MCA - Part I - 2020-21

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Shivaji University, Kolhapur

Master of Computer Applications (M.C.A.)

(Under the Faculty of Commerce and Management)
(Choice Based Credit System)
MCA (Part I) from Academic Year 2020-2021
MCA (Part II) from Academic Year 2021-2022

1. Introduction
Master of Computer Applications (MCA) is a two-year (four semesters) professional
Master Degree program in computer applications. The program is designed to meet the
growing demand for qualified professionals in the field of Information Technology. It is a
postgraduate program that can be taken up after obtaining a Bachelor’s Degree. The MCA
program is inclined more towards Application Development and thus has more emphasis
on the latest programming language and tools to develop better and faster applications. It
covers various aspects of computational theory, programming, algorithm design and
optimization, network and database management, mobile technologies, cyber security,
information system audit, etc.

 Discipline Specific elective courses and General Electives to be offered in functional

areas have to depend on studentpreferences and needs of the user systems in the
region in which the educational institution islocated.
 The MCA program is a mixture of computer-related and general business courses.
Thecomputer related courses include Programming Techniques, Database
Managements and Data Analytics techniques. The general business courses includethe
emerging areas in management like Digital Marketing, Industry 4.0 norms and
Entrepreneurship Development including Start-ups.
 The program would emphasis on Experiential Learning which aims at creation of
business applications. Inclusion of projectsimproves student’s technical orientation,
understanding ofIT environment and domain knowledge. It will provide helpful
platform for students to become asuccessful Software professional. This would
improve domain knowledge of various areas, which would help the students to build
software applications on it. The students are exposed to software development in the
data processing environment with special emphasis on Software Project Management
and Software Engineering for small and medium organizations.
 Subjects such as IS Audit, Design Thinking, Digital Forensics, Cyber Securityand Big
Data Management will work as new application domains. Major focus is given on
Data Analytics so that student can choose Data Analyst as their career options.Also,
exposure to Web applications, Web 2.0, Web MiningandWeb Application Security is
also provided.Advanced technology includes Internet of Things, Mobile computing
and variety of new technologies. Business communication, personality development
and seminar will lead to overall personality developmentof the student and that will
help them in theircareer development and to sustain in the dynamic environment of
Information Technology.
 MOOC courses help students for self-learning of emerging technologies and trends in
market with the help of online platform. List of various certifications possible through
SWAYAM is published on Shivaji University’s Web site. Students should try to do
maximum Value Added certifications during their learning phase through MOOCs
like SWAYAM platform to make their resume rich.
 The new curricula would focus on Outcome Based Education including Cognitive and
Affective skills with the help of Discipline specific skills, Ability Enhancement Skills
and Hands on experience.
 The inclusion of projects ensures the Experiential Learningwhere students can apply
their skills at respective levels. It will provide opportunity for students to work on
various emerging technologies. It will provide appropriate platform for students to
work in IT Industry. It will alsoimprove documentation, Coding and Design standards
capabilities in students. Inclusion of project forsubject such as Web Technology and
Mobile Computing will definitely improve students’ innovativeness and creativity.
 The Institutes should organize placement program for the MCA students by
interactingwith the industries and software consultancy houses in and around the
region in which theeducational Institution is located. The Institute should also
promote entrepreneurship skills through Entrepreneurship Development Cell or
Incubation Centre.

2. Job Opportunities:
 After completing MCA, students can start their career as a Software Developer and Web
Designer & Developer, after some experience, are promoted as system analysts. Other seek
entrepreneurial role in the Information Technology world as independent business owners,
software consultants, IT Architecture, Network Engineer. Career opportunities also exist in
emerging area as Cyber security. Other areas include Data scientist and Cloud Architect.

3. Duration of the Course

The MCA program will be a full-time two years i.e. 4 semesters. Pattern of examinationwill be
Semester System.

3. Medium of Instruction
The medium of Instruction will be English only.

4. Teachers Qualification: MCA with First class and Two years’ experience prescribed by
AICTE and University.

5. Admission Procedure
(A) Eligibility:
Passed BCA/ Bachelor Degree in Computer Science or Engineering or equivalent degree
Passed B.Sc./ B.Com./ B.A. with Mathematics at 10+2 Level or at Graduation Level (with
additional bridge Courses as per the norms of the concerned University).
Obtained at least 50% marks (45% marks in case of candidates belonging to reserved
category) in the qualifying Examination.

(B) Reservation of Seats

As per rules of by the Competent Authority

(C) Selection Basis

The selection would be done as per the guidelines given by the Directorate of
TechnicalEducationMaharashtra State and the competent authority time to time.

6 PEO, PO and COMappings:

Program Educational Outcomes: After completion of this program, the graduates /
students would:
Implement fundamental domain knowledge of core
courses for developing effective computing
PEO I Technical Expertise
solutions by incorporating creativity and logical
Deliver professional services with updated
PEO II Successful Career technologies in Computer applicationbased
Develop leadership skills and incorporate ethics,
Interdisciplinary and team work with effective communication & time
PEO III Life management in the profession.
Long Learning Undergo higher studies, certifications and
technology research as per market needs.

Program Outcomes: Program outcomes are attributes of the graduates from the program that are
indicative of the graduates’ ability and competence to work as an IT professional upon graduation.
Program Outcomes are statements that describe what students are expected to do now or do by the
time of post-graduation. They must relate to knowledge and skills that the students acquire from
the program. The achievement of all outcomes indicates that the student is well prepared to
achieve the program educational objectives down the road. Master of Computer Applications
program has following PO’s.

PO1. Computational Knowledge: Understand and apply mathematical foundation, computing

and domain knowledge for the conceptualization of computing models from defined problems.
PO2. Problem Analysis: Ability to identify, critically analyze and formulate complex computing
problems using fundamentals of computer science and application domains.
PO3. Design / Development of Solutions: Ability to transform complex business scenarios and
contemporary issues into problems, investigate, understand and propose integrated solutions using
emerging technologies
PO4. Conduct Investigations of Complex Computing Problems: Ability to devise and conduct
experiments, interpret data and provide well informed conclusions.
PO5. Modern Tool Usage: Ability to select modern computing tools, skills and techniques
necessary for innovative software solutions
PO6. Professional Ethics: Ability to apply and commit professional ethics and cyber regulations
in a global economic environment.
PO7. Life-long Learning: Recognize the need for and develop the ability to engage in continuous
learning as a Computing professional.
PO8. Project Management and Finance: Ability to understand, management and computing
principles with computing knowledge to manage projects in multidisciplinary environments.
PO9. Communication Efficacy: Communicate effectively with the computing community as
well as society by being able to comprehend effective documentations and presentations.
PO10. Societal & Environmental Concern: Ability to recognize economical, environmental,
social, health, legal, ethical issues involved in the use of computer technology and other
consequential responsibilities relevant to professional practice.
PO11. Individual & Team Work: Ability to work as a member or leader in diverse teams in
multidisciplinary environment.
PO12. Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Identify opportunities, entrepreneurship vision and
use of innovative ideas to create value and wealth for the betterment of the individual and society.

7. Course Outcome(s): Every individual course under this program has course outcomes
(CO). The course outcomes rationally match with program educational objectives. The
mapping of PEO, PO and CO is as illustratedbelow:

Educational Thrust Area Course Outcome
PO1,PO2,PO3,PO4 and All Core and Lab
PEO I Technical Expertise
PO5 courses
PO6 ,PO7, PO8 PO9 and
PEO II Successful Career All AEC courses
Interdisciplinary and Life
PEO III PO10,PO11 All Electives
Long Learning

8. Program Specific Outcomes (PSO’s)

PSO 1. Ability to pursue careers in IT industry/ consultancy/ research and development, teaching
and allied areas related to computer applications.
PSO 2. Comprehend, explore and build up computer programs in the areas allied to Algorithms,
System Software, Multimedia, Web Design and Big Data Analytics for efficient design of
computer-based systems of varying complexity.
9. Syllabus Structure:

MCA Part I Semester I

Practical Internal
Sr. Course Course contact University
Course Title hours per Credits continuous Total
No. Type Code hours per exam
week assessment
Introduction to
1 Core CC101 4 4 70 30 100
2 Core CC102 Architecture & 4 4 70 30 100
Operating System
3 Core CC103 RDBMS 4 4 70 30 100
Statistical and
4 AEC Mathematical 4 4 70 30 100
Principles of
AEC Management and
5 AEC 4 4 70 30 100
105 Organizational
AEC Business
6 AEC 2 2 - 50 50
106 Communication
1. Strategic IT
2. Knowledge
7 GE GE107 4 4 70 30 100
3. Financial
Lab Based on
8 Core CC108 2 2 50 - 50
Lab Based on
9 Core CC109 2 2 50 50
Lab Based on
10 Core CC110 2 2 50 - 50
26 9 32 520 280 800
MCA Part I Semester II
Practical Internal
Sr. Course Course contac University
Course Title hours per Credits continuous Total
No. Type Code t hours exam
week assessment
1 Core CC201 Web Technology 4 4 70 30 100
2 Core CC202 Data Structure 4 4 70 30 100
Big Data
3 Core CC203 4 4 70 30 100
Data Communication
4 Core CC204 4 4 70 30 100
& Network
5 Core CC205 Engineering and 4 4 70 30 100
Project Management
1. Digital
2. Design Thinking
6 GE GE206 4 4 70 30 100
and Innovation
3. Information
System Audit
7 Core CC207 Lab based on CC201 2 2 50 - 50
8 Core CC208 Lab based on CC202 2 2 50 - 50
9 Core CC209 Mini Project 4 4 70 30 100
24 8 32 590 210 800
MCA Part II Semester III

Sr. contact Practical Internal
Course Course University
No Course Title hours hours per Credits continuous Total
Type Code exam
. per week assessment
1 Core CC301 Java Programming 4 4 70 30 100
2 Core CC302 Data Analytics 4 4 70 30 100
3 Core CC303 Cyber Security 4 4 70 30 100
1. Cloud Computing
2. Digital Forensics
4 3. Data Centre 4 4 70 30 100
4. Web 2.0
5 AEC AEC305 4 4 70 30 100
6 AEC AEC306 2 2 - 50 50
7 Core CC307 Lab based on CC301 2 2 50 - 50

8 Core CC308 Lab based on CC302 2 2 50 50

9 Core CC309 Major Project 6 6 100 50 150
22 10 32 550 250 800
MCA Part II Semester IV
Theory Internal
contact continuo
Sr. Course Course l hours Credit Universi
Course Title hours us Total
No. Type Code per s ty exam
per assessme
week nt
Artificial Intelligence
1 Core CC401 4 4 70 30 100
and Soft Computing
Advance Java
2 Core CC402 4 4 70 30 100
3 Core CC403 Internet of Things 4 4 70 30 100
1. Block Chain
DSE 2. Mobile Applications
4 DSE404 4 4 70 30 100
3. Web Application
4. Web Mining
5 AEC AEC 405 Research Methodology 4 4 70 30 100
6 AEC AEC 406 2 2 - 50 50
7 DSE DSE407 Seminar 2 2 - 50 50
8 Core CC408 Lab based on CC401 2 2 50 50
9 Core CC49 Lab based on CC402 2 2 50 50
10 Core CC410 Mini Project 4 4 80 20 100
24 8 32 530 270 800

Credit Distribution Chart for MCA Program

Sr. No Particulars Credits Percentage of Credits

1 CC- Compulsory Courses 88 68
2 GE- General Electives 8 7
3 DSE- Domain Specific Electives 10 8
4 AEC- Ability Enhancement 22 17
Total 128 100
10. Standard of Passing and Award of Class:
Internal as well as external examination will be held at the end of semester. The candidate must
score 40% marks in each head of internal as well as external Examination. The student should not
have more than 5 backlogs for 2nd year admission.
There will be numerical marking on each question. At the time of declaration of the resultthe
marks obtained by the candidate is converted into grade point as shown below;

Grade Point Table

Grade Range of Marks obtained
Points out of 100 or any fractions
0 0To5
1 6To10
1.5 11To15
2 16To20
2.5 21To25
3 26To30
3.5 31To35
4 36To40
4.5 41To45
5 46To50
5.5 51To55
6 56To60
6.5 61To65
7 66To70
7.5 71To75
8 76To80
8.5 81To85
9 86To90
9.5 91To95
10 96To100

Grading: Shivaji University has introduced a Seven-point grading system as follows:

Grades CGPA Credit Points
O 8.60To10
A+ 7.00To8.59
A 6.00To6.99
B+ 5.50To5.99
B 4.50To5.49
C 4.00To4.49
D 0.00To3.99

Overall Final Class Grade

8.60 To 10 Higher Distinction Level Extraordinary O
7.00To8.59 Distinction Level Excellent A+
6.00To6.99 First Class Very Good A
5.50To5.99 Higher Second Class Good B+
4.50To5.49 Second Class Satisfactory B
4.00To4.49 PassFairC
0.00To3.99 FailUnsatisfactoryD

11. Teaching and Practical Scheme

1. Each contact session for teaching or practical should be of 60 minutes each.
2. One Practical Batch should be of 30 students.
3. Practical evaluation should be conducted before the commencement of Universityexamination

a) Nature of Theory Question paper: Nature of question paper is as follows for University end
semester examination

i) There will be seven (7) questions and out of which three (3) to be attempted from question no 2
to question no 6.
ii) Question No.1 and question No.7 are compulsory in which question No.1 is of multiple choice
questions. There will be8 multiple choice questions and each carries 1 mark. Question No 6
should be a short note for 20 marks, where 5 sub questions will be given, out of which four
questions should be attempted
iii) Question No.2 to Question No. 6 may consist 2 sub questions and each carries 7Marks or long
answer question for 14 marks

b) Nature of Practical Question Paper:

There will be three questions of 15 Marks each, Out of which student have to attempt any two
questions and 10 marks for journal and 10 marks for oral for 2 credit lab course and time duration
is two hours.
Practical Examination conducted by the University appointed external examiner panel of two
members. The panel members appointed should have more than five years’ of experience as full
time teacher.

13. Internal Marks Distribution

1 Five Marks for Mid Tests

2 Ten Marks for presentation or activity based learning or Lab Work or Group exercise(
Number of students in Group are not more than six)
3 Five Marks for Assignments
4 Five Marks for library activity/ designing apps or software or working model/ Field
Work/online learning activity etc.
Five Marks for Attendance.(75% to 80%‐ 02 marks, 81% to 85 %‐ 03 marks, 86% to 90 %‐ 04
,marks 91% to 100% ‐ 5 mark)

14. Mini- Project

The Objective of mini project is, to make aware student with current technology to be used in IT
industry. The language/platform of the mini-project to be selected from the subject studied in
previous and present semester. The Group size of maximum three students can undertake mini
project. Project Viva-Voce Examination will be conducted by the University appointed examiner
panel of two members. The panel members appointed should have more than five years’ of
experience as full time teacher.

15. Major Software Development Project:

For major project student should go for in plant training of 50 days after completion of semester II
university examination and project report will be submitted to institute/department before 3rd
semester university examination. Project work willbe done individually and students should take
guidance from assigned guide and prepare a Project Report on “Project Work" in two copies to be
submitted to the Director of the Institute/Head of the Department. In plant training certificate
from respective organisation is mandatory for project certification by Institute.The project viva
voce will be conducted after theory examination of 3 rd semester by the University appointed
examiner panel of two members having doctorate and more than ten years’ experience as full time

16. Fee Structure: As per directives of Shikshan Shulka Samiti, Govt. of Maharashtra and
competent authority.

17. Requirements:
1. Core Faculty: As per guidelines of AICTE New Delhi.
2. Computer Infrastructure: Number of Computers, Number of application software, Number
of system software’s are as per AICTE New Delhi and competent authority guidelines.
3. Internet Bandwidth: 32 MBPS Lease Line and at least 4Mbps Wi-Fi connectivity at 4 or 5
hotspots shall be made available.
4. Arrangement to view MOOC’s of NPTEL/ SWAYAM/IIT online Tutorials etc. shall be
made available.
5. Class Room, Seminar halls, Tutorial Rooms and Auditorium: As per AICTE Guidelines
6. Each Class Room shall be equipped with LCD projector, Smart Board, Internet etc.
Seminar Hall shall have proper furnishing and equipment such LCD projector, Smart
Board, PA system and Executive Chairs.Institutions shall have MOOC’s Facility Centre
and Innovation Laboratory.
7. Language Laboratory shall have a minimum of 20 Computers with appropriate application

18. Revision of Syllabus:

As the computer technology experience rapid rate of obsolescence of knowledge, revision of the
syllabus should be considered every two years. The Workshops on revised syllabi should be
organized at the beginning of every semester.

19. Bridge Course:

1. This bridge course is conducted for the Non IT graduates i.e., BA, B.Com, and B.Sc.,
excluding B.Sc. (Computer) and B.Sc. Entire-(Computer/IT) students admitted to MCA
Part I.
2. The bridge course is compulsory for non-computer background students (i.e., BA, B.Com,
and B.Sc., excluding B.Sc. (Computer) and B.Sc. Entire-(Computer/IT)
3. It is mandatory to complete the syllabus of the bridge course at the beginning of MCA I
Sem I.
4. There will be an internal evaluation for Bridge course of total 100 marks which includes 50
marks (10 Marks for each unit) for Term work (Assignments/Lab Assignments/Case
Analysis) and 50 marks for multiple choice question Examination.
5. Multiple choice questions Examination include 50 questions. Each question is for one mark
having four options. All questions will be compulsory.
6. There will be no negative marking for wrong answer.
7. The bridge course should be completed by the students as prescribed by university
authorities. MCA degree shall not be awarded unless the students successfully complete the
Bridge Course.
8. The student has to secure 40% marks separate passing both in Term Work and multiple
choice questions Examination in order to pass the bridge course.
9. Examination fee shall be made applicable as per University rules. The respective
affiliated college should arrange for the contact sessions (60 contact sessions- 12 contact
sessions for each unit) for completing the Bridge Course. However the
College/Department shall not charge any fee for conducting the Bridge Course.

MCA (Commerce & Management) - Bridge Course Syllabus

As per the norms of AICTE
60 contact sessions 4 credits
Unit I
Fundamentals of Computer
Introduction to Digital Computer, Block Diagram of computer, Computer Hardware,
Introduction to Software, Types of software, Introduction to operating system, Types
of Operating system, Functions of Operating system.

Unit II
Fundamentals of Accounting- Introduction to Accounting, Objectives, Need and
Scope of Accounting, Types of Accounts, Branches of accounts, Accounting concepts
and conventions. Journal entries, ledger posting, trial balance, financial statements.
Accounting with Tally: Introduction to gateway, company creation, ledger creation,
voucher entries.
Unit III
Fundamentals of Mathematics and Statistics
Measures of Central Tendency- Mean, Mode, Median, Elementary set theory:
Representation of sets, Operations on sets, Distributive and De Morgan’s laws,
Probability, Permutations and Combinations.
Unit IV-
Fundamentals of Programming-
Introduction to C programing, Data types in C, Operators in C, Branching and looping
statements in C. Array in C, Introduction to Object oriented Programming,
Introduction to C++, Class, Object, Constructor, Destructor, Inheritance,
Database Management System
Definition of Database, Needs, features Database Management Systems (DBMS):
Definition, components, file system, comparison of file processing system with
DBMS, functions of DBMS, advantages, disadvantages of DBMS, Structure of
DBMS, Database constraints, .Introduction to SQL.
Reference Books -
1. Computer Fundamentals, Sixth Edition, Pradeep K. Sinha, Priti Sinha.
2. Programming in ANSI C, E Balagurusamy, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing
3. Programming in C++ by YashwantKanetkar (PBP Publications)
4. Koontz and Weirich : Essentials of Management
5. Database System Concept – Silberschatz, Korth
6. Fundamentals of Database System- RamezElmasri,Shamkant B. Navathe(Pearson)
7. SQL, PL/SQL the programminglanguage of OracleIvanBayross BPB 4th
8. Computer System Architecture Morris Mano Pearson 3 Edition
9. Gupta C. B.: Introduction to Statistics
10.Discrete mathematics - SemyourLipschutz, Marc Lipson (MGH), Schaum’s
11.Advance Accountancy:- M.C. Shukla & T.S. Grewal
12.Advance Accountancy:- S.C. Jain & K.L. Narang

20. Syllabus:
M.C.A. Part-I Semester I
Paper CC101: Introduction to Programming
(Choice Based Credit System)
Course Students of this course will be able to :
Outcomes 1. Understand Basic Syntax of Python Programming.
2. Demonstrate and implement concepts of object oriented methodology using
3. Develop problem solving skills and their implementation through Python
4. Design Graphical user Interfaces in Python.
Marks:100 Total Hours of Teaching: 60 University Exam :70 Internal : 30
Syllabus Contents:
Introduction to Programming :
Role of programming languages, Need to study programming
languages, Characteristics of Programming Languages, Programming
language paradigms: Imperative, Object Oriented, Functional, Logic,
Event Driven and Concurrent Programming.
OVERVIEW – History, Features and Applications, Installing and
Running Python Program, Modes: interpreter, editor and IDE,–
Python Identifiers, Keywords , Indentation, Multi-Line Statements,
Quotation, Comments , Waiting for the User Input, Multiple Statements
Unit 1: 15Periods
on a Single Line
VARIABLE TYPES - Assigning Values to Variables, Multiple
Assignment, Standard Data Types (Numbers, Strings, Lists, Tuples,
Dictionary), Data Type Conversion and Casting
OPERATORS - Types of Operators, Operators Precedence
STRINGS - Accessing Values in Strings, Updating Strings, Escape
Characters, String Special Operators, String Formatting Operator,
Triple Quotes, Unicode String, Built-in String Methods, Regular
Expression and Pattern Matching.
DECISION MAKING - If, if-else, elif Statement, Nesting of If
statement, Using if-else as switch-case
LOOPS - While Loop, The Infinite Loop, For Loop, Iterating by
Sequence Index, Using else Statement with Loops, Nested Loops,
Break, Continue & Pass Statement.
LISTS - Python Lists, Accessing Values in Lists, Updating Lists,
DeletingList Elements, Basic List Operations, Indexing, Slicing, and
Matrixes, Built-in List Functions and Methods.
Unit 2: 15 Periods
TUPLES - Accessing Values in Tuples, Updating Tuples, Deleting
Tuple Elements, Basic Tuples Operations, Indexing, Slicing, and
Matrixes , No Enclosing Delimiters :, Built-in Tuple Functions,
Combining Lists and Tuples.
Sets -Concept of Sets , creating, initializing and accessing the elements
of ,Sets operation.
DICTIONARY- Accessing Values in Dictionary, Updating Dictionary,
Delete Dictionary Elements, Properties of Dictionary Keys, Built-in
Dictionary Functions and Methods.
FUNCTIONS - Defining and Calling a Function, Function
Arguments, Keyword Arguments, Default Arguments, Variable Length
Arguments, Passing by Reference Versus Passing by Value, The
Anonymous Functions, The return Statement, Returning multiple
values, Scope of Variables, Global vs Local variables
MODULES - The import Statement, The from import and import *
Unit 3: Statement, Locating Module, Creating and importing user defined 15 Periods
modules, dir( ) Function, The globals( ) and locals( ) Functions, The
reload( ) Function, Packages in Python, Creating and using packages.
EXCEPTIONS– Introduction &, need of Exception, Handling an
Exception with try-except, The except Clause with No Exceptions &
with Multiple Exceptions, try-finally, try-except-else clause, User-
Defined Exceptions
FILES I/O – Opening and Closing Files, The open Function, The file
Object Attributes, The close( ) Method, Reading and Writing Files,
The write( ) and writelines( ) Methods, The read( ), readline( ) and
readlines( ) Methods, Opening file in appending mode, File Positions,
seek( ) function, Renaming and Deleting Files, rename( )& remove( )
Method, Directories in Python, mkdir( ), chdir( ), getcwd( )&rmdir( )
Methods, File and Directory Related Methods
CLASSES AND OBJECTS - Overview of OOP Terminology,
Unit 4: Creating Classes, Creating Instance Objects, Accessing Attributes, 15 Periods
static member attributes & Built-In Class Attributes, Destroying
Objects (Garbage Collection, Class Inheritance, Multiple, Hierarchical
and Multi-level inheritance, Overriding Methods, Overloading
Operators, Data Hiding,
Multithreading, Database Access using python
GUI Programming using Tkinter – using Label, Message Widget,
Buttons, Radiobuttons, Checkboxes, Entry Widgets, Canvas Widgets,
Sliders, Text Widget, Dialogs, Layout Management.
Reference Books:
1. R. NageswaraRao, “Core Python Programming”, Dreamtech
2. Programming with python, A users Book, Michael Dawson, Cengage
3. Python Essential Reference, David Beazley, Third Edition 5. Python
4. Practical Programming: An introduction to Computer Science Using
Python, second edition, Paul Gries, Jennifer Campbell, Jason
Montojo, The Pragmatic Bookshelf.
5. Python for Informatics: Exploring Information, Charles Severance
6. John V Guttag. “Introduction to Computation and Programming
Using Python”, Prentice Hall of India
7. Learning Python By Mark Lutz,O’Reilly Publication
8. Python Learning Guide (BPB publications)
M.C.A. Part-I Semester-I
Paper CC102 : Computer Architecture and Operating System
(Choice Based Credit System)
Course Students of this course will be able to :
Outcomes 1. Understand the architecture and working of hardware components in digital
2. Compare different memory devices used in digital computer.
3. Describe the basic concepts and functions of Operating System.
4. Illustrate features and significance of Linux operating system.
Marks:100 Total Hours of Teaching:60 University Exam :70 Internal : 30
Syllabus Contents:
Introduction to Computer Architecture
Introduction to Digital Computer, Data Processing Components: Logic
Gates, Boolean Circuits, Half Adder, Full Adder, Decoder, Multiplexer.
Data Storage Components: SR, D, JK, T Flip Flops, Registers, Memory
Hierarchy, Architecture of RAM, ROM, Data Representation: Number
Unit 1: 15Periods
Systems- Binary, Octal and Hexadecimal Numbers, Inter-conversion
between number systems.
CPU Organization: CPU Building Blocks, Instruction codes,
Registers, Addressing Modes, Instruction sets, Instruction execution
and Interrupts.
Introduction to Operating System
Definition of Operating System, Operating system structures, Types of
Operating systems,
Memory Management: Concept, Memory Management Techniques,
Swapping, Contiguous Memory Allocation, Memory Protection,
Unit 2: 15 Periods
Memory Allocation, Fragmentation, Segmentation with Paging, Virtual
Memory Concept, Demand Paging and Page Replacement.
Process Management: Process Concept, Process scheduling, CPU
Scheduling: Basic Concepts, Scheduling Criteria, Scheduling
Inter Process Communication: Critical region, synchronization and
semaphore, classic problems of synchronization, Deadlock: Methods
for Handling Deadlock, Deadlock Prevention, Deadlock Detection and
Unit 3: 15 Periods
Deadlock recovery.
Input-Output Processing: Input/ Output Devices, Input-Output
Interface, Modes of Transfer, Direct Memory Access, I/O Processor.
Introduction to Linux
Features of Linux, History and development of Linux, Architecture of
Linux, Concept of Kernel and shell, Linux File Structure, Directory and
Unit 4: File handling commands in Linux. 15 Periods
Shell scripting: Working with VI editor and its mode, Shell variables,
operators, conditional and looping statements, Shell functions, Shell
scripting with C and Python.
Reference Books:
1. Computer System Architecture Morris Mano Pearson 3rd Edition
2. Computer Organization by Carl Hamacher, ZvonkoVranesic, SafwatZaky, 5th Edition, MGH
3. Digital Logic and Computer Design Morris Mano Prentice Hall
4. Computer Architecture & Organization J. P. Hayes MGH 3rd Edition
5. Computer Organization & Design Pal Chaudhary PHI 3dr Edition
6. Digital Computer Electronics Malvino TMH 3rd Edition
7. Computer Architecture & Organization Murdocca Wiley India
8. Computer Architecture and Organization, John P. Hayes, 3rd Edition, McGraw-Hill Series
9. Operating Systems: Concepts: By Abraham Siberschatz, Peter Galvin- Willey- Sixth edition.
10. Operating Systems: Andrew S. Tanenbaum-Pearson Education- Second Edition.
11. System Programming and Operating Systems by D.M. Dhamdhere-TMH –Second Edition.
12. Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles, Seventh Edition by William Stallings,
Pearson Publications
Suggested Additional Reading:
1. Computer Organization & Architecture, William Stallings, 7th Edition, PHI
2. Computer Systems Design and Architecture, Vincent P. Heuring& Harry F. Jordan, 2nd
Edition, Pearson Education
3. Advanced Computer Architecture, Hwang, TMH
4. William Stallings, ―Operating Systems, Macmillan Publishing Company.
5. Deitel H.M., ―An Introduction to Operating System, Addison Wesley Publishing Company,
6. Kenneth Rosen,Douglas Host, The Complelete Reference, Unix, Tata McGraw Hill
Suggested Research Journals:

M.C.A. Part-I Semester I

Paper CC103: RDBMS
(Choice Based Credit System)
Course Students of this course will be able to :
Outcomes 1. Understand the fundamentals of relational systems including data models,
database architectures, and database manipulations using SQL.
2. Design normalized database for business applications.
3. Understand the use of procedural Structured Query Language (PL/SQL).
4. Demonstrate programs using PL/SQL.
Marks:100 Total Hours of Teaching:60 University Exam :70 Internal : 30
Syllabus Contents:
Relational Database Management System: Introduction to RDBMS,
Objectives of RDBMS, Difference between DBMS and RDBMS,
Architectures of RDBMS, Data Models(Network, Hierarchical, Entity
Unit 1: 15Periods
Relationship (E-R) Model, relational data model), CODD Rules ,
Normalization(1st NF, 2nd NF, 3rd NF and BCNF), Transaction
Management: ACID properties of transaction, Concurrency control
Structured Query Language: Introduction, Data Types in SQL,
Different types of Commands in SQL, Different level of Constraints,
Unit 2: Built in functions(String, date time, mathematical and Aggregate 15 Periods
functions), In and Between operator, Like operator, Join Operation, Set
Operation, View, Sub Query, Embedded SQL.
PL/SQL: Introduction, Shortcomings in SQL, Structure of PL/SQL,
Unit 3: PL/SQL Language Elements, Data Types, Operators, Precedence, 15 Periods
Control Structure, Steps to create a PL/SQL Program, Iterative Control.
Advance PL/SQL: Cursors, Steps to create a Cursors, Procedure,
Function, Packages, Exceptions Handling, Database Triggers, Types of
Unit 4: 15 Periods
Triggers Advance PL/SQL Triggers, Types of Triggers, Stored
Procedures, Function, Packages, Exceptions Handling, Database
Reference Books:
1. Introduction to database systems C. J. Date Pearsons Education 8th
2. SQL, PL/SQL the programming language of Oracle Ivan Bayross
BPB 4th
3. Practical Oracle SQL -Mastering the Full Power of Oracle
Database, Kim Berg Hansen
4. Advance Database Management System
5. Structured Query Language- by Osbome
6. SQL by Scott UllmanSQL & PL/SQL Black Book for Oracle by
Suggested Additional Reading:
1. Oracle Database 12c,Ian Abramson
Suggested Research Journals:
1.Oracle: The Research Journal of the Association of
Fraternity/Sorority Advisors (Oracle)

M.C.A. part-I Semester I

Paper AEC 104: Statistical and Mathematical
(Choice Based Credit System)
Course Students of this course will be able to :
Outcomes 1. Understand Basic algorithms and techniques of modern data
2. Implement the algorithms using descriptive Statistical Analysis.
3.Apply a variety of methods for explaining, summarizing and
presenting data and interpreting results clearly.
4. Perform the data analysis using classification and present the results
of the analysis.
Marks:100 Total Hours of Teaching:60 University Exam :70 Internal : 30
Syllabus Contents:
Dispersion and Correlation
Measures of Dispersion: range, sample standard deviation, Variance,
Coefficient of Variation, interquartile range. Quartiles and quantiles.
Unit 1: Boxplots. 15Periods
Correlation: Concept of correlation between two variables, Types of
correlation, Scatter diagram and its utility. Pearson’s and Spearman’s
coefficients of correlation.
Probability Distribution and Regression
Probability Distribution: Binomial, Poisson and Normal distribution,
Skewness and Kurtosis.
Unit 2: Regression: The simple linear regression model, Fitting the linear 15 Periods
regression model, Introduction to multiple linear regression, Multiple
regression assumptions, diagnostics, and efficacy measures. Fitting the
multiple regression model.
Logistic regression: Estimating the regression coefficients and making
predictions. Logistic regression with several variables. Case-control
Unit 3: 15 Periods
sampling and logistic regression. Logistic regression with more than
two classes.
Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA): Using Bayes’ theorem for
classification. Discriminant functions. Fisher’s discriminant plots.
Naive Bayes approach. Quadratic discriminant analysis. K-nearest
neighbour algorithm.

Logic & Graph Theory

Logic: Propositional Calculus - Statements and Notation, Connectives -
Negation, Conjunction, Disjunction, Conditional, Biconditional,
Statement formulas and truth tables, well-formed formulas, Theory of
Unit 4: inference for Statement calculus, Predicate calculus, Rules of 15 Periods
Inference, Inference theory for the predicate calculus.
Graph Theory: Basic concepts of graphs, Storage representation and
manipulation of graphs, Traversing of Graph.

Reference Books:
1. Fundamentals of Statistics by S. C. Gupta.
2. Business Analytics - the science of Data - Driven
Decision Making, U Dinesh Kumar.
3. Multivariate Data Analysis, Joseph F. Hair Jr. Barry J.
Babin, Wiliam C. Black, Rolph E. Anderson.
4.Discrete Mathematics, Seymour Lipschutz, Marc Lars
5. Discrete Mathematical Structures with Applications to
Computer Science, J. P.Tremblay and P. Manohar, Tata
McGraw Hill.
6. Elements of Discrete Mathematics - A Computer
Oriented Approach, C. L. Liu and D. P. Mohapatra,
3rd edition, Tata McGraw Hill.
7. Discrete Mathematics and its Applications with
Combinatorics and Graph Theory, K. H. Rosen, 7th
edition, Tata McGraw Hill.
8. Discrete Mathematics for Computer Scientists and
Mathematicians, J. L. Mott, A. Kandel, T.P. Baker,
2nd edition, Prentice Hall of India.
9. Discrete Mathematical Structures, Bernand Kolman,
Robert C. Busby, Sharon Cutler Ross, PHI.
10. Discrete Mathematics, S. K. Chakraborthy and B. K.
Sarkar, Oxford, 2011.

M.C.A. Part-I Semester I

Paper AEC 105: Principles of Management and Organizational Behavior
(Choice Based Credit System)
Course Students of this course will be able to :
Outcomes 1. Understand basics of principles of management and organization behavior.
2. Understand concepts of Personality, learning, emotions, motivation and staffing
& controlling
3. Understand Group behavior, team building, communication and leadership.
4. Understand Organizational culture, change and development.
Marks:100 Total Hours of Teaching:60 University Exam=70 Internal : 30
Syllabus Contents:
Introduction and Evolution of Management-
Unit 1: 15Periods
Definition-Scope of Management- Functions of management- -Levels
of Management-Roles of a manager, Functional areas of Management,
Planning and Organizing: Planning- Nature, types, steps in planning,
process and limitation of planning. Organizing- Meaning, Process,
Organization structure, Types of organizational structure,
Centralization and Decentralization, Departmentalization, Span of
management, Concept of Authority, Responsibility and Accountability,
Delegation. Management by Objectives (MBO) – Definition, Meaning
and Significance, MBO process.
Staffing, Directing & Controlling -
Staffing- Meaning need, Human Resource Planning, Recruitment
sources and selection. Procedure. Directing-Concept, need Elements of
directing- supervision, communication, Motivating – Meaning and
importance - Theories of motivation- Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs
Theory, Herzberg’s Two- factor Theory, McGreger’s Theory ‘x’ and
Unit 2: 15 Periods
Theory ‘y’ , Financial and Non-financial incentives Leading- Meaning
of Leadership- Functions and qualities of leader, Leadership styles.
Likert’s four systems of leadership, Charishmatic Leadership.
Controlling- Concept, Types of control, steps in control process,
Importance of controlling, Techniques of controlling- Break Even
Analysis, Budgetary Control, Zero based budgeting PERT, CPM.
Introduction to Organizational Behavior and Individual Behavior
Introduction of Organizational Behavior- Meaning of organizational
Behavior , Definition of OB, key elements of OB, importance of OB,
contributing disciplines to OB, the challenges faced by management,
Unit 3: 15 Periods
models of OB.
Individual Behavior- Personality, Learning, and Motivation, Concept
of Personality, Determinants of Personality, Meaning of Learning
Means of Learning, Meaning of Motivation, Theories of Motivation
Group Behavior and Organizational Change and Development
Group Behavior- definition and characteristics of group, theories of
group formation, types of groups
Unit 4: Organizational Change and Development- organizational change, 15 Periods
resistance to change, managing resistance to change, organizational
development (OD) – meaning of OD, characteristics of OD, objectives
of OD, OD models
Reference Books:
Principles of Management
1. Essentials of Management, Koontz and Weihrich, McGraw-Hill
2. Principles of Management, L.M. Prasad,
3. Management Concept and Strategies, J.S.Chandra,
5. Essentials of Management, Koontz and Weirich
Organizational Behavior
1) Organisational Behaviour, Stephan P. Robbins, Prentice Hall
2) Organisational Behaviour, Fred Luthans, McGrow Hill Publication.
3) Organisational Behaviour, Keith Davis, McGrow Hill Publication
4) Management & Organisational Behaviour, Laurie J. Mullincs,
Pearson Education.
5) Organization Behavior, Jit Chandan.

M.C.A. Part-I Semester I

Paper AEC 106: Business Communication
(Choice Based Credit System)
Course Students of this course will be able to :
Outcomes 1. Determine competency level with the basic Communication Skills
2. Adapt Proficiency in handling Professional Communication
Marks:50 Total Hours of Teaching:30 University Exam :00 Internal : 50
Syllabus Contents:
Basic Communication Skills
Listening Skills: What is listening; Types of Listening; Barriers and
Strategies for Effective Listening
Reading Skills: Meaning of Reading, Purpose of Reading, Types of
Reading, SQ3R Technique of Reading
Unit 1: Writing Skills: Paragraph Writing, Business Letters, Job Application 15Periods
Letters, Resume, E-Mail Writing, Reports- Types, Formats and
structure, Meeting Documentation- Notice, Agenda and Minutes.
Oral Skills: Strategies for effective speaking, Formal Oral
Communication: Telephonic Conversation, Meetings, Presentations,
Public Speaking and Interviews
Business Communication: Meaning, Process and Importance; Types of
Communication – Verbal and Nonverbal; Barriers to effective
communication, Overcoming the barriers ; Seven C’s of
Unit 2: 15 Periods
Communication; Forms of Communication in an organization-Formal-
Upward, Downward , Horizontal and diagonal and Informal
(Grapevine)-Advantages and Disadvantages
Reference Books:
1.Professional Communication Skills, ArunaKoneru
2.A to Z of Interview, Prof. (Dr.) Kishore.C. Padhy and Madhuchhanda
3.Business Correspondence and Report Writing, R.C.Sharma and
Krishna Mohan
4.Business Communication, Meenakshi Raman and Prakash Singh
5.Business Communication, UrmilaRai and S.M.Rai
Suggested Additional Reading:
Suggested Research Journals:
1.International Journal of Business Communication
2.Journal of Business Communication
3.International Journal of Applied Research
Nature of Internal Evaluation:
1. Assignment and Language Lab Activity :10 M
2. Group Activity/ Seminar presentation :10M
3. Listening Activity :10M
4. Reading Comprehension :10M
5. Class Test :10M

M.C.A. Part-I Semester I

Paper GE107:Elective 1) Strategic IT Management
(Choice Based Credit System)
Course Students of this course will be able to :
Outcom 1. Understand emerging Technologies and strategic role of IT in strategy
es 2. Develop IT strategy for any manufacturing or service organization.
3. Understand IT governance areas and determine IT governance implementation
problems in business organization.
4. Develop IT Governance framework for IT enabled organizations.
Marks Total Hours of Teaching:60 University Exam :70 Internal :
:100 30
Syllabus Contents:
Strategic Role of IS in Business: Evolving Role of IS in organization,
Strategic Information System Era, Evolving nature of Strategy and strategic
Unit 1: planning in organization, strategic framework, Strategic use of IS, Success
factors, Organizational IS capability. Emerging trends in IT to device
business strategies‐ web related technologies, mobile technologies.
IT Strategy Overview and Developing an IT Strategy, Strategy
implementation, strategy tools and techniques, resource based view of
strategy, approaches to information strategy development, problems, and
Unit 2: barriers. The challenges of planning strategically for IT today, Establishing
an IT strategy, process, scope objectives and expectations. Strategies for
managing IT Infrastructure, outsourcing strategies, guideline for outsourcing
IT Governance: Definition and Purpose of IT Governance, Areas of IT
Governance- strategic alignment, Value Delivery, Risk Management, 15
Unit 3:
Resource management, Performance measurement. Challenges in IT Periods
IT Governance Framework: concept, need of IT governance framework,
Information criteria, Integrated IT Governance Framework –COBIT, Key
Unit 4: governance Roles, Responsibilities and Accountability, IT Governance
Decision Rights, Key IT Resources and Functions to be managed.

Reference Books:
1. ITGovernance,PeterWeillandJeanneWRoss,HarwardBusinessSchoolPress
3. IT Governance, Martin Frohlich and Kart Glasher, Gabler Publication
4. IT Governance, A Practical Guide by Christopher BGillies
5. IT Governance: How Top managers manages IT decisions right for
superior results--- by Peter Weill, Harward Business School Press
6. Corporate Information strategy and Management by L M Applegate
7. Information Technology Management by Raner, Potter and Turban.
8. Strategic Technology Management by Betz
9. IT strategy and Management by SanjivaDubay
Suggested Additional Reading:
Information Technology Management by Yadhav
Suggested Research Journals:
1. The Journal of Strategic Information Systems
2.International Journal of Strategic Information Technology and
M.C.A. Part-I Semester I
Paper GE107: Elective 2.Knowledge Management
(Choice Based Credit System)
Course Students of this course will be able to :
Outcomes 1) Understand concept of knowledge management and technology application for
knowledge management.
2) Use the knowledge management tools.
3) Understand knowledge management Applications.
4) Design knowledge management strategy for organization.
Marks:100 Total Hours of Teaching:60 University Exam :70 Internal : 30
Syllabus Contents:
An Introduction to Knowledge Management - The foundations of
knowledge management- including cultural issues- technology
applications organizational concepts and processes- management
Unit 1: 15 Periods
aspects- and decision support systems. The Evolution of Knowledge
management: From Information Management to Knowledge
Management - Key Challenges Facing the Evolution of Knowledge
Management - Ethics for Knowledge Management.
Unit 2: Organization and Knowledge Management - Building the Learning 15 Periods
Organization. Knowledge Markets: Cooperation among Distributed
Technical Specialists – Tacit Knowledge and Quality Assurance.
Telecommunications and Networks in Knowledge Management -
Internet Search Engines and Knowledge Management - Information
Unit 3: Technology in Support of Knowledge Management - Knowledge 15 Periods
Management and Vocabulary Control - Information Mapping in
Information Retrieval - Information Coding in the Internet
Environment - Repackaging Information.
Components of a Knowledge Strategy - Case Studies (From Library to
Knowledge Center, Knowledge Management in the Health Sciences,
Knowledge Management in Developing Countries).
Unit 4: 15 Periods
Advanced topics and case studies in knowledge management -
Development of a knowledge management map/plan that is integrated
with an organization's strategic and business plan - A case study on
Corporate Memories for supporting various aspects in the process life -
cycles of an organization.
Reference Books:
1. Knowledge Management – Sudhir Warier, Vikas Publications.
2. Knowledge Management Systems – Stuart Barnes, Thomson
3. Key issues in the New Knowledge Management – J.M. Firestone,
M.W. Mcelroy.
4. Developing Expert System for Business – Chandler/Liang.
5. Knowledge Management – Pankaj Sharma, APH Pub .
Suggested Additional Reading:
Nonaka, I., Takeuchi, H., “The Knowledge-Creating Company: How
Japanese Companies Create the Dynamics of Innovation”, Oxford
University Press, 1995.

M.C.A. Part-I Semester I

Paper GE107: Elective 3.Financial Technologies
(Choice Based Credit System)
Course Students of this course will be able to :
Outcomes 1. Understand about the transformation in traditional to Modern Banking systems.
2. Describe the Financial Technologies (current and emerging technology) and
3. Understand financial business ideation, technology adoption, and challenges in
implementation technologies.
4. Describe the importance of security, privacy and ethical issues in financial
Marks:100 Total Hours of Teaching:60 University Exam :70 Internal :
Syllabus Contents:
Introduction to Financial Technology
Financial technology brief history, Evolution of financial Technologies,
Unit 1: Peri
Challenges in Financial technologies , Infrastructural needs, Financial
Applications in banking, share market and insurance sector
Core Banking Solution:
Introduction and benefits of CBS , Evolution of CBS, CBS infrastructure ,
Unit 2: Peri
CBS Modules (HO and Branch modules), Delivery Channels , Market Trends in
CBS implementation. Challenges in CBS implementation
Electronic Payment Systems
Introduction and working of electronic payment systems , Electronic payment
Unit 3: Peri
Types, E- currency (Crypto- currency and digital cash), Mobile/digital
wallets , Payment gateways , Challenges in electronic payment systems
Emerging Trends in Financial Technologies
Applications of AI for financial services, Applications of Block-chain 15
Unit 4: Technology for financial services, Financial institutions and cloud based Peri
offering, Deception technology, IoT based customized products for financial ods
Reference Books:
1. The Future of Finance: The Impact of FinTech, AI, and Crypto on Financial
Services Henri Arslanian, Fabrice Fischer
2. CORE BANKING SOLUTION: Evaluation of Security and Controls Kindle
3. Digital Banking (2019 Edition) Paperback – 1 January 2019by Indian
Institute of Banking & Finance
4. The AI Book: The Artificial Intelligence Handbook for Investors,
Entrepreneurs and Fintech Visionaries Paperback Susanne
Chishti, IvanaBartoletti, Anne Leslie, Shan M. Millie
Suggested Additional Reading:

M.C.A. Part-I Semester I

Paper CC108: Lab Based on CC101
(Choice Based Credit System)
Marks:50 Total Hours of Teaching:30 University Exam :50
This laboratory course should consist of 10 to 12 programming exercises with focus on covering
the hands-on aspects covered in theory course.

M.C.A. Part-I Semester I

Paper CC109: Lab Based on CC102
(Choice Based Credit System)
Marks:50 Total Hours of Teaching:30 Internal : 50
1. Demonstrate the use of ls command with different arguments.
2. Demonstrate the command to list all files contained in home directory, including hidden
3. Demonstrate the command to move file from one directory to another directory.
4. Demonstrate the command to sort the directory listing by file size.
5. Demonstrate the command to print the current working directory.
6. Demonstrate the command to view a file on screen.
7. Write a shell script that takes a command –line argument and reports on whether it is
directory, a file, or something else.
8. Write a shell script to check whether given number is Armstrong or not.
9. Write a shell script to display first fifty prime numbers.
10. Write a shell script to perform the following string operations to find the length of a given
11. Write a shell script to perform to extract a sub-string from a given string
12. Write a shell script to copy the contents of one file into another

M.C.A. Part-I Semester I

Paper CC110: Lab Based on CC103
(Choice Based Credit System)
Marks:50 Total Hours of Teaching:30 University Exam :50
This laboratory course should consist of 10 to 12 programming exercises with focus on covering
the hands-on aspects covered in theory course. It includes
1. Table Creation, Renaming a Table, Copying another Table, Dropping a Table,Describing
Table Definitions, Modifying Tables, Joining Tables, Number and Date Functions
2. SQL Queries: Queries, Sub Queries, and aggregate functions
3. DDL: Experiments using database DDL SQL statements
4. DML: Experiment using database DML SQL statements
5. DCL: Experiment using database DCL SQL statements
6. Index : Experiment using database index creation, Renaming a index, Copying another
index, Dropping a index , Views: Create Views, Partition and locks
7. Exception Handling: PL/SQL Procedure for application using exception handling
8. Cursor: PL/SQL Procedure for application using cursors
9. Trigger: PL/SQL Procedure for application using triggers
10. Stored Procedure: PL/SQL Procedure for application using stored procedure
11. Function: PL/SQL Procedure for application using function

M.C.A. Part-I Semester II

Paper CC201: Web Technology
(Choice Based Credit System)
Course Students of this course will be able to :
Outcomes 1: Apply the concept and usages web based programming techniques.
2: Demonstrate the development of XHTML documents using JavaScript and CSS.
3: Design and implement user interactive dynamic web based applications.
4:Demonstrate client side and server side scripting languages and validation
Marks:100 Total Hours of Teaching:60 University Exam :70 Internal : 30
Syllabus Contents:
Web browsers, web servers, MIME, URL, HTTP, Introduction to
HTML, essentials HTML tags, XHTML5 tags, Basic syntax and
Unit 1: 15 Periods
structure, text markups, images,, lists , tables , Media tags-audio and
video, forms, frames.
Introduction to CSS, Levels of CSS, Selectors, Font, color and Text
Properties, BOXModel, Span and Div tags.
Unit 2: 15 Periods
Introduction to JavaScript, controls statements, Arrays andfunctions,
pattern matching, Element Access, JavaScript objects, and validations
Introducing PHP: History, General Language Feature
PHP Basics: Embedding PHP code in Your Web Pages, Commenting
Your Code, Outputting Data to the Browser, PHP supported Data
Types, Identifiers, Variables, Constants, Expressions, String
Interpolation, and Control Structures
Unit 3: 15 Periods
Functions: Invoking a Function, Creating a Function, Function
Array: What is Array?, Creating an array, outputting an Array,
Merging, slicing, splicing and Dissecting Arrays, Other useful Array
Object-Oriented PHP: The benefits of OOP, Key OOP Concepts,
Constructor and Destructors, Static Class Members, The instanceof
Keyword, Helper Functions.
Advanced OOP Features: Object Cloning, Inheritance, Interfaces,
Abstract classes and Introducing namespaces.
Strings and Regular Expressions: Regular Expressions, Other String-
Specific Functions, Alternatives for Regular Expression Functions
Working with HTML Forms: PHP and Web Forms, Validating Form
Unit 4: 15 Periods
Handling File Uploads: Uploading Files with PHP
Using PHP with MySQL: Installation Prerequisites, Using the MySqli
Extension, Interacting with the Database, Executing Database
Session Handlers: What Is Session Handling, Configuration Directives,
Working with Sessions, Practical Session-Handling Examples, Creating
Custom Session Handlers
Reference Books:
1. Web Technologies, Black Book, dreamtech Press
2. HTML 5, Black Book, dreamtech Press
3. Learning PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, CSS and HTML 5, Robin
Nixon, O’Reilly publication
4. Beginning PHP and MySQL: From Novice to Professional, Fourth
Edition - W. Jason Gilmore
5. Professional PHP Programming, Jesus Caspagnetto, Etal. Wrox
6. Internet and World Wide Web How to program, P.J. Deitel& H.M.
Deitel, Pearson
7. Developing Web Applications, Ralph Moseley and M. T. Savaliya,

M.C.A. Part-I Semester II

Paper CC202: Data Structure
(Choice Based Credit System)
Course Students of this course will be able to :
Outcomes 1. Differentiate between primitive and non-primitive data types.
2. Select appropriate data type/structure to solve the problem.
3. Design and implement appropriate data structures for solving computing problems.
4. Understand and use various file structures.
Marks:100 Total Hours of Teaching:60 University Exam :70 Internal : 30
Syllabus Contents:
Introduction to Data Structure : Data Management concepts, Data
types – primitive and non-primitive, Types of Data Structures- Linear
Unit 1: &Non Linear Data Structures, implementation of some of the user 15Periods
defined data types such as – rational number, complex number, string,
matrix etc.
Stack and Queue :
Stack-Definitions & Concepts, Operations on Stacks, Implementation of
stack using array and linked list, Applications of Stacks – Parenthesis
Unit 2: 15 Periods
checker, Infix to postfix conversion, Expression evaluation, Queue-
operations and implementation Of Queue, Circular Queue, Priority
Queue, Double Ended Queue, Applications of Queue.
Linked List and Tree :
Singly Linked List, Doubly Linked list, Circular linked list, Linked,
Applications of linked list. Binary tree - Definitions and Concepts,
Unit 3: 15 Periods
Representation of binary tree, Binary tree traversal (In order, post order,
preorder), Threaded binary tree, Binary search trees, Applications Of
Trees- balanced tree-AVL trees, Height Balanced, Weight Balance.
Hashing and File structures :
Hashing: The hash table concept, Hashing Functions, Collision-
Resolution Techniques, File Structure: Concepts of fields, records and
Unit 4: 15 Periods
files, Sequential, Indexed and Relative/Random File Organization,
Indexing structure for index files, hashing for direct files, Multi-Key file
organization and access methods.
Reference Books:
1. An Introduction to Data Structures with Applications. by Jean-Paul
Tremblay & Paul G. Sorenson Publisher-Tata McGraw Hill.
2. Data Structures using C & C++ -By Ten Baum Publisher – Prentice-
Hall International.
3. Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms by Horowitz, Sahni,Galgotia
Publication, 2001 edition.
4. Fundamentals of Data Structures in C++-By Sartaj Sahani.
5. Data Structures: A Pseudo-code approach with C -By Gilberg &
Forouzan Publisher-Thomson Learning.

M.C.A. Part-I Semester II

Paper CC202: Big Data Management
(Choice Based Credit System)
Course Students of this course will be able to :
Outcomes 1. Identify evolution of Big Data Management.
2. Understand Components and Tools of Big Data.
3. Apply Big Data Management techniques for processing data.
4. Evaluate role of different Big Data Storage Models and NOSQL for Business
Marks: Total Hours of Teaching:60 University Exam :70 Internal:30
Syllabus Contents:
Understanding of Big Data
Introduction to Big Data, Definition of Big Data, Need of Big Data
Management, Sources of Big Data, Characteristics of Big Data, Evolution
of Big Data, Differentiating between Data Warehouse and Big Data, Real
Unit I 15Periods
time data processing, Structure of Big Data, Big Data Life Cycle and
processing, Applications of Big Data, Benefits of Big Data Management,
Challenges of Big Data
Privacy, Visualization, Compliance and Security.
Overview of Hadoop
Hadoop Architecture, Features of Hadoop, Architecture of Hadoop,
Hadoop daemons, Introduction to HDFS, HDFS operations, Introduction
to Map-Reduce, Map-Reduce Architecture, Examples of Map-Reduce
Unit II and Limitations of HDFS. 15 Periods
Overview of HBase
Introduction to HBase, Storage mechanism in HBase, Differentiating
between HDFS and HBase, Features of Hbase, HBase Architecture,
Applications of HBase.
Higher Level Tools
Pig Programming: Introduction to Pig, Features of Pig, Applications of
Pig, Pig architecture, Components of Pig: Pig Latin, Grunt Shell, Pig
relations and alias, Pig data types, Defining schema, Reading and storing
data through Pig, Pig operators, Performing Inner and Outer joins in Pig,
Unit III Splitting data sets, User defined functions in Pig, Examples of Pig. 15 Periods
Hive Programming: Introduction to Hive, Features of Hive,
Applications of Hive, Architecture of Hive, Components of Hive: Hive
shell, HiveQL, Hive Database and tables, Data types, Operators in Hive,
Performing Inner and Outer joins in Hive, Built-in functions in Hive,
Database operations inHive, Hive Vs RDBMS, Examples of Hive.
Big Data Storage Models
Distributed Hash-table, Key-Value Storage Model (Amazon's Dynamo),
Document Storage Model (Facebook's Cassandra), Graph storage models.
Working with NOSQL Database
Introduction to NOSQL, Different NOSQL products, Interfacing and
Unit IV 15 Periods
Interacting with NOSQL, NOSQL Storage Architecture, Introduction to
MongoDB, CRUD operations with MongoDB, Querying, Modifying and
Managing NOSQL Data stores, Indexing and ordering datasets in
MongoDB, Differentiating between RDBMS and NOSQL, NOSQL
Database Administration.
Reference Books:
1. Chris Eaton, Dirk deroos et al. , “Understanding Big data ”, McGraw
Hill, 2012.
2. Tom White, Hadoop: The Definitive Guide, O’Reilly, 3 rd edition
3. Alan Gates, Programming Pig, O'Reilly
4. Edward Capriolo, Dean Wampler, Jason Rutherglen, - Programming
Hive, O'Reilly
5. Tom Plunkett, Brian Macdonald et al, “Oracle Big Data Handbook”,
Oracle Press, 2014.
6.Data Modeling with NOSQL Database, Ajit Singh, Sultan Ahmad
Suggested Additional Reading:
Suggested Research Journals:
1. International Journal of Big Data Management
2. International Journal of Big Data Intelligence
3. Journal of Big Data
4. Frontiers in Big DataOpen Journal of Big Data.

M.C.A. Part-I Semester II

Paper CC204 : Data Communication & Network
(Choice Based Credit System)
Course Students of this course will able to :
Outcomes 1. Understand the basic concepts of data communication and
2. Evaluate the performance of various networking models.
3. Analyze the performance of network on the basis of different
services provided by it.
4. Identify security threats to network and tools to control network
Marks:100 Total Hours of Teaching:60 University Exam :70 Internal : 30
Syllabus Contents:
Introduction to Networking
Introduction to Networking and Data communication, Need
of Networking, Components of Data communication:
sender, receiver, message, transmission media, Network
Architecture-Client-Server and Peer to peer, Categories of
Networks- LAN, WAN. MAN, Network topologies: Bus,
Unit 1:
Ring, Star, Mesh, Transmission Media: Guided Media - 15Periods
Twisted-Pair Cable, Coaxial Cable, Fiber-Optic Cable,
Unguided Media: Radio Waves, Microwaves, Infrared, and
satellite communication, Multiplexing: Frequency-Division
Multiplexing, Wavelength-Division Multiplexing, Time-
Division Multiplexing, Switching: Circuit switching, Packet
Switching, Message Switching.
Network Models and Services
OSI reference model, TCP/IP reference model, Comparison
Unit 2:
of OSI and TCP/IP reference model, Protocol Standards,
15 Periods
Introduction to Application Layer: Domain name system
(DNS), Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), Simple Mail
Transfer Protocol (SMTP), Telnet, File Transfer Protocol
(FTP), Introduction to Introduction to Presentation Layer,
Services of Presentation Layer: Data encoding, Data
encryption and data compression. Introduction to Session
Layer, Services of session layer: Data Flow control,
simplex, half-duplex, or full-duplex, Token Management,
Network Performance
Transport layer - Transport Layer Primitives: listen,
connect, send, receive, disconnect, Protocols: TCP, UDP,
Network layer- IP Protocol and IP addressing, Connection
Unit 3: oriented and connectionless services, Routing algorithm:
15 Periods
Shortest path, Flooding, distance vector, Congestion
control, Data link Layer- Data Link Layer protocols: Stop
and Wait protocol, Sliding window protocol, Services of
Data Link Layer: Framing, Error detection and correction,
Flow control,
Network Vulnerabilities
Introduction to Vulnerabilities and Threats, Threats in
transit, Protocol flaws, Impersonation, Active/Passive and
Passive attacks: Virus, Worm. Malware, Hacking,
Unit 4:
Cracking, Sniffing, Spoofing, Dos, DDos, Masquerade, 15 Periods
Trojan Horse. Ransomware, Logic bombs, Botnets,
Keyoggers, Rootkits, Identification of Network
vulnerabilities. Network security controls: Authentication,
Access Controls, Basic Cryptography terminologies.
Reference Books:
1. Andrew S. Tanenbaum: Computer Networks, 4th Edition,
2.Computer Networks – Protocols, Standards, and
Interfaces, 2 nd Edition by Uyless Black.
3.Computer Networking - A Top-Down Approach
Featuring the Internet, 5th Edition, J. F. Kurose and K. W.
Ross, Pearson Education, 2009.
4.Computer Networks: An Open Source Approach, 1st
Edition, R2. Y. D Lin, R. H Hwang, and F.Baker, McGraw-
Hill, 2011.
5.BernardMenezes, ‘Network Security and Cryptography’,
Cengage Learning, ISBN: 978- 81-315-1349—1.
Suggested Additional Reading:
1. Dhraj K. Pradhan, “ Fault Tolerant Computer System
Design”, Prentice Hall, ISBN-13: 978-0130578877 2.
Martin L. Shooman, “Reliability of Computer Systems and
Networks: Fault Tolerance”, ISBN: 471464066
2. William Stallings, ‘Cryptography and Network Security:
Principle and Practice’, 5th Edition, Pearson, ISBN: 978-
3.Computer Network Architecture and Protocols by Paul E.
Green, Jr.
Suggested Research Journals:
1. The International Journal of Computer and
Telecommunications Networking Editors-in- Chief
: TommasoMelodia, Antonio Iera.
2. A Study on Fault Tolerance Solution by Dr. J
MeenaKumari and Shaima'a, Ghamdan in
InternationalJournal of Engineering Research &
Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181 Published by, ICRET - 2016 Conference Proceedings
3. A Review paper on Network Security and Cryptography
Dr. Sandeep Tayal1, Dr. Nipin Gupta2,Dr.Pankaj Gupta3 ,
Deepak Goyal4 , Monika Goyal in Advances in
Computational Sciences and Technology ISSN 0973-6107
Volume 10, Number 5 (2017) pp. 763-770 © Research
India Publications

M.C.A. part-I Semester II

Paper CC205: Software Engineering and Project Management
(Choice Based Credit System)
Course Students of this course will be able to :
Outcomes 1. Understand various software Process Models
2. Design SRS document for Software Project
3. Understand Software Project Life Cycle
4. Describe Software quality attributes and identify IT project risk
Marks:100 Total Hours of Teaching:60 University Exam :70 Internal : 30
Syllabus Contents:
Introduction to software Engineering
Introduction to Software Engineering: Software, Evolving role of
software, Three “R”-Reuse, Reengineering andRetooling,
Software Process Models
Unit 1: 15Periods
Waterfall Model, Evolutionary Process Model: Prototypeand Spiral
Model, Incremental Process model: Iterativeapproach, RAD, JAD
model, Concurrent DevelopmentModel, Agile Development: Extreme
Software Requirement Analysis and Specification
Types of Requirement, Feasibility Study, RequirementAnalysis and
Design: DFD, Data Dictionary, Introduction to UML Diagrams,
Unit 2: Requirement Elicitation: Interviews, Questionnaire, Brainstorming, 15 Periods
Facilitated Application Specification Technique (FAST),SRS Case
study, Software Project Estimation: Function Point,COCOMO,
Introduction to Project Management
An Overview of IT Project Management: Define project, project
management framework, The roleof project Manager, Systems View of
Project Management, Stakeholder management, Project phases and the
project life cycle.
Software Project Planning
Business Case, Project selection and Approval, Project charter, Project
Unit 3: 15 Periods
Scope management: Scope definition and Project Scope management,
Creating the Work Breakdown Structures, Scope Verification, Scope
Out Sourcing: The Beginning of the outsourcing phenomenon, Types of
outsourcing relationship, The realities of outsourcing, Managing the
outsourcing relationship.
Project Team Management
Human Resource Planning, Acquiring the Project Team: Resource
Assignment, Loading, Leveling, Developing the Project Team: Team
Structures, Managing the Project Team,
Software Quality and Project Risk Management:
Software Quality Software and System Quality Management:
Overview of ISO 9001, SEI Capability Maturity Model, Six Sigma,
Formal Technical Reviews, Tools and Techniques for Quality Control,
Pareto Analysis,
Software Metrics: Understanding software Metrics, definitions of
Unit 4: Metrics, attributes of measures, metrics for different types of projects. 15 Periods

Risk Management and Reliability Issues

Risk Management: Identify IT Project Risk, Risk Analysis
and Assessment, Risk Strategies, Risk Monitoring and
Control, Risk Response and Evaluation. Software Reliability: Reliability
Metrics, Reliability Growth Modeling.
Reference Books:
1. Software Engineering, 5th and 7th edititon, by Roger S Pressman,
McGraw Hillpublication.
2. Managing Information Technology Project, 6edition, by Kathy
Schwalbe, CengageLearning publication.
3. Information Technology Project Management by Jack T Marchewka
Wiley Indiapublication.
4. Software Engineering 3rd edition by KK Agrawal, Yogesh Singh,
New Age InternationalPublication.
5. Software Engineering Project Management by Richard H. Thayer
Wiley IndiaPublication.
6. Software Engineering for students: A Programming Approach by
Douglas Bell, PearsonPublication.
7. Project Management Absolute Beginner's Guide (3rd Edition) by
Greg Horine8. Software Project Management: A Concise Study By S.
Suggested Additional Reading:
1.Software Development for Engineers,1st Edition by William
2.Software Engineer's Reference Book, Elsevier edited by John A
McDermid, 1st Edition
Suggested Research Journals:
1.International Journal of Software Quality
2. International journal of software engineering and knowledge
3.International Journal of Information Systems
and Project Management

M.C.A. Part-I Semester II

Paper GE206: Elective 1.Digital Marketing
(Choice Based Credit System)
Course Students of this course will be able to :
Outcomes 1. Understand concept and significance of Digital Marketing.
2. Demonstrate the Technical Elements of Digital Marketing.
3. Learn contemporary developments in Digital Marketing.
4. Use Google analytics tools for generating various reports.
Marks:100 Total Hours of Teaching:60 University Exam :70 Internal : 30
Syllabus Contents:
Principles of Digital Marketing
Basics of Marketing,What is Digital Marketing?
Comparison of Traditional and Digital Marketing.
Statistics of Digital Marketing
Unit 1: Benefits of Digital marketing 15Periods
Emerging trends in Digital marketing
Digital marketing platforms
Digital Marketing strategy for websites
Career opportunities in Digital Marketing
Website Designing (WordPress)
Types of Websites
Basics of HTML/CSS/JavaScript
WordPress Installation on Server
Understanding the Dashboard
Changing the Default Settings
Unit 2: 15 Periods
Installing and customizing themes
Content management in WP
Creating categories, pages, and posts
Adding a menu, widgets to the website
Installing useful plugins for site features
SEO specific plugins
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and SEM (Search Engine
Introduction to SEO
How Do Search engines work?
Search Engine Algorithms
Google Algorithm Updates
Google Search Console
Keyword Research Process
Keyword Research Tools
Competition Analysis
On page Optimization strategies
Content development strategy
Unit 3: Title & Meta Tags 15 Periods
Semantic SEO
Rich Snippets Integration
Speed Optimization
Off Page Optimization
Link Building Techniques as per latest standards
Local SEO Strategies
Penguin & Panda update recovery process
Reports and SERP Management
Click here for detailed SEO Curriculum
Introduction to Paid Marketing
Google Ads (Google AdWords) account and billing settings
Types of Campaigns
PPC Campaign Setup
AdGroups and Keywords setup
Bidding strategies & Conversion Tracking
AdRank, Quality Score Optimization
Ad Formats & Ad Extensions
Shopping Campaigns
Dynamic search campaigns
Display Ads Campaigns
Remarketing campaigns
Mobile Apps Marketing
Video Marketing
Google Ads (Google AdWords) tools
MCC Account
AdWords Editor Tool
Google Analytics:
Purpose of website analytics
Tools for website analytics
Installing Google Analytics
Google Tag Manager
How to use Google Tag Manager
Unit 4: Implement Conversion Tracking 15 Periods
Basic terminology and KPI’s
Audience Reports
Customer Acquisition Reports
Behavior Reports
Goals and Conversion Reports
Segmentation and Filters
Reference Books:
1. MARKETING IN THE DIGITAL AGE Dinesh Kumar Professor of
Marketing, JagranLakecity University, Bhopal Marketing faces a
huge challenge in the digital era. T• Index SAGE TEXTS 2016 •
456 pages • Paperback (978-93-515-0869-4)
2. Marketing 4.0: Moving from Traditional to Digital” by Philip Kotler
3. The Art of Digital Marketing: The Definitive Guide to Creating
Strategic, Targeted, and Measurable Online Campaigns Hardcover –
1 January 2016 ,by Ian Dodson Digital Marketing Paperback – 1
November 2017 by Seema Gupta
4. Digital Marketing: Cases from India Paperback – 1 January 2018 by
Edited by RajendraNargundkar and RomiSainy (Autho
Suggested Additional Reading:
1. Digital Marketing For Dummies, Russ Henneberry and Ryan Deiss
2. Google Analytics, Justin Cutroni
3. Google Search Engine Marketing Ready Reckoner
4. Search Engine Optimization All-in-One for Dummies, Book by
Bruce Clay and Susan EsparzaSearch Engine Marketing, Bill Hunt
and Mike Moran

M.C.A. Part-I Semester II

Paper GE206: 2) Design Thinking and Innovation
(Choice Based Credit System)
Course Students of this course will be able to :
Outcomes 1. Develop a strong understanding of the Design Process and how it can be applied
in a variety of business settings.
2. Learn to research and understand the unique needs of a company around specific
3. Build empathy for target audiences from different “cultures” and Cultivate and
test innovative ideas through a rapid iteration cycle.
4. Develop physical prototypes and visual representation of an idea.
Marks:100 Total Hours of Teaching:60 University Exam :70 Internal : 30
Syllabus Contents:
Introduction To Design Thinking, Human- Centred Design
Unit 1: History Of Design Thinking, Design Thinking Process – Define- 15 Periods
Ideate-Prototype -Test, Case Studies in Design Thinking
Design thinking: Design perspective, Needs Finding
Unit 2: User personas, Ideation, Interviewing and Empathy 15 Periods
Mental models, Conceptual model, Journey Mapping, Storyboards
Prototype Development : Wireframes- Developing and Testing
Prototypes, Ideation and Prototyping Strategies; User Testing; Story
Unit 3: Telling, Introduction and Importance of Research, Types of Research- 15 Periods
Ethnography Research
Case study: Implement design thinking process for any Social Project
Innovation, Role of design Thinking in Innovations, Types and
Unit 4: techniques of Innovation, qualities for Managing Innovation, Impact 15 Periods
of Innovation, Process in driving innovation
Reference Books:
1. Roger, M. (2013). The Design of Business: Why Design Thinking
is the Next Competitive Advantage. Boston: Harvard Business
Review Press.
2. Kelley, D. & Kelley, T. (2014). Creative Confidence: Unleashing
the Creative Potential Within Us All. New York: William Collins.
3. Lee, S. M., & Lim, S. (2018). Living Innovation : From Value
Creation to the Greater Good: Vol. First edition. Emerald
Publishing Limited.
4. Jeanne Liedtka, & Tim Ogilvie. (2011). Designing for Growth : A
Design Thinking Tool Kit for Managers. Columbia Business
School Publishing.
Fraser, H. M. A. (2012). Design Works : How to Tackle Your Toughest
Innovation Challenges Through Business Design. University of
Toronto Press, Scholarly Publishing Division.
Suggested Additional Reading:
1. Kelley, Tom; Kelley, David. (2013). Creative Confidence.
2. Brown, Tim. (2019). Change By Design. Harper Business.
Kelley, Tom; Littman, Jonathan. (2001). The Art of Innovation.
Suggested Research Journals:
1. HBR's 10 Must Reads on Design Thinking (with featured article
"Design Thinking" By Tim Brown), 2020
2. HBR's 10 Must Reads on Business Model Innovation (with featured
article "Reinventing Your Business Model" by Mark W. Johnson,
Clayton M. Christensen, and Henning Kagermann), 2019
M.C.A. Part-I Semester II
Paper GE206: Elective 3.Information System Audit
(Choice Based Credit System)
Course Students of this course will be able to :
Outcomes 1) Understand system audit phases and functions
2) Describes IS assets and audit controls
3) Explain VAPT process and tools
4) Understand IT ACT and various provisions in IT Act
Marks:100 Total Hours of Teaching:60 University Exam :70 Internal : 30
Syllabus Contents:
Systems Audit – An Overview – Nature, Significance and Scope of
Systems Audit – Steps Involved in Conducting Systems Audit –
Systems Audit and Management Functions – Systems Audit of
Unit 1: Computerized Secretarial Functions – Norms and Procedure for 15Periods
Computerization, Computers Control and Security – Testing of
Computer Systems – Documentation Standards, Policies and
Procedures, Audit Approach, preparation of audit report.
IS Assets and Controls: Information System Assets, Types of IS
assets , Need of audit of computers effects of computers on auditing,
types of audit, audit procedure, audit risks, Information System
Unit 2: 15 Periods
Control: framework of management control, introduction, top
management control, evaluating the planning, organizing, leading and
controlling function,
Vulnerability Assessment & Penetration Testing (VAPT) :
Introduction and purpose of VAPT, VAPT goals and scope,
Vulnerability Assessment Methodology, Types of Vulnerability,
Tools for Vulnerability Scanning-Host based, network based and
Unit 3: 15 Periods
database based;
Advantages and disadvantages of Vulnerability Assessment,
Vulnerability testing methods and tools
Penetration testing methods and tools
Information Technology Law – Information Technology Act –
Definitions, Important terms under Information Technology
Unit 4: Legislation – Digital Signatures – Electronic Records – Certifying 15 Periods
Authority – Digital Signature Certificate – Cyber Regulation
Appellate Tribunal – Offences and Penalties
Reference Books:
1 EDP Auditing ‐ Ron Weber
2 PC and LAN security – Stephen Cobb
3 Enterprise Security ‐ Protecting Information Assets ‐ Michel E.
4 Enterprise Disaster Recovery Planning – Miora
5 Computer Security ‐Summies
6 Internet Security – Derek, Alkins
7 Information security policies procedures and standards by Thomas
8 Information System Security: security Management frameworks and
best Practices by NinaGodbole
9.. D.P. Mittal : Law of Information Technology (Cyber Law) with
Information Technology (Certifying Authorities) Rules, 2000,
TaxmannPublications Pvt. Ltd.
Suggested Additional Reading:
Suggested Research Journals:
1. International Journal of Auditing Technology
2. Information Systems Journal (ISJ) Wiley

M.C.A. part-I Semester II

Paper CC207: Lab based on CC201
(Choice Based Credit System)
Marks:50 Total Hours of Teaching:30 University Exam :50 Internal : 00
Programs Based on CC201 Web Technology.
This laboratory course should consist of 10 to 12 programming exercises with focus on covering
the hands-on aspects covered in theory course.

M.C.A. Part-I Semester II

Paper CC208: Lab based on CC202
(Choice Based Credit System)
Marks:50 Total Hours of Teaching:30 University Exam :50 Internal : 00
List of Practical’s
1. Implement rational number as new data type.
2. Implement complex number as new data type.
3. Write your own function for string operations.
4. Implement matrix as new data type.
5. Implement stack using array.
6. Implement stack using linked list.
7. Use of stack for checking brackets in mathematical expression.
8. Conversion of infix to postfix expression.
9. Evaluation of postfix expression.
10. Implementation of queue using array.
11. Implementation of queue using linked list.
12. Implementation of priority queue.
13. Implementation of Dqueue.
14. Implementation of circular queue.
15. Implementation of singly linked list.
16. Implementation of singly circularly linked list.
17. Implementation of doubly linked list.
18. Implementation doubly circularly linked list.
19. Solving polynomial arithmetic using linked list.
20. Implementation of binary tree and operations.
21. Traversal of binary tree.
22. Implementation of hash table.
23. Implementation of hash collision resolution techniques.

M.C.A. part-I Semester II

Paper CC209: Mini Project
(Choice Based Credit System)
Marks:100 Total Hours of Teaching:60 University Exam :70 Internal : 30
A group of maximum three students prepare a mini project under the guidance
of internal guide. Project report will be evaluated by the internal teacher out of
30 marks and there will be viva-voce examination for 70 marks.(Documentation
– 30Marks, Viva-Voce -- 40 Marks.) The student should prepare theproject
report based on courses studied in Sem I and Sem II.

21. Course Equivalence:

Semester I

Course Old Syllabi Course Revised Syllabi

Code Course Title Code Course Title
CC102 Computer Architecture &
MCA11 Fundamental of Computers
Operating System
MCA12 Python Programming CC101 Introduction to Programming
No Two Additional attempts should
MCA13 Discrete Mathematics
be given
MCA14 Database Management System CC103 RDBMS
Principles of Management and - Two Additional attempts should
Accounting be given
LAB -I (Python) CC108 Lab Based on CC101
LAB -II (Database Management CC109 Lab Based on CC102(RDBMS)
MCA1L2 System)
Seminar - Two Additional attempts
Semester II

Two Additional attempts should

MCA21 Linux Foundation No
be given
MCA22 Data Structures with Python CC202 Data Structure
Statistical and Mathematical
MCA23 Statistical Computing AEC 104
MCA24 Web Designing Technologies CC201 Web Technology
Software Engineering and
MCA25 Software Engineering CC205
Project Management
MCA2L1 Lab based on CC201(Web
LAB- III (Linux and Web lab) CC207
Technology only)
MCA2L2 LAB - IV (DSP Lab) CC208 Lab based on CC202
MCA2MP Mini Project CC209 Mini Project


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