Demographic Profile

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Demographic Profile – Class and Individual Student Information

( TPE 1.1, 3.2, 4.1, 4.2, 4.5 SSP-DAP )

Number of Students in Class Male: 10 Female: 8 Total: 18

English Language Arts ( ELA ) Mathematics

Level Number of Male or Female Level Number of Male or Female
students per students per
level level
Beginning 1 1m, 0F Low 0 0M, 0F
Intermediate 5 3M, 2F Medium 6 4M, 2F
Advanced 12 6M, 6F High 12 6M, 6F
18 10M, 8F 18 10M, 8F
English Language Learners ( ELL )
Level Number of Male or Female Specific Needs
students per
Emerging 0 0 N/A
Expanding 0 0 N/A
Bridging 2 M ELL students have not yet been assessed due to
COVID-19-related restrictions and assessment delays.
2 2M
Special Education Students Total Number: 5
Specific Needs Male or Female

• AUT-Autism, Services: SAI sessions 2 hrs. Speech ½ hr. M

• Behavior Goal (Yes): Student will utilize coping strategies when presented with a
frustrating situation
• Goal Areas: Social/Emotional and Behavior

• AUT-Autism, Services: SAI sessions 2 hrs. Speech ½ hr. M

• Behavior Goal (Yes): Student will utilize coping strategies when presented with a
frustrating situation.
• Goal Areas: Communication, Social/Emotional, Behavior

• AUT-Autism, Services: SAI sessions 2 hrs. Speech ½ hr. M

• Behavior Goal (No)
• Goal Areas: Communication (stuttering, remain on topic), Social/Emotional (will initiate
appropriate interactions)

• AUT-Autism, Services: SAI sessions 2 hrs. Speech ½ hr. M

• Behavior Goal (Yes): Student will utilize coping strategies when presented with a
frustrating situation.
• Goal Areas: Communication, Readiness (Upon occurrence of distracting stimuli, he
will reengage attention within 5 seconds)

• SLI-Speech or Language Impairment , Services: Speech ½ hr. M

• Behavior Goal (No)
• Goal Areas: Communication (will demonstrate attention in the classroom and improve
social relationships by making comments to peers such as, do you want to play? What
do I do next?)

Five Identified Student Profiles

One English language learner, one identified special education student,
one special circumstance student, one high performing student, and one low performing student

Student Name: FS1
Special Identifications: ELL Student Math: low medium high
(Bridging: Language Fluency) Reading: low medium high
Linguistic and/or Cultural Background: Family/Home Background:
FS1 was born in Besiktas, Turkey. This student is an FS1’s parents are involved and supportive. Recently,
English Language Learner whose first language is FS1’s dad, who is also learning the English language,
Turkish. FS1 is learning and applying English language volunteered and read aloud to the class via Zoom.
skills in a variety of contexts and is engaging in grade- This student’s dad displayed courage and humility,
level academic tasks and activities. by being unafraid to speak, and by informing the
class that he too is learning English. FS1’s dad stated
FS1 communicates effectively on a wide range of that would do his best, even though he may
familiar and new topics in order to meet academic mispronounce words. He thanked that class for
demands in a variety of disciplines. Assessment data listening and demonstrated a sincere interest in
indicates student is scoring at or slightly above the partnering with teachers and staff in his child’s
Kindergarten benchmark goals in the four ELD education.
domains: listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
FS1 is gaining language mastery needed for FS1’s parent involvement directly correlates to their
academic achievement and actively progressing in student’s growth, achievement, and success in
increasing proficiency in English. This scholar is school. FS1 is usually the one of the first students to
working toward a high level of proficiency that is arrive in the morning and to be picked up after
comparable to monolingual classmates. school. The family values education, models
participation, and an embraces an active, healthy
lifestyle and whole-child learning approach that is
conducive to educational and societal success.

Health and/or Physical Concerns: Socio-emotional Learning Concerns/Social

FS2 has no known physical concerns to date. Development Factors:
FS1 demonstrates responsible decision-making skills
and takes ownership of work. This student makes
constructive and respectful choices and takes
responsibility for positive as well as negative
outcomes. FS1 actively participates in class and
frequently raises a hand to contribute to meaningful
conversations, which build our healthy classroom
culture. When FS1 does not know the answer to a
question, this student admits that he is not sure or
does not know the information yet, with honesty and
maturity. FS1’s steady, confident, matter-of-fact
responses model responsible decision-making skills
that inspire classmates to actively engage in
discussions. FS1’s ability to make sound judgements
about personal behavior positively influences the
classroom environment and encourages participation
by creating a supportive space for all to communicate
and share.

Assets/Funds of Knowledge: Interests and Aspirations:

FS1 adapts naturally and enthusiastically into the FS1 loves to draw, enjoys going to the beach, and is
classroom. This student is conscientious, diligent, eager to master English. He communicates visually
polite, and demonstrates a strong work ethic. FS1 through drawing and loves to learn art techniques
communicates visually through drawing and from his father who is a graphic designer.
frequently gifts the teacher with illustrations.
FS1demonstrates integrity, gratitude, respect, and FS1 is friendly with students and staff. This student
creativity. This student has a zest for learning! initiates and engages in conversations with people of
all ages. FS1 is making friends with classmates (and
FS1 has a broad range of pre-existing academic their siblings), and demonstrates mature interpersonal
knowledge and skills that will positively impact how skills, inside and outside of the classroom. FS1 is a
this student processes and integrates new confident contributor to our class, relates to peers,
information within the lesson. Math evaluation data and exhibits a solid sense of belonging within our
indicates that FS1 has Kindergarten level math skills. community. FS1 is an inspiration to peers and
During class, this student demonstrates tremendous teachers.
enthusiasm for learning, particularly for mathematics
and embraces learning new content through a variety
of methods and activities. FS1 listens intently and
executes work with precision and accuracy.

FS2: Special Needs

Student Name: FS2
Special Identifications: Special Needs Student Math: low medium high
IEP: Autism and Speech Reading: low medium high
Linguistic and/or Cultural Background: Family/Home Background:
FS2 is a Caucasian, English-fluency only twin who FS2 has a twin in class. The siblings are being cared
was born in the United States. The twins are very for by their grandmother during the day while their
close to their grandmother/caregiver who supports parents work. The identical twins were born in on
the students academically on a daily basis. She also September 27, 2014 and have a close relationship.
demonstrates and emphasizes character formation They enjoy talking with each other and spending time
and moral development, which the twins bring to the together before and after school. Each person has a
classroom. sense of humor and demonstrates strong moral

Health and/or Physical Concerns: Socio-emotional Learning Concerns/Social

FS2 has an IEP which states that Autism is the Development Factors:
identified disability. This student’s strength and Self-management interventions are helping FS2 to
preferences are in academics. FS2 demonstrates understand the rules and expectations of given
kindness, compassion, and character excellence. situations and assisting this student to regulate his
behaviors accordingly. FS2 is frequently prompted to
FS2’s IEP states, “Currently, student’s behavior focus and pay attention in order to complete tasks.
impedes learning of self or others and behavior Effective strategies that help this student focus and
interventions are needed.” Behavior Goals Areas pay attention include non-verbal cues such as
include communication, social/emotional, and making and maintaining eye contact at eye level, light
behavior. The IEP Classroom Accommodations tapping on the desk or document, and gesturing.
include program accommodations, supplementary Verbal classroom expectations and positive
aids, and accommodations (including effect on reinforcements are also provided such as, “I write,
grading). This student has two, one-hour SAI you write,” and “let’s be respectful listeners.”
sessions and one, half-hour speech session per
week. FS2 has no known physical concerns to date. FS2’s body language indicates this student may be
tired and/or hungry (head on desk), cold, and bored
as he frequently moves his arms out of the sleeves
and into his t-shirt. This student is often reminded

about the importance keeping his arms outside of his

shirt to avoid falling out of his chair when he is in a
tucked position. FS2 is easily redirected, coachable,
eager to do what is right, and is beginning to
recognize and modify behaviors. This student’s kind,
joyful, and thoughtful demeanor positively influences
our classroom.

Assistive Technologies (as appropriate)

FS2 has been given a writing assistive device. This
low-tech device was provided to improve handwriting
legibility by helping the student control the pencil
more effectively. The student practiced using this
pencil grip for one full day and asked to “try to work
harder without it please,” because the apparatus was
actually impeding the ability to write. His handwriting
has improved significantly, with consistency and
accuracy, without a writing device.
Assets/Funds of Knowledge: Interests and Aspirations:
FS2 has strong math skills, enjoys academic FS2 enjoys bike riding, bunnies, Legos, and robots.
activities, and frequently is one of the first students to This student likes math. FS2’s dream birthday would
have the answers to group questions. At home, FS2 be to hang out at home with family as FS2 truly
builds with Legos, plays with stuffed animals, and enjoys a relaxed atmosphere and being comfortable.
looks forward to building structures with his brother FS2 loves rabbits and has so many stuffed animals
after school. He is fascinated by robots, enjoys that this student cannot count all of them. This
drawing, and is detail-oriented. compassionate student has a caring demeanor and
models kindness daily, which is a crucial element of
our well-functioning classroom, and of our world. FS2
is a twin who is valued for individual assets and is
flourishing in our inclusive community where this
scholar demonstrates a solid sense of belonging.

FS3: Special Circumstances

Student Name: FS3
Special Identifications: Special Circumstances Math: low medium high
Student Reading: low medium high
IEP: AUT-Autism and Speech
Linguistic and/or Cultural Background: Family/Home Background:
FS3 is of Native-American descent. He is an English- FS3 is an only child who lives with his paternal
fluency only student who lives in a monolingual grandmother who is called “Mom.” She recently
household. adopted this student, as his parents are substance
abusers. Having a custodial grandparent and having
lived in foster care may have other affects; however,
FS3 is adapting to Kindergarten well, is motivated to
learn, and is flourishing. This student’s grandmother
values our school and is grateful that her grandchild
is adapting well – academically, emotionally, and
socially. Recently, this enthusiastic student earned
the “Shout Out” award that honors one extraordinary
student for overall excellence!

Health and/or Physical Concerns: Socio-emotional Learning Concerns/Social

In addition to being a Special Circumstances Student, Development Factors:
FS3 has been diagnosed with Autism and has FS3 is working on regulating emotions and curbing
Speech needs. This student has two, one-hour SAI spontaneous behaviors, including shouting out. When
sessions and one, half-hour speech session per redirected, this student controls impulses and is back
week. FS3 is flourishing in the classroom and does on task. FS3 is learning to utilize coping strategies
not appear to have any speech issues. FS3 is such as taking a breath to relax and verbalizing his
thriving, is engaged, and contributes academically needs. Due to extenuating circumstances, this
and socially. Having teacher support and being in a student needs and receives extra support in the form
welcoming classroom community on a daily basis is of positive reinforcement, supplemental guidance,
opening doors to brand new growth opportunities for and redirection.
this student!

Assets/Funds of Knowledge: Interests and Aspirations:

FS3’s assessments shows above grade-level FS3 enjoys drawing, painting, swimming, snakes, and
knowledge and understanding in math. FS3 is an math. This scholar displays a strong interest and
expressive, high performing student who exudes demonstrates advanced knowledge in mathematics
confidence in challenges. This scholar actively and design. FS3 revels in interactive discussion and
participates in class, is competitive (particularly in is a meticulous creative. This innovative student
math games), and is detail-oriented. FS3 enjoys would like to build a house someday.
sharing thoughts aloud, volunteers frequently, and is
eager to answer questions. FS3 is detail minded,
particularly when doing “hands-on” activities and
working on visual arts and creative activities. FS3
recognizes patterns easily and quickly. When
stacking small foam blocks to measure the height of
a pumpkin, this student accurately, and meticulously
color-coded the entire stack. FS3 is industrious and
has a zest for learning.

FS4: High Performing (HPS)

Student Name: FS4 (HPS)
Special Identifications: High Performing Student Math: low medium high
(Please note: Students are tested for GATE Reading: low medium high
identification in 3rd grade.)
Linguistic and/or Cultural Background: Family/Home Background:
FS4 is of Mexican-American descent who has a FS4 has an older brother and they get along very
Spanish-speaking grandmother. This student’s well. There is a mutual respect between the siblings
brother is currently learning Spanish now that he is in and they engage in conversation daily when walking
second grade. They have a very close family and to and from the classroom. These siblings are
enjoy spendng time together. positive role models as they demonstrate respect,
honor, responsibility, care, interest, and
thoughtfulness, inside and outside of the classroom.
FS4 enjoys science, gymnastics, playing “Flower
Power” word games, and being with family.

Health and/or Physical Concerns: Socio-emotional Learning Concerns/Social

There are no known health and/or physical concerns Development Factors:
for FS4. FS4 demonstrates exemplary strengths and maturity
in understanding and managing emotions and
behavior, feeling and showing empathy for others,
establishing and maintaining positive relationships,
and responsible decision-making. It is important to

recognize this student’s efforts and work ethic and

provide positive reinforcement as FS4 develops
academically, intellectually, socially, and emotionally.
This student displays strong leadership skills and is
an inspiration to peers inside and outside of the

Assets/Funds of Knowledge: Interests and Aspirations:

FS4 is a mature, creative, detail-oriented, high- FS4 enjoys science, math, gymnastics, swimming,
achieving student who displays multiple intelligences. and pink pigs. This student would like to climb
This scholar actively participates in class, thinks monkey bars when the playground opens, post-
independently, is self-motivated, learns and retains COVID. This scholar is planning on becoming a
new information quickly, listens attentively, and scientist.
demonstrates strong abilities in academics,
kinesthetics, and visual art. FS4 will benefit from In addition to a kind demeanor and strong work ethic,
appropriately differentiated curriculum designed to FS4 demonstrates alignment between high
address specific individual needs, abilities, and aspirations, expectations, and achievement – all of
interests. This student positively influences peers as a which positively influences the class.
mature, discerning role model.

FS5: Lower Performing (LPS)

Student Name: FS5 (LPS)
Special Identifications: Special Needs Student/Low Math: low medium high
Performing Reading: low medium high
IEP: AUT-Autism and Speech
Linguistic and/or Cultural Background: Family/Home Background:
FS5 is a native-Californian, English-only Caucasian. FS5 lives at home with his parents and two older
brothers, who are eight and eleven years old. They
like to play and spend a lot of time together. This
students enjoys being with family.

Health and/or Physical Concerns: Socio-emotional Learning Concerns/Social

FS5 has been diagnosed with Autism. This student Development Factors:
has two, one-hour SAI sessions and one, half-hour FS5 needs frequent reminders to focus attention,
speech session per week. FS5 engages in class remember instructions, follow instructions, and
activities and does need focus cues. A pencil grip complete tasks. Non-verbal and verbal prompts help
assistance tool was provided to help with handwriting redirect FS5 to practice and exhibit self-discipline
control and proper grip. FS5 does not use this device and self-motivation. This amiable student is
as it impedes writing and drawing skills. There are no conscientious and responds positively to reminder
known health and/or physical concerns for FS5. prompts.

Assets/Funds of Knowledge: Interests and Aspirations:

FS5 is detail oriented and shows excellent focus, FS5 likes Legos, drawing, coloring, dinosaurs,
particularly when doing “hands-on” activities and snakes, words, and Pokémon. This student would like
working on visual arts. This student recognizes to learn how to ride a scooter. FS5 loves art and
patterns easily and quickly,. FS5 loves to draw. thrives at creating innovative illustrations. FS5 would
like to spend more time drawing in class. This student
FS5 communicated that the (classical piano) music hopes to have a hamster someday because at this
that was playing during art expression time made this time, FS5 does not have any pets.
student feel sad. FS5’s emotional response to
unexpected stimuli (music) indicates that this student This student enjoys being active. Children need
was cognitively immersed in the music. Studies have movement to help them focus, but certain children
shown that listeners who experience sensitivity to with autism need it even more. Encouraging

music have unusually active imaginations. These exercises and movement such as jumping jacks,
traits are inherently emotional (loving variety, running in place, dancing, etc. before/after in-seat
appreciating beauty), while others are cognitive, tasks sets students up for success so they can focus
(imagination, intellectual curiosity). and pay attention. FS5 likes to participate in Go
Noodle dance activities, has a great sense of humor,
This student enjoys being with family and friends. To and is an asset to our class.
build connections with classmates, Stand Up and
Share, Think-Pair-Share, and other engaging
strategies will be utilized to build class connections
and grow peer relationships..

Other General Classroom Considerations

Student Assets and Funds of Knowledge (Including general cultural and linguistic background of students’
home and family):
Sixteen Standard English Language learners are proficient in the English language. Our two ELL students
are working toward a high level of proficiency that is comparable to their monolingual classmates. They are
motivated to reach their English language potential, are engaging in grade-level academic tasks, and have
not needed any additional instructional support due to language. Differentiated instruction ensures that
the whole class has opportunities to demonstrate their knowledge through multiple approaches to
curriculum focused content. All students entered kindergarten with age-appropriate skills and are
motivated to learn. Parents, grandparents, and caregivers are actively engaged and provide support.

Health considerations or physical development factors (if any)

One student wears glasses.

Socio-emotional developmental (SEL) factors that may influence instruction

To assist with self-management skill development, non-verbal and verbal prompts/reminders will be provided
to help students focus attention, remember instructions, follow instructions, and complete tasks. Students will
receive extra support in the form of positive reinforcement, supplemental guidance, and redirection.

Interests and/or aspirations in the class (relevant to this academic area)

I intentionally design lessons to draw upon students’ background knowledge, interests, assets, and learning
goals. This lesson responds each person’s excitement to read high-frequency words orally by sight, quickly
and accurately. I created the “I have, Who has?” sight word learning game for students to practice skills that
will assist in reaching literacy goals, while interacting with peers! The class frequently asks to play (learning)
games, To honor their input and ignite interest, I design interactive, community-building games that are
challenging, fun, and purposeful. Writing and creating editorial illustrations is a favorite student activity and
what inspired the “My Sight Word Story” learning experience. Students critically think about their interests
and aspirations and respond to three prompts: “I can __. I like to __. I want to __.”

Opportunities to address challenges (such as misunderstandings or misconceptions) related to the

learning objective and lesson (using Growth Mindset Language)
The anticipated challenges may be for students to focus during group learning activities and to be active
listeners. This lesson will require self-management skills to focus and maintain attention, and relationship
skills including cooperation, listening actively, and communicating clearly during group participation
activities. Students will play a practice round to become familiar with the game and will be reminded of
our Growth Mindset classroom motto, “I am a lifelong learner who is growing in so many ways, and
through practice, persistence, and effort, I am building skills, knowledge, and understanding each day!”

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