Alkyle Halides Full Chapter
Alkyle Halides Full Chapter
Alkyle Halides Full Chapter
In a primary alkyl halide halogen atom is attached with a Alkyl halides (monohaloalkanes) are named according to the nature
carbon which is further attached to one or no carbon atom e.g., of the alkyl group to which halogen atom is attached. For example,
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IUPA C Nomenclature
The systematic names given to alkyl halides follow the underlying rules.
1. Select the longest continuous carbon chain and consider the compound to
have been derived from this structure.
2. Number the carbon atoms in the chain so that the carbon atom bearing the
functional group (F, Cl, Br, I) gets the lowest possible number, e.g.,
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1. From Alcohols
There are two main factors which govern the reactivity of R — X bond.
(a) Reaction of alcohols with halogen acids.
These are:
Alcohols may be converted to the corresponding alkyl halides by the
i) C— X Bond energy
action of halogen acid in the presence of ZnCl2 which acts as a catalyst.
ii) C— X Bond polarity
CH3 CH2 OH + HX CH3 CH2 X + H2O Bond Energy
Ethyl halide The following table shows the bond energies of C— X bonds in alkyl halides.
(b) Alcohols also react with thionyl chloride in pyridine as a solvent to The strength of the bonds show that iodo compound (with the weakest
give alkyl chlorides. This method is especially useful since the by-products bonds) would be the most reactive one while fluoro compound will be
(HC1, SO2) are gases, which escape leaving behind the pure product. the least reactive i.e., the order of reactivity of alkyl halides should be
Pyridine R— I > R— Br > R— Cl > R— F
ROH + SOCl2 R Cl + SO2 + H2O
Bond Polarity
(c) Phosphorus trihalides or phosphorus pentahalides Electronegativities of halogen, carbon
Bond Energy
react with alcohols to replace -OH group by a halo group. and hydrogen atoms present in Bond
3CH3 CH2 OH + PBr3 3CH3 CH2 Br + H3PO3 alkyl halides are shown in the table. C—F 467
CH3 CH2 OH + PCl5 CH3 CH2 Cl + POCl3 + HCl The greatest electronegativity C—H 413
difference exists between carbon C — Cl 346
2. An excellent method for the preparation of simple alkyl iodide is the and fluorine atoms in alkyl fluorides. C — Br 290
treatment of alkyl chloride or alkyl bromide with sodium iodide. This C—I 228
method is particularly useful because alkyl iodides cannot be prepared by If an electrophile is the attacking reagent
then this difference suggests that alkyl Atom Electronegativity
the direct iodination of alkanes.
fluorides would be the most reactive
RCl Nal Rl + NaCl F 4.0
one. On the same lines, alkyl iodides Cl 3.0
RBr Nal Rl + NaBr should be the least reactive alkyl halides. Br 2.8
10.4 REACTIVITY OF ALKYL HALIDES In the light of the above discussion it I 2.5
is clear that the two factors mentioned H 2.1
above predict different types of behaviour C 2.5
about the reactivity of alkyl halides.
Experiments have shown that the strength of carbon halogen bond
is the main factor which decides the reactivity of alkyl halides.
An alkyl halide molecule (R — X) consists of two parts, an alkyl So the overall order of reactivity of alkyl halides for a particular alkyl group
group with a partial positive charge on the carbon atom attached to is:
halogen atom and the halide atom with a partial negative charge. Iodide > Bromide > Chloride > Fluoride
In fact the C-F bond is so strong that alkyl fluorides do not react under
ordinary conditions.
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Leaving Group
In this equation the incoming group Nu is a nucleophile. Nucleophile means L is also a nucleopile. It is called leaving group because it departs with
nucleus loving. It has an unshared electron pair available for bonding and in an unshared pair of electrons. If we wish a SN reaction to proceed in the
most cases it is basic in character. It may be negatively charged or neutral. forward direction the incoming nucleophile must be stronger than the
departing one. Cl- , Br- , I- , HSO4- are good leaving groups. Poor leaving
Examples of Nucleophiles groups are OH- , OR and NH2-. Iodide ion is a good nucieophile as well as
a good leaving group.
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Nucleophilic substitution reactions on alkyl halides involve two Kinetic studies of the reactions involving SN2 mechanism have shown
main processes, the breakage of C — X bond and the formation that the rates of such reactions depend upon the concentrations of alkyl
of C — Nu bond. The mechanism of the nucleophilic substitution halide as well as the attacking nucleophile. Mathematically, the rate
reactions depends upon the timing of these two processes. can be expressed as:
If the two processes occur simultaneously the mechanism Rate = k [Alkyl halide]1 [Nucleophile]1
is called SN2 . If the bond breaks first followed by the Since the exponents of the concentration terms in the above expression
formation of a new bond, the mechanism is called SN1. are unity, so the order of a typical SN2 reaction will be 1 + 1 = 2.
Among the alkyl halides, the primary alkyl halides always follow
Nucleophilic Substitution Bimolecular (SN2)
SN2 mechanism whenever they are attacked by nucleophiles.
This is a single step mechanism. As soon as the nucleophile starts Nucleophilic Substitution Unimolecular (SN1)
attacking the electrophilic carbon of the substrate, the bond with
which the leaving group is attached, starts breaking. In other words
the extent of bond formation is equal to the extent of bond breakage. This type of mechanism involves two steps. The first step is
Another important feature of this mechanism is the direction of the the reversible ionization of the alkyl halide in the presence of
attack of the attacking nucleophile. It attacks from the side which is an aqueous acetone or an aqueous ethyl alcohol. This step
opposite to the leaving group. provides a carbocation as an intermediate. In the second step this
carbocation is attacked by the nucleophile to give the product.
In order to give to the nucleophile enough room to attack, the substrate
carbon atom changes its state of hybridization from tetrahedral sp3 First Step:
to planar sp2. The attack of the nuclephile, the change in the state
of hybridization and the departure of the leaving group, every thing
occurs at the same time.
Second Step:
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In SN1 mechanism, the nucleophile attacks when the leaving group had already Like nucleophilic substitutions, the elimination reactions can also follow E2
gone, so the question of the direction of the attack does not arise. Moreover, or E1 mechanism.
the intermediate carbocation is a planar specie allowing the nucleophile In E2 mechanism, the nucleophile attacks and the leaving group leaves
to attack on it from both the directions with equal ease. We, therefore, at the same time with a formation of carbon carbon double bond.
observe 50% inversion of configuration and 50% retention of configuration.
The single step E2 elimination
Like SN2 reactions, the molecularity of E2 reactions is also two and these
Reactions involving SN1 mechanism show first order kinetics and the reactions show second order kinetics.
rates of such reactions depend only upon the concentration of the alkyl
halide. The rate equation of such reactions can be written as follows. In E1 mechanism, like SN1 mechanism, the first step is the slow
Rate = k [Alkyl halide] ionization of the substrate to give a carbocation. In the second step,
Tertiary alkyl halides when attacked by a nucleophile always follow SN1 the nucleophile attacks on hydrogen to give an alkene as a product
mechanism. Secondary alkyl halides, on the other hand, follow both SN1 and SN2
10.5.3 b -Elimination Reactions
Ethyl alcohol reaction is particularly useful for the preparation of symmetrical alkanes.
δ+ δ− Ether
CH3 CH2 Cl + 2Na + Cl CH2 CH3 CH3 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH3+ 2NaCl
CH3 CH2 Br + I C2H5I + Br
− −
Ethy liodide
2. Reduction of Alkyl Halides
δ+ δ −
Propane nitrile Alkyl halides can be reduced with zinc in the presence of an aqueous
acid such as HCI or CH3COOH.
δ+ δ−
CH3 CH2 CH2 Cl + Zn + H+ + Cl CH3 CH2 CH3 + ZnCl2
Nitroethane Propane
3. Reaction with Sodium Lead Alloy (Na4Pb)
δ+ δ−
CH3 CH2 Br + CH3O CH3 CH2 O CH3 + Br
− −
Ethyl methyl ether Methyl chloride and ethyl chloride react with sodium lead alloy
giving tetramethyl lead and tetraethyl lead,respectively. These
δ+ δ− .. compounds are important anti-knock agents and are used in gasoline.
CH3 CH2 Br + NH3 C2H5 NH2 + HBr
4CH3Cl + Na4Pb (CH3)4Pb + 4NaCl
δ+ .. Tetramethyl lead
CH3 CH2 Br + CH3 CH2 NH2 (CH3 CH2)2NH + HBr
4CH3CH2 Cl + Na4Pb (CH3CH2)4Pb + 4NaCl
Tetramethyl lead
δ+ δ− .. 10.6 GRIGNARD REAGENT
CH3 CH2 Br + (CH3 CH2)2 NH (CH3 CH2)3N + HBr
δ+ δ− ..
CH3 CH2 Br + (CH3 CH2)3 N (CH3 CH2)4N + Br
δ+ δ−
R X+ Mg R Mg X (iii) With cyanogen chloride
CH3 CH2 Br + Mg CH3 CH2 Mg Br
Ethyl magnesium bromide
Grignard reagents are much reactive than most of the organic compounds.
The reactivity is due to the nature of C - Mg bond which is highly polar.
δ- δ+ δ-
CH3 CH2 -M g - X
Magnesium is more electropositive than carbon and the C-Mg
bond though covalent is highly polar, giving alkyl carbon the partial
negative charge. This negative charge is an unusual character (vi) With HCHO
which makes the alkyl groups highly reactive towards electrophile
centres. Mostly reactions shown by Grignard reagent are exothermic.
(i) With Water
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iii) An alkyl group with a partial positive charge on the carbon atom is
1. Monohalo derivates of alkanes are called alkyl halides. called____________ centre.
2. The general formula of alky 1 halides is CnH2n +1X. iv) The mechanism is called __________if it involves one molecule in the
3. The best method for the preparation of alkyl halides is by the reactions of ratedetermining step.
alcohols with inorganic halides like SOCl2, PX3 and PX5. v) Molecularity of a reaction is defined as the number of molecules taking part
4. Alkyl halides are very reactive class of organic compounds. They undergo in the ______________.
nucleophilic substitution reactions and elimination reactions in the vi) The molecularity of E2 reactions is always two and the reactions show ________
presence of a nucleophile or a base. order kinetics.
5. Nucelophilic substitution reactions can take place in two distinct ways. A vii) Wurtz synthesis is useful for the preparation of____________ alkanes.
one step mechanism is called SN2 while a two step mechanism is called viii) Grignard reagents are prepared by the reaction of magnesium metal with
SN1. SN1 reactions show first order kinetics whereas SN2 reactions show alkyl halides in the presence of___________.
2nd order kinetic. Q.2. Indicate True or False.
6. Nucleophilic substitution reactions take place simultaneously with
elimination reactions and often compete with them. i) In secondary alkyl halides, the halogen atom is attached to a carbon which is
7. Elimination of two atoms or groups from adjacent carbon atoms in the further attached to two carbon atoms directly.
presence of a nucleophile or a base is called elimination reaction. Like ii) Alcohols react with thionyl chloride in ether as solvent to give alkyl halides.
nucleophilic substitution, (3-elimination reaction also take place in two iii) Order of reactivity of alkyl halides for a particular alkyl group is:
distinct ways E2 and E1. Iodide > Bromide > Chloride > Fluoride
8. Grignard reagent can be prepared by adding alkyl halide in a stirred iv) In SN2 reactions the attacking nucleophile always attacks from the side in
suspension of magnesium metal in diethyl ether. which the leaving group is attached.
9. Grignard reagent has a reactive nucleophilic carbon atom which can react v) Methyl magnesium iodide on hydrolysis yields ethyl alcohol.
with electrophilic centres to give the products in high yields. vi) Primary, secondary and tertiary amines react with Grignard reagents in the
10. Primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols can be best prepared by reacting sameway.
Grignard reagent with formaldehyde, any other aldehydes and ketones, vii) The reactions of secondary alkyl halides may follow both SN1 and SN2
respectively. mechanisms.
viii) SN1 mechanism is a one stage process involving a simultaneous bond
EXERCISE breakage and bond formation.
ix) In b -elimination reactions, the two atoms or groups attached to two adjacent
Q.1. Fill in the blanks.
carbon atoms are lost under the influence of an electrophile.
i) In tertiary alkyl halides the halogen atom is attached to a carbon which is x) The reactivity order of alkyl halides is determined by the strength of carbon-
further attached to __________ carbon atoms directly. halogen bond.
ii) The best method for the preparation of alkyl halides is the reaction of
_________ with inorganic reagents.
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viii) Alkyl halides are considered to be very reactive compounds towards xi) xii)
nucleophiles, because:
(a) they have an electrophilic carbon
(b) they have an electrophilic carbon and a good leaving group
xiii) (CH3CH2)3CBr
(c) they have an electrophilic carbon and a bad leaving group
(d) they have a nucleophilic carbon and a good leaving group
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Q.7. Draw all the possible structures that have the molecular formula C6H13CI.
Classify each as primary, secondary or tertiary chloride. Give their names
according to IUPAC system.
Q.8. Using ethyl bromide as a starting material how would you prepare the
compounds. Give also the inorganic reagents and conditions necessary
to carry
out these reactions:
Q.10. What do you understand by the term b-elimination reaction. Explain brief-
ly the two possible mechanisms of 3-elimination reactions.
Q.11. What products are formed when the following compounds are treated
with ethyl magnesium bromide, followed by hydrolysis in the presence of an
i) HCHO ii) CH3CHO iii) CO2
iv) (CH3)2CO v) CH3— CH2— CHO vi) CICN