J276-01-Computer systems/GCSE Computer Science J276 - J276 - 01 - QS2

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GCSE Computer Science

J276/01 Computer Systems

Question Set 2
1 (a) A house has computers in each room and a central router. Every room allows
both Ethernet and WiFi connections to the router.

Identify if the house network is a LAN (local area network) or a WAN (wide [3]
area network).Justify your choice.

(b) The following table has descriptions of Ethernet and WiFi.

Tick () one box in each row to identify if the description is more appropriate for
Ethernet or WiFi.

Description Ethernet WiFi

A wired connection
More likely to be affected by interference
Data can be transmitted at a faster speed
Wireless transmission
Shorter transmission range before data is lost

(c) (i) Describe the purpose of the router in the house’s network.


(ii) Identify two additional items of network hardware, apart from cables and a
router, thatmay be used within the house network.

(d) (i) A user enters a uniform resource locator (URL) into a web browser on one of the
computers in the house. A system is then used to find the IP address of the web
server associated with the URL.

Name the system which matches URLs to IP addresses on the web.

(ii) The following statements describe what happens after the IP address has been
foundand returned to the user’s computer.

There are five missing statements in the table.

Write the letter of the missing statements from the table in the correct place to
completethe description.

1 The request is put into packets

2 ........................................

3 The packets are sent across the network

4 ........................................

5 ........................................

6 If they have not arrived:

7 A timeout is sent to request the packets are resent

8 If they have arrived:

9 ........................................

10 ........................................

Letter Statement
A The server checks if all the packets have arrived
B The packets are put in order
C The request is processed by the web server
D The packets are received by the host server
E Each packet is given the address and a number

The house owner is concerned about potential threats to the network from being
connectedto the Internet.

Describe three possible threats to the computers connected to the network and
give one way each threat can be reduced or prevented. [9]

Total Marks for Question Set 2: 27

Oxford Cambridge and RSA
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