Espec Tecn XDM-500

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Version 8.4

System Specifications
XDM (ETSI) System Specifications
Catalog No: X39656
August 2012
4th Edition

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Overview................................................................................... 1-1
XDM® – Intelligent and Scalable Optical Networking Platforms ...................... 1-1
Unparalleled Capabilities .................................................................................. 1-3
XDM Platforms ................................................................................................. 1-5

Physical Description ............................................................... 2-1

XDM Shelf Configurations ................................................................................ 2-2
XDM-50 Card and Module Layout .................................................................. 2-33
MXC50 and ECU50 Cards ............................................................................. 2-34
XDM-100 Card and Module Layout ................................................................ 2-35
MXC and ECU Cards ..................................................................................... 2-37
XDM-300 Card and Module Layout ................................................................ 2-40
MXC300 and ECU300 Cards ......................................................................... 2-41
XDM-900 Card and Module Layout ................................................................ 2-44
MXC900 and ECU900 Cards ......................................................................... 2-46
XDM-40 Card Layout ...................................................................................... 2-48
XDM-400 Card Layout .................................................................................... 2-49
XDM-450 Card Layout .................................................................................... 2-50
XDM-500 Card Layout .................................................................................... 2-51
XDM-1000 Card Layout .................................................................................. 2-53
XDM-2000 Card Layout .................................................................................. 2-55
XDM-3000 Card Layout .................................................................................. 2-56
Control, Matrix, and I/O Cards for Large XDM Shelves ................................. 2-58

XDM-50 Specifications ............................................................ 3-1

Cross-Connect Specifications .......................................................................... 3-1
Traffic Protection .............................................................................................. 3-2
Redundancy ..................................................................................................... 3-2
Synchronization ................................................................................................ 3-2
Jitter and Wander ............................................................................................. 3-2
I/O Interfaces .................................................................................................... 3-2
Management .................................................................................................... 3-4
SDH Interfaces ................................................................................................. 3-4
Data Modules ................................................................................................... 3-8
Physical Specifications ................................................................................... 3-12
Environmental Conditions .............................................................................. 3-13
EMC ............................................................................................................... 3-13
Safety ............................................................................................................. 3-13
Reliability ........................................................................................................ 3-14

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Contents XDM System Specifications

XDM-100 Specifications .......................................................... 4-1

Cross-Connect Specifications .......................................................................... 4-2
Traffic Protection .............................................................................................. 4-3
Redundancy ..................................................................................................... 4-3
Synchronization ................................................................................................ 4-3
Jitter and Wander ............................................................................................. 4-3
I/O Interfaces .................................................................................................... 4-4
Management .................................................................................................... 4-5
SDH/SONET Interfaces.................................................................................... 4-6
Data Modules ................................................................................................. 4-12
Optical Amplifier Modules for TPU/OCU ........................................................ 4-20
GbE/FC/2 Gbps FC/FICON Optical SFP Transceivers for
Transponders/Combiners ............................................................................... 4-21
STM-1 SFP Optical supervisory channel transceivers for OSC1_2 ............... 4-21
CWDM Modules ............................................................................................. 4-22
Physical Specifications ................................................................................... 4-23
Environmental Conditions .............................................................................. 4-27
EMC ............................................................................................................... 4-27
Safety ............................................................................................................. 4-28
Reliability ........................................................................................................ 4-28

XDM-300/900 Specifications ................................................... 5-1

Cross-Connect Specifications .......................................................................... 5-1
Traffic Protection .............................................................................................. 5-2
Redundancy ..................................................................................................... 5-2
Synchronization ................................................................................................ 5-2
Jitter and Wander ............................................................................................. 5-2
I/O Interfaces .................................................................................................... 5-3
Management .................................................................................................... 5-4
SDH/SONET Interfaces.................................................................................... 5-5
Data Modules ................................................................................................. 5-11
Optical Amplifier Modules for TPU/OCU ........................................................ 5-19
CWDM Modules ............................................................................................. 5-20
Physical Specifications ................................................................................... 5-21
Environmental Conditions .............................................................................. 5-25
EMC ............................................................................................................... 5-26
Safety ............................................................................................................. 5-26
Reliability ........................................................................................................ 5-26

ii ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications Contents

XDM-40, 400, 450, 500, 1000, 2000, and 3000 Specifications6-1

Electrical, Optical, and Mixed Basecard Information ........................................ 6-2
XDM Shelf Capacities ...................................................................................... 6-5
PDH/Async and SDH/SONET Interface Specifications .................................... 6-8
SDH/SONET Interfaces.................................................................................. 6-10
XDM MPLS/Ethernet Card Summary ............................................................. 6-21
Data Cards ..................................................................................................... 6-22
Optical Components ....................................................................................... 6-32
C Band Channel Frequencies and Wavelengths (ITU-T Rec. G.694.1
for DWDM) ..................................................................................................... 6-62
CWDM Frequencies and Wavelengths (ITU-T Rec. G.694.2 for CWDM) ...... 6-65
Physical Specifications ................................................................................... 6-65
Environmental Conditions .............................................................................. 6-71
EMC ............................................................................................................... 6-71
Safety ............................................................................................................. 6-71
Reliability ........................................................................................................ 6-72
Management Specifications ........................................................................... 6-72
Other Specifications ....................................................................................... 6-72

Standards and References .................................................... A-1

Overview .......................................................................................................... A-1
Broadband Forum ............................................................................................ A-1
Environmental Standards ................................................................................. A-2
ETSI: European Telecommunications Standards Institute ............................... A-2
IEC: International Electrotechnical Commission .............................................. A-3
IEEE: Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers ...................................... A-4
IETF: Internet Engineering Task Force ............................................................ A-5
ISO: International Organization for Standardization ......................................... A-7
ITU-T: International Telecommunication Union ................................................ A-8
MEF: Metro Ethernet Forum ........................................................................... A-12
NIST: National Institute of Standards and Technology .................................. A-13
North American Standards ............................................................................. A-13
OMG: Object Management Group ................................................................. A-14
TMF: TeleManagement Forum ....................................................................... A-14
Web Protocol Standards ................................................................................ A-14

Index .......................................................................................... I-1

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Contents XDM System Specifications

iv ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

List of Figures
Figure 1-1: Multiservice metropolitan optical network .................................................... 1-4
Figure 2-1: Basic XDM-50 shelf ..................................................................................... 2-2
Figure 2-2: XDM-50 with TPU (I/O protection) ............................................................... 2-3
Figure 2-3: Basic XDM-100 shelf ................................................................................... 2-4
Figure 2-4: XDM-100 with TPU (I/O protection) ............................................................. 2-4
Figure 2-5: XDM-100 nonredundant configuration ........................................................ 2-5
Figure 2-6: XDM-100H with one TPU/OCU shelf........................................................... 2-6
Figure 2-7: Basic XDM-300 shelf, horizontal installation ............................................... 2-7
Figure 2-8: Basic XDM-300 shelf, vertical Installation ................................................... 2-8
Figure 2-9: XDM-300 with TPU on top ........................................................................... 2-9
Figure 2-10: XDM-300 with TPUs on top and at the bottom of the shelf ....................... 2-9
Figure 2-11: XDM-300 with two TPUs and an OCU .................................................... 2-10
Figure 2-12: Basic XDM-900 shelf, horizontal installation ........................................... 2-11
Figure 2-13: Basic XDM-900 shelf, vertical Installation ............................................... 2-12
Figure 2-14: XDM-900 with TPU on top ....................................................................... 2-13
Figure 2-15: XDM-900 with TPUs on top and at the bottom ........................................ 2-14
Figure 2-16: XDM-900 with two TPUs and an OCU .................................................... 2-15
Figure 2-17: XDM-40 shelf layout ................................................................................ 2-16
Figure 2-18: XDM-400 shelf open view........................................................................ 2-16
Figure 2-19: XDM-450 platform.................................................................................... 2-17
Figure 2-20: XDM-500 shelf open view........................................................................ 2-18
Figure 2-21: XDM-1000 standard shelf open view ...................................................... 2-19
Figure 2-22: XDM-2000 open view .............................................................................. 2-20
Figure 2-23: XDM-3000 front view ............................................................................... 2-21
Figure 2-24: Three XDM-50 shelves in a 2600 mm ECI recommended
ETSI rack...................................................................................................................... 2-23
Figure 2-25: Three XDM-100 or XDM-200 shelves in a 2600 mm
ECI recommended ETSI rack ...................................................................................... 2-24
Figure 2-26: Two XDM-300 shelves in a 2600 mm ECI recommended ETSI rack ..... 2-25
Figure 2-27: XDM-1000 and XDM-500 shelves in a 2600 mm
ECI recommended ETSI rack ...................................................................................... 2-26
Figure 2-28: Two XDM-500 shelves installed in a 2200 mm ETSI rack ...................... 2-27
Figure 2-29: Two XDM-40 shelves installed in a 2200 mm ETSI rack ........................ 2-28
Figure 2-30: Two XDM-2000 shelves installed in a 2200 mm ECI
recommended ETSI rack ............................................................................................. 2-29

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List of Figures XDM System Specifications

Figure 2-31: Two XDM-1000 shelves installed in a 2600 mm ECI

recommended ETSI rack ............................................................................................. 2-30
Figure 2-32: XDM-1000 and XDM-100H shelves installed in a 2200 mm
ECI recommended ETSI rack ...................................................................................... 2-31
Figure 2-33: XDM-500 and XDM-100H shelves installed in a 2200 mm
ECI recommended ETSI rack ...................................................................................... 2-32
Figure 2-34: XDM-50 slot allocation ............................................................................. 2-33
Figure 2-35: XDM-100 slot allocation ........................................................................... 2-36
Figure 2-36: XDM-300 slot allocation ........................................................................... 2-40
Figure 2-37: XDM-900 slot allocation ........................................................................... 2-45
Figure 2-38: XDM-40 card layout ................................................................................. 2-49
Figure 2-39: XDM-400 typical card layout.................................................................... 2-50
Figure 2-40: XDM-450 slot layout ................................................................................ 2-51
Figure 2-41: XDM-500 standard card layout ................................................................ 2-52
Figure 2-42: XDM-1000 standard card layout .............................................................. 2-54
Figure 2-43: XDM-2000 standard card layout .............................................................. 2-55
Figure 2-44: XDM-3000 standard card layout .............................................................. 2-57

vi ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

List of Tables
Table 3-1: STM-1 bidirectional transceivers ........................................................... 3-5
Table 3-2: STM-4 bidirectional transceivers ........................................................... 3-7
Table 4-1: STM-1 bidirectional transceivers ........................................................... 4-7
Table 4-2: STM-4 bidirectional transceivers ........................................................... 4-8
Table 4-3: STM-16 bidirectional transceivers ....................................................... 4-10
Table 4-4: SFP+ client transceivers...................................................................... 4-18
Table 4-5: SFP+ bidirectional client transceivers ................................................. 4-19
Table 4-6: SFP+ C/DWDM transceivers ............................................................... 4-19
Table 5-1: STM-1 bidirectional transceivers ........................................................... 5-6
Table 5-2: STM-4 bidirectional transceivers ........................................................... 5-7
Table 5-3: STM-16 bidirectional transceivers ......................................................... 5-8
Table 5-4: GbE bidirectional transceivers ............................................................. 5-16
Table 5-5: SFP+ client transceivers...................................................................... 5-16
Table 5-6: SFP+ bidirectional client transceivers ................................................. 5-17
Table 5-7: SFP+ C/DWDM transceivers ............................................................... 5-18
Table 6-1: STM-1 transceivers ............................................................................. 6-11
Table 6-2: STM-1 bidirectional transceivers ......................................................... 6-12
Table 6-3: STM-4 transceivers ............................................................................. 6-14
Table 6-4: STM-4 bidirectional transceivers ......................................................... 6-15
Table 6-5: STM-16 transceivers ........................................................................... 6-16
Table 6-6: STM-16 bidirectional transceivers ....................................................... 6-17

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List of Tables XDM System Specifications

viii ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03


In this chapter:
XDM® – Intelligent and Scalable Optical Networking Platforms .................. 1-1
Unparalleled Capabilities ................................................................................ 1-3
XDM Platforms ............................................................................................... 1-5

XDM® – Intelligent and Scalable

Optical Networking Platforms
The telecommunications landscape is becoming more and more competitive.
Carriers and operators are demanding networking equipment that can do more
for less money. Today's networking equipment must be flexible, upgradeable,
and highly intelligent. It must be able to successfully integrate with equipment
produced by other manufacturers according to accepted industry standards.
Above all, today's networking equipment must be scalable, easy to operate and
maintain, and cost effective.
At ECI, we specifically addressed these issues when we designed the XDM
platforms. The XDM offers carriers unprecedented capacity, cost-savings, and
ease of integration, placing it at the forefront of the optical networking

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 1-1

Overview XDM System Specifications

The XDM offers a series of outstanding advantages, including:

 Data-services – the XDM facilitates migration from voice-oriented to
data-oriented networks, combining the cost-effectiveness and universality of
Ethernet with the Quality of Service (QoS), scalability, and resilience of
 Optical DWDM capabilities – the XDM implements low-cost all-optical
networks by offering sublambda grooming of multiple low-rate services
(including SDH/SONET, IP, ATM, and GbE) onto a single wavelength.
 Versatility and interoperability – the XDM coexists in perfect harmony
with equipment from other vendors by enabling the free flow of management
information between network elements. Its management software facilitates
smooth integration with other high-level management systems.
 Readiness for future architectures – thanks to its inherently modular
build-as-you-grow™ architecture, the XDM gives carriers the ability to meet
all of tomorrow's networking environments, be they ring, star, or mesh.
The innovative design of the XDM meets all the requirements of modern
transmission networks in a single shelf, consolidating key networking
technologies in a modular infrastructure to create the world's most
accommodating and scalable single-shelf platform. XDM operators can choose
to use only the features required based on current demands, and add functions
and services as requirements grow. This results in flexible and scalable platforms
that provide dynamic multiservice provisioning while reducing both capital
expenditures (CAPEX) and operating expenses (OPEX).

1-2 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications Overview

Unparalleled Capabilities
Typical metro networks span distances anywhere from 10 km to 300 km, serving
large bandwidth-hungry areas. Equipment serving these networks must therefore
be able to interconnect a wide range of protocols, from business customers in the
access layer to service providers in the backbone.
As a true MultiService Provisioning Platform (MSPP), the XDM seamlessly
integrates multiple network types, traffic types and technologies, including:
 Bitrates ranging from E1 all the way up to STM-64/OC-192
 Large nonblocking matrix for full connectivity
 Variety of port densities that can fit into any network layer from the
network termination unit all the way up to the central office
 Optical
 High density of lambdas (40 to 80) in the C band
 Ability to add/drop any lambda at any site
 Ability to provide metro solutions without amplification
 Long-haul solutions up to 1500 km
 Data
 Usable bandwidth to customers, including Layer 1 and Layer 2 Ethernet
services, from 10BaseT all the way up to 10 GbE
 Ability to route data over SDH/SONET or DWDM
 Additional cards can be added as needed, to reduce cost and protect
against over-expansion
 Cellular
 Aggregates ATM traffic to optimize bandwidth utilization
 Unifies 2G and 3G networks
Several cross connect types are available, including broadband, wideband, and
integrated broadband/wideband, all of which comply with applicable standards.
The XDM does all of this while maintaining high levels of performance and
reliability. Moreover, the inherent DWDM capabilities of the XDM provide
operators with an intelligent infrastructure offering virtually unlimited
expansion paths.

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Overview XDM System Specifications

The multi-layer multiservice functionality of the XDM enables you to:

 Migrate from today's ring topologies to mesh architectures, segment by
 Add and activate bandwidth as requirements change
 Provide on-demand services across multiple network layers

Figure 1-1: Multiservice metropolitan optical network

1-4 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications Overview

XDM Platforms
The XDM family of integrated optical platforms consolidates key networking
technologies in a modular infrastructure that integrates all the transport functions
of a complete Point of Presence (POP) in a single shelf-sized element. Cards can
be interchanged between the various platforms, ensuring a flexible
build-as-you-grow architecture for transporting all types of traffic, including
voice, ATM, IP, and data.
These technical specifications address the following XDM shelf configurations:
 XDM®-50 – The Do-It-All MSPP for Up-and-Coming Networks – ultra
compact platform, designed to provide a swift response to evolving network
requirements. It brings greater levels of flexibility to metropolitan and
cellular networks, and is emerging as a solid solution for these focused and
highly cost-sensitive markets.
 XDM®-100 – Miniature MSPP for Metro-Access and Cellular Networks
– an intelligent integrated system that offers operators a cost-effective
flexible approach to maximizing bandwidth utilization, while delivering
both enhanced data services and traditional voice services.
 XDM®-300 – Flexible MSPP for Metro Aggregation Applications –
designed for metro aggregation applications and cellular Radio Access
Network (RAN) infrastructure. The platform is optimized for cost- and
physical size-effective implementation of MADM-64 and MADM-16
network elements.
 XDM®-900 – MSPP for High-Capacity Central Exchange Applications
– designed for high-capacity central exchange applications, the XDM-900 is
optimized for the metro-core and features unprecedented port densities.
As a digital cross connect, the XDM-900 forms a fully protected mesh core.
As a multi-ADM, it simultaneously closes STM-64/OC-192 core
MS-SPRing/BLSR and multiple edge 1+1/UPSR rings. As a DWDM, it
enables migration from SDH/SONET to DWDM networks, providing high
capacity and sublambda grooming and reliability.
The XDM-900 provides connectivity between central office legacy switches
over E1, E3/DS-3, and STM-1/OC-3 trunks, and between POPs over native
Fast Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet, or POS, while efficiently grooming traffic
from edge rings.
 XDM®-40 – Modular C/DWDM and OTN Platform for Metro-Access
and CPE Applications – enables service providers to build end-to-end
flexible standards-based OTN solutions that address the growing demand for
business data transport. It gives service providers the flexibility to take full
advantage of their existing networks, while providing a smooth and fully
supported migration to IP over optics.

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Overview XDM System Specifications

 XDM®-400 – Aggregator for Metro-Edge Networks – an innovative

product optimized for optical metro-access and cellular applications. When
equipped with high-power long-haul optical devices, it provides an excellent
solution for regional applications spanning distances of up to 1500 km.
 XDM®-450 – Standalone Computer Control Panel (CCP) shelf for
optics overlay – provides an efficient cost-effective way to add optical
capacity to your network configuration and serves as an add-on to host
additional OMs such as amplifiers and ROADMs. The XDM-450 is
especially valuable for use with the XDM-300, XDM-1000, XDM-2000,
XDM-3000, and ECI's CESR 9000 platforms, enabling a smooth DWDM
upgrade path and supporting alien lambda extensions.
 XDM®-500 – Data-Aware Access Gateway – designed for medium
interface capacities and street-cabinet installations, the XDM-500 is a
compact optical platform optimized for the metro-edge. It provides
traditional broadband services and highly advanced data services like
adaptive-rate Gigabit Ethernet, sophisticated Layer 2 Ethernet, POS, and
lambda. It can be used either as a simple ADM or as an edge multi-ADM/TM
shared between several rings, providing distributed cross connectivity and
concentration of low-rate services.
 XDM®-1000 – MSPP for High-Capacity Central Exchange Applications
– designed for high-capacity central exchange applications, the XDM-1000
is optimized for the metro-core and features unprecedented port densities.
As a digital cross connect, the XDM-1000 forms a fully protected mesh core.
As a multi-ADM, it simultaneously closes STM-64/OC-192 core
MS-SPRing/BLSR and multiple edge 1+1/UPSR rings. As a DWDM, it
enables migration from SDH/SONET to DWDM networks, providing high
capacity and sublambda grooming and reliability.
The XDM-1000 provides connectivity between central office legacy
switches over E1, E3/DS-3, and STM-1/OC-3 trunks, and between POPs
over native Fast Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet, or POS, while efficiently
grooming traffic from edge rings.
 XDM®-2000 – Multifunctional Intelligent Optical Switch – designed for
the metro and metro-regional core, the XDM-2000 is optimized for pure
DWDM and hybrid optical applications. This is a highly dense DWDM
platform that provides intelligent sublambda grooming and optimum
wavelength utilization.
As the most flexible optical switch on the market today, the XDM-2000
transports up to 400 Gbps (upgradeable to 1.6 Tbps and above), and
integrates the most advanced optical units with a variety of interfaces and a
sophisticated high-capacity matrix in one small low-cost package.

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XDM System Specifications Overview

 XDM®-3000 – High Capacity Metro-Core MSPP – the 240 Gbps capacity

is ideal for regional metro-core networks. The XDM-3000 is designed for
ever-expanding optical transport traffic demands, with network migration to
n x 10G interfaces increasing the bulk bandwidth requirements for core
platforms. The high capacity of the XDM-3000 relieves metro-core network
bottlenecks while enabling network expansion and improved BW efficiency
through the use of 10 Gbps cards to maximize utilization of available slots.
As a multi-ADM, the XDM-3000 provides multi-ring closure,
simultaneously closing STM-16/STM-64 core MS-SPRing and multiple
edge SNCP rings, and providing improved protection and restoration
capabilities. The XDM-3000 can also be used as a cost-effective DXC for
heavy traffic sites, forming a fully protected mesh core. The large amount of
low-order traffic handled by this platform enables full connectivity for TDM

Figure 1-2: XDM shelves

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Overview XDM System Specifications

1-8 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

Physical Description

In this chapter:
XDM Shelf Configurations ............................................................................. 2-2
XDM-50 Card and Module Layout ............................................................... 2-33
MXC50 and ECU50 Cards ............................................................................ 2-34
XDM-100 Card and Module Layout ............................................................. 2-35
MXC and ECU Cards .................................................................................... 2-37
XDM-300 Card and Module Layout ............................................................. 2-40
MXC300 and ECU300 Cards ........................................................................ 2-41
XDM-900 Card and Module Layout ............................................................. 2-44
MXC900 and ECU900 Cards ........................................................................ 2-46
XDM-40 Card Layout ................................................................................... 2-48
XDM-400 Card Layout ................................................................................. 2-49
XDM-450 Card Layout ................................................................................. 2-50
XDM-500 Card Layout ................................................................................. 2-51
XDM-1000 Card Layout ............................................................................... 2-53
XDM-2000 Card Layout ............................................................................... 2-55
XDM-3000 Card Layout ............................................................................... 2-56
Control, Matrix, and I/O Cards for Large XDM Shelves .............................. 2-58

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Physical Description XDM System Specifications

XDM Shelf Configurations

This section describes the XDM shelf configurations and slot assignments.

XDM-50 Shelf Layout

The XDM-50 is available in two configurations:
 Basic XDM-50 shelf with 21 protected E1 interfaces
 XDM-50 with I/O protection

Basic XDM-50 shelf

The basic XDM-50 shelf is housed in a 231 mm deep, 443 mm wide, and 129
mm high equipment cage. The lower part of the shelf consists of the card cage
and accommodates the MXC50 (Main Cross connect and Control) cards (main
and protection), the ECU50 (External Connection Unit), the CCP50_2
(Common Connection Panel), and the INF50 (Input Filter) cards. The upper part
of the shelf consists of the module cage that houses up to four I/O modules.
Various types of interface modules supporting PDH, SDH, and data services are
The FCU50 fan control unit at the right side of the shelf provides cooling air to
the system.
Electrical connections are located directly in the tributary modules, except for
the CCP50_2, which provides electrical connection to the PDB_21 (PDH
Daughter Board) residing in the MXC50.
To support system redundancy, the XDM-50 contains two INF50 units with
connectors for two input power sources.

Figure 2-1: Basic XDM-50 shelf

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XDM System Specifications Physical Description

XDM-50 with I/O protection

A Tributary Protection Unit (TPU) is mounted on top of the basic XDM-50 shelf
to provide I/O protection to the I/O modules. The TPU adds only 75 mm to the
basic shelf height, allowing it to remain ultra compact in size. It has five slots,
four allocated for Tributary Protection Modules (TPMs) and one for a Tributary
Control (TC) or Tributary Control and Fan (TCF) module.
Each TPM is connected to both operating and protection I/O modules in the
shelf, in a 1:1 or 1:3 configuration. If a failure is detected in one of the operating
I/O modules, the TC (or TCF) switches the traffic from the active to the
protection I/O module.

Figure 2-2: XDM-50 with TPU (I/O protection)

XDM-100 Shelf Layout

The XDM-100 is available in four configurations:
 Basic XDM-100 shelf
 XDM-100 with I/O protection
 Nonredundant XDM-100
 Hybrid XDM-100H

Basic XDM-100 shelf

The basic XDM-100 shelf is housed in a 231 mm deep, 443 mm wide, and 200
mm high equipment cage. The lower part of the shelf consists of the card cage
and accommodates the MXC-100 cards (main and protection) and the ECU. The
upper part of the shelf consists of the module cage that houses up to eight I/O
modules. Various types of interface modules supporting PDH, SDH, and data
services are available. The FCU fan control unit at the right side of the shelf
provides cooling air to the system.
All electrical connections are located directly in the tributary modules; therefore,
the XDM-100 does not need additional electrical interface connections.

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 2-3

Physical Description XDM System Specifications

To support system redundancy, each MXC card contains an integrated xINF

(XDM Input Filter) unit with connectors for two input power sources.

Figure 2-3: Basic XDM-100 shelf

XDM-100 with I/O protection

A TPU is mounted on top of the basic XDM-100 shelf to provide I/O protection
to the I/O modules. The TPU adds only 75 mm to the basic shelf height, allowing
the XDM-100 to remain compact in size. It has five slots, four allocated for
TPMs and one for a TC module.
Each TPM is connected to both operating and protection I/O modules in the shelf
in a 1:1, 1:2, or 1:3 configuration. If a failure is detected in one of the operating
I/O modules, the TC switches the traffic from the active to the protection I/O

Figure 2-4: XDM-100 with TPU (I/O protection)

2-4 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications Physical Description

Nonredundant XDM-100

NOTE: The nonredundant XDM-100 configuration is not

recommended for data applications.

The nonredundant XDM-100 has the same physical dimensions as the basic
shelf. It differs only by the single MXC-100 card that it has in slot MXC A,
compared with two cards in the basic shelf. Slot MXC B of the nonredundant
configuration accommodates a bridging unit, MXC-BR. No redundancy is
provided for the MXC-100 functions.

Figure 2-5: XDM-100 nonredundant configuration

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 2-5

Physical Description XDM System Specifications

The XDM-100H combines the SDH/SONET and data capabilities of the
XDM-100 with the optical CWDM capabilities. This is provided by the software
cost option incorporated within the NVM card in each of the MXC-100 cards.
The XDM-100H consists of the basic XDM-100 shelf, and if required, one or
two TPU/OCU shelves. The I/O module cage can accept any mix of the
XDM-100 I/O modules and CWDM I/O modules.
The TPU/OCU shelf is identical in its physical dimensions and number of slots
(five) to the TPU. Four of the slots can house any mix of TPMs and CWDM
optical networking modules (mux/demux, OADM, and splitter/coupler); the
fifth slot always accommodates a TC module.

Figure 2-6: XDM-100H with one TPU/OCU shelf

2-6 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications Physical Description

XDM-300 Shelf Layout

The XDM-300 is available in following configurations:
 Basic XDM-300 shelf
 Expanded XDM-300 with I/O protection as follows:
 A TPU mounted on top of the basic shelf.
 A TPU mounted at the bottom of the basic shelf.
 Two TPUs mounted, one on top and one at the bottom of the basic shelf.
 Expanded XDM-300 with enhanced CWDM networking capabilities. An
OCU is mounted on top of the basic shelf, or on the expanded shelf (with a

Basic XDM-300 shelf

The basic XDM-300 shelf is housed in a 246 mm deep, 443 mm wide, and 350
mm high equipment cage. The upper part of the shelf consists of a module cage
(upper module cage) and houses up to eight I/O modules. In the middle of the
shelf is a card cage that accommodate the MXC300 cards (main and protection),
the External Connection Unit (ECU300), and up to two I/O cards. The lower part
of the shelf consists of an additional module cage (lower module cage) that can
be equipped with up to eight I/O modules.
I/O protection is not supported in this option.
The XDM-300 shelf can be installed in a horizontal or vertical position.

Figure 2-7: Basic XDM-300 shelf, horizontal installation

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 2-7

Physical Description XDM System Specifications

Figure 2-8: Basic XDM-300 shelf, vertical Installation

Expanded XDM-300 with I/O Protection

TPUs can be attached to the XDM-300 shelf to protect installed I/O modules.
Each TPM is connected to both operating and protection I/O modules in the shelf
in a 1:1, 1:2, or 1:3 configuration. If a failure is detected in one of the operating
I/O modules, the active MXC300 via the TC module in the TPU switches the
traffic from the active I/O module to the protection module. Several protection
configurations are possible:
 A TPU mounted on top of the basic shelf, protects I/O modules residing in
the upper module cage.
 A TPU mounted at the bottom of the basic shelf, protects I/O modules
installed in the lower module cage.
 Two TPUs mounted one on top and one at the bottom of the basic shelf;
provide protection to I/O modules in both the upper and lower module cages.

2-8 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications Physical Description

Figure 2-9: XDM-300 with TPU on top

Figure 2-10: XDM-300 with TPUs on top and at the bottom of the shelf

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 2-9

Physical Description XDM System Specifications

Expanded XDM-300 with CWDM Networking

An OCU can be mounted on top of a basic XDM-300 shelf or on top of an
expanded shelf to add enhanced CWDM networking capabilities to the platform.

NOTE: An OCU is not supported at the bottom of the

XDM-300 shelf.

Figure 2-11: XDM-300 with two TPUs and an OCU

2-10 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications Physical Description

XDM-900 Shelf Layout

The XDM-300 is available in following configurations:
 Basic XDM-900 shelf
 Expanded XDM-900 with I/O protection as follows:
 A TPU mounted on top of the basic shelf.
 A TPU mounted at the bottom of the basic shelf.
 Two TPUs mounted, one on top and one at the bottom of the basic shelf.
 Expanded XDM-900 with enhanced CWDM networking capabilities. An
OCU is mounted on top of the basic shelf, or on the expanded shelf (with a

Basic XDM-900 shelf

The basic XDM-900 shelf is housed in a 246 mm deep, 443 mm wide, and 350
mm high equipment cage. The upper part of the shelf consists of a module cage
(upper module cage) and houses up to eight I/O modules. In the middle of the
shelf is a card cage that accommodate the MXC900 cards (main and protection),
the External Connection Unit (ECU900), and up to two I/O cards. The lower part
of the shelf consists of an additional module cage (lower module cage) that can
be equipped with up to eight I/O modules.
I/O protection is not supported in this option.
The XDM-900 shelf can be installed in a horizontal or vertical position.

Figure 2-12: Basic XDM-900 shelf, horizontal installation

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 2-11

Physical Description XDM System Specifications

Figure 2-13: Basic XDM-900 shelf, vertical Installation

2-12 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications Physical Description

Expanded XDM-900 with I/O Protection

TPUs can be attached to the XDM-900 shelf to protect installed I/O modules.
Each TPM is connected to both operating and protection I/O modules in the shelf
in a 1:1, 1:2, or 1:3 configuration. If a failure is detected in one of the operating
I/O modules, the active MXC900 via the TC module in the TPU switches the
traffic from the active I/O module to the protection module. Several protection
configurations are possible:
 A TPU mounted on top of the basic shelf, protects I/O modules residing in
the upper module cage.
 A TPU mounted at the bottom of the basic shelf, protects I/O modules
installed in the lower module cage.
 Two TPUs mounted one on top and one at the bottom of the basic shelf;
provide protection to I/O modules in both the upper and lower module cages.

Figure 2-14: XDM-900 with TPU on top

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 2-13

Physical Description XDM System Specifications

Figure 2-15: XDM-900 with TPUs on top and at the bottom

2-14 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications Physical Description

Expanded XDM-900 with CWDM Networking

An OCU can be mounted on top of a basic XDM-900 shelf or on top of an
expanded shelf to add enhanced CWDM networking capabilities to the platform.

NOTE: An OCU is not supported at the bottom of the

XDM-900 shelf.

Figure 2-16: XDM-900 with two TPUs and an OCU

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 2-15

Physical Description XDM System Specifications

XDM-40 Shelf Layout

The compact XDM-40 shelf is located in a 285 mm deep, 447 mm wide, and 256
mm high equipment cage. The cards cage houses two I/O slots for optical cards
(transponders, combiners, and/or optical amplifiers). The upper cage houses two
slots for the DWDM/amplifier modules. The shelf also includes an xMCP_B,
MECP, two xINF40s, and an xFCU40 that includes three separate fans to
support system redundancy.

Figure 2-17: XDM-40 shelf layout

XDM-400 Shelf Layout

The compact XDM-400 shelf is located in a 285 mm deep, 450 mm wide, and
500 mm high equipment cage. It consists of a single-row cage housing I/O,
matrix, processor, and common cards in the middle and right side of the shelf.
The electrical interface connection modules are housed in two slots on the left
side of the shelf. The shelf also contains two xINF4 (XDM-400 Input Filter)
units and an xFCU4 (XDM-400 Fan Control Unit) that consists of five separate
fans that provide system redundancy.

Figure 2-18: XDM-400 shelf open view

2-16 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications Physical Description

XDM-450 Shelf Layout

The standard XDM-450 is located in a 275 mm deep, 492 mm wide, and 374 mm
high shelf with a single cards cage section. The shelf consists of a single-row
cage housing the DWDM, processor, and common cards. The shelf also has two
xINF and an xFCU unit.

Figure 2-19: XDM-450 platform

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 2-17

Physical Description XDM System Specifications

XDM-500 Shelf Layout

The XDM-500 compact shelf is located in a 285 mm deep, 450 mm wide, and
725 mm high equipment cage. The shelf consists of a single-row cage housing
the I/O, matrix, processor, and common cards in two slot areas on either side of
the shelf. The electrical interface connection modules and DWDM/OADM
modules are housed in the central slot area. The shelf also has two xINF and
three xFCU units.

Figure 2-20: XDM-500 shelf open view

2-18 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications Physical Description

XDM-1000 Shelf Layout

The standard XDM-1000 is located in a 285 mm deep, 450 mm wide, and 1100
mm high shelf with a modules cage and a cards cage section. The cards cage
houses the I/O, matrix, processor, and common cards. The modules cage houses
the electrical interface connection modules and DWDM/OADM modules. The
shelf also has two xINFs and three xFCUs.

Figure 2-21: XDM-1000 standard shelf open view

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 2-19

Physical Description XDM System Specifications

XDM-2000 Shelf Layout

The XDM-2000 shelf is located in a 285 mm deep, 450 mm wide, and 775 mm
high equipment cage. The shelf consists of a single-row cage that houses optical
cards (transponders, mux/demux, optical amplifiers), and xMCP/xMCP_B and
MECP cards.
XDM-500 and XDM-2000 shelves may be used in conjunction with the regular
XDM-1000 shelf in the same rack.

Figure 2-22: XDM-2000 open view

2-20 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications Physical Description

XDM-3000 Shelf Layout

The XDM-3000 is located in a 350 mm deep, 492 mm wide, and 1550 mm high
shelf. The XDM-3000 consists of an I/O card cage arranged in four sections,
together with additional power, communication, and control units.

Figure 2-23: XDM-3000 front view

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 2-21

Physical Description XDM System Specifications

Rack Layouts and Expansion Shelves

XDM shelves can be installed in both standard and ECI recommended ETSI
racks, as well as in 19" and 23" racks. They can also be installed in 19" 7' and 23"
7' bay racks, except for the XDM-50, XDM-100, and XDM-300 that cannot be
installed in 19" 7'bay racks.
The recommended ETSI rack offered by ECI is specially designed for
installation of telecommunication equipment and a wide range of equipment
accessories. To facilitate cable routing, the rack has removable rear and side
panels which enable tidy leading and efficient maintenance of all rack cables.
Two plastic conduits on the rack's front rails support routing of up to 200 optical
fibers. It also has open top and bottom frames to facilitate easy routing of cables
from suspension floors and/or ceiling ladders. The front door can be mounted for
right or left opening.
The XDM-50, XDM-100, or XDM-300 can be installed in either 2200 mm or
2600 mm standard or ECI recommended ETSI racks.

NOTE: Installations of XDM-50, XDM-100, or XDM-300 in

19" racks must be approved by ECI's Transport Networks
Division – Mechanical Department.

2-22 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications Physical Description

Figure 2-24: Three XDM-50 shelves in a 2600 mm ECI recommended ETSI rack

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 2-23

Physical Description XDM System Specifications

Figure 2-25: Three XDM-100 or XDM-200 shelves in a 2600 mm ECI recommended

ETSI rack

2-24 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications Physical Description

Figure 2-26: Two XDM-300 shelves in a 2600 mm ECI recommended ETSI rack

The XDM-1000 can be installed in either a 2200 mm or 2600 mm ETSI rack.

Two XDM-1000 shelves can be installed in a 2600 mm rack, whereas a
2200 mm rack can accommodate only a single XDM-1000 shelf.
Alternatively, two XDM-500 and/or XDM-2000 shelves can be installed in a
2200 mm rack. One XDM-1000 shelf and one XDM-500 or XDM-2000 shelf
can be installed in a 2600 mm rack.
The installation of XDM-500, XDM-1000, and XDM-2000 in 19" or 23" racks is
supported as well.

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 2-25

Physical Description XDM System Specifications

In addition, a 600 mm deep rack can house XDM shelves in a back-to-back

configuration, thus doubling the capacity of the rack.

Figure 2-27: XDM-1000 and XDM-500 shelves in a 2600 mm ECI recommended ETSI

2-26 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications Physical Description

Figure 2-28: Two XDM-500 shelves installed in a 2200 mm ETSI rack

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 2-27

Physical Description XDM System Specifications

Figure 2-29: Two XDM-40 shelves installed in a 2200 mm ETSI rack

2-28 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications Physical Description

Figure 2-30: Two XDM-2000 shelves installed in a 2200 mm ECI recommended ETSI

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 2-29

Physical Description XDM System Specifications

Figure 2-31: Two XDM-1000 shelves installed in a 2600 mm ECI recommended ETSI

2-30 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications Physical Description

Figure 2-32: XDM-1000 and XDM-100H shelves installed in a 2200 mm ECI

recommended ETSI rack

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 2-31

Physical Description XDM System Specifications

Figure 2-33: XDM-500 and XDM-100H shelves installed in a 2200 mm ECI

recommended ETSI rack

2-32 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications Physical Description

XDM-50 Card and Module Layout

Basic XDM-50 Shelf
The basic XDM-50 cage contains slots for I/O interface modules and dedicated
slots for the MXC50, CCP50, INF50, and ECU50. The cage's design and
mechanical practice conform to international mechanical standards and
The modules and cards are distributed as follows:
 Four (4) slots, I1 to I4, optimally allocated for I/O interface modules.
 Two (2) slots, A and B respectively, allocated for the MXC50s (main and
protection). Each MXC50 has three slots (A1, A2, A3 and B1, B2, B3) to
accommodate SDH aggregate SFP transceivers.
 One (1) slot allocated for the CCP50_2.
 Two (2) slots allocated for INF50 cards.
 One (1) slot allocated for the ECU50.
The CCP50_2 provides the physical connection to 21 E1 interfaces in the
PDB2_21 residing in the MXC50.
Two INF50 filter cards, with inputs for two sources, support system DC
The ECU50 is located beneath the MXC50s. Its front panel features several
interface connectors for management, external timing, alarms, orderwire and
overhead (future release). It also includes colored alarm severity LED indicators.

Figure 2-34: XDM-50 slot allocation

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 2-33

Physical Description XDM System Specifications

Expanded XDM-50 Shelf with I/O Protection

A TPU can be mounted on top of the basic XDM-50 shelf to add protection of
electrical I/O modules. The modules are distributed as follows:
 Four (4) slots flexibly allocated for TPMs (single-slot, double-slot, or
triple-slot modules are supported)
 One (1) slot allocated for the TC or TCF
Each TPM is connected to the operating and protection modules of the XDM-50
shelf respectively. If a failure is detected in one of the operating I/O modules, the
XDM-50 control system sends control signals to the appropriate TPM relays to
switch traffic from the operating I/O module to the protection module. Several
types of TPMs for 1:1 or 1:3 protection schemes are supported.
The TC or TCF is connected to the DC and control buses of the MXC50 cards
via the TPU backplane. It controls the switching of traffic from the main to
protection I/O module by relays in the corresponding TPM. In addition, the TCF
has three fans that provide cooling air to the modules installed in the TPU

MXC50 and ECU50 Cards

The MXC50 and ECU50 were designed to facilitate simple installation and
maintenance. They feature:
 Easy routing of external management interfaces
 Hot insertion of cards and modules to support quick and non-traffic-affecting
maintenance and repair

The MXC50 performs the shelf's cross-connect, timing, and multiplexing
functions, including:
 Multiplexer control and traffic processing.
 SDH traffic cross-connect. The switch handles aggregate and tributary
interface traffic with a capacity of 128 x STM-1 (64 x STM-1 in use)
 Timing and synchronization.
 Routing and handling of 16 DCC channels.
The XDM-50 supports several types of cross connects in compliance with
applicable ITU-T and Telcordia standards. These include broadband, wideband,
and integrated broadband/wideband cross connects.

2-34 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications Physical Description

ECU50 and ECU50R

The ECU50 is the alarms and maintenance card. It is available in two versions:
ECU50 and ECU50R. The functions of both cards are similar; the main
difference is that the ECU50R does not support OW. The ECU50 provides a
variety of interfaces and indicators, as follows:
 RS-232 serial interface for a craft terminal
 Ethernet RJ45 interface for Lightsoft® and EMS-XDM®
 Alarm severity outputs (Critical, Major, Minor, Warning) and external alarm
outputs and inputs (D-type SCSI connector)
 External synchronization inputs/outputs (T3/T4)
 Alarms and status display
 Analog orderwire (OW) circuit, providing point-to-point or conference
engineering orderwire voice connection for technical staff use (future
 Pushbuttons for LED tests, forced laser activation during ALS, alarms cutoff
(ACO), and OW circuit (future release)
 NET SEL switch (A/B)
 Optional USB interface (future use, for craft terminal)

XDM-100 Card and Module

Basic XDM-100 Shelf
The basic XDM-100 cage contains slots for I/O interface modules, and dedicated
slots for the MXC cards and the ECU. The cage's design and mechanical practice
conform to international mechanical standards and specifications.
The modules and cards are distributed as follows:
 Eight (8) slots, I1 to I8, optimally allocated for I/O interface modules.
 Two (2) slots, A and B respectively, allocated for the MXC cards (main and
protection). Each MXC has two slots (A1 and A2 and B1 and B2) to
accommodate SDH/SONET aggregate modules.
 One (1) slot allocated for the ECU.

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 2-35

Physical Description XDM System Specifications

The ECU is located beneath the MXC cards. Its front panel features several
interface connectors for management, external timing, alarms, orderwire, and
overhead (future release). It also includes colored alarm severity LED indicators
and selectors, and a display for selecting specific modules and ports for
monitoring purposes.

Figure 2-35: XDM-100 slot allocation

Expanded XDM-100 Shelf with I/O

A TPU can be mounted on top of the basic XDM-100 shelf to add protection of
electrical I/O modules. The modules are distributed as follows:
 Four (4) slots flexibly allocated for TPMs (single-slot or double-slot
modules are supported)
 One (1) slot allocated for the TC or TCF module
Each TPM is connected to the operating and protection modules of the
XDM-100 shelf respectively. If a failure is detected in one of the operating I/O
modules, the XDM-100 control system sends control signals to the appropriate
TPM relays to switch traffic from the operating I/O module to the protection
module. Several types of TPMs for 1:1, 1:2, or 1:3 protection schemes are
The TC or TCF is connected to the DC and control buses of the MXC cards via
the TPU backplane. It controls the switching of traffic from the main to
protection I/O module by relays in the corresponding TPM. In addition, the TCF
has four fans that provide cooling air to the modules installed in the TPU

Nonredundant XDM-100 Shelf

The XDM-100 is also available in a nonredundant configuration. This shelf is
equipped with only one MXC. The second position of the MXC houses an
MXC-BG card that bridges the buses of the second slot to the I/O modules.
Redundancy for power supply, timing and synchronization, cross-connect, and
all other MXC functions is not supported in this configuration. However, since
the MXC has two aggregate modules, SNCP, MSP, and MS-SPRing traffic
protection mechanisms are supported.

2-36 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications Physical Description

XDM-100H Shelf
The XDM-100H platform is based on the basic XDM-100 shelf, with a software
cost option that supports installation of any mix of the XDM-100 I/O modules
with optical I/O modules in the module cage. In addition, one or two TPU/OCU
shelves can be mounted on top of the basic shelf to support any mix of TPM and
CWDM optical networking modules.
The XDM-100H consists of the following units:
 Basic XDM-100 shelf that includes the ECU or ECU-F, two MXC-100
cards, the I/O module cage with eight slots, and the FCU. Each MXC-100
card houses an NVM module which contains the licensed option software.
The eight slots of the I/O module cage support installation of XDM-100 I/O
modules, as well as CWDM I/O modules (transponders and combiners).
 TPU/OCU shelf (optional), mounted on top of the XDM-100 basic shelf. It
contains five (5) slots: four (4) for supporting any mix of mux/demux,
OADM, splitter/coupler, and TPM modules, and one (1) for a TC module.
One or two TPU/OCUs can be mounted on the basic XDM-100 shelf.

MXC and ECU Cards

The MXC and ECU were designed to facilitate simple installation and
maintenance. They feature:
 Electrical interface connectors that are integrated into the I/O modules,
saving the need for separate electrical interface modules
 Easy routing of external management interfaces
 Monitoring system for acceptance test purposes
 Hot insertion of cards and modules to support quick and non-traffic-affecting
maintenance and repair

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 2-37

Physical Description XDM System Specifications

Two types of MXC cards are available:
 MXC-100 – used in XDM-100. It has two slots for housing aggregate
modules in XDM-100. Two MXC-100 cards are usually installed in the
XDM-100, providing 1+1 protection.
 MXC-100B – supported only for XDM-100. Features enhanced
cross-connect and timing functionality, and also supports OW.
The basic and expanded versions of the XDM-100 shelf accommodate two
identical MXC cards. By default, the MXC-A is the main card and MXC-B is the
protection card.
Both cards perform the following functions simultaneously in a 1+1 protection
 Communication and control
 Alarm and maintenance
 Cross-connect
 Timing and synchronization
 Distribution of power supply to all modules
 Routing and handling of 32 DCC channels
 Support for OW in conjunction with ECU100B (only MXC-100B)
In addition, the MXC accommodates the NVM compact flash memory card and
houses SDH/SONET aggregate modules (SAMs).
The additional MXC card provides 1+1 protection to the cross-connect matrix
and full 1:1 protection to all other functions, since the standby MXC has an
identical database to the active MXC.
In case of a hardware failure in the active MXC or in its traffic interconnections,
the I/O interface modules switch to the protection MXC within 50 ms. Similarly,
in case of a hardware failure in the TiMing Unit (TMU) of the operational MXC
card, the backup TMU takes over the timing control with no disruption in traffic.
The operational MXC card is configured by LightSoft, ECI's Optical Network
Division's multidimensional network manager.

2-38 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications Physical Description

The ECU connects management, alarms, overhead access, and orderwire
interfaces to the active MXC card. This card also provides the physical
connections for these interfaces.
Two types of ECU cards are available:
 ECU-F – supports full functionality, is usually used in the XDM-100
 ECU – supports reduced functionality and can also be used in XDM-100
The ECU-F supports the following management and alarm interfaces and
 Ethernet interface to LightSoft and EMS-XDM
 Ethernet hub for multiple NE connections
 Serial RS-232 interface for craft terminal
 USB interface
 Synchronization inputs and outputs (T3/T4)
 Alarm severity outputs (Critical, Major, Minor, Warning)
 External alarm outputs and inputs
 Alarm Cut Off (ACO)
 Operation and alarm LEDs
 Selection and display of traffic interfaces for monitoring purposes
 Monitor interface for STM-1/OC-3 ports
 Laser activation during ALS, for maintenance purposes
 Multiplexer reset
 Holdup capacitors
 Lamp test activation
The ECU supports all functions provided by the ECU-F except for Ethernet
expansion to hub, monitoring points, holdup capacitors, and alarms in/out.

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 2-39

Physical Description XDM System Specifications

XDM-300 Card and Module

Basic XDM-300 Shelf
The basic XDM-300 shelf is 443 mm wide, 246 mm deep and 350 mm high.
When the optional TPUs or OCU are attached to the shelf, each of these
expansion shelves adds 75 mm to the height of the basic shelf.
The rightmost slot of the shelf houses the FCU300. The middle part of the shelf
consists of the cards cage with five horizontal slots which accommodate:
 ECU300 or ECU300-F
 Two MXC300 cards (main and protect)
 Up to two quad I/O cards

NOTE: The slots of the quad I/O cards can be adapted to

accommodate one SIM16_1 I/O module each instead of the
I/O cards by using a mechanical adapter.

The upper and lower parts of the shelf consist of a module cage with eight
horizontal slots. Each module cage can house up to eight I/O (PDH, SDH, or
data) single slot modules, totaling a maximum of 16 modules.

Figure 2-36: XDM-300 slot allocation

2-40 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications Physical Description

Expanded XDM-300 Shelf with I/O

In an expanded XDM-300 shelf with I/O protection, one or two TPUs are
mounted on the top and/or at the bottom of the basic shelf, including a TC or
TCF module and TPMs. An OCU with CWDM networking modules can be
mounted on top of a basic or expanded shelf.
The TPU modules are distributed as follows:
 Four (4) slots flexibly allocated for TPMs (single-slot or double-slot
modules are supported)
 One (1) slot allocated for the TC or TCF module
Each TPM is connected to the operating and protection modules of the
XDM-300 shelf respectively. If a failure is detected in one of the operating I/O
modules, the XDM-300 control system sends control signals to the appropriate
TPM relays to switch traffic from the operating I/O module to the protection
module. Several types of TPMs for 1:1, 1:2, or 1:3 protection schemes are
The TC or TCF is connected to the DC and control buses of the MXC300 cards
via the TPU backplane. It controls the switching of traffic from the main to
protection I/O module by relays in the corresponding TPM. In addition, the TCF
has four fans that provide cooling air to the modules installed in the TPU

MXC300 and ECU300 Cards

The MXC300 and ECU300 were designed to facilitate simple installation and
maintenance. They feature:
 Electrical interface connectors that are integrated into the I/O modules,
saving the need for separate electrical interface modules
 Easy routing of external management interfaces
 Monitoring system for acceptance test purposes
 Hot insertion of cards and modules to support quick and non-traffic-affecting
maintenance and repair

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 2-41

Physical Description XDM System Specifications

The XDM-300 is a redundant platform, and two MXC300 cards must always be
installed in slots MXC-A and MXC-B of the XDM-300 shelf.
The MXC300 performs the following functions:
 Communications and control (by CPU):
 Routing and handling of 64 DCC channels
 Control of all shelf cards and modules
 Management interface
 Support of the 256 Mb NonVolatile compact flash Memory (NVM) card
 Alarms and maintenance
 Control of TPU/OCU shelves
 2.5 Gbps capacity for all I/O module slots, and 10 Gbps for I/O card slots
 SDH-related functions:
 SDH timing and synchronization
 SDH cross connect 4/3/1
 60 Gbps HO/LO nonblocking matrix
 Support for CWDM I/O modules (transponders and combiners) in all I/O
module slots
 DC voltage supply:
 One 48 V DC power input that supplies voltages for all cards and
 Input Filtering (INF) function for the entire shelf
 Voltage and control for Fan Control Unit (VFCU)

2-42 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications Physical Description

Two types of ECU300 cards are available:
 ECU300-F – supports full functionality
 ECU300 – supports reduced functionality

The ECU300-F supports:
 Management interfaces:
 Management (LightSoft and EMS-XDM) interface (Ethernet)
 Ethernet hub for the connection of multiple NEs
 Serial (RS-232) interface for craft terminal
 Synchronization inputs and outputs (T3/T4)
 Alarm interfaces and indications, including:
 Alarm severity outputs (Critical, Major, Minor, Warning)
 External alarm outputs and inputs to client or xRAP-B/xRAP-100
 LEDs for display of operation and alarms
 Traffic monitoring, including:
 Selection and display of the traffic interface channel currently being
monitored for all I/O module (I1 to I16) slots, as well as, quad I/O card
(I17 and I18) slots
 Monitor interface for STM-1 ports
 Activations, including:
 Laser activation during ALS for maintenance purposes
 LEDs test for the entire shelf
 Hold-up capacitors

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 2-43

Physical Description XDM System Specifications

The ECU300 card is suitable for sites that do not require alarms dry-contacts,
output system monitoring, and Ethernet hub for management. It supports:
 Management interfaces, including:
 Management (LightSoft and EMS-XDM) interface (Ethernet)
 Ethernet hub for the connection of multiple NEs
 Serial (RS-232) interface for craft terminal
 Synchronization inputs and outputs (T3/T4)
 Alarm interfaces and indications, including:
 Alarm severity outputs (Critical, Major, Minor, Warning)
 External alarm outputs and inputs to client or xRAP-B/xRAP-100
 LEDs for the display of operation and alarms
 Activations, including:
 Laser activation during ALS for maintenance purposes
 LEDs test for the entire shelf

XDM-900 Card and Module

Basic XDM-900 Shelf
The basic XDM-900 shelf is 443 mm wide, 246 mm deep and 350 mm high.
When the optional TPUs or OCU are attached to the shelf, each of these
expansion shelves adds 75 mm to the height of the basic shelf.
The rightmost slot of the shelf houses the FCU900. The middle part of the shelf
consists of the cards cage with five horizontal slots which accommodate:
 ECU900 or ECU900-F
 Two MXC900 cards (main and protect)
 Two ACP900 modules each in an MXC900
 Up to two quad I/O cards

NOTE: The slots of the quad I/O cards can be adapted to

accommodate one SIM16_1 I/O module each instead of the
I/O cards by using a mechanical adapter.

2-44 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications Physical Description

The upper and lower parts of the shelf consist of a module cage with eight
horizontal slots. Each module cage can house up to eight I/O (PDH, SDH, or
data) single slot modules, totaling a maximum of 16 modules.

Figure 2-37: XDM-900 slot allocation

Expanded XDM-900 Shelf with I/O

In an expanded XDM-900 shelf with I/O protection, one or two TPUs are
mounted on the top and/or at the bottom of the basic shelf, including a TC or
TCF module and TPMs. An OCU with CWDM networking modules can be
mounted on top of a basic or expanded shelf.
The TPU modules are distributed as follows:
 Four (4) slots flexibly allocated for TPMs (single-slot or double-slot
modules are supported)
 One (1) slot allocated for the TC or TCF module
Each TPM is connected to the operating and protection modules of the
XDM-900 shelf respectively. If a failure is detected in one of the operating I/O
modules, the XDM-900 control system sends control signals to the appropriate
TPM relays to switch traffic from the operating I/O module to the protection
module. Several types of TPMs for 1:1, 1:2, or 1:3 protection schemes are
The TC or TCF is connected to the DC and control buses of the MX900 cards via
the TPU backplane. It controls the switching of traffic from the main to
protection I/O module by relays in the corresponding TPM. In addition, the TCF
has four fans that provide cooling air to the modules installed in the TPU

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 2-45

Physical Description XDM System Specifications

MXC900 and ECU900 Cards

The MXC900 and ECU900 were designed to facilitate simple installation and
maintenance. They feature:
 Electrical interface connectors that are integrated into the I/O modules,
saving the need for separate electrical interface modules
 Easy routing of external management interfaces
 Monitoring system for acceptance test purposes
 Hot insertion of cards and modules to support quick and non-traffic-affecting
maintenance and repair

The XDM-900 is a redundant platform, and two MXC900 cards must always be
installed in slots MXC-A and MXC-B of the XDM-40 shelf.
The MXC900 performs the following functions:
 Communications and control (by CPU):
 Routing and handling of 128 DCC channels
 Control of all shelf cards and modules
 Management interface
 Support of the 256 Mb NonVolatile compact flash Memory (NVM) card
 Alarms and maintenance
 Control of TPU/OCU shelves
 5 Gbps capacity for all I/O module slots, and 20 Gbps for quad I/O card
 SDH/SONET-related functions:
 SDH/SONET timing and synchronization
 SDH/SONET cross connect 4/3/1
 120 Gbps HO/LO nonblocking matrix
 Accommodates the ACP-900 module and provides power supply,
communication, and control
 Support for CWDM I/O modules (transponders and combiners) in all I/O
module slots
 DC voltage supply:
 One 48 VDC power input that supplies voltages for all cards and
 Input Filtering (INF) function for the entire shelf
 Voltage and control for Fan Control Unit (VFCU)

2-46 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications Physical Description

Two types of ECU900 cards are available:
 ECU900-F – supports full functionality
 ECU900 – supports reduced functionality

The ECU900F supports:
 Management interfaces:
 Management (LightSoft and EMS-XDM) interface (Ethernet)
 Ethernet hub for the connection of multiple NEs
 Serial (RS-232) interface for craft terminal
 Synchronization inputs and outputs (T3/T4)
 Alarm interfaces and indications, including:
 Alarm severity outputs (Critical, Major, Minor, Warning)
 External alarm outputs and inputs to client or xRAP-100
 LEDs for display of operation and alarms
 Traffic monitoring, including:
 Selection and display of the traffic interface channel currently being
monitored for all I/O module (I1 to I16) slots, as well as, quad I/O card
(I17 and I18) slots
 Monitor interface for STM-1 ports
 Activations, including:
 Laser activation during ALS for maintenance purposes
 LEDs test for the entire shelf
 Hold-up capacitors

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 2-47

Physical Description XDM System Specifications

The ECU900 card is suitable for sites that do not require alarms dry-contacts,
output system monitoring, and Ethernet hub for management. It supports:
 Management interfaces, including:
 Management (LightSoft and EMS-XDM) interface (Ethernet)
 Ethernet hub for the connection of multiple NEs
 Serial (RS-232) interface for craft terminal
 Synchronization inputs and outputs (T3/T4)
 Alarm interfaces and indications, including:
 Alarm severity outputs (Critical, Major, Minor, Warning)
 External alarm outputs and inputs to client or xRAP-100
 LEDs for the display of operation and alarms
 Activations, including:
 Laser activation during ALS for maintenance purposes
 LEDs test for the entire shelf

XDM-40 Card Layout

The XDM-40 standard shelf consists of a modules cage housing DWDM and
amplification modules, a cards cage housing the I/O cards and common cards,
the xFCU40, and the power supply for the fan unit (PSFU).
Modules cage
 Two (2) slots (M1 and M2) allocated to DWDM/OADM, optical booster,
and accessories modules
 Two (2) xINF40s designed for power supply redundancy
 One (1) ECM to facilitate routing of external management interfaces,
connecting the management, OHA, and OW interfaces to the active
Cards cage
 Two (2) slots (I1 and I2) flexibly allocated to I/O optical transponders,
combiners, and/or amplifiers
 One (1) slot (C1) allocated to the xMCP_B card
 One (1) slot (C3) allocated to the MECP card, for user and management
 PSFU and xFCU40 that consists of three separate fans to support cooling
system redundancy

2-48 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications Physical Description

Hot insertion of cards and modules is allowed to supports quick maintenance and
repair activities without affecting traffic.

Figure 2-38: XDM-40 card layout

XDM-400 Card Layout

The XDM-400 shelf consists of a single cage containing slots for five I/O cards,
and dedicated slots for the XIO (cross-connect and I/O matrix), processor and
common cards in the middle and right side of the shelf. The electrical interface
connection modules are housed in two slots on the left side of the shelf. The
XDM-400 cage design and mechanical practice conform to international
mechanical standards and specifications. The cards are distributed as follows:
 Five (5) slots, IS1 to IS5, optimally allocated for I/O cards
 Two (2) slots, MS1 and MS2, allocated for electrical interface connection
 Two (2) slots, X1 and X2, allocated for XIO-192 cards
 Two (2) slots, C1 and C2, allocated for xMCP cards

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 2-49

Physical Description XDM System Specifications

An external connection module, the MECP, is located above the xMCP. It

connects the management, overhead access (OHA), and orderwire interfaces to
the active xMCP.

Figure 2-39: XDM-400 typical card layout

XDM-450 Card Layout

The XDM-450 shelf consists of a single cage containing slots for nine DWDM
modules and dedicated slots for the processor, management and other common
cards. The XDM-450 standard shelf is arranged as follows.
 Nine CCP slots (M1 to M9) flexibly allocated to DWDM modules such as
ROADMs, Mux/DeMuxes, and amplifiers.
 One slot (C0) allocated to the xECM-450 card, for user and management
 One slot (C1) allocated to the xMCP-B2G card.
 One slot for optional OSC Mux/DeMux module with integrated C/T filter
 Two xINF-450 modules designed for power supply redundancy.
 xFCU-450 fan unit to support cooling system redundancy.

2-50 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications Physical Description

The XDM-450 standard card layout is illustrated in the following figure.

Figure 2-40: XDM-450 slot layout

XDM-500 Card Layout

The XDM-500 shelf consists of a single cage containing slots for six I/O cards,
four connection modules, and dedicated slots for the matrix, processor, and
common cards. The XDM-500 cage design and mechanical practice conform to
international mechanical standards and specifications. The cards are distributed
as follows:
 Six (6) slots, IC1 to IC6, flexibly allocated for I/O cards and/or transponders
(depending on the configuration)
 Four (4) slots, MC1 to MC4, allocated for electric interface connection
modules or DWDM/OADM modules
 Two (2) slots, X1 and X2, allocated for the HLXC or XIO matrix cards
 Two (2) slots, C1 and C2, allocated for the xMCP cards

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 2-51

Physical Description XDM System Specifications

An external connection module, the MECP, is located above the

xMCP/xMCP_B cards for connecting the management, overhead access, and
orderwire interfaces to the active xMCP/xMCP_B.

Figure 2-41: XDM-500 standard card layout

2-52 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications Physical Description

XDM-1000 Card Layout

The standard XDM-1000 consists of a modules cage housing the connection
modules, a cards cage housing the I/O and common cards, input filters, and fan
control units. The XDM-1000 standard card layout is illustrated in XDM-1000
standard card layout (page 2-54) and is allocated as described in the following

Modules Cage
 Eleven (11) slots, M1 to M11, allocated for electric interface connection
modules or DWDM/OADM, optical booster, optical preamp modules
 Two xINFs

Cards Cage
 Twelve (12) slots, I1 to I12, flexibly allocated for I/O cards and/or
transponders (depending on the configuration)
 Two (2) slots, X1 and X2, allocated for the HLXC or XIO matrix cards
 Two (2) slots, C1 and C2, allocated for the xMCP/xMCP_B cards
An external connection module, the MECP, is located in the cards cage of the
XDM-1000 above the xMCP/xMCP_B cards. It is used to connect the
management, overhead access, and orderwire interfaces to the active
xMCP/xMCP_B card.
The modules cage contains 11 double-slot connection modules. Electrical I/O
cards installed in the cards cage interface with the XDM-1000 via connection
modules installed in the modules cage. The modules are extractable, thus
allowing a flexible assignment of physical I/O ports.

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 2-53

Physical Description XDM System Specifications

Optical I/O cards utilize internal slide-in I/O modules for signal interfacing and
do not require connection modules in the modules cage. The free modules cage
slots in optical systems can therefore be allocated to DWDM or OADM
multiplexing and amplification modules.

Figure 2-42: XDM-1000 standard card layout

2-54 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications Physical Description

XDM-2000 Card Layout

The XDM-2000 consists of a single cage whose slots can be allocated as follows:
 Twelve (12) slots, I1 to I12, allocated for transponders and other optical
 Two (2) slots, X1 and X2, allocated for mux/demux or matrix cards
(depending on the system configuration)
 Two (2) slots, C1 and C2, allocated for the xMCP/xMCP_B cards
The external connection module, the MECP, is located in the upper section of the
The cage design and mechanical practice of the XDM-2000 conform to
international mechanical standards and specifications.

Figure 2-43: XDM-2000 standard card layout

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 2-55

Physical Description XDM System Specifications

XDM-3000 Card Layout

The XDM-3000 consists of an I/O card cage arranged in four sections, together
with additional power, communication, and control units, as follows:
 24 slots (I1 to I24) flexibly allocated to I/O cards and/or amplifiers,
depending on the configuration. I/O card options include combinations of up
to 24 SIO1&4B, SIO164, DIOB, and/or MCS5/10 cards. Single channel
OFA2 or OFA_M amplifiers can be used for long distance applications.
 Two slots (X1 and X2) allocated to HLXC1536 matrix cards.
 Two slots (A1 and A2) allocated to ACP3000 ASON cards.
 Two slots (C1 and C2) allocated to the xMCP-B2G cards.
 One slot (C0) allocated to the MECP card, for user and management
 One ECB3000 that provides external connections for the MECP card.
 Two INF3000s designed for power supply redundancy.
 Two FCU3000 fan units with ten fans each.

2-56 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications Physical Description

The XDM-3000 card layout is illustrated in the following figure.

Figure 2-44: XDM-3000 standard card layout

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 2-57

Physical Description XDM System Specifications

Control, Matrix, and I/O Cards

for Large XDM Shelves
NOTE: HLXC and XIO matrix cards are offered in several
versions for large XDM shelves. The generic names HLXC
and XIO are used in the following sections to describe the
cards functionality when the information applies to all

XDM shelves have been designed to facilitate simple installation and easy
maintenance. They incorporate the following layout features:
 The connection modules in the modules cage (XDM-400, XDM-500, and
XDM-1000) are located as close as possible to the I/O cards in the cards cage
 The HLXC-L, HLXC-R, or XIO matrix cards are located near the sidewall of
the shelf to facilitate the routing of traffic buses to the I/O cards
 The xMCP/xMCP_B control cards are located such that they simplify the
identification of any control problem issues
 The MECP is located above the xMCP/xMCP_B to facilitate the routing of
the external management interfaces

Three versions of HLXC matrix cards are offered for XDM large shelves. They
differ in their switching capacity as follows:
 HLXC192 – supports 192 x 192 STM-1 streams
 HLXC384 – supports 384 x 384 STM-1 streams
 HLXC768 – supports 768 x 768 STM-1 streams
 HLXC1536 - supports 1536 x 1536 STM-1 streams

NOTE: HLXC384 and HLXC768 are not supported in


NOTE: HLX1536 is supported in XDM-3000 only.

2-58 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications Physical Description

The XDM-500, XDM-1000, XDM-2000, and XDM-3000 contain two identical

HLXC cards. Both cards perform the cross-connect and node synchronization
functions simultaneously in a 1+1 protection configuration. In case of a
hardware failure in the operational HLXC or in its traffic interconnections, the
I/O interface cards switch to the backup HLXC within 50 ms. Similarly, in case
of a hardware failure in the TMU of the operational HLXC, the backup TMU
takes over the timing control with no traffic disruption. The operational HLXC is
determined by the LightSoft network manager.

XIO cards combine the functionality of an HLXC card with that of SDH I/O
Two versions of XIO cards are offered for XDM large shelves. They differ in
their switching capacity and SDH supported ports:
 XIO192 – switching of 192 x 192 STM-1 streams. Supports 1 x
STM-16/OCU-48 interface, 4 x STM-1/OC-3 interfaces, or 1 x
STM-4/OCU-12 interface.
 XIO384F – switching of 384 x 384 STM-1 streams. Supports 1 x
STM-64/OC-192 interface or 4 x STM-16/OC-48 interfaces.

NOTE: XIO384F is not supported in XDM-400.

NOTE: XIO cards are not supported in XDM-3000.

The XDM can optionally contain two identical XIO cards (in the XDM-400, the
XIO is the only dedicated matrix card). XIO cards consist of a matrix unit and
SDH/SONET interfaces on the same basecard. Like the HLXC, XIO cards
perform the cross-connect and node synchronization functions simultaneously in
a 1+1 protection configuration. Upon detection of a hardware failure in the XIO
or in its traffic interconnections, I/O cards switch to the backup XIO card within
50 ms. If required, the backup TMU takes over timing control from the
operational XIO with no traffic disruption.

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 2-59

Physical Description XDM System Specifications

The xMCP/xMCP_B performs the communications, control, alarm, and
maintenance functions for the XDM. An additional xMCP/xMCP_B may
optionally provide full capability 1:1 protection since the standby
xMCP/xMCP_B has an identical database to the active xMCP/xMCP_B. Upon a
failure of the active xMCP/xMCP_B, the standby xMCP/xMCP_B becomes the
active control unit.
The xMCP/xMCP_B is also responsible for communicating with external
network elements and management stations. It communicates with other
SDH/SONET NEs via the DCC channel embedded in each SIO link. In addition,
the xMCP/xMCP_B provides multiple access to all overhead bytes in all
incoming SDH/SONET lines. It provides 64 kbps and N x 64 kbps trail
capability for transporting management data, external DCC channels or for
external DCN purposes.

The MECP connects the management, overhead access, and orderwire interfaces
to the active xMCP/xMCP_B. The physical management connections are
provided by the ECB located above the MECP.
The MECP supports standard OW as well as a special voice channel over the
DCC when using VoIP and a special router. This feature enables external calls
from outside the network to a particular site. In addition, the MECP generates
system alarms and activates indicators, for example, software downloads,
restarts, configurations, and so on.
In pure optical networks and inline amplifier sites, one of two special MECP
versions is supplied to support the optical supervisory channel operating at 1510
nm or 1310 nm.

ECB, xECB4, or ECB3000

The ECB provides the physical interface between the XDM and external
management and clock devices. This card is also available in special two
versions, xECB4 for the XDM-400, and ECB3000 for the XDM-3000.

The ECM40 provides the physical connections to the XDM-40 alarms,
provisioning (LCT), and OW interfaces. This unit is a dedicated module, used
only in the XDM-40.

2-60 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM-50 Specifications

In this chapter:
Cross-Connect Specifications .......................................................................... 3-1
Traffic Protection............................................................................................. 3-2
Redundancy ..................................................................................................... 3-2
Synchronization ............................................................................................... 3-2
Jitter and Wander ............................................................................................. 3-2
I/O Interfaces ................................................................................................... 3-2
Management .................................................................................................... 3-4
SDH Interfaces ................................................................................................ 3-4
Data Modules................................................................................................... 3-8
Physical Specifications .................................................................................. 3-12
Environmental Conditions ............................................................................. 3-13
EMC .............................................................................................................. 3-13
Safety ............................................................................................................. 3-13
Reliability ...................................................................................................... 3-14

Cross-Connect Specifications
Cross-Connect Levels
SDH cross-connect levels ........................................................... VC-4nc, VC-4, VC-3, VC-12

Cross-Connect Capacity
SDH switch core options ...................... 128 x STM-1 (64 x STM-1 in use) with cross-connect
....................................................................................................................... capability of 4/3/1

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 3-1

XDM-50 Specifications XDM System Specifications

Traffic Protection
Applicable specifications ................. ITU-T G.841, G.842, GR-1230-CORE, GR-1400-CORE
SNCP I/N LO, HO ................................................................................................. within 30 ms
MSP 1+1 ................................................................................................................ within 50 ms

Control and synchronization systems.................................................................. 1+1 duplicated
Switching matrix, power system, internal buses, external buses ........................1+1 duplicated
I/O electrical modules protection ................................................................... 1:1, 1:2, and 1:3

There are four timing references available from multiple SDH/PDH timing sources:
 From any 2 MHz/2 Mbps tributary interface
 From any SDH line
 External SDH 2 MHz/2 Mbps timing outputs (two per shelf)
 G.813 internal clock
Synchronization Status Marker (SSM) support is also provided.

Jitter and Wander

Applicable specifications .......................................................................... ITU-T G.823, G.825

I/O Interfaces
2 Mbps (E1)
Physical level .............................................................................................. G.703, Paragraph 6
Frame ......................................................................................................................... Unframed
Line code .......................................................................................................................... HDB3
Line impedance ................................................................... 120 Ω balanced/75 Ω 1 unbalanced
Bitrate ........................................................................................................ 2048 Kbps ± 50 ppm

Through external DDF.

3-2 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications XDM-50 Specifications

34 Mbps (E3)
Physical level .............................................................................................. G.703, Paragraph 8
Frame ................................................................................................................................ G.751
Line code .......................................................................................................................... HDB3
Line impedance ............................................................................................... 75 Ω unbalanced

45 Mbps (DS-3)
Physical level .............................................................................................. G.703, Paragraph 5
Frame .................................................................................................. Unframed, ANSI T1.107
Line code ........................................................................................................................... B3ZS
Line impedance ............................................................................................... 75 Ω unbalanced

STM-1 Electrical
Physical level ............................................................................................ G.703, Paragraph 12
Bitrate ..................................................................................................... 155.52 Mbps ±20 ppm
Frame ................................................................................................................................ G.707
Line code ............................................................................................................................. CMI

STM-1 Optical
Physical level ..................................................................................................... G.957, Table 2
Wavelength .................................................................................................. 1310 nm, 1550 nm
Bitrate .................................................................................................... 155.52 Mbps ±4.6 ppm
Transmission range ................................................................................................... S3, L3, L5

STM-4 Optical
Physical level ..................................................................................................... G.957, Table 3
Wavelength .................................................................................................. 1310 nm, 1550 nm
Bitrate ......................................................................................................... 622 Mbps ±4.6 ppm
Transmission range ................................................................................................... S3, L3, L5

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 3-3

XDM-50 Specifications XDM System Specifications

Applicable specifications ......................................................... G.784, G.774, M.3010, M.3100
LightSoft (network manager) server and client for managing all ECI
.............................................................................................. equipment on SUN workstation(s)
EMS-XDM (XDM element manager) ...................................................... on SUN workstation
LCT-XDM local craft terminal ........................................................................................ on PC
EMS-XDM and LightSoft can work on the same SUN workstation.

Management and Alarm Interfaces

CMIP-like over TCP/IP to EMS-XDM; MTNM from EMS-XDM to LightSoft or other TMN;
RS-232 to LCT-XDM; OverHead Access (OHA); orderwire; RAP (Rack Alarm Panel).

Alarms and Performance

Performance concept ............................................................................................. G.821, G.826
Alarm concept ................................................................................................................... G.783
Alarm types .................... LED indicators, dry contacts, audible alarms (per subrack), external
............................................................................................................. alarm inputs and outputs
Alarm classes ........................................................................ Critical, Major, Minor, Warning

SDH Interfaces
STM-1 (155.52 Mbps ±4.6 ppm) I/O Module
APPLICATION CODE 2 S-1.1 L-1.1 L-1.2
Operating wavelength (nm) 1261-1360 1263-1360 1480-1580
Source type MLM 3 SLM SLM
Max. RMS width (nm) 7.7 - -
Min. side mode suppression ratio (dB) - 30 30
Min. mean launched power (dBm) -15 -5 -5
Max. mean launched power (dBm) -8 0 0
Min. extinction ratio (dB) 8.2 10 10
Min. sensitivity (BER of 1*10-12) EOL dBm) -28 -34 -34
Min. overload (dBm) -8 -10 -10
Max. receiver reflectance (dB) - - -25

Application code is in reference to ITU-T Recommendation G.691.
MultiLongitudinal Mode (MLM) source type laser can also operate with single mode fibers for S-1.1 interfaces in
reference to ITU-T Recommendation G.957.

3-4 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications XDM-50 Specifications


APPLICATION CODE 2 S-1.1 L-1.1 L-1.2
Max. dispersion [ps/nm] 96 - -
Min. optical return loss of cable (dB) - - -20
Max. discrete reflectance (dB) - - -25
Max. optical path penalty (dB) 1 1 1

NOTE: When selecting bidirectional transceivers, pay

attention that they must operate in complementary pairs. For
example: OTR1-S3BD can work only vis-a-vis OTR1-S5BD;
OTR4-L3BD can work only vis-a-vis OTR4-L5BD, and so on.
The transceivers in the following table are arranged in
complementary pairs.

Table 3-1: STM-1 bidirectional transceivers

SFP transceiver name OTR1-S3BD OTR1-S5BD OTR1-L3BD OTR1-L5BD
Application code 4 BD 3 5 BD 5 6 L3BD L5BD
Operating wavelength (nm) 1260-1360 1480-1580 1280-1360 1480-1580
Source type MLM MLM MLM SLM
Max. RMS width (nm) 7 3 4 1
Min. side mode suppression ratio (dB) - - - 30
Min. mean launched power (dBm) -14 -14 -5 -5
Max. mean launched power (dBm) -8 -8 0 0
Min. extinction ratio (dB) 10 10 10 10
Min. sensitivity (BER of 1 * 10-12) EOL (dBm) -32 -32 -32 -32
Min. overload (dBm) -8 -8 0 0
Max. receiver reflectance (dB) - - - -
Max. dispersion (ps/nm) - - - -
Min. optical return loss of cable (dB) -20 -20 - -
Max. discrete reflectance (dB) - - - -
Max. optical path penalty (dB) 1 1 1 1

Application code is in reference to ITU-T Recommendation G.691.
BD 3: STM-1 single-fiber bidirectional SFP module with a 1310 nm TX wavelength.
BD 5: STM-1 single-fiber bidirectional SFP module with a 1550 nm TX wavelength.
Receiver units of SFPs (excluding bidirectional SFPs) are a wide-band type.

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 3-5

XDM-50 Specifications XDM System Specifications

STM-4 (622 Mbps ±4.6 ppm) I/O Module

APPLICATION CODE 8 S-4.1 L-4.1 L-4.2
Operating wavelength (nm) 1274-1356 1280-1335 1480-1580
Source type MLM 9 SLM SLM

Max. RMS width (nm) 4/2.5 - -

Max. -20 dB width (nm) - 1 <1
Min. side mode suppression ratio (dB) - 30 30
Min. mean launched power (dBm) -15 -3 -3
Max. mean launched power (dBm) -8 +2 +2
Min. extinction ratio (dB) 8.2 10 10
Min. sensitivity (BER of 1*10-12) EOL (dBm) -28 -28 -28

Min. overload (dBm) -8 -8 -8

Max. receiver reflectance (dB) - -14 -27
Max. dispersion [ps/nm] 74 - -
Min. optical return loss of cable (dB) - 20 24
Max. discrete reflectance (dB) - -25 -27
Max. optical path penalty (dB) 1 1 1

NOTE: When selecting bidirectional transceivers, pay

attention that they must operate in complementary pairs. For
example: OTR1-S3BD can work only vis-a-vis OTR1-S5BD;
OTR4-L3BD can work only vis-a-vis OTR4-L5BD, and so on.
The transceivers in the following table are arranged in
complementary pairs.

Application code is in reference to ITU-T Recommendation G.691.
MultiLongitudinal Mode (MLM) source type laser can also operate with single mode fibers for S-1.1 interfaces in
reference to ITU-T Recommendation G.957.

3-6 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications XDM-50 Specifications

Table 3-2: STM-4 bidirectional transceivers

SFP transceiver name OTR4_S3BD OTR4_S5BD OTR4_L3BD OTR4_L5BD
Application code 10 S3BD S5BD L3BD L5BD
Operating wavelength (nm) 1260-1360 1480-1580 1260-1360 1480-1580
Source type MLM SLM MLM SLM
Max. RMS width (nm) 3 1 3 1
Min. side mode suppression ratio (dB) - 30 - 30
Min. mean launched power (dBm) -15 -15 -3 -3
Max. mean launched power (dBm) -8 -8 +2 +2
Min. extinction ratio (dB) 8.2 8.2 10 10
Min. sensitivity (BER of 1 * 10-12) -28 -28 -28 -28
EOL (dBm)
Min. overload (dBm) -8 -8 -8 -8
Max. receiver reflectance (dB) - - - -
Max. dispersion (ps/nm) - - -

Min. optical return loss of cable (dB) - - - -

Max. discrete reflectance (dB) - - - -
Max. optical path penalty (dB) 1 1 1 1

Application code is in reference to ITU-T Recommendation G.691.
Receiver units of SFPs (excluding bidirectional SFPs) are a wide-band type.

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 3-7

XDM-50 Specifications XDM System Specifications

Data Modules
DIOM Specifications
Module DIOM_04 DIOM_08 DIOM_40
Service interfaces 4 x 10/100/ 8 x 10/100BaseT 4 x optical FE/GbE
1000BaseT with SFP
Size 1 slot 1 slot 1 slot
Data handling Layer 1 Layer 1 Layer 1
Network interfaces 4 x EoS 8 x EoS 4 x EoS
Total EoS bandwidth Up to 16 x VC-4 Up to 8 x VC-4 Up to 16 x VC-4
per module in slots I1 Up to 48 x VC-3 Up to 24 x VC-3 Up to 48 x VC-3
to I4 (2.5Gbps) Up to 252 x VC-12 Up to 252 x VC-12 Up to 252 x VC-12
Total bandwidth per 1 to 16 x VC-4 1 to 8 x VC-4 1 to 16 x VC-4
EoS port in slots I1 to 1 to 48 x VC-3 1 to 24 x VC-3 1 to 48 x VC-3
I4 1 to 63 x VC-12 1 to 63 x VC-12 1 to 63 x VC-12
Encapsulation mode GFP-F GFP-F GFP-F
Differential delay 256 ms for VC-3/4 256 ms for VC-3/4 256 ms for VC-3/4
compensation 128 ms for VC-12 128 ms for VC-12 128 ms for VC-12
Maximum frame 10240 bytes 10240 bytes 10240 bytes

Interfaces ........................ 10/100/1000BaseT, 100BaseFX (single mode and multimode fiber),

...................................................... 1000BaseSX, 1000BaseLX, 1000BaseZX, 1000BaseT SFP
Protection ..................................................... IOP 1:1 for both EoS ports and optical user ports
Standards compliance............................................IEEE 802.3z, G.707, G.783, G.7041 (GFP),
........................................................................................................................... G.7042 (LCAS)
LCAS ............................................. Enabled or Disabled (VCAT mode), configurable per port
Flow control ................................................................................. hitless following IEEE 802.3
Failure forwarding...................................................................................................... CSF, TSF

3-8 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications XDM-50 Specifications

EISMB Specifications
Module EISMB_04 12 EISMB_40 13
Service interfaces 2 x 10/100/1000BaseT + 2 x optical FE/GbE +
2 x 10/100BaseT 2 x optical FE with SFP
Size 1 slot 1 slot
Data handling Layer 2 Layer 2
Network interfaces 2 x GE EoS + 2 x GE EoS +
6 x FE EoS 6 x FE EoS
Total EoS bandwidth per module in slots Up to 16 x VC-4 Up to 16 x VC-4
I3, I4 Up to 48 x VC-3 Up to 48 x VC-3
Up to 252 x VC-12 Up to 252 x VC-12
Total bandwidth per EoS port in slots I3, 1 to 16 x VC-4 1 to 16 x VC-4
I4 1 to 48 x VC-3 1 to 48 x VC-3
1 to 63 x VC-12 1 to 63 x VC-12
Encapsulation mode GFP-F GFP-F
Differential delay compensation 256 ms for VC-3/4 256 ms for VC-3/4
128 ms for VC-12 128 ms for VC-12
Maximum frame length 9600 bytes 9600 bytes

Interfaces .............................................................................. 10/100/1000BaseT, 10/100BaseT,

.......................... 100BaseFX (single mode and multimode fiber), 1000BaseSX, 1000BaseLX,
.................................................................................................... 1000BaseZX, 1000BaseT SFP
Switch capacity ............................................................................................................ 6.4 Gbps
MAC address memory ....................................................................................................... 3500
Protection ..................................................... IOP 1:1 for both EoS ports and optical user ports
Standards compliance........................ IEEE 802.1D, IEEE 802.1p, IEEE 802.1Q, IEEE 802.3,
................................... IEEE 802.1ad, IEEE 802.3x, IEEE 802.3u, IEEE 802.3z, IEEE 802.1w
.......................................................................... G.707, G.783, G.7041 (GFP), G.7042 (LCAS)
LCAS ............................................. Enabled or Disabled (VCAT mode), configurable per port
Slot support ...................................................................... up to 4 modules in slots I1, I2, I5, I6
Untagged frame handling ........................................ block, forward, attach CTAG and forward

The EISMB can be installed only in slots I3, I4.
The EISMB can be installed only in slots I3, I4.

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 3-9

XDM-50 Specifications XDM System Specifications

EISM Specifications
Module EISM_226 14
Service interfaces 6 x 10/100BaseT +
2 x FE/GbE
Size 2 slots
Data handling Layer 2
Network interfaces 2 x EoS
Total bandwidth per EoS port 1 to 7 x VC-4
1 to 21 x VC-3
Encapsulation mode GFP-F
LCAS mode LCAS and non-LCAS
Differential delay compensation 3.8 ms
Maximum frame length 9600 bytes

Interfaces .......... 10/100BaseT, 100BaseFX (single mode and multimode fiber), 1000BaseSX,
........................................................................................................ 1000BaseLX, 1000BaseZX
Switch capacity ............................................................................................................ 6.4 Gbps
MAC address memory ...................................................................................................... 3,500
Protection ............................. IOP 1:1 for both Ethernet over SDH ports and optical user ports
Standards compliance........................ IEEE 802.1D, IEEE 802.1p, IEEE 802.1Q, IEEE 802.3,
................................... IEEE 802.1ad, IEEE 802.3x, IEEE 802.3u, IEEE 802.3z, IEEE 802.1w
.......................................................................... G.707, G.783, G.7041 (GFP), G.7042 (LCAS)
Untagged frame handling .................................................................................... block, forward

The EISM occupies two slots and can be installed in slot pairs I1-I2, I3-I4.

3-10 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications XDM-50 Specifications

Client Transceivers for EISM Cards

Transmitter type GbE/FC/ GbE/FC/ GbE/FC/ FE, short-reach FE, short-reach
FICON 16 FICON 17 FICON 18 laser, 1310 laser, 1310 nm,
short-reach laser, long-reach laser, very long-reach laser, multimode single mode
850 nm, 1310 nm, single 1550 nm, single mode
multimode mode
Data rate (nominal) 1.250 1.250 1.250 0.125 0.125
Average Max. -3 -3 5 -14 -8
launch power
Min. -9.5 -11 0 -19 -15
Min. transmitter 9 9 9 10 10
extinction ratio (dB)
Data format 8 B/10 B 8 B/10 B 8 B/10 B N/A N/A
Average Min. -20 -22 -22 -30 -
Typical -21 -25.5 -- -31 -28
Max. receiver overload 0 0 0 -14 -8
Typical Rx LOS level -24 -29 -25 < -29 < -28
Connector LC LC LC LC LC
Fiber lengths 550 m 10 km 80 km 550 m 10 km
(50/62.5 µm (9 µm SMF) (9 µm SMF) (50/62.5 µm (9 µm SMF)

Electrical GbE SFP (ETGbE)

Data rate 1000 Mbps IEEE 802.3 compatible
Connector RJ-45
Cable type STP (Shielded Twisted
Cable length 100m

The EISM occupies two slots and may be installed in slot pairs I1-I2 or I3-I4.
For EISM applications, GbE interfaces only.
For EISM applications, GbE interfaces only.
For EISM applications, GbE interfaces only.

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 3-11

XDM-50 Specifications XDM System Specifications

Physical Specifications
Dimensions (H x W x D)
XDM-50 .............................................................. 129 x 443 x 231 mm (5.08 x 17.44 x 9.09 in)
SIM-1/4, PIM-2/345.................................................. 35 x 97 x 213 mm (1.38 x 3.82 x 8.38 in)
EISMB, DIOM .......................................................... 32 x 97 x 213 mm (1.26 x 3.82 x 8.38 in)
EISM, PIM2_63 ...................................................... 32 x 195 x 213 mm (1.26 x 7.68 x 8.38 in)
CCP50_2 ............................................................................. 58.5 x 79 x 251 (2.3 x 3.11 x 9.88)
INF50 ................................................................................... 41 x 79 x 252 (1.61 x 3.11 x 9.92)
TPM-xx_1/TPM-xx_3 .............................................. 72 x 97 x 211 mm (2.83 x 3.82 x 8.31 in)
TC, TCF .................................................................... 84 x 45 x 210 mm (2.91 x 1.77 x 8.27 in)
MXC50.................................................................. 29 x 300 x 250 mm (1.14 x 11.81 x 9.84 in)
ECU50 ................................................................................ 28 x 230 x 255 (1.1 x 9.05 x 10.04)
TPU ..................................................................... 75 x 443 x 231 mm (2.95 x 17.44 x 9.09 in)
xRAP (optional) ................................................ 100 x 450 x 285 mm (3.94 x 17.72 x 11.22 in)
xRAP-100 (optional) ........................................... 133 x 445 x 185 mm (5.24 x 17.53 x 7.29 in)
miniRAP (optional) ................................................. 90 x 445 x 150 mm (3.54 x 17.53 x 5.9 in)
Racks ........................................2200/2600 x 600 x 300 mm (86.61/102.36 x 23.62 x 11.81 in)
...................................................................................... 2134 x 584 x 305 mm (82 x 23 x 12 in)

Basic XDM-50 shelf ........................................................................................... 4 kg (8.82 lbs)
Basic XDM-50 fully populated ....................................................................... 12 kg (26.46 lbs)

Applicable specifications ....................................................... ETSI 300 132-2; FTZ 19 PFL 1
Input voltage ............................................................................................ -40 V dc to -75 V dc
Nominal power source ....................................................................................... -48 V or -60 V
Power consumption ............................................................. Typical 150 W, maximum 250 W

Main Equipment Power Consumption

For the XDM-50 main equipment power consumption refer to XDM-100 Product Line Main
Equipment Power Consumption (page 4-24) in section XDM-100 Specifications (page 4-1).

3-12 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications XDM-50 Specifications

Power Dissipation
Power dissipation .................................................... Typical 515 Btu/hr, maximum 855 Btu/hr

Environmental Conditions
Applicable specification ................................................................ ETSI-300-019-2-3 Class 3.2
Temperature range ............................................................................................. -5 ºC to +55 ºC
Relative humidity .................................................................................................... 5% to 90%

NOTE: Extended temperature range of -5 ºC to +65 ºC is

supported for specific outdoor configurations.

Storage (packed)
Applicable specification ................................................................ ETSI-300-019-2-1 Class 1.2
Temperature range ........................................................................................... -40 ºC to +70 ºC
Relative humidity ................................................................................................ 10% to 100%

Handling and Transportation

Applicable specification ................................................................ ETSI-300-019-2-2 Class 2.2
Temperature range ........................................................................................... 40 ºC to +70 ºC
Relative humidity ..................................................................................................... up to 95%

Applicable specifications ............................................................................... EN 300 386/2000
Applicable directive ....................................................................... EMC directive 89/336 EEC

Applicable specifications .................................................................................. EN 60950/2000
Applicable CE directive .................................................................... LVD directive 73/23/EEC

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 3-13

XDM-50 Specifications XDM System Specifications

Laser Safety
Applicable specification ....................................................... EN 60825-1&2 (AS/NZS 2211.2)

CE Compliance
The XDM-50 complies with CE standards.

Expected lifetime of the XDM platforms ...................................................................... 15 years

Availability of service for an end-to-end service trail passing through a protected
SDH/SONET network ................................................................................ better than 99.999%

3-14 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM-100 Specifications

In this chapter:
Cross-Connect Specifications .......................................................................... 4-2
Traffic Protection............................................................................................. 4-3
Redundancy ..................................................................................................... 4-3
Synchronization ............................................................................................... 4-3
Jitter and Wander ............................................................................................. 4-3
I/O Interfaces ................................................................................................... 4-4
Management .................................................................................................... 4-5
SDH/SONET Interfaces .................................................................................. 4-6
Data Modules................................................................................................. 4-12
Optical Amplifier Modules for TPU/OCU .................................................... 4-20
GbE/FC/2 Gbps FC/FICON Optical SFP Transceivers for
Transponders/Combiners ............................................................................... 4-21
STM-1 SFP Optical supervisory channel transceivers for OSC1_2 .............. 4-21
CWDM Modules ........................................................................................... 4-22
Physical Specifications .................................................................................. 4-23
Environmental Conditions ............................................................................. 4-27
EMC .............................................................................................................. 4-27
Safety ............................................................................................................. 4-28
Reliability ...................................................................................................... 4-28

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 4-1

XDM-100 Specifications XDM System Specifications

Cross-Connect Specifications
Cross-Connect Levels
SDH cross-connect levels ........................................................... VC-4nc, VC-4, VC-3, VC-12
SONET cross-connect levels.............................................................................. STS-nc, STS-1

Cross-Connect Capacity
SDH switch core options .......................... 192 x STM-1 with cross-connect capability of 4/3/1
SONET switch core options ..................................................................................... 192 x OC-3

XDM-100 Shelf Capacity

XDM-100 shelf slot capacities differ as a function of the type of matrix cards
(MXC-100, MXC-100B, or combination of MXC-100, and MXC-BR) used.
Although the MXC-100 and the MXC-100B have identical cross-connect
capabilities, the bandwidth allocation capacity per I/O slot for the MXC-100 is
different than that of the MXC-100B, or MXC-100 and a MXC-BR.

NOTE: The following is applicable:

 Mix of MXC-100 and MXC-100B on the same shelf is not
 The MXC-BR is supported only for SDH applications

The following table describes the MXC-100, MXC-100B, and MXC-BR

bandwidth allocation capacity per slot for the XDM-100.
MXC type Slot # Capacity per slot Total XDM-100 capacity
MXC-100 (x 2) I1, I2, I5, I6 2.5 Gbps 25 Gbps
I3, I4, I7, I8 1.25 Gbps
A1, A2, B1, B2 2.5 Gbps
MXC-100B (x 2) I1 to I8 2.5 Gbps 30 Gbps
A1, A2, B1, B2 2.5 Gbps
MXC-100 (x 1) I1 to I8 1.25 Gbps 15 Gbps
MXC-BR 22 (x 1) A1, A2 2.5 Gbps

Mix of MXC-100 and MXC-100B on the same shelf is not supported.
Mix of MXC-100 and MXC-100B on the same shelf is not supported.
This configuration is supported only for SDH applications.
This configuration is supported only for SDH applications.

4-2 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications XDM-100 Specifications

Traffic Protection
Applicable specifications ................. ITU-T G.841, G.842, GR-1230-CORE, GR-1400-CORE
SNCP I/N LO, HO ................................................................................................. within 30 ms
MSP/APS 1+1 ........................................................................................................ within 50 ms
MS-SPRing/BLSR ................................................................................................. within 50 ms
OCH 1+1 optical protection ..................................................................................... within 5 ms

Control and synchronization systems.................................................................. 1+1 duplicated
Switching matrix, power system, internal buses, external buses ........................1+1 duplicated
I/O electrical modules protection ................................................................... 1:1, 1:2, and 1:3

There are several timing references available from multiple SDH/SONET and/or PDH/Async
timing sources:
 From any 2 MHz/2 Mbps tributary interface
 From any 1.5 Mbps tributary interface
 From any SDH/SONET line
 External SDH 2 MHz/2 Mbps timing outputs (two per shelf)
 External SONET 1.5 Mbps timing outputs (two per shelf)
G.813 internal clock

Synchronization Status Marker (SSM) support is also provided.

Jitter and Wander

Applicable specifications .......................................................................... ITU-T G.823, G.825

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 4-3

XDM-100 Specifications XDM System Specifications

I/O Interfaces
2 Mbps (E1)
Physical level .............................................................................................. G.703, Paragraph 6
Frame ......................................................................................................................... Unframed
Line code .......................................................................................................................... HDB3
Line impedance .................................................................. 120 Ω balanced/75 Ω 23 unbalanced
Bitrate ........................................................................................................ 2048 Kbps ± 50 ppm

34 Mbps (E3)
Physical level .............................................................................................. G.703, Paragraph 8
Frame ................................................................................................................................ G.751
Line code .......................................................................................................................... HDB3
Line impedance ............................................................................................... 75 Ω unbalanced

45 Mbps (DS-3)
Physical level .............................................................................................. G.703, Paragraph 5
Frame .................................................................................................. Unframed, ANSI T1.107
Line code ........................................................................................................................... B3ZS
Line impedance ............................................................................................... 75 Ω unbalanced

52 Mbps (STS-1)
Physical level ..................................................................................................... GR-253-CORE
Frame ................................................................................................................................ G.253
Line code ............................................................................................................................. CMI
Line impedance ............................................................................................... 75 Ω unbalanced

STM-1 Electrical
Physical level ............................................................................................ G.703, Paragraph 12
Bitrate ..................................................................................................... 155.52 Mbps ±20 ppm
Frame ................................................................................................................................ G.707
Line code ............................................................................................................................. CMI

Through an external DDF.

4-4 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications XDM-100 Specifications

STM-1/OC-3 Optical
Physical level ..................................................................................................... G.957, Table 2
Wavelength .................................................................................................. 1310 nm, 1550 nm
Bitrate .................................................................................................... 155.52 Mbps ±4.6 ppm
Transmission range ................................................................................................... S3, L3, L5

STM-4/OC-12 Optical
Physical level ..................................................................................................... G.957, Table 3
Wavelength .................................................................................................. 1310 nm, 1550 nm
Bitrate ......................................................................................................... 622 Mbps ±4.6 ppm
Transmission range ............................................................................................ S3, L3, L5, V5

STM-16/OC-48 Optical
Physical level ..................................................................................................... G.957, Table 4
Wavelength ................................................................................................. 1310 nm, 1550 nm
Bitrate .................................................................................................. 2488.32 Mbps ±4.6 ppm
Transmission range ......................................... I3, S3, L3, L5, C/DWDM (G.694.2 and G.695)

Applicable specifications ......................................................... G.784, G.774, M.3010, M.3100
LightSoft (network manager) server and client for managing all ECI equipment
............................................................................................................... on SUN workstation(s)
EMS-XDM (XDM element manager) ...................................................... on SUN workstation
LCT-XDM local craft terminal ........................................................................................ on PC
EMS-XDM and LightSoft can work on the same SUN workstation.

Management and Alarm Interfaces

CMIP-like over TCP/IP to EMS-XDM; MTNM from EMS-XDM to LightSoft or other TMN;
RS-232 to LCT-XDM; OverHead Access (OHA); orderwire; RAP.

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 4-5

XDM-100 Specifications XDM System Specifications

Alarms and Performance

Performance concept ............................................................................................. G.821, G.826
Alarm concept ................................................................................................................... G.783
Alarm types .................... LED indicators, dry contacts, audible alarms (per subrack), external
............................................................................................................. alarm inputs and outputs
Alarm classes ........................................................................ Critical, Major, Minor, Warning

SDH/SONET Interfaces
STM-1/OC-3 (155.52 Mbps ±4.6 ppm) I/O
APPLICATION CODE 24 S-1.1 L-1.1 L-1.2
Operating wavelength (nm) 1261-1360 1263-1360 1480-1580
Source type MLM 25 SLM SLM
Max. RMS width (nm) 7.7 - -
Min. side mode suppression ratio (dB) - 30 30
Min. mean launched power (dBm) -15 -5 -5
Max. mean launched power (dBm) -8 0 0
Min. extinction ratio (dB) 8.2 10 10
Min. sensitivity (BER of 1*10-12) EOL dBm) -28 -34 -34
Min. overload (dBm) -8 -10 -10
Max. receiver reflectance (dB) - - -25
Max. dispersion [ps/nm] 96 - -
Min. optical return loss of cable (dB) - - -20
Max. discrete reflectance (dB) - - -25
Max. optical path penalty (dB) 1 1 1

NOTE: When selecting bidirectional transceivers, pay

attention that they must operate in complementary pairs. For
example: OTR1-S3BD can work only vis-a-vis OTR1-S5BD;
OTR4-L3BD can work only vis-a-vis OTR4-L5BD, and so on.
The transceivers in the following table are arranged in
complementary pairs.

Application code is in reference to ITU-T Recommendation G.691.
MultiLongitudinal Mode (MLM) source type laser can also operate with single mode fibers for S-1.1 interfaces in
reference to ITU-T Recommendation G.957.

4-6 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications XDM-100 Specifications

Table 4-1: STM-1 bidirectional transceivers

SFP transceiver name OTR1-S3BD OTR1-S5BD OTR1-L3BD OTR1-L5BD
Application code 26 BD 3 27 BD 5 28 L3BD L5BD
Operating wavelength (nm) 1260-1360 1480-1580 1280-1360 1480-1580
Source type MLM MLM MLM SLM
Max. RMS width (nm) 7 3 4 1
Min. side mode suppression ratio (dB) - - - 30
Min. mean launched power (dBm) -14 -14 -5 -5
Max. mean launched power (dBm) -8 -8 0 0
Min. extinction ratio (dB) 10 10 10 10
Min. sensitivity (BER of 1 * 10-12) EOL -32 -32 -32 -32
Min. overload (dBm) -8 -8 0 0
Max. receiver reflectance (dB) - - - -
Max. dispersion (ps/nm) - - - -
Min. optical return loss of cable (dB) -20 -20 - -
Max. discrete reflectance (dB) - - - -
Max. optical path penalty (dB) 1 1 1 1

STM-4/OC-12 (622 Mbps ±4.6 ppm) I/O

Operating wavelength (nm) 1274-1356 1280-1335 1480-1580 1550
Source type MLM 31 SLM SLM SLM
Max. RMS width (nm) 4/2.5 - - -
Max. -20 dB width (nm) - 1 <1 1
Min. side mode suppression ratio (dB) - 30 30 30
Min. mean launched power (dBm) -15 -3 -3 0
Max. mean launched power (dBm) -8 +2 +2 4
Min. extinction ratio (dB) 8.2 10 10 10

Application code is in reference to ITU-T Recommendation G.691.
BD 3: STM-1 single-fiber bidirectional SFP module with a 1310 nm TX wavelength.
BD 5: STM-1 single-fiber bidirectional SFP module with a 1550 nm TX wavelength.
Receiver units of SFPs (excluding bidirectional SFPs) are a wide-band type.
Application code is in reference to ITU-T Recommendation G.691.
MultiLongitudinal Mode (MLM) source type laser can also operate with single mode fibers for S-1.1 interfaces in
reference to ITU-T Recommendation G.957.

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 4-7

XDM-100 Specifications XDM System Specifications


APPLICATION CODE 30 S-4.1 L-4.1 L-4.2 V5
Min. sensitivity (BER of 1*10-12) EOL -28 -28 -28 -34
Min. overload (dBm) -8 -8 -8 -8
Max. receiver reflectance (dB) - -14 -27 -27
Max. dispersion [ps/nm] 74 - - -
Min. optical return loss of cable (dB) - 20 24 -
Max. discrete reflectance (dB) - -25 -27 -
Max. optical path penalty (dB) 1 1 1 1

NOTE: When selecting bidirectional transceivers, pay

attention that they must operate in complementary pairs. For
example: OTR1-S3BD can work only vis-a-vis OTR1-S5BD;
OTR4-L3BD can work only vis-a-vis OTR4-L5BD, and so on.
The transceivers in the following table are arranged in
complementary pairs.

Table 4-2: STM-4 bidirectional transceivers

SFP transceiver name OTR4_S3BD OTR4_S5BD OTR4_L3BD OTR4_L5BD
Application code 32 S3BD S5BD L3BD L5BD
Operating wavelength (nm) 1260-1360 1480-1580 1260-1360 1480-1580
Source type MLM SLM MLM SLM
Max. RMS width (nm) 3 1 3 1
Min. side mode suppression - 30 - 30
ratio (dB)
Min. mean launched power -15 -15 -3 -3
Max. mean launched power -8 -8 +2 +2
Min. extinction ratio (dB) 8.2 8.2 10 10
Min. sensitivity (BER of 1 * -28 -28 -28 -28
10-12) EOL (dBm)
Min. overload (dBm) -8 -8 -8 -8
Max. receiver reflectance (dB) - - - -

Application code is in reference to ITU-T Recommendation G.691.
Receiver units of SFPs (excluding bidirectional SFPs) are a wide-band type.

4-8 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications XDM-100 Specifications

SFP transceiver name OTR4_S3BD OTR4_S5BD OTR4_L3BD OTR4_L5BD

Application code 32 S3BD S5BD L3BD L5BD
Max. dispersion (ps/nm) - - -

Min. optical return loss of cable - - - -

Max. discrete reflectance (dB) - - - -
Max. optical path penalty (dB) 1 1 1 1

STM-16/OC-48 (2488.32 Mbps ±4.6 ppm)

I/O Modules
SFP OTR16_I3 OTR16_S3 OTR16_L3 OTR16_L5 OTR25_AVxx 34 OTR25_ABxx 35
APPLICATION I-16 S-16.1 L-16.1 L-16.2 DW100S1D2/5(C) DW100L\--1D2/5(C)F
CODE 36 DW100S1A2/5(C) DW100C\--1A2/5(C)F
Operating 1260-1360 1260-1360 1280-1335 1500-1580 1530-1565 1530-1565
wavelength (nm)
Max. -20 dB width 2 1 1 <1 0.4 0.4
Max. RMS width - - - - - -
Min. side mode - 30 30 30 30 30
suppression (dB)
Min. mean -10 -5 -2 -2 0 0
launched power
Max. mean -3 0 +3 +3 4 4
launched power
Min. extinction 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2
ratio (dB)
Min. sensitivity -16 -18 -27 -28 -28 -28
(BER of 1*10-12)
EOL (dBm)
Min. overload 0 0 -9 -9 -9 -9
Max. receiver -27 -27 -27 -27 -27 -27
reflectance (dB)

xx designates the transceiver's wavelength in nm.
xx designates the transceiver's wavelength in nm.
Application code is in reference to ITU-T Recommendation G.691.

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 4-9

XDM-100 Specifications XDM System Specifications

SFP OTR16_I3 OTR16_S3 OTR16_L3 OTR16_L5 OTR25_AVxx 34 OTR25_ABxx 35

APPLICATION I-16 S-16.1 L-16.1 L-16.2 DW100S1D2/5(C) DW100L\--1D2/5(C)F
CODE 36 DW100S1A2/5(C) DW100C\--1A2/5(C)F
Max. dispersion - - - 1600 2400 3600
[ps/nm] (120km G.652 (180 km G.652)
Min. optical return -24 -24 -24 -24 -24 -24
loss of cable (dB)
Max. discrete -27 -27 -27 -27 -27 -27
reflectance (dB)
Max. optical path <1 1 1 2 <3 <2
penalty dB)

NOTE: When selecting bidirectional transceivers, pay

attention that they must operate in complementary pairs. For
example: OTR1-S3BD can work only vis-a-vis OTR1-S5BD;
OTR4-L3BD can work only vis-a-vis OTR4-L5BD, and so on.
The transceivers in the following table are arranged in
complementary pairs.

Table 4-3: STM-16 bidirectional transceivers

SFP transceiver name OTR16_S3BD OTR16_S5BD OTR16_L3BD OTR16_L5BD

Application code S3BD S5BD L3BD L5BD
Operating wavelength (nm) 1260-1360 1480-1580 1260-1360 1480-1580
Source type SLM SLM SLM SLM
Max. RMS width (nm) 1 1 1 1
Min. side mode suppression ratio (dB) 30 30 30 30
Min. mean launched power (dBm) -5 -5 -2 -2
Max. mean launched power (dBm) +2 +2 +5 +5
Min. extinction ratio (dB) 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2
Min. sensitivity (BER of 1 * 10-12) EOL (dBm) -18 -18 -27 -27
Min. overload (dBm) 0 0 -9 -9
Max. receiver reflectance (dB) - - - -
Max. dispersion (ps/nm) - - -
Min. optical return loss of cable (dB) - - - -
Max. discrete reflectance (dB) - - - -
Max. optical path penalty (dB) 1 1 1 1

Application code is in reference to ITU-T Recommendation G.691.
Receiver units of SFPs (excluding bidirectional SFPs) are a wide-band type.

4-10 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications XDM-100 Specifications

2.5 Gbps Optical CWDM SFP Transceivers

SFP TRANSCEIVER NAME OTC25_1PSxx 39 OTC25_1ALxx 40 OTR25_AVxx 41 OTR25_ABxx 42
APPLICATION CODE DW100S\-1D2/5(C) DW100L\--1D2/5(C)F
DW100S\-1A2/5(C) DW100C\--1A2/5(C)F
Operating wavelength (nm) 1464-1618 1464-1618 1530-1565 1530-1565
Source type SLM SLM SLM SLM
Max. -20 dB width (nm) 1 1 0.4 0.4
Max. RMS width (nm) - - - -
Min. side mode suppression (dB) 30 30 30 30
Min. mean launched power (dBm) 0 0 0 0
Max. mean launched power (dBm) +5 +5 4 4
Min. extinction ratio (dB) 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2
Min. sensitivity (BER of 1*10-12) -21.5 -28 -28 -28
EOL (dBm) (-23 GbE) (-32 GbE)
Min. overload (dBm) 0 -7 -9 -9
Max. receiver reflectance (dB) -27 -27 -27 -27
Max. dispersion [ps/nm] 800 1600 2400 3600
(40 km G.652) (80 km G.652) (120 km G.652) (180 km G.652)
Min. optical return loss of cable (dB) 24 24 -24 -24
Max. discrete reflectance (dB) -27 -27 -27 -27
Max. optical path penalty (dB) 1.5 2.5 <3 <2

xx designates the transceiver's wavelength in nm.
xx designates the transceiver's wavelength in nm.
xx designates the transceiver's wavelength in nm.
xx designates the transceiver's wavelength in nm.
Application code is in reference to ITU-T Recommendation G.691.

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 4-11

XDM-100 Specifications XDM System Specifications

Data Modules
DIOM Specifications
Module DIOM_04 DIOM_08 DIOM_40
Service interfaces 4 x 10/100/1000BaseT 8 x 10/100BaseT 4 x optical FX/GbE
with SFP

Size 1 slot 1 slot 1 slot

Data handling Layer 1 Layer 1 Layer 1
Network interfaces 4 x EoS 8 x EoS 4 x EoS
Total EoS bandwidth Up to 16 x VC-4 Up to 8 x VC-4 Up to 16 x VC-4
per module in slots 1, Up to 48 x VC-3 Up to 24 x VC-3 Up to 48 x VC-3
2, 5, 6 (2.5Gbps) Up to 252 x VC-12 Up to 252 x VC-12 Up to 252 x VC-12
Total EoS bandwidth Up to 8 x VC-4 Up to 8 x VC-4 Up to 8 x VC-4
per module in slots 3, Up to 24 x VC-3 Up to 24 x VC-3 Up to 24 x VC-3
4, 7, 8 (1.25Gbps) Up to 252 x VC-12 Up to 252 x VC-12 Up to 252 x VC-12
Total bandwidth per 1 to 16 x VC-4 1 to 8 x VC-4 1 to 16 x VC-4
EoS port in slots 1, 2, 1 to 48 x VC-3 1 to 24 x VC-3 1 to 48 x VC-3
5, 6 1 to 63 x VC-12 1 to 63 x VC-12 1 to 63 x VC-12
Total bandwidth per 1 to 8 x VC-4 1 to 8 x VC-4 1 to 8 x VC-4
EoS port in slots 3, 4, 1 to 24 x VC-3 1 to 24 x VC-3 1 to 24 x VC-3
7, 8 1 to 63 x VC-12 1 to 63 x VC-12 1 to 63 x VC-12
Encapsulation mode GFP-F GFP-F GFP-F
Differential delay 256 ms for VC-3/4 256 ms for VC-3/4 256 ms for VC-3/4
compensation 128 ms for VC-12 128 ms for VC-12 128 ms for VC-12
Maximum frame 10240 bytes 10240 bytes 10240 bytes

Interfaces ........................ 10/100/1000BaseT, 100BaseFX (single mode and multimode fiber),

...................................................... 1000BaseSX, 1000BaseLX, 1000BaseZX, 1000BaseT SFP
Protection ..................................................... IOP 1:1 for both EoS ports and optical user ports
Standards compliance............................................IEEE 802.3z, G.707, G.783, G.7041 (GFP),
........................................................................................................................... G.7042 (LCAS)
LCAS ............................................. Enabled or Disabled (VCAT mode), configurable per port
Flow control ................................................................................. hitless following IEEE 802.3
Failure forwarding...................................................................................................... CSF, TSF

4-12 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications XDM-100 Specifications

EISMB Specifications
Module EISMB_04 EISMB_40
Service interfaces 2 x 10/100/1000BaseT + 2 x optical FX/GbE +
2 x 10/100BaseT 2 x optical FX with SFP
Size 1 slot 1 slot
Data handling Layer 2 Layer 2
Network interfaces 2 x GE EoS + 2 x GE EoS +
6 x FX EoS 6 x FX EoS
Total EoS bandwidth per module Up to 16 x VC-4 Up to 16 x VC-4
Up to 48 x VC-3 Up to 48 x VC-3
Up to 252 x VC-12 Up to 252 x VC-12
Total bandwidth per EoS port 1 to 16 x VC-4 1 to 16 x VC-4
1 to 48 x VC-3 1 to 48 x VC-3
1 to 63 x VC-12 1 to 63 x VC-12
Encapsulation mode GFP-F GFP-F
Differential delay compensation 256 ms for VC-3/4 256 ms for VC-3/4
128 ms for VC-12 128 ms for VC-12
Maximum frame length 9600 bytes 9600 bytes

Interfaces .............................................................................. 10/100/1000BaseT, 10/100BaseT,

.......................... 100BaseFX (single mode and multimode fiber), 1000BaseSX, 1000BaseLX,
.................................................................................................... 1000BaseZX, 1000BaseT SFP
Switch capacity ............................................................................................................ 6.4 Gbps
MAC address memory ....................................................................................................... 3500
Protection ..................................................... IOP 1:1 for both EoS ports and optical user ports
Standards compliance........................ IEEE 802.1D, IEEE 802.1p, IEEE 802.1Q, IEEE 802.3,
................................... IEEE 802.1ad, IEEE 802.3x, IEEE 802.3u, IEEE 802.3z, IEEE 802.1w
.......................................................................... G.707, G.783, G.7041 (GFP), G.7042 (LCAS)
LCAS ............................................. Enabled or Disabled (VCAT mode), configurable per port
Slot support ..................................................... up to 4 modules in any slots (with MXC-100B)
Untagged frame handling ........................................ block, forward, attach CTAG and forward

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 4-13

XDM-100 Specifications XDM System Specifications

MCSM Specifications
Module MCSM
Service interfaces 8 x 10/100BaseT +
8 x optical FX/GbE with SFP
Size 2 slots
Maximum modules per shelf Up to 2 with MXC-100B
One only with MXC-100
Data handling Layer 2 (Ethernet/MPLS)
Network interfaces 16 x EoS/MoT
Total EoS bandwidth per module Up to 32 x VC-4
Up to 96 x VC-3
Up to 252 x VC-12
Total bandwidth per EoS port 1 to 16 x VC-4
1 to 48 x VC-3
1 to 63 x VC-12
NG-SDH standards GFP-F, VCAT, LCAS
Differential delay compensation 256 ms for VC-3/4
128 ms for VC-12
Maximum frame length 9600 bytes

Interfaces ................................. 10/100BaseT, 100BaseFX (single mode and multimode fiber),

.................................................................................. 1000BaseSX, 1000BaseLX, 1000BaseZX
Total EoS/MoT capacity ................................................................................................. 5 Gbps
Switch capacity ............................................................................................................. 20 Gbps
MAC address memory ....................................................................................... 128,000 entries
Protection ........................................ <50ms FRR link and node, <50ms Dual homed/attached,
..................................................................................... Ethernet UNI/NNI LAG and EoS LAG,
.............................................................................................................................. G.8032 (ERP)
................................................................... Fast IOP – MCSM 1+1 hot standby card protection
MPLS-based services ... VPWS (Martini encapsulation), VPLS (Full mesh and star), H-VPLS
.......................................................................................... P2MP (Multicast drop and continue)
IGMP snooping and static MAC ................................................................................................
Hard QoS: ........................... 8000 policed flows per card supporting CIR, CBS and EIR, EBS
.............................................. Classification based on port, CVLAN, CVLAN-P bits, SVLAN,
................................................. SVLAN-Pbits (802.1p priority bits), Untagged Frame, BPDU,
......................................................... and Wildcard (all VLANs that are not explicitly defined).
.............................................. Untagged frame handling with port-based VLAN (attach/detach
............................................................................ CVLAN and/or SVLAN to untagged frames)
..........................................Eight Classes of Service (CoS), Classification rules, CoS mapping,
.................................................... 2 rate policing, 3 colors marking, Admission Control (CAC)

4-14 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications XDM-100 Specifications

....................................... WRED, Shaping, Scheduling (WFQ/WRR – Weighted Fair Queuing

........................................................................................................... / Weighted Round Robin)
MAC and VLANs:4093 x 4093 VLANs with 16k VLAN mapping rules, SVLAN translation,
..................................... S-VLAN configurable Ether-type, FDB (Forwarding Data Base) with
.......................................................................................................... 128k MAC address entries
E2E OAM: ...........................Tunnel OAM with Connectivity Verification per ITU-T Y.1711,
.................................................................................................................. Link OAM (802.3ah)
.................................................................................................... Service OAM 802.1ag (CFM)
Security: ............................. VSI (Virtual Switch Instance) VPN segregation, VLAN filtering,
............................................................................... FIB quota, BSC (Broadcast Storm Control)
Management: ....................... Point-and-click fast service creation, Management layers/Planes:
....................................................... Data, TDM, optic, Supporting CAC for MPLS Tunnel and
................................................... Service provisioning, Enhanced protection by SRLG (Shared
.......................................................................................................... Risk Link Group) schemes
Triple Play............................................ DTV/IPTV, HDTV, Gaming, VoD, VoIP, and HSI
Business connectivity............................................................... VPWS, VPLS, and H-VPLS
Mobile aggregation ......................... 3G Ethernet-based services, including VoIP, HSDPA,
..................................... IPTV and video streaming, MP3 streaming, VoD, video and voice
........................................................................................................................... conferences
Wholesale/CoC ............................................................ Ethernet bandwidth and leased lines
Standards compliance:
IEEE ................................................. 802.1ad, 802.3ah (Link OAM), 802.1D/P/Q, 802.1w,
................................................................................ 802.3-2005, 802.3ad, 802.3x, 802.1ag
MEF .......................... MEF 4, MEF 6, MEF 7, MEF9, MEF 10, MEF 11, MEF 12 MEF14
ITU-T ........................................ G.707, G.7041, G.7042, G.8010/Y.1306, G.8011/Y.1307,
.............................................................................. G.8011.1/Y.1307.1, G.8011.2/Y.1307.2,
.................................................................. G.8012/Y.1308, Y.1710, Y.171, G.783, G.8032
IETF ........................................... RFC 3031, RFC 3032, RFC 3270, RFC 3443, RFC 4448,
..................................................................... RFC 4379, RFC 3812, RFC 3813, RFC 2702,
...................................................... RFC 4090, RFC 3916, RFC 3985, RFC 4125, RFC 412

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 4-15

XDM-100 Specifications XDM System Specifications

EISM Specifications
Module 44 EISM_208 EISM_244 EISM_226
Service interfaces 8 x 10/100BaseT 4 x 10/100BaseT + 6 x 10/100BaseT +
2 x FX/GbE + 2 x FX/GbE
2 x FX
Size 2 slots 2 slots 2 slots
Data handling Layer 2 Layer 2 Layer 2
Network interfaces 2 x EoS 2 x EoS 2 x EoS
Total bandwidth per 1 to 7 x VC-4 1 to 7 x VC-4 1 to 7 x VC-4
EoS port 1 to 21 x VC-3 1 to 21 x VC-3 1 to 21 x VC-3
Encapsulation mode GFP-F GFP-F GFP-F
LCAS mode LCAS and non-LCAS LCAS and non-LCAS LCAS and non-LCAS
Differential delay 3.8 ms 3.8 ms 3.8 ms
Maximum frame 9600 bytes 9600 bytes 9600 bytes

Interfaces .......... 10/100BaseT, 100BaseFX (single mode and multimode fiber), 1000BaseSX,
........................................................................................................ 1000BaseLX, 1000BaseZX
Switch capacity ............................................................................................................ 6.4 Gbps
MAC address memory ...................................................................................................... 3,500
Protection ............................. IOP 1:1 for both Ethernet over SDH ports and optical user ports
Standards compliance........................ IEEE 802.1D, IEEE 802.1p, IEEE 802.1Q, IEEE 802.3,
................................... IEEE 802.1ad, IEEE 802.3x, IEEE 802.3u, IEEE 802.3z, IEEE 802.1w
.......................................................................... G.707, G.783, G.7041 (GFP), G.7042 (LCAS)
Untagged frame handling .................................................................................... block, forward

The EISM occupies two slots and can be installed in slot pairs I1-I2, I3-I4, I5-I6, I7-I8.

4-16 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications XDM-100 Specifications

Client Transceivers for MCSM, EISM Cards

Transmitter type GbE GbE long-reach GbE very FX, short-reach FX, short-reach
short-reach laser, 1310 nm, long-reach laser, 1310 laser, 1310 nm,
laser, 850 nm, single mode laser, 1550 nm, multimode single mode
multimode single mode
Data rate (nominal) 1.250 1.250 1.250 0.125 0.125
Average Max. -3 -3 5 -14 -8
Min. -9.5 -11 0 -19 -15
Min. transmitter 9 9 9 10 10
extinction ratio (dB)
Data format 8B/10B 8B/10B 8B/10B N/A N/A
Average Min. -20 -22 -22 -30 --
Typical -21 -25.5 -- -31 -28
Max. receiver overload 0 0 0 -14 -8
Typical Rx LOS level -24 -29 -25 < -29 < -28
Connector LC LC LC LC LC
Fiber lengths 550 m 10 km 80 km 550 m 10 km
(50/62.5 µm (9 µm SMF) (9 µm SMF) (50/62.5 µm (9 µm SMF)


Transmitter type Bidirectional Bidirectional Bidirectional SFP, Bidirectional
SFP, 1310 nm SFP, 1490 nm 1310 nm e SFP, 1490 nm
Data rate (nominal) (MBaud) 1250 1250 1250 1250
Average launch power (dBm) -3 Max. -3 +2 +2
-10 Min. -10 -5 -5
Min. transmitter extinction ratio (dB) >9 >9 >9 >9
Data format 8B/10B 8B/10B 8B/10B 8B/10B
Average receiver sensitivity (dBm) < -21 < -21 < -23 < -23
Typical Rx LOS level (dBm) < -22 < -22 < -24 < -24
Connector LC LC LC LC
Fiber lengths 10 km 10 km 40 km 40 km
(9 µm SMF) (9 µm SMF) (9 µm SMF) (9 µm SMF)

The EISM occupies two slots and may be installed in slot pairs I1-I2, I5-I6.

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 4-17

XDM-100 Specifications XDM System Specifications

Data SFP+ Transceivers

Table 4-4: SFP+ client transceivers
Operating wavelength (nm) 1530-1565 1530-1565 840-860 1260-1355 1260-1355
Modulation N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Spacing (GHz) NA NA NA NA NA
Max. -20 dB width (nm) NA <1 NA NA NA
Min. side mode suppression (dB) 30 30 NA 30 NA
Min. mean launched power -4.7 0 -7.3 -8.2 -6.5
Max. mean launched power +4 +4 -1 +0.5 +0.5
Min. extinction ratio (dB) 3 9 3 3.5 3.5
Max. attenuation (dB) 11.1 22 4 6.2 4
Min. Attenuation (dB) 5 11 0 0 0
Min. sensitivity (BER of -14.1 (OMA) -24 -11 (OMA) -12.6 (OMA) -6.5 (Stressed)
1*10-12) -11.3 -7.5 (Stressed) -10.3 (Stressed)
EOL (dBm) (Stressed)
Min. overload (dBm) -1 -7 -1 0.5 0.5
Max. receiver reflectance (dB) -27 -27 -27 -27 -27
Max. dispersion [ps/nm] N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Min. optical return loss of cable 21 21 12 12 20
Max. discrete reflectance (dB) -26 -27 -12 -12 -12
Max. optical path penalty (dB) 3 (Transmitter 3 3.9 (Transmitter 3.2 (Transmitter 4.7 (Transmitter
and dispersion and dispersion and dispersion and dispersion
penalty) penalty) penalty) penalty)
OCH switching time (ms) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Application code is in reference to ITU-T Recommendation G.691.

4-18 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications XDM-100 Specifications

Table 4-5: SFP+ bidirectional client transceivers


Modulation N/A N/A N/A N/A
Operating output wavelength (nm) 1260-1280 1320-1340 1260-1280 1320-1340
Direct max.-20 dB width (nm) N/A N/A N/A N/A
Min. side mode suppression ratio (dB) 30 30 30 30
Min. mean launched power (dBm) -5 -5 1 1
Max. mean launched power (dBm) 0 0 5 5
Min. extinction ratio (dB) 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5
Maximum attenuation (dB) 9 9 19 19
Minimum attenuation (dB) 0 0 10 10
Max. dispersion (ps/nm) N/A N/A N/A N/A
Maximum optical return loss (dB) 12 12 12 12
Maximum discrete reflectance -12 -12 -12 -12
Maximum DGD (ps) N/A N/A N/A N/A
Sensitivity (BER of 1*10 12) (dBm) -14 -14 -18 -18
Min. overload (dBm) 05 0.5 -5 -5
Maximum optical path penalty 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2
OCH switching time (ms) N/A N/A N/A N/A

Table 4-6: SFP+ C/DWDM transceivers

Operating wavelength (nm) 1471, 1491, 1511, 1531, 1551, 1571, 1591, 1529.55-1561.61
Modulation - -
Spacing (GHz) 100

Max. -20 dB width (nm) 1 1

Min. side mode suppression (dB) 30 30
Min. mean launched power (dBm) -4.7 -1
Max. mean launched power (dBm) +4 +3
Min. extinction ratio (dB) 3 8.2
Max. attenuation (dB) 11.1 22
Min. Attenuation (dB) 5 10
Min. sensitivity (BER of 1*10-12) EOL (dBm) -15.8 -23
Min. overload (dBm) -1 -7

Application code is in reference to ITU-T Recommendation G.691.
Application code is in reference to ITU-T Recommendation G.691.

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 4-19

XDM-100 Specifications XDM System Specifications


Max. receiver reflectance (dB) -26 -27
Max. dispersion [ps/nm] 800 1600
Min. optical return loss of cable (dB) 21 27
Max. discrete reflectance (dB) - -
Max. optical path penalty (dB) 3 3.5
OCH switching time (ms) - -

Electrical GbE SFP (ETGbE)

Data rate 1000 Mbps IEEE 802.3 compatible
Connector RJ-45
Cable type CAT 5 STP (Shielded Twisted Pair)
Cable length 100m

Optical Amplifier Modules for

The MO_DC0_BAS is an optical booster for the C band. MO_PAS_DCM80 is a single
channel preamplifier (Channel 35 in the C band).
Input power (dBm) -12–+4 -38 – -18
Output power (dBm) 14.5-16 -16 – -14 +16
Spectrum (nm) Channel 35 1530-1563
Gain tilt (Ch. 21-36) (dB) <3 N/A N/A
Gain tilt (Ch. 21-60) (dB) < 7 50 N/A N/A
Passband width, < 0.5 dB loss (GHz) N/A N/A N/A
Passband width, < 1.0 dB loss (GHz) N/A N/A N/A
Noise figure (dB) <7 <6 < 6.5
Polarization-dependent gain (dB) < 0.5 < 0.5 N/A
Polarization mode dispersion (ps) < 0.1 < 0.3 N/A
Return loss (dB) < 40 < 40 < 45
Power consumption (Watt) <7 <7 14
Monitor port tap fraction (%) 4-6 0.5 – 2
Automatic Laser Shutdown (ALS) 100 ms

Measured peak-to-peak.
Measured peak-to-peak.
Over the entire C band.

4-20 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications XDM-100 Specifications


Optical SFP Transceivers for
Transmitter type GbE/FC/2 Gbps GbE/FC/2 Gbps GbE/FC/2 Gbps
FC/FICON short reach FC/FICON long reach FC/FICON very long
laser, 850 nm, laser, 1310 nm, single reach laser, 1550 nm,
multimode mode single mode
Bitrate (Gbps) 1.250 1.250 1.250
Mean launch power Max. -3 -3 5
Min. -9.5 -11 0
Min. transmitter extinction ratio (dB) 9 9 9
Data format 8 B/10 B 8 B/10 B 8 B/10 B
Average receiver Min. -20 -22 -22
sensitivity (dBm)
Typical -21 -25.5 --
Max. receiver overload (dBm) 0 0 0
Typical Rx LOS level (dBm) -24 -29 -25
Connector LC LC LC
Fiber lengths 550 m (50/62.5 µm 10 km (9 µm SMF) 80 km (9 µm SMF)

STM-1 SFP Optical supervisory

channel transceivers for OSC1_2
Optical Supervisory Channel
Source type SLM SLM
Operating output wavelength (nm) 1263-1360 1270-1360
Spacing (nm) NA NA
Minimum side mode suppression ratio (dB) 30 30
Mean launched power (min.) (dBm) -5 0
Mean launched power (max.) (dBm) 0 +5
Min. extinction ratio (dB) 10 10
Sensitivity (BER of 1*10-10) (dBm) -34 -37
Min. overload (dBm) -9 -8
Max. dispersion (ps/nm) - -
Max. optical path penalty (dB) 1 1

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 4-21

XDM-100 Specifications XDM System Specifications

CWDM Modules
Mux/Demux Modules
Insertion loss mux + < 4.2 < 5.5 < 4.9 < 7.3
demux (dB) 53
Return loss (dB) < 40 < 40 < 40 < 40
Directivity (dB) < 45 < 45 < 45 < 45

OADM Modules
Module type 54 Insertion loss 55
Through Drop Add

MO_COADM1AB_xx 56 < 3.9 dB < 2.6 dB < 2.2 dB

MO_COADM2AB_xx < 4.4 dB < 3.2 dB < 3.2 dB

Splitter/Coupler Modules
Module type 58 Insertion loss
MO_4CP4SPMM50 4 dB
MO_4CP4SPMM62 4 dB

Module specifications are also applicable to XDM-100H.
Including built-in 1310 nm OSC filter. The insertion loss for 1310 nm filter is 1.2dB.
Module specifications are also applicable to XDM-100H.
Including built-in 1310 nm OSC filter. The insertion loss for 1310 nm filter is 1.2dB.
xx designates the channel dropped by the OADM.
xx designates the group of two channels dropped by the OADM.
Module specifications are also applicable to XDM-100H.

4-22 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications XDM-100 Specifications

CWDM Frequencies and Wavelengths (ITU-T

Rec. G.694.2 for CWDM)
Nominal central wavelengths (nm) for 4-channel 8-channel
spacing of 20 nm system system
1471 
1491 
1511  
1531  
1551  
1571  
1591 
1611 

Physical Specifications
Dimensions (H x W x D)
XDM-100 ............................................................ 200 x 443 x 231 mm (7.87 x 17.44 x 9.09 in)
SIM-1/4/16, PIM-2/345............................................. 35 x 97 x 213 mm (1.38 x 3.82 x 8.38 in)
SAM-4/16.................................................................. 32 x 97 x 213 mm (1.26 x 3.82 x 8.38 in)
EISMB, DIOM .......................................................... 32 x 97 x 213 mm (1.26 x 3.82 x 8.38 in)
EISM, PIM2_63 ...................................................... 32 x 195 x 213 mm (1.26 x 7.68 x 8.38 in)
TPM-xx_1/TPM-xx_3 .............................................. 72 x 97 x 211 mm (2.83 x 3.82 x 8.31 in)
TCF/TC ..................................................................... 84 x 45 x 210 mm (2.91 x 1.77 x 8.27 in)
MXC-100/MXC-100B .......................................... 52 x 385 x 279 mm (2.05 x 15.16 x 10.1 in)
TPU ....................................................................... 75 x 443 x 231 mm (2.95 x 17.44 x 9.09 in)
xRAP (optional) ................................................ 100 x 450 x 285 mm (3.94 x 17.72 x 11.22 in)
xRAP-100 (optional) ........................................... 133 x 445 x 185 mm (5.24 x 17.53 x 7.29 in)
miniRAP (optional) ................................................. 90 x 445 x 150 mm (3.54 x 17.53 x 5.9 in)
Racks ........................................2200/2600 x 600 x 300 mm (86.61/102.36 x 23.62 x 11.81 in)
...................................................................................... 2134 x 584 x 305 mm (82 x 23 x 12 in)

Basic XDM-100 shelf .................................................................................... 7.6 kg (16.76 lbs)
Basic XDM-100 fully populated .................................................................. 20.2 kg (44.53 lbs)

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 4-23

XDM-100 Specifications XDM System Specifications

Applicable specifications ....................................................... ETSI 300 132-2; FTZ 19 PFL 1
Input voltage ............................................................................................ -40 V dc to -75 V dc
Nominal power source ....................................................................................... -48 V or -60 V
Power consumption ............................................................. Typical 300 W, maximum 420 W

Power Dissipation
Power dissipation .......................................... Typical 1024.5 Btu/hr, maximum 1434.4 Btu/hr

XDM-100 Product Line Main Equipment

Power Consumption
The following table lists the power requirements of the main equipment components.
Determine the expected power requirement of the equipment installed in the shelf, and
compare it with the shelf capabilities.
Type Component Power requirements
Common cards MXC-100 47 W
MXC-100B 47 W
MXC50 42 W
MXC-300 88.5 W
MXC-900 210 W
ECU 6.7 W
ECU-F 18.3 W
ECU50 68 W
ECU50_R 10 W
ECU300 6.7 W
ECU300_F 18 W
ECU900 6.7 W
ECU900_F 18 W
INF50 14 W
TC 2.5 W
FCU-100-9F 21.6 W
FCU50 52 W

4-24 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications XDM-100 Specifications

Type Component Power requirements

FCU300 79.2 W
FCU900 79.2 W
PDH modules PIM2_21 11 W
PIM2_42 14.3 W
PIM2_63 16 W
PIM2_63B 16 W
PIM2_63S 16 W
PIM345_3 11 W
CCP50_2 2W
SDH modules SAM1_4E 10 W
SAM1_4O 10 W
SAM1_4OB 10 W
SAM4_2 17 W
SAM16_1 19.7 W
SAM16_1B 30 W
SIM1_4E 12 W
SIM1_4O 12 W
SIM1_4OB 12 W
SIM1_8 12.8 W
SIM4_2 17 W
SIM4_4 30 W
SIM4_8 47 W
SIM16_1 26 W
SIM16_2 37 W
SIM16_4 63.3 W
SIM16_8 110 W
SIM64_XFP 73.6 W
SIM64_1 60 W
SIM64_2 137 W
Protection modules TPM2_1 5W
TPM2_3 5W
TPM2_42_2 5W
TPM2_63_2 5W

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 4-25

XDM-100 Specifications XDM System Specifications

Type Component Power requirements

Data modules EISMB_804 32 W
EISMB_840 35 W
DIOM_04 22 W
DIOM_08 24 W
DIOM_40 31.2 W
Control module ACP100 12 W
ACP900 12 W
Optical modules MO_CMD4C 1.8 W
MO_CMD8 4.8 W
MO_CMD4C_E 4.8 W
MO_COADM2AB-xx 4.2 W
MO_4CP4SPMM50 4.2 W
MO_4CP4SPMM62U5 4.8 W
CCMB25_2D 34 W
CRPT25_2C 4.5 W
CTRP25_2C 10 W
OSC1_2 12 W
Optical amplifiers MO_DC0_BAS 7W
MO_PAS_DCM80 4.9 W
Optical transceivers OTR1_YY 1W
OTC25_PSxx 1.5 W
OTC25_ALxx 1.5 W
Data transceivers OTFE_SM 1W
OMS16-4T 8W

4-26 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications XDM-100 Specifications

Type Component Power requirements

MO_DW40MC-S 10 W
MO_DW40MC-A 10 W
MO_DW40MC-G 10 W
MO_DW40DC-A 10 W
MO_DW40DC-G 10 W

Environmental Conditions
Applicable specification ................................................................. ETS-300-019-2-3 Class 3.2
Temperature range .............................................................................................. -5 ºC to +55 ºC
Relative humidity .................................................................................................... 5% to 90%

NOTE: Extended temperature range of -5 ºC to +65 ºC is

supported for specific outdoor configurations.

Storage (packed)
Applicable specification ................................................................. ETS-300-019-2-1 Class 1.2
Temperature range ............................................................................................ -40 ºC to +70 ºC
Relative humidity ................................................................................................ 10% to 100%

Handling and Transportation

Applicable specification ................................................................. ETS-300-019-2-2 Class 2.2
Temperature range ............................................................................................ -40 ºC to +70 ºC
Relative humidity ..................................................................................................... up to 95%

Applicable specifications ............................................................................... EN 300 386/2000
Applicable directive ....................................................................... EMC directive 89/336 EEC

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 4-27

XDM-100 Specifications XDM System Specifications

Applicable specifications .................................................................................. EN 60950/2000
Applicable CE directive .................................................................... LVD directive 73/23/EEC

Laser Safety
Applicable specification ....................................................... EN 60825-1&2 (AS/NZS 2211.2)

NEBS Compliance
The XDM platforms are designed in accordance with NEBS regulations for EMC and Safety,
including GR-1089-CORE Issue 1, October 1995 and GR-63-CORE Issue 2, December 1997
Revision 1, February 1999 (Level 3).

Expected lifetime of the XDM platforms ...................................................................... 15 years

Availability of service for an end-to-end service trail passing through a protected
SDH/SONET network ................................................................................ better than 99.999%

4-28 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM-300/900 Specifications

In this chapter:
Cross-Connect Specifications .......................................................................... 5-1
Traffic Protection............................................................................................. 5-2
Redundancy ..................................................................................................... 5-2
Synchronization ............................................................................................... 5-2
Jitter and Wander ............................................................................................. 5-2
I/O Interfaces ................................................................................................... 5-3
Management .................................................................................................... 5-4
SDH/SONET Interfaces .................................................................................. 5-5
Data Modules................................................................................................. 5-11
Optical Amplifier Modules for TPU/OCU .................................................... 5-19
CWDM Modules ........................................................................................... 5-20
Physical Specifications .................................................................................. 5-21
Environmental Conditions ............................................................................. 5-25
EMC .............................................................................................................. 5-26
Safety ............................................................................................................. 5-26
Reliability ...................................................................................................... 5-26

Cross-Connect Specifications
Cross-Connect Levels
SDH cross-connect levels ........................................................... VC-4nc, VC-4, VC-3, VC-12
SONET cross-connect levels.............................................................................. STS-nc, STS-1

MXC300 Cross-Connect Capacity

SDH switch core options .......................... 384 x STM-1 with cross-connect capability of 4/3/1
SONET switch core options ......................................................................... 384 x OC-3/STS-1

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 5-1

XDM-300/900 Specifications XDM System Specifications

MXC900 Cross-Connect Capacity

SDH switch core options .......................... 768 x STM-1 with cross-connect capability of 4/3/1
SONET switch core options ......................................................................... 768 x OC-3/STS-1

Traffic Protection
Applicable specifications ................. ITU-T G.841, G.842, GR-1230-CORE, GR-1400-CORE
SNCP I/N LO, HO ................................................................................................. within 30 ms
MSP/APS 1+1 ........................................................................................................ within 50 ms
MS-SPRing/BLSR ................................................................................................. within 50 ms

Control and synchronization systems.................................................................. 1+1 duplicated
Switching matrix, power system, internal buses, external buses ........................1+1 duplicated
I/O electrical modules protection ................................................................... 1:1, 1:2, and 1:3

There are several timing references available from multiple SDH/SONET and/or PDH/Async
timing sources:
 From any 2 MHz/2 Mbps tributary interface
 From any 1.5 Mbps tributary interface
 From any SDH/SONET line
 External SDH 2 MHz/2 Mbps timing outputs (two per shelf)
 External SONET 1.5 Mbps timing outputs (two per shelf)
G.813 internal clock

Synchronization Status Marker (SSM) support is also provided.

Jitter and Wander

Applicable specifications .......................................................................... ITU-T G.823, G.825

5-2 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications XDM-300/900 Specifications

I/O Interfaces
2 Mbps (E1)
Physical level .............................................................................................. G.703, Paragraph 6
Frame ......................................................................................................................... Unframed
Line code .......................................................................................................................... HDB3
Line impedance .................................................................. 120 Ω balanced/75 59 Ω unbalanced
Bitrate ........................................................................................................ 2048 Kbps ± 50 ppm

34 Mbps (E3)
Physical level .............................................................................................. G.703, Paragraph 8
Frame ................................................................................................................................ G.751
Line code .......................................................................................................................... HDB3
Line impedance ............................................................................................... 75 Ω unbalanced

45 Mbps (DS-3)
Physical level .............................................................................................. G.703, Paragraph 5
Frame .................................................................................................. Unframed, ANSI T1.107
Line code ........................................................................................................................... B3ZS
Line impedance ............................................................................................... 75 Ω unbalanced

52 Mbps (STS-1)
Physical level ..................................................................................................... GR-253-CORE
Frame ................................................................................................................................ G.253
Line code ............................................................................................................................. CMI
Line impedance ............................................................................................... 75 Ω unbalanced

STM-1 Electrical
Physical level ............................................................................................ G.703, Paragraph 12
Bitrate ..................................................................................................... 155.52 Mbps ±20 ppm
Frame ................................................................................................................................ G.707
Line code ............................................................................................................................. CMI

Through an external DDF.

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 5-3

XDM-300/900 Specifications XDM System Specifications

STM-1/OC-3 Optical
Physical level ..................................................................................................... G.957, Table 2
Wavelength .................................................................................................. 1310 nm, 1550 nm
Bitrate .................................................................................................... 155.52 Mbps ±4.6 ppm
Transmission range ................................................................................................... S3, L3, L5

STM-4/OC-12 Optical
Physical level ..................................................................................................... G.957, Table 3
Wavelength .................................................................................................. 1310 nm, 1550 nm
Bitrate ......................................................................................................... 622 Mbps ±4.6 ppm
Transmission range ............................................................................................ S3, L3, L5, V5

STM-16/OC-48 Optical
Physical level ..................................................................................................... G.957, Table 4
Wavelength ................................................................................................. 1310 nm, 1550 nm
Bitrate .................................................................................................. 2488.32 Mbps ±4.6 ppm
Transmission range ............................................. I3, S3, L3, L5, CDWM (G.694.2 and G.695)

STM-64/OC-192 Optical
Physical level .......................................................................................... G.691, G.957, Table 5
Wavelength ................................................................................................. 1310 nm, 1550 nm
Short-haul, long-haul, very long-haul, C/DWDM (G.694.1) bitrate ... 9953.28 Mbps ±4.6 ppm

Applicable specifications ......................................................... G.784, G.774, M.3010, M.3100
LightSoft (network manager) server and client for managing all ECI equipment ...................
............................................................................................................... on SUN workstation(s)
EMS-XDM (XDM element manager) ...................................................... on SUN workstation
LCT-XDM local craft terminal ........................................................................................ on PC
EMS-XDM and LightSoft can work on the same SUN workstation.

Management and Alarm Interfaces

CMIP-like over TCP/IP to EMS-XDM; MTNM from EMS-XDM to LightSoft or other TMN;
RS-232 to LCT-XDM; OverHead Access (OHA); orderwire; RAP.

5-4 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications XDM-300/900 Specifications

Alarms and Performance

Performance concept ............................................................................................. G.821, G.826
Alarm concept ................................................................................................................... G.783
Alarm types .................... LED indicators, dry contacts, audible alarms (per subrack), external
............................................................................................................. alarm inputs and outputs
Alarm classes ........................................................................ Critical, Major, Minor, Warning

SDH/SONET Interfaces
STM-1/OC-3 (155.52 Mbps ±4.6 ppm) I/O
APPLICATION CODE 60 S-1.1 L-1.1 L-1.2
Operating wavelength (nm) 1261-1360 1263-1360 1480-1580
Source type MLM 61 SLM SLM
Max. RMS width (nm) 7.7 - -
Min. side mode suppression ratio (dB) - 30 30
Min. mean launched power (dBm) -15 -5 -5
Max. mean launched power (dBm) -8 0 0
Min. extinction ratio (dB) 8.2 10 10
Min. sensitivity (BER of 1*10-12) EOL dBm) -28 -34 -34
Min. overload (dBm) -8 -10 -10
Max. receiver reflectance (dB) - - -25
Max. dispersion [ps/nm] 96 - -
Min. optical return loss of cable (dB) - - -20
Max. discrete reflectance (dB) - - -25
Max. optical path penalty (dB) 1 1 1

NOTE: When selecting bidirectional transceivers, pay

attention that they must operate in complementary pairs. For
example: OTR1-S3BD can work only vis-a-vis OTR1-S5BD;
OTR4-L3BD can work only vis-a-vis OTR4-L5BD, and so on.
The transceivers in the following table are arranged in
complementary pairs.

Application code is in reference to ITU-T Recommendation G.691.
MultiLongitudinal Mode (MLM) source type laser can also operate with single mode fibers for S-1.1 interfaces in
reference to ITU-T Recommendation G.957.

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 5-5

XDM-300/900 Specifications XDM System Specifications

Table 5-1: STM-1 bidirectional transceivers

SFP transceiver name OTR1-S3BD OTR1-S5BD OTR1-L3BD OTR1-L5BD
Application code 62 BD 3 63 BD 5 64 L3BD L5BD
Operating wavelength (nm) 1260-1360 1480-1580 1280-1360 1480-1580
Source type MLM MLM MLM SLM
Max. RMS width (nm) 7 3 4 1
Min. side mode suppression ratio (dB) - - - 30
Min. mean launched power (dBm) -14 -14 -5 -5
Max. mean launched power (dBm) -8 -8 0 0
Min. extinction ratio (dB) 10 10 10 10
Min. sensitivity (BER of 1 * 10-12) EOL -32 -32 -32 -32
Min. overload (dBm) -8 -8 0 0
Max. receiver reflectance (dB) - - - -
Max. dispersion (ps/nm) - - - -
Min. optical return loss of cable (dB) -20 -20 - -
Max. discrete reflectance (dB) - - - -
Max. optical path penalty (dB) 1 1 1 1

STM-4/OC-12 (622 Mbps ±4.6 ppm) I/O

Operating wavelength (nm) 1274-1356 1280-1335 1480-1580 1550
Source type MLM 67 SLM SLM SLM
Max. RMS width (nm) 4/2.5 - - -
Max. -20 dB width (nm) - 1 <1 1
Min. side mode suppression ratio (dB) - 30 30 30
Min. mean launched power (dBm) -15 -3 -3 0
Max. mean launched power (dBm) -8 +2 +2 4
Min. extinction ratio (dB) 8.2 10 10 10

Application code is in reference to ITU-T Recommendation G.691.
BD 3: STM-1 single-fiber bidirectional SFP module with a 1310 nm TX wavelength.
BD 5: STM-1 single-fiber bidirectional SFP module with a 1550 nm TX wavelength.
Receiver units of SFPs (excluding bidirectional SFPs) are a wide-band type.
Application code is in reference to ITU-T Recommendation G.691.
MultiLongitudinal Mode (MLM) source type laser can also operate with single mode fibers for S-1.1 interfaces in
reference to ITU-T Recommendation G.957.

5-6 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications XDM-300/900 Specifications


APPLICATION CODE 66 S-4.1 L-4.1 L-4.2 V5
Min. sensitivity (BER of 1*10-12) EOL -28 -28 -28 -34
Min. overload (dBm) -8 -8 -8 -8
Max. receiver reflectance (dB) - -14 -27 -27
Max. dispersion [ps/nm] 74 - - -
Min. optical return loss of cable (dB) - 20 24 -
Max. discrete reflectance (dB) - -25 -27 -
Max. optical path penalty (dB) 1 1 1 1

NOTE: When selecting bidirectional transceivers, pay

attention that they must operate in complementary pairs. For
example: OTR1-S3BD can work only vis-a-vis OTR1-S5BD;
OTR4-L3BD can work only vis-a-vis OTR4-L5BD, and so on.
The transceivers in the following table are arranged in
complementary pairs.

Table 5-2: STM-4 bidirectional transceivers

SFP transceiver name OTR4_S3BD OTR4_S5BD OTR4_L3BD OTR4_L5BD
Application code 68 S3BD S5BD L3BD L5BD
Operating wavelength (nm) 1260-1360 1480-1580 1260-1360 1480-1580
Source type MLM SLM MLM SLM
Max. RMS width (nm) 3 1 3 1
Min. side mode suppression ratio (dB) - 30 - 30
Min. mean launched power (dBm) -15 -15 -3 -3
Max. mean launched power (dBm) -8 -8 +2 +2
Min. extinction ratio (dB) 8.2 8.2 10 10
Min. sensitivity (BER of 1 * 10-12) -28 -28 -28 -28
EOL (dBm)
Min. overload (dBm) -8 -8 -8 -8
Max. receiver reflectance (dB) - - - -
Max. dispersion (ps/nm) - - -

Min. optical return loss of cable (dB) - - - -

Max. discrete reflectance (dB) - - - -
Max. optical path penalty (dB) 1 1 1 1

Application code is in reference to ITU-T Recommendation G.691.
Receiver units of SFPs (excluding bidirectional SFPs) are a wide-band type.

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 5-7

XDM-300/900 Specifications XDM System Specifications

STM-16/OC-48 (2488.32 Mbps ±4.6 ppm)

I/O Modules
APPLICATION CODE 70 I-16 S-16.1 L-16.1 L-16.2
Operating wavelength (nm) 1260-1360 1260-1360 1280-1335 1500-1580
Source type SLM SLM SLM SLM
Max. -20 dB width (nm) 2 1 1 <1
Max. RMS width (nm) - - - -
Min. side mode suppression (dB) - 30 30 30
Min. mean launched power (dBm) -10 -5 -2 -2
Max. mean launched power (dBm) -3 0 +3 +3
Min. extinction ratio (dB) 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2
Min. sensitivity (BER of 1*10-12) EOL (dBm) -16 -18 -27 -28
Min. overload (dBm) 0 0 -9 -9
Max. receiver reflectance (dB) -27 -27 -27 -27
Max. dispersion [ps/nm] - - - 1600
Min. optical return loss of cable (dB) -24 -24 -24 -24
Max. discrete reflectance (dB) -27 -27 -27 -27
Max. optical path penalty dB) <1 1 1 2

NOTE: When selecting bidirectional transceivers, pay

attention that they must operate in complementary pairs. For
example: OTR1-S3BD can work only vis-a-vis OTR1-S5BD;
OTR4-L3BD can work only vis-a-vis OTR4-L5BD, and so on.
The transceivers in the following table are arranged in
complementary pairs.

Table 5-3: STM-16 bidirectional transceivers

SFP transceiver name OTR16_S3BD OTR16_S5BD OTR16_L3BD OTR16_L5BD

Application code S3BD S5BD L3BD L5BD
Operating wavelength (nm) 1260-1360 1480-1580 1260-1360 1480-1580
Source type SLM SLM SLM SLM
Max. RMS width (nm) 1 1 1 1
Min. side mode suppression ratio (dB) 30 30 30 30
Min. mean launched power (dBm) -5 -5 -2 -2

Application code is in reference to ITU-T Recommendation G.691.
Application code is in reference to ITU-T Recommendation G.691.

5-8 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications XDM-300/900 Specifications

SFP transceiver name OTR16_S3BD OTR16_S5BD OTR16_L3BD OTR16_L5BD

Application code S3BD S5BD L3BD L5BD
Max. mean launched power (dBm) +2 +2 +5 +5
Min. extinction ratio (dB) 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2
Min. sensitivity (BER of 1 * 10-12) EOL -18 -18 -27 -27
Min. overload (dBm) 0 0 -9 -9
Max. receiver reflectance (dB) - - - -
Max. dispersion (ps/nm) - - -
Min. optical return loss of cable (dB) - - - -
Max. discrete reflectance (dB) - - - -
Max. optical path penalty (dB) 1 1 1 1

2.5 Gbps Optical C/DWDM SFP Transceivers

SFP TRANSCEIVER NAME OTC25_1PSxx 73 OTC25_1ALxx 74 OTR25_AVxx 75 OTR25_ABxx 76
APPLICATION CODE DW100S\-1D2/5(C) DW100L\--1D2/5(C)F
DW100S\-1A2/5(C) DW100C\--1A2/5(C)F
Operating wavelength (nm) 1464-1618 1464-1618 1530-1565 1530-1565
Source type SLM SLM SLM SLM
Max. -20 dB width (nm) 1 1 0.4 0.4
Max. RMS width (nm) - - - -
Min. side mode suppression (dB) 30 30 30 30
Min. mean launched power (dBm) 0 0 0 0
Max. mean launched power (dBm) +5 +5 4 4
Min. extinction ratio (dB) 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2
Min. sensitivity (BER of 1*10-12) -21.5 -28 -28 -28
EOL (dBm) (-23 GbE) (-32 GbE)
Min. overload (dBm) 0 -7 -9 -9
Max. receiver reflectance (dB) -27 -27 -27 -27

Receiver units of SFPs (excluding bidirectional SFPs) are a wide-band type.
xx designates the transceiver's wavelength in nm.
xx designates the transceiver's wavelength in nm.
xx designates the transceiver's wavelength in nm.
xx designates the transceiver's wavelength in nm.
Application code is in reference to ITU-T Recommendation G.691.

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 5-9

XDM-300/900 Specifications XDM System Specifications

SFP TRANSCEIVER NAME OTC25_1PSxx 73 OTC25_1ALxx 74 OTR25_AVxx 75 OTR25_ABxx 76
Max. dispersion [ps/nm] 800 1600 2400 3600
(40 km G.652) (80 km G.652) (120 km G.652) (180 km G.652)
Min. optical return loss of cable (dB) 24 24 -24 -24
Max. discrete reflectance (dB) -27 -27 -27 -27
Max. optical path penalty (dB) 1.5 2.5 <3 <2

10 Gbps Optical XFP Transceivers

Transceiver OTR64_I3 OTR64_S5 OTR64_L5 OTR10_ALxx OTX10_AT
S-64.2b L-64.2a
Application code P1I1_2D1 1L1-2D2F
P1S1_2D2b P1L1-2D2
Modulation External External External
Operating output 1528.38-1564.
1290-1330 1529-1560 1530-1565 1529-1560 1529-1560
wavelength (nm) 68
192.1 + 0.1m 192.1 + 0.1m 191.7+0.05m
Central frequency (THz) -- -- --
m=0 to 40 m=0 to 40 m=0 to 88
Maximum central
frequency deviation -- -- -- ±12.5 ±12.5 ±2.5
Spacing (GHz) -- -- -- 50
Direct max. -20 dB
<1 <1 <1 <1 <1 < 0.5
width (nm)
Min. side mode
30 30 30 30 30 35
suppression ratio (dB)
Min. mean launched -6 -1 0
-1 -1
power (dBm)
Max. mean launched -1 +2 +4
+3 +3
power (dBm)
Min. extinction ratio 6 8.2 9
9 9 9
Maximum attenuation
4 11 22 NA --
Minimum attenuation
0 3 11 NA --
Max. dispersion (ps/nm) 6.6 800 1600 1600 1440
Minimum optical return
24 24 24 -- --
loss (dB)
Maximum discrete
-27 -27 -27 -27 -27
Maximum DGD (ps) 30 30 30 --

5-10 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications XDM-300/900 Specifications

Transceiver OTR64_I3 OTR64_S5 OTR64_L5 OTR10_ALxx OTX10_AT
S-64.2b L-64.2a
Application code P1I1_2D1 1L1-2D2F
P1S1_2D2b P1L1-2D2
Sensitivity (BER of
-11 -14 -24 -24 -24
1*10-12) (dBm)
Min. overload (dBm) -1 -1 -7 -8 -7
Maximum optical path
1 2 2 2 2.5
OCH switching time
<3 <3 <3 NA NA

Data Modules
DIOM Specifications
Module DIOM_04 DIOM_08 DIOM_40
Service interfaces 4 x 10/100/1000BaseT 8 x 10/100BaseT 4 x optical FX/GbE
with SFP
Size 1 slot 1 slot 1 slot
Data handling Layer 1 Layer 1 Layer 1
Network interfaces 4 x EoS 8 x EoS 4 x EoS
Total EoS bandwidth per Up to 16 x VC-4 Up to 8 x VC-4 Up to 16 x VC-4
module in slots 1, 2, 5, 6 Up to 48 x VC-3 Up to 24 x VC-3 Up to 48 x VC-3
(2.5Gbps) Up to 252 x VC-12 Up to 252 x VC-12 Up to 252 x VC-12
Total EoS bandwidth per Up to 8 x VC-4 Up to 8 x VC-4 Up to 8 x VC-4
module in slots 3, 4, 7, 8 Up to 24 x VC-3 Up to 24 x VC-3 Up to 24 x VC-3
(1.25Gbps) Up to 252 x VC-12 Up to 252 x VC-12 Up to 252 x VC-12
Total bandwidth per EoS 1 to 16 x VC-4 1 to 8 x VC-4 1 to 16 x VC-4
port in slots 1, 2, 5, 6 1 to 48 x VC-3 1 to 24 x VC-3 1 to 48 x VC-3
1 to 63 x VC-12 1 to 63 x VC-12 1 to 63 x VC-12
Total bandwidth per EoS 1 to 8 x VC-4 1 to 8 x VC-4 1 to 8 x VC-4
port in slots 3, 4, 7, 8 1 to 24 x VC-3 1 to 24 x VC-3 1 to 24 x VC-3
1 to 63 x VC-12 1 to 63 x VC-12 1 to 63 x VC-12
Encapsulation mode GFP-F GFP-F GFP-F
Differential delay 256 ms for VC-3/4 256 ms for VC-3/4 256 ms for VC-3/4
compensation 128 ms for VC-12 128 ms for VC-12 128 ms for VC-12
Maximum frame length 10240 bytes 10240 bytes 10240 bytes

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 5-11

XDM-300/900 Specifications XDM System Specifications

Interfaces ........................ 10/100/1000BaseT, 100BaseFX (single mode and multimode fiber),

...................................................... 1000BaseSX, 1000BaseLX, 1000BaseZX, 1000BaseT SFP
Protection ..................................................... IOP 1:1 for both EoS ports and optical user ports
Standards compliance............................................IEEE 802.3z, G.707, G.783, G.7041 (GFP),
........................................................................................................................... G.7042 (LCAS)
LCAS ............................................. Enabled or Disabled (VCAT mode), configurable per port
Flow control ................................................................................. hitless following IEEE 802.3
Failure forwarding...................................................................................................... CSF, TSF

EISMB Specifications
Module EISMB_04 EISMB_40
Service interfaces 2 x 10/100/1000BaseT + 2 x optical FX/GbE +
2 x 10/100BaseT 2 x optical FX with SFP
Size 1 slot 1 slot
Data handling Layer 2 Layer 2
Network interfaces 2 x GE EoS + 2 x GE EoS +
6 x FX EoS 6 x FX EoS
Total EoS bandwidth per module Up to 16 x VC-4 Up to 16 x VC-4
Up to 48 x VC-3 Up to 48 x VC-3
Up to 252 x VC-12 Up to 252 x VC-12
Total bandwidth per EoS port 1 to 16 x VC-4 1 to 16 x VC-4
1 to 48 x VC-3 1 to 48 x VC-3
1 to 63 x VC-12 1 to 63 x VC-12
Encapsulation mode GFP-F GFP-F
Differential delay compensation 256 ms for VC-3/4 256 ms for VC-3/4
128 ms for VC-12 128 ms for VC-12
Maximum frame length 9600 bytes 9600 bytes

Interfaces .............................................................................. 10/100/1000BaseT, 10/100BaseT,

.......................... 100BaseFX (single mode and multimode fiber), 1000BaseSX, 1000BaseLX,
.................................................................................................... 1000BaseZX, 1000BaseT SFP
Switch capacity ............................................................................................................ 6.4 Gbps
MAC address memory ....................................................................................................... 3500
Protection ..................................................... IOP 1:1 for both EoS ports and optical user ports
Standards compliance........................ IEEE 802.1D, IEEE 802.1p, IEEE 802.1Q, IEEE 802.3,
................................... IEEE 802.1ad, IEEE 802.3x, IEEE 802.3u, IEEE 802.3z, IEEE 802.1w
.......................................................................... G.707, G.783, G.7041 (GFP), G.7042 (LCAS)

5-12 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications XDM-300/900 Specifications

LCAS ............................................. Enabled or Disabled (VCAT mode), configurable per port

Slot support ...................................... up to 8 modules in the right-most slots only I3, I4, I7, I8,
......................................................................................................................... I11, I12, I15, I16
Untagged frame handling ........................................ block, forward, attach CTAG and forward

MCSM Specifications
Module MCSM
Service interfaces 8 x 10/100BaseT +
8 x optical FX/GbE with SFP
Size 2 slots
Data handling Layer 2 (Ethernet/MPLS)

Network interfaces 16 x EoS/MoT

Total EoS bandwidth per module Up to 32 x VC-4
Up to 96 x VC-3
Up to 252 x VC-12
Total bandwidth per EoS port 1 to 16 x VC-4
1 to 48 x VC-3
1 to 63 x VC-12
NG-SDH standards GFP-F, VCAT, LCAS
Differential delay compensation 256 ms for VC-3/4
128 ms for VC-12
Maximum frame length 9600 bytes

Interfaces ................................. 10/100BaseT, 100BaseFX (single mode and multimode fiber),

.................................................................................. 1000BaseSX, 1000BaseLX, 1000BaseZX
Total EoS/MoT capacity ................................................................................................. 5 Gbps
Switch capacity ............................................................................................................. 20 Gbps
MAC address memory ....................................................................................... 128,000 entries
Protection ........................................ <50ms FRR link and node, <50ms Dual homed/attached,
..................................................................................... Ethernet UNI/NNI LAG and EoS LAG,
.............................................................................................................................. G.8032 (ERP)
................................................................... Fast IOP – MCSM 1+1 hot standby card protection
MPLS-based services ... VPWS (Martini encapsulation), VPLS (Full mesh and star), H-VPLS
.......................................................................................... P2MP (Multicast drop and continue)
IGMP snooping and static MAC

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 5-13

XDM-300/900 Specifications XDM System Specifications

Hard QoS:
....................................... 8000 policed flows per card supporting CIR, CBS and EIR, EBS
......................................... Classification based on port, CVLAN, CVLAN-Pbits, SVLAN,
........................................... SVLAN-Pbits (802.1p priority bits), Untagged Frame, BPDU,
................................................... and Wildcard (all VLANs that are not explicitly defined).
........................................ Untagged frame handling with port-based VLAN (attach/detach
...................................................................... CVLAN and/or SVLAN to untagged frames)
Eight Classes of Service (CoS), Classification rules, CoS mapping,
.............................................. 2 rate policing, 3 colors marking, Admission Control (CAC)
................................. WRED, Shaping, Scheduling (WFQ/WRR – Weighted Fair Queuing
..................................................................................................... / Weighted Round Robin)
MAC and VLANs:
........................ 4093 x 4093 VLANs with 16k VLAN mapping rules, SVLAN translation,
............................... S-VLAN configurable Ether-type, FDB (Forwarding Data Base) with
.................................................................................................... 128k MAC address entries
........................................Tunnel OAM with Connectivity Verification per ITU-T Y.1711,
............................................................................................................ Link OAM (802.3ah)
.............................................................................................. Service OAM 802.1ag (CFM)
...................................... VSI (Virtual Switch Instance) VPN segregation, VLAN filtering,
......................................................................... FIB quota, BSC (Broadcast Storm Control)
....................................... Point-and-click fast service creation, Management layers/Planes:
................................................. Data, TDM, optic, Supporting CAC for MPLS Tunnel and
............................................. Service provisioning, Enhanced protection by SRLG (Shared
.................................................................................................... Risk Link Group) schemes
Triple Play............................................ DTV/IPTV, HDTV, Gaming, VoD, VoIP, and HSI
Business connectivity............................................................... VPWS, VPLS, and H-VPLS
Mobile aggregation ......................... 3G Ethernet-based services, including VoIP, HSDPA,
..................................... IPTV and video streaming, MP3 streaming, VoD, video and voice
........................................................................................................................... conferences
Wholesale/CoC ............................................................ Ethernet bandwidth and leased lines
Standards compliance:
IEEE ............................................................... 802.1ad, 802.3ah (Link OAM), 802.1D/P/Q,
.................................................................... 802.1w, 802.3-2005, 802.3ad, 802.3x, 802.1ag
MEF .......................... MEF 4, MEF 6, MEF 7, MEF9, MEF 10, MEF 11, MEF 12 MEF14
ITU-T ........................................ G.707, G.7041, G.7042, G.8010/Y.1306, G.8011/Y.1307,
.............................................................................. G.8011.1/Y.1307.1, G.8011.2/Y.1307.2,
.................................................................. G.8012/Y.1308, Y.1710, Y.171, G.783, G.8032

5-14 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications XDM-300/900 Specifications

IETF ........................................... RFC 3031, RFC 3032, RFC 3270, RFC 3443, RFC 4448,
..................................................................... RFC 4379, RFC 3812, RFC 3813, RFC 2702,
...................................................... RFC 4090, RFC 3916, RFC 3985, RFC 4125, RFC 412

Client Transceivers for MCSM, EISMB_840

Transmitter type GbE GbE long-reach GbE very FX, short-reach FX, short-reach
short-reach laser, 1310 nm, long-reach laser, 1310 laser, 1310 nm,
laser, 850 nm, single mode laser, 1550 nm, multimode single mode
multimode single mode
Data rate (nominal) 1.25 1.25 1.25 0.125 0.125
Average Max. -3 -3 5 -14 -8
Min. -9.5 -11 0 -19 -15
Min. transmitter 9 9 9 10 10
extinction ratio (dB)
Data format 8B/10B 8B/10B 8B/10B N/A N/A
Average Min. -20 -22 -22 -30 --
Typical -21 -25.5 -- -31 -28
Max. receiver overload 0 0 0 -14 -8
Typical Rx LOS level -24 -29 -25 < -29 < -28
Connector LC LC LC LC LC
Fiber lengths 550 m 10 km 80 km 550 m 10 km
(50/62.5 µm (9 µm SMF) (9 µm SMF) (50/62.5 µm (9 µm SMF)

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 5-15

XDM-300/900 Specifications XDM System Specifications

Table 5-4: GbE bidirectional transceivers

Transmitter type Bidirectional Bidirectional Bidirectional SFP, Bidirectional
SFP, 1310 nm SFP, 1490 nm 1310 nm e SFP, 1490 nm
Data rate (nominal) (MBaud) 1250 1250 1250 1250
Average launch power (dBm) -3 Max. -3 +2 +2
-10 Min. -10 -5 -5
Min. transmitter extinction ratio (dB) >9 >9 >9 >9
Data format 8B/10B 8B/10B 8B/10B 8B/10B
Average receiver sensitivity (dBm) < -21 < -21 < -23 < -23
Typical Rx LOS level (dBm) < -22 < -22 < -24 < -24
Connector LC LC LC LC
Fiber lengths 10 km 10 km 40 km 40 km
(9 µm SMF) (9 µm SMF) (9 µm SMF) (9 µm SMF)

Data SFP+ Transceivers

Table 5-5: SFP+ client transceivers
Operating wavelength (nm) 1530-1565 1530-1565 840-860 1260-1355 1260-1355
Modulation N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Spacing (GHz) NA NA NA NA NA
Max. -20 dB width (nm) NA <1 NA NA NA
Min. side mode suppression (dB) 30 30 NA 30 NA
Min. mean launched power (dBm) -4.7 0 -7.3 -8.2 -6.5
Max. mean launched power (dBm) +4 +4 -1 +0.5 +0.5
Min. extinction ratio (dB) 3 9 3 3.5 3.5
Max. attenuation (dB) 11.1 22 4 6.2 4
Min. Attenuation (dB) 5 11 0 0 0
Min. sensitivity (BER of 1*10-12) -14.1 (OMA) -24 -11 (OMA) -12.6 (OMA) -6.5 (Stressed)
EOL (dBm) -11.3 -7.5 (Stressed) -10.3 (Stressed)
Min. overload (dBm) -1 -7 -1 0.5 0.5
Max. receiver reflectance (dB) -27 -27 -27 -27 -27

Application code is in reference to ITU-T Recommendation G.691.

5-16 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications XDM-300/900 Specifications


Max. dispersion [ps/nm] N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Min. optical return loss of cable 21 21 12 12 20
Max. discrete reflectance (dB) -26 -27 -12 -12 -12
Max. optical path penalty (dB) 3 (Transmitter 3 3.9 (Transmitter 3.2 (Transmitter 4.7 (Transmitter
and dispersion and dispersion and dispersion and dispersion
penalty) penalty) penalty) penalty)
OCH switching time (ms) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Table 5-6: SFP+ bidirectional client transceivers


Modulation N/A N/A N/A N/A
Operating output wavelength (nm) 1260-1280 1320-1340 1260-1280 1320-1340
Direct max.-20 dB width (nm) N/A N/A N/A N/A
Min. side mode suppression ratio (dB) 30 30 30 30
Min. mean launched power (dBm) -5 -5 1 1
Max. mean launched power (dBm) 0 0 5 5
Min. extinction ratio (dB) 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5
Maximum attenuation (dB) 9 9 19 19
Minimum attenuation (dB) 0 0 10 10
Max. dispersion (ps/nm) N/A N/A N/A N/A
Maximum optical return loss (dB) 12 12 12 12
Maximum discrete reflectance -12 -12 -12 -12
Maximum DGD (ps) N/A N/A N/A N/A
Sensitivity (BER of 1*10 12) (dBm) -14 -14 -18 -18
Min. overload (dBm) 05 0.5 -5 -5
Maximum optical path penalty 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2
OCH switching time (ms) N/A N/A N/A N/A

Application code is in reference to ITU-T Recommendation G.691.

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 5-17

XDM-300/900 Specifications XDM System Specifications

Table 5-7: SFP+ C/DWDM transceivers

Operating wavelength (nm) 1471, 1491, 1511, 1531, 1551, 1571, 1591, 1611 1529.55-1561.61
Modulation - -
Spacing (GHz) 100

Max. -20 dB width (nm) 1 1

Min. side mode suppression (dB) 30 30
Min. mean launched power (dBm) -4.7 -1
Max. mean launched power (dBm) +4 +3
Min. extinction ratio (dB) 3 8.2
Max. attenuation (dB) 11.1 22
Min. Attenuation (dB) 5 10
Min. sensitivity (BER of 1*10-12) -15.8 -23
EOL (dBm)
Min. overload (dBm) -1 -7
Max. receiver reflectance (dB) -26 -27
Max. dispersion [ps/nm] 800 1600
Min. optical return loss of cable (dB) 21 27
Max. discrete reflectance (dB) - -
Max. optical path penalty (dB) 3 3.5
OCH switching time (ms) - -

Electrical GbE SFP (ETGbE)

Data rate 1000 Mbps IEEE 802.3 compatible
Connector RJ-45
Cable type CAT 5
Cable length 100m

Application code is in reference to ITU-T Recommendation G.691.

5-18 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications XDM-300/900 Specifications

Optical Amplifier Modules for

The MO_DC0_BAS is an optical booster for the C band. MO_PAS_DCM80 is a single
channel preamplifier (Channel 35 in the C band).
Input power (dBm) -12 – +4 -38 – -18
Output power (dBm) 14.5-16 -16 – -14
Spectrum (nm) Channel 35
Gain tilt (Ch. 21-36) (dB) <3 N/A
Gain tilt (Ch. 21-60) (dB) <7 N/A
Passband width, < 0.5 dB loss (GHz) N/A N/A
Passband width, < 1.0 dB loss (GHz) N/A N/A
Noise figure (dB) <7 <6
Polarization-dependent gain (dB) < 0.5 < 0.5
Polarization mode dispersion (ps) < 0.1 < 0.3
Return loss (dB) < 40 < 40
Power consumption (Watt) <7 <7
Monitor port tap fraction (%) 4-6 0.5 - 2
Automatic Laser Shutdown (ALS) 100 ms --

For 10 G links, add a 3 dB attenuator to the output ports.
Measured peak-to-peak.
Measured peak-to-peak.
Over the entire C band.

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 5-19

XDM-300/900 Specifications XDM System Specifications

CWDM Modules
Mux/Demux Modules for XDM-300/900
See Section Mux/Demux Modules (page 4-22) for detailed specifications.

OADM Modules for XDM-300/900

See Section OADM Modules (page 4-22) for detailed specifications.

Splitter/Coupler Modules for XDM-300/900

See Section Splitter/Coupler Modules (page 4-22) for detailed specifications.

CWDM Frequencies and Wavelengths (ITU-T

Rec. G.694.2 for CWDM)
Nominal central wavelengths (nm) for 4-channel 8-channel
spacing of 20 nm system system
1471 
1491 
1511  
1531  
1551  
1571  
1591 
1611 

5-20 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications XDM-300/900 Specifications

Physical Specifications
Dimensions (H x W x D)
XDM-300/XDM-900 .......................................... 350 x 443 x 246 mm (13.8 x 17.44 x 9.68 in)
SIM-1/4/8/16, PIM-2/345 ......................................... 35 x 97 x 213 mm (1.38 x 3.82 x 8.38 in)
EISMB, DIOM .......................................................... 32 x 97 x 213 mm (1.26 x 3.82 x 8.38 in)
PIM2_63/B, MCSM ................................................ 32 x 195 x 213 mm (1.26 x 7.68 x 8.38 in)
SIM16_4/SIM64_XFP/SIM64_2 ........................................ 34 x 381 x 203 mm (1.34 x 15 x 8)
TPM-xx_1/TPM-xx_3 .............................................. 72 x 97 x 211 mm (2.83 x 3.82 x 8.31 in)
TCF/TC ..................................................................... 84 x 45 x 210 mm (2.91 x 1.77 x 8.27 in)
MXC-300 .............................................................. 52 x 385 x 279 mm (2.05 x 15.16 x 10.1 in)
MXC900................................................................ 52 x 385 x 279 mm (2.05 x 15.16 x 10.1 in)
ECU300 ...................................................................................... 27 x 381 x 203 (1.06 x 15 x 8)
ECU900 ...................................................................................... 27 x 381 x 203 (1.06 x 15 x 8)
TPU/OCU.............................................................. 75 x 443 x 246 mm (2.95 x 17.44 x 9.68 in)
xRAP-D (optional) .............................................. 133 x 445 x 285 mm (5.24 x 17.53 x 7.29 in)
xRAP-100 (optional) ........................................... 133 x 445 x 185 mm (5.24 x 17.53 x 7.29 in)
Racks ........................................2200/2600 x 600 x 300 mm (86.61/102.36 x 23.62 x 11.81 in)
...................................................................................... 2134 x 584 x 305 mm (82 x 23 x 12 in)

Basic XDM-300 shelf .................................................................................... 8.2 kg (18.06 lbs)
Basic XDM-300 fully populated ..................................................................... 30 kg (66.08 lbs)
Basic XDM-900 shelf .................................................................................... 8.2 kg (18.06 lbs)
Basic XDM-900 fully populated ..................................................................... 30 kg (66.08 lbs)

Applicable specifications ....................................................... ETSI 300 132-2; FTZ 19 PFL 1
Input voltage ............................................................................................ -40 V dc to -75 V dc
Nominal power source ....................................................................................... -48 V or -60 V
XDM-300 power consumption .......................................... Typical 800 W, maximum 1100 W
XDM-900 power consumption ........................................ Typical 1000 W, maximum 1400 W

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 5-21

XDM-300/900 Specifications XDM System Specifications

Power Dissipation
XDM-300 power dissipation .............................. Typical 2732 Btu/hr, maximum 3757 Btu/hr
XDM-900 power dissipation .............................. Typical 3414 Btu/hr, maximum 4780 Btu/hr

XDM-100 Product Line Main Equipment

Power Consumption
The following table lists the power requirements of the main equipment components.
Determine the expected power requirement of the equipment installed in the shelf, and
compare it with the shelf capabilities.
Type Component Power requirements
Common cards MXC-100 47 W
MXC-100B 47 W
MXC50 42 W
MXC-300 88.5 W
MXC-900 210 W
ECU 6.7 W
ECU-F 18.3 W
ECU50 68 W
ECU50_R 10 W
ECU300 6.7 W
ECU300_F 18 W
ECU900 6.7 W
ECU900_F 18 W
INF50 14 W
TC 2.5 W
FCU-100-9F 21.6 W
FCU50 52 W
FCU300 79.2 W
FCU900 79.2 W

5-22 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications XDM-300/900 Specifications

Type Component Power requirements

PDH modules PIM2_21 11 W
PIM2_42 14.3 W
PIM2_63 16 W
PIM2_63B 16 W
PIM2_63S 16 W
PIM345_3 11 W
CCP50_2 2W
SDH modules SAM1_4E 10 W
SAM1_4O 10 W
SAM1_4OB 10 W
SAM4_2 17 W
SAM16_1 19.7 W
SAM16_1B 30 W
SIM1_4E 12 W
SIM1_4O 12 W
SIM1_4OB 12 W
SIM1_8 12.8 W
SIM4_2 17 W
SIM4_4 30 W
SIM4_8 47 W
SIM16_1 26 W
SIM16_2 37 W
SIM16_4 63.3 W
SIM16_8 110 W
SIM64_XFP 73.6 W
SIM64_1 60 W
SIM64_2 137 W
Protection modules TPM2_1 5W
TPM2_3 5W
TPM2_42_2 5W
TPM2_63_2 5W

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 5-23

XDM-300/900 Specifications XDM System Specifications

Type Component Power requirements

Data modules EISMB_804 32 W
EISMB_840 35 W
DIOM_04 22 W
DIOM_08 24 W
DIOM_40 31.2 W
Control module ACP100 12 W
ACP900 12 W
Optical modules MO_CMD4C 1.8 W
MO_CMD8 4.8 W
MO_CMD4C_E 4.8 W
MO_COADM2AB-xx 4.2 W
MO_4CP4SPMM50 4.2 W
MO_4CP4SPMM62U5 4.8 W
CCMB25_2D 34 W
CRPT25_2C 4.5 W
CTRP25_2C 10 W
OSC1_2 12 W
Optical amplifiers MO_DC0_BAS 7W
MO_PAS_DCM80 4.9 W
Optical transceivers OTR1_YY 1W
OTC25_PSxx 1.5 W
OTC25_ALxx 1.5 W

5-24 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications XDM-300/900 Specifications

Type Component Power requirements

Data transceivers OTFE_SM 1W
OMS16-4T 8W
MO_DW40MC-S 10 W
MO_DW40MC-A 10 W
MO_DW40MC-G 10 W
MO_DW40DC-A 10 W
MO_DW40DC-G 10 W

Environmental Conditions
Applicable specification ................................................................. ETS-300-019-1-3 Class 3.2
Temperature range .............................................................................................. -5 ºC to +55 ºC
Relative humidity .................................................................................................... 5% to 90%

Storage (packed)
Applicable specification ................................................................ ETS-300-019-2-1 Class 1.2
Temperature range ............................................................................................ -40 ºC to +70 ºC
Relative humidity ................................................................................................ 10% to 100%

Handling and Transportation

Applicable specification ................................................................. ETS-300-019-2-2 Class 2.2
Temperature range ............................................................................................ -40 ºC to +70 ºC
Relative humidity ..................................................................................................... up to 95%

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 5-25

XDM-300/900 Specifications XDM System Specifications

Applicable specifications ............................................................................... EN 300 386/2000
Applicable directive ....................................................................... EMC directive 89/336 EEC

Applicable specifications .................................................................................. EN 60950/2000
Applicable CE directive .................................................................... LVD directive 73/23/EEC

Laser Safety
Applicable specification ....................................................... EN 60825-1&2 (AS/NZS 2211.2)

NEBS Compliance
The XDM platforms are designed in accordance with NEBS regulations for EMC and Safety,
including GR-1089-CORE Issue 1, October 1995 and GR-63-CORE Issue 2, December 1997
Revision 1, February 1999 (Level 3).

Expected lifetime of the XDM platforms ...................................................................... 15 years

Availability of service for an end-to-end service trail passing through a protected
SDH/SONET network ................................................................................ better than 99.999%

5-26 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM-40, 400, 450, 500, 1000,
2000, and 3000 Specifications

In this chapter:
Electrical, Optical, and Mixed Basecard Information ..................................... 6-2
XDM Shelf Capacities ..................................................................................... 6-5
PDH/Async and SDH/SONET Interface Specifications ................................. 6-8
SDH/SONET Interfaces ................................................................................ 6-10
XDM MPLS/Ethernet Card Summary........................................................... 6-21
Data Cards ..................................................................................................... 6-22
Optical Components ...................................................................................... 6-32
C Band Channel Frequencies and Wavelengths (ITU-T Rec. G.694.1 for
DWDM) ......................................................................................................... 6-62
CWDM Frequencies and Wavelengths (ITU-T Rec. G.694.2 for CWDM) .. 6-65
Physical Specifications .................................................................................. 6-65
Environmental Conditions ............................................................................. 6-71
EMC .............................................................................................................. 6-71
Safety ............................................................................................................. 6-71
Reliability ...................................................................................................... 6-72
Management Specifications ........................................................................... 6-72
Other Specifications ...................................................................................... 6-72

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 6-1

XDM-40, 400, 450, 500, 1000, 2000, XDM System Specifications
and 3000 Specifications

Electrical, Optical, and Mixed

Basecard Information
Card Ports/Bitrate
PIO2_84 84 x E1 (2 Mbps) PDH/Async basecard for balanced and
unbalanced interfaces
PIO2_21 21 x E1 (2 Mbps) PDH/Async basecard for balanced and
unbalanced interfaces
PIO345/PIO345M 85 16 x E3/DS-3/STS-1 (34/45/51 Mbps) interfaces
SIO16/SIO16M 86 2 x STM-16/OC-48 (2.488 Gbps) interfaces
SIO64/SIO64M/MF 1 x STM-64/OC-192 (10 Gbps) interface
SIO164 1 x STM-64/OC-192 (10 Gbps) interface or
4 x STM-16/OC-48 (2.488 Gbps) interfaces
XIO192 1 x STM-16/OC-48 (2.488 Gbps) + 1 x STM-4/OC-12 or
4 x STM-1/OC-3 interfaces
XIO348F 89 1 x STM-64/OC-192 (10 Gbps) interface or
4 x STM-16/OC-48 (2.488 Gbps) interfaces
SIO1&4/SIO1&4M 90 Supports various electrical (e) and/or optical (o) interfaces as
SIO1&4B follows:
 16 x STM-1o/OC-3/OC-3c
 16 x STM-1e/STS-3e
 4 x STM-4/OC-12

NOTE: For full interface support per card and shelf, please
contact ECI's Product Management or your local ECI

The suffix M denotes SONET support; it also denotes MS-SPRing/BLSR support for SDH/SONET. The MF suffix
denotes FEC 7% support according to ITU-T Recommendation G.709.
The suffix M denotes SONET support; it also denotes MS-SPRing/BLSR support for SDH/SONET. The MF suffix
denotes FEC 7% support according to ITU-T Recommendation G.709.
The suffix M denotes SONET support; it also denotes MS-SPRing/BLSR support for SDH/SONET. The MF suffix
denotes FEC 7% support according to ITU-T Recommendation G.709. Cards are not supported in XDM-400. Optical
STM-16 transceivers MSA for 2 and 20 km are not supported for SIO64MF.
Cards are not supported in XDM-400.
Cards are not supported in XDM-400.
The suffix M denotes SONET support; it also denotes MS-SPRing/BLSR support for SDH/SONET. The MF suffix
denotes FEC 7% support according to ITU-T Recommendation G.709.

6-2 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications XDM-40, 400, 450, 500, 1000, 2000,
and 3000 Specifications

Electrical Interface Connection Modules

Electrical I/O cards are assigned an interface connection module. This module
serves as the I/O card electrical line transceiver and is connected to the I/O cards
via the XDM backplane. For example, when eleven PIO2_84 I/O cards are
installed in the XDM-1000 cards cage, eleven M2_84xx connection modules
should be installed in the modules cage. In this case, if hardware protection is
required, one PIO2_84 I/O card can be configured as the protection card, and the
corresponding protection connection module M2_84P I/O is installed in the
appropriate slot of the XDM-1000 modules cage.
I/O slot 12 is always configured as a pure optical slot without a modules cage

Connection Module Data for Electrical I/O

I/O card Bitrate I/O ports Module Interface type Function/Description
SIO1&4 155 16 M1_16BT SDH/SONET Connection module
M1_16DIN SDH/SONET Connection module
M1_16P 91 - Connection module with
8 M1_8BT SDH/SONET Connection module
M1_8DIN SDH/SONET Connection module
PIO345 34/45/52 16 M345_16BT PDH/Async Connection module
M345_16DI PDH/Async Connection module
M345_16P 92 PDH/Async Connection module with
8 M345_8BT PDH/Async Connection module
M345_8DI PDH/Async Connection module
M345_8BN PDH/Async Connection module

Protection modules are not supported in XDM-400.
Protection modules are not supported in XDM-400.

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 6-3

XDM-40, 400, 450, 500, 1000, 2000, XDM System Specifications
and 3000 Specifications

I/O card Bitrate I/O ports Module Interface type Function/Description

PIO2_84 2.048 84 M2_84B PDH Balanced (120 Ω) connection
M2_84BR PDH Low-cost, balanced (120 Ω)
connection module, without
M2_84U PDH Unbalanced (75 Ω) connection
M2_84UR PDH Low-cost, unbalanced (75 Ω)
connection module, without
M2_84P 93 PDH Connection module with
PIO2_21 2.048 21 M2_21B PDH Balanced (120 Ω) connection
M2_21U PDH Unbalanced (75 Ω) connection
M2_84P 94 PDH Connection module with

Optical transceivers for I/O cards

Optical I/O cards use a slide-in optical transceiver, which is directly plugged into
the card for signal interfacing.
I/O ports
Connector Modules per
I/O card Optical module per optical Ports per I/O card
type I/O card
SIO1&4 OM01_4 LC 4 4 16 x STM-1/OC-3
OM04_1 SC/LC 1 4 4 x STM-4/OC-12
SIO16 OM16_1 SC/LC 1 2 2 x STM-16/OC-48
SIO64 OM64_1 LC 1 1 1 x STM-64/OC-192/OTU2
SIO164 96 OMSC16_4 LC 4 1 4 x STM-16/OC-48/OTU1
OMTX10_EF LC 1 1 1 x STM-64/OC-192/OTU2
OMTX10 LC 1 1 1 x STM-64/OC-192/OTU2
OMTX10_S LC 1 1 1 x STM-64/OC-192/OTU2
XIO192 OM01_4 LC 4 1 4 x STM-1/OC-3
OM04_1 SC/LC 1 1 1 x STM-4/OC-12
OM16_1 SC/LC 1 1 1 x STM-16/OC-48
XIO384F 97 OMSC16_4 LC 4 1 4 x STM-16/OC-48/OTU1
OMTX10_EF LC 1 1 1 x STM-64/OC-192/OTU2
OMTX10 LC 1 1 1 x STM-64/OC-192/OTU2
OMTX10_S LC 1 1 1 x STM-64/OC-192/OTU2

Protection module M2_84P can be used to protect PIO2_84. Protection modules are not supported in XDM-400.
Protection module M2_84P can be used to protect PIO2_84. Protection modules are not supported in XDM-400.
Cards are not supported in XDM-400.
Cards are not supported in XDM-400.
Cards are not supported in XDM-400.

6-4 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications XDM-40, 400, 450, 500, 1000, 2000,
and 3000 Specifications

Optical SFP transceivers for I/O cards

New optical I/O cards use a high flexibility concept, consisting of slide-in optical
modules. Each module has slots for up to four SFP transceivers.
I/O card Optical Connector I/O ports per Modules per Ports per I/O card
module type optical I/O card
SIO1&4 OMS01_4 98 LC 1 to 4 4 16 x STM-1/OC-3
OMS04_1 LC 1 4 4 x STM-4/OC-12
SIO16 OM16_1SFP LC 1 2 2 x STM-16/OC-48/OTU1

SIO164 OMSC16_4 LC 4 1 4 x STM-16/OC-96/OTU2

XDM Shelf Capacities

XDM shelf slot capacities differ as a function of the type of matrix cards (HLXC
or XIO) used. Although the XIO and the HLXC have identical cross-connect
capabilities, the bandwidth allocation capacity per I/O slot for the XIO is
different than that of the HLXC. The HLXC has uniform capacity distribution
per slot, regardless of the XDM shelf in which it is installed. In contrast, XIO
capacity varies, depending on the XDM shelf type in use.

XDM Shelf Capacities with HLXC

The following table describes the HLXC bandwidth allocation capacity (in
VC-4s) per slot for each XDM shelf type.
XDM-500 slot # XDM-1000/ XDM-500 XDM-1000 XDM-1000/2000 XDM-1000/2000
2000 slot # slot capacity slot capacity slot capacity slot capacity
(HLXC192) (HLXC192) (HLXC384) (HLXC768)

I/C2 I/O1 32 16 32 64
(5 Gbps) (2.5 Gbps) (5 Gbps) (10 Gbps)
I/C3 I/O2 32 16 32 64
(5 Gbps) (2.5 Gbps) (5 Gbps) (10 Gbps)
I/C4 I/O3 32 16 32 64
(5 Gbps) (2.5 Gbps) (5 Gbps) (10 Gbps)
I/C5 I/O4 32 16 32 64
(5 Gbps) (2.5 Gbps) (5 Gbps) (10 Gbps)
I/C1 I/O5 32 16 32 64
(5 Gbps) (2.5 Gbps) (5 Gbps) (10 Gbps)
I/C6 I/O6 32 16 32 64
(5 Gbps) (2.5 Gbps) (5 Gbps) (10 Gbps)
I/O7 16 32 64
(2.5 Gbps) (5 Gbps) (10 Gbps)

SFP SDH/SONET transceivers starting system version V 5.0, DWDM SFPs release V6.2.
SFP SDH/SONET transceivers starting system version V 5.0, DWDM SFPs release V6.2.
SFP SDH/SONET transceivers starting system version V 5.0, DWDM SFPs release V6.2.

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 6-5

XDM-40, 400, 450, 500, 1000, 2000, XDM System Specifications
and 3000 Specifications

XDM-500 slot # XDM-1000/ XDM-500 XDM-1000 XDM-1000/2000 XDM-1000/2000

2000 slot # slot capacity slot capacity slot capacity slot capacity
(HLXC192) (HLXC192) (HLXC384) (HLXC768)

I/O8 16 32 64
(2.5 Gbps) (5 Gbps) (10 Gbps)
I/O9 16 32 64
(2.5 Gbps) (5 Gbps) (10 Gbps)
I/O10 16 32 64
(2.5 Gbps) (5 Gbps) (10 Gbps)
I/O11 16 32 64
(2.5 Gbps) (5 Gbps) (10 Gbps)
I/012 16 32 64
(2.5 Gbps) (5 Gbps) (10 Gbps)
Total capacity 192 192 384 768

XDM Shelf Capacities with XIO

The following table describes the XIO bandwidth allocation capacity (in VC-4s)
per slot for each XDM shelf type.

XDM-400 XDM-500 XDM-1000/ XDM-400 slot XDM-500 XDM-500 XDM-1000 XDM-1000/ XDM-1000/
slot # slot # 2000 slot # capacity slot slot slot 2000 slot 2000 slot
(XIO192) capacity capacity capacity capacity capacity
(XIO192) (XIO384F) (XIO192) (XIO384F (XIO384F
103 104
ConfigA) ConfigB)
IS2 IC2 I/O1 32 (5 Gbps) 32 (5 Gbps) 32 (5 Gbps) 32 (5 Gbps) 32 (5 Gbps) 0
IS3 IC3 I/O2 32 (5 Gbps) 32 (5 Gbps) 64 (10 32 (5 Gbps) 32 (5 Gbps) 0
IC4 I/O3 16 (2.5 Gbps) 32 (5 Gbps) 64 (10 16 32 (5 Gbps) 64 (10
Gbps) (2.5 Gbps) Gbps)
IS4 IC5 I/O4 16 (2.5 Gbps) 32 (5 Gbps) 32 (5 Gbps) 16 32 (5 Gbps) 64 (10
(2.5 Gbps) Gbps)
IS1 IC1 I/O5 16 (2.5 Gbps) 8 32 (5 Gbps) 16 16 16
(1.25 Gbps) (2.5 Gbps) (2.5 Gbps) (2.5 Gbps)
IS5 IC6 I/O6 8 32 (5 Gbps) 16 16 16
(1.25 Gbps) (2.5 Gbps) (2.5 Gbps) (2.5 Gbps)
I/O7 4 16 16
(622 Mbps) (2.5 Gbps) (2.5 Gbps)
I/O8 4 16 16
(622 Mbps) (2.5 Gbps) (2.5 Gbps)

The bandwidth capacities in the XDM-500 are suitable for cost-effective ADM-64s. Using the XIO384F with an
STM-64 interface frees six slots in the XDM-500 for PIO and SIO cards.
The bandwidth capacities in the XDM-1000 are suitable for cost-effective ADM-64s as well as an ADM-16 with
many PIO interfaces. This is an excellent option for systems with a large number of E1 interfaces.
The bandwidth capacities in this configuration of the XDM-1000/2000 are suitable for a multi-ADM-16 with eight
drop slots available for SDH/SONET, PDH, and Ethernet services.
The bandwidth capacities in this configuration of the XDM-1000/2000 are a good solution for a double ADM64
with eight drop slots available for SDH/SONET, PDH, and Ethernet services. Two slots are available for optical
transponders and/or combiners for hybrid applications.

6-6 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications XDM-40, 400, 450, 500, 1000, 2000,
and 3000 Specifications

XDM-400 XDM-500 XDM-1000/ XDM-400 slot XDM-500 XDM-500 XDM-1000 XDM-1000/ XDM-1000/
slot # slot # 2000 slot # capacity slot slot slot 2000 slot 2000 slot
(XIO192) capacity capacity capacity capacity capacity
(XIO192) (XIO384F) (XIO192) (XIO384F (XIO384F
103 104
ConfigA) ConfigB)
I/O9 4 (622 16 16
Mbps) (2.5 Gbps) (2.5 Gbps)
I/O10 4 16 16
(622 Mbps) (2.5 Gbps) (2.5 Gbps)
I/O11 16 16
(2.5 Gbps) (2.5 Gbps)
I/012 16 16
(2.5 Gbps) (2.5 Gbps)
XIO-L XIO-L XIO-L 20 20 64 20 64 64
(10 Gbps)
XIO-R XIO-R XIO-R 20 20 64 20 64 64
(10 Gbps)
OHA OHA OHA 8 8 -- 8 -- --

Total capacity 192 192 384 192 384 384

The bandwidth capacities in the XDM-500 are suitable for cost-effective ADM-64s. Using
the XIO384F with an STM-64 interface frees six slots in the XDM-500 for PIO and SIO
The bandwidth capacities in the XDM-1000 are suitable for cost-effective ADM-64s as well
as an ADM-16 with many PIO interfaces. This is an excellent option for systems with a large
number of E1 interfaces.
The bandwidth capacities in this configuration of the XDM-1000/2000 are suitable for a
multi-ADM-16 with eight drop slots available for SDH/SONET, PDH, and Ethernet services.
The bandwidth capacities in this configuration of the XDM-1000/2000 are a good solution for
a double ADM-64 with eight drop slots available for SDH/SONET, PDH, and Ethernet
services. Two slots are available for optical transponders and/or combiners for hybrid

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 6-7

XDM-40, 400, 450, 500, 1000, 2000, XDM System Specifications
and 3000 Specifications


Interface Specifications
2 Mbps (E1)
Physical level .............................................................................................. G.703, Paragraph 6
Frame ...................................................................................... Unframed, G.704, I.431 (ISDN)
Line code .......................................................................................................................... HDB3
Line impedance ..................................................................... 120 Ω balanced/75 Ω unbalanced

34 Mbps (E3)
Physical level .............................................................................................. G.703, Paragraph 8
Frame ................................................................................................................................ G.751
Line code .......................................................................................................................... HDB3
Line impedance ............................................................................................... 75 Ω unbalanced

45 Mbps (DS-3)
Physical level .............................................................................................. G.703, Paragraph 5
Frame ................................................................................................................................ G.751
Line code ........................................................................................................................... B3ZS
Line impedance ............................................................................................... 75 Ω unbalanced

52 Mpbs (STS-1)
Physical level ..................................................................................................... GR-253-CORE
Frame ................................................................................................................................ G.253
Line code ............................................................................................................................. CMI
Line impedance ............................................................................................... 75 Ω unbalanced

STM-1 Electrical
Physical level ............................................................................................ G.703, Paragraph 12
Frame ................................................................................................................................ G.707
Line code ............................................................................................................................. CMI

6-8 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications XDM-40, 400, 450, 500, 1000, 2000,
and 3000 Specifications

STM-1/OC-3 Optical
Physical level ..................................................................................................... G.957, Table 2
Wavelength .................................................................................................. 1310 nm, 1550 nm
Short-haul, long-haul bitrate ................................................................. 155.52 Mbps ±4.6 ppm

STM-4/OC-12 Optical
Physical level ..................................................................................................... G.957, Table 3
Wavelength .................................................................................................. 1310 nm, 1550 nm
Short-haul, long-haul, very long-haul, ultra long-haul bitrate ................... 622 Mbps ±4.6 ppm

STM-16/OC-48 Optical
Physical level ..................................................................................................... G.957, Table 4
Wavelength ................................................................................................. 1310 nm, 1550 nm
Short-haul, long-haul, very long-haul, ultra long-haul,
DWDM (G.694.1 and G.957) bitrate .................................................. 2488.32 Mbps ±4.6 ppm

STM-64/OC-192 Optical
Physical level .......................................................................................... G.691, G.957, Table 5
Wavelength ................................................................................................. 1310 nm, 1550 nm
Short-haul, long-haul, very long-haul, DWDM (G.694.1) bitrate ...... 9953.28 Mbps ±4.6 ppm

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 6-9

XDM-40, 400, 450, 500, 1000, 2000, XDM System Specifications
and 3000 Specifications

SDH/SONET Interfaces
STM-1/OC-3 (155.52 Mbps ±4.6 ppm) I/O
CARD NAME OM01_4I3 105 OM01_4S3 OM01_4L5
Operating wavelength (nm) 1270-1380 1261-1360 1480-1580
Source type MLM SLM SLM
Max. RMS width (nm) - 7.7 -
Max. -20 dB width (nm) - - 1
Min. side mode suppression ratio (dB) - - > 30
Min. mean launched power (dBm) -19 -15 -5
Max. mean launched power (dBm) -14 -8 0
Min. extinction ratio (dB) 10 8.2 10
Min. sensitivity (BER of 1*10-12) EOL (dBm) -30 -28 -34
Min. overload (dBm) - -8 -10
Max. receiver reflectance (dB) - - -25
Max. dispersion (ps/nm) - 96 -
Min. optical return loss of cable (dB) - - -20
Max. discrete reflectance (dB) - - -25
Max. optical path penalty (dB) 1 1 1

MECP_OSC cards

Operating wavelength (nm) 1500-1520 1500-1520 1500-1520

Signal Rate 155 Mbps 155 Mbps 2 Mbps

Source type SLM SLM SLM

Max. RMS width (nm) - - -
Max. -20 dB width (nm) 1 1 1
Min. side mode suppression ratio (dB) > 30 > 30 > 30

MLM transceiver for 2 km with multimode fibers.
Application code is in reference to ITU-T Recommendation G.691.
No interoperability possible between MECP_OC5UOW and the other MECP_OSC modules.

6-10 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications XDM-40, 400, 450, 500, 1000, 2000,
and 3000 Specifications



Min. mean launched power (dBm) 0 0 +1

Max. mean launched power (dBm) +2 +5 +5
Min. extinction ratio (dB) 10 10 10

-35 -54
Min. sensitivity (BER of 1*10-10) EOL (dBm) -34
Min. overload (dBm) -10 -8 -5
Max. receiver reflectance (dB) -25 - -

Max. dispersion (ps/nm) - - -

Min. optical return loss of cable (dB) -20 -20 -
Max. discrete reflectance (dB) -25 -25 -25
Max. optical path penalty (dB) 1 1 1

STM-1/OC-3 SFP Optical Transceivers for

Table 6-1: STM-1 transceivers
APPLICATION CODE 109 S-1.1 L-1.1 L-1.2
Operating wavelength (nm) 1261-1360 1263-1360 1480-1580 1500-1520 1500-1520
Max. RMS width (nm) 7.7 - - - -
Min. side mode suppression ratio (dB) - 30 30 > 30 > 30
Min. mean launched power (dBm) -15 -5 -5 0 +1
Max. mean launched power (dBm) -8 0 0 +5 +5
Min. extinction ratio (dB) 8.2 10 10 10 10
Min. sensitivity (BER of 1*10 ) EOL (dBm) -28 -34 -34 -35 -42
Min. overload (dBm) -8 -10 -10 -8 -5
Max. receiver reflectance (dB) - - -25 - -
Max. dispersion [ps/nm] 96 - - - -
Min. optical return loss of cable (dB) - - -20 -20 -
Max. discrete reflectance (dB) - - -25 -25 -25
Max. optical path penalty (dB) 1 1 1 1 1

New optical SFP transceivers for existing SIO1&4B basecard.
Application code is in reference to ITU-T Recommendation G.691.
MultiLongitudinal Mode (MLM) source type laser can also operate with single mode fibers for S-1.1 interfaces in
reference to ITU-T Recommendation G.957.

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 6-11

XDM-40, 400, 450, 500, 1000, 2000, XDM System Specifications
and 3000 Specifications

NOTE: When selecting bidirectional transceivers, pay

attention that they must operate in complementary pairs. For
example: OTR1-S3BD can work only vis-a-vis OTR1-S5BD;
OTR4-L3BD can work only vis-a-vis OTR4-L5BD, and so on.
The transceivers in the following table are arranged in
complementary pairs.

Table 6-2: STM-1 bidirectional transceivers

SFP transceiver name OTR1-S3BD OTR1-S5BD OTR1-L3BD OTR1-L5BD
Application code 111 BD 3 112 BD 5 113 L3BD L5BD
Operating wavelength (nm) 1260-1360 1480-1580 1280-1360 1480-1580
Source type MLM MLM MLM SLM
Max. RMS width (nm) 7 3 4 1
Min. side mode suppression ratio (dB) - - - 30
Min. mean launched power (dBm) -14 -14 -5 -5
Max. mean launched power (dBm) -8 -8 0 0
Min. extinction ratio (dB) 10 10 10 10
Min. sensitivity (BER of 1 * 10-12) EOL (dBm) -32 -32 -32 -32
Min. overload (dBm) -8 -8 0 0
Max. receiver reflectance (dB) - - - -
Max. dispersion (ps/nm) - - - -
Min. optical return loss of cable (dB) -20 -20 - -
Max. discrete reflectance (dB) - - - -
Max. optical path penalty (dB) 1 1 1 1

Application code is in reference to ITU-T Recommendation G.691.
BD 3: STM-1 single-fiber bidirectional SFP module with a 1310 nm TX wavelength.
BD 5: STM-1 single-fiber bidirectional SFP module with a 1550 nm TX wavelength.
Receiver units of SFPs (excluding bidirectional SFPs) are a wide-band type.

6-12 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications XDM-40, 400, 450, 500, 1000, 2000,
and 3000 Specifications

STM-4/OC-12 (622 Mbps ±4.6 ppm) I/O

CARD NAME OM4_1I3 115 OM4_1S3 OM4_1L5
Operating wavelength (nm) 1270-1380 1274-1356 1480-1580
Source type MLM SLM SLM
Max. RMS width (nm) - 4 1
Max. -20 dB width (nm) - - 1
Min. side mode suppression ratio (dB) - - > 30
Min. mean launched power (dBm) -19 -15 -3
Max. mean launched power (dBm) -14 -8 +2
Min. extinction ratio (dB) 10 8.2 10
Min. sensitivity (BER of
-31 -28 -28
1*10-12) EOL (dBm)
Min. overload (dBm) - -8 -8
Max. receiver reflectance (dB) - - -27
Max. dispersion (ps/nm) - 74 -
Min. optical return loss of cable (dB) - - -24
Max. discrete reflectance (dB) - - -27
Max. optical path penalty (dB) 1 1 1

MLM transceiver for 2 km with multimode fibers.
Application code is in reference to ITU-T Recommendation G.691.

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 6-13

XDM-40, 400, 450, 500, 1000, 2000, XDM System Specifications
and 3000 Specifications

STM-4/OC-12 SFP Optical Transceivers for

Table 6-3: STM-4 transceivers
APPLICATION CODE 118 S-4.1 L-4.1 L-4.2
Operating wavelength (nm) 1274-1356 1280-1335 1480-1580
Source type MLM 119 SLM SLM
Max. RMS width (nm) 4/2.5 - -
Max. -20 dB width (nm) - 1 <1
Min. side mode suppression ratio (dB) - 30 30
Min. mean launched power (dBm) -15 -3 -3
Max. mean launched power (dBm) -8 +2 +2
Min. extinction ratio (dB) 8.2 10 10
Min. sensitivity (BER of 1*10-12) EOL (dBm) -28 -28 -28
Min. overload (dBm) -8 -8 -8
Max. receiver reflectance (dB) - -14 -27
Max. dispersion [ps/nm] 74 - -
Min. optical return loss of cable (dB) - 20 24
Max. discrete reflectance (dB) - -25 -27
Max. optical path penalty (dB) 1 1 1

NOTE: When selecting bidirectional transceivers, pay

attention that they must operate in complementary pairs. For
example: OTR1-S3BD can work only vis-a-vis OTR1-S5BD;
OTR4-L3BD can work only vis-a-vis OTR4-L5BD, and so on.
The transceivers in the following table are arranged in
complementary pairs.

New optical SFP transceivers for existing SIO1&4B basecard.
Application code is in reference to ITU-T Recommendation G.691.
MultiLongitudinal Mode (MLM) source type laser can also operate with single mode fibers for S-1.1 interfaces in
reference to ITU-T Recommendation G.957.

6-14 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications XDM-40, 400, 450, 500, 1000, 2000,
and 3000 Specifications

Table 6-4: STM-4 bidirectional transceivers

SFP transceiver name OTR4_S3BD OTR4_S5BD OTR4_L3BD OTR4_L5BD
Application code 120 S3BD S5BD L3BD L5BD
Operating wavelength (nm) 1260-1360 1480-1580 1260-1360 1480-1580
Source type MLM SLM MLM SLM
Max. RMS width (nm) 3 1 3 1
Min. side mode suppression ratio (dB) - 30 - 30
Min. mean launched power (dBm) -15 -15 -3 -3
Max. mean launched power (dBm) -8 -8 +2 +2
Min. extinction ratio (dB) 8.2 8.2 10 10
Min. sensitivity (BER of 1 * 10-12) EOL (dBm) -28 -28 -28 -28
Min. overload (dBm) -8 -8 -8 -8
Max. receiver reflectance (dB) - - - -
Max. dispersion (ps/nm) - - -

Min. optical return loss of cable (dB) - - - -

Max. discrete reflectance (dB) - - - -
Max. optical path penalty (dB) 1 1 1 1

STM-16/OC-48 (2488.32 Mbps ±4.6 ppm)

I/O Modules
CARD NAME OM16_ OM16_ OM16_ OM16_ OM16_ OM16_ OM16_
1AX5xx 1AV5xx 1AB5xx 1AX5 1AL5 1PS3 1PI3
APPLICATION CODE X-16.2 V-16.2 U-16.2 X-16.2 L-16.2 S-16.1 I-16
Operating wavelength 1530- 1530- 1530- 1530- 1530- 1260- 1260-136
(nm) 1560 1565 1565 1560 1565 1360 0
Max. -20 dB width (nm) 1 1 1 1 1 1 2
Max. RMS width (nm) - - - - - - -
Min. side mode 30 30 30 30 30 30 -
suppression (dB)
Min. mean launched +5.5 +1 +0 +5.5 +0 -5 -10
power (dBm)
Max. mean launched +7.5 +3 +2 +7.5 +3 0 -3
power (dBm)
Min. extinction ratio (dB) 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2

Application code is in reference to ITU-T Recommendation G.691.
Receiver units of SFPs (excluding bidirectional SFPs) are a wide-band type.
Application code is in reference to ITU-T Recommendation G.691.

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 6-15

XDM-40, 400, 450, 500, 1000, 2000, XDM System Specifications
and 3000 Specifications

CARD NAME OM16_ OM16_ OM16_ OM16_ OM16_ OM16_ OM16_

1AX5xx 1AV5xx 1AB5xx 1AX5 1AL5 1PS3 1PI3
APPLICATION CODE X-16.2 V-16.2 U-16.2 X-16.2 L-16.2 S-16.1 I-16
Photodiode type APD APD APD APD APD Pin Pin
Min. sensitivity -28 -28 -28 -28 -28 -18 -16
(BER of 1*10-12)
EOL (dBm)
Min. overload (dBm) -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 0 0
Max. receiver reflectance -27 -27 -27 -27 -27 -27 -27
Max. dispersion (ps/nm) 1800 1800 3000 123 2160 1800 - 124 - 125
Min. optical return loss of -24 -24 -24 -24 -24 -24 -24
cable (dB)
Max. discrete reflectance -27 -27 -27 -27 -27 -27 -27
Max. optical path penalty < 2 <2 <2 <3 <2 <2 <1

SDH/SONET STM-16/OC-48 SFP Optical

Table 6-5: STM-16 transceivers
SFP TRANSCEIVER NAME 126 OTR16_I3 127 OTR16_S3 128 OTR16_L3 129 OTR16_L5 130
APPLICATION CODE I-16 S-16.1 L-16.1 L-16.2
Operating wavelength (nm) 1260-1360 1260-1360 1280-1335 1500-1580
Source type SLM SLM SLM SLM
Max. -20 dB width (nm) 2 1 1 <1
Max. RMS width (nm) - - - -
Min. side mode suppression (dB) - 30 30 30
Min. mean launched power (dBm) -10 -5 -2 -2
Max. mean launched power (dBm) -3 0 +3 +3

To reach distances of 150 km, OM16_1AB5 should be connected to a booster.
The dispersion value is relevant only in the 1500 nm wavelength. PS3 is for 25 km and PI3 for 2 km.
The dispersion value is relevant only in the 1500 nm wavelength. PS3 is for 25 km and PI3 for 2 km.
New optical SFP transceivers for existing SIO16 basecard.
All OTR SFP transceivers can be used with SIO164 or XIO384F cards, utilizing the OMSC16_4 module (up to 4
SFP transceivers per module).
All OTR SFP transceivers can be used with SIO164 or XIO384F cards, utilizing the OMSC16_4 module (up to 4
SFP transceivers per module).
All OTR SFP transceivers can be used with SIO164 or XIO384F cards, utilizing the OMSC16_4 module (up to 4
SFP transceivers per module).
All OTR SFP transceivers can be used with SIO164 or XIO384F cards, utilizing the OMSC16_4 module (up to 4
SFP transceivers per module).
Application code is in reference to ITU-T Recommendation G.691.

6-16 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications XDM-40, 400, 450, 500, 1000, 2000,
and 3000 Specifications

SFP TRANSCEIVER NAME 126 OTR16_I3 127 OTR16_S3 128 OTR16_L3 129 OTR16_L5 130
Min. extinction ratio (dB) 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2
Min. sensitivity (BER of -16 -18 -27 -28
1*10-12) EOL (dBm)
Min. overload (dBm) 0 0 -9 -9
Max. receiver reflectance (dB) -27 -27 -27 -27
Max. dispersion [ps/nm] - - - 1600
Min. optical return loss of cable (dB) -24 -24 -24 -24
Max. discrete reflectance (dB) -27 -27 -27 -27
Max. optical path penalty (dB) <1 1 1 2

NOTE: When selecting bidirectional transceivers, pay

attention that they must operate in complementary pairs. For
example: OTR1-S3BD can work only vis-a-vis OTR1-S5BD;
OTR4-L3BD can work only vis-a-vis OTR4-L5BD, and so on.
The transceivers in the following table are arranged in
complementary pairs.

Table 6-6: STM-16 bidirectional transceivers

SFP transceiver name OTR16_S3BD OTR16_S5BD OTR16_L3BD OTR16_L5BD
Application code 132 S3BD S5BD L3BD L5BD
Operating wavelength (nm) 1260-1360 1480-1580 1260-1360 1480-1580
Source type SLM SLM SLM SLM
Max. RMS width (nm) 1 1 1 1
Min. side mode suppression ratio (dB) 30 30 30 30
Min. mean launched power (dBm) -5 -5 -2 -2
Max. mean launched power (dBm) +2 +2 +5 +5
Min. extinction ratio (dB) 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2

Min. sensitivity (BER of 1 * 10-12) EOL -18 -18 -27 -27

Min. overload (dBm) 0 0 -9 -9
Max. receiver reflectance (dB) - - - -
Max. dispersion (ps/nm) - - -

Min. optical return loss of cable (dB) - - - -

Max. discrete reflectance (dB) - - - -
Max. optical path penalty (dB) 1 1 1 1

Application code is in reference to ITU-T Recommendation G.691.
Receiver units of SFPs (excluding bidirectional SFPs) are a wide-band type.

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 6-17

XDM-40, 400, 450, 500, 1000, 2000, XDM System Specifications
and 3000 Specifications


Optical Transceivers
SFP TRANSCEIVER OTC25_PSx OTC25_1A OTR25_AVx OTR25_A OTR16_I3 OTR16_S3 OTR16_L3 137 OTR16_L5 138
NAME 134 x Lxx x Bxx 135 136

APPLICATION CODE 139 S-C8S1-1D2/ S-C8L1-1D DW100L\--1 DW100L\-- I-16 S-16.1 L-16.1 L-16.2
5 2/5 D2/5(C)F 1D2/5(C)F
G.695 G.695 DW100C\--1 DW100C\--
A2/5(C)F 1A2/5(C)F
G.698.1/.2 G.698.1/.2
Operating wavelength 1464-1618 1464-1618 1530-1565 1530-1565 1260-1360 1260-1360 1280-1335 1500-1580
Max. -20 dB width (nm) 1 1 0.4 0.4 2 1 1 <1
Max. RMS width (nm) - - - - - - - -
Min. side mode 30 30 30 30 - 30 30 30
suppression (dB)
Min. mean launched 0 0 0 0 -10 -5 -2 -2
power (dBm)
Max. mean launched +5 +5 4 4 -3 0 +3 +3
power (dBm)
Min. extinction ratio 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2
Min. sensitivity (BER of -21.5 -28 -28 -28 -16 -18 -27 -28
1*10-12) (-23 GbE) (-32 GbE)
EOL (dBm)
Min. overload (dBm) 0 -7 -9 -9 0 0 -9 -9
Max. receiver -27 -27 -27 -27 -27 -27 -27 -27
reflectance (dB)
Max. dispersion [ps/nm] 800 1600 2400 3600 - - -24 1600
(40 km (80 km (120 km (180 km
G.652) G.652) G.652) G.652)
Min. optical return loss 24 24 -24 -24 -24 -24 -27 -24
of cable (dB)
Max. discrete -27 -27 -27 -27 -27 -27 1 -27
reflectance (dB)
Max. optical path 1.5 2.5 <3 <2 <1 1 2
penalty (dB)

New optical SFP transceivers for existing SIO16 basecard.
All OTR SFP transceivers can be used with SIO164 or XIO384F cards, utilizing the OMSC16_4 module (up to 4
SFP transceivers per module).
All OTR SFP transceivers can be used with SIO164 or XIO384F cards, utilizing the OMSC16_4 module (up to 4
SFP transceivers per module).
All OTR SFP transceivers can be used with SIO164 or XIO384F cards, utilizing the OMSC16_4 module (up to 4
SFP transceivers per module).
All OTR SFP transceivers can be used with SIO164 or XIO384F cards, utilizing the OMSC16_4 module (up to 4
SFP transceivers per module).
Application code is in reference to ITU-T Recommendation G.691.

6-18 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications XDM-40, 400, 450, 500, 1000, 2000,
and 3000 Specifications

SDH/SONET STM-64/OC-192 (9953.28 Mbps

±4.6 ppm) I/O Modules
OM64_ OM64_
140 1ALSxx 1ASSxx OM10_ OM10_ OM10_ OM10_
OM10_1AL OM10_1AS 1PSSxx 1PLSxx 1PSS3 1PIS3
141 142
Sxx Sxx
143 144 145 146 147 148 149
APPLICATION CODE L-64.2a S-64.2a I-64.2 L-64.2b S-64.1 I-64.1
Operating wavelength (nm) 1530-1565 1530-1565 1530-1565 1530-1565 1285-1330 1285-1330
Min. mean launched power
0 -2 -2 -2 -4 -6
Max. mean launched power
+2 +3 +3 +3 +1 -1
Min. extinction ratio (dB) 9.0 8.2 8.2 10 6 6
Photodiode type APD APD PIN PIN PIN PIN
Min. sensitivity
-23 150 -19 151 -14 -14 -15 -11
(BER of 1*10-12) EOL (dBm)
Min. overload (dBm) -8 -8 -1 -1 -1 -1
Max. optical path penalty (dB) <2 <2 <2 <2 <1 <1
Max. receiver reflectance (dB) -27 -27 -27 -27 -27 -27
Max. attenuation range (dB) 21 15 10 10 10 4
Min. attenuation range (dB) 10 10 3 3 1 0
Max. chromatic dispersion
1600 153 800 800 1600 154 40 7
(ps/nm) 152

Not supported in XDM-400.
OM10 is supported, in all three SIO64 types.
OM10 is supported, in all three SIO64 types.
Application code is in reference to ITU-T Recommendation G.691.
OM64/OM10 optics are also available for DWDM applications as per the standard ITU-T G.694.1 grid (n = 1-40).
OM64/OM10 optics are also available for DWDM applications as per the standard ITU-T G.694.1 grid (n = 1-40).
OM64/OM10 optics are also available for DWDM applications as per the standard ITU-T G.694.1 grid (n = 1-40).
OM64/OM10 optics are also available for DWDM applications as per the standard ITU-T G.694.1 grid (n = 1-40).
OM64/OM10 optics are also available for DWDM applications as per the standard ITU-T G.694.1 grid (n = 1-40).
OM64/OM10 optics are also available for DWDM applications as per the standard ITU-T G.694.1 grid (n = 1-40).
When adding FEC, there is a typical improvement of 2 dB for nonamplified networks (sensitivity of -25 dBm
instead of -23 dBm).
When adding FEC, there is a typical improvement of 2 dB for nonamplified networks (sensitivity of -25 dBm
instead of -23 dBm).
Effective optical power budget calculation for single channel with no amplification: Tx min. power minus Rx
sensitivity (EOL) minus max. optical path penalty (dB).
The limitation for the long-range STM-64/OC-192 laser is 68 km. When adding FEC, the range can be extended
up to 76 km.
The limitation for the long-range STM-64/OC-192 laser is 68 km. When adding FEC, the range can be extended
up to 76 km.

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 6-19

XDM-40, 400, 450, 500, 1000, 2000, XDM System Specifications
and 3000 Specifications

SDH/SONET STM-64/OC-192 XFP Optical

APPLICATION CODE I-64.1 S-64.2b L-64.2a 1L1-2D2F
P1I1_2D1 P1S1_2D2 P1L1-2D2
VSR2000_2R1 b

Operating wavelength (nm) 1290-1330 1529-1560 1530-1565 1529-1560 1529-1560

NA NA 192.1 + 0.1m 192.1 + 0.1m
Central frequency (THz) NA
m=0 to 40 m=0 to 40
Maximum central frequency NA NA
NA ±12.5 ±12.5
deviation (GHz)
Max. -20 dB width (nm) <1 <1 <1 <1 <1
Min. side mode suppression 30 30 30 30 30
Min. mean launched power -6 -1 0 -1 -1
Max. mean launched power -1 +2 +4 +3 +3
Min. extinction ratio (dB) 6 8.2 9 8.2 9
Min. sensitivity (BER of -11 -14 -24 -24 -24
EOL (dBm)
Min. overload (dBm) -1 -1 -7 -8 -8
Max. receiver reflectance (dB) -27 -27 -27 -27 -27
Max. dispersion [ps/nm] 6.6 800 1600 800 1600
Min. optical return loss of cable 24 24 24 2 2
Max. discrete reflectance (dB) -27 -27 -27 -27 -27
Max. optical path penalty (dB) 1 2 2 2 2

Application code is in reference to ITU-T Recommendation G.691.

6-20 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications XDM-40, 400, 450, 500, 1000, 2000,
and 3000 Specifications

OW Unit Specifications
The OW unit supports omnibus conference call with two separate configurable
networks (A and B). Any user within the network can select another user in its
network by direct dialing (DTMF).
Tx/Rx level .......................................................................... 7 dBm, 600 Ω, (per CCITT G.711)
Speech coding and bit rate .......................................................................... PCM A-law 8 Kbps
Number of VF channels ................................................................................................ 10 to 12
Band pass .......................................................................................................... 300 to 3400 Hz
Subscriber side input/output level ....................................... 7 dBm, 600 Ω, (per CCITT G.711)
Idle channel noise................................................................................................. (-) 75 dBmOp
Number of data channels ...................................................................................... 3 (E1, E2, F1)
Interface connectors type ........................................................................ Tel JACK 6P4C RCA
Data rates....................................................................................................................... 64 Kbps

XDM MPLS/Ethernet Card

The following table identifies the MPLS/Ethernet components and the platforms
within which specific modules are used. The different modules are listed by
interface categories, where the modules within a category generally share the
same functionality. Specific details may vary from module to module.

Interface XDM-400 XDM-500 XDM-1000 XDM-2000 XDM-3000

Ethernet over SDH/SONET
Layer 1
DIOB -- √ √ √ √
Ethernet/MPLS Layer 1 and 2
MCS5 (only in 5 and 10 Gbps -- √ √ √ √
MCS10 (only in 10 Gbps slots) -- √ √ √ √
MCS30_X10G (only in 10 Gbps -- √ √ √ √

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 6-21

XDM-40, 400, 450, 500, 1000, 2000, XDM System Specifications
and 3000 Specifications

Data Cards
Intercard Data Network Bandwidth per EoS
Card 156 Service interfaces
interfaces handling interfaces interface
DIOB 8 x FX/GbE (optical) 157 + --- Layer 1 24 x EoS 159 (1 to 16) x VC-4
[8 x 10/100BaseT + (1 to 48) x VC-3
8 x 10/100/1000BaseT] 158 (1 to 63) x VC-12
MCS5 160 4 x FX/GbE (optical) 161 + --- Layer 2 32 x EoS/MoT (1 to 16) x VC-4 163
4 x FX (optical) + (Ethernet/ (1 to 48) x VC-3 164
[12 x 10/100BaseT + MPLS) (1 to 63) x VC-12 165
4 x 10/100/1000BaseT] 162
MCS10 166 8 x FX/GbE (optical) 167 + --- Layer 2 32 x EoS/MoT (1 to 16) x VC-4 169
[8 x 10/100BaseT + (Ethernet/ (1 to 48) x VC-3 170
8 x 10/100/1000BaseT] 168 MPLS) (1 to 63) x VC-12 171

MCS30_X10G 1 x 10GbE (optical) XFP+ 1 x 10 GbE Layer 2 32 x EoS/MoT (1 to 64) x VC-4

10 x FX/GbE (optical) 173 (Ethernet/ (1 to 192) x VC-3
SFP MPLS) (1 to 64) x VC-12
MCS50_X10G 4 x 10GbE (optical) XFP+ 2 x 10 GbE Layer 2 96 x EoS/MoT (1 to 64) x
4 x 1GbE (optical) SFP (Ethernet/ VC-4/STS-3c SPE
MPLS) (1 to 192) x
VC-3/ 174STS-1c SPE
(1 to 46) x VC-12 175
ATS 176 2 x VC-4 + 126 x E1 --- ATM 2 x VC-4 + 2 x VC-4 + 125 x E1
125 x E1

All data cards are not supported in XDM-40.
Optical ports on base cards, SFP for GbE or FX.
Electrical ports located on ME_16 module in the CCP.
EoS – Ethernet over SDH/SONET.
Can be accommodated in 5 Gbps, or 10 Gbps slots only, with 5 Gbps EoS capacity.
Optical ports on base cards, SFP for GbE or FX.
Electrical ports located on ME_16 module in the CCP.
Maximum EoS/MoT capacity per card: 5 Gbps (32xVC-4 or 96xVC-3) and per EoS port when using LAG.
Maximum EoS/MoT capacity per card: 5 Gbps (32xVC-4 or 96xVC-3) and per EoS port when using LAG.
Maximum n x VC-12 per card: 512 x VC-12.
Can be accommodated in 10 Gbps slots only.
Optical ports on base cards, SFP for GbE or FX.
Electrical ports located on ME_16 module in the CCP.
Maximum EoS/MoT capacity per card: 10 Gbps (64xVC-4 or 192xVC-3) and per EoS port when using LAG.
Maximum EoS/MoT capacity per card: 10 Gbps (64xVC-4 or 192xVC-3) and per EoS port when using LAG.
Maximum n x VC-12 per card: 512 x VC-12.
Can be accommodated in 10 Gbps slots only.
Supported starting V8.2
Maximum EoS/MoT capacity per card: 10 Gbps (64xVC-4 or 192xVC-3) and per EoS port when using LAG.
Maximum n x VC-12 per card: 504 x VC-12.
ATS resources can be software-allocated to service or network interfaces as required

6-22 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications XDM-40, 400, 450, 500, 1000, 2000,
and 3000 Specifications

DIOB Specifications
Interfaces ........................ 10/100/1000BaseT, 100BaseFX (single mode and multimode fiber),
.................................................................................. 1000BaseSX, 1000BaseLX, 1000BaseZX
Protection ..................................................... IOP 1:1 for both EoS ports and optical user ports
Standards compliance............................................IEEE 802.3z, G.707, G.783, G.7041 (GFP),
........................................................................................................................... G.7042 (LCAS)
EoS capacity with VC-4 or VC-3 granularity .............................................. up to 2.5 or 5 Gbps
EoS capacity with VC-12 granularity .......................................................... up to 512 x VC-12
LCAS ............................................. Enabled or Disabled (VCAT mode), configurable per port
Flow control ................................................................................. hitless following IEEE 802.3
Failure forwarding...................................................................................................... CSF, TSF

MCS5 Specifications
Interfaces ........................ 10/100/1000BaseT, 100BaseFX (single mode and multimode fiber),
.................................................................................. 1000BaseSX, 1000BaseLX, 1000BaseZX
Total EoS/MoT capacity ................................................................................................. 5 Gbps
Switch capacity ............................................................................................................. 20 Gbps
MAC address memory ....................................................................................... 153,600 entries
Protection .......................................................... 50ms FRR link and node, <50ms Dual homed
, G.8032 (ERP) ............................................................ Ethernet UNI/NNI LAG and EoS LAG,
.................................................................... Fast IOP – MCS5 1+1 hot standby card protection
MPLS-based servicesVPWS (Martini encapsulation), VPLS (Full mesh and star), Hierarchical
VPLS (H-VPLS) with multiple Split Horizon Groups and VPLS Spokes
......................................................................................... P2MP (Multicast drop and continue),
...................................................................................................................................... H-VPLS
................................................................................................. IGMP snooping and static MAC
Hard QoS:
............................................. 8192 policed flows per card supporting CIR, CBS and EIR, EBS
............................................... Classification based on port, CVLAN, CVLAN-Pbits, SVLAN,
............................ SVLAN-Pbits (802.1p priority bits), DHCP field, Untagged Frame, BPDU,
......................................................... and Wildcard (all VLANs that are not explicitly defined).
.............................................. Untagged frame handling with port-based VLAN (attach/detach
............................................................................ CVLAN and/or SVLAN to untagged frames)
................................................ 8 Classes of Service (CoS), Classification rules, CoS mapping,
................................. 2 rate policing, 3 colors marking, Connection Admission Control (CAC)
..................................... WRED, Shaping, Scheduling (WFQ/WRR – Weighted Fair Queuing /
............................................................................................................. Weighted Round Robin)
MAC and VLANs:
............................ 4093 x 4093 VLANs with 16K VLAN mapping rules, S-VLAN translation,
.............................................. S-VLAN configurable Ether-type, FDB (Forwarding Data Base)

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 6-23

XDM-40, 400, 450, 500, 1000, 2000, XDM System Specifications
and 3000 Specifications

................................................. Tunnel OAM (ITU-T Y.1711) with Connectivity Verification,
............................ Service OAM (802.1ag) with Continuity Check, Loopback and Link Trace,
................................. Link OAM (802.3ah), Link Loss Carry Forward (LLCF), Port Mirroring
............................................ VSI (Virtual Switch Instance) VPN segregation, VLAN filtering,
............................................................................... FIB quota, BSC (Broadcast Storm Control)
............................................. Point-and-click fast service creation, Management layers/Planes:
....................................................... Data, TDM, optic, Supporting CAC for MPLS Tunnel and
................................................... Service provisioning, Enhanced protection by SRLG (Shared
.......................................................................................................... Risk Link Group) schemes
Triple Play ................................................. DTV/IPTV, HDTV, Gaming, VoD, VoIP, and HSI
Business connectivity .................................................................... VPWS, VPLS, and H-VPLS
Mobile aggregation .............................. 3G Ethernet-based services, including VoIP, HSDPA,
........................................... IPTV and video streaming, MP3 streaming, VoD, video and voice
................................................................................................................................. conferences
Wholesale/CoC ................................................................. Ethernet bandwidth and leased lines
Standards compliance:
IEEE ............................................................................. 802.1D/P/Q, 802.1w, 802.1ad, 802.1ag
.................................................................. 802.3-2005, 802.3ad, 802.3ah (Link OAM), 802.3x
MEF ............................... MEF 4, MEF 6, MEF 7, MEF9, MEF 10, MEF 11, MEF 12 MEF14
ITU-T ............................................. G.707, G.7041, G.7042, G.8010/Y.1306, G.8011/Y.1307,
.................................................................................... G.8011.1/Y.1307.1, G.8011.2/Y.1307.2,
......................................................... G.8012/Y.1308, Y.1710, Y.1711, G.783, G.8032/Y.1344
IETF ................................................ RFC 3031, RFC 3032, RFC 3270, RFC 3443, RFC 4448,
...................................... RFC 4379, RFC 3812, RFC 3813, RFC 2702, RFC 4090, RFC 3916,
................................................................................................................. RFC 3985, RFC 4125

MCS10 Specifications
Interfaces ........................ 10/100/1000BaseT, 100BaseFX (single mode and multimode fiber),
.................................................................................. 1000BaseSX, 1000BaseLX, 1000BaseZX
Total EoS/MoT capacity ............................................................................................... 10 Gbps
Switch capacity ............................................................................................................. 20 Gbps
MAC address memory ....................................................................................... 153,600 entries
Protection .......................................................... 50ms FRR link and node, <50ms Dual homed
..................................................................................... Ethernet UNI/NNI LAG and EoS LAG,
.............................................................................................................................. G.8032 (ERP)
.................................................................. Fast IOP – MCS10 1+1 hot standby card protection

6-24 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications XDM-40, 400, 450, 500, 1000, 2000,
and 3000 Specifications

MPLS-based services ............................................................... VPWS (Martini encapsulation),

.................................................................................... VPLS (Full mesh and star), Hierarchical
.......................................................................................... VPLS (H-VPLS) with multiple Split
.......................................................................................... Horizon Groups and VPLS Spokes,
.......................................................................................... P2MP (Multicast drop and continue)
................................................................................................. IGMP snooping and static MAC
Hard QoS:
............................................. 8192 policed flows per card supporting CIR, CBS and EIR, EBS
............................................... Classification based on port, CVLAN, CVLAN-Pbits, SVLAN,
............................ SVLAN-Pbits (802.1p priority bits), DHCP field, Untagged Frame, BPDU,
......................................................... and Wildcard (all VLANs that are not explicitly defined).
.............................................. Untagged frame handling with port-based VLAN (attach/detach
............................................................................ CVLAN and/or SVLAN to untagged frames)
..........................................Eight Classes of Service (CoS), Classification rules, CoS mapping,
................................. 2 rate policing, 3 colors marking, Connection Admission Control (CAC)
..................................... WRED, Shaping, Scheduling (WFQ/WRR – Weighted Fair Queuing /
............................................................................................................. Weighted Round Robin)
MAC and VLANs:
............................. 4093 x 4093 VLANs with 16K VLAN mapping rules, SVLAN translation,
.............................................. S-VLAN configurable Ether-type, FDB (Forwarding Data Base)
................................................. Tunnel OAM (ITU-T Y.1711) with Connectivity Verification,
............................ Service OAM (802.1ag) with Continuity Check, Loopback and Link Trace,
................................. Link OAM (802.3ah), Link Loss Carry Forward (LLCF), Port Mirroring
............................................ VSI (Virtual Switch Instance) VPN segregation, VLAN filtering,
............................................................................... FIB quota, BSC (Broadcast Storm Control)
............................................. Point-and-click fast service creation, Management layers/Planes:
....................................................... Data, TDM, optic, Supporting CAC for MPLS Tunnel and
................................................... Service provisioning, Enhanced protection by SRLG (Shared
.......................................................................................................... Risk Link Group) schemes
Triple Play ................................................. DTV/IPTV, HDTV, Gaming, VoD, VoIP, and HSI
Business connectivity ..................................................................... VPWS and VPLS, H-VPLS
Mobile aggregation .............................. 3G Ethernet-based services, including VoIP, HSDPA,
........................................... IPTV and video streaming, MP3 streaming, VoD, video and voice
................................................................................................................................. conferences
Wholesale/CoC ................................................................. Ethernet bandwidth and leased lines
Standards compliance:
IEEE ............................................................................. 802.1D/P/Q, 802.1w, 802.1ad, 802.1ag
.................................................................. 802.3-2005, 802.3ad, 802.3ah (Link OAM), 802.3x
MEF ............................... MEF 4, MEF 6, MEF 7, MEF9, MEF 10, MEF 11, MEF 12 MEF14

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 6-25

XDM-40, 400, 450, 500, 1000, 2000, XDM System Specifications
and 3000 Specifications

ITU-T ............................................. G.707, G.7041, G.7042, G.8010/Y.1306, G.8011/Y.1307,

......................................................... G.8011.1/Y.1307.1, G.8011.2/Y.1307.2, G.8012/Y.1308,
.................................................................................... Y.1710, Y.1711, G.783, G.8032/Y.1344
IETF ................................................ RFC 3031, RFC 3032, RFC 3270, RFC 3443, RFC 4448,
......................................................... RFC 4379, RFC 3812, RFC 3813, RFC 2702, RFC 4090,
............................................................................................... RFC 3916, RFC 3985, RFC 4125

MCS30_X10G Specifications
Interfaces .................................................................. 10GBase-SR (850nm MM), 10GBase-LR
................................ (1310nm SM), 10GBase-ER (1550nm SM), 10GBase-ER (1550nm SM),
....................................................................................... 10GBase-ER (15XXnm DWDM, SM)
Intercard connectivity..................................................................................................... 10 GbE
Total EoS/MoT capacity ............................................................................................... 10 Gbps
Switch capacity ............................................................................................................. 20 Gbps
MAC address memory ....................................................................................... 153,600 entries
Protection .......................................................... 50ms FRR link and node, <50ms Dual homed
..................................................................................... Ethernet UNI/NNI LAG and EoS LAG,
.............................................................................................................................. G.8032 (ERP)
...................................................... Fast IOP – MCS30_X10G 1+1 hot standby card protection
Synchronization ............................................ SyncE and 1588v2 synchronization mechanisms
MPLS-based services ............................................................... VPWS (Martini encapsulation),
.................................................................................... VPLS (Full mesh and star), Hierarchical
.......................................................................................... VPLS (H-VPLS) with multiple Split
.......................................................................................... Horizon Groups and VPLS Spokes,
.......................................................................................... P2MP (Multicast drop and continue)
................................................................................................. IGMP snooping and static MAC
Hard QoS:
............................................. 8192 policed flows per card supporting CIR, CBS and EIR, EBS
............................................... Classification based on port, CVLAN, CVLAN-Pbits, SVLAN,
............................ SVLAN-Pbits (802.1p priority bits), DHCP field, Untagged Frame, BPDU,
......................................................... and Wildcard (all VLANs that are not explicitly defined).
.............................................. Untagged frame handling with port-based VLAN (attach/detach
............................................................................ CVLAN and/or SVLAN to untagged frames)
..........................................Eight Classes of Service (CoS), Classification rules, CoS mapping,
................................. 2 rate policing, 3 colors marking, Connection Admission Control (CAC)
..................................... WRED, Shaping, Scheduling (WFQ/WRR – Weighted Fair Queuing /
............................................................................................................. Weighted Round Robin)
MAC and VLANs:
............................. 4093 x 4093 VLANs with 16K VLAN mapping rules, SVLAN translation,
.............................................. S-VLAN configurable Ether-type, FDB (Forwarding Data Base)

6-26 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications XDM-40, 400, 450, 500, 1000, 2000,
and 3000 Specifications

............................................ VSI (Virtual Switch Instance) VPN segregation, VLAN filtering,
............................................................................... FIB quota, BSC (Broadcast Storm Control)
............................................ VSI (Virtual Switch Instance) VPN segregation, VLAN filtering,
............................................................................... FIB quota, BSC (Broadcast Storm Control)
............................................. Point-and-click fast service creation, Management layers/Planes:
....................................................... Data, TDM, optic, Supporting CAC for MPLS Tunnel and
................................................... Service provisioning, Enhanced protection by SRLG (Shared
.......................................................................................................... Risk Link Group) schemes
Triple Play ................................................. DTV/IPTV, HDTV, Gaming, VoD, VoIP, and HSI
Business connectivity ........................................................................... VPWS, VPLS, H-VPLS
Mobile aggregation .............................. 3G Ethernet-based services, including VoIP, HSDPA,
........................................... IPTV and video streaming, MP3 streaming, VoD, video and voice
................................................................................................................................. conferences
Wholesale/CoC ................................................................. Ethernet bandwidth and leased lines
Standards compliance:
IEEE ............................................................................. 802.1D/P/Q, 802.1w, 802.1ad, 802.1ag
.................................................................. 802.3-2005, 802.3ad, 802.3ah (Link OAM), 802.3x
MEF ............................... MEF 4, MEF 6, MEF 7, MEF9, MEF 10, MEF 11, MEF 12 MEF14
ITU-T ............................................. G.707, G.7041, G.7042, G.8010/Y.1306, G.8011/Y.1307,
......................................................... G.8011.1/Y.1307.1, G.8011.2/Y.1307.2, G.8012/Y.1308,
............................. Y.1710, Y.1711, G.783, G.8032/Y.1344, G.8261, G.8262, G.8263, G.8264
IETF ................................................ RFC 3031, RFC 3032, RFC 3270, RFC 3443, RFC 4448,
......................................................... RFC 4379, RFC 3812, RFC 3813, RFC 2702, RFC 4090,
............................................................................................... RFC 3916, RFC 3985, RFC 4125

MCS50_X10G Specifications
Interfaces .................................................................. 10GBase-SR (850nm MM), 10GBase-LR
................................ (1310nm SM), 10GBase-ER (1550nm SM), 10GBase-ER (1550nm SM),
....................................................................................... 10GBase-ER (15XXnm DWDM, SM)
Intercard connectivity..................................................................................................... 20 GbE
Total EoS/MoT capacity ............................................................................................... 10 Gbps
Switch capacity ............................................................................................................. 50 Gbps
MAC address memory ....................................................................................... 153,600 entries
Protection .......................................................... 50ms FRR link and node, <50ms Dual homed
..................................................................................... Ethernet UNI/NNI LAG and EoS LAG,
.............................................................................................................................. G.8032 (ERP)
...................................................... Fast IOP – MCS50_X10G 1+1 hot standby card protection

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 6-27

XDM-40, 400, 450, 500, 1000, 2000, XDM System Specifications
and 3000 Specifications

Synchronization ................................................................ SyncE synchronization mechanisms

MPLS-based services ............................................................... VPWS (Martini encapsulation),
.................................................................................... VPLS (Full mesh and star), Hierarchical
.......................................................................................... VPLS (H-VPLS) with multiple Split
.......................................................................................... Horizon Groups and VPLS Spokes,
.......................................................................................... P2MP (Multicast drop and continue)
................................................................................................. IGMP snooping and static MAC
Hard QoS:
............................................. 8192 policed flows per card supporting CIR, CBS and EIR, EBS
............................................... Classification based on port, CVLAN, CVLAN-Pbits, SVLAN,
............................ SVLAN-Pbits (802.1p priority bits), DHCP field, Untagged Frame, BPDU,
......................................................... and Wildcard (all VLANs that are not explicitly defined).
.............................................. Untagged frame handling with port-based VLAN (attach/detach
............................................................................ CVLAN and/or SVLAN to untagged frames)
..........................................Eight Classes of Service (CoS), Classification rules, CoS mapping,
................................. 2 rate policing, 3 colors marking, Connection Admission Control (CAC)
..................................... WRED, Shaping, Scheduling (WFQ/WRR – Weighted Fair Queuing /
............................................................................................................. Weighted Round Robin)
MAC and VLANs:
............................. 4093 x 4093 VLANs with 16K VLAN mapping rules, SVLAN translation,
.............................................. S-VLAN configurable Ether-type, FDB (Forwarding Data Base)
............................................ VSI (Virtual Switch Instance) VPN segregation, VLAN filtering,
............................................................................... FIB quota, BSC (Broadcast Storm Control)
............................................ VSI (Virtual Switch Instance) VPN segregation, VLAN filtering,
............................................................................... FIB quota, BSC (Broadcast Storm Control)
............................................. Point-and-click fast service creation, Management layers/Planes:
....................................................... Data, TDM, optic, Supporting CAC for MPLS Tunnel and
................................................... Service provisioning, Enhanced protection by SRLG (Shared
.......................................................................................................... Risk Link Group) schemes
Triple Play ................................................. DTV/IPTV, HDTV, Gaming, VoD, VoIP, and HSI
Business connectivity ........................................................................... VPWS, VPLS, H-VPLS
Mobile aggregation .............................. 3G Ethernet-based services, including VoIP, HSDPA,
........................................... IPTV and video streaming, MP3 streaming, VoD, video and voice
................................................................................................................................. conferences
Wholesale/CoC ................................................................. Ethernet bandwidth and leased lines
Standards compliance:
IEEE ............................................................................. 802.1D/P/Q, 802.1w, 802.1ad, 802.1ag
.................................................................. 802.3-2005, 802.3ad, 802.3ah (Link OAM), 802.3x
MEF ............................... MEF 4, MEF 6, MEF 7, MEF9, MEF 10, MEF 11, MEF 12 MEF14

6-28 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications XDM-40, 400, 450, 500, 1000, 2000,
and 3000 Specifications

ITU-T ............................................. G.707, G.7041, G.7042, G.8010/Y.1306, G.8011/Y.1307,

......................................................... G.8011.1/Y.1307.1, G.8011.2/Y.1307.2, G.8012/Y.1308,
............................. Y.1710, Y.1711, G.783, G.8032/Y.1344, G.8261, G.8262, G.8263, G.8264
IETF ................................................ RFC 3031, RFC 3032, RFC 3270, RFC 3443, RFC 4448,
......................................................... RFC 4379, RFC 3812, RFC 3813, RFC 2702, RFC 4090,
............................................................................................... RFC 3916, RFC 3985, RFC 4125

ATS Specifications
Bandwidth ............................................................................................................. 622.08 Mbps
Simultaneous IMA support ....................... 84 IMA groups per card with 1 to 32 E1 links each
ATM service classes .................................................................. CBR, rt-VBR, nrt-VBR, UBR
ATM signaling ............ UNI 3.1, UNI 4.0, PNNI 1.0, PNNI SPVC Addendum V 1.0, IISP 1.0
IMA ............................................................................................................... IMA 1.0, IMA 1.1
OAM ....................................................................................................................... ITU-T I.610
Traffic management ........................................................................................... ATMF TM 4.1

Data Client Transceivers for MCS5, MCS10,

MCS30_X10G, MCS50_X10G
Transmitter GbE GbE GbE very FX, FX, Bidirection Bidirection Bidirection Bidirection
type short-reach long-reach long-reach short-reach short-reach al SFP, al SFP, al SFP, al
laser, 850 nm, laser, 1310 laser, 1550 laser, 1310 laser, 1310 1310 nm 1490 nm 1310 nm SFP,
multi-mode nm, single nm, single multi-mode nm, single 1490 nm
mode mode mode
Data rate 1250 1250 1250 125 125 1250 1250 1250 1250
Average -3 Max. -3 5 -14 -8 -3 Max. -3 +2 +2
launch power
-9.5 Min. -11 0 -19 -15 -10 Min. -10 -5 -5
Min. 9 9 9 10 10 >9 >9 >9 >9
ratio (dB)
Data format 8B/10B 8B/10B 8B/10B N/A N/A 8B/10B 8B/10B 8B/10B 8B/10B
Average -20 Min. -22 -- -30 -- < -21 < -21 < -23 < -23
-21 Typical -25.5 -22 -31 -28 < -22 < -22 < -24 < -24
Max. receiver 0 0 0 -14 -8 0 0 -3 -3

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 6-29

XDM-40, 400, 450, 500, 1000, 2000, XDM System Specifications
and 3000 Specifications


Typical Rx -24 -29 -25 < -29 <-28 -35 -35 -33 -33
LOS level
Fiber lengths 550 m 10 km 80 km 550 m 10 km 10 km 10 km 40 km 40 km
(50/62.5 µm (9 µm SMF) (9 µm SMF) (50/62.5 µm (9 µm (9 µm (9 µm (9 µm (9 µm

Data Client XFP Transceivers for

MCS30_X10G, MCS50_X10G
Transceiver OTR103_ER OTR103_ZR OTR103_SR OTR103_LR
Application code P1S1_2D2b 10GBASE-SR 10GBASE-LR
Source type SLM SLM MLM SLM
Modulation External External Direct Direct
Operating output wavelength (nm) 1529-1560 1530-1565 840-860 1290-1330
Direct max. -20 dB width (nm) <1 <1 NA <1
Min. side mode suppression ratio (dB) 30 30 NA 30
Min. mean launched power (dBm) -1 0 -4 -8.2
Max. mean launched power (dBm) +2 +4 -1 +0.5
Min. extinction ratio (dB) 8.2 9 3 6
Maximum attenuation (dB) 11 22 4 4
Minimum attenuation (dB) 3 11 0 0
Max. dispersion (ps/nm) 800 1600 NA 6.6
Minimum optical return loss (dB) 24 24 12 12
Maximum discrete reflectance -27 -27 -27 -27
Maximum DGD (ps) 30 30 30 30
Sensitivity (BER of 1*10-12) (dBm) -14 -24 -12.6
Stressed (-7.5)
Min. overload (dBm) -1 -7 -1 -1
Maximum optical path penalty 2 2 (Transmitter 1
and dispersion
OCH switching time (ms) <3 <3 <3 <3

6-30 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications XDM-40, 400, 450, 500, 1000, 2000,
and 3000 Specifications

Data Line XFP Transceivers for

MCS30_X10G, MCS50_X10G
Transceiver OTR10_ALxx OTR10_ASxx
Application code 1L1-2D2F

Source type SLM SLM

Modulation External, NRZ
Operating output wavelength (nm) 1529-1560 1529-1560

192.1 + 0.1m 192.1 + 0.1m
Central frequency (THz)
m=0 to 40 m=0 to 40
Maximum central frequency
±12.5 ±12.5
deviation (GHz)
Max. -20 dB width (nm) <1 <1
Min. side mode suppression ratio (dB) 30 30
Min. mean launched power (dBm) 0 -1

Max. mean launched power (dBm) 4 +3

Min. extinction ratio (dB) 9 8.2
Sensitivity (BER of 1*10-12) (dBm) -24 -24
Min. overload (dBm) -8 -8
Optical Path
Maximum discrete reflectance -27 -27
Maximum DGD (ps) 30
Max. dispersion (ps/nm) 1600 800
Maximum optical path penalty 2 2
OCH switching time (ms) <3

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 6-31

XDM-40, 400, 450, 500, 1000, 2000, XDM System Specifications
and 3000 Specifications

Optical Components
The XDM optical layer can service pure optical networks as well as converged
networks that integrate WDM with data and SDH/SONET services in the same
platform. To take full advantage of the XDM platform, a variety of optical cards
and modules are used for both the modules cage and the cards cage of the various
shelves, both in I/O slots as well as in the X1/X2 slots (otherwise used for the
cross-connect matrix cards).

DWDM Mux/Demux Cards and Modules

DWDM cards (cards cage of XDM-1000 and

XDM-2000 shelves)
Card Function/Description
16/32-channel DWDM mux/demux cards (slots X1, X2)
DW16VMDRE-AG 1 Variable mux AWG, demux diffraction grating,
16 red channels, expandable to 32 channels

DWDM modules (CCP cage of

Conn. Width
Module Function/Description
type (slots)
Flat Top mux/demux for cascading
applications for manual ROADM
like operation
MO_DW16MDR-BB-AVAV LC 2 Mux AWG, demux AWG, 16 red channels,
MO_DW16MDRE-BB-AVAV LC 2 Mux AWG, demux AWG, 16 red channels,
expandable to 32 channels
MO_DW16MDB-BB-AVAV LC 2 Mux AWG, demux AWG, 16 blue channels,
expandable to 32 channels
MO_DW40MC-BB-AV LC 2 Mux AWG, 40 channels, C band
MO_DW40DC-BB-AV LC 2 Demux AWG, 40 channels, C band

6-32 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications XDM-40, 400, 450, 500, 1000, 2000,
and 3000 Specifications

Mux (CCP Flat Top) specifications

Type 16-channel 32-channel 40-channel

Insertion loss (dB): AWG < 6.5 < 9.5 < 6.5
Adjacent isolation
AWG < -27 < -27 < -27
Cumulative isolation
AWG < -24 < -24 < -24
PDL (dB) AWG <0.2 <0.2 <0.2
PMD (ps) AWG <0.5 <0.5 <0.5
Insertion Loss Uniformity (dB) <1 <2 <1.8
Return loss (dB) < -40 < -40 < -40

Demux (CCP Flat Top) specifications

Type 16-channel 32-channel 40-channel

Insertion loss (dB): AWG < 6.5 <8 < 6.5

Adjacent isolation
AWG < -27 < -27 < -27
Cumulative isolation
AWG < -24 N/A < -24
PDL (dB) AWG <0.2 <0.2 <0.2
PMD (ps) AWG <0.5 <0.5 <0.5
Insertion Loss Uniformity (dB) <1 <2 <1.8
Return loss (dB) < -40 < -40 < -40

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 6-33

XDM-40, 400, 450, 500, 1000, 2000, XDM System Specifications
and 3000 Specifications


ROADM modules for XDM-1000/XDM-450

(CCP cage)
Conn. Width Function/
type (Slots) Description
ROADM modules
MO_ROADM8A LC 2 Multi-degree optical
add/drop of any combination of channels (100GHz spacing) to 9 ports.
WSS in add position.
MO_ROADM8A_50 LC 2 Multi-degree optical
add/drop of any combination of channels (50GHz spacing) to 9 ports.
WSS in add position.
MO_ROADM8D LC 2 Multi-degree optical
add/drop of any combination of channels (100GHz spacing) to 9 ports.
WSS in drop position.
MO_ROADM40 LC 3 100GHz spacing 2D PLC ROADM with forty Add/Drop ports in
East/West configuration. Any channel can be dropped or passed through
via management. Add/Drop channels are automatically equalized. Can be
used as VMUX for OTM sites.
MO_ROADM2A LC 1 100GHz spacing 2D WSS ROADM with Add/Drop ports in East/West
configuration. Requires external 40 Ch. Mux and DeMux. Can be used as
VMUX for OTM sites.
MO_ROADM2A_50 LC 1 50GHz spacing 2D WSS ROADM with Add/Drop ports in East/West
configuration. Requires external 80 Ch. Mux and DeMux. Can be used as
VMUX for OTM sites.

MO_ROADM8A – 100 GHz spacing –Multi

Degree configuration
Basecard type ROADM8
Through Drop Local Add
MO_ROADM8A (dB) Add module 7.5 NA 7.5
MO_ROADM8A (dB) Drop module 11.5 11.5 9.5 NA
MO_ROADM8A (dB) multi-degree Add + Drop 19 -
Adjacent isolation (dB): <-40
PDL (dB) At 0 dB Atten <0.5
At 15 dB Atten <1.3
PMD at 0 dB attenuation (ps) <1

6-34 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications XDM-40, 400, 450, 500, 1000, 2000,
and 3000 Specifications

MO_ROADM8A_50 – 50 GHz spacing –Multi

Degree configuration
Basecard type ROADM8A_50
Through Drop Local Add
MO_ROADM8A_50 (dB) Add module 6.5 NA 6.5 6.5
MO_ROADM8A_50 (dB) Drop module 11.5 11.5 9.3 NA
MO_ROADM8A_50 (dB) multi-degree Add + 18 -
Drop module
Adjacent isolation (dB): <40
PDL (dB) At 0 dB Atten <0.5
At 15 dB Atten <0.8
PMD at 0 dB attenuation (ps) <0.5

MO_ROADM8D – 100 GHz spacing –

Multi-Degree configuration
Basecard type
Through Drop Add
MO_ROADM8D (dB) Drop module 7 7 NA
MO_ROADM8D (dB) Add module 14 NA 14
MO_ROADM8D (dB) multi-degree Add + Drop module 21
Adjacent isolation (dB):- <-40
Cumulative isolation (dB): <-38
PDL (dB) <0.45
PMD (ps) <0.2

MO_ROADM40 2D ROADM 100 GHz spacing

with equalization
Basecard type
Through Drop Add
MO_ROADM40 (dB) Drop module 4.2 10.6 -
MO_ROADM40 (dB) Add module 8.5 - 6.6
MO_ROADM40 (dB) protected Add + Drop module 12.7 10.6 6.6
MO_ROADM40 used as VMUX 10.6 - Demux 6.6 - Mux
Adjacent isolation (dB): <-23
Cumulative isolation (dB): <-20
PDL (dB) <1
PMD (ps) <0.5

For protected sites using two East/West cards, the through insertion loss should be doubled.

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 6-35

XDM-40, 400, 450, 500, 1000, 2000, XDM System Specifications
and 3000 Specifications

MO_ROADM2A - 100 GHz spacing - 2D

ROADM with Equalization
Basecard type MO_ROADM2A
Through Local Drop Local Add
MO_ROADM2A (dB) Add module 8.7 N/A 9.2
MO_ROADM2A (dB) Drop module 9.0 3.0 N/A
MO_ROADM2A (dB) two degree Add + Drop module 14.5
Add module integrated channel isolation (dB): 35
PDL (dB) At 0 dB Atten 0.5
At 15 dB Atten 0.85
PMD at 0 dB attenuation (ps) 0.5

MO_ROADM2A_50 - 50 GHz spacing - 2D

ROADM with Equalization
Basecard type ROADM2A_50
Through Local Local Add
MO_ROADM2A_50 (dB) Add module 8.7 N/A 9.2
MO_ROADM2A_50 (dB) Drop module 6.0 5.0 N/A
Add module integrated channel isolation (dB): 11.5
Adjacent isolation (dB): 35
PDL (dB) At 0 dB Atten 0.5
At 15 dB Atten 0.85
DGD at 0 dB attenuation (ps) 0.5

DWDM OADM Cards and Modules

DWDM OADM cards (cards cage)

Card Width Function/Description XDM-2000 XDM-1000 XDM-500
Active OADM basecards for I/O slots
OADM4EW 1 Basecard for 1 active OADM filter; √ √ √
east/west configuration
OADM4EW_SW 1 Basecard for 1 active OADM filter; √ √ √
east/west configuration with 2x2 switch
OADM (Ready Site)

6-36 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications XDM-40, 400, 450, 500, 1000, 2000,
and 3000 Specifications

DWDM OADM plug-in filters for OADM cards

Module Function/Description
OM_AD4RQEWxx 4-channel 100 GHz OADM filter with built-in equalization for
east/west configuration, 4 skip 0, 10 bands in C-band

OM_AD4RQEW_xx 4skip0 OADM for I/O

Insertion Loss
Module type
Through Drop Add
OADM4EW (dB) <1.8 <3.3 <4.7
OADM4EW_SW 179 (dB) <3.2 <4.0 <5.1
Adjacent isolation (dB): <-30
Non-adjacent isolation (dB): <-40
PDL (dB) <0.1
PMD (ps) <0.2

4-channel active OADM basecard only (no

filters), 2 x 2 switch through I/O slots
Type of OADM site Basecard + 2x2 switches
E/W unprotected 2.6
E/W protected both base cards with 2x 2 switches 5.2

DWDM components (CCP cage of

Module Conn. type Function/Description
Basecard for CWDM mux/demux/OADM modules
MO_CW2 NA Basecard for up to two 4/8-channel CWDM
mux/demux/OADM modules; occupies one slot
4 Channel DWDM OADM module
OM_OADM4GEW_xx LC 4-channel, 100 GHz DWDM OADM filter, 4skipe0, 10
channels in C-band

For protected sites using two East/West cards, the through insertion loss should be doubled.
For protected sites using two East/West cards, the through insertion loss should be doubled.

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 6-37

XDM-40, 400, 450, 500, 1000, 2000, XDM System Specifications
and 3000 Specifications

OM_OADM4GEW_xx 4 skip 0 OADM for CCP

Insertion Loss
Module type
Through Drop Add
OM_OADM4GEW (dB) < 1.1 < 3.1 < 3.1
Adjacent isolation (dB): <-30
Non-adjacent isolation (dB):: <-40
PDL (dB) <0.1
PMD (ps) <0.2

CWDM Mux/Demux/OADM Components

CWDM components (CCP cage)

Module Conn. type Function/Description
Basecard for CWDM mux/demux/OADM modules
MO_CW2 NA Basecard for up to two 4/8-channel CWDM
mux/demux/OADM modules; occupies one slot
4/8-Channel CWDM mux/demux modules
OM_CWMD4C LC 4-channel CWDM mux/demux for 1511 nm, 1531
nm, 1551 nm, 157 nm, with built-in 1310 nm OSC
OM_CWM8C LC 8-channel CWDM mux for 1471 nm, 1491 nm,
1511 nm, 1531 nm, 1551 nm, 1571 nm, 1591 nm,
1611 nm with built-in 1310 nm OSC filter
OM_CWD8C LC 8-channel CWDM demux for 1471, 1491, 1511,
1531, 1551, 1571,1591, 1611 nm with built-in
1310 nm OSC filter
OM_CWMD4C_E LC Upgradeable 4-channel CWDM mux/demux for
1511 nm, 1531 nm, 1551 nm, 1571 nm with
built-in 1310 nm OSC filter
OM_CWMD4SL LC 4-channel expansion CWDM mux/demux for
1471 nm, 1491 nm, 1591 nm, 1611 nm without
OSC filter
1/2-Channel CWDM OADM modules
OM_OADMC1AB_xx LC 1-channel OADM for channel 1xx1nm, with
built-in 1310 nm OSC filter
OM_OADMC2AB_xxyy/Gzz LC 2-channel OADM for channels 1xx1+
1yy1nm/1zz1 + 1(z+2)(z+2)1nm, with built-in
1310 nm OSC filter

6-38 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications XDM-40, 400, 450, 500, 1000, 2000,
and 3000 Specifications

Mux/demux specifications
Insertion loss mux + demux (dB) 180 < 4.2 < 5.5 < 4.9 < 7.3
Return loss (dB) < 40 < 40 < 40 < 40
Directivity (dB) < 45 < 45 < 45 < 45

OADM specifications
Insertion loss
Module type Through Drop Add
OM_OADMC1AB_xx 182 < 3.9dB < 2.6dB < 2.2dB
OM_OADMC2AB_xxyy/Gzz 183 < 4.4dB < 3.2dB < 3.2dB

TRP25_2 basecards
No. of
Card Function/Description
TRP25_2C 1 Basecard for two 2.5 Gbps transponders with 3R (50 Mbps to 2.7 Gbps). Provides
PM (for SDH/SONET, SONET, GbE), OCH/UPSR 1+1 protection, and outband
TRP25_2CT 1 Add/Drop bidirectional transponder with tunable laser (add) and noncolored laser
(drop) with 3R (50 Mbps to 2.7 Gbps). Provides PM (for SDH/SONET, SONET,
GbE), OCH/UPSR 1+1 protection, and outband FEC.
TRP25_2CTR 1 Bidirectional regenerator with two tunable lasers with 3R (50 Mbps to 2.7 Gbps).
Provides PM (for SDH/SONET, SONET, GbE), OCH/UPSR 1+1 protection, and
outband FEC.

Optical transmitters and receivers for

Module Description/Function
2.5 Gbps optical transmitters and receivers for TRP25_2
OMT25_Bxx 2.5 Gbps colored transmitter type B
OMT25_S3 2.5 Gbps 1310 nm short-haul transmitter type S3
OMT25_T Optical module tunable transmitter for C band
OMR25C_A Type A (APD) continuous receiver
OMR25C_P Type P (PIN diode) continuous receiver

Including built-in 1310 nm OSC filter. The insertion loss for 1310 nm filter is 1.2dB.
Including built-in 1310 nm OSC filter. The insertion loss for 1310 nm filter is 1.2dB.
xx designates the channel dropped by the OADM.
xx designates the group of two channels dropped by the OADM.

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 6-39

XDM-40, 400, 450, 500, 1000, 2000, XDM System Specifications
and 3000 Specifications

CHTR_B basecard Configurations

Card No. of Function/Description
CMBR25_2 1 Basecard for two SFP data (GbE/FC/FICON) modules and 2.7 Gbps
line with G.709 FEC
CMBR10_T 1 Basecard for 4xSTM16 OTN combiner with G.709 FEC/EFEC
TRP10_2B 1 Basecard for 10.7 Gbps transponders with G.709 FEC/EFEC

CHTR_B basecard modules and transceivers

Module Function/Description
CMBR25 modules
OMCD25_2 2.7 Gbps Client/line card with G.709 FEC for two SFP data
(GbE/FC/FICON) modules
CMTR25 modules
OMTR27_2 Line and client module for STM16/OTU1 services. CWDM and/or DWDM.
Supports on-board protection. Two modules fit on each CHTR_B base card
OMCM25_4 Line and client module for up to four services of STM1/4, FICON, FC100,
FC200, GbE to 2.7G combiner''''. CWDM and/or DWDM. Supports on-board
protection. Two modules fit on CHTR_B base card
2.7 Gbps optical cards for TRP25_4
OMTR27 2.7 Gbps Client/line card with G.709 FEC for STM-16 SFP transceiver
2.7 Gbps line transceivers for CMBR25 & TRP25_4
OTX27_AT Tunable 2.7 Gbps transceiver, transmitter type B (with G.709 FEC) and APD
2.7 Gbps line transceivers for CMTR25
OTC25_PSxx 2.7 Gbps CWDM transceiver (with or without outband FEC), short haul with
PIN receiver
OTC25_ALxx 2.7 Gbps CWDM transceiver (with or without outband FEC), long haul with
APD receiver
OTR25_AVxx DWDM SFP: 2.5/2.7G transceiver 2400 ps/nm, channel xx, LC connectors
OTR25_ABxx DWDM SFP: 2.5/2.7G transceiver 3240 ps/nm, channel xx, LC connectors
10Gbps client side cards/transceivers for CMBR10, CMBR10_T, CMBR10_8D, TRP10_2B/LAN
OMS16_4T Client card for four SFP STM-16 modules with timing transparency for all
clients for CMBR10_T
OMSC16_4 Client card for four SFP STM-16 modules for CMBR10
OMTX10_S Client card for STM-64/OC-192 XFP transceivers for TRP10_2B
OMTX10_LAN Client card for XFP 10 GBE LAN transceivers for TRP10_LAN
OMCD_8 Line and client card for 8 x GbE/FC/FICON to 10.7G combiner for
OTR103_SR 10G LAN 10GBASE-SR transceiver module, 850nm MM fiber, PIN
receiver, 300m
OTR103_LR 10G LAN 10GBASE-LR transceiver module, 1310nm , PIN receiver, 10Km
OTR103_ER 10G LAN 10GBASE-ER transceiver module, 1550nm , PIN receiver, 40Km

6-40 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications XDM-40, 400, 450, 500, 1000, 2000,
and 3000 Specifications

Module Function/Description
OTR103_ZR 10G LAN 10GBASE-ZR transceiver module, 1550nm , APD receiver, 80Km
OTR64_I3 STM-64/OC-192 client transceiver XFP, 1310nm short reach, 2km
OTR64_S5 STM-64/OC-192 client transceiver XFP, 1550nm short reach, 40km
OTR64_L5 STM-64/OC-192 client transceiver XFP, 1550nm long reach, 80km
10.7 Gbps line cards/transceivers for CMBR10, CMBR10_D, TRP10_2B/LAN
OMTX10 10.7 Gbps line card with G.709 FEC
OMTX10_S 10.7 Gbps Line card for XFP transceivers
OMTX10_EF 10.7 Gbps line card with G.709 FEC/EFEC
OTX10_ALxx 10.7 Gbps transceiver, colored transmitter type L (with G.709 FEC) and APD
OTX10_AT Full C band tunable 10.7 Gbps transceiver, transmitter type L (with G.709
FEC/EFEC) and APD receiver
OTX10_ATR Full C band tunable 10.7 Gbps transceiver, transmitter type L (with G.709
FEC/EFEC) and APD receiver, RZ modulation.
Client SFP transceivers for CMBR25, CMBR10 & TRP25_4, CMTR25
OTGBE_SX Optical GbE/FC/FICON transceiver, short reach, 850 nm multimode fiber
OTGBE_LX Optical GbE/FC/FICON transceiver, long reach, 1310 nm single-mode fiber
OTGBE_ZX Optical GbE/FC/FICON transceiver, very long reach, 1550 nm single-mode
OTGBE_S3BD Bi-directional GbE SFP with 1310nm TX/1490nm Rx. Short Range (10km)
OTGBE_S5BD Bi-directional GbE SFP with 1490nm TX/1310nm Rx. Short Range (10km)
OTGBE_L3BD Bi-directional GbE SFP with 1310nm TX/1490nm Rx. Long Range (40km)
OTGBE_L5BD Bi-directional GbE SFP with 1490nm TX/1310nm Rx. Long Range (40km)
OTR16_I3 STM-16/OC-48 transceiver, intra-office 1310 nm
OTR16_S3 STM-16/OC-48 transceiver, short-haul 1310 nm
OTR16_L3 STM-16/OC-48 transceiver, long-haul 1310 nm
OTR16_L5 STM-16/OC-48 transceiver, long-haul 1550 nm
OTC25_PSxx 2.7 Gbps CWDM transceiver (with or without outband FEC), short haul with
PIN receiver
OTC25_ALxx 2.7 Gbps CWDM transceiver (with or without outband FEC), long haul with
APD receiver
OTR25_AVxx DWDM SFP: 2.5/2.7G transceiver 2400 ps/nm, channel xx, LC connectors
OTR25_ABxx DWDM SFP: 2.5/2.7G transceiver 3240 ps/nm, channel xx, LC connectors
10.7 Gbps line XFP transceivers for OMTX10_S
OTR10_ASxx 40 Km DWDM color XFP
OTR10_ALxx 80 Km DWDM color XFP

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 6-41

XDM-40, 400, 450, 500, 1000, 2000, XDM System Specifications
and 3000 Specifications

AoC basecard configurations

Card No. of Function/Description
AoC 1 Basecard for multirate combiner or ADM on Card (requires two cards)
supporting 8 SFP ports of GbE, FC1/2, FICON, STM-16, OTU1

AoC basecard modules and transceivers

Module Function/Description
10.7 Gbps line cards/transceivers for AoC
OMTX10 10.7 Gbps line card with G.709 FEC
OMTX10_S 10.7 Gbps Line card for XFP transceivers
OMTX10_EF 10.7 Gbps line card with G.709 FEC/EFEC
OTX10_ALxx 10.7 Gbps transceiver, colored transmitter type L (with G.709 FEC) and
APD receiver
OTX10_AT Full C band tunable 10.7 Gbps transceiver, transmitter type L (with G.709
FEC/EFEC) and APD receiver
OTX10_ATR Full C band tunable 10.7 Gbps transceiver, transmitter type L (with G.709
FEC/EFEC) and APD receiver, RZ modulation.
Client SFP transceivers for AoC
OTGBE_SX Optical GbE/FC/FICON transceiver, short reach, 850 nm multimode fiber
OTGBE_LX Optical GbE/FC/FICON transceiver, long reach, 1310 nm single-mode
OTGBE_ZX Optical GbE/FC/FICON transceiver, very long reach, 1550 nm
single-mode fiber
OTGBE_S3BD Bi-directional GbE SFP with 1310nm TX/1490nm Rx. Short Range
OTGBE_S5BD Bi-directional GbE SFP with 1490nm TX/1310nm Rx. Short Range
OTR16_I3 STM-16/OC-48 transceiver, intra-office 1310 nm
OTR16_S3 STM-16/OC-48 transceiver, short-haul 1310 nm
OTR16_L3 STM-16/OC-48 transceiver, long-haul 1310 nm
OTR16_L5 STM-16/OC-48 transceiver, long-haul 1550 nm
OTC25_PSxx 2.7 Gbps CWDM transceiver (with or without outband FEC), short haul
with PIN receiver
OTC25_ALxx 2.7 Gbps CWDM transceiver (with or without outband FEC), long haul
with APD receiver
OTR25_AVxx DWDM SFP: 2.5/2.7G transceiver 2400 ps/nm, channel xx, LC connectors
OTR25_ABxx DWDM SFP: 2.5/2.7G transceiver 3240 ps/nm, channel xx, LC connectors

6-42 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications XDM-40, 400, 450, 500, 1000, 2000,
and 3000 Specifications

TRP10_4 basecard configurations

Card No. of Function/Description
TRP10_4M 1 Multiservice dual 10G Transponder card for 10G LAN, STM-64/OC-192 and FC10
services. Optimized for metro DWDM Networks - 2 x XFP client and 2 x XFP line
TRP10_4R 1 Multiservice dual 10G Transponder card for 10G LAN, STM-64/OC-192 and FC10
services. Optimized for LH DWDM Networks, 2 x XFP client and 2 x XFP-EL line

TRP40_2B and CMBR40B configurations

Card No. of Function/Description
TRP40_2B 2 40G DWDM tunable transponder card for STM-256/OC-768 services
CMBR40B 2 Multiservice 40G DWDM tunable combiner card for up to 4 XFP clients for
OTU2/10G LAN, STM-64/OC-192 services

TRP10_4 basecard transceivers

Module Function/Description
10Gbps client side cards/transceivers for TRP10_4M and 4R
OTR103_SR 10G LAN 10GBASE-SR/FC10 transceiver module, 850nm MM fiber, PIN receiver, 300m
OTR103_LR 10G LAN 10GBASE-LR/FC10 transceiver module, 1310nm , PIN receiver, 10Km
OTR103_ER 10G LAN 10GBASE-ER/FC10 transceiver module, 1550nm , PIN receiver, 40Km
OTR103_ZR 10 LAN 10GBASE-ZR/FC10 transceiver module, 1550nm , APD receiver, 80Km
OTR64_I3 STM-64/OC-192/10G LAN/FC10 client transceiver XFP, 1310nm short reach, 2km
OTR64_S5 STM-64/OC-192/10G LAN/FC10 client transceiver XFP, 1550nm short reach, 40km
OTR64_L5 STM-64/OC-192/10G LAN/FC10 client transceiver XFP, 1550nm long reach, 80km
Line/Client transceivers for TRP10_4M
OTR10_ASxx 40 Km DWDM color XFP
OTR10_ALxx 80 Km DWDM color XFP
OTR10_AT 80 Km DWDM 80 ch. tunable XFP
Line transceivers for TRP10_4R
OTR10_ELT 80 Km DWDM 80 channels tunable XFP-EL

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 6-43

XDM-40, 400, 450, 500, 1000, 2000, XDM System Specifications
and 3000 Specifications

OMCM25_4 STM-1/OC-3 SFP Optical


Operating wavelength (nm) 1261-1360 1263-1360 1480-1580 Tx: 1260-1360 Tx: 1480-1580
Rx: 1480-1580 Rx: 1260-1360
Source type MLM 187 SLM SLM SLM SLM
Max. RMS width (nm) 7.7 - - - -
Min. side mode suppression ratio (dB) - 30 30 - -
Min. mean launched power (dBm) -15 -5 -5 -14 -14
Max. mean launched power (dBm) -8 0 0 -8 -8
Min. extinction ratio (dB) 8.2 10 10 10 10
Min. sensitivity (BER of 1*10-12) EOL (dBm) -28 -34 -34 -28 -28
Min. overload (dBm) -8 -10 -10 -8 -8
Max. receiver reflectance (dB) - - -25 - -
Max. dispersion [ps/nm] 96 - -

Min. optical return loss of cable (dB) - - -20 - -

Max. discrete reflectance (dB) - - -25 - -
Max. optical path penalty (dB) 1 1 1 1 1

The OTR1_S3BD can only operate opposite the OTR1_S5BD, and vice versa. Total link budget is according to
OTR1_S3BD parameters.
The OTR1_S3BD can only operate opposite the OTR1_S5BD, and vice versa. Total link budget is according to
OTR1_S3BD parameters.
Application code is in reference to ITU-T Recommendation G.691.
MultiLongitudinal Mode (MLM) source type laser can also operate with single mode fibers for S-1.1 interfaces in
reference to ITU-T Recommendation G.957.

6-44 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications XDM-40, 400, 450, 500, 1000, 2000,
and 3000 Specifications

OMCM25_4 STM-4/OC-12 SFP Optical

APPLICATION CODE 188 S-4.1 L-4.1 L-4.2
Operating wavelength (nm) 1274-1356 1280-1335 1480-1580
Source type MLM 189 SLM SLM
Max. RMS width (nm) 4/2.5 - -
Max. -20 dB width (nm) - 1 <1
Min. side mode suppression ratio (dB) - 30 30
Min. mean launched power (dBm) -15 -3 -3
Max. mean launched power (dBm) -8 +2 +2
Min. extinction ratio (dB) 8.2 10 10
Min. sensitivity (BER of 1*10-12) EOL (dBm) -28 -28 -28
Min. overload (dBm) -8 -8 -8
Max. receiver reflectance (dB) - -14 -27
Max. dispersion [ps/nm] 74 - -
Min. optical return loss of cable (dB) - 20 24
Max. discrete reflectance (dB) - -25 -27
Max. optical path penalty (dB) 1 1 1

OMCM25_4 & AoC GbE/FC1 SFP Transceivers

Transmitter GbE/FC/FICO GbE/FC/FICON GbE/FC/FICO Bidirection Bidirection Bidirection Bidirection
type N short-reach long-reach laser, N very al SFP, al SFP, al SFP, al SFP,
laser, 850 nm, 1310 nm, single long-reach 1310 nm 1490 nm 1310 nm e 1490 nm
multimode mode laser, 1550 nm,
single mode
Data rate 1250 1250 1250 1250 1250 1250 1250
Average -3 Max. -3 5 -3 Max. -3 +2 +2
launch power
-9.5 Min. -11 0 -10 Min. -10 -5 -5
Min. 9 9 9 >9 >9 >9 >9
ratio (dB)
Data format 8B/10B 8B/10B 8B/10B 8B/10B 8B/10B 8B/10B 8B/10B
Average -20 Min. -22 -- < -21 < -21 < -23 < -23

Application code is in reference to ITU-T Recommendation G.691.
MultiLongitudinal Mode (MLM) source type laser can also operate with single mode fibers for S-1.1 interfaces in
reference to ITU-T Recommendation G.957.

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 6-45

XDM-40, 400, 450, 500, 1000, 2000, XDM System Specifications
and 3000 Specifications


receiver -21 Typical -25.5 -22 < -22 < -22 < -24 < -24
Max. receiver 0 0 0 0 0 -3 -3
Typical Rx -24 -29 -25 -35 -35 -33 -33
LOS level
Connector LC LC LC LC LC LC LC
Fiber lengths 550 m 10 km 80 km 10 km 10 km 40 km 40 km
(50/62.5 µm (9 µm SMF) (9 µm SMF) (9 µm (9 µm (9 µm (9 µm

OMCM25_4 & AoC FC2G client SFPs

APPLICATION CODE 190 FC-200-M5/6- I-16 S-16.1 L-16.1 L-16.2
Operating wavelength (nm) 830-860 1260-1360 1260-1360 1280-1335 1500-1580
Source type MM SLM SLM SLM SLM
Max. -20 dB width (nm) - 2 1 1 <1
Max. RMS width (nm) 0.85 - - - -
Min. side mode suppression (dB) - - 30 30 30
Min. mean launched power (dBm) -9.5 -10 -5 -2 -2
Max. mean launched power (dBm) -2.5 -3 0 +3 +3
Min. extinction ratio (dB) 9 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2
Min. sensitivity (BER of -13 -16 -18 -27 -28
1*10-12) EOL (dBm)
Min. overload (dBm) 0 0 0 -9 -9
Max. receiver reflectance (dB) -27 -27 -27 -27 -27
Max. dispersion [ps/nm] - - - - 1600
Min. optical return loss of cable -24 -24 -24 -24 -24
Max. discrete reflectance (dB) -27 -27 -27 -27 -27
Max. optical path penalty (dB) - <1 1 1 2

Application code is in reference to ITU-T Recommendation G.691.

6-46 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications XDM-40, 400, 450, 500, 1000, 2000,
and 3000 Specifications

10 Gbps Optical Client XFP Transceivers for

Transponders and CMBR40B
Transceiver OTR64_I3 OTR64_S5/ OTR64_L5/ OTR103_SR OTR103_LR
Application code I-64.1 S-64.2b L-64.2a 10GBASE-SR 10GBASE-LR
P1I1_2D1 P1S1_2D2b P1L1-2D2 1200-SM-LL-L
VSR2000_2R1 10GBASE-ER
1200-SM-LL-I 1200-SM-LL-V


Modulation External External External Direct Direct
Operating output 1290-1330 1529-1560 1530-1565 840-860 1290-1330
wavelength (nm)
Direct max. -20 dB <1 <1 <1 NA <1
width (nm)
Min. side mode 30 30 30 NA 30
suppression ratio (dB)
Min. mean launched -6 -1 0 -4 -8.2
power (dBm)
Max. mean launched -1 +2 +4 -1 +0.5
power (dBm)
Min. extinction ratio 6 8.2 9 3 6
Maximum attenuation 4 11 22 4 4
Minimum attenuation 0 3 11 0 0
Max. dispersion (ps/nm) 6.6 800 1600 NA 6.6
Minimum optical return 24 24 24 12 12
loss (dB)
Maximum discrete -27 -27 -27 -27 -27
Maximum DGD (ps) 30 30 30 30 30
Sensitivity (BER of -11 -14 -24 -11 -12.6
1*10-12) (dBm) Stressed (-7.5)
Min. overload (dBm) -1 -1 -7 -1 -1
Maximum optical path 1 2 2 3.9 1
penalty (Transmitter
and dispersion
OCH switching time <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 6-47

XDM-40, 400, 450, 500, 1000, 2000, XDM System Specifications
and 3000 Specifications

AoC/OMTR27_2 STM-16/OTU1 client

3 S3 L3 L5 Sxx Lxx xx Bxx
APPLICATION CODE 191 I-16 S-16.1 L-16.1 L-16.2 DW100S1 DW100L\--
D2/5(C) 1D2/5(C)F
DW100S1 DW100C\--
A2/5(C) 1A2/5(C)F
Operating wavelength (nm) 1260-13 1260-13 1280-13 1500-15 1464-1618 1464-1618 15300-156 1530-1565
60 60 35 80 5
Max. -20 dB width (nm) 2 1 1 <1 1 1 0.4 0.4
Max. RMS width (nm) - - - - - - - -
Min. side mode suppression - 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
Min. mean launched power -10 -5 -2 -2 0 0 0 0
Max. mean launched power -3 0 +3 +3 +5 +5 4 4
Min. extinction ratio (dB) 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2
Min. sensitivity (BER of -16 -18 -27 -28 -21.5 -28 -28 -28
1*10-12) EOL (dBm) (-23 GbE) (-32 GbE)
Min. overload (dBm) 0 0 -9 -9 0 -7 -9 -9
Max. receiver reflectance (dB) -27 -27 -27 -27 -27 -27 -27 -27
Max. dispersion [ps/nm] - - - 1600 800 1600 2400 3600
(40 km (80 km (120 km (180 km
G.652) G.652) G.652) G.652)
Min. optical return loss of -24 -24 -24 -24 24 24 -24 -24
cable (dB)
Max. discrete reflectance (dB) -27 -27 -27 -27 -27 -27 -27 -27
Max. optical path penalty (dB) <1 1 1 2 1.5 2.5 <3 <2

Application code is in reference to ITU-T Recommendation G.691.

6-48 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications XDM-40, 400, 450, 500, 1000, 2000,
and 3000 Specifications

TRP10_4 CWDM OTU2 Line/Client

STM-64/10G LAN/FC10/OTU2 XFP Optical
Transceivers and CMBR40B Client
192 193
Transceiver OTC10_PSxx OTC10_ALxx
Application code
Source type SLM SLM
Modulation NRZ NRZ
Operating output wavelength (nm) 1465-1617 1465-1617
1471 + 20m 1471 + 20m
Central wavelength (nm)
m=0 to 7 m=0 to 7
Maximum central frequency deviation (nm) ±6.5 ±6.5
Max. -20 dB width (nm) <1 <1
Min. side mode suppression ratio (dB) 30 30
Min. mean launched power (dBm) 0 0
Max. mean launched power (dBm) 4 4
Min. extinction ratio (dB) 8.2 8.2
S-band, C-band -16 S-band, C-band -23
Sensitivity (BER of 1*10-12) (dBm)
L- band -15 L- band -21
Min. overload (dBm) -1 -7
Optical Path

Maximum discrete reflectance

Maximum DGD (ps)
Max. dispersion (ps/nm) 800 1400
Maximum optical path penalty 2 2
OCH switching time (ms)

CWDM client in TRP10_4/CMBR40 also supports 10GbE LAN and STM-64.
CWDM client in TRP10_4/CMBR40 also supports 10GbE LAN and STM-64.

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 6-49

XDM-40, 400, 450, 500, 1000, 2000, XDM System Specifications
and 3000 Specifications

TRP10_4R OTU2/OTU2e/OTU2f Optical

Transceiver OTR10_ELT OTR10_AT 194
Application code
Source type SLM SLM
Modulation External, NRZ External, NRZ
Operating output wavelength (nm) 1529-1561 1529-1560
192.05 + 0.05m 192.05 + 0.05m
Central frequency (THz)
m=0 to 79 m=0 to 79
Maximum central frequency deviation (GHz) ±12.5 ±2.5
Max. -20 dB width (nm) <1
Min. side mode suppression ratio (dB) 40 35
Min. mean launched power (dBm) 4 -1
Max. mean launched power (dBm) 7 +3
Min. extinction ratio (dB) 12 9
Sensitivity (BER of 1*10-12) (dBm) -24 -24
Min. overload (dBm) -5 -7
Optical Path
Maximum discrete reflectance -27 -27
Maximum DGD (ps) 30 30
Max. dispersion (ps/nm) 1440 1440
Maximum optical path penalty 2 2
OCH switching time (ms) <3

Not supported in CMBR40.

6-50 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications XDM-40, 400, 450, 500, 1000, 2000,
and 3000 Specifications

TRP10_4 OTU2/OTU2e Line, STM-64/10G

LAN/FC10 Client, AoC, CMBR10, TRP10_LAN,
TRP10_2B, OTU2 XFP Line Transceivers and
CMBR40B Client Transceivers
195 196
Transceiver OTR10_ALxx OTR10_ASxx
Application code 1L1-2D2F
Source type SLM SLM
Modulation External, NRZ
Operating output wavelength (nm) 1529-1560 1529-1560
192.1 + 0.1m 192.1 + 0.1m
Central frequency (THz)
m=0 to 40 m=0 to 40
Maximum central frequency deviation (GHz) ±12.5 ±12.5
Max. -20 dB width (nm) <1 <1
Min. side mode suppression ratio (dB) 30 30
Min. mean launched power (dBm) 0 -1
Max. mean launched power (dBm) 4 +3
Min. extinction ratio (dB) 9 8.2
Sensitivity (BER of 1*10-12) (dBm) -24 -24
Min. overload (dBm) -8 -8
Optical Path
Maximum discrete reflectance -27 -27
Maximum DGD (ps) 30 30
Max. dispersion (ps/nm) 1600 800
Maximum optical path penalty 2 2
OCH switching time (ms) <3

CWDM client in TRP10_4/CMBR40 also supports 10GbE LAN and STM-64.
CWDM client in TRP10_4/CMBR40 also supports 10GbE LAN and STM-64.

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 6-51

XDM-40, 400, 450, 500, 1000, 2000, XDM System Specifications
and 3000 Specifications

AoC, CMBR10, TRP10_LAN, TRP10_2B, OTU2

Line Transceivers
Transceiver OTX10_AT OTX10_ATR
Application code 1L1-2D2F
Source type SLM SLM
Operating output wavelength (nm) 1529-1560 1527-1567
192.05 + 0.05m 192.05 + 0.05m
Central frequency (THz)
m=0 to 79 m=0 to 79
Maximum central frequency deviation ±2.5 ±5
Max. -20 dB width (nm) <1 <1
Modulation External, NRZ External, RZ
Spacing (GHz) 50 50
Max. dispersion (ps/nm) 1600 400
Min. side mode suppression ratio (dB) 40 40
Min. mean launched power (dBm) +4 +1
Max. mean launched power (dBm) +6 +4
Min. extinction ratio (dB) 10 12
Sensitivity (BER of 1*10-12) -25 -24
Min. overload (dBm) -8 -4
Maximum optical path penalty 2 2
OCH switching time (ms) <3 <3

6-52 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications XDM-40, 400, 450, 500, 1000, 2000,
and 3000 Specifications

STM-16/OTU1 Optical SFP Line Transceivers

for OMTR27_2 & OMCM25_4
CWDM line transceivers DWDM line transceivers Continuous client transceivers 197
OTC25_1PSxx OTC25_1ALxx OTR25_AVx OTR25_AB OTR16_I3 OTR16_S3 OTR16_L3 OTR16_L5
G.695 G.695 199 x xx

Application code S-C8S1-1D2/5 S-C8L1-1D2/5 DW100S\-1D DW100L\--1 P1I_1D1 P1S1_1D1 P1L1_1D1 L-16.2
2/5(C) D2/5(C)F
DW100S\-1A DW100C\--1
2/5(C) A2/5(C)F
Operating output 1464-1618 1464-1618 1530-1565 1530-1565 1285-1330 1285-1330 1280-1335 1500-1580
wavelength (nm)
Spacing (nm) 20 20 100 100 NA NA NA NA
Minimum side mode 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
suppression ratio
Mean launched power 0 0 0 0 -9.5 -5 -2 -2
(min.) (dBm)
Mean launched power +5 +5 4 4 -3 0 +3 +3
(max.) (dBm)
Min. extinction ratio 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2
Sensitivity (BER of -21.5 -28 -28 -28 -18 -18 -27 -28
1*10-12) (dBm) (-23 GbE) (-32 GbE) (-22 GbE) (-22 GbE) (-30 GbE) (-30 GbE)
Max. dispersion 800 1600 2400 3600 - - - 1600
(ps/nm) (40 km G.652) (80 km G.652) (120 km (180 km
G.652 G.652)
Max. optical path 1.5 2.5 <3 <2 <3 <1 1 2
penalty (dB)
OCH switching time <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Continuous transceiver (50 Mbps to 2.7 Gbps) including STM16 and OTU1.
Continuous transceiver (100 Mbps to 2.7 Gbps), xx designates the transceiver's wavelength in nm.
Continuous transceiver (100 Mbps to 2.7 Gbps), xx designates the transceiver's wavelength in nm.

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 6-53

XDM-40, 400, 450, 500, 1000, 2000, XDM System Specifications
and 3000 Specifications

TRP25_2 2.5 Gbps optical

transmitters/receivers for transponders,
and transceivers for combiners
Each TRP25_2 basecard can accommodate any combination of two optical
transmitters and receivers.
[OTX27_AT] 200
Source type SLM
Operating output wavelength (nm) 1529-1560
Max. -20 dB width (nm) <1
Modulation EA 201
Spacing (GHz) 100/50 202
Max. dispersion (ps/nm) 3400
(200 km)
[>18000/1000 km]
Min. side mode suppression ratio (dB) 30
Min. mean launched power (dBm) +. 05 [+5.5]
Max. mean launched power (dBm) +5 [+7]
Min. extinction ratio (dB) 8.2
Sensitivity (BER of 1*10-12) (dBm) 203 -30
Min. overload (dBm) -8
OCH switching time (msec) <3

Data between square brackets corresponds to transceiver [OTX27_AT].
EA: External Absorption.
Spacing is 50 GHz for the OMT25_T only.`
Including typical FEC improvement of 2 dB for nonamplified networks. For amplified networks, an FEC
improvement of over 4 dB is typical.

6-54 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications XDM-40, 400, 450, 500, 1000, 2000,
and 3000 Specifications

TRP40_2B, CMBR40B Line Transceiver

Application code P1S1-3C2
Source type SLM
Operating output wavelength (nm) 1529-1560
Central frequency (THz) 192.05 + 0.05m
m=0 to 79
Maximum central frequency deviation (GHz) ±2.5
Max. -20 dB width (nm) <1
Modulation RZ-DQPSK
Spacing (GHz) 50
Max. dispersion (ps/nm) 1200
Min. side mode suppression ratio (dB) 40
Min. mean launched power (dBm) +2
Max. mean launched power (dBm) +4
Min. extinction ratio (dB) 13
Sensitivity (BER of 1*10-12) (dBm) -18
Min. overload (dBm) -7
Maximum optical path penalty 2
OCH switching time (msec) <3

TRP40_2B Client Transceiver

Application code VSR2000-3R2
Source type SLM
Modulation External
Operating output wavelength (nm) 1530-1565
Direct max. -20 dB width (nm) <1
Min. side mode suppression ratio (dB) 35
Min. mean launched power (dBm) 0
Max. mean launched power (dBm) +3
Min. extinction ratio (dB) 8.2
Maximum attenuation (dB) 4
Minimum attenuation (dB) 0
Max. dispersion (ps/nm) 40
Minimum optical return loss (dB) 24
Maximum discrete reflectance -27
Maximum DGD (ps) 7.5

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 6-55

XDM-40, 400, 450, 500, 1000, 2000, XDM System Specifications
and 3000 Specifications

Sensitivity (BER of 1*10-12) (dBm) -6
Min. overload (dBm) +3
Maximum optical path penalty 2
OCH switching time (msec) <3

Optical Amplifiers
Card/Module Function/Description
IO Cards cage
OFA2_I29I29C 1 Two inline amplifiers with a gain of 29 dB for the C band in a single-slot card
OFA2_I29C 1 One inline amplifier with a gain of 29 dB for the C band in a single-slot card
OFA2_I23I23C 1 Two inline amplifiers with a gain of 23 dB for the C band in a single-slot card
OFA2_I23C 1 One inline amplifier with a gain of 23 dB for the C band in a single-slot card
OFA2_I23I29C 1 Two inline amplifiers with a gain of 23 dB and 29 dB for the C band in a
single-slot card
OFA_RM 2 High-power 500 mW RAMAN amplifier for long spans, reverse pumped
OFA_HRM 2 High-power 700 mW RAMAN amplifier for long spans, in reverse pumped
CCP Module cage
MO_BAC 1 Optical booster for the C band
MO_PAC 1 Optical preamplifier for the C band
MO_BAS 1 Single-channel optical booster for the C band
MO_PAS 1 Single-channel optical preamplifier for the C band
MO_OFA_PHBC 1 High-power dynamic booster and pre-amplifier in E/W configuration for
extended long-haul metro applications. Optimized for ROADM sites.
MO_OFA_HBC 1 High-power dynamic booster for extended long-haul metro applications.
MO_OFA_PC 1 15 dBm dynamic gain pre-amp amplifier. CCP Card
MO_OFA_FBC 1 20 dBm fixed gain booster
MO_OFA_M 1 High-power dynamic multistage amplifier for extended long-haul and metro
MO_OFA_MH 1 High power (23 dBm) regional amplifier for high capacity applications
MO_OFA_MHe 1 High power (23 dBm) regional amplifier for high capacity applications, E/W
MO_OFA_FHBC 1 High power (21 dBm) fixed gain booster amplifier with built-in output OSC

6-56 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications XDM-40, 400, 450, 500, 1000, 2000,
and 3000 Specifications

OFAs for single channel and DWDM


OFA2_I23C/ OFA2_I29C/
OFA2_I23I23C OFA2_I29I29C
(Inline 204) (Inline 205)

Max. total power (dBm) +16 +16

Gain (dB) Typ. 21 Typ. 27 207
Spectrum (nm) 1529-1561 1529-1561
Gain flatness (dB) < ±1 < ±1
Noise figure (dB) <6 < 6 209
In/out isolation (dB) > 40 > 40
Return loss (dB) < 40 < 40
Power consumption (Watt) 13 13
(for OFA2_ (for OFA2_I29C)
Power consumption of two amplifiers (Watt) 21 21
(for OFA2_ (for OFA2_
I23I23C) I29I29C)

RAMAN and very high power EDFA amplifiers


Max. total power (dBm) +27 +28.5 +30 +30

212 213 214
Gain (dB) 6-15 10-20 10-20 14-24
Spectrum (nm) 1529-1561 1529-1561 1529-1564 1536-1562
Gain flatness (dB) < ±0.6 < ±0.65 < ±1 < ±0.75
Noise figure (dB) < -0.5 < -1.5 <0 <9
In/out isolation (dB) > 40 > 40 > 40 > 45
Return loss (dB) < 40 < 40 < 40 < 40

Inline amplifiers can be accommodated in XDM-400 shelves functioning as pure inline sites. When installed in
XDM-500, XDM-1000, and XDM-2000 shelves, the site can be upgraded to a fully functional OADM site.
Inline amplifiers can be accommodated in XDM-400 shelves functioning as pure inline sites. When installed in
XDM-500, XDM-1000, and XDM-2000 shelves, the site can be upgraded to a fully functional OADM site.
Rating does not include the attenuation introduced by the built-in VOA.
Rating does not include the attenuation introduced by the built-in VOA.
Does not include the effect introduced by the built-in VOA.
Does not include the effect introduced by the built-in VOA.
Not supported in XDM-40.
Not supported in XDM-40.
Depends on type of fiber. Actual gain is heavily dependent on splice quality and actual attenuation of fiber and can
be drastically affected.
Depends on type of fiber. Actual gain is heavily dependent on splice quality and actual attenuation of fiber and can
be drastically affected.
Depends on type of fiber. Actual gain is heavily dependent on splice quality and actual attenuation of fiber and can
be drastically affected.

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 6-57

XDM-40, 400, 450, 500, 1000, 2000, XDM System Specifications
and 3000 Specifications

CCP cage OFAs DWDM applications


(Booster) (Pre-amp)
Max. total power +20 +20 +15 +23 +20 +21 +23
Gain (dB) 10 to 25 10 to 25 12-27 17-41 17-39 10-23 17-40
Spectrum (nm) 1529-1561 1529-1561 1529-1561 1529-1561 1529-1561 1529-1561 1529-1561
Gain flatness (dB) < ±0.75 < ±0.6 < ±0.6 < ±0.75 < ±0.75 < ±0.5 < ±0.5
Noise figure (dB) < 6.5 + <9 <6 <7 < 6.5 < 6.5 + < 6.3 Gain >30
(25 - Gain) Gain >17 Gain >19 Gain >26 Gain >25 (23-Gain) < 6.9 Gain >26
< 14 Gain >17 < 12.5 Gain < 13.5 Gain >17
< 21 Gain 10 >17
< 19.5 Gain 10
In/out isolation > 30 > 40 > 40 > 40 > 40 > 40 > 40
Return loss (dB) > 45 < 40 < 40 < 40 < 40 < 45 < 45

CCP cage OFAs for single-channel



(Booster) (Preamplifier) (Booster) (Preamplifier)
Max. total power (dBm) +15 +12 +17 +12
Gain (dB) Up to 16 Up to 30 Up to 18 Up to 32
Spectrum (nm) 1529-1561 1529-1561 1529-1561 1529-1561
< 5.5 at Pin –38 dBm < ±1 < ±1
Output power deviation (dB) < ±1 < 2.5 at Pin –26 dBm
< 1.0 at Pin –14 dBm
Noise figure (dB) < 6.5 < 5.5 <9 < 5.5
In/out isolation (dB) > 40 > 40 > 40 > 40
Return loss (dB) < 40 < 40 < 40 < 40

6-58 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications XDM-40, 400, 450, 500, 1000, 2000,
and 3000 Specifications

Optical Auxiliary Cards and Modules

Card/Module Function/Description
Cards cage cards
AUX-2I Auxiliary basecard installed in a single I/O slot. Each basecard accommodates any two
of the modules listed below.
AUX-2X Auxiliary basecard installed in either the X1 or X2 slot. Each basecard accommodates
any two of the modules listed below.
OM_4SP50 Four 50/50 splitters
OM_2COSC5 2 x C band/OSC filters (mux + demux) for the 1510 nm supervisory channel
OM_2COSC5_RB 2 x C band/OSC filters (mux + demux) for the 1510 nm supervisory channel, and 2 x
red/blue filters
OM_2COSC5_SP95 2 x C band/OSC filters (mux + demux) for the 1510 nm supervisory channel, and 2 x
95/5 splitters
OM_2LCOSC5 2 x C/L/T filters (mux + demux) for the 1510 nm supervisory channel, including
provision for the L band
OM_2SP95 2 x 95/5 splitters
OM_2RB 2 x red/blue filters
OM_2VOA 2 x controlled variable optical attenuators for OADM-V implementation
OM_2COSC3 2 x C band/OSC filters (mux + demux) for the 1310 nm supervisory channel
OM_2COSC3_RB 2 x C band/OSC filters (mux + demux) for the 1310 nm supervisory channel, and 2 x
red/blue filters
OM_2COSC3_SP95 2 x C band/OSC filters (mux + demux) for the 1310 nm supervisory channel, and 2 x
95/5 splitters
CCP module cage modules (single slot)
MO_ACC6CP Six couplers
MO_ACC6SP50 Six 50/50 splitters
MO_ACC6SP95 Six 95/5 splitters
MO_ACC4COSC5 215 Four C/T filters
MO_ACC6CPSP Six 50/50 splitters + six 50/50 couplers, Single-mode fiber
MO_ACC6CPSP5 Six 50/50 splitters + six 50/50 couplers, multi-mode fiber 50 μm
MO_ACC6CPSP6 Six 50/50 splitters + six 50/50 couplers, multi-mode fiber 62.5 μm
MO_ACC4CLOSC5 216 Four C/L/T filters
MO_ACC4COSC3 Four supervisory 1310 nm modules
MO_ACC4RB Four red/blue filters

Optical Auxiliary Cards for XDM-450

Card/Module Function/Description
ACC4COSC5 Four C/T filters

Not supported in XDM-450.
Not supported in XDM-450.

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 6-59

XDM-40, 400, 450, 500, 1000, 2000, XDM System Specifications
and 3000 Specifications

Unit Function/Description
DCF-40-LF Dispersion compensation fiber for 160 ps/nm (40km LEAF)
DCF-80-LF Dispersion compensation fiber for 320 ps/nm (80km LEAF)
DCF-120-LF Dispersion compensation fiber for 485 ps/nm (120km LEAF)
DCF-40-TW Dispersion compensation fiber for 180 ps/nm (40km TrueWave)
DCF-80-TW Dispersion compensation fiber for 360 ps/nm (80km TrueWave)
DCF-120-TW Dispersion compensation fiber for 540 ps/nm (120km TrueWave)
MO_DCM-Lxx Single-channel dispersion compensation module for 700 ps/nm for channel "xx" for
modules cage
MO_DCM-Vxx Single-channel dispersion compensation module for 1400 ps/nm for channel "xx" for
modules cage

MO_DCM-Xxx Single-channel dispersion compensation module for 1600 ps/nm for channel "xx" for
modules cage

Rack Mounted Single Channel DCM Units

Unit Function/Description
RM_DCM2 Rack-mounted tray for up to two single-channel dispersion compensation modules as
detailed below
DCM-Lxx Single-channel dispersion compensation module for 700 ps/nm for channel "xx" for
rack-mounted tray
DCM-Vxx Single-channel dispersion compensation module for 1400 ps/nm for channel "xx" for
rack-mounted tray
DCM-Xxx Single-channel dispersion compensation module for 1600 ps/nm for channel "xx" for
rack-mounted tray

Auxiliary Cards and Miscellaneous Accessory

Module type Insertion loss (dB)
OM_ACC2SP95/ MO_ACC4SP95 0.65
OM_2RB/ MO_ACC4RB Mux Red 0.7 Blue 1.2
Demux Red 1.2 Blue 0.7
OM_2COSC3/ MO_ACC4COSC3 Mux/demux C band 1.2 OSC 1310 nm 1.2
OM_2COSC5/ MO_ACC4COSC5 Mux C band 0.6 OSC 1510 nm 0.9
Demux C band 0.9 OSC 1510 nm 1.7
OM_2LCOSC5/MO_ACC4CLOSC5 Mux/demux C band 1.1 L band 1.6 OSC 1510 nm 2.0
DCF-40-LF 4.8
DCF-80-LF 6.5

6-60 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications XDM-40, 400, 450, 500, 1000, 2000,
and 3000 Specifications

Module type Insertion loss (dB)

DCF-120-LF 8.2
DCF-40-TW 3
DCF-80-TW 4
DCF-120-TW 5
MO_DCM_L_xx/ DCM_L_xx 3.5
MO_DCM_V_xx/ DCM_V_xx
MO_DCM_X_xx/ DCM_X_xx

Other Optical Cards

Card No. of slots Function/Description
OPM 1 Optical performance monitoring card for four fiber monitoring points
OMSP 1 Optical MS protection card

OPM card specifications

Wavelength range ............................................................................................... 1529-1562 nm
Power range............................................................................................................ -50 to +5 dB
OSNR range ............................................................................................................... 0 to 30 dB

OMSP card specifications

Insertion loss through two cards ..................................................................................... < 3 dB
Switching time ................................................................................................................ < 4 ms

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 6-61

XDM-40, 400, 450, 500, 1000, 2000, XDM System Specifications
and 3000 Specifications

C Band Channel Frequencies and

Wavelengths (ITU-T Rec.
G.694.1 for DWDM)
ITU-T Sub-band Channel Channel 200 GHz 100 GHz channel 50 GHz
channel center center channel spacing channel
number frequency wavelength spacing spacing
(THz) (nm)
Blue Red 8- 16- 16- 32- 40- 44- 88-
ch. ch. ch. ch. ch. ch. ch.
17 191.70 1563.86 √ √
17.5 191.75 1563.46 √
18 191.80 1563.05 √ √
18.5 191.85 1562.65 √
19 191.90 1562.24 √ √
19.5 191.95 1561.84 √
20 192.00 1561.44 √ √
20.5 √ 192.05 1561.01 √
21 √ 192.10 1560.61 √ √ √ √ √ √ √
21.5 √ 192.15 1560.20 √
22 √ 192.20 1559.79 √ √ √ √ √
22.5 √ 192.25 1559.39 √
23 √ 192.30 1558.98 √ √ √ √ √ √ √
23.5 √ 192.35 1558.58 √
24 √ 192.40 1558.17 √ √ √ √ √
24.5 √ 192.45 1557.77 √
25 √ 192.50 1557.36 √ √ √ √ √ √ √
25.5 √ 192.55 1556.96 √
26 √ 192.60 1556.55 √ √ √ √ √
26.5 √ 192.65 1556.15 √
27 √ 192.70 1555.75 √ √ √ √ √ √ √
27.5 √ 192.75 1555.34 √
28 √ 192.80 1554.94 √ √ √ √ √
28.5 √ 192.85 1554.54 √
29 √ 192.90 1554.13 √ √ √ √ √ √ √
29.5 √ 192.95 1553.73 √
30 √ 193.00 1553.33 √ √ √ √ √
30.5 √ 193.05 1552.93 √

6-62 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications XDM-40, 400, 450, 500, 1000, 2000,
and 3000 Specifications

ITU-T Sub-band Channel Channel 200 GHz 100 GHz channel 50 GHz
channel center center channel spacing channel
number frequency wavelength spacing spacing
(THz) (nm)
Blue Red 8- 16- 16- 32- 40- 44- 88-
ch. ch. ch. ch. ch. ch. ch.
31 √ 193.10 1552.52 √ √ √ √ √ √ √
31.5 √ 193.15 1552.12 √
32 √ 193.20 1551.72 √ √ √ √ √
32.5 √ 193.25 1551.32 √
33 √ 193.30 1550.92 √ √ √ √ √ √ √
33.5 √ 193.35 1550.52 √
34 √ 193.40 1550.12 √ √ √ √ √
34.5 √ 193.45 1549.72 √
35 √ 193.50 1549.32 √ √ √ √ √ √ √
35.5 √ 193.55 1548.91 √
36 √ 193.60 1548.51 √ √ √ √ √
36.5 193.65 1548.11 √
37 193.70 1547.72 √ √ √ √
37.5 193.75 1547.32 √
38 193.80 1546.92 √ √ √
38.5 193.85 1546.52 √
39 193.90 1546.12 √ √ √ √
39.5 193.95 1545.72 √
40 194.00 1545.32 √ √ √
40.5 194.05 1544.92 √
41 194.10 1544.53 √ √ √ √
41.5 194.15 1544.13 √
42 194.20 1543.73 √ √ √
42.5 194.25 1543.33 √
43 194.30 1542.94 √ √ √ √
43.5 194.35 1542.54 √
44 194.40 1542.14 √ √ √
44.5 194.45 1541.75 √
45 √ 194.50 1541.35 √ √ √ √ √
45.5 √ 194.55 1540.95 √
46 √ 194.60 1540.56 √ √ √ √
46.5 √ 194.65 1540.16 √
47 √ 194.70 1539.77 √ √ √ √ √
47.5 √ 194.75 1539.37 √

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 6-63

XDM-40, 400, 450, 500, 1000, 2000, XDM System Specifications
and 3000 Specifications

ITU-T Sub-band Channel Channel 200 GHz 100 GHz channel 50 GHz
channel center center channel spacing channel
number frequency wavelength spacing spacing
(THz) (nm)
Blue Red 8- 16- 16- 32- 40- 44- 88-
ch. ch. ch. ch. ch. ch. ch.
48 √ 194.80 1538.98 √ √ √ √
48.5 √ 194.85 1538.58 √
49 √ 194.90 1538.19 √ √ √ √ √
49.5 √ 194.95 1537.79 √
50 √ 195.00 1537.40 √ √ √ √
50.5 √ 195.05 1537.00 √
51 √ 195.10 1536.61 √ √ √ √ √
51.5 √ 195.15 1536.22 √
52 √ 195.20 1535.82 √ √ √ √
52.5 √ 195.25 1535.43 √
53 √ 195.30 1535.04 √ √ √ √
53.5 √ 195.35 1534.64 √
54 √ 195.40 1534.25 √ √ √ √
54.5 √ 195.45 1533.86 √
55 √ 195.50 1533.47 √ √ √ √
55.5 √ 195.55 1533.07 √
56 √ 195.60 1532.68 √ √ √ √
56.5 √ 195.65 1532.29 √
57 √ 195.70 1531.90 √ √ √ √
57.5 √ 195.75 1531.51 √
58 √ 195.80 1531.12 √ √ √ √
58.5 √ 195.85 1530.72 √
59 √ 195.90 1530.33 √ √ √ √
59.5 √ 195.95 1529.94 √
60 √ 196.00 1529.55 √ √ √ √
60.5 196.05 1529.15 √

6-64 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications XDM-40, 400, 450, 500, 1000, 2000,
and 3000 Specifications

CWDM Frequencies and

Wavelengths (ITU-T Rec.
G.694.2 for CWDM)
Nominal central wavelengths (nm) for 4-channel 8-channel
spacing of 20 nm system system
1471 
1491 
1511  
1531  
1551  
1571  
1591 
1611 

Physical Specifications
Dimensions (H x W x D)
XDM-40 .......................................................... 256 x 447 x 285 mm (10.08 x 17.60 x 11.22 in)
XDM-400 ........................................................ 500 x 450 x 285 mm (19.68 x 17.72 x 11.22 in)
XDM-450 ........................................................ 374 x 492 x 275 mm (14.72 x 19.37 x 10.82 in)
XDM-500 ........................................................ 725 x 450 x 285 mm (28.54 x 17.72 x 11.22 in)
XDM-1000 .................................................... 1100 x 450 x 285 mm (43.31 x 17.72 x 11.22 in)
XDM-2000 ...................................................... 775 x 450 x 285 mm (30.51 x 17.72 x 11.22 in)
XDM-3000 ......................................................... 1550 x 450 x 285 mm (61 x 17.72 x 11.22 in)
MECP ...................................................................... 120 x 50 x 225 mm (4.72 x 1.97 x 8.86 in)
xMCP .................................................................... 265 x 25 x 225 mm (10.43 x 0.98 x 8.86 in)
HLXC192/384/768, XIO, SIO, PIO, DIO, ACP1000, ATS and cards cage mux/demux,
OADM, transponder, OFA, OPM, DIOB,
MCS5, MCS10 ...................................................... 415 x 25 x 225 mm (16.34 x 0.98 x 8.86 in)
Modules cage connection modules (electrical), mux/demux, OADM, OFA
............................................................................... 265 x 40 x 175 mm (10.43 x 1.57 x 6.89 in)
HLXC1536 .......................................................... 550 x 48 x 255 mm (21.65 x 1.89 x 10.04 in)
ACP3000 ................................................................ 116.5 x 38 x 220 mm (4.59 x 1.5 x 8.66 in)
xRAP (optional) ................................................ 100 x 450 x 285 mm (3.94 x 17.72 x 11.22 in)
xRAP-100 (optional) ........................................... 133 x 445 x 185 mm (5.24 x 17.53 x 7.29 in)

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 6-65

XDM-40, 400, 450, 500, 1000, 2000, XDM System Specifications
and 3000 Specifications

miniRAP (optional) ................................................. 90 x 445 x 150 mm (3.54 x 17.53 x 5.9 in)

PRAP (optional) .................................................. 133 x 445 x 185 mm (5.24 x 17.53 x 7.29 in)
XDM-400 heat buffer....................................... 44.5 x 412 x 285 mm (1.75 x 16.22 x 11.22 in)
Heat buffer ........................................................ 125 x 450 x 285 mm (4.92 x 17.72 x 11.22 in)
Racks ........................................2200/2600 x 600 x 300 mm (86.61/102.36 x 23.62 x 11.81 in)
...................................................................................... 2134 x 584 x 305 mm (82 x 23 x 12 in)

XDM-40 ......................................................................................................... 7.5 kg (16.54 lbs)
XDM-40 fully populated ................................................................................. 16 kg (35.28 lbs)
XDM-400 ........................................................................................................ 17 kg (37.48 lbs)
XDM-400 fully populated ............................................................................... 35 kg (77.16 lbs)
XDM-450 .......................................................................................................... 11.8 kg (26 lbs)
XDM-450 fully populated ............................................................................... 19 kg (41.85 lbs)
XDM-500 ........................................................................................................ 20 kg (44.09 lbs)
XDM-500 fully populated ............................................................................. 50 kg (110.23 lbs)
XDM-1000 ...................................................................................................... 25 kg (55.12 lbs)
XDM-1000 fully populated ........................................................................... 70 kg (154.32 lbs)
XDM-2000 ...................................................................................................... 20 kg (44.09 lbs)
XDM-2000 fully populated ........................................................................... 50 kg (110.23 lbs)
XDM-3000 .................................................................................................... 50 kg (110.23 lbs)
XDM-3000 fully populated .............................................................................. 180 kg (284 lbs)

Floor Loading
Floor loading of fully equipped rack ...................................................................... 7.35 kn/m2


Power requirements
Applicable specifications ............................................................ ETSI 300 132-2; FTZ 19FS1
Input voltage ......................................................................................... -40 V DC to -75 V DC
Nominal power source .................................................................. -60 V or -48 V BTNR 2511

6-66 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications XDM-40, 400, 450, 500, 1000, 2000,
and 3000 Specifications

Power Supply Lines Surge Voltage

Applicable specification .............................................................................. EN61000-4-5:1996
Line to line maximum surge voltage ............................................................................... 2000 V
Line to ground maximum surge voltage ......................................................................... 4000 V

Power consumption
XDM-40 ................................................................................ Typical 380 W, maximum 450 W
XDM-400 .............................................................................. Typical 500 W, maximum 800 W
XDM-450 .............................................................................. Typical 282 W, maximum 630 W
XDM-500 .............................................................................. Typical 720 W, maximum 950 W
XDM-1000 .................................................................... Typical 1200 W, maximum 1800 W 217
XDM-2000 ........................................................................ Typical 1200 W, maximum 2000 W
XDM-3000 ........................................................................ Typical 3300 W, maximum 4300 W

Main equipment power consumption

The following table lists the power requirements of the main equipment
components. Determine the expected power requirement of the equipment
installed in the shelf, and compare it with the shelf capabilities.

NOTE: The listed power requirements do not include the

power required by modules that may be installed on the card.

Type Component Power requirements

Common cards xMCP 40 W
xMCP-B 20 W
HLXC192/HLXC384 90 W
HLXC768 140 W
HLXC1536 670 W
XIO192 68 W
XIO384F 127 W (without optical module)
xFCU 14 W
xFCU-H 35 W
FCU3000 350 W
xFCU450 50 W
xINF450 50 W

Depending on shelf revision.

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 6-67

XDM-40, 400, 450, 500, 1000, 2000, XDM System Specifications
and 3000 Specifications

Type Component Power requirements

INF3000 64 W
PDH cards PIO2_84 45 W
PIO2_84F 33 W
M2_84 (all versions) 3W
PIO345_16 (all versions) 80 W
M345P_16P 10 W
M345_16 3W
M345_8 2W
STM1 and STM4 cards SIO1&4 48 W
SIO1&4B 86 W
OMS01_4 4W
OM01_4 4W
OMS04_1 1W
OM04_1 1W
M1_8 5W
M1_16 5W
M1_16P 3W
STM16 cards SIO16_2 60 W
SIO16_2B 83 W
SIO16_4B 96 W
OM16_1SFP Per specs
OMSC16_4 10 W
OM16_1 20 W
STM64 cards SIO64_1, SIO64_1M 125 W
SIO64_1-MF 135 W
SIO64B 106 W
SIO164 80 W
SIO164 OMSC16_4 83 W
SIO164 OMTX10 82 W
OMTX10_EF 15.5 W
OM10_1 10 W
OM64_1, OM10_1xx 18 W
DIO DIO (all versions) 57 W
DIO1_40R 64 W
DM16_1 4W
DOM16_I3 1W

6-68 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications XDM-40, 400, 450, 500, 1000, 2000,
and 3000 Specifications

Type Component Power requirements

MCS MCS5 100 W
MCS10 115 W
MCS30_X10G 125 W
MCS50_X10G 130 W
ME16 18 W
MO_ROADM8A_50 25 W
MO_ROADM2A_50 24 W
CCP OADM modules MO_CW2 4.5 W
OM_CWD8C 5.8 W
I/O OADM modules OADM4_EW 5W
Optical DWDM cards for DW16MVDRE 15 W
X1/X2 slots
DWDM modules MO_DW16MDR-AVAV 10 W
MO_DW40MC-A 4.8 W
MO_DW40DC-A 4.8 W

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 6-69

XDM-40, 400, 450, 500, 1000, 2000, XDM System Specifications
and 3000 Specifications

Type Component Power requirements

AUX cards AUX_2IO 15 W
AUX_2X 15 W
Each Plug-in 1W
Accessory module Each MO_ACC 1W
Miscellaneous and OTX10_ALxx 15 W
Pluggable modules
OTR103_SR/LR/ER, 3.5 W
OTX10_AT 15 W
OTR10_ALxx/ASxx 3.5 W
OTC10_ALxx/PSxx 3.5 W
OTR25_AVxx/ABxx 2W
OTC25_ALxx/PSxx 1.5 W
OTR10_AT 3.5 W
OTR1_S3/L3/L5 1W
OTR4_S3/L3/L5 1W
OTR16_I3/S3/L3/L5 1W

Heat dissipation
XDM-400 ............................................................. Typical 2720 Btu/hr, maximum 3400 Btu/hr
XDM-500 ............................................................. Typical 2720 Btu/hr, maximum 3400 Btu/hr
XDM-1000 ........................................................... Typical 4094 Btu/hr, maximum 5115 Btu/hr
XDM-2000 ........................................................... Typical 4094 Btu/hr, maximum 5115 Btu/hr
XDM-3000 ....................................................... Typical 11253 Btu/hr, maximum 14663 Btu/hr

6-70 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications XDM-40, 400, 450, 500, 1000, 2000,
and 3000 Specifications

Environmental Conditions
Applicable specification ................................................................ ETSI-300-019-2-3 Class 3.2
Temperature range ............................................................................................. -5 ºC to +55 ºC
Relative humidity .................................................................................................... 5% to 90%

Storage (packed)
Applicable specification ................................................................. ETS-300-019-2-1 Class 1.2
Temperature range ........................................................................................... -40 ºC to +70 ºC
Relative humidity .................................................................................................. 10% to 100%

Handling and transportation

Applicable specification ................................................................. ETS-300-019-2-2 Class 2.2
Temperature range ........................................................................................... -40 ºC to +70 ºC
Relative humidity ..................................................................................................... up to 95%

Applicable specifications ................... EMC directive 89/336, (including EN 300 386-2: 1997,
.......................................................................... Class B, emission and immunity requirements)

Applicable specificationsEN 60950 edition 2 (including A1/1992, A2/1993, A3/1995, A4/1996); EN 41003
CE safety ........................................................................................... LVD directive 73/23/EEC

Laser Safety
Applicable specification ...................... EN 60825-1&2 (including A1/1997) (AS/NZS 2211.2)

NEBS Compliance
The XDM platform complies with NEBS regulations for EMC and Safety, including
GR-1089-CORE Issue 1, October 1995 and GR-63-CORE Issue 2, December 1997 with
Revision 1, February 1999 (Level 3).

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 6-71

XDM-40, 400, 450, 500, 1000, 2000, XDM System Specifications
and 3000 Specifications

Expected lifetime of the XDM platforms ...................................................................... 15 years

Availability of service for an end-to-end service trail passing through a protected
SDH/SONET network ................................................................................ better than 99.999%

Management Specifications
Applicable specifications ......................................................... G.784, G.774, M.3010, M.3100
LightSoft server and client for managing all ECI equipment
............................................................................................................... on SUN workstation(s)
EMS-XDM ................................................................................................. on SUN workstation
LCT-XDM local craft terminal ........................................................................................ on PC
EMS-XDM and LightSoft can work on the same SUN workstation.

Management and Alarm Interfaces

CMIP-like over TCP/IP to EMS-XDM; MTNM from EMS-XDM to LightSoft or other TMN;
RS-232 to LCT-XDM; OverHead Access (OHA) and external alarms; orderwire; RAP.

Alarms and Performance

Performance concept ............................................................................................. G.821, G.826
Alarm concept ................................................................................................................... G.783
Alarm types ................................. LED indicators, dry contacts, audible alarms (per subrack)
Alarm classes .......................................................................... Critical, Major, Minor, Warning

Other Specifications
Cross-Connect Levels
Cross-connect levels......................................................... VC-4nc, VC-4, VC-3, VC-2, VC-12
SONET cross-connect levels.............................................................................. STS-nc, STS-1

6-72 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications XDM-40, 400, 450, 500, 1000, 2000,
and 3000 Specifications

Cross-Connect Capacity
SDH/SONET switch core options192/384/768 x STM-1 with cross-connect capability of 4/3/2/1
SONET switch core options ............................................................................. 576/1152 STS-1

Traffic Protection
Applicable specifications ................. ITU-T G.841, G.842, GR-1230-CORE, GR-1400-CORE
SNCP I/N LO, HO, UPSR ..................................................................................... within 30 ms
OCH 1 + 1 ................................................................................................................ within 5 ms
Optical line protection (OPL)................................................................................... within 5 ms
OMSP .........................................................................................................................................

Control and synchronization systems.................................................................. 1+1 duplicated
Switching matrix, power system, internal buses, external buses ........................1+1 duplicated
I/O electrical modules protection ................................................................... 1: N (N=1 to 10)

The XDM supports four timing references, which can be selected from multiple
timing sources, including:
 From any PDH/Async tributary interface
 From any SDH/SONET line 218
 External 2 MHz and 2 Mbps/1.5 Mbps timing outputs (two T3 ports per
 G.813 internal clock.

Jitter and Wander

Applicable specifications .......................................................................... ITU-T G.823, G.825

The XDM uses the original Synchronization Status Marker (SSM) byte from SDH/SONET tributary/aggregate
lines and transmits it over SDH/SONET lines.

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 6-73

XDM-40, 400, 450, 500, 1000, 2000, XDM System Specifications
and 3000 Specifications

6-74 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

Standards and References

In this appendix:
Overview ........................................................................................................ A-1
Broadband Forum ........................................................................................... A-1
Environmental Standards ................................................................................ A-2
ETSI: European Telecommunications Standards Institute ............................. A-2
IEC: International Electrotechnical Commission ........................................... A-3
IEEE: Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers................................... A-4
IETF: Internet Engineering Task Force .......................................................... A-5
ISO: International Organization for Standardization ...................................... A-7
ITU-T: International Telecommunication Union ........................................... A-8
MEF: Metro Ethernet Forum ........................................................................ A-12
NIST: National Institute of Standards and Technology................................ A-13
North American Standards ........................................................................... A-13
OMG: Object Management Group ............................................................... A-14
TMF: TeleManagement Forum .................................................................... A-14
Web Protocol Standards ............................................................................... A-14

The following is a list of standards and reference documents that relate to the
XDM platform families. The standards are listed alphabetically by groups.

Broadband Forum
 Af-phy-0064.000 – ATM Forum E1 Physical Layer Interface.
 Af-phy-0086.000 – ATM Forum IMA V1.0.
 Af-phy-0086.001 – ATM Forum IMA V1.1.
 Af-phy-00121.00 – ATM Forum Traffic Management Specifications V4.1.

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary A-1

Standards and References XDM System Specifications

Environmental Standards
 EuP Directive 2005/32/EC: Ecodesign Requirements for Energy-Using
 OHSAS 18001: Occupational Health and Safety Management
Systems - Requirements.
 REACh Directive 2005/32/EC: Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and
Restriction of Chemicals.
 RoHS Directive 2005/747/EC: Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous
Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment.
 WEEE Directive 2002/96/EC: Waste from Electrical and Electronic

ETSI: European
Telecommunications Standards
 EN 300 019-1-1 Class 1.2: Environmental Engineering (EE); Environmental
Conditions and Environmental Tests for Telecommunications Equipment;
Part 1-1: Classification of Environmental Conditions; Storage.
 EN 300 019-1-2 Class 2.3: Environmental Engineering (EE); Environmental
Conditions and Environmental Tests for Telecommunications Equipment;
Part 1-2: Classification of Environmental Conditions; Transportation.
 EN 300 019-1-3 Classes 3.2 and 3.3: Environmental Engineering (EE);
Environmental Conditions and Environmental Tests for
Telecommunications Equipment; Part 1-3: Classification of Environmental
Conditions; Stationary use at weather-protected locations.
 EN 300 019-2-4 Class 4.1: Environmental Engineering (EE); Environmental
Conditions and Environmental Tests for Telecommunications Equipment;
Part 2-4: Specification of Environmental Tests; Stationary use at
non-weather-protected locations.
 EN 300 132 -2: Environmental Engineering (EE); Power Supply Interface at
the Input to Telecommunications Equipment.
 EN 300-166: Physical and electrical characteristics of hierarchical digital
interfaces for equipment using the 2 048 kbit/s based plesiochronous or
synchronous digital hierarchies.
 EN 300 386: Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters
(ERM); Telecommunication network equipment; Electromagnetic
Compatibility (EMC) requirements.

A-2 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications Standards and References

 EN 300-417-2-1: Transmission and Multiplexing (TM); Generic

requirements of transport functionality of equipment.
 EN 300-417-5-1: Generic requirements of transport functionality of
 EN 300-462-5-1: Transmission and Multiplexing (TM); Generic
requirements for synchronization networks.
 EN 300-689: 34 Mbit/s digital leased lines (D34U and D34S); Terminal
equipment interface.
 EN 301-164: SDH leased lines connection characteristics.
 EN 301-165: SDH leased lines Network and Terminal interface presentation.
 EN 55022: Radio Disturbance Characteristics of Information Technology
 ETR 114: Functional Architecture of SDH Transport Networks.
 ETR 275: Considerations on Transmission Delay and Transmission Delay
value for components on connections supporting speech communication
over evolving digital networks.
 FTZ 1TR9: Deutsche Telekom A.G. EMC Requirements.
 FTZ 153 TL 1part 1: Synchronous Multiplexing Equipment (SM) for
Synchronous Multiplex Hierarchy.

IEC: International
Electrotechnical Commission
 IEC 68: Environmental Testing.
 IEC 917: Modular Order for the Development of Mechanical Structures for
Electronic Equipment Practices.
 IEC 3309: Information Technology – Telecommunications and Information
Exchange between Systems – High-Level Data Link Control (HDLC)
Procedures – Frame Structure.
 IEC 9314-3: Information Processing Systems - Fiber Distributed Data
Interface (FDDI) Multiplex.
 IEC 9595, Information Technology: Open Systems Interconnection,
Common Management Information Services.
 IEC 9596, Information Technology: Open Systems Interconnection,
Common Management Information Protocol.
 IEC 13239: Information technology — Telecommunications and
information exchange between systems — High-level data link control
(HDLC) procedures.

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary A-3

Standards and References XDM System Specifications

 IEC 17025: General Requirements for Competence of Testing and

Calibration Laboratories.
 IEC 60825-1: Safety of Laser Products – Part 1: Equipment Classification
and Requirements.
 IEC 60825-2 (AS/NZS 2211.2): Safety of Laser Products – Part 2: Safety of
Optical Fiber Communication System (OFCS).
 IEC/EN/UL 60950-1: Information Technology Equipment - Safety - General
 IS 1249-1: Safety of Laser products: Equipment classification requirements
and users guide.

IEEE: Institute of Electrical and

Electronic Engineers
 IEEE 802.1ad: Virtual Bridged Local Area
Networks—Revision—Amendment 4: Provider Bridges.
 IEEE 802.1ag: Virtual Bridged Local Area Networks Amendment 5:
Connectivity Fault Management.
 IEEE 802.1D: Media access control (MAC) Bridges (Incorporates IEEE
802.1t and IEEE 802.1w).
 IEEE 802.1P: Traffic Class Expediting and Dynamic Multicast Filtering.
 IEEE 802.1Q: Virtual Bridged Local Area Networks—Revision.
 IEEE 802.1w: Rapid Reconfiguration of Spanning Tree.
 IEEE 802.3: Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection
(CSMA/CD) Access Method and Physical Layer Specifications.
 IEEE 802.3ad: Link Aggregation.
 IEEE 802.3ah: Ethernet in the First Mile (Link OAM).
 IEEE 802.3x: Full Duplex Operation and Flow Control Protocol.

A-4 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications Standards and References

IETF: Internet Engineering Task

 RFC 1493: Definition of Managed Objects for Bridges.
 RFC 1643: Ethernet-like Interfaces.
 RFC 1662: PPP in HDLC-Life Framing.
 RFC 1757: Remote Network Monitoring Management Information Base.
 RFC 1823: LDAP Application Program Interface (API).
 RFC 1901: Introduction to Community-based SNMPv2.
 RFC 2108: Definitions of Managed Objects for IEEE 802.3 Repeater
Devices using SMIv2.
 RFC 2251: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (v3) [specification of the
LDAP on-the-wire protocol].
 RFC 2252: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (v3): Attribute Syntax
 RFC 2253: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (v3): UTF-8 String
Representation of Distinguished Names.
 RFC 2254: The String Representation of LDAP Search Filters.
 RFC 2255: The LDAP URL Format.
 RFC 2256: A Summary of the X.500(96) User Schema for use with
 RFC 2401: Security Architecture for the Internet Protocol.
 RFC 2409: Internet Key Exchange Protocol (IKE).
 RFC 2474: Definition of the Differentiated Services Field (DS Field) in the
IPv4 and IPv6 Headers.
 RFC 2597: Assured Forwarding PHB Group.
 RFC 2615: PPP over SONET/SDH.
 RFC 2665: Definitions of Managed Objects for the Ethernet-like Interface
 RFC 2674: Bridge MIB with VLAN/Traffic Classes/Multicast Extensions.
 RFC 2702: Requirements for Traffic Engineering Over MPLS.
 RFC 2737: Entity MIB (Version 2).
 RFC 2819: Remote Network Monitoring Management Information Base.
 RFC 2829: Authentication Methods for LDAP.

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary A-5

Standards and References XDM System Specifications

 RFC 2830: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (v3): Extension for

Transport Layer Security.
 RFC 2863: Interfaces Group MIB.
 RFC 3014: Notification Log MIB.
 RFC 3031: Multiprotocol Label Switching Architecture.
 RFC 3032: MPLS Label Stack Encoding.
 RFC 3246: An Expedited Forwarding PHB (Per-Hop Behavior).
 RFC 3270: Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) Support of
Differentiated Services.
 RFC 3377: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (v3): Technical
 RFC 3411: SNMP Framework MIB.
 RFC 3414: SNMP User-Based SM MIB.
 RFC 3415: SNMP Vies-Based ACM MIB.
 RFC 3443: Time To Live (TTL) Processing in Multi-Protocol Label
Switching (MPLS) Networks.
 RFC 3812: Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) Traffic Engineering
(TE) Management Information Base (MIB).
 RFC 3813: Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) Label Switching Router
(LSR) Management Information Base (MIB).
 RFC 3916: Requirements for Pseudo-Wire Emulation Edge-to-Edge
 RFC 3985: Pseudo Wire Emulation Edge-to-Edge (PWE3) Architecture.
 RFC 4090: Fast Reroute Extensions to RSVP-TE for LSP Tunnels.
 RFC 4125: Maximum Allocation Bandwidth Constraints Model for
Diffserv-aware MPLS Traffic Engineering.
 RFC 4126: Max Allocation with Reservation Bandwidth Constraints Model
for Diffserv-aware MPLS Traffic Engineering & Performance Comparisons.
 RFC 4379: Detecting Multi-Protocol Label Switched (MPLS) Data Plane
 RFC 4448: Encapsulation Methods for Transport of Ethernet over MPLS
 RFC 5254: Requirements for Multi-Segment Pseudowire Emulation
Edge-to-Edge (PWE3).
 RFC 5462: Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) Label Stack Entry:
"EXP" Field Renamed to "Traffic Class" Field.

A-6 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications Standards and References

 RFC 5659: An Architecture for Multi-Segment Pseudowire Emulation

 RFC 6073: Segmented Pseudowire.
 IETF Drafts:
 draft-ietf-l2vpn-vpls-ldp.
 draft-ietf-l2vpn-vpls-mcast-reqts.
 draft-ietf-magma-snoop.
 draft-ietf-mpls-rsvp-te-p2mp.
 draft-ietf-mpls-tp-nm-framework.
 draft-ietf-mpls-tp-nm-req.
 draft-ietf-pwe3-dynamic-ms-pw-14.
 draft-ietf-pwe3-ethernet-encap.
 draft-ietf-pwe3-ldp-aii-reachability-04.
 draft-martini-l2circuit-encap-mpls.
 draft-sajassi-l2vpn-vpls-multicast-congruency.
 draft-vasseur-mpls-backup-computation.

ISO: International Organization

for Standardization
 A2LA: Accredited Laboratory for Electrical and Mechanical Testing.
 ISO 9001: Quality Management System – Requirements.
 ISO 14001: Environmental Management Systems – Requirements With
Guidance for Use.
 ISO 27001: Information Security Management Systems – Requirements.
 TL 9000, QuEST Forum: Quality Management System – Requirements &
Measurements Handbooks for the Telecom Industry.

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary A-7

Standards and References XDM System Specifications

ITU-T: International
Telecommunication Union
 G.650: Definition and Test Methods for the Relevant Parameters of
Single-Mode Fibers.
 G.651: Characteristics of a 50/125 µm Multimode Graded Index Optical
Fiber Cable.
 G.652: Characteristics of a Single-Mode Optical Fiber Cable.
 G.653: Characteristics of a Dispersion-Shifted Single-Mode Optical Fiber
 G.654: Characteristics of a Cut-off Shifted Single-Mode Optical Fiber
 G.655: Characteristics of a Non-Zero Dispersion Shifted Single-Mode
Optical Fiber Cable.
 G.661: Definition and Test Methods for the Relevant Generic Parameters of
Optical Amplifier Devices and Subsystems.
 G.662: Generic Characteristics of Optical Fiber Amplifier Devices and
 G.663: Application Related Aspects of Optical Fiber Amplifier Devices and
 G.664: Optical Safety Procedures and Requirements for Optical Transport
 G.671: Transmission Characteristics of Passive Optical Components.
 G.691: Optical Interfaces for Single Channel SDH Systems with Optical
Amplifiers and STM-64 Systems (Draft).
 G.692: Optical Interfaces for Multi-Channel Systems with Optical
 G.694.1: Spectral Grids for WDM Applications: DWDM Frequency Grid.
 G.694.2: Spectral Grids for WDM Applications: CWDM Wavelength Grid.
 G.695: Optical Interfaces for Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexing
 G.703: Physical/Electrical Characteristics of Hierarchical Digital Interfaces.
 G.704: Synchronous Frame Structures Used at 1544, 6312, 2048, 8448 and
44 736 kbps Hierarchical Levels.
 G.706: Frame Alignment and CRC Procedures Relating to Basic Frame
Structure Defined in Rec G.704.
 G.707: Network Node Interface for the Synchronous Digital Hierarchy.

A-8 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications Standards and References

 G.709: Interfaces for the Optical Transport Network (OTN).

 G.752: Characteristics of digital multiplex equipments based on a second
order bit rate of 6312 kbit/s and using positive justification.
 G.772: Protected Monitoring Points Provided on Digital Transmission
 G.774 & G774.n: SDH Information Model.
 G.775: Loss of Signal (LOS), Alarm Indication Signal (AIS) and Remote
Defect Indication (RDI) defect detection and clearance criteria for PDH
 G.781: Synchronization Layer Functions.
 G.783: Characteristics of SDH Equipment Functional Blocks.
 G.784: Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) Management.
 G.798: Characteristics of OTN Hierarchy Equipment Functional Blocks.
 G.803: Architectures of Transport Networks based on the Synchronous
Digital Hierarchy.
 G.805: Generic Functional Architecture of Transport Networks.
 G.806: Characteristics of Transport Equipment –Description Methodology
and Generic Functionality.
 G.809: Functional Architecture of Connectionless Layer Networks.
 G.811: Timing Characteristics of Primary Reference Clocks.
 G.812: Timing Requirements of Slave Clocks Suitable for Use as Node
Clocks in Synchronization Networks.
 G.813: Timing Characteristics of SDH Equipment Slave Clocks (SEC).
 G.823: The Control of Jitter and Wander within Digital Networks Based on
the 2048 kbit/s Hierarchy.
 G.825: The Control of Jitter and Wander within Digital Networks Based on
the SDH (Draft).
 G.8251: The Control of Jitter and Wander within the Optical Transport
Network (OTN).
 G.826: Error Performance Parameters and Objectives for International,
Constant Bit Rate Digital Paths at or above the Primary Rate.
 G.828: Error Performance Parameters and Objectives for International,
Constant Bit Rate Synchronous Digital Paths.
 G.829: Error Performance Events for SDH Multiplex and Regenerator
 G.831: Management Capabilities of Transport Networks Based on the
Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH).

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary A-9

Standards and References XDM System Specifications

 G.841: Types and Characteristics of SDH Network Protection Architectures.

 G.842: Inter-Working of SDH Protection Architectures.
 G.872: Architecture of Optical Transport Networks.
 G.874: Management Aspects of the Optical Transport Network Element.
 G.874.1: Optical Transport Network (OTN): Protocol-Neutral Management
Information Model for the Network Element View.
 G.957: Optical Interfaces for Equipment and Systems relating to the
Synchronous Digital Hierarchy.
 G.959.1: Optical Transport Network Physical Layer Interfaces.
 G.975: Forward Error Correction for Submarine Systems.
 G.985: 100 Mbit/s point-to-point Ethernet based optical access system.
 G.7041: Generic Framing Procedure (GFP).
 G.7042: Link Capacity Adjustment Scheme (LCAS) for Virtual
Concatenated Signals.
 G.7713: Distributed Connection Management.
 G.7713.2: RSVP-TE Implementation.
 G.7714: Generalized Automatic Discovery Techniques.
 G.7714.1: Protocol for Automatic Discovery in SDH & OTN network.
 G.7715: ASON Routing.
 G.7715.1: Based on PNNI, OSPF or IS_IS.
 G.8001/Y.1354: Terms and definitions for Ethernet frames over transport.
 G.8010/Y.1306: Architecture of Ethernet Layer Networks.
 G.8011/Y.1307: Ethernet Services Framework.
 G.8011.1/Y.1307.1: Ethernet Private Line Service.
 G.8011.2/Y.1307.2: Ethernet Virtual Private Line Service.
 G.8012/Y.1308: Ethernet UNI and Ethernet NNI.
 G.8080/Y.1304: Architecture for the automatically switched optical network
 G.8201/Y.1354: Error performance parameters and objectives for
multi-operator international paths within the Optical Transport Network
 G.8261/Y. 1361: Timing and synchronization aspects in packet network.
 G.8262/Y. 1362: Timing characteristics of synchronous Ethernet equipment
slave clock (EEC).
 G.8080: Architecture for ASON.

A-10 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications Standards and References

 I.356: ATM Layer Cell Transfer Performance.

 I.361: ATM Layer Specification.
 I.371: Traffic Control and Congestion Control.
 I.610: ATM Operation and Maintenance Principles.
 M.2140: Transport Network Event Correlation.
 M.3010: Principles for a Telecommunications Management Network.
 M.3013: Considerations for a Telecommunications Management Network.
 M.3016.x: Security for the management plane.
 M.3017: Framework for the integrated management of hybrid circuit/packet
 M.3100: Generic Network Information Model.
 M.3180: Catalogue of TMN Management Information.
 M.3200: TMN Management Services and Telecommunications Managed
Areas: Overview.
 M.3300: TMN F Interface Requirements.
 M.3400: TMN Management Functions.
 Q.821: Alarm Surveillance.
 Q.822: Performance Monitoring.
 X.217: Open Systems Interconnection, Service Definition for the
Association Control Service Element.
 X.219: Remote Operations - Model, Notation and Service Definition.
 X.227: Open Systems Interconnection, Connection-Oriented Protocol for the
Association Control Service Element - Protocol Specification.
 X.229: Remote Operations: Protocol Specification.
 X.710: Open Systems Interconnection, Common Management Information
 X.720: Open Systems Interconnection, Structure of Management
Information - Management Information Model.
 X.721 Information Technology: Open Systems Interconnection, Structure of
Management Information - Definition of Management Information.
 X.722: Open Systems Interconnection, Structure of Management
Information - Guidelines for the Definition of Managed Objects.
 X.731: Open Systems Interconnection, Systems Management - State
Management Function.
 X.733: Open Systems Interconnection, Systems Management - Alarm
Reporting Function.

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary A-11

Standards and References XDM System Specifications

 X.743: Open Systems Interconnection, Systems Management - Time

Management Function.
 X.744: Open Systems Interconnection, Systems Management - Software
Management Function.
 Y.1311: Network-based VPNs - Generic architecture and service
 Y.1710: Requirements for Operation & Maintenance functionality for MPLS
 Y.1711: Operation & Maintenance mechanism for MPLS networks.
 Z.351: Data oriented human-machine interface specification technique –
 Z.352: Data oriented human-machine interface specification technique –
scope, approach and usage.
 Z.361: Design guidelines for Human-Computer Interfaces (HCI) for the
management of telecommunications networks.

MEF: Metro Ethernet Forum

 MEF4 Metro Ethernet Network Architecture Framework Part 1: Generic
 MEF6 Metro Ethernet Services Definitions.
 MEF7 EMS-NMS Information Model.
 MEF9 Test Suite for Ethernet Services at the UNI.
 MEF10 Ethernet Service Attributes.
 MEF11 User Network Interface (UNI) Requirements and Framework.
 MEF12 Metro Ethernet Network Architecture Framework Part 2: Ethernet
Services Layer.
 MEF14 Test Suite for Ethernet Traffic Management.
 MPLS-TP Network Management requirements (draft-ietf-mpls-tp-nm-req)
 MPLS-TP NM Framework (draft-ietf-mpls-tp-nm-framework)

A-12 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications Standards and References

NIST: National Institute of

Standards and Technology
 FIPS PUB 197: Advanced Encryption Standard (AES).
 FIPS PUB 140-2: Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules.

North American Standards

 ANSI FC–F1-2: Fiber Channel Physical Interface REV 10.
 ANSI T1.102: Digital hierarchy electrical interface.
 ANSI T1.105: Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) - Basic Description
including Multiplex Structure, Rates, and Formats.
 ANSI X3.296: Single-Byte Command code sets CONnection (SBCON)
 FCC CFR Title 47 Part 15: Radio Emission.
 FCC Part 101.147 Fixed microwave services: (i8, i7, K7, 7)
 NEBS GR1089 and GR63 (temperature aspect)
 NEBS Level 3 support for N.A. platforms.
 Rural Utility Service (RUS) Certification.
 Telcordia GR-63-CORE: Network Equipment Building System (NEBS)
Requirements: Physical Protection.
 Telcordia GR-253-CORE: Synchronous Optical Network (SONET)
Transport Systems: Common Generic Criteria.
 Telcordia GR-383-CORE: COMMON LANGUAGE® Equipment Codes
(CLEI™ Codes) – Generic Requirements for Bar Code Labels.
 Telcordia GR-487-CORE: Generic Requirements for Electronic Equipment
 Telcordia GR-499-CORE: Transport System Generic Requirements
(TSGR): Common Requirements.
 Telcordia GR-1089-CORE: Electromagnetic Compatibility and Electrical
Safety – Generic Criteria for Network Telecommunications Equipment.
 Telcordia GR-1209-CORE: Generic Requirements for Passive Optical
 Telcordia GR-1230-CORE: SONET Bidirectional Line-Switched Ring
Equipment Generic Criteria.

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary A-13

Standards and References XDM System Specifications

 Telcordia GD-1244-CORE: Clock for the synchronization network:

Common generic criteria.
 Telcordia GR-1312-CORE: Generic Requirements for Optical Fiber
Amplifiers and Proprietary Dense Wavelength-Division Multiplexed
 Telcordia GR-1400-CORE: SONET Dual-Fed Unidirectional Path Switched
Ring (UPSR) Equipment Generic Criteria.
 Telcordia GD-2979-CORE: Common Generic Requirements for Optical
Add-Drop Multiplexers (OADMs) and Optical Terminal Multiplexers

OMG: Object Management Group

 Notification Service Specification V 1.0.
 The Common Object Request Broker: Architecture and Specification V 2.6.

TMF: TeleManagement Forum

 TMF 513: MTNM Business Agreement Release 3.5.
 TMF 518: Framework Document Delivery Package (DDP) Business
Agreement (BA) V1.1.
 TMF 518: Resource Provisioning DDP BA V1.0.
 TMF 608: Multi Technology Network Management Information Agreement
V 2.1 and V 3.5.
 TMF 814: Multi Technology Network Management Solution Set V 2.1 and
V 3.5.
 TMF 854: The MTOSI XML Solution Set Package Release 1.1.

Web Protocol Standards

W3C: World Wide Web Consortium
 SOAP 1.1: Simple Object Access Protocol.
 WSDL 1.1: Web Services Description Language.

WS-I: Web Services Interoperability Organization

 WS-I Basic Profile 1.1: Web Services Interoperability.

A-14 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

ATM • 1-3, 1-5
ATS Specifications • 6-29
10 Gbps Optical Client XFP Transceivers Auxiliary Cards and Miscellaneous
for Transponders and CMBR40B • Accessory Modules • 6-60
6-47 Auxiliary Cards and Miscellaneous
10 Gbps Optical XFP Transceivers • 5-10 Accessory Modules Specifications •
2 6-60
Availability • 3-14, 4-28, 5-26, 6-72
2 Mbps (E1) • 3-2, 4-4, 5-3, 6-8
2.5 Gbps Optical C/DWDM SFP B
Transceivers • 5-9 Basic XDM-100 shelf • 2-3
2.5 Gbps Optical CWDM SFP Basic XDM-100 Shelf • 2-35
Transceivers • 4-11 Basic XDM-300 shelf • 2-7
3 Basic XDM-300 Shelf • 2-40
34 Mbps (E3) • 3-3, 4-4, 5-3, 6-8 Basic XDM-50 shelf • 2-2
Basic XDM-50 Shelf • 2-33
4 Basic XDM-900 shelf • 2-11
45 Mbps (DS-3) • 3-3, 4-4, 5-3, 6-8 Basic XDM-900 Shelf • 2-44
4-channel active OADM basecard only Broadband Forum • A-1
(no filters), 2 x 2 switch through I/O
slots • 6-37 C
5 C Band Channel Frequencies and
Wavelengths (ITU-T Rec. G.694.1 for
52 Mbps (STS-1) • 4-4, 5-3 DWDM) • 6-62
52 Mpbs (STS-1) • 6-8 C/DWDM and OTN Platform for
A Metro-access and CPE
ApplicationsSee XDM-40 • 1-5
ADM • 1-5 Cards • 2-34, 2-37, 2-41, 2-48, 2-49, 2-51,
Aggregator for Metro Edge Networks See 2-53, 2-55, 2-58, 2-59, 2-60
XDM-400 • 1-5 control, matrix and I/O • 2-58
Alarms and Performance • 3-4, 4-6, 5-5, ECB/xECB4 • 2-60
6-72 ECM40 • 2-60
AoC basecard configurations • 6-42 ECU • 2-37
AoC basecard modules and transceivers • ECU50 • 2-34, 2-41
HLXC • 2-58
TRP10_2B, OTU2 Line Transceivers HLXC192/384/768 • 2-58
• 6-52 I/O • 2-51, 2-53
AoC/OMTR27_2 STM-16/OTU1 client • MECP • 2-48, 2-60
6-48 MXC • 2-37

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary I-1

Index XDM System Specifications

MXC50 • 2-34, 2-41 CWDM and DWDM

PSFU • 2-48 STM-16/OC-48/OTU1 SFP Optical
xFCU40 • 2-48 Transceivers • 6-18
XIO • 2-58, 2-59 CWDM components (CCP cage) • 6-38
XIO192 • 2-49 CWDM Frequencies and Wavelengths
(ITU-T Rec. G.694.2 for CWDM) •
XIO192/384F • 2-59
4-23, 5-20, 6-65
xMCP • 2-49
CWDM Modules • 4-22, 5-20
xMCP/xMCP_B • 2-51, 2-53, 2-55,
Components • 6-38
xMCP_B • 2-48
Cards Cage • 2-53 D
CCP cage OFAs DWDM applications • Data Cards • 6-22
6-58 Data Cards Specifications • 6-22
CCP cage OFAs for single-channel Data Client Transceivers for MCS5,
applications • 6-58 MCS10, MCS30_X10G,
CCP50 • 2-33 MCS50_X10G • 6-29
CCP50_2 • 2-2 Data Client XFP Transceivers for
CDWD Modules Specifications • 4-20, MCS30_X10G, MCS50_X10G • 6-30
5-19 Data Line XFP Transceivers for
CE Compliance • 3-14 MCS30_X10G, MCS50_X10G • 6-31
CHTR_B basecard Configurations • 6-40 Data Modules • 3-8, 4-12, 5-11
CHTR_B basecard modules and Data Modules Specifications • 3-8, 4-12,
transceivers • 6-40 5-11
Client Transceivers for EISM Cards • 3-11 Data SFP+ Transceivers • 4-18, 5-16
Client Transceivers for MCSM, EISM Data-Aware Access GatewaySee
Cards • 4-17 XDM-500 • 1-5
Client Transceivers for MCSM, DCF/DCM Units • 6-60
EISMB_840 Cards • 5-15 DCF/DCM Units Specifications • 6-60
Compact CWDM Platform for Metro Demux (CCP Flat Top) specifications •
Access NetworksSee XDM-200 • 1-5 6-33
Connection Module Data for Electrical Dimensions (H x W x D) • 3-12, 4-23,
I/O Cards • 6-3 5-21, 6-65
Control, Matrix, and I/O Cards for Large DIOB Specifications • 6-23
XDM Shelves • 2-58 DIOM Specifications • 3-8, 4-12, 5-11
Cross-Connect Capacity • 3-1, 4-2, 6-73 DWDM • 1-5
Cross-connect Capacity Specifications • DWDM cards (cards cage of XDM-1000
6-73 and XDM-2000 shelves) • 6-32
Cross-Connect Levels • 3-1, 4-2, 5-1, 6-72 DWDM components (CCP cage of
Cross-connect Levels Specifications • XDM-40/XDM-450/XDM-500/XDM
6-72 -1000) • 6-37
Cross-connect Specifications • 3-1, 4-2, DWDM modules (CCP cage of
5-1 XDM-1000/XDM-450) • 6-32
Cross-Connect Specifications • 3-1, 4-2,

I-2 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications Index

DWDM Mux/Demux Cards and Modules Expanded XDM-300 with CWDM

• 6-32 Networking Capabilities • 2-10
DWDM OADM cards (cards cage) • 6-36 Expanded XDM-300 with I/O Protection •
DWDM OADM Cards and Modules • 2-8
6-36 Expanded XDM-50 Shelf with I/O
DWDM OADM plug-in filters for OADM Protection • 2-34
cards • 6-37 Expanded XDM-900 Shelf with I/O
Protection • 2-45
Expanded XDM-900 with CWDM
ECB, xECB4, or ECB3000 • 2-60 Networking Capabilities • 2-15
ECB/xECB4 • 2-60 Expanded XDM-900 with I/O Protection •
ECM40 • 2-60 2-13
ECU • 2-3, 2-37, 2-39 Expansion Shelves • 2-22
ECU300 • 2-43, 2-44 F
ECU300F • 2-43
FCU • 2-3
ECU50 • 2-2, 2-33, 2-34, 2-41
FCU40 • 2-16
ECU50 and ECU50R • 2-35
FCU50 • 2-2
ECU900 • 2-47, 2-48
Floor Loading • 6-66
ECU900F • 2-47
EISM Specifications • 3-10, 4-16 G
EISMB Specifications • 3-9, 4-13, 5-12 GbE/FC/2 Gbps FC/FICON Optical SFP
Electrical GbE SFP (ETGbE) • 3-11, 4-20, Transceivers for
5-18 Transponders/Combiners • 4-21
Electrical Interface Connection Modules •
Electrical, Optical and Mixed Basecard Handling and transportation • 6-71
Information Specifications • 6-2 Handling and Transportation • 3-13, 4-27,
Electrical, Optical, and Mixed Basecard 5-25
Information • 6-2 Heat dissipation • 6-70
EMC • 3-13, 4-27, 5-26, 6-71 HLXC192/384/768 • 2-58
EMC Specifications • 3-13, 4-27, 5-26, HLXC192/384/768/1536 • 2-58
Environmental Conditions • 3-13, 4-27,
5-25, 6-71 I/O Interfaces • 3-2, 4-4, 5-3
Environmental Conditions Specifications I/O Interfaces Specifications • 3-2, 4-4,
• 3-13, 4-27, 5-25, 6-71 5-3
Environmental Standards • A-2 I/O Protection Options • 2-8
European Telecommunications International Electrotechnical
Standards Institute • A-2 Commission • A-3
Expanded XDM-100 Shelf with I/O IEEE
Protection • 2-36 Institute of Electrical and Electronic
Expanded XDM-300 Shelf with I/O Engineers • A-4
Protection • 2-41

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary I-3

Index XDM System Specifications


Internet Engineering Task Force • A-5 spacing with equalization • 6-35
INF50 • 2-2, 2-33 MO_ROADM8A – 100 GHz spacing –
ISO Multi Degree configuration • 6-34
International Organization for MO_ROADM8A_50 – 50 GHz spacing –
Standardization • A-7 Multi Degree configuration • 6-35
ITU-T MO_ROADM8D – 100 GHz spacing –
Multi-Degree configuration • 6-35
International Telecommunication
Union • A-8 Modules Cage • 2-53
MSPP • 1-3
J MSPP for High Capacity Central
Jitter and Wander • 3-2, 4-3, 5-2, 6-73 Exchange ApplicationsSee
Jitter and Wander Specifications • 3-2, XDM-1000 • 1-5
4-3, 5-2, 6-73 Multifunctional Intelligent Optical
SwitchSee XDM-2000 • 1-5
Mux (CCP Flat Top) specifications • 6-33
Laser Safety • 3-14, 4-28, 5-26, 6-71 Mux/Demux Modules • 4-22
Life • 3-14, 4-28, 5-26, 6-72 Mux/Demux Modules for XDM-300/900 •
M 5-20
Mux/demux specifications • 6-39
Main equipment power consumption •
MXC • 2-37, 2-38
MXC and ECU Cards • 2-37
Main Equipment Power Consumption •
3-12 MXC-100 • 2-3
Management • 3-4, 4-5, 5-4 MXC300 • 2-42
Management and Alarm Interfaces • 3-4, MXC300 and ECU300 Cards • 2-41
4-5, 5-4, 6-72 MXC300 Cross-Connect Capacity • 5-1
Management Specifications • 3-4, 4-5, MXC50 • 2-2, 2-33, 2-34, 2-41
5-4, 6-72 MXC50 and ECU50 Cards • 2-34
MCS10 Specifications • 6-24 MXC900 • 2-46
MCS30_X10G Specifications • 6-26 MXC900 and ECU900 Cards • 2-46
MCS5 Specifications • 6-23 MXC900 Cross-Connect Capacity • 5-2
MCS50_X10G Specifications • 6-27 MXC-BG • 2-36
MCSM Specifications • 4-14, 5-13 N
MECP • 2-16, 2-20, 2-48, 2-60
NEBS Compliance • 4-28, 5-26, 6-71
MECP_OSC cards • 6-10
National Institute of Standards and
Metro Ethernet Forum • A-12
Technology • A-13
Miniature MSPP for Metro-access and
Nonredundant XDM-100 • 2-5
Cellular NetworksSee XDM-100 • 1-5
Nonredundant XDM-100 Shelf • 2-36
MO_ROADM2A - 100 GHz spacing - 2D
ROADM with Equalization • 6-36 North American Standards • A-13
MO_ROADM2A_50 - 50 GHz spacing - NVM • 2-6
2D ROADM with Equalization • 6-36

I-4 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications Index

O Overview • 1-1, A-1

OADM Modules • 4-22 OW Unit Specifications • 6-21
OADM Modules for XDM-300/900 • 5-20 P
OADM specifications • 6-39 PDH/Async and SDH/SONET Interface
OFAs for single channel and DWDM Specifications • 6-8
applications • 6-57 Physical Description • 2-1
OM_AD4RQEW_xx 4skip0 OADM for Physical Specifications • 3-12, 4-23, 5-21,
I/O slots • 6-37 6-65
OM_OADM4GEW_xx 4 skip 0 OADM Power • 3-12, 4-24, 5-21, 6-66
for CCP slots • 6-38
Power consumption • 6-67
OMCM25_4 & AoC FC2G client SFPs •
Power Dissipation • 3-13, 4-24, 5-22
Power requirements • 6-66
OMCM25_4 & AoC GbE/FC1 SFP
Transceivers • 6-45 Power Supply Lines Surge Voltage • 6-67
OMCM25_4 STM-1/OC-3 SFP Optical PSFU • 2-48
Transceivers • 6-44 Q
OMCM25_4 STM-4/OC-12 SFP Optical
QoS • 1-1
Transceivers • 6-45
Object Management Group • A-14 Rack Layouts • 2-22
OMSP card specifications • 6-61 Rack Layouts and Expansion Shelves •
Operation • 3-13, 4-27, 5-25, 6-71 2-22
OPM card specifications • 6-61 Rack Mounted Single Channel DCM
Optical Amplifier Modules for TPU/OCU Units • 6-60
• 4-20, 5-19 RAMAN and very high power EDFA
Optical Amplifiers • 6-56 amplifiers • 6-57
Optical Amplifiers Specifications • 6-56 Redundancy • 3-2, 4-3, 5-2, 6-73
Optical Auxiliary Cards and Modules • Redundancy Specifications • 3-2, 4-3, 5-2,
6-59 6-73
Optical Auxiliary Cards and Modules Reliability • 3-14, 4-28, 5-26, 6-72
Specifications • 6-59 Reliability Specifications • 3-14, 4-28,
Optical Auxiliary Cards for XDM-450 • 5-26, 6-72
6-59 ROADM Cards • 6-34
Optical Components • 6-32 ROADM modules for
Optical Components Specifications • 6-32 XDM-1000/XDM-450 (CCP cage) •
Optical SFP transceivers for I/O cards • 6-34
6-5 S
Optical transceivers for I/O cards • 6-4
Safety • 3-13, 4-28, 5-26, 6-71
Optical transmitters and receivers for
TRP25_2 • 6-39 Safety Specifications • 3-13, 4-28, 5-26,
Other Optical Cards • 6-61
SDH Interfaces • 3-4
Other Specifications • 6-72
SDH/SONET Interfaces • 4-6, 5-5, 6-10

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary I-5

Index XDM System Specifications

SDH/SONET Interfaces Specifications • optical auxiliary cards and modules •

4-6, 5-5, 6-10 6-59
SDH/SONET STM-16/OC-48 SFP optical components • 6-32
Optical Transceivers • 6-16 PDH/Async and SDH/SONET
SDH/SONET STM-64/OC-192 (9953.28 interface • 6-8
Mbps ±4.6 ppm) I/O Modules • 6-19 physical • 3-12, 4-23, 5-21, 6-65
SDH/SONET STM-64/OC-192 XFP redundancy • 3-2, 4-3, 5-2, 6-73
Optical Transceivers • 6-20 reliability • 3-14, 4-28, 5-26, 6-72
Shelf Layouts • 2-2, 2-3, 2-7, 2-16, 2-18, safety • 3-13, 4-28, 5-26, 6-71
2-19, 2-20
SDH/SONET interfaces • 4-6, 5-5,
XDM-100 • 2-3, 2-7 6-10
XDM-1000 • 2-19 synchronization • 3-2, 4-3, 5-2, 6-73
XDM-2000 • 2-20 traffic protection • 3-2, 4-3, 5-2, 6-73
XDM-40 • 2-16 XDM shelf capacities • 6-5
XDM-400 • 2-16 XDM-1000 product line • 6-2
XDM-50 • 2-2 Splitter/Coupler Modules • 4-22
XDM-500 • 2-18 Splitter/Coupler Modules for
Specifications • 3-1, 3-2, 3-4, 3-8, 3-12, XDM-300/900 • 5-20
3-13, 3-14, 4-2, 4-3, 4-4, 4-5, 4-6, Standards and References • A-1
4-12, 4-20, 4-23, 4-27, 4-28, 5-1, 5-2,
STM-1 (155.52 Mbps ±4.6 ppm) I/O
5-3, 5-4, 5-5, 5-11, 5-19, 5-21, 5-25,
Module • 3-4
5-26, 6-2, 6-5, 6-8, 6-10, 6-22, 6-32,
6-56, 6-59, 6-60, 6-65, 6-71, 6-72, STM-1 Electrical • 3-3, 4-4, 5-3, 6-8
6-73 STM-1 Optical • 3-3
auxiliary cards • 6-60 STM-1 SFP Optical supervisory channel
cross-connect • 3-1, 4-2, 5-1 transceivers for OSC1_2 • 4-21
cross-connect capacity • 6-73 STM-1/OC-3 (155.52 Mbps ±4.6 ppm)
I/O Modules • 4-6, 5-5, 6-10
cross-connect levels • 6-72
STM-1/OC-3 Optical • 4-5, 5-4, 6-9
CWDM modules • 4-20, 5-19
STM-1/OC-3 SFP Optical Transceivers
data cards • 6-22
for OMS01_4 • 6-11
data modules • 3-8, 4-12, 5-11
STM-16/OC-48 (2488.32 Mbps ±4.6
DCF/DCM units • 6-60 ppm) I/O Modules • 4-9, 5-8, 6-15
DWDM cards • 6-32 STM-16/OC-48 Optical • 4-5, 5-4, 6-9
electrical, optical and mixed basecard STM-16/OTU1 Optical SFP Line
information • 6-2 Transceivers for OMTR27_2 &
EMC • 3-13, 4-27, 5-26, 6-71 OMCM25_4 • 6-53
environmental conditions • 3-13, 4-27, STM-4 (622 Mbps ±4.6 ppm) I/O Module
5-25, 6-71 • 3-6
I/O interfaces • 3-2, 4-4, 5-3 STM-4 Optical • 3-3
jitter and wander • 3-2, 4-3, 5-2, 6-73 STM-4/OC-12 (622 Mbps ±4.6 ppm) I/O
management • 3-4, 4-5, 5-4, 6-72 Modules • 4-7, 5-6, 6-13
miscellaneous accessory modules • STM-4/OC-12 Optical • 4-5, 5-4, 6-9
6-60 STM-4/OC-12 SFP Optical Transceivers
optical amplifiers • 6-56 for OMS04_1 • 6-14

I-6 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

XDM System Specifications Index

STM-64/OC-192 Optical • 5-4, 6-9 U

Storage (packed) • 3-13, 4-27, 5-25, 6-71 Unparalleled Capabilities • 1-3
Synchronization • 3-2, 4-3, 5-2, 6-73
Synchronization Specifications • 3-2, 4-3, W
5-2, 6-73 Web Protocol Standards • A-14
T Weight • 3-12, 4-23, 5-21, 6-66

The Do-It-All MSPP for Up-and-Coming X

NetworksSee XDM-50 • 1-5 XDM • 1-3, 1-5, 2-58
TM • 1-5 capabilities • 1-3
TMF cellular capabilities • 1-3
TeleManagement Forum • A-14 control, matrix and I/O cards • 2-58
Traffic Protection • 3-2, 4-3, 5-2, 6-73 data capabilities • 1-3
Traffic Protection Specifications • 3-2, optical capabilities • 1-3
4-3, 5-2, 6-73
platforms • 1-5
Transponders • 6-39
SDH/SONET capabilities • 1-3
TRP10_4 basecard configurations • 6-43
XDM MPLS/Ethernet Card Summary •
TRP10_4 basecard transceivers • 6-43 6-21
TRP10_4 CWDM OTU2 Line/Client XDM Platforms • 1-5
XDM Shelf Capacities • 6-5
Optical Transceivers and CMBR40B
Client Transceivers • 6-49 XDM Shelf Capacities Specifications •
TRP10_4 OTU2/OTU2e Line,
STM-64/10G LAN/FC10 Client, XDM Shelf Capacities with HLXC • 6-5
AoC, CMBR10, TRP10_LAN, XDM Shelf Capacities with XIO • 6-6
TRP10_2B, OTU2 XFP Line XDM Shelf Configurations • 2-2
Transceivers and CMBR40B Client XDM® – Intelligent and Scalable Optical
Transceivers • 6-51 Networking Platforms • 1-1
TRP10_4R OTU2/OTU2e/OTU2f Optical XDM-100 • 1-5, 2-3, 2-4, 2-5, 2-6, 2-35,
Transceivers • 6-50 2-36, 2-37, 2-40
TRP25_2 2.5 Gbps optical basic shelf • 2-3, 2-35, 2-40
transmitters/receivers for cards and modules • 2-35
transponders, and transceivers for expanded shelf • 2-36
combiners • 6-54
I/O protection • 2-4
TRP25_2 basecards • 6-39
nonredundant • 2-5
TRP40_2B and CMBR40B configurations
nonredundant shelf • 2-36
• 6-43
NVM • 2-6
TRP40_2B Client Transceiver • 6-55
shelf layout • 2-3
TRP40_2B, CMBR40B Line Transceiver
• 6-55 slot allocation • 2-35
XDM-100H • 2-6
XDM-100H shelf • 2-37

417006-2009-013-A03 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary I-7

Index XDM System Specifications

XDM-100 Card and Module Layout • 2-35 XDM-400 • 1-5, 2-16, 2-49
XDM-100 Product Line Main Equipment card layout • 2-49
Power Consumption • 4-24, 5-22 cards and modules • 2-49
XDM-100 Shelf Capacity • 4-2 shelf layout • 2-16
XDM-100 Shelf Layout • 2-3 XDM-400 Card Layout • 2-49
XDM-100 Specifications • 4-1 XDM-400 Shelf Layout • 2-16
XDM-100 with I/O protection • 2-4 XDM-450 Card Layout • 2-50
XDM-1000 • 1-5, 2-19, 2-53 XDM-450 Shelf Layout • 2-17
card layout • 2-53 XDM-50 • 1-5, 2-2, 2-33, 2-34
cards and modules • 2-53 basic shelf • 2-33
shelf layout • 2-19 cards and modules • 2-33
XDM-1000 Card Layout • 2-53 expanded shelf • 2-34
XDM-1000 Product Line • 6-2 shelf layout • 2-2
specifications • 6-2 slot allocation • 2-33
XDM-1000 Shelf Layout • 2-19 XDM-50 Card and Module Layout • 2-33
XDM-100H • 2-6 XDM-50 Shelf Layout • 2-2
XDM-100H Shelf • 2-37 XDM-50 Specifications • 3-1
XDM-200 • 1-5 XDM-50 with I/O protection • 2-3
XDM-2000 • 1-5, 2-20, 2-55 XDM-500 • 1-5, 2-18, 2-51
cards and modules • 2-55 card layout • 2-51
shelf layout • 2-20 cards and modules • 2-51
XDM-2000 Card Layout • 2-55 shelf layout • 2-18
XDM-2000 Shelf Layout • 2-20 XDM-500 Card Layout • 2-51
XDM-300 Card and Module Layout • 2-40 XDM-500 Shelf Layout • 2-18
XDM-300 Shelf Layout • 2-7 XDM-900 Card and Module Layout • 2-44
XDM-300/900 Specifications • 5-1 XDM-900 Shelf Layout • 2-11
XDM-3000 • 1-5, 2-21, 2-58 xFCU • 2-18, 2-19
shelf layout • 2-21 xFCU4 • 2-16
XDM-3000 card layout • 2-56 xFCU40 • 2-48
XDM-3000 Card Layout • 2-56 xINF • 2-18, 2-19
XDM-3000 Shelf Layout • 2-21 xINF4 • 2-16
XDM-40 • 1-5, 2-16, 2-48 xINF40 • 2-16
card layout • 2-48 XIO192 • 2-49
cards and modules • 2-48 XIO192/384F • 2-59
shelf layout • 2-16 xMCP • 2-49
XDM-40 Card Layout • 2-48 xMCP/xMCP_B • 2-20, 2-51, 2-60
XDM-40 Shelf Layout • 2-16 xMCP_B • 2-16, 2-48
XDM-40, 400, 450, 500, 1000, 2000, and
3000 Specifications • 6-1

I-8 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 417006-2009-013-A03

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