Demographic Profile
Demographic Profile
Demographic Profile
Student Name: FS1
Special Identifications: ELL Student Math: low medium high
(Bridging: Language Fluency) Reading: low medium high
Linguistic and/or Cultural Background: Family/Home Background:
FS1 was born in Besiktas, Turkey. This student is an FS1’s parents are involved and supportive. Recently,
English Language Learner whose first language is FS1’s dad, who is also learning the English language,
Turkish. FS1 is learning and applying English language volunteered and read aloud to the class via Zoom.
skills in a variety of contexts and is engaging in grade- This student’s dad displayed courage and humility,
level academic tasks and activities. by being unafraid to speak, and by informing the
class that he too is learning English. FS1’s dad stated
FS1 communicates effectively on a wide range of that would do his best, even though he may
familiar and new topics in order to meet academic mispronounce words. He thanked that class for
demands in a variety of disciplines. Assessment data listening and demonstrated a sincere interest in
indicates student is scoring at or slightly above the partnering with teachers and staff in his child’s
Kindergarten benchmark goals in the four ELD education.
domains: listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
FS1 is gaining language mastery needed for FS1’s parent involvement directly correlates to their
academic achievement and actively progressing in student’s growth, achievement, and success in
increasing proficiency in English. This scholar is school. FS1 is usually the one of the first students to
working toward a high level of proficiency that is arrive in the morning and to be picked up after
comparable to monolingual classmates. school. The family values education, models
participation, and an embraces an active, healthy
lifestyle and whole-child learning approach that is
conducive to educational and societal success.
music have unusually active imaginations. These exercises and movement such as jumping jacks,
traits are inherently emotional (loving variety, running in place, dancing, etc. before/after in-seat
appreciating beauty), while others are cognitive, tasks sets students up for success so they can focus
(imagination, intellectual curiosity). and pay attention. FS5 likes to participate in Go
Noodle dance activities, has a great sense of humor,
This student enjoys being with family and friends. To and is an asset to our class.
build connections with classmates, Stand Up and
Share, Think-Pair-Share, and other engaging
strategies will be utilized to build class connections
and grow peer relationships..