Critical Analysis of The Role of Yoga in Management of Life Style Disorders

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Critical Analysis of the Role of Yoga in Management of Life Style Disorders

Article · December 2016

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Pradnya Dandekar
Mahatma Gandhi ayurved College Hospital & Research Centre, Wardha


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International Journal of Yoga and Allied Sciences (ISSN: 2278 – 5159)
Volume: 5, Issue: 2; July- Dec 2016

Critical Analysis of the Role of Yoga in Management of Life Style

Dr. Dandekar Pradnya Deepak*

*Professor & Head, Department of Kriya Sharir,Mahatma Gandhi Ayurved College Hospital &
Research Centre, Salod(H),Wardha, Maharashtra,India.
Email – [email protected]

Day by day the changing lifestyle & dietary habits are generating a lots of diseases called
as life style diseases. These are non communicable diseases. Statistics shows that these
non communicable diseases are major factor responsible for death in recent decades. Now
prior need to survive human life is indirectly focused on modification of life style. Yoga
science is basically a health science. Modification of life style by imparting the Yoga
definitely prevents the life style disorders. Yoga’s primary emphasis is upon general well-
being. Although yoga has been shown to be beneficial in a variety of conditions, it is not
considered a therapy for specific illnesses. Yoga employs a broad holistic approach that
focuses on educating people a new lifestyle, way of thinking, and way of being in the
world. Critical analysis of different factors responsible for generating the different
diseases are managed by practicing Ashtangyog with its eight limbs Yam, Niyam, Asan,
Pranayam, Pratyahar, Dhyan, Dharna & Samadhi. Many of the healing effects of yoga are
clinically verified. One of the most important benefits of yoga is that it is very useful in
relieving stress, fatigue and improves vitality which is the basic need of preventing life
style disorders.
Key words: Life style disorders, Non communicable diseases, Ashtangyog

Introduction: with us for a lifetime or long duration of life,

In recent decades the change in life style & they are called as “diseases of longevity”.
food habits of people are responsible for Diabetes, Obesity, Hypertension, Chronic
generating a lots of diseases. These diseases Respiratory diseases, Liver Cirrhosis, GIT
are specially called as life style diseases. Diseases, Cancer, Mental disorders are few
Life style diseases mean “diseases of examples of life style disorders. All life style
civilization” or “diseases of longevity”. Our diseases come under non communicable
civilized life style is well developed in diseases.
advanced technology. With this advanced
technology we get easiest way to do any It is well established that non communicable
work very easily & fastly. This rapid & diseases (NCDs) are the leading cause of
advanced technology bounded us to sit at death in the world, responsible for 63% of
one place for hours together. Day by day we the 57 million deaths that occurred in 2008.
are losing the physical smoothness because The majority of these deaths - 36 million -
of lack of exercise. This type of sedentary were attributed to cardiovascular diseases
life style is responsible for generating the and diabetes, cancers and chronic respiratory
lots of diseases. As the diseases are gifted by diseases1. In most middle- and high-income
civilized life style, they are called “diseases countries NCDs were responsible for more
of civilization” and as these diseases live deaths than all other causes of death

International Journal of Yoga and Allied Sciences (ISSN: 2278 – 5159)
Volume: 5, Issue: 2; July- Dec 2016

combined, with almost all high-income & Parasympathetic Nervous System.

countries reporting the proportion of NCD Sympathetic Nervous System activation
deaths to total deaths to be more than 70%1. results in utilization of energy. It gets
NCDs will be responsible for a significant activated in conditions like fright, fight &
increase in total number of deaths in the next flight. So whenever there is requirement of
decade. NCD deaths are projected to more energy, this system gets activated &
increase by 15% globally between 2010 and helps to mobilize energy. On the other side
2020 i.e. upto 44 million deaths2. Now it’s a the activation of Parasympathetic Nervous
time to adopt the slogan that ‘Prevention is System results in restoration of energy. So in
always better than cure’. relaxed condition of body the system gets
The literature related to generation of life Role of stress in generating life style
style disorders reviewed & critical analysis disorders:
done to find out how the changes of life Stress arouses Sympathetic Nervous System
style affect our inner body to generate which increases cellular respiration4. Cells
diseases. Critical analysis of yoga literature use glucose with the help of oxygen to
regarding the Ashtang Yoga done to find out produce energy. More & more energy
the way to prevent the effects of life style on consumed by the cells to perform the
body & thus discussion is interpreted functions. Carbon-Dioxide and Free
regarding management of these life style Radicals are byproducts in the process &
disorders by regular practice of yoga. this result in oxidative stress. Free radicals
which are the byproduct of the processes
Observations: damage the cells. Stress also accelerates
There is abundant literature regarding the cortisol levels by increasing the demand of
role of diet & nutrition in contributing glucose to perform cell functions5. It also
generation of diseases. Equally emphasis results in poor sleep, poor diet habits, habit
should be given our activities also. Our daily of smoking, alcohol consumption. Such type
regime which includes our Ahar (diet) & of day to day activities results in sedentary
Vihar (activities) both play a significant role life style.
in generation of diseases called life style
diseases. Long term consequences of increased
Cellular Respiration:
Major contributing factors of life style: Long term increased cellular respiration6
Stress, Poor sleep, Poor diet, Smoking, because of activation of sympathetic system
Consuming alcohol, Sedentary lifestyle, due to stress increases requirement of
Less community interact are some major glucose by cells to derive energy. This will
factors to generate life style disorders. Out induce more secretion of insulin to fulfill the
of these factors Stress is one important demand of cells for utilizing the glucose.
factor which is responsible to predispose Day by day the cells become insulin
other factors. Stress is the factor which resistant & pathophysiology of Diabetes
directly affects the autonomic nervous mellitus starts. Increase in oxidative stress
system. Autonomic nervous system has two results in inflammatory responses of cells
components: Sympathetic Nervous System which results in arthritis. Increase Cellular

International Journal of Yoga and Allied Sciences (ISSN: 2278 – 5159)
Volume: 5, Issue: 2; July- Dec 2016

Respiration Increases probability of lack of essential nutrients and vitamins for

atherosclerosis, reduces positive prognosis healthy functioning. Poor diet also has the
in cancer patients, and increases consequences to increase blood sugar levels
exacerbation of respiratory disorders, by increasing cell’s insulin resistance. This
Contributes to induce Gastro Intestinal results into generation of Heart Disease,
problems. Hypertension, Cognitive Decline,
Osteoporosis, Diabetes, Obesity, Anxiety
Stress increases cortisol level by disturbing and depression.
Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Axis. If this
disturbances remains for a long time, this Many people work all day in front of a
chronically elevated cortisol level reduces computer. Technological advances are
neurogenesis by damaging Hippocampus7. creating reduced interest in physical and
This increases resorption rate of bone outdoor activities. In UK and USA sedentary
leading to generation of Osteoporosis, lifestyle is the most prevalent risk factor for
Increases break down of collagen & chronic diseases. 95 percent of both
generates arthritis8. It also enters the cellular populations do not meet physical activity
nucleus and influence gene expression guidelines14. This type of sedentary life
resulting in congenital malformation9. increases risk of heart disease, increases risk
Stress is also responsible for poor sleep. for hypertension, increases risk for diabetes,
Normal sleep pattern requires alpha & then increases risk for osteoporosis, reduces
theta waves. But in stressed brain beta waves muscle tone, reduces flexibility of joints.
are produced, which results in poor sleep. If Research shows that in each decade after the
a person suffers from problem of poor sleep age of 20 flexibility decreases by 15% with
for a long duration he has to face the greatest loss in lower back and hamstring
consequences like mental health disorders. flexibility-if we do not engage in physical
Poor sleep reduces immune system, inhibits activity & it increases the likelihood of
neurogenesis & leads to generate lower back pain. Reduced physical activity
alzheimer’s disease10. weakens muscles necessary for balance,
including core muscles15.
High levels of stress contribute to have
behaviors that undermine health like According to the Center for Disease Control
Smoking, Drinking, Poor eating habits & 2014, one; out of three adults over the age of
increased sedentary lifestyle i.e. lack of 65 falls each year. Falls in the elderly
exercise. Stress affects the diet pattern also. contribute to morbidity and are a
In 1994 a research was conducted in which contributing factor in reduced life
Stress was correlated with hyperphagia and expectancy. So it’s time to apply preventive
hypophagia11 Researches show that those aspects before facing problems.
who are emotional eaters stress increases
intake of sweet and sugary foods12 & Yoga – A science of Health:
women who are highly stressed show YOGA Science is more Life and Health
preference for high-fat and sweet food13. oriented than Disease and Treatment. It is
Poor diet leads to cause malnutrition which the science which can control diseases by
may results I reduction of precursor controlling body & mind. Practice of Yoga
elements for neurotransmitter production & teaches to control Habits of Diet &

International Journal of Yoga and Allied Sciences (ISSN: 2278 – 5159)
Volume: 5, Issue: 2; July- Dec 2016

activities, Activities of Sensory organs, delusion, pride & jealousy. Santosh or

Respiration & mind. Yoga is well known by contentment is another important principle
the term Ashtangyog. It consists of eight of Yogic Niyam. A mind which is in state of
Ayam. Yam, Niyam, Asan, Pranayam, contentment can concentrate & meditate.
Pratyahar, Dhyan, Dharna & Samadhi. Yam Discontentment is the root cause of all
(abstinences) & Niyam (observances) miseries& it produces all types of conflicts
controls lifestyle against poor habits of diet in our mind.
& activities, Different Asanas (body
postures) control physical activities, Asanas is the third step which means
Pranayam is controlled Respiration, maintaining body posture. It induces desired
Prathyahar (absraction) teaches to control effects which includes varing degrees of
sensory organs and Dhyan (meditation), mental & physical relaxation. Pranayam is
Dharna (Concentration) & Samadhi help to the practice of controlled breathing which
control mind16. Yamas, Niyam, asan, yields comprehensive effects including
Pranayam are Bahiranga yoga or external systematic physiological vitalisation &
yoga practice. Yam, Niyam specifically psychosomatic relaxation17.Then Pratyahar
related to ethical practices & asan, Pranayam is the process of self-restraint where an
related to physical practices. Dhyan, Dharna individual’s tries to keep his senses away
& Samadhi are considered as Antaranga from the objects. Dhyan, Dharana &
Yoga, specifically related to higher mental Samadhi are helpful to concentrate our mind
practices. Among these Pratyahar is the link & help us for relaxation. In this way
between the antaranga & bahieanga yoga Ashtangyoga helps to reduce stress,
specially related to sensorial practices. Increases Mindfulness, it increases positive
habits, Enhances sense of connectedness &
The first step of Ashtangyoga is Yama. The Enhances positive attitude towards life.
word ‘Yam’ means control. Thus the
principle which requires controlling some Discussion:
activity or behaviour is called Yama. Role of Yoga in stress reduction:
Patanjali admits the five Yamas as Ahimsa Deep slow breathing practices which is part
or Non violence, Satya or truthfulness, Astey of Yoga i.e. Pranayam reduces sympathetic
or Non stealing, Brahmacharya or abstention arousal and increases parasympathetic
from sex & Aparigraha or Non-possession. activation. While doing Prananyam we not
The second step of Ashtangyoga is the five- only tries to breathe, but at the same time,
fold system of Niyama that means also tries to keep our attention on the act of
cultivation of certain virtues which form the breathing, leading to concentration. These
routine code of conduct consisting of certain acts of concentration remove our attention
good habits which facilates the spiritual from worldly worries and de-stress us &
progress. The five fundamental accepted activates parasympathetic system. Greater
factors are Shauch or purity, Santosh or parasympathetic activation enhances sleep
contentment, Tapas or austerity, Swadhyay quality. Mindful attention taught by yoga,
or self study, Ishwarpranidhan or dedication reduces stress. Various meditative practices
to divine. Shauch is the practice of of yoga like Dhyana, Dharana & Samadhi
positivity. Restoration of positive energy of increase parasympathetic activation. Balance
mind by avoiding passion, anger, greed, between sympathetic and parasympathetic

International Journal of Yoga and Allied Sciences (ISSN: 2278 – 5159)
Volume: 5, Issue: 2; July- Dec 2016

practices increases physiological resiliency modulation19. It also shows a very good

to stress. effect on sleep quality & quality of life20.
Yoga shows good effects on getting relief
Parasympathetic activation enhances cardiac from bad habits like smoking & alcohol21.
functioning, Improves digestion, Inhibits
release of inflammatory proteins, Increases Practicing Yoga in the yoga classes shows
deep inhalation and Increases resiliency to the acute-feeling responses which were
stress. The reduction in the stress effects on favorable in their daily regime. The
cellular activity. It decreases consumption of participants showed an increased self-
O2 by the cell & Increases surplus of O2 in awareness as a result of their experience22.
the body which helps to reverse oxidative Stress, poor sleep, poor diet, smoking,
stress damage. It results in restoration of consuming alcohol, sedentary lifestyle, and
cells18. break down of community interact and
undermine well-being and health are gifted
Role of yoga in managing other by current life style. The traditional eight
Contributing Factors: limb practice of yoga provides Stress relief,
Yam, Niyam & Pratyahar helps to control Increases awareness, Supports better habits,
mind & sensory organs. Control over habits Enhances community interaction. Yogic
of diet & activities definitely improve the lifestyles combine the main elements that
quality of life. Long holds in stretch oriented promote health and well-being. Research
asanas enhance relaxation & increases reveals that yoga Practice is a way which is
muscle tone. non expensive and comprehensive way to
reduce life style disorders.
Long term yoga practice shows a very good
effect on sleep quality & hormonal

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International Journal of Yoga and Allied Sciences (ISSN: 2278 – 5159)

Volume: 5, Issue: 2; July- Dec 2016

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