Civil Engineering
Civil Engineering
Civil Engineering
Civil engineering has existed since the earliest civilizations, which go back to 3000 years before
the AD history, and there are civilizations that remain to this day reminiscent of civil history and
its great monuments that are considered among the Seven Wonders of the World, such as the
Pharaohs in building the pyramids, the Nabataeans in building Petra, the images of the great
China, and many more. One of the effects that architecture is involved in to this day in the
construction of tall towers, monuments and gardens with geometric shapes in which the civil and
architectural engineer excels in building and constructing buildings beyond imagination and
Civil engineer:
Civil engineering departments, and this does not prevent the engineer from being conversant in
several aspects of engineering, and this is one of the advantages of the engineer.
-Water engineer.
-Explosions engineer.
-Infrastructure engineer.
-Project management .
Not every civil engineer is considered a successful person in his work, as it is a science that
requires effort, perseverance, a strong view of things and their analysis on the ground and the
impossibility of error in application, and for the engineer to be successful:
-The availability of a lot of knowledge, it is a science that needs integration in all the matters it
-Sufficient experience that makes him mm in all small and large work details.
- Self-confidence that makes him make correct decisions and a convincing personality because
construction requires a lot and a lot of hard work and making sure of the construction process and
the absence of mistakes.
-Obtaining what is required of him and calculating it at the lowest costs, because the financial
aspect is the basis in the construction operations in order to remain investors and reduce these
-Searching for everything new and this is what distinguishes a civil engineer from other engineers
so that it has beautiful touches that make it at the top.
-Find simple solutions that are far from complex and incapacitating, and good planning of things
will seek to have a period of time for the completion of the work.
Architecture focuses on the spatial functions and aesthetics of work, and is more concerned with
art, appearance, form, and design function, while the structural elements are the specialty of civil
engineering; In terms of ensuring that the building withstands harsh and natural conditions, the
architect creates the design with the shape, color, and space it contains, then civil engineers
analyze this design to find ways to make it possible to implement it, and find suitable materials,
present proposals for development, modifications, and evaluate the safety of the building to
transform Architectural vision into reality from a civil engineer job.
architecture :
As a result of the rapid technological advancement of the Industrial Revolution, this relatively
new licensed profession emerged in the twentieth century. Architects specializing in building
construction are considered, architecture engineering is the harvest of a legacy of thousands of
years of gradual innovation in building technology and scientific progress. For building design,
architects applied the latest scientific knowledge and techniques, The structural integrity,
usability of these buildings, and the quality of the air we breathe are a result of the design of
architects, and because a lot of energy is consumed in buildings, the energy that can be saved,
and the building technologies required to build sustainable cities, are among the priorities and
tasks of architects. Construction teams meticulously create everyday buildings and mega-
buildings, and they have a responsibility to meet many of the challenges of the 21st century such
as reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
civil engineering:
Civil engineering is the profession in which the forces of nature and various resources are
employed for the benefit of man and provide him with well-being, and it is a profession in which
the physical sciences are applied, in addition to the knowledge that a person possesses, which
includes his experience and his educational attainment; To develop methods of utilizing various
resources; To provide facilities for society, improve the environment and various aspects of
economic life, such as industry, and establish important facilities for the individual to benefit
from them to the fullest extent, as it is an art that directs resources and prepares them for human
use in a manner commensurate with the human being.
In civil engineering, the principles of natural philosophy are practically applied, and among the
most important areas of civil engineering application are: road management, bridges, railways,
marine navigation canals, river canals, shipbuilding and marinas, barriers, breakwaters,
warehouses, lighthouses, and malls. And many others related to industry and commerce, and it is
worth noting that the term civil engineering was used for the first time in the eighteenth century,
and the purpose of its use was to distinguish between civil engineering practices from those
associated with the army. That is, military engineering, and the first to call himself an engineer
was the Englishman John Smitten, and he used the term civil engineering to distinguish his work
for clients of windmills, ports, lighthouses, and other works that differ from military works.
Civil engineering is one of the oldest engineering disciplines. Its impact is evident in the
pyramids of Egypt, the road systems established by the Romans, as well as related to the public
sector and the private sector, so job opportunities are available for civil engineers in both sectors,
and it can be said that the scope of civil engineering is very wide and enables its workers to
obtain important and very prestigious jobs, and it has increased. The need for civil engineers
today; Due to the increasing need to develop roads and buildings and make people's lives safer
and easier for them
Civil engineering has great importance in a person’s life. If an individual looks at the house in
which he lives, he must realize the civil engineer’s participation in the construction process. The
various house plans and drawings must be presented to a civil engineer before they are
implemented, and civil engineering also contributes greatly in the field of transportation and the
environment, so the civil engineer designs and maintains roads, designs highways, bridges, and
builds airport runways, and civil engineers also study traffic. They suggest optimal ways to
control it, and many civil engineers work in the field of environmental engineering; As this
contributes to the design of sanitation networks to build a healthy environment, such as designing
and establishing channels and contributing to the design of better infrastructure.
Field of Public Health:
Civil engineering is highly related to sewage and effluent disposal; As it is involved in pollution
control, water reuse and recycling, it also works to regulate rivers to reduce floods and work to
combat them. The employment of civil engineering in modern civilization has led to the disposal
of solid waste, starting with the manufacture of durable goods, such as cars, and refrigerators that
are produced in numbers. And converting them into smaller quantities and groups that can be
recycled and utilized, and the role of the civil engineer in the environment is to promote a healthy
and healthy environment and avoid pollution and damage.
Transportation field:
The role of civil engineering in the field of transportation is evident in building sidewalks and
bridges, and this appears since ancient times in the Roman era. Whereas, the McAdam piers and
the Peronet bridges were the work of civil engineers, as for the canals built in the eighteenth
century and the railways built in the nineteenth century, it was they that gave the industrial
revolution its strength by providing a mechanism for mass transit; This led to an increase in
transportation speed and economic savings. Today, civil engineers are interested in studying
traffic, designing road systems, and building bridges, sidewalks, dams, and tunnels.
Energy field:
Civil engineering has a great role in coal mines and mining operations, and the construction of
tunnels and the leadership of matters related to them is a common task among all branches of
civil engineering, and in the twentieth century the design of power plants developed due to the
increasing use of electric energy, and nuclear power plants were used in design and construction,
The discovery of natural gas and the exploitation of oil fields in large quantities led to
fundamental changes in gas production and in the energy field.
Maritime domain:
Civil engineering has a well-known role in building ships and constructing large and huge ports,
and this matter is considered an entry point for important industrial facilities and raw materials,
and it is also an outlet for goods and the process of transporting them, as the expansion of the
trade process may require the presence of large vessels to increase their tonnage and transport a
larger quantity of goods more quickly. Today, dams are considered one of the most important
construction works, especially in places of high concentration of population, and it is worth
noting that governments have high control over qualified engineers to design and construct dams.
It shows the importance of civil engineering for human civilization throughout the ages through
the history of its emergence and development. Where man used caves as a shelter to protect
himself from harsh environmental conditions, and also used tree trunks to cross rivers, and civil
engineering began to manifest itself in ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. As humans began to get
rid of the Bedouin life little by little by building a shelter for them, and the construction of the
pyramids in Egypt is one of the first cases of the spread of huge engineering facilities, while in
Greece the effects of civil engineering appeared clearly in the water management systems in the
canals, and in China in the construction of the wall of China. The great, as the Romans developed
their empire and built huge structures throughout, and established their own canals in addition to
dams, bridges, and harbors. Irrigation works, which are characterized by their wide scope in
Anuradhapura, testify to the importance of civil engineering in this field.
Among the wonderful historical buildings that testify to the importance of civil engineering is the
Sennacherib Canal in Gerwan, which was built in 691 BC, and there is also the Julius Caesar
Bridge on the Rhine, which was built in 55 BC, in addition to the bridges built by the Romans in
and around Rome. The Romans also built a large and wide system of canals and highways, which
in turn facilitated the process of rapid trade and maneuvering, and in India the Indians built large-
scale irrigation systems, and at the height of the Inca Empire built an engineering marvel in the
middle of the Andes Mountains with the participation of the most accomplished water resource
engineers in history, and this marvel It is Machu Picchu, a mountain city interspersed with
running water and sewage systems, in addition to the presence of elaborate and advanced stone
structures that have remained standing for more than 500 years. An example of the scientific
method for solving physical and mathematical problems related to civil engineering is the work
of Archimedes, which supported the property of buoyancy, And it provided many practical
solutions to the problems facing the engineer.