Reading Guidelines: Year: 2021 Class: K2 Level Term: 1 Weeks Topics Objectives Materials Needed Tasks
Reading Guidelines: Year: 2021 Class: K2 Level Term: 1 Weeks Topics Objectives Materials Needed Tasks
Reading Guidelines: Year: 2021 Class: K2 Level Term: 1 Weeks Topics Objectives Materials Needed Tasks
1. What is happening?
2. Do you think the story is made-up or can happen
in real life?
3. When have you seen something like this before?
4. Explain what the picture looks like.
5. Does the illustration or picture seem to match the
title of the story? Why or why not?
6. What does the title tell us about the story?
7. Does the image and title remind you of anything
you have experienced?
Discuss Possible Predictions and Make a List of Questions
Making predictions and asking questions are two reading
strategies are both things that active readers naturally do.
Open to the Story and Read the Pictures (cover the words with
a strip of paper.)
Hide, seek, can, you, see, me, us, yes, we, all
When first beginning sight words, work on no more than three unfamiliar
words at a time to make it manageable for your child. Introduce one word
at a time, using the five teaching techniques. Hold up the flash card for
the first word, and go through all five techniques, in order. Then
introduce the second word, and go through all five teaching techniques,
and so on.
This lesson should establish basic familiarity with the new words. This
part of a sight words session should be brisk and last no more than ten
minutes. As your child gets more advanced, you might increase the
number of words you work on in each lesson.
Steps to teaching new sight words. (the link below will help
a lot.)
After venturing and guiding through all the steps, you and
your child can now relax in bed with the story book. Remove
the strips of paper that you blocked the words in the book.
• First reading, parent reads while touching the words
in the story.
• Second reading. Parent touches and reads the word
then child touches and repeat the same thing.
• Third reading. Read together while touching the
• Fourth reading. The child reads by own self.
Good Night!
• Next week we will focus more on comprehension
activities of both stories.
• Don’t forget to record weaknesses to forward the
teacher later.
• Supplementary Activities will be focused on in class
as it requires worksheets and workbook.