Pengumuman Hasil RUPS 2021 Eng

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The Board of Directors of PT Kabelindo Murni Tbk (hereinafter "Company") hereby inform all
Shareholders that the Company held the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders ("Meeting") as

A. Date, Time, Venue and Agenda

Date : June 9, 2021
Time : 10.45 – 11.34AM
Venue : PT Kabelindo Murni Tbk
Jl. Rawa Girang No. 2
Kawasan Industri Pulogadung
Jakarta Timur 13930
Agenda : 1. Approval and legalization of Company Annual Report for Financial
Year 2020 including the Business Activity Report, Board of
Commissioners’ Supervisory Report and Financial Report for
Financial Year 2020, as well as granting the Board of Directors and
Board of Commissioners full release and discharge from operational
and supervisory responsibilities ("acquit et de charge") in Financial
Year 2020;
2. Agreement over the use of Company’s net income during Financial
Year 2020;
3. Appointment of Independent Public Accountant auditing the Annual
Report for Financial Year 2021 and delegation of authority to
determine the honorarium and other terms for Public Accountant;
4. Determining salary and/or allowance of the members of the
Company’s Board of Directors, along with the honorarium and/or
allowance of the members of the Board of Commissioners;
5. Restructuring of Company management.

B. Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners’ Attendance:

The members of the Board of Commissioners who attended the Meeting were:
President Commissioner : SOEPONO;
Independent Commissioner : NYOMAN ADNYANA;
Independent Commissioner : BUDI SETIONO SANTOSO;

Summary report: Annual General Meeting of Shareholders,

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Anggota Direksi yang hadir dalam Rapat:
The members of the Board of Directors who attended the Meeting were:
President Director : ELLY SOEPONO;

C. Minimum Attendance
-The Meeting was attended by shareholders or their representatives who represented
863,764,400 shares or 77.12% of 1,120,000,000 shares, which are all Company shares with valid
voting rights.

D. Q&A Session
The shareholders were provided the opportunity to ask questions and/or give feedback on every
agenda item, but there were no questions or feedback recorded.

E. Decision-Making
Consensus decision-making was implemented for the agenda items, and in the case no decisions
were reached, then the decision was taken through voting.

F. Decisions

Items of Business One to Five:

- No shareholders or their representatives who attended the Meeting abstained from
voting (blank vote);
- No shareholders or their representatives who attended the Meeting voted “against”;
- All shareholders and their representatives who attended the Meeting voted “for”;
- therefore the decisions made during the Meeting were wholly agreed by attendees.

Meeting Decisions:
Item of Business One:
- To approve and legalize Company Annual Report of Financial Year 2020, including the
Business Activity Report, Board of Commissioners’ Supervisory Report and Financial Report
for Financial Year 2020 as audited by Public Accounting Firm Kanaka Puradiredja, Suhartono,
as stated in letter dated March 30, 2021 No. 00188/3.0357/AU.1/04/0749-1/1/III/2021
(Unmodified Opinion), and to grant the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners full
release and discharge of operational and supervisory responsibilities (“acquit et de charge”)
in Financial Year 2020 as long as they are in compliance with the law and are stated in the
Company Annual Report.

Item of Business Two:

a. To approve the use of net profit of 2020 as follows:
i. Rp 5,600,000,000.00 of Company net profit in 2020, will be distributed as cash dividend
to all Company shareholders so that each share receives a cash dividend of Rp 5.00;
ii. Rp 100,000,000.00 will be allocated as reserve fund;
iii. The remaining amount will be recorded as retained earning;
b. To assign authority and power to the Board of Directors to take any necessary action related
to the above decisions, in compliance with the law.

Summary report: Annual General Meeting of Shareholders,

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Item of Business Three:
- To assign authority and power to the Board of Commissioners, as recommended by the
Audit Committee, to appoint a Public Accountant and/or Public Accounting Firm registered
with the Financial Services Authority, to audit the Financial Statement for Financial Year
2021, as well as determining the substituting Public Accountant and/or Public Accounting
Firm in the case that the appointed Public Accountant and/or Public Accounting Firm is not
able to complete the audit of Financial Statement for Financial Year 2021, and to determine
honorarium of said accountant and/or accounting firm and terms of its appointment, which
are based on the below requirements:
a. is licensed by the Ministry of Finance and is a registered firm with the Financial Services
b. has and adheres to the quality control manual, containing the standards applicable to all
relevant firms and is up to professional standards as established by the Association of
Public Accountants and is not in conflict with financial services regulations;
c. has a system of quality assurance to ensure the firm, its accountants or employees
maintain an independent view;
d. is able to maintain confidentiality of the data and information provided by client during
its period of service;
e. has at least one Partner who is also listed in the Financial Services Authority and heads
the partner firm.

Item of Business Four:

a. To determine the honorarium and/or other allowances of the members of the Board of
Commissioners for Financial Year 2021, with no more than 10% increase from the previous
year (Financial Year 2020), and assign authority to the Board of Commissioners Meeting to
allocate this.
b. To assign authority to the Board of Commissioners to determine the salary and/or
allowances of the members of the Board of Directors.

Item of Business Five:

a. To establish the structure of the Board of Commissioners after the Meeting is closed until the
end of the 2026 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders as follows:
Board of Commissioners:
President Commissioner : SOEPONO;
Independent Commissioner : PROF. DR. DEWA NYOMAN ADNYANA;
Independent Commissioner : PROF. DR IRAWAN SOERODJO, LLB, MSc;
b. To grant full authority and power with substitution rights to the Board of Directors, to
declare the instatement of above members of the Board of Commissioners in a deed
with a Notary as witness, inform the relevant authorities and take any necessary action
related to the decision in compliance with the law.

G. Cash Dividend Payment

In relation to the decision specified on the Meeting Item of Business Two, we provide additional
information as follows:

Summary report: Annual General Meeting of Shareholders,

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Cum Dividend:
- Regular Market Trading : June 17, 2021
- Cash Market Trading : June 21, 2021

- Regular Market Trading : June 18, 2021
Cash Market Trading : June 22, 2021

Recording Date : June 21, 2021

Cash Dividend Payment : July 9, 2021

Jakarta, June 11 2021

Board of Directors

Summary report: Annual General Meeting of Shareholders,

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