Simple Harmonic Motion: Physics 1425 Lecture 28
Simple Harmonic Motion: Physics 1425 Lecture 28
Simple Harmonic Motion: Physics 1425 Lecture 28
Extension x
Solving the Equation of Motion
• For a mass oscillating on the end of a spring,
md 2 x / dt 2 = −kx
• The most general solution is
= x A cos (ωt + φ )
• Here A is the amplitude, f is the phase, and by
putting this x in the equation, mω2 = k, or
ω= k/m
• Just as for circular motion, the time for a
complete cycle
=T 1/= f 2π = / ω 2π m / k ( f in Hz.)
Energy in SHM: Potential Energy
Stored in the Spring
• Plotting a graph of external • A
force F = kx as a function of x, F
the work to stretch the spring Δx
from x to x + Δx is force x kx0
• ΔW = kxΔx, so the total work 0 x
to stretch the spring to x0 is
This work is stored in
=W ∫=
kxdx 1
2 kx02
the spring as potential
Potential Energy U(x) Stored in Spring
• The potential energy • X
curve is a parabola, its
steepness determined by
the spring constant k.
U(x) = ½kx2
• For a mass m oscillating
on the spring, with
=x A cos (ωt + φ ) 0 x
the potential energy is U ( x ) 1
2 kA2 cos 2 (ωt + φ )
Total Energy E for a SHO
• The total energy E of a mass • X
m oscillating on a spring
having constant k is the sum
of the mass’s kinetic energy
and the spring’s potential E=K+U
• E = ½mv2 + ½kx2 U(x) = ½kx2
• For a given E, the mass will
oscillate between the points
x = A and –A, where
• E = ½kA2 -A 0 x A
• Maximum speed is at x = 0,
where U(x) =0, and
E = ½mv2 at x = 0
Mass Hanging on a Spring
• Suppose as before the • A
spring constant is k.
Natural length
• There will be an
extension x0, kx0 = mg,
when the mass is at rest.
Extension x0 for
• The equation of motion mass m at rest
is now:
−k ( x − x0 )
md x / dt =
• with solution
− x0 A cos (ωt + φ ) , =
x= ω k / m.
The Simple Pendulum
• A simple pendulum has a bob, • v
a mass m treated as a point
mass, at the end of a light
string of length ℓ.
• We consider only small
amplitude oscillations, and ℓ
measure the displacement
x = ℓθ along the circular arc.
• The restoring force is
F = -mgsinθ ≅ -mgθ along
the arc.
F = ma for the Simple Pendulum
• The displacement along the • v
circular arc is x = ℓθ.
• The restoring force is
F = -mgsinθ ≅ -mgθ = -mgx/ℓ
along the arc.
• F = ma is
d2x/dt2 = −gx/ℓ
(canceling out m from both
Period of the Simple Pendulum
• The equation of motion • v
d 2 x / dt 2 = − gx /
has solution θ
=x A cos (ωt + φ ) ℓ
• Here
ω = g / m
and the time for a complete
The time for a complete swing
= π / ω 2π / g .
T 2= doesn’t depend on the mass m,
for the same reason that different
masses fall at the same rate.
Reminder: the Conical Pendulum
• Imagine a conical pendulum in • v
steady circular motion with small θ
angle θ. ℓ