Percaktimi I Rezistences Elektrike Specifike Te Nje Materiali
Percaktimi I Rezistences Elektrike Specifike Te Nje Materiali
Percaktimi I Rezistences Elektrike Specifike Te Nje Materiali
Printed: 12.12.2017 11:22:57 | P2410101
Curricular Relevance
Topic: Subtopic:
Area of Expertise: Education Level: 4 Point Method /
Electricity and Electric Current and
Physics University Measurement of low
Magnetism Resistance
Short description
The resistances of various DC conductors are determined by recording the current/voltage characteristic. The resistivity of metal
rods and the contact resistance of connecting cords are calculated.
1. To plot the current/voltage characteristics of metal rods (copper and aluminium) and to calculate their resistivity.
2. To determine the resistance of various connecting cords by plotting their current/voltage characteristics and calculating
the contact resistances.
Determine the total resistance of the connecting cord with connectors by connecting the Voltmeter to the holes in the double
sockets (measuring in Fig. 2). The plug/double socket contact resistances are obtained by comparing and .
Ohm’s law
Cu 1.79 1.68
Al 2.98 2.72
The line resistance of the connecting cords can be calculated using (1):
The line/plug contact resistance can be established from the difference between the line resistance calculated and the
resistance measured.
The plug/double socket contact resistance can be determined by comparing the voltages and (see Figs. 2):