Includes The Concepts Consists Of: Server, Multiprocessor, PC, Real-Time, Embedded, Smart Card Operating Systems)

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Operating Systems

Course Title: Operating Systems Full Marks:60+ 20+20

Course No: CSC259 Pass Marks: 24+8+8
Nature of the Course: Theory + Lab Credit Hrs: 3

Course Description: This course includes the basic concepts of operating system
components. It consists of process management, deadlocks and process
synchronization, memory management techniques, File system implementation, and
I/O device management principles. It also includes case study on Linux operating
Course Objectives
 Describe need and role of operating system.
 Understand OS components such a scheduler, memory manager, file
system handlers and I/O device managers.
 Analyze and criticize techniques used in OS components
 Demonstrate and simulate algorithms used in OS components
 Identify algorithms and techniques used in different components of Linux
Course Contents:
Unit Teaching Hour References
Unit 1: Operating System Overview (4)
1.1 Introduction: Definition, Two views of 2 Hour
operating system, Evolution/History of
operating system, Types of OS (Mainframe,
Server, Multiprocessor, PC, Real-Time,
Embedded, Smart Card Operating Systems),
Operating System Structures
2 Hour
1.2 System Calls: Definition, Handling System
Calls, System calls for Process, File, and
Directory Management, System Programs,
The Shell, Open Source Operating Systems
Unit 2: Process Management (10)
2.1 Introduction: Process vs Program, 1 Hour
Multiprogramming, Process Model, Process
States, Process Control Block/Process Table.
2.2 Threads: Definition, Thread vs Process,
1 Hour
Thread Usage, User and Kernel Space
1 Hour
2.3 Inter Process Communication: Definition
Race Condition, Critical Section
3 Hour
2.4 Implementing Mutual Exclusion: Mutual
Exclusion with Busy Waiting (Disabling
Interrupts, Lock Variables, Strict Alteration,
Peterson’s Solution, Test and Set Lock),
Sleep and Wakeup, Semaphore, Monitors,
Message Passing
2.5 Classical IPC problems: Producer 1 Hour
Consumer, Sleeping Barber, and Dining
Philosopher Problem
3 Hour
2.6 Process Scheduling: Goals, Batch System
Scheduling (First-Come First-Served,
Shortest Job First, Shortest Remaining Time
Next), Interactive System Scheduling
(Round-Robin Scheduling, Priority
Scheduling, Multiple Queues), Overview of
Real Time System Scheduling (No need to
discuss any real time system scheduling
Unit 3: Process Deadlocks (6)
3.1 Introduction: Definition, Deadlock 1.5 Hour
Characterization, Preemptable and Non-
Preemptable Resources, Resource–
Allocation Graph, Necessary Conditions for
3.2 Handling Deadlocks: Ostrich Algorithm, 4.5 Hour
Deadlock prevention, Safe and Unsafe States,
Deadlock Avoidance (Bankers algorithm for
Single and Multiple Resource Instances), ,
Deadlock Detection (For Single and Multiple
Resource Instances), Recovery From
Deadlock (Through Preemption and
Unit 4: Memory Management (8)
4.1 Introduction: Monoprogramming vs Multi- 1 Hour
programming, Modelling Multi-
programming, Multiprogramming with
fixed and variable partitions, Relocation
and Protection.
4.2 Space Management: Fragmentation and
1 Hour
Compaction, Memory management (Bitmaps
& Linked-list), Memory Allocation
2 Hour
4.3 Virtual Memory: Paging, Page Table, Page
Table Structure, Pages and Frames, Handling
Page Faults, TLB’s 3 Hour
4.4 Page Replacement Algorithms: Hit Rate
and Miss Rate, Concept of Locality of
Reference, FIFO, Belady’s Anomaly, Second
Chance, LRU, Optimal, LFU, Clock, WS-
Clock. 1 Hour

4.5 Segmentation: Why Segmentation,

Drawbacks of Segmentation, Segmentation
with Paging(MULTICS)
Unit 5: File Management (6)
5.1 File Overview: File Naming, File Structure, 1 Hour
File Types, File Access, File Attributes, File
Operations, Single Level, Two Level and
Hierarchical Directory Systems, File System
5.2 Implementing Files: Contiguous allocation,
3 Hour
Linked List Allocation, Linked List Allocation
using Table in Memory/ File Allocation Table,
5.3 Directory: Directory Operations,
Path 1 Hour
Names, Directory Implementation, Shared
5.4 Free Space Management: Bitmaps, Linked 1 hour
Unit 6: Device Management (6)
6.1 Introduction: Classification of IO devices, 1 Hour
Controllers, Memory Mapped IO, DMA
Operation, Interrupts
6.2 IO Handling: Goals of IO Software,
2 Hour
Handling IO(Programmed IO, Interrupt
Driven IO, IO using DMA), IO Software
Layers (Interrupt Handlers, Device Drivers)
6.3 Disk Management: Disk Structure, Disk
3 Hour
Scheduling (FCFS, SSTF, SCAN, CSCAN,
LOOK, CLOOK), Disk Formatting (Cylinder
Skew, Interleaving, Error handling), RAID
Unit 7: Linux Case Study (5)
7.1 History, Kernel Modules, Process 5 Hour
Management, Scheduling, Inter-process
Communication, Memory Management,
File System Management Approaches,
Device Management Approaches.

Text Book
 Modern Operating Systems: Andrew S. Tanenbaum, PH1 Publication,
Third edition, 2008
 Abraham Silberschatz, Peter Baer Galvin and Greg Gagne, “Operating
System Concepts”, John Wiley & Sons (ASIA) Pvt. Ltd, Seventh edition,
 Harvey M. Deitel, Paul J. Deitel, and David R. Choffnes, “Operating
Systems, Prentice Hall, Third edition, 2003.

Laboratory Work
The laboratory work includes solving problems in operating system. The lab
work should include;
1 Demonstration of basic Linux Commands
2 Process creation and termination, thread creation and termination
3 Simulation of IPC techniques
4 Simulation process Scheduling algorithms
5 Simulation of deadlock avoidance and deadlock detection algorithms
6 Simulation of page replacement algorithms
7 Simulation of File allocation techniques
8 Simulate free space management techniques
9 Simulation of disk scheduling algorithms

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