1.1 Signal Descriptions - of 8086
1.1 Signal Descriptions - of 8086
1.1 Signal Descriptions - of 8086
The 8086 signals can be categorized in three groups. The first are the signals having
common functions in minimum as well as maximum mode, the second are the signals
which have special functions for minimum mode and the third are the signals having
special functions for maximum mode.
The following signal descriptions are common for both the minimum and maximum
AD15 - AD0 These are the time multiplexed memory I/O address and data lines.
Address remains on the lines during the first clock cycle of instruction cycles, while
the data is available on the data bus during later clock cycles.
A19/S6, A16/S5, A17/S4, A16/S3 These are the time multiplexed address and status
lines. During the first clock cycle of instruction cycles, these are the most significant
address lines for memory operations. During I/O operations, these lines are low.
During memory or I/O operations, status information is available on those lines
during later clock cycles. The status of the interrupt enable flag bit (displayed on S5)
is updated at the beginning of each clock cycle. The S4 and S3 combinedly indicate
which segment register is presently being used for memory accesses as shown in
Table 1.1. The status line S3 is always low (logical). The address bits are separated
from the status bits using latches controlled by the ALE signal.
BHE/S7 - Bus High Enable/Status The bus high enable signal is used to indicate the
transfer of data over the higher order (D15—D8) data bus as shown in Table 1.2. It
goes low for the data transfers over D0—D7 and is used to derive chip selects of odd
address memory bank or peripherals. BHE is low during T1 for read, write and
interrupt acknowledge cycles, whenever a byte is to be transferred on the higher byte
of the data bus.
RD - Read Read signal when low, indicates the peripherals that the processor is
performing a memory or I/O read operation. RD is active low output signal.
READY This is the acknowledgement from the slow devices or memory that they
have completed the data transfer. READY is an input active high.
INTR - lnterrupt Request This is a level triggered input. This is sampled during the
last clock cycle of each instruction to determine the availability of the request. If any
interrupt request is pending, the processor enters the interrupt acknowledge cycle.
This can be internally masked by resetting the interrupt enable flag. This signal is
active high and internally synchronized.
TEST This input is examined by a 'WAIT' instruction. If the TEST input goes low,
execution will continue, else, the processor remains in an idle state. The input is
synchronized internally during each clock cycle on leading edge of clock.
low to high initiates the interrupt response at the end of the current instruction. This
input is internally synchronized.
RESET This input causes the processor to terminate the current activity and start
execution from FFFFOH. The signal is active high and must be active for at least four
clock cycles. It restarts execution when the RESET returns low. RESET is also
internally synchronized.
CLK - Clock Input The clock input provides the basic timing for processor
operation and bus control activity. It is a asymmetric square wave with 38% duty
cycle. The range of frequency for different 8086 versions is from 5MHz to 10MHz.
Vcc +5V power supply for the operation of the internal circuit.
MN/MX The logic level at this pin decides whether the processor is to operate in
either ‘minimum (single processor) or maximum (multiprocessor) mode.
The following pin functions are for the minimum mode operation of 8086.
INTA - Interrupt Acknowledge This signal is used as a read strobe for interrupt
acknowledge cycles. In other words, when it goes low, it means that the processor has
accepted the interrupt.
ALE - Address Latch Enable This output signal indicates the availability of the
valid address on the address/data lines, and is connected to latch enable input of
latches. This signal is active high.
DT/R - Data Transmit/Receive This output is used to decide the direction of data
flow through the transreceivers (bidirectional buffers). When the processor sends out
data, this signal is high and when the processor is receiving data, this signal is low.
DEN-Data Enable This signal indicates the availability of valid data over the
address/data lines. It is used to enable the transreceivers (bidirectional buffers) to
separate the data from the multiplexed address/data signal.
HOLD, HLDA - Hold/HoId Acknowledge When the HOLD line goes high, it
indicates to the processor that another master is requesting the bus access. The
processor, after receiving the HOLD request, issues the hold acknowledge signal on
HLDA pin, in the middle of the next clock cycle after completing the current bus
(instruction) cycle. At the same time, the processor floats the local bus and control
lines. When the processor detects the HOLD line low, it lowers the HLDA signal.
HOLD is an asynchronous input, and it should be externally synchronized.
3. One of the bytes may be opcode while the other may be data.
All the above possibilities are taken care of by the internal decoder circuit of the
microprocessor. The opcodes and operands are identified by the internal decoder
circuit which further derives the signals those act as input to the timing and control
unit. The timing and control unit then derives all the signals required for execution of
the instruction.
In referring word data, the BIU requires one or two memory cycles, depending upon
whether the starting byte is located at an even or odd address. It is always better to
locate the word data at an even address. To read or write a complete word from/to
memory, if it is located at an even address, only one read or write cycle is required. If
the word is located at an odd address, the first read or write cycle is required for
accessing the lower byte while the second one is required for accessing the upper
byte. Thus two bus cycles are required, if a word is located at an odd address. It
should be kept in mind that while initializing the structure like stack they should be
initialized at an even address for efficient operation.
Certain locations in memory are reserved for specific CPU operations. The locations
from FFFFOH to FFFFFH are reserved for operations including jump to initialization
programme and I/O-processor initialization. The locations 00000H to 003FFH are
reserved for interrupt vector table. The interrupt structure provides space for a total of
256 interrupt vectors. The vectors, i.e. CS and IP for each interrupt routine requires 4
bytes for storing it in the interrupt vector table. Hence 256 types of interrupt require
256 x 4 = 03FFH (1Kbyte) locations for the complete interrupt vector table.
1.4.1 Simple I/O
When you need to get digital data from some simple switch, such as a thermostat into
a microprocessor, all you have to do is connect the switch to an input port line and
read the port. The thermostat data is always present and ready, so you can read it at
any time. Likewise, when you need to output data to a simple display device such as
an LED, all you have to do is to connect the input of the LED buffer on an output
port pin and output the logic level required to turn on the light. The LED is always
there and ready, so you can send data to it at any time. The timing waveform in
Figure 1.2a represents this situation. The crossed lines on the waveform represent the
time at which a new data byte becomes valid on the output lines of the port. The
absence of other waveforms indicates that this output operation is not directly
dependent on any other signals.
In many applications valid data is only present on an external device at a certain time
and it must be read in at that time. When a key is pressed on a keyboard, circuitry on
the keyboard sends out the ASCII code for the pressed key on parallel data lines. The
keyboard circuitry then sends out a strobe signal on another line to indicate that valid
data is present on the eight data lines. You can connect this strobe line to an input
port line and poll it to determine when you can input valid data from the keyboard.
Another alternative is to connect the strobe line to an interrupt input on the processor
and have an interrupt service routine read in the data when the processor receives an
interrupt. The point here is that this transfer is time-dependent. You can only read in
data when a strobe pulse tells you that the data is valid.
Figure 1.2b shows the timing waveforms which represent this type of operation. The
sending device, such as a keyboard, outputs parallel data on the data lines and then
outputs an STB signal to let you know that valid data is present.
For low rates of data transfer, such as from a keyboard to a microprocessor, a simple
strobe transfer works well, However, for high-speed data transfer this method does
not work because there is no signal which tells the sending device when it is safe to
send the next data byte. In other words the sending system might send data faster than
the receiving system could read them. To prevent this problem a handshake data
transfer scheme is used.
Figure 2.1: Data Transfer. (a) Simple I/O. (b) Simple Strobe I/O. (c) Single
Handshake I/O. (d) Double Handshake I/O
Figure 1.2c shows some example timing waveforms for a handshake data transfer
from a peripheral device to microprocessor. The peripheral outputs some data and
sends an STB signal to the microprocessor. The microprocessor detects the asserted
STB signal on a polled or interrupt basis, and reads in the data. The microprocessor
then sends an acknowledge signal ACK, to the peripheral to indicate that the
peripheral can send the next byte of data. From the viewpoint of the microprocessor,
this operation Is referred to as a handshake or strobed input.
receiving device or system indicates with ACK signal that it is ready to receive the
next byte.
For data transfers where even more coordination is required between the sending
system and the receiving system, a double handshake is used. Figure 1.2d, shows
some example waveforms for a double handshake input from a peripheral to a
microprocessor. Perhaps it will help you to follow these waveforms by thinking of
them as a conversation between two people. In these waveforms each signal edge has
meaning. The sending device asserts its STB line low to ask. “Are you ready? The
receiving system raises its ACK line high to say, “I'm ready.” The peripheral device
then sends the data and raises Its STB line high to say. “Here is some valid data for
you.’ After it has read in the data the receiving system drops its ACK line low to say,
“I have the data, thank you, and I await your request to send the next unit of data,”
For handshake data transfer, a microprocessor can determine when it is time to send
the next data unit on a polled or on an interrupt basis. The interrupt approach makes
better use of the processor’s time.
1. The I/O devices request DMA operation via the DMA request lines of the
controller chip.
2. The controller chip activates the microprocessor HOLD pin, requesting the
CPU to release the bus.
3. The processor sends HLDA (hold acknowledge) back to the DMA controller,
indicating that the bus is disabled. The DMA controller places the current
value of its internal registers, such as the address register and counter, on the
system bus and sends a DMA acknowledge to the peripheral device. The DMA
controller completes the DMA transfer and releases the buses.