Exploring The Role of Lean Thinking in Sustainable Business Practice
Exploring The Role of Lean Thinking in Sustainable Business Practice
Exploring The Role of Lean Thinking in Sustainable Business Practice
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The shift towards sustainable manufacturing processes and products has influenced business organi-
Received 25 August 2016 zations to improve their environmental performance and efficiency. ‘Lean thinking’ has evolved to ‘lean
Received in revised form and green thinking’ as a targeted intervention for organizations to implement sustainable business
25 January 2017
models that reduce waste and improve material efficiency, and subsequently minimise costs. The lean
Accepted 22 May 2017
Available online 27 May 2017
and green concept however is still relatively new and it remains unclear for many as to how exactly lean
thinking can contribute to the sustainability transformation of organizations. The objective of this
research was to undertake a systematic literature review of how the implementation of lean and green
Lean thinking
initiatives could lead to sustainable business practice. This article includes an analysis of both conceptual
Sustainable business practice and empirical research papers discussing various industrial contexts, and evaluation of: a) the impact of
Lean and green lean methods on environmental performance; and b) the variety of integrated lean and green models.
Systematic literature review The review highlights the ad hoc and limited use of lean thinking within corporate sustainability ini-
Sustainable business model tiatives and the authors establish a ‘lean and green matrix’ that identifies opportunities to embed lean
Efficiency and green practices in five common work streams including waste, energy, emissions, water and
chemical management. In addition to comparing different industries and their systems, this review
provides a reference point for further investigation into lean and green practices. The findings contribute
to the authors’ research agenda that aims to develop a replicable system for holistically exploring
strategies in corporate environmental management and prioritising the most appropriate lean methods.
It is proposed that industrial practitioners could benefit from such a system, which could transform their
organization’s performance through well-integrated and aligned sustainable business practices.
© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction (Fliedner and Majeske, 2010; Garza-Reyes, 2015). Over the last
decade in particular, increasing pressures from government, regu-
Lean thinking is a business approach that delivers better value latory bodies and society have led companies to align business
for customers by removing non-value-adding activities (Womack practices with environmental sustainability principles. Sustainable
and Jones, 2010). The ‘lean’ concept evolved from the shop floors business models such as the Management Helix (Smith et al., 2010)
of Japanese manufacturer, Toyota Motor Corporation, which have been used as targeted approaches to incorporate sustain-
focussed on the reduction of waste in operations (Herron and Hicks, ability concepts into decision making and to reduce negative im-
2008; Ono, 1988). The authors of the influential publication The pacts on both the environment and the society (Boons and Lüdeke-
Machine that Changed the World (Womack et al., 1990), coined the Freund, 2013; Stubbs and Cocklin, 2008). Within the manufacturing
term “lean manufacturing”, and “lean production”, and furthered sector, ‘lean manufacturing’ is an emerging approach used in sus-
momentum behind the lean movement. tainable business models, to maximise material and energy effi-
As the concept evolved, there was an increasing interest in the ciency (Bocken et al., 2014).
role of lean thinking processes in achieving sustainability outcomes Over the last two decades, lean manufacturing processes
evolved with implementation of pull mechanisms for efficient
material flow (Womack and Jones, 1996), visualising waste through
value stream mapping tools (Hines and Rich, 1997), having positive
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (H.T.S. Caldera). correlation with environmental activities and ‘environmentally
0959-6526/© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
H.T.S. Caldera et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 167 (2017) 1546e1565 1547
sustainable’ initiatives (Chiarini, 2014; King and Lenox, 2001) and 2.1. Extraction of relevant papers, timing and search terms
to have synergistic results on operational and environmental per-
formance (Amani et al., 2015). However, there is still a gap in the Describing the review process along with selection criterion,
literature about ways in which lean thinking can contribute to search terms and databases ensures transparency of the method
environmental outcomes and transform operations to ‘sustainable (Saunders et al., 2012). As an initial step in a systematic review of
business practice’ defined as business behaviour that leads to a net the literature it is important to establish the: (1) the literature
overall increase in the different forms of capital associated with sus- sources [i.e., outlets to be searched (Webster and Watson, 2002)]
tainable development” (Moser, 2001). Instead, much of the research and (2) the search strategy [i.e., the choice of search terms during
has focused on exploring specific lean models and approaches in the article selection process (Levy and Ellis, 2006)]. Sources of
isolation, for example: reducing volatile organic compounds literature were located by checking the results of a defined search
(Rothenberg et al., 2001), efficient energy use (Ball, 2015), reducing string in various publishers’ electronic databases and thereby refine
carbon footprint (Ng et al., 2015), and waste management (Kurdve the articles relevant to the review scope. Articles were extracted
et al., 2015; Maxwell et al., 1998). from numerous electronic databases to acquire an in-depth un-
Within this context, this review aimed to explore the evolving derstanding of the existing relationships between lean and green
relationship between lean and green concepts. In the following philosophies and potential areas for future research. As this is a
sections, the authors present a summary of lean methods discussed transdisciplinary review it was important to examine both business
in the literature and their effects on conventional categories of and science databases to meet the review scope. Electronic data-
environmental sustainability work streams spanning waste, en- bases included Science Direct (Elsevier), ABI Inform Global (Pro-
ergy, emissions, water and chemical management. Within the lean Quest Direct), EBSCOhost databases, Wiley Online Library (Wiley),
and green context, this study considers the role of lean thinking in Emerald Insight, Scopus, Web of Science and Google scholar.
sustainable business practice, enquiring into, ‘what are the lean Although the use of some databases created an overlap in the
methods that can be applied to environmental sustainability work search results, this process ensured the validity of the methods
streams’, ‘do these lean methods impact upon environmental perfor- since all of the information from business and science perspectives
mance’ and ‘what are the emergent lean and green models and its was captured.
application?’. Academically refereed, full-text journal and conference papers
These questions were addressed through a systematic literature on the lean and green phenomena were sought using clearly
review exploring how lean methods influence sustainable business defined search strings (key words from Table 1) in the environ-
practice, and how process efficiency and environmental perfor- mental sustainability domain. Peer reviewed journals are the most
mance could co-exist. Specific lean methods were identified and useful of all primary and secondary literature sources and research-
their impact on environmental performance evaluated. The authors oriented conference proceedings are also very useful to critically
provide an extensive review and categorization on the conceptual review the literature (Saunders et al., 2012). These were therefore
and empirical types of lean and green models that are being used targeted in the search while unpublished working papers, industry
for business process improvement, which the authors anticipate reports, magazines and dissertations were excluded. The authors
will enable organizations to enhance the contribution of lean used the C-I-M-O (context-intervention-mechanism-outcome)
thinking to overarching sustainable business practice goals. framework (Briner and Denyer, 2012) to identify the inclusion and
exclusion criteria of the search strings and as a strategy to evaluate
the relevance of each item of literature.
The key terms ‘sustainable business practice’ and ‘lean thinking’
2. Research method embrace an extensive range of sub-topics and therefore a signifi-
cant number of search strings were required. The search terms
The relationship between lean methods and ‘green methods’ were listed considering the phenomena which needs further
(i.e. environmental sustainability initiatives) was evaluated to investigation. The search strings such as ‘(lean thinking) AND
identify the potential for lean thinking to deliver environmental (sustainab*), (lean) AND (green), (lean) AND (environment*)’, etc.
outcomes that contribute to the aspirations of sustainable business were used following the key words given in Table 1. These terms
practice. Going beyond an expert review which would be limited by were used in conjunction with industry, manufacturing, business
an ad hoc literature selection (Kitchenham et al., 2009), a system- sector, model, framework in order to find articles covering the
atic literature review was chosen to address the research questions, combination of these topics. Besides sustainability, the terms
including an explicit, transparent and well-defined methodology to ‘waste management’, ‘chemical management’, ‘water manage-
review research findings. The systematic review was conducted in ment’, ‘emissions management’, ‘energy management’ were used
five consecutive phases to ensure rigour and transparency of the since they are closely related to sustainability work streams. In this
method (Denyer and Tranfield, 2009b) as shown in Fig. 1. way an example of a search algorithm used was: ‘(lean thinking) OR
Similar systematic literature reviews have previously been used (lean manufacturing) OR (lean production)’ AND ‘(green) OR
in other related research fields including sustainability (Ceulemans (environment*) OR (sustainab*)’ AND ‘(waste management)’. This
et al., 2015) and in lean and green discourses (Garza-Reyes, 2015). defined a specific scope for the search and exclusion of papers
Table 1 presents a summary of the selection criteria used for the which did not include both search terms or link between lean and
review, which are expanded in Section 2.1.
Fig. 1. Five phases of the literature review (phases adapted from (Denyer and Tranfield, 2009bp 681e686)).
1548 H.T.S. Caldera et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 167 (2017) 1546e1565
Table 1
Detailed systematic literature review protocol adopted in five phases (phases adapted from Denyer and Tranfield (2009a); Garza-Reyes (2015)).
1. Formulate research Derive a research question as guiding statement to conduct the Backward and forward review
question study. Analyse highly cited journal articles in lean and green
research field and identifying gaps
2. Select sources and locate Define the relevant databases Science Direct (Elsevier), ABI Inform Global (ProQuest Direct),
studies EBSCOhost databases, Wiley Online Library (Wiley), Emerald
Insight, Scopus, Web of Science, Google scholar
3. Select articles and Define the time span of research papers 1995e2015
evaluate Define criteria and search strings Inclusion criteria- Lean terms with green, environment,
sustainability, eco-manufacturing etc. These terms were used in
conjunction with industry, manufacturing, business. Besides
sustainability, the terms ‘waste management’, ‘chemical
management’, ‘water management’, ‘emissions management’,
‘energy management’
In this way an example of a search algorithm used was: title
eabstractekeywords (“lean thinking” OR “lean manufacturing”
OR “lean production”) AND (“green” OR “environment*” OR
“sustainab*”) AND (“waste management”).
Exclusion criteria- Unpublished working papers, industry
reports, text books, dissertations and magazines
Select relevant articles Backward and forward review, spanning peer reviewed journal
papers and conference papers (paradigmatic books were used to
provide background)
4. Analysis and synthesis of Select a method to analyse the qualitative data Concept map
results Descriptive findings
Visual representation of data Thematic analysis
Code and synthesize data NVivo software
5. Interpret and report the Critically analyse literature and encapsulate data from Summary tables, matrix table
results literature, and link lean with sustainable business practices
green. These encapsulated, synergistic relationships, methods, inclusion in the final analysis. Microsoft Excel spreadsheets
models and industrial case studies. Other critical concepts related (Microsoft office 2013) and EndNote software (Version X7.5) were
to key words were also used in search strings to identify additional used as supporting tools for analysis. All identified articles were
possible links. imported and saved in the EndNote software which aided in pre-
Peer reviewed journal articles and conference papers published venting the duplication of articles analysed. At the same time, in the
within the time period of 1996e2015 were sought given that this Excel spreadsheet, the title, author, year, industry, origin of the
timeframe was aligned with the Global Cleaner Production and country, journal or conference, and database of all articles were
Sustainable Consumption Conference reflective timeframe and recorded.
emergent themes and patterns of lean and green field over two
decades were considered. Only limited research was published on
2.2. Analysis and synthesis
lean and green topics before 1996 discussed “does lean mean
green?” (for example Maxwell et al., 1993). The narrative on this
The selected 102 articles were imported from EndNote as xml
topic grew significantly after 1996 when organizations began
files to NVivo 11 software and saved in a ‘source-phase 1’ folder to
implementing ISO 14001 (Darnall et al., 2000) in late 1996 and
analyse the content. Articles were defined in the (author, date)
moved towards environmentally conscious manufacturing. For
format to easily identify coded data. NVivo software is considered a
example, in 1996, Florida (1996) identified integration of advanced
powerful tool in managing, visualising and analysing qualitative
manufacturing systems as a great opportunity for organizational
data (Bazeley and Jackson, 2013). The software’s ability to sys-
improvement of environmental performance, and thereafter a
tematically manage data aided the process of thematic analysis to
growing body of literature about the lean and green concept
identify recurring themes and synthesize the results from this re-
became increasingly popular among academics, especially after
view (Barnett-Page and Thomas, 2009; Thomas and Harden, 2008).
2010 when the number of publications increased significantly
Given that the purpose of this research was to deliver a synthesized
(Garza-Reyes, 2015).
review on how lean thinking could be used as a targeted inter-
A backward review process was conducted by going back to
vention for sustainable business practice, the analysis began with
relevant citations used in the references of the extracted articles to
developing a-priori codification scheme around the questions of:
determine preceding articles that were also related to the scope of
what (what are the impacts of lean method on environmental
the review. The forward review then determined subsequent arti-
performance?), who (different industries that lean and green con-
cles which cited the extracted articles within the review theme by
cepts has been applied), why (benefits of implementing lean and
using Google Scholar citations. This served to access relatively
green practices), and how (how to create lean and green models and
extensive amount of literature (Webster and Watson, 2002). The
what are the barriers faced?) as shown in Fig. 2. The guidelines for
saturation point was identified when the same articles began
the application of NVivo was defined by the authors based on
appearing repeatedly. All articles were also manually checked by
coding rule book for this qualitative analysis and a preliminary
reading the titles and abstracts to ensure the paper fit the study
classification (a-priori categorization) was made into a number of
scope, so as to omit papers that did not address the lean and green
main groups. The NVivo flowchart of analysis is shown in Fig. 2.
concepts. For example, there were a number of articles that were
The selection of these high level categories were supported by
omitted because they did not link lean thinking to environmental
the underlying research question (Seidel et al., 2010) of ‘what is the
performance. Of 114 articles identified, 102 articles were chosen for
role of lean thinking in sustainable business practice’. During the
H.T.S. Caldera et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 167 (2017) 1546e1565 1549
multi sectors where the data was collected from more than one
industrial application/multiple case studies in a single article.
However there were also other articles emerging from additional
sectors including: construction (Banawi and Bilec, 2014; Marhani
et al., 2012, 2013; Ogunbiyi et al., 2014; Song and Liang, 2011),
metal (D’Errico et al., 2009), agri-food/food (Chaplin and Simon,
2014; Folinas et al., 2013), rubber (Govindan et al., 2014) and lo-
gistics (Cosimato and Troisi, 2015).
Fig. 7 presents an emergent quadrant framework of lean and
green literature highlighting dominant themes. The core concept of
lean and green thinking is shown in the centre, around which two
research streams of relationships and performance related litera-
ture are presented. For the purposes of this analysis, the articles
were included in at least one category, and some articles are
Fig. 5. Geographical distribution of research conducted on lean and green by first included in more than one category. The numbers shown in the
author. adjacent boxes refer to relevant articles, corresponding to the list
attached in Appendix A. For example, article number 70 (Chiarini,
2014) is considered relevant to several sub-categories: waste
author was also analysed, and showed only minor differences in the
management and lean methods; energy management and lean
proportions of publication by country. In most publications, both
methods; and the automobile sector. Thus this article and study is
first and second author were associated with the same country.
linked to all these thematics.
The distribution in developed and developing countries by
The emergent quadrant framework established in Fig. 7 high-
economy (according to the UN country classification system, 2016)
lights the key theoretical constructs found in the lean and green
shows a higher percentage, 79% of publications originating from
literature and the relationships between these constructs. Fox
developed countries. The largest proportion of literature was
example Quadrant 1 and 2 presents the relationship between lean
originated from the USA (28%), and the second highest originating
and green thinking based on applicability of lean and green stra-
from the UK (12%). 21% of the publications evaluated and recurring
tegies to theoretical contexts, and practical industrial context as
themes originated from developing countries, specifically:
explained in the descriptive analysis of findings, in section 3.
Malaysia, India, Brazil, China, Indonesia, Singapore and Turkey. This
Quadrant 3 and 4 presents literature on the impacts of lean and
distribution of publications may be a good indication that the
green thinking in terms of operational performance. Quadrant 4
research findings were also likely to be applied to industries in
presents literature on lean methods used to improve the environ-
these same countries.
mental performance in the work stream of waste, energy, chemical,
Fig. 6 presents the articles analysed according to their industrial
water and emissions, as described in section 4.2 under lean
application. Out of the 102 publications examined, 33 were theo-
methods and environmental performance. Quadrant 3 presents the
retical papers, and 69 articles had a variety of industrial case studies
literature on lean and green models as described in section 4.2
or a variety of industries where the empirical data was gathered
under lean and green models.
from. Industrial applications included: automotive, multi sectoral,
Quadrant 3 and 4 indicate a degree of overlap in lean and green
metal work, food, construction, electronic devices, rubber, logistics
literature as the lean and green strategies implemented to improve
and other. Multisector refers to publications which had more than
environmental performance in the work streams were used as
one case study or the industrial application could be widely applied
basic principles to develop lean and green models. Some of these
to multiple sectors (Piercy and Rich, 2015; Verrier et al., 2014).
models were augmented with numerical techniques such as opti-
There were eight publications related to other industries and they
misation and simulation.
consisted of single publications from: furniture, auto rental and
Theoretical concepts of lean and green in Quadrant 1 and lean
leasing, education, furniture, paper and board, cyclic pallet system,
and green models in Quadrant 2, have been presented in the lean
manufacturing and service in general.
and green literature to date, as being largely disconnected, and so
Of the 69 articles discussing industrial case study applications,
highlights the need for the lean and green concepts to be better
the highest number of applications were recorded in the automo-
bile/automotive industry (30%, n ¼ 21). 23% of articles were from
Practical applications of lean and green strategies into different
manufacturing sectors in Quadrant 2 and application of lean
methods to sustainability work streams of Quadrant 4 have the
most overlapping areas with similar contributions in lean and
green literature as practical applications in the industry were
evident in the work stream of waste, energy, chemical, water and
There is no overlap between Quadrant 1 and 2, where Quadrant
1 is based on theoretical papers, with theoretical contexts, con-
ceptual models, and comprehensive literature reviews. In contrast
Quadrant 2 is based on literature which had industrial applications
to wide range of sectors including automobile, construction, metal,
food, electronic devices, logistics, rubber, multi-sectoral and other
4. Discussion
Fig. 6. Number of articles by the industrial application. Key findings emerging from the systematic literature review are
H.T.S. Caldera et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 167 (2017) 1546e1565 1551
Fig. 7. Emergent quadrant framework of lean and green literature highlighting dominant themes. Numbers refer to the papers presented in Appendix A.
detailed below, including what the authors refer to as a ‘lean and which in turn leads to reduction and prevention of environmental
green matrix’. The authors first present the overall findings on the pollution (King and Lenox, 2001; Larson and Greenwood, 2004).
relationship between lean and green, followed by a discussion of Business organizations with lean methods operating at a highly
specific lean methods that impact work streams such as waste, efficient level were able to prevent waste at the point of generation,
energy, emissions, water and chemical management. The authors rather than manage it once it had been generated (Florida, 1996;
then synthesize the lean and green matrix based on positive im- King and Lenox, 2001).
pacts of lean and lean integrated methods on environmental sus- There is consensus among researchers that: lean production has
tainability work streams and, lean and green model types. a positive correlation to waste minimisation and pollution pre-
vention particularly in terms of co-existence of manufacturing
4.1. Relationship between lean and green practices process efficiency and environmental performance (King and
Lenox, 2001). Lean initiatives could then be expanded to address
Lean and green thinking have emerged over the past two de- environmental waste generation and so improve environmental
cades and so influencing in resource efficiency practices. Previous performance (Yang et al., 2011), while and green initiatives also
studies have primarily concentrated on the infusion of lean and positively impacting lean methods (Dües et al., 2013).
green in terms of advanced production mechanisms and innovative
methods for green manufacturing (Florida, 1996). The following 4.2. Lean methods and environmental performance
analysis examined literature reflecting on last two decades of the
lean and green practices. It is clear that lean methods have more positive impacts on
improving environmental performance and may therefore facilitate
4.1.1. Cost reduction by the lean philosophy that contribute to sustainable business practice. Tables 2 and 3 synthesizes the liter-
sustainability ature on lean methods and specific impacts of each method on
Lean thinking is beneficial for sustainable manufacturing, environmental performance with quantitative and qualitative
particularly to enhance environment and economic outcomes evidence.
(Hartini and Ciptomulyono, 2015). Lean methods help lower the Table 4 summarises the literature on how “lean integrated
marginal cost of reducing pollution by bringing down the cost of methods” can reduce environmental impacts. These methods have
establishing remedial action for environmental pollution (King and been developed as an extension of the conventional lean methods
Lenox, 2001). The application of lean thinking principles across the shown above, by adding more environmental metrics and in-
supply chain also allows businesses to improve efficiency, reduce dicators which become topical over the last two years.
lead time and cost (Womack and Jones, 1996). The lean methods associated with sustainable business prac-
Simultaneous implementation of lean and green methods im- tices under key work streams such as waste management, energy
pacts multiple parameters of operational performance and results management, emissions management, water management, chem-
in significant cost reductions (Miller et al., 2010). These benefits ical management and green supply chain management are high-
provides substantial potential to augment lean thinking within the lighted in the following section. In addition to these lean and lean
aspirations of sustainable business practices, confirming what integrated methods, sustainable lean initiatives such as product
many authors have already claimed, that modern industry would research, design, & development, building design and construction,
achieve economic and environmental benefits by coupling lean and indoor environmental control, facility and systems maintenance
green. reclamation of resources and ethical and social considerations were
identified by Fliedner (2008) claiming sustainability as the 8th lean
4.1.2. Waste reduction and pollution prevention goals of lean principle.
thinking that contribute to sustainability
The literature reports that lean thinking methods stimulated 4.2.1. Lean methods and waste management
continuous improvement of resource efficiency (Florida, 1996; Industrial waste is the result of manufacturing activities and is
Rothenberg et al., 2001), reduction of material and energy usage, discharged into the environment in the form of solid waste, waste
1552 H.T.S. Caldera et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 167 (2017) 1546e1565
Table 2
Effects of lean methods on environmental performance with quantitative evidence.
Lean methods Author and year Impact on environmental performance with quantitative
5S Vais et al. (2006), Fliedner (2008), Chiarini (2014) Improve resource productivity, waste management and energy
efficiency. E.g.: Implementation of 5S have reduced mixed
waste from 30% to zero in five companies analysed (Chiarini,
Cellular manufacturing Fliedner (2008), Bandehnezhad et al. (2012), Chiarini (2014) Improve waste management and energy efficiency E.g.: A
reduction of 68% of energy consumption due to reduced
electricity for recharging the batteries of the electric truck after
implementing better layout and categorising machines
(Chiarini, 2014)
Lean supply chain Fliedner (2008); Simpson and Power (2005), Gonz
alez-Benito and Gonz
alez- Improve waste management across the network by
management Benito (2008), Miller et al. (2010) collaborating with the suppliers E.g.: collaborative supply chain
management eliminated 7 tons per year of volatile organic
compound (VOC) emissions, hazardous wastes, and
transportation-related impacts in its supply chain in a painting
process (Fliedner, 2008)
Total Productive Fliedner (2008), Chiarini (2014),Piercy and Rich (2015) Improve resource productivity, waste management, chemical
Maintenance (TPM) management and energy efficiency E.g.: Effective scheduled
maintenance of machinery reduced the leakage level to almost
zero (Chiarini, 2014)
Value stream mapping Simons and Mason (2003) Fliedner (2008), Vinodh et al. (2011), Identifying environmental impacts and assessing areas to be
(VSM) Folinas et al. (2013), Faulkner and Badurdeen (2014), improved and improve energy efficiency and waste
Brown et al. (2014) management E.g.: VSM identified areas for potential water
savings of 170,000 gallons of water per day with little or no
capital investment (Fliedner, 2008)
Table 3
Effects of lean methods on environmental performance with qualitative evidence.
Lean methods Author and year Impact on environmental performance with qualitative
Employee involvement Maxwell et al. (1998), Rothenberg et al. (2001), Soltero and Employees engaging in effective implementation of
Waldrip (2002), Simpson and Power (2005) environmental sustainability initiatives
Adaptation of corporate culture Mollenkopf et al. (2010) Support from top management to implement sustainability
Buffer level King and Lenox (2001) Improve waste management and reduce pollution
Kaizen events Rothenberg et al. (2001), Soltero and Waldrip (2002),Vais et al. Improve waste, water and chemical management, resource and
(2006),, Miller et al. (2010),Pampanelli et al. (2014),Hong et al. energy efficiency
Quality circles Maxwell et al. (1998) Innovative ideas to improve sustainability, waste reduction,
high employee engagement which leads to effective
implementation of environmental sustainability initiatives
Inventory reduction King and Lenox (2001), Rothenberg et al. (2001),Venkat and Improve resource productivity and waste management, reduce
Wakeland (2006) energy usage and emissions by transport
Lean product flow Ball (2015) Improve energy efficiency and thereby reduce emissions
Pull approach Fliedner (2008) Improve waste management and energy efficiency
Six sigma Fliedner (2008) Improve waste management and energy efficiency
Pre-production planning Fliedner (2008) Reduce waste by planning for a greener manufacturing process
Table 4
Effects of lean integrated tools and practices on environmental performance.
Sustainable value Faulkner and Badurdeen Assess and monitor; energy, water consumption and Assess energy, water greenhouse gas emissions, noise
stream mapping (2014), Brown et al. (2014) GHG emissions, and areas of improvement will be levels, waste and water measurements and address areas of
(Sus-VSM) suggested. improvement
Green value stream Marimin et al. (2014) Green value stream describes seven areas of waste Identify green waste other than lean waste and investigate
mapping generation as the over usage of energy, water, resource on areas of improvement
material, waste, transport, emissions, and potential
damage to biodiversity
Waste flow Kurdve et al. (2015) Reducing material losses and inefficiencies in the Identify waste material efficiency potentials
mapping handling of materials and waste.
water and emissions. Management of waste is important because problems. Industry generally adopts waste management practices
improperly stored or discharged waste could cause negative im- like ‘reduce, reuse and recycle’ to minimise landfill waste (Schaper,
pacts and create health, safety, economic and environmental 2002), and other environmental initiatives as end of pipe
H.T.S. Caldera et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 167 (2017) 1546e1565 1553
treatments. Many small enterprises, though, are resistant to being efficiency and reducing waste. 5S is conducive in creating a clean
proactive and fail to embark on sustainability measures due to the work environment, minimising waste by early detection of spills
major capital costs associated with changing raw materials or and leaks while encouraging employees to dispose waste system-
process designs, and they therefore instead implement ad-hoc so- atically (Chiarini, 2014; Fliedner, 2008; Vais et al., 2006). Total
lutions as required (Hillary, 2000). productive maintenance (TPM) supports environmental manage-
‘Lean manufacturing’ as a business strategy focuses mainly on ment (Vais et al., 2006) and is advantageous in reducing impact
reducing non-value adding waste such as transport, inventory, caused by machine operations such as; reducing leakage of oil and
motion, waiting, over production, over processing and defects emissions of dust, and chemical fumes to the environment
(Ono, 1988). The fundamental principle of lean manufacturing or (Chiarini, 2014). Value stream mapping is useful in determining
lean thinking is to add more value to customers by omitting non- environmental impacts in the manufacturing process and
valued activities from the value chain (Florida, 1996). The main improving environmental performance through reducing scrap
purpose is to eliminate waste and use resources efficiently which is material and defects (Brown et al., 2014; Chiarini, 2014; Esfandyari
directly linked to critical environmental issues such as pollution. et al., 2015). Manufacturers believe lean practice could improve
The lean methods focus on achieving high quality standards their environmental performance but lacks a holistic approach in
throughout the manufacturing process and not merely to solve a attaining synergistic results (Sobral et al., 2013). For example, in-
problem when it arises, as such a short term measure is not usually dustry does not capitalise on the association between value stream
sustainable in the long term. Similarly, environmental impacts of a mapping and life cycle analysis. Value stream mapping was
manufacturing process should be anticipated beforehand so that extended to a comprehensive methodology of ‘sustainable value
proactive measures are adopted to prevent irreversible conse- stream mapping’ by recognising suitable metrics and methods to
quences, and are consistent with the cleaner production concept of visually present environmental waste (Faulkner and Badurdeen,
addressing waste at the point of generation (King and Lenox, 2001; 2014). Sustainable value stream mapping addresses raw material
Sawhney et al., 2007). waste, process water waste and energy waste under environmental
There are numerous lean methods associated with environ- metrics, not captured in traditional value stream mapping (Brown
mental waste management spanning 5S, total productive mainte- et al., 2014).
nance, kaizen, quality circles, lean supply chain management, root The Kaizen approach supports continuous improvement and
cause analysis, lean six sigma, and pull approach (shown in Tables 2 facilitates activities in minimising material waste and pollution
and 3). A holistic waste reduction programme, synergizing green (Miller et al., 2010; Pampanelli et al., 2014; Vinodh et al., 2011). As
and lean programs, provides advantages in delivering better busi- an approach Kaizen can be integrated with Environmental Man-
ness results. Considering both types of waste - lean waste and green agement Systems (ISO 14001) in sustainable business practices
waste programs - to clean up the dirty dozen of waste: seven from where continuous improvement plays a key role. Quality circles
lean programmes (transport, inventory, motion, waiting, over play is vital in identifying process issues from employees and get-
production, over processing and defects); and five from green ting innovative solutions from them (Maxwell et al., 1998). Partic-
programmes (water waste, hazardous waste, energy waste, solid ipation of people is considered to be a critical factor in
waste, and greenhouse gases) were developed and these programs implementing lean management system (Amani et al., 2015; King
have synergistic effects on integrated waste management systems and Lenox, 2001; Maxwell et al., 1998; Soltero and Waldrip,
(Bergmiller and McCright, 2011). Identifying waste and establishing 2002). Likewise, in environmental management “people involve-
waste reducing techniques will impact the effectiveness of a firm’s ment” is imperative in carrying out environmental initiatives
lean and green programmes (Bergmiller and McCright, 2009). (Rothenberg et al., 2001), a process useful in effective imple-
Different mapping tools such as green value stream mapping mentation of initiatives as employees have ownership in imple-
(Marimin et al., 2014), waste flow mapping (Kurdve et al., 2015), menting their own ideas. Even in sustainable business practice,
process mapping (White and James, 2014) do facilitate opportu- quality circles are useful to analyse problems by brainstorming or
nities to observe and visualize the green waste point of generation using cause effect diagrams.” Champions to drive initiatives could
and are also effective in evaluating environmental impact caused by be selected from these lean quality circles and sustainability circles
the process activities. Amalgamated with life cycle assessment based on the creativity of the solutions they present. Such a strat-
(LCA) these mapping tools can evaluate the potential environ- egy would be successful if these employees, ecopreneurs, cham-
mental impacts associated with inputs and outputs at each phase of pions could be recognised and rewarded for implementing those
a product life cycle (from procurement of raw materials, material solutions and the execution of their ideas could be assured (Sarah
processing, use and discharge or recycling). The scope of the life and Clifford, 2007; Stubbs and Cocklin, 2008). Lean thinking can
cycle assessment (defining the start and end phase) can be defined be considered as a business model archetype of sustainable and
according to the accessibility of data in the process. Product design social manufacturing area as well, given its role in actively
and development model by Sorli et al. (2010) incorporated product empowering people to generate new ideas and engaging them in
life cycle and developed user-centric design and development implementing new initiatives.
while creating innovative and customised solutions for clients.
Other specific tools that calculate the ecological footprint of a 4.2.2. Lean methods and energy management
product are effective quantitative parameters to assess the area of Planning and efficient use of energy in an organization leads to
land required to extract resources and emit waste when producing resource efficiency as well as economic savings. Energy manage-
it. Such tools that incorporate lean methods and green waste ment is connected to environmental management systems and
management can yield better results in reducing financial costs and requires behavioral changes in people to reduce wasteful energy
negative environmental impacts. Several researchers provided ev- usage. Energy efficient technologies such as installing energy effi-
idence on positive effects of lean and green combination on waste cient appliances, improving lighting systems while maximising
management (Folinas et al., 2014; Galeazzo et al., 2014) with some natural light, green building designs, zero emission transport, use
researchers using case studies to further demonstrate quantitative of renewable energy solutions such as hydro, wind and solar are all
results in waste reduction (Amani et al., 2015). important in efficient management of energy (Moscardo, 2013).
Lean methods such as 5S, total productive maintenance and Lean thinking is a continuous improvement approach for energy
value stream mapping have contributed to improving resource efficient manufacturing for monetary savings and reduced negative
1554 H.T.S. Caldera et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 167 (2017) 1546e1565
environmental impacts (Garetti and Taisch, 2012). A number of lean climate change.
methods influence energy management such as cellular Empirical evidence confirms that lean methods do impact the
manufacturing, lean product flow, total productive maintenance, reduction of emissions (King and Lenox, 2001), specifically volatile
5S, value stream mapping, kaizen and sustainable value stream organic compounds (Rothenberg et al., 2001). However, few lean
mapping where some provide a positive correlation between lean methods have been applied to emissions management compared to
practices and efficient use of energy (Rothenberg et al., 2001). waste management. The three key lean methods that have been
Chiarini (2014) established positive effects of lean methods on associated with emissions management are the flow principle, total
energy consumption through an empirical research conducted in a productive maintenance and value stream mapping. The flow
European motorcycle component manufacturer. Cellular principle decreases energy consumption and thereby reduce
manufacturing leads to a decrease in energy by means of lower set gaseous emissions (Ball, 2015). Total productive maintenance re-
up times and lesser product changeover, with reduced inventories duces dust emissions and chemical fume into the environment
demanding floor spacing that allows for a reduction in energy (Chiarini, 2014). The third lean method used to manage emissions is
consumption (Bandehnezhad et al., 2012; Chiarini, 2014). Little the value stream mapping (VSM) tool which is used to identify non-
importance has been identified for lean integrated tools such as value adding components in the manufacturing process and well
sustainable value stream mapping tools as an energy metric to trained staff are necessary for a smooth workflow if VSM is to
monitor and evaluate the energy usage in processes (Brown et al., reduce in carbon emissions (Wu et al., 2013). VSM was also iden-
2014; Faulkner and Badurdeen, 2014). tified as an effective lean tool to identify factors affecting total
A positive correlation between 5S and energy efficiency due to emissions in a specific supply chain and also to reduce waste
reduced space in manufacturing functions was proven through an measured in terms of carbon emissions (Folinas et al., 2013). Value
empirical research study conducted by Chiarini (2014). The use of stream mapping has been used extensively and integrated with
total productive maintenance also showed a decreased energy Kaizen to develop ‘A carbon- value efficiency methodology’ to make
consumption (Chiarini, 2014) and with the use of lean tools such as significant improvements in carbon value efficiency and reduction
Kaizen (Pampanelli et al., 2014), and value stream mapping (Folinas of carbon footprint (Ng et al., 2015). This value stream mapping has
et al., 2014), systematic approaches have been suggested to been effective and extended to ‘sustainable value stream mapping’
significantly reduce energy consumption. Ball (2015) investigated by using energy metrics which are directly linked to the emission of
the effects of lean product flow on energy consumption and found greenhouse gases (Faulkner and Badurdeen, 2014). Sustainable
that using cluster batches minimise losses between productions value stream mapping, can lead to end-to-end (from raw material
and enables processes to run efficiently. However, strategies to to product) carbon dioxide reduction (Simons and Mason, 2003).
reduce energy consumption such as reuse of the heat produced as While some lean methods have been used globally in emissions
waste in one process for another process, could be restricting the management, not all lean methods are green. For example, frequent
production schedule (Ball, 2015). Operation flows in the lean replenishment of inventory in lean supply chains raises the carbon
product flow could be infused with sustainable designs by dioxide emissions due to increased transport (Venkat and
considering maximum utilisation of natural lighting and ventila- Wakeland, 2006), demonstrating that not all lean tools and prac-
tion by installing windows and skylights. In the neo classical eco- tices are necessarily green. Organizations should carefully choose
nomic system, the primary objective of business is profit lean tools when integrating with sustainable business practice.
maximisation (Stormer, 2003), therefore quantifying the benefits in Rothenberg et al. (2001) believes that trade-offs between lean and
monetary terms is appealing to organizations. With the increasing green are unavoidable and pointed out for example that, painting
prices in fuel and energy, creating the need for substantial energy cars in batches of a similar colour for example will minimise
reductions leads to a win-win situation in both economic and emissions. This lean approach however uses spray paint to obtain
environmental performance in business organizations. better quality and efficiency, however also has negative effects on
the environment. Some organizations in the automotive industry
4.2.3. Lean methods and emissions management have shown interest in compromising lean practices to mitigate
Emissions management is a common sustainability work stream their emissions (Rothenberg et al., 2001) which highlights the need
used in organizations as a strategy to reduce carbon dioxide and to apply lean methods to streamline manufacturing processes, and
other emissions from their manufacturing processes. Nearly 31% of identify potential areas to harness the sustainable business
global primary energy is consumed by the manufacturing industry practice.
(IEA, 2007) and can be directly linked to carbon emission and
climate change, a global environmental concern. The combustion of 4.2.4. Lean methods and water management
fossil fuel such as coal, fuel and natural gas causes emission of Water is a scarce resource and should be carefully consumed to
carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide, nitrous oxide and heavy metals fulfil both immediate needs and long term environmental sus-
make it essential to adopt clean technologies and shift towards tainability. Better management of water demands ‘water efficiency’
renewable energy options. That means that emissions management approaches such as reducing pollution during the manufacturing
strategies and tools such as carbon footprint analysis, strategic process, increasing the capacity of water for reuse, and reduce
assessment of climate risks and opportunities, energy efficient waste water in industries. Raising awareness of sustainable water
measures, renewable energy use, emissions trading, and investing management among employees and providing training will ensure
in carbon credits (Moscardo, 2013) all need to be practiced. Envi- appropriate “water efficiency” and “pollution prevention” ap-
ronmental taxes especially carbon tax have encouraged many or- proaches (Byers et al., 2010).
ganizations to reduce their carbon footprint. Carbon management There are a limited number of lean methods used for efficient
as one emission management strategy directly impacts economic water use, however Kaizen (continuous improvement practices)
and environmental performance in business organizations and value stream mapping are identified as being currently in use.
(Azevedo et al., 2012). For example when environmental taxes were Kaizen focus and its workshops and training programs have caused
imposed on businesses in the Scandinavian countries such as people to change their attitudes toward proper housekeeping in
Sweden, Norway and Denmark, the increasing fuel prices, led to organizations and the 3Rs of reduce, reuse and recycle (Vais et al.,
increased prices in products (Ekins, 1999) This tax was enacted to 2006). Inculcating such a culture means employees are motivated
reduce greenhouses gas emissions as a mitigating measure for to use recycled water and to responsibly consume and discharge
H.T.S. Caldera et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 167 (2017) 1546e1565 1555
water. An extended value stream mapping technique measured environmental and quality/lean practices in supply chains
water consumption (Folinas et al., 2014) but lacked proper moni- (Wiengarten et al., 2013). The role of lean, green supply chain
toring and water metrics. The new ‘sustainable value stream management models were established in manufacturing as well as
mapping’ method monitors the water consumption level during in service sector.
manufacturing activities and identifies areas to be evaluated and Table 5 presents a matrix distilled from all of the lean methods
considered for improvement (Brown et al., 2014; Faulkner and discussed in section 4.2 of this analysis, and represents the positive
Badurdeen, 2014). Integrated lean and sustainable water manage- impacts of lean and lean integrated methods on a specific envi-
ment practices could be further improved by amalgamating sus- ronmental management work streams. The black dots represent
tainable corporate environmental initiatives such as assessment of the availability of a particular lean tool to improve an environ-
water consumption (e.g.: central water metering, sub metering), mental management work stream based on the findings and dis-
sustainable sourcing of water, treatment of waste water, re-use of cussion above.
treated waste water for other purposes such as gardening and toilet
flushing, installing water efficient fittings, rain water harvesting, 4.3. Lean and green models
drip irrigation for landscaping as well as raising awareness and
training employees. A sustainable business model is described as a business model
that bring about competitive advantage by providing excellent
4.2.5. Lean methods and chemical management customer value and is instrumental in the sustainable development
The excessive use of toxic substances in industrial processes of the company as well as the society (Lüdeke-Freund, 2010).
causes a major threat to human health and the environment Strategy definition, organizational support, intrinsic and extrinsic
making it critical to examine the health and safety risks and envi- motivation were identified as key enablers in implementing sus-
ronmental hazards of chemicals used in the manufacturing process tainability business practice in business organizations (Seidel et al.,
as well as chemicals used in the workplace. For example, the 2010). Sustainable business modelling benefits from a value map-
restricted substance list (RSL) of chemicals contains a list of ping tool, which proposes three forms of value such as value
chemicals and substances toxic for human health and environment captured, missed or wasted and opportunity (Lenssen et al., 2013).
and encourages the industrial practitioners in apparel and footwear Environment, society, customer and network actors are identified
industry to remove such substances from their products and pro- as four stakeholder groups in this value mapping tool which en-
cesses (Das, 2013). Organizations should ensure safety of people capsulates the firm’s perspective as well as stakeholder views to
and the environment through proactively understanding and pru- give a better interpretation of the value proposition (Lenssen et al.,
dently selecting every chemical and raw material used in their 2013). ‘Lean thinking’ is targeted intervention for profit-dominated
manufacturing process. organizations to implement sustainable business models to define
There is minimal use of lean methods in chemical management strategy, reduce waste, improve material efficiency and create
where only a few approaches such as 5S, Total productive main- value. Value stream mapping is an efficient lean tool used to
tenance and Kaizen are currently in use. 5S as an approach for identify material flow and waste in sustainable manufacturing
organizing the work environment in a better way, and to identify processes and thereby evaluate areas for improvement to deliver
spills and leaks to reduce chemical and material usage better value for customers (Rother and Shook, 2003). Lean and
(Bandehnezhad et al., 2012). Incorporating 5S principles such as green system model together create a structured and holistic
sorting, set in order and standardising are part of 5S with chemical mechanism for making a business green (Zokaei et al., 2013) and
management initiatives such as assessing material safety data could therefore be used as a potential sustainable business model
sheets (MSDS) of each chemical used in the process, checking its to harness the best outcomes in an organization’s economic and
risk while comparing against the restricted substance list of that environmental performance. Reduction of raw materials, utility
particular industry and making a chemical management plan footprints and cost are significant benefits of adopting lean and
would improve the role of lean thinking in sustainable chemical green practices (Sobral et al., 2013; Zokaei et al., 2013).
management. Total productive maintenance is used to reduce There is an increasing amount of literature on lean and green
impact on machines such as oil leakages, emissions of dust and models integrating lean and green philosophies to develop con-
chemical gases to the environment (Chiarini, 2014). Implementing ceptual models, some of which were validated with case studies.
Kaizen events led to reduction of general chemical products con- The attempts to conceptualise and numerically construct optimi-
sumption when applying lean and green model for production cell sation or simulation models are encapsulated in Table 6. At the
(Pampanelli et al., 2014). The Kaizen is an approach based on outset of developing green and lean models it is important to
continuous improvement and this concept is the underlying prin- identify the overlapping sections of both practices that achieve the
ciple for environmental management system, and confirms the best cumulative results in environmental and economic perfor-
similarities in the core concepts of lean and green management. mance (Dües et al., 2013). Waste, waste reduction techniques,
people and organization, lead time reduction and supply chain
4.2.6. Lean methods and green supply chain management relationship are some of the common attributes which intersect the
The principles of lean, green and supply chain management two subsets of lean and green paradigms (Dües et al., 2013). A
(flow of goods and services) have been examined by several re- number of researchers used these common attributes to develop
searchers to establish links between lean, green and supply chain conceptual models, with some validating their conceptual models
management. A growing body of literature has established: drivers, by obtaining empirical data.
barriers, converging and contradictory factors and the role of lean This section of the review analysed 25 articles on lean and green
supply chain management in implementing environmental sus- models which included six conceptual models and 18 validated
tainability initiatives across the supply chain (Mollenkopf et al., models (shown in Table 6). In most cases the conceptualised
2010); relationships between lean management, supply chain models were validated in a specific industrial context - the majority
management and sustainability (Martínez-Jurado and Moyano- of validated models were from the automobile and automobile/
Fuentes, 2014); a model to analyse the effect of green lean up- automaker supply chain industry (32%). This high proportion in the
stream supply chain management on sustainable development automobile and manufacturing field can generally be understood as
(Azevedo et al., 2012) and possible synergistic effect between the lean manufacturing system/Toyota manufacturing system
1556 H.T.S. Caldera et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 167 (2017) 1546e1565
mapping mapping
tion of lean manufacturing systems in these industries indicated
Toyota Corporation’s leadership in incorporating environmental
sustainability into lean thinking. This also indicates a significant
emergence in the leanegreen supply chain management field as
also evident in the extensive reviews of Martínez-Jurado and
Moyano-Fuentes (2014) and Mollenkopf et al. (2010).
production circles and root cause
Quality Lean six sigma
different industries.
Lean and sustainability were further modelled through a
structural model and contextual analysis by Yang et al. (2011) who
Table 5
Table 6
A summary of lean and green models and approaches (found in the literature).
Simple generic supply chain model Conceptual Generic food Simulated the generic supply chain which Limited applicability for a broader range of
(Venkat and Wakeland, 2006) supply chain demonstrates the conflicts between lean and environmental performance matrices
green, trade-offs and other opportunities to considering the impacts if supply chain and
optimise process limited validity for real business context
Environmentally Lean (En-Lean) Validated Metal working En-Lean method to facilitated the developing Applicability is validated for a single metal
methodology (Sawhney et al., 2007) association of lean practices and environmental cutting context, which limits the
considerations for a specific process by using generalizability to various other industries
Use of HTML and JavaScript codes to integrate having different environmental impact
lean and environmental practices taking
multiple environmental measure for
Simulation model (Esmemr et al., 2010) Validated Shipping and Simulated the process to decide optimum Focused more on effectiveness and limited focus
logistics number of machines to minimise the on lean and green dimensions to improve
environmental impacts efficiency
Integrated lean tools and sustainability Validated Furniture Investigated manufacturing process by using Limited generalizability to other industrial
concepts with discrete event simulation mathematical optimisation to select appropriate context.
modelling (Miller et al., 2010) supplier to minimise the transportation distance
(reduce carbon footprint) and establish major
financials savings
Optimisation model (Mashaei et al., 2011) Validated Cyclic pallet Used of optimisation principle to reduce energy Limited generalizability to other industrial
system usage in pallet system context. The mechanical errors and complexity
of time is not captures in the study (due to
variable permutation matrix)
Interoperability analysis model Validated Automotive Assessed business interoperability and suggests Limited applicability and validity to real world
(Espadinha-Cruz et al., 2011) actions to minimise supply chain issues large scale practices
Model incorporating lean and green Conceptual Supply chain Used of balanced score card approach to Minimal validation for the real world context
supply chain into a performance integrate lean and green supply chain into a
measurement system, using the performance measurement system
balanced scorecard approach (Duarte
et al., 2011)
A conceptual model with lean, agile, Conceptual Supply chain Limited number of supply chain links and
Identified the synergistic effects, divergences
resilient and green practices and supply caused by lean, agile, resilience and green attributes were used reflecting on the literature
chain management attributes (Carvalho paradigm review which gives a fractional view on supply
and Cruz-Machado, 2011) chain dynamics
Structural model (Yang et al., 2011) Validated Multisectoral Used of structural model and contextual Validation of the proposed model lacked the
analysis to show the impact of lean applicability for in depth case studies especially
manufacturing on environmental performance addressing aspects such as laws, regulations and
carbon management.
Lean Product and Process Development Validated Multisectoral Use life cycle of a product to create value Limited effectiveness of tools and techniques to
Model (Sorli et al., 2012) incorporated with sustainability and cost harness the targeted outcomes according to the
effectiveness field study
SIRIM Green 5-S Model for Sustainable Conceptual General Aimed to reduce waste, improve process and Limited applicability and validity to global
Development/Integrated Lean obtain economic savings sustainability and competitiveness
Management System Model (Ho, 2012)
Integrated Lean, Agile, Resilient and Green Validated Auto-maker Aided the process of selecting appropriate Limited applications and generalizability to
(LARG) analytic network process (ANP) supply chain practices and key performance indicators to other industries other than automaker supply
model to support decision-making establish in firms in the supply chain industry chain
(Cabral et al., 2012)
Model which indicates the relationship Conceptual Automotive Used of structural equation modelling to Limited validity for a real business context
between Green Lean Six Sigma (GLSS) demonstrate the relationships between Green
and Financial Performance (FP) (Zamri Lean Six Sigma and Financial Performance
et al., 2013)
Conceptual framework (Jabbour et al., Validated Automotive Provided statistical validation for relationships Limited sample size used for data collection
2013) between environmental management, which limits the applications and
operational performance management and generalizability to other industries other than
human resources, lean manufacturing and the automotive sector
environmental management
The model of efficient and sustainable Validated Forming tube Aided to align efficiency and sustainability Limited accessibility to databases to obtain data
improvements in a lean production through innovation and helps to quantify the for the models
system (Aguado et al., 2013) improvements representing environmental
sustainability as a results of minimised usage of
raw materials and thereby reduced
environmental impact
An approach for incorporating both lean Validated Automotive Used of discrete event simulation model to
Limited usage of other quantitative and
and green strategies into a integrate lean and green strategiesqualitative environmental management factors
manufacturing system (Diaz-Elsayed within the manufacturing industries such as
et al., 2013) lighting levels, air condition, compressed air to
best incorporate lean and green strategies
A model of waste management combing Conceptual General Focus on constant minimisation of waste Limited applicability and validity for the real
lean and green (Fercoq et al., 2013) world context and focuses only on waste
Lean-ecosphere’ management system- Validated Semiconductor Established a solid foundation on lean More focus on human aspects while limited
using interpretive structural modelling management through a scientific methodology applicability for environmental and economic
and analytical network process (Wong while incorporating the human aspects aspects of sustainability
and Wong, 2014)
(continued on next page)
1558 H.T.S. Caldera et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 167 (2017) 1546e1565
Table 6 (continued )
Lean & Green Model (Pampanelli et al., Validated Automotive Provided a detailed analysis for the Applicability of the model is constrained to a cell
2014) manufacturing plant cell level in a manufacturing context and limited
applicability for broader level manufacturing
Interpretive structural model (Govindan Conceptual Automotive Identified inter-links among lean, green and Limited applicability and validity for the real
et al., 2015) supply chain supply chain management to categorise their world context
“driving or dependence power”.
A supply chain planning model (Fahimnia Validated Multisectoral Assessed the trade-offs among cost and Complexity of data requirement make the
et al., 2015) deterioration of the environment by means of application of the model complicated for some
carbon gas emissions, energy usage and waste business organizations
production by use of complex mathematical
modelling approach
Carbon-Value Efficiency (CVE) (Ng et al., Validated Metal stamp Easy-to-track metric integrated lean and green There is limited generalizability in this
2015) part producer practice application as it was specific to a metal stamp
production context.
A stage-based theoretical model of lean- Validated Multisectoral Used a stage-based theoretical model to Limited application and validity for other
sustainability (Piercy and Rich, 2015) demonstrate mutuality of lean-sustainability industrial context other than the 5 case studies
and to holistic change in the process. This could used and to supply chain and retailing phases
be used a benchmark tool to evaluate
performance of an organization.
Integrated sustainable practices model Validated Automobile Demonstrated the integration of lean, green and Limited generalizability to other sectors other
incorporating the most popular lean, (auto-fashion) social practices and its effects on the triple than the an auto fashion industry
green, and social practices (Wu et al., bottom line cumulatively than by individually
2015) implementing the activities
Integrated lean and green assessment of Validated Metal Used discrete event simulation tool for Limited capacity to identify the identify the best
production systems (Greinacher et al., monetary assessment of lean and green combination of both lean and green strategies in
2015) manufacturing systems considering energy and manufacturing systems
material usage
1. Conceptual model ¼ composition of concepts, which are used to help people know, understand, or simulate a subject; 2. Validated model ¼ developed model being
validated for a particular application/case study or tested with empirical evidence from industry.
the social practice aspect of sustainability by using concepts such as model aid the selection of suppliers with minimal transportation
“consumer care”, since there is an increasing trend to be conscious distance and thereby reducing carbon footprint in the supply chain.
of consumer wellbeing. Optimisation principles were also used by Mashaei et al. (2011) to
In discussing the role of supply chain Duarte et al. (2011) pro- reduce energy usage in a cyclic pallet system. For this purpose, the
posed a conceptual model combining a lean and green supply chain mean value of the energy usage of the pallet system was modelled
into a performance measurement system, utilising the balanced which was then used as the objective function of the optimisation
scorecard method. Hajmohammad et al. (2013a) also posited a model. Constraints such as cyclic and dynamic behaviour, queueing
model showing supply management and lean practices are posi- policy, and buffer size were used when developing the model. The
tively influencing environmental performance. Integrating the final solution provides the optimal values of the system control
concept of “sustainable sourcing” for the lean supply chain man- variables, namely, number of pallets and conveyor velocity which
agement could pave the way for better performance in lean and leads to significant energy savings.
green supply chain management. Fahimnia et al. (2015) suggested a tactical supply chain planning
Of these validated models some researchers used mathematical model (complex mathematical model and solution approach) to
modelling, simulation and optimisation. For example Diaz-Elsayed assess the trade-offs among cost and deterioration of the envi-
et al. (2013) proposed an approach which required creating a ronment by means of carbon gas emissions, energy usage and
discrete event simulation model. This model could be developed waste production. Wider application of these models could be
further by adding quantitative and qualitative environmental provided if they were tested in different industries, considering
management factors within the industries such as lighting levels, similarity in environmental impacts. However, mathematical
air conditioning, compressed air (e.g.: actual heat load, air condi- modelling, simulation and optimisation, requires data and the
tioner efficiency), electrical systems (e.g.: power factor, load complex nature of the model may be challenging for certain
scheduling) and boilers (e.g.: capacity) and identify quantifiable organizational contexts. Factors of the volatile external environ-
costs and benefits related to these green strategies. This method ment such as government regulations, policies and competitions by
could be also used as an internal calibration tool for the organiza- other companies in the industry can be incorporated to improve
tion to assess and benchmark environmental performance along these models.
with operational performance. A leanegreen transformation model was proposed to establish a
Sawhney et al. (2007) presented the En-Lean method to facili- lean and green organizational culture based on existing manage-
tate the developing association of lean practices and environmental ment business models included in awards, standards and frame-
considerations for a specific process by using HTML and JavaScript works. The criticality of employee engagement, leadership,
codes. Miller et al. (2010) proposed a model to investigate strategic planning was highlighted in deploying lean and green in a
manufacturing process by using discrete event simulation and systematic manner (Duarte and Cruz-Machado, 2013b). Lean
optimisation to eliminate waste in manufacturing process. This practices could be aligned with sustainability to use material,
H.T.S. Caldera et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 167 (2017) 1546e1565 1559
energy and water efficiently (e.g.: green manufacturing) and to It is clear that from a resource efficiency perspective, lean
shift from conventional processes to renewable energy options and thinking is a critical, but still underutilised approach within the
regenerative designs. For this purpose lean and green frameworks modern industrial system. This review presented specific lean
can be integrated with environmental management practices such methods which could be better utilised to reduce specific envi-
as environmental management systems, environmental policy, ronmental impact and models integrating the lean and green
environmental auditing, life cycle analysis, green manufacturing, concept. The review evaluated a number of lean and lean integrated
zero emission initiatives and biomimicry. Such constructs provide a methods, from which the authors conclude that there is minimal
good breeding ground for future research which could be beneficial application of lean methods beyond waste and energy, to support
for both the academics as well as and industrial practitioners. While areas such as chemical and water management.
lean thinking is evolving in manufacturing sector rectifying errors The literature review also established a knowledge gap of an
in processes, future research could explore how lean value systems extensive system in finding targeted solutions for different types of
could be developed in a “green-field” environment (Hines et al., environmental impacts (e.g.: solid waste, greenhouse gas emis-
2004). sions, waste water) and appropriate lean methods or models aimed
Toyota has successfully demonstrated lean and green process at each context. Most research has focused on exploring specific
management, with their manufacturing excellence in lean lean methods and models only providing solutions for a specific
manufacturing and commitment to social and environmental sus- environmental impact, for example: reducing volatile organic
tainability. Toyota believed in the synergy between nature and compounds (Rothenberg et al., 2001), efficient energy use (Ball,
value adding to society (Zokaei et al., 2013). Wal-Mart has also been 2015), reducing carbon footprint (Ng et al., 2015), and waste
successful in using lean and green concepts where they reduced the management (Kurdve et al., 2015; Maxwell et al., 1998). The authors
height of building structures in stores and the space in facilities propose that a more holistic approach could link specific lean
which leads to reduction in energy consumption (Fliedner, 2008). methods and models to a larger scope of environmental issues with
However, organizations will face barriers and challenges in multiple benefits in integrated manufacturing excellence and
applying lean and green principles to their organizational context. improved uptake of sustainable business practice from the same
A lack of technical knowledge (Alinaitwe, 2009), lack of support initiative.
from top management (Kim and Park, 2006), resistance to change Future research could develop a holistic system to explore
because of the novelty of the concept (Wycherley, 1999), risk pathways for lean principles to be augmented with sustainability
aversive nature (Adriana Rossiter et al., 2011), attitude of humans concepts such as low carbon manufacturing, green chemistry,
(Howell, 1999) financial costs incurred in re-designing of processes biomimicry and regenerative design. It is anticipated that the
and provisions for contingency plans (Oladiran, 2008) are some of synergistic effect of such a lean and green paradigm would improve
the identified barriers in implementing lean and green initiatives. economic and environmental outcomes in an organization.
This means many manufacturers initially pick on the low hanging Looking ahead, there are a number of implications of this
fruit (e.g.: changing light bulbs) and gradually move towards major research for industry and within academia. How this integration of
transformation in the manufacturing processes, thereby strength- lean and green paradigm should be executed as a pathway for
ening capabilities and resources to improve the benefits in lean and corporate sustainable development demands deeper exploration.
green practices. Structuring, categorising and finding relationships between sus-
tainable work streams and lean practices can stimulate research on
5. Conclusion the simultaneous implementation of lean and sustainable business
practices and their compatibility. For example, academics and
This paper synthesizes the state-of-art research on the rela- practitioners could further study lean methods to better manage
tionship between lean thinking and sustainable business practice. the use of chemicals and water in manufacturing processes.
The purpose of this review was twofold; to establish the range of Industrial practitioners can identify opportunities in lean
lean and green methods that are readily available for industrial thinking not only towards excellence in manufacturing but also to
practitioners, and to distinguish a number of existing lean and fulfil their responsibility towards the environment in a collective
green models that can be used to embed lean thinking in sustain- effort. The lean and green matrix, conceptual and numerical lean
able business processes. As the lean and green models reviewed green models presented in this paper will benefit both researchers
were mostly applied to a specific industry or context with few and industrialists in gaining valuable information on the influence
generalizable models, the authors also considered opportunities for of lean practices in increasing corporate environmental sustain-
models to be used in other, broader contexts. An emergent quad- ability, and thereby provide new paradigms and pathways to ach-
rant framework was developed to synthesize the literature on lean ieve a balance in environmental and economic priorities in
and green thinking, which could also be used as a guide to further sustainable business practice.
investigate how lean thinking can be adopted as a targeted
approach to construct sustainable business models that reduce
waste and improve material efficiency, and minimise costs in Acknowledgements
business processes.
Sustainable business practice is supported by numerous and The authors of this study kindly acknowledge the financial
evolving approaches spanning environmental management sys- support given by QUT Postgraduate Research Award (QUTPRA)
tems, policies, auditing, reporting, legal litigation and risk assess- which is rewarded by the Queensland University of Technology,
ment, life cycle assessment, and the triple bottom line. Lean Brisbane, Australia. I acknowledge the support of the QUT Academic
thinking is another emerging approach, with significant potential e Language and Learning Service, in particular Karyn Gonano in the
through the ‘lean and green’ philosophy e to transform an orga- writing and development of this article.
nization’s performance with well-integrated and aligned sustain-
able business practices. Lean and green models can harness the best
outcomes for business, integrating sustainable concepts such as Appendix A
resource productivity and cleaner production to concurrently
reduce waste and improve material efficiency.
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