2, page 5
1. estimate 7. predictable COMPREHENSION, page
2. compensate 8. interaction 1. According to
Gladwell, achievement is talent
3. retain 9. sum plus preparation.
Preparation seems to play a
4. anxious 10. savant bigger role.
5. flexible 11. benefit 2. The Beatles were
different from most other
6. disabled 12. image bands because they
worked harder and had
more preparation.
3. Daniel Levitin
says about success that 10,000
MAIN IDEAS hours of practice is
required to achieve the level
of mastery associated
with being a world-class
2, page 9 expert in anything.
1. b 4. c 4. Levitin believes
success takes so long to
2. c 5. b achieve because it
seems it takes the brain this
3. a 6. b long to assimilate
all that it needs to know to
achieve true mastery.
DETAILS, page 10
1. ability READING SKILL
2. ability
3. disability 2, pages 15-16
4. disability 1. “I memorised pi to
22,514 decimal places, and
I am technically
disabled. I just wanted to show
LANGUAGE people that
disability needn’t get in the way.”
1. ability 2. “There’s too much
mental stimulus. I have to
2. ability look at every shape
and texture. Every price,
3. ability and every arrangement
of fruit and vegetables.
So instead of
thinking,’What cheese do I want
MEMORY this week?’, I’m just
really uncomfortable.”
1. ability 3. “We shared so much
- our love of key dates
2. ability from history, for
instance. And our love of books.
As a child, I
regularly took over a room in the
SOCIAL INTERACTION house and started my
own lending library. I
1. disability would separate out
fiction and non-fiction, and
2. disability then alphabetise them
all. I even introduced a
3. disability ticketing system. I
love books so much. I’ve read
more books than
anyone else I know. So I was
NEED FOR ORDER delighted when Kim
wanted to meet in a library.”
1. disability “He is such a lovely
man,” “Kim says, ‘You don’t
2. disability have to be
handicapped to be different -
different’. And he’s right.”
4. “When I looked at
the numbers I ‘saw’
MAKE INFERENCES, page 11 images. It felt like
a place I could go where I
Answers may vary. Suggested answers: really belonged.”
1. Others didn’t think that Daniel was a normal
person. They viewed him as some sort of oddity.
2. Others think that only people who are
handicapped or have disabilities are different.
3. Other people probably think that numbers
cannot be your friends since they are not alive.
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3, page 54 REVISE
Suggested answers:
1. After his mother died, McCourt felt free to 1, page 58
write his memoirs. 1. c
2. Marla needs to train many months for a 2. c
marathon. 3. b
3. McCourt persuades New York University to 4. b
allow him to go there.
4. Marla enjoys inspiring others. 2, pages 58-59
5. McCourt worried about telling his students 1. Cross out: Her
mother could her and speak.
that he hadn’t gone to high school. Explanation: The
sentence forces on her
6. The boy’s mother decided to let him mother’s abilities,
not Helen’s frustrations.
skateboard. 2. Cross out: In
addition, Marla has become a
7. McCourt urged his students to write. bestselling author.
8. It is hard for Marla to see the words on a Explanation: This
sentence does not focus on
computer screen. how sports liberated
9. McCourt recalled living in Limerick. 3. Cross out:
Furthermore, he lives in England.
10. Marla was able to graduate from the Explanation: The
sentence focuses on where
University of San Diego with a Master’s degree. Steven Hawking lives,
not on overcoming
1, pages 56-57
Suggested answers
1. Overcoming obstacles is the topic. It is in the VOCABULARY
first and third sentences.
2. The world is full of people who have 2, page 65
overcome obstacles and benefited from 1. risk factor 7.
overcoming them. 2. impact 8.
3. Underline: For example, Greg Barton, the 3. potential 9.
1984, 1988, and 1992 U.S. Olympic medalist in 4. environment 10.
kayaking, was born with a serious disability. He 5. interaction 11.
had club feet, his toes pointed inward, and as a 6. aspects 12.
result, he could not walk easily. Even after a
series of operations, he still had limited mobility.
Even so, Greg was never defeated. First, he MAIN IDEAS
taught himself to walk, and even to run. Then,
he competed on his high school running team. 2, page 70
He knew, though, he would never become an Answers will vary.
Suggested answers:
Olympic runner, so he looked for other sports POSITIVE
that he could play. Happily, he discovered I. Can revolutionize
I. Emotional and
kayaking, a perfect sport for him because it Medicine
Physical Impact
required minimal leg and foot muscles. Using his a. can prevent
a. Positive result
upper body strength, he was able to master the diseases rather than
can be shattering for
sport. Finally, after many years of training and just treat them
patient and family.
perseverance, Greg made the 1984 Olympic b. quality of
life is b. Positive result
team. better
can lead to risky,
These sentences tell how Greg Barton
unhealthy decisions.
overcame his obstacles and benefited by II. Information is
II. Invasion of Privacy
overcoming them. empowering for
patient a. may threaten
4. The concluding sentence is: In short, even a. can change
employment and
though that road was paved with obstacles, he lifestyle
was able to overcome them and achieve the b. can choose
impossible. appropriate treatment
It summarizes the paragraph. plan
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GRAMMAR 2, page 86
Answers may vary.
Suggested answers:
1, pages 79-80 THREE PARTS OF
2. T / T
3. F / T I. Introduction
I. Background
2, pages 81-82 Thesis Statement:
Grandparents suffering
1. F / F 5. T / T From this personal
from Huntington’s
2. F / F 6. F / T perspective, I
3. F / T 7. T / T believe that home
4. T / F 8. F / F genetic testing
Well educated with
should be much
Master’s degree in
3, page 82 more strictly
1. If she hadn’t chosen the correct treatment regulated, if not
plan, she might not have felt better. prohibited all
2. If Kristen Powers hadn’t always wanted all the together.
information available, she wouldn’t have chosen II. Body Paragraph
II. Body Paragraph 1
to be genetically tested. 1
3. If Norman Cousins hadn’t read The Stress of
Life by Hans Seyle, he wouldn’t have had some Topic: Devastating
Co-workers experience
ideas about the mind-body connection when he effects of home
-Without professional
was diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis. genetic testing
interpretation led to
4. If Norman Cousins hadn’t been sick, He
feelings of impending
wouldn’t have tried to cure himself by using
Laughter Therapy. OR If Norman Cousins hadn’t
-Retesting by doctor led
tried to cure himself by using Laughter Therapy,
to correct medication
he wouldn’t have made a complete recovery.
and lifestyle changes
5. If David Agus hadn’t had a genetic test, he Body Paragraph 2
Body Paragraph 2
wouldn’t have found out that he was at risk for
cardiovascular disease. OR If David Agus hadn’t Topic: Genetic test
had a genetic test and found out that he was at results are not
-Genetic testing is in its
risk for cardiovascular disease, his children infallible nor
infancy and even
wouldn’t have made him change his diet. definitive
professionals don’t
6. If Kristen’s mom hadn’t contacted her
understand interaction
biological father, she might not have learned that
between genes
Huntington’s disease ran in their family.
-False positives
7. If Norman Cousins had been satisfied with his
-False negatives
doctor’s treatment plan, he wouldn’t have
-Environmental factors
developed his own Laughter Therapy treatment
are not taken into
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animal) For
COMPREHENSION, pages 102-103
1. a 4. a
is linked to
2. c 5. a
3. b 6. c
but we
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1. Mind R1-6 psychologist Someone
psych- who is trained
to study the
2. know/learn R1-2, 10 cognition understanding;
cogni- R2- 3, 13 recognizing/ identifying/
recognize identify;
cognitive relating to
3. dict- say/tell R1-2 predict to say
something will
4. act- do R1-10 actions something
R2-25 active done; busy,
5. taken R1-2 perceptual relating to
cept- R2-14 concepts perception;
6. number R2-23 numerous many
7. nov- new R1-2 novel new
8. feeling R1-4 sense feeling about
sens- R2-3 sensory something;
relating to
9. one R1-3 percent an amount
cent- hundred equal to a
number of
parts in every
100 parts
10. know R1-6 unconscious unintentional;
sci- R2-7 sciences study of
physical world
11. nerve R2-20 neural of nerves
2, pages 110-111
GRAMMAR 1. incorrect /
corrections: in which
2. correct /
alternative: in which
1, PAGE 110 3. incorrect /
corrections: which/that
1. that humans lack 4. incorrect /
correction: whose
2. a person about to have a seizure 5. correct /
alternative: that
3. the afternoon he was able to figure out how 6. correct /
alternative: which
Clever Hans was able to answer the questions 7. incorrect /
corrections: who/that
4. that, who, when / nouns 8. incorrect /
corrections: in which/where
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1, page 150
His home is being compared to a lonely cloud MAIN IDEAS
because it floats in the sky.
2, page 162
His punctuality is being compared to a Swiss Answers will vary.
Suggested answers:
watch because a Swiss watch is precise and 2, 3, 5
children at the
3, page 151
Kilbarchan Home for
The metaphor is They are vague chilly
phantoms. She uses this metaphor because Opens volunteers’
Justin built bikes for all
both her unknown future husbands and eyes to the great
kinds of people in need:
phantoms are not real and they are scary like variety of people in
women in a women’s
ghosts. need by providing
shelter, people with
opportunities to meet
AIDS, and people in a
4, page 151 new and different
housing project.
An example of personification is: The words types of people.
skewer her. She uses this personification One successful
Justin continued to
because hearing the words hurts, as it would community service
build bikes after the
hurt if something sharp were pressed into a experience leads to
Kilbarchin project.
person. performing other
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Problems with
Mandatory Volunteering
1. a 4. b
Paragraph and
Persuasive words that
2. b 5. c
number of words
evoke negative
3. c
1 (1)
Answers will vary. Suggested answers: 3 (5)
not a good
not want
1. Constructive 1. Volunteering is
5 (2)
way to spend time. a personal
2. It’s an
page 169
activity (personal JUSTIN LEBO (R1)
choice). Paragraph
2. Gets kids 3. Many students 22
Dedication to work
involved in the already 23
Time commitment
community. volunteer. 24
Personal enrichment
3. Some people 4. Students may
would not know become resentful SOME TAKE THE TIME
how great an and never Paragraph
experience volunteer again. 2
Time commitment
volunteering is 5
Personal enrichment
unless it were PROBLEMS WITH
required. VOLUNTEERING (R2)
5. Many students Paragraph
don’t have time. 2
Personal choice,
6. The quality of
Dedication to work
work can suffer. 3
Personal choice, Time
Time commitment
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REVIEW 5. supports /
Supporters believe mandatory
volunteering can
benefit the community despite
2, page 171 the fact that critics
feel that mandatory
1. donations 7. opposition volunteers may do a
bad job and therefore
2. inspired 8. pride cause more harm than
3. passionate 9. admired
4. challenge 10. fulfilling
5. proposed 11. indignant WRITE
6. resentful
1, pages 180-181
1. He / She is
against cutting school sports.
EXPAND, pages 172-173 2. Arguments to Cut
School Sports: low team
1. a 5. c 9. c participation, low
audience participation, high
2. b 6. c 10. b cost
3. c 7. c 3. Counter Arguments:
many teams have high
4. b 8. b participation numbers
so cut back on number of
teams, audience
participation numbers are not
the only way to
measure student support and
GRAMMAR interest there is a
devoted fan base; sports help
spread school spirit,
cost is worth the long term
1, page 176 benefits
1. He chose to work on bikes and donate them. 4. Answers will vary.
They learn to love it and continue after the 5. Answers will vary.
school requirements are fulfilled.
It is a good idea to get students to go out into
the community. REVISE
2. The concessions introduce a negative
opinion. 1, page 184
3. No. If the sentence starts with a concession, Introduction 1
there is a comma. If the concession is in the Thesis: It is
important to support the proposal
middle of the sentence, there is no comma. for a mandatory
community service program so
4. The other clauses express the writer’s main that young people
will learn the value of giving to
idea. others. / Technique 1
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variety of
issue issue
academic sector X
opinions? significance
signify significant significantly
5. What They can meet The county X X
subsequent subsequently
options are in face-to-face inspector can X X
virtual virtually
there for study groups adjust the
students who or post mechanical
don’t questions in teacher. GRAMMAR
understand or forums.
who need 1, page 207
more support? 1. Direct speech has
commas and quotation
6. When They can With marks.
and where do socialize via neighbors, 2. The verb tenses
used in direct speech will
students forums after school change in indirect
speech. For example, simple
socialize with whenever they time and present in direct
speech will change to simple
friends or are on-line or during past in indirect
speech. In addition, pronouns
classmates? in face-to-face breaks. and possessives
change to keep speaker’s
study groups. original meaning. The
word that may also be
7. What It was an They don’t added in indirect
do the incredible like it.
students experience 2, pages 209-210
and/or teacher and created an 1. c 5. b
think about the indescribable 2. a 6. a
learning emotional 3. b 7. c
experience? relationship 4. c
classmates 3, page 210
1. Tommy said that
his father knew as much as
his teacher.
REVIEW, pages 203-204 2. The inspector told
Margie’s mother that he
1. anticipation 9. enhanced thought the geography
sector had been a little
2. assumption 10. significantly too difficult.
3. crucial 11 sector 3. He added that he’d
slowed it up to a ten-year
4. via 12. issue level.
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4. Tommy said that was the old kind of school 3, pages 219-220
that they had had hundreds and hundreds of Answers may vary.
Suggested answers:
years before. 1. I am taking
five courses this semester. I
5. Margie told Tommy that her mother said a am happy with all my
teachers. However, my
teacher had to be adjusted to fit the mind of English and history
teachers are definitely my
each boy and girl it taught. favorites. They are
both extremely enthusiastic
6. Tommy told Margie that she could read the and knowledgeable
about their subjects. For
book with him again the next day. example, my English
teacher, Mr. Dadio, has
recently received an
award for his teaching.
Similarly, my history
teacher, Ms. Mantell, also
WRITE clearly knows her
subject. In fact, she has
written history
textbooks that are being used by
2, pages 214-215 many school systems.
They both have good
1. Point by Point senses of humor. Mr.
Dadio likes to joke with the
2. Block students, which helps
us relax. In the same way,
3. Point by Point Ms. Mantell’s witty
comments also help reduce
the stress many
students feel because of our
school’s demanding
curriculum. Both teachers
REVISE insist that we work
hard, and we do. However,
the type of work that
they give is different. Mr.
1, page 216 Dadio expects us to
read complete novels in
1. similar: while, in the same way only a couple of
days, and he grades us on our
different: in contrast, whereas essays comparing the
characters or plots. In
2. the amount of time spent in class, teachers, contrast, Ms. Mantell
expects us to read a
availability of teachers, expectations about chapter every two
classes, and, instead of
homework grading us on papers,
she gives us tests are that
are usually short
answer or multiple-choice
2, pages 217-218 questions. Despite
their differences, they are
1. MOOC students are taught and submit papers both excellent
via the internet; Likewise, Tommy and Margie 2. Each new
level of education brings new
also are taught via the computer. challenges and
demands to students. Moving
2. Professor Duneier liked the MOOC’s course from high school into
college can be especially
delivery method in the same way the MOOC difficult because of
the freedom students
students were excited about the new use of experience in college
along with a new set of
educational technology. expectations.
3. Professor Duneier wasn’t sure he could In high
school students usually live at
effectively teach his students. Similarly, Margie home and their
parents take care of all their
doubted a man could teach effectively. physical needs such
as food and housing.
4. Margie wanted to go to a traditional school; on Students do not
usually have to shop for their
the other hand, students today are tired of food, take time to
pay bills, or even do their own
traditional school and want to incorporate laundry. Parents are
also there to help with and
distance learning in their education. make sure that the
student’s homework is done.
5. Many of Professor Duneier’s MOOC students During the school
day, students rarely have free
chose his course instead of a traditional time. They go
directly from one class to the
sociology course. In contrast, for other students, other. Teachers are
always around to tell the
the choice was his MOOC or no sociology students what to do.
Finally, the work itself is not
course at all. so challenging.
Students can often complete
6. While The Fun They Had describes the future their homework and
reading in a short time.
as it was imagined in 1951, “Teaching the World On the
other hand, in college, Students
from Central New Jersey” describes a present often live away from
home in dorms or
that may seem futuristic to some people. apartments. They may
be responsible for
shopping, paying
bills and laundry. They also
may have to cook
their own meals. Their parents
are not around to
help with homework or even to
check that it has
been done. In contrast to
students in high
school, students in college may
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2, page 231
Answers may vary. Suggested answers: COMPREHENSION, page
Part I: Some signs of compulsive use of Answers may vary.
Suggested answers:
smartphones are continuously using the 1. The only thing he
could think about was his
smartphone to check email, read blogs, check iPhone and he was
oblivious to the beauty
twitter etc. even on weekends or when you are around him.
on vacation. 2. the family decided
they were going to be
Part II: It is unclear. According to some experts, electronics-free for
a week.
we are not seeing smartphone addiction now,
but the potential is there. Others define addiction
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3. that they did something every day and got out GRAMMAR
of the cabin to explore.
4. they slowed down and became more 1, page 245
connected with their surroundings. 1. get back/ turn
off/ give up
2. Get, in this
sentence, would mean arrive. Get
back means return.
READING SKILL 3. Turn means rotate,
but turn off, in this
sentence, means to
stop the iPhone from
2, page 239 functioning.
Suggested answers: 4. Give means to
offer, give up, in this sentence,
1. Being electronics-free (life without electronics) means to stop using
(the iPhone).
2. The slowing down of time
3. The benefits of their electronic-free week 2, pages 247-248
1. ignore
9. return to
2. persuade
10. invent
STEP 1: ORGANIZE, page 240 3. examine
11. meet
Suggested answers: 4. become popular
12. cancel
13. become
Continuous checking Predictable time off 6. postpone
14. Extinguish / stop
Self-discipline 7. discard
15. start
Anxiety if lost or Slowly diminish use 8. like
16. appear
unavailable Wean yourself away
Constant availability Turn off alerts 3, page 249
Make specific times 1. think back on
7. turn on
smartphone-free 2. turn into
8. turning in
Avoid using web 3. take to
9. throwing (my life)
browsers away
Use at inappropriate No texting and driving 4. come up with
10. talk (me) into
times Make commitment not to 5. get together with
11. weaned (myself)
use phone in certain away from
situations 6. going back
12. turned out
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