Increase FCCU Processing Capacity
Increase FCCU Processing Capacity
Increase FCCU Processing Capacity
sure head, while the solids flow in the lower part of the pipeline. stripping efficiency and reduce oil-gas entrainment into the
So, the pressure head established by the inclined pipe is much regenerator, baffles were replaced by AF stripper packing, as
smaller than the vertical standpipe. The regenerated standpipe shown in FIG. 4B. The AF packing is structured packing used in
faced consistent problems of poor fluidization quality and fluc- fluidized beds, as shown in FIG. 4C. It was installed in the strip-
tuating solids transportation, indicated by a low differential per section to replace previous disc-donut baffles, as shown in
pressure across its slide valve. The layout of the regenerated cat- FIG. 4D. In this revamp, 13 layers of AF packing were placed in
alyst standpipe was modified to improve the fluidization quality the stripper section, and support beams were mounted on the
and increase its pressure drop. FIG. 2 shows a comparison of its stripper metal wall. Two ring-pipe stripping steam distributors
geometry and the layouts of aeration taps (C1–C11) before and were set below the packing section. Two layers of guide grating
after revamp. Before the revamp, the standpipe had two turning were also set above the packing section. Compared to the pre-
points and the catalyst was easy to bridge, which is not condu- vious disc-donut baffles, the AF packing has smaller gas-solids
cive to fluidization. The aeration gas was under a steam pres- contacting units and a high ratio of effective (filling) volume.
sure of 0.6 MPa and a temperature of 260°C. The total flowrate The design of AF packing is to enhance bubble breaking and
was about 400 Nm3/hr. After revamp, the standpipe became a improve steam-catalyst contacting. The AF packing can also
long, straight pipe. The aeration gas was changed into nitrogen reduce solids back-mixing and improve solids residence time
under a pressure of 1.4 MPa and a temperature of 30°C. Its to- distribution. These two aspects are both beneficial to higher
tal flowrate was increased to 650 Nm3/hr, which is beneficial to stripping efficiency.
improve the fluidization effect of catalyst.
Results and evaluation. After revamp, the processing ca-
Vortex breaker. The reactor cyclones have been in use for pacity of the FCCU increased to 120 tph, corresponding to
17 yr. In 2015, it was determined that some cyclones’ inlet cyl- 1 MMtpy. The main operating parameters are compared in
inders were worn through, which was attributed to a strong gas TABLE 2. In addition to increased processing capacity, several
vortex region cause by the upstream VSS.4 The high-speed ro- big changes occurred after revamp. The reaction temperature
tating catalyst particles in the VSS outlet tube and the cyclone increased from 500°C to 525°C and temperatures in the two-
inlet were the cause of wear. A vortex breaker was installed on stage regenerators both decreased by 15°C–20°C, which was
the inner wall of the VSS outlet tube, as shown in FIG. 3A. Some the main contributor to raising the catalyst-to-oil ratio from 6
plates are parallel to the gas flow direction, as shown in FIG. 3B. to 8 and one of the main methods for the significant increase
The aim is to weaken the swirling flow strength in the VSS out- in gasoline yield and conversion ratio. The increase in strip-
let tube and, therefore, reduce the solids speeds into the down-
stream cyclones and the wear on the cyclone inlet walls. Standpipe Riser Standpipe Riser
AF stripper packing. Before the revamp, there were disc-do- C2
nut baffles (FIG. 4A) in the spent catalyst stripper. To enhance C3
C2 C4
Regenerator Reactor
130 170 C5
C1–C11: aeration taps C6
160 165 C7
135 175 C10
C7 C11
Dense phase bed Before revamp After revamp
185 183 210 243 FIG. 2. Comparison of the standpipe geometry before and after revamp.
Oil nozzle
256 260
180 250
Combustion Ps
175 210
200 225 Po
Air Steam
FIG. 1. Pressure distribution of the reactor-regenerator system. FIG. 3. Vortex breakers installed on the inner wall of the VSS outlet tube.
TABLE 5. Properties of gasoline and diesel products
pi Before revamp
Gasoline Diesel
24 After revamp
Before After Before After
Item revamp revamp revamp revamp
Distillation, °C