SKF Solutions For Oil&Gas Upstream
SKF Solutions For Oil&Gas Upstream
SKF Solutions For Oil&Gas Upstream
SKF solutions for the high performance of your equipment
Improve performance of
your upstream equipment
The energy industry is under constant pressure in all
production environments: conventional or unconven-
Delivering experience and
tional; onshore or offshore; oil or gas. In the face of
rising costs and recent widespread production target
misses, exploration and production companies are look- For many decades now, SKF has been at the forefront of
ing to grow reserves and maximize production—while upstream oil and gas technology. Based on our heritage
ensuring safe operations and avoiding environmental of over 100 years as global leader in bearing
impact. But imprecise or redundant decisions often technologies, we’ve made strategic investments over
result in unnecessary downtime, suboptimal production the last 30 years to also become a leading supplier of
rates, and increased maintenance and safety issues. sealing systems, lubrication systems, condition
monitoring technology and services.
Global demand for oil and natural gas is expected to
increase by 30% in the next 20 years. The race is on to These competence areas enable us to deliver effective,
find new sources upstream despite challenging market, integrated solutions, while improving machine reliability
labour and regulatory conditions. and performance Working closely with both OEMs and
their customers, SKF has provided assistance to improve
Both onshore and offshore, above the ocean’s surface designs of all types of upstream equipment. These span
and below, most exploration and production facilities are the entire range of drilling platform, downhole tools, well
focused on improving the reliability and availability of stimulation, well completion, well control and artificial
rotating equipment. Other key challenges are lift.
implementing or optimizing overall asset reliability and
maintenance program. For the oil and gas industry, it is
also crucial to:
blow-out preventers
SKF offers an extensive range of
hydraulic sealing solutions for blow-
out preventers (BOPS).
SKF Solutions for Artificial
Artificial lift systems are among the most widely used SKF portfolio of efficient and reliable solutions can
production technologies in global oil and gas operations overcome every technical challenge and help OEMs
and a vast majority of the oil and gas wells around the achieve their business objectives. But, technology is only
world require this technology to maintain and maximize part of a successful artificial lift strategy. Our experienced
production. engineering teams can advise you on the best artificial
lift solutions throughout the life-cycle of your well and
Artificial lift, the method used to lower the producing then keep them operating at peak performance to
bottom hole pressure on the formation to obtain a deliver the production rates you expect at the lowest
higher production rate from the well, is no doubt the possible lifting costs.
most daunting phase of conventional oil and gas
Reciprocating rod lift
pumping units
Operating unattended in remote
areas, reciprocating pumping units
demand reliable bearings, sealing
solutions and lubrication systems
to prevent unplanned downtime.
SKF’s suite of solutions includes
bearings engineered for unrivaled
performance, seals designed for
long life under harsh field conditions,
and condition monitoring tools to
maximize uptime and simplify fault
Horizontal multi-
stage pumps
Used for fluid transfer, pipeline
Wellhead drive units Ball and seat valve
boosting and water disposal, reliabil- SKF bearings carry the load of up to assemblies
ity is key for these pumps. two miles (3 218 m) of drive shaft
for these rotary pump drives. Due to the SKF acquisition of
Specially engineered SKF bearings, Kaydon in 2013, SKF now offers a
optimized for extreme loads and SKF sealing solutions provide well broad range of ball and seat valve
high speed, are used to maximize fluid containment and minimize solutions for downhole artificial lift
load capacity and run for life, while environmental risk associated with pump assemblies.
SKF sealing and condition production. Condition monitoring
monitoring solutions provide an tools provide site surveillance,
extra measure of protection and operational data logging and early
peace of mind. fault detection.
3 6
Partner with an Operating upstream Robust enough to handle higher
speeds and loads, SKF Magnetic
industry pioneer to downstream Bearings widen machine
operating range and flexibility. They
Commissioned in the mid-1980s, SKF has equipped all major tur- also accommodate instant and
the first compressors equipped with bomachinery manufacturers with frequent start-ups and are suitable
SKF Magnetic Bearings are still magnetic bearing solutions, and we for cryogenic applications.
running today, delivering optimal can adapt one to help virtually any
reliability after 35 years. We’ve since turbomachine boost reliability and When elimination of the lubrication
commissioned more than 1,000 tur- widen operating range. system and gearbox are considered,
bomachine systems for oil and gas. SKF Magnetic Bearings dramatically
Many operate in the world’s most
demanding environments, from Tailored to oil and reduce the footprint and tonnage
requirements for offshore platforms
Saudi Arabian deserts, to North gas requirements and FPSO vessels. In upstream ap-
Sea platforms, to Siberian fields plications, the bearings can operate
above the Arctic Circle.SKF applies Magnetic bearings offer compelling directly in natural gas and harsh acid
the same technology, expertise and advantages compared to lubricated gas environments. In certain cases
experience to every project. We can bearings. Oil-free SKF Magnetic they can eliminate the need for dry
equip machinery from any manufac- Bearings eliminate the possibility of gas seals, and with it the related
turer, with every solution customized oil freezing, contamination leakage issues of seal wear, maintenance,
to meet specific application require- and fire hazards. replacement and downtime.
Operating upstream to
1 Subsea compression
2 Platform
9 Compressors
4 Gas lift or injection
5 Gas transportation
8 Compressors
6 Petrochemical processing
7 Gas storage
8 Pressure letdown energy recovery
9 Power generation
Turbo generators
1 000+ reasons to go with
SKF Magnetic Bearings
SKF Magnetic Bearing systems have been installed in over
1 000 turbomachinery in the oil and gas industry, includ-
ing the world’s first magnetic bearing pipeline compressor
in 1985. Today, SKF is the open-source supplier for all
rotating machinery manufacturers. Below are key appli-
cations using SKF Magnetic Bearings and highlights from
pioneering projects.
Hermetically sealed
Active magnetic bearings provide
the only suitable option for
hermetically sealed compressors.
SKF has commissioned more than
130 of them, mastering complex
machine designs and pushing
performance limits to maximize
machine capacity. The result? More
flexible operation for harsh process-
es in urban areas and unmanned
remote applications. The world’s
first sub-sea gas compression
system SKF Magnetic Bearings are
enabling the world’s first
Supporting the During a typical 20-year compressor
life cycle, SKF Magnetic Bearings
sub-sea gas compressor operating world’s largest LNG can deliver significant life cycle cost
on the sea-floor of Norway’s Åsgard
gas field. This pioneering installa- plant savings vs. oil-lubricated bearing
tion is maximizing gas recovery and
SKF Magnetic Bearings equip 23
prolonging the life of the field.
turboexpanders operating at Qatar’s 25 MW compressor
largest LNG super train site. SKF
Magnetic Bearings have become a operating for more
standard for Floating LNG (FLNG), than 35 years
increasing safety and reducing foot-
print, weight and maintenance. Since the mid-1980s, the first com-
pressors equipped with SKF Mag-
netic Bearings have been
operating continuously with the
highest availability rates. More
recently, SKF has also pioneered
Turboexpanders unmanned offshore upstream
compressor trains in the North Sea,
Thanks to SKF advanced solutions, proving advanced capabilities in
turboexpanders featuring magnetic remote operations.
bearings have become the indus-
try’s standard solution for cryogenic
applications. SKF Magnetic Bearings
allow turboexpanders to operate
directly in natural gas and harsh acid
gas environments, simplifying aux-
iliary equipment requirements and
related maintenance. The bearings
Stand-alone com-
eliminate the need for pressurized pressors and drives
oil lube skids, separate cooling/heat-
ing systems and complex sealed gas Removing oil-lubricated bearings
processes. from the operating equation
allows stand-alone compressors to
lower energy consumption as well
as maintenance and monitoring
Lubrication solutions
Single point
automatic lubricators
Single point automatic lubricators
are dispensing the proper amount of
lubricant to the application based on
a setting that takes into account the
operating conditions and the bearing
type and dimensions.
Multi-function LCD
Among them you can benefit of the Display shows grease
output and battery charge
SKF unique battery driven grease and alerts the operator of
gun TLGB 20, which has an incor- blocked fittings and loss of
porated grease metering system to Ergonomic design
enable the technicians monitor the Lightweight with
dispense grease into the application optimized balance for
operator comfort
and thus to avoid an over-greasing 20 V Lithium-ion
or an under-greasing. battery
Dispenses up to
15 grease
There are also various grease cartridges per
charge and
pumps to be chosen, such as maintains stable
manual or air-driven or filler pumps. energy output
Consistency test
(Patent applied for)
Oil bleeding
Increase Reduce
• Productivity • Energy consumption due to friction
• Reliability • Heat generation due to friction
• Availability and durability • Wear due to friction
• Machine uptime • Noise due to friction
• Service intervals • Downtime
• Safety • Operating expenses
• Health • Product contamination
• Sustainability • Maintenance and repair costs
• Lubricant consumption
• Corrosion
In order to achieve optimal lubrication, SKF has developed consulting services, geared to improve the performance
of your rotating equipment.
SKF Multilog devices provide a
complete system for early fault • 16 analogue and 4 digital inputs
detection. Improve the reliability,
availability and performance of your
• Simultaneous measurements on SKF Multilog On-line
all channels and configurable for
rotating equipment with true synchronous measurements System IMx-M
automatic advice for correcting • PoE (Power over Ethernet) and/or Protect and enhance the reliability
existing or impending conditions. 24 – 48 V DC of critical machinery
• 4 GB internal memory for data
These compact devices offer 16 and event captures The SKF Multilog On-line System
analogue and 4 digital channels, • Data buffering in non-volatile IMx-M is a powerful, cost effective
with connectivity to mobile devices memory when communication is solution suitable for a variety of
and networks for easy configuration down machinery monitoring applications.
and monitoring. • Improved Modbus TCP/IP and Together with SKF @ptitude Moni-
Modbus RTU capabilities including toring Suite software, the SKF Mul-
Machine intelligence from IMx data multiple and simultaneous use tilog IMx-M can provide a complete
will help you avoid unplanned down- • Stand-alone mode or compatible system for initiation of machinery
time and schedule maintenance with SKF @ptitude Observer shutdown, early fault detection and
proactively, prolonging machine • Bluetooth configuration and data diagnosis.
availability and minimizing mainte- access in stand-alone mode via In addition, the SKF Multilog IMx-M
nance and repair costs. iOS and Android apps system can provide automated
• App support for SAT (Site accep- advice for correcting existing or
The IMx-16Plus integrate easily with tance test) impending conditions that can affect
other IMx units and can connect • Crash detection capability (ma- machine reliability, availability and
with the SKF Cloud for storing and chine tools) performance.
sharing data, enabling SKF Remote • Event and run cycle based long
Diagnostic Services for expert re- time waveform captures Companion software
porting and recommendations. • LTE/GSM mobile data and Wi-Fi
capabilities are built-in, as alter- The SKF @ptitude Monitoring Suite
natives to hard wired Ethernet forms the basis for a completely
• In addition to the standard capa- integrated approach to condition
bility for the analogue channels to monitoring. It enables fast, efficient
accept a range of vibration trans- and reliable storage, manipulation
ducers, channels 9 to 16 support and retrieval of large amounts of
directly connected PT1000, tem- complex machine and plant infor-
perature sensors P mation.
Rebuild Rotating
Rebuild services to
extend asset life, reduce Detect
maintenance costs, and Detect impending ma-
improve sustainability chine failures and avoid
unplanned downtime
Application engineering,
lubrication management, spare Maintain
parts management & root cause Day to day maintenance
analysis to fix problems and stop using the right tools &
them re-occuring mechanical maintenance
The industrial world is changing. SKF Cloud and benefit from Big Data SKF can help you achieve more
And as new challenges emerge, through SKF Enlight Centre dash- reliable rotation, so you can reduce
plant managers, engineering boards, tailored to your workflows your TCO.
managers, maintenance and and giving easy to understand data
service engineers are all looking interpretation. Connect directly to Reducing reliance on
for ways to maximise machine expert diagnostics and analysis, pro- scarce talent
performance, while lowering viding unrivaled application insights
operational and maintenance and advice to maximize rotating By working with SKF
costs. equipment performance. to connect our
rotating equipment expertise to your
SKF offers you solutions to drive Be more sustainable business, you can reduce the time
business success by getting the most and cost of recruiting, training and
from your machinery. With experi- SKF can work with retaining increasingly scarce and
ence from almost every industrial you to reduce energy expensive maintenance and
sector and machine type, SKF can usage, waste output, diagnostic skillsets.
work closely with you throughout a spare parts consumption and more,
machine’s complete life cycle, using helping you to deliver against your Operate more safely
our knowledge, experience and in- sustainability agenda, as well as
sight to provide improved equipment saving on costs. Whether you want
design specifications, as well as the to ensure maximum
high quality products, services, and Improve output operational safety,
advice required to help you meet reduce product safety risks or
your business objectives. By optimizing the navigate the minefield of EHSS
performance of your regulations, SKF can help you drive
What does Rotating Equipment rotating equipment operational safety, and a reduced
Performance mean to you? you can increase availability, perfor- incident rate will feed into your
mance rate and quality – all driving productivity too.
Gain new insights greater Overall Equipment Effective-
into your machinery ness, and boosting output for your
Gain visibility into the
health of your equip- Trim your Total Cost
ment and turn data into perfor- of Ownership
mance-driving insights. Allowing
your business to be more agile, Poor performance and
deliver greater output, or optimise unplanned downtime
safety, reliability and sustainability. don’t just affect your productivity
Drive forward digitalization of your and cost of production, they can also
operations using Internet of Things directly affect the cost of energy,
(IoT) solutions to connect to your maintenance, spare parts, labor and
machinery plant wide and planet more – all adding up to a higher
wide. Store and share data in the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO).
Maintenance solutions
from SKF
Machinery shaft SKF Shaft alignment tool TKSA 71 • Ultra-compact measuring units -
Use in extremely narrow spaces
alignment Designed for professional alignment • Robust carrying case - Excellent
in harsh industrial environments, protection, convenient transport
Shaft misalignment is a major the TKSA 71 is a very versatile tool and wireless in-case charging
contributor to rotating machinery with ultra-compact measuring units
breakdowns. Accurately aligning for use in extremely narrow spaces.
connected shafts can prevent a large Its dedicated software applications
number of machinery breakdowns enable different types of alignments,
and reduce unplanned downtime including horizontal and vertical
that results in a loss of production. shafts, spacer shafts and machine
In today’s challenging environment trains.
of reducing costs and optimizing • Easy-to-use - Intuitive software
assets, the necessity of accurate applications, guided alignment
shaft alignment is now greater than processes and explanatory videos
ever. • Wide range of applications -
Generally, misalignment of coupled Comprehensive accessories and SKF Shaft alignment tool TKSA 41
machinery is caused by inadequate dedicated software applications
measurement techniques, an • Superior alignment performance - The ergonomic display unit with
improper foundation, degradation of Up to 10 m measurement dis- intuitive touch screen navigation
the foundation, problems with the tance, disturbance compensation, makes your alignments fast and
feet of the connected machinery e.g. measurement flexibility, only 40° easy, whilst innovative features, like
soft feet, defects of manufacturing, total rotation, automatic measure- the “free measurement”, increase
degradation of the supporting feet ment and customised alignments the alignment performance. With
(cracks corrosion), deterioration of with target values the focus on improving alignment
the couplings, etc . • Protection against harsh environ- practices, the SKF Shaft Alignment
ments - Completely sealed Tool, TKSA 41, is one of the indus-
From SKF you can have various pre- measuring units (IP67) to with- try’s best value alignment solutions.
cision alignment systems to adapt stand dust and water
your applications needs.
• Wireless communication
• Automatic measurement enables
handsfree measurements by
detecting the head position and
taking a measurement when the
heads are rotated into the right
• Automatic reports are generated
after each alignment
• Live view supports intuitive
measurements and facilitates
horizontal and vertical alignments.
• QR codes can be used to further
simplify machine identification and
improve the alignment workflow
TWIM 15 advantages:
Large induction
Depending on the size of the bearing
to be mounted or dismounted, and
SKF TWIM 15 heater SKF TIH
on the seating arrangement, there
are different recommended methods
A portable solution for bearing 220m
which vary from:
With a 300 kg bearing heating
The unique on the market SKF capacity, the large induction heater
• Cold mounting / dismounting portable induction heater TWIM 15
• Hot mounting / dismounting by TIH 220m is a reliable and robust
is designed to heat up roller bear- induction heater from the TIH...m
using oil injection, mechanical ings that are mounted with an inter-
or hydraulic tools and induction range suitable for heating bearings
ference fit onto a shaft. Heating the up to a maximum weight of 300 kg
heating bearing causes it to expand, which (660 lb.) and solid components up to
eliminates the need to use force a maximum weight of 150 kg (330
The portfolio of SKF induction during installation. Generally, using
heaters varies from heating plates, lb.).
the TWIM 15 to generate a
portable heaters to very large induc- 90 °C (162 °F) temperature differ-
tion heaters to heat up bearings and ence between the bearing and shaft
solid components of up to 1200 kg is sufficient to enable installation.
and 800 mm bore diameter.
Advanced design of the power
electronics including current and
SKF Hydraulic pumps
overheating control, combined with Technical data
user friendly features such as sliding Designation TMJL 50 729124 TMJL 100 728619 E
arms and remote control are stan- Maximum pressure 50 MPa (7 250 psi) 100 MPa (14 500
100 MPa (14 500
150 MPa (21 750 psi)
dard to the TIH...m range. Oil container 2 700 cm3 (165 in.3) 250 cm3 (15 in.3) 800 cm3 (48 in.3) 2 550 cm3 (155 in.3)
• Capable of heating a 220 kg (480 Volume/stroke 3,5 cm3 (0.21 in.3) 0,5 cm3 (0.03 in.3) 1,0 cm3 (0.06 in.3) 1st stage: 20 cm3 below 2,5
lb.) bearing in just 20 minutes MPa
(1.2 in.3 below 362 psi)
• Supplied standard with two yokes, 2nd stage: 1 cm3 above 2,5
allowing bearings with a bore di- MPa
(0.06 in.3 above 362 psi)
ameter from 60 mm (2.3 in.) up to Length of pressure 3 000 mm (118 in.) 1 500 mm (59 in.) 3 000 mm (118 3 000 mm (118 in.)
a maximum weight of 300 kg (660 hose fitted with in.)
lb) to be heated quick connection
• Sliding arm for large size yoke Connection nipple G 1/4 quick G 1/4 quick G 1/4 quick G 1/4 quick connection
(included) connection connection connection
SKF Online heater selection - Weight 12 kg (26 lb) 3,5 kg (8 lb) 13 kg (29 lb) 11,4 kg (25 lb)
Available on
SKF Cogged Raw Edge Wedge and
SKF Cogged Raw Edge Narrow
Wedge Belts have been developed to
handle oil & gas applications.
Couplings • Quiet running – no meshing *
• Temperature tolerant
The tension cords are made from • Fully machined surfaces – high
polyester yarn. Pre-loading the SKF also offers disc couplings. These
are the ideal solution in medium to speed capability New SKF (may
cords during their rubber im- require dynamic balancing over 50
pregnation process results in low high torque applications that require
torsional rigidity, offer some allow- m/s)
stretch during operation. The rubber * Assuming proper alignment
cushion is fibre loaded chloroprene ance for misalignment, and do not
compound giving good transverse require lubrication. These applica-
belt rigidity. tions typically have a capacity range
up to 178 kNm in a range of config-
Features: urations including single disc, double
• High transverse rigidity disc, and spacer for both horizontal
• High flexibility and vertical mounting. Standard
• Temperature range from –30 to shaft capacities are up to 289 mm.
+75 °C • High torsional stiffness – zero
• Constant length per ISO matching backlash
set tolerances • Energy eficient – no frictional
• Suitable for tropical climates losses *
• Lengths available up to 3 500 mm • No internal moving parts – no
lubrication required * Pulleys
• ISO and RMA profiles – dimensions
according to applicable standards
• Phosphate coated for ISO pulleys a
measure of corrosion protection
• RMA pulleys powder coated for
economical protection
• Taper bush and QD locking sys-
tems as standard
SKF Training Solutions
Training needs
If you don’t know where to start, we
can help. SKF has developed pro-
grams to assess the maintenance
skills of your team and identify in-
dividual strengths and weaknesses.
Together we then create a program
that fits your needs and gives the
best return on your investment in
your people.
The risks
The quality and performance of
counterfeit SKF products is unknown
What is a counterfeit The best way to safeguard and unpredictable. All efforts and
authenticity is to buy SKF dedication to improve OEE (overall
SKF product? products from authorized equipment effectiveness) and
operational costs can quickly change
All types and sizes of products and SKF distributors.
if counterfeits get into your
packaging marked with SKF trade- operation. If installed in safety
marks, but not manufactured by critical equipment, counterfeit
SKF or with the consent of SKF, is products may present a great safety
considered counterfeit. Branding risk for people and/or the
workshops illegally mark unbrand- environment.
ed products with SKF trademarks
and other look alike markings. The
products are packed in counterfeit What if you suspect a
look-alike packages and marketed
as genuine products. However, the
product to be
pricing of counterfeit products to The warning signs counterfeit?
the end-user is close to the same
as for genuine products. Price is not Marketing to distributors is done in a Only experts from SKF can verify
an indicator whether a product is way most distributors would recog- authenticity of a product or pack-
counterfeit or not. nize. An e mail is sent from a person age marked with SKF trademarks.
claiming partnership with premium Please send sharp pictures of all
Avoid being cheated brand owners, offering industrial
or automotive products directly
visual markings on the product and
product box to [email protected]
from stock at competitive prices. Be and you will be contacted by SKF.
Carefully select your supplier of SKF For all verification requests, provid-
careful! This could be a source of
products. Compromising secure ing name of the supplier and proof
counterfeit SKF products.
sourcing can cause great harm to of purchase is mandatory.
your business. A “good deal” from
an unknown supplier may end up
costing a lot more.
SKF Authenticate
The SKF Authenticate application
for smartphones allows users to
take and send photos of suspect
products and proof of purchase
directly to SKF for verification. The
application can be downloaded for
free from App Store or Google play.
are registered trademarks of the SKF Group.