Evaluation and Demonstration of Irrigation Regime On Hot Pepper (Capsicum Annuum L.) in Benna-Tsemay Woreda, Southern Ethiopia
Evaluation and Demonstration of Irrigation Regime On Hot Pepper (Capsicum Annuum L.) in Benna-Tsemay Woreda, Southern Ethiopia
Evaluation and Demonstration of Irrigation Regime On Hot Pepper (Capsicum Annuum L.) in Benna-Tsemay Woreda, Southern Ethiopia
Research Article
A field experiment was conducted at Enchet kebele in Bennatsemay woreda Southern Ethiopia
for two consecutive years during (2017 and 2018) in order to determine the optimum irrigation
scheduling and water use efficiency of hot pepper under a conventional furrow irrigation
system. The experimental design of treatments was laid out in randomized complete block
design (RCBD). The trial has four levels of treatments (125% MAD, 100% MAD, 75% MAD and
farmers practice).The experimental result shows that highest total yield was obtained from
125% MAD (23.15 ton/ha) as compared to other treatments; 100% MAD (18.97 ton/ha), 75% MAD
(14.47 ton/ha) and farmer practice (11.63 ton/ha). The result indicated that, total yield of hot
pepper was decreased with decreasing applied irrigation water. The highest water use efficiency
(37 kg/ha-mm-1) was obtained from treatment level of 125% MAD and lowest water use efficiency
(27.52kg/ha-mm-1) was obtained from farmer practice. Therefore, application of 125% MAD level
was appropriate to increase economic yield of hot pepper and water use efficiency in the area.
But, in water scarce areas like Benna-Tsemay woreda and other areas applying the
recommended fraction (100% MAD) of crop water requirement is advisable with a minimum
reduction of yield.
Key Words: Irrigation Regime, Hot Pepper, Water Use Efficiency, Allowable Depletion
Irrigation is the most significant input in agricultural water by farmers as well as other private sectors the only
activities to improve the yields. Throughout the world, option was irrigation scheduling. Irrigation scheduling
about 70% of available water resources are allocated to (amount and timing) is the key issue to get the highest
agricultural activities, especially to irrigation. Improving yields per unit area. Plant water consumption is the
water use efficiencies are an important strategy for essential parameter of irrigation scheduling works and it
addressing future water scarcity problem particularly in may vary based on climate factors and plant growth
arid and semi-arid regions (Mdemu et al. 2008). Today, it stages. Thus, plant water consumption values should
is almost impossible to increase the cultivated lands, separately be determined for experimental area and such
therefore researches have to be done to improve unit a case is especially significant in arid and semi-arid
area-yields to increase the total yields. Hot pepper is a regions. Therefore the general objective of this study was
high value cash crop, of which cultivation is confined to to evaluate the irrigation regime on yield and water use
warm and semi-arid regions of the world, where water is efficiency of hot pepper at different irrigation water
often a limiting factor for crop production ((Dimitrov and application levels.
Ovtcharrova, 1995). A shallow root system high stomata
density, a large transpiring leaf surface and elevated *Corresponding Author: Tadesse Mugoro Lebiso,
stomata openings, make hot pepper plants susceptible to Southern Agricultural Research Institute, Jinka Agricultural
water stress (Delfine et al., 2000). The conventional Research Center, Jinka Ethiopia.
solution to water shortages has been irrigation water *Author Email: [email protected]
management. So, due to competing demands for irrigation Co-Author: [email protected]
Evaluation and Demonstration of Irrigation Regime on Hot Pepper (Capsicum Annuum L.) in Benna-Tsemay Woreda, Southern Ethiopia
Tadesse and Medhin 15
MATERIALS AND METHODS geographically located 05° 21'36'' N and 36° 59'56'' E with
an elevation of 580 m.a.s.l. The experimental sites were
Description of Study Area agro- ecologically arid and semi-arid with mean monthly
maximum and minimum temperature of 38°C and 18°C,
A field experiment was conducted for two consecutive respectively and low and erratic rainfall pattern with an
years during (2017 and 2018 G.C) at Enchete Kebele in average annual rainfall of 200-578 mm.
Bennatsemay woreda in South Omo Zone. It was
Soil Physical and Chemical Properties Maximum effective root zone depth (Rz) of hot pepper
ranges between 0.5 - 1 m and has allowable soil water
The soil of the experimental site is classified as clay soil. depletion fraction (P) of 0.25 (Andreas et al., 2002). Hot
Some physical and chemical properties of the Pepper average Kc (crop coefficient) would be taken after
experimental soil are presented in Table 1. The study site adjustments have been made for initial, mid and late
soil has average bulk density of 1.23 g/cm3, pH of 8.4 and season stage to be 0.35, 1.05 and 0.95, respectively (Allen
electrical conductivity of 0.2 ds/m. et al., 1998). Yield data like marketable yield, unmarketable
yield, total yield and other agronomic parameters were
Experimental Design measured in the field.
The experiment was laid out in randomized complete block Crop Water Determination
design with four replications of four level treatments. The
treatment was conducted under furrow irrigation method. The crop water requirement refers to the amount of
The amount of irrigation water to be applied at each water that needs to be supplied, while crop
irrigation application was measured using Parshall flume. evapotranspiration refers to the amount of water that is lost
The treatments were 125% of allowable soil moisture through evapotranspiration (Allen et al., 1998). For the
depletion (ASMD), l00% of allowable soil moisture determination of crop water requirement, the effect of
depletion (ASMD) or full level, 75% of allowable soil climate on crop water requirement, which is the reference
moisture depletion (ASMD) and the fourth was farmer crop evapotranspiration (ETo) and the effect of crop
practices (FP). The experimental field was divided into 16 coefficient (Kc) are important (Doorenbos and pruitt,
plots and each plot size was 4m by 5m dimension. The 1977). The long term and daily climate data such as
space between rows and the plants were 70 cm and 30 cm, maximum and minimum air temperature, relative humidity,
respectively. wind speed, sunshine hours, and rainfall data of the study
Crop Data area was collected from National Meteorological Agency,
Hawassa Branch Directorate in order to determine
Evaluation and Demonstration of Irrigation Regime on Hot Pepper (Capsicum Annuum L.) in Benna-Tsemay Woreda, Southern Ethiopia
Journ. Agric. Biol. Eng. 16
reference evapotranspiration by using FAO CropWAT excluding the border rows and border plants in the central
software version 8.0 (Allen et al., 1998). rows were taken as a sample to record yield and yield
component. The amount of bulb produced was collected
ETc = (ETo x Kc) − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − −(2.1) and weighed from the four central rows of each plot to
avoid boarder effects.
Where, ETc = crop evapotranspiration, Kc = crop coefficient,
ETo = reference evapotranspiration Crop Water Use Efficiency (CWUE)
Irrigation Water Management CWUE is the yield harvested in kilogram per ha-mm of total
water used. It was calculated using formula as the ratio of
The total available water (TAW), stored in a unit volume of crop yield to the amount of water consumptively used by
soil was determined by the expression: the crop (Ibragimov et al., 2007):
𝑇𝐴𝑊 = ∗ 𝐵𝑑 ∗ 𝑅𝑧 − − − − − − − − − − − (2.2) ETC
Where, TAW is total available water in mm/m, FC is field Where: CWUE = crop water use efficiency (kg/m 3)
capacity and PWP is permanent welting point in percent Y = yield in kg ha-1 and
(%) on weight basis, Bd is bulk density and Rz is maximum ETc = is crop evapotranspiration (mm)
root depth.
Statistical Analysis
The depth of irrigation supplied at any time can be obtained
from the equation: The collected data were analyzed using Statistical
Agricultural Software (SAS 9.0) and least significance
Inet(mm) = (ETcmm − Peffmm ) − − − − − − − − − −(2.3) difference (LSD) was employed to see a mean difference
between treatments and the data collected was statistically
Inet = net irrigation and Peff = effective rain fall analyzed following the standard procedures applicable for
RCBD with single factor. The treatment means that were
The gross irrigation (GI) requirement was obtained from different at 5% levels of significance were separated using
the expression: LSD test.
GI = − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − −(2.4) RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
Ea = application efficiency of the furrows (60%) Physical and Chemical Properties of Soil
The time required to deliver the desired depth of water into According to the data in the table below, an average
each furrow was calculated using: composition of sand, silt and clay percentages were
60.33%, 23% and 10.33%, respectively. Thus, according
𝑑 ∗ 𝑙 ∗ 𝑑𝑔 to the USDA soil textural classification the experimental
𝑡= − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − −(2.5) site soil was classified as sandy loam. The experimental
site soil sample was collected by core sampler on 0 – 5 cm
depth base and its bulky density was conducted under
Where: dg = gross depth of water applied (cm), t =
oven dry at 1050 for 24 hrs. The top soil surface had slightly
application time (min), l = furrow length in (m), w = furrow
lower bulk density (1.26) than the subsurface (1.31). This
spacing in (m), and Q = flow rate (discharge) (l/s)
could be because of slight decrease of organic matter with
depth and compaction due to the weight of the overlying
The amount of irrigation water to be applied at each
soil layer (Brady and Weil, 2002).
irrigation application was measured using Parshall flume.
In general, the average soil bulk density (1.28 g/cm 3) is
Data Collection
below the critical threshold level (1.4 g/cm 3) and was
suitable for crop root growth. The average pH of the
The main climatic data used to determine ETO and ETc
experimental soil was 8.4. This shows that the pH of the
was acquired from the Southern National Meteorological
site is nearly neutral and suitable for crop production
Agency of Ethiopia. Data obtained through field and
(Adinew, 2005). The ECe of the experimental site soil was
laboratory analysis were soil data, bulky density, irrigation
0.2 dSm-1. According to Hazelton and Murphy (2007) soils
water, infiltration rate and agronomic data. Amount of
having the ECe less than 4dSm -1 are considered as non-
applied water per each irrigation event was measured using
saline and suitable for vegetable production. The average
calibrated Parshall flume. Five random plants per plot
organic matter content of the soil was about 2.7%. As cited
Evaluation and Demonstration of Irrigation Regime on Hot Pepper (Capsicum Annuum L.) in Benna-Tsemay Woreda, Southern Ethiopia
Tadesse and Medhin 17
in Staney and Yerima (1992), the organic matter content According to Israelsen and Hansen (1962) the soil of
of the soil is of medium class. The average infiltration rate experimental area was moderately rapid.
of the experimental area was found to be 7.2 cm/hr.
Irrigation Water Requirements of Hot Pepper efficiency of 60%. Accordingly, net irrigation depths, gross
irrigation depth and time of watering based on three days,
Water requirement of hot pepper was determined from four days, five days average irrigation interval and farmer
climate data acquired from the regional metrological practice was evaluated and water once in the week were
station by using CropWAT 8.0 model. Gross irrigation applied in the field.
depth was estimated considering field irrigation application
Table 2: Mean combined values of yield and yield parameters of hot pepper
Treatment PH NB FL (cm) FD MY UMY TY
(cm) (cm) (t/ha) (t/ha) (t/ha)
125%MAD 81.15a 35a 11.21a 11.21a 20.31a 2.84a 23.15a
100%MAD 79.55 ba 30 b 10.43 b 10.43 b 16.34 b 2.64 ab 18.97b
75%MAD 76.31 ba 26 c 10.05 b 10.01 b 12.02 c 2.45 ab 14.47c
FP 73.06 b 24 c 8.77c 8.77 c 9.54 d 2.09 b 11.63d
CV 9.45 23.75 15.68 7.17 8.5 26.69 7.51
LSD 7.55 7.07 0.23 0.75 1.28 0.69 1.32
Means with the same letter (s) are not significantly different at P ≤ 0.05; LSD = least significant difference; CV -Coefficient
of Variation. PH= plant height, NB = number of branch, FL = Fruit length, FD= fruit diameter, MY = marketable yield, UMY
= unmarketable yield and TY = total yield.
The result in table 2 indicated that plant height was pepper decreased with decreased irrigation level.
significantly affected by different soil moisture depletion
level. However, non-significant difference observed in The analysis of variance showed that moisture levels and
height among plants grown under the 100% MAD (79.55 irrigation frequency were significantly affected by total
cm) and 75% MAD (76.31 cm). Among the applied fresh fruit yield of hot pepper. The highest total fresh fruit
irrigation soil moisture levels, 125% MAD (81.15 cm) gave yield was obtained from 125% MAD (23.15 ton/ha) where
significantly the highest plant height while the shortest as the lowest marketable fruit yield was obtained from
plant height was recorded from farmers practice (73.06 treatment of farmers practice (11.63 ton/ha). For high
cm). From this finding it is clearly seen that as the soil yields, an adequate water supply and relatively moist soils
moisture level decreased the plant height decreased. This are required during the entire growing season. The
finding is in agreement with the findings of Aklilu (2009) reduction in water supply during the growing period, in
and Takele (2009) reported that, the plant height of hot general, has an adverse effect on yield.
Table 3: Applied water, water use efficiency, water saved and percent yield reduction of hot pepper under
irrigation regime
Treatment AW Yield WUE Water saved Yield reduction (%)
(mm) (kg/ha ) (kg/hamm-1) (mm)
125%MAD 552.0 20310 36.79 0.0 0.0
100%MAD 441.6 16340 37.00 110.4 19.3
Evaluation and Demonstration of Irrigation Regime on Hot Pepper (Capsicum Annuum L.) in Benna-Tsemay Woreda, Southern Ethiopia
75%MAD 331.2 12020 36.29 220.8 40.0
Farmers Practice 346.67 9540 27.52 205.3 52.2
AW= Applied Water, CWUE = Crop water use efficiency.
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Evaluation and Demonstration of Irrigation Regime on Hot Pepper (Capsicum Annuum L.) in Benna-Tsemay Woreda, Southern Ethiopia
Tadesse and Medhin 19
Citation: Tadesse ML and Medhin MM (2021). Evaluation and Demonstration of Irrigation Regime on Hot Pepper
(Capsicum Annuum L.) in Benna-Tsemay Woreda, Southern Ethiopia. Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering,
2(1): 14-19.
Copyright: © 2021: Tadesse and Medhin. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided
the original author and source are cited.
Evaluation and Demonstration of Irrigation Regime on Hot Pepper (Capsicum Annuum L.) in Benna-Tsemay Woreda, Southern Ethiopia