ITSGHD190209 - Open Text Archive Server Installation With SQL Database

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Standard Operating Procedure


Version: 1.0 Published: -Dec-2019 Validity: Active


Brief Summary

OpenText Archive Center provides a full set of services forcontent and documents. Archive Center can
either be used as an integral part ofOpenText™ Content Suite Platform or as stand-alone server in
various scenarios. Supportedscenarios include simple archiving of documents, where the administration
is doneby the leading application, up to metadata handling and search for documents by users. Archive
Server has been renamed to Archive Center.The term “Archive Server” is still used to denote the core
server component of Archive Center.

Document Champions
Sponsor / Promoter 713057 Omkarnath Makineni 3-Dec-2019

Primary Author 713057 Omkarnath Makineni 3-Dec-2019

Last Modified 713057 Omkarnath Makineni 3-Dec-2019

Reviewed 656873 Vamshi Krishna -Dec-2019

Approved By (Approval Authority) Cognizant | EAS SAP Technology Consulting

© 2016 Copyright – EAS SAP Technology Consulting. All rights reserved.

Document History
Version Date Modified By Changes
1.0 713057 Initial Version

2.1) How to start the Configuration Interface
2.2)How to optimize settings
2.3)How to apply optimized settings
3) Installing and configuring Microsoft SQL Server
3.1) Installing SQL Server 2012
3.2)Configuring SQL Server network connectivity
4) Installing Archive Center and Document pipeline
.1) Installing Document pipeline
4.2) Installing Archive Center
5) Architecture of Archive Center
Apache tomcat has to be installed prior to the installation of Open text archive server.

OpenText recommends that you perform the following steps to install and configure Tomcat:

1. Install Tomcat.

2. Configure Java options to optimize performance.

1)Installation of the Tomcat Application Server

1. Start the installation of the Tomcat server by a double-click on the file apache-tomcat-8.0.xx.exe.
2. Accept the license agreement dialog by a clicking on the button I agree.
3. In the Choose Components dialog use installation type Normal. Check that Tomcat Core and the component
Manager have been selected and click on the button Next.
Change startup type to “Automatic”
2)Tomcat Monitor
Apache Tomcat provides the Windows Application Monitor Tomcat, which allows to change the most common
configuration settings for the Java Virtual Machine.

2.1)How to start the Configuration Interface

Start the Tomcat Monitor as following:

1. Go to Start -> Programs -> Apache Tomcat x.0 -> Configure Tomcat. Alternatively the tomcat monitor may be
started by using the file Tomcat8w.exe file located inside the bin folder in Tomcat installation directory.
2. Select the tab Java.

2.2)How to optimize settings

In the tab Java, the environment settings for the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) can be specified. Settings which are
not specified here use the Tomcat defaults. These are set to run in small test environments but not in productive

2.3)How to apply optimized settings

To apply the changed settings, the Tomcat service has to be restarted. Proceed as following:

1. Choose tab General.

2. Stop the service by clicking on Stop.
3. Start the service by clicking on Start.

Note that it might take a while until the button Start gets active, since the server needs a while to shut down and
unload all data.
3) Installing and configuring Microsoft SQL Server

3.1) Installing SQL Server 2012

Start the installation.
we are using a DVD, for example, double-click <DVD drive>:\setup.exe.
Feature Selection : Need to select below Parameters

Select at least the following features:

• Instance Features: Database Engine Services
• Shared Features:
• Client Tools Connectivity
• Client Tools Backwards Compatibility
• Client Tools SDK
• Documentation Components
Leave the default values for the following:
• Shared feature directory
• Shared feature directory (x86)
Instance Configuration : Leave the default settings Default Instance and instance ID
3.2)Configuring SQL Server network connectivity
To configure network connectivity:
1. Select Start > Programs > Microsoft SQL Server 2016 > SQL Server
Management Studio.
2. To connect to the database server.

3. Click Connect.
4. Right-click the server instance name and select Properties.

5. Open SQL Server Configuration Manager.

6. Set the protocol values for the following connections:
• SQL Server Network Configuration
• SQL Native Client 11.0 Configuration (32 bit)
• SQL Native Client 11.0 Configuration.

Parameter Value
Shared Memory Disabled
Named Pipes Disabled
TCP/IP Enabled


7. Restart the SQL Server:

a. Click SQL Server Configuration Manager (Local) > SQL Server Services.
b. Right-click SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER), and select Restart.
Create the database files for the data and the index filegroups:
a. Add two files for the data and index filegroups created above: Choose a logical name for the files (e.g.
ECR_DATA_1 and ECR_INDEX_1,respectively).
Choose the respective filegroup (in the example, select the ECR_DATA filegroup for the ECR_DATA_1 file and
the ECR_INDEX filegroup for the ECR_INDEX_1 file).
Choose a path where the files are to be located. The files will be created in the folder. The folder must exist.
b. Choose a path for the primary filegroup and the transaction log (named <database name> and <database
name>_log, respectively.
4) Installing Archive Center and Document pipeline

To start the master setup for Open text Archive Center on the first server:
1. Download the OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions from the
OpenText My Support
2. Log on as user Administrator with local administration rights.
3. Run <drive>:\Mastersetup.exe.
4. In the OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions installer window, click Next
to continue.
5. Read the License Agreement and accept it.
6. In the Deployment Scenarios window, Select the Document Pipelines that want or clear unwanted pipelines,
for example Document Pipeline for Content Server, which is needed for
Enterprise Scan.

4.1) Installing Document pipeline

7.Click Next.
8. Confirm the Summary and click Install.
A Document Pipeline is the basic component in almost all document processing
software. It is used, for example, to transfer documents to Archive Center or another
application while performing certain additional tasks.
For more information, see OpenText Document Pipelines - Overview and Import
Interfaces (AR-CDP).
The following Document Pipelines are part of the Extended Archive Center
Deployment scenario:
• Document Pipeline Base
• Document Pipeline for DocuLink
• Document Pipeline for SAP Solutions
• Document Pipeline Info
• Document Pipeline Perl
• Document Pipeline Remote Interface

Install the Document Pipelines by selecting the desired file system paths and leave
all other values empty or keep the default values.
4.2) Installing Archive Center
OpenText Archive Center is a lean archiving solution based on the well-established core component Archive
Server. It offers basic metadata handling using a CMIS interface and supports various data sources, for example,
SAP systems and file archiving. For more information about the installation of Archive Center on Windows.

The master setup starts the installer for Archive Center automatically. Installation logs are stored in the temp folder
of the current user: %TEMP%\opentext.
5) Architecture of Archive Center

The following figure shows the main components of Archive Center and its environment.

Archive Server :-

Archive Server, the core server component of Archive Center, incorporates the following components for storing,
managing, and retrieving documents and data:
• Document Service (DS), handles the storage and retrieval of documents and
• Storage Manager (STORM), manages and controls the storage devices.
• Administration Server, provides the interface to the Administration Client which
helps the administrator to create and maintain the environment of Archive
Centers, including logical archives, storage devices, pools, etc.

Features of Archive Center :-

Archive Center provides a complete set of services for content storage. Supported scenarios include simple
archiving of documents, where the administration is done by the leading application, up to metadata handling and
search for documents by users. These services incorporate:

• Storing and retrieving content

• Content lifecycle and retention handling
• Storage virtualization
• Caching and Archive Cache Servers
• Single instance archiving
• Long-term preservation and readability
• SecKeys and timestamps
• Compression and encryption
• Backup and replication

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