Method Statement For Clearing and Grubbing (For Review) 12-7-2020

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North-South Commuter Railway Extension Project

CP N-05 : Building and Civil Engineering Work for Depot Building Including
Related Infrastructure and Track Work Ballast (Contract No : NSCREX-03-N05)

TITLE: Method Statement for Clearing and Grubbing Works


Method Statement
Clearing and Grubbing Works


Mr. Mr. Mr. Sang Yeob Lee

(Project Manager)
Date: of December, 2020 Date: of December, 2020
Date: of December, 2020


A Class 1 Issue for Approval

※ ISSUE TYPE: “Class 1” for Approval, “Class 2” for Review, “Class 3” for Information and Record
North-South Commuter Railway Extension Project

CP N-05 : Building and Civil Engineering Work for Depot Building Including
Related Infrastructure and Track Work Ballast (Contract No : NSCREX-03-N05)

TITLE: Method Statement for Clearing and Grubbing Works


Date Revised Detail
Rev. (dd/mm/yyyy
) Item Page Article Description

A All All All New Issues

1. Introduction................................................................................................................................................4
North-South Commuter Railway Extension Project

CP N-05 : Building and Civil Engineering Work for Depot Building Including
Related Infrastructure and Track Work Ballast (Contract No : NSCREX-03-N05)

TITLE: Method Statement for Clearing and Grubbing Works


2. Definition...........................................................................................................................5

3. Scope of Work..................................................................................................................5

3.1. Quantity of Site Clearing and Grubbing.......................................................5

3.2. Work Procedure Prior to Site Clearing and Grubbing Works.................6

3.2.1. Tree Cutting.....................................................................................................7

3.2.2. Demolition of Existing Structures................................................................7

3.3. Site Clearing Work Procedure.........................................................................7

3.3.1. Preliminary Activity........................................................................................7

3.3.2. Site Clearing and Grubbing...........................................................................8

3.3.3. Disposal Plan....................................................................................................9

4. List of Tools and Equipment.......................................................................................10

5. Field Works......................................................................................................................11

5.1. Personnel...........................................................................................................11

5.2. Requirements for the Fieldworks to be Performed...............................12

5. Other Deliverable.................................................................................................................................12
North-South Commuter Railway Extension Project

CP N-05 : Building and Civil Engineering Work for Depot Building Including
Related Infrastructure and Track Work Ballast (Contract No : NSCREX-03-N05)

TITLE: Method Statement for Clearing and Grubbing Works


1. Introduction
- The Purpose of this procedure is to outline the Clearing and Grubbing. The
detailed guide will provide the clear steps undertaken to complete the process
of the clearing and grubbing activity in a safe, systematic and efficient manner
in compliance to the statutory and environmental requirements.

Figure 1. CP N-05 Project Site Location Map

North-South Commuter Railway Extension Project

CP N-05 : Building and Civil Engineering Work for Depot Building Including
Related Infrastructure and Track Work Ballast (Contract No : NSCREX-03-N05)

TITLE: Method Statement for Clearing and Grubbing Works


2. Definition
- The Engineer: GCR Consortium

- Contractor: POSCO Engineering & Construction CO., Ltd.(POSCO E&C)

- Sub-Contractors: Companies directly carrying out the survey or construction

works of Package CP N-05, The Malolos to Clark Railway Project.

3. Scope of Work
The works in this section shall consist of:

1) Clearing, grubbing, disposing all vegetation and debris within the limits
except such objects that are designated to remain in place or are to be
removed in consonance with other provisions of MCRP CP N-05 Specification.

2) Removing wholly or in part, and satisfactory disposal of structures, old

pavements, abandoned pipelines, and any other obstructions which are not
designated or permitted to remain, except for the obstructions to be removed
and disposed off under other items in the MCRP CP N-05 Specification.

3) Preservation from injury or defacement of all objects designated to remain.

3.1. Quantity of Site Clearing and Grubbing

- The quantity for site clearing and grubbing is 35 hectares.

North-South Commuter Railway Extension Project

CP N-05 : Building and Civil Engineering Work for Depot Building Including
Related Infrastructure and Track Work Ballast (Contract No : NSCREX-03-N05)

TITLE: Method Statement for Clearing and Grubbing Works


3.2. Work Procedure Prior to Site Clearing and Grubbing Works

Table.1 Work Procedure Prior and After Site Clearing

Procedure Status

TEMPORARY ACCESS - Waiting for approval and permit from the


TREE CUTTING - Waiting for permit from DENR

DEMOLITION/RELOCATION - After Condition Survey report, permit and

OF EXISTING STRUCTURES & settlement for local settlers.

SITE CLEARING AND - After the completion of Temporary Access,

GRUBBING Tree Cutting and Demolition/Relocation of
existing Structures and Utilities, then Site
Clearing can commence.

EARTH WORKS - Earth works will commence after site


3.2.1 Tree Cutting

North-South Commuter Railway Extension Project

CP N-05 : Building and Civil Engineering Work for Depot Building Including
Related Infrastructure and Track Work Ballast (Contract No : NSCREX-03-N05)

TITLE: Method Statement for Clearing and Grubbing Works


- Cutting and disposal of Marked trees, which are 15cm diameter and above will
be the responsibility of DENR. Roots and small branches are excluded and
shall be the responsibility of the Contractor for hauling and disposal in a
designated and approved location by the Engineer.

- Unmarked Trees, which are less than 15cm in diameter will be cut to smaller
length for ease in hauling and disposal.

3.2.2 Demolition of Existing Structures

- All concrete and other foundations shall be removed to a depth of at least
600mm below ground elevation or 900mm below subgrade elevation,
whichever is lower. Unless otherwise directed, the substructure of existing
structures shall be removed down to the natural stream bottom and those parts
outside of the stream shall be removed down to at least 300 mm below natural
ground surface. Where such portions of existing structures lie wholly or in part
within the limits for a new structure, they shall be removed as necessary to
accommodate the construction of the proposed structure.

- Cavities left from structure removal shall be backfilled to the level of the
surrounding ground and, if within the area of construction, shall be compacted
to meet the requirements of the contract documents for embankment.

3.3. Site Clearing Work Procedure

3.3.1 Preliminary Activity

- Site boundary shall be marked prior to commencement of work. Surveyor shall
do the setting out of the site boundary.

- All personnel entering the project site shall have received a site safety

- All equipment and tools to be inspected prior to deploy at site.

- Access to site shall be studied and proposed shall be submitted to the Engineer

3.3.2 Site Clearing and Grubbing

North-South Commuter Railway Extension Project

CP N-05 : Building and Civil Engineering Work for Depot Building Including
Related Infrastructure and Track Work Ballast (Contract No : NSCREX-03-N05)

TITLE: Method Statement for Clearing and Grubbing Works


- Area shall be divided into zones based on the priority as per construction


Figure 2. Site Clearing Work Sequence and Temporary Access Road

- Temporary access road shall be developed for equipment and other vehicles.

Figure 3. River Access Plan

- All surface objects and all stumps, roots and other protruding obstructions, not
designated to remain, shall be cleared and/or grubbed, including mowed as

North-South Commuter Railway Extension Project

CP N-05 : Building and Civil Engineering Work for Depot Building Including
Related Infrastructure and Track Work Ballast (Contract No : NSCREX-03-N05)

TITLE: Method Statement for Clearing and Grubbing Works


required, except as provided below:

1) Removal of undisturbed stumps and roots and nonperishable solid objects

with a minimum depth of 40 cm below existing ground line and at least 50
cm below the bottom of the lowest pavement layer of maintenance road will
not be required.

2) Grubbing of pits, channel changes and ditches will be required only to the
depth necessitated by the proposed excavation within such areas.

3) In areas covered by cogon, wild grass and other vegetations, top soil shall
be cut to a maximum depth of 150mm below the original ground surface or
as designated by the Engineer, and disposed outside the clearing and
grubbing limits as indicated in the Drawings or directed by the Engineer.

4) In areas to be excavated, stump holes and other holes from which

obstructions are removed shall be backfilled with suitable material and
compacted to the required density.

- All clearing activities shall be filed/recorded on a daily basis.

3.3.3 Disposal Plan

- Clearing, grubbing, disposing of all vegetation within the limits will be
temporarily stock piled with in the site and excess materials will later be
disposed of by methods and at locations approved by the Engineer, on or off
the project.

- The Contractor however, shall see to it that no burning, burying or dumping of

wastes shall be done within the temporary depositing area, or construction sites
and other non-designated areas.

- Burying shall be done in layers. Each layer shall be covered or mixed with earth
material by the land-fill method to fill all voids. The top layer of material buried
shall be covered with at least 300mm of earth or other approved material and
shall be graded, shaped and compacted to present a pleasing appearance.

- If the disposal location is off the project, the Contractor shall make all
necessary arrangements with property owners in writing for obtaining suitable
disposal locations which are outside the limits of view from the project. The
disposal areas shall be seeded, fertilized and mulched at the Contractor’s

North-South Commuter Railway Extension Project

CP N-05 : Building and Civil Engineering Work for Depot Building Including
Related Infrastructure and Track Work Ballast (Contract No : NSCREX-03-N05)

TITLE: Method Statement for Clearing and Grubbing Works



- Figure 2. Tentative Disposal Area

4. List of Tools and Equipment

Table.2 List of Tools and Equipment

No. Name of Tools and Equipment Applied Work

1 Back hoe Clearing and loading of unmarked trees

and shrubs.

2. Bulldozer Clearing of unmarked trees and shrubs.

3 Dump Truck Hauling of all vegetation, unsuitable

materials and soil

4 Chain Saw Cutting of unmarked trees

5 Jungle bolo Cutting of small branches and grass.

6 Shovel Manual Soil Excavation

Back Hoe Bull Dozer

North-South Commuter Railway Extension Project

CP N-05 : Building and Civil Engineering Work for Depot Building Including
Related Infrastructure and Track Work Ballast (Contract No : NSCREX-03-N05)

TITLE: Method Statement for Clearing and Grubbing Works


Figure 3. Clearing and Grubbing Major Equipment

5. Responsibility for field works

5.1. Personnel
 Project Manager
The Project Manager shall be responsible for the overall direction, monitoring,
coordination and control of all the construction activities and related to the site
clearance works.

 Construction Manager
The Civil Manager shall be responsible for the overall implementation and
monitoring of all activities involved in the site clearance works.

 Site Engineer
The Site Engineer is responsible for coordination and supervision of technical
aspects of survey work including solving technical issues providing advice,
management and preparing reports.

 HSE Manager
The HSE Manager shall review the safe work as planned work permit prior to
start of the work and must be implemented and observed during the site
clearance works.

 Surveyor
The Surveyor shall make exact measurements and determine property
boundaries. Provide data relevant to the shape, contour, gravitation, location,
elevation and dimension of land or land features on or near the earth’s surface
for engineering, map making land evaluation, construction and other purposes.

North-South Commuter Railway Extension Project

CP N-05 : Building and Civil Engineering Work for Depot Building Including
Related Infrastructure and Track Work Ballast (Contract No : NSCREX-03-N05)

TITLE: Method Statement for Clearing and Grubbing Works


5.2. Requirements for the field works to be performed

- The Subcontractor is required to comply with relevant HSE legislations and
requirements of POSCO E & C, the Engineer and local authorities and to obtain all
necessary work permits prior to fieldwork commencement.
The Subcontractor has full responsibility for any damage in existing service
utilities during his works.

6. Other Deliverable
Contractor shall submit to engineer following reports during work period.
• Daily activity report (by E-mail)
• Daily manpower & equipment mobilization reports (by E-mail)
• Regular progress report during the execution of work (by E-mail)

North-South Commuter Railway Extension Project

CP N-05 : Building and Civil Engineering Work for Depot Building Including
Related Infrastructure and Track Work Ballast (Contract No : NSCREX-03-N05)

TITLE: Method Statement for Clearing and Grubbing


Operation / Task Site Clearance Works

TASK: R - Routine Activities, NR - Non-routine Activities, E - Emergency Activities | RISK TYPE (RT): S - Safety Risk, H - Health Risk, E - Environmental Impact | RISK
Item Task Activity RT Hazard / Aspect Risk / Impact Control Measures Responsibil
• Awareness/orientation of employees on present
Lack of knowledge hazards/aspects and risks/impacts
or understanding • HSE Orientation/briefing on site specific activities HSE/ Supervis Operations
1 R Awareness/ SHE
about HSE
Serious injuries to fatality
or Head
Briefing • HSE briefing prior to travel and start of Survey

• Assign spotter/flagman to assist the operation in

maneuvering of the equipment.
• Ensure that only authorized/certified operator will operate
the equipment.
• Barricade and signages should be put in place to warn
the public. Equipment
Hit by moving • Ensure all safety devices are installed on the equipment. Equipment Foreman/
S Personal Injury
Preparation of equipment Operator Earthworks
materials, Engineer
2 R tools and

• Inspect the equipment of leakage prior to start of work Equipment

Environmental hazard Soil contamination and • Never use malfunctioning equipment on site. Equipment Foreman/
SHE • In case of leakage, drip tray should be provided to avoid
due to oil leakage personal injury Operator Earthworks
soil contamination and to avert environmental issues. Engineer

North-South Commuter Railway Extension Project

CP N-05 : Building and Civil Engineering Work for Depot Building Including
Related Infrastructure and Track Work Ballast (Contract No : NSCREX-03-N05)

TITLE: Method Statement for Clearing and Grubbing


• Ensure that the positioning of equipment operating should

be properly established at the site working area
• Competent operator shall be authorized to operate the
equipment during the preparation works
• Assign trained flagman/spotter to assist the equipment Equipment
Overturning of Property damage / operator during maneuvering Equipment Foreman/
equipment Personal injury Operator Earthworks
• Ensure that the working area where the equipment on Engineer
operation should be cleared with any obstruction
• Barricade and signage should be put in place to warn the

• Use / wear dust mask during trimming of soil Safety and

SH Dust emission Physical injury • Dust suppression through water spray environmental
• Safety briefing to all personnel prior to start the work
Horse playing during • Assign personnel to continuous monitoring on working Earthworks
S Personal injury Foreman
working time area Engineer

Bad weather condition • Always update / monitor the weather condition
Earthworks Environmental
S (Flooded, strong wind Personal injury • In case of bad weather condition / heavy rains, work
Engineer Engineer
& flying materials) should be stop immediately

• Barricade and signage should be put in place to

warn the public
• Ensure all underground utilities are properly
Property damage due to mark-up prior to start the work
Property damage / Equipment Foreman/
3 R Site Clearance S Site clearance works
Personal injury
• Set boundaries on the work area to be
Operator Earthworks
excavated and properly mark
• Safety briefing to all personnel prior to start the

North-South Commuter Railway Extension Project

CP N-05 : Building and Civil Engineering Work for Depot Building Including
Related Infrastructure and Track Work Ballast (Contract No : NSCREX-03-N05)

TITLE: Method Statement for Clearing and Grubbing


• All equipment must be in a safe position in

loading of soil
• All dump truck should be properly guided in Equipment
Property damage / maneuvering on the loading area Equipment Foreman/
S Improper loading of soil
Personal injury • Assign flagman / spotter to assist all trucks and Operator Earthworks
equipment Engineer
• Install warning / safety signage on working area

• Only authorized personnel should work on
working area
• Assign flagman/spotter for every equipment to
assist the operator in maneuvering and in
operation on working area Equipment
Got hit by moving • Install warning / safety signage on working area Equipment Foreman/
S Personal injury
equipment • Only authorized / certified operator should Operator Earthworks
operate the equipment Engineer
• Ensure all safety devices are install on the
equipment; must be inspect prior to start the

• Ensure that the positioning of equipment operating

should be properly established at the site working
• Competent operator shall be authorized to operate
the equipment during the excavation works
Property damage / Equipment Foreman/
S Overturning of equipment • Ensure that the working area where the equipment
Personal injury Operator Earthworks
on operation should be cleared with any
• Assign trained flagman/spotter to assist the
equipment operator during maneuvering and in

North-South Commuter Railway Extension Project

CP N-05 : Building and Civil Engineering Work for Depot Building Including
Related Infrastructure and Track Work Ballast (Contract No : NSCREX-03-N05)

TITLE: Method Statement for Clearing and Grubbing


• Dust suppression control must be implemented

• Ensure all personnel working in the area are Safety and
Inhalation of dust due Physical injury / Harmful Equipment
S using dust mask environmental
earth moving effect Supervisor

4 R Medical Delay of application of ▪ Provide Emergency contact numbers

medical treatment and Worsening of the medical ▪ Availability of first aid kit
Emergency Safety Officer
SHE transfer to nearest condition of emergency • Availability of emergency vehicle at all times HSE Manager
and First Aider
medical patient, Fatality • First-aid and Basic Life Support Trainings for
facility/hospital identified first aiders


For emergency situation, the sub-contractor must know the flow of executing the Emergency Plan based on the provided information’s.

- Mr. Ariel Sun
Sr. Earthwork Engr.
 Know the emergency contact numbers - Mr. Jin Gon Lee
How an emergency  Designate trained and certified First aider & Emergency HSE Manager
rescue will be executed? Safety officer Contact
North-South Commuter Railway Extension Project

CP N-05 : Building and Civil Engineering Work for Depot Building Including
Related Infrastructure and Track Work Ballast (Contract No : NSCREX-03-N05)

TITLE: Method Statement for Clearing and Grubbing


 In case of major incident (severe injury, major Numbers 09278376825

fire etc.) immediately call or contact POSCO - Mr. John Ty
E&C Emergency Response Team for assistance. HSE Engr.
- Mr. Warren Cris Cuba
HSE Engr.
Tools & Equipment to be - First aid kit Location of First aid kit c/o or carry by First aider
needed - Ambulance emergency Ambulance *
- Fire truck equipment Fire truck *


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