Biophysical Characteristics and The Anthropogenic Activities in San Roque River, Northern Samar
Biophysical Characteristics and The Anthropogenic Activities in San Roque River, Northern Samar
Biophysical Characteristics and The Anthropogenic Activities in San Roque River, Northern Samar
Volume 5 Issue 3, March-April 2021 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470
The Earth’s surface is almost covered by 70 percent water sources and non-point sources of pollution had affected the
that makes the ocean and seas as the marine water and quality of the water bodies that makes it polluted. There are
surface water such as freshwater that is in the form of river, various practices of river pollution monitoring and control
lakes and wetlands (Botkin& Keller, 2011). According to systems that requires the collaboration of different expertise
Tyokumber, Okorie, and Ugwumba (2002), the major of discipline in order to address the river pollution as a
sources of water for domestic, agricultural, transportation, global problem.
electrical power generation, recreation and industrial uses is
Apparently, anthropogenic activities had tremendously
the freshwater bodies. Freshwater ecosystems support
altered the inland aquatic ecosystems with the incessant
various species of flora and faunaon its diverse habitats. On
land conversion, sand and gravel extraction, and
the other hand, rivers as freshwater body are the most
indiscriminate disposal of any forms of wastes such as
natural resources for human consumption and development.
sewage, agricultural and industrial wastes into the bodies of
Essentially, freshwater ecosystem provide various
water. Thus, it is necessary to periodically assess the water
ecosystem services such as primary sources of freshwater
quality and evaluate its ecological, human, and economics
for domestic and agriculture consumption, transportation,
impacts so that effective measures can be imposed to
industrial, and recreational purposes. Due to the presence of
mitigate the problems (Mishra, Mukherjee, &Tripathi, 2009).
pollutants and pollution that make the organisms vulnerable
Subsequently, toxic compounds that made by humans had
in their natural habitat the quality of life those organisms are
causes the degradation of the water quality as to its physical,
being affected.
chemical, or biological characteristics which absolutely
However, as reported by Joshi, Kumar, and Agrawal (2009), incurred with magnitude environmental risk to both surface
pollution of a river instantaneously affects the water quality and groundwater bodies. Furthermore, Idowo, Oluremi, and
and exhaustively destroys the entire ecosystem as food web Odubabawo (2011) cited that water resources quantity and
has been significantly disrupted. Apparently, both point quality are being affected by the anthropogenic activities.
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD38775 | Volume – 5 | Issue – 3 | March-April 2021 Page 199
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
As stressed by Bengao, Cababat, Anacin, Azarcon, Janeo, and METHODOLOGY
Lubrica (2015), the problem on water pollution is apparent Research Design
worldwide and has been alarming for decades because of its The study primarily aimed to assess the biophysical
effects on humans, animals and plants. Water pollution characteristics and the anthropogenic activities in San Roque
affects the entire ecological system that poses threats to River, Northern Samar. With this, descriptive research
organisms in the aquatic environment and health risks to the design was employed by the researcher. Descriptive
living organisms on the biosphere. When these water research is a design that describes the prevailing conditions
sources are polluted and intertwined with poor sanitation for the purpose of description and identification of trends
and unhygienic practices, waterborne as well as water- and relationships among variables being studied (Aggarwal,
related diseases become prevalent. Consequently, water is 2008).
known as a crucial natural resource in the Philippines. The
The study had assess the characteristics of San Roque River
demand for clean water is growing because of the rapid
in terms of physical characteristics that include the average
population explosion, demands of improving the living
temperature, average pH, total suspended solids (TSS), total
standards of life, and the requirement in attaining economic
dissolved solids (TDS), turbidity, and electrical conductivity
development. While abundant water resources are almost
(EC). Likewise, biochemical characteristics were also
omnipresent in the country, the threat of contamination and
analyzed such as total coliform, fecal coliform, biological
pollution makes our waters limited and unusable.
oxygen demand (BOD), dissolved oxygen (DO), and salinity.
The National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB) Then, anthropogenic activities of the community living along
presented in their report that 16%of the households in the the riparian zone of San Roque River in terms of domestic
Philippine were unable to access clean and potable water for practices, fishing practices, farming practices, quarrying
their daily needs. This untoward circumstance is still activities, and recreational activities were also determined in
expected to worsen in the future because of the incessant the study. Additionally, significant relationship and the
increase of population in the country. The occurrence of the differences on the characterization of water in San Roque
declined water supply is caused by resource River during high tide and low tide as well as with the DENR
mismanagement and misuse over the years. As reported in standards were measured. Lastly, with the use of the DENR
the Senate Economic Planning Office (2011), the predicted standards on water quality the river was identifiedas to its
decline is supported by the National Water Resources Board classification.
(NWRB) and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
Locale and Time of the Study
by positing that Philippines and its major cities will be
The study was conducted in San Roque, Northern Samar. The
incessantly facing shortage of water supply by 2025.
Municipality of San Roque is a coastal municipality that is
On the other hand, the municipality of San Roque in the strategically located in the Northern part of the province.
province of Northern Samar has a pristine river in which The municipality of San Roque is situated between the
community, family, and children are enjoying the natural latitude of 120 32’ 43” and longitude of 1240 52’ 34” East,
beauty of the river. In the past, the water was clear and safe bounded on the North by limits of the municipal water of San
for swimming, and other domestic purposes. Some are Roque, on the North East in straight line from the seashore of
fetching the water that is used for cooking. There are various Barangay Dale, Pambujan, Northern Samar. It has a total land
aquatic freshwater fishes, crustaceans and other bivalves area of 18, 771.99 hectares.
that can be harvested from the river as source for food for
The municipality comprises about 5.08% of the total land
human consumption and livelihood means. The river was not
area of the Province of Northern Samar. The major natural
so wide and deep unlike this time that the geophysical
resources of San Roque includes forest, springs, wildlife,
characteristics of the river were quite far from its previous
mangrove forest, river system, and vast agricultural lands. It
condition. Lots of people considered the river as very much
has sixteen (16) barangays that composed of 30, 580 total
useful and safe for use. However, as time went by, the
population as of 2015census. Moreover, the San Roque,
condition of the river is deteriorating and it is believed that it
Northern Samar is classified as fourth class municipality
is due to human activities that lead to the destruction of the
(CLUP, 2017).
river condition today.
Specifically, the study has three (3) sampling sites namely:
With this situation, it motivated the researcher to conduct a
Site 1 – San RoquePoblacion (downstream); Site 2 – Brgy.
study on the characterization and anthropogenic activities of
Bantayan (midstream); and Site 3 – Malobago (upstream).
San Roque River, Northern Samar. Furthermore, this study
The map of San Roque, Northern Samar is shown in Figure 1
aimed to awaken the local government of the municipality to
which also indicates the three (3) sampling sites of the study.
cope up with policy on the restoration and management of
The study was conducted from January to April 2019.
the river. The quality of river and its water is an indication of
a healthy watershed area in the locality. Thus, researcher Sampling Procedures
was prompted to conduct this study on “biophysical The researchers utilized two (2) sampling procedures in this
characteristics and anthropogenic activities in San Roque study. First, the sampling techniques that were used in
River, Northern Samar”. Specifically, it determines the collecting water samples that were used for water analysis.
following research objectives, (1) evaluate the physical and Then, the second sampling procedure was used in choosing
biochemical characteristics of San Roque River; (2) the respondents.
determine the significant difference on the characteristics of
The water quality of San Roque River was assessed through
water in San Roque River; (3) determine the anthropogenic
laboratory analysis. Preparation for the field work started by
activities of the community living along the riparian zone;
thoroughly washing, drying, and labelling all sampling
and (4) identify the classification of San Roque River based
containers which is the 1.5 L PET bottles. A three (3) liters of
on the standards set by the Department of Environmental
water samples were taken from its sampling site using the
and Natural Resources (DENR).
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD38775 | Volume – 5 | Issue – 3 | March-April 2021 Page 200
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
grab sampling technique. There were three (3) water questionnaire was checked and validated for its validity and
samples were grabbed in each sampling site. The researcher reliability as to its contents. Then, comments and
laid a six (6) meter transect lines perpendicular to the suggestions given by the evaluators were addressed by the
riverbank that is divided into three (3) parts (0, 3, 6) meters researchers for the refinement of the tool.
representing the three (3) sub-sites in each of the site. The
Data Gathering Procedure
parameters for the water quality was tested by adopting the
The researchers observed proper protocol and
procedure and s prescribed guidelines of EMB-DENR
communication process in the conduct of this study and its
Monitoring Manual Volume 1 on the Ambient Water Quality
data gathering. Initially, a permission letter was sent to the
Monitoring (EMB-DENR, 2008). Then, the water samples
Local Government Unit of San Roque Municipality and the
were used for physical, chemical and microbiological
barangay officials where the three (3) sampling areas are
analysis that were analyzed in the Regional Laboratory of
situated to ask permission that the researcher be allowed to
DOST, Palo, Leyte.
conduct the study. Moreover, the researchers also asked
Moreover, the study employed a purposively sampling assistance from the Community Environment and Natural
techniques as sampling procedure in determining the Resource Office (CENRO) Pambujan to help him in doing the
respondents of the study. Purposive sampling techniques in-situ measurement and in collecting water samples from
was used because the researcher intentionally choose the San Roque River.
barangay officials and household members that are living
The researchers collected water samples from the river
along the river as respondents of the study. The chosen and
through grab method using the DENR suggested sampling
identified respondents had answered the checklists on the
technique as prescribed in the EMB-DENR Monitoring
anthropogenic activities of community living along San
Manual Volume 1 on the Ambient Water Quality Monitoring.
Roque River in terms of domestic practices, fishing practices,
Then, the water samples were sent to DOST Regional
farming practices, quarrying activities, and recreational
Laboratory in Palo, Leyte to analyze the water quality of San
Roque River in terms of physical and biochemical
Instrumentation and Validation of Instruments characteristics. On the other hand, the researchers through a
A checklist questionnaire type was used in the study to checklist questionnaire gathered data on determining the
determine the different activities of the community living different activities of the community living within the
within the riparian zone of San Roque River. The activities riparian zone of San Roque River. This tool was answered by
would include the domestic practices, fishing activities, the barangay officials and selected residents along the river.
farming activities, quarrying activities, and recreational Then, all data were gathered, tallied, recorded and treated
activities. The purposively chosen and identified barangay and analyzed the gathered data with the use of SPSS.
officials and household members that are living along the
Statistical Treatment
river have answered the checklist tool of the study.
Descriptive statistics was employed to describe the physical
Respondents have answered the indicators on the checklist
and biochemical characteristics of water quality in San
by Yes or No. The checklist tool was adopted from the study
Roque River. Then, t-test for independent samples was
of Perez, Hara, and Cabrestante (2017) and slight
utilized to measure the significant difference of the water
modification to localize the checklist’s indicators appropriate
characteristics of San Roque River in during high and low
to the research environment.
tides, high tide and the standards, and low tide and the
The checklist questionnaire as one of the tools used by standards. While, frequency and rank were to describe the
researcher in the data gathering was adopted from Perez, anthropogenic activities of the community living along the
Hara, and Cabrestante (2017). Subsequently, the checklist riparian zone of San Roque River.
High and Low Tides Characteristics of San Roque River, Northern Samar
Table 1 and Table 2 presents the characteristics of San Roque River, Northern Samar during high and low tides in terms of
physical characteristics and biochemical characteristics. The physical characteristics of the water in San Roque Rive is
presented in Table 1.
Table 1.Physical Characteristics of San Roque River During High and Low Tides
Downstream Midstream Upstream Mean Permissi-ble
Parameters Units High Low High Low High High Low
Limits (DAO 1990-
Tide Tide Tide Tide Tide Tide Tide Remarks
°C 28.00 28.50 28.00 28.00 27.00 26.30 27.67 27.60 27 - 30 Within
Average pH pH 7.21 7.50 7.00 6.65 6.75 6.85 6.99 7.00 6.5 - 8.5 Within
Total Suspended
mg/L 19.00 10.50 10.5 14.5 8.00 6.00 12.50 10.33 < 25 Within
Total Dissolved
mg/L 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ≤ 500 Within
Turbidity FAU 4.00 4.00 4.00 5.00 5.67 6.00 4.56 5.00 ≤5 Within
µS/cm 38,250 50,050 18,830 24,800 243 246 19,108 25,032 ≤ 1, 500 Beyond
Average Temperature: As shown in the table above, water temperature of the water in the three (3) sampling stations ranges
from 27 0C to 28 0C during the high tide of the river, while, during the low tide the water temperature ranges from 26.30 0C to
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD38775 | Volume – 5 | Issue – 3 | March-April 2021 Page 201
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
28.50 0C. Then, the mean water temperature of the river during the high tide is 27.67 0C, while, during the low tide its water
temperature is 27.60 0C. Looking into the water temperature of the river in both high and low tides, the water temperatures are
within the permissible limit set by the DAO 1990-34 which falls within the water temperature of 27 to 30 0C. The findingsof this
study is similar to that of Kumar, Karthik, and Rajakumar (2017). According to them, the optimum water temperature for
aquatic life forms in the river for their survival should be 20-300C in the sense that water temperature is an important
biologically significant factor for metabolic activities of the organism in the water bodies.
Average pH: The pH level of the water during the high tide ranges from 6.75 to 7.21 while, during low tide water measured
with 6.85 to 7.5 pH. Then, the mean pH of river water is 6.99 during high tide and 7.00 pH during low tide. The measurements
of the pH levels in San Roque is within the standards of 6.5 to 8.5 levels as set by the DENR. This result justified the findings of
the Fifield (1995) and Arbotanteet. al (201), stated that the acceptable and safe pH for water is at 6.5-8.5. Outside of this range,
water productivity becomes limited.
Total Suspended Solids (TSS): As reflected in Table 1, the TSS across the three (3) sampling stations of San Roque River
ranges from 6 mg/L to 19 mg/L. However, the TSS of the water during high tide is higher than the low tide TSS level.
Nevertheless, the TSS of the river water is within the range of the permissible limit of ≤ 25 mg/L, it only concludes that the
water quality of San Roque River is still good. This implies that San Roque River is free from suspended particulates that
pollutes the river. This condition of the river is advantageous and favourable for the aquatic organisms to survive in the river
because is its free from pollution. The same results is observed in the study of Angagao, Quiao, Roa and Prado (2017), divulged
that the obtained TSS is within the DENR-EMBstandard, it means that aquatic life within the river is in good environment.
Total Dissolved Solids (TDS): Table 1 shows that across the three (3) sampling stations in SanRoque River that even in high
and low tide, there is no trace of TDS analyzed in the water. This means that the water is still clean and free from minute
particles that came from the decaying organic matters or from siltation in the river. This also concludes that San Roque River
had absolutely passed in terms of TDS from the standard set by DENR of ≤ 500 mg/L. It implies that the river is still in good
condition and it has good water quality in terms of TDS which is too favourable for the survival of the aquatic life forms living in
the river and an indicator of good condition of the river ecosystem. This findings is similar to the study of Sinco, Senaydiego,
Saab, Mojico, Tampus, and Rondez (2014), which the Cagayan de Oro River in terms of TDS is within the permissible limit of the
DENR. They also added that the TDS concentration in the river and its tributaries may be caused by several factors. The
presence of high concentration of dissolved ions in freshwater bodies is not merely an indication that the water is polluted or
has an unhealthy condition.
Turbidity: As reflected Table 1, the turbidity of the downstream and midstream obtained a measurement of ranges from 4.00
to 5.00 FAU during high and low tides which is within the permissible limit of ≤ 5 FAU of the DENR. However, the upstream of
the river has a turbidity of 5.67 FAU during high tide and 6.00 FAU during low tide. The data shows that the water is
downstream and midstream is very clear as compared the less turbid water in upstream station. Then, the mean turbidity level
of San Roque River is 4.56 FAU on high tide and during low tide is 5.00 FAU.
This means that generally the turbidity of the river is still passed or within the standard of ≤ 5 FAU. The present study has
similar result to the study of Bengao, Cababat, Anacin, Azarcon, Janeo, and Lubrica (2015) stated that the turbidity in St. Joseph
Waterways in Balilir River were within the standard as it is showed with overall turbidity level of 3.3 FAU. This means the
water are transparent and clear.
Electrical Conductivity: Among the three (3) stations, downstream station obtains the highest electrical conductivity during
high tide (38, 250 µS/cm) and low tide (50, 050 µS/cm), while, upstream has the lowest electrical conductivity of 243 µS/cm
during high tide and 246 µS/cm during low tide. Then, the mean electrical conductivity level of San Roque River is 19, 108
µS/cm during high tide and 25, 032 µS/cm on its low tide. The data shows that the electrical conductivity of San Roque River
exceeded the standard limit of ≤ 1, 500 µS/cm. The electrical conductivity in water is used evaluate the purity of water which is
independent on the ionic concentration and water temperature. It is also regarded as an indication of its freshness of water
body which is necessary for primarily productivity and fish production (Sandoval, Cada, Labana, &Dungca, 2017). They stressed
that the desirable limit for electrical conductivity of water should fall between 200-1500 µS/cm, in which the present study had
a finding which is the same with the Sandoval’s study.
Table 2 presents the biochemical characteristics during high and low tides.
Table 2.Biochemical Characteristics of San Roque River During High and Low Tides Total Coliforms
Downstream Midstream Upstream Mean Permissi-ble
Parame- Limit
Units High Low High Low High Low High Low Remarks
Ters (DAO 1990
Tide Tide Tide Tide Tide Tide Tide Tide
Total Coliform 54,000 160,000 4,600 35,000 330 330 19,643 65,110 5,000 Beyond
100 ml
Fecal Coliform 7,900 160,000 1,700 4,900 330 9.3 3,310 54,970
100 ml 200 Beyond
Biological Oxygen
mg/L 2.37 2.05 3.57 3.77 1.34 1.46 2.43 1.46 ≤10.00 Within
Demand (BOD)
Dissolved Oxygen
mg/L 8.49 7.86 8.01 8.37 8.33 8.21 8.28 8.15 ≥ 5.00 Within
Salinity ‰ 27.00 36.00 14.00 17.00 1.00 1.00 14.00 18.00 ≤ 1.00 Beyond
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD38775 | Volume – 5 | Issue – 3 | March-April 2021 Page 202
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Among the three (3) sampling stations in San Roque River, downstream station obtains the highest total coliforms during high
tide (54, 000 MPN/ 100 mL) and low tide (160,000 MPN/100 mL), while, upstream has the lowest total coliforms of 330
MPN/100 mL in both high and low tides. Then, the mean total coliforms level of San Roque River is 19, 643 MPN/100 mL
during high tide and 65,110 MPN/100 mL on its low tide. The data suggests that the total coliforms level of San Roque River
exceeds beyond to the permissible limit of ≤ 5,000 MPN/100 mL. This suggests that the river is contaminated with bacteria are
derived from the different decaying organic sources. The result of the similar to the findings of the Bengao, Cababat, Anacin,
Azarcon, Janeo, and Lubrica (2015). According to their study, the St. Joseph Waterways exceeded the permissible limit of total
coliforms in the water which is the same with the present study. They further explained that contamination of coli forms
aredeemed determining factor of the cleanliness of the water bodies and it’s associated to health issues. This explains that the
presence of high coliform counts in the water would result to various forms of diseases.
Fecal Coliforms; The same observation has been noted on the fecal coliforms of the water in San Roque River to its total
coliforms. As shown on the table above, the downstream station of the river measures with the highest fecal coliforms
contamination in both high tide (7,900 MPN/100 mL) and low tide (160,000 MPN/100 mL). While, the upstream station
obtains with the lowest fecal coliforms counts with 330 MPN/100 mL during high tide and 9.3 on its low tide. The data also
suggests that it is most of the time during low tide the fecal coliforms peaks on high contamination. It concludes that the
fecalcoliforms of the water in San Roque River is beyond the permissible limit of 200 MPN/100 mL. The result of the study is
still the same with the findings of the the Bengao, Cababat, Anacin, Azarcon, Janeo, and Lubrica (2015). Accordingly, the high
prevalence of animal and human manures in the water bodies would make the water bodies contaminated and hazardous to
health of both human and animal.
Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD): As to the BOD of the river, all the sampling stations have obtained the BOD level of lower
than the permissible limit of ≤10.00 mg/L in both high tide and low tide condition of the river. This means that BOD level of San
Roque River is within the standards of DENR. Similarly, the Balili River had a BOD which was within the standard too as studies
by Bengao, Cababat, Anacin, Azarcon, Janeo, and Lubrica (2015) and Ugwu and Wakana (2012). Similar to the observation of
Ugwu and Wakawa (2012), the researchers had also advanced that the rationale for measuring BOD is based on the idea that
the depletion of oxygen occurs faster when there is a greater demand, hence, posing a lesser availability of the oxygen for the
maintenance of aquatic life. The data denotes that the higher the BOD in the water bodies there are less aquatic life forms
survived on it.
Dissolved Oxygen (DO): Table 2 reflects that the three (3) sampling stations in San Roque River have recorded a dissolved
oxygen ranges from 7.86 mg/L to 8.49 mg/L in both high and low tides. While, it’s mean DO is 8.28 mg/L during high tide and
8.15 mg/L during low tide. The data showed that the DO level of San Roque River is within the 5.00 mg/L standards. The study
of Bengao, Cababat, Anacin, Azarcon, Janeo, and Lubrica (2015) had the same observation with the DO level of San Roque River.
As explained by Bengao, Cababat, Anacin, Azarcon, Janeo, and Lubrica (2015) that the dissolved oxygen (DO) is an essential
characteristics in the water needed for the survival of aquatic life in the river. The presence of high DO level is favourable for
the aquatic life forms in the water bodies in the sense that every organisms needs ample supply of oxygen for their survival.
Salinity: Among the three (3) sampling stations, the downstream station recorded with the highest salinity level of water in
both high tide (27 ‰) and low tide (36 ‰). While, station in the upstream portion has the lowest salinity level for having a
1.00 ‰ in both high and low tides. The data describes that salinity of San Roque River is beyond the standard of a freshwater
that should marked of 1.00 ‰ level. A higher than 1.00 ‰ indicates that the water in San Roque River is considered salty and
mixed with seawater. As stressed in the study of Kumar, Karthik, and Rajakumar (2017) the major driving factor affecting the
water density and growth of aquatic organisms is salinity.
Significance Difference on the Characteristics of Water in San Roque River
Table 3, 4 and 5 present the significant difference in the characterization of water in San Roque River in terms of high and low
tides, high tide and the standards, and low tide and the standards.
Table 3.T-test Result on Significant Difference on the Characteristics of Water in San Roque River between High
Tide and Low Tide
Parameters Mean Difference t-value df p-value
Average Temperature 0.068 0.128ns 6 0.902
Average pH -0.013 -0.061ns 6 0.953
Total Suspended Solids 2.168 0.741ns 6 0.487
Turbidity -0.443 -0.780ns 6 0.465
Electrical Conductivity -5924.250 -0.463ns 6 0.660
Total Coliform -45466.750 -1.250ns 6 0.258
Fecal Coliform -51659.825 -1.389ns 6 0.214
Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) 0.243 0.341ns 6 0.745
Dissolved Oxygen (DO) 0.130 0.891ns 6 0.407
Salinity -4.000 -0.449ns 6 0.669
High Tide and Low Tide: As can be seen in Table 3.1 there is no significant difference on the characteristics of water in San
Roque River between high tide and low tide in terms of the parameters of average temperature (p=0.902), average pH
(p=0.953), TDS (p =0.487), turbidity (p=0.465), EC (p=0.660), total coliforms (p=0.250), fecal coliforms (p=0.214), BOD
(p=0.745), DO (p=0.407), and salinity (p=0.669). This shows that there is no significant difference in the characteristic of water
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD38775 | Volume – 5 | Issue – 3 | March-April 2021 Page 203
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
in San Roque Rive between high tide and low tide. This happens because all the obtained p-values of the parameters were
greater than the level of significance of 0.05.
Table 4 presents the significant difference in the characteristics of water in San Roque River in terms of high tide with low tide,
high tide with the standards, and low tide with the standards
Table 4.T-test Result on Significant Difference on the Characteristics of Water in San Roque River between High
Tide and Standards
Parameters Mean Difference t-value df p-value
Average Temperature -0.833 -3.532* 6 0.039
Average pH -0.513 -5.451** 6 0.002
Total Suspended Solids -37.500 -15.930** 6 0.000
Turbidity -0.443 -1.124ns 6 0.304
Electrical Conductivity 18607.75 2.398ns 6 0.053
Total Coliform 18643.25 1.531ns 6 0.177
Fecal Coliform 3210.00 1.949ns 6 0.099
Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) -2.573 -5.646** 6 0.001
Dissolved Oxygen (DO) 3.278 32.847** 6 0.000
Salinity 13.000 2.449ns 6 0.050
High Tide and Standards: Among the parameters being computed on the significant differences between the high tide and
standards, five (5) of these parameters have shown highly significant differences namely: average temperature (p=0.039),
average pH (p=0.002), total suspended solids (p=0.000), BOD (p=0.0010), and DO (p=0.000). While, turbidity, EC, total
coliforms, fecal coliforms, and salinity have shown no significant differences between the high tide and standards. It means that
the water parameters in terms of average temperature, average pH, TSS, BOD, and DO have shown significant difference
between the high tide and standards because those parameters have passed with the standards unlike the other parameters
that they failed from the standards set by the DENR.
Table 5 shows the significant difference on the characteristics of water in San Roque River between low tide and standards.
Table 5.T-test Result on Significant Difference on the Characteristics of Water in San Roque River between Low
Tide and Standards
Parameters Mean Difference t-value df p-value
Average Temperature -0.900 -1.912ns 6 0.104
Average pH -0.500* -2.756* 6 0.033
Total Suspended Solids -39.668 22.849** 6 0.000
Turbidity 0.000 0.000ns 6 1.000
Electrical Conductivity 24532.000 2.413ns 6 0.052
Total Coliform 64110.000 1.870ns 6 0.111
Fecal Coliform 54869.825 1.477ns 6 0.190
Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) -2.815 -5.153** 6 0.002
Dissolved Oxygen (DO) 3.148 29.557** 6 0.000
Salinity 17.000 2.377ns 6 0.055
Low Tide and Standards: Table 5 discloses that among the parameters tested for significant differences on the characteristics
of water in San Roque River between low tide and standards, its only total suspended solids (p=0.000), BOD (p=0.002) and DO
(p=0.000) have shown highly significant difference, and average pH (p=0.033) has shown significant difference; hence their
computed p-values were less than 0.01 and 0.05, respectively. While, average temperature, turbidity, EC, total coliform, fecal
coliform, and salinity levels have shown no significant differences between low tide and standards. The data concludes that
during low tide average pH, TSS, BOD, and DO measurements are within the standards measurement, unlike with the other
parameters wherein they failed from the DENR standards. This implies that these even during low tide, those water parameters
of San Roque River in terms of average pH, TSS, BOD, and DO measurements have passed with the standards set by DENR.
Anthropogenic Activities of the Community Living
Along the Riparian Zone of San Roque River
Table 6 presents the anthropogenic activities of the community living along the riparian zone of San Roque River in terms of
domestic practices, fishing practices, farming practices, quarrying activities, and recreational activities.
Domestic Practices: As can be glimpsed from Table 6 as to domestic practices of the community living along the riparian zone
of San Roque River, the topmost practices that are practiced by the community are “disposes laundry water into the water body
of the river” and “builds pig pens along the river banks”. While, the activities that was not practiced by the people are “disposes
sewage wastes from septic tank directly into the river” and “throws kitchen wastes directly into river from their sink”. This
means that most of the people living along the riparian zone of San Roque River are aware that can affect or destroy the river
caused by the human activities. That is why, most of their domestic activities are not detrimental to the river and on its water
Fishing Practices: Most of the respondents have identified their topmost fishing practices that they practiced along San Roque
River are “uses fine fish net in fishing” and “involves in unregulated fishing and harvesting of “bebe”. While, the topmost fishing
practices that the community that they are not practicing are “uses toxic chemicals in catching fish” and “leaves unused fishing
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD38775 | Volume – 5 | Issue – 3 | March-April 2021 Page 204
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
gears and disorder fishing materials in the river and along the river banks”. The data suggests that fishermen have fishing
practices that are not so much destructive to the river and to its water quality.
Table 6.Frequency and Rank Distribution on the Anthropogenic Activities of the Community Living Along Riparian
Zone of San Roque River
Yes Rank No Rank
Domestic Practices
Disposes sewage wastes from septic tank directly into the river. 4 4.5 36 1
Throws kitchen wastes directly into river from their sink. 3 6 37 2
Dumps garbage and solid wastes directly into river. 0 7 40 3.5
Build poultry houses along the river banks. 8 1.5 32 3.5
Encroaches of houses into the river banks. 7 3 33 5
Builds pig pens along the river banks. 8 1.5 32 6.5
Disposes laundry water into the water body of the river. 4 4.5 36 6.5
Fishing Practices
Uses toxic chemicals in catching fish. 8 1 32 1
Leaves unused fishing gears and disorder fishing materials in the river and along the river banks. 0 5 40 2
Involves in unregulated fishing ad harvesting of fish in the river. 5 3 35 3
Involves in unregulated fishing ad harvesting of “bebe” and other aquatic resources in the river. 7 2 33 4
Uses fine fish net in fishing 1 4 39 5
Farming Practices
Dumps agricultural wastes into the river. 4 6 36 1
Makes agricultural production within the riparian zone of the river. 5 5 35 2
Makes animal production within the riparian zone of the river. 7 3 33 4
Uses synthetic fertilizers and pesticides in the agricultural production. 6 4 34 3
Exhibits land tilling that indirectly destroys the natural condition of river and riverbank. 10 2 30 5
Makes the mouth and river banks as the outlet of the farm irrigation. 13 1 27 6
Quarrying Activities
Involves in indiscriminate quarrying of both sand and gravel along the river. 13 4 27 1
Involves in indiscriminate quarrying of gravel along the river. 11 5 29 2
Involves in indiscriminate quarrying of sand along the river 9 6 31 3
Absence of municipal policy on the regulation of quarrying in the river. 17 2.5 23 4.5
Presence of soil erosion along the river bank that resulted from quarrying in the river. 17 2.5 23 4.5
Presence of poor water quality in the river due to quarrying. 18 1 22 6
Recreational Activities
Uses river for scuba diving and snorkelling. 25 1 15 1.5
Build up resort/s along the river for recreational activities. 13 2 27 1.5
Uses river for sight-seeing along the river bank. 6 3 34 3
Uses river for boating and sight-seeing. 1 4.5 39 4
Uses river for swimming and bathing. 1 4.5 39 5
Farming Practices: Most of the respondents have identified there are quarrying activities that are happening along San
their topmost farming practices along the San Roque River Roque River that resulted to soil erosion along the river
that are practiced and not practiced. The farming practices banks of the San Roque River.
that are practiced by the community along the river are “)
Recreational Activities: Among the recreational activities
makes the mouth and the river banks as the outlet of the
that re practiced by the community living along the river are
farm irrigation” and “exhibits land tilling that directly
“uses river for swimming and bathing” and “uses river for
destroys the natural condition of river and riverbank”. On
boating and sight-seeing”. While, the recreational activities
the other hand, the farming practices that the community
that are not practiced by the respondents along the river are
that are not practiced are “dumps agricultural wastes into
“uses river for scuba diving and snorkeling” and “build up
the river” and “makes agricultural production within the
resorts along the river for recreational activities”. The data
riparian zone of the river”. The data suggests that most of the
suggests that the recreational activities of the community
community have farming practices that are not destructing
living along the riparian zone of San Roque are mostly
to the river.
swimming, bathing, boating and sight-seeing. This also
Quarrying Activities: The topmost quarrying activities that implies that community are not doing other recreational
are practiced by the community living along the San Roque activities that can adversely disturb and destroy the
are “presence of poor water quality in the river due to condition of San Roque River.
quarrying” and “presence of soil erosion along the river bank
Classification of San Roque River Based on the Standards
that resulted from quarrying in the river”. While the
Set by DENR
quarrying activities that are not practiced by them are
The physical and biochemical characteristics such as average
“involves in indiscriminate quarrying of both sand and
temperature, average pH, TSS, TDS, turbidity, BOD, and DO
gravel along the river” and “involves in indiscriminate
were within the standards level of the DENR. With this, the
quarrying of gravel along the river”. The data concludes that
San Roque River can be classified as Class A. As stipulated in
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD38775 | Volume – 5 | Issue – 3 | March-April 2021 Page 205
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
DAO 1990-34, Class A River is considered as Public Water 2. The LGU through their municipal health office together
Supply Class II. This water sample requires extensive with the barangay council should survey on the different
treatment process to pass the set standard for drinking. household that have no comfort rooms and septic tanks
and they should distribute toilet bowls to those
However, in terms of total coliforms and fecal coliforms
households that have no comfort rooms. Then, they can
contamination of the water in San Roque River these
also established communal comfort rooms in each
parameters are beyond the DENR standards of 5,000
barangay to avoid direct disposal of effluents into the
MPN/100 mL and 200 MPN/100 mL, respectively. This
river. However, the municipal and barangay officials
means that in terms of coliform indicators the San Roque
should imposed strict evaluation and monitoring on the
River failed from the standards. Consequently, the San Roque
sanitation aspect on the use of the communal comfort
River falls under the classification of Class D. According to
DENR AO No. 94 of 1990, Class D river is a water resource
3. The barangay living along the river through their
which is not recommended for any domestic uses for it poses
barangay officials should monitor the water quality of
health risk to humans. This classification of surface water is
the river and they institute a monitoring team to do the
only intended for agricultural uses and industrial uses.
regular monitoring activities. Likewise, the barangay
Lastly, after assessing the water quality of San Roque River council should craft and impose barangay ordinances
as to its overall characterization it is considered classified as that would enforce the community to protect, preserve,
Class D river. This is due to the high contamination of fecal protect and maintain the good condition of the river
and total coliforms present in the water. This concludes that 4. The Community Environment and Natural Resources
people are not advised to swim, bath and use the river as Office (CENRO) of the DENR in the municipality of San
their drinking source. Thus, reduction of fecal and total Roque should conduct a symposium and seminar to the
coliform should be addressed so that the potential uses of constituents of the different barangays along the river
the river will be maximized. on various environmental laws and policies like the
proper management of solid and liquid wastes disposal.
5. The municipal and barangay officials should initiate in
The San Roque River is a potential water source of the
organizing people’s organization that would become
municipality of the San Roque as based on the laboratory
their arms in implementing programs, projects, and
analysis of the physical characteristics, however, it is highly
activities relevant to the preservation, conservation, and
contaminated with the coliforms that delimits the usability
management of San Roque River.
of the water in the river for domestic uses. But then, the river
6. The future researchers will conduct further similar
is still favorable to the survival of aquatic life forms,
study on this kind of research focusing on the
agricultural and industrial uses of the river. On the other
characterization of the river and its water quality using
hand, the characteristics of the water in San Roque River are
the longitudinal study.
the equally the same in both high and low tides. Moreover,
during high tide only temperature, pH, TSS, BOD and DO ACKNOWLEDGMENT
conformed to the DENR standards, while on low tides, only The researchers would like to extend their heartfelt thanks
pH, TSS, BOD, and DO conformed to the standards of the to the personnel of Pambujan Provincial Environment and
DENR. While, other water parameters have changed during Natural Resource Office (PENRO) for the assistance in the
high tide and low tide as compared it with the DENR fieldwork of the study. Likewise, to the respondents who
standards. gave their time and cooperation in the conduct of study.
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