Csit-20-S2-36 Fyp-21-S1-20p Project Proposal

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FYP management system - project proposal FYP-21-S1-20P

Project Proposal
Final-year-project management system

Group No: FYP-21-S1-20P

Group Members
6212542 10192196 Nguyen Thien Phuc
6650272 10210168 Pan Wenhang
6661749 10210025 Muhammad Zulfadli Bin Abdual Rasid
6650284 10210204 Syed Abdul Rahman Bin Syed Jamal Alkaff
6350124 10203505 Nicholas Tan Jun Xian

Project Website: https://baraplanner.weebly.com/

Product Website: http://baraplanner.atwebpages.com/

FYP management system - project proposal FYP-21-S1-20P

Document control
Title Information
Document ID FYPD02
Document Title Project Proposal
Document owner Nguyen Thien Phuc

Document Authorization
Name Role Action Date
Sujati Sastro Project Sponsor
Sujati Sastro 9 February 2021

Nguyen Thien Phuc Project Manager 9 February 2021

Nicholas Tan Jun Xian User Lead 9 February 2021

Revision History
Revision Date Created By Description
1.0 9 February 2021 Nguyen Thien Phuc Initial Release

Distribution List
Name Role
Premarajan Ponnambath Chief Executive Officer (Assessor)
Sujati Sastro Project Sponsor
Nguyen Thien Phuc Project manager
Muhammad Zulfadli Bin Abdul Rasid Quality Assurance Lead
Nicholas Tan Jun Xian User lead
Pan Wenhang Business Analyst
Syed Abdul Rahman Bin Syed Jamal Alkaff Software Architect

FYP management system - project proposal FYP-21-S1-20P

Table of Contents
Revision History 2
Table of Content 3
1. Executive Summary 5
2. Project Background 5
2.1 Project Objective 5
2.2 Learning Objective 5
2.3 Problem Description 6
2.4 Market Research on Supply of FYP Management System 6
2.5 Technical Research on technologies for FYP Management System 8
3. Project Proposal 9
3.1 Project Vision 9
3.2 Project Goals 10
3.3 Proposed Solutions to Problems Identified 10
3.4 Product Features 11
3.4.1 Student features 12
3.4.2 Coordinator Features 13
3.5 Project Returns and Risks 14
3.5.1 Project Returns 14
3.5.2 Project Risks 16
4. Project Plan 19
4.1 Project Deliverables 19
4.2 Project Schedule 20
4.3 Development Methodology 20
4.4 Success Criteria 21
4.5 Change Management Plan 21
4.6 Reporting Plan 24
4.7 Proposed Project Organization 24
5. Summary and Conclusion 26
Appendixes 26
Appendix A: Change request form 26

FYP management system - project proposal FYP-21-S1-20P

1. Executive Summary
SIM GE currently organizes final year projects and all its details for every student every semester. It’s a
cycle that is repeated every 3 months, and yet, there isn’t any simple way of doing so.

There were issues with the current process, mainly it being prone to human error. That is where our
team can assist. If reducing the stress of the faculty, improving the ease of use for both them and the
students, and saving valuable time for all involved is your goal, our company is here to help.

We specialize in making self-contained web applications that allow our clients in the education field to
do what they need with an intuitive and easy to use design. With a web application, there would be no
need to maintain multiple documents for each major or course every semester; it will be all done in a
single system, where all the information is readily available. The amount of time it saves, and the ability
to quickly make changes is paramount where the faculty is already taxed with their duties.

The project will be set on a task to solve the problem of manual allocation of final-year projects and
grouping of students. It also functions as a tool for collaboration between the project team and

While there exist tools in the market with a similar purpose, with a system that is tailored to SIM
infrastructure and a unique management system, the long-term intangible benefits outweigh any
obstacle and challenge in the development process.

This proposal outlines the scope of the application, how we differ from other potential options, the time
and cost savings by adopting the application, and the features to assist in resolving the above issues. We
highly recommend that SIM GE accepts this proposal to quickly tackle this long-standing issue.

FYP management system - project proposal FYP-21-S1-20P

2. Project Background
2.1 Project Objective
The goal is to have a single system that handles the processes related to the management of the final
year projects. These include:

1. A single system to keep the details of all students, faculty, projects, and majors involved in the
final year project for every semester.

2. An easy method to add/modify/delete single/multiple users, projects, groups, and majors.

3. Allowing students to decide on the projects that they wish to take up based on availability in a
weighted manner, where their first choice is always prioritized if possible, followed by the
second, then their third.

4. Automatic creation of project groups based on choices made by students.

2.2 Learning Objective

1. To provide real-life learning opportunities in the field of software development.

2. By completing this project, students are equipped with a great extent of applying computer
science knowledge in real-life practice. The final product from the research and modeling of
different classes of users is a chance for collaboration between the school stakeholders and
project team, allowing all parties to build a strong relationship in the organization.

3. This project aims to use web technologies to develop a web portal for FYP management, so
students are expected to be well-versed in both frontend and backend to deliver an effective
and user-friendly system.

2.3 Problem Description

Organizing the final year projects involve the entire process of tracking each student and faculty
member, the modules they are involved in, the projects offered, and the grouping of the students,
supervisors, and assessors. All these are currently done through Excel Spreadsheet which is prone to
human error due to the sheer volume of information that must be manually assessed. The errors would
take time to resolve, isn’t easily readable, and isn’t simple to produce, to name a few.

The choices each student makes is also sent individually, resulting in yet another large amount of data
that must be handled manually. This results in a problem where there is a need to process a large
amount of data without any compromise in time and manpower.

FYP management system - project proposal FYP-21-S1-20P

# Problem Description Impact

1 Human error when manually Mistakes can happen when project  Files are stored in an on-
maintaining records in a native coordinator maintains record of premise system without
file system. student and project list throughout backup.
the year as well as FYP selections from  Typo or wrong list can
each student. result in wrong allocation
of FYP projects.
 Lost of past records

2 Unintuitive user interface with The system can be operated by a few  Require more time and
the use of a spreadsheet. people who familiar with the effort to maintain the
spreadsheet structure and no system and allocation
systematic maintenance of record. process.
 Process is not streamlined
and required a knowledge
transfer session when a
new coordinator take

3 Manual collecting students’ Collecting information by emails and  Email can be lost or
selections and sending manually update spreadsheet records. misplaced.
announcements through email  Security issues if there is
an outsider threat with
email phishing.

4 Manual allocating project Review and examine each student and  Require more time and
selections based on different his/her topic selections case by case. effort to maintain the
criteria (preference, major…) Filtering system using excel system and allocation
spreadsheet. process.
 Low efficiency allocation

5 Lack of collaboration tools for No collaboration tools. All  Email can be lost or
students and their supervisor. communication must be made misplaced.
through email.  Security issues if there is
an outsider threat with
email phishing.
 Cannot provide any
support without
collaboration tools.

To solve the above problems, it is proposed that all this data is handled in a simple to use application
where the administrators only need to track active projects, active majors, and students for a specific
quarter, and all student choices are done via the same application. All groupings will be done
automatically as well, requiring much less management by the faculty.

FYP management system - project proposal FYP-21-S1-20P

2.4 Market Research on supply of FYP Management System

The processes of managing final year projects involve 3 parties: students, supervisors, and the head of
the department office. The head of the department assigns a lecturer to supervise each student. It is
then the student's and supervisor's responsibility to monitor the progress of system development and
report writing. Methods or procedures involved in the monitoring process may vary amongst the
supervisors. Supervisors also act as mediators between the students and the head of the department
office. There is no software available around the SIM facilities and hence it was done through manual
Excel Spreadsheet.

The existing available software in the market are not able to solve the problems highlighted at
paragraph 2.3 Please see the following comparisons:

Current RedMine Learning Document

Functional\system Email/Excel(Curre (Redmine is a free Management Management
nt process of and open-source, System System
emailing each web-based project (Web-based (Provide a
student management and questionnaires collection of
individually, and issue tracking that are directed coordination
compiling all tool.) at different target pathways and
responses into groups for the interfaces to
Excel course contents remove the
Spreadsheets.) and the design of problems of
the LMS as well as document access.
the Web site.) )

Team Assignation No No No

Progress Tracking No Yes Yes No

Access Control No Yes Yes No

Import No No No Yes

Group Based No No No No

Cost Effective Yes No No Yes

Real-time update No Yes Yes Yes

FYP management system - project proposal FYP-21-S1-20P

From the existing available software in the market, they are not able to fully provide what FYP
management system requires and hence there is a need to develop a system solely for the FYP purpose,
which will be more efficient and scalable in the future.

FYP management system - project proposal FYP-21-S1-20P

2.5 Technical Research on technologies for FYP Management System

One of the main components to be considered before developing a web page is to select the language
to be used. A programming language is a language used to communicate and interact with computers. It
is used to communicate with the machine, by creating programs, applications, scripts, or other sets of
instructions that control its behavior and to express algorithms. The sights and sounds created on web
pages are all created using programming languages, among them are PHP, Python, and ASP.Net. It is
used for various applications on web pages.

There are 5 technologies that we require to develop the FYP management system.
Technology Description Application to FYP management System

PHP PHP is developed as open-source software. ● Main scripting language to develop

It is one of the server-side scripting the backend functions driving the
languages among Perl, Python, and Java. server.
PHP scripts are executed on the server. ● Replacing all the filtering and
allocating functions being used in
Appendix E the excel sheet.

HTML / CSS HTML is not a programming language but is ● Represent the web portal in a
a markup language for web pages. HTML user-friendly interface.
documents are the web pages and the ● Display topic and group
HTML tags and the plain text describes the information as well as all the
web pages. content uploaded to the system.
Appendix F
Cascading Style Sheets is a style sheet
language used for describing the
presentation of a document written in a
markup language such as HTML.

SQL Database MySQL is one of the world's top databases ● Replace the way of storing data
as it is used by the world's largest (projects, students…) in separate
organizations including Facebook, Google, files.
Adobe, Twitter, and Wikipedia. The ● Allow users of the system to
advantages of MySQL that attract authors maintain and view all the data
Appendix G to use are its high performance, high without the use of a worksheet.
reliability, and its ease of use. MySQL is

FYP management system - project proposal FYP-21-S1-20P

open-source software so it is free to ● A more efficient and faster way to

download and use. retrieve past records with support
for export to files.
PHP is developed as open-source software. ● Can be migrated to another
It is one of the server-side scripting system if there’s a need to
languages among Perl, Python, and Java. upgrade or backup the server.
PHP scripts are executed on the server. ● Centralize all the records.

JavaScript JavaScript is a scripting language or in ● Main scripting language to develop

other words, a lightweight programming the frontend functions driving
language. It is designed to perform client interface.
dynamic tasks. Embedding JavaScript into ● Provide an interactive and easy to
HTML pages may do a lot of things. The navigate web app for users.
Appendix H web browser with JavaScript enabled only
will interpret the script as the web pages
being loaded.

Apache Web WampServer refers to a solution stack for ● Development environment for
Server the Microsoft Windows operating system, backend server.
created by Romain Bourdon and
consisting of the Apache web server,
OpenSSL for SSL support, MySQL
Details: database, and PHP programming
language. This is where the application
Appendix I
environment will be set up.

FYP management system - project proposal FYP-21-S1-20P

3. Project Proposal
3.1 Project Vision
To be a streamlined FYP administration and management system that provides seamless user
experience for the simple and concise procedure, maximizing cost-saving and improving overall

3.2 Project Goals

● To be user-friendly to all involving parties
● To reduce the effort in managing the FYP documentation
● To reduce the time taken for assignation process
● To reduce the cost overall FYP management procedure.

FYP management system - project proposal FYP-21-S1-20P

3.3 Proposed Solutions to Problems Identified

Advancement in managing SIM FYP can solve many of the existing problems. To name a few, the
following table will summarize new use cases of this tool and its impact on the current way of working.

# Problem Solution Effect

1 Human error when manually ● All records will be maintained ● Data is managed by a tool
maintaining records in a native using SQL with the option to developed for
file system. manually enter data from web professional database
form or import through the management.
file. ● Improve transparency
● Supporting update, change… and consistency in the
of each data field when database.
there’s a need.

2 Unintuitive user interface with ● Design is based on ● Standardize the look and
the use of a spreadsheet. requirements from all feel of the system.
stakeholders and clients. ● Information is displayed
● Focus more on user in a readable to all users
experience. without any confusion.
● Ease of maintaining the
system by a non-technical

3 Manual collecting students’ ● All announcements, as well as ● Lower risk of human

selections and sending project registration, will be error.
announcements through email done through the system. ● Less time and effort spent
● Users can view what is in collecting information
assigned to them and get from each student.
updates on their selection.

4 Manual allocating project ● Develop features to allocate ● Save time on manual

selections based on different project team and topic with tasks.
criteria (preference, major…) admin’s authorization. ● lower risk of human error.

5 Lack of collaboration tools for The system will implement different ● Easier to schedule
students and their supervisor. tools for collaboration such as meetings.
dashboard, chat room, calendar view. ● SIM can get the latest
update on each team’s

FYP management system - project proposal FYP-21-S1-20P

3.4 Product Features

The system will provide a wide range of features for all users. The following table provides an overview
of highlighted core and enhanced features that will be introduced along the development phases:

User Feature Description

Student Full navigation list (core) Able to navigate the full project list with a full description of each
of the projects. This will allow students to fully understand and
allow them to contemplate properly which projects they would
like to choose for their FYP.

Login & Logout Student will have a way to safely access their account with state-
of-the-art security architecture.

Select & Save (core) This feature will allow students to select their top 3 choices and
save those choices into the project “cart” for them to come back
later to decide their final FYP project choices. This is an essential
feature because students will be able to return to their cart and
allow them time to rethink their choices.

Mobile & Desktop (core) This feature is to allow students to access the FYP management
website on both mobile and desktop devices. The mobile
website allows students to access their FYP choices while on the
move, this is especially important for those who are always on
the move. The desktop website is made because it is a more
comfortable way of browsing for many students due to the
bigger screen.

View profiles (core) Viewing profiles allow students to be able to find contact
information for supervisor/Sponsor and other important roles so
that the team can ask questions smoothly. This feature will also
allow students to find their teammates’ contact details because
some students might be difficult to contact without so.

Calendar import & export Being able to import & export calendars allow students to share
meeting plan so that they can keep track of each other’s
progress so that workflow will be smooth, this feature will also
allow supervisor & student to share their calendars, Supervisor

FYP management system - project proposal FYP-21-S1-20P

will be able to view project team’s progress and make sure that
the team can meet the deadline.

Suggestion of projects When viewing the full project list, the website will be able to
suggest to students, projects that are relevant to their current
courses. This is so that students can have a clear choice in what
they would like to participate in. When viewing the full project
list, the website will be able to suggest to students, projects that
are relevant to their current courses. This is so that students can
have a clear choice in what they would like to participate in.

Peer rating This feature will allow students to write a reflection for each of
their teammate at the end of the project. Providing a meaning
full feedback and making the process to collect individual rating

Coordinator Enter student The Coordinator will be able to add student information either
information via GUI & via GUI (if it is just a few students) or they can be added via an
external file. external file for easy adding of numerous students.


Enter new projects into The Coordinator/Supervisor will be able to add new projects to
the project list via GUI or the projects list either via GUI or by uploading an external file.
external file. (core) This feature will help the Coordinator/Supervisor to input small
or numerous amounts of projects easily.

Add new supervisor The current Coordinator/Supervisor will be able to add a new
Coordinator/Supervisor to the list of Coordinator/Supervisor
either via GUI or by uploading an external file. This feature will
help the Coordinator/Supervisor if new supervisors have just
recently joined the school.

Set project deadline The supervisor will be able to set deadlines for the project teams
so that they will be able to keep track of their progress and able
to submit their work on time.

FYP management system - project proposal FYP-21-S1-20P

Advanced allocation of Coordinator will be able to set the rules for topic allocation
project (core and based on student preference, nature of project or student’s
enhanced) major.

Supervisor / Review submission This feature allow supervisor and assessor to review the group’s
Assessor reports and directly give feedback in the system.

Student marking This feature allow supervisor and assessor to mark the work
delivered by the project teams as well as individual effort.

FYP management system - project proposal FYP-21-S1-20P

Below is a list of complete features in our system roadmap:

Role Requirement
Project Coordinator - Login/Logout
- Set password for each user.
- View topic and user list.
- Send email (enhanced)
- View profiles.
- Add/remove students/topic/assessor/supervisor.
- Set submission deadline.
- Set rules:
 Based on student’s preference.
 Based on Student’s major. (enhanced)
 Based on project description. (enhanced)

Student - Login/Logout
- Reset password.
- Navigate Project list.
- Search for topic.
- Save/submit/edit selections.
- View teammate/supervisor profile. (enhanced)
- Schedule team meetings. (enhanced)
- View project suggestions. (enhanced)
- Peer rating. (enhanced)
- View dashboard of team. (enhanced)
- Submit report. (enhanced)
Supervisor - Login/Logout
- Reset password.
- Navigate Project list.
- Search for topic.
- View teams.
- Send email (enhanced)
- Schedule team meetings. (enhanced)
- Review submissions. (enhanced)
- Student marking. (enhanced)
- Record student progress. (enhanced)
Assessor - Login/Logout
- Reset password.
- Navigate Project list.
- Search for topic.
- View teams.
- Send email (enhanced)
- Review submissions. (enhanced)
- Student marking. (enhanced)

FYP management system - project proposal FYP-21-S1-20P

3.5 Project Returns and Risks

3.5.1 Project Returns
Our cost savings compared to the cheapest alternative (FYPOS) is estimated to be $632,273, and
compared to the most expensive alternative, our cost savings estimate would be $1,421,883. This
estimate is based on the cost-savings from the reduction in Overtime & open source software. Our
project expenditures would be broadband subscription, development tools such as visual studio,
running the Apache web server. Refer to Appendix C, D, E, F, G, H for details of the computation.

FYP Management System (Year 1 to Year 5) The cost is assumed to be increased 5% interest per year.
YR0 ($) YR1 ($) YR2 ($) YR3 ($) YR4 ($) YR5 ($)
Discount Factor 1.000 0.952 0.907 0.864 0.823 0.784
Cost Savings $0.00 -$3,291.04 -$3,356.86 -$3,424.00 -$3,492.48 -$3,562.33
Cost -$164,552.00 -$167,843.04 -$171,199.90 -$174,623.90 -$178,116.38 -$181,678.70
Net Cashflow -$164,552.00 -$171,134.08 -$174,556.76 -$178,047.90 -$181,608.85 -$185,241.03
PV of Cashflow -$164,552.00 -$162,984.84 -$158,328.13 -$153,804.47 -$149,410.05 -$145,141.20
Net PV -$934,220.68

Fig. 1: Table showing our projects cost of maintaining for 5 years


FYP Online System (Year 1 to Year 5) The cost is assumed to be increased 5% interest per year.
YR0 ($) YR1 ($) YR2 ($) YR3 ($) YR4 ($) YR5 ($)
Discount Factor 1.000 0.952 0.907 0.864 0.823 0.784
Revenue/Cost Savings $0.00 -$5,520.00 -$5,630.40 -$5,743.01 -$5,857.87 -$5,975.03
Cost -$276,000.00 -$281,520.00 -$287,150.40 -$292,893.41 -$298,751.28 -$304,726.30
Net Cashflow -$276,000.00 -$287,040.00 -$292,780.80 -$298,636.42 -$304,609.14 -$310,701.33
PV of Cashflow -$276,000.00 -$273,371.43 -$265,560.82 -$257,973.36 -$250,602.70 -$243,442.62
Net PV -$1,566,950.93

Fig. 2: Table showing FYPOS’s project cost of maintaining for 5 years

FYP management system - project proposal FYP-21-S1-20P

Redmine's NPV
Redmine The cost is assumed to be increased 5% interest per year.
YR0 ($) YR1 ($) YR2 ($) YR3 ($) YR4 ($) YR5 ($)
Discount Factor 1.000 0.952 0.907 0.864 0.823 0.784
Revenue/Cost Savings $0.00 -$6,281.92 -$6,407.56 -$6,535.71 -$6,666.42 -$6,799.75
Cost -$314,000.00 -$320,281.92 -$326,689.48 -$333,225.19 -$339,891.61 -$346,691.36
Net Cashflow -$314,000.00 -$326,563.84 -$333,097.04 -$339,760.90 -$346,558.04 -$353,491.12
PV of Cashflow -$314,000.00 -$311,013.18 -$302,128.83 -$293,498.24 -$285,114.15 -$276,969.54
Net PV -$1,782,723.94

Fig. 3: Table showing Redmine’s project cost of maintaining for 5 years

Learning Management System The cost is assumed to be increased 5% interest per year.
YR0 ($) YR1 ($) YR2 ($) YR3 ($) YR4 ($) YR5 ($)
Discount Factor 1.000 0.952 0.907 0.864 0.823 0.784
Revenue/Cost Savings $0.00 -$6,281.92 -$6,407.56 -$6,535.71 -$6,666.42 -$6,799.75
Cost -$366,000.00 -$372,281.92 -$378,689.48 -$385,225.19 -$391,891.61 -$398,691.36
Net Cashflow -$366,000.00 -$378,563.84 -$385,097.04 -$391,760.90 -$398,558.04 -$405,491.12
PV of Cashflow -$366,000.00 -$360,536.99 -$349,294.36 -$338,417.79 -$327,894.68 -$317,712.90
Net PV -$2,059,856.73

Fig. 4: Table showing Learning Management System’s project cost of maintaining for 5 years

Document Management System The cost is assumed to be increased 5% interest per year.
YR0 ($) YR1 ($) YR2 ($) YR3 ($) YR4 ($) YR5 ($)
Discount Factor 1.000 0.952 0.907 0.864 0.823 0.784
Revenue/Cost Savings $0.00 -$8,300.00 -$8,466.00 -$8,635.32 -$8,808.03 -$8,984.19
Cost -$415,000.00 -$423,300.00 -$431,766.00 -$440,401.32 -$449,209.35 -$458,193.53
Net Cashflow -$415,000.00 -$431,600.00 -$440,232.00 -$449,036.64 -$458,017.37 -$467,177.72
PV of Cashflow -$415,000.00 -$411,047.62 -$399,303.40 -$387,894.73 -$376,812.03 -$366,045.97
Net PV -$2,356,103.75

Fig. 5: Table showing Document Management System’s project cost of maintaining for 5 years

FYP management system - project proposal FYP-21-S1-20P

3.5.2 Project Risks

Risk Impact Risk Level Mitigation

Changing technology Hardware, software, app, Low Have a team who will regularly
and integration acquired check on the server so that it
may be outdated doesn't go down and maintain
software so that it's up to date
with newer devices

Scope Variations Scope variations occur Medium Reprioritize work and have short
when the scope of an sprint interval to have more
iteration changes after a frequent opportunities to reflect
timeframe had been on the project scope.
agreed upon. Due to the
value from receiving
frequent customer
feedback, stakeholders or
product owners will often
ask to vary the scope of a

Feature requirements is ● Team would not Low During sprint planning, make
incomplete be able to sure the story is ready with
develop feature complete requirements.
on time Discuss with the product owner
to ensure that the team and the
● cause delay in the
product owner have the same
project due to
understanding of the outcome
other features
of the feature.
depending on
features that
have incomplete

Lack of Communication ● Gaps in High Regular meetings on Discord so

knowledge/under that all team members can be
standing. kept up-to-date and the team
will be able to share their
knowledge. The team leader will

FYP management system - project proposal FYP-21-S1-20P

● Tasks that have make sure that everyone will

been duplicated. have a chance to speak and to
make sure that all questions are
● Slow work
answered so that workflow will
go smoothly. The team leader is
to make sure that everyone
understands their role in the

Unplanned absence of a ● The team will be Medium If the team member knows that
team member disorganized they will be absent, the team-
member is to report early to a
● There will be
team member and to put in
delays in
notes that they would like to
delivering the
share with the team to minimize
loss of information for the team.
● Missing
information from
absent team

Failure to deliver on Delay in the project’s High ● During the planning

time deliverables phase for the deadlines
for the project and the
● The uncompleted
sprints, the Team leader
task will cause
needs to assign tasks to
issues with the
team members
completion of
according to their skills
another task in
& weaknesses, this will
the project
help improve workflow.
● Client/Sponsor
● The team is to always
will be dissatisfied
update progress on JIRA
with the team’s
so that team members
will be able to check on
● Causes the team each other’s progress.
to be in a bad

FYP management system - project proposal FYP-21-S1-20P

4. Project Plan
4.1 Project Milestones & Deliverables
Milestones Deliverables Deadline

Project Requirement 13-Feb-21

Initial plan and
Use Case Diagram 28-Feb-21

Activity Diagram 28-Feb-21

First Design of System Class Diagram 28-Feb-21

Wireframe 28-Feb-21

Website prototype 27-Mar-21

Implementation and testing
in phase 1 and phase 2
Test Plan 23-Apr-21

Final Product 22-May-21

Final product release
Final Documentation 22-May-21

User Acceptance Test Final Presentation 29-May-21

FYP management system - project proposal FYP-21-S1-20P

4.2 Project Schedule

The project is scheduled to 2 phases.

 Phase one starts from 09 Jan 2021 to 28 Mar 2021. (focus is on developing and testing core
 Phase two starts from 29 Mar 2021 to 29 May 2021. (focus is on developing and testing of
enhanced features with the promise to deliver at least 2 enhanced features for each user

Fig. 6: Gantt chart showing the first plan of project schedule

FYP management system - project proposal FYP-21-S1-20P

4.3 Development Methodology

We will be using Agile methodology with Scrum framework to develop our FYP Management
Tool System.

With the use of the Scrum framework, we will be able to prioritize the different tasks more effectively.
For each task that is completed, it will be easier to show a working function of the program based on our
progress. We will also be able to make necessary changes to meet the expectations of the product
owner if they are not up to their expectations.

The agile methodology generally promotes a disciplined project management process that encourages
frequent inspection and adaptation, a leadership philosophy that encourages teamwork, self-
organization, and accountability, a set of engineering best practices intended to allow for rapid delivery
of high-quality software, and a business approach that aligns development with customer needs and
company goals.

Sprint 1 will begin from 11 Jan 2021 with a span of 2 weeks for each. In the event when the task requires
more time, that task will be carried forward to the next sprint till the task is completed. Jira will be utilized
to track both our ongoing sprint and the tasks assigned to individual members.

FYP management system - project proposal FYP-21-S1-20P

4.4 Success Criteria

Having Clear Communication
Communication plays an integral part and there should be a dedicated communication channel. To
increase the efficiency of the project, there will be a need to document the scope of work. Having clear
communication would help avoid confusion, delays, and mistakes which in return, would increase the
productivity and quality of the project.

Using Proper Technology

Every technology has its own advantages and disadvantages. Depending on the features that is required
to be in placed in the system, the choices of the technology must be able to support the features is it
going to be implemented. By using the right type of technology, it would enhance the user experience.

Having Adequate Planning

Planning plays an essential role in helping to guide stakeholders, sponsors, team, and project managers
through the project phase. It would help to identify goals, reduce risk, avoid missed deadlines and
deliver agreed product. With proper planning, the team will also able to identify the priorities of the
work to be done.

Having Requirement Management

Requirement management is one of the essential success criteria in software development projects.
Users usually do not have a clear idea of what they want or need from the application to be developed.
To identify the requirements techniques can be used could be interviews, survey, workshops, etc. With
these requirements techniques we will be able to identify the key users and key features of the system.

FYP management system - project proposal FYP-21-S1-20P

4.5 Change Management Plan

As new user stories will be introduced throughout the project. when a change occurs, the process to
review the new change will be triggered. At first, the baseline is all the core features identified from the
requirement document.

The change control system can be integrated into the development life cycle of this project. There are 3
main aspects when considering a new change:

❖ Requester.
❖ Category (bug fix, new user stories…)
❖ Budget, time, and the effort required to make the change.

Fig. 7: state diagram showing the development life cycle with the process of adding new changes.

FYP management system - project proposal FYP-21-S1-20P

4.5.1 Roles and Responsibilities in the change review:

The following table will summarize all the parties who will involve in the review of a new change:

Roles Responsibilities

Project Sponsor  Review change request.

Client  Provide a total budget for the project.

 Review change request.

Project Manager  Review change request.

 Amend project schedule and resources to carry out new


Technical/User Lead  Review change request.

 Integrate changes to the baseline.

Project team  Submit change requests.

 Implement changes.

4.5.2 Rules and procedure to carry out a change request:

1. Who can submit a change?

-> any stakeholder.

2. Change control board:

● Assessor.
● Project lead.
● Client.
3. Procedure:

-> Submit a change request form.

-> Change is reviewed by the board.

-> Authorize: reject/approve change.

-> Project team to manage the change.

4. Where to record the new change?

-> Jira’s backlog

FYP management system - project proposal FYP-21-S1-20P

4.7 Proposed Project Organization

The organization is divided into two groups with different functions:

- User team: The main purpose of the team is to ensure a smooth transition from planning to
implementing any new change or direction from the clients or members of the board of
directors to the project team. Nicholas Tan Jun Xian is the lead of the user team.

- Project team: The team will be in charge of the whole development life cycle of the new
product. It consists of 3 sub-team: backend, frontend, and test team. Gerard Nguyen Thien Phuc
will be in charge of managing the project.

Fig. 8: Organization diagram of the project

FYP management system - project proposal FYP-21-S1-20P

Roles and Responsibilities:

Roles Responsibilities

Project Sponsor  Providing resources and support for the project.

 Participating in the change review.

User Team leader  Managing the User team.

 Participating in change review.

Requirement Analyst  Analyzing requirement.

 Author of high-level requirement document.

Business Analyst  Interviewing clients and users.

 Participating in Product backlog planning.

Consultant  Managing user requests and issue reports.

 Conducting product training for users.

Project Manager  Managing project schedule and resource planning for the project

 Participating in the change review.

 Organizing sprint planning/review/retrospective meeting.

Backend Lead  Coordinating features development of the backend user stories.

 Attending Sprint planning meeting.

 Reporting to the Project manager.

Frontend Lead  Coordinating features development of the frontend user stories.

 Attending Sprint planning meeting.

 Reporting to the Project manager.

FYP management system - project proposal FYP-21-S1-20P

Test Lead  Coordinating all the test plans.

 Attending Sprint planning meeting.

 Reporting to the Project manager.

Developer and Tester  Develop all features of the product.

 Test all features of the product.

FYP management system - project proposal FYP-21-S1-20P

5. Conclusion
To conclude- An improvement in productivity with an FYP management system has been in demand in
SIM for several years since this topic was first introduced. With our experience and dedication in
bringing a new solution to the current problem, we believe in the accomplishment of this project in
professional and timely order.

By the end of the project, we will be able to provide a quality system that can boost the efficiency of the
FYP management process. With a systematic design and state of the art architecture in the development
of this system, it’s future proof and ensures a smooth transition to the maintenance team.

FYP management system - project proposal FYP-21-S1-20P

6. Appendixes
Appendix A: Change request form
Change Proposal



Proposed change

Reason for change

Intended outcome

Estimated duration

Estimated costs

Additional factors

Appendix B: Research on existing FYP management systems

Websites last accessed in February 2021.

[1] https://www.redmine.org/projects/redmine
[2] https://www.docebo.com/

Appendix C: Project return calculation

Discount factor: 1/ [(previous year values/100)*105]

Cost: Current year cost - Previous year’s cost

Net Cashflow: Current Year cost savings + current year cost

PV of Cashflow: Current year discount factor * Current year Net cashflow

Net PV: Sum of all 5 years of “PV of Cashflow”

FYP management system - project proposal FYP-21-S1-20P

Appendix D: Our running cost

Our Running Cost (2% increase due to inflation per year)
Our project YR0 ($) YR1 ($) YR2 ($) YR3 ($) YR4 ($) YR5 ($)
Fixing bugs causing
downtime (Due to not
being able to update
program for new devices
fast enough) $35,000.00 $35,700.00 $36,414.00 $37,142.28 $37,885.13 $38,642.83
Adding new functions $46,052.00 $46,973.04 $47,912.50 $48,870.75 $49,848.17 $50,845.13
24/7 On-call support $50,000.00 $51,000.00 $52,020.00 $53,060.40 $54,121.61 $55,204.04
Development Tool $15,000.00 $15,300.00 $15,606.00 $15,918.12 $16,236.48 $16,561.21
Broadband subscription
service $12,000.00 $12,240.00 $12,484.80 $12,734.50 $12,989.19 $13,248.97
Apache Web Server $3,500.00 $3,570.00 $3,641.40 $3,714.23 $3,788.51 $3,864.28
Backup Server $3,000.00 $3,060.00 $3,121.20 $3,183.62 $3,247.30 $3,312.24
Yearly running cost $164,552.00 $167,843.04 $171,199.90 $174,623.90 $178,116.38 $181,678.70
Costs savings $0.00 -$3,291.04 -$3,356.86 -$3,424.00 -$3,492.48 -$3,562.33

Appendix E: Alternative’s running cost

Alternative Running Cost
FYPOS YR0 ($) YR1 ($) YR2 ($) YR3 ($) YR4 ($) YR5 ($)
Fixing bugs causing
downtime (Due to
not being able to
update program for
new devices fast
enough) $59,364.00 $51,234.00 $49,947.00 $44,876.00 $33,222.00 $23,047.00
Adding new
functions $66,314.00 $59,568.00 $41,867.00 $28,284.00 $21,449.00 $13,171.00
On-call support $56,500.00 $50,000.00 $45,000.00 $38,000.00 $31,000.00 $23,697.00
Development Tool $70,322.00 $70,322.00 $70,322.00 $70,322.00 $70,322.00 $70,322.00
subscription service $12,000.00 $12,000.00 $12,000.00 $12,000.00 $12,000.00 $12,000.00
Apache Web Server $6,000.00 $6,000.00 $6,000.00 $6,000.00 $6,000.00 $6,000.00
Backup Server $5,500.00 $5,500.00 $5,500.00 $5,500.00 $5,500.00 $5,500.00
Yearly running cost $276,000.00 $254,624.00 $230,636.00 $204,982.00 $179,493.00 $153,737.00

Appendix F: Redmine’s running cost

Redmine's Running Cost (2% increase due to inflation per year)
Redmine YR0 ($) YR1 ($) YR2 ($) YR3 ($) YR4 ($) YR5 ($)

FYP management system - project proposal FYP-21-S1-20P

Fixing bugs causing

downtime (Due to not
being able to update
program for new devices
fast enough) $76,234.00 $77,758.68 $79,313.85 $80,900.13 $82,518.13 $84,168.50
Adding new functions $66,314.00 $67,640.28 $68,993.09 $70,372.95 $71,780.41 $73,216.01
24/7 On-call support $75,000.00 $76,500.00 $78,030.00 $79,590.60 $81,182.41 $82,806.06
Development Tool $73,048.00 $74,508.96 $75,999.14 $77,519.12 $79,069.50 $80,650.89
Broadband subscription
service $12,000.00 $12,240.00 $12,484.80 $12,734.50 $12,989.19 $13,248.97
Apache Web Server $6,000.00 $6,120.00 $6,242.40 $6,367.25 $6,494.59 $6,624.48
Backup Server $5,500.00 $5,610.00 $5,722.20 $5,836.64 $5,953.38 $6,072.44
Yearly running cost $314,096.00 $320,377.92 $326,785.48 $333,321.19 $339,987.61 $346,787.36
Costs savings $0.00 -$6,281.92 -$6,407.56 -$6,535.71 -$6,666.42 -$6,799.75
Appendix G: Learning Management System’s running cost
Learning Management System's Running Cost (2% increase due to inflation per year)
Learning Management System YR0 ($) YR1 ($) YR2 ($) YR3 ($) YR4 ($) YR5 ($)
Fixing bugs causing downtime
(Due to not being able to update
program for new devices fast
enough) $94,699.00 $96,592.98 $98,524.84 $100,495.34 $102,505.24 $104,555.
Adding new functions $77,126.00 $78,668.52 $80,241.89 $81,846.73 $83,483.66 $85,153.
24/7 On-call support $75,000.00 $76,500.00 $78,030.00 $79,590.60 $81,182.41 $82,806.
Development Tool $91,675.00 $93,508.50 $95,378.67 $97,286.24 $99,231.97 $101,216.

Broadband subscription service $12,000.00 $12,240.00 $12,484.80 $12,734.50 $12,989.19 $13,248.

Apache Web Server $8,000.00 $8,160.00 $8,323.20 $8,489.66 $8,659.46 $8,832.
Backup Server $7,500.00 $7,650.00 $7,803.00 $7,959.06 $8,118.24 $8,280.
Yearly running cost $366,000.00 $373,320.00 $380,786.40 $388,402.13 $396,170.17 $404,093.
Costs savings $0.00 -$7,320.00 -$7,466.40 -$7,615.73 -$7,768.04 -$7,923.

Appendix H: Document Management System’s running cost

Document Management System's Running Cost (2% increase due to inflation per year)
Document Management System YR0 ($) YR1 ($) YR2 ($) YR3 ($) YR4 ($) YR5 ($)
Fixing bugs causing downtime
(Due to not being able to update
program for new devices fast
enough) $101,432.00 $103,460.64 $105,529.85 $107,640.45 $109,793.26 $111,989
Adding new functions $87,643.00 $89,395.86 $91,183.78 $93,007.45 $94,867.60 $96,764
24/7 On-call support $88,000.00 $89,760.00 $91,555.20 $93,386.30 $95,254.03 $97,159
Development Tool $110,425.00 $112,633.50 $114,886.17 $117,183.89 $119,527.57 $121,918

FYP management system - project proposal FYP-21-S1-20P

Broadband subscription service $12,000.00 $12,240.00 $12,484.80 $12,734.50 $12,989.19 $13,248

Apache Web Server $8,000.00 $8,160.00 $8,323.20 $8,489.66 $8,659.46 $8,832
Backup Server $7,500.00 $7,650.00 $7,803.00 $7,959.06 $8,118.24 $8,280
Yearly running cost $415,000.00 $423,300.00 $431,766.00 $440,401.32 $449,209.35 $458,193
Costs savings $0.00 -$8,300.00 -$8,466.00 -$8,635.32 -$8,808.03 -$8,984

Appendix I: PHP resources

For complete documentation of PHP can be view at

Appendix J: HTML/CSS resources

More information about the documentation of HTML / CSS standard and usages can be view at

Appendix K: SQL Database resources

As we are going to use MySQL to manage the database. More information about the tools can be
viewed at https://dev.mysql.com/doc/

Appendix L: JavaScript resources

More information about the documentation of Javascript standard and usages can be view at


Appendix M: Apache Web Server resources

More information about the documentation of Apache Web Server can be view at



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