Koonin Classified Phraseological Units According To The Way They Are Formed

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Koonin classified phraseological units according to the way they are formed.

The ways of forming phraseological units are

primary and secondary.

Primary ways – those when a unit is formed on the basis of a free word-group.

Primary ways Example

The formation of phraseological units by means of In cosmic technique we can point out the phrase launching
transferring the meaning of the terminological word-groups pad with terminological meaning ,,a platform from which a
spacecraft is launched’’ , but its transferred meaning - an
effective starting point for a career, enterprise
From free word group by transforming their meaning Granny farm – boarding house for aged people
By means of alliteration A sad sack – clumsy person who makes mistakes despite
good intentions
By means of expressiveness My aunt! – an exclamation of surprise or amazement
By means of distorting a word-group Odds and ends – small items that are not valuable
By using archaism In brown study – in gloomy meditation
By using a sentence in a different sphere of life That cock won’t fight – can be a free word-group when used
in sports, but it becomes a phraseological unit when used
metaphorically in everyday life= an expression of refusal or
By using some unreal image To have butterflies in the stomach – to have a nervous feeling
To have green fingers – considerable talent to grow plants

By using expressions of writers or politicians in everyday life Corridors of power

Secondary ways – are those when a phraseological unit is formed on the basis of another phraseological unit.

Secondary ways Examples

Conversion To vote with one’s feet – to show your opinion by leaving an
Changing the grammar form Make hay while the sun shines is transferred into a verbal
phrase to make hay while the sun shines – to make good use
of an opportunity while it lasts
Analogy Curiosity killed the cat was transferred into care killed the
cat – being curious can sometimes lead to danger
Contrast Thin cat- a poor person was formed by contrasting it with fat
Shortening of proverbs or sayings From the proverb you can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s
ear by means of clipping the middle of it, was formed the ph.
unit to make a sow’s ear = you cannot make something good
out of something that is naturally bad
Borrowing phraseological units from other languages Living space (German)

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