Anthropology Akshat Jain

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Paper 1

1.1 meaning, scope and development of anthropology

1. What is anthropology and why it be studied?
2. Holistic approach is a unique feature of anthropology. Discuss.
3. Present a brief on the development of anthropology as a subject and an Academic

1.2 relationship of anthropology with other disciplines

1. How does anthropology differ from other social and behavioural sciences.
2. Compare sociology with anthropology.
3. Compare psychology with anthropology.
4. Compare history with anthropology.
5. Relationship of anthropology with life sciences.
6. Relationship of anthropology with medical sciences.
7. Relationship of anthropology with earth sciences.

1.3 main branches of anthropology, their scope and relevance

1. Social cultural anthropology
2. Biological anthropology
3. Trace the development of biological anthropology, from its origin as physical
4. Archaeological anthropology
5. Linguistic anthropology
6. What do you understand by the terms, “Applied and action anthropology” differentiate
between the two.

1.4 human evolution and emergence of man

1. Micro and Macro evolution
2. Critically examine Lamarck’s theory of evolution (Lamarckism)
3. Critically examine Darwin‘s theory of evolution
4. Compare Lamarckism with Darwinism
5. Critical examine by synthetic theory of evolution
6. Is Evolution ongoing ?
7. Dollo’s rule
8. Cope’s Rule
9. Gause’s Rule/ Law
10. What do you understand by the term ‘Parallelism’ and ‘convergence’ in evolutionary studies
11. Adaptive radiation
12. Mosaic evolution

1.5 primates
1. Definition and characteristics of primates
2. Primate taxonomy
3. Compare Prosimii with Anthropoidea.
4. Compare monkeys with Hominoidea
5. Narrate with reasons human place in the primate order
6. Describe the various types of locomotor adaptations in primates
7. Discuss social hierarchies in primates
8. Discuss the different for Fossil primates of the Palaeocene and Eocene times
9. Differentiate between anatomical characteristics of humans and apes
10. Explain the skeletal changes due to erect posture and its implications
11. Elucidate the biological and cultural factors in human evolution

1.6 Fossils
1. Describe the salient characteristics of Australopithecus
2. Describe the salient characteristics of homo erectus
3. Explain about the culture of homo erectus
4. Describe the salient characteristics of homo heidelbergensis.
5. Java Man
6. Peking man
7. Describe the salient characteristics of Rhodesian man (also known as Broken Hill man)
8. Describe the salient characteristics of homo Neanderthalensis
9. Present a comparison between the classical and progressive types of Neanderthal man
10. What do you understand by the term Homo sapiens? give an account of the distribution
and physical features of the earliest to fossils of Homo sapiens.
11. Discuss the out of America and multiregional evolution hypotheses.

1.7 The biological basis of life

1. Protein synthesis
2. Cell division

2.1 The nature of culture

1. Define culture and briefly throw light on its nature.
2. Acculturation and contra-acculturation
3. Superorganic view of culture
4. Cultural pattern
5. Is culture unique to human beings?
6. Compare culture with civilisation
7. Explain cultural relativism and highlight why it is so dear to anthropologist
8. Present a detailed comparison between cultural relativism and ethnocentrism
2.2 The nature of society
1. Concept of society
2. Present a comparison between society and culture
3. Define social institutions, highlighting their importance, characteristics and types
4. Define social groups, highlighting their characteristics and types
5. Define social stratification. Present the anthropological perspective prevailing on it.
6. Define the concepts of status and role in detail
7. Social structure
8. Explain the concept of reference groups and its applications in India

2.3 marriage
1. Describe the problems associated with a universal definition of marriage
2. Is marriage universal?
3. Endogamy and Exogamy
4. Hypergamy and Hypogamy
5. What do you mean by Incest taboo? Briefly explain various theories that seeks to explain
its existence cross human societies.
6. What are the different types of marriage? Show examples to support your answer
7. Describe the various types of marriage regulations. Mention the regulations that
characterise closed and open systems respectively.
8. Where do you situate live in relationship within the Institute of marriage.
9. Describe in brief the different types of marriage of payments prevalent in societies.
10. Explain the different ways of acquiring mates in simple societies, along with examples.

2.4 Family
1. Define family and critically examine its universality.
2. Household and domestic group.
3. Functions of family.
4. Types of family.
5. His family structure changing? If so, what are the factors behind this change?
6. Discuss the impact of industrialisation on family.
7. Discuss the impact of feminist movements on family.

2.5 Kinship
1. Define kinship and highlight its role in regulating marriage.
2. Descent in a cultural role. Substantiate.
3. Residence is a cultural rule. substantiate.
4. Differentiate between a lineage and a clan.
5. Differentiate between double and bilateral descent.
6. What do you understand by kin terms? Discuss their classification and elements in
human society.
7. Filiation and complimentary filiation.
8. Explain the sailent features of descent and alliance theories.
9. Kinship behaviour.
10. Define kinship and throw light on the importance of kinship in anthropology.

3 Economic Organisation
1. Discuss the basic tenets of economic anthropology.
2. Examine the debate between Formalists and Substantivist.
3. Differentiate between primitive and modern economies.
4. What do you understand by Recipeocity as a mode of exchange? Highlight the role of
reciprocity in marriage payments.
5. What do you understand by redistribution as a mode of exchange? Discuss with the
example of potlatch of british Columbians.
6. Define market. Discuss the nature of markets in tribal communities.
7. Describe the wariest types of livelihoods followed in simple economies.
8. Globalisation has impacted different factors of tribal economy. Substantiate.

4 political organisation and social control

1. Discuss the basic tenets of political anthropology.
2. Describe the various types of stateless political organisations found in human societies.
3. Differentiate between state and stateless political organisations.
4. Present a holistic analysis of chiefdoms.
5. Discuss in brief the concepts of power and authority.
6. Discuss the nature of law and justice in simple societies citing suitable examples.

5 Religion
1. Describe the various theories under evolutionary approach of studying religion.
2. Describe the various theories under the psychological approach of studying region.
3. Describe the various theories under the functional approach of studying religion.
4. Monotheism and Polytheism.
5. How do you relate the concepts of ‘sacred’ and ‘profane’ in Durkheim’s theory of religion
with a focus on the role of totem?
6. Explain the concepts of myths and rituals in religion.
7. Describe the following forms of religion found in tribal and peasant societies.
8. Define magic, giving a brief about its elements and forms.
9. Explain and distinguish between the concepts of Magic, religion and science.
10. Describe the various types of religious practitioners found in human societies.
11. Rites de passage

6 Anthropological Theories
1. Critically examine the theory of classical evolutionism
2. Classical evolutionism.
3. Briefly describe the contributions of E. B. Tylor.
4. Briefly describe the contributions of L. H. Morgan.
5. Briefly describe the contributions of S. J. G. Frazer.
6. Critically examine the theory of diffusionism.
7. Diffusionism.
8. Briefly describe the british school of diffusionism.
9. Briefly describe the German school of diffusionism.
10. Briefly describe the American school of diffusionism.
11. Explain in detail the concept of culture area and age area.
12. Compare classical evolutionism with diffusionism. 12.Historical Particularism.
13. Briefly describe the contributions of Franz Boas.
14. Critically examine the theory of neo-evolutionism.
15. Discuss V. G. Childe’s contribution to neo-evolutionism.
16. Discuss L. A. White’s contribution to neo-evolutionism.
17. Discuss J. H. Steward’s contribution to neo-evolutionism.
18. Briefly describe the concept of cultural ecology.
19. Discuss Sahlin’s and service’s contribution to neo-evolutionism.
20. Compare classical evolutionism with neo-evolutionism.
21. Critically examine Malinowski’s theory of functionalism.
22. Critically examine the theory of structural functionalism.
23. Functionalism.
24. Compare biocultural functionalism with structural functionalism.
25. Levi-Strauss’ Structuralism.
26. Discuss Levi-Strauss’ study of kinship system.
27. Discuss Levi-Strauss’ study of myth.
28. Briefly describe the contributions of Edmund Leach.
29. Structuralism.
30. Critically examine the culture-personality school in anthropology.
31. Discuss Ruth Benedict’s contribution to culture-personality school.
32. Discuss Margaret Mead’s contribution to culture-personality school.
33. Describe national character studies in anthropology, with suitable examples.
34. Discuss Ralph Linton’s contribution to culture-personality school.
35. Discuss Abram Kardiner’s contribution to culture-personality school (Basic personality).
36. Discuss Cora Du Bois’s contribution to culture-personality school (modal personality).
37. Critically examine the theory of cultural materialism.
38. Discuss the differentiate between emic and etic approach.
39. Critically examine the theory of post modernism.
40. Post modernism.
41. Critically examine cognitive anthropology (also known as ethnoscience and new
42. Critically examine symbolic and interpretive theories in anthropology.

7 Culture, Language and Communication

1. Briefly describe the nature and characteristics of language.
2. Discuss the various hypothesis that explain the origin of language.
3. Non-verbal communication.
4. Social context of language use.

8 research methods in anthropology

1. Give a brief on the fieldwork tradition in anthropology.
2. Distinguish between the research terms-technique, method and methodology.
3. Discuss the research tool of observation in anthropological fieldwork. Highlight its
various types.
4. Discuss the significance and challenges of participant observation as a tool of data
5. Briefly describe the research method of interview in anthropological fieldwork.
6. Compare schedule and questionnaire method in research.
7. Describe the effectiveness of case study method in anthropology, using an example.
8. Genealogy method.
9. Explain the research method of life history.
10. Oral history.
11. Secondary sources of information.
12. What do you understand by rapid rural appraisal? Give a special emphasis on the
significance of participatory rural appraisal.
13. Data analysis.
14. Data interpretation.
15. Presentation of data

9 Human Genetics, Ethnicity, Ecology and Epidemiology

1. Pedigree analysis.
2. Define twins, and describe the methods of diagnosis of twins.
3. Twin method.
4. Co-twin method.
5. Foster child method.
6. Cytogenetic method.
7. Karyotyping.
8. Family method.
9. Biochemical methods.
10. Define immunogenetics, and a highlight its scope and applications in medical science.
11. Recombinant DNA technology (r-DNA technology).
12. Discuss mendelism and its applications.
13. Describe and differentiate between monogenic and polygenic inheritance.
14. Discuss in detail about autosomal inheritance.
15. Sex linked inheritance.
16. Explain the concept of genetic polymorphism. What are the evolutionary factors that
affect gene frequency of polymorphic markers?
17. Hardy Weinberg Law.
18. Explain Hardy Weinberg equation, along with its applications.
19. Explain and differentiate between inbreeding and hybridisation.
20. Is breeding harmful?
21. What do you understand by consanguinity and its genetic effects? Highlight a few
studies done on the same in India.
22. Genetic drift (also called Sewell Wright Effect, or Founder’s Effect, or Chance Factor).
23. Discuss the concept of genetic load, and describe the factors affecting it.
24. Numerical chromosomal aberrations.
25. Structural chromosomal aberrations.
26. Sex chromosomal aberrations.
27. Klinefelter Syndrome.
28. Turner’s Syndrome.
29. Triple X Syndrome(or Super female).
30. Autosomal chromosomal aberrations.
31. Down’s syndrome.
32. Edward’s syndrome.
33. Patau’s syndrome.
34. Cri-du-chat Syndrome.
35. Genetic imprinting.
36. Genetic screening.
37. Explain the process of genetic counselling.
38. Gene therapy.
39. What do you understand by gene mapping? Mention its types and applications.
40. DNA profiling.
41. Define the term ‘genome’. Discuss about the human Genome Report, and its
applications from an anthropological perspective.
42. How are races formed?
43. Elaborate upon the role of Heredity and environment in recent formation.
44. Differentiate between race and racism.
45. What is race? Describe the criteria employed for the classification of human races?
46. Define and discuss about race crossing in humans?
47. What are genetic markers and what is their usefulness? Why are blood group
considered as good genetic markers? Illustrate with examples.
48. Explain about the ABO blood group system. What are they considered as good genetic
markers? Discuss their variations in human populations.
49. What do you understand by paternity disputes? Explain how are such Disputes resolved,
giving a special mention of the role of ABO blood group system.
50. Explain about the Rh blood group system. Discuss their variations in human populations.
51. Highlight the population variations with respect to HLA system. also give a brief on its
role in organ transplantation.
52. Highlight the population variations with the respect to serum proteins.
53. Highlight the population variations in the Gm factor.
54. I like the population variations of different enzymes.
55. Highlight the different types of variations in haemoglobin levels in humans.
56. Explain the variations in distribution of body fat in humans.
57. Mention the role of respiratory functions and sensory perceptions as markers of
distinguish between humans.
58. Ecological anthropology.
59. Elaborate upon the major human adaptations to heat.
60. Elaborate upon the major human adaptation to cold.
61. Elaborate upon the major human adaptation to attitude.
62. Elaborate upon the major human bio-cultural responses to various environmental
63. Explain how different human societies have been known to adopt to nutritional stresses.
64. Discuss the role of anthropology in the understanding of health and disease.
65. Epidemiological anthropology.
66. Describe the scope of epidemiological anthropology in the study of infectious and
non-infectious disease.
67. What do you understand by the term malnutrition? Briefly describe the diseases related
to nutrition deficiency.

10 concept of human growth and development

1. Discuss the differences and similarities between growth and development.
2. What are the different stages of human growth? Describe anyone of them in detail.
3. Though human growth is under tight genetic control, it is influenced by various
environmental factors. Justify.
4. ‘Hormonal activity plays a major role in dictating human growth.’ Explain this statement
in context of the role of biochemical factors in human growth.
5. Explain in detail the influence of nutrition on various stages of human growth.
6. Explain the influence of social-cultural factors on human growth.
7. Describe different methods of studying human growth.
8. Discuss ageing and senescence . Describe either the biological or social theories of
9. Discuss ageing and senescence . Describe the biological and social theories of ageing.
10. Distinguish between ‘chronological age’ and ‘biological age’.
11. Write a note on somatotype and discuss different methods of Somatotyping.
12. Discuss in detail the Sheldon method of somatotyping.
13. Discuss in detail the health and Carter’s method of somatotyping.

11 Bio-events in human life related to fertility and mortality

1. Relevance of Menarche and menopause.
2. Demographic transition.
3. Discuss the different theories of population.
4. Discuss the factors influencing fertility and fecundity.
5. Discuss the factors influencing mortality and neutrality.
12 Applications of anthropology
1. Elucidate the role of anthropology in selecting and monitoring sports persons.
2. Nutritional anthropology.
3. Discuss the application of anthropometry in designing defence and other equipments.
4. Discuss the scope of forensic anthropology in the field of criminal investigation and
personal identification.
5. Discuss the concepts of eugenics, euphenics and euthenics.
6. Discuss the role of DNA technology in disease and medicine.
7. Evaluate the Serogenetics and cytogenetics in reproductive biology.

Paper II
1 archaeology, pre-history and evolution of Indian civilisation
1. Describe absolute and relative dating. Discuss two methods of each, along with their
2. Examine the features of Palaeolithic culture of the world.
3. Examine the features of Palaeolithic cultures of the world.
4. Examine the features of the lower Palaeolithic culture of India.
5. Soan valley.
6. Madrasian culture.
7. Examine the features of the middle Palaeolithic culture of India.
8. Newasa
9. Examine the features of the Upper Palaeolithic culture of India.
10. Belan valley.
11. Examine the features of the palaeolithic culture of India.
12. Discuss the debate surrounding the chronology of Palaeolithic culture in India.
13. Indian palaeolithic culture can neither be conceived chronologically homogeneous nor as
a uniform cultural phase. Discuss.
14. Examine the features of the Mesolithic culture of the world.
15. Examine the features of the mesolithic culture of India.
16. Langhnaj.
17. Sahar Nahar Rai.
18. Examine the features of the neolithic culture of the world.
19. Examine the features of the neolithic culture of the India.
20. Burzahom.
21. Mehrgarh.
22. Gangetic plain neolithic culture.
23. Neolithic culture of north-east India.
24. ‘Neolithic is a evolution.’ critically analyse.
25. Examine the features of the Chalcolithic culture of the world.
26. Examine the features of the Chalcolithic culture of the India.
27. Southern Chalcolithic group/ Neolithic-chalcolithic culture of south India.
28. Examine the features of the bronze age (copper-Bronze Age) of the world.
29. Examine the features of the Iron Age of the world.
30. Examine the features of the Iron Age of India.
31. Explain the features of the painted grey ware culture of the iron age in India.
32. Explain the features of megalithic culture of South India.
33. Prehistoric art.
34. Bhimbetka rock art.
35. Pre-Harappan culture.
36. Throw to light upon the urban planning in the Indus Valley (Harappan) civilisation.
37. Describe various aspects of the economy of the Indus Valley civilisation.
38. Describe harappan religion. Have some of its elements continued into later Hinduism?
39. The Indus Valley civilisation marks a period when arts and crafts flourished in the
subcontinent. Discuss by highlighting the diversity of arts and crafts present.
40. seals are an integral part of Harappan culture. Discuss.
41. What is known of the Harappan script? Highlight
42. Discuss the significance of the Indus Valley civilisation sites from India.
43. Give the various theories behind the decline of the Indian Valley civilisation.
44. Post Harappan culture.
45. Discuss the contributions of tribal cultures to Indian civilisation.
46. Palaeo anthropology
47. Describe the palaeoanthropological fossil finds from Shivalik Hills. Examine their
contribution to palaeoanthropological knowledge.
48. Delineate the salient of characteristics of the Narmada man, and examine its
phylogenetic status and evolutionary significance.
49. Ethnoarchaeology.
50. Explain the concept of survivals and parallels, and their role in ethnoarchaeology.

2 Demographic profile of India

1. Describe the linguistic classification of the Indian population.
2. Discuss Risley’s racial classification in the context of India’s ethnic groups.
3. Discuss Guha’s racial classification in the context of India’s ethnic groups.
4. Discuss the Negrito problem in India, with the reference to studies in this aspect.
5. What are the various factors influencing population growth in India? Discuss.
6. Highlight the objective and results of the national population policy 2000.

3 Indian social system

1. Describe the philosophy and relevance of purushartha.
2. Write a short note on Varnashrama.
3. Explain the concept of Rina.
4. Explain the concept of karma and rebirth.
5. Describe the features of the traditional joint family in India. Is joint family dying?
6. What do you understand by the word ‘caste’? Explain the characteristics of the Indian
caste system.
7. Differentiate between varna and Jati.
8. Discuss Louis Dumont’s concept of pure and impure, with respect to Indian caste
9. Examine the prevalence of caste ideology among religious minorities in the Indian
10. Critically examine the theories of origin of caste system of India.
11. Define the concept of ‘dominant caste’ mine examine its relevance in the contemporary
Indian village with suitable examples.
12. What do you understand by the dynamics of caste mobility? Explain by highlighting the
various ways that facilitate caste mobility.
13. Caste system is dying. Critically analyse the validity of the statement in today’s context.
14. Discuss the salient features of the prevalent hypothesis on the future of the caste
15. What is Jajmani system? Examine the views on jajmani System as an egalitarian as well
as exploitative system. Give reasons for its decline.
16. Explain and examine their 11th of the concept of tribe-cast continuum.
17. Explain the concept of folk urban-continuum.
18. Discuss the concept of Sacred complex, highlighting upon its significance.
19. Explain the concept of nature man spirit complex.
20. Explain the influence of Buddhism on Indian society.
21. Explain the influence of Jainism on Indian society.
22. Explain the influence of Islam on Indian society.
23. Explain the influence of Christianity on Indian society.

4 development of anthropology in India

1. Trace the growth and development anthropology in India.
2. Examine the contribution of british anthropology to Indian anthropology.
3. Examine the contribution of American anthropology to Indian anthropology.
4. Discuss the contribution of S. C. Roy to Indian anthropology.
5. Discuss the contribution of G. S. Ghurye to Indian anthropology.
6. Discuss the contribution of D. N. Majumdar to Indian anthropology.
7. Discuss the contribution of N. K. Bose to Indian anthropology.
8. Discuss the contribution of M. N. Srinivas to Indian anthropology.
9. Discuss the contribution of S. C. Dube to Indian anthropology.
10. Discuss the contribution of Verrier Elwin to Indian anthropology.
11. Discuss the contribution of Christoph von Fiirer-Haimendorf to Indian anthropology.
12. Discuss the contribution of L. P. Vidyarathi to Indian anthropology.
13. Discuss the contribution of H. D. Sankalia to Indian anthropology.
14. Elaborate upon the contributions of Indian anthropologists to caste studies, along with
their significance.
15. Elaborate upon the contributions of Indian anthropologists to tribal studies, along with
their significance.

5.1 Indian village

1. Explain Indian village as a social system.
2. Discuss the traditional and changing settlement patterns in Indian villages.
3. Describe the agrarian relations in Indian villages, stressing upon the changes taking
place as well.
4. Peasant society.
5. Examine the colonial administrators view that Indian villages can be considered as ‘little
6. Discuss the significance of village studies in India.
7. Discuss the impact of globalisation on the villages of India

5.2 Linguistic and religious minorities

1. Explain the constitutional rights accorded to minorities in India.
2. Discuss the problems faced by linguistic minorities in India.
3. Discuss the status and the problems faced by Muslims in India.
4. Discuss the status and the problems faced by Christians in India.
5. Discuss the status and the problems faced by sikhs in India.
6. Discuss the status and the problems faced by buddhists in India.
7. Discuss the status and the problems faced by Jains in India.

5.3 Indigenous and Exogenous processes of social-cultural change in

Indian society
1. Describe the social process of Sanskritisation, highlighting the factors responsible, its
importance I limitations.
2. Westernisation.
3. Modernisation.
4. What do you understand by little and a great traditions? Examine the nature of their
internal play in the Indian context.
5. Explain the processes of universalisation and Parochialisation.
6. Panchayati Raj and social change.
7. Media and social change

6.1 Tribal situation in India

1. Tribeis a colonial construct. Discuss. Also, highlight the differences between tribe and
scheduled tribe.
2. Discuss the concept of indigenous people as per the relevant UN convention. Our tribal
of Indian indigenous people?
3. Bio-genetic variability of Indian tribes.
4. Classification of Indian tribes.
5. Racial classification of Indian tribes.
6. Geographical classification of Indian tribes.
7. Discuss the economic classification of Indian tribes with example.
8. Discuss the political organisation of Indian tribes with examples.

6.2 problems of the tribal communities

1. Discuss the impact of land alienation on the tribes of India.
2. Discuss the issue of indebtedness among the tribes of India.
3. Discuss the issue of low educational attainment among the tribes of India.
4. Discuss the issue of poor health and nutritional standards among the tribes of India.
5. Discuss the employment related issues faced by the tribes of India.
6. Discuss the problems faced by the denotified tribes of India.

6.3 impact of Forest policy and mainstream development on tribes

1. Briefly describe the evolution of Forest policy since the british period.
2. Forest policy that have become the biggest opposer of the tribes, comment. What should
be the way ahead with the respect to our Forest policies ?
3. Discuss the salient features of the Forest rights act, 2006. What is its implications
status? Highlight issues, If any, In its implementation.
4. Joint forest management.
5. Describe shifting cultivation, and the prevailing views on the practice.
6. Discuss the impact of globalisation on the tribes of India.
7. Discuss the impact of industrialisation and urbanisation on the tribes of India.
8. The tribes of India have had to bear the burnt of the negative side of mainstream
developmental projects. Comment.
9. Critically examine the national policy for rehabilitation and Resettlement, 2007. Suggest
suitable changes to enhance the rehabilitation package for be placed people.
10. Examine the advancement made in the land acquisition act of 2013 over the land
acquisition act of 1894.

7.1 schedule castes, scheduled Tribes and other backward classes

1. Critically evaluate the constitutional safeguards for scheduled Tribes.
2. Discuss the provisions of the fifth schedule. Highlight the issues, if any, in the
implementation of its provisions.
3. Discuss the provisions of the sixth schedule. Highlight the issues, if any, in the
implementation of its provisions.
4. Critically evaluate the constitutional safeguards for scheduled caste.
5. Comment upon the Socio-economic disabilities faced by the scheduled castes . What
are the factors that have diluted these disabilities?
6. Constitutional safeguards for OBC.
7.2 social change and contemporary tribal societies
1. Highlight the social change brought among the tribes of India during the colonial period.
2. Highlight the social change brought among the tribes of India during the post
independence period.
3. Discuss the impact of modern democratic institutions on Indian tribes.
4. Discuss the impact of developmental programmes and welfare measures on the Indian
5. Social stratification has emerged as a reality among the Indian tribes. Comment.
6. The institution of youth dormitory serves important functions in the tribal society.
Comment. Throw a light on the decline of this institution due to social change among the

7.3 ethnicity and unrest among tribes

1. Discuss the concept of ethnicity. Highlight the various anthropological approaches to
understanding ethnicity.
2. Discuss the meaning of ethnic movements, analysing them in the context of India.
3. Discuss the factors responsible for tribal unrest in India, with suitable example.
4. Discuss the various types of tribal movements that have occurred in India.
5. What is regionalism? Analyse the factors that have constituted the growth of regionalism
in India, citing appropriate examples.
6. Pseudo-tribalism.

8.1 impact of religions on tribal societies

1. Impact of Hinduism on Indian tribes.
2. Impact of Christianity on Indian tribes.
3. Impact of Islam on Indian tribes.
4. Impact of buddhism on Indian tribes.

8.2 type and nation state

1. Discuss the concept of a nation state. Compare the present situation of tribes across
modern nation states.

9.2. Tribal development

1. Discuss the history of tribal administration during the colonial period.
2. Elwin-Ghurye debate on tribal development.
3. Discuss the principles of tribal Panchsheel, and highlight its relevance today.
4. Critically discuss the various policy and approaches for tribal development.
5. Trace the history of tribal development in post independence India.
6. Discuss the historical background and objectives of the tribal sub-plan. Highlight the
process of its implementation, along with the issues in its execution.
7. Discuss the important provisions of the panchayats (extension to scheduled areas) act,
1996. Highlight the issues in its implementation.
8. Discuss the concept of the particularly vulnerable tribal groups PVTGs and the problems
faced by them.
9. Critically discuss the role of non-governmental organisation (NGOs) in tribal

9.2 role of anthropology in tribal and rural development

1. Highlight the role of anthropology in tribal development.
2. Highlight the role of anthropology and rural development.

9.3 Regionalism, Communalism, Ethnic and Political movements

1. Discuss the concept of communalism. Highlight the factors responsible for communalism
in the Indian context.
2. Discuss the contribution of anthropology in understanding regionalism, communalism ,
ethnic and political movements.

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