2020 Firstsem PFT Syllabus Cdio
2020 Firstsem PFT Syllabus Cdio
2020 Firstsem PFT Syllabus Cdio
First Semester, AY 2020-2021
National Goal : The attainment of globally competitive Filipinos through quality and excellent education, relevant and
responsive to changing environment, accessible and equitable to deserving students, and efficient and effective
in optimizing returns and benefits.
Mission :SLSU will 1) produce S and T leader and competitive professionals; 2) generate breakthrough research in
Sand T –based disciplines; 3) transform and improve the quality of life in the communities in the service areas;
and 4) be self-sufficient and financially viable
University Goals : SLSU shall develop comprehensive curricula to produce S and T leaders and professionals; establish a culture
of science and technology-based research; facilitate adoption of technology to communities and service areas;
intensify production capability; establish transparent, efficient and effective management system.
Quality Policy :We, at Southern Leyte State University, commit enthusiastically to satisfy our stakeholders’ needs and
expectation by adhering to good governance, relevance, and innovations of our instruction, research and
development, extension and other support services and to continually improve the effectiveness of our Quality
Management Systems in compliance to ethical standards and applicable statutory, regulatory, industry and
stakeholders’ requirements.
The management commits to establish, maintain and monitor our quality management system and ensure
that adequate resources are available.
Program Outcomes
u.) Understand professional, ethical, legal, security, and social issues and responsibilities in the utilization of
information technology.
v.) Recognize the need for and engage in planning self-learning and improving performance as a foundation for
continuing professional development.
D. Institutional Outcomes
w.) Compete globally as IT professionals that can develop and advance Information and Communication Technology.
A. Course Details
Course Description This course prepares the students to become an IT professionals where their major role is to analyze the
organization’s IT requirements based on the demand of an organization so that they can fully operate
their services.
It covers the major parts of operating systems, computer architecture and organization as the components
of Platform Technologies. In the area of the operating systems, topics included are the common
scheduling algorithm, memory management and device management. Added with the best security and
protection practice and the fault tolerance. In the knowledge area of computer architecture and
organization it covers from the basic organization of the computer system, the fundamentals of hardware
and software, the digital logic and digital systems, the architectures and the infrastructures.
Number of Units 3
Prerequisite IT 102 – PROGRAMMING 2
C. Learning Plan
Graduate Allotted Teaching&
Intended Learning Assessment Instructional
Attribute and Topics Time (in Learning
Outcomes Tasks Materials
CDIO Skills Hours) Activities
Lec: 2 Recorded Video
Conceptual Orientation Course Syllabus
Sessions can be
Thinking (IT 203)
accessed via
Personal Skills 1. National Goal Messenger or
and attitudes 2. SLSU Vision, Mission, Student
Goals, Objectives and Handbook
Quality Policy
3. College Goals and Scheduled Live
Program Objectives Online Sessions
4. Program Outcomes via Messenger.
5. Course Outcomes
6. Course Outline Scheduled Call
7. Course Grading and Text
System Communication
8. Course Requirements
9. Gender Awareness
and Development
10. Student/s with
Special Needs
11. Academic Integrity
D. References
1. Operating System Concepts, 9th ed., Abraham Silberschatz, Peter Baer Galvin, Greg Gagne. Wiley 2013
2. Computer Organization and Architecture Designing for Performance, 10 th ed., William Stallings, Pearson 2016
E. Grading System
This is to confirm that the contents of the course syllabus in IT 203 PLATFORM TECHNOLOGIES, First Semester, 2020 at SLSU, were
discussed to us during the first day of class and a copy of which was provided for reproduction and individual reference and guide.
Name of Student Course & Signature Name of Student Course & Signature
Year Year
1. 21.
2. 22.
3. 23.
4. 24.
5. 25.
6. 26.
7. 27.
8. 28.
9. 29.
10. 30.
11. 31.
12. 32.
13. 33.
14. 34.
15. 35.
16. 36.
17. 37.
18. 38.
19. 39.
20. 40.