Instagram Activity With Example

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Greeks on the Gram!

You will create two Instagram-style

posts for two of the characters in the myths
we read and analyzed in class.
❖ You have to choose a character from
either “Prometheus the Firebringer” or “The Myth of Daedalus and
Icarus” for your first post.
❖ Then, you have to choose a character from either “Pandora’s Box” or
“The Myth of Narcissus and Echo” for your second post.
In each post you need to have:
❖ A picture from Google that fits a scene from the myth
❖ A caption that is three sentences long that summarizes the myth or
a specific scene from the myth. Think about using words, phrases,
and acronyms (LOL) that are modern and would make someone
want to “like” the post.
❖ Three hashtags (#) that go along with the theme of the myth
❖ Three different mythological characters commenting on the post.
They should be from the myth, but if your myth doesn’t have
enough characters, you may add someone that would fit well into
the theme of the myth. People talking back and forth is highly
recommended! See the example if you are confused!
❖ Use Instagram names that fit with the personality or theme of the
characters from the myth. Ex: flowergirl3210 for Persephone
❖ After creating your Instagram-style posts, you will screenshot them
and upload them to our class’s BookCreator for everyone to read
and enjoy! Remember: you are demonstrating your knowledge and
understanding of the characterization, conflict, and themes of the
stories we studied.

Note: You do not have to make an Instagram account nor post this on Instagram for
you to complete this assignment! Create this assignment in a Google document and
then post to our class’s Book Creator.
(Persephone) flowergirl3210

Can’t a girl just pick flowers in
peace? I’m being swept off my feet,
literally! I hope I don’t get too
hungry! @flowermom1623 #taken
#newlywed #sos

(Demeter) flowermom1623:
@skydude10 If you don’t get her I
won’t nurture the earth. Not
bluffing. LOL

(Zeus) skydude10: @flowermom1623 Fine, whatever. We will

rescue her later. I’m busy creating lightning here.

(Demeter) flowermom1623: @skydude10 Now!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Zeus) skydude10: @flowermom1623 Okay, fine. Now. Whatever.

Meet me at the underworld entrance in like 20.

(Hades) blackbones2: You look gorgeous babe! <3

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