium
price is OP at which quantity supplied the equal quantity demanded
---------------------- OQ.
(3) Long-Run
In the longrun, the supply of goods can be adjusted to the demand,
---------------------- Dr. Marshall has taken an example of durable goods, which are
---------------------- sold in the long run. Durable goods such as wheat, rice, oil, textiles
etc. can be stored for some time. Their supply can be increased or
---------------------- reduced according to the demand. Since the supply is adjustable,
supply curve is horizontal to the X-axis. The sellers of durable
---------------------- goods are unwilling to sell unless they recover a minimum price.
---------------------- This price is based on the cost of production. Producers of durable
goods would not, therefore, sell unless the cost of production is
---------------------- recovered. If the price is less, they would hold back the supply from
the market. On the other hand, if they are getting the minimum
---------------------- expected price which covers the cost of production, they would be
---------------------- prepared to sell more. i.e., they would increase the supply at the
same price.
---------------------- It is because of this theory, that hoarding takes place. Huge amounts
---------------------- of grains, rice, sugar, wheat, jowar or bajra are stored in godowns
by the undisputed people, both in rural as well as urban areas. It
---------------------- is more incidental in rural areas in India, since the villagers are
illiterate and unaware and the checks by the rationing inspectors
---------------------- is on a low key. The sathebaaj dalal (as they are termed) will not
---------------------- release the product to the market till they are happy with the on-
going price. They can be greedy and at times deliberately withhold
---------------------- in order to fetch a higher price. They bring in artificial shortages
Price Per Unit
Quantity Demanded/Supplied
In figure, the supply curve is horizontal to the X-axis because it is ----------------------
adjustable to demand. Here, price of the product would be OP which
covers the cost of production. In this case, an increase or decrease
in demand would not influence the price because it is based on the ----------------------
cost of production. If less people come, a small quantity would be
supplied and if more people come, a larger quantity would be sold ----------------------
at the same price.
We can see from the above graph, that there is zero supply below the
price OP. But at anything higher than this price, there is unlimited ----------------------
supply – as much as the market wants. For instance, there is a
showroom selling many types of white goods like T.V.s (different ----------------------
types like right from 12 inch to 72 inch T.V. screens, then we have
the regular T.V., flat screen T.V., plasma T.V., LCD, projection T.V.),
refrigerators (like single –door, double-door, frost-free, or non- ----------------------
frost-free) VCD players, DVD players, various audio application
systems right from cassette to IPOD and audio systems like two- ----------------------
in-one, CD systems, home theatres, 5.1 DTS surround, 7.1 DTS
surround. They all have a tag price. Buyers coming in to buy have ----------------------
to pay the said price in order to get the good of their choice. If they ----------------------
don’t they will be shown the door – of course very politely. It is a
take-it-or-leave-it market in the world of today. ----------------------
It will be seen that in the long run, supply plays a dominant role and ----------------------
demand is passive in determining the price.
---------------------- An industry is a group of firms dealing in the same line of business. The
ownership and management of each firm may be different; but since all
---------------------- such firms are engaged in the production of the same commodity, they
are collectively called an industry. Thus Swadeshi Mills in Mumbai is
---------------------- a firm dealing in textiles. Similarly, Shriram Mills is another firm and
Kohinoor Mills is still another firm dealing in textiles. But when we take
into account all the textile firms in India we describe them collectively
---------------------- as the cotton textile industry of India. Similarly, we can say about the
automobile industry, in which there are companies like HONDA,
202 Managerial Economics
(B) Concept of Equilibrium Notes
The term equilibrium is frequently used in economic theory. Thus, there is
an equilibrium of a consumer, an equilibrium of a firm or an equilibrium ----------------------
of an industry. Since the concept occupies a central position in the theory ----------------------
of value it is necessary to know the meaning of the term equilibrium.
A consumer who spends his income on various goods may derive ----------------------
satisfaction from the consumption of those goods. When consumer ----------------------
maximizes his satisfaction he is said to be in equilibrium. In the case of
a firm, equilibrium is reached when the firm’s profits are maximized. The ----------------------
ultimate aim of every firm is to maximize its profits and that of every
consumer is to maximize his satisfaction. Accordingly, the firm tries to ----------------------
reach the stage of maximum profit by adjusting its output.
In the initial stages, when production is on a small scale, the margin of
profit is small. But when the scale of production is increased the average ----------------------
cost goes on diminishing and the margin of profit goes on increasing.
After some time, the disadvantages of large-scale production begin to
operate. As a result, the difference between the selling price and the cost ----------------------
goes on diminishing. Even though the margin of profit is reduced, there is
still some addition to the total profits. It is, therefore, worthwhile to carry ----------------------
on production for some more time. Finally, a point is reached when cost
of production exceeds the selling price. From this point, losses begin to
occur. Every firm would, therefore, stop to produce. At this point, the total ----------------------
profit is maximum and the firm is said to be in equilibrium. Like a firm,
an industry can also achieve its equilibrium when all the firms in the ----------------------
industry are in equilibrium.
(C) Equilibrium of Firm
There are two methods to study the equilibrium of a firm. viz.
(a) Total Cost and Total Revenue method, and
(b) Marginal Cost and Marginal Revenue method. ----------------------
Before we examine these methods, it is worthwhile to know the ----------------------
assumptions on which our analysis is based :
(a) It is presumed that a firm is managed as a sole proprietary concern.
This would enable us to study the behaviour of an individual. ----------------------
(b) Every individual proprietor aims at profit maximization and he ----------------------
exhibits rational economic behaviour.
(c) It is also assumed that the firm is producing only one commodity. ----------------------
It is possible to consider a firm producing more commodities, but ----------------------
in that case, our analysis would become more complicated. For the
sake of simplicity we, therefore, assume that the firm is producing ----------------------
only one commodity.
In figure, MC is the marginal cost curve and MR is the marginal revenue
---------------------- curve. Similarly, AC is the average cost curve and AR is the average
revenue curve. When OM output is produced, MC and MR curves balance
---------------------- each other at point E. At this point, the firm’s profits are maximum and
---------------------- the firm is in equilibrium. If smaller output is produced than OM the
marginal cost is smaller than marginal revenue, which means that addition
---------------------- to the cost is less than addition to the revenue by producing more output.
This means that there is scope to earn more profits by increasing output.
---------------------- Output will, therefore, be increased from OL to OM. When production is
---------------------- OL, average cost is LH and average revenue is LG. Profit per unit is HG.
Since there is marginal profit, output will be carried on upto OM. After
---------------------- the point OM, marginal cost would exceed the marginal revenue; and
the firm’s profit will begin to fall, because more is added to cost than to
---------------------- revenue by increasing output. For example, if ON output is produced, KN
---------------------- is the average cost and SN is the average revenue. There is a profit per
unit to the extent of SK, which is less than QD (profit per unit at output
---------------------- OM). Therefore, it would not be worthwhile to produce ON output. The
Cost / Revenue
Under perfect competition, no firm can fix the price or influence it by ----------------------
its own action. Price is determined by the interaction of total demand
and total supply in the market. Under these circumstances the firm has to ----------------------
satisfy both the conditions to achieve its equilibrium, viz. ----------------------
(i) Its marginal revenue should be equal to marginal cost, and
(ii) Marginal cost curve should cut the marginal revenue curve from
below. ----------------------
The general rule of firm’s equilibrium under perfect competition is shown ----------------------
in the figure.
In the Figure, the straight line PL shows marginal revenue as well as
average revenue. The curve MC shows the marginal cost. When price is ----------------------
OP, marginal cost curve cuts the marginal revenue curve from below, at
point R. Therefore, the firm will be in equilibrium when its output is OM ----------------------
and the price is OP. ----------------------
(3) Short-Run Equilibrium
Although we have discussed the general rule of firm’s equilibrium under
perfect competition, it is worthwhile to follow Dr. Marshall’s classification ----------------------
of time - period into short-run and long-run. In particular, we would like
to see how a firm achieves its equilibrium in the following circumstances:
(i) When the firm earns supernormal profits. ----------------------
(ii) When the firm earns only normal profits. ----------------------
Price Cost / Revenue
Price Cost / Revenue
Output (units)
If the price falls further to P4 and is less than the average variable
cost, the firm cannot afford to carry on its production. Here the firm ----------------------
is neither able to stop its fixed cost, nor the average variable cost.
Even in the short-run the firm will have to stop its production. This ----------------------
would be clear form the above figure. ----------------------
In the above figure, price has fallen to P4. This price does not cover
even the average variable cost. The firm will, therefore, have to stop ----------------------
its production at point D, price OP3 and output OM2. ----------------------
(D) Long - Run Equilibrium
In the long-run every firm gets sufficient time to adjust its output in
relation to the demand. It also finds time to buy new machinery or to ----------------------
Price Cost / Revenue
---------------------- Output (units)
(E) Equilibrium of Industry
When all the firms engaged in an industry are in equilibrium, the industry
---------------------- as a whole is in equilibrium. This means that equilibrium is established by
---------------------- total supply and total demand in the industry.
If demand is more than the supply, production may be increased.
---------------------- Conversely, if the demand is less than the supply, the output may be
---------------------- curtailed. Such changes in the output can not take place when the industry is
in equilibrium. Equilibrium of the industry is determined by total demand
---------------------- and total supply. The price is also fixed by total demand and total supply
Check your Progress 2
State True or False. ----------------------
1. Under perfect competition, each firm is considered as a price-taker
and not price-maker. ----------------------
---------------------- Summary
---------------------- ●● The unit begins with the concept of a ‘market’, depicting local, national
and international markets. The modern view as given by economist,
Jevons tells that there are no restrictions for a commodity on the products’
---------------------- location (its placement in the market) and also that of the buyers and
sellers in the market.
---------------------- ●● Pure Competition is differentiated from Perfect Competition. The former
---------------------- is featured on the basis of a large number of buyers and sellers, product
homogeneity, and free entry and exit of firms. A Perfect Competition
---------------------- features - in addition to the above - perfect knowledge of market conditions
by all those operating in the said market, bringing in no discrimination
---------------------- amongst buyers on the basis of caste, creed or colour. It further assumes
---------------------- no transportation cost, perfect mobility of factors of production and
automatic price mechanism.
---------------------- ●● In this unit, we study the various concepts and situations arising under
---------------------- conditions of Perfect Competition.
●● The demand curve is a perfectly elastic curve, which represents the
---------------------- Average Revenue curve as well; this reflects that every firm is a price-
---------------------- taker; a single firm hence is no position to affect the market supply.
●● The equilibrium price is determined by the market forces of demand and
---------------------- supply.
---------------------- ●● Under Perfect Competition, for a firm to be in equilibrium, the conditions
are : (1) MR = MC and (2) MC curve must cut the MR curve from below.
---------------------- The output and the price at which this happens are the equilibrium output
and the equilibrium price respectively.
●● The very interesting part of the unit comes with the four clauses that
---------------------- are given on the basis of the time-period classification. The graphical
explanation of the 4 circumstances from the firm earning super normal
profits to finally closing down its production is worth a good study.
---------------------- ●● This unit thus highlights features of a perfectly competitive market – the
behavioural patterns, the price and output determination and the process
of attaining equilibrium of the firm and the industry as a whole.
●● Entry of Firms : Firms can start business and thus can become a part of
the already existing transacting ground, add to the total supply coming to ----------------------
the market and enjoy consumer demand.
●● Exit of Firms : When firms discontinue to remain in business, when they ----------------------
continue to incur losses. ----------------------
●● Equilibrium : State at which consumer achieves maximum satisfaction
and firm achieves maximum profit. ----------------------
●● Marginal Revenue : Addition made to the total revenue as a result of the ----------------------
sale of one more unit of output.
●● Market : Transacting ground for buyers and sellers.
●● Total Revenue : Total receipts from the sale of a given ouput. ----------------------
Self-Assessment Questions
1. Elaborate on the features of Perfect Competition.
2. How is the price of the product determined under conditions of perfect
competition in the short run and in the long run? ----------------------
3. For an industry to be in equilibrium, the pre-requisite or the effect of it is ----------------------
that all the firms in the industry are earning only normal profits. Why is it
so? ----------------------
4. What are the conditions of equilibrium for a firm under Perfect ----------------------
5. Write in full about a firm’s business journey from earning super normal
profits to finally shutting down its office, in view of Dr. Alfred Marshall’s ----------------------
classification of time-period.
6. Write short notes on:
a. Market – local, national and international ----------------------
---------------------- 2. The products sold by different sellers under pure competition are
---------------------- Check your progress 2
---------------------- State True or False.
---------------------- 1. True
2. False
3. True
4. False
Fill in the blanks.
---------------------- 1. Under perfect competition price is determined by interaction of total
demand and total supply.
2. When demand and supply curves balance each other it is called the
---------------------- equilibrium point.
---------------------- 3. A group of firms operating in the same line of business is called an
4. Under perfect competition when all the firms engaged in an industry are
---------------------- in equilibrium, the industry is said to be in equilibrium.
Suggested Reading
1. Baumol W. J. 1996. Economics Theory and Operations Analysis. Prentice
---------------------- Hall Inc.
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Monopoly
10.3 Distinction between Perfect Competition and Monopoly
10.4 Determination of Price and Output (Equilibrium Under Monopoly)
10.5 Price Discrimination under Monopoly
10.6 Conditions of Equilibrium under Price-Discrimination
10.7 Equilibrium under Discriminating Monopoly
10.8 Dumping
10.9 Degrees of Price Discrimination
10.10 Monopolistic Competition
10.11 Determination of Price and Output under Monopolistic Competition
10.12 Comparison of Long-Run Equilibrium under Perfect Competition and
Monopolistic Competition
10.13 Monopsony
10.14 Oligopoly and Duopoly
10.15 Miscellaneous Issues in Monopolistic Competition
Key Words
Self-Assessment Questions
Answers to Check your Progress
Suggested Reading
---------------------- (i) Single Producer : For monopoly to exist only one producer should
be in the market. The producer may be an individual, a partnership
---------------------- firm, the Government or a joint-stock company.
AR/Demand Curve ----------------------
Units of output ----------------------
(D) The Demand Curve Under Monopoly ----------------------
Under monopoly, there is only one seller who controls the entire supply in the
market. Since there is only one producer or one seller he can fix the price of ----------------------
his product. In order to maximize his profit, he may raise the price frequently. ----------------------
He may exploit the consumers by charging an exorbitant price. Since there
are no other sellers, the buyers have no alternative than to buy from the ----------------------
monopolist. Indeed, all buyers are put at the mercy of the monopolist.
Many times, monopolies are created under law. Urban transport, supply
of cooking gas and electricity and such other public utilities are usually ----------------------
managed as monopolies. Such monopolies are called Natural Monopolies.
On the other hand, if a producer acquires monopoly on the basis of Patent
Laws, it is a case of an Artificial Monopoly. ----------------------
Indian Railways is a classic example of monopoly, which is created by the
government in the interest of the general public. Creation of atomic energy
is also in the hands of the government. At the international level, Bill Gates' ----------------------
Microsoft is an example of very close to monopoly, in the field of IT.
Price Price
---------------------- AR & P AR = MR AR &
---------------------- AR
O Units of output X O Units of output X
Under perfect competition the demand curve (AR) of a firm is perfectly
---------------------- elastic and the price is fixed at OP.
---------------------- Where as in diagram (ii) the demand curve AR is sloping downwards to
the right and the price (AR) on the Y - axis can be at any point as decided
---------------------- by the monopolist.
---------------------- (b) Under perfect competition there are many firms in an industry; and all
of them are selling homogeneous products; but under monopoly the
---------------------- distinction between firm and industry recedes in the background. Since
---------------------- there is only one seller, firm and industry is the same under monopoly.
(c) Under perfect competition there is a free entry and a free exit of firms.
There are no hindrances to the new producers who desire to enter the
---------------------- industry. But under monopoly entry of new firms is prohibited. For
example, in India no new firm can be started to deal in railways; because
---------------------- the monopoly of railways has been entrusted to the Indian Railways.
---------------------- (d) Under perfect competition, every seller is charging the same price in
the long run and is making normal profits. If a particular firm charges a
---------------------- slightly higher price the customers would turn to other sellers. But under
(e) Since under monopoly, average cost is much lower than the price, the ----------------------
monopolist can earn supernormal profits in the long run. Under perfect
competition, however, a firm can earn only the Normal profits in the long
run. If it earns supernormal profits, there will be entry of new firms and ----------------------
this profit would be shared by all the firms. Ultimately, the firm would
earn only the normal profit. Under monopoly, the entry of new firms being ----------------------
prohibited, the monopolist can earn supernormal profits in the long run.
(f) Since there are many firms operating under perfect competition, total
output in the society is larger and the price charged is also reasonable. ----------------------
But under monopoly, total output is smaller and the price charged is
(EQUILIBRIUM UNDER MONOPOLY) ----------------------
AR ----------------------
MR ----------------------
O Output (units) X ----------------------
Short - run ----------------------
A monopolist can make either normal profits or supernormal profits in
the short-run. A monopolist making sub-normal profits will remain in
production in the short-run so long as its AVC is covered. ----------------------
---------------------- In the figure, E1 is the point of equilibrium, OQ1 is the equilibrium output
and OP1 is the equilibrium price.
AC = A1Q1 AR = A1Q1
AC = AR, the firm makes normal profits.
---------------------- Super-Normal Profits
Price Cost / Revenue
Output (units)
In the above figure, E2 is the point of equilibrium, OQ2 is the equilibrium
---------------------- output, OP2 is the equilibrium price.
---------------------- AC = A2Q2
---------------------- AR = R2Q2
AR > AC, the firm makes Super- Normal profits equal to the area given
by P2R2A2C2
---------------------- Sub-Normal Profits Covering AVC
Price Cost / Revenue
In the figure, E3 is the point of equilibrium, OQ3 is the equilibrium output, ----------------------
OP3 is the equilibrium price.
AC = A3Q3
AR = R3Q3, AVC = R3Q3
AR < AC, the firm makes sub-normal profits equal to C3A3R3P3. Even
though the firm makes losses, it continues to produce in the short-run ----------------------
because AVC is covered.
(B) Long - run equilibrium under Monopoly
A firm under monopoly may make normal profits in the long-run; ----------------------
however, it tries to make super-normal (abnormal) profits in the long-
run. The LRAC is flatter than the short-run average cost curve, but the
conditions of equilibrium are the same as in the short-run. ----------------------
E0 is the point of equilibrium, OQ0 the equilibrium output, OP0 equilibrium ----------------------
AR = R0Q0. AC = C0Q0, AR > AC so the firm makes super - normal profits ----------------------
equal to P0R0C0P. ----------------------
---------------------- Activity 1
---------------------- Can you think of two examples of monopoly (or close to monopoly) at the
local level and at the national and international level?
PRICE-DISCRIMINATION ----------------------
(A) MR = MC (B) MRA = MRB where A and B are two markets. ----------------------
On the basis of these assumptions, let us understand when price ----------------------
discrimination would be profitable.
Let us presume that the monopolist sells his product in market A and
market B. Demand in market A is inelastic or rigid and demand in market B is ----------------------
very elastic i.e. responsive to the changes in price. Under such circumstances
the monopolist would raise the price in market A. His sales in this market would ----------------------
not be affected because demand is inelastic. On the other hand, the demand in
market B being elastic, a slight reduction in the price would increase the sales. ----------------------
The monopolist would, therefore, raise the price in market A and would reduce ----------------------
it in market B. The volume of sales in market A would remain more or less the
same, but sales in market B will increase, on account of reduction in the price ----------------------
would increase the sales. The monopolist would, therefore, raise the price in
market A and would reduce it in market B. The volume of sales in market A ----------------------
would remain more or less the same, but sales in market B will increase, on
account of reduction in the price. Naturally, the monopolist would have to divert
the supply from market A to market B. If sales in market A are slightly reduced ----------------------
on the account of higher price, this loss would be compensated by an increase in
sales in market B. A pertinent question that arises here is that how long supply ----------------------
would be transferred form market A to market B ? The answer to this question
is that the supply would be diverted so long as the marginal revenue earned in ----------------------
market B is higher than the marginal revenue earned in market A. The transfer ----------------------
of supply from market A to market B would be stopped when marginal revenue
in both the markets is equal. At this point, total profit earned by the monopolist ----------------------
is maximum and he is in equilibrium.
To give an instance of price discrimination under monopoly, again we
can say about Indian railways. The system charges two different fares from ----------------------
the passenger travelling in First Class AC chair car and First Class and Second
Class. ----------------------
MSEB charge two different prices for one unit of electricity sold from ----------------------
households and industrial undertakings. The domestic rate varies with the level
of consumption; the rate increases as the level of consumption level of the ----------------------
household increase. For example, it is Rs. 1.50 per unit (all inclusive i.e. metre ----------------------
Price /Cost/Revenue
Price /Cost/Revenue
---------------------- AR1
Output Output Output
---------------------- Consider two markets, market A with relatively inelastic demand and
---------------------- market B with relatively elastic demand.
In figure 3, E is the point of equilibrium where MR = MC, OQ is the total
---------------------- output of the firm. This is to be sold in the two markets at different prices.
---------------------- In Market B, E2 is the point at which MC = MR which is related to MR2.
OQ2 is the output sold in market B and at price OP2.
In Market A, E1 is the point at which MC = MR which is related to MR1.
---------------------- OQ1 is the output sold in market A sold and at price OP1.
---------------------- Thus, OQ = OQ1 + OQ2
---------------------- The price in market A is higher than the price in market B; and the sales
in market A are lower than the sales in market B.
---------------------- The total revenue to the firm, however, increases because of price-
---------------------- discrimination.
Check your Progress 2
Fill in the blanks.
1. Price discrimination is possible under legal sanction, nature of
_________, ___________ barrier and ignorance of _________. ----------------------
Under which conditions can you resort to price discrimination if you are
a seller of your labour service? How will you succeed in your endeavour? ----------------------
10.9 DEGREES OF PRICE DISCRIMINATION ----------------------
The degrees of price discrimination have been elegantly shown by Prof. ----------------------
A. C. Pigou. According to him, there are three degrees of price discrimination.
(a) Under the first degree, the monopolist charges the highest price. This does
not leave any consumer's surplus to the buyers. An example of this degree ----------------------
is provided by a surgeon or a barrister who charges the maximum fees.
(b) Under the second degree of price discrimination, the monopolist does
not charge different prices to individual customers. Instead, he classifies ----------------------
the customers into certain groups according to the level of their incomes.
Thus, he may classify the customers into the rich, middle class and poor ----------------------
customers. He charges different prices to different groups of people.
The example of this type is provided by a railway company that charges
different fares to II class, I class and Air-conditioned class passengers. ----------------------
---------------------- Cost/Price/Revenue
---------------------- Output
---------------------- In the figure, MR is the marginal revenue curve and AR is the average
revenue curve. Similarly, AC is the average cost curve and MC is the marginal
---------------------- cost curve. Here, the price is OP and the total profit is TSPP'. The profit is
shown by the shaded area. This profit is supernormal. An existing firm can also
---------------------- incur losses in the short- run. If the position of demand and cost is unfavorable,
---------------------- the firm may incur losses as shown below :
Losses under Monopolistic Competition
---------------------- In figure, AC is the average cost curve and it is higher than the average
P ----------------------
E AR ----------------------
In the figure, AR is the average revenue curve and MR is the marginal ----------------------
revenue curve. Similarly, MC is the marginal cost curve and AC is the average
cost curve. The average cost curve touches the average revenue curve at point T. ----------------------
At point E, MC = MR, OM is the ideal output and OP is the price. At this price
and output the firm's profit is maximum and it is in equilibrium.
(C) Group Equilibrium under Monopolistic Competition ----------------------
We have seen how equilibrium of a firm is reached under monopolistic ----------------------
competition. We have now to see how and when the equilibrium of all the firms
is reached. Under monopolistic competition, the number of sellers is large and ----------------------
each seller is selling his product under a particular brand name. These products
are not homogeneous, but are differentiated from each other. It is therefore,
difficult to analyse the conditions of group equilibrium where different firms ----------------------
are selling different products. For the sake of simplicity of analysis, we would
therefore, make the following assumptions : ----------------------
(a) Competing firms are selling more or less the same product. ----------------------
(b) The share of every firm in the total sales is equal. ----------------------
---------------------- E1
Pp ARp = MRp
---------------------- Em
---------------------- MRm
---------------------- O Qm Qp
4. OQp > OQm Output under perfect 4. OQm < OQp Output under ----------------------
competition is more than output monopolistic competition is less
under monopolistic competition. than under perfect competition.
5. Full capacity used up because 5. Waste of capacity is equal to Qm ----------------------
equilibrium output is optimum Qp because equilibrium output
output. is less than optimum output.
“Wastes of competition.” ----------------------
6. Firm is in full - equilibrium ARp 6. Firm is not in full equilibrium i.e.
= MRp = LRMC = LRAC it produces at the falling portion
of the LRAC ----------------------
7. OPp equilibrium price is less than 7. OPm equilibrium price is more
price OPm under monopolistic than OPp price under perfect
competition. competition. ----------------------
8. Firm makes normal profits. 8. Firm makes normal profits.
(ARp = AC - Ep Qp) at OQp output. (ARm = AC = E1Qm) at OQm
output. ----------------------
We can the conclude, that, the long - run price is lower and output is higher
under perfect competition as compared to under monopolistic competition. ----------------------
Another type of imperfect competition is called Monopsony. Under
Monopsony, there are many sellers but only one buyer. The buyer is influential ----------------------
and determines the price of the product. He may exploit the sellers by offering ----------------------
a very low price. An example of monopsony in India is provided by the Cotton
Corporation of India who purchases all cotton grown by the farmers. Since ----------------------
there is only one buyer the CCI can influence the prices of cotton. Monopsony
is the opposite form of Monopoly. If there is one seller (monopoly) and one ----------------------
buyer (monopsony) then it is a case of Bilateral monopoly. ----------------------
One example can be given that of the Indian Army, who is the single
---------------------- Activity 3
Is dumping a threat to fair and free trade? Cite the adverse effects of
---------------------- dumping on the Indian economy.
(v) Price - Control : Firms under oligopoly / duopoly are mutually ----------------------
dependent. Thus, all firms actions results in the reaction by other
firms. ----------------------
If one firm reduces the price of its product, other firms will follow. The ----------------------
first firm will again reduce its price, the other firms will again follow. This
process can continue till the price falls even below the cost of production. ----------------------
This situation is called a price - war. Thus, there is a tendency that one of ----------------------
the firms not reducing its price to start with. Similarly, if a firm increases
the price of its product, other firms will not follow. The first firm will ----------------------
therefore, lose its customers. To start with, therefore, the first firm will not
increase its price. ----------------------
The above explanation leads us to the conclusion, that prices tend to be ----------------------
sticky or rigid under oligopoly / duopoly.
Companies like Procter and Gamble and Hindustan Lever both are into
the manufacture of soaps, detergents, shampoo, etc. Companies like Hero ----------------------
Honda, Bajaj Auto, Escorts Yamaha, TVS, Kinetic, Hindustan Lever,
are into the manufacture of two-wheelers. The mobile industry has two
segments - one the service provider and the other providing hand-sets. In ----------------------
Price (AR)
---------------------- D1
---------------------- Since firms under Oligopoly - Duopoly are mutually dependent, there is a
situation of action and reaction by firms. This explains that prices tend to
---------------------- be rigid at OP under Oligopoly / Duopoly.
---------------------- If any firm tries to increase the price of its product above OP, other firms
will not react. This results in a large fall in the quantity demanded of the
---------------------- firm which increases the price of its product. The demand curve (D1K) is
thus relatively elastic.
If however, a firm reduces the price of its product, other firms will also
---------------------- reduce their prices and there would be a price war. The quantity demanded
of the firms' product would increase less than proportionately, the demand
curve (KD2) is therefore, relatively inelastic.
---------------------- Thus, the demand curve under Oligopoly, is a kinky demand curve. Price
---------------------- tends to be rigid at the kink, K.
(C) Equilibrium under Oligopoly
Oligopoly, as we have already noted, is a market structure in which a small
---------------------- number of large firms producing either homogeneous or differentiated
products dominate an industry. A characteristic feature of oligopoly is
that any change in the output or price of one firm almost always provokes
---------------------- retaliation from other producers. This reaction can take many forms. All
the firms may come together to form a cartel or they may openly or tacitly
---------------------- accept the price leadership of the largest firm or firms, may enter into non-
price competition or a situation of price rigidities may prevail. Producers
of differentiated products in oligopoly are actually free to set their own
---------------------- prices. But experience shows that they try to maintain status quo. This is
D ----------------------
P M C1
A R ,M R ,M C
D1 ----------------------
X ----------------------
O utput
MR ----------------------
---------------------- (D) Case Study : Case Name: The Magazine "Cover Gifts" War
Magazines frequently include free gifts on their covers to entice readers.
---------------------- Examples have ranged from Bach CDs to scented candles to DVDs.
---------------------- The gifts started as an attempt to increase readership, but some business
insiders now feel that they have become a serious problem for the industry.
---------------------- According to Simon Kippin, publishing director of Good Housekeeping:
"My colleagues say they wish they had never started doing it because it
---------------------- costs them a fortune." Adds Ian Rockett, business director at MindShare,
---------------------- a media planning and buying agency: "It's often a defensive measure for
publishers. ... Publishers are afraid they will lose the market share if they
---------------------- don't offer gifts to readers." Noleen Wyatt-Jones, group manager of the
press department at Zenith Media, argues that "cover mounting is a very
---------------------- dangerous thing because once you start you cannot get out of it."
---------------------- Analysts say that the situation varies considerably across segments of the
industry. In women's magazines, publishers typically bear a large share of
---------------------- the cost of cover gifts. The magazines often use gifts to enhance the brand
---------------------- image of the magazine. For example, Elle recently offered its readers an
Elle metal key chain. With music, computer, and video-game magazines,
---------------------- however, the cost of gifts is typically covered by the supplier, who pays
Selling Cost
O S1 X
---------------------- Quantity Sold
---------------------- As the sales of the firm increase, the average selling cost (ASC) first
decreases (upto OS1 sales), and then the ASC increases (after OS1
---------------------- sales), thus the ASC curve is a U-shaped curve.
---------------------- Total Selling Cost
---------------------- Quantity Sold
Steeper Demand Curve
Price per unit
D ----------------------
The average cost curve of the firm, AC, moves upwards to AC1 ----------------------
because of selling costs as shown in the following figure :
AC ----------------------
Average Cost
Production ----------------------
---------------------- This does not mean that advertising is done through newspapers, radio or
television. Since any expenditure on sales promotion is included in the
---------------------- selling costs, the producers under monopolistic competition spend on the
following schemes of sales promotion.
(i) Gift Articles : To promote sales, a producer may hand over a gift
---------------------- article to the buyers who purchases the product at the usual price.
A customer who receives the article is permanently attracted to the
---------------------- product. For example, various breads are manufactured and sold by
---------------------- companies like Hindustan, Bharat Bakery, Modern Bakery, Kwality,
Blue Diamond, etc. A few years ago a new bread was introduced by
---------------------- Bakeman Company. The Bakeman bread at once captured the market
because from the very beginning the company was giving stickers
---------------------- along with the bread. Initially the stickers contained pictures of
---------------------- various models of cars. Thereafter, they contained the photographs
of the actors and actresses in the popular T.V. series viz. Mahabharat.
---------------------- The children, therefore, developed a hobby of collecting these
MR AC, E ----------------------
AR ----------------------
O Xe X
Units of Output
Imperfect Competition 243
Notes The equilibrium output is OXe determined by the condition MC =
MR and MC curve cuts the MR curve from below.
---------------------- The equilibrium is achieved on the falling portion of the Average
cost curve and not at the minimum point of AC curve.
The firm can efficiently produce OX level of output at minimum
---------------------- point of AC curve, but to realise a higher profit the firm produces
OXe level of output at a higher price.
The difference of XeX level of output is the excess capacity or
---------------------- wastage of the resources under monopolistic competition.
(iii) Unemployment : Idle capacity under monopolistic competition
leads to unemployment. In particular, unemployment of workers
---------------------- leads to poverty and misery in the society. If idle capacity is fully
used, the problem of unemployment can be solved to some extent.
---------------------- (iv) Cross Transport : Under monopolistic competition expenditure is
---------------------- incurred on cross transportation. Goods produced in Ahmedabad
are sold in Chennai and goods produced in Chennai are sold in
---------------------- Ahmedabad. If these goods are sold locally, wasteful expenditure
on cross transport could be avoided.
(v) Lack of Specialisation : Under monopolistic competition there
---------------------- is little scope for specialisation or standardization. Product
differentiation practiced under this competition leads to wasteful
---------------------- expenditure. It is argued that instead of producing too many similar
products, only a few standardized products may be produced. This
would ensure better allocation of resources and would promote
---------------------- economic welfare of the society.
(vi) Inefficiency : Under perfect competition, an inefficient firm is
thrown out of the industry. But under monopolistic competition
---------------------- inefficient firms continue to survive.
Activity 4 ----------------------
●● Perfect competition is not a realistic concept. What is actually seen in
the real world, our day-to-day experience is the existence of Imperfect
Competition. ----------------------
●● The most important and powerful tool in the hands of a monopolist is
Price Discrimination.
●● In equilibrium under price discrimination, the monopolist deals with ----------------------
different buyers, having different elasticity of demand (which in turn
decides the degree of price discrimination) and the aggregate of all, gives
him the level of market demand. ----------------------
●● Monopolistic competition is characterised by a large number of firms,
thus fairly elastic demand.
●● Under oligopoly, the product may be homogenous or differentiated, thus ----------------------
the apparent effect of advertisement levies on the market.
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Full Cost or Cost Plus Pricing
11.3 Going Rate Pricing
11.4 Marginal Cost Pricing
11.5 Some Other Approaches
11.6 Some Guidelines for Fixation
11.7 Pricing in Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs)
11.8 Pricing in Co-operative Societies
Key Words
Self-Assessment Questions
Answers to Check your Progress
Suggested Reading
As already discussed, firms pursue a variety of objectives with different
---------------------- weightages assigned to different objectives. The pricing policy of a firm must
therefore conform to the composite objective accepted by a firm. This can be
---------------------- ensured by following certain guidelines or 'pricing objectives'. Several such
---------------------- pricing objectives have been suggested; and are actually being pursued by
firms. One such pricing objective is stability. Firms tend to keep prices stable
---------------------- and short-run fluctuations in costs, demand etc. are not allowed to influence the
price. Maintaining one's share of the market is another such objective. This is
---------------------- a norm which can be monitored and hence is accepted as an important one. A
---------------------- decline in the market share can be taken as an indication of falling popularity
of the product. Target Return on Capital is another objective adopted by firms.
---------------------- A certain target rate of return on capital provides a guarantee of a floor limit.
Pricing policy also, at times, aims at meeting or preventing competition as a goal.
---------------------- This approach underlines a long-run view of the pricing policy. Finally, when
---------------------- private firms help the government in carrying out socio-economic programmes
like the supply of medicines or school books or nutritious food etc., they follow
---------------------- the principle of Ethical Pricing, i.e. reasonableness of pricing that will create a
good image of the firm.
The aforesaid principles act as pointers to a proper pricing policy. The
---------------------- method of pricing to be chosen is a major decision. Basically there are two
methods of deciding the selling price: 1) Full Cost Pricing and 2) Marginal Cost
---------------------- Pricing. In the first one, cost is the decisive factor; while in the second, various
---------------------- other considerations are involved.
According to this method, the price is set to cover the costs of material, ----------------------
labour, overheads and a certain percentage of profit. Costs to be included in the ----------------------
price are normally actual costs, expected costs or standard costs. Actual costs
are costs actually incurred in the production period. Expected costs are based on ----------------------
the forecasts of production and prices. Standard costs are based on the forecasts
made on the basis of the assumption that the efficiency, sales, prices, etc., will ----------------------
be normal. ----------------------
For the profit mark-up to be included in costs, various practices are
followed. Sometimes profit is expressed as a percentage of costs. ----------------------
(2) This method is easy to operate; but it ignores the nature of competition ----------------------
in the market. Whatever price is fixed is bound to invite reactions
from rival firms. The method ignores the rival firms' reactions. It ----------------------
also ignores the future possibilities of competition as a result of ----------------------
price policy.
(3) The cost-plus method assumes that costs can be allocated to
individual products. This assumption, as is clear from the example ----------------------
we have taken, is unrealistic. Many costs are common and cannot
be traced to individual products. ----------------------
(4) It considers full costs. This is not always logical. For planned ----------------------
The economic theory assumes that a firm produces only one homogeneous ----------------------
commodity. This is done to simplify the analysis. But, in practice, a
firm produces many commodities and, in Managerial Economics, it is ----------------------
necessary to take cognizance of this fact and examine the problem of ----------------------
pricing multiple products. For example, YAMAHA produces products
like Enticer, Crux, Rx100, Rx 135, YBX etc. or FIAT has products like ----------------------
Padmini, Uno, Palio, Siena & Petra.
(1) Opportunities to produce Multiple Products: A firm gets an
opportunity to produce multiple products due to the following ----------------------
(i) Excess Capacity: The reason for adding a new product to the product-
line is usually to increase profits or to increase the competitive ----------------------
strength. To attain this goal, a firm may use its excess capacity (i.e.
unused capacity to produce) if it is there.
A simple example will make this point clear. Suppose, a printing ----------------------
press printing a daily newspaper, installs additional machinery with
a capacity to print one lakh copies (assuming that a machine with
lower capacity is not available). Further if the additional demand ----------------------
(2) Allocation of Variable Overheads : The only problem that now ----------------------
remains is allocating short run common overhead costs which are
variable. This can be done in various ways: ----------------------
(2) Pricing has to take into account the future costs and prices. Due to ----------------------
uncertainties involved on both sides, there always arises a discrepancy
between planned profits and actual profits. ----------------------
(3) It is pointed out that a strict adherence to marginal cost pricing leads ----------------------
---------------------- 3. The method of fixing the price in view of the current demand situation
in the domestic/international market is known as import parity price.
Full-cost and marginal-cost are the two basic methods we have noted
so far. In practice, we come across a very wide variety of practices in pricing. ----------------------
Let us consider the major approaches to pricing which lie at the basis of the
actual pricing practices. These approaches are not alternatives but can act as ----------------------
complementary or supplementary to one another.
1) Intuitive Pricing :
This psychological and subjective approach to pricing is surprisingly very
common. Intuitive pricing, as the term itself suggests, is a response or a ----------------------
reaction to feel the market. The approach can be variously applied. Price
for launching a new product can be taken as a starting point. At the other ----------------------
end, price based on full cost is taken as a basis. This price-estimate can ----------------------
then be modified according to the market conditions and the nature of
competition. Thus, though the approach is intuitive, the price cannot be ----------------------
entirely left to the intuition of the entrepreneur.
The success of pricing policy can be judged by whether the price
that the firm needs and that which the buyers want is the same, or at ----------------------
least, the two come very close. This is hardly possible and requires a
great deal of knowledge on the parts of both sellers and buyers. Some ----------------------
types of managements can correctly guess future trends in demand and ----------------------
competition. Their intuitive prices prove to be successful.
2) Experimental Pricing : ----------------------
In search of an optimum price, the firm takes some cognizance of the ----------------------
demand for the product, and proceeds, to fix a price by the trial-and-error
method. This is experimental pricing. Usually a sample of test markets
is selected, and price is varied to see the reactions. These reactions are ----------------------
observed and then a price that maximizes the profits is fixed. This method
is widely used in respect of new products. This method has the potential ----------------------
of providing a scientific base for pricing policy. However, in oligopolistic
structure, where buyers cannot be separated, this method has got to be
applied with caution. ----------------------
(v) Prices that are systematically related to the stage of the ----------------------
market and the competitive development of individual
members of the product line: Every product has to pass
through three stages: It is introduced, reaches the height ----------------------
of popularity then lags behind. It is possible that different
products in a line are in different stages. An old product should ----------------------
have a low price. A product that is on the top of popularity can
bear a high price. A new product has to be low-priced. That is
why Mr. E. S. Freeman compares a product line with a family. ----------------------
Young children have a share in costs. The old members of
the family earn just enough for their upkeep or live by the ----------------------
pension they get for the work done when they were in this
price. But the total cost of the family is covered by the total
family earnings. This analogy explains the price policy under ----------------------
consideration most effectively.
What each product should earn is dependent upon the nature
of the competition in the market and the elasticity of demand for ----------------------
each product.
(2) Factors to be considered in pricing
Of the alternative pricing policies suggested above, whichever is ----------------------
chosen, the following factors need to be considered: ----------------------
(i) Demand Relationship in the Product Line: Products in the
same line have many types of demand relationships. They ----------------------
may be complementary products, like torches and cells ----------------------
produced by the same company. They may be alternative
products like the different models of a radio set produced by ----------------------
the same company. A new product can be introduced in the
market by taking advantages of these demand relationships. ----------------------
This is how new models of radio-sets are introduced, or ----------------------
this is why a company producing toothpaste introduces it's
tooth brush (complementary) and tooth powder (alternative) ----------------------
as well. Differences in the elasticity of demand provide an
opportunity for increasing profits by taking advantage of the ----------------------
ignorance of customers or of their craze for distinction. ----------------------
---------------------- Activity 2
---------------------- This has many faces to it, which we will see step by step as given below.
The price policy of public enterprises has a special significance. Also the policies
---------------------- have to bear the responsibility towards the economy in achieving the goals and
the targets set, keeping in view the nature of the economy and the problems
---------------------- faced by it. In fixing the policies, the PSUs have to weigh the demand as well as
---------------------- the supply side the economic structure. It has to follow certain guidelines that
are to be under the purview of growth with economic welfare. Let us each of
---------------------- these facets one by one.
---------------------- (A) The Significance
i) The price fixed by a public enterprise should be such as to enable it
to raise adequate resources for re-investment;
---------------------- ii) The price policy of a public enterprise should be such as to enable
it to operate at the lowest cost possible and at maximum efficiency;
iii) The price policy should be such as to enable consumers at all levels
---------------------- to buy and make use of the goods and services produced by the
public enterprise;
---------------------- 5) Moreover, public enterprises may have to incur higher costs because
they are subject to certain external pressures. For instance, a public
---------------------- enterprise may be forced to go slow in its construction work. Or the
Government may decide to over-capitalise the enterprise from the
---------------------- start and hence may force the enterprise to have heavy overhead
---------------------- capital in the early periods. Or complementary resources may not
have been developed and may subject an enterprise to unfavorable
---------------------- cost conditions.
---------------------- 2. When a firm undertakes various production processes under its own
facility and increases the number of products the process is known as
---------------------- ___________.
---------------------- State True or False.
1. The price policy of a public enterprise should be such as to enable it
to operate at the lowest cost possible at maximum efficiency.
---------------------- 2. The pricing methods followed by the cooperatives keeping in view
the social objective is called standard pricing.
Activity 3
---------------------- Do you think that Government has social considerations while setting
the prices of the products and services sold by it? Study the services, viz,
---------------------- railways, postal services, electricity.
Keywords ----------------------
●● Cyclical Price : A price that fluctuates with the fluctuations in the market- ----------------------
demand positions.
●● Conversion Cost : Cost of converting the raw material into the final
product ----------------------
●● Competitive Pricing : The method of fixing the price in view of the ----------------------
current demand situation in the domestic as well as the foreign market.
●● Incremental Revenue : The increase in revenue that exceeds incremental ----------------------
costs or increase in costs. ----------------------
●● Import Parity Price : Directly competitive goods of public enterprises
are brought into the line of the pricing standards of the foreign goods. ----------------------
●● Marginal Costs Pricing : Method that says that the price be charged ----------------------
equal to the marginal cost of the product.
●● Product Tailoring : The process of working backwards, in the sense of
first determining te price of the product, distributors’ margin, firm’s profit ----------------------
margin and then the product which fits into this scheme of things is finally
selected by the firm for production. ----------------------
Answers to Check your Progress
Check your Progress 1
---------------------- Fill in the blanks.
---------------------- 1. Two important methods of pricing are full cost pricing and marginal cost
2. A price that fluctuates with the fluctuation in the market is called cyclical
---------------------- price.
---------------------- 3. When a producer is not willing to offer the product below the minimum
price as decided by the full cost pricing, the method is called refusal
---------------------- pricing.
---------------------- 4. The method that says the price be charged equal to the marginal cost of
production, the pricing is called marginal cost pricing.
1. True ----------------------
2. False ----------------------
Suggested Reading
1. Atmanand. 2009. Managerial Economics. New Delhi: Excel Books.
2. Hague, D.C. Managerial Economics. Longman. ----------------------
3. Haynes, William Warren, Vasant Mote, and Samuel Paul. 1970. ----------------------
Managerial Economics—Analysis and Cases. Mumbai: Vakils, Feffer &
Simons Private Ltd.
4. P. McNair, Malcolm, and Richard S. Meriam. 1941. Problems in Business ----------------------
Economics. New York: McGraw-Hill Book.
5. Datt, Ruddar, and K. P. M. 2008. Sunderam. Indian Economy. New Delhi:
Sultan Chand & Sons. ----------------------
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Public Goods vs. Private Goods
12.3 Externalities
12.4 Marginal Cost
12.5 Average Cost
12.6 Impure Public Goods
12.7 Steps in Cost Benefit Analysis
12.8 Justification for the use of Cost-Benefit Analysis
12.9 Cost-Benefit Analysis: Private and Social
12.10 Policies to Reconcile Private and Public Costs and Benefits
12.11 Cost Benefit Analysis & Overall Resource Allocation
12.12 Overall Resource Allocation
12.13 Foundations of Market System of Economy
Key Words
Self-Assessment Questions
Answers to Check your Progress
Suggested Reading
We have noted earlier that the economic and accounting concepts of costs ----------------------
are different. We also saw that the economic concept of the opportunity cost
is more relevant than the accounting concept of the total cost or the individual ----------------------
resource cost. This is why, when we come to the distinction f\between private ----------------------
and social cost-benefit analysis, the latter is recognized as economic cost-benefit
analysis to be contra-distinguished from financial cost-benefits analysis which ----------------------
is analogous to private cost- benefit analysis.
It was well-known Cambridge economist, Prof. A.C. Pigou, who discussed
at length the divergence between (what he called) Marginal Private Net Product ----------------------
and Marginal Social Net Product (MPNP and MSNP), way back in 1920 in
his book economics of welfare'. this path-breaking work not only placed the ----------------------
'Welfare Economics' branch of economics on the right pedestal it deserved, but
also triggered off pioneering line of thinking in the area of private vs. social
accounting of resource allocation emerging through the market mechanism. ----------------------
Modern economists treat the social costs and benefits as externalities of private
investment and production decisions. Prof. Samuelson, for instance, uses the ----------------------
terms Marginal Social Damage (MSP) and Marginal Private Damage MPD to
denote social and private costs of externalities like pollution and goes further to ----------------------
clarify the divergence between the two and the costs of abatement of damage ----------------------
involved for the private enterprise and the society as a whole and advocates
public intervention for reconciling the two abatement costs. ----------------------
Managerial economics as a social science is more concerned with the ----------------------
application of economic principles to management practices and relates this
divergence to the cost-benefit analysis. The firm's cost-benefit analysis would ----------------------
remain incomplete, and even irrelevant in the modern business environment,
if the social aspect of its operation is neglected. It is therefore, necessary to ----------------------
understand the distinction between private and social cost-benefit analysis.
---------------------- Z
Marginal Cost and
---------------------- P E
Marginal Private
---------------------- Damage (MPD)
---------------------- B
---------------------- X
Q2 Q1 R
---------------------- Pollution Quantity (per tonne)
---------------------- Figure Showing Divergence between Marginal, Private and Social Costs
and it's Correction
In the above diagram, Marginal Social Damage (MSD) and the Marginal
---------------------- Private Damage (MDP) lines indicate the incremental damage done to the
society by the pollution produced by a factory. MPD (dotted line) shows the
damage done; while the MSD line, which is higher, shows the total social
---------------------- damage including sufferings of the people living around or passing by and
inhaling polluted air. The MCA line shows the marginal cost of abatements, i.e.
---------------------- how much the firm will have to pay to reduce pollution per tonne of pollution
for every increment of out put. Without any intervention by the pollution control
Fill in the blanks.
1. Economic effect that flow from the production or the use of a goods
to other economic unit is referred to as ___________. ----------------------
2. For valuing social cost and benefit as per the World Bank approach, ----------------------
the tradable items would be valued at __________ prices and non-
tradable at __________prices. ----------------------
State True or False. ----------------------
1. A private firm, which is guided by its own private cost benefit is likely
to ignore the social scale of preferences involving social investments
and social urgencies. ----------------------
2. In a market economy a firm in the private sector basically aims at
maximisation of money profits.
Activity 2 ----------------------
Visit and
Identify any four private costs associated with a firm producing paper.
Which social costs does this firm levy on the society? ----------------------
COSTS AND BENEFITS ----------------------
As we saw earlier, the private costs and benefits are 'internal' to a firm
and as external diseconomies or economies of the activities going on in the firm ----------------------
itself, they are counted by the firm. The social costs and benefits, however, are
the external economies and diseconomies resulting from the firm's activities. ----------------------
They are therefore, known as 'externalities'.
---------------------- A E
---------------------- C
Commodity Y
---------------------- M
---------------------- Commodity X
---------------------- Figure showing Production Possibility Curve
---------------------- In this diagram, the curve AB is the frontier which is known as the
production possibility curve or the production possibility frontier. With the
---------------------- resources being given and limited, the limit AB can be reached only by using
the resources fully. In this diagram, we assume that the economy has an option
of producing either commodity X (shown along the X-axis) or commodity
---------------------- Y (shown along the Y-axis); or a combination of both X and Y. By using all
the resources, the economy can produce OB amount of commodity X or OA
---------------------- amount of commodity Y. Alternatively, the economy can produce a combination
of X and Y as given by all the points on the curve AB or inside the curve AB.
For example, point D indicates the possible combination as OM amount of
---------------------- commodity Y plus ON amount of Commodity X. In the same way, any other
point on the AB curve, like the point E, would show the maximum possible
---------------------- amount of output with varying resources. As against this, point C in the diagram
indicates under utilization of resources. As against this, point C in the diagram
indicates under utilization of resources, since the production has been stabilized
---------------------- at point C when it is possible to move forward to any other point like D and
E. It should therefore be clear what we mean by full utilization of resources. It
---------------------- should also be clear that the terms maximization of output or maximization of
net wealth imply reaching any point on the production possibility frontier AB.
For maximization of output, we have to fully utilize all the resources
---------------------- available to us which means discarding any position like the one shown by
point C and trying to reach the boundary by aiming at any combination of X and
Y of our choice. By doing this, the output can be maximized and employment
---------------------- (which means harnessing the productive resources for producing a given level
of output) can also be maximized. If we want to produce more than what the
---------------------- production possibility curve demands, we shall have to reach a point which
The cost-benefit analysis as discussed above obviously suffers form certain ----------------------
i) Critics have pointed out that this analysis is applicable in a partial
equilibrium framework. However economists like A. C. Harberger have ----------------------
shown that it can be applied to the general equilibrium analysis as well.
---------------------- iii) The cost benefit analysis is applied on another assumption that the existing
pattern of distribution of income, distribution is given and has to be kept
---------------------- as it is. In fact, a change in income distribution does lead to a change in
net wealth and further in social welfare.
iv) Another limitation of the analysis is that it ignores the effect of diminishing
---------------------- marginal utility of additional wealth or income with every incremental
dose of income or wealth being added to the existing total.
v) By assuming the positive correlation between wealth and welfare, the
---------------------- analysis assumes away all difficulties involved in the calculation of
present and future cost as well as private and social cost.
vi) Whatever applies to costs also applies to benefits i.e., calculation of
---------------------- present and future benefits as well as private and social benefits involves
similar difficulties.
The Market System or Market Economy (or Market Mechanism or Price
---------------------- Mechanism) comes into existence when custom gives place to competition and
---------------------- practically everyone begins to produce goods and services for the market with
a view to make maximum profit out of the production for the market. Market
---------------------- System or Market Economy may be said to come into existence when freely
fluctuating prices in the market begin to influence allocation of the community's
---------------------- resources and distribution of income and wealth produced in the community.
---------------------- During modern times we get what is called as 'Market System' or 'Market
Economy'. Increasing division of labour or specialization has been taking
---------------------- place in both developing and developed countries. This means everyone is at
present producing goods and services (including labour of various types) for
the market. Everyone at present carries thousands of exchanges which alone
---------------------- enable him to live comfortably. Market has become the pivotal point in modern
capitalist and mixed economies. All prices have become closely interrelated
---------------------- and influence all other prices. It is when market becomes the pivotal or central
fulcrum of the economy and influences allocation of resources and distribution
---------------------- of income and wealth, we say that there has emerged the 'Market System' or
---------------------- 'Market Economy'.
Market mechanism or freely fluctuating price mechanism is another
---------------------- system of solving the basic economic problem before the community:
---------------------- In this system, all are supposed to enjoy personal freedom as consumers
and producers and are free to use their resources as they please without any
---------------------- legal or other restrictions or barriers.
---------------------- Consumers, who are free to spend their income as they please, express
their preferences through prices. Thus if consumers begin to prefer TV sets than
---------------------- The market system of economy (also known as Laissez Faire Capitalism or
simply Capitalism) is built on the following foundations:
---------------------- i. Individual, the best judge of self-interest :
---------------------- In the market system or capitalist economy, it is assumed that every
individual is the best judge of his personal interest. Every individual
knows what is in his interest and no one does that better than himself.
---------------------- Every individual should therefore be left free to carry on his economic
activities as a consumer and as a producer and so on without being dictated
---------------------- by any one else including the government.
---------------------- ii. Consumer's Sovereignty :
The above assumption implies that in a market system of economy, a
consumer with his complete freedom to spend his income as he likes is
---------------------- sovereign as a consumer, dictating to producer what goods he prefers and
these therefore should be produced. This means the market system of
---------------------- economy is characterized by the consumer's sovereignty.
---------------------- iii. Freely Fluctuating Price Mechanism :
---------------------- The sovereign consumers express their demands and preferences through
freely operating prices or through price mechanism. Freely operating
---------------------- price mechanism thus acts as a signaling system indicating to various
producers,consumers' preferences - that they prefer TV sets to radio and
---------------------- radio sets to gramophone and so on - and influencing and bringing about
---------------------- allocation of limited resources of the community in accordance with
consumers' preferences.
---------------------- iv. Private Enterprise :
---------------------- In the market system in economy, most of the goods and services are
produced by individual producers or groups of individual producers. That
is why the market system is also known as private enterprise economy.
---------------------- The government has no role to play as a producer of goods and services
except to a very limited extent where private enterprise may not be
---------------------- interested.
---------------------- v. Private Profit Motive :
---------------------- In the market system of economy most of the goods and services are
Activity 3
Do you think that the current market scene completely suits the conditions
of a market economy? Which do you think falls outside and or inside the
---------------------- purview of a market economy? Why?
---------------------- ●● If the costs and the benefits are equal, the firm seemingly attains break-
even and the acceptability of the project widens as the benefits outperform
---------------------- the costs.
●● Cost Benefit Analysis : Technique used for analyzing investment, for
rating alternative investment opportunities on the basis of the rate of ----------------------
return to investment.
●● Externalities : Economic effects that flow from the production or the use ----------------------
of the good to other economic units. ----------------------
●● Externality Tax : Rate of taxation should be high enough to motivate the
firm to follow the set standards rather than pay tax. ----------------------
●● Impure Public Goods : Goods, the production of which is reflected in ----------------------
private costs being higher than the social benefits.
●● Laissez Faire : Complete non-interference of the government and
complete faith in the working of the free private market system to operate ----------------------
automatically so as to ensure maximum welfare.
●● Non-market Effects : The external effects (externalities) that cannot be
priced in the market with reference to the market demand and supply. ----------------------
●● Pure Public Goods : Goods that do not have any externalities, wherein
private costs equal the social costs.
●● PPC (Production Possibility Curve) : Depicts the indirect relationship ----------------------
between he total output of two commodities that a economy can produce
given full employment level of all the available resources.
●● Right to Private Property : The exclusive right to own and enjoy one’s ----------------------
property to land, precious metals, other financial assets, and such other
tangible and intangible goods.
●● Social Marginal Costs : Indirect costs borne by the society because of ----------------------
the or Benefits process of production will not get entered in the books of
Self-Assessment Questions
1. Explain the distinction between public and private goods.
2. Give an idea about government investment in the context of the Indian
economy. ----------------------
3. Explain with illustrations, how resource allocation and income distribution ----------------------
takes place in a free enterprise economy.
4. What are the foundations of Market Economy?
5. Compare and Contrast Private and Social Cost-Benefit.
---------------------- 2. For valuing social cost and benefit as per the World Bank approach,
the tradable items would be valued at world prices and non-tradable at
---------------------- shadow prices.
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Importance of Macro-Economic Studies
13.3 Keynesian Macro-Economic Theory
13.4 Determination of Equilibrium Level of Output/ Employment
13.5 Keynesian Remedy to Unemployment : Government Intervention
13.6 Business Fluctuations
13.7 Inflation
13.8 Macro Policies
Key Words
Self-Assessment Questions
Answers to Check your Progress
Suggested Reading
---------------------- The Keynesian theory is basically a criticism against the classical analysis
and classical belief in the automatic adjustments in a capitalist economy leading
---------------------- to full employment. The General Theory, as the theory is popularly known,
was published immediately in the post Great Depression period of 1929-33.
---------------------- The Great Depression had clearly proved that a pure capitalist system by itself
---------------------- could not sustain itself and was self-defeating. The Keynesian Theory is an
outcome of the depression and was basically a critique of the classical analysis.
---------------------- It provided an alternative approach to the problem of employment and output
determination in an economy, and was more realistic because it did not accept
---------------------- the classical belief in full employment. Keynes believed that full employment
---------------------- is not the general case but a rare occurrence and that deliberate government
intervention is required to achieve full employment in an economy.
He was however, not advocating a socialist pattern of society, but
---------------------- recommended government intervention in a capitalist economy to solve
the problems of this type of an economy, especially unemployment. Based on
---------------------- Keynes’ analysis governments have intervened in the economies to avert the
repetition of the depression.
The theory addresses itself to three major issues:
A) The determination of the equilibrium level of output/ employment and income.
---------------------- B) The causes of unemployment.
---------------------- C) The solutions to the problems of unemployment.
---------------------- In order to understand Keynes theory. It is necessary to start with the
assumptions of the theory.
(A) Basic Assumptions of The Theory
---------------------- 1. Keynes theory is a short-run equilibrium analysis within the
framework of a capitalist economy.
2. The technology and stock of capital are assumed to be constant in
---------------------- the short-run and therefore the level of output is determined by the
level of employment.
3. There is perfect competition in the labour and product markets.
4. Keynes assumed increasing costs in the industries which implies
---------------------- that to produce more output, the marginal cost of production would
go on increasing.
5. The analysis pertains to a closed economy i.e. the foreign sector
---------------------- was kept out of the basic analysis.
A.S.F. ----------------------
0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Q/
Qf E ----------------------
Level of Output and Employment
(a) As can be seen, initially as the levels of Output/ Employment ----------------------
increases the minimum expected receipts (or Total Cost) also go on
increasing till the level of full employment is reached at OQF (i.e.
at level 50 ) ----------------------
(b) Beyond the level of full employment Q/E remains constant at Qf ----------------------
where-as total cost goes on increasing.
(c) Therefore the ASF takes the above shape. ----------------------
As seen in the graph and as discussed above, we have seen that at a ----------------------
particular point, full employment is reached, but after which costs are still
increasing. According to your understanding, why do you think that costs ----------------------
are rising? Do you think that an economy at full employment is always an ----------------------
ideally happy economy? Highlight in terms of a labourer’s actual working
capacity (answer : it may happen that a worker is employed, but is not ----------------------
working to his /her fullest or optimum capacity, and so is getting returns
that he/she would actually deserve). ----------------------
---------------------- Observations:
As output and employment goes on increasing, the expected sales proceeds
---------------------- or the demand price increases. After the level of full employment reached,
---------------------- the demand price goes on increasing but output and employment remains
constant at level 50 in the example.
---------------------- On the basis of the ‘Aggregate Demand Schedule’ one can draw the
---------------------- Aggregate Demand Function (ADF) as given below.
---------------------- Expected
---------------------- Proceeds
---------------------- ADF
---------------------- a
---------------------- O Levels of Output and Employment Q/E
---------------------- Observations:
a) The ADF is a positive function of the level of employment and
---------------------- b) The ADF begins from above the origin at point “a” indicating that
even at zero level of income, there is some positive consumption,
(i.e. to meet the basic minimum needs.) for which Keynes uses the
---------------------- word Autonomous Consumption.
---------------------- O Qe < Qf X
Levels of Output and Employment
(B) Determination of Equilibrium at less than Full Employment
---------------------- 1. In the diagram to begin with, the level of equilibrium employment /
output is determined at the point Qe which corresponds to point ‘e’
where ADF=ASF, which is the level of Effective Demand.
---------------------- 2. This equilibrium occurs at employment level Qe which is below the
---------------------- full employment level indicated by Qf in the diagram; according
to Keynes it is short-falls in the aggregate demand which is the
---------------------- main cause of unemployment in a capitalist economy.
Activity 1
A poor man of low means strives hard to make ends meet. He lives in a
very shoddy locality; owes a lot of money to creditors and cannot send his
---------------------- children to school. He is basically living below the poverty line. He wants
to come out of his pathetic condition, by taking up for better jobs (he is
---------------------- willing to put in more number of hours as well). He wants his income to
grow and improve his living condition on the whole.
How can you transform this example to suit that of micro-economic
---------------------- study?
---------------------- GOVERNMENT INTERVENTION
---------------------- When the Government intervenes in the economy and undertakes
expenditures, it generates demand in the economy, thereby increasing the level
---------------------- of aggregate demand to be able to attain full employment in the economy. This
X ----------------------
O Qe < Qf Q
Levels of Output and Employment ----------------------
(A) Effect of government expenditures on equilibrium level of employment ----------------------
1) Keynes had advocated Government expenditures to sustain full
employment in a capitalist economy. As can be seen in figure, in ----------------------
the absence of the government, the level of Aggregate Demand is
shown by AD = C+I, equilibrium is established at point e where ----------------------
AD= ASF, and level of employment is determined at point Qe ----------------------
which is less than full employment level Qf.
2) By introducing government expenditure, ‘G’, the level of aggregate ----------------------
demand now shifts up to AD1 = C+I+G. Equilibrium is now ----------------------
established at point e2 where AD=ASF and level of employment is
now determined at Qf level which is the full employment level. ----------------------
3) The short- fall in the aggregate demand i. e. effective demand is ----------------------
made good by government expenditures as a result it is possible to
attain full employment. ----------------------
4) Keynes strongly advocated Government intervention through ----------------------
fiscal policy measures to solve the problem of unemployment and
stabilise the economy. ----------------------
(B) Consumption Function ----------------------
The consumption appears to be a significant factor, determining the ----------------------
level of effective demand in an economy. Consumption function, or the
propensity to consume, denotes the consumption demand in the aggregate ----------------------
demand of the community, which depends on the size of income and the
share that is spent on consumption goods. The propensity to consume ----------------------
is schedule showing the various amounts of consumption corresponding ----------------------
Business Fluctuations. A figure showing phases of Business Cycle
The phase of recession begins when the downward slide in the growth
---------------------- rate becomes rapid and steady. Output, employment, prices, etc. register a rapid
decline, though the realized growth rate may still remain above the steady growth
line. So long as growth rate exceeds or equals the expected steady growth rate,
---------------------- the economy enjoys the period of prosperity - high and low. When the growth
rate goes below the steady growth rate, it makes the beginning of depression in
---------------------- the economy.
---------------------- In a stagnated economy, depression begins when growth rate is less than
zero, i.e. the total output, employment, prices, bank advances, etc., decline
---------------------- during the subsequent periods. The span of depression spreads over the period
---------------------- growth rate stays below the secular growth rate or zero growth rate in a stagnated
economy. Trough is the phase during which the down - trend in the economy
---------------------- slows down and eventually stops, and the economic activities once again
register an upward movement. Trough is the period of most severe strain on
---------------------- the economy. When the economy registers a continuous and rapid upward trend
---------------------- in output, employment, etc., it enters the phase of recovery though the growth
rate may still remain below the steady growth rate. And, when it exceeds this
---------------------- rate, the economy once again enters the phase of expansion and prosperity. If
economic fluctuations are not controlled by the government, the business cycles
---------------------- continue to recur as stated above.
---------------------- Let us now describe in some detail the important features of the various
phases of business cycle, and also the causes of the turning points.
1. Prosperity: Expansion and Peak
The prosperity phase is characterized by rise in the national output,
---------------------- rise in consumer and capital expenditure rise in the level of employment.
Inventories of both, the input and the output increase. Debtors find it more
---------------------- and more convenient to pay off their debts. Bank advances grow rapidly
Fill in the blanks.
1. Keynes advocated Government intervention through ____________ ----------------------
measures to solve the problem of ___________and stabilise the
2. The features determining the investment function are ______________ ----------------------
efficiency of capital and the rate of ________.
3. As per Keynesian theory, the motives for holding cash are _________
motive, ___________ motive and ____________ motive. ----------------------
---------------------- If you were to depict the consumption function of yourself, from the time
you were a student at school till now and hence further when you start
---------------------- earning at a growing rate, how do you think your consumption will react
to the change in your income?
(A) Meaning
---------------------- In the words of Prof. Samuelson, “Inflation occurs when the general
---------------------- level of prices and costs is rising - rising prices for bread, gasoline,
cars; rising wages, land prices, rentals on capital goods”. Thus, inflation
---------------------- marks rising commodity prices as well as factor prices. Factor prices,
when they rise, cause an increase in costs. According to Milton Friedman,
---------------------- inflation is a “process of a steady and sustained rise in the prices”. Many
more definitions of inflation can be given. Instead of going into all these
definitions, let us outline the characteristics of inflation as they emerge
---------------------- from the above-mentioned (and other similar) definitions of inflation:
(i) Inflation is a phenomenon of rising prices. However, every price-
rise is not inflationary, though every period of inflation indicates a
---------------------- price-rise. In other words, a temporary price-rise in some sectors
may occur due to some causes but they may not necessarily be
---------------------- indicative of inflation.
---------------------- (ii) Inflation is a sustained and appreciable rise in prices. Once started,
inflation goes on feeding itself and it is not self-limiting. It is a
---------------------- continuous process.
---------------------- (iii) Inflation is a general and a dynamic phenomenon. It is not limited
to one or two sectors or geographical localities of a country. Rather,
---------------------- it takes within its stride the entire country and all the sectors of the
economy. It is dynamic in the sense that its severity, nature etc. go
---------------------- on changing (and causing changes) over a period of time. Inflation
---------------------- occurs over a period of time.
(iv) True inflation or pure inflation starts only after reaching the full
---------------------- employment level.
---------------------- (v) It cannot be anticipated, in the sense that one cannot be sure
regarding the timing and intensity of inflation.
(vi) Inflation is characterized by an excess of demand or an increase in
---------------------- costs or usually both.
---------------------- (v) Repayment of Internal Debts: When the government repays old
loans, more purchasing power is placed at the disposal of the people.
---------------------- A part of the amount obtained in this manner may be re-invested in
various assets, but the rest of it, may be spent on consumer goods
---------------------- and services. It is responsible for the increase in prices to the extent
---------------------- that this repayment of loans leads to an increase in the total demand.
---------------------- The best example that can be given is about four years ago, when the
RBI dropped down the interest rate on fixed deposits which includes the
---------------------- private as well as the public sector (nationalised banks and co-operative
banks) with the intention to allow them to have the substantial flow of
---------------------- credits to be issued to the common industrialists at a lesser interest rate so
---------------------- that the cost of production reduced at the base level. This proved to be a
very successful measure to fight recession.
---------------------- (C) Consequences of Inflation
---------------------- Effects or consequences of Inflation can be studied under (i) Effects on
Production, (ii) Effects on Distribution, (iii) Other Effects, and (iv) Non -
---------------------- economic Effects.
---------------------- 1. Effects on Production
---------------------- The effects of inflation on production are very important. As long as there
is no full employment and inflation is proceeding at a slow rate, inflation
---------------------- may be helpful. As some of the factors of production are unemployed,
there is no change in the costs of production. But prices continue to
rise, which results in larger profits, and tempts entrepreneurs to increase
---------------------- investment. This increases total production and employment. This process
---------------------- (i) The creditor and debtor: During periods of inflation, creditors are
put to losses because there is a difference in the value of the unit
---------------------- of currency when it was loaned out and when it was returned. As
prices rise, the value of money goes on decreasing with lapse of
---------------------- time. The case of borrowers is exactly the opposite. A borrower is
---------------------- benefited as the value of money when he borrowed it is more than
when he repays it.
---------------------- (ii)
The wage and salary earners: Those who get fixed income in terms
---------------------- of money are put to losses during inflation. If workers are well
organized, they can secure dearness allowances or a rise in wages
---------------------- or salaries. But even then, in the race between the rise in prices and
the rise in wages, the rise in prices is more rapid, thereby putting
---------------------- wage earners to a great loss. The fortune of unorganized labour is
---------------------- extremely pitiable. Thus, as a result of inflation, the fixed income
earners suffer great hardships. Those, whose income is permanently
---------------------- fixed, are put to heavier losses. Pensioners mainly belong to this
The entrepreneurs as a class: The traders, merchants and
---------------------- manufacturers are the people who benefit more during inflation.
Inflation is the great opportunity for them to make huge profits. The
prices of stocks of finished products hoarded by these businessmen
---------------------- go on increasing continuously, and they get huge profits on these
goods by selling them in the black market. Moreover, expenses
---------------------- to be incurred on wages, raw materials and machinery, lag behind
the prices. This leads to a continuous rise in profits. If the rate of
Foreign trade: Foreign goods become cheaper and imports ----------------------
increase, and simultaneously, exports dwindle as the prices of
domestic goods rise. This creates several problems in the balance of ----------------------
payments. If restrictions are imposed, to check imports, smuggling ----------------------
activities increase.
Price structure: During inflation, the prices of all goods rise. But ----------------------
the prices of those goods whose supply is inelastic, rise more. This ----------------------
disturbs the entire price structure as well as the distribution system
in the economy. For example, if the price of the steel furniture is ----------------------
very high, the available steel will be used for the manufacture of
steel furniture, even though the manufacture of railway wagons and ----------------------
rails may be more necessary. ----------------------
Business cycles i.e., fluctuations in the economic activities, cause not only ----------------------
harm to business but also misery to human beings by creating unemployment
and poverty. Economists and the government have, of late, felt concerned ----------------------
with the business cycles and suggested various ways and means to control the ----------------------
economic fluctuations.
The experience of the Great Depression and Keynesian revolution in mid ----------------------
- 1930s assigned a big role to the government in economic growth, employment ----------------------
and preventing business fluctuations. Therefore, the government interventions
with the economy all over the world increased in a big way. The free enterprise ----------------------
economies not only entered the production of commodities and services but also
adopted a number of fiscal and monetary measures to control and regulate the ----------------------
economy and prevent violent economic fluctuations. The governments in many ----------------------
developing countries like India assumed the role of a key player in economic
growth, employment and stabilization. ----------------------
The problems similar to those faced in the different phases of the trade ----------------------
cycle are being faced by the world in modern times. The major stabilisation
problem in the developing countries is the problem of controlling prices and ----------------------
preventing growth rate from sliding further down. For developed countries
maintaining the growth rate to, fight against recession world over are the major
stabilisation problems. ----------------------
We have discussed below the major macro economic stabilisation policies
which are relevant to the current problems of the world.
(A) Full Employment ----------------------
Full employment is the commonly accepted goal of macro economic ----------------------
policy in a developed country. The classical economists assumed that
full employment is automatically attained by a free and competitive ----------------------
market economy in the long run. Keynes, however, pointed out that full ----------------------
employment in practice is a rare phenomenon. Actually an economy
attains equilibrium at under employment level. Accepting Keynesian ----------------------
argument, countries have set full employment as an important goal in
their macro - economic policies. ----------------------
---------------------- (ii) efficient utilisation of labour and other productive resources as far
as possible;
---------------------- (iii) encouraging free competitive enterprise with minimum interference
---------------------- with the functioning of the market economy.
The two most important and widely used economic policies to achieve
economic stability are (i) fiscal policy; and (ii) monetary policy.
---------------------- (1) Fiscal Policy
---------------------- The ‘fiscal policy’ refers to the variations in taxation and
public expenditure programmes by the government to achieve pre-
---------------------- determined objectives. Taxation is a measure of transferring funds from
---------------------- the private purses to the public coffers; it amounts to the withdrawal of
funds from private use. Public expenditure, on the other hand, increases
---------------------- the flow of funds into the private economy. Thus, taxation reduces
private disposable income and thereby the private expenditure, and
---------------------- public expenditure increases private incomes and thereby the private
---------------------- expenditure. Since tax-revenue and public expenditure form the two sides
of the government budget, the taxation and public expenditure policies
---------------------- are also jointly called as ‘budgetary policy.’
Activity 4
---------------------- There is huge influx of unskilled labour pouring in to the city of Mumbai
every day. Let us assume that one day large subsidies are announced on
---------------------- agricultural production which tempts most of this labour to go back to
---------------------- their home towns .The new influx almost comes to a standstill. Discuss
the economic effects on the city of Mumbai and the nearby rural areas.
---------------------- Summary
---------------------- ●● Macro-economics is the study of the aggregate behaviour of the economy
as a whole.
●● Keynes attacked the classical doctrine that automatic adjustments in a
---------------------- capitalist economy leads to full employment.
---------------------- ●● Keynes believed that full employment is not the general case but a rare
occurrence and that deliberate government intervention is required to
---------------------- achieve full employment in an economy.
---------------------- ●● As long as Revenue is greater than Costs, the employment/ output will go
on increasing.
---------------------- 1. Micro economics deals with major economic issues, problems and
policies of the present times.
2. The subject matter of macroeconomics includes the theory of income and
---------------------- employment.
---------------------- 3. The Keynesian Theory is an outcome of the depression and was basically
a critic of the classical analysis.
---------------------- State True or False.
---------------------- 1. False
---------------------- 2. False
---------------------- 3. True
4. True
Check your Progress 2
Fill in the blanks.
1. Keynes advocated Government intervention through fiscal measures to
---------------------- solve the problem of unemployment and stabilize the economy.
---------------------- 2. The factors determining the investment function are ________ efficiency
of capital and the rate of interest.
3. As per Keynesian theory, the motives for holding cash are transaction
---------------------- motive, precautionary motive and speculative motive.
14.1 Introduction
14.2 Need for Government Intervention
14.3 Cause for Rise in Prices in India
14.4 Price Controls in India
14.5 Protection of Consumer Interests
14.6 The New Industrial Policy 1991
14.8 De-Reservation - Further Liberalisation
14.9 Economic Liberalisation
14.10 The Process of Disinvestment: Need and Methods
Key Words
Self-Assessment Questions
Answers to Check your Progress
Suggested Reading
The monopolist has tremendous capacity to hold his product from ----------------------
the market. He can afford to do so. So the cycle fro production to sales
goes dim and till the products are idle, the resources which are being used ----------------------
to produce those products go waste. For example, warehouse rent, bank ----------------------
interest on capital, possibly perishable because of the non-use of those
products (they remain idle in stock). If two out of ten goods go waste, the ----------------------
monopolist has the power to cover up the loss made by increasing the price
on the remaining eight. He is not at loss, but the fact remains that two goods ----------------------
did go waste!
Also, in a competitive regime, there are wastages of advertisement.
Hundreds of producers of a similar commodity spend vast amounts on ----------------------
advertisement. Since rivals are advertising, it is possible that the final
effect of advertisement by rival parties is neutralized. This would mean that
great amounts of labour and other resources employed for advertisement ----------------------
are wasted. While some advertisements are truly informative, most are
misleading and therefore, the claim that under the free enterprise system ----------------------
or market system competition leads to the most efficient use of the
community’s various productive resources is not valid. On the contrary,
capitalism abounds in wastages due to unemployment, over and under- ----------------------
production and a vast expenditure on advertisements necessitated by cut-
throat competition among rival firms. ----------------------
---------------------- The developed capitalist countries, with a view to make higher and
higher profits, have been exploiting backward countries in Africa and Asia
---------------------- through great multi national corporations and through the sale of arms
and ammunition to both the opposing parties or countries (Arabs versus
---------------------- the Jews, India versus Pakistan, etc.) just because the defence industries
owned by rich capitalists in Western countries should make rising profits.
Developed capitalist countries are putting restrictions on exports
---------------------- from developing or backward countries thus hampering their rapid
economic development.
Giant multi national corporations try to subvert national governments
opposed to their interests by sabotage and various other methods.
---------------------- All this has led to international rivalry, disturbances and violence
---------------------- which go against economic development of poor and backward countries
in Asia, Africa and Latin America.
Concluding Remarks
---------------------- It would thus be seen that while free enterprise economy or market
---------------------- system has some solid achievements to its credit, it also suffers from very
serious limitations or evils, affecting both its own working and that of
---------------------- other countries.
A strong inflationary pressure has been built into the Indian economy for
---------------------- a long time - precisely from the start of the Second World War - partly through
---------------------- ever-mounting demand on the one side and inadequately rising supply on the
other. The expanding demand is due to the rapid growth of our population, rising
---------------------- money income, expansion in money supply and liquidity in the country, rising
volume of black money and continuous rise in demand for goods and services
For instance, it was claimed that the level of certain ingredients in Coke ----------------------
are injurious to health; so there was a lot of protest in this regard. The company,
in turn, brought in popular faces - whom the people can relate to – to defend its ----------------------
product. ----------------------
Obviously, this whole issue of consumer protection is shrouded with
complexities and demands on the government to undertake the responsibility ----------------------
of safeguarding the interests of the consumers not only as consumers but also ----------------------
as ordinary citizens of the land. This is a part of the normal functions of the
government and it is in conformity with the government’s responsibility in the ----------------------
With the growing complexity of industrial structure and the need for ----------------------
achieving economies of scale for ensuring higher productivity and competitive
advantage in the international market, the interference of the Government
through the MRTP Act has to be restricted. Towards this end: ----------------------
(i) The pre-entry scrutiny of investment decisions by so-called MRTP ----------------------
companies will no longer be required. Instead, the emphasis will be
on controlling and regulating monopolistic, restrictive and unfair trade ----------------------
practices rather than making it necessary for the monopoly houses to obtain
prior approval of Central Government for expansion, establishment of ----------------------
new undertakings, merger, amalgamation and takeover and appointment ----------------------
of certain directors.
(ii) The thrust of policy will be more on controlling unfair or restrictive ----------------------
business practices. ----------------------
---------------------- (A) The Government decided in April 1993 to remove three more items
from the list of 18 industries reserved for compulsory licensing. These
---------------------- three items were: motor cars, white goods (which include refrigerators,
washing machines, air conditioners, etc.) and raw hides and skins and
patent leather. The basic purpose of dereservation of these items was to
---------------------- increase the flow of investment in these industries. With the growth of a
large middle class, ranging between 100 to 120 millions, the demand for
---------------------- the white goods like washing machine, refrigerators, air conditioners is
---------------------- growing and these items are no longer viewed as luxury goods. Similarly
the demand for motor cars by the upper middle class and the affluent
---------------------- sections is also growing, more especially when the government is
providing loans to business executives and other senior officials to buy
cars. To provide a boost to the motor car and white goods industries, the
---------------------- government has decided to de-reserve these items so that their production
improves as response to the market, instead of remaining shackled by the
---------------------- bureaucratic process of licensing.
---------------------- Regarding raw hides and skins and patent leather, the Government
wants to push up their exports. Leather and good quality shoes have a
---------------------- tremendous export potential and the small scale units are ill equipped to
---------------------- provide quality goods for the international markets.
In pursuance of the liberalization policy towards foreign investment,
the Government decided in December 1996 to include 16 categories of
---------------------- industries in respect of which automatic approval would be accorded
to foreign equity participation up to 51 per cent. This additional list
---------------------- of industries eligible for automatic approval up to 51 per cent foreign
The first phase of economic reforms is believed to have begun in 1985
when Rajiv Gandhi enunciated the uppermost goals of the new economic policy ----------------------
as improvement in productivity, absorption of modern technology and full
utilization of capacity. The strategy visualized for the purpose gave increasingly ----------------------
greater scope for the private sector This shift in favour of the private sector
encompassed a wide range of measures demanding a reformulation of several
policies like the industrial licensing policy, export import policy, policy towards ----------------------
foreign capital, policy regarding rationalization and technology upgradation
etc., which are covered by the umbrella of economic reforms.
The real all-pervading beginning of economic reforms were however ----------------------
witnessed since the installation of the P.V. Narsimha Rao’s Congress Government ----------------------
in Mid-1991 The reigns of the reforms were in the hands of Dr. Manmohan
Singh the then Finance Minister, who enumerated the objectives of the new ----------------------
Economic Policy as under:
a) To increase the efficiency and international competitiveness of industrial
production. ----------------------
With these ends in view, the measures taken included (a) reduction ----------------------
in the number of industries reserved for the public sector from 17to 8,
(b) rehabilitation of sick units through BIFR (Board for Industrial and
Financial Reconstruction), (c) a close monitoring to ensure profitability, ----------------------
and (d) a policy of disinvestment. Besides, several steps for protecting
the interests of the employees were taken which included VRS packages, ----------------------
retaining programmes etc. ----------------------
A preview of the deals of liberalisation is not very encouraging
from certain angles. It has opened up new avenues for enterprise and has
attained some success in terms of global linkages of the Indian economy. ----------------------
However, the rates of industrial growth have fallen, agriculture remains
neglected, regional as well as personal income disparities have widened ----------------------
and poverty, unemployment and development have attained higher
magnitude, as if to mock reforms!
With economic liberalisation, the private sector was given more freedom
and greater scope in the interest of improving the overall performance of the ----------------------
economy as a whole. Greater scope for the private sector may mean incremental
disinvestment which connotes the expansion of PSUs can be left to some private ----------------------
company. It may also mean denationalisation of the public sector units taking ----------------------
private sector as a partner. In other words, disinvestment is a part of the process
of privatisation. ----------------------
---------------------- Summary
●● The government holds tremendous authority not only to influence the
---------------------- private business decisions but also to control and regulate, directly and
indirectly the private business activities (MRTP ACT). The government
can also intervene through various economic policies like fiscal, monetary,
---------------------- etc.
●● The need for government intervention arises because of failure of free
market economy, which cannot ensure the proper distribution of basic
---------------------- needs, income and wealth.
●● There are various factors for rising prices that can be classifies as demand-
---------------------- pull and cost push factors.
---------------------- ●● The cost-push factors can be given as raising of administered prices,
taxation policies, and fluctuations in production and so its distribution in
---------------------- the market.
---------------------- ●● Under monetary measures, the government controls money supply,
bank rate, bank credit and uses tools like the cash reserve ratio. Under
---------------------- fiscal measures, government controls its own expenditure in the wake
---------------------- of revenue deficit and fiscal deficit; it sought to control the disposable
income and dividend incomes.
●● Administered Price : Government intervenes to check the price rise of
mainly public goods, thus government ‘administers’ or keeps the price ----------------------
under control; normally set on the basis of cost plus stipulated margin of
profit. ----------------------
---------------------- 1. What is the need for government’s intervention in a free enterprise market
---------------------- 2. Explain the causes of price rises in India. What are its consequences?
---------------------- 3. Briefly outline the various measures taken by the government to control
the problem of rapidly rising prices in India.
4. Explain the policy of economic liberalisation as followed in India.
5. Write notes on :
---------------------- a. Support prices
---------------------- b. Administered prices
c. Public Distribution System (PDS)
d. Price controls
e. Consumer Protection Act
---------------------- f. Methods of implementing the policy of disinvestment
---------------------- g. Disinvestment of Public Sector Undertakings in India
---------------------- h. Limitations of market system
1. The formation of cooperatives is one of the ways of protecting the interest ----------------------
of the consumers.
2. The reforms of industrial policy led the government to undertake initiatives
such as industrial licensing, foreign investment, foreign technology ----------------------
policy, public sector policy and MRTP Act.
State True or False.
1. False
2. True ----------------------
Check your Progress 3 ----------------------
Fill in the blanks.
1. Disinvestment is a part of the process of privatisation.
2. Various rounds of disinvestment were carried out in pursuance of
Industrial Policy of the year 1999. ----------------------
State True or False. ----------------------
1. True
2. False
3. False ----------------------
Suggested Reading
1. Ahuja, H. L. 2005. Advanced Economic Theory (Microeconomic ----------------------
Analysis). New Delhi: Sultan Chand & Sons.
2. Gopalkrishna, D . 2003. A Study in Managerial Economics. Mumbai: ----------------------
Himalaya Publishing House. ----------------------
2. Introduction to Positive Economics - Richard Lipsey
3. A Study of Managerial Economics - D. Gopalkrishna
4. Managerial Economics - Maheshwari and Varshney
5. Advanced Economic Theory (Micro Analysis) - H. L. Ahuja ----------------------
7. Indian Economy - A. N. Aggarwal
8. Industrial Economics (an Introductory Text Book) - R. R. Barthwal
References 381
3. Economic problem : Problem arising due to unlimited wants and limited ----------------------
resources having alternative uses to satisfy them.
4. Inventory : Stock of raw materials that is kept by a firm.
5. Efficiency : Doing any activity without leaving anybody else worse off.
6. Unemployment : Resources which are wanting to be employed, but are
remaining idle. ----------------------
7. Full employment : The resources that are ready to be employed are fully ----------------------
employed or fully utilized, contributing to the national output.
8. Purchasing power : The amount of goods and services that money can buy.
9. Production capacity : Given the resources, the total output that the country
can produce within a specific time period. ----------------------
16. Rent : Reward to land for the services rendered in the process of production. ----------------------
17. Interest : Reward to capital for the services rendered in the process of ----------------------
18. Dynamic economy : Reverse to static economy; changes occurring in
techniques of production, supply of capital, business organizations, level ----------------------
of population, human needs, etc.
19. Demand : Desire backed by adequate purchasing power.
20. Depreciation : Loss of value due to the continuous use of an asset.
21. Capital structure of firms : Proportions of bonds, equity, preference shares.
Glossary 383
Notes 22. Speculation : Predictions about the future about certain changes to occur in
a particular direction, which eventually do happen, in most cases, because
---------------------- of the power of aggregate behaviour.
---------------------- 23. Direct relation : When the dependent variable changes in the same direction
with the change in the independent variable.
24. Indirect relation : When the dependent variable changes in the reverse
---------------------- direction with the change in the independent variable.
---------------------- 25. Demand (price) elasticity : Degree of responsiveness of demand for a
commodity as a result of change in its price.
26. Economic development : Increasing per capita income of a country over
---------------------- a period of time.
---------------------- 27. Economic planning : Organization of various economic activities of various
sectors of the economy that contribute to the national output, estimations
---------------------- about future growth factors, striving to in a planned way, to achieve the
---------------------- targeted rate of growth for the economy.
28. Foreign trade : The export and the import status of a country in relation to
other nations.
29. Established goods : Goods that are already released in the market for sale
---------------------- and consumers are aware of their presence in the market.
---------------------- 30. New products : Goods whish are yet to be introduced in the market.
31. Optimum proportion of inputs : The best possible combination of inputs
employed in the process of production so as to get the maximum output
---------------------- with highest level of efficiency.
---------------------- 32. Total physical product : total quantity of output produced in physical terms,
by a firm during a period of time
33. Marginal product : Change in total product caused as a result og one
---------------------- additional unit of available factor employed in combination with fixed
34. Average product : Total physical product divided by the quantity of a
---------------------- variable factor.
---------------------- 35. Diseconomies : Disadvantages that accrue to a firm arising out of factors
that are internal or external to the firm because of the firm’s large scale
---------------------- production.
---------------------- 36. Selling costs : Advertising costs incurred by the firm in order to increase
sales of the product.
37. Variable factor : The supply of which can be varied depending on the level
---------------------- of output and employment and costs.
---------------------- 38. Fixed factor : The supply of which remains constant.
45. Actual costs : Costs that are actually incurred in the production period. ----------------------
46. Expected costs : Costs that are based on the forecasts of production and ----------------------
prices. ----------------------
47. Strategy : Decisions made and thus implemented to achieve set targets, in ----------------------
view of the set time limit also.
48. PSUs : Public sector undertakings : firms or production houses that are
government-owned. ----------------------
49. Public goods : Goods that are produced and owned by the public sector ----------------------
(government-owned). ----------------------
50. Private goods : Goods that are produced and owned by the private sector.
51. Bottlenecks : Generally infrastructural difficulties that come in the way
of smooth production, distribution and expansion processes of goods and
services; mostly faced by the developing economies. ----------------------
52. Hoarding : Not making the goods available for release in the market; ----------------------
generally a malpractice followed to artificially hike the prices.
53. Stabilization : Preventing the extreme ups and downs (booms and
depression) in economic activities of a country, giving way to economic
growth. ----------------------
54. Free market economy : Allowing the free flow or the interplay of the market ----------------------
forces of demand and supply to operate and affect the price changes and so
on, without government interference. ----------------------
55. Instability : Frictional disturbances in the economy in the form of cyclical ----------------------
booms and depressions as a result of various independent decisions ----------------------
happening with a large number of consumption and production units at the
same time, generally features in a modern complex private economy. ----------------------
Glossary 385
Notes 56. Social welfare : Norm of increasing the satisfaction of one unit without
decreasing that of any other in society.
57. Capitalist society : That which is mainly guided by profit motive and
---------------------- recognizes money as a yardstick of success.
---------------------- 58. Rivalry : Competing units put up against each other, either directly or
indirectly, in order to get as much hold over market as possible.
59. Productivity : The capacity of a factor resource to contribute to production
---------------------- per unit of that factor within a specific time period.
---------------------- 60. Consumer sovereignty : Consumer enjoys complete freedom to spend his
income on whatever goods or services he prefers, he demands solely by his
---------------------- own preference.
---------------------- 61. Private enterprise : Total production o goods and services is completely
---------------------- in the hands of the private sector and government has no role to play.
62. Appraisal : Assessment (of a project) for its economic viability.
References 387
Glossary 389
Glossary 391