NHPoisson - An R Package For Fitting and Validating Nonhomogeneous Poisson Processes
NHPoisson - An R Package For Fitting and Validating Nonhomogeneous Poisson Processes
NHPoisson - An R Package For Fitting and Validating Nonhomogeneous Poisson Processes
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NHPoisson is an R package for the modeling of nonhomogeneous Poisson processes in
one dimension. It includes functions for data preparation, maximum likelihood estima-
tion, covariate selection and inference based on asymptotic distributions and simulation
methods. It also provides specific methods for the estimation of Poisson processes result-
ing from a peak over threshold approach. In addition, the package supports a wide range
of model validation tools and functions for generating nonhomogenous Poisson process
trajectories. This paper is a description of the package and aims to help those interested
in modeling data using nonhomogeneous Poisson processes.
Keywords: nonhomogeneous Poisson process, peak over threshold, validation analysis, covari-
ate selection.
1. Introduction
Despite the large number of potential applications of Poisson processes, the scientific com-
munity in many fields has not yet taken full advantage of Poisson process modeling, par-
ticularly in a nonstationary framework. Most of the published applications are restricted
to the environmental field, see the review of extreme event studies on hydrology by Katz,
Parlange, and Naveau (2002). Ogata (1988) used Poisson processes to model earthquakes,
and Madsen, Rasmussen, and Rosbjerg (1997) and Abaurrea and Cebrián (2002) modeled
hydrological and meteorological drought occurrences, respectively. The statistical techniques
for modeling and fitting this type of processes are well-known, see Embrechts, Klüppelberg,
and Mikosch (1997), Coles (2001), or Kutoyants (1998) who discuss the estimation theory
for nonhomogeneous Poisson processes. However, the implementation of these techniques is
a time-consuming and non trivial task and the tools for validating nonhomogeneous Poisson
processes are not as well developed as for other statistical models. Accordingly, an easy-
2 NHPoisson: Nonhomogeneous Poisson Processes in R
to-use software, which provides simple and fast algorithms that facilitate the modeling and
validation of nonhomogeneous Poisson processes, can be very useful.
NHPoisson (Cebrian 2015) is an R (R Core Team 2015) package which provides an assembly
of tools for all the steps involved in data modeling using this type of processes. In particular,
it supplies functions to model the Poisson intensity as a function of covariates, including
the estimation of Poisson processes resulting from a peak over threshold approach. It also
contains a wide toolkit for model selection and validation analysis, including several types
of residuals and diagnostic techniques adapted from other statistical models. NHPoisson is
available from the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN) at http://CRAN.R-project.
The outline of the paper is as follows. Section 2 introduces Poisson processes and the peak
over threshold approach. Some R packages related to this topic are reviewed in Section 3, and
Section 4 describes the main functions and capabilities of the package. Section 5 shows an
example of data analysis using NHPoisson: the modeling of the occurrence of extreme heat
events in a daily temperature series. Finally, some conclusions and future work are discussed
in Section 6.
where X> (t) is the row vector of covariates at time t and β the vector of parameters.
PPs often appear in the framework of peak over threshold (POT) models. POT models
consider the occurrence times of peaks in a sequence of random variables, where a peak is the
maximum value in a run of consecutive excesses (observations over a threshold). A well-known
result of extreme value theory states that, in an i.i.d. series, the occurrences of excesses over
a sufficiently extreme threshold u follow a PP, and the excesses have a generalized Pareto
Journal of Statistical Software 3
distribution. More precisely, given a series of i.i.d. random variables Y1 , Y2 , . . ., the process
Nn = , Yi , i = 1, . . . , n ,
where λ(t; β) = exp(X> (t)β) and A is the space where the point process is defined. Assuming
that λ(t; β) is constant in each time unit, the expression of the loglikelihood is
X n
LL (β; (ti )ni=1 ) = − λ(t; β) + log λ(ti ; β),
t=1 i=1
Journal of Statistical Software 5
The class ‘mlePP’ is a subclass of the S4 class ‘mle’ defined in stats4, and most of the generic
functions with ‘mle’ methods, such as logLik, extractAIC or summary, can be applied to
the output of fitPP.fun. Some other generic functions related to fitted models, such as AIC
or BIC, can also be applied to ‘mlePP’ objects. There is an ‘mle’ method for vcov, which
calculates the approximate variance-covariance matrix of β̂. However, the solve function
used to obtain the inverse of the negative of the Hessian matrix may not work, specially when
its dimension is high. For this reason, we have implemented the function VARbeta.fun, which
works in a wider range of situations, since when solve gives an error, the calculation of the
inverse via its Cholesky decomposition is tried.
The package also provides a method for ‘mlePP’ objects for the generic function profile, very
similar to the ‘mle’ method for this function in stats4. As in the ‘mle’ method, the output is
a ‘profile.mle’ object, and the ‘mle’ method for confint can be used to obtain confidence
6 NHPoisson: Nonhomogeneous Poisson Processes in R
Given that λ̂(t) is the ML estimator of λ(t) (due to the functional invariance of ML estimators),
another confidence interval of λ(t) is λ̂(t)±z1−α/2 s.e.(λ̂(t)). s.e.(λ̂(t)) is obtained by the delta
method (Casella and Berger 2002), which applied to exp(X> (t)β̂) gives
V̂ [λ̂(t)] = λ̂(t)Xl (t)λ̂(t)Xk (t)V̂ [β̂l , β̂k ]. (1)
l=1 k=1
That interval might include values outside the range [0, ∞), so the lower limit is defined as
the maximum between 0 and λ̂(t) − z1−α/2 s.e.(λ̂).
The function fitPP.fun optionally performs, with the argument dplot = TRUE, a plot of the
fitted intensities together with the confidence intervals for each λ(t).
Model selection
There are different tools for aiding in model selection. When the number of covariates
is high, automatic procedures such as a stepwise selection can be useful. The function
stepAICmle.fun performs a stepwise model selection by AIC for ‘mlePP’ objects. Three
directions, "forward", "backward" and "both", are implemented. The initial model is spec-
ified by the argument ImlePP, and the algorithm stops when, according to the AIC, none of
the covariates eliminated from the model or added from the potential covariates set (argument
covariatesAdd) improves the model fitted in the previous step. The definition of AIC uses
constant k = 2, but a different value k can be passed as an additional argument.
Authors such as Cook and Weisberg (1999) warn that automatic model selection methods
must be used with caution since they can reject reasonable submodels from further consid-
eration. For a more thorough selection, it can be useful to perform the likelihood ratio test
by the function testlik.fun, which compares a general model ModG, with a reduced model
ModR (a particular case of the first).
To make the selection procedure easier, the function LRTpv.fun calculates, for each covariate
in a model, the p value of a likelihood ratio test comparing the fitted NHPP with the model ex-
cluding that covariate from the linear predictor. The functions dropAIC.fun and addAIC.fun
Journal of Statistical Software 7
(both used in stepAICmle.fun) perform a similar task but using the AIC value. The first
calculates the AIC for all one-covariate deletions from the current model, while the second
calculates it for all one-additions from the covariates supplied in covariatesAdd. In both
cases, the best covariate to be dropped from (added to) the model is returned together with
some additional information. All these automatic selection functions are not implemented for
models with fixed parameters.
simulated sample and evaluates the function in that sample. As in simNHP.fun, the argument
fixed.seed allows us to set the seed in the simulation process.
Raw residuals
A complementary approach to validate a NHPP is the analysis of the raw residuals, see Lewis
(1972) and Baddeley, Turner, Møller, and Hazelton (2005) for this type of residuals
in time
and space-time processes. The error (or innovation) process is ε(t) = N (t) − 0 λ(u)du which,
when the model is true, must be a zero-mean martingale. The corresponding raw residual
process is
X Z l
R(l) = Iti − λ̂(u)du,
ti ∈(0,l)
with Iti an indicator variable, equal to 1 at time ti . The residuals are defined by the increments
of the raw process in intervals (l1 , l2 ), which can be disjoint or overlapping, divided by its
Z l2
1 1 X
r(l1 , l2 ) = (R(l2 ) − R(l1 )) = It − λ̂(u)du . (3)
l2 − l1 l2 − l1 t ∈(l ,l ) i l1
i 1 2
Journal of Statistical Software 9
These residuals can be interpreted as observed minus fitted value residuals and they are useful
to check the fitted PP intensity since, under the correct model, r(l1 , l2 ) ≈ 0.
The functions CalcRes.fun and CalcResD.fun calculate the raw residuals using overlapping
and disjoint intervals (l1 , l2 ) respectively. The residuals ro(l1 , l2 ) are based on overlapping
intervals of a given length, centered on each time t. It is noteworthy that, due to their
overlapping structure, they will not be independent even under the model. The residuals
rd(l1 , l2 ) are calculated on disjoint intervals of equal length, and assigned to the mean point
of the interval. In both functions, the empirical and the mean fitted intensities used to
calculate the raw residuals, ti ∈(l1 ,l2 ) Iti /(l2 − l1 ) and ll12 λ̂(u)du/(l2 − l1 ), are elements of the
Time residual plots The function graphres.fun plots any type of residuals (raw or scaled,
overlapping or disjoint) against time or a specific type of variables. In these plots, the residuals
are plotted against the value of the variable in the mean point of the interval and, consequently,
they are adequate only for variables which are lineal or, at least, monotonous functions of
time. A lowess smoother of the residuals can be optionally plotted to make the interpretation
easier. In the case of overlapping intervals, the residuals of the occurrence points are marked
with different symbols.
Approximate confidence envelopes can be optionally plotted in these graphs. These envelopes
are based on the approach suggested by Baddeley et al. (2005) for spatial inhomogeneous
Poisson processes. Their interpretation, including the pointwise significance, is similar to the
limits ±2 used for the standardized residuals in linear regression analysis. The envelopes are
based on the variance of the error process ε(l1 , l2 ) = ε(l2 ) − ε(l1 ). The variance of the raw
error processes for NHPPs is
Z l2
V [εr (l1 , l2 )] = λ(u)du,
These variances can be estimated by plugging into the expressions the fitted intensity λ̂(u).
It is noteworthy that the variance of the error V̂ [ε(l1 , l2 )] will overestimate the variance of the
10 NHPoisson: Nonhomogeneous Poisson Processes in R
residual process and, consequently, ±2 V̂ [ε(l1 , l2 )] will be wider than a confidence interval
based on the residual process variance. For the raw residuals defined in (3), the envelopes
s X
± λ̂(i),
l2 − l1 i∈(l ,l )
1 2
where i runs over the integers in (l1 , l2 ). Analogously, for the Pearson residuals in Equation 4,
±√ .
l2 − l1
Lurking variable plots A possible way to analyze the relationship between the residuals
linked to intervals and a covariate which is not a monotonous function of time is to plot
them against the mean value of the variable in that interval. A more complicated but better
approach is to calculate the residuals on intervals defined by the values of the covariate instead
of by time. The following approach is a modification of the lurking variable plot by Baddeley
et al. (2005). The intervals considered to calculate the residuals for a covariate X(t) are
where PX,i is the sample i-percentile of X. The function graphResX.fun plots the residuals
against the mean value of the covariate in that interval. In the case of raw or Pearson
residuals, it also calculates approximate confidence envelopes as the ones described for time
residual plots. The function graphResCov.fun performs the lurking variable plot for each
variable in the argument Xvar.
Residual qqplot A common plot to check the distributional assumptions in a model is the
qqplot. The theoretical distribution of the NHPP raw residuals is unknown but a simulation
based qqplot can be calculated. The function resQQplot.fun compares the empirical quan-
tiles of the residuals with the expected quantiles under the fitted model, obtained from the
following simulation process.
First, the model is fitted to the data set and the residuals ri are calculated. The order statis-
tics r(1) ≤ r(2) ≤ . . . ≤ r(n) are obtained from the residual sample. Then, niter independent
trajectories of a NHPP(λ̂(t)) are generated and a NHPP is fitted to each one. The correspond-
ing fitted intensities and the ordered residuals from the i-th trajectory are denoted λ̂(i) (t) and
(i) (i) (i)
r(1) ≤ r(2) ≤ . . . ≤ r(n) , respectively. The expected j-th quantile of the residuals under the
fitted model is calculated as the sample mean of the j-th order statistic
1 niter
X (i)
ej = r .
niter i=1 (j)
Individual (1 − α)% envelopes for each residual are defined by the corresponding α/2 and
1 − α/2 sample quantiles.
The function resQQplot.fun calculates for each residual the simulated expected quantile and
plots them together with the 1 − α individual envelopes. Disjoint or overlapping and Pearson
or raw residuals are supported by this function, but the overlapping option can require a high
time computing cost. The output list of the function includes the expected quantiles and the
Journal of Statistical Software 11
upper and lower limits of the envelopes of the residuals. The argument fixed.seed allows us
to set the seed to obtain reproducible results.
5. An example
In this section, we illustrate how the package NHPoisson can be used to model a data set,
from the data preparation for a POT approach to the validation analysis. Data are daily
maximum temperature series, and our aim is to model the occurrence of its extreme heat
events using a NHPP.
5.1. Data
The data set BarTxTn is available in the package NHPoisson. The variables Tx and Tn are
the daily maximum and minimum temperature series, in tenths of ◦ C, corresponding to the
summer months May, June, July, August and September (MJJAS) from 1951 to 2004 in
Barcelona (Spain). The date (day, month and year) of the observations, and some variables
representing the short and long-term temperature evolution are also available. The daily
temperature series were provided by the Spanish Meteorological Office (AEMET).
The variables are recorded at a discrete time scale, as in most real data applications. However,
given that the time unit is short compared with the length of the recorded period and the
occurrence rate very low, the use of a continuous time model, such as the PP, is justified.
[1971, 2000]). The selection of this threshold (not shown here) is based on climate basis
and on statistical criteria about the Poisson behavior of the resulting peak series (using for
example the functions diplot, mrlplot and tcplot of the POT package). The EHEs and
their characteristics are obtained by,
where the matrix dateB contains the date of each observation, and the object BarEv several
characteristics of the 137 EHEs, such as Px, the points of maximum intensity in the extreme
events, which are the occurrence points of the process. Another element of the object is the
index inddat, which marks the observations to be used in the estimation process,
To describe the time evolution of the EHE occurrence, a plot of its empirical rate calculated
in 153-day long overlapping periods is performed using the following commands (153 is the
length of the period MJJAS),
where tB is an index time of the summer months linked as consecutive time periods. The
argument inddat must be specified only when there are missing values, or when the point
process is defined using the POT approach and the length of the resulting events can be
greater than one. By default, all the inddat values are equal to 1 so that all the available
observations are included in the estimation process.
each covariate, using dimnames. It is recalled that with the arguments modSim = TRUE, dplot
= FALSE and modCI = FALSE, the information on the screen is eliminated, the fitted intensity
is not plotted and the confidence intervals are not calculated.
Step Forward 1
Initial model. AIC: 1400.471
Initial model adding covariates
Cos 1353.504
Sin 1388.329
Txm31 1072.380
Tnm31 1125.856
TTx 1367.911
TTn 1382.534
The best covariate to add is Txm31
This covariate improves the model
Step Backward 1
Initial model 1072.38
Initial model deleting covariate
Txm31 1400.471
The best covariate to drop is Txm31
This drop does not improve the model
Step Forward 2
Initial model. AIC: 1072.38
Initial model adding covariates
Cos 1073.688
Sin 1073.257
Tnm31 1074.372
TTx 1074.379
TTn 1073.412
The best covariate to add is Sin
This covariate does not improve the model
14 NHPoisson: Nonhomogeneous Poisson Processes in R
Step Backward 2
Initial model 1072.38
Initial model deleting covariate
Txm31 1400.471
The best covariate to drop is Txm31
This drop does not improve the model
Final model
The covariates added and dropped to the initial model are:
b0 -21.7177999
b1 0.0653722
-2 log L: 1068.38
According to the AIC, the best model should only include the short-term temperature co-
variate Txm31 , but a more thorough covariate selection is advisable. We suggest a selection
based on the likelihood ratio test, using a forward stepwise approach controlled by the user.
We start by fitting a HPP,
[1] "Fixed: No fixed parameters"
The following commands analyze if the first order harmonic terms must be included,
Since the p value is 0, the first order harmonic is included and the inclusion of the second
order harmonic is checked.
General Model (hypothesis H1): BARCELONA Tx; Cos, Sin, Cos2, Sin2
Reduced Model (hypothesis H0): BARCELONA Tx; Cos, Sin
ML ratio test statistic: 0.96
P-value: 0.619
The p value 0.619 rejects the inclusion of the second order harmonic. Analogously, long and
short term temperature signals TTx , TTn, Txm31 and Tnm31 and interaction terms between
the first order harmonic and the significant temperature covariates are analyzed. The final
model resulting from this forward covariate selection process includes the first order harmonic
term and Txm31 . To fit this model, the default values of modSim, modCI, CItype and dplot
are used and, consequently, model information is shown, transformed confidence intervals are
calculated and the fitted intensity is plotted, see Figure 1.
Fitted intensity
Upper CI Transf
Lower CI Transf
Figure 1: Fitted intensity and transformed confidence intervals (Section 4.2) of the selected
NHPP model.
Convergence code: 0
Convergence attained
Loglikelihood: -533.625
Estimated coefficients:
b0 b1 b2 b3
-21.681 0.080 0.320 0.066
Full coefficients:
b0 b1 b2 b3
-21.681 0.080 0.320 0.066
[1] "Fixed: No fixed parameters"
LRTpv.fun shows that the first order harmonic terms are not individually significant when
Txm31 is included in the model. However, they are kept in order to make easier the compar-
ison of the temperature effect with models for other locations.
The p-values of the LRT comparing the initial model and the model
without the covariate
Cos 0.935
Sin 0.508
Txm31 0.000
The standard error of the estimated coefficients and a summary of the final model is obtained
R> summary(modB.final)
fitPP.fun(covariates = covB.final, start = list(b0 = -100, b1 = 1,
b2 = 1, b3 = 0), posE = Px, inddat = inddat, tim = tB,
tit = "BARCELONA Tx; Cos, Sin, Txm31")
Estimate Std. Error
b0 -21.68078342 1.027972827
b1 0.07971801 0.908504548
b2 0.32020449 0.447603298
b3 0.06591333 0.003559439
-2 log L: 1067.25
The 95% confidence intervals of the β parameters, based on the profile likelihood and on the
properties of the ML estimators, can be obtained with the following commands,
R> confint(modB.final)
2.5 % 97.5 %
b0 -24.03266857 -19.46601384
b1 -1.92800787 1.90282196
b2 -0.66536902 1.20239256
b3 0.05685904 0.07475327
R> confintAsin.fun(modB.final)
2.5 % 97.5 %
b0 -23.69557314 -19.6659937
b1 -1.70091819 1.8603542
b2 -0.55708186 1.1974908
b3 0.05893695 0.0728897
18 NHPoisson: Nonhomogeneous Poisson Processes in R
● ● ● ●
● ● ●
● ●
● ● ●
● ● ●
● ●
● ● ●
● ●
● ●
● ● ● ●
● ●
● ●
residuals (t)
● ●
● ●
● ●●
● ●
● ●●
● ●
● ●●
● ● ● ●
● ●
● ● ●●
● ●
● ● ● ● ●
● ●
● ● ●
● ●
● ●
● ● ● ● ●
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● ●
● ● ●
● ●● ●
● ● ●
● ●
● ●
● ● ●
● ● ● ●
residuals(t−1) lag
Pearson coef.: 0.02. P−value: 0.833
● ●
● ● ● ●
● ●
● ● ● ●
● ● ● ● ●●
● ●●
● ●●
● ●
Figure 2: Validation plots of the uniform residuals of the final NHPP model.
The results of the autocorrelation analysis and the uniform behaviour are satisfactory, see
Figure 2. The plots of the uniform residuals against the covariates included in the model and
the index time corresponding to the summer cycle, not shown here, are also requested for
Journal of Statistical Software 19
Empirical rate
Fitted rate
empirical and fitted occurrence rates
Rates calculated in Disjoint intervals of length 153
The output of the function CalcResD.fun is a list and one of its elements are the residuals,
which can be used in other commands, for example to analyze their normal behavior
R> qqnorm(ResDB$RawRes)
Other elements in the output list are the empirical and the fitted intensities used to calculate
the raw residuals. They can be graphically compared, see Figure 3, using the following
The lurking variable plots of nonscaled residuals against Txm31 (a covariate included in
the model) and TTx (not included), and their confidence envelopes, are obtained from the
following code snippet,
● ●
● ●
Raw residuals
Raw residuals
● ●
● ● ●
● ● ●
● ●● ● ● ●
● ●
● ●
● ● ● ● ● ●
● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●● ● ●●● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
● ●● ●● ● ● ● ●● ● ●● ●
●● ● ● ●
●●● ● ●
● ● ●●● ●
● ● ● ●
● ●
180 200 220 240 260 280 300 240 245 250 255 260 265
Txm31 TTx
Figure 4: Lurking plots based on raw residuals for two temperature variables.
● ●
● ●
● ●
Pearson residuals
● ●
● ●
● ●
● ● ● ●
● ●
● ●●
● ●
● ● ● ●
● ● ●
● ● ● ●
● ● ●
● ● ● ● ● ●
● ●● ● ●
● ● ● ●
● ● ● ● ●
● ●
● ● ● ●
● ● ● ● ● ●
● ● ● ●
● ● ● ●
● ● ●
● ●
● ●
● ● ● ●
● ● ●
● ●
● ●
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 −0.01 0.00 0.01 0.02
Figure 5: Time residual plot and residual qqplot (with seed 123 and calculated using one
core) for the Pearson disjoint residuals.
calculates a point estimator (the mean) and a prediction envelope for the number of occur-
rences in a summer with a given intensity function; the results are obtained with R 3.1.3 for
Windows (64 bit) and a seed equal to 123,
Lower interval: 1
Mean value: 3.975
Upper interval: 8
Number of valid simulations: 1000
Using the same approach, we can estimate the occurrence time of the first EHE,
Lower interval: 21
Mean value: 54.6383
Upper interval: 85.7
Number of valid simulations: 987
where posk.fun(x, k) returns the element in the k-th row of the vector x. The estimated
occurrence time of the first EHE in a summer with the considered intensity is the 24th of
June and the prediction envelope moves from the 21st of May to the 25th of July. It is
noteworthy that this function is estimating the occurrence time of the first EHE given that,
at least, one EHE occurs in that period. This is due to the fact that simulated trajectories
22 NHPoisson: Nonhomogeneous Poisson Processes in R
where no EHE occurs are not included in the calculations. Denoting the number of points in
the specified
R 8415
time interval by N (., .), the probability that this occurs is P (N (8263, 8415) =
0) = 8263 λ(t)dt = 0.023, practically negligible. This probability could also be estimated by
simulation using the function simNHP.fun. The simplest, but not fastest, way is
[1] 0.014
First, we thank all the people supporting the R project which provides a nice, powerful and
open-source environment for developing and spreading new statistical techniques, specially
the CRAN team for their efficient work. We also thank the anonymous reviewers for their
helpful comments to improve the package and the manuscript. Forthcoming suggestions from
all users are welcomed. This work was partially supported by Ministerio de Educación y
Ciencia (Spanish Department of Science) through the project CGL2009-09646.
Journal of Statistical Software 23
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Ana C. Cebrián
Departamento de Métodos Estadı́sticos
Journal of Statistical Software 25
University of Zaragoza
Telephone: +34/976762885
E-mail: [email protected]