A Simple Technique For Ovariohysterectomy in The Cat

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A Simple Technique for Ovariohysterectomy in the Cat

Article  in  International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences · August 2018

DOI: 10.20546/ijcmas.2018.708.262

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4 authors, including:

Nethra Reddy Babu M Gowda

Karnataka Veterinary Animal and Fisheries Sciences University Karnataka Veterinary Animal and Fisheries Sciences University


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Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(8): 2554-2561

International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences

ISSN: 2319-7706 Volume 7 Number 08 (2018)
Journal homepage: http://www.ijcmas.com

Original Research Article https://doi.org/10.20546/ijcmas.2018.708.262

A Simple Technique for Ovariohysterectomy in the Cat

M. Babu1*, A. Krishnaswamy1, R. Nethra2 and Narasimhamurthy1

Department of Veterinary Gynaecology and Obstetrics, 2Department of Veterinary Medicine,
Veterinary College, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

*Corresponding author


Keywords Ovariohysterectomy is a routine procedure that is recommended as one means of

population control in cats. Different surgical approaches have been described in the
Ovariohysterectomy, literature for ovariohysterectomy in cats. Six adult queen cats of age 1-3 years, weighing
Cat, Flank approach,
Stab incision 2.5 – 4 kg presented for ovariohysterectomy were selected for the study. A small incision
stab technique on left lateral flank was performed. Surgical approach was evaluated by
Article Info recording extent of hemorrhage, ease of location and exteriorization of ovaries and uterus,
duration of surgery, post-operative complications and time required for complete wound
15 July 2018 healing. The findings of the present study established that the technique of small incision
Available Online: stab approach for ovariohysterectomy is easy, free of complications, requires a shorter
10 August 2018 time and also less expensive.

Introduction the site being ventral, wound complications or

difficult to be recognized by the owners. For
The management of unowned domestic cat this reason many veterinarians prefer carrying
populations is a global problem that raises our ovariohysterectomy in cats through a
issues for individual cat welfare (Roberts et lateral flank approach. It is particularly
al., 2015). Ovariohysterectomy is a routine indicated if the queen cat is lactating and
procedure that is recommended as one means provides the advantage of observing the
of population control in cats (Levy et al., surgical wound from a distance and reduces
2003). Traditionally, ovariohysterectomy in potential for evisceration if would dehiscence
cats is routinely carried out either through a occurs (Holly and Hardie, 2004)
ventral midline approach or a lateral flank
approach. Although ventral midline approach The site of skin incision for flank approach is
is absolute choice when the queen cats is usually left lateral flank (McGrath et al.,
pregnant or in uterine pathological condition, 2004) and different surgical incision patterns
there is often a significantly more hemorrhage like horizontal flank incision, vertical flank
from the skin and subcutaneous tissue chances incision and oblique flank incision have been
of wound inflammation or infection and due to tried for ovariohysterectomy in cats (Hoque,
1991). In general, the length of the incision
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(8): 2554-2561

advised for lateral flank approach is 2-3cm in Xylazine Hydrochloride (1 mg/kg body
cats (McGrath et al., 2004; Coe et al., 2006; weight) and Ketamine Hydrochloride (25
Rana, 2007; Kiani et al., 2014). In mg/kg body weight) both drugs were loaded
comparative studies Ghanawat and Mantri into the same syringe and had given
(1996), Shuttleworth and Smythe (2000), Coe, intramuscularly to effect.
et al., (2006) and Rana (2007) have reported
significantly shorter length of surgical incision The animal was put on right lateral
for lateral flank approach compared to ventral recumbency and the bladder was emptied by
midline approach. All the surgical procedures manual compression as shown in (Fig. 1) as
described involve the incising of the skin and the distended bladder may hinder locating and
abdominal muscles. Following exteriorization of uterus. The entire left flank
ovariohysterectomy the muscles were sutured was clipped with a surgical clipper blade No.
followed by either intradermal or skin sutures. 40 and the area was scribed alternatively with
These procedures prolong the duration of 4% Chlorexidine solution and surgical spirit
surgery has also the expenses involved for for at least 5 minutes and finally painted with
carrying out ovariohysterectomy which will be 7.5% povidine iodine. Surgical site was
more significant particularly when stray cats determined approximately as the intersection
are being operated. Therefore, there is a need of two finger breadth measured from the last
to develop a technique where in rib, one finger from the lumbar processes and
ovariohysterectomy can be carried out through two finger breadth measured from fold of
an extremely small skin incision. The present flank (Fig. 2). The surgical site was covered
study is a report of a technique developed for with sterile surgical drapes and using a No.15
ovariohysterectomy in cats which requires a Bard parker blade, a five mm long oblique
very short duration, minimal trauma to the incision was made through the skin down to
tissue and altogether avoids the use of suture the level of the muscle, but not through the
materials for the abdominal muscles. muscle layer.

Materials and Methods Following the skin incision the entire left
abdomen was grasped between thumb and fore
The present study was carried out on six adult finger and slight pressure applied so as to
female cats presented for routine distend the left abdominal wall (Fig. 3). Using
ovariohysterectomy to Department of mosquito artery forceps, a stab incision was
Veterinary Gynaecology and Obstetrics, made at point of nick incision holding the
Veterinary College, Bengaluru. The mean age forceps at about 45o angle to the skin incision
and body weight of the animals were 1.52 ± and the mosquito forceps was directed into
0.21 years and 3.14 ± 0.27 kg respectively. All abdominal cavity by applying mild pressure at
the animals were examined the point where mosquito forceps were held.
ultrasonographicaly to rule out pregnancy and The entry of artery forceps into the cavity was
a general examination was carried out to confirmed by a slight resistance when the
confirm that they were fit for pregnancy. artery forceps came in contact with
Every animal was fasted for at least 8-12 peritoneum and a small pop sound as the
hours prior to surgery and water was withheld artery forceps made its way through
for at least six hours preoperatively. The cats peritoneum. Following entry into the
were premedicated with Atropine sulphate peritoneum, the blades of the artery forceps
(0.04 mg/kg body weight) subcutaneously. were opened slightly in order to slightly
Anaesthesia was induced by combination of enlarge the stab incision on muscle and

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(8): 2554-2561

peritoneum. The uterus in cats is generally

located immediately below the peritoneum at In the present study, ovariohysterectomy was
this particular surgical site and therefore the attempted through a skin incision as small as
organ found immediately below the five millimeter. In most other reports, the skin
peritoneum was gently grasped with the incision on the left flank is usually 2-3 cm
mosquito forceps and slowly brought out (McGrath et al., 2004; Coe et al., 2006; Rana,
through the stab incision. The uterine horn and 2007; Kiani et al., 2014). While a longer skin
ovary was completely brought out through the incision will provide better exposure and ease
skin incision site (Fig. 4). The ovarian of locating and exteriorizing the uterus, it
peduncle was legated with 2-0 chromic cat gut could also be associated with greater degree of
and ovarian peduncle was severed. Following bleeding and tissue trauma. In the present
complete resection of ovary uterine horn was study on the other hand the uterus was
traced to the bifurcation and the contralateral approached through a skin incision as small as
uterine horn was located by grasping with five millimeter and none of the animals
mosquito artery forceps and gentle traction exhibited any bleeding either after skin
applied to expose horn and the ovary incision.
completely. Surgical resection was made after
proper ligation of ovarian peduncle. Following In standard left flank approach, following skin
resection of both ovaries, two uterine horns incision the abdominal muscles are also
were completely lifted and gentle traction incised and peritoneal cavity is then entered.
applied caudally so as to expose the cervix and This sort of approach would require suturing
resection of cervix was made after application of the abdominal muscles after the completion
of ligature (Fig. 5). The incised cervical end of the surgical procedures. The incision of the
was dropped into the abdominal cavity and abdominal muscles could also contribute to
surgical site was inspected for evidence of hemorrhage.
bleeding. No attempt was made to suture to
close the abdominal muscles or skin. The In the present study on the other hand the
incised site was covered with a sterile abdominal muscles were not surgically incised
bandage. All animals had received post- but abdominal cavity was entered by stabbing
operative care as per the standard a mosquito artery forcep through the
recommendations. abdominal muscles and peritoneum after
making the skin incision. This technique was
The following parameters were recorded in carried out to avoid the incision of the
each animal; abdominal muscles and to prevent bleeding
associated with incision.
Extent of hemorrhage
A stab incision of abdominal muscles
Ease of location and exteriorization of ovaries employed in present study was also found not
and uterus to cause any significant hemorrhage from the
site. The uterus could be easily grasped and
Duration of surgery exteriorized without any difficulty and the
both the ovaries could be easily legated. No
Post-operative complications operative complications were observed in any
of six animals subjected to spaying using the
Time required for complete wound healing procedure described.
Results and Discussion

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(8): 2554-2561

Fig.1 Manual extraction of the urine for spaying at left lateral flank

Fig.2 Skin incision –left flank approach

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(8): 2554-2561

Fig.3 Stab incision being made to enter into the peritoneal cavity – left lateral flank approach

Fig.4 Exteriorization of uterine horns and ovaries for ligation through stab incision – left lateral
flank approach

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(8): 2554-2561

Fig.5 Exteriorization of the cervix for ligation – left lateral flank approach

Fig.6 Surgical wound after the completion of spaying procedure – left lateral flank approach

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(8): 2554-2561

Fig.7 Appearance of the surgical wound at 48 hr after spaying through left lateral flank approach

Following ovariohysterectomy the abdominal peritoneum as compared to a five millimeter

muscles were left unsutured as only a stab incision made in the present study and use of
incision was made through the muscles and if mosquito artery forceps for entry into
left unsutured it was most unlikely that any abdominal cavity.
kind of evisceration of the abdominal organs
can occur because of the size of the incision. The surgical procedure therefore could be
Additionally, the lower abdominal muscles carried out in a significantly shorter time and
would automatically cover the other layers. considerably reduced the expenses incurred
The present study didn’t record any post- towards the surgery. The results of the present
operative complications such as evisceration, study established that the technique of small
wound edema and abnormal discharges from incision stab approach for ovariohysterectomy
the wound. The surgical wound had is easy, free of complications, requires a
completely healed by day 7 post surgery in shorter time and also less expensive.
experimental animals. The mean time taken
for the entire surgery was recorded as 6.7 ± References
0.48 min (Fig. 6 and 7).
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How to cite this article:

Babu, M., A. Krishnaswamy, R. Nethra and Narasimhamurthy. 2018. A Simple Technique for
Ovariohysterectomy in the Cat. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 7(08): 2554-2561.
doi: https://doi.org/10.20546/ijcmas.2018.708.262


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