COVID-19 Live Updates: Total Number of Cases Passes 168 Million
COVID-19 Live Updates: Total Number of Cases Passes 168 Million
COVID-19 Live Updates: Total Number of Cases Passes 168 Million
ACCEPT 11:10 GMT — California announces huge vaccine pay More
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Californian officials have announced a $116.5 million pot of vaccine prize
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05/27/2021 10:38 GMT — Number of COVID-19 cases by country
2. India: 27,369,093
3. Brazil: 16,274,695
4. France: 5,683,143
5. Turkey: 5,212,123
In the largest survey to date of vaccinated people with long COVID, 57%
of respondents reported an overall improvement in their symptoms
following vaccination, while 19% reported an overall deterioration.
Possible explanations for improvements after vaccination include clearing
the residual virus and restoring a healthy balance to the immune system.
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Read more about the survey here.
05/27/2021 09:27 GMT — COVID-19 increases black fungus infection
risk in India
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have issued their
report on vaccine breakthrough infections between January 1 and April
30, 2021.
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05/25/2021 13:20 GMT — New COVID-19 cases drop to lowest levels in
11 months
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New COVID-19 cases
A D V E R T I have
S E M E N T plummeted to the lowest levels in almost a
year across the United States, reports the Associated Press. The 7-day
average of daily new cases has now dropped below 30,000, which is the
lowest threshold since last June.
The Osaka Prefecture registered 3,849 new COVID-19 positive tests last
week, and hospitals cannot cope with the abrupt increase.
Only 14% of those with COVID-19 in the prefecture have been able to
access hospital care.
Osaka health workers have warned that the pressure on the medical
system is leading to a rapid collapse.
“Some of [the nurses] are racking up 100, 150, 200 hours of overtime, and
that has been going on for a year now. […] When on duty, they sometimes
go home at 1 or 2 in the morning and go to bed only to be awakened by a
phone call at 3 or 4,” said Yasunori Komatsu, a union leader for
community nurses.
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The study took into account the health records of over 200,000
participants from the United States.
They believe that the Global Pandemic Radar will be operational by the
end of 2021. According to Johnson:
Talking about
MedicalNewsToday the new
uses cookies system,
to improve WHO
your Director-General
experience Dr.personalized
and to show you Tedros ads. Privacy
Policy. Adhanom Ghebreyesus says: “The U.K. has set a strong example for
pathogen surveillance and sequencing, as well as vaccine development. I
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am delighted that under P.M. Johnson, the U.K. will partner with WHO to
contribute to stronger
A D V E R T I Sglobal
EMENT surveillance and a safer world.”
05/21/2021 09:33 GMT — Japan approve Moderna and AstraZeneca
For a recent article and associated podcast, Medical News Today spoke
with a group of sleep experts. Among the topics covered, they discussed
how COVID-19 has changed our sleep and how sleep professionals
interact with their patients.
A yet-to-be peer reviewed study finds that both the Pfizer/BioNTech and
Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccines trigger a high number of COVID-19 fighting
antibodies after the first dose.
As the United Kingdom begins to open up, concerns mount over the
B.1.617.2 variant. According to Prof. Paul Hunter, who sits on a number of
COVID-19 advisory committees for the World Health Organization (WHO),
the variant is now in most regions of the U.K.
According to the Department of Health and Social Care, there is “no firm
evidence yet to show this variant has any greater impact on severity of
disease or evades the vaccine.” However, some experts believe that it
may be more transmissible.
The U.K.’s
MedicalNewsToday Vaccines
uses cookies toMinister Nadhim
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experience andsays thatyou
to show thepersonalized
government ads.isPrivacy
Policy. considering reducing the gap between vaccine doses for people in areas
where the variant is most prevalent.
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As it stands, the U.K. will ease COVID-19 restrictions further on May 17 and
then again on June 21. However, Prof. Hunter believes that this second
easing “is in doubt.”
05/14/2021 10:12 GMT — New study investigates COVID-19 in children
In this study population, just 5.5% (672 children) needed hospital care. Of
those, 4.1% (38 children) needed mechanical ventilation.
Dr. Tang observes that the “higher atypical symptomatic proportion may
well be explained by the fact that community (non-hospitalized) children
are also included in the study [and that these children] are more
representative of the majority of otherwise healthy children that are
attending school, for example.”
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Policy. He continues, “More importantly, these findings also raise concerns about
the spread of the virus via infected children in society, when most may not
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exhibit typical COVID-19 symptoms.”
Anyone who is seeking healthcare will also be exempt, as will those who
are traveling to the airport for air travel. This move adds to the existing
bans on public gatherings and parties, school closures, and restrictions on
public transport.
Read more here.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has just extended the
emergency use authorization (EUA) of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-
19 vaccine to include adolescents aged 12–15 years.
The syndrome is defined as a fear of leaving one’s house because of the
infection risk — even when the risk is minimal — frequent and
compulsive symptom checking, and avoiding social situations or people.
“Some of the potential reasons why [this may happen] include high levels
of exposure to social media and news, disruption to routines and anchors
caused by lockdowns and restrictions, and difficulties disengaging from
the threatening stimuli, including [virus] variants and the situation in other
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countries,” psychologist Lee Chambers told Medical News Today.
ACCEPT more about this topic here. More information
05/07/2021 15:26 GMT — COVID-19 vaccines: Straight answers to
common questions
Read the article Ahere.
05/06/2021 09:31 GMT — COVID-19 treatment: Hepatitis C drugs may
enhance remdesivir
Although vaccines are now available for most of the world, a more
successful treatment for COVID-19 is still necessary. A recent study finds
that drugs already approved for treating hepatitis C might boost
remdesivir’s effectiveness at reducing viral replication by “as much as 10-
With much of the world having lived with lockdowns for extended periods
of time since the start of the pandemic, researchers are turning their
attention to how this might affect our immune system.
The phase 3 clinical trial will test the vaccine candidate’s “efficacy, safety,
and immunogenicity” in up to 3,000 participants aged 12–17 years.
Most children recover from COVID-19 within a few weeks. But for some,
symptomsuses cookies
last muchtolonger.
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A new study by Public Health England, which has not been peer-reviewed
yet, indicates that people who have received one dose of the Pfizer-
BioNTech or Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine are 40–50% less likely to pass
on the SARS-CoV-2 virus if they contract it.
Meeting indoors with other fully vaccinated people or those from one
other household, even if they have not had the vaccine, can also take
place without masks.
muscle aches
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Read more here.
The rate of new COVID-19 cases in India was higher than 300,000 once
again on Monday, as the total number of deaths nears 200,000.
Meanwhile, the first international shipments of medical supplies to aid the
struggling health system have arrived.
Daily new cases in India have stood above 300,000 for 6 consecutive
days. Images of mass cremation ceremonies show the stark reality of a
struggling healthcare system. According to Reuters, the country is
bringing in its armed forces to provide help.
As India struggles to contain soaring case rates and look after the
country’s sickest patients amid shortages of oxygen and medical supplies,
countries around the world are committing to sending aid.
The United States announced yesterday that it would send raw materials
for vaccine production, rapid diagnostic tests, personal protective
equipment, and medical equipment to India. According to the Associated
Press, epidemiologists from the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) are also due to travel to India soon to help with the
country’s public health measures to contain the spread of the virus.
MedicalNewsToday 10:17 GMT
uses cookies — Johnson
to improve & Johnson
your experience and toCOVID-19 vaccine use
show you personalized ads. Privacy
Policy. resumes in the US
The Centers More information
for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Food and
Drug Administration (FDA) recommended on Friday that vaccination with
the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine resume in the United States.
Read more on this story here.
Researchers at McGill University have found that people with the gum
disease periodontitis were 3.5 times more likely to require hospitalization
for COVID-19 and 8.8 times more likely to die.
The team assessed the dental and health records of 568 people living in
Qatar to look for possible links between periodontitis and COVID-19. They
found that biomarkers signifying inflammation were present at
significantly higher levels in the blood of people with COVID-19 who also
had periodontitis.
Althoughuses cookies torare,
extremely improve your experiencesymptoms
Parkinson’s-like and to showhave
you personalized
occurred in ads.
a Privacy
few people with COVID-19. Scientists are now investigating whether there
is a link between SARS-CoV-2 and Parkinson’s disease. In a recent More information
feature, MNT explores the connection.
Experts still have a lot to learn about the likelihood that people who have
had COVID-19 can contract SARS-CoV-2 again. Scientists at the University
of Oxford, in the United Kingdom, have announced a human challenge
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trial to gather to improve
data that your experience
will provide a betterand to show you personalized
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reinfection works.
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Read more here.
04/22/2021 14:56 GMT — How COVID-19 has changed the face of the
natural world
The scientists were able to chart the rapid spread of the new variant.
They found that on December 24, 2020, only 5% of cases were
attributable to the B.1.1.7 variant. By January 2021, the variant was
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responsible for 90% of cases. Today, that figure is around 99.5%.
Speaking about the results of the study, one of the authors, Prof. Ariel
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Munitz, says: “To explain this dramatic increase, we compared the R
number of the SARS-CoV-2
A D V E R T I S E M E N T virus with the R of the [B.1.1.7] variant. In other
04/20/2021 09:09 GMT — Pfizer vaccine for COVID-19: What are the
side effects?
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Read the feature here.
For the next 7 days, government offices and essential services will remain
open, but malls, cinemas, restaurants, public parks, gyms, and spas will
All social, religious, and political gatherings have been banned, and
weddings and funerals are only allowed limited attendees.
He also asked Delhi’s migrant workers not to leave the city. During last
year’s lockdown, these people went back to their villages.
However, at this stage, there is very little data on this variant. As Prof.
Christina Pagel, director of the Clinical Operational Research Unit at
University College London in the U.K., explains, “We do not know yet
whether it can escape existing vaccines, but it has several concerning
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ACCEPT 09:04 GMT — People may need third vaccine dose within
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12 months
According to Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla, people are likely to need a third
dose of COVID-19 vaccine within 12 months of their second
dose. Although more data need to become available to confirm this, he
believes that yearly COVID-19 vaccinations might be necessary.
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Bites from scabies mites and bed bugs may look similar, but there are
several key differences. Learn more.
Research indicates that honey may combat infections, help wounds heal,
and ease nighttime coughs. Learn more about its uses and some risks to
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