Method For Emission Spectrometric Analysis of Austenitic and Ferritic Stainless Steels Point To Plane Technique (First Revision)
Method For Emission Spectrometric Analysis of Austenitic and Ferritic Stainless Steels Point To Plane Technique (First Revision)
Method For Emission Spectrometric Analysis of Austenitic and Ferritic Stainless Steels Point To Plane Technique (First Revision)
( Reaffirmed 1997 )
(Reaffirmed 2015)
(Reaffirmed 2014)
(Reaffirmed 2013)
(Reaffirmed 2009)
ICS 77.080.20
(Reaffirmed 2008)
(Reaffirmed 2007)
(Reaffirmed 2006)
(Reaffirmed 2005)
0 BIS 1998
This Indian Standard (First Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized
by the Methods of Chemical Analysis of Ferrous Metals Sectional Committee had been approved by the
Metallurgical Engineering Division Council.
This standard has been prepared with a view to incorporate the latest developments in the field of emission
spectrometric analysis.
This standard was first brought out in 1981. The first revision of the standard has been undertaken to
take into account experience gained during the period. The method described in this standard is recommended
for analysic of austenitic and ferritic stainless steels samples of suitable shape and size for all elements
for which lines are available in the emission/vacuum emission spectrometer by point to plane spark technique.
The metallurgical state of certain alloys may have some influence on the spectral emission. In these instances,
samples and reference materials shall be in the same metallurgical state.
Austenitic and Ferritic Stainless Steels with varying Iron contents are analysed with fixed exposure time.
For- the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the tinal
vaiue, observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance
with IS 2 : 1960 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical values (revised)‘. The number of significant l,l. cc.:
retained in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standarl.
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Swaptul Enterprises -
Pune([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
IS 9879 : 1998
Indian Standard
(First Revision )
1 SCOPE IS No. Title
7072: 1973 Glossary of terms relating to
1.1 This standard gives a generalized spectrometric
emission spectroscopy
analysis procedure for determining the following
elements when present as alloying element or as
impurity in austenitic and ferritic stainless steels in
the concentration ranges given below. The possible
The sample is excited by controlled spark/discharge,
analytical and internal standard lines along with the
concentration ranges are also given below for using a point (counter electrode) to plane (polished
flat surface of sample). The radiation from spark/
discharge, is dispersed by a quartz prism/grating. The
1.2 More elements and varied detection limits can radiant energy (intensity) of the selected analytical
be achieved by choosing suitable lines while selecting lines are converted to electrical impulses by,
the spectrometer. photomultiplier tube, which is amplified and stored
in capacitor. The charge from each capacitor is
2 REFERENCE measured and converted into intensity ratios. The
concentrations of elements are calculated from
The following Indian Standard is a necessary adjunct analytical working curves prepared by exposing
to this standard: standard samples of similar type.
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Pune([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
IS 9879 : 1998
6.1 Spark stand shall be mounted directly on the
4.1 Any make of spectrometer having good reciprocal spectrometer, and equipped to hold flat specimens
linear dispersion and good resolution&-recommended. and counter electrode.
The sensitive lines of certain elements like carbon,
sulphur, phosphorus, arsenic, boron, etc, are in vacuum 6.2 Argon flow connection during flushing and
ultraviolet region. To avoid absorption of radiation sparking with automatic controls shall be provided
of these lines, a vacuum type spectrometer is most on the spark stand.
6.3 Water cooling of the stand will be advantageous.
4.2 The spectrometer should have a wave length
coverage of 1 700 to 4 0008, for analytical lines. 6.4 Argon shall be of purity 99.995 percent minimum.
A reducing atmospheric furnace at 425/45O”C with
4.3 Focal length grating parameters reciprocal linear Mg/Ti molecular sieves shall be used to remove
dispersion, primary, slit width, secondary slit width oxygen/moisture traces from argon.
and wave length coverage shall be as per
manufacturer’s discretion. 6.5 Argon pressure and flow rate shall be as per
manufacturer’s instruction.
4.4 The lures selected for each element shall be of
proven satisfactory reproducibility. Though, most of 7 EXCITATION SOURCE
the lines are common, the lines shall be selected by
the instrument manufacturer to get maximum optical 7.1 For precision and accuracy of analysis, a triggerecU
output with minimum interference. controlled high voltage capacitor discharge shall be
4.5 The spectrometer shall be kept in the following
7.2 The excitation parameters depend mainly on the
laboratory environments:
nature of samples to be analysed, elements and the
concentration levels to be determined. These can
Temperature 19” to 25°C
be achieved by different combinations of capacitance,
Relative humidity 45 to 60 percent potential (voltage), resistance and inductance. Each
Atmosphere Dust-free manufacturer recommends special combinations.
However, source parameters used successfully by
4.6 The electric power tolerance shall be + 5 percent several laboratories are given in Annex B and can
(preferabley +2 percent) and filtered to prevent be used as guidance.
radio frequency interference, with good r.f. grounding
system when working with microprocessors and 7.3 The source parameters shall also include peak
computers. current, current pulse duration and number of
discharges per second.
4.7 If the spectrometer is provided with vacuum
system, it shall be as per the manufacturer’s choice. 7.4 The established parameters should be available
with each spectrometer.
1 The manner and frequency of checking the optical 7.5 Pre-burn period, exposure period and exposure
aligmnents and electrical parameters will depend on factors conditions shall be established by the user depending
such as type of spectrometer, manufacturer, the variety of upon the type of samples being analysed and as per
analytical problems encountered and frequency of use. For the recommendations of the manufacturer. However,
details of setting and operating a particular spectrometer,
refer to the manufacturer’s handbook. Each laboratory
the parameters given in Annex C were successfully
should establish a suitable check procedure. used in several laboratories and thus can be used as
2 Instrument parameters may vary with each instrument.
However, the parameters given in Annex A have been used
successfully in several laboratories and are given for 8 MEASURING SYSTEM
8.1 The spectrometer measuring system consists of
5 ELECTRODES photomultiplier tubes with individual voltage
adjustments, amplifiers, capacitors to store the out-
5.1 The counter electrode shall be of pure silver or put voltage ‘and system to measure the capacitor
charges and programmes for the sequence of
thoriated tungsten.
5.2 The shape and angle of upper tip shall be as per
8.2 For measuring the capacitor charge, different
the requirement of the instrument.
systems are used and shall be as per the
recommendations of the manufacturer.
5.3 The electrode and tip shall be kept clean.
5.4 The spark gap between electrode and specimen
shall be as per the manufacturer’s instruction manual. 9.1 Sample for spectrometer analysis shall be of
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Swaptul Enterprises -
Pune([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
IS 9879 : 1998
approximate 30 to 40 mm diameter and 10 to a specimen with low iron content will produce high
20 mm thickness. Smaller size is not recommended intensity ratio (I ekement/I Fe) a sample with high iron
due to heating up during excitation and spark content will produce low intensity ratio. For
discharge. compensating this variation in intensity ratio for high
alloy steels, the discharge is terminated after a fixed
9.2 Sample produced shall be homogeneous and free time and the curves are plotted with intensity ratios
from porosity, voids and inclusions. against concentration ratios, that is, I element/l Fe vs
percent concentration of element concentration of
9.3 Any of the following methods shall be used for iron which will make a smooth curve. From the
liquid steel sampling: intensity radios, the concentration ratios can be
determined with the help of the curves.
a) Pouring into cast-iron mould,
b) Pouring into copper moulds (single or split Since there is no direct relationship between intensity
type), and ratio and actual percent concentration of element to
be measured, it becomes essential to determine the
c) Immersion or lollypop sampling. percent concentration of Fe in the sample. The
The moulds may also be of water-cooled type. following simple rate of concentration method is
applied For the above purpose.
9.4 Normally, liquid steel samples shall be Al/Ti or
Zr ‘Killed’. The amount of deoxidant to be used a) C+Mn+Si+Ni+Cr+Mo+S+P+ . All trace
depends on the metal condition. elements + Fe = 100. Here, it is assumed
that all trace elements will not exceed beyond
9.5 Other samples can be of forged or rolled products. 0.5 percent, otherwise corrections have to be
9.6 The sample preparation consists of cutting (if
required), rough-grinding, and final finishing with C Mn Si Fe 100
60020 grit paper. bj -+ - + - + . .. . + - = -
Fe Fe Fe Fe Fe
9.7 The, prepared sample shall have a smooth flat
uniformly finished surface. c) Add up all concentration ratios obtained from
NOTE- The method of snmpling and finishing is of individual
intensity ratios after terminating the exposure
choice and depends upon the product range. for a fixed predetermined time. Then formula
at (b) can be written as:
X + .I = 100 where X is the sum of the
10.1 Standard samples shall be of two types: Fe
concentration ratios of all elements
a) Priwzary Standards - preferably from
qualified agencies engaged in preparation of
spectrographic standards. d) Calculate the percentage concentration of
‘Fe’as follows:
b) Working Standards - These are prepared by 100
Fe= -
the user depending upon his product range X+1
and typ.e of composition.
e) After obtaining ‘Fe’ content, the percent
10.2 The working standard samples have to be concentration of elements can be calculated
prepared carefully with the required level of iron from the concentration ratios.
content and metallurgical conditions to suit particular
need. The standard samples thus prepared shall be 11.3 Using low and high alloy composition reference
highly homogeneous. materials, set the dynode/attenuator to control the
photomultiplier tube, to get the required voltage output
11 CALIBRATION AND STANDARDIZATION for each line for minimum and maximum percentage
of the element.
11.1 The spectrometer shall be stabilized as per the
manufacturer’s instruction, and all the parameters 11.4 Excite standard samples with varying elemental
regarding profiling, vacuum, argon flow, .excitation percentages several times (to take care of the short
conditions are set to the required level. term drift) and measure the intensity readings.
11.2 In high alloys where concentration of one or 11.5 The working curve shall be prepared as in 11.2
two elements (Ni, Cr) vary considerably, the using intensity ratios vs concentration ratios.
concentration of internal standard iron also will vary:
For ferritic steels Iron is from 75 to 85 percent 11.6 Depending upon the user programme, wider
concentration ranges can be plotted, in segments with
For austenitic steels Iron is from 65 to 75 percent expanded scales.
fFe (intensity of iron) will also vary with iron 11.7 While preparing curves the following points have
concentration. Because of internal standard dilution, to be taken into account:
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Pune([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
IS 9879 : 1998
a) Background correction, 11.8Accuracy of standardization depends mainly on
b) Inter-elemental interferences, the long-term stability of the emission spectrometer.
c) Metallurgical condition/state, and If the values are within the standard deviations of
the standard samples, no correction need be applied.
d) Analytical curve shift/rotation.
If there is considerably deviation, re-calibrate and
re-estabhsh the curve.
In most of the latest version of spectrometers, the
software supplied by the manufacturer calculates the
11.9The instrument and calibration shall be evaluated
correction for the above factors. These are explained
briefly in 11.7.1 to 11.7.4. periodically and standard errors are corrected, so as
to enable the operator to get accurate results.
11.7.1 Line-to-background correction has to be
applied for each channel/line to get more accurate
analysis, especially in lower concentration levels. This
12.1 Set-up the spectrometer as per the standard
is normally done by substracting line background
reading from the actual intensity output. The detection procedure, clean the excitation stand and electrode.
limit is also enhanced by dynamic background
12.2 Prepare the sample according to 9.
12.3 Excite the sample and take intensity readings
11.7.2 In many cases, interferences from other
in duplicate or triplicate.
elements are significant, especially at lower
concentration levels. This may lead to suppression
12.4 From the average intensity reading calculate the
or enhancement of intensity. Interference factor is
established by exposing different standards of varying concentration of different elements from the working
matrix composition.
12.5Conversion of scale, digital voltmeter or print-
11.7.3 Corrections for metallurgical state/condition
are applied as per user’s choice of samples. This out readings into element percentages, coupled with
evaluation of correction factors, may also be carried
is normally achieved by selection of internal standards
of similar metallurgical condition as that of samples out through computers and programmable calculators,
which are previously programmed with correction
to be analyzed. The working curve prepared from
and calibration data. Each curve is stored in memory.
primary standard are corrected by exposing the
A linear arithmetic formula or polynomials of second
working standards. These are also known as type
or higher orders have been used to represent analytical
curves in the memory register of the automatic devices.
Conversion of intensity ratio into concentration is
11.7.4 Analytical curve shift/rotation is caused by
done automatically.
the dirty opttcs, change in optics, excitation source,
line voltage, spectrometer electronics and ambient
room conditions. Excite a set of standards, and taken 12.6 Latest model spectrometers are equipped with
visual display units and print-outs for obtaining results.
intensity readings and correct the curves for drift.
( Note 2 under Clause 4.7)
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Pune([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
IS 9879 : 1998
(Clause 7.2)
Pre-burn Exposure
Inductance W 50 50 Residual
(Clause 7.5)
Pre-flush period 2s
Pre-burn period 10 s
Exposure period 10 to 15 s
Spark gap 3 to 5 mm
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Pune([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standard Act, 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods and
attending to connected matters in the country.
BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any foim
without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of
implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations.
Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), BIS.
Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed
periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes
are needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of Indian
Standards should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to
the latest issue of ‘BIS Handbook’ and ‘Standards: Monthly Additions’.
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