TheProblemWithWomenIsMen Volume2
TheProblemWithWomenIsMen Volume2
TheProblemWithWomenIsMen Volume2
Kudos for
The Problem with Women… is Men: Volume 2
The Problem with Women… is Men
volume two: a social media memoir
Charles J. Orlando
Copyright © 2011 Charles Joseph Orlando
ISBN: 1468028030
ISBN-13: 978-1-468-02803-4
Family & Relationships / Interpersonal Relations
or on Facebook at
What you are about to read is advice and opinion. The techniques
written, referenced and presented in this book (and any/all associated
webpages and websites referred to herein) have worked for many
people, but they may not work for all. Please use your discretion before
trying any of these techniques in your own relationship or situation.
The author assumes no responsibility for any real or perceived positive
or negative result of having read and/or acted on the information
offered within these pages.
Acknowledgments i
Introduction 1
And with its publishing, the thoughts and opinions about the
content contained therein—and the meaning behind it all—was discussed
and argued over by thousands. The title itself was polarizing with a
multitude of opinion around its “true meaning”, but those people who
chose to read beyond the cover saw that it was not a man-bash. The
feedback—both positive and negative—was amazing to receive, in that I
had lived virtually alone with the effort of researching and writing; to
have it read, considered, contemplated and discussed was very exciting.
/theproblemwithwomenismen: volume two
To that end, I’d like to welcome you to perhaps the first physical
book that leverages an online experience for continued discussion. On
the pages that follow you’ll find over 200 of the top posts from my
Facebook Page, as well as the published articles and long-form essays that
received the most engagement and comments. In essence, this book is
Social, and Social is the book.
Media”… it’s Social Engagement, and I’m thrilled you are involved. Note
that the number of “likes” and comments are as of the time of this
writing, and may appear higher or lower for you online. This is due to
individual users’ privacy settings, the possibility of some users deleting
their profiles and other variables. Also, as writing on Social Media is
“journalism in a hurry”, there have been a few misspellings online. To
ensure integrity and transparency, I have left those misspellings and
grammatical errors intact.
Thank you for continuing this journey with me and I look forward
to seeing you on Facebook.
/theproblemwithwomenismen: volume two
/theproblemwithwomenismen: volume two
[The Men That Women Have to Deal With] Hello Guy At The Gas
Station. I can see how having your Bluetooth headset perma-
mounted to your head can be distracting, and how those Ed Hardy
jeans hanging around your thighs can make walking a bit
cumbersome. So, I'm fine with you taking cuts to get gas. I wouldn't
want you to be late for your Douchebag Anonymous meeting.
part one: tips, quips, and witticisms
There is only one way to rebuild trust once it has been broken: Over
time. Anything else isn't real... and if you've broken trust, you should
expect to do some serious work to rebuild it... if they choose to allow
Dear Guy: There you are, walking hand-in-hand with your girl... does
your other hand *really* need to be down your pants holding your
junk? No class, bro. It's not a security blanket -- and I can see from
there that it's not a two-hander... so please just leave it alone.
/theproblemwithwomenismen: volume two
Many men love reading Playboy... but would they if their wife or
girlfriend decided to pose? It's been well-documented that many
women feel posing nude is empowering (again, not all; many). Would
your man be upset if you posed? (But yet it's okay for him to look at
others in that magazine, yes?) Is that ownership, insecurity, or both?
To the men who say: ''Women bitch about the same stupid s*it all the
time!'' You might be right... but it ALSO might be because you keep
DOING the same stupid s*it all the time! My advice: Stop repeating
the stupid s*it... and see if she doesn't relax.
part one: tips, quips, and witticisms
Men who open doors, pull out chairs and treat a woman as a lady
*without it being mandatory* are acting chivalrous. However, too
many men do these things as a means of limiting a woman's
activities, thinking — or causing her to believe — she isn't capable.
Note to men: There is a big difference between modern-day chivalry
and controlling behavior. Women can usually tell if you're being
/theproblemwithwomenismen: volume two
part one: tips, quips, and witticisms
[For Men: Definitions] #1 Bad PMS: When you wake her sweetly,
and she throws the alarm clock at you for not making coffee fast
enough. #2 Bad Time of the Month: When she answers the door like
Jack Nicholson in The Shining... and the UPS guy runs back to the
truck without asking for a delivery signature.
The best gift you can receive isn't bought at a store or purchased
online. The BEST gift is your time. It can never be returned,
outgrown, or replaced... and it's that time that you will remember.
/theproblemwithwomenismen: volume two
If you are in a relationship with someone who shows you that they
don't value you—and you've done all YOU can—what are you
STILL doing with them? Putting MORE effort into someone who
won't/refuses to reciprocate is virtually guaranteed to prove fruitless.
The truth is you can't *make* someone learn a different way... people
learn things on their own schedule and choose their own paths. You
can't *make* them love and/or value you.
Dear Men: You don't have to be the perfect man to make her happy.
All you have to do is be the man you said you were when you first
met her.
Dear Men: If you don't treat her right, don't be pissed or surprised
when someone else does. Taking a woman for granted leads to just
one place: Her finding someone who appreciates her... for HER.
part one: tips, quips, and witticisms
Dear Men: It's not YOU that women are dissatisfied with. It's
*SOME* mens' juvenile, underdeveloped outlook on relationships
that causes women to want to throw up their hands and give up.
That, and too many men leave their underwear on bathroom floor,
use keys as Q-Tips, and/or look in the tissue after they blow their
Men: Don't get stuck in the thought that romance is all that counts.
It's variation and a combination of activities and efforts that will
maintain her interest. So, while soft music, candlelight and sensual
massage is often greeted with warm reception, rest assured that for
many, MANY women, it's passion and spontaneity that is key to her
wants/needs. Example: A candlelight dinner is great, but coming
home at lunch—by surprise—and grabbing the back of her hair and
kissing her the *instant* you walk in the door (without a word
spoken) will probably illicit a positive response. ;) (just watch your
/theproblemwithwomenismen: volume two
Why do some people fall in love — over and over again — with
those who are emotionally unavailable? Two main reasons: 1) Lack of
self-esteem, and they get/build their sense of self-worth by feeling
"needed" by an incomplete person. And 2) Ignoring red flags and
blatant warning signs... instead making excuses for poor treatment
and *choosing* to settle for someone's second-best efforts.
part one: tips, quips, and witticisms
/theproblemwithwomenismen: volume two
Ladies: Have kids? Have a few stretch marks or flaws? Your man
have you convinced that no one else will want you because of
whatever? Don't buy that bulls*it. There are PLENTY of men that
will see past all that superficial nonsense. Besides... if he's bringing
that kind of stuff up, he's WAY too insecure (and that's his attempt
at keeping you down.)
Exs are exs for a reason... and those reasons don't disappear
overnight. Don't be fooled by the emotional and physical/sexual rush
of rekindled love. If it's going to work out on a second go-'round,
there has to be fundamental changes in the dynamics of the
part one: tips, quips, and witticisms
Men: A few things she won't tell you, but she wishes you'd do in bed:
1) Take your time and have fun, don't just do what gets her/you off
the fastest. 2) Kiss something besides her mouth (ankles and wrists,
anyone?) 3) Pulling hair might be good, but pinning her hair down =
fail. 4) Look her in the eye. 5) She won't respond to unconfident
requests; take charge, just leave the control/submission in the
Never confuse "I love them" with "I need to save them." Love is
mutual... built on respect, honor, and WANT. Saving is built on
NEED — and not only their actual needs... mostly your need to
save/provide for them emotionally. "Saving" them doesn't usually
lead to successful, mutual, reciprocal love, respect and long-term
Men have penises so they can hold the source of both their egos and
their insecurities in one hand... and at the same time.
/theproblemwithwomenismen: volume two
I love hearing some men discuss equality. From today: "Now that women
have equal rights, they should be doing some good in the world instead of
shopping for new shoes all the time." Interesting. Ignoring the
documented fact that women are suppressed around the world (including
having their clitorises removed with a sharpened rock in many countries),
you mean you want women to clean up the mess that men-in-power have
created? War, famine, global economic problems, lack of education, child
abuse, rape, murder without provocation, the perpetual quest for more
power... women should clean up all that, right? Sheesh... Just like so many
men: Throw a party and mess up the house... then expect a woman to
clean it up.
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part one: tips, quips, and witticisms
A guy who tells you he "doesn't want a relationship" but then calls
you all the time is doing two things: hedging his bets and not
committing. He gets all the benefits of a relationship—love,
affection, sex, YOUR time and dedication—but he then has the out
of "being honest" with you in that he's just 'not into a real/full
relationship right now.' The truth: BULLSHIT! (yeah, I said it.)
Far too many men teach women the importance of gratitude and
appreciation... by showing then too little of both.
Men: When she says she "wants to talk", she wants you to *listen* to
her… not simply wait until it's your turn to speak.
/theproblemwithwomenismen: volume two
The Right Guy trims the hair on his junk... the Wrong Guy scratches
it in public.
Far too many people value their relationships... *just* when they are
about to lose them — when the other person emotionally disengages
and is halfway out the door. My advice: Don't let complacency rule.
part one: tips, quips, and witticisms
I keep hearing the same complaint from men: "Women never know
what women want." Not so... and please allow me to explain. Many
women DO know what they want... but as they evaluate different
choices (at different points on their lives), they change their minds
until they are comfortable. On the flip-side, many men seem to
decide what they want and — regardless of the ramifications —
attempt to alter the world around them to fit that choice. Personally, I
think women have a better system.
/theproblemwithwomenismen: volume two
hold you back and maintain control. If they really loved you, they
wouldn't break you down... they'd build you up and support you.
All men now have explicit permission to cheat on their wives and
girlfriends. Their approved mistress: Laundry. (After all... laundry isn't
gonna do itself.)
[Reality Check] Whether you are "for" or "against" gay marriage, you
have to admit one thing: If Gay Marriage was *only* between two
women, it would be legal. After all, I would bet that the male
politicians voting against it go home after work and watch girl-on-girl
The situation: They say that they "love you" but they don't want a
relationship with a commitment. My advice: They need to get in the
relationship, or you need to make a different decision. After all, you
part one: tips, quips, and witticisms
should NEVER make someone your priority when you are only their
[The Truth] Ladies: Want to know why he calls you... then ignores
you for days... then calls like nothing's happened? I'll tell you: It's
because YOU ALLOW IT. Stop settling for second-best. Demand
better treatment—or dump them cold—and men will have no choice
but to bring more to relationships.
/theproblemwithwomenismen: volume two
hunger reaching marriage, but then forget that the *real* journey has
just begun.
Ladies: There are some great men out there, but you won’t find them
if you ignore the warning signs, sacrifice your self-worth and
individuality, and settle for second-best. And by NOT settling, you
will quickly eliminate the men who don't really want you for the long-
haul... and you'll do with without taking a single hit to your self-
A Quality Man will open a door for a woman. A Secure Man isn't
afraid to cry when appropriate. A Confident Man will take the lead in
bed. But a Great Man will do all these things, AND isn't intimidated
by a strong, successful woman.
part one: tips, quips, and witticisms
[Terms He'll Understand] Men: To ensure your car runs well, you
need oil. Oil makes sure engine parts slide smoothly. If you try to run
/theproblemwithwomenismen: volume two
the engine without it, the engine will lock up and you won't be able to
start your car. Now with this in mind, let's talk about foreplay...
Love is great... but don't make the mistake of sacrificing your own
wants, needs, and individuality for a relationship. Compromise is
important, but NEVER sacrifice who you are or what you really want
from life for the sake of a relationship.
Women have been trying to adjust themselves and looking for ways
to "interpret" men and mens' behavior for years and years. It
shouldn't be necessary, as men should be meeting women halfway —
instead of society constantly requesting/requiring women to learn/
understand/ adjust for the man in their life. And THAT is why I
part one: tips, quips, and witticisms
advocate MEN stepping up and making the changes... not only for
the women in their lives, but mostly for THEMSELVES.
Couples that invest in each other and build their lives together, stay
together. But couples are also made up of *individual* men and
women… and those individuals most definitely have to have their
own lives (read: activities/interests that are THEIRS). Giving up your
individuality is THE issue in tipping the control scales in
Dear Men: If you've turned complacent and are now taking the lady
in your life for granted (intentionally or unintentionally), rest assured
she's going to start packing her bags emotionally. Keep in mind: For
every husband who won't, there's a neighbor who will... and if you
won't put in the effort, don't be pissed or surprised when someone
else does.
The Game of Life (the board game for kids) is a fascinating look at
the push for non-individuality. In the game, you must get married
before you can buy a house and move forward in life. Nothing wrong
with marriage, but the choice of being with someone is independent
of other, *individual* choices. I mean, where is it written that you
must get married before achieving your personal goals in life?
/theproblemwithwomenismen: volume two
Many men like to tell women: "Stop trying to change me. I am the
way that I am," as an explanation/excuse for various half-a$$ed
behaviors. My thoughts: That's crap. Men—like women—are the way
they CHOOSE TO BE. Men: Stop blaming bad behavior on that
weak, played-out excuse. ANYONE can choose to grow and learn
new things. IT'S A CHOICE.
part one: tips, quips, and witticisms
/theproblemwithwomenismen: volume two
Some men name their penis... primarily because they don't want a
stranger making 90% of their decisions.
part one: tips, quips, and witticisms
Cheaters always say it was an accident... and that they're sorry. But
that's not entirely correct. Temptation is normal, and is all around
ALL of us. It's how you *respond* to temptation that defines you.
That's why those that *choose* to have affairs [usually] shouldn't be
given a second chance. By betraying, they have defined who they are,
and in that action they showed their complete lack of respect for the
other person... and themselves.
All relationships are filled with good times and challenging times.
However, if the challenging times run for years, it's not called a
"rough spot in the relationship"... it's become a way of life.
/theproblemwithwomenismen: volume two
After hearing from over 1,000 women, their top sex fantasy:
"Forceful Sex". This does NOT mean anything violent... it's about
being SO desired, that "he must TAKE me." "Arms pinned above
my head" and "Kissed aggressively" topped the list. (Note to men:
These are FANTASIES, and are not for ALL women... and no need
to try them if you already know she doesn't roll that way. Also, it
requires finesse and TIMING.)
Great men and women DO exist... but you won't find them if you
keep choosing the wrong ones over and over. After all, selecting
unavailable partners is to CHOOSE NOT TO SELECT the great
ones. Don't settle for mediocrity. Demand the best and they can
either respond in-kind... or they can be on their merry way.
part one: tips, quips, and witticisms
Society has convinced women to just accept "how men are", asking
women to believe that primal behavior are inextricably hardwired into
the DNA of men. As a man, please allow me to call "bulls*it!" on
that statement. Ladies, your job isn't to sit back and learn to cope
with men and their faults… but it might be to stop accepting [some]
mens' behavior.
[Putting Effort In] Men need to accept more than they criticize, and
believe more than they doubt when relating to the women in their
lives. And if men can also stop trying to *solve* the problem and just
listen, things can change even more.
Dear Men: She'll understand why you don't call her for days on
end… so long and you understand why she is now interested in
another guy, now that you stopped putting effort in.
/theproblemwithwomenismen: volume two
For those women who have a man who is constantly bickering with
them, here's the cure: Have him go down on you more often...
perhaps constantly. After all, he should have been taught at a young
age that it's rude to talk when your mouth is full. See? Everyone
wins. ;)
Dear Men: It's all in the kiss. Eight out of 10 women feel they
KNOW the potential passion and success of a relationship from the
first kiss. The secret to a great one: Start slowly, linger, lips, light
tongue, and pay attention to HER... she'll make it clear when the
timing is right for something more forceful. ;) (Extra points for cheek
caresses, back-of-neck rubbing, hair strokes, and staying SLOW to
Turning water into wine — yeah… okay… I get it. But when more
men turn casual dating into love… and then love into *lasting*
relationships, I think then I'd be more impressed.
part one: tips, quips, and witticisms
Dear [some] Men: When you approach a woman with some lame,
insincere pick-up line and she blows you off, don't be bitter and call
her a "bitch" or assume she's a lesbian. Just accept the fact that you
are a whack-a-douche. Then, upgrade your approach to something
more sincere... maybe honest? I don't know... just sayin'.
Why do men whine like babies when they’re sick? Men learn as
babies that loud complaining will get a boob put in his face… and
some apparently keep working that tactic well into adulthood.
Dear Men: You don’t have to look and act like George Clooney to
keep a woman with you. I’m sure women would be satisfied if men
stopped personifying the 7 Deadly Sins as a starting point...
/theproblemwithwomenismen: volume two
The road to Happiness can be paved with people who play stupid
little games, and try to blame you for what you "do wrong" as a
method of covering for their own shortcomings and insecurities. My
advice: Learn how to read the signs of these insecure people, so you
can identify them early and leave them be. If you're already in it, find
the strength to move on... you're worth more.
part one: tips, quips, and witticisms
/theproblemwithwomenismen: volume two
part one: tips, quips, and witticisms
To the men that say; "Men are simple! Just cater to our egos and we'll
do anything for you!" — That translates to: "Some men are SO
insecure, they need constant validation that they are masculine. If you
do that, they will try to please you." *rolls eyes* My advice —
Ladies: A complete, secure man won't need you to validate him AS a
man. After all, no one likes an insecure, borderline-bitch-ass guy.
[Relationship Pro Tip for Men] “Popping the question” doesn’t mean
to get drunk, drop to one knee, and beg for a three-way.
/theproblemwithwomenismen: volume two
box on the divorce papers. Bottom line: No one can or will *make*
you stay married... just have the honor to finish one chapter before
you start a new one. That way, everyone can keep their dignity.
Dear Mr. Player trying to flirt with every woman he sees: It's obvious
you think your God's Gift to the female gender, and I'm thrilled you
think so highly of yourself to walk in to the place, strut/peacock in
holding your junk, and looking around the room like a camera crew is
filming your every move. However, if you would simply be genuine
and speak *with* a woman instead of talking *at* them, you might
actually have sex... with a partner. Just thinkin' out loud...
You are the sum of whom you are, where you are going, and who's
going with you — a.k.a. the people around you. The question: Are
those around you committed to your happiness and success... or your
part one: tips, quips, and witticisms
[Epiphany] Men: One way for you to avoid arguments, kill tension,
and keep her happy: Go down more than you let down. ;)
Break-ups: Generally speaking, exs are exs for a reason... and that
reason usually isn't a good one. My advice (unless children are
involved or the rarity that the break-up was mutually respectful):
Disconnect, delete, unfriend, and disassociate. By keeping phone
numbers, friend status on Facebook, etc... you are still hooked in. If
you're not with them, they don't deserve your association with them.
/theproblemwithwomenismen: volume two
Tell them what you need and stick to it. If it ends up more of the
same, consider cutting your losses quickly rather than invest more
time in someone who is just there to hit-it-and-quit-it.
To the men that write into me stating: "Shut up, Charles! Men are the
way they are because they are primally built to be protectors/
providers." Umm.. perhaps, but let's evolve past the sum of our
DNA, no? Most women aren't satisfied long-term with a bit of cash
and a weekly shag. You'd think these [cave]men would learn that
investing emotionally in a relationship (and their partner) might
create a true connection... maybe even allow them to... oh, I don't
know... stop draggin' their f*ckin' knuckles on the ground?! Sheesh.
*walks out of cave and slams the door*
Dear Men: As a little girl, the lady in your life didn't dream of a man
who would give her mediocre efforts, love for a limited time, and the
bare minimum to keep her from bitching. She dreamed of a man
who wanted her... ALL of her. No woman wants complacency... they
part one: tips, quips, and witticisms
want passion, love, affection, energy, and your very best. Bring it, and
she won't just *be* yours... she'll *stay* yours.
Dear Men: You have a mother, so don't look for your significant
other to tell you what to do—or worse, to do things you should be
doing yourself... as a grown man. You should, however, have enough
/theproblemwithwomenismen: volume two
part one: tips, quips, and witticisms
before you criticize, you might consider hitting the treadmill more
than once since grade school. Just sayin'.
Some people rally against nudity of women saying that it harms the
perception of equality and feminism. I can't agree. In my opinion,
there's nothing wrong with the human body (done tastefully). The
real issue is the *perceptions* of women perpetrated by the media —
Snooki on Jersey Shore, Real Housewives "stars", even the purported
"intelligence" of SOME female politicians — that damage the
inherent strength of women and quest for equality.
/theproblemwithwomenismen: volume two
For countless men, having a three-way is their sexual Holy Grail. But
I don't think men consider the *whole* picture... meaning, maybe she
wants a three-way, too. Maybe she's been checkin' our your best
friend and thinks about being taken by you AND him! Ah ha... three-
ways aren't so cool now, eh?
Plants need water. If you stop watering them, they wilt and die. No
matter how many years the plant lives, it will ALWAYS need the
proper amount of water... never less. Relationships are the same, but
not with water... with effort and passion. They won't need less
because years have passed.
part one: tips, quips, and witticisms
It's called a break-up because it's broken. Most of the time, there is
no need to try and get back together thinking it will work out. After
all, when you go to the refrigerator and take out the milk... and it's
bad... you don't put it back and hope it's good tomorrow. You throw
that sh*t out and get new milk!
When will men be secure enough to get it straight? Women are NOT
looking for some over-sensitive, weak, bitch-ass man. They *want* a
confident/strong man, to be sure... but they also want a man who
knows three things: ) That his place is NOT keeping her down/back
to compensate for his insecurities; 2) That he will treat her as an
equal, not as some mindless subordinate (regardless of who makes
the money in the house); and 3) That him loving her also includes
respect, gratitude, humor, and a willingness to be the man she first
/theproblemwithwomenismen: volume two
part one: tips, quips, and witticisms
Many men think they’re in control when receiving oral sex. What
men seem to forget is that the most sensitive part of their anatomy is
in a place where it can be *severed* from their bodies at the woman's
whim. This is NOT a man in control; it's a submissive act. Nothing
wrong with that, but given how many men seem to *prefer* oral...
should we infer that these same men are also naturally submissive in
bed... and that women who go down are naturally dominant?
/theproblemwithwomenismen: volume two
For those in a bad relationship and who want to leave... but you have
kids, so you stay -- I give you the airline flight attendant's advice: You
have to put YOUR oxygen mask on *FIRST* before you put the
mask on your child. If you can't save you... you can't save them.
part one: tips, quips, and witticisms
There are two types of men: Those who are secure in themselves and
who they are as MEN to not be intimidated with having a powerful
woman by their side, and those who are too insecure in their own
masculinity and too unclear about who they are to be comfortable
with a strong equal in a romantic relationship. The nagging question
for men: Which one are you? The critical question for women: Will
you sacrifice your own self-empowerment and worth to placate a
weak man who has his masculinity built on long outdated concepts
like "Me Man. Me Protect. Me Provide"?
/theproblemwithwomenismen: volume two
Ladies: Be wary of guys that say, "I like you, but I don't want a
relationship right now." That was one of my lines a long time ago.
For so many women, that line creates the challenge for her to try and
catch the man... and he has "honesty" on his side, in that he *told
you* he didn't want a relationship.
Relationships can be defined by how you act and what you say about
the other person... when they aren't around.
part one: tips, quips, and witticisms
Dear Men: What works in porn isn't necessarily what your lady is
looking for. Example: Pounding, pulling, pinching, and twisting the
most sensitive of a woman's body parts right from the start will earn
men extra points in Pornland, but in the real world there is a real
difference between aggressive sex and clumsy, seventh-grade
experimentation. Some women might be into pain and kink, but not
all. (A clearer definition: Erotic is using a feather... kinky is using the
whole chicken.)
[Double Standards] When men have a problem, it's said they are
"stressed" (which translates to them putting in SO much effort, is has
to come out). But when women have issues, they are dubbed
"depressed"... and require medication. I wonder... are they really
DEpressed... or quietly REpressed—perhaps by societal double-
standards and inequality? *puts finger to temple*
/theproblemwithwomenismen: volume two
understand, and try to get to the root of the type of man he is... and
then hope he wasn't full of s*it the entire time. Perhaps these men
might have some HONOR and just be upfront from the start? Just
Dear Asshole Guy who just yelled at his lady in public: To call you a
"douchebag" would be an insult to feminine hygiene products.
*shakes head* Some men are simply from the shallow end of the
gene pool...
part one: tips, quips, and witticisms
How do great women end up becoming stifled, broken and held back
by controlling men? These women oftentimes ignore early red flags
and make their choices. Then, their choices make them.
The secrets to being great in bed: Leave your ego at the door. Then,
ask and/or pay attention to what they want… and then be willing to
give it to them.
Dear Men: She'll appreciate you if you stop trying to bend her to
your will (like a caveman who bonked her on the head and dragged
her back to his cave). My advice: Just let her be HER... the rest will
then fall into place.
/theproblemwithwomenismen: volume two
part one: tips, quips, and witticisms
Men: If you ask for sex, not only does it kill any spontaneity, you
immediately show a lack of confidence—an essential characteristic
that all women crave. (It's primal). The solution: Starting out with
basic touching and kissing. She'll stop you if she doesn’t want sex.
Just don't ask.
/theproblemwithwomenismen: volume two
[The Truth] No matter now much you love them, how much you
sacrifice, how much you feel you "owe them" emotionally, or how
much effort you put in: People will ONLY change when they
*choose* to change. It's not your failure — or theirs — if they don't
change... it's simply a choice they are making to change or not. And
your choice it then to accept things as they are... or not.
[Sports] If men were forced to have sex they way they watch sports, I
doubt it would work out. Afterwards, they would talk about how
"their team" did it, slap high-fives with other men, and then watch
the highlights on the 11pm news.
Some women put up walls to defend themselves against men who are
not worthy—oftentimes after being hurt or betrayed. Those men
who ARE worthy have no issue with scaling that wall... or helping her
tear it down. That said, no woman *needs* a man to save them or
pull the wall down... she'll remove it when she's ready.
part one: tips, quips, and witticisms
Women who find the same type of [bad] guy over and over again
need to see their part in things. They aren't just selecting the same
type of man — who won't fit their needs — they are also actively
rejecting men who will... by default. My advice: See your part in
things, and stop ignoring red flags and settling for second-best. Keep
your wants, needs and your self-esteem front-and-center and men will
have no choice but to bring more to relationships.
Men: There are two qualities women find irresistible: confidence and
humor. You'll need both. One attracts them to you, and—coupled
with honor, love and integrity—the other keeps them with you.
/theproblemwithwomenismen: volume two
What so many men seem to forget after getting married and having
children: As [most-often] the primary caregiver for children, moms
are overworked, get no sleep, have limited adult time, and have no
consistent way to downshift from "Mom! He hit me!" to "Ohh, yes...
work it like THAT, Baby!" So Men: If you come home with an
attitude of "How about a blow job?" after some of the days moms
have, you'll be lucky if she doesn't punch you in the face as her
version of "affection".
part one: tips, quips, and witticisms
/theproblemwithwomenismen: volume two
The age-old question: "Isn't love enough?" The answer: No. Aside
from love not paying the bills, humans have a core need to belong...
to feel *wanted* — DESIRED. If they don't feel wanted and instead
only feel *needed* or taken for granted, the relationship is headed for
trouble... or getting ready to end.
part one: tips, quips, and witticisms
Ladies: Don't waste time trying to find or create the perfect man.
Invest time in creating YOU, and the right guy will be along.
When first dating, men bring flowers, take her to dinner, pull out
chairs... Once in the relationship, men might curl up on the couch
/theproblemwithwomenismen: volume two
with them, cook dinner, spontaneous sex. Then comfort creeps in...
spontaneity and romance wane. My advice: When you're in a
committed relationship, you should still date each other. Keep
newness and effort at the forefront. :)
[Worth Repeating] I've often written that if they love you, you'll
KNOW it... and if they don't, you'll be left wondering all the time if
they do. So, if you're unclear about how they feel, ask directly. If you
don't get a direct and clear response... that is ALSO an answer (just
not the one you're looking for). My advice: Don't spend your life
waiting for something that may never happen. Stay true to YOU.
part one: tips, quips, and witticisms
[Double standards] Men are "studs" and women are "whores"... uh,
no. This oxymoronical viewpoint is apparently spoken from the same
side of the mouth that says a woman who sleeps with—or even just
pursues—multiple partners is a slut, a whore, and a tramp. Obviously,
men concoct these views; men that, if they had their way, would have
women lie down as whores and rise in their post-coital afterglow as
[Diet Tip for Men] Lose five pounds instantly! Shave your crotch.
Some men have asked me, "Why should I put more effort in my
relationship? Shouldn't she do it?" Firstly, yes... both parties need to
put in effort. But for men specifically, I ask you: Do you as a man
want to look at your wife across the breakfast table in the future and
say, “Damn, I gave you my best years…” only to hear her reply,
“Those were your best?”
/theproblemwithwomenismen: volume two
Top Five Warning Signs Of A Relationship That May Not Make It:
1) Demonstrated failure to support each other's growth. 2) Feeling
threatened by a spouse's success. 3) Jealousy... of any kind, as it leads
to resentment. 4) Selfishness... meaning more focus on what you are
getting than what you are giving. 5) Forgetting that your other half is
also an individual, not just a spouse.
part one: tips, quips, and witticisms
Dear Men: Given a choice, most women want your presence, not just
your presents. My advice: Put effort into your relationship with your
heart and mind, not your wallet.
You'll never meet the right person if you don't get out of your own
way. No matter what's happened in your past, you owe it to yourself
to give it a shot... for YOU!
/theproblemwithwomenismen: volume two
Ladies: Don't let anyone tell you that you don't deserve your own
happiness. You CAN be more than one thing... more than a mother...
more than a wife/girlfriend. You are a woman *first* and all those
other things are PART of you as a woman. You can be whatever you
choose, and any combination of what you want. You DESERVE to
be you.
part one: tips, quips, and witticisms
Women would be more accepting of "the way men are" if more men
actually made an effort to be more like women wanted them to be.
/theproblemwithwomenismen: volume two
Dear Men: If you're the type of guy who thinks she's "all yours", but
you take her for granted and fail to show her she's important, how
long to you think she's gonna be with you? I guarantee there is a man
out there that is WAITING for you to slip up... think about it. (Note:
Being a great father is NOT the same and doesn't count as showing
her she's important. It shows you are dedicated to your kids — which
is GREAT! — but that isn't about her.)
part one: tips, quips, and witticisms
Dear Men: She definitely wants her prince to come... but a proper
prince will make sure she comes first. ;)
One of the best feelings in the world for a man is the first time a
woman tells him she loves him. It's just unfortunate how many men
forget. If more men would treat each time she says it like the first
time, relationships would be very different.
/theproblemwithwomenismen: volume two
My advice to married men: Treat your wife like she was still your
girlfriend. You'll see an *instant* change for the better, as so many
men become complacent and take their wives for granted… instead
of staying grateful, emotionally-connected, and passionate.
[Control Issues] Men need to listen more than they speak, accept
more than they criticize, and believe more than they doubt when
relating to the women in their lives. Not that women are perfect... just
that understanding someone's point-of-view—without solving their
problem—is something many men need to improve on.
part one: tips, quips, and witticisms
Bob Marley said, "Truth is, everybody is going to hurt you; you just
gotta find the ones worth suffering for." Umm... no. You aren't
supposed to suffer in a relationship... you're supposed to *want* to
be there. What's the point if sharing yourself with someone if your
guaranteed to suffer? Better to find someone who wants you... who
desires you.
Relationship Tip: Turn off the TV, close your web browser, put your
phone away, and/or fold up the newspaper and *make eye contact*
when you speak with your significant other. (Guaranteed to make a
/theproblemwithwomenismen: volume two
To the women who write in saying, "I hate way he treats me. I left,
but then he makes me come back." Sorry... but he's not *making
you* go back... you are *choosing*. Oftentimes, the choice to go
back to a bad relationship is driven by either guilt, fear of change, or
both. My advice: If it's bad, it's BAD... no point in going back for
part one: tips, quips, and witticisms
The secret to romantic relationships: Figure out what you want, and
learn how to ask for it. Is it hard? Perhaps... but, you're here on this
page... (and you might have read my book)... that's hard. And you're
willing to listen to me and others here... that's hard, too. So, I tend to
think you might be tougher than you think... now just keep going. :)
/theproblemwithwomenismen: volume two
part one: tips, quips, and witticisms
Ladies: If the man you're dating is more interested in the size of your
chest rather than the length of your laugh, you might think about
trading up.
/theproblemwithwomenismen: volume two
Men: Want to satisfy your lady completely? Make love to her for six
straight hours. Allow me to elaborate: Alternate between cleaning the
house and kissing her for the first five hours... then take her to bed
for 30 minutes of unbridled, the-kids-are-at-the-babysitter's passion.
Finally, have her choose between a shower together, a shower alone,
or cuddling/pillow talk. You'll be a hero.
Don't waste time trying to find or create the perfect partner. If you
invest time in creating the best YOU, not only will the right person
will be along, but you will lose your pull/attraction to the wrong type
of person.
[Dating] Pulling out chairs and opening doors are all signs of a
gentleman, but how does he treat other people in your presence?
Men who feel the need to show their masculinity by insulting/
abusing service personnel—food/cocktail servers, coffee shop
cashiers, whatever—aren’t worth your time. How he treats others is a
direct reflection of how he will treat you.
part one: tips, quips, and witticisms
[Repetitive Motion] Men: Please note that the clitoris isn’t a crosswalk
signal button. You can press it and press it and press it… but
pressing it *harder* will not necessarily make it come any faster.
Relationships are about give and take. GIVE them your best, and
TAKE care of them... or GIVE them the boot before you choose to
TAKE any long-term bulls*it.
/theproblemwithwomenismen: volume two
[Showing men what it's like] Ladies: Head out to a coffee shop with
your friends. When a good looking man passes, "whisper" loudly to
your friends, "Damn! I'd hit that shit!!
Want a man to respect you? Be his equal and push back. Want a man
to love you? Keep your standards high and allow him to earn your
love from the very beginning of the relationship... and never settle
for his second-best.
part one: tips, quips, and witticisms
[Conversation Tip for Men] A woman’s breasts have neither eyes nor
ears... so, they cannot respond to you if you stare at them or speak to
/theproblemwithwomenismen: volume two
Men: When she tells you, "Can we talk?"... she's not looking for you
to solve the problem; she just wants you to *listen*... to *hear her*...
to empathize. She might get to a point where she wants your
opinion/advice, but she'll ask for that. Best advice: Just listen without
fixing it for her.
In response to the 100+ women who have written in stating: "He lies
to me, cheats on me, and is sometimes verbally abusive... but I love
him." This is the statement of a VICTIM. Yes, it can be difficult to
leave a bad relationship (finances, kids, etc.), but the *hardest* part is
to make the decision. Taking control and CHOOSING not to be a
victim is how you rebuild self-esteem, self-worth, and empowerment.
part one: tips, quips, and witticisms
Many men who claim they are not attracted to confident, powerful
women aren't being complete honest. For many, it's not that they
aren't attracted to them... it's that these men are intimidated. And by
"intimidated", I don't mean "afraid"... I mean insecure and
threatened. These are men who have their masculinity built on all the
wrong things.
/theproblemwithwomenismen: volume two
Watching the male cat across the street marking his territory, I'm
reminded of ex's that won't let go—even though you've made it clear
that it's OVER. It's like they're saying, "Once I've had you, you are
MINE... forever." WTF ever... and it's not just men... PLENTY of
women marking men this way, too.
Ladies: Don't lower your standards. If/When you do, the men who
currently don't bring effort to relationships will do even less... causing
you to lower your expectations even further. Stop accepting less, and
the men who have been slacking off will be forced to step up and
raise the bar—or risk being alone.
part one: tips, quips, and witticisms
To those who write in asking, "How can I get them to stop ignoring
me... and change?" Answer: You've can't "make" anyone do
anything... you can only decide how you will act and react to that kind
of behavior. If you choose to keep putting more and more effort in
without it being returned, you are enabling it. My advice: Take a big
step back and look at what you are getting—and what you aren't
getting—from the relationship. From there, I would bet the decision
to stay or go would be quite easy.
Men: When dating, it's nearly *always* the little things that make their
lasting mark... and the same holds true for long-term relationships.
Open her door, write her a love note, call her for no reason to tell her
you love her, send her a random sext message in the middle of the
day. Virtually guaranteed to make her smile.
/theproblemwithwomenismen: volume two
It's not that some men are afraid of commitment... it's that some
men are afraid of *limiting their options*... thinking something better
is coming in the future. If these men constantly believe the ''grass is
greener'' elsewhere and don't pay attention, their current lawn will
eventually be mowed by someone else.
/theproblemwithwomenismen: volume two
/theproblemwithwomenismen: volume two
part two: essays and articles
Call it what you want: oral sex, going down... for some women, it's the
worst part of their sex life. For others, it's a way of getting close to the
man they love. And men... well... many [most?] men seem to live for it.
But what of the common lament from men ("The fastest way to stop a
woman from performing oral sex is to marry her!"), and what are the real
motivators on both sides of this sexual equation? I asked these questions
on Facebook, Twitter, and via email and received over 250 responses.
Anonymity was an option for the women choosing to respond, and nearly
all were submitted without any identifying information, so the data is
real... and raw.
Some of these women loved the inherent intimacy this personal act
provided. It was an adjunct to their sex life, serving as a connection to
their husbands/boyfriends when the day-to-day of life lingers and
disallows spontaneity:
"When I first started dating my husband, it happened all the time and
I loved it. For many years—and when I had the luxury of sleeping in—it
was always a lot of fun. And I also believe that it shows my husband how
much I care for him still and only want to be with him. Nine years later,
it's a little more challenging to get around to doing it as often as I'd like,
but two young kids will do that to you. I still enjoy it and can tell that my
husband does too. And it's sort of our sign to each other that tonight is
the night to take our time and enjoy each other."
Some were disgusted by the entire prospect of oral sex ... period.
"I HATE IT! I hate doing it, I hate the thought of it, I hate everything
about it! Come on, that is where you pee from! He of course BEGS for it
ALL THE TIME! Seriously, I tried to like it for him. I really did. I tried
and tried and tried and threw up all over him (which completely ruined
the mood!). And for the record, I am one of those women who enjoys
watching porn! I just can't do it!"
And some had the funniest stories:
"I was crazy in love with this southern boy many years ago (he was the
guy who I ended up liking drunk more than sober.) Of course, I wanted
to ... you know... and well it didn't go over well. Without getting into too
much detail, he basically told me I sucked ... literally! All I remember was
/theproblemwithwomenismen: volume two
that he looked up from the pillow, with his lips curled around his teeth,
rapidly pointing at them mumbling, "TOO MUCH TEETH, TOO
MUCH TEETH! IT'S NOT A STRAW!" I was so embarrassed. I wanted
to crawl under the bed and die. I thought I was 'really good'. I think I was
absent the day they taught that portion of Sex Ed in 8th grade."
Sex is the subject men discuss with their cohorts, both before a date
and after—often with the same question asked: "Yo! Did you 'hit it'?" So,
it's not surprising that as specific acts are discussed, a man would think
he's in charge. And receiving oral sex might serve as the prime example
of a man under the false assumption that he is in control.
"I LOVE going down there for my fiancé! It makes me feel very
empowered to know that I am capable of giving him maximum
pleasure!!!" "My friend told me how she gives her husband oral sex when
part two: essays and articles
she wants something big. The trick is to hold out for a while ... like a
couple of weeks. Then go for it, give him the best [expletive] of your
"Going down? I love it. I really do. It puts you in a powerful place for
negotiating to get things done your way and I've yet to meet a man who
would say no to it." "How do you think I am able to go shopping, slack
on the laundry, and take bubble baths in the evening? Even hinting at
going down will have him saying, 'Yes honey; whatever you want,' for a
week... at LEAST."
In delving further with some of these respondents, we discovered
that the truth—the seduction for them, if you will—of why they like
performing oral sex was the power they gained... the control. Which
makes complete sense when you consider the act. Truth be told,
regardless of if he's holding the woman's head/hair, standing over her
with her on her knees, whatever... he is still a submissive. Need more
proof ?
Picture it: There he is on his back, arms stretched out, eyes closed,
completely at the woman's mercy—with the most sensitive part of his
anatomy exposed and defenseless (not to mention that it's placed in an
area where it could be severed from his body). This is a man in control?
Of course not. This sexual act is the epitome of physical and emotional
vulnerability. He is 100% devoid of control. It's also interesting that so
many men prefer oral sex to intercourse. Perhaps if more women
recognized how naturally submissive many men seem to be, they would
put their foot down more often instead of putting up with constant
passive aggression and pseudo-controlling behavior.
/theproblemwithwomenismen: volume two
part two: essays and articles
/theproblemwithwomenismen: volume two
part two: essays and articles
man a woman has encountered. I say this confidently, as these were traits
that I not only exhibited as a single... uh... "morally-challenged" young
man (and these behaviors fortunately/unfortunately helped me further
my selfish wants), but also today as genuine effort into my marriage and
friendship with the incredible women that is sharing her life with me.
Ladies: There are some great men out there, but you won't find them
if you ignore the warning signs and sacrifice your self-worth and settle.
Keep in mind that no matter how good he looks on the dance floor or
how sweetly he pulled out your chair for you on your first date, some
other woman has most likely told him (recently) that she was sick and
tired of his bullshit. Stay vigilant, hold your ground and demand more
from the men in your life.
/theproblemwithwomenismen: volume two
part two: essays and articles
/theproblemwithwomenismen: volume two
with their significant other. In short, they acknowledged that they were
unhappy and looking for a way out… but they couldn’t bring themselves
to pull the trigger on the relationship. If they cheated and got caught
(most long-term cheaters do end up getting caught), they were able to
quickly turn the tables, telling their spouse how it was THEIR fault they
cheated because [insert reason here: not enough sex, boredom, etc.].
Look, I get it: Monogamy isn’t for everyone... and that's all-good. But,
if you’ve made promises, stick to them. If you're not willing to stay
faithful, at least have the decency and respect (and SELF-respect) to end
the current relationship first. Cheating is a choice. Period.
part two: essays and articles
When first dating, men usually go above and beyond in their efforts to
listen, please, and participate — romantically, physically, and monetarily.
However, once they have put in the initial effort and their needs start
being met, behavior can change and the effort they’ve been putting in
slows. Often, men then start providing the bare minimum required,
leaving women wondering what the hell happened, and why he is putting
in less and less (as she started putting more into the relationship to
compensate). Nowhere is this more glaring than on weekends.
If a man works all week, most often he looks his best Monday
through Friday — shaven, pressed, combed, and spritzed with pleasant
scents. And if Friday brings date night, that effort might stay at the
forefront. But then, inexplicably, a transformation happens sometime
between late Friday night and Saturday morning.
Enter: the Saturday Guy. Hair unkempt, unshaven, shorts, tank
top, flip-flops, without a care in the world.
Truth be told, I’ve been found by my wife in this dilapidated
condition more times than I care to remember. After a long week of
work, commuting, and with a mind full of the NEXT week’s work to
come, I just want to zone, chill out on the couch, and let cable TV wash
over me. I’m just trying to unwind. Weekends are for relaxing, right? Of
course! But in reflecting, it’s not right to give the outside world my best,
and leave the crumbs for my family. With a gentle reminder from her, I
become aware of my physical state and, summoning what’s left of my
pride after being caught, I shuffle off to make myself presentable before
our kids are fully conscious of my deplorable condition.
But the Saturday Guy doesn’t always listen. He is stubborn, and can
stay around for a while, passive-aggressively promising to do what’s
needed (for his family/significant other, for the house). But before long,
Saturday morning is gone and 4:00 PM rolls around. Then, this situation
is further compounded when “the Phone Call” comes in Saturday
After giving their best to others all week, some men will put in zero
effort all day Saturday, dead to the world, complaining that they are tired,
run-down after a long week, just wanting to relax... which may, if fact, be
true... but then... the Phone Call. It’s the guys, and it’s Saturday night —
time to go out/play poker/get a cocktail/hit the club. Miraculously, this
/theproblemwithwomenismen: volume two
tired, run-down man is cured, and he levitates off the couch with vigor, is
showered, shaved, and shining by the door, kissing his loved ones as he
exits for a night of further unwinding. (And is his wife left to “relax” at
home with the kids?)
This is a long-held double standard that challenges relationships.
Whether dating or married, the Saturday Guy doesn’t have a place
anymore. Sure, relaxing on the weekends is part of what rejuvenates us,
resetting us for the coming week. But when the Saturday Guy prevails
and leaves those around him without the man they love, something
should change. (Besides, if he does go out with the guys Saturday night,
we haven’t even discussed the aftermath: the Sunday Guy with a
(And yes... there are most CERTAINLY women who exhibit these
Saturday qualities, too... but that is the subject for a different article. ;)
part two: essays and articles
Boomerang Men
Why Exs Come Back
/theproblemwithwomenismen: volume two
Is the woman able to separate the physical stuff that works in the
relationship, with the emotional aspects that may be lacking?
2) The Do-Over: When it comes to relationships, most men are
experiential learners, and they learn more by making mistakes. After
they've made a few, they end up altering some things (behavior, patterns)
and set out to their next relationship, presumably more prepared. If he
made a bunch of mistakes with a past partner, yet felt that there was
some kind of connection, he may return for a second go-round. Note,
however, that relationship dynamics tend to stay the same, even on a
second try. After all, when you pull milk out of the 'fridge and it's spoiled,
you don't put it back and hope it's fresh tomorrow. Sometimes, you just
have to throw it out.
3) Single... again: Men on the rebound tend to reconnect with past
girlfriends/lovers. The reasons vary, but mostly due to the above-
mentioned motivations. By reaching out with a simple phone call, email
or text message, he's testing the waters and will gauge what is possible by
the woman's reaction.
part two: essays and articles
/theproblemwithwomenismen: volume two
flattering ... and lingerie offers him a glimpse (and only a teasing glimpse)
of the woman he loves as only he sees her. And with all that daily life
brings us, it can be hard to keep that sense of "newness" and romance ...
and something sexy can be a welcome addition to the bedroom.
But it's not just men who get a positive charge out of lingerie. Women
are women first, and wives/mothers/girlfriends second... and they want
to keep their femininity up-front-and-center... not as an afterthought.
Some women wear something sexy under their everyday clothes to feel
sexy throughout the day (as do some men... but that's a subject for a
different article). According to the women I've spoken with, it only gives
them more confidence, they feel more empowered. And wearing
something sensual and revealing for an evening between the sheets can
add to anticipation, and eliminate humdrumish feelings of work/kids/
Keep in mind, though, that lingerie is an extension of a couple's
sensuality and sex life. If someone comes home with a gift you're not into
(barbed wire, anyone?), you might need to guide things a little. A
suggestion might be to go shopping for lingerie together. If you both end
up in the dressing room together—trying things on and taking them off
—beware of salespeople and mall cops, as they may not be forgiving if
you are found in flagrante delicto. But taking your significant other
shopping with you kills two birds with one stone: anticipation will be at a
high for that evening, and they'll know that the Cat 'o Nine Tails you were
thinking about purchasing might not be your speed.
part two: essays and articles
Cheating is all the rage. Celbs and regular Moe’s alike are constantly
getting called out by the press, by their [now ex] significant others, and
the perpetually investigating paparazzi. Some have taken the road of
silence and others come clean right away… but it’s been fascinating to
watch the man cheaters confess (read: poor their hearts out to the world
on how sorry they are.) As a man, I have listened to these tearful laments
and I can’t help but laugh. These men were just fine traipsing around the
town with tender trollops in-tow—an unsuspecting wife or girlfriend
holding down the proverbial fort, oftentimes dutifully caring for the kids
—and now they want me to believe they’re sorry? Puh-lease. These
cheaters aren’t sorry… they’re just sorry they got caught.
And with infidelity now headline news, the latest TV shows, magazine
articles, and blog posts feature “real men” discussing cheating. These men
are quasi-experts on cheating—because they did it. And look, I’m not
here to pass judgment on their infidelity… I simply have an issue with
their reasoning. These “real men”—like all cheating men—have a wide
variety of justifications of why they cheated… “She was constantly
bitching at me. I had to get out of there,” or “I felt like I was playing a
role. I stopped being real. The only way to shake myself out of it was to
cheat,” or my personal (and the most common) “I didn’t mean it. It was
an accident.”
My conclusion on these reasons (and any others): bullshit. Bullshit.
Sorry, guys. You can pull that line on the press, on your mothers, or
on your now-estranged wives/girlfriends, but that crap doesn’t work on
someone who knows—someone who has been there (years ago, long
before I was married).
But let’s get something straight. I recognize that monogamy isn't for
everyone. In fact, many argue that it's not a "natural state" for men. In
many ways, I think those people are right. DNA-wise, both genders are
driven by primal instincts to continue our species, not concentrate on the
sanctity of marriage. However, humans now claim to be civilized, and if a
person decides to delve into the world of commitment, marriage, and
fidelity, they should hold to the ideals that accompany that choice. If you
don’t want a commitment… don’t get married!
/theproblemwithwomenismen: volume two
So… here’s the REAL truth: Cheating is always a choice. Those that
claim it was “an accident” or offer any other reason are completely and
totally FULL. OF. SHIT. They are choosing to cheat for one simple
reason: Selfishness. They care more about the sex they can get, rather
than their significant other, whose trust they are betraying. And this is
betrayal… a special betrayal saved for a man’s spouse or girlfriend. How
is it special? Because men usually don’t betray their best friends this
deeply… just the women they promise to love. Simply put, these are men
without honor. If you're going to cheat, give the common courtesy to the
other party that you would demand yourself: Leave the relationship. I’ve
told men as much and many say, "It's not that simple." Well... if it's not
simple, then perhaps you might think about what strange place you want
to put your junk into before you do it… just sayin’.
Please note that I say all this as a man who has had more than ample
opportunity to cheat. While writing my book, I met with over 1,200
women (and have spoken with thousands more since its publishing), with
many of these meetings happening over a meal, or other private-ish
location—but all away from my wife. Have I ever been tempted? Sure…
I’d be liar if I didn’t admit that many of these women were attractive
(with many openly flirting with me). But there was no chance I would
ever cheat. If I made that choice, my wife may not have known, I would
have. I would have had to look her in the eye—my wife, my friend—
knowing that I had recently humiliated her, devalued our relationship, and
sacrificed my honor. Sorry… not this guy.
Evidently, some men can work in out in their heads that cheating is
“just what guys do.” Yeah, okay… who you trying to convince, pal; me…
or you?… because we both know you’re full of shit.
Men, here’s the bottom-line: If you want to be married, be married. If
you want to sleep with other people, talk about it—or at least have the
common decency to leave her first. There’s need to transform yourself
into a douche bag while you trample on her self-esteem. And ladies, I
would never suggest that once-a-cheater, always-a-cheater… but before
you take him back because you “love him so much”, you need to think
about how much you love and value YOU. Because by cheating on you,
he just showed you how much he doesn’t care.
part two: essays and articles
Common Courtesy
In The Problem with Women… is Men (Volume I), “Etiquette” was
identified as one of the four core flaws of men. But etiquette is more
than just knowing which fork to eat with at a high-end restaurant, or how
much to tip the valet at a Las Vegas casino. And etiquette is certainly
more than what the media showcases as “good behavior” of men, instead
dubbing it—dare I even type the word?—Metrosexual. Being “Metro”
seems to be society’s way of watering down men with style, class, self-
esteem, and honor… and adding a hint of homosexuality. To deny that
men aren’t *men* when they care about their inner/outer appearance is
asinine… and the notion of homosexuality doesn’t figure into the
And besides, the etiquette I’m referring to is more important…
transcending the realms of gay or straight; married or single; nice guy or
bad boy. Perhaps it can be most aptly described as “basic civility +
traditional gentlemanly conduct”. This kind of courtesy leaves behind any
notion of sexually-motivated actions (read: men can open the door for
women, but they can also open the door for other men without it
“meaning” anything, ya kno’?), and can be separated into two groups of
behavior: 1) What is considered modern-day chivalry—door opening,
flowers, pulling out chairs… you know the rest; and 2) What can aptly be
described as common courtesy. As we are now in an era that we throw
sheep at someone on Facebook rather than send a thank you note, both
of these areas seem to be drifting into obscurity.
When it comes to romantic relationships, manners and gentlemanly
conduct should be synonymous… but as I connect with more and more
people of both genders, it’s become painfully obvious that many have
missed this boat. For some men, the act of “bonding” includes disgusting
behavior in mixed company—I notion I’ve never understood or
endorsed. To quote from my book, "Releasing a 15-second three-octave
fart—one so foul it makes the dog leave the room—seems to be a
standing goal with men of all ages… although I’m not entirely sure how
one would put that skill on a résumé." But let’s put grotesque bodily
functions aside, as dead horses need not be beaten.
When first starting a relationship, men generally make a concerted
effort to make dates and time-spent something special and memorable
(whatever their motivations—sexual, romantic, financial). Whirlwind
romances conjure images of lengthy love notes written in long hand,
/theproblemwithwomenismen: volume two
flowers on Fridays, and his car being washed before a date. But as time
passes, relationships seem to simultaneously grow and wither. Things
change… become routine…. and men get comfortable. Very
For many, being comfortable turns into minimal effort and high
expectations, and common courtesy goes out the window (with passion
and romance often being right behind). And to be fair—and to preempt
the onslaught of email wrongfully accusing/blasting me for being a
misandrist—there are many women who also head down this same path
of taking things for granted. But oftentimes the reasons for their lack of
passion largely differ from their male counterparts (but that is the subject
of another article—much of which exists as a chapter in my book).
But these romantic relationship examples are mere symptoms of a
growing disease that can only be filed under “Lack of Effort in All
Relationships”. Cynical? Perhaps… but let’s give a real example.
Relationships aren’t always romantic, and many are started and ended
every day. A prime example: the service industry.
When a patron approaches a counter at the local Starbucks, a short-
term “relationship” is formed with the person working on the other side
of the counter. In an age not to long ago, service personnel would greet a
customer, maybe even smile. Today: Not so much. Now, when I walk up
to the counter to place my order, I’m often greeted with, “- - - - - - -
-” (that would be the sound of silence). So, I wait for them to
acknowledge me. Once they do, oftentimes it’s with an empty, “So, what
can I getcha?”. I then order and pay, and I am then faced with more…
laziness (sorry, it’s the only term I can find that fits). My change—the
bills and coins— and my receipt are thrust into my hand at the same
time, causing me to stand there, pissed off and holding up the line, as my
bills need to be put away in one place, my coins in another, and the
receipt in still another. (Has this happened to you, or am I just spouting
like a crazy person??). This example of poor courtesy is then
compounded. Not only am I forced to deal with poor service from a
person without basic manners in their repertoire, but the patron behind
me is angry at me for “holding up the line”… so they start sighing and
squeezing in to place their order with the civility-devoid automaton
ringing up espresso.
(Please note: I’m fully aware that there are TONS of quality service
personnel out there, and if you are one of them: THANK YOU!… and
I’m not writing about you. :) I’m simply sharing my observations of
others in your line of work that are ruining your outstanding efforts.)
part two: essays and articles
/theproblemwithwomenismen: volume two
part two: essays and articles
Bad Boys have THE reputation: hot, good looking, scruffy... but also
cocky, arrogant, inconsiderate, inattentive, and almost unfeeling… and
women flock to them. Bad Boys are the reasons that shows like True
Blood and books/movies like Twilight have been so popular. With all the
negatives about Bad Boys, what are the real motivators for women to
have a one-time or recurring want/desire for a Bad Boy in their life? Are
they just trying to attain the unattainable? Is it the challenge of making
him fall in love—to "capture" him? And, where does this leave the Nice
Guy? I asked these questions to a variety of people recently, and received
some interesting insights from a variety of sources—women, experts, and
Bad Boys—and it was eye-opening.
First, a clarification. There were a few respondents that wrote in about
their Bad Boys… through their writing, it became clear that their version
of a “Bad Boy” was actually a criminal. While I’m sure there are
similarities, for the purposes of this discussion I was most interested in
the Bad Boy that started smooth, cool, mysterious, and loving… but
ended up emotionally unavailable, unattainable… even stretching into
emotionally abusive. The stories discussing criminal behavior have not
been included.
The most interesting thing I encountered was the difference between
what the experts say, and the experience of women who dated the Bad
Boys. From accredited psychiatrists, the source of these issues was clear:
comes back to the woman’s father.
From Carole Lieberman, M.D, clinical psychiatrist and author of Bad
Boys: How We Love Them, How to Live with Them, When to Leave Them:
“The main reason women are attracted to bad boys is because of the
relationship they had with their fathers, when they were little girls, that
made them feel unlovable, not good enough to attract a prince. So they
end up kissing a lot of frogs. Other issues play a part, but the main
fundamental, underlying, most important issue is their relationship with
their dads.”
And it was those “other issues” that the women I connected with
really honed in on. Yes, there were a few women who attributed their Bad
Boy addiction to their upbringing and/or challenges with their fathers
specifically… and to Dr. Lieberman’s point, with extended therapy others
/theproblemwithwomenismen: volume two
may follow suit. However, the majority of women who responded (44 out
of 51) stated some very specific reasons why they were attracted to Bad
1) Great Sex: This topped the list (tied with #2, below), but I would
argue that the other reasons mentioned (below) contribute to the quality
of sex with a Bad Boy. There were many mentions of a certain “look” of
the Bad Boy. The notion of a “look” coincides with a study by the
University of Michigan’s School of Public Health in 2007. To wit:
Women were asked to judge potential mates by how masculine their
features are, new research shows. Men with square jaws and well-defined
brow ridges are seen as good short-term partners, while those with more
feminine traits such as a rounder face and fuller lips are perceived as
better long-term mates. In the study, 854 male and female subjects viewed
a series of male head shots that had been digitally altered to exaggerate or
minimize masculine traits. The participants then answered questions
about how they expected the men in the photos to behave.
Overwhelmingly, participants said those with more masculine features
were likely to be risky and competitive and also more apt to fight,
challenge bosses, cheat on spouses and put less effort into parenting.
Those with more feminine qualities were seen as good parents and
husbands, hard workers and emotionally supportive mates. Despite all the
negative attributes, when asked who they would choose for a short-term
relationship, women still selected the more masculine looking men.
2) The Challenge: The possibility of converting a Bad Boy from a
serial playboy into a loving, supportive, feeling man was a strong pull for
Bad Boy-addicted women… but it’s also the reason some women left
them. From one anonymous respondent:
“My motivation for dating bad boys is the fire of attitude they bring
to the table. The challenge is what brought me to them, but the fire of
never knowing what’s next, and them being great in bed is what keeps
you with them…. for a short period of time. I could never stay with him
for long, because what attracted me to him is inevitably what made me
leave him in a few weeks. Who wants a challenge forever?”
And from another:
“I always fall for the bad guy. Always. My current bad guy has me
wrapped around his finger (that is, whenever he decides he feels like he
wants to have me wrapped around his finger) because he is a challenge to
me. Since I am constantly putting myself through personal- and self-tests
(and consider myself to be an ardent perfectionist), I am finding that with
part two: essays and articles
him, he’s just another puzzle I’m trying to solve. This was also definitely a
wolf-in-sheep’s-clothing case, too. He swept me off my feet in the
beginning: long engaging discussions, expensive dinners, the works. But
then once decided he had me at the palm of his hand, the fangs came out
and he truly revealed his manipulative and misogynistic ways. Not sure
exactly how many details you are looking for, but to answer your overall
question, I would have to say that I am still into him because he is such a
challenge. Not trying to change him by any means (threw that out the
door months ago) but instead, trying to see exactly how much I can learn
(about myself) from him.”
3) The Thrill: Doing something that was against the norm (or against
parents’ wishes) was also sited as a key motivating factor. Doing the
wrong thing has an appeal, even if it’s only for a short time… or you
drop the Nice Guy:
“I always dated the studious, square type of guys that were perfect
gentlemen and rather bland in the masculinity department. They tried so
hard to “be nice” that they came across as wimpy. This guy was totally
manly in every sense of the word. My response to him was on a cellular
level. But what KEPT me around him was the thought that I was
sneaking and doing something I knew my parents wouldn’t approve of at
all. I did it though because it was one of the very first things in my young
life that I did because I wanted to, with no regard for whether I was being
“a good girl” or “doing the right thing.” It is a phase that all young
females must go through on the road to self-actualization and
independent thinking as a mature woman. We have to cover the full
spectrum of manhood to figure out which one WE like best, and not
choose a man strictly based on assuring the approval of our family and
friends. It’s a hard road!”
The one thing that was mentioned only by a few respondents—and
one expert—is (in my opinion) the most important thing to consider
when evaluating a woman’s choice of a Bad Boy: self-esteem.
Society in general—and the media in particular—LOVE to paint the
Bad Boy as the black hole of masculinity. That is to say, that nothing can
escape them… no woman can resist their magnetism, no Nice Guy is
nice enough to keep a woman away from their pull. In truth, it’s women
who have the complete control of the “magnetism” of these men. Sure,
some of it is primal (read: “Can this manly man take care of me, and
bring food to the table?”), but it’s up to women to realize that they not
only should be wanting more than what the short-shelf-life Bad Boy can
provide them, they deserve more.
/theproblemwithwomenismen: volume two
And while some women are trying to figure out if it’s a good idea to
marry them, others are looking at their motivations. From David D.
Clarke, MD, clinical assistant professor of medicine at
Oregon Health Sciences University and author of They Can't Find Anything
Wrong!: 7 Keys to Understanding, Treating, and Healing Stress Illness:
"During the last 25 years I have interviewed thousands of women
who have been in relationships with men who treated them
disrespectfully. Some of them married several of these men. Why? The
women I interviewed had, as children, been treated in ways that lowered
their self-esteem. Consequently, as adults, they tended to fall into
relationships that were consistent with what they were accustomed to,
with men who treated them in ways that were familiar. They then set to
work trying to meet the man’s needs and make the relationship work
better, very much in parallel with what they did as children. They were
accustomed to getting back far less than they gave and that pattern
continued into the adult years. It was only when their self-esteem
improved that they would recognize they deserved better."
Self-esteem… the method by which Bad Boys rise to perceived
greatness, and take advantage of situations with women. And it’s
important to note that Bad Boys come in all shapes, sizes, and ages. As
many women (and men) can attest to… age does not always equal
But where does this put the Nice Guys? Well… as cliché as it
sounds… they DO finish last. From Gwen, a respondent and author
of "If It Walks Like A Duck," And Other Truths My Mother Taught Me:
"When I was 19, I dated this amazing guy. We attended different
universities (about three hours apart), and he would make late night trips
after class and work just to visit me for a few hours, then go back. He’d
send me flowers for no reason at all, gifts just because he was thinking
about me. He never pressured me for sex and we never slept together. It
was a very pure and innocent love. I broke up with him because I thought
he was 'too nice'. Everything with him was 'too easy'. I broke his heart,
but all that mattered to me was that I wanted someone more fun and
exciting! From ages 20-26, I had a steady string of bad boys: unattainable
men who provided me a challenge. One was a mama’s boy who didn’t
seem to know how to get from under his mom’s thumb, another was a
serial cheater that I knew about but thought I could change him (boy, was
I wrong!). A third was a gullible guy who listened to everything his friends
told him and never to me, and the fourth was a serious emotional abuser.
They were all great at first, but of course, they changed after a few
part two: essays and articles
months, much to my dismay. After the final one, I was tired of trying to
change guys and mold them. From then on I decided, “No more
projects!” I wanted a guy that was already together, that didn’t need to be
trained and knew how to treat a woman like a queen. Needless to say, I
got him… in that very same guy I dated back when I was 19. I thank God
everyday that He put it my guy’s heart to give me another chance. And he
hasn’t changed one bit."
The power, influence and charm of a Bad Boy can be enviable, but
I'm hopeful that those "powers" can be channeled for good, and allow
men to move past these modes of false masculinity in order to embrace
how to truly treat a woman beyond short-term excitement and empty
flattery designed to coerce them into bed.
It’s all about the Nice Guy. Nice Guys don't finish last... they just
make sure the woman comes first.
/theproblemwithwomenismen: volume two
part two: essays and articles
/theproblemwithwomenismen: volume two
significant other. (Both gay and straight respondents said this, as well as
single men who had multiple "significant others" on a weekly basis.)
Women, however, were more divided, with a significant percentage (53
percent) representing those who are uncomfortable with their
attractiveness. And despite the fact that these women emanated from a
variety ethnic backgrounds and economic backgrounds, nearly all
reported the same issues with being attractive:
▪ Told they were pretty. Many we're told how beautiful they were
since early childhood... But that's all they were ever told. No
matter what their other talents—arts, music, scholastics, whatever
—they were told constantly how their looks would "help them
get a man" or that they "should be a model". Now in their adult
years, they don't want to hear how pretty they are or how built
their bodies look. They want to be talked with not ogled.
▪ Put in the “bitch” category. Many stated that both men and
women perceived them as a bitch. If they were confident and
self-assured—in their demeanor as well as their looks—both
men and women acted threatened, and would discard them as
"one of those bitches"... and this would happen before they
opened their mouths to speak, so there was no way for people to
part two: essays and articles
/theproblemwithwomenismen: volume two
part two: essays and articles
/theproblemwithwomenismen: volume two
part two: essays and articles
Cougar. MILF. Two words that keep making their rounds in various
subcultures. [UPDATE: Cougars are not a "subculture", according to
Fayr Barkley -- founder of Cougar International. "30% of women 40+
are dating and even marrying younger men and the percentage is growing.
That hardly makes this dating dynamic a sub culture; especially since it is
being done out in the open vs. behind closed doors, which is where sub
cultures typically exist."]
For those in the un-know, let’s define these terms—err… at least, offer
the media-infused definitions:
“I’m [over 50] and have been dating men 10-20 years younger since I
was divorced at the age of 38. Being single and ‘looking’ for the past year
(I had been with a 38 year old for the past six years), I just recently
registered on an online cougars dating site. I hadn’t thought about being a
‘Cougar’, but in trying to better ‘target my market’ (I am a marketing
consultant), I realized I needed to find a site that specialized in older
women looking for younger men. I have to say, I was amazed that most
of the men on the site seem to be looking for women 30 years older, and
I had hoped to meet someone at least older than my youngest child…
/theproblemwithwomenismen: volume two
and most are not looking for stable relationships. I find the men meet
who are my age are often “done” with life… no more questions, more
passion… and if they are still alive, they wouldn’t consider dating
someone as old as me! They’re looking for much younger women.”
Edgy? Sure. Are the terms cute? Perhaps, but it depends on who’s
saying it and how it’s said. These labels have been assigned to women for
their actions, behavior, attractiveness, body type, or lifestyle. And as with
any label, each comes with its own perception. I went in search of a
reality-check on these terms, and spoke with women from all walks of
life. I was greeted with a multitude of responses, ranging from “Hell
yeah! I’m a Cougar, and DAMN proud of it!” to “WTF is this about?
Why am I a cat because I’m dating a younger guy?”
But where did the terms originate? Reports and opinions vary, but
Pamela has a theory that is more probable than not: “I believe that the
label ‘Cougar’ was coined by a really pissed off ‘twenty-
something’ [woman] who saw her [male] prey enticed and conquered by a
more experienced woman with more to offer than sex. Let’s be honest—a
label is a label; street vendors sell knock-offs [of designer labels]
constantly. A true Cougar laughs off the disparaging comments, and
anyone entertaining the thought of getting involved with a Cougar must
realize that 1) we don’t need anyone to feel or be complete; 2) our time is
important to us and we’ll invest it where we’ll get the most return; and 3)
will everyone please just lighten up? And by the way….who’s to say MILF
doesn’t mean MEN I’d Like to F*ck?”
Although similar and cut from the same cloth, Cougars and MILFs
are different, and after speaking with over 100 women about the positives
and negatives of the label and personal/societal perceptions, I was faced
with very different comments and opinions. We’ll tackle MILFs in a
minute… for now, let’s look at the cats.
part two: essays and articles
The word itself denotes a cat with a hunter’s instincts and actions… a
predator, if you will. And that caused a stir with Donna Moore (singer,
actress, and writer/producer of the theatre production: COUGAR! A
New Musical—which is currently running off-Broadway, check out “I think there’s a double standard. Now that
women are dating younger men, society wants to vilify and predatorialize
women calling them a Cougar. A number of people have asked me what
you call an older man who is linked with a younger woman and I’ve
researched it… it’s called a man.”
And that attitude can carry over to all parts of life. With that said, is
being a Cougar about dating and sexuality? Or is it finance and security?
Or maybe it’s body youthfulness? A partying lifestyle? Maybe, and I heard
from women in all these siloed walks of life… but being a Cougar is
about he combination of these traits, despite what the media might
“define” as a Cougar:
/theproblemwithwomenismen: volume two
(and man) for herself (or himself)—the bedroom rarely plays into the
boardroom anymore. [Cougars] prove our existence every day, and can
relax at the end of the day with a chilled Grey Goose and a smile.”
“The term Cougar is used when discussing dating and sexuality,” said
Susan Hartzler, president of AlphaDogPR. “But a Cougar is someone
who has it all together to be attractive to any man, be it young or old. She
is financially secure, has a youthful spirit and joie de vivre that cannot be
bought, or found in someone in their 20s. You have to have lived life to
know about how to live YOUR life. I would much rather be labeled a
Cougar than an old broad or worse—a spinster. There are words that are
much worse than Cougar that the media could have come up with to use.
I think Cougar works. I’m proud of my age. I’m proud of my Cougar
status. I still turn heads. I still get whistled at. Until that changes, I’m still
purring up a storm!”
“The cougar upsets the status quo in many respects, said Karin
Anderson, Ph.D. at Concordia University. “In our culture (with the strong
possibility of evolutionary factors playing a part here as well), women are
valued for their physiques, while men are valued for their power/
influence. Therefore, young women rule and older men rule. The cougar
intimidates young women in that she looks much like they do yet has
what they don’t—confidence, financial means, security, command of her
sexuality, and a strong sense of self. Therefore, it is likely, that young
women are the most threatened by the cougar. In fact, I was first
introduced to the concept when a friend in her mid-twenties called me a
cougar. She was joking, of course, but clearly the term appeared in her
vernacular long before mine.”
part two: essays and articles
C.O.: Cougars: Are they looking for a mate, or looking for a date?
D. N.: It varies. The bulk of women who are back in the dating game
are older, but the dating pool is more “shallower”… mostly because men
dripping with testosterone need to validate their masculinity with a
younger woman.
/theproblemwithwomenismen: volume two
C.O.: Why are Cougars getting into the mainstream now? What’s
special about this time?
D. N.: There are many variables that have caused this change: The
increasing earning power of women, opening new businesses, choosing
divorce. And, women now have ‘permission’ by society to be dating a
younger man. It’s more accepted.
D. N.: Disagree. Cougars can be any age, shape, or size… and don’t
have to look like Cameron Diaz. Besides… it can be nice to have a
younger man… even amusing. Some of the younger guys love it. No
strings. No drama.
D. N.: Cougars aren’t like a younger woman who wants to get married.
That’s all a game. Cougars are much more confident. For women, it’s nice
to just be carefree… no worries… just fun.
part two: essays and articles
control of our lives in a brand new way. We have money, power, looks
(though some men refuse to see it… usually those who we’d formerly
considered ‘age appropriate’, appetites and freedom. Why shouldn’t we be
out there enjoying ourselves in whatever way we choose? And I, for one,
have found younger men far more receptive to my truth than men my age
or older. Cougar?? How about Goddess??”
And from Karin Anderson, Ph.D: “I’m 38 and get approached by 25-
year-olds all the time. I’m not on the prowl for younger men, but if a guy
is nice and cute I’m not going to rule him out just because he’s younger
than me. Apparently, this makes me a Cougar, according to some.
Personally, I think the term evidences lingering sexism and misogyny in
our society. Sure, an 85-year-old man is considered a letch if he tries to
date a woman who is 35, but a 40-year-old man dating a 25-year-old
woman is deemed perfectly normal. But a 40-year-old woman dating a
25-year-old man is considered a cougar. It’s just your run of the mill
sexism manifested in our language—much like the fact that our words for
older, unmarried women are quite negative (i.e. spinster, old maid) but
our only term for an unmarried man holds no pejorative connotations
whatsoever—bachelor. “
/theproblemwithwomenismen: volume two
But there are many women who self-identify as a MILF, and find
power and confidence in the term. Magazine MILF, the outspoken,
funny, opinionated and obviously empowered woman who writes a blog
of the same name (and if you have any questions on what is/being a
MILF, please check out her FAQs, notably titled MILF and Cookies). She
and I corresponded about the perceptions and the positive aspects of
being identified as a MILF, and her responses were interesting, if not
peppered with positivity and empowerment…
Magazine MILF: I know that a lot of feminists don’t like the word
MILF. They see it as misogynistic — as a man’s view of a woman, and if
you take it literally, that is probably true. I, too, consider myself a feminist
(my mom burned her bra and my dad marched alongside her at woman’s
lib marches) but I see MILF as a positive because it acknowledges that a
woman can still be sexy, sexual, beautiful, desirable and confident post-
baby. While this may seem obvious in the age of the ever-present
celebrity mother, it’s a relatively new concept for the mainstream. Among
mothers I know, describing someone as a MILF is a cheeky and welcome
compliment that is synonymous with “hot mom.” It means you look
terrific, despite the chaos of child-raising, not to mention the physical toll
of pregnancy; there are no sexual overtones to this scenario.
C.O.: The media seem to define MILFs as “over the age of 40”? Do
you agree?
part two: essays and articles
C.O.: Is being a MILF more about dating and sexuality, finance and
security, body youthfulness, or lifestyle?
/theproblemwithwomenismen: volume two
part two: essays and articles
/theproblemwithwomenismen: volume two
But I would have never gotten away with it anyway). The difference is
that I possess enough self-esteem to not humiliate myself, and I value and
respect my wife and our marriage, so I would never betray her, as she is
my friend. And that is my point: Men and women who cheat are
betraying their spouse... but they would never betray their friends in that
way—which is the source of my confusion. If you're going to cheat, give
the common courtesy to the other party that you would demand
yourself... and leave the relationship. Some may say, "It's not that simple."
Well... if it's not, then perhaps the choice of infidelity might be
something to ponder on for a while.
All this said, there are two main types of infidelity: Flings and affairs.
Flings are the most common, most often involving opportunity, lust, and
lack of self-control. You know:
"Babe, I screwed up. I got smashed in Vegas with the [guys/girls] and
ended up sleeping with this stripper I met at the club. It didn't mean
anything, and I promise it won't happen again. Please forgive me."
Sometimes, opportunity can make good people do bad things—
however, the person choosing to forgive a fling better think long and
hard about it, as flings can highlight how little self-control an individual
possesses at a given point in their lives (spoken from long-ago past
experience). I'm not an advocate of "Once a cheater, always a cheater"...
but the tendency is there.
Affairs are different. Affairs are long-term relationships—sometimes
involving sex, sometimes not—and they are trickier for someone to get
over. Affairs take their toll on both sides of the relationship, betrayer and
betrayee—but it's important to note the goal of the person starting an
affair: to get caught. Perhaps they don't have the wherewithal to end one
relationship before starting another, or maybe they can't bring themselves
to admit to their significant other that they have fallen out of love with
them. Whatever the reason, affairs are a real investment in a relationship
behind someone else's back—and that is what makes them so much more
Which brings us to a different kind of cheating for the web-based era:
Online cheating. There are an endless number of sites that advocate and
enable real-world affairs (whose highest spending advertisers are divorce
attorneys). But meeting someone online and then quickly transferring the
relationship to the real world is really just a fling. Online cheating is
different. With the rise of social media and community-based websites,
connecting with others in remote locations isn't just the activity of a small
subculture, it's ingrained into our everyday lives. Numbers vary, but
part two: essays and articles
Facebook boasts some 700 million-plus users worldwide (and since their
acceptance into the mainstream, high school reunions have fallen by over
60 percent). Online cheating—without any physical contact—is the most
damaging type of infidelity. The reason? The entire "connection"
between the two parties is emotional.
/theproblemwithwomenismen: volume two
part two: essays and articles
There are plenty of articles on what guys will do to get women into
bed. From He’s Just Not That Into You to Tucker Max, the warnings are out
there: Don’t play into his ego (or give in too quickly) and then wonder
why/how you gave up all the control in the relationship. Don’t play coy,
as this is blood in the water to the Pickup Artist. But these are common,
overt techniques men use to coerce women into the backseat hotel
bedroom. There are many other subtler, subliminal, and unfair methods,
guaranteed to take the uninitiated off-guard.
It’s a common trend: Women going home with a dating predator and
then regretting their actions with these pseudo-suitors—questioning their
womanly intuition, and wondering why his lies didn’t ring up a 10.8 on
the Bullshit-o-Meter. To provide some insights into “whys”, I will need to
do the unthinkable (again), and break the Guy’s Code. Maybe some of
the single ladies out there will gain some insight beyond trivial dating tips
and quips. And, par for the course, any man who ends up reading this
article will comment stating that I’m either: 1) full of shit, or 2) that I’m a
man-hater. (No worries, Brother. Contrary to what you think, my book
isn’t a man-bash, I’m not a misandrist, and my email inbox is already filled
with hatemail from guys just like you. Besides, while you’re bashing me
online—and anonymously, O’ Brave One—please note that your girl is
ordering my book in an attempt to figure out why you treat her the way
you do. Good luck with that.)
Firstly, let me acknowledge that there is a multitude of Nice Guys out
there (not wimpy, backboneless “sensitive guys”… just Nice-And-I-
Would-Bring-Him-Home-To-Mom Guys). If you are one of them—or
dating/married to a man like this—congrats; the rest of this article isn’t
about you (but you might see people you know in the words that follow).
Let’s talk about the not-so-nice guys. The Bad Boys that women find oh-
so exciting that they try and capture them… their romantic unicorn, so to
speak. The Scammers that make the one-night stand a full-contact sport.
Alpha Men
Nice Guys have long-lamented “the assholes get all the girls.”
Obviously, this is an exaggeration, but the point is well-taken. The main
reason women are enraptured by dominant Alpha Males is simple: the
perception of confidence. Confidence can be a magic formula that helps
elicit a positive response from a woman, and it’s rooted in primal
instincts: He is (or appears as) powerful—a protector/provider; someone
with strong physical and mental prowess. Where things change is in
motivation. Men looking to achieve a fast, temporary romance, will use
/theproblemwithwomenismen: volume two
confidence as a weapon, and give the perception that they are strong, a
provider, and a protector; the stereotypic Alpha Man. In truth, this is a
ruse to guarantee their acceptance to the next level—woman sans
However, these traits (and the associated primal instincts and
responses) don’t incorporate the wants and needs of modern-day
relationships lasting on animalistic mating.
The Scammer’s Approach
She may think she saw him first, but even that is part of the scam.
He’s not in a rush, so he watches… waiting for an opening, or for the
chance to create one. Whatever activity in which she’s engaged—drinking
a cocktail, reading a book, working on her computer, talking to friends—
he will use it as an icebreaker to start a conversation.
Scammers create an approach on-the-fly… something that’s unique to
the woman they are pursuing as well as the situation. They know that
originality counts during the initial introduction, and their overarching
goal is either to surprise her, to make her smile, or to bring her down to
his level—all of which is largely dependent on the Scammer’s
interpretation of what will work the fastest. In effect, he is sizing her up
quickly, determining the right approach needed, and working to break
down mental barriers. He is working to find her individual Trigger—
designed to cause a woman to feel some way, or respond in some fashion.
They aren’t necessarily designed to elicit a positive response every time;
they are used to cause her to lose the upper hand in this primal courtship
dance. Do compliments work? Sure. Telling a woman she is smart,
beautiful, alluring, etc. can help matters, but they don’t help the Scammer
coerce her into bed. For fast results, some men use… other tactics. One
in particular—known by my group of morally challenged miscreants in
our pick-up days as the “Pump and Deflate”—is today called “The Neg”.
Negative Reinforcement
The Neg. Harsh-yet-strategic criticisms to remove a woman “from her
pedestal”. Positioned carefully as playful banter—but insults at the core—
they do their job remarkably well. Negs keep a woman with the slightest
dent in her self-esteem just a little off-balance, they test for compliance,
and work at eliminating mental and physical barriers. Quintessential
example: “Uncross your arms. It’s a sign of anger.” (Women almost
ALWAYS uncrossed them. The result: Questioning if she is angry, loss of
confidence, and the removal of a subconscious act of suspicion and
part two: essays and articles
▪ Resist the [typical] Alpha. Alpha Men have their use, but given
what women have said that want in a modern-day relationship,
these guys are not equipped to provide it. They might have some
of what a woman is looking for from a primal standpoint, but
not for a long-term relationship.
▪ Reversal. They will never admit it, but guys are just as vulnerable
to pick-up techniques as the ladies. A challenge is just what many
men need to keep them on their toes—both at the start and
throughout a relationship. Make the guys work for it.
/theproblemwithwomenismen: volume two
part two: essays and articles
This past weekend, I got into a discussion with friends about sex and
pornography, and it all boiled down to two questions: 1) Is porn a good
thing or a bad thing? 2) What does it do for our sex lives?
Firstly, let's acknowledge that pornography can be good for some
people. Couples going through a hard time sexually are often prescribed
pornography as a way of reengaging and rejuvenating their sex lives. And
some people are voyeuristic, and get turned on watching others. But if
your guy thinks that the reel-life he’s seeing should be anything like your
real-life in the bedroom, then there’s a problem. Here’s why:
Porn. Is. Fake.
Once you strip away the facade of overacted orgasms, bulging biceps
and silicone implants, you can remember that there is a crew of 10-15
people on the set — and from that simple fact, the fakery is obvious.
These are people getting paid to perform a job... and it's no different than
any other form of entertainment. The question is: Does your guy believe
that it's real?
As an analogy, some WWE fans allow themselves to believe the
"wrestling" they are watching is real, too, but the key difference is that
most wrestling fans — even if they think wrestling is real — won't try
performing a pile-driver on their friends. And that's where porn seems to
be different.
"My [sexual partner] will love this, because those porn starlets love it."
Last weekend one of my friends looked at me completely serious, eyes
burning, and said, with much conviction (and volume):
"F**K porn, Charles. Period. I mean, who told men that I like it when
they... " [she then takes two fingers and pounds violently on the table with
them] on my clit!?" We all laughed hysterically, but it was then that I truly
understood how the porn industry is teaching its target market (read:
men) all the wrong things, creating a huge disconnect with what men
expect in bed.
Here are 6 bad lessons from the porn industry:
/theproblemwithwomenismen: volume two
1. Women are always ready. Porn is flawed right from the time you
hit Play on the DVD player. While there are women who are ready for
sex at the drop of a hat, most require some kind of effort besides
eloquent, smooth lines like, "You ready?" or "How about some?" Do men
really think that a line like "Wanna bump uglies?" is going to get them in
the mood? It’s going to take a little more than that to get a woman to
relax enough to forget about work stress, money worries, the kids, boring
chores and everything else that is preying on her mind.
2. All women want to do anything to/for the man, while he
provides a bare minimum. This is highlighted in every movie and in
every scene. 99 percent of sex scenes start with.... (wait for it) — a
blowjob. Of course... because she's been sitting around all day just
waiting to perform that act.
3. Foreplay is not necessary. No need for all that pesky foreplay —
kissing is overrated, ambiance is unnecessary, creating any kind of a
mood is just a waste of time. Just give it to me now! Sometimes a quickie
is just what a woman wants, but every time? No way!
4. Everything on a woman is... uh... "accessible"... and she
wants you to do whatever you want to her body. Yeah, right. Sure.
Women want no ambience, no foreplay, no attraction to their partners,
and no privacy as a man inserts his various extremities and pounds every
possible bodily opening (perhaps without any lubrication). Puh-leaze.
5. Nipples are there specifically for men to abuse. In porn land,
pounding, pulling, pinching, twisting and prodding obsessively — with
ever-increasing intensity — on the most sensitive of a woman's body
parts will earn men extra points. Can we please acknowledge that there is
a real difference between aggressive sex and clumsy, seventh-grade
experimentation? Some women are into pain and kink... but not all. (A
clearer definition: Erotic might be a feather... Kinky is the whole chicken.)
6. All women are naturally attracted to other women. Ah yes... the
Holy Grail of sex for men: The threesome. There’s nothing wrong if
she's into it, but you won’t catch most women hanging out a with a
friend, dressed as secretaries (or school girls, or teachers, or bikini-
wearing “housewives”) with blue eye shadow and sticky red lip gloss,
waiting (err… pining) for the guy to come home (or knock on the door
with a pizza delivery) so they can have sex with him together.
These examples showcase the massive disconnect between what most
women say they really want, and what men are being exposed to on a
constant basis. If men are being turned on by an ever-increasing
part two: essays and articles
selfishness in bed, it’s no wonder sex lives are suffering (which I’m not
just assuming … I’ve been told). I'm not suggesting that sex needs to be
candles, soft music and aromatherapy every time, but assuming all women
want these things is B.S.; there's just no other term for it. And I'm also
not suggesting that men should be doing all the work to create the mood,
but I would suggest that there are rewards to be reaped for reading the
scene, creating the right environment, and moving slowly... ending in a
fever pitch.
Seduction is not over-rated… and it starts way before you enter the
Originally published on Yahoo! Shine for
/theproblemwithwomenismen: volume two
part two: essays and articles
I thought about it, and unfortunately her statement wasn't too far
from the truth. If you back me up a few years—sans wife, kids, dogs,
published book on relationships, 400,000+ fans following my relationship
advice on Facebook—I was a chronic womanizer; a past she knows
about, but never experienced personally. To make matters worse, I wasn't
some weak pick-up artist using idiotic dating boot camp approaches that
reeked of negativity and douchebaggery on vulnerable women in order to
break them down and manipulate them into sex. No… I was far more
despicable than that.
Was I looking to get women into bed? Of course, but it was more
than that. I worked hard to become the embodiment of seduction. To
quickly read the spoken and unspoken clues of what a woman was
looking for in a man, and then give her the perception I was that guy. In
effect, to become so alluring that she would willingly give herself over,
thinking that having sex was her idea. After all, it's much easier to
convince people of things they think they have thought of themselves. It
was quite a rush, and as the wake of emotional destruction would
later exemplify, seducing women became my drug of choice.
/theproblemwithwomenismen: volume two
"No, babe… that's not even close," I told her, not fully considering the
implications of the coming situations. "That was 15… no, almost 20 years ago. And
you know that I love you. There's nothing to fear."
After another pregnant pause, she consented with a few words of sage
advice: "Don't. Fuck. Up."
The Statistics
According to The Journal of Couple and Relationship Therapy, nearly 50
percent of married women and 60 percent of married men will have an
extramarital affair at some point in their marriage. When you consider
that these statistics are nearly double what they were a short 10 years ago,
clearly this is beyond an issue; it is now commonplace. But it's far from a
surprise; it was predicted. Futurist Alvin Toffler wrote the best seller
Future Shock in 1970, and with matter-of-fact conviction he wrote of
"trial" or "temporary marriages"—young people's first marriages, lasting
three months to three years—and of "serial marriages" that would take
place after the dissolution of the "trial marriage" at specific turning
points in people's lives.
So, does this mean marriage has "jumped the shark" and become
obsolete? Hardly. Marriage is not the issue. Commitment and loyalty or
the lack thereof are at the crux of this. After all, marriage is a legal and/
or spiritual binding of two people… but if commitment isn't there and
loyalty becomes a matter of subjectivity or convenience, the marriage is
already nonexistent. Cheating then becomes a symptom of a secretly
failed marriage.
But is it really so black and white, with no grey and no room for
mistakes, missteps, or moments of weakness? Do people who cheat want
to leave their current marriage? Are they secretly trying to get caught so
they'll have an excuse to get out? I needed answers to these questions
(and many others), so I headed where any high-tech junkie looking to
cheat on his wife would go: online.
part two: essays and articles
/theproblemwithwomenismen: volume two
Early Success
Online dating is a complicated arena much like ordering fast food, in
that what you get is never really what the picture and description promise.
And given the demographical split on the site, I was prepared to be
searching and waiting for a number of days for interest or responses. To
my surprise, Cameron's profile had 20 messages on his first night.
Over the next several days, I had chat sessions of varying length with
33 different women (hmm… it is online… I wonder if they were all
women!). In each session, I attempted to take things to the next level—an
in-person meeting—but no-go. Most of these women seemed
comfortable in getting what they needed online. It was arm's-length
cheating for them (and perhaps one-handed typing). I hope I didn't
disappoint them and that virtual cigarettes were ablaze in post-coital,
pixelated afterglow of my cybersex adventures.
I told my wife about my hot chats… and she laughed. We got into a
long discussion about the arm's length approach to cheating these women
part two: essays and articles
Ashley told me she loved her husband but couldn't understand why he
had dropped back from their relationship. He was "passion and romance"
when they dated, but had become "all work and no play." She shared
briefly that as the Chief Technical Officer of a technology start-up, he
was too busy for her, with travel and his company taking all his time. "But
he's always been too busy, ever since we got married," she lamented. I piled on to
her discontent by falsely offering that my wife also has no time for me,
but I then asked her: "So why don't we leave them, then? Why are we here?" She
didn't miss a beat. "I need passion. I need to feel something… almost anything at
this point. He has great qualities, but…" and we then dropped the subject at
her request.
/theproblemwithwomenismen: volume two
She was extremely intelligent and witty—and she was just as clear that
sex was a priority.
"You seem a little green, so let me explain where I'm at. I'm not here looking for a
husband, so you don't need to worry about that. I'm looking for a man to take the
lead; to invest his time, but not his emotions. Oh, and your height isn't a problem."
We both laughed.
Our hour-long coffee date flew by, and under different circumstances
I would have loved to continue the conversation. She was strong, funny,
direct… but she seemed OK with missing out on what she really wants
from a relationship and settling for something mediocre in her romantic
life. I left the date thinking I might better understand her on our next
Shannon was interesting: 35, dirty blonde hair, smart, funny, full of
life, well-read and educated. She had made the decision to raise her two
kids as a stay-at-home-mom. She and her husband met in college, and
had been together since, but his attentiveness waned after the first couple
of years. I asked why she stayed. Her answer: "Because I love him."
At the end of our date, I keep things cool and she asks if we can get
together again. I tell her that I'd love to (knowing I can't/won't), and I ask
her to reach me back on Ashley Madison. She's sent me three messages
since… and I answered the last one telling her that I realized after we
parted that I couldn't cheat on my wife… just not how I'm made. She
responded, telling me she understood and wished me well.
part two: essays and articles
I asked her why, with all the choices available to her, she had answered
my email. Her answer: because of how I phrased things on my profile.
Aside from the raw passion I had exhibited, she said I showed
"thoughtfulness, intelligence, and a confidence" that came through in my
writing… and I didn't send her a picture of my penis. At 39 with two
young kids, she lamented that her marriage had grown cold, and her
husband complacent. Her relationship was good in many ways—
financially stable, secure, friendly—but it lacked… and she stopped. I
probed, "Passion?" and she almost leaped off her seat in agreement. She
longed for spontaneity, the freshness that accompanies new relationships,
and the effort that her husband had put in 10 years prior.
/theproblemwithwomenismen: volume two
Midway through the meal, I started flirting with her. The challenge: I
couldn't get my wife out of my head. But as I continued, I found myself
returning to the guy I was years before: focused on seduction, listening
for clues to her wants and needs. We were now done with lunch, and I
turned my attention to how far I could take her. As it turns out, she was
the one who gave me the in by asking, "What do you find the most attractive
about me?" This question is a pick-up artist's dream for a number of
reasons. Firstly, it speaks to her not having been complimented often
enough, as she was fishing, apparently insecure and looking for validation.
Secondly, it shows that she wants to know where my head is at; what do I
see first when I look at a woman, and how does that relate to her? And
thirdly, it's an inviting question, in that she wouldn't have asked if she
wasn't interested in me. So, her simple question tipped the scales in my
"You have a great walk," I told her. She looked at me like I was crazy.
"No, really," I said. "You can tell a lot about a woman by the way she walks and her
body language as a whole. Is she looking at the ground, unconfident, or is she standing
tall, greeting the world? And, you have a swing when you walk," I added playfully.
She was taken aback—as I knew she would be. A clever man might talk
about a woman's intelligence being a turn-on, but most men don't usually
talk about confidence in this fashion. I moved the conversation from
confidence-building to sex, and she followed along, clearly digging where
I was guiding things. She was very interested in how I saw her, hungry for
the compliments and clearly longing for the passion I started putting out.
She reversed the question on herself and then told me what she liked
about me, and the conversation tumbled into her passionate thoughts,
how I was making her feel: relaxed, free, feminine. At this point, I was in
a dicey situation. I didn't want to sleep with her, but the challenge of
having her commit to giving herself over was intoxicating. So, I kept
pushing the limits and pouring it on, all the while hoping that my wife
would understand the true motivations for my actions.
part two: essays and articles
"I can't."
"What are you talking about?" she asked, with genuine confusion. With a
sigh—and for the first time realizing that I didn't have an exit from this
situation—I explained: "I'm working on a research project on adultery. This is a
part of it. I'm sorry, but I can't cheat on my wife."
"So, this was all bullshit?" she asked through her teeth, not wanting to
cause a scene in the restaurant. I sat motionless, unsure of what to do
when she made the decision for me. With a look that would level an army,
she seethed out, "Fuck you, Cameron," and threw what was left of her
martini at me. She turned and stormed out of the restaurant.
My heart went out to her. It wasn't her fault. I'd be a liar if I said I
wasn't tempted, but my wife, my honor, my word and my humanity are
not worth it, no matter how attractive she might have been. After patting
myself dry amidst slack-jawed looks from other diners, I left the
restaurant and headed home. I was emotionally spent.
The Fight
As I pulled into my little suburb-of-a-town, I arrived at a local coffee
shop down the street from my house, and I called my wife to see if she
would join me. She agreed, but when she arrived I knew something was
wrong. My thoughts were confirmed when I greeted her. With a smile on
my face and my arms out to embrace her, I was greeted with, "Don't even
touch me, I can smell you from here. You smell like liquor and whores."
Whoa! This was NOT what I planned on, and this isn't the way our
open and honest relationship normally runs. She sat away from me, her
arms folded in front of her, sipping her coffee and barely looking at me. I
told her the story of what happened: the restaurant, the lunch, the
flirting, the advance from Lisa, the cocktail. Her anger intensified.
"That's bullshit, Charles. No one throws a drink on someone for nothing. What
did you do? Just tell me. What did YOU DO?"
/theproblemwithwomenismen: volume two
For much of the afternoon, she fought with me. Given what my
investigation was trying to uncover, and in light of my recent actions—
even though they were "allowed" actions based on what we had discussed
—I felt I had nothing to stand on. I tried to explain that I didn't do
anything, but she wasn't buying it. After three hours of not speaking to
me, it became clear what was really bothering her when she told me
emphatically: "You know, Charles, it's amazing. I don't care about your 'date'.
And for all I care, you could have slept with her. But tell me this: When was the last
time you took time out of your day and took me to lunch for no reason?"
A Revelation
Her statement to me was an eye-opener, and in polling 250+ women
in the days that followed, I reached an important understanding. When an
adulterous man is found out, there are many, many women that can get
past the sex act itself. But the real problem is where his effort has been
going. As his wife sits idle, being supportive, holding down her half of
the relationship, house, kids, etc., a cheating man will put boat loads of
effort into seducing the other woman: four-star restaurants and hotels,
gifts, laughter, spontaneity, passion, sex. From there, it's a sad realization
for his wife that translates to "I'm not worth the effort." This is a fatal blow
to her self-esteem and self-worth, and terminal to the relationship. My
wife and I got past it, but I had to relent to the fact that I hadn't done
those things for her recently… and it wasn't purposeful, it was a mirror
into my own accidental complacently (and I'm supposed to be an
expert!!!). It's not that I take her for granted. But in acting like a cheater, I
had fallen into my own trap. Accidentally? Perhaps, but does it matter?
Isn't the end result the same?
Contemplating all of my experiences with the women of Ashley
Madison—chat sessions and in-person dates—several things became
painfully clear. First, there isn't one "type" of woman looking to cheat
online. Some were looking to have sex, period. Others were looking to
subsidize their current relationship with a human connection… and if it
led to sex, even better. But all were clear that they were not leaving their
current relationship. These weren't monkeys getting a grip on the next
branch before letting go of the first. They just wanted to feel what they
used to feel from the man in their life.
The most common complaint was a lack of passion and effort by the
man in their current relationship. It makes sense. When a man begins
dating a woman, he puts in tons of effort; he woos her. Once she's "his,"
he stops putting in that effort, but she still longs for it. She wants to be
part two: essays and articles
Originally published on for Optioned for film.
/theproblemwithwomenismen: volume two