20-02-2020 Leader & Achiever Course (Phase: Mla, MLB, MLC, MLD, Maza, Mazb, M4Aa1A)

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(PHASE : MLA, MLB, MLC,MLD, MAZA, MAZB, M4AA1A) 20–02–2020


Q. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
A. 1 3 4 3 1 2 4 2 1 1 4 3 4 1 1 1 3 3 2 2 4 2 2 4 4 1 1 1 4 4
Q. 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
A. 4 3 1 1 1 2 3 3 2 3 3 1 3 1 2 1 1 3 4 4 3 1 4 1 1 2 3 4 2 2
Q. 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
A. 4 4 4 1 2 4 1 2 1 2 2 4 2 3 2 3 4 1 2 4 1 3 4 4 2 2 2 3 1 3
Q. 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120
A. 3 1 1 1 1 4 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 1 1 3 1 3 4 1 4 1 4 2 2 1 2 1 3
Q. 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150
A. 3 2 4 1 3 3 2 1 2 4 4 1 1 4 2 1 4 2 3 1 3 3 2 1 1 2 4 4 2 1
Q. 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180
A. 2 1 4 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 3 2 2 4 3 4 3 3 3 1 1 3
1001CMD303119055 Your Target is to secure Good Rank in Pre-Medical 2020 KOTA
(Academic Session : 2019 - 2020)


Test Type : MAJOR Test Pattern : NEET(UG)
TEST DATE : 20 - 02 - 2020
2. T 2
(1) B1 B3
1. 1
4 r MB
r I m 2

I O 1
B2 0
2 I' = I
4r 16
Bnet B1 B2 B3 3 M
& M' =
Bnet 0
……(i) d
4r 3. = 6 t2 – 5t + 1 =– –(12t – 5)
2 At t = 0.25 sec, =2V
(2) 1 3 2
I= 0.2 A
O R 10
4. Suddenly current changes
B1 = B3 = 0 Bnet B1 B2 B3
6. Magnitdue of magnetic field at any point due
B2 0
= 0
……(ii) to a straight current carrying conductor depends
4R 4r
only on the distance of the point with respect to
(3) B1 = 0
current carrying conductor but not on the
0I 3 3 0I
B2 direction. Hence, B P = BQ(at same distance).
4 r 2 8r
7. F q(V B)
B3 F V
4 r 1
8. = B·A
I 3 1
Bnet 0
3 = ˆi 2ˆj 3kˆ . 2iˆ 5ˆj
4r 2
B(1) : B(2) : B(3) = 2 + 10 = 12
3 1 9. e L
–1 : 1 : dt
or 5 2
3 1 dt
: :
2 2 4 2 dI
= 2.5 amp/sec
1001CMD303119055 HS-1/4
Target : Pre-Medical 2020/Major/20-02-2020
(2) I 22. Displacement between both end A & C of wire
11. B1 (sin 90 sin 45)
4 d = AC = 4 cm = 4 × 10–2 m
(1) Force on wire
I 1
1 0
B2 O d F = I B = ma
4 d 2 I
I B 1 4 10 –2 2
Bnet B1 B2 a –3
0.8m / sec 2
m 100 10
I 1 23. The field at A and B are out of the paper and
2 d 2 inside the paper respectively. As the current
inthe straight wire decreases the field also
I decreases. The change in the magnetic field
Bnet 2 1 0

2 2 d cause induced current in both A and B.

12. Path :- circular According to lenz's law induced currents in
coils A & B tend to oppose the variation of
Speed : constant
change in magnetic field so induced current in
Acceleration non zero A is anticlockwise and in B is clockwise.
momentum will change 25. V L =VC Resonance
16. by ACL B(2 r) = 0Ienclosed VR = V=220V
B1=B2 =B3 {as Ienclosed Same}
VR 220
E B & i 2.2A
17. V R 100
26. loop A : B.dl 0 (3I)
18. As the magnet falls, due to the variation of
magnetic flux, induced current is developed loop B : B.dl (2I)
in the hollow conductor so as to resist the cause
of increment of flux; that means the velocity loop C : B.dl 0 (I)
of the magnet is resisted. In other words we can
27. Force between parallel wire
say that the magnet is retarded before entering
into the hollow conducting cylinder. II F1 I1 I 2
F 0 1 2
F I1I 2
Consequently its acceleration will be less than 2 d F2 I'1 I'2
g because magnetic force opposes the
gravitational force acting on the magnet. If the
F 2 2 F
cylinder is too long, the magnetic force opposes F'
the gravitational force on the magnet so as to F' 1 1 4
yield zero acceleration after a long time to attain Direction of current in both wire changed so
the terminal velocity. The eddy current in the again both wires carrying current in same
cylinder results in its heating. direction, so direction of remain same
VSIS 90 VS 6
19. 28. Given current varies at a rate given as ]
VP I P 100 3000 I = (10t + 5)A
VS = 450 V
VPIP = 3000 10A / s constan t
3000 3000
IP 15A At, t = 0, I = 5A so writing equation of potential
VP 200
drop gives
20. Power factor = 0.5 V A – 3 × 5 – 1 × 10 + 10 = VB
21. B (2 r) = 0 Ienclosed VA – VB = 15 V

(37) 1
B= 0 29. Electric energy density ue = 2
0 Erms
2 10 10 2 2
2 10 7 37 E0 1 2
B= 74 T Erms = ue = 0E0
10 1 2 4
HS-2/4 1001CMD303119055
Leader & Achiever Course/Phase-MLA,MLB,MLC,MLD,MAZA,MAZB,M4AA1A/20-02-2020

1 µ 0i
30. XC 2 41. B
C 2 r
XL = L = 10 i
R=6 Z = 10 & due to D & G are same
v rms 10 42. cot 1 + cot2 2 = cot2

I rms 0.7A
Z 10 2 16
cot245º + cot2 =
31. In ACL, magnetic field at a point on Amperian
loop is due to all currents. 7
cot 2 2
32. Magnetic moment is an axial vector and axis 9
of both the coils are perpendicular to each 7
= cot –1
other. So their magnetic moments also perpen- 2
dicular to each other. 2
Ip I 2p R
45. Power = I R R=
Mnet = bMg bMg
2 2
= 2M 2 2
34. The pointing vector 49. Al2O3 + Na2CO3 2NaAlO2 CO2 2 Al (OH)3

1 + Na2CO3
S (E B)
µ0 This process is Hall's process involved in
extraction of aluminium.
= 11.52 î – 28.8 ĵ acidic
78. CrO4 2 Basic
Cr2 O7 2
1 83. Siderite FeCO3
35. f=
2 LC Fool's gold FeS 2
µr = 144 Limonite Fe2O3.3H2O
L' = 144 L
Malachite CuCO3.Cu(OH)2
f Calamine ZnCO3
f' =
12 Magenetite Fe3O4
36. as B = 0
Argentile Ag2S
µ 0i 5 Pyrolusite MnO2
7 10
2r Haematite Fe2O3
E 88. (a) Pb Pbs + PbO Pb + SO2
I (b) Al Serpeck's
B (c) Cu Coke used as fuel
Magnetic field due to current carrying conductor (d) Fe CaCO3 CaO + CO2
anti clockwise as seen right side, current CaO + SiO2 CaSiO3(Slag)
increases, B is also increases thus induced 91. NCERT-XII, Pg. # 89 (E)
electric field perpendicular to B toward left NCERT-XII, Pg. # 97 (H)
39. Comparing the given equation with equation
92. NCERT-XII, Pg. # 78 (E)
of plane electromagnetic wave, Ez = E0 cos ( t
+ kx), we have = 6 × 10–8 and k = 4. NCERT-XII, Pg. # 86 (H)
Velocity of light in medium 94. NCERT-XII, Pg. # 181 (E)
NCERT-XII, Pg. # 199 (H)
6 108 3
v= 10 8 m/s 95. NCERT-XII, Pg. # 176 (E)
K 4 2
NCERT-XII, Pg. # 193 (H)
c 3 10 8 96. NCERT XII, Pg# 112
Refractive index, µ = 2 97. NCERT XII, Pg# 208
v (3 / 2) 10 8
98. NCERT XII, Pg# 211
f 6 6
40. Q= r = = = 1.5 HS-3/4
f (8 4) 4
Target : Pre-Medical 2020/Major/20-02-2020
99. A+G=T+C 138. NCERT-XII, Pg. # 209
A = T = 10% 139. NCERT-XII, Pg. # 112
G = C = 40% 140. NCERT-XII, Pg. # 208
100. NCERT-XII, Pg. # 199 142. NCERT-XII, Pg. # 91 (E)
104. NCERT-XII, Pg. # 188 (E) NCERT-XII, Pg. # 100 (H)
NCERT-XII, Pg. # 205 (H) 143. NCERT-XII, Pg. # 181 (E)
106. NCERT XII, Pg# 114 NCERT-XII, Pg. # 197 (H)
107. NCERT XII, Pg# 195 144. NCERT-XII, Pg. # 173 (E)
108. NCERT-XII, Pg. # 212
109. E.coli does not have histone proteins NCERT-XII, Pg. # 190 (H)
NCERT-XII, Pg. # 107 145. NCERT XII, Pg# 97
110. NCERT-XII, Pg. # 202 147. NCERT XII, Pg# 197
111. NCERT-XII, Pg. # 79 (E) 148. NCERT-XII, Pg. # 213
NCERT-XII, Pg. # 87 (H) 149. NCERT-XII, Pg. # 112
150. NCERT-XII, Pg. # 210, 214
112. NCERT-XII, Pg. # 72 (E) 151. NCERT-XII, Pg. # 72 (E)
NCERT-XII, Pg. # 80 (H) NCERT-XII, Pg. # 80 (H)
113. NCERT-XII, Pg. # 183 (E) 152. NCERT-XII, Pg. # 84 (E)
NCERT-XII, Pg. # 199 (H) NCERT-XII, Pg. # 92 (H)
114. NCERT-XII, Pg. # 183 (E) 154. NCERT-XII, Pg. # 176 (E)
NCERT-XII, Pg. # 199 (H) NCERT-XII, Pg. # 193 (H)
155. NCERT XII, Pg# 100
115. NCERT-XII, Pg. # 177 (E) 156. NCERT XII, Pg# 96
NCERT-XII, Pg. # 194 (H) 157. NCERT XII, Pg# 199
117. NCERT XII, Pg# 198 158. NCERT-XII, Pg. # 195
159. NCERT-XI, Pg. # 196, 198, 199, 200
118. NCERT-XII, Pg. # 213
160. NCERT-XII, Pg. # 212, 214
119. m-RNA is complementary and antiparallel to template
161. NCERT-XII, Pg. # 83 (E)
NCERT-XII, Pg. # 93 (H)
120. NCERT-XII, Pg. # 202
121. NCERT-XII, Pg. # 91 (E) 162. NCERT-XII, Pg. # 88 (E)
NCERT-XII, Pg. # 99 (H) NCERT-XII, Pg. # 96 (H)
122. NCERT-XII, Pg. # 78 (E) 163. NCERT-XII, Pg. # 187 (E)
NCERT-XII, Pg. # 86 (H) NCERT-XII, Pg. # 204 (H)
123. NCERT-XII, Pg. # 185 (E) 164. NCERT-XII, Pg. # 171 (E)
NCERT-XII, Pg. # 202 (H)
NCERT-XII, Pg. # 188 (H)
124. NCERT-XII, Pg. # 170 (E) 166. NCERT XII, Pg# 200
NCERT-XII, Pg. # 187 (H) 167. NCERT XII, Pg# 208
125. NCERT-XII, Pg. # 176 (E) 168. NCERT-XII, Pg. # 99
NCERT-XII, Pg. # 193 (H) 169. 25 = 32
126. NCERT XII, Pg# 116 171. NCERT-XII, Pg. # 89 (E)
127. NCERT XII, Pg# 203 NCERT-XII, Pg. # 97 (H)
128. NCERT-XII, Pg. # 211 172. NCERT-XII, Pg. # 90 (E)
129. NCERT-XII, Pg. # 111 NCERT-XII, Pg. # 98 (H)
130. NCERT-XII, Pg. # 211, 212, 213 173. NCERT-XII, Pg. # 182 (E)
131. NCERT-XII, Pg. # 86 (E) NCERT-XII, Pg. # 199 (H)
NCERT-XII, Pg. # 95 (H) 174. NCERT-XII, Pg. # 174 (E)
133. NCERT-XII, Pg. # 187 (E) NCERT-XII, Pg. # 191 (H)
175. NCERT XII, Pg# 112
NCERT-XII, Pg. # 204 (H)
176. NCERT XII, Pg# 197
134. NCERT-XII, Pg. # 174, 175 (E) 177. NCERT XII, Pg# 209
NCERT-XII, Pg. # 191, 192 (H) 178. NCERT-XII, Pg. # 96 & 99
179. NCERT-XII, Pg. # 199
135. NCERT XII, Pg# 96
137. NCERT XII, Pg# 201 180. NCERT-XII, Pg. # 213, 214

HS-4/4 1001CMD303119055

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