Road Map To Score 180+ in Upcoming JEE Mains April 2021 - JEE 2021

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Road Map To Score 180+ In JEE Mains April 2021

 Rizee Blogger JEE 2021  March 30, 2021  0

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Joint Entrance Exam(JEE) is considered as the one of the toughest exams in India. The exam
has its own set of guidelines and distinct elegance conducted by the central board of
secondary education. It was conducted every year to get admissions for top engineering
colleges in India.

In 2021, till now  two JEE Mains tests were conducted. And the upcoming test is in April
2021.In this article we planned a strategy to get 180+ marks in this upcoming JEE Mains April
2021 exam.

JEE Main 2021 March Question Papers with Solutions from 16th to 18th

JEE Main has two papers JEE Main paper I and JEE Main paper II. paper I is for those who
want to study engineering. And Paper II is for those who want to study architecture. 1/11
5/3/2021 Road Map To Score 180+ In Upcoming JEE Mains April 2021 | JEE 2021

If you qualified for the JEE mains exam then you are eligible for the JEE Advanced Exam.

Let us look at the subject wise chapter analysis for upcoming JEE Mains April 2021.

Before going for that lets have a look on previous February and march paper analysis. By this
analysis you can understand which chapters have more weightage, and what you need to
prepare for the upcoming test.

Rizee has analysed all shift papers subject wise and the important chapters that are asked in
all shifts .

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Physics February and March Paper Analysis:

In physics February and march attempt, 14-15 questions are from the chapters like
Semiconductor Electronics, Gravitation, oscillations, Alternating Current, Atoms, Electric
Charges and Fields, Current Electricity, Units and Measurements, System of particles and
Rotational motion, Work Energy and Power, Laws Of Motion, Electromagnetic Waves, Kinetic
Theory, Ray optics and Thermodynamics. 2/11
5/3/2021 Road Map To Score 180+ In Upcoming JEE Mains April 2021 | JEE 2021

Out of all these chapters, maximum common questions are from these chapters like
Semiconductor Electronics, Oscillations, Alternating Current, Atoms, Current Electricity.

So if you concentrate on these chapters you can attempt 14 questions easily from physics.

Most Anticipated Questions From Physics Given By Rizee in March 2021

Chemistry February and March Paper Analysis:

Coming to chemistry February and March attempt,  15 – 17 questions are from Hydrocarbons,
The P-Block elements, Organic Chemistry Some basic principles and techniques, Some Basic
Concepts of Chemistry, Aldehydes, ketones and Carboxylic Acids. Atomic Structure, Chemical
Bonding and Molecular Structure, Chemical Kinetics, Solutions, Amines, Biomolecules,
Environmental Chemistry, General principles and Processes of isolation of elements. 3/11
5/3/2021 Road Map To Score 180+ In Upcoming JEE Mains April 2021 | JEE 2021

Out of all these chapters, Maximum Common questions are from these chapters like The P-
Block Elements, Organic Chemistry Some basic principles and techniques, Some Basic
Concepts of Chemistry, Chemical Kinetics and Solutions.

So if you concentrate on these chapters you can easily attempt 15 questions from chemistry.

Most Anticipated Questions From Chemistry Given By Rizee in March 2021

Mathematics February and March Paper Analysis:

Coming to mathematics February and March attempt, 14 -15 questions are from  Definite
Integrals and Area, Matrices, Vector Algebra, Binomial Theorem, Probability, Differential
Equations, Relations and Functions, Three dimensional geometry, Conic Section and Circles,
Continuity and Differentiability. 4/11
5/3/2021 Road Map To Score 180+ In Upcoming JEE Mains April 2021 | JEE 2021

Out of all these chapters common questions are from these chapters like Definite Integrals and
Area, Matrices, Vector Algebra, Binomial Theorem and Differential Equations.

So if you concentrate on these chapters you can easily attempt 15 questions from

Most Anticipated Questions From Mathematics Given By Rizee in March 2021

Complete Analysis For JEE Main April 2021 Attempt:

So combining all 14 questions from mathematics, 17 questions from chemistry and 14
questions from physics, total 45 questions. Each question carries 4 marks, so total 180 marks.

This is the plan made by our expert faculty by analysing the previous papers. 5/11

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