Hawassa University Ethiopian Institute of Technology-Hawassa School of Electrical and Computer Engineering

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JUNE 18, 2016















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Instructor Solomon Mamo (MSc)

June 18, 2015

School of Electrical and computer engineering Graduate

Committee .Ethiopian Institute of Technology-Hawassa
University Main Campus

To Whom It May Concern

I have read the thesis of___________________________ And it is complete and ready

to defend.




II | P a g e
The final examination of ______________________________________ _________________

Name of student Student ID

The final examination of ______________________________________ _________________

Name of student Student ID

The final examination of ______________________________________ _________________

Name of student Student ID

For the bachelor’s degree in __________________________________________ will be held


On _________________________________________________ in _______________________

Time of day, month, date, year (Building, room number)

The title of the thesis is __________________________________________________________

The committee to conduct the examination consists of:


Coordinator, School’s Graduate Studies

III | P a g e

We, the undersigned, hereby declare that this work is based on the results found by ourselves. Where
other sources of information have been used, they have been acknowledged by reference. This work,
neither in whole nor in part, has been previously submitted for any degree in any universities.

Fkire T/mariam Gezahegn Abebe
Student name Student Name

Haile Zeru
Student name

Date of submission:

June 18, 2016

This thesis has been submitted with our approval as a university advisor.

Instructor Solomon Mamo(MSc)
Advisor Name

IV | P a g e

The purpose of this study is to designing the suitable inverters for the Lab experiments, in similar way
that can be found in the market. The parameters identification is established to meet the wanted
specifications of the size and power, and to obtain, as much as possible, a selected ac signal which can
perform different frequency levels, with less ripple, harmonics, and high efficiency. The unipolar single
phase inverter has the lowest current and voltage ripple, which converts 12 dc voltage from Pv to 240ac.
Simulation is the start step of this project using MATLAB/Simulink and following by arranging the
components of the switches in the ways that obey different voltage waveform of MATLAB/Simulink
with the modulated signal in the bridge for single phase, making use of suitable filters, or by fictitious
filter. Once establishing the wanted response and recording the specifications of the components, the
second step begins to implement the inverter, as far as the availability of the equipment’s is concern.

Key words: Inverter, Parameter, AC Signal, MATLAB, Filters.

We are greatly in debited to many people throughout the five years of our postgraduate study in the
department of electrical and computer engineering. To name a few:

First and foremost, we would like to express our deepest gratitude and respect to our advisor Instructor
Solomon Mamo (MSc) for his guidance and support in maintaining the right direction throughout our

We would also like to extend our thanks to our supportive Instructors, for their constructive comments
and overall guidance in realizing our thesis.

We would also like to thank all our classmates. We really enjoy the time talking to you people.

Thanks also go to Instructor Biniam whose Hawassa university’s lab assistance aided as much as possible
in the case of implementation our study.

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PWM pulse width modulation

THD Total Harmonics Distortion

MOSFET Metal-Oxide –Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor

IGBT Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor

L Inductor

C Capacitor

I Current

RMS Root mean square

P Power

FFT Fast Fourier Transform

V Voltage

N Transformer turn ratio

Ma Depth of modulation

Mf Frequency modulation

Fs switching frequency

U Switch utilization ratio

R Resistor

η Efficiency

DSP Digital Signal Processing

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ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................................................... v

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................................................ vi

LIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ......................................................................... vii

TABLE OF CONTENTS................................................................................................................ viii

LIST OF FIGURES ......................................................................................................................... xii

CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................... 1

1.1 Background of the Study ....................................................................................................... 1

1.2 Statement of the Problem ....................................................................................................... 2

1.3 Objective of the Study ................................................................................................................. 2

1.3.1General Objective ...................................................................................................................... 2

1.3.2 Specific Objectives .................................................................................................................... 3

1.4 Significance of the Study.............................................................................................................. 3

1.5 Scope and Limitation of the Study .............................................................................................. 3

1.6 Research Questions ...................................................................................................................... 4

1.7 Research Methodology................................................................................................................. 4

1.8 Thesis Organization ..................................................................................................................... 5

CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW .................................................................................. 6

2.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 6

2.2 Review of inverter ........................................................................................................................ 6

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2.3 Single Phase Inverter Topology ................................................................................................... 7

2.3.1 Half Bridge Inverter ................................................................................................................. 7

2.3.2 Full Bridge Inverter .................................................................................................................. 8

2.4 Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) Scheme ................................................................................... 9

2.4.1 Natural Sampling .................................................................................................................... 10

2.4.2 Regular sampling PWM ......................................................................................................... 12 Symmetrical sampling PWM ............................................................................................... 12 Asymmetrical Sampling PWM ............................................................................................ 13

2.5 PWM Switching Technique ....................................................................................................... 14

2.5.1 PWM with Unipolar Voltage Switching ................................................................................. 14

2.6 Single phase inverter topology ................................................................................................... 16

CHAPTER THREE: CONCEPTUAL ANALYSIS ....................................................................... 17

3.1 Basic Concept of Inverter .......................................................................................................... 17

3.2 Classifications of inverter .......................................................................................................... 19

3.2.1 Square wave inverter .............................................................................................................. 19

3.2.2 Bipolar inverter ....................................................................................................................... 19

3.2.3 Unipolar inverter .................................................................................................................... 20

3.3 Sine Wave Generation ............................................................................................................... 21

3.3.1 Benefits of using True Sine Wave Inverter ............................................................................ 22

3.4 INVERTER SWITCH SELECTION ........................................................................................ 22

3.4.1 Selection of Inverter Switch .................................................................................................... 22

3.4.2 Comparison of Controllable Switches .................................................................................... 23

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3.5 MOSFET as Inverter Switches .................................................................................................. 23

3.6 MOSFET Structure ................................................................................................................... 24

3.7 LC Filter ..................................................................................................................................... 26

CHAPTER FOUR ........................................................................................................................... 27

DESIGN CONSIDERATION ......................................................................................................... 27

4.1 Single-phase Unipolar PWM Inverter....................................................................................... 27

4.1.1 Schematics Diagram ............................................................................................................... 27

4.1.2 Switching Control Parameter ................................................................................................. 27

4.1.3 Selection of transformer parameter ....................................................................................... 29

4.1.4 Selection of Load ..................................................................................................................... 30

4.1.5 Selection of LC filter ............................................................................................................... 30

CHAPTER FIVE: SIMULATION RESULT ................................................................................. 32

5.1 Single phase Unipolar PWM Inverter ....................................................................................... 32

5.1.1 Simulation result of the voltage output unipolar inverter ..................................................... 32

5.1.2 Angle of Displacement between the sine wave and PWM ...................................................... 32

5.1.3 Determine the switch utilization ratio and blanking time...................................................... 33

5.1.4 Blanking time .......................................................................................................................... 33

5.1.5 Determine the switching frequency, time on and time off ..................................................... 34

5.1.7Total Harmonic Distortion on Load Voltage .......................................................................... 35

5.1.8 Output Voltage ripple ............................................................................................................. 36

5.1.9 Output current waveform ....................................................................................................... 37

5.2 Ripple output current waveform ............................................................................................... 38

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5.2Inductor current waveform ........................................................................................................ 38

5.2.1 Ripple Current of inductor ..................................................................................................... 39

CHAPTER SIX: CONCULSION AND RECOMMENDATION ................................................... 41

6.1. Conclusion ................................................................................................................................. 41

6.2 Recommendations ...................................................................................................................... 42

REFERENCE .................................................................................................................................. 43

xi | P a g e
Figure 1: The research methodology ........................................................................................................ 5

Figure 2: Half bridge circuit topology and its output example .................................................................. 8

Figure 3: Full bridge inverter topology and its output example ................................................................. 9

Figure 4: The basic concept of natural sampling PWM .......................................................................... 10

Figure 5: Natural sampling pulse width modulation (half cycle) ............................................................. 11

Figure 6: Symmetrical regular PWM ..................................................................................................... 13

Figure 8: Unipolar PWM generator ........................................................................................................ 15

Figure 10: Gating pulses for S1 and S4 ................................................................................................. 16

Figure 11: Gating pulses for S2 and S3 .................................................................................................. 16

Figure 12: Output waveform ................................................................................................................. 16

Figure13: Single-phase switch mode inverter. (Mohan, Unleaded & Robbins, 2003 ..................... 18

Figure 14: Single-phase full bridge inverter (Mohan, Unleaded & Robbins, 2003) ................................. 18

Figure 15: Bipolar PWM scheme and output .......................................................................................... 20

Figure 16: Typical MOSFET Cross Section (Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, n.d) .............................. 24

Figure17: P-channel and n-channel MOSFET (Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia,n.d) ............................ 24

Figure 19: Switching Control Signal for Unipolar PWM ........................................................................ 28

Figure20: Parameters used for tri V and control V in PSIM .................................................................. 29

Figure 21: Transformer Configuration .................................................................................................. 30

Figure 22: Unipolar PWM scheme and output........................................................................................ 32

Figure 23: Angle displacement between sine wave and PWM wave ....................................................... 32

Figure 24: FFT of PWM waveform........................................................................................................ 34

Figure 25: Inductor Current Waveform and its FFT ............................................................................... 35

xii | P a g e
Figure 26: Load Voltage Waveform ....................................................................................................... 36

Figure 27: Output Voltage ripple ........................................................................................................... 36

Figure 28: Output current waveform and its FFT ................................................................................... 37

Figure 29: Ripple output current waveform ............................................................................................ 38

Figure 30: Inductor current waveform .................................................................................................... 38

Figure 31: FFT of inductor current waveform From simulation, ............................................................. 39

Figure 32: Ripple Current of inductor .................................................................................................... 39

xiii | P a g e

1.1 Background of the Study

Energy is required to perform any task or to do any type work. Energy exists in money forms such as
electrical energy. Mechanical energy, chemical energy, solar energy thermal energy and etc. As it is well
known energy cannot be created or destroyed but can converted from one form to another. The capability
of mankind to generate electricity through transformation energy is one of the symbols of human
civilization .with cleverness of mankind, electricity generated and it brings out the mankind from the
blackness of night into bright world (atanda,2008) [1].there are two of electrical power which are DC
power and AC power. DC power has constant level of voltage while AC power has a varying voltage
level that oscillates between two voltage levels with specific oscillating frequency. Nowadays, lots of
house hold electrical equipment are running on AC rather than DC .Inverter is a device that is used DC to
AC (Rashied, 2004) [2].

Energy can be classified as renewable energy nonrenewable energy. Examples of renewable energies are
solar energy, wind energy, biomass energy and hydro energy. Fossil fuels and nuclear fuels are
nonrenewable energy. Nowadays, renewable energy getting more and more popular since it produces non
harm and no pollution to environment. Photovoltaic (PV) system is another good example for green
energy generation. Pv system offers a clean, reliable and quite way for generation electricity. PV system
converts sunlight in to electricity by solar array (Kati, 2004) [3].the electricity produce is DC. However,
most electrical appliances require AC power. Inverters are used to convert the DC power from solar panel
to AC power that can be used in AC systems. There are several topologies of inverter such half bridge,
full bridge inverter or push pulls inverter. Each of the topologies is available in single phase or three
phase connection. The single phase full bridge inverter is suitable topology to be used in most of the
application due to the reason that it is suitable to be used with sinusoidal pulse width modulation (SPWM)
switching scheme(Cyril,1993) [4].

Usually high total harmonic distortion (THD) occurs at the inverter output. Therefore any kind of
measurement that can be used to be reduced THD at the output becomes unimportant concern during the
development of inverters. For low and medium power applications, square wave switching may be
acceptable. However for high applications especially in industrial used, the pulse width modulation

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(PWM) switching technic is more suitable because it can produce a low distorted sinusoidal wave forms.
With availability of high speed power semiconductor devices, the harmonic contents of the output voltage
can be minimized or reduced significantly by PWM switching technics (xue, 2004) [5].the sinusoidal
pulse width modulation(SPWM) switching scheme is the generation of PWM outputs with sinusoidal
wave as the modulating signal and triangular wave as carrier signal. The ON and OFF occurrence of the
power switch are determined by comparing sinusoidal wave (modulating) with triangular wave (carrier).
The sinusoidal wave determines the frequency of the output wave form while the triangular wave
determines the switching frequency of the power transistor(moorthi,2005) [6].the combination of SPWM
switching technic with LC filter can produce a true sinusoidal wave output that make it a compatible with
all AC equipment including the sensitive or high rating equipment.

There are two main advantages of SPWM which are the amplitude of output voltage can be controlled by
user and the harmonic content that occur at the output voltage can be decrease just by reducing the value
filter requirements. The output voltage could be fixed or variable at fixed or variable frequency. A
variable output voltage can be obtained by varying the gain of the inverter.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

The costs of ripple because of dead time have tremendous impact in the laboratory. Dead time prevention
and mitigation should, therefore be given equal attention with that is paid to other prominent issues of
once laboratory. There are several approaches that researchers have employed to study the problem in
determining factors that significantly affect dead time severity. These include design filter to resulted low
THD inverter.

1.3 Objective of the Study

1.3.1General Objective
The general objective of this study is to designing unipolar single phase inverter.

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1.3.2 Specific Objectives
Some of the specific objectives of this study are:

 To identify factors those have contribution for the inverter occurrence.

 To develop different switching modes
 To select the suitable topology of single phase inverter, study its operation and understand its
 To test and evaluate the performance of chosen topology by MATLAB 2013a.
 To explore the major parameters to generate a full sinusoidal AC waveform.
 To suggest the measures to be taken to reduce and /or prevent attenuation of signal.
 To design filter circuit

1.4 Significance of the Study

There is a great concern about the increasing total harmonic distortion of inverter, and a reduction in the
level of signal with distance especially amplitude in developing countries’ university like Hawassa.
Looking at the extent and magnitude of the problem, developing inverter harmonic distortion model
are extremely important for power converter planning and are frequently used in converter safety
studies. Understanding the causes of the harmonics, identifying solutions, and proactively adopting
or using them helps improve inverter safety .

1.5 Scope and Limitation of the Study

The scope of this study is restricted to building low THD unipolar inverter –based dead time modeling
and classification technic using MATLAB 2013a software by varying number of hidden layers,
learning algorithms, transfer functions and divide functions through continuous experiments.

Some of the limitations that the researcher had encountered during the study were budget and time
constraints, and data unavailability in electronic format. Another limitation of this study was lack of
local related literatures to the application of low THD inverter for dead time modeling and factor

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1.6 Research Questions
This study attempts to answer the following main research questions:

 What are the most determinant predictors to harmonic distortion of inverter in the laboratory?
 What is the most effective low THD inverter architecture for determining high factors in the
 How should these variables be represented to derive accurate predictive patterns for

1.7 Research Methodology

For this research project, there are two main stages have to follow. The first stage of this research project
was to understanding the theory behind the inverter by reading reference recourses such as references
books from library, online research and the other pass year thesis which are related to this research
project. The objectives of this research project also studied and understood. After doing the online
research, reading references and understands the project requirements, inverter was designed first by
using simulation software MATLAB 13a. The requirement of doing this simulation is to have an idea
how to design a real practical inverter based on the simulation. In this simulation of inverter, square wave
inverter, bipolar inverter and unipolar inverter were studied and compared in order to decide which kind
of thus inverter are suitable to use in practical.

The second stage of this research project is to design an inverter based on the simulation. In this practical,
we have chosen a unipolar inverter as our final practical design. The practical design was designed and
the results of the output of the unipolar inverter were compared with the simulation one.

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Figure 1: The research methodology
1.8 Thesis Organization
The remainder of this work is structured as follows: Chapter two provides the fundamental
concepts of unipolar single phase inverter, and detail review of related literatures regarding the study
under consideration.

Chapter three describes the conceptual analysis of the proposed low THD unipolar single phase
inverter-based model for high THD unipolar single phase inverter Chapter four deals with the
methodology about the design and construction of the proposed low THD unipolar single phase inverter-
based model for high THD unipolar single phase inverter severity design procedures, and the
experimental strategies devised for the model development.

Chapter 5 detail experimental results and analysis in building the ‘optimal’ low THD unipolar single
phase inverter-based model for high THD unipolar single phase inverter severity and prioritizing the
significance of the predictors to THD inverter severity.

Chapter 6 offers conclusions, recommendations and proposes potential future works stemming from this

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2.1 Introduction
In this chapter, types of inverter, inverter topology and its operation will be reviewed. The concept of
Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) technique on single phase inverter is described and it covered different
types of PWM strategies which were applied in inverter circuit.

2.2 Review of inverter

Inverters can be found in a variety of forms, including half bridge or full bridge, single phase or three
phase, current source (CSI) or voltage source (VSI) and two-level or multilevel. The single phase voltage-
source inverters can be further divided into three general categories, pulse width modulation type, square
wave type (also known as six step inverters) and single phase inverters with voltage cancellation. In pulse
width modulated (PWM) inverters, the input DC voltage is essentially constant in magnitude and the AC
output voltage has controlled magnitude and frequency. Therefore the inverter must control the magnitude
and the frequency of the output voltage. This is achieved by PWM of the inverter switches and hence
such inverters are called PWM inverters. For square-wave inverters, the input DC voltage is controlled in
order to adjust the magnitude of the output AC voltage. Therefore the inverter has to control only the
frequency of the output voltage. The output AC voltage has a waveform similar to a square-wave. In
single phase inverter with voltage cancellation, it is possible to control the magnitude and the frequency
of the inverter output voltage with a constant DC input voltage for a different switch mode that is not
pulse width modulated. The inverter output voltage waveform is similar to square wave. This technique
works only with single-phase inverters. As mentioned earlier, all inverters can be operated by controlled
turn-on and turn-off semiconductor devices such as BJT, MOSFET, IGBT and others. Modern inverters
used IGBT as the main power control devices (Mohan, 2003) [7] but MOSFET is also used especially for
lower voltage, power ratings and application that required high efficiency and high switching frequency.
The output voltage waveform of ideal inverters should be sinusoidal but in reality, the waveforms of
inverters are non-sinusoidal and contain certain harmonics. The typical definition for a harmonic is a
sinusoidal voltage and currents at frequencies that are integer multiples of the main generated (or
fundamental) frequency (Arrillaga, 2003) [8]. Harmonic distortion levels can be characterized by the
complete harmonic spectrum with magnitudes and phase angles of each individual harmonic component
(Lee, 1999) [9]. It is also common to use a single quantity that is known as Total Harmonic Distortion

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(THD) (Sankaran, 2001) [10]. It is measure of the magnitude of harmonic distortion. For current, the
distortion values must be referred to a constant base (e.g. the rated load current or demand current) rather
than the fundamental component. This provides a constant reference while the fundamental can vary over
a wide range. The problem of the harmonics in low voltage distribution systems is considered impor tant.
Harmonics now represent a major design consideration in power electronic applications.

In (Rashid, 2004) [11], the harmonics contents in output voltage of inverter can be minimized
significantly by switching techniques. Nowadays the best switching technique is still under investigation
but pulse-width modulated (PWM) is chosen as a switching technique purposely to reduce the harmonics
in inverter output.

2.3 Single Phase Inverter Topology

There are two circuit topologies commonly used in single phase inverter circuit. Half bridge and full
bridge configuration are the main topologies used in low and high power applications. For certain low
power application, the half bridge may suffice but the full bridge is more convenient for adjustment of the
output voltage by pulse width modulation techniques (Mohan, 2003) [12].

2.3.1 Half Bridge Inverter

The power circuit topology and output example for half bridge inverter is shown in Figure 2.1. The
inverter circuit consists of two controlled static switching elements. The switching elements can be
transistor, MOSFET, IGBT and extra. The switching elements are labeled S1 and S2 and each of switches
has an anti-parallel diode. It is evident from the presence of the diodes that the switching devices S1 and
S2 need not have the capability to block the reverse voltages. If the switching element is power MOSFET,
there may not be a need to use the anti-parallel diodes because the devices structure has an anti-parallel
diode (Joseph, 1995) [13].

The basis operation of half bridge inverter can be divided into two operations. If switch S1 turned on for
period of , the instantaneous output voltage across the load equal to . If switch S2 turned on for period
of to T, the instantaneous output voltage will appear (Rashid, 2004) [14]. The switching strategy
for switch S1 and switch S2 must be designed to make sure both switches not turn on at the same time. If
that happens, it is equivalent to a short circuit across the DC input, resulting in excessive current and
possible damage to the switching elements (Joseph, 1995) [15].

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Figure 2: Half bridge circuit topology and its output example

2.3.2 Full Bridge Inverter

A single phase full bridge inverter circuit and its output example are shown in Figure 2.2. It consists of
four switching elements and it is used in higher power ratings application. The four switches are labeled
as S1, S2, S3 and S4. The operations of single phase full bridge inverter can be divided into two
conditions. Normally the switches S1and S4 are turned on and kept on for one half period and S2 and S3
are turned off. At this condition, the output voltage across the load is equal to . When S2 and S3 are
turned on, the switches S1 and switches S4 are turned off, then at this time the output voltage is equal to
. The output voltage will change alternately from positive half period and negative half period. Same
like in half bridge inverter, to prevent short circuit across DC supply occurred, the switches S1 and S4
must be in ‘on’ state while S2 and S3 must be in ‘off’ state. In order to prevent short circuit occurred,
dead time mechanism has been used in gate driver circuit (David, 1997) [16].

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Figure 3: Full bridge inverter topology and its output example

2.4 Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) Scheme

Historically, pulse width modulation (PWM) switching strategy development has been largely prompted
by the changes in technology that have occurred over the past 30 years. It started with the natural-sampled
PWM analogue technique (Mekhlief, 1999) [17] in early 60s, followed by the regular-sampled PWM
digital techniques (Holtz, 1992) [18] in the early 70s, through to the LC filter-based harmonic elimination
and optimized PWM techniques in the mid and late 70s and more recently the new optimal PWM
strategies in the 1980s (Luo, 1996) (Holtz,1994) 19]. It has been shown that since natural-sampled PWM
techniques are essentially analogue, these are inappropriate for discrete digital hardware implementation.
The heart of any PWM converter scheme is undoubtedly the switching strategy used to generate the
switching edges of PWM control waveform (DaSilva, 1992) (Mekhlief, 2000) [20].

The reason for using PWM techniques is that they provide voltage and current wave shaping customized
to the specific needs of the applications under consideration (Escalante, 1995) [21]. By using PWM
techniques, the frequency spectra of input waveforms can be changed such that the major non-
fundamental components are at relatively high frequency and also to reduce these witching stresses
imposed on the power switching devices (Zmood, 1998) [22]. Most PWM is generated by comparing a
reference waveform with a triangular carrier waveform signal (Pekik, 1995) (Ismail, 2007)[23]. However,
the reference waveform may come in various shapes to suit the converter topology, such as sine wave and

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distorted sine wave. A sinusoidal waveform signal is used for PWM in DC to AC converter where it is
used to shape the output AC voltage to be close to a sine wave.

2.4.1 Natural Sampling

The principle of natural sampling PWM is based on the comparison real time of sine wave waveform
(reference waveform) with a triangular carrier waveform. Figure 2.3 shows the basic concept comparison
between reference wave form and carrier waveform and Figure 2.4 shows natural sampling pulse width
modulation. A high frequency triangular carrier waveform is compared with a sinusoidal reference
waveform of the desired frequency. The PWM signal is high when the magnitude of sinusoidal wave is
higher than the triangular wave otherwise it is low.

Figure 4: The basic concept of natural sampling PWM

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Figure 5: Natural sampling pulse width modulation (half cycle)
The reference signal is used to modulate the switch duty ratio and has a frequency , which is
the desired fundamental frequency of the inverter voltage output. Meanwhile the triangular carrier
waveform is at a switching frequency which establishes the frequency with which the inverters
are switched. The frequency modulation ratio is defined as the ratio of the frequencies of the triangular
carrier waveform and the reference signals which is written as


The amplitude modulation ratio is defined as the ratio of the amplitude of the reference and carrier
signals and is given by


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The amplitude of the PWM of the fundamental frequency output is controlled by . This is significant
for an unregulated DC voltage because the value of can be adjusted to compensate the variations in
the DC voltage, thus producing a constant amplitude output. When is greater than 1 or over
modulation, the amplitude of the output increases with , but not linear.

2.4.2 Regular sampling PWM

One major limitation with natural sampling PWM is the difficulty of its implementation in a digital
modulation system, because the intersection between the reference waveform and the triangular
waveform is defined by a transcendental equation and is complex to calculate. An analogue circuit
possesses the advantages of a low cost with a fast dynamic response, but suffers from a complex circuitry
to generate complex PWM, limited function ability and difficulty to perform in circuit modifications
(Mekhlief, 1999) [24]. To overcome this limitation the modern popular alternative is to implement the
modulation system using a regular sampling PWM strategy. This technique was introduced to provide a
more flexible way of designing the system. The system offers simple circuitry, software control and
flexibility in adaptation to various applications. The two most common regular sampling techniques are
regular symmetrical and asymmetrical sampling (Ledwich, 1991) [25]. Symmetrical sampling PWM

In regular sampling technique, the reference waveform is sampled at regularly spaced intervals. Normally,
the sampling take places at the triangular waveform peaks. With one sample per carrier cycle the output is
a double edge modulated waveform, which is symmetrical with respect to the center point between the
two consecutive samples. The modulation process is termed symmetrical modulation because the
intersection of adjacent sides of the triangular carrier waveform with the stepped sine wave, about the
non-sampled carrier peak, is equidistant about the carrier peak. Figure 2.5 illustrating the general features
of symmetrical sampling PWM.

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Figure 6: Symmetrical regular PWM Asymmetrical Sampling PWM

The asymmetrical modulation is produced when the triangular carrier waveform is compared with a
stepped sine wave produced by sampling and holding at twice the carrier frequency. Each side of the
triangular carrier waveform about a sampling point, intersect the stepped waveform at different step level
(DaSilva, 1992) [26]. The resultant pulse width is asymmetrical about the sampling point as illustrate in
Figure 2.6. By using this technique the dynamic response can be improve and produces less harmonic
distortion of the load current.

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Figure 7: Asymmetrical regular PWM

2.5 PWM Switching Technique

The PWM switching can be divided into two switching scheme which are PWM with Bipolar voltage
switching and PWM with Unipolar voltage switching (Mohan, 2003) (Daniel, 1997) (David, 1997) [27].

2.5.1 PWM with Unipolar Voltage Switching

In this scheme, the triangular carrier waveform is compared with two reference signals which are positive
and negative signal. The basic idea to produce SPWM with unipolar voltage switching is shown in Figure
2.9. The different between the Bipolar SPWM generators is that the generator uses another comparator to
compare between the inverse reference wave forms . The process of comparing these two signals to
produce the unipolar voltage switching signal is graphically illustrated in Figure 2.10. In Unipolar voltage

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switching the output voltage switches between 0 and , or between 0 and . This is in contrast to the
Bipolar switching strategy in which the output swings between and . As a result, the change in
output voltage at each 20switching event is halved in the unipolar case from 2Vdc to Vdc. The effective
switching frequency is seen by the load is doubled and the voltage pulse amplitude is halved. Due to this,
the harmonic content of the output voltage waveform is reduced compared to bipolar switching. In
Unipolar voltage switching scheme also, the amplitude of the significant harmonics and its sidebands is
much lower for all modulation indexes thus making filtering easier, and with its size being significantly
smaller (David, 1997) [28].

Figure 8: Unipolar PWM generator

Figure 9: Comparison between reference waveform and triangular waveform

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Figure 10: Gating pulses for S1 and S4

Figure 11: Gating pulses for S2 and S3

Figure 12: Output waveform

2.6 Single phase inverter topology

For single phase inverter, there are two topologies that are commonly used for conversion of DC Power to
AC power. These are known as half bridge and full bridge topology. Bothe of the configurations are
suitable for low or high power application. The half bridge may sufficient for certain low power
application. Full bridge inverter topology is more suitable.it is most suitable for application that needs
output voltage adjustment such as in pulse width modulation technics (Baharuddin, 2008) [29] both of
these topologies can also be used in high or low voltage DC power supplies.

16 | P a g e

3.1 Basic Concept of Inverter

In this section, we will discuss the basic concept of switches mode inverter. The block diagram of a
simple single-phase inverter switch mode inverter, where the output of the inverter is filtered and is
assumed to be sinusoidal is shown in figure 2-a. In most cases, the inverter are using to supplies an
inductive loads such as an AC motor drives, output current will lag output voltage as shown in
figure b. Each interval is explained in the figure 2c. During the intervals 1 and 3, the instantaneous power
flow is from DC side to the AC side which corresponding to an inverter mode of operation. However,
for intervals 2 and 4, the power flows from AC side to DC side of the inverter corresponding to a
rectifier mode of operation. So the switch mode inverter must be capable to operating in all four quadrants
of the plane, which can show in figure 2-c. during each cycle of the AC output.

17 | P a g e
Figure13: Single-phase switch mode inverter.
(Mohan, Unleaded & Robbins, 2003

Figure 14: Single-phase full bridge inverter (Mohan, Unleaded & Robbins, 2003)

A single-phase full bridge inverter has two legs, A and B. Each leg has two switches with diodes
connected in anti-parallel with the switches as shown in figure 3. The operation of the bridge inverter is
that when a switch is turned on, it may or may not conduct a current depending on the direction of the
current. The switches in each leg are switched in such a way that where one of the switches is in OFF
state, the other switch is ON. This is because to avoid short circuitry the dc input. The output voltage
depends on the status of the switches. When is ON, the output current will flow through . When
is positive (or it will flow through if is negative). If is ON, negative will flow through
(positive will flow through ).

18 | P a g e
3.2 Classifications of inverter
3.2.1 Square wave inverter
Single-phase square wave inverter is the most common type inverter due to easy to build and simple. This
type of inverter is called square wave inverters because the output waveform of the AC output is similar
to square wave where the switches ( , ) and ( , ) are operated as two pairs with a duty ratio of
0.5 (Mohan, Underland, Robins, 2003) [30]. In square wave inverters, it only has to control the frequency
of the output ac voltage because the input dc voltage is controlled in order to control the magnitude of the
output ac voltage. The formula below shows that the output voltage magnitude is regulated by controlling
the input dc voltage (Mohan, Underland, Robins, 2003) [31].

=4 /π

3.2.2 Bipolar inverter

Bipolar PWM switching is a classical switching scheme for single-phase inverter. The switch pairs
( , ) and ( , ) in figure 3 on the different legs are switched on and off simultaneously. This
results a bipolar voltage output Vout because there is no zero output voltage state exists. The output wave
form is the same as the point voltage in figure 3 but the amplitude doubles. The principle of bipolar
PWM can be summarized in equation below:

= when >

= when <

19 | P a g e
Figure 15: Bipolar PWM scheme and output

From the figure, we can easily know that the is exactly the reverse of at any time, so there is no
zero state in the output voltage = - , which makes output signal bipolar. In this bipolar PWM
modulation scheme, if the frequency modulation ratio is selected to be odd, the output waveform Vout
will be odd and half-wave symmetry with origin. This results a disappearance of all the even harmonics
in .

3.2.3 Unipolar inverter

In unipolar PWM modulation, the switch pairs ( , ) and ( , ) in inverter are not switched
simultaneously as in bipolar approach. Instead, the leg A and B in figure 3 are controlled of two control
signals and with the same carrier signal.

20 | P a g e
The principle of unipolar is summarized in equation below:

= When , is ON

= When , is ON

=0 When , or , is ON

From the equation above, it is clear that output voltage changes between 0 and or between 0 and
in each half fundamental period, so this PWM scheme is called unipolar PWM. The voltage change at
each switching transition is in comparison with the voltage change in bipolar PWM approach. In
addition, it is possible to choose the frequency modulation ratio, as even number to cancel the
harmonic components at the switching frequency .

3.3 Sine Wave Generation

The most common and popular technique for generating True sine Wave is Pulse Width Modulation
(PWM). Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation is the best technique for this. This PWM technique
involves generation of a digital waveform, for which the duty cycle can be modulated in such a way so

21 | P a g e
that the average voltage waveform corresponds to a pure sine wave. The simplest way of
producing the SPWM signal is through comparing a low power sine wave reference with a high
frequency triangular wave. This SPWM signal can be used to control switches. Through an LC filter, the
output of Full Wave Bridge Inverter with SPWM signal will generate a wave approximately equal
to a sine wave. This technique produces a much more similar AC waveform than that of others. The
primary harmonic is still present and there is relatively high amount of higher level harmonics in the

3.3.1 Benefits of using True Sine Wave Inverter

 Most of the electrical and electronic equipment are designed for the sine wave.
 Some appliances such as variable motor, refrigerator, microwave will not be able to
provide rated output without sine wave.
 Electronic clocks are designed for the sine wave.
 Harmonic content is less.


3.4.1 Selection of Inverter Switch
Selection of suitable switches for inverter design is essential and it will affect the performance of the
system. The main function of switch is turn on and turn off the system in such a way that the system can
operate properly. In this single-phase inverter design, we have to generate a PWM signal from the control
signal that we already design and this PWM signal is need a very high frequency to generate in order to
reduce the output current and voltage ripple. Without the proper switch selection, some losses may occur
and this directly affect the performance of the system because the higher the frequency, the higher the
losses. However, different kinds of application require different kind of switches. Nowadays, much kind
type of controllable switches such as IGBT, Thyristor, BJT, and MOSFET can be used in this inverter

22 | P a g e
3.4.2 Comparison of Controllable Switches
The table below (Mohan Unleaded, Robbins, 2003) [32] shows different kind of switches that used in
today world.

Device Power Capability Switching Speed

BJT/MD Medium Medium


GTO High Slow

GBT Medium Medium

MCT Medium Medium

Table 1comparation different kind of controllable switches

3.5 MOSFET as Inverter Switches
In this project, MOSFET is chosen to be the controllable switches. There are many reasons why
MOSFET is chosen as the inverter switches: (Nasser.K, 2004) [33].

 The MOSFET is a device that is voltage and not current-controlled. MOSFETs have a positive
temperature coefficient, stopping thermal runaway.
 The on-state- resistance has no theoretical limit, hence on-state losses can be far lower
 The MOSFET also has a body-drain diode, which is particularly useful in dealing with limited
freewheeling currents.
 Fast switching speed thus can reduce the switching losses.

23 | P a g e
3.6 MOSFET Structure

Figure 16: Typical MOSFET Cross Section (Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, n.d)
Figure 6shows the physical structure of the n-channel MOSFET. The transistor is fabricated on a p-type
substrate, which is a single crystal silicon wafer that provides physical support for the device. Two
heavily doped n-type regions, indicated in the figure as the n+ source and n+ drain regions, are created in
the substrate. A thin (0.02 to 0.1um) layer of silicon dioxide, which is an excellent electrical insulator, is
grown on the surface of the substrate, covering the area between the source and drain regions. Metal is
deposited in top of the oxide layer to form the gate electrode of the device. Metal contacts are also made
to the source region, the drain region, and the substrate, also known as body. Thus, four terminals are
brought out: the gate terminal (G), the source terminal (S), the drain terminal (D), and the substrate or
body terminal (B). (Sedra &Smith, 1998) [34].

Figure17: P-channel and n-channel MOSFET (Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia,n.d)

24 | P a g e
The circuit symbol of an n-channel and p-channel MOSFET is shown as in figure 7. It is a voltage
controlled device, and the I-V characteristics of the MOSFET shown in the figure 8 below. MOSFET
require the continuous application of a gate-source voltage of appropriate magnitude in order to be in the
on state. No gates current flow except during the transitions from on to off or vice versa when the
capacitance is being charged or discharged. The switching time are very short in the range of the few tens
nanoseconds to a few hundred nanoseconds depending on the device type.

The on state resistance of the MOSFET between the drain and source increases rapidly with the device
blocking voltage rating. However, because of their fast switching speed, the switching losses can be

25 | P a g e
3.7 LC Filter
A low pass LC filter is required at the output terminal of Full Bridge VSI to reduce harmonics
generated by the pulsating modulation waveform. While designing L-C filter, the cut-off frequency is
chosen such that most of the low order harmonics is eliminated. To operate as an ideal voltage source,
that means no additional voltage distortion even though under the load variation or a nonlinear
load, the output impedance of the inverter must be kept zero. Therefore, the capacitance value should be
maximized and the inductance value should be minimized at the selected cut-off frequency of the
low-pass filter.

Each value of L and C component is determined to minimize the reactive power in these components
because the reactive power of L and C will decide the cost of LC filter and it is selected to minimize the
cost, then it is common that the filter components are determined at the set of a small capacitance and a
large inductance and consequently the output impedance of the inverter is so high. With these design
values, the voltage waveform of the inverter output can be sinusoidal under the linear load or steady state
condition because the output impedance is zero. But in case of a step change of the load or a nonlinear
load, the output voltage waveform will be distorted because by the slow system response as the output
response is non-zero.

The load current flows differently depending on the kind of loads such as linear and nonlinear load.

Therefore it is difficult to represent the transfer function of inverter output voltage to load current. The
plant composed of L-C low-pass filter satisfies linear property, so it is possible to represent the system
which has two inputs of inverter output voltage and load current.

26 | P a g e


This section aims to cover the parameters that have to be considering in designing the inverter. It covers
the schematics diagram, switching control, transformer, and selection of load, and selection of LC and
calculation inductor and capacitor value of filter of square wave phase shifted, bipolar and unipolar
inverter be designed and implemented.

4.1 Single-phase Unipolar PWM Inverter

4.1.1 Schematics Diagram

Figure 18: Schematics Diagram of the Single phase Unipolar Inverter

4.1.2 Switching Control Parameter
Pulse Width Modulation switching was selected for this inverter design. It consists of one sinusoidal
control as reference and two triangular controls with the comparators in order to generate a PWM
switching for MOSFET. Schematics diagram of control signal is shown in figure 16and parameters used
for this design are shown in figure 17below.

27 | P a g e
Figure 19: Switching Control Signal for Unipolar PWM

28 | P a g e
Figure20: Parameters used for tri V and control V in PSIM
From figure 19, value for and can be calculated as follow:

= =

= = =100

4.3.3 Selection of Switches

Same with the bipolar PWM inverter, power MOSFETs are selected for the inverter switches.

4.1.3 Selection of transformer parameter

Same with the previous selection of a bipolar transformer parameter, the single-phase transformer was
selected instead of ideal transformer because single-phase transformer is more suitable for the practical
used. This single-phase transformer is used to step up the 12 V dc voltages to 240 V ac.

The transformer ratio for producing a 240Vac rms output can be as follow:

= * = *12v=6.788v
√ √

( )
n= = = =35.36≈35
( )

Where and =35

29 | P a g e
By applying the same equation of (1), (2) and (3), and the same assumption for and , the winding
resistance and leakage inductance are:


=1.225* H

Therefore the parameters of the transformer used in simulation are:

Figure 21: Transformer Configuration

4.1.4 Selection of Load
In order to produce a 365 watts power, the requirement of load resistance is:

R= = =157.8Ω≈158Ω

4.1.5 Selection of LC filter

Selection for the filter was carried out through the following consideration same consideration which can
be found from the previous section of bipolar inverter but with the inductor current ripple change to 15 A.
Therefore, the inductance can be calculated as:

30 | P a g e

To determine the capacitance value for the filter, assumption for maximum output ripple voltage have to
be make. It is to assume that the output ripple voltage is 2Vrms. By using the equation (4),(5) and (6),
with ∆i= 0.057A and ∆v = 0.1425V, then the capacitance are:


31 | P a g e

5.1 Single phase Unipolar PWM Inverter

5.1.1 Simulation result of the voltage output unipolar inverter

Figure 22: Unipolar PWM scheme and output

5.1.2 Angle of Displacement between the sine wave and PWM
To calculate the angle displacement between sine wave and PWM wave, the output voltage is compared
to the PWM output.

Figure 23: Angle displacement between sine wave and PWM wave

32 | P a g e
From simulation,

• Time difference between PWM and sinusoidal waveform = 2.84ms

At f = 50 Hz,

• Period of one cycle = 20ms

∴phase difference α= =69.12

5.1.3 Determine the switch utilization ratio and blanking time

The switch utilization ratio can be calculated as follow:

Let and is defined as the peak voltage and peak current of a switch

= =12v

=√ =√ ( ) =√ *52.74A=74.59A

q=number of switches=4

The power generated by the inverter is

= =36.5w


Switch utilization ratio u= = =0.10

In practice, the switch utilization ratio will be smaller than 0.16 and the calculation shows that it is 0.10
which is reasonable. The switch utilization ratio should be smaller than 0.16 because:

• Switch rating are chosen conservatively to provide safety margins

• The ripple in the output current would influence the switch current rating.

• The variations in the input DC voltage available should take into account in determining the switch
current rating in a PWM inverter.(Mohan, Undeland & Robbins, 2003)

5.1.4 Blanking time

33 | P a g e
=+ >0

=-2 V <0

Rearrange the above equation, give

( )
= = s

5.1.5 Determine the switching frequency, time on and time off

The switch frequency, time on and time off can be calculated as follow:

∴ = = =

Switching frequency =( )

The Switching frequency calculated is same with the switching frequency in the simulation.

Find the peak and rms, fundamental component and total harmonic distortion of PWM voltage

Figure 24: FFT of PWM waveform

From the PSIM simulation, the peak voltage of PWM is measured to be 12V and the rms value of the
PWM voltage is 8.43V.

34 | P a g e
To calculate the rms value of PWM voltage, apply the following formula:

( )= √ * =

From simulation, the total harmonics distortion (THD) of PWM voltage can be calculated as:
• Peak of fundamental ( ) =9.16v
• RMS value of fundamental ( ) =6.477v
• RMS of total voltage waveform ( ) =6.788v
Total harmonics distortion is given as flow:
( ) ( )
=√ =√ =31.36
( )
5.1.6Total Harmonic Distortion of Inductor Current

Figure 25: Inductor Current Waveform and its FFT

From simulation,

• Peak ac line current =60.36A

• Fundamental ac current =60.23A

Total Harmonic Distortion of Inductor Current IS given by the formula below:

=√ =√ =6.57

5.1.7Total Harmonic Distortion on Load Voltage

35 | P a g e
Figure 26: Load Voltage Waveform
From simulation,

• Peak of fundamental ( ) =336.117v

• RMS of fundamental ( ) =237.67v

• RMS of total waveform =242v

• Total Harmonic Distortion for load voltage

=√ =√ =3.89

5.1.8 Output Voltage ripple

Figure 27: Output Voltage ripple

36 | P a g e
Voltage ripple = 0.024

5.1.9 Output current waveform

Figure 28: Output current waveform and its FFT

From simulation,

• Peak ac line current =1.521A

• Fundamental ac current =1.504A

37 | P a g e
Total Harmonic Distortion of Inductor Current IS given by the formula below:

=√ =√ =15.07

5.2 Ripple output current waveform

Figure 29: Ripple output current waveform

Ripple output current = 0.015A (rms)

5.2Inductor current waveform

Figure 30: Inductor current waveform

38 | P a g e
From simulation, the inductor current is 60.345A (rms)

Figure 31: FFT of inductor current waveform From simulation,

• Peak ac line current =60.345A

• Fundamental ac current =60.22A

Total Harmonic Distortion of Inductor Current IS given by the formula below:

=√ =√ =6.46

5.2.1 Ripple Current of inductor

Figure 32: Ripple Current of inductor

39 | P a g e
From the simulation, the ripple current of the inductor = 0.48A (rms)

The ripple current inductor is almost 0.789% of the rms value of the inductor current.

5.3.14 Efficiency –Full Load

Efficiency between source and Switches

η= (Average output power after conversion /average input power from dc source) *100%

η= *100 =79.87

Efficiency between switches and transformer

η = (Average output power after filter /average input power from the switches) *100%

η= *100

Efficiency before and after transformer






∴ η= =99.6

40 | P a g e

6.1. Conclusion
In conclusion, single-phase inverter has been designed and simulated by using MATALAB. Inverters can
be found in a variety of forms, including half bridge or full bridge, single phase or three phase, current
source (CSI) or voltage source (VSI) and two-level or multilevel. The single phase voltage-source
inverters can be further divided into Pulse width modulation type, Square wave type (also known as six
step inverters) and Single phase inverters with voltage cancellation. Single phase inverter has two

Topologies of single phase inverters are commonly Half Bridge Inverter and Full bridge inverter. Besides
we simulated unipolar inverter among these three kinds of inverters, the unipolar inverter has the lowest
current and voltage ripple, which was 0.1% of the fundamental voltage and current. The efficiency of the
unipolar inverter is 99.64%. The output voltage obtained from the unipolar inverter was 242.25V (rms),
which is slightly higher than 240V (rms) and the output current was 1.53 A. The voltage and current
generated was reasonable in many appliances. Among the three types of inverters, unipolar inverter was
chosen to be the practical inverter due to its high efficiency, low voltage and current ripple and low THD.

Because of Most of the electrical and electronic equipment are designed for the sine wave, Some
appliances such as variable motor, refrigerator, microwave will not be able to provide rated output
without sine wave, Electronic clocks are designed for the sine wave and Harmonic content is less single
phase inverter is preferred.

All in all in our thesis we includes concept about inverters, materials used in design of inverter, schematic
arrangement of single phase inverters and method of producing single phase wave is detail discussed.

We also determines parameters for component used in designing the inverters ,Such as parameter of
transform, parameters for filters are all seen and lastly the simulation result is disused.

41 | P a g e
6.2 Recommendations
In our thesis that is, design of single phase pure wave inverter for PV system, we use PWM technics for
trigger inverter circuit and to obtain sinusoidal wave by using MATALAB 2013a based simulations.
Besides we recommended:

 For anyone who get the opportunity we recommended that he or she can use microcontroller
based design and Implementation of Single Phase Inverter. In this case the AT89C51
microcontroller is used to generate PWM pulses to trigger the Power Circuit Using IGBTs.
 We also recommended that the special aid must give for researchers who do hardware
implementation of this thesis from anyone who concerned specially for rural areas.

42 | P a g e
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43 | P a g e
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44 | P a g e
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45 | P a g e

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