The document contains English vocabulary words with their pronunciation and Spanish translation for kindergarten and pre-kindergarten students. It includes common nouns for food, household items, family members, and parts of the body. It also lists action verbs and numbers. The vocabulary is organized into units and presented in a simple three-column table with the English word, pronunciation, and Spanish translation.
The document contains English vocabulary words with their pronunciation and Spanish translation for kindergarten and pre-kindergarten students. It includes common nouns for food, household items, family members, and parts of the body. It also lists action verbs and numbers. The vocabulary is organized into units and presented in a simple three-column table with the English word, pronunciation, and Spanish translation.
The document contains English vocabulary words with their pronunciation and Spanish translation for kindergarten and pre-kindergarten students. It includes common nouns for food, household items, family members, and parts of the body. It also lists action verbs and numbers. The vocabulary is organized into units and presented in a simple three-column table with the English word, pronunciation, and Spanish translation.
The document contains English vocabulary words with their pronunciation and Spanish translation for kindergarten and pre-kindergarten students. It includes common nouns for food, household items, family members, and parts of the body. It also lists action verbs and numbers. The vocabulary is organized into units and presented in a simple three-column table with the English word, pronunciation, and Spanish translation.
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Bread (UNIT bred 4) Pan Cheese Chis Queso Milk milk Leche Fish fish Pescado Cereal Cereal Cereal Apple Apol Manzana Orange oranch Naranja Banana Banana Banana Pineapple Painapol Piña Tomato Tomeiro Tomate Carrot kerrot Zanahoria Egg egg Huevo Cookies Cukies Galletas Hamburguer Jamburguer Hhamburguesa Hot dog Jot dog Perro caliente Pizza Pizza Pizza Ice cream Ais crim Helado
House Jaus Casa
Bedroom Bedrum Dormitorio Bathroom Bathrum Baño Living room Living rum Sala Kitchen Kitchen Cocina Daddy Daddy Papa Sister Sister Hermana Mother Moder Mama Baby Beibi Bebe Brother Broder Hermano Grandmother Grandmoder Abuela Grandfather Grandfader Abuelo Mommy Mommy Mama Heart Hart Corazón Family Familiy Familia COLEGIO PEDAGÓGICO INGLES ENGLISH VOCABULARY (PRE-KINDER) (Unit 3) Head ENGLISH Jed PRONUNCIATION Cabeza SPANISH Nose Nous Nariz Mouth Mauth Boca Eyes Ays Ojos Ear iar Oído Hair Jeir Cabello Hand Jend Mano Shoulder Shoulder Hombro Knees Kniis Rodillas Arm Arm Brazo foot Fut Pie Neck neck Cuello Fingers Fingers Dedos Leg leg Pierna Toe tou Dedos del pie
(UNIT 4)
Jump yamp Saltar
Run Ran Correr Walk Wolk Correr Swim Swim Nadar Slide Slaid Rodadero Swing Swing Columpio Climb Claim Escalar One Uan Uno Two Tu Dos Three Tri Tres Four For Cuatro Father Fader Papa Mother Moder Mama Baby Beibi Bebe Sister Sister Hermana Brother Broder Hermano
Portuguese Vocabulary - A Portuguese Phrase Book To Learn the Picture and Word Way: 1.000 Words, Imagens and Bilingual Texts to Learn Portuguese Faster