iCAP 7000 Familiarisation v1-01
iCAP 7000 Familiarisation v1-01
iCAP 7000 Familiarisation v1-01
1 Contents
iCAP 7000 Series ICP-OES Spectrometer ................................................................................... 1
Customer Familiarisation and Maintenance Manual ..................................................................... 1
1 Contents .............................................................................................................................. 2
2 Instrument Overview ............................................................................................................ 4
2.1 General ........................................................................................................................ 4
2.2 Optical system and light path ....................................................................................... 4
3 Further information .............................................................................................................. 6
3.1 Qtegra ISDS Help ........................................................................................................ 6
3.2 Quick Start Guide......................................................................................................... 6
3.3 User Manual ................................................................................................................ 6
3.4 Online Assistance ........................................................................................................ 6
4 Instrument Hardware ........................................................................................................... 7
4.1 LED indicators ............................................................................................................. 7
4.2 Preparing the System for Use ...................................................................................... 7
4.3 Instrument Shut-down .................................................................................................. 8
5 Standard Sample Introduction Glassware Assembly ............................................................ 9
5.1 Duo and Radial Torch Assembly .................................................................................. 9
5.2 Center Tube Options .................................................................................................. 10
5.3 Centre tube holder ..................................................................................................... 10
5.4 Centre tube insertion into torch holder ........................................................................ 11
5.5 Torch holder insertion into the torch box ..................................................................... 11
5.6 Positioning of the spray chamber drain ....................................................................... 11
5.7 Position of the nebulizer in the spray chamber............................................................ 12
5.8 Connection of spray chamber adaptor to torch assembly ............................................ 13
5.9 Connection of pump tubing ........................................................................................ 14
5.10 Radial view window on a Duo instrument. .................................................................. 16
5.11 iCAP Sprint Valve installation guide (iCAP 7600 only) ................................................ 17
6 Autosampler Use ............................................................................................................... 21
6.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................ 21
6.2 Autosampler Installation ............................................................................................. 21
6.3 Autosampler Set-up ................................................................................................... 21
7 Instrument Optimization ..................................................................................................... 22
7.1 Instrumental method optimization ............................................................................... 22
7.2 Example Standard Operating Procedures .................................................................. 23
7.3 Preparing the System................................................................................................. 23
7.4 Striking the Plasma .................................................................................................... 23
7.5 Setting up Analyses ................................................................................................... 25
7.6 Running the Analysis ................................................................................................. 35
7.7 Auto Peak Adjust ....................................................................................................... 37
7.8 Setting the pump tension. ........................................................................................... 38
7.9 Torch Alignment ......................................................................................................... 39
7.10 Reporting results ........................................................................................................ 39
7.11 Exporting Labbooks. .................................................................................................. 46
7.12 Shutting Down the System ......................................................................................... 47
8 Maintenance ...................................................................................................................... 49
8.1 Instrument Cleaning ................................................................................................... 49
8.2 Preventive Maintenance ............................................................................................. 50
9 Analytical Problems Hints and Tips .................................................................................... 60
9.1 Poor Precision ........................................................................................................... 60
9.2 Poor accuracy/feedback ............................................................................................. 63
9.3 Poor detection limits ................................................................................................... 63
10 Suggested maintenance in the case of poor precision and detection limits ..................... 64
10.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................ 64
10.2 Typical Maintenance Schedule ................................................................................... 64
10.3 Replacing pump windings .......................................................................................... 64
10.4 Preventing blocking of the nebuliser ........................................................................... 65
10.5 Removing solids from the nebuliser ............................................................................ 66
10.6 Cleaning the glass mixing chamber ............................................................................ 68
11 Sample Introduction Spares & Consumables ................................................................. 69
2 Instrument Overview
2.1 General
The iCAP 7000 Series is a range of Inductively Coupled Argon Plasma Optical Emission
Spectrometers (ICP-OES) which use an Echelle optical design and a Charge Injection Device
(CID) solid-state detector to measure trace elemental concentrations in a wide range of samples.
Liquid samples are pumped through a nebuliser to produce a fine spray. Large droplets are
removed by a spray chamber, small droplets then pass through the center tube in the torch to the
plasma. Solvent is evaporated and the residual sample decomposes to atoms and ions that are
excited by the electrical Radio Frequency (RF) generated Plasma to 9000K that will emit a unique
set of wavelengths of light for each element as they decay to a lower energy state. The intensity
of this light is measured and this corresponds to the concentration of element type in the original
The dispersive elements in the optic system are the Echelle grating and the prism. The
orientation of the prism is such that the light is dispersed at right angles to the direction of light
dispersal by the grating. This combined dispersal generates a two dimensional spectrum
(“echellogram”) consisting of a wavelength and order separation.
The CID detector is cooled to -45ºC to increase sensitivity and dynamic range.
Warning: Before operating your iCAP ensure you read and understand all the safety
information in the iCAP 7000 reference guide.
3 Further information
3.1 Qtegra ISDS Help
Help with running your instrument, including comprehensive software user guides can be found in
the Qtegra Help page.
4 Instrument Hardware
On the rear right hand side of instrument there are row of LED’s which
indicate the status of the instrument.
Once the chiller has been turned on and has reached its set temperature
LED’s 2-7 should be on and led 1 and 8 should be flashing.
LED 9 indicates engineer fast purge has been selected and should be
turned off when analysing samples.
If the instrument is switched off, allow at least two hours after restoring power to thermally
stabilise the instrument before the chiller is turned on.
With the plasma aspirated a blank sample for 15 minutes to allow the instrument to fully stabilise
before analysis. Warm up time can be set up in the get ready page of Qtegra.
NOTE: For the iCAP 7600 the valve and tubing should be rinsed and then purged of solutions. To
purge the 7600 Sprint Valve - open the Sprint Valve Configurator. Verify both Sample and Rinse
probes are in air, confirm (or set) Load, turn On the Vacuum Pump Control for several seconds.
When the Sample Loop and Valve are emptied turn Off. See the Qtegra section below.
Gloves must be worn when handling glass or ceramic torches as handprints will reduce the life of
the torch and may cause the torch not to light.
The O-rings in the metal torch mount (3 internal & 2 external) should be inspected and replaced if
any wear, or damage, is visible.
Gloves must be warn when handling a torch as contamination from hands will make the torch
harder to light and reduce its life.
The quartz body of the torch should be pushed into the metal torch mount. Ensure the torch body
is pushed fully into the metal torch mount. The marked circle on the quartz torch should be
aligned with the notch on the torch holder assembly and the associated line marking on the torch
should be aligned with the edge of the torch holder assembly.
The alignment of the torch markings in accordance with the torch holder assembly are essential
in order to ensure that the optical radial view hole on a duo torch and gas holes are correctly
Check the 4 o-rings in the Center tube holder are not damaged. Insure the centre tube is inserted
fully into the plastic centre tube holder.
Note: the tip of the centre tube holder will discolor with use. This discoloration is normal and will
not affect the performance of the torch holder assembly. ▲
Insert the centre tube assembly into the metal torch holder.
Screw the centre tube holder assembly in a clockwise direction into the metal torch holder until
the o-ring is compressed. Do not over tighten as this will reduce the lifetime of the O-ring seal.
When fitted the center tube should be 1-3mm lower than the intermediate tube as shown above.
Insert the white plastic tubing connector and wide bore tubing (0.79mm inner diameter) into the
spray chamber drain tube. The drain and spray chamber should be positioned so that no pulsing
Liquid should be delivered to the nebulizer using an identical plastic tubing connector but with
narrow bore tubing (0.50mm inner diameter). Push the white plastic tubing connector with the
attached narrow bore sample tubing into the rear of the nebulizer as far as possible without
exerting undue pressure.
The O-rings in the spray chamber should be inspected and replaced if any wear, or damage, is
visible. Using a twisting motion, insert the nebulizer into the spray chamber so that the collar is a
tight fit. The collar will set the insertion depth and aid reproducibility of results.
Attach the quartz glass spray chamber adaptor to the spray chamber with the fitting clamp
Warning: The adaptor provided with the instrument is specially designed to prevent UV radiation
escaping from the torch box. ▲
Insert spray chamber adaptor fitting into torch assembly holder as far as it will go, and connect up
the Nebulizer gas supply to the push-fit fitting.
After assembly of the sample introduction system and prior to ignition of the plasma checks
should be made for correct assembly:
• Make sure the torch is fully rotated and locked in place.
• Make sure the centre tube holder is fully rotated and locked into the torch.
• Make sure the spray chamber adaptor is fully pushed into the torch body.
• Make sure the spray chamber is tightly clamped to the spray chamber adaptor.
Problems in any of these areas may cause air leaks or disruption of the gas flows making the
plasma difficult to ignite and may cause damage to the torch.
WARNING: It is extremely important that the correct Thermo Scientific parts are used for the
sample introduction system. In addition interlocks on the torch holder and other parts of the
instrumentation are there for safety and must not be bypassed. Operators could be exposed to
dangerous UV and radio frequency radiation if alternate parts are used for the spray chamber
adaptor. ▲
The iCAP 7400 and 7600 instrumentation has a Mini Pump and 3-stop windings (providing two
sections for reduced running costs.
The sample pump tubing has yellow, white and yellow stops. The drain pump tubing has white,
blue and white stops.
For all instrumentation the assembly procedure is similar:
• Feed the sample capillary tubing from the rear of the nebulizer through the upper holder
in the cover and towards the pump.
• Ensure there are no twists or bends in the nebulizer and drain PTFE tubing that may
prevent flow of the sample.
• Pass the drain capillary tubing through the lower holder in the cover and towards the
pump. The lower holder contains a drain sensor detecting bubbles produced when the
spray chamber is draining normally. The plasma and the pump will be switched off after 2
minutes if no bubbles are detected.
• Insert the sample and drain PTFE tubing into their respective peristaltic pump tubes.
Note: the drain tubing should be connected correctly to the peristaltic pump to account for the
anticlockwise flow.
• Release the pump tubing clamps and locate the sample and drain pump tubing over the
pump rollers, locking the lugs on the pump tubing into the left and right clamps.
• Connect the sample pump tubing to the sample capillary tubing and the drain pump
tubing to the drain capillary tubing; remember to allow for the direction of flow.
• Pump tubing should be inspected before each analysis and should be replaced if there
are indications of wear.
• Additional lengths of capillary tubing should be used to allow connection to the input of
the sample pump tubing to the sample and the output of the drain pump tubing to a waste
• For a freely aspirating nebulizer. The pump tension can be adjusted with the plasma
running and the pump stopped. Lock the sample pump tubing and clamp into position.
Release the tension adjustment and allow the nebulizer to free aspirate. Tighten the
tension adjustment until the flow just stops then tighten by one turn. Turn on the pump
and, if necessary, tighten the tension until a smooth flow is produced.
• Do not over-tighten the pump clamps as it will result in excessive wear and tear of the
pump tubing and require replacement tubing at more frequent intervals.
Manual sampling uses the Inject position (5) with a standard or non-aerating sample probe.
6 Autosampler Use
6.1 Introduction
The autosampler can be configured to suit an application, or several applications.
The volume, number and type of sample will all influence the set-up of the autosampler and
For analysis with an autosampler the capillary tubing attached to the end of the autosampler
probe should be attached to the end of the sample pump tubing on the iCAP 7000. To minimise
the sample volume required the length of the capillary tubing should be minimised, but should
allow free movement over the whole sample area of the autosampler.
7 Instrument Optimization
The iCAP 7000 will require optimization that is dependent on the sample being analyzed and the
method requirements.
It is important that the method development verifies the data produced by the method.
It is also important that a suitable quality control regime is established that verifies the continuing
validity of data.
Training courses are available through a local Thermo Scientific Sales Office; contact details are
available at www.Thermoscientific.com.
7.1.4 RF Power
1150 works with most samples you may want to select higher power for organics, High TDS
7.4.1 Interlocks
Check the interlocks are all green and take appropriate action if any are RED
Torch Compartment Interlock:- If red this indicates the torch door is open or the torch holder is
not inserted correctly. The plasma will not light.
Plasma gas pressure:- should be green if the plasma gas input pressure is 5.5 Bar, if it turns red
during the ignition sequence it indicates problems with the external gas supply to the iCAP If red
the plasma will not light.
Purge gas pressure:- should be green if the input pressure for the plasma gas is 5.5 Bar, if it
turns red during the ignition sequence it indicates problems with the external gas supply to the
iCAP. If red the plasma will not light.
Detector water flow:- should be green if the correct water flow is flowing for the camera to cool
down and the RF to light the plasma. If red the plasma will not light. (If the LED flickers even
slightly the plasma will go out and this indicates there is a problem with the chiller.
Drain Flow sensor:- if this is red this indicates that the iCAP has not seen an air bubble in the
drain sensor for two minutes, it will turn the plasma off. To reset the drain sensor turn the pump
on to 45RPM.
Exhaust flow;- This interlock checks that the exhaust is of sufficient flow to ensure the safe
removal of heat and combustion gases. (In a 20 second period the extraction needs to be low for
5 seconds for the interlock to occur.
Detector Temperature:- This interlock indicates that the camera has cooled down to -45ºC and
is ready to measure samples. (Notes: RED = too hot, Green = -45ºC Blue = Too cold.) When the
chiller is turned on the camera will take 5 minutes to cool down to -45ºC.
Optics temperature:- This indicates that the optical tank has reached the operating temperature.
From cold it could take 2 hours to reach 38ºC and an additional 1 hour to fully stabilize.
When ready, click on the “red ringed” Get ready icon on the Dashboard Page:
1. The ‘Warm Up’ time is normally set to 15 minutes to enable the system to stabilize prior to
spectrometer optimization.
2. ‘Spectrometer Optimization’ is normally turned on to make an automatic minor adjustment to
the spectrometer optics.
3. ‘Run Performance Checks’ will run the factory recommended performance test using defined
sample introduction and Standards. (On installation the Torch Alignment and Autopeak must
be completed first).
4. Use Manual Sampling. If an autosampler is configured this will enable the use of manual
Clicking OK will turn the plasma on and spectrometer optimization will be performed. During
these procedures the remaining warm-up time is shown in the Dashboard page.
▲Note: To allow the plasma to stabilize leave Plasma on with blank solution running for about 10
minutes before carrying out an analysis.
7.5.1 LabBooks
On the Homepage, click LabBooks. The LabBooks page of Qtegra opens.
When creating a new LabBook select eQUANT, enter a name and select a location.
LabBooks can be created from blank Templates, existing Templates, imported Templates of
appropriate configuration, or from existing LabBooks.
From Analytes use the Periodic Table to begin selecting your elements of choice by pausing
cursor over the element symbol to see a preferred wavelength list as shown below.
From Analytes use the Periodic Table and a left click on the element of choice to auto pick from
the top of the preferred wavelength list.
Where the first element wavelength is not desired, a right click will bring up a window and allow
optional selections. This also will show interfering elements graphically (assuming they are the
same concentration as the analyte).
From Measure Modes, source parameters such as RF Power, Nebulizer and Additional Gas flows
(if used) and Exposure Time(s) may be adjusted.
The Acquisition Parameters window shows (among other things) default slit positions, measure
mode view used and left and right background settings.
Here Analysis Modes Speed, Normal, Sprint, and sample pump RPM’s can be set.
Note:- Blanks (all zero concentration) are selected in the sample list view and not in the standards
From the Standards window select “New” to add a standard where “Elemental Standard” should
be selected.
The default concentration can be set prior to creating the standard by clicking the button to
minimize typing. Otherwise double click each Concentration field and type in values.
Repeat this for each standard and QC check required for the Method/LabBook.
As above, double click each Concentration field and type in appropriate values.
As above, double click each Concentration field and type in appropriate values.
Select the Quality Control checkbox to bring up the Quality control menu.
When an autosampler is being used, define Wash Time and Uptake Times by selecting the
appropriate autosampler. Rack type selection changes may also be made here.
NOTE: For the iCAP 7600 Sprint Valve the Wash Time may be set to ZERO as this function is
multi-tasked with the Uptake Time, which can also be reduced to about 20 seconds as using the
Valve provides quicker sampling.
Use Manual Sample Control to disable the autosampler and define the Uptake and wash
Use the Sample list to build a sequence and define the samples to be analyzed. Add lines
individually for BLANK and each of the calibration standards and QC checks. Use the label
identifier and sample type drop down list as required.
If using an autosampler identify the rack and vial for each sample at the far right on this table.
Click the down arrow next to the Add lines button for multiple rows additions.
Enter the number of Unknown samples you wish to run and click OK.
Under the Label column you can type individual identifiers’ or type one followed by a number
such as sample 1, then highlight the column, right click in the highlighted column and select
Increment fill to fill down with numbering.
This same Increment fill technique can be used for sample type and rack and vial at the end of
this table for sample tube locations.
For incremental QC Checks, highlight the QC Check standard row, click the “Copy” tool bar
button, click the location where you would a check performed then click the “Insert” tool bar
button, repeat for each location desired. Every 10 samples is common, for this example 5 was
used. For a final check at the end of the sample list the “Append” tool bar button can be clicked.
The LabBook sample sequence run will wait in the queue until the Scheduler “Run” button is
clicked ... unless the “Automatic” Start Queue has been selected in the Scheduler Options, in
which case the analysis is started immediately.
Introduce the sample “Method development standard” (high standard concentration solution of
the selected element(s)). Ensure you leave enough time for the sample to enter the plasma and
then click OK. This procedure will set the default position for this line until the next auto peak
adjustment takes place. If all elements are not in the same solution then multiple standards may
be used.
The result of the test is displayed in the bottom (right side) of the page. If the test is unsuccessful
or partially successfully there is a message in the log view tab stating the reason of the failure.
This is normally due to the solution not being aspirated for long enough before the test began, or
a problem with the solution.
To ensure long life of the pump tubing and correct operation the pump tensioning has to be
The pump tension can be adjusted with the plasma running and the pump stopped. Lock the
sample pump tubing and clamp into position. Release the tension adjustment and allow the
nebulizer to free aspirate. Tighten the tension adjustment until the flow just stops then tighten by
one turn. Turn on the pump and, if necessary, increase the tension until a smooth flow is
produced. Do not over-tighten the pump clamps as it will result in excessive wear and tear of the
pump tubing and require replacement tubing at more frequent intervals.
The report structure works by group with two types of groups: Result Group and Method
Parameter Group.
The general structure of reports is shown here with Result groups divided into Headers, Rows
and Columns:
The general structure of reports is shown here with one group and several results (samples):
Having selected the Result group option different groups can be created and selected for the
report. The order of the groups can be changed as well using the arrows next to Create report.
A name for the Result Group can be added and ticking boxes selects groups to add to data
Press Create Report.
Selecting Show Calibration Graphs will display the graph before any results.
The Header section allows selection of the information for each sample. This is displayed before
the results table.
The Rows section allows the selection of data appearing for each sample (Concentration
average, RSD...).
The Columns selection allows the individual Analytes to be reported. This can be done
individually or transfer “Analytes” to the right to select all.
Save Groups saves changes to the group settings. Any groups saved can then be used or
modified for other LabBooks. The latest saved version is the “live” version.
Create Report applies settings to the current LabBook. The report can be printed or saved.
Going back to the group settings allows changes which can be and applied by selecting Create
Table Options are used to set the formatting and the arrows next to Create Report are used to set
the positioning.
Other data (such as instrument logs) can also be exported as a .csv file. This is particularly useful
when requesting Service Engineer help:
For the 7600 Sprint Valve open the Sprint Valve Configurator software from the desktop icon.
When the software starts most of the options will be grayed out, click “Connect to Sprint Valve”.
Expand the screen using the arrow button on the right side of the window to open manual
Verify both Sample and Rinse probes are in air, verify or set to Load, turn On the Vacuum Pump
Control for several seconds to evacuate the Sample Loop and Valve then turn Off.
8 Maintenance
The iCAP 7000 has been designed for minimum maintenance. However, it is critical that the
sample introduction components be checked regularly for contamination and wear. Failure to do
so could result in loss of instrument performance.
Therefore, routine user maintenance of the iCAP 7000 is mainly concerned with keeping the
instrument clean.
Before using any cleaning or decontamination methods except those specified by the
manufacturer, the user should check with the manufacturer that the proposed method will not
damage the equipment.
Warning: Allow at least 10 minutes for any hot components to cool before
removing them from the torch compartment. Care should be taken to remove any
broken glass from the Duo radial POP window if a breakage occurs in the torch
box. ▲
To remove salt deposits soak the torch in a dilute analytical-grade surfactant for five minutes.
To remove metallic deposits from the tip, separate the torch quartz section, immerse the tip of
the torch in a 10 % acid solution for several hours or until clean (a mixture of nitric and
hydrochloric acid is normally suitable).
After cleaning, rinse the torch with de-ionized water and place in a drying oven at 95°C until it is
dry. Rinsing with a volatile, zero residue, organic solvent (propanol is suitable) will aid drying.
To clean the torch of carbon deposits, place the torch in a muffle furnace and heat to 450°C.
Open the door for a few seconds to allow air to enter, close and allow the oven to reach 450°C
again. Repeat this several times to remove all the carbon. Allow the furnace to cool over several
hours, as this will prevent stress building up in the quartz.
Before attempting to clean the Purged Optical Path (POP) window (note: there is also one below
the torch on a Duo configuration instrument) turn off the plasma and allow thirty minutes for any
hot areas to cool down.
Open the small access door next to the sample compartment door and withdraw the POP window
assembly. Clean the POP window using a lint free cloth and clean water. Repeat the cleaning
process using methanol then, when dry, re-insert the POP window into the fore optic assembly.
Warning: Do not open this access door when the plasma is running, there is a
potential UV radiation hazard. All mirrors in the optical system are coated so be
sure not to touch the mirror below the radial view POP window in the Duo
configuration. ▲
If further cleaning is necessary, remove the quartz window from the POP window holder and soak
in a 10 % acid solution for two hours (a mixture of nitric and hydrochloric acid is normally
suitable). After acid soaking rinse in de-ionized water, then with a volatile, zero residue, organic
solvent (propanol is suitable) to aid drying.
The radial view window below the torch on a Duo instrument can be treated in the same way.
Warning: Failure to maintain your chiller with the appropriate cooling fluid may
cause internal damage to your instrument.
An effective maintenance plan would include replacing the cooling fluid with new fluid at least
once every six months depending on the usage of your instrument, and also to ensure that any
air filters and water filters a kept clean. Refer to chiller manufacturers documentation for
more information.
It is recommended to clean the 6-port valve every 20,000 cycles, or approximately every 1-2
weeks. However, the frequency of cleaning interval will vary depending on application.
The valve head should be cleaned regularly as part of the routine maintenance of the sample
introduction components; spray chamber, nebulizer etc. To clean the valve, complete the
following steps:
To clean the valve head start by removing all of the tubing connectors from the 6 port valve:
Use the 7/64 hexagonal key provided to remove the three screws in the front of the valve:
Do not remove the valve body from the instrument as it will lose its position and will need
retraining using the home valve function in the sprint valve Configurator software.
Using a clean cloth, gently clean the channels, ports and surfaces of the stator and rotor. If
necessary use low-pressure, canned air to blow the channels and ports free of any remaining
Carefully replace the rotor into the valve, the rotor will only fit in the correct orientation, forcing it
will cause damage.
Place one of the screws through the stator and separator and reattach it to the valve, in the
orientation noted during removal:
Using the hexagonal key, tighten all three screws, to firmly set the parts in place:
The screws should be finger tight with the separator unable to move independently, over
tightening can cause damage to the rotor.
Reattach the tubing connectors and use the ‘manual cycle’ function in the sprint valve
Configurator software to check for leaks:
Using the provided hex key (9/64), loosen the hex screw on the locking collar which secures the
base of the valve to the instrument:
Push in the valve to make sure that it is completely seated, there should be no gap between the
valve and the collar:
Expand the software using the arrow button on the right side of the window and click
‘home valve’:
Finally, argon/air leaks can cause many problems including poor precision.
Check the gas fittings on the lines coming from the bulkhead to the torch and
nebuliser with a suitable soapy liquid su
ch as Snoop. Leaks at these joints are
usually caused by rough tubing and can be stopped by cutting off about 1/2 inch of
tubing and reinserting. Replace the tubing with ¼ inch Teflon if the tubing becomes
too short
Check the method to see if a fast pump rate is used for the flush period. If it is, then
make the flushh pump rate the same as the analysis rate and try it again. Inaccuracy
can sometimes be traced to the inability of the pump tubing to recover its shape
after being stretched.
Check the flush time for adequate rinse time. A 30-second
30 second rinse time is adequate in
most cases but not if a slow pump rate is being used or if a very long piece of tubing
is used (as with the autosampler probe).
10.1 Introduction
Maintenance refers to a series of periodic activities that should be performed on a
periodic basis to optimise the short term and long term performance of the system. In
this chapter we describe activities that should be performed by the typical user of the
10.5.2 Particles
These operations are ranked in order of increasing aggressiveness. We recommend that
you start with the gentlest procedure and continue with more aggressive procedures as
Tap the liquid input line of the nebuliser gently against a wooden surface (or a
surface of comparable hardness) to shake the particle loose. This helps the particle
to move in the direction of increasing inner diameter. Repeat the tapping as
necessary to work the particle toward the appropriate exit orifice. Avoid extremely
harsh tapping.
Apply compressed gas (15-30 psi) to the nozzle, forcing the gas backwards through
the annulus and the capillary (back flushing).
Note: Make sure the nebuliser is held securely during this operation.
Gently tap or flick the shell soundly with your fingernail a few times. If this fails to
dislodge the particle, close off the liquid and gas input tubes with your fingertips.
When the pressure builds up, move your fingertip quickly off the appropriate orifice
(if something is wedged in the gas annulus, "pop" your finger off the gas input; if in
the capillary). The sudden expansion of gas should help jar the particle loose in the
direction of increasing inner diameter. Try to orient the nebuliser so that gravity
assists you.
Force isopropyl alcohol backwards through the nozzle in an attempt to float the
particle out through the larger gas and liquid input tubes. Use a squeeze bottle or
plastic dropper with a tip that will form a good seal over the nebuliser nozzle. After
the particle has been removed, remove the alcohol through the input tubes using
compressed gas, or drain onto lint-free tissue. A variation of this procedure involves
the use of a solvent that is known to dissolve the particle (this variation works best if
you know which passage the particle is in and your nebuliser is a type C or K with a
recessed capillary. In this procedure, inject a slug of 1/4" to 1/2" of solvent into the
shell through the nozzle or the gas input tube and close off the nozzle with a
fingertip. Apply pressurised gas to the passage that does not contain the particle.
Pressurised solvent will force its way out the other channel in the direction of
increasing diameter, hopefully carrying the particle along with it).
Sprint Valves
Aqueous sprint valve kit 842312052631
Organic solvent sprint valve kit 842312052641