GPR Digital All Pages Singles RGB FNL9
GPR Digital All Pages Singles RGB FNL9
GPR Digital All Pages Singles RGB FNL9
2020 changed our world and how we interact within it more than any other year in
recent history. For the first time, no matter where we were, we experienced something
together. We’ve experienced emotional lows and hoped for our future. We’ve had
to alter our daily habits and adjust future engagements. We’ve learned about new
technology and services that help us deal with being at home more often.
We’re connected by more than just commerce. We’re connected
by a shared experience. That has inevitably altered our connections
to commerce.
We’ve seen the rapid change that can occur in a digital world.
Payment options are frequently evolving and competition over
payment market share continues to increase. We’ll help you create
smarter customer experiences by helping you understand which
payment methods are popular and which new ones are on the rise.
Rebuilding our economies and businesses lies with all of us. It starts
with understanding where change occurred and applying those insights
to create the smarter checkout experiences consumers have come to
expect. While there wasn’t a guidebook for navigating a pandemic, we
can give you a solid, smarter payments roadmap to the future.
directly from a consumer’s bank account on a specified date after the
purchase. Most popular in Europe where it earned 4% of share, direct
debit was used for 1.2% of global e-commerce payments in 2020.
Cash transaction values fell steeply around the world in 2020: by 21.9%
in North America, 33.6% in Europe, 34.7% in Latin America and 36.6%
in APAC. Cash has fallen to historically low usage around the world,
representing only 5.4% of POS transaction volume in Canada, 4.5% in
Norway, 11.9% in the U.S. and less than 10% in markets as diverse as
Australia, Hong Kong and Sweden.
Mobile wallets gained much of cash’s share loss at the point of sale,
rising 19.5% over 2019 to represent 25.7% of 2020 POS transactions.
The pandemic ushered in a wave of interest in contactless payment
methods, accelerating already growing interest in mobile wallets.
Credit cards (22.4%) and debit cards (22.3%) continue to earn majority
shares of POS payments in Europe, Latin America and North America,
while seeing comparatively less use in APAC and MEA.
Looking ahead to 2024, we expect the trend away from cash to continue
as consumers cement their preferences of more convenient, contactless
payment methods at the point of sale. While accelerating cash’s decline,
we do not expect a significant cash bounce-back – regardless of COVID-
19’s ultimate trajectory. We project cash will decline an additional 38%
from 2020 to represent just 12.7% of global POS volume by 2024.
*Percentage changes are calculated as rates of change rather than raw changes in percentages year-over-year
At the POS,
cash dropped
in the last year 8
Global e-com payment methods
2020 2024*
Digital/Mobile Wallet 44.5% 51.7%
Credit Card 22.8% 20.8%
Debit Card 12.3% 12.0%
Bank Transfer 7.7% 5.3%
Cash on Delivery 3.3% 1.7%
Charge & Deferred Debit Card 3.3% 1.6%
Buy Now Pay Later 2.1% 4.2%
Direct Debit 1.2% 1.0%
Pre-Paid Card 1.1% 0.5%
PostPay 0.9% 0.5%
PrePay 0.4% 0.2%
Other 0.4% 0.4%
Sustained, diverse e-commerce growth European payment methods are diverse, with five different methods ranking
European e-commerce continued to grow through the pandemic, as highest in at least one country surveyed. Digital wallets are the leading
consumers sought to bridge the gaps created by closures of in-person e-commerce payment method in Europe, accounting for 26.4% of payments. 10
Digital wallets are now the leading payment method in the five largest
European e-commerce markets: France, Germany, Russia, Spain and the U.K.
Debit and credit cards both capture nearly 19% of payments for
e-commerce in Europe, contending for a second-place ranking of
European payment preferences. Debit cards are the e-com payment
method of choice in Belgium, Denmark and Ireland, while credit cards
reign in countries as diverse as Norway and Turkey. BNPL is the leading
e-com payment method in Sweden, helping boost the 7.4% share of
regional transaction value for buy now, pay later.
The popularity of BNPL will make the largest gains, nearly doubling its
share by 2024 to account for 13.6% of e-com spend. Advances by digital
wallets and BNPL options will come at the expense of more traditional
payment methods, with charge cards, cash on delivery and pre-paid
Europeans checkout
services seeing steady declines through 2024. online using debit
and credit cards
Cash rapidly declines amid POS contraction
equally at
As was the case globally, European point-of-sale merchants felt the
impact of COVID-19’s economic challenges most directly. 2020 POS
transaction volume fell 10.2% across the region to U.S.$6.76 trillion.
Modest annual growth of 4.2% is forecast for POS transaction volume
through 2024. European POS volumes are expected to expand
sufficiently to regain 2019 levels during 2022.
Cash use declined at the POS in Europe by more than a third (33.6%).
The decline in consumers’ use of cash represents among the most
dramatic payment method shifts in modern times. Cash volumes dropped
by more than half in France (59.6%) and the U.K. (51.1%). Although still
considered a significant drop, Germany saw the least drastic declines,
falling only 12.5% in 2020 to account for 43.5% of POS transaction volume.
Though the greatly accelerated pace of cash’s decline in 2020 was directly
attributable to the pandemic, our forecasts see additional retreats
independent of COVID-19’s path. Europe will see the use of cash declining
9.9% annually through 2024, when it will represent just 15.4% of POS
transaction volume. By 2024, we project cash will capture 15.4% of POS
spend in Europe. Denmark, Sweden and Norway are expected to be nearly
cashless within five years, while above average cash use will persist in
Germany, Italy, Spain and Poland.
New to the 2021 GPR is POS financing. Created to properly capture and
categorize the full range of instant financing options at the point of sale,
POS financing encompasses BNPL, direct merchant financing and other
marketplace solutions. POS financing represented 4.3% of regional
2020 POS volume. Led by Denmark and The Netherlands, POS financing
projects to maintain that share of regional POS spend through 2024.
Denmark, Sweden and
Norway are expected to
Footnote: For 2021, we’ve added additional breadth and detail by breaking out Europe to provide separate in-depth analysis. Previous
Global Payment Reports aggregated Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA). be nearly cashless
within five years 12
Europe e-com payment methods
2020 2024*
Digital/Mobile Wallet 26.4% 29.9%
Credit Card 18.9% 19.0%
Debit Card 18.8% 16.1%
Bank Transfer 13.0% 11.1%
Buy Now Pay Later 7.4% 13.6%
Charge & Deferred Debit Card 4.6% 2.2%
Direct Debit 4.0% 3.7%
Cash on Delivery 3.3% 1.5%
Other 1.2% 1.1%
Pre-Paid Card 1.2% 1.0%
PrePay 1.1% 0.7%
PostPay 0.1% 0.1%
in motion long before 2020, the pandemic greatly accelerated the trend.
2020 witnessed large shifts in POS transactions with cash, dropping from
30.3% in 2019 to 19.2% in 2020, a decline of 36.6%. Sparked by COVID-19,
the accelerated decline in the use of cash in 2020 alone exceeded our pre-
pandemic projections for 2023.
of POS spend by 2024.
in 2020
1NFCW, October 1, 2019. “Japanese government offers discounts to consumers making cashless payments with cards and mobile
APAC e-com payment methods
2020 2024*
Digital/Mobile Wallet 60.2% 65.4%
Credit Card 19.1% 18.1%
Bank Transfer 6.5% 4.1%
Debit Card 5.8% 7.1%
Cash on Delivery 4.1% 2.0%
Pre-Paid Card 1.1% 0.4%
PostPay 1.0% 0.5%
Charge & Deferred Debit Card 0.8% 0.4%
Buy Now Pay Later 0.6% 1.3%
Direct Debit 0.3% 0.3%
Other 0.3% 0.3%
PrePay 0.2% 0.1%
The economies of the Middle East and Africa navigated a tumultuous and As MEA consumers turn to e-commerce, they’re being met by a
recessionary global economy. E-commerce grew as face-to-face businesses sophisticated ecosystem of homegrown e-com services. Nigeria is
shuttered, accelerating fundamental shifts that were underway prior to the emerging as a regional center for digital modernization, host to both
pandemic. A diverse mix of traditional and contemporary payment methods Jumia, a leading pan-African e-commerce platform, and Flutterwave, a
vied for e-com supremacy, while at the point of sale, substantial cracks payment innovator expanding digital opportunities for small businesses.
appeared in the longstanding dominance of cash.
Middle East and African economies included in our analysis were
MEA e-commerce poised for explosive growth experiencing rapid e-com growth prior to COVID-19: 35% CAGR from
The Middle East and Africa (MEA) remain among the last frontiers of under- 2016 through 2020. Yet digital penetration remained low, reflecting early
tapped e-commerce potential. MEA consumers turned to e-commerce stage emerging economies. The necessities of the pandemic proved an
during the pandemic as demand for groceries, household supplies and accelerant for digital adoption, offering a tipping point among previously
reluctant consumers. 18
On the strength of accelerated momentum in 2020, MEA e-commerce is
projected to see 18.8% annual growth through 2024, nearly doubling
from U.S.$55 billion in 2020 to U.S.$109 billion in 2024. Nigeria will
see the fastest growth at 24% and Saudi Arabia the slowest at 8%
CAGR. The UAE and South Africa are expected to grow at 20% and
16%, respectively.
Looking ahead through 2024, we project digital wallets will gain the most
ground, growing 45% to account for over a fifth of e-com spend by 2024.
Those gains will come largely at the expense of COD, which is projected to
lose over 28%. Cards look to maintain their share dominance, with credit
cards making steady gains against other card types and projected to earn
more than a third of e-com payment volume by 2024.
Mobile wallets made the biggest gains in regional POS share, more than
doubling from 3.6% in 2019 to 8.3% in 2020. Consumers in Nigeria and
Saudi Arabia led regional adoption of mobile wallets, each surpassing
10% of share in 2020.
Footnote: For 2021, we’ve added additional breadth and detail by breaking out the Middle East and Africa (MEA) from Europe to provide
more extensive in-depth analysis. MEA covers payment trends spanning Nigeria, Republic of South Africa (RSA), Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
(KSA) and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).
Numbers adjusted for rounding may impact totals. *Forecasted
The payment landscape across North America in 2020 was subject to Digital wallets ride a rising e-commerce wave
dramatic upheavals that mirrored the disruptions of global commerce. 2020 saw significant changes to online commerce. The pandemic shifted
consumer spend from the point of sale to online, projecting e-commerce
The pandemic forced significant change in what we bought and sold, how growth in the face of recessionary headwinds: 19.3% in Canada to reach
those purchases were made, and how goods and services traveled to over U.S.$77 billion and 15.4% in the U.S. to exceed U.S.$1.1 trillion in
their destinations. Pandemic-related disruption propelled e-commerce 2020 e-commerce sales. That growth is expected to continue, with North
to the forefront as remote commerce became the lifeline to an economy American aggregate e-commerce volumes rising 11% CAGR through 2024
disrupted by the need for physical distance. Point-of-sale merchants faced to exceed U.S.$1.78 trillion.
unprecedented challenges as commerce began to change overnight.
E-commerce growth shifted as travel and hospitality spending gave way
Payments provided an anchor of stability amid economic disruption. to online groceries, digital services and a growing array of delivery
The pandemic accelerated the decline in the use of cash while more spend platforms. In payment methods, the historical preference of credit cards
than ever before was driven by digital and mobile wallets. Digital payments showed signs of receding as debit cards, digital wallets and buy now, pay
helped maintain the fast, secure, convenient exchange of funds. later (BNPL) services surged in popularity.
Dropping 7% from 2019, credit cards remained the leading e-commerce
payment method among North American consumers, accounting for
32% of 2020 payments. Credit cards are still the choice for Canadians
shopping online, accounting for 54.9% of 2020 transaction volume,
down from 60% in 2019. Credit cards maintained a slimmer lead in the
U.S. just ahead of mobile/digital wallets, making up 30.4% of 2020 online
payments. The shift away from credit is driven by the pandemic as fears
of a recession and unemployment continue to grow.
Our projections find BNPL poised for explosive growth to jump 181%
from 1.6% in 2020 to 4.5% by 2024. Providers are rapidly expanding into Buy now, pay later
the checkout carts and consumers see BNPL as a safe way to spread out
interest-free payments. Bank transfers, charge cards, cash on delivery
is poised to grow
and other services are expected to decline.
Cash’s decline was absorbed by mobile wallets, prepaid cards and a new
category to our 2020 point of sale analysis: POS financing. Mobile wallets
gained popularity at the point of sale in 2020 as a contactless payment
method, though we expect the growth of mobile wallets at the point of
sale to continue well beyond the pandemic. Mobile wallets surged 60%
in 2020, growing from 6.0% in 2019 to 9.6% of POS spend in 2020.
60% 24
North America e-com payment methods
2020 2024*
Credit Card 32.0% 26.7%
Digital/Mobile Wallet 29.3% 40.5%
Debit Card 20.1% 19.5%
Charge & Deferred Debit Card 7.4% 3.8%
Bank Transfer 5.8% 3.2%
Buy Now Pay Later 1.6% 4.5%
PostPay 0.9% 0.7%
Pre-Paid Card 0.9% 0.2%
Direct Debit 0.8% 0.6%
Cash on Delivery 0.7% 0.1%
PrePay 0.4% 0.1%
Digital wallets and debit cards are the only e-com payment methods
projecting growth through 2024. Credit cards, charge cards, bank
transfers, cash on delivery (COD) and PostPay services will all sustain
gradual declines in share of e-com payments.
Charge cards and prepaid cards each gained a greater foothold in the
region, in each case exceeding 1% of POS spend in 2020 for the first
time. Point of sale financing options tap into a comfort level among
Latin American consumers for installment plans, including marketplace
solutions, buy now, pay later (BNPL) services and merchant finance
offerings. A new category to our analysis this year, point of sale
financing, captured 3.7% of regional POS spend in 2020.
1Matteo Ceurvels, eMarketer, June 17, 2020. “Latin America Ecommerce 2020: How COVID-19 Will Affect Growth and Sales in Argentina,
Brazil and Mexico.”
Latin America e-com payment methods
2020 2024*
Credit Card 36.5% 28.2%
Digital/Mobile Wallet 19.8% 31.2%
Debit Card 16.3% 18.3%
Bank Transfer 9.5% 8.4%
Cash on Delivery 5.5% 4.1%
PostPay 5.4% 3.6%
Charge & Deferred Debit Card 2.6% 1.7%
Pre-Paid Card 1.4% 1.3%
Direct Debit 1.3% 1.1%
Other 0.8% 1.0%
PrePay 0.8% 0.6%
Buy Now Pay Later 0.0% 0.5%
Cash began heading towards obsolescence, contactless payment popularity perceptions about safety persist. More than half (53%) of global consumers
skyrocketed, while business-to-business exchange quickly shed its legacy past. surveyed by Worldpay from FIS said the coronavirus made them more
Technology companies, retailers and institutions from banking to the public hesitant to use cash. The FIS’ annual global real-time payment trends report,
sector are all racing to satisfy a new generation of expectations for commerce Flavors of Fast 2020, recently predicted that traditional payment mechanisms
at vast scale and great speed. like paper checks have also begun their march to a permanent end, as the
pandemic has highlighted how laborious and cumbersome checks and
physical payments, in general, can be.3
The potential sunset of cash will look different around the world,
reflecting unique blends of local regulations, technical infrastructure and
consumer preferences. Sometimes the sunsetting of cash is encouraged,
so ensuring accessibility to commerce for groups like the unbanked
needs to be considered in any plan. As part of the government of Ghana’s
Digital Financial Services (DFS) policy, regulatory efforts seek to reduce
the use of cash by promoting digital payments in the form of mobile
money accounts. Mixed signals are heard in the U.S., where concerns over
Nowhere is that more crucial than retail. Brands have had to completely
rethink how they’re reaching the everyday consumer. The platforms and
technology were already there just waiting for the right time and the
right strategy. 2020 catapulted retailers’ collaboration with influencers in
order to encourage sales. It’s become the ultimate curation experience for
shoppers to get a first-hand look at products that are of interest with a
simple, easy path to purchase.
The need for speed and flexibility in everyday B2B spend is elevating
the profile of virtual cards. Juniper Research estimates global transaction
value of virtual cards increased 11% as a result of COVID-19 to $1.6 trillion
in 2020, while projecting that number will more than triple between
2020 and 2025. 7
fiat currency. In the U.S., the Federal Reserve continued its research into
a U.S. Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), though plan details for the
“Digital Dollar” remain unclear. Meanwhile, NACHA’s ACH network helped
1 Meera Jagannathan, MarketWatch, March 9, 2020. “World Health Organization: ‘We did NOT say that cash was transmitting coronavirus’.”
2 Worldpay from FIS, November 2020. “Generation Pay.”
Buddy Buruku, CGAP (Consultative Group to Assist the Poor), May 21, 2020. “Ghana Launches World’s First Digital Finance Policy Amid
5 Ann Carrns, The New York Times, Sept. 11, 2020.
“Who Gets Hurt When the World Stops Using Cash.”
6 Erin McCune, Glenbrook Partners, July 16, 2020. “COVID-19 Will (Finally!) Force B2B Digital Adoption.”
7 Juniper Research, June 29, 2020. “Virtual Card Adoption Accelerates to Over $5 Trillion in Transaction Value by 2025.”
Brands need
8 Visa, Nov 2, 2020. “A COVID silver lining in Latin America: digital payments surge: E-commerce, contactless and P2P take off in cash-driven
economies during the pandemic.”
smart innovation
9 Andy Mukherjee, Bloomberg, May 23, 2020. “China’s Crypto Is All About Tracing — and Power.”
to propel
10 U.S.
Congressman French Hill, August 13, 2020. “Federal Reserve Reveals Research Plans For Digital Dollar.”
further faster
11 PaymentsJournal, September 17, 2020. “Same Day ACH in 2020: Constant Growth & Continued Improvements.”
12 Philip
Bruno, Olivier Denecker, and Marc Niederkorn, McKinsey, October 1, 2020. “Accelerating winds of change in global payments.”
The digital and the physical were converging long before 2020 as businesses Unifying commerce at (small) scale
strove to create seamless customer experiences across every customer journey. Prior to the pandemic, digital engagement strategies, channel-agnostic
Inspired by the global consumer’s insatiable thirst for convenience, connected payments and flexible delivery methods all sounded great. But for many
via ubiquitous smartphones, businesses were realizing the urgency of digital businesses, development efforts could wait. The pandemic changed that
transformation. equation overnight. Nice-to-haves instantly became must-haves. Adaptability
became a core competency. Embracing digital transformation became a
COVID-19 is accelerating this momentum toward omnichannel experiences matter of survival.
with the pandemic being the ultimate stress test of business resiliency.
Omnichannel approaches were around and well underway prior to 2020
Unification is happening in the digital transformation of physical retail, the but the pandemic propelled them into the forefront of development. Buy
increasing accessibility of digital tools for even the smallest business and the online, pickup in store (BOPIS) – and its variants like order online and pickup
continued convergence of e-commerce and social media. Secure payment curbside, car delivery, or pickup in drive-throughs – were innovations
innovations that transcend channel are helping lay that foundation and bridge popularized by the necessity of the pandemic and will remain conveniences
the future of commerce. 2020 has brought commerce to the tipping point that consumers will continue to embrace. Omnichannel technology levels the
for omnichannel experiences that propel brands forward while satisfying playing field and makes change accessible for a business of any size.
consumer need. 35
Even microbusinesses are embracing digitization in the form of cashless
payments. In Singapore the government’s Hawker Go Digital campaign
incentivizes businesses with sign-on bonuses to encourage greater use
of digital payments that also help protect public health. Hawkers – small
merchants operating in food courts – can use simple Singapore Quick
Response (SGQR) codes to accept payments through the most used
payment schemes. Transformation and technological advances are no
These services brought a variety of items right to our door – coffee pods,
toilet paper, cleaning products and even clothes. Now brands are taking
it one step further and bringing the physical straight to our devices using
artificial intelligence. Shopping is becoming as simple as uploading a photo
and letting AI technology find just the right item to buy.
with media and layers on the fear of missing out with limited-time offers
resulting in big success for brands and influencers.
• U.S.-based Walmart is experimenting with replacing checkout
lanes with checkout areas, making every POS terminal flexible for
self-checkout or assisted checkout. 6
• The U.K.’s largest grocery chain, Tesco, has partnered with Israeli
startup, Trigo, to implement cashier-less checkout technology that
competes with similar offerings from Amazon. 7
declines. Consumers are looking to embrace reward programs more in sync To meet Millennial and Gen Z expectations, brands will need to incorporate
with their current shopping patterns and expectations. the benefits of convenience, immediacy and digital access into their loyalty
programs. Recent research by Worldpay from FIS reveals 42% of Millennials
With the digital technology available in today’s age, can brands migrate to want brands to actively track their spend for them and 47% are encouraged
accepting loyalty points as actual currency? With the transition to digital to join a loyalty program if they can use technology like an app to collect
payments hastened by COVID-19, merchants and consumers alike have the points and rewards. 2
• Sephora Beauty Insiders earn points for each purchase which can
then be redeemed as cash discounts on future purchases
retailer Inkbox offers temporary tattoos, and its loyalty program boasts
over two million members who earn inkbucks for future purchases
and exclusive deals. Even the familiar punch cards offered by small
Transforming loyalty into currency isn’t the only path available. Brands
like Singapore’s CapitaStar and FavePay are providing a single platform
with thousands of deals consumers can choose from. Merchants are
gaining the ability to capture potential new consumers with greater
visibility while giving consumers the digital experience they desire.
In a recent Worldpay from FIS survey, 81% of consumers around the world
stated it would be helpful to have the ability to earn points and redeem
those points at multiple types of retailers. Consumers want the ability to
expand where they use rewards beyond the original retailer where they
were earned. While merchants must decide if this is a good course of
of Millennials want action for their business, it falls to these platforms to bring together the
right mix of brands and the consumers to adopt the program.
brands to actively
track their spend
When evaluating programs, merchants must marry generational
and geographical digital usage trends with appropriate loyalty-as-
currency applications.
As was the case worldwide, the coronavirus pandemic resulted in profound The complexities of Latin American e-commerce
changes to the economy throughout Latin America. International Monetary Latin America is home to a large population of young consumers, a
Fund estimates regional GDP contracted 9.1% in 2020. Though downside
growing middle class and high internet penetration via mobile devices.
risks related to the pandemic remain, a mild recovery of 3.7% growth is Conversely, a diverse and fluid regulatory environment, complex tax
projected for 2021, while the region continues to witness double-digit implications and a unique mix of consumer payment preferences make
annual e-commerce growth. 2
Latin America a challenging market that requires intelligent planning
and experienced partners.
Reaching Latin American consumers requires offering payment
methods they use and trust. That means expanding beyond just popular
global payment methods. Brands will need to really understand local
differences even within different countries. Domestic cards are often
restricted for cross-border purchases that are viewed as involving
greater risk. Cross-border purchases are especially problematic in Brazil
and Argentina where consumers are often heavily surcharged when
using international credit cards.
Consumer preferences for cash in the region arise from a complex web
of factors, starting with a large unbanked and underbanked population.
A lack of access to credit, insufficient banking infrastructure, high rates
of inflation, concerns about fraud and reluctance to pay high fees for
electronic transactions all contribute to the persistence of cash.
The ubiquity of mobile phones makes them the ideal digital passport to
access Latin American consumers. Brazil’s Central Bank is preparing to
further revolutionize payments through PIX, an instant payments platform.
PIX, launched in November 2020, is set to complete transfers and online Digital wallets rose
payments within seconds instead of minutes or hours and will only require
a smartphone. Digital wallets are making online commerce simpler for
many consumers. OXXO Pay and PicPay are just two digital wallets vendors
that encourage consumers to deposit cash to use for online shopping later,
making a formal bank account unnecessary.
in response to
the pandemic 45
Installment payments have a strong history in Latin America. They began
as agreements between consumers and individual retailers to make larger
purchases possible for low-income consumers and those without formal
credit or bank accounts. Whether at the point of sale or online, offering
installment options is essentially mandatory for global companies doing
business in Latin America and will help improve conversion rates and foster
greater loyalty among these consumers.
1 “TheImpact of COVID-19 on Latin America and the Caribbean.” United Nations, July 2020.
2 “Outlook for Latin America and the Caribbean: An Intensifying Pandemic.” IMF, June 26, 2020.
3 Mercado Libre, May 3, 2020. “E-commerce consumer habits evolution in time of COVID-19.”
The pandemic introduced new challenges for commerce around the world. That future of commerce exists all around us – a flexible, resilient,
The ability of societies to optimize health and safety while navigating collaborative, secure digital framework coupled with best practices that
economic upheaval is the central challenge that will define our era. quickly incorporate new ideas and new technologies. The pandemic
beckoned our future faster, summoning tomorrow’s commerce to meet
However, the recovery of commerce after COVID-19 remains promising today’s needs.
through several key advancements:
E-commerce is the essence of commerce
• Commerce that unites digital and physical The story of e-commerce growth during the pandemic goes far beyond
numbers. COVID-19 shifted traditional face-to-face commerce and altered
• Secure digital payments that bridge geography the world of commerce forever.
• Collaborations that are actively crafting tomorrow’s infrastructure Salesforce estimates that global online sales spiked 71% YoY in Q2 2020.
in the present In Brazil, the size of e-commerce nearly doubled during the pandemic, rising
over 98% in April 2020 versus April 2019. In the U.S., a dramatic second
quarter surge saw consumers spend 30.1% more on e-commerce in the first
six months of 2020 over the same period in 2019.3
In India, online penetration is projected to double by 2024 to account
for 11% of all retail. Goldman Sachs estimates compound annual
growth of 81% for online grocery in India through 2024 as the pandemic
accelerated three years of growth in only three months. 5
Consumers are making their voices heard and merchants are meeting
their needs with digital payment options that emphasize safety. Visa’s
2020 Back to Business study found that 78% of consumers worldwide
changed payment methods to reduce contact, while 67% of small
businesses have adopted new payment technologies to keep their
of consumers business on track.8
The World Bank is assisting countries throughout the world with its
GovTech Global Initiative. GovTech promotes simple, accessible and
efficient government though digital transformation. From Albania to
Djibouti, GovTech initiatives promote broadband connectivity, digital ID,
Partnerships are
electronic payments and national data registries to help governments essential to rebuilding
meet the essential needs of citizens. and achieving
COVID-19 changed virtually everything about commerce. Marketers need scale and speed
the ability to pivot quickly and adapt appropriate tone considerations
for the context of their audience. Logistics managers must plan for
unprecedented risks, developing contingencies to withstand disruptions 49
of ever greater depth and scope. New technologies and governmental
regulations change the investments businesses must make to keep
commerce moving forward.
Lucy Handley, CNBC, August 25, 2020, “E-commerce experts on how the industry can capitalize from a coronavirus-led boom in online
2 Angelica Mari, ZDNet, June 1, 2020. “E-commerce sales reach all-time high in Brazil.”
3 U.S. Census Bureau, Department of Commerce, August 18, 2020. “Quarterly Retail E-Commerce Sales, 2nd Quarter 2020.”
4, “COVID-19 Impact on E-Commerce, July 23 -August 5, 2020.”
5 Outlook India, July 21, 2020. “India e-commerce to grow 27%; Reliance to capture half of online grocery sales: Goldman.”
6 Santiago Fernandez, Paul Jenkins, and Benjamim Vieira, McKinsey, July 24, 2020. “Europe’s digital migration during COVID-19: Getting
past the broad trends and averages.”
7 Mastercard, April 20, 2020. “Mastercard study shows consumers moving to contactless payments for everyday purchases as they seek
cleaner, touch-free options.”
Visa, August 4, 2020. “Global Visa Study Finds 67% of Small Businesses and 78% of Consumers Have Adopted New Behaviors to Adjust to
9 Jung Min-kyung, The Korea Herald, Sept 11, 2020. “S. Korea to focus on digital infrastructure investment, ‘Data Dam’ project: minister.” 50
10 The World Bank. “GovTech: Putting people first.”
17% 61% 52
TOP TIP 2019 card brand breakdowns (e-com and POS)
2020 point of sale mix by payment method US$5bn
Cash 37% 2020* 2024**
Debit Card 23% e-com turnover POS
Credit Card 21%
Digital/ Mobile Wallet 11% Desktop
POS Financing 2%
Charge Card 2%
Pre-paid Card 2%
Popular alternative
* Estimated **Forecasted payment methods 53
Numbers adjusted for rounding may impact totals. Bank Transfer
When visiting the land Down Under,
purchasing Tim Tams is a must for any FAST STATS
visitor. Tourists are likely paying with 2020 sales % 2020 sales % 2020 % e-com spend using 2020 % POS spend using
their local payment preferences, but from e-com from m-com Digital/Mobile Wallet Digital/Mobile Wallet
locals have opted to use less cash in
2020 when making purchases in person. 6% 56% 24% 8%
Australians typically prefer to do their
online shopping in the evenings.1 When 2020* - 2024** 2020* - 2024** 2019* Internet 2020* Mobile
checking out, credit cards and mobile/ e-com CAGR POS CAGR penetration penetration
digital wallets continue to be the most
popular and most convenient. 10% 5% 87% 84%
7% 65% 54
TOP TIP 2019 card brand breakdowns (e-com and POS)
Cash on Delivery 2%
PostPay 2% US$54bn
Direct Debit 1%
PrePay 1% US$37bn
Other 1% US$35bn
Pre-paid Card 1%
2020 point of sale mix by payment method 2020* 2024**
9% 36% 56
TOP TIP 2019 card brand breakdowns (e-com and POS)
Popular alternative
* Estimated **Forecasted payment methods 57
Numbers adjusted for rounding may impact totals. Bank Transfer
As the fifth largest country in the world,
Brazil’s borders touch all but two countries FAST STATS
in South America. Similarly, their online 2020 sales % 2020 sales % 2020 % e-com spend using 2020 % POS spend using
payment preferences touch on all options from e-com from m-com Digital/Mobile Wallet Digital/Mobile Wallet
available at checkout. Credit cards remain
the top checkout method but digital/ 5% 51% 17% 8%
mobile wallets, debit cards and PostPay
together make up the majority of other 2020* - 2024** 2020* - 2024** 2020* Internet 2020* Mobile
preferences. 2020 saw a sharp rise in the e-com CAGR POS CAGR penetration penetration
use of digital and mobile wallets at the
point of sale with a decrease in cash as a 12% 4% 71% 66%
way to limit contact at checkout.
2024 %** 2024 %**
sales from e-com sales from m-com
6% 61% 58
TOP TIP 2019 card brand breakdowns (e-com and POS)
2024 %** 2024 %**
sales from e-com sales from m-com
14% 29% 60
TOP TIP 2019 card brand breakdowns (e-com and POS)
2020 point of sale mix by payment method
2020* 2024**
Credit Card 49%
e-com turnover POS
Debit Card 28%
Digital/Mobile Wallet 7% Desktop
Charge Card 6% Mobile
Cash 5%
POS Financing 4%
Pre-paid Card 1%
Popular alternative
* Estimated **Forecasted payment methods 61
Numbers adjusted for rounding may impact totals. Bank Transfer
Home to the largest swimming pool in
the world (holding over 66 million gallons FAST STATS
of water) Chile is also one of the best 2020 sales % 2020 sales % 2020 % e-com spend using 2020 % POS spend using
places in the world for astronomical from e-com from m-com Digital/Mobile Wallet Digital/Mobile Wallet
research due to its arid climate. When
consumers are drifting through the 6% 28% 10% 5%
world of online commerce, cards remain
the dominant choice. At the point of 2020* - 2024** 2020* - 2024** 2020* Internet 2020* Mobile
sale, cash is no longer king due to the e-com CAGR POS CAGR penetration penetration
pandemic. The debit card has inched
ahead as the checkout preference. 17% 5% 78% 75%
2024 %** 2024 %**
sales from e-com sales from m-com
9% 41% 62
TOP TIP 2019 card brand breakdowns (e-com and POS)
US$5bn US$6bn
2020 point of sale mix by payment method 2020* 2024**
2024 %** 2024 %**
sales from e-com sales from m-com
12% 67% 64
TOP TIP 2019 card brand breakdowns (e-com and POS)
Popular alternative
* Estimated **Forecasted payment methods 65
Numbers adjusted for rounding may impact totals. Bank Transfer
As one of the most biodiverse countries
in the world, Colombia is home to Cano FAST STATS
Cristales – the “Liquid Rainbow,” named 2020 sales % 2020 sales % 2020 % e-com spend using 2020 % POS spend using
for the changing of the riverbed colors from e-com from m-com Digital/Mobile Wallet Digital/Mobile Wallet
during parts of the year. Consumer
payment choices are also diverse. 5% 53% 13% 5%
The top 5 online payment preferences
all capture double-digit market share. 2020* - 2024** 2020* - 2024** 2020* Internet 2020* Mobile
Point of sale checkout now splits cash e-com CAGR POS CAGR penetration penetration
and debit cards almost evenly while
credit cards are a close third option. 10% 7% 63% 72%
2024 %** 2024 %**
sales from e-com sales from m-com
5% 63% 66
TOP TIP 2019 card brand breakdowns (e-com and POS)
2020 point of sale mix by payment method US$3bn
2020* 2024**
Cash 34%
e-com turnover POS
Debit Card 32%
Credit Card 24% Desktop
Digital/ Mobile Wallet 5% Mobile
POS Financing 2%
Pre-paid Card 2%
Charge Card 1%
Popular alternative
* Estimated **Forecasted payment methods 67
Numbers adjusted for rounding may impact totals. Bank Transfer
Made up of 444 islands, only 76 are actually
inhabited. Those who inhabit Copenhagen FAST STATS
typically cycle to and from work each 2020 sales % 2020 sales % 2020 % e-com spend using 2020 % POS spend using
day. As they’re traveling around the city, from e-com from m-com Digital/Mobile Wallet Digital/Mobile Wallet
they’re often carrying around cards and a
mobile device for when they need to make 19% 49% 22% 7%
a purchase. Debit cards are the preferred
online checkout method with credit cards 2020* - 2024** 2020* - 2024** 2019* Internet 2020* Mobile
topping the list at the point of sale. This e-com CAGR POS CAGR penetration penetration
represents a big change at the point of sale
compared to the previous year where debit 10% 4% 98% 87%
cards were the preference for both.
2024 %** 2024 %**
sales from e-com sales from m-com
23% 57% 68
TOP TIP 2019 card brand breakdowns (e-com and POS)
2020 point of sale mix by payment method 2020* 2024**
Popular alternative
* Estimated **Forecasted payment methods 69
Numbers adjusted for rounding may impact totals. Bank Transfer
Known for the Northern Lights and the
ability to visit Santa Clause’s village, FAST STATS
Finland is also known to provide free 2020 sales % 2020 sales % 2020 % e-com spend using 2020 % POS spend using
education all the way through university. from e-com from m-com Digital/Mobile Wallet Digital/Mobile Wallet
For goods and services that aren’t free,
consumers prefer debit cards at the 17% 38% 19% 6%
point of sale and bank transfer for online
commerce. Finnish consumers are also 2020* - 2024** 2020* - 2024** 2019* Internet 2020* Mobile
on top as frequent users of buy now, pay e-com CAGR POS CAGR penetration penetration
later (BNPL).
11% 3% 94% 86%
2024 %** 2024 %**
sales from e-com sales from m-com
21% 45% 70
TOP TIP 2019 card brand breakdowns (e-com and POS)
2020* 2024**
2020 point of sale mix by payment method
e-com turnover POS
15% 42% 72
TOP TIP 2019 card brand breakdowns (e-com and POS)
US$92bn US$78bn
Popular alternative
* Estimated **Forecasted payment methods 73
Numbers adjusted for rounding may impact totals. Bank Transfer Direct Debit
Dating back to 1956, German shop hours
were regulated by law. While the law FAST STATS
has since been updated, Germany still 2020 sales % 2020 sales % 2020 % e-com spend using 2020 % POS spend using
has limited shopping hours compared from e-com from m-com Digital/Mobile Wallet Digital/Mobile Wallet
to the rest of Europe. When consumers
do head out to shop, they’re bringing 11% 37% 26% 7%
cash, although the preference for cash
continues to decline and credit card use 2020* - 2024** 2020* - 2024** 2019* Internet 2020* Mobile
is on the rise. When shopping online, e-com CAGR POS CAGR penetration penetration
Germans are now using their mobile/
digital wallets most often but they’re 10% 4% 96% 83%
also fond of direct debit. They have the
highest use of direct debit in the world.
2024 %** 2024 %**
sales from e-com sales from m-com
14% 45% 74
TOP TIP 2019 card brand breakdowns (e-com and POS)
2020 point of sale mix by payment method 2020* 2024**
2024 %** 2024 %**
sales from e-com sales from m-com
11% 66% 76
TOP TIP 2019 card brand breakdowns (e-com and POS)
2020 point of sale mix by payment method
2020* 2024**
Credit Card 56% e-com turnover POS
Digital/Mobile Wallet 22%
Cash 9% Desktop
Charge Card 4% Mobile
Pre-paid Card 3%
Debit Card 3%
POS Financing 2%
Popular alternative
* Estimated **Forecasted payment methods 77
Numbers adjusted for rounding may impact totals. Bank Transfer
Physical retail is alive and well in India,
where consumers prefer to touch and FAST STATS
feel products before they buy. Until 2020, 2020 sales % 2020 sales % 2020 % e-com spend using 2020 % POS spend using
cash was used to pay more than 70% from e-com from m-com Digital/Mobile Wallet Digital/Mobile Wallet
of the time. The pandemic has started
to change those habits and while cash 8% 53% 40% 22%
still tops the preference list at 34%,
many consumers are shifting to mobile/ 2020* - 2024** 2020* - 2024** 2020* Internet 2020* Mobile
digital wallets and debit cards. It’s e-com CAGR POS CAGR penetration penetration
more gratifying for Indian consumers
to shop physically, but online retail also 16% 9% 41% 64%
continues to increase as infrastructure
and technology advancements are made.
2024 %** 2024 %**
sales from e-com sales from m-com
10% 62% 78
TOP TIP 2019 card brand breakdowns (e-com and POS)
Popular alternative
* Estimated **Forecasted payment methods 79
Numbers adjusted for rounding may impact totals. Bank Transfer
Jakarta, the Big Apple of Southeast Asia,
is a shopper’s paradise containing one FAST STATS
of the world’s largest shopping malls. 2020 sales % 2020 sales % 2020 % e-com spend using 2020 % POS spend using
Due to the global pandemic, consumers from e-com from m-com Digital/Mobile Wallet Digital/Mobile Wallet
in Indonesia greatly reduced their use
of cash in 2020 and migrated to digital/ 8% 61% 29% 17%
mobile wallets when heading out to
shop. Digital/mobile wallets also rose to 2020* - 2024** 2020* - 2024** 2020* Internet 2020* Mobile
the top preference for online checkout, e-com CAGR POS CAGR penetration penetration
which comes in handy when consumers
participate in major shopping days, often 19% 7% 63% 75%
coinciding with holidays popular in China.
2024 %** 2024 %**
sales from e-com sales from m-com
12% 68% 80
TOP TIP 2019 card brand breakdowns (e-com and POS)
US$15bn US$16bn
2020 point of sale mix by payment method
Cash 53% 2020* 2024**
Digital/Mobile Wallet 17% e-com turnover POS
Debit Card 11%
Credit Card 9% Desktop
Charge Card 4%
POS Financing 3%
Pre-paid Card 3%
Popular alternative
* Estimated **Forecasted payment methods 81
Numbers adjusted for rounding may impact totals. Bank Transfer
St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated as a
national holiday. In fact, it’s the only FAST STATS
national holiday that people wear green 2020 sales % 2020 sales % 2020 % e-com spend using 2020 % POS spend using
for patriotic reasons. Green is also not from e-com from m-com Digital/Mobile Wallet Digital/Mobile Wallet
the most popular choice at checkout.
Debit cards are the most preferred 10% 40% 22% 2%
method for paying online and at the
point of sale, in whatever color the card 2020* - 2024** 2020* - 2024** 2019* Internet 2020* Mobile
happens to be. e-com CAGR POS CAGR penetration penetration
8% 4% 92% 79%
2024 %** 2024 %**
sales from e-com sales from m-com
11% 47% 82
TOP TIP 2019 card brand breakdowns (e-com and POS)
2024 %** 2024 %**
sales from e-com sales from m-com
8% 61% 84
TOP TIP 2019 card brand breakdowns (e-com and POS)
2020 point of sale mix by payment method
2020* 2024**
Debit Card 34%
e-com turnover POS
Cash 30%
Pre-paid Card 13% Desktop
Digital/Mobile Wallet 8% Mobile
POS Financing 6%
Credit Card 5%
Charge Card 4%
Popular alternative
* Estimated **Forecasted payment methods 85
Numbers adjusted for rounding may impact totals. Bank Transfer
Japan is a leader in integrating artificial
intelligence into their daily lives and FAST STATS
Tokyo ranks as the third most expensive 2020 sales % 2020 sales % 2020 % e-com spend using 2020 % POS spend using
city to live in the world.1 Despite their from e-com from m-com Digital/Mobile Wallet Digital/Mobile Wallet
technological advances, Japanese
consumers still prefer to pay with cash 10% 27% 11% 4%
when checking out at the point of sale.
When shopping online, credit cards top 2020* - 2024** 2020* - 2024** 2020* Internet 2020* Mobile
the list at nearly 60%. Their preferences e-com CAGR POS CAGR penetration penetration
for cash and credit cards likely make it
easier to manage a budget when living in 8% 3% 94% 84%
expensive markets.
2024 %** 2024 %**
sales from e-com sales from m-com
11% 29% 86
TOP TIP 2019 card brand breakdowns (e-com and POS)
Other 2% US$1,826bn
Charge & Deferred 1% US$263bn
Debit Card
Direct Debit 1% US$187bn
2020 point of sale mix by payment method US$53bn
2020* 2024**
Cash 59%
Credit Card 30% e-com turnover POS
Charge Card 4%
Debit Card 3%
Pre-paid Card 3%
Digital/Mobile Wallet 1%
Popular alternative
* Estimated **Forecasted payment methods 87
Numbers adjusted for rounding may impact totals. Bank Transfer
Malaysia’s thriving retail scene includes
a growing number of shopping malls and FAST STATS
specialty centers. While shopping, it’s 2020 sales % 2020 sales % 2020 % e-com spend using 2020 % POS spend using
digital forms of payment that lead for from e-com from m-com Digital/Mobile Wallet Digital/Mobile Wallet
consumers. Cash is still the preference
for point of sale checkout but they’re 5% 59% 14% 13%
adopting more contactless experiences
using credit cards and digital/mobile 2020* - 2024** 2020* - 2024** 2020* Internet 2020* Mobile
wallets. These options are also gaining in e-com CAGR POS CAGR penetration penetration
popularity online and beginning to catch
up to bank transfers. 14% 6% 81% 78%
2024 %** 2024 %**
sales from e-com sales from m-com
7% 65% 88
TOP TIP 2019 card brand breakdowns (e-com and POS)
US$4bn US$4bn
2020 point of sale mix by payment method US$3bn
2020* 2024**
Cash 43%
e-com turnover POS
Credit Card 24%
Digital/Mobile Wallet 13% Desktop
Debit Card 12% Mobile
POS Financing 4%
Charge Card 3%
Pre-paid Card 2%
Popular alternative
* Estimated **Forecasted payment methods 89
Numbers adjusted for rounding may impact totals. Bank Transfer Direct Debit
Mexico is one of the top 10 countries
by number of UNESCO World Heritage FAST STATS
Sites with more than 30 sites on the list. 2020 sales % 2020 sales % 2020 % e-com spend using 2020 % POS spend using
While there aren’t as many payment from e-com from m-com Digital/Mobile Wallet Digital/Mobile Wallet
methods, Mexican consumers do utilize
a variety whether they’re shopping in- 6% 53% 27% 4%
store or online. Cards and cash continue
to be the most popular but digital/ 2020* - 2024** 2020* - 2024** 2020* Internet 2020* Mobile
mobile wallet adoption is on the rise. e-com CAGR POS CAGR penetration penetration
That growth is expected to continue as
mobile commerce is projected to grow 16% 4% 65% 68%
more than 20% over the next 5 years.
2024 %** 2024 %**
sales from e-com sales from m-com
9% 64% 90
TOP TIP 2019 card brand breakdowns (e-com and POS)
17% 39% 92
TOP TIP 2019 card brand breakdowns (e-com and POS)
9% 61% 94
TOP TIP 2019 card brand breakdowns (e-com and POS)
2024 %** 2024 %**
sales from e-com sales from m-com
13% 70% 96
TOP TIP 2019 card brand breakdowns (e-com and POS)
2024 %** 2024 %**
sales from e-com sales from m-com
22% 51% 98
TOP TIP 2019 card brand breakdowns (e-com and POS)
Popular alternative
* Estimated **Forecasted payment methods 99
Numbers adjusted for rounding may impact totals. Bank Transfer Invoice Payments
Home to Machu Picchu, the Rainbow
Mountains and Humboldt penguins, FAST STATS
Peru is one of the most biologically 2020 sales % 2020 sales % 2020 % e-com spend using 2020 % POS spend using
diverse countries on the planet. For from e-com from m-com Digital/Mobile Wallet Digital/Mobile Wallet
those who love adventure, kayaking
at high speed down the Amazon River 16% 39% 8% 7%
during the rainy season will give
adrenaline junkies the ride of a lifetime. 2020* - 2024** 2020* - 2024** 2020* Internet 2020* Mobile
As consumers have been riding the waves e-com CAGR POS CAGR penetration penetration
of commerce in 2020, they’re using cash
less and beginning to rely on digital/ 12% 7% 68% 69%
mobile wallets with credit and debit
cards still gaining a large portion of
market share. FORECAST
2024 %** 2024 %**
sales from e-com sales from m-com
2024 %** 2024 %**
sales from e-com sales from m-com
4% 66% 102
TOP TIP 2019 card brand breakdowns (e-com and POS)
US$3bn US$3bn
2020 point of sale mix by payment method 2020* 2024**
7% 36% 104
TOP TIP 2019 card brand breakdowns (e-com and POS)
Popular alternative
* Estimated **Forecasted payment methods 105
Numbers adjusted for rounding may impact totals. Bank Transfer
From sub-zero to sub-tropical, Russians
can experience a range of regions and FAST STATS
temperatures throughout the country. 2020 sales % 2020 sales % 2020 % e-com spend using 2020 % POS spend using
Siberia is considered to be one of the from e-com from m-com Digital/Mobile Wallet Digital/Mobile Wallet
coldest inhabited regions while Sochi is
known as the Russian Riviera.1 Payment 3% 35% 29% 6%
methods in Russia tend to not be as
widespread as the temperatures. Cards 2020* - 2024** 2020* - 2024** 2019* Internet 2020* Mobile
and cash top the preference list for point e-com CAGR POS CAGR penetration penetration
of sale checkout while online, cards have
migrated into digital/mobile wallets. 2020 11% 4% 81% 73%
marks the first year where digital/mobile
wallets are the most preferred online
checkout method, replacing the debit card. FORECAST
1 2024 %** 2024 %**
the-game-sochi-seaside-walking-guide-soviet-sanatoriums-gardens sales from e-com sales from m-com
4% 40% 106
TOP TIP 2019 card brand breakdowns (e-com and POS)
2020 point of sale mix by payment method
2020* 2024**
Cash 36%
e-com turnover POS
Debit Card 34%
Credit Card 9% Desktop
Charge Card 8% Mobile
Digital/Mobile Wallet 6%
POS Financing 4%
Pre-paid Card 3%
Popular alternative
* Estimated **Forecasted payment methods 107
Numbers adjusted for rounding may impact totals. Bank Transfer
Home to untouched archeological sites,
Saudi Arabia contains the impressive FAST STATS
2,000-year-old ancient city of Hegra and 2020 sales % 2020 sales % 2020 % e-com spend using 2020 % POS spend using
Jebel Fihrayn, also known as the Edge from e-com from m-com Digital/Mobile Wallet Digital/Mobile Wallet
of the World. When it comes to paying,
their preferences are a bit more modern. 2% 59% 16% 10%
Credit cards are the most use payment
method online and at point of sale, but 2020* - 2024** 2020* - 2024** 2020* Internet 2020* Mobile
consumers also vary their choices among e-com CAGR POS CAGR penetration penetration
digital/mobile wallets, cash/cash on
delivery, bank transfer and debit cards. 8% 4% 92% 80%
2024 %** 2024 %**
sales from e-com sales from m-com
3% 66% 108
TOP TIP 2019 card brand breakdowns (e-com and POS)
6% 60% 110
TOP TIP 2019 card brand breakdowns (e-com and POS)
US$4bn US$4bn
2020 point of sale mix by payment method
2020* 2024**
Credit Card 38%
e-com turnover POS
Cash 26%
Debit Card 17% Desktop
Digital/Mobile Wallet 11% Mobile
Charge Card 3%
Pre-paid Card 3%
POS Financing 3%
Popular alternative
* Estimated **Forecasted payment methods 111
Numbers adjusted for rounding may impact totals. Bank Transfer
South Africa holds one of the most
developed economies on the continent, FAST STATS
second only to Nigeria. At the point of 2020 sales % 2020 sales % 2020 % e-com spend using 2020 % POS spend using
sale, consumers prefer to pay with cash, from e-com from m-com Digital/Mobile Wallet Digital/Mobile Wallet
however, when online shopping, they
have a host of payment preferences such 3% 63% 20% 3%
as debit and credit cards, digital/mobile
wallets and bank transfer. 2020* - 2024** 2020* - 2024** 2019* Internet 2020* Mobile
e-com CAGR POS CAGR penetration penetration
2024 %** 2024 %**
sales from e-com sales from m-com
4% 69% 112
TOP TIP 2019 card brand breakdowns (e-com and POS)
US$3bn US$3bn
2020 point of sale mix by payment method 2020* 2024**
2024 %** 2024 %**
sales from e-com sales from m-com
PostPay 1% US$39bn
2020* 2024**
2020 point of sale mix by payment method
e-com turnover POS
Cash 40%
Debit Card 32% Desktop
Charge Card 10% Mobile
Credit Card 8%
Digital/Mobile Wallet 7%
POS Financing 4%
Popular alternative
* Estimated **Forecasted payment methods 117
Numbers adjusted for rounding may impact totals. Bank Transfer
With a chance to see the Northern Lights,
ice hotels are just one of the notable FAST STATS
attractions in Sweden. Whether booking 2020 sales % 2020 sales % 2020 % e-com spend using 2020 % POS spend using
or just shopping online, Swedes typically from e-com from m-com Digital/Mobile Wallet Digital/Mobile Wallet
vary their checkout method between
BNPL or bank transfer. Debit cards are 20% 43% 16% 11%
also a popular online checkout method
but really rule at the point of sale at 55%. 2020* - 2024** 2020* - 2024** 2019* Internet 2020* Mobile
e-com CAGR POS CAGR penetration penetration
2024 %** 2024 %**
sales from e-com sales from m-com
2020 point of sale mix by payment method US$17bn
2020* 2024**
Debit Card 55%
Credit Card 18% e-com turnover POS
Popular alternative
* Estimated **Forecasted payment methods 119
Numbers adjusted for rounding may impact totals. Bank Transfer Invoice After Delivery
Taiwan is on a mission to become an
eco-friendlier place and plans to become FAST STATS
a single-use plastic free market by 2030. 2020 sales % 2020 sales % 2020 % e-com spend using 2020 % POS spend using
That means no more straws, plastic from e-com from m-com Digital/Mobile Wallet Digital/Mobile Wallet
shopping bags or disposable utensils.
However, it doesn’t apply to payment 10% 51% 16% 14%
plastic. Credit cards have long reigned for
online checkout but 2020 saw them move 2020* - 2024** 2020* - 2024** 2020* Internet 2020* Mobile
to the top of the list at the point of sale. e-com CAGR POS CAGR penetration penetration
Digital/mobile wallets are also on the rise
as consumers look for less contact at the 9% 6% 93% 86%
checkout counter.
2024 %** 2024 %**
sales from e-com sales from m-com
2020 point of sale mix by payment method
2020* 2024**
Popular alternative
* Estimated **Forecasted payment methods 121
Numbers adjusted for rounding may impact totals. Bank Transfer
Crowded markets, shopping malls,
floating markets, fresh markets and street FAST STATS
fairs… There’s something for everyone 2020 sales % 2020 sales % 2020 % e-com spend using 2020 % POS spend using
when shopping in Thailand. Consumers from e-com from m-com Digital/Mobile Wallet Digital/Mobile Wallet
can find anything from souvenirs to
designer must-haves. Fruit soaps and 13% 60% 19% 20%
elephant themes are popular trends.
When it comes to payment trends, bank 2020* - 2024** 2020* - 2024** 2020* Internet 2020* Mobile
transfer continues to top the e-commerce e-com CAGR POS CAGR penetration penetration
market at 31% while cash (62%) is still
the choice for point-of-sale purchases. 10% 5% 82% 76%
Keep an eye out for digital payments as
consumers are migrating their credit
cards into digital/mobile wallets. FORECAST
2024 %** 2024 %**
sales from e-com sales from m-com
PrePay 1% US$22bn
2020 point of sale mix by payment method 2020* 2024**
2024 %** 2024 %**
sales from e-com sales from m-com
Debit cards are on the rise at the point of sale and online,
most likely attributed to purchasing more smaller ticket items
to navigate the pandemic. With cash dropping 36% at the
50% 48%
point of sale, consumers were shifting to credit cards with
Visa Mastercard
a high interest on using contactless cards. New regulations
allow credit card purchases to be spread out over 18 monthly
installments. At the point of sale, credit cards increased
81% so merchants should focus on having the right POS 2% 1%
technology to account for contactless preferences.
Others American Express
2020* 2024**
2020 point of sale mix by payment method
e-com turnover POS
Cash 42%
Credit Card 38% Desktop
Debit Card 8% Mobile
Digital/Mobile Wallet 7%
POS Financing 5%
Popular alternative
* Estimated **Forecasted payment methods 125
Numbers adjusted for rounding may impact totals. Bank Transfer
United Arab Emirates is the home to a
vibrant array of cultures and hosts a FAST STATS
large population of expats. Almost 90% 2020 sales % 2020 sales % 2020 % e-com spend using 2020 % POS spend using
of the population is made up of expats from e-com from m-com Digital/Mobile Wallet Digital/Mobile Wallet
and the majority live in Dubai where
convenience is a way of life. Just about 7% 57% 18% 7%
anything can be delivered with a quick
click or phone call. Given the diversity of 2020* - 2024** 2020* - 2024** 2020* Internet 2020* Mobile
the population, payment preferences are e-com CAGR POS CAGR penetration penetration
not quite as diverse as one might expect.
Credit cards are the most common 20% 5% 96% 83%
checkout method online and at the point
of sale. The change at the point of sale
is largely due to changes in 2020 as cash
had a dramatic 41% drop from 2019.
2024 %** 2024 %**
1 sales from e-com sales from m-com
2020 point of sale mix by payment method
2020* 2024**
Credit Card 38% e-com turnover POS
Debit Card 29%
Cash 12% Desktop
Digital/Mobile Wallet 10% Mobile
Pre-paid Card 4%
Charge Card 4%
POS Financing 4%
Popular alternative
* Estimated **Forecasted payment methods 131
Numbers adjusted for rounding may impact totals.
The second largest coffee exporter in
the world, Vietnam is also home to one FAST STATS
of the top 10 most expensive coffees in 2020 sales % 2020 sales % 2020 % e-com spend using 2020 % POS spend using
the world: weasel coffee or Kopi Luwak. from e-com from m-com Digital/Mobile Wallet Digital/Mobile Wallet
While you may not be able to try this
expensive coffee on a floating market, 29% 60% 21% 12%
you can get a cup of coffee or tea on
one. And if you ever see a bamboo stick 2020* - 2024** 2020* - 2024** 2020* Internet 2020* Mobile
with the coconut leaf attached, it means e-com CAGR POS CAGR penetration penetration
the boat is for sale. Whether consumers
are buying coffee or a boat, cash is the 19% 9% 70% 72%
preferred payment method, in-store or
online. However, credit cards and digital/
mobile wallets are continuing to rise in
popularity at the point of sale.
2024 %** 2024 %**
1 sales from e-com sales from m-com
US$8bn US$8bn
2020 point of sale mix by payment method
Cash 58% 2020* 2024**
Credit Card 16% e-com turnover POS
Digital/Mobile Wallet 12%
Debit Card 9% Desktop
POS Financing 4%
Popular alternative
* Estimated **Forecasted payment methods 133
Numbers adjusted for rounding may impact totals. Bank Transfer Prepaid Voucher
E-com turnover
Sum of all sales transactions made online, including those made via desktop, tablet
and smartphone.
Internet penetration
The percentage of a population that uses the internet in any form on at least an
occasional basis.
M-com as % of e-com
Transaction value of purchases made via a mobile internet device as a percentage of
all e-commerce transactions.
Mobile penetration
The percentage of a population that owns at least one mobile phone and use the
phone(s) at least once per month.
About FIS
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